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evening good evening good evening hope everybody's doing well I wanted to break in tonight just to discuss something that's been on my heart I pray that everybody's having a great day as many of you know if you've been following me for any time you know that I've been studying just really kind of you know paying attention to listening to reading when I when I can about the narcissist narcissistic disorder you know the whole gambit everything that pertains to how this person impacts or affects our lives how is my signal is my signal good and one of the things that let me know if my signal is good one of the things that signal great okay good good good good one of the things that I've also come across in the process of studying about this is the reality of of the empath and how the empath is impacted by narcissistic abuse and you know when I first read that you know that the term empath and I understood what it you know what it actually meant I realized that I myself am an empath and when I look back on it in you know just in reference to what we're talking about tonight I have been at certain points in my life a toxic empath now toxic empathy is is when it becomes when your empathy or your sense of feeling you know another person's pain or identifying with another person's issues or another person's feelings it is when it becomes a prop it becomes a problem rather when when when your their feelings somebody else's feelings thank you literally take you take them and you embody them you know because an empath is one that is the exact opposite of a narcissist a narcissist lacks what the ability to feel the pain and the emotion of others while an empath feels it identifies with it in response to the pain in the feelings of others but when it when it is unhealthy the empath absorbs it and internalizes the other person's feelings or the other person's pain you know so in other words it's not just it's not just when empathy becomes toxic or hyper it's not just you saw somebody or you met somebody today who has a problem it's like you you bring that problem home with you now it's like you can't get their problem off of your mind and it's like you know the whole the whole thing is about to lose my battery I'll stay right there let me get a charger nothing's going to interfere with this tonight stay right there all right let's see if we can make this make this work if I can get back on the stool now so healthy empathy now watch this and listen to the statement very carefully healthy empathy has boundaries that Miss healthy empathy has boundaries and it has limits you know in other words when when you're identifying with someone someone else's issues and feelings is healthy it means that your empathy has boundaries and limits it is unhealthy when your empathy no longer has boundaries or limits and we're gonna look at I don't want to get ahead of myself but if you look in Matthew 10:37 because one of the one of the misconceptions in the in the church in the Christian Church is that you know somehow Jesus promotes just being a doormat you know just throw yourself out there and let people use you until they use you up you're your reward is gonna be great in heaven but when you when you read through the scripture though Jesus is no Jesus definitely promotes empathy he was the most empathetic but when you read through the scripture you discover that he always brings a balance and and there there are signals that empathy has to have boundaries and limits for it to be healthy for you and actually healthy for the other person because sometimes your empathy is the very thing that is enabling a dysfunctional person to maintain a position of inferiority in terms of in comparison rather to God actually intended them to be it's your empathy that is getting in the way of their full development in their evolution but in in Matthew 10:37 it says he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me that's a powerful statement and what does Jesus saying Jesus is saying that you have to take every relationship in every situation into account to determine if this relationship or this particular situation does this situation agree with God's will for my life does it agree with and if it agrees with God's will for my life it also simultaneously has to agree with what's best for my future in other words God's purpose for putting me on this planet if my connection to you does not agree with God and if it does not agree with my future what Jesus is suggesting here is that we have to have the capacity to say no not that and we have to have the ability to be able to do what move on so when I when I you know mentioned earlier that when I look back over my life I discover that I have functioned in toxic empathy I really have and to some degree I still am functioning in it it's like I'm being it's like I'm being delivered from it it's like you know I'm being transformed by the renewing of my mind it's like you know it's like I'm awake I'm waking up there it is it's like I'm waking up and it's like okay this was really toxic this was really dysfunctional you know that behavior in this season of my life and that relationship was really not cool and now I'm now I'm learning better and so now I'm starting to what I'm starting to develop boundaries now the thing you have to understand if you're if you you know an empath and if you're a hyper impact that's another way of saying toxic empathy simply means you know too much empathy too much identifying with other people's feelings and all of that one of the things you have to understand is that once you begin to wake up in angle make no friends for you in fact about it let's change that it's not that it won't make friends but it will definitely reveal hidden enemies when you begin to wake up it will reveal the people around you who have been on board simply to ride the gravy train and when you begin to wake up and you begin to identify you know that for what it was and this for what it is and you're able to call it a spade a spade so to speak it's it's going to reveal it's not going to make everybody happy but I tell you what it will do it will bring you to a place of balance and health personal health like you've never known before it will do that now now here a few things and this is just a conversation again as I always say I'm no council I'm no therapist no psychologist I'm just a man that's having a conversation all right so you know you don't need to give me this long thing in my thing telling me about you know where you think I was wrong or what I needed to I know I'm no professional I'm just I'm a person with opinions and if you have something to add to the conversation I receive that because I'm in no position to rebut or to discount your your thoughts but number one you know just I guess we could call this signs of toxic empathy number one you actually internalize the other person's experience you don't just it's not like you know the worst person in the world to be a counselor or psychologists would be a toxic empath because it's not like you can just listen to the person's experience and give them support and give them advice and then move on it's like you internalize the other person's experience it's like it's like you internalize the other person's experience it moves from what they're dealing with watch this you know you and I are sitting there and and see this applies to more than just romantic narcissistic relationships sometimes you have friendships that are narcissistic or just relative relationships that are narcissistic or maybe not even narcissistic but at least out of balance and somebody's using you somebody's honed in on your toxic empathy and they're they're milking it for everything they can get out of it because you actually internalize the other person's experience it moves from watch this in your mind in your in your internal with your internal conversation it moves from what the other person is dealing with to we have to do something it goes from you telling me about your issues and your problems - we have to do something now in that moment you forgotten all about you have a whole laundry list of things personal things that you need to deal with and you have some priorities that come before this but now all of a sudden we have to do something you it's it's so bad you internalize it so much so that you get depressed as if this is your personal experience and and this is this is pretty much how you know people keep us tied into relationships because that we are not being it's because people know that they cannot share their problems with us without our taking it and internalizing it and making my problem our problem and once it becomes our problem the impact feels obligated to do something you actually internalize the other person's experience number two you take on the responsibility for fixing other people's issues and they're kind of one bleeds into the other you take on the risk when you're toxic impact you take on the responsibility for fixing other people's issues you want you're a fixer a toxic empath is a fixer you want to fix everybody else's issues and when I say fix it this goes from giving money to a person money that you really can't afford to staying in a relationship that is not fulfilling to you but it makes the other party feel good so you don't want to break their experience because you take on the responsibility for fixing other people's issues you want to make everybody else happy and see that's that's an area where I when I look back over my life I can see that that has been one of my downfalls always wanting to fix other people and fix you know not necessarily fix them in terms of changing them for my own purposes but I want to make your life better so you know what I'll do is I will I will ship wrecked my own boat I'll ship wrecked my own life to try to fix your situation and watch this once we've addressed your issues 99.9% at a time you're nowhere around to even think about participating in the chaos I've created for myself right so you actually internalize the other person's experience I don't know what's going on my numbers tonight according to this I got six people on here you take on the responsibility for fixing other people's issues now here's another is another biblical text that that lends itself two opposing the idea that Christianity is all about just being a doormat walk on me use me use me until you use me up and all that kind of thing listen to what the Apostle tells the Thessalonians in 2nd Thessalonians 3 and 10 he says 4 even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat you're not responsible to fix other people's issues when they have when they're fully capable of fixing their own issues he says if a person doesn't work neither should they eat but when you're when you're toxic you know like like me I man I've been used I promise you I have been used used used used use use now don't and don't get this wrong because there are a lot of people that that I've blessed and I'm still a blessing to financially and I don't want you all to mistake when I'm getting ready to say because when I say I've been used this was you know this was years ago in my life I'm at a different level of maturity now where I don't do anything that I don't want to do I don't do anything that I'm not glad to do you know what I'm saying so if your own this and you're watching this and I have happened to be have been a financial blessing to you don't think I'm talking about you at all now if you from years ago I may very well be talking about you but I was I was I was just you know it was chronic I'm just always you know got my checkbook trying to trying to trying to fix people's lives they come to me with their issues and and just just writing checks just given the people trying to fix this situation I just want I just don't want you to leave me in this same state well sometimes it's your experience to have you know because when I think about it apart from my father and my brother nobody's nobody's just donto Nadal stepped into my life and and been Superman or Batman in my life you know I've had to go through my process and I've had to tough it out and I've had to learn from my experiences and and all of that kind of thing and everybody needs that and but I was just a toxic empath and what I was doing was I was in abling a lot of people that God was trying to grow up but here I am with my toxic empathy getting in the way number three you know that people are using you but you do not know how to displease others this is where your toxic empathy won't let you confront won't let you confront people it won't let you challenge people's motivation you know because I mean you have enough common sense to know that this person is using you but you're so addicted to pleasing people that you don't know you don't know how to not you don't know how to live with displeasing or telling somebody no no that's going to make you unhappy because I'm addicted to people pleasing you know I'm I don't know how to displease anybody now the sad thing about this is watch this the sad thing about this mindset is that when you don't know when you do not know or when you know that people are using you but you don't know how to displease others the sad thing about having this mindset is that it makes the toxic impact a target for narcissistic abuse in other words they they are just sitting in the cut and they're sniffing you out once a once they discover that you don't know how to and you won't challenge things that are obvious they will they will bleed you until they bleed you dry Thank You Angie once they discover that you do not have the backbone or the mind to displease them you want to please them at all cost and you want them to be happy by any means necessary they will run you ragged they will do it and don't let it be don't let it be a a so-called love affair oh my god they will take complete and total advantage of you they will use you they will drain your bank accounts dry they will run you physically ragged they will rake you over the coals emotionally they will take advantage of you sexually they will do any and everything to you because they know that you don't know how to displease others you don't know how to make other people happy and other people's happiness in your mind because you're because you're suffering from toxic empathy other people's happiness is more important than yours you'd rather be unhappy yourself than to make someone else unhappy you're happier being unhappy while someone else is happy then you are allowing them to be displeased and you move forward with your life happily you're more you're more happy knowing that they're happy and that's toxic that's that's sad you know and in a lot of times well let me just read this text for you in second Timothy three four through seven my numbers say I got seven on you now I got a whopping seven that's a blessing second Timothy three four through seven says and read the full context but it's basically when you read 2nd Timothy 3 starting at verse 1 is basically talking about I got 750 to something okay you all say so it's basically talking about it's a New Testament text that is talking about narcissistic disorder when you read just read in your leisure second Timothy 3 verse starting at verse 1 but taking up at verse 4 it says traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasures you can hear some of the descriptions they're more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof there's the Christian narcissist therefore from such turn away for of this sort listen to this very carefully for this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with many are divers kinds of lust always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth you know right you know what you know better but you're never able to perform it and the Bible is saying here that the person type of person that the Scriptures just got through describing which which happens to be the Perks starting at verse 1 on down happens to be the perfect descriptions of a narcissist for this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captives silly women there in other words they are predatory in other words they are predatory Thank You Sharon they are predatory live something thank you they are predatory and and they prey on those that they know don't know how to say no they prey on those that they know do not know how to say no don't want to don't want to displease others now this even works watch this this toxic empathy even works - it even works in terms of parenting sometimes our parenting style is horrific because our children play on that that toxic empathy and and they they use that even when they get to be grown sometimes you know they know you don't know how to say no you don't want to ever see them unhappy and so when they should be growing and going and growing and maturing and finding their own you know wanes or whatever you want to call it they're constantly in your ear playing on your toxic empathy they know that you don't know how to displease you don't know how to say no to anybody and so they'll your children ask you for unreasonable things grown children will ask you for unreasonable things and you'll find yourself bending over backwards putting yourself in all kinds of Thank You Laura putting yourself in all kinds of debt and in all kinds of problems because you don't know how to say no you just don't know how to say no and see I've learned okay number four I'm almost done number four you feel guilty for choosing your heart over saying no to them your empathy is toxic when you know something is not right in your heart but you're so addicted to [Music] making others happy that you fail to follow the leading of your heart or you know from my context the leading of God trying to please people trying to make people happy so if you're Christian like I am and you believe in God like I do you would rather displease God disappoint God than to displease men it's called toxic empathy and in first kings in first Kings I have 794 people on you I promise you my number says 7-7 and I got one thumbs up I've never seen that before in my life on YouTube 7 people and 1 thumbs up amazing but I'm here right in first Kings 13 15 through 22 where when you read the whole story Thank You stepmother when you read the whole story sometimes people get frustrated by me saying hello and thank you but when you see when you hear me doing that it's because people are randomly giving towards what I do I clearly it's not solicited I haven't asked for anything I've never asked for anything on here and so I just think it would be rude until I find a better system I do understand that my stopping help you know with some people the way your focus works it breaks your your ability to focus but also understand that there's a protocol and I'm from the south and we're very polite and if people giving you money you you should say thank you so please understand that I don't mean to you know make the experience bad for certain of you but that's why that's just an explanation if you were giving something to me you would appreciate me saying stopping and saying thank you you know what I mean so until I find a system that I can recognize without stopping the flow that's pretty much what I'm going to have to do until I find a system but in first Kings 13 15 through 22 it says then he said unto Him come home with me there's this young prophet that has specific orders from God to go into a certain job come back home specifically a certain way and there's this there's this this older guy this older prophet that meets him and the Bible says in first Kings 13 15 through 22 then he said I'm them come home with me and eat bread the older prophet is talking to the younger prophet and he said I may not return with thee now the younger prophet is telling him what God says I may not return with inor go in with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water with the in this place for it was said to me by the word of the Lord thank you thou shalt eat no bread I missed that but I saw there's something waving thank you thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there nor turn again to go by the way that thou camest he said unto him I am a prophet also as thou art and an angel speak unto me by the word of the Lord saying bring him back with thee into thine house that he may eat bread and drink water but he lied unto Him so he went back with him and did he bread in the house and drank water no he just said God told him don't do this but this man has talked him into going against his own heart and it came to pass as they sat at the table that the word of the Lord came unto the prophet that brought him back and he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah saying thus saith the Lord for as much as thou has disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and has not kept the commandment which the LORD thy God commanded thee but came his back and has eaten bread and drunk water in the place of the which the Lord did say to thee eat no bread and drink no water my carcass shall not come unto the supporter or the grave of thy father's so the same man had talked him out of his heart's conviction now says to him once he's gotten him to change his mind now he says to him the Lord really says because you didn't listen to him and you listen to me you're gonna die but the young prophet knew what God said but he felt guilty for choosing his own heart over saying no to someone else or he choose he chose saying yes to someone he should have said no to rather than choosing the direction of his own heart he was what it's it's at least an illustration of a toxic impact maybe he wasn't maybe just had a moment but this is something that toxic impacts do all the time your heart is saying one thing but you're toxic empathy pulls you in the opposite direction you know like the people you try and y'all trying to get rid of now the the people you you in marriage you you know you and engaged to you long our relationship with you knew from the beginning that this person wasn't right your heart told you don't deal with this person but they picked up on your toxic empathy and they put their claws into you and they created a scenario where your empathy began to cling and you didn't know how to let go and you just what got in deeper and deeper and deeper which brings me to 0.5 and then I'm done you create an identity toxic empathy if it is not addressed and dealt with if you don't find like a real qualified therapist I got 8:51 oh wow if you don't find a real qualified therapist you need more than just somebody you know and hey I'm a pastime I'm from the church I'm you know I'm in church all my life that's my whole life church but you're gonna need more than just somebody in the background praying with you and and reading a few Bible scriptures to you and they don't even not explain them to you you need that but you're gonna also need somebody that can help you work through the process of why you're like this why are you like this and why why are you so self-destructive and why are you so toxic you know towards you and what what is it in your history that has formulated something in your mind that makes you open your heart to people that clearly are using you and abuse you and leave you empty and broken you're gonna need some help point number five you create an identity in serving others if you don't get a handle on it you will find your whole identity in somebody else's experience somebody else's pain and helping to alleviate that pain so when that one is gone and done with you you'll move on and you'll find another if you don't get a handle on toxic empathy it can evolve into codependency and I heard someone describe it like this toxic empathy or empathy is when we are when we connect with the feelings of another the emotions of another codependency is when we need the energy from others to feel a certain way about ourselves it's it's when we're no longer self sufficient within ourselves alone but now we need children that need us so we need a love of that needs so we need somebody to take care of you know and if you don't watch toxic empathy it can evolve into codependency where you don't know who you are apart from a problematic relationship and this is where you you keep getting these these these broken individuals calling it a relationship and then you're always complaining about it to the people who love you most but the reality is you find your identity in that your identity now is is caught up in your own personal victimization there's no way in the world you should have come out of one of these situations and then entered into another and then into another and then into another there's something broken there's something fundamentally broken in here see because you no longer as I said you know you keep doing this you're no longer a victim now you're volunteer and if you don't get a handle on toxic empathy it can evolve into codependence in this is where you actually need to meet other people's needs to feel personally fulfilled you need to you need to be to meet other people's needs to feel personally fulfilled you need it you know so you find one project after another after another after now that's these are just some thoughts I had that there's nothing deep about this these are just some thoughts I had and most of this is pulled from our own life and my own experience and so I thought with you today but I will say this to you at some point you're going to have to 885 wow that's amazing and my things is eight I have eight people in two thumbs up at some point you're gonna have to choose you you know and and I'll say this to you if you're surrounded by people that keep letting you neglect you for them you need to reassess your circle because the people that you're surrounded with should love you enough to say to you thank you Shalonda not you know that's enough about me what about you and if you just let people keep you have people around you rather that will allow you to keep making them the center of your universe now number one I think you got to really pray and you got to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal you to you 901 thank you that's amazing my thing says nine reveal you to you then I think you're gonna need counseling for somebody to help you to walk through this process of coming out of this wilderness you're gonna need to give yourself time you know you're gonna need to give you you're gonna need to begin to practice making the focus on you you're gonna need to begin to practice saying no sometimes you're gonna have to just practice saying saying no a lot of things you're gonna need I think you just got ultimately I think you need a good therapist a good counsel and if you have great counseling at your church that that will be a great benefit to for the spiritual component but you're gonna need the spiritual and I believe the clinical is well alongside each other to help walk you through this because when you start looking at your history when you get a professional that can really begin to go through your history and go comb through your history they'll begin to they'll be able to help you to better understand how your brain is wired and why you why you think the way you think and usually toxic empathy I believe I believe I believe it stimulates from empty self esteem I believe it stems from fear of abandonment you don't want people to leave I believe it's a it's the search for value you feel like you have to physically contribute to others to create value within you when your value is actually intrinsic it was invested in you before you ever exited your mother's womb womb rejection thank you there's another one I believe I believe toxic empathy stems from all of these things whenever you find yourself in a position where you can't choose you and you can't say no and you put other people and their interests ahead of yours like like their infants or something you know we do that for infants and we do that for toddlers and we do that for children we put their interests ahead of ours but as they grow we if we're healthy we wean them off of our support and we teach them how to stand on their own two feet well positive we have a grown man a grown woman or grown people that we are supporting like week like we supported an infant or a toddler and how can we think that that's healthy you see so there's something that has to be addressed you know like now I love people on purpose I think before I think my toxic empathy stemmed from okay now okay let me just let's just have a transparent moment my toxic empathy stemmed from [Music] needing people to like me and to accept me because if you remember I was I was a teenage father that's my testimony at 15 years old and I was a teenage father in the black Baptist Church in the deep south which made me a complete and total villain and so though I had done a mannish type act I was still a kid in my mind and grown people who were old enough to be my parents and grandparents vilified me publicly into my face and so I think during those years you know of transitioning into adulthood I think that left such a emptiness in me and a lot of self-doubt about my worthiness about my personal value that as I as I moved into adulthood as my daughter Marcy as I moved into adulthood I just developed subconsciously this this toxic empathy which really amounted to not really so much love as you know as much as it was just I think it's a it's a means of compensating for something that's lacking especially and you and we use it when we don't know what the thing is that's lacking in us and so I would go overboard to please people and I believe now listen to this very carefully I believed at the time that I could buy love and I could buy loyalty but there are many of you on this on this live tonight they can testify you cannot buy love you cannot by law two people will spend all of your money and they will use every resource you have completely up and if they never meant you any good they will just be enriched but they will still feel the same way about you and so it took my going through all of that to wake up one day and to realize that you know I was just paying enemies basically and so when I came to that conclusion it was then that I really started working on the stuff that I teach you I started working on my individuality I started working on finding me and learning to be happy with me you know apart from anybody else and it was that was the beginnings of my Reformation you know being able to say no and not overextend myself and that's a long process you know some of you own here and listening to me you struggle with this thing this hyper empathy thing you know you may be excited now but you're not going to be completely free of this tomorrow but you'll be aware of it and as you are aware of it you'll be able to recognize that behavior when it comes out of you and if you can recognize something you can rectify something if you can recognize that you can rectify it most of the times we can't rectify it because most of us don't recognize it this at least jump-starts your recognition of the behavior and then as you go you become more and more displeased with yourself and then you begin to change those behaviors and I would suggest to you that you find somebody to help you walk through that process because you do not want to live your life for the rest of your life as your own worst enemy and everybody else's best friend you do not want to live your life for the rest of your life as your own worst enemy while being everybody else's best friend so we got to get a handle on this we must get a handle on this and that's why I brought it to you tonight because I know that there are a lot of you and see let me just add this before I let you go Christiane's thank you Amy Christians are thank you Mars Christians are real Christians are empathetic and so there's a need for balance not only a Christians natural empaths but women are natural empaths women are natural empaths and I personally believe though I understand that you know not entirely but I believe that we as men especially in America Thank You Simone are engineered to be narcissistic in our thinking if you know in our behavior we're trained to be that way and so the whole system is set up that we're trying to be narcissists or at least self-serving the women are trained to be empaths and naturally so I believe the hormones I believe and you start looking at testosterone versus what's the hormone for women estrogen estrogen produces a sense of empathy testosterone produces a sense of what you know me my I'm the king I'm gonna take over I'm gonna beat I'm big and better than you and and when we don't understand this dynamic it's you know this is where our relationships are formed from it requires that the man calm it down and the woman build it up to meet somewhere in the middle but women are not unnatural empaths and you have to be wise in terms of your relationships you have to be wise in terms of your self understanding and you have to be very very very very slow about entering into relationships because you'll end up Thank You Rhonda you'll end up on with the short end of the deal every time and then of course you have men that are it's you know empaths and dealing with women that are narcissists is you know alright I'm done I'm done Thank You old man all of my nine people thank you thank you I think you I really love you all let me pray for you from me father thank you for this word tonight I thank you for just this conversation and God I think you know they're those who will lend greater depth in such substance to this discussion but God I thank you that you you at least use this to ignite a conversation in our own minds and as we as we leave this place tonight father and as we move into our lives individually and collectively I thank you Father for supernaturally helping us to transition into a healthy place let us not be the world's best friend in our own worst enemy in the name of Jesus Christ amen all of you ladies that are women in ministry I want you to meet me in Mobile Alabama November 22nd and 23rd where we're gathering there for swim sisters winning in ministry this is for those who you that feel the call to ministry that's what also 960 that's a blessing it's weird to talk and to have nine people registered on your screen but that's that's that's a ministry that is for women and that Friday night the 22nd we're gonna have a fellowship worship experience and then that Saturday at the Mobile Marriott we're going to have sessions from 9:00 in the morning until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon and I'll be teaching few of those sessions along with some of the other ladies and what it's geared to do it's going to help you - it's going to empower you to move into 2020 with a different focus in terms of your ministry we're going to be dealing with everything this is not really a church kind of thing as much as it is a work kind of thing you know we're gonna really get out and it's gonna be a lot of notes taken and it's going to be really beneficial to you so you can go to RC Blake's comm and look under live events Thank You Leah and look for a swim registration is just $49 is nothing just $49 a lot of you asking me when are we coming to London I'm gonna find out from my wife I'm gonna find out from my wife but honestly we we have two spots that have we've whittled down I don't know if she's made a decision on one or the other but as soon as she tells me she signed the contract I will put the London date in place up and registration will come up I can't wait to get to London actually I can't wait to get to London so soon as I get that I'll put it up and hopefully we can get it up soon so that you'll have probably four or five months to register and then Lisa now meet you in London if you've not if you've not booked your cabin for the 2020 cruise the queen ology meets king allergy cruise go to RSC Blake's calm once again and just look under the cruise and hit it and it'll send you to the place where you get all the information you need all right so I love you all thank you so much for hanging out with me all of my nine people now got eight my mind look at God I love you all thank you so much and have a great great great great night god bless you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 86,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES, TD JAKES
Id: xcNknyAQxfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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