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good afternoon good afternoon everybody I hope you guys are doing well today I am obviously I'm what is it quarantine II and my life now consists of moving from my house to my office here at the church and that's where I've been for the last month I've been between my office and new home Family Worship Center Houston from home and new home Family Worship Center Houston so I'm sitting here at the church by myself today and doing some work doing some work and I was thinking about you guys and wanted to just talk to you I've been I've been really consumed with ministering to my my church family by way of social media and so I've done a lot you know I've done a lot so that's why you've probably not seen me as much on YouTube it's because I've been really using the platforms to stay in touch with my flock and they're a lot exciting things that are coming forth in fact about it many of you have emailed me and asked me about you you've said in so many words that I'm your pastor and you feel that spiritual connection well there's something we were working on before all of this came about and it's called cyber church global and I'm going to get the link for those of you that you know have voiced that interest and want to you know don't only want to sit and listen to me as a empowerment teacher or as a youtuber or whatever you might view me as but want that spiritual connection and want me to somewhat well to Shepherd you we're building ahold cyber church team and you'll have the opportunity to actually become a member of new home Family Worship Center global and so I'll put that link in there and they're working that site is going to be absolutely amazing I don't want to talk ahead of it but it's gonna be amazing those of you that will have interest I'll put the link in the description and you can hit it and they'll send you all of the updates when we're launching it's a lot going on we're doing a lot of work behind the scenes it sometimes seems like we're getting more done now than we were getting done when we were actually together that's amazing to think about if you can share this out share this out to your Facebook pages call your friends ask them to tune in nantes I hope I'm saying that right and that looks like somewhere out of Europe thank you so much you always support me and I'm so appreciative but I was sitting here and I was thinking about while we're quarantined and while we're you know exercising hopefully exercising social distancing this is a great time to break a soul tie this is this is like the greatest time to break a soul time and so I was sitting in I was thinking about keys to breaking a soul time you know I haven't talked about this in a while and I was just sitting here and and thinking about keys to to breaking a soul time now for those of you that may be new to that language what is the soul time a soul time well let's put it this way and ungodly soul time and if you've not watched my lessons on this go back and check out my lessons from you know a couple of years that I've been talking about soul ties I even actually wrote the book you know on soul ties breaking breaking the ties that bind and but a soul time- an ungodly soul tie is a mental connection that ties us to a person that God did not ordain for our lives it's usually within the parameters of a romantic relationship a sexual relationship usually thank you Kia but soul ties can be developed between friendships that out of balance I'm a pastor I'm sitting in a church right now many there are many spiritual leaders that develop ungodly soul ties with members to the point that they're not leaders they're controllers and so so ties you know run the gambit relative to relationships but mostly when I'm talking about it I'm talking about it from the romantic perspective because it's these romantic soul ties that really get us off kilter and really get us going down paths that end in destruction and displease God and they're also paths that ultimately dishonor our own values trying to get this mic right our principles and and it causes us to divorce ourselves our pursuit of someone else is causing me or causing us Simon I know the last name thank you it's my pursuit of this individual is causing me to lose myself and how many of you can testify to that that you have lost yourself in pursuit of someone else to the point that you don't recognize yourself and it's to a point that you know it's unhealthy you know it's ungodly but it's like you can't break freeze because you're what tie your soul is tied and what is the soul the mind the will the emotions you can't stop thinking about this person you can will to not be with this person but some kind of way this thing breaks and vinz your will and you find yourself running back to them and you are emotionally overly emotionally invested in this what you call relationship but it's really not a relationship it's a situation ship and so that's that's you know in I hope hope that was clear but that's that's what a soul tie is it's a relationship that's not our deigned of God that does not serve you well but you can't seem to break free from it and watch this you can't explain why you can't explain why now the bible in 2nd Corinthians 6 and 14 the Bible says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship Amica thank you so much for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness now he says don't be unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and that term fellowship literally means what do you share in common you know what what what would I as a believer as a man of God share in common with them with a man that is ungodly worldly has a disdain for God Thank You Cheryl what would we have in common why would I be what would you not think it weird if I'm on this thing and I'm talking to you and you have all of this respect for me as a preacher as as whatever you see me as and then all of a sudden while I'm doing this live somebody breaks in and it's a pimp know what's up that's wrong and he in it what rings on every finger and he got his hat with the feather sticking out gold teeth and he got his his lady's with him and they all walk in front the camera what is what is he doing what is what's this connection all about well that's an unequal unequal yoke and see as bizarre as that image I just painted would be for you that's how bizarre you look when people see you with the person you're connected to it's like why is this Queen riding with this clown or why is this king you know careful how I'm careful in using negative or derogatory descriptions about ladies so y'all y'all figure it out Kalea thank you so much why is this king with her well it's an unequal yoke and it's an unequal yoke because it's a soul tie somehow this individual has gotten into the mind of this person they share boy y'all giving me some names today thank you this year somehow this this person has gotten into the mind of this individual and has rented space and now the individual doesn't know how to get them out this is the great tragedy for you modern females or even males as well modern modern people who don't hold to classical biblical principles and values for living this is the great tragedy of casual sex there's nothing casual about sex sex is contractual contractual when you line the bit with somebody there's an unseen unwritten contract blessed indeed thank you and you are you are tied to that individual and people hate to hear me say that people hate to hear me say that but it's true it's contractual so the unequal yoke in some ways represents the sole tie for me the unequal yoke in a lot of ways in fact represents the sole time for me number one it's something you shouldn't be in and it feels impossible to get out I'm sitting and I'm looking out through the window and I'm looking at horses across the street and behind the church are cows and bulls and all of that kind of thing and you would yoke those kinds of beasts together donkeys across the street as well especially the donkeys you would yoke those kinds of beasts together to plow fields and what happened and when that yoke is around the the cows or the or the donkey's neck mkhaya thank you so much free spirit thank you so much when that yoke is around the neck of that beast it's impossible for that beast to get out of that a cow can't take a hoof and undo a yoke you know it has to be it would have to be broken dead yoke would have to be broken and that's what the that's what the soul tie feels like it's something that you know you shouldn't be in and it feels impossible to get out of and that that describes that statement that sentence alone describes many of your relationships it's something you know you shouldn't be in you really want out of it a part of you wants out of it but another part of you keeps pulling you back to it and it's something that feels impossible to get out of it's number two it's uncomfortable and unprofitable the the soul tie relating to the unequal yoke it's something you shouldn't be in feels impossible to get out it uncomfortable Thank You Mia and it's unprofitable what are you actually getting out of this think about this soul tie relationship you're tied up in now what are you getting out of this and some of you all have allowed lapses in you know your marriage maybe the responsibilities of your husband maybe he didn't fulfill them like quite often we men don't do we don't we don't tend to the romantic or you know the emotional needs of our wives because nobody taught us and so rather than having a confrontation and a conversation with your man thank you Elena rather than having a confrontation in a conversation with your man you just develop resentment and then you go out into the street and you allow somebody to pretend to be everything you need and you develop this emotional affair that turns into the sexual affair Thank You Adrian and now you have this soul tide where your soul your body is here with your spouse but your mind is on the other side of town and now you're about to destroy your family your children your legacy your name you about to destroy everything because you didn't got into bed with somebody you shouldn't have been in the bed with because you you were not woman enough to have a confrontational conversation with your husband and when you stop and think about it in a lot of cases wasn't a bad dude he was just doing what they taught him into do go to work come home bring your money nobody taught him to fish for your emotional needs nobody taught him that he has to many times fish for it because you won't necessarily say it nobody taught him how to romanticize his wife the all the street starting with sex and and rather than training your man through confrontation you see that's how you train a man you have a confrontational conversation and you tell him what your needs are thank you my goodness is moving fast Demetria thank you that's how you that's how you train a man you have a confrontational conversation you tell them what your needs are and you tell him where he's missing it but rather than doing that you go out in the street and you allow somebody to get in your ear and now you develop this affair boy y'all redeemed 1352 is it Nell thank you so much thank you so much now you got a soul time and now your your Christian ethic your morals and the way you were raised says bring your butt home to your family but that so tire pulls you out of your house constantly until you destroy everything that that's really valuable then you discover after you've lost everything that really matters you discover that what you were running behind was an illusion was a mirage Riley thank you okay so the unequal yoke in some ways represents the soul time it's something you shouldn't be in and it feels impossible to get out it's uncomfortable and unprofitable it's profiting you nothing all you getting out of this is moaning and groaning and you know some physical feelings that's all you getting out of that and a whole lot of lies being spilled off in your ear got your eyes rolling back in your head Deewani cowboy y'all give me some names of the day y'all Justin y'all tested my literacy skills in a day thank you so much that's all you getting out of it that's all you're getting out of it and then it's it's not only painful watch this not only is the sole tie like the unequal yoke painful it's life-threatening because if you tie if you tie a a six-foot horse to a bull because the temperaments are different because the strides and the pacing is different because the nature of the two beasts are different more than likely that if you yoke those two together they will kill one another they what they would break each other's neck more than likely the ball would break the neck of the horse first because of its strength and then when the horse falls and is dead on the ground the neck of the ball would break the yoke will not only be uncomfortable it would be life-threatening and that's what a so tie is it's not only uncomfortable but not only feel like it's not right this ain't right it's not right something about this is wrong but you got to also understand that this is life-threatening now I've got four things that I've listed here just for this discussion today since we haven't talked about this in a while call your friends and ask them to chime in if you will I'm competing with a lot of people on YouTube these days everybody's on YouTube now and I've been hearing that some of the notifications are not coming through Thank You Jennifer number one okay now watch this keys to breaking to finally breaking this so time number one you must change the language you use to describe your feelings see this is a soul time what does that mean that this means that this is a tie that's in your emotions this is a tie that's in your mind so this is not a tie that you can break physically you can't put your hands on it and break it off you know what I mean there has to be a process that happens in your mind to reverse the tie that's binding you and again I have the book so ties breaking the ties that bind it'll bless you number one you must change the language you use to describe your feelings you got to change the language that you use to describe your feelings see if you developed an affair with if you're married and you developed an affair someone you shouldn't call that love shouldn't call that love you can probably call that the fruit of resentment you get you can probably call that retribution for offense you know I'm mad with you so this is what this is this is what comes of it but you can't you shouldn't really call that love because that's a lie because love is pure love is pure love does not come love is not seeded by deceit love is not ceded by lies and deception and anger and bitterness so you have to change the language it's not love which is what you're dealing with here is not love change the language it's it's not a relationship change the language some of y'all have even taken these soul ties and you've walked them all all the way to the altar and you still didn't get a marriage out of that you got you got wedlock but you didn't get a marriage because I don't care you can marry boiling a horse all day long that's not a marriage it may it may be a legal it may be a contract but it's not a marriage and a lot of y'all got contracts but you ain't got no marriage because you never were equal god never really ordained okay let me get back to my thing it's not love it's not a relationship watch this change the language and they don't care about you anybody that would facilitate you in a life style of sin or let's not even call it sin a lifestyle that degrades you degenerates you a lifestyle that emotionally damages you a lifestyle that destroys the foundations of your moral fabric or moral foundation a lifestyle that disconnect you from your spiritual sensibilities you don't care about you soul ties feed just like narcissus so ties are our situations that feed and they feed on what they need from the other or what they want from the other it's not it's not it's not really a relationship it's it's not love they don't really care about you in the moment you stop giving them what they want you see a change in them like some of you all right now tied up in these situations and all you got to do well some of y'all seen it now because of the at the time I'm filming this this is during during the corona crisis and everybody is supposed to be quarantined now that they can't get to your house and have sex with you you ain't hear from them so much but they were able to get to your house and have sex with you whenever they wanted to have sex with you they were on your phone all day now that they can't get to your house because of social distancing and they can't have sex with you you know even hear from them you got to call them Thank You Melissa you got to call them why because it was never love it was never a relationship and he never really cared about you it was a situation that they used you to get what they needed you got tired up emotionally because you thought it was one thing and now you're still using language to describe it as one thing when it's really something else I was a very young man watch this I was a very young man and I was downtown Los Angeles I had to be maybe 20 21 downtown Los Angeles late at night and a cat you know walks up to me and he has what seemed like a gold bracelet man he says hey brah you can had his fall you know I don't know fifty dollars whatever it was a lot of money whatever it was was a lot of money for me at the time and I grabbed us an old man I got a gold bracelet of $50 he was hard up and he you and I'm calling everybody back in no man I got a saw like go over it I'm wearing my bracelet and I'm just as proud of my bracelet I'm calling it's solid gold I'm calling it solid go I got oh and it's heavy too so I have a cousin who at that time was a jeweler when I got back home I brought it to him he said okay let me test it and he gave it what was called I guess they're still they still do it the acid test and he put it in some kind of chemical to see if it was gold and that thing started turning colors I said man take it out take it out he was laughing he said man this is brass he says you bought you a hunk of brass well once I knew the truth I I don't I don't even think I wore it anymore and I certainly didn't go around bragging about look at my gold bracelet look at my gold bracelet once I knew the truth I changed my language and my feelings about that bracelet and there are many of you that these are those situation ships that you you've been in have gone through the acid test and come back as brass but you're still calling it gold and you're wondering why you can't get your mind free it's because your language let me read this you are being hypnotized you are being self hypnotized by the language you assigned to this bogus relationship every time you use the wrong language about this bogus relationship you are self hypnotizing you're deceiving yourself you calling it love you calling it a relationship all he cared about me oh she care about me no she don't you stop bringing that money see how long she go hang around with you you got you got to stop lying to yourself once it's gone through the test you got to change the language the bye says in Proverbs 18:21 says death and life and the power of the tongue and they'd love and shall eat the fruit there whatever comes out of your mouth it brings in life into the words you speak so if I keep lying to myself and calling this a relationship calling this love you know what's gonna happen I'm breathing life into my own thoughts concerning that lie I'm keeping this lie alive I'm keeping this lie alive everybody can see that this is bogus but you you can you you ain't even got only enough to know you you can be on the other side of the world you can just send me a picture you and the person and I can pretty much look at the picture and tell you the story that's how that's how blatantly obvious this is that thank you etna that we got a stallion linked to a donkey but you keep on using the language to keep yourself believin to keep yourself hopeful you see the Bible says Hope deferred in other words you keep on hoping for thing and it never shows up its Hope deferred makes the makes the heart sick in you begin see you keep on hoping for something that never shows up you keep lying to yourself it creates mental illness and in John six and sixty three says it is the spirit that quickeneth quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you Jesus says they are spirit and they are life words are spiritual words are spiritual words of spiritual and whatever comes out of your mouth it is either breathing life or it is breathing death soon it comes down to a soul ty you got to use the language that will kill it don't don't use the language that will keep it on what you call the thing you know where you keep the person alive by mechanical means number two okay number one I set you must change the language if you're gonna keys to to finally break in this so tight you must change the language you use to describe your feelings don't-don't-don't allow your feelings to lie to you don't be this life support that's right thank you don't be deceived don't allow your feelings to cause you to use language to deceive you don't be self deceived and most folk that are trapped in soul ties are self deceived by the language they use number two you must denounce this bond you must you must denounce this bond not only should you not use false language to describe it but now you have to use strong language to resist it Bible talks about resisting the devil you got to resist the devil Bible talks about giving no place to the devil well what place you think is talking about in your mind see not only must you not use language or the wrong language but now you have to denounce this this this this toxic demonic bond you got it you got it you got to speak against it in other words and to denounce means watch this to publicly declare something to be wrong or evil this is why there there are times that I speak so strongly it's not that I'm trying to be rude it's not that I'm trying to be I'm not angry anybody that knows me at all knows that I'm not angry not angry it's that I have to use a tone that clearly denounces the position you're in so that I can do what shake your soul out of this coma you've been in out of this trance you've been in I have to use a language that denounces the position you've been in so that I can do what shifts you into the place you must go and see you also you've got to use that kind of language to denounce this thing and watch this that language that you have to use to denounce this soul time starts with self-talk you got to use this language see when you start having all of these allusions and these mirages because your soul you know people get in the desert and they got no water they have mirages because they're so thirsty when you start finding yourself getting thirsty for this thing and you start having a mirage about how great this you get you got to use a strong language to denounce these thoughts you got to talk to yourself like you might not talk to anybody else I mean there's some days that I talk to myself in ways like you know I would never talk to anybody else you know man what is wrong with you you a fool are you stupid or something what is wrong with you you don't snap out of it homeboy what is wrong with you this is not on this angle it ain't going like this this is not who you are this is not the way you roll this is not the way you function and and this will not be I got to talk to myself like that then I put myself up so much that we're not going I started talking my friend man you know I'm not going ever you got to start using the language at some point you have to become your own preacher you know you get motivated and you get bucked up when you sit and you listen to your favorite preacher when he gone off was she going off about things you know you shouldn't be tied up in and you like a man amen well there's some days you got to do that for yourself in fact about it you got to live for yourself almost every day and the Bible says this in 2nd Corinthians 6:17 what else will come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you see God says come out from among it and then I'm gonna receive you you can't connect to God until you disconnect from that and the way you begin to disconnect from that is through your language you got to denounce it you got to denounce it man you know you got to denounce it now let me see something here now let me read this impact point for you give yourself the time now listen to this because this is powerful in the process of denouncing this soul tire relationship listen to this very carefully carefully give yourself the time to hurt and heal while you're denouncing give yourself the time to hurt and to heal and you know my favorite saying people love it I may need to make a t-shirt of that to let your heart break that your soul may heal while you're denouncing it man you may have tears running down your eyes running down your face rather tears because you a part of you feels like you're dying but then as you denounce that you can feel your spirit man leading you can feel your spirit coming alive and so now you got to give yourself time to watch this to hurt and heal at the same time am i saying this is going to be easy sense of agony oh man it hurts like Hades that's another word for hell to break a soul time it hurts hurts like H E double hockey sticks to brick a soul tie but you know what you got to break it you know what you start breaking it by denouncing it and you give yourself the time to hurt and give yourself the time to heal let your heart break so you Sol me heal now let me see something here okay [Music] okay number three you must eat emanate okay now this is a big one right here you must eliminate the lie listen to this very carefully because this is where a lot of you all are stuck and hung up listen to this very carefully you must eliminate the lie that God wants me in this because as I said some of you have gone as far as to take the sole time and try to make a husband out of the soul tie try to make a wife out of the soul tie and you've brought the soul time all the way to the altar only Thank You Esther only to come back with wedlock and not marriage and so now your religion says to you because you know I've got papers on this so tie God wants me in this this person is physically abusing me emotionally abusing me this person is wrecking my credit this person has me a nervous wreck I'm about to have a nervous breakdown but your your false and toxic religion makes you believe that God wants you stuck in this and then you get around these these these limited I'll use that term just to be nice these limited religious people who have no balance and they make you feel like if you if you escape this toxic and potentially life-threatening situation that somehow God is going to reject you you got a you got to eliminate the lie that God wants you God doesn't want you in this God don't want you living and nothing like this just cuz you went off here and created something when it went and manufactured something in your own flesh the Bible says mark 10 and 9 were therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder meaning what what's the underlying message there God hadn't joined everything together God hasn't joined everything together and some of y'all sitting there struggling in your mind and you just justice insist you can be you won't bring me to all of the little texts in the Old Testament man listen God never intended for you to be locked up in no situation or somebody abusing you misusing you bout to you lose your mind you can be a good mother to your children or parent to your child Thank You camellia you gonna tell me God wants you in that reckon your credit you can't even function you don't even have a relationship with your family or your friends and you go you won't you don't make me believe that the god I serve and been preaching about for the last 38 39 years that that's what he represents that's what he's all about mm-hmm so you got to eliminate the lie because that's what's keeping you stuck is that religious lied at God God want me in and then some of y'all are buying into the lie well watch this decide this is how you this is how you psych yourself out well I believe to this when you're trying to over spiritual eyes you know stuff that you created in your flesh I believe that God brought me into their life to help them to deliver them baby you can't deliver yourself clearly um you ain't got the power to deliver nobody else God brought you into the knowledge of the truth that you may deliver you you ain't got the power to deliver nobody else you can't set nobody free against they will you got to eliminate the lie that God wants you in this because see there's some covenants that we make many covenants with people that God has nothing to do with not now you go and make the Covenant God will honor the covenant but God had nothing to do with the creation of it if you go if you Israel and you just check your Bible Israel made a covenant with the people called the Gipper knights gibeonites and God really told Israel to destroy those people but the people lied and cahoots and Israel meet covenant with him God had nothing to do with it nothing to do with it and there are a lot of covenants we make that God has nothing to do with well what I do what I do about it in well was the sin it was a sin when you created a covenant that God had nothing to do with and it's a sin when you recognize that I created something that God had nothing to do with and the same way you created that covenant that God had nothing to do with and it was a sin thank you Betty you got to step out of that and you got to ask God to forgive you and you know where God does he ain't gonna do like religious people do I'm gonna hold it over your head with legalism God's gonna forgive you and cleanse you and expect you to use better judgment and wisdom moving forward God does with that sin like he does with all the rest of them he forgives you he's not the God of a second chance he's the god of another chance and another chance and another chance and another chance now I know some religions with oh oh we were dead you ain't got agree with it I don't care if you agree with it or not ain't talking to you I'm telling you by my own experience I'm not gonna be around here locked up in some relationship that's like prison because of you and your religious legalism their Guardian got nothing to do with period you don't like it all right number four and I'm done you got to draw closer to God in prayer and meditation see why are you in this [Music] what's this code in quarantine situation oh what an awesome opportunity God has done God has done most of the work for you think about that God has done most of the work for you God has isolated you God has created in no contact situation in that amazing and now oh you got to do and stop sitting in your house speaking all of this language and breathing life into a mirage and and and and and obsessing over them him/her all you got to do now is take this time and to look to him and obsess over God and draw closer to God because the main way we break strongholds in the mind is to build the spirit up and when you get the spirit mandala when you tap into God and I know for a lot of y'all you know I don't proselytize on on on my channel but everybody that knows me knows that I'm a Christian unapologetically I'm all about Jesus man sometimes people criticize me for that you criticize all you won't I'm all about Jesus and I don't know about nobody else but I can tell you this for sure when I was living and I had all of this stuff going on in my life I had more soul ties than I'm comfortable even with y'all was shameful it was God that stepped into my life and supernaturally delivered my soul delivered my mind my will and my emotions from all of those attachments and sent me free by his power and the same way God did it for me I dare you I dare you to just in your private time just tell God I need you it's that hard man religion religious folk church folk it made it hard it's not a lot sitting there right away you are man you may have you you know you're Jack Daniels on this side and you're reef on that side and I'm not talking about the kind of the reef you get from the doctor the kind you got from around the corner you may have your reef over there and you're Jack Daniels over there between your reef in your dock Jack Daniels you can call on God and God will step into that space right where you are and the supernatural power of God will deliver your soul and you'll find the power of God kicking in where you have been weak the power of God activated in your life will be strong and you when you come out of this you supposed to come out free you know I was I was thinking about this and I listened to this and look at the Bible says first of all in James for Nate he says draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded draw nigh to God he'll draw nigh to you is you draw nigh to God he you reach up for him he reaches down for you see now watch this when you come out of this you're supposed to come out free bondage broken when you when you read the story of God's deliverance the Passover where God went into Egypt to finally break the will of Pharaoh that he would let the II let the Israelites the Hebrews go God says God says to them sleep with your shoes on hide behind put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost and y'all stay behind the blood because the death angels gonna march the streets tonight and the firstborn meal of every house is gonna die but those that are behind the blood will not be touched and when God got through doing what he was doing and he said okay the death angel is done y'all come out when they came out from that watch this divine quarantine they came out and Pharaohs set them free and gave them great wealth you're not supposed to come out of this the same way you went in you're supposed to come out free in the name of Jesus and if I can get somebody to just say with me man I'm free I'm free I'm free this soul time is finally broken off of your life and finally you're free but you got to draw nigh to him you got to reach up to him and he'll reach down to you can I pray for you today may I pray for you today father I thank you for or this time that I've had with your people I thank you dear God for this word and I thank you for your wisdom now god I thank you that there will be none in this room to date that will leave here today the same way they came I commend their souls to be adjusted and readjusted in Jesus's name Amen amen amen I want you to share this everywhere you can please share this everywhere you can there are so many people that need to hear this word there's so many people that need to hear this word because God does not want you to come out of this quarantine bound to soul ties this is your season to break free in Jesus's name I love you all man keep praying for me keep praying for me my book King ology King Knology you all have been asking for it King ology is available you can go to Amazon you can get the Kindle version the eBook version at Amazon the first 500 we're doing pre-orders for the physical book it's not up on Amazon yet but you can do the pre-order at my personal store RSC Blake's store calm and the reason I'm running the pre-order through there is because that goes through my office and I want to be able to autograph the first 500 and once the book arrives we'll put it up on Amazon but I won't clearly won't be able to sign all of those the first 500 that come through I'm going to autograph and sign and my staff will mail it back to you it's gonna take about six weeks for the book to arrive and for us to do everything and get it out to you but you can go to RSC Blake's in fact about it I put a link in the description and you can pre-order not only the book but you can also pre-order the study guide this is the first time that I wrote the book and the study guide immediately after and releasing both at the same time so far your sons for your husband's my brothers that's hanging out with me now go to our see Blake right now and my staff they're all quarantined in their various places but there they processing orders still there don't they're taking care of they're taking care of business I thank God for them I also let me say this any of you that are struggling you know always say whenever I do teachings on narcissist or or anything like that I always tell people I'm not a counselor I'm not a psychologist I'm not a therapist well recent months I made this partnership I developed this partnership with a group called better help and what they are be is and they are an online counseling service and I didn't know that we're gonna come into this kind of crisis at the time I created that partnership they're an online counseling service and they do their counseling over the phone you have access to someone 24/7 and there's a link in my in the description that if you have need of that during these times hit the link if you use that link you can go directly to better help but if you use that link it 10% off of whatever the cost is and everybody that's gone there I've gotten great and asked people if you go let me know what your experience is so I can make certain that people are getting what they're paying for and everybody's come back with great reviews so if that's something you need you know you find yourself anxious you find yourself struggling during these times hit that link in the description better help and they'll be a blessing to you I know there's something I'm forgetting also remember I'm going to put in the in the description the length for those of you that have an interest now this is not just for those of you to say I love you YouTube and I just like listening to you talk this is church cyber church global search sabot search global is a church a cyber church to reach the world that will come under the auspices of my ministry and will simultaneously become cyber members of new home Family Worship Center you're going to have your own team you're gonna have your own ministers you can have new members classes that you're gonna have to go through you're going to have groups and study groups for various interests like saying divorcees all of this will be on the membership side the general population won't have access to that that will be just for members just like in a church you have you know access to certain things when your member you want to come here to Houston or New Orleans you want your pastor or one of the associates to marry you or to baptize you you'll be able to physically come to one of the houses from wherever you are in the world and all of those services are available to you so we call it cyber church not global with RC Blake's and this is something God put on my heart before this crisis even hit and so the link is going to be in the description we're taking our time to build it out because there gonna be a lot of training components to this and I'm even praying for God to give me somebody that can create a kids component that the children can gather around the television on a weekly basis and be you know engaged we have a millennial component of course I'm gonna be teaching the Word of God every week some of those weeks will come directly out of a live feed from one of the churches I'm believing that most of those weeks I'll have a specific message for my cyber church family so it's it's exciting it's a great and tremendous undertaking but it's something that you know after this arose I realized what God was leading me to that this is where the church is now the church is outside of the four walls and the church is global I always ask God how is my global reach going to happen and now understand this I believe is going to be the largest I believe our cyber church is going to be the largest congregation that we would have in new home ministries so enough of that I love you Lisa loves you pray for us we're praying for you if you if you reach out to me by email try to make it short an RC pastor RC Blake's at try to make it short so I can read it and respond to you when it's long long long long long it's hard for me to get through it because I have so many all right I think I got everything out I think okay oh don't forget my queen ology online course transcending the father wound online course and my sister's winning in ministry online courses are all on sale queen ology $49 you get the ten sessions with me talking directly and then you get the 113 page PDF study guide for the online course specifically that you can download and work through as you go through each session transcending the father won't $49 and sisters winning in ministry $29 all of that sat RC Blake's dot-com under online programs all right I'm out I love you I'll talk to y'all soon pray for me
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 107,836
Rating: 4.9347959 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist
Id: Mp5jvkHCNZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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