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good evening good evening good evening good evening I hope everybody is doing well as you come in if this is your first time with me hopefully my sound and my signal are all good but if this is your first time with me I'm RC Blake's I'm a pastor I'm an alpha I'm a husband I'm a man and I have a lot of opinions that I like to talk about I like to talk about them and I like to write about them and tonight or this evening where we're looking at something that just kind of I was inspired to discuss with you five things that you should never do with a broken heart five things that you should never do with a broken heart if as you come in if if you would give me if you like what we're talking about giving me a thumbs up if you can share this on your social media platform other platforms like Facebook or what-have-you please do so I am intentional about getting my message to the whole wide world as much as I possibly can but five things that we must never do with a broken heart and here's the reality most of us in life will experience and I dare say all of us at some point in time will experience a broken heart it may not be from a romantic source but all of us at some point in time will experience brokenness somebody somewhere that we may have overextended our love to is going to miss handle that heart misuse that love and create a pain that will be incomparable to anything you've ever experienced yeah broken hearts are real because humankind is flawed you know as humans we actually in a lot of cases we do a better job of loving animals than we do with loving each other but the Bible says something very powerful and get something to write with I'm going to give you these five things and then I am out I'm not gonna be long somebody sound lost wait wow I like that keep talking in Psalm number 34 verses 18 and 19 it says the Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart see now some of you didn't even know that the Bible addressed broken hearts but the Bible says thank you Baretta Thank You Baretta Thank You Jessica I appreciate you thank you so much I'm going to get to the point where I can possibly do this at the end but it's just not my nature when people are kind to me I like to say thank you in the moment but I do understand for some people who have you know attention deficit but in proverbs 30:4 18 it says the Lord is nigh unto them that of a broken heart and save it such as be of a contrite spirit many listen to this verbiage right here many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all a lot a lot of meat in these verses here number one he says the Lord is close to you when your heart is broken and he saves such as be of a contrite spirit then he says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them also that lets us know a few things Thank You Tammy and lets us know that when our hearts are broken God is there God is present to do his part and then it also says that Thank You Ella I appreciate thank you for all the positive messages god bless you thank you thank you it also says that the afflictions watch this of the righteous and what does that word righteous mean those who are in right standing with God doesn't you know when you read that word you may think perfection none of us are perfect but when it talks about the righteous it's talking about those who are in right standing with God he says many are the afflictions but the Lord delivered him out of them all so it doesn't matter what comes against you what hurts you the Lord is present to deliver you out of it all but now here's the kicker now listen to this listen to this very carefully they're now getting to my five points that I want you to write down I may actually I may know this I mean email this to you all those of you that are on my mailing list now don't email me and say you read this video can you sin ex-wives can you send me the thing for five things I can't do all that if you on my email list I'm going to probably email this tomorrow and you'll have it now what I'll probably do is if you're watching this in the future how take and I'll post the link to the to the to the document so that you can get it Thank You Walden but here's the kicker so God is present when my heart is broken God is prepared to deliver me out of it all Thank You Sally but watch this God cannot move beyond you sometimes you've not experienced the healing the deliverance he says but the Lord delivered him out of them all sometimes you've not experienced the deliverance from the pain of this brokenness because you are in the way it's kind of like a person that is drowning the best thing a person that is drowning can do Thank You Maria the best thing a person that is drowning can do is to let go and to trust the one that has come to save him or her but what happens with us many times when our hearts have been broken Thank You Teresa thank you times a million I appreciate you when our hearts have been broken queen of success that's Europe thank you Pastor you're saving lives thank you that's my intent so this is a conversation I hope you've gathered those of you that are watching later and you want this to roll on like we're doing an online course this is a conversation this is you know interactive so bear with me if you need to stop it and come back later and watch again you may do that tomorrow thank you thank you for your godly counsels so grateful thank you so much it's like a person that is drowning as long as you're fighting the process the person that is there in the water treading water waiting for you to stop fighting and is able and willing to save you can't do anything for you because if you try to save a person that is drowning that won't just give up they will drown the person that came to save them as well so there's some of you who are still in the struggle with the pain of the broken heart you're still in that struggle because nobody's ever taught you that you have to let go this is a saying we have in the church you have to let go and let God I'm great you have to let go and you have to let God so there are five things I want to say to you five things we must never do with a broken heart number one number one don't trivialize your pain I said I was gonna be short tonight but I don't think I am I'm I'm feeling like I'm gonna need to really expand on this do do not trivialize your pain if anybody has my brother's number text him and tell them I'm on live right now please don't call me right now do not trivialize your pain what happens with a lot of people is that watch this you are broken you are hurting you are crushed even and because you've been trained Thank You JW because you've been trained to say I'm good it did it didn't bother me he didn't bother me and you trained to put on this face for you know the world and many times the world that you're putting on this face for is entertained by your pain so you put on this face like you're all good when the reality is you're crushed see to trivialize your pain listen to this very carefully it took me it took a lot of hurting in my life it took a lot of hurting now no mind you Thank You Kimberly that's my daughter she actually she had a live event on going on on social media and she shut it down to be present with me tonight I love you Kim you didn't have to do that but I love you to trivialize your pain listen to this very carefully I was saying I've gone through a lot of hurt to understand life from the perspective or the perspectives that I do and in one way or another we you know we can all kind of relate to this where something has really crushed and we behaved like all we talked like it really didn't bother me that much which was a lie to trivialize write this down somewhere to trivialize your pain is to deny yourself Thank You Mt remind me of that question when we're about done Thank You Amanda Thank You Amanda and God is nigh to you even when sin is present God I'll answer that what I'm done to trivialize your pain is to deny yourself the Kensing that acknowledgement brings let me say that one more time because I know doesn't it is to trivialize your pain is to deny yourself the cleansing that knowledge or acknowledgement brings you see when I can say listen to me well when I can say out of my mouth that broke me Thank You Jeanette thank you when I can see out of my mouth that crushed me the acknowledgement is like a healing balm that goes into my soul and repairs the damage of the event but as long as I'm trivializing it and I'm acting like oh it's no big deal and I'm living my life in a lie no healing can happen in a lie took a lot of hurtin for me to understand what I'm saying to you accepting the weight of the moment is key watch this to forgiving the person that hurts you and moving on emotionally Thank You Tammy please pray for me I will pray for you father I thank you for timing on whatever her need is you know it I thank you for touching her life right now in the name of Jesus Christ when you can accept the weight of the moment and you can say that hurt me watch this he hurt me she hurt me they hurt me and not trivialize it trying to maintain some pseudo facade of strength you then position yourself for true healing you can move beyond listen to this now listen to this statement very carefully and if you've not signed up for my email list do it when we get off of here go to my website Ric Blake's calm and it's right there on the front page just sign up for my email list I'm gonna actually send this to you all because I won't because I want you to have it listen to this statement you can move beyond others not ever acknowledging your truth or your pain but if you deny your truth if you deny your pain you will be emotionally stuck see a lot of times we think our closure is in the person that brought me coming back to fix me when the reality is that the person that broke you in 99.9 percent of the cases is not qualified to fix you even if they desire to your closure is going to be in being able to acknowledge what you've gone through feel it come on now process it release the person that has done this to you and then move forward emotionally but when you trivialize your pain you develop a tolerance and you keep trivializing pain you develop a tolerance for the dysfunction and it becomes your norm so when your heart has been broken rather than being able to say I have a broken heart real talk with Kizzy thank you thank you so much thank you so much she said free counseling thank you so much when you trivialize your pain you develop a tolerance for the dysfunction and it becomes your norm you keep saying oh yeah yeah I know but it don't bother me it doesn't bother me and you know what happens is you internalize that stuff you internalize that lie and see your your your conscious your subconscious your conscious mind knows that it's a lie your subconscious mind as long as you stay in that line you keep accepting that treatment what happens is your subconscious settings are reprogrammed and they're always reprogrammed to a lesser degree you keep you keep living in that line you keep trivializing that pain it results in your watch this in your self perspective being diminished but when you can say that hurt me they hurt me he hurt me it hurt this much I didn't deserve that you can then emotionally condition yourself to say I'm not accepting that kind of treatment I deserve better but as long as you keep trivializing it thank you may see now I was looking for a biblical text and let me let me show this to you this I thought this was interesting to plug in right here Israel trivialized the bondage of Egypt and because they trivialized their slavery when they were in transition to a land of promise that God was going to make them Kings while they were in transition out of bondage into rulership they began to long for Thank You Sonja thank you so much they began to long for the bondage of Egypt there there watch this these slaves have been set free by God God made made all of these Gyptians give them wealth before they left they're on there way to their own land where they're going to be free Thank You ginger watch this and while they're there in the in the process you know at a certain point I'm going to read it for you they start saying man we should wish we could go back to Egypt I wish we could go back to Egypt their sick minds generated a sense of nostalgia Thank You Lauri I appreciate you about their bondage they began to trivialize what they had gone through listen to what the Bible says in Exodus 16 two and three it says and the whole congregation of the children - Amma thank you you're teaching good thank you I love you I appreciate you says the whole and the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness and the children of Israel said unto them watch this what to God we have died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt they were slaves there when we set by the fleshpots and when we did eat bread to the full for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness to kill this whole is similar with hunger there trivializing the fact that they were slaves and they were they were being murdered and they're longing for the bread god almighty because when you trivialize pain when you trivialize a broken heart and you do not face it and call it what it is what happens is you recondition your soul to settle for less than you deserve and that's what some of you all are now you're so busy you're so concerned with keeping up images see that's that's that's where most of you don't cry out for help until you've gone through cycle after cycle after cycle after cycle and then it's like you've been beaten down so far dr. Nikki thank you thank you so much you've been beaten down so far now you you have no other recourse but the cloud for someone to help you the reality is you have to learn how to not trivialize your pain and watch this don't let other people trivialize it I didn't even put that in my notes not only should you not trivialize your pain don't let anybody else trivialize your pain don't let anybody else tell you all you shouldn't feel like that you there you you trippin this is your process that you have to go through hind haki thank you for your words of wisdom thank you so much I appreciate you I said your name right now watch this so hope that text plugged in there the abuser intentionally and I'll move to point number two works to get the victim to believe that it wasn't so bad Terri thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate you the abuser intentionally works to get the victim to believe that what the victim did wasn't so bad but you have to understand this your pain is not what the abuser or the perpetrator or the the victimizer calls it your pain is what you call it no abuser has the right to define your pain you define your pain and you should never trivialize your pain number two not only should you not trivialize your pain but number two do not emori lies your pain don't trivialize it don't don't don't shrink it it is what it is but then secondly don't memorialize your pain into them to memorialize means to preserve the memory of a thing don't don't setup you know don't build it don't build a statue to this thing you know some of y'all got statues you got a statue - John over here you got a statue - Jack over there you got a statue - Willie over here you got a statue back there in the back - Jimmy you need to Ted on all of these - statues Thank You Tasha thank you my my eka that I said right I appreciate you all you got all of these statues you've memorialized watch this as much as you cry about this person is a narcissist this person is a soul tie watch this you got pictures of them in your phone Alexandria thank you thank you so much I appreciate you you got pictures of a menu phone some of y'all got pictures of them hanging on your wall as much as you talk about how no-good lowdown and dirty they were and the damage they did to your life you have memorialized that pain and every time you get a chance to bring them up you bring them up and you check your phone on a daily basis to see if you got a text message from them because you have built a memorial you have you have designed your life that you can never forget about this person Thank You Tiffany I appreciate you thank you for your kind words you have designed your life that you can never forget about this person Saint TIFF thank you so much you even got some of y'all got they the that wife-beater you got that little dirty wife beater in your draw the last time they were there you can't build a monument to this pain that Maya did I say that right needed needed this they left me but I still want them back I need healing see that's where stars being able to say exactly what you just said you can't build a monument to this pain you have to keep moving Thank You Roxanne because if you don't move it will destroy you may not destroy you physically you may not die physically but your soul is dying on a daily basis because you got all of these you've memorialized this listen to what Philippians 3 and 13 says brethren I count not myself to have apprehended I've not arrived in other words but this one thing I do I've mastered this one thing forgetting those things which are behind Tahoma that I say that right thank you so much thank you so much for getting those things which are behind Dianna thank you so much I appreciate you all he says forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before see okay here you go you all have heard me talk about my father and how much I adored and honored and loved my father you know anybody that's watching me for any length of time you know you know how much I love my dad you know how much I love my wife if you watch me at all you know how much I love those two people watch this when my father passed and we brought his body and deposited his body in the tomb I did not camp out by his tomb you know why because when something is dead you have to deposit it leave it where it belongs and move forward with your life and see that's what some of you all are now you're in a posture and you're in a position where you're holding on yesterday says forgetting those things with you behind moving forth though to those things which are before notice the word forgetting and the reason why I want you to note that word is because the word forgetting speaks of an intentional process to move away from the past pain and then he says press into the things that are before you in other words press into your preferred future you got you got to intentionally go through the process of releasing yourself from the past pain and then intentionally press into your future Thank You Patrice I thank you so much I need prayer thank you so much but trees send me an email at pastor RC Blake's at gmail.com send me an email and put it in bold who you are so number one we cannot what we should not what trivialize our pain number two we should not memorialize our pain so let me see if I can finish this one up okay pain is involuntary watch this listen to this very carefully pain is involuntary but healing is volitional and intentional pain is involuntary but my healing is intentional see Thank You Ricky oh that's that's one of my son's I've seen him in so long man I can't wait for this to be over so I could see you pain is involuntary but healing is intentional when you memorialize your pain you are forsaking the intentionality that is necessary to move towards healing so it means that watch this you're going to have to put pressure on your consciousness to move away from the grave of your history just like I have to move away from the grave of my father and move on with my life you're gonna have to put pressure on your consciousness to move away from the grave of your history because that pain you're feeling is a past pain that you've memorialized Thank You Patricia so number one we said don't trivialize number two don't memorialize your pain when your heart has been broken number three don't prioritize your pain and to prioritize it simply means to treat something as more important than others for some of you your daily agenda starts with your pain and you lead in every aspect of your life you lead from the perspective of your pain but you can't make your pain your highest agenda your pain cannot be the center of every conversation your pain cannot dominate your every waking moment or thought Evangeline Nelson thank you she says that suffer four years after breakup looking back at the pain your focus watch this do not prioritize your pain number three which speaks of what do not make your pain your focus your primary focus Thank You Courtney your focus is vital to transitioning and transcending this pain so watch this when you're paying when the pain of a broken heart keeps pulling you down what has to happen is you have to set your focus on a higher agenda it's called vision you can't live every day for the pain of yesterday yesteryear yesterday Kade you have to you have to now give your soul a higher focus you have to develop a vision for your life that lives you that even though you know it's kind of like watch this in rehabilitation and thank God I've never never really had to rehabilitate anything never had any operations anything like that but I'm certainly there people on you can testify that when you've had an injury of some kind it's gonna hurt but you have to focus on the rehabilitation you have to focus on the ultimate goal and while you're focusing on the ultimate goal of rehabilitation the ultimate goal is out weighing the momentary pain but if you never give yourself an ultimate goal something higher to focus on you will just sit there and you will wallow in that pain and that pain will become your eternal reality when you prioritize your pain I've seen people close to me who had knee replacements and all of that just started moving I'm like wow how you do that gotta move it I gotta move it you cannot you cannot prioritize your pain and say well I'm not gonna do it because I'm hurting so bad no no no look what the Bible says in Hebrews 12 into looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame so the Bible says looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross the pain despising the shame because he had what something higher something beyond the pain that he was focused on and so I know that many of you that are watching me right now you have situations where your heart has been broken and you have people that have walked out of your life that you feel like you love with all of your heart and the reality is that you know you were just caught up in a soul tie come see a man thank you so much thank you so much the reality is that you know that hurts it hurts like you know nothing that you can probably even really describe I also know as long as you make that pain your priority and as long as that's all you want to talk about and as long as that is the focus of your everyday you will never be in a position where you are suitable to move beyond this so my question to you is I hear you I'm not trivializing your pain I feel you it's real it happened but now where you're going because you have to be able to be like Paul you have to forget those things with your behind but you got to have something in front of you that you're pressing towards polka Prince's thank you dear I appreciate you gin thank you so much now watch this let me see something here number four only are five only if I watch this what was number one number one was don't trivialize your pain number two don't memorialize your pain number three don't prioritize your pain number four don't analyze your pain sweetie thank you I don't know that last part thank you so much I'm praying for healing to be he is praying for healing because he has tried to break me oh yeah God's gonna heal you God's gonna heal you you're gonna cooperate with God your life is getting ready to be amazing number four don't analyze your pain the worst thing you may do is to try to make sense of your pain even though you don't trivialize it you should not analyze it when the only pain you should try to analyze is the pain that you caused yourself pain that comes from someone else you should never try to analyze it you know why you should not try to analyze it because you cannot read the minds of men look what the Bible says in first Corinthians two and eleven says for what man knoweth the things of a man but the spirit of the man which is in him what man Thank You Jacqueline knows the things of a man but the spirit of the man which is in him the only one that understands the twisted minds of men are the twisted men themselves and when you try to analyze why this happen let me read this the tendency of a broken heart is to embody the blame so somebody else abuses you somebody else breaks you thank you and Gia think I think I said it right thank you so much somebody else breaks you and you're trying to analyze it you're trying to make sense of it and because you don't know what's going on in the mind of this person the the tendency of the broken heart is to embody the blame to to move to a place where you begin to blame yourself for somebody else's infractions against you when if when an affliction makes no sense the broken heart will find a reason to blame itself Thank You Cynthia I'm unapologetic Muslim but I can't appreciate these universal lessons that all can benefit from and I appreciate you thank you so much that's a major compliment let me read this because I want to make certain that you get this when an affliction makes no sense the broken heart will find a reason to blame itself for the abuse of another it would rather that the broken heart would rather see itself as the cause listen to this very carefully now the broken heart would rather see itself as the cause than to live with the why the need for closure to a broken heart is horrific so when you begin to analyze from the perspective of a bull heart and you can't understand why a person did what they did the broken heart would rather see itself as the cause than to live with the unanswered question why but a lot of things you're not gonna know the answer as it as it pertains to why you know you're not gonna know Thank You Sabrina now finally number five and then I'm done don't socialize your pain you give them to you again do not trivialize your pain do not memorialize your pain number three do not prioritize your pain before don't analyze your pain and then number five don't socialize your pain when you socialize your pain and what I mean by that don't socialize your pain some of you all social media we can go to your Facebook page and all you're talking about is your pain mm-hmm we can bring you out to a party and you trying to figure out why you know why you can't get a date or why man won't to hang around all you talk about is your ex you even realize you're doing it everywhere you go even up in Church that's all you won't tell me you go up to the altar for somebody to pray for you past I want you to pray come on you know how it broke my heart again no no don't socialize your pain see there's some stuff that has to be processed privately or within one's private circle some stuff is not for the streets when you now listen to this statement very carefully I'm just about out of here when you socialize your pain you signal predators now let that sink in when you socialize your pain you signal editor's when you get on social media and you go to bleeding you your your heart you go to bleed and you just go to saying everything that's you are signaling predators Thank You Felicia it's like blood in the water for shark you cannot socialize your pain see see that day's that uh you know I'm in this house or wherever I'm at and I'm dealing with some heavy stuff and man I'm hurting you know what I mean I mean I'm hurting but when I walk out of these doors and I go to embrace the world that's not the place for me to you know you don't you don't you don't go in lie on the floor of a of a mall to have an operation it ain't sanitized Thank You Mallory it ain't sanitized you get your operation done in an operating operating room because the sanitized see and there to many of you that have socialized your pain and you're wondering why do I keep getting the same kind of man is because every time the last one every time one leaves you put it all on social media and predators can smell that and your pain is a signal relative to where your weaknesses are so when I when I socialized my pain Thank You Adrian I appreciate you when I socialized my pain I am cooperating with my enemies for my own destruction this is some good stuff here y'all I promise you the end see this stuff here this comes out of a lot of pain maybe not relational pain necessarily not romantic relational pain but you know there are other kinds of relationships and see and I love people I love hard and you know the Easterners called it karma Bible says what you read but you so you're gonna reap so in some way or another we always pay for stuff you won't feel it whatever you whatever you inflict on somebody else some kind of waste coming back to you you gonna feel it and I've gone through it do not socialize your pain and let me read this I can let you all go proverbs twenty nine and eleven says thank you to never thank you so much for your teachings it's changing my life for the better I'm healing and growing that's what I want to hear that's exactly what I want to hear proverbs 29 and 11 says a fool utter with all his mind but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards Thank You Jennifer pray for me please I live next door to the father of my child he is a narcissist and I can't escape him send me an email pastor RC blitz at gmail.com you literally I love these messages helping me save and take my own life back need a much prayer thank you all so much but notice what proverbs 29 and 11 says fool others all is marrying socializes he puts everything up there for the world to read the world to see proverbs 13 and 3 he that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life but he that openeth why his lips shall have destruction so that a five dead a 5 at 10 but their 5 we give them to you again go to my eat go to my website RC Blake's com sign up for my email list and I'm going to send you maybe tomorrow if not tomorrow day after I'm gonna send this whole document to you number one do not trivialize your pain number two do not memorialize your pain number three do not prize your pain number five do not socialize your pain so I hope you guys got something out of this tonight you ladies and gentlemen I hope you got something out of this tonight father I thank you for this time Thank You Yolanda I thank you for this time that I've had with your people I thank you God that you have given me a message that resonates and God I thank you for the gift of transparency that I'm able to open my heart and share what you've put in there and that the world is able to partake thank you God for making my words of value and now god I speak over the lives of every person that's here that may be struggling with one situation or another I thank you God for the supernatural power of deliverance the power to bring healing and deliverance to their broken hearts in Jesus's name Amen tatyana god bless you i just love you and your brother please continue to pray for me absolutely absolutely well I've enjoyed this time with you all tonight I've enjoyed this time thoroughly I've had more time that's why I've been coming to you more lately I've had more time being that I'm not traveling and I'm still observing but is it locked down yeah I'm still observing it and I'm praying for those who have had to reimburse aasaiya t please be safe please be safe you know please be safe some people have to you know all of us don't have the same situation please be safe please wear your mask please please please please please be safe now L to nail Bart Dutta that's judge Barksdale I love you girl that's my daughter from the Carolinas I appreciate you so much now listen don't forget to stop by my website RC Blake's calm all of my online programs queen ology you know some of you may think well I already got half the book well the online program deals with issues that transcend the book you know and along with the program I'm most proud of we did the work to create a PDF downloadable step will not study guide but workbook to go along with the program it's inside of the program once you get through with the introduction it'll be under something marked program notes and you can download 113 page workbook and as you go through each session there ten sessions go through each session you can do the work in the workbook put it in a binder I mean it's amazing finish the one on soul ties everybody's asked for that one we have the the online program for with women in ministry and of course transcending the father one all of the programs are forty nine I think wisdom for women and ministry I think it's thirty nine and you know when we talk about online programs it I pre-recorded it that nobody's I'm not talking to anybody and you have lifetime access you can go in and out as you choose to you can move in and out move at your own pace it's not like you got to wait for a certain time move at your own pace and all that that's available now at at my website those of you that did the pre-orders for King ology we had some glitches with all of this Kol fit stuff so things did not move as quickly but I should have those in hand if you pre-ordered the book the physical book the electronic version is already available on Amazon if you pre-ordered the physical book from our website RSC Blake's store com I'm going to sign those and send those back to you and King ology it will be up on Amazon as well but I should have those in a couple of weeks and I want to sign them and soon as I get them I promise you we are shooting them to you right and I know there are a whole lot of other things I'm missing but you don't know what to do you know the drill I love you I appreciate you all of the pertinent information is going to be in the description thank you thank you for your support Dalene daily and hope I'm saying it right I appreciate you thank you so much well listen I got to go I appreciate you all I thank you so much I want you to have a great night I'll probably talk to you again this week I got something I'm thinking about in response to an email I got dealing with the aftermath of soul ties what are the long-term effects of a soul tie relationship it mean when it's over and done years down the road what's what what can you look forward to if you've not processed all of that pain effectively if you've not been delivered it's gonna be an interesting subject I appreciate you all thank you so much have a great evening and thank you for just tolerating me talking to my people god bless you now talk to you real soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 82,697
Rating: 4.9389992 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES
Id: B_8q-g5XWyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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