KINGOLOGY - The Making of a MAN/KING by RC Blakes

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good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon hope everybody is doing well it may just pull this in a little closer this is RC Blake's on this marvellous Sunday afternoon and I just wanted to come and talk to you I hope everybody is doing well I pray that everybody is staying safe yeah we are at this time that I'm doing this live we are in the middle of the corona crisis and so we're all trying to make our way through this we've never seen anything like this before and this is different so everybody's doing good today this may not be as as formal as normal you know I'm just you know you learn to appreciate any kind of interaction you may have with people that that love you and people that you love so if I if I pause to you know say things or speak to people don't get offended by that you know the reality is we don't know how many more times we may have to speak to people you know and I think we have to we have to live with that reality so hope everybody's doing good thank you for coming in if you would I'd love for you to share this on your social media platforms especially like Facebook manna they hope I'm saying that right thank you so much I have been for years I've been teaching talking traveling writing books about queen ology father-daughter talk wisdom for women in ministry I have I have spent a great portion of my life in my energy and my time speaking into the lives of women and so everywhere I go the question always comes well when are you gonna talk to the dude you know even the ladies say well when are you gonna prepare these guys for all of these Queens that you're so diligently trying to create and so I I just finished I just finished a book King ology people always call it the wrong time and so I want to deal with this tonight so if you know any men if you know any guys invite them to be a part of this discussion tonight because I'm just going to kind of introduce it king ology is is available presently in electronic version for Kindle and what-have-you and you can I'll give you that information when I'm done you can pre-order the book and I did study guide at the same time so they're both coming out together the study guide will come like later they're they're both together but the the chapters in the book are like this chapter one the true measure of a king what actually makes a man chapter two King consciousness manhood is not chronological its psychological chapter three things that ruin Kings things that will destroy a man's greatness chapter for understanding the tension between kings and queens the spiritual and social complexities between men and women chapter five Kings are intentional about relationships Kings are not random or irresponsible in relationships in other words chapter six the harmony of kings and queens how kings and queens find each other and function in sync chapter seven Kings and coins Kings respect for money and in Chapter eight Kings regulate their emotions Kings maintain control of their internal stability this is the male companion into queen ology you know just like in queen ology we deal with the issues relative to the character of queens in king ology we're dealing with issues relative to the character of kings and it's going to be a powerful I think this book is going to have a very powerful impact and effect especially with young men young impressionable men because the message in the book is it's not heralded today it's it's the way I was raised I was raised by a king I was raised by a classical man I was raised by that kind of guy but there are very few places that a young man can go today and can really hear the instruction the wise instruction of a king so in Chapter one I just want to kind of overview it we talked about the true measure of a king in other words you know what what what is that what really makes a man you know what makes a man does this make a man you know a beard does that make a man muscles not that I have any under there but does that make a man what what truly makes a man so throughout King ology as you know whenever you if you ever get a chance to read the book throughout King ology I use the terms man and King interchangeably I use it I use the terms man and King interchangeably throughout the book and it's you know for some people it's a little uneasy to hear men today refer to as King you know fundis you know for obvious reasons it it sounds if you're just tuning in you've never heard me before and you're hearing me talking about King allergy it sounds misogynistic which it's the exact opposite the term King you in reference to man sounds egotistical and it sounds like it's loaded with male chauvinistic potential but as we get into the study of King ology we we will discover that misogyny chauvinism egotism are so far removed from the true nature and character if you all don't mind giving me some some lights on this you know the more you hit that button the more likes I get the the more this video will wilt render be in the faces of people still here's the question what is a man here's the question what is a man now if I know it's probably mostly women that are watching this and it's important that you watch this because many of you have flunked in terms of your relationships because your definition of what a man was or is was the reason you've always made horrific decisions relative to men when you don't have when you don't have the proper definition you'll always make the wrong choices as a woman but what is a man now if ya if you ask or if you go to different sectors of society you'll get different answers you know for instance if you if you asked an adolescent male what is a man an adolescent male might say a man is simply a male a young man of 21 years you know you might even say it's it's a male of 18 years and older and to the adolescent male that's a man if you go to the most perverted depths of society and you ask the most perverted perverted men what is a man and they might come back and they might say well a man is a is a guy that can maintain multiple relationships with multiple women and never get busted he's that he's a guy that can entertain and maintain a sexual relationship with multiple women and never get tired that's a man if you went to the wealthiest sectors of society and you asked them well what is a man they would characterize a man by his financials and all of these conclusions are lacking a man is far more than years a man is far more than sex a man is far more than a wallet and the Bible asks this very question in Psalms 8 4 through 6 says what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou has made him a little lower than the Angels and has crowned him with glory and honour pay attention to that thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou has put all things under his feet so he's asking the question what is man that you you you you you you esteem him so highly you know but notice the text uses here in in Psalms number 8 it says thou has made him a little lower than angels and has to watch this crowned him with glory and honor the text uses the word crowned it says that God has crowned man with glory and out glory and honor now watch this crowning is a sacred declaration I'm reading from my laptop this is why I'm looking down crowning is a sacred declaration watch this reserved for establishing royalty and rulership you crown somebody you are stead wishing them as royalty you're establishing them in terms of what rulership that's God's ultimate ideal idea of what a man is he is he is one that is crowned for royalty and rulership he's not a clown but he is crowned for royalty and rulership now God established man as royalty in the earth realm you know when you see a real man that's why when you see a real man walk in a room there's a presence that a real man has like like a queen has presence there's a presence of real man adds he doesn't have to he doesn't have to be loud and brash he doesn't have to be arrogant he doesn't have to ego trip he doesn't have to go on some narcissistic rant about how great he is all he has to do is walk into a room and everybody the women in the men know that somebody here of a different kind of status has just appeared God established man as royalty in the earth realm when God made man he simultaneously crowned him king of creation when I was a child I played a game I don't love this still clear everything's you know video games now I play the game called checkers and when you would you know when you would get your checker to the opponent's farthest side they would have to crown you all you say his crown mean it have to crown you meaning it had to put another checker on top which would double your that would be to on in a stack and that particular check of once it was crowned had almost godlike ability in terms of the game it could move in 'we had wanted to move man it could take out you know half of a board if if not clean up the whole board because it was what ground and therefore it was dominated it had a greater capacity than the ordinary pieces and that's the distinction between an ordinary male versus a king is that a king has capacity that ordinary guys don't relate to he has a capacity to communicate he has a capacity to make moves he has the capacity to handle things if you look in Genesis 1 in 26 says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them remember now I used the terms man and King interchangeably so I could read Genesis 1:26 like this and God said let us make Kings in our image after our likeness and let them in Kings as inclusive of male King female King Queen let us make royalty in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion authority over territory that territory at that point was the earth Fisher to see follow there over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth the term Dominion is a rulership term God says let us make Kings in our image and let them have rulership of the earth oh my goodness this is why when you think about it and I just thought about this actually this is why man is the only part of God's creation that has most of the time a twisted concept of Dominion and desires to rule the earth in in less than godly fashion but man is the only part of God's creation that has a concept of Dominion what if what if what if if all of the animals think about number one I believe all of the animals outnumber us first of all what if all of the dogs the cat's the the monk is the gorillas that Lions the Tigers the cheetahs the Eagles the what if they had a mind to dominate the earth and what if they all turned and they sought to dominate man I don't think we would be here very long but man is the only part of God's creation that was created with Dominion in his DNA and he was what crowned for Dominion crown for rulership crowned as royalty by the Creator so Kings are crowned watch this and only God can crown you nobody else can make a king but God nobody else can make a king but God no no boss this true Kings are aware listen to this listen to this statement very carefully and share this if you can I don't know how I don't know how you guys share on YouTube but shared us if you can true Kings are aware that they are only in authority to the extent they are under authority when you go back to the book of Genesis as long as Adam was in alignment with God he dominated the moment Adam got out of step with God it all fell apart because true kings are aware that they are in authority only to the extent that they are under authority while God has crowned man as king of creation man as king of creation is subject to the king of kings this is why it's hard to get a man balanced that does not have a relationship with God he may he may come you know it may come up to power and a whole lot of different points but there's like something missing is because any man that does not understand he's in authority to the extent he's under authority will always miss he will always miss it so now when a man walks away from God he abandons his throne he loses his crown and he is stripped of his kingdom this is when he becomes a clown Adam became a Adam became a clown yeah you read the book of Genesis those of you that that of Christians and may read the Bible you read the book of Genesis when Adam first started all man he was he was bossing up he was he was it was ruling he was it was wrong - and God created that woman form and man Adam started speaking life into that woman because he was a king after he disobeyed God and got out of step with God the first thing Adam started doing was the first thing he did after he got out of sync with God was he started accusing his woman he threw his woman under the blood under the bus that's a clown move he went from Crown to clown Wow because when a man walks away from God he abandons his throne he loses his crown and he is stripped of his kingdom true manhood is about character manhood is about responsibility that word responsibility if you break it up and just look at it as two words responsibility a man is determined by his ability to respond a true man a king has responsibility a man cannot take responsibility until he has responsibility see that there and see and I know that a lot of you ladies that are watching may even watch the replay of it and you've been choosing men who have not had the ability to respond you've chosen you chosen men based on looks swag or whatever else y'all call it this that that that but you didn't choose men based on their ability to respond because a true man is not a is not true manhood is about character it's not about all of these other things it's not about a each it's not about sex it's not about money when when you read in the Bible of the the famous story of David and Goliath Goliath was calling for a man and all of the warriors those that had bits like me old guys like me were afraid to go but a little boy by the name of David met the challenge because manhood is not about years it's about character and David had to what character to meet to respond he had responsibility is this reaching anybody now there are three areas where Kings respond and I'm just I'm just giving you some high points from the chapter this is chapter one out of the book King ology number one three areas that I've listed I'm certain that we could list more but three areas where Kings respond parenting children if a king makes a child a king raises a child a king will always respond to the rear to the raising or the parenting of his child thank you designs that's the only part I got thank you Kings respond to parenting children if your so called man and you have children that you don't take care of come on now number two three areas where Kings respond they respond in leading their families spiritually they respond in terms of leading their families spiritually in other words you need to have a personal connection and relationship with God whatever that may look like for you you better have a personal and a real connection and relationship with God you got to lead your family spiritually watch this as a man you don't even qualify to nurture your wife and your children emotionally if you're not grounded spiritually if you don't have a spiritual basis as a man if you don't have a spiritual connection you go you're not gonna have the power the wisdom to be able to minister to a wife and children and you have no spirit and and see some of you ladies that's how you create these soul ties you're looking for everything but that which is spiritual and then number three three areas where kings respond parenting leading family spiritually and then Kings respond financially providing for their own Bible says at a certain point a man who doesn't provide for his own is worth then and I'm worse than an unbeliever worse than an infidel you see and if if you're man and you have no concern for providing for your family financially you're not moved at all about the financial needs or demands of your family and you're just sitting around you're not taking you know advantage of opportunities you're not trying to grow you're not hustling you're not trying to make these monies you're just satisfied you sitting around and your family's struggling you're not a man I'm sorry now don't get me wrong because you know these are some difficult times and sometimes brothers have a heart to do this but you know sometimes the the economy sometimes the city they live in a lot of factors playing - sometimes a brother not being able to do what He desires to do financially but if he's a real man he never stops trying and watch this a real man will take a job before he was sit on his behind with no job I don't care how qualified you are when you makin nothing nothing is beneath you when you're a real man I know I know I know when things were great you were an architect you were you know you know an engineer you would issue with that but now you can't find a job but they got they got a supervisors position over that McDonald's a real man will take that job because a real man responds financially a real man responds financially so true manhood watch this must be proven and verified you can't just come up in here beating your chest too much you a man and think I'm you know and everybody else just gonna accept it because you got muscles and a beard and you six - you know six - 220 that don't make you a man I mean that could be the measurements of a gorilla of a gorilla they don't that doesn't necessarily make you a man we know that you a man when you have proven your manhood and your manhood is what verified there's gonna take more than sex to verify your man of it's gonna take more than age to verify your manhood in first Kings - did it in first Kings - 1 & 2 chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 there King Solomon is talking or King David is talking - he's getting ready to die and he's leaving instruction for his son his young son King Solomon I think he was an adolescent at this time if I'm not mistaken it says now the days of David drew nigh that he should die and he charged Solomon his saying I go the way of all the earth I'm dying in other words be Val strong therefore watch this watch these words and show thyself a man you've got to prove yourself to be a man we don't just know you a man cuz you're doing the prison pose on Instagram no we don't know your man cuz you out here making babies no I was a 15 year old boy 14 when the child was was uh was when I made the child 15 when the child was born I don't mean you a man cuz you out here making babies you got to show yourself Kings don't talk it they walk it watch this Kings are not simply born they are formed there's a spiritual there's a cerebral and there's a natural process involved in the formation of a man or the formation of a king when we observe the process when you look at Adams formation back in the book of Genesis we learn great wisdom as it pertains to how men are established and I'll give you these things and then we'll be out number one when you look at the creation of Adam in Genesis two and seven it says in the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground first thing we may take away is that men are formed watch this under pressure Thank You coach rod men are formed under pressure the Bible says God and the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground and when you look at that term term formed it literally translates as to fashion to shape or to devise the primary meaning of the word is derived from the idea of cutting or framing it may also be translated as squeezed into existence God when God formed Adam he's squeeze them into existence so from the very beginning Adam was formed under pressure one of the big problems with what I call a feminized generation of men and whenever I make that statement I have to make certain I explained that I'm not talking about anyone's particular sexual preference and I talking about homosexuals righty I'm talking about heterosexual men that have been feminized they can't take anything you know they don't want to lead in fact they they prefer to have a masculinized woman to to run the show they just they just want to they just they just want to you know just be there they just want to be present they don't want to leave that's a feminized generation of men and and a lot of that is because this generation to a large extent has been raised by mothers who didn't have the father's present in the home and so the mothers rather than applying the pressure to the boy that every young boy needs to really develop because man it is pressure taking care wife and children in the household that's pressure being the one to defend a home if need be that's pressure but when a boy is raised in a house with a mom that overcompensates because you know just pacifying him because she feels guilty that she chose a man that wouldn't show up to father him he then he develops physically but emotionally he's arrested his development is arrested and he can't take anything when men are what formed under pressure this is why I suggest to women thank you God love freedom thank you so much this is why I suggest to women who are single mothers that you need to put your boy in some kind of sport or something and watch this bring him added to the pot put him into put him on the football team put him on the basketball team now Mateo was gonna happen he gonna go to a few practices and he gonna come home and he gonna say coach don't like me new people don't like me to know me they're always fussing at me and you know what you're gonna do you gonna because you you're not gonna do it now because I'm gonna tell you what you would do you get your little slippers and you slide on down into the pocket you gonna tell the coach off you gonna pour your baby out of the off the football team and you won't bring your baby home and spoon-feed him ice cream and and grease his hair and put lotion on his face and just feminize the little boy when the reality is he's resisting he's resisting the pressure that these coaches and these other little boys that that testosterone of that masculine environment he's resisting it because the pressure is squeezing him but the pressure is molding him and men are formed men are formed men up men are made under pressure when a man is robbed now listen to this listen to this statement right here when a man is robbed of his pressure moments Thank You Jacqueline when a man is robbed of his pressure moments his emotional and spiritual development are hindered and many women do not trust certain men to lead because they are too weak and they're too weak for this very reason they did not go through their pressure moments what men are what formed y'all give me some thumbs up give me some thumbs up Psalms 119 71 says it is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn certain things that men learn under pressure you know see like right now for those of you that may not know me I'm a pastor and I'm a pastor of a very large congregation made up of multiple churches and I have people literally that are dying just before I got on here and I came to talk to you all I got a report of one that died today yesterday I had what day before yesterday I had five or six and one day two died some in the hospital doctors giving up on I have to talk to them through the phone you know many on respirators well how do I deal with that and maintain my own sanity well I've shared a lot of my story with y'all there was a time when I was a little boy you know I had a create I made a child out of wedlock and I was vilified by the community who that was pressure felt like it was killing me grew up a little bit build a ministry for 18 years and now in the city of New Orleans and there was a storm that came through by the name of Katrina wiped everything I did out for 18 years I was 40 years old had to start all over again thought I was about to lose my mind years later my best friend my hero my father my pasta dies now I'm in the world feeling like I'm in the world by myself pressure and now here in 2020 I'm facing the worst crisis of my life and my shoulders are broad enough to deal with it I can carry my own weight as well as the weight of a congregation thank you sure why it's because my manhood has been verified it has been farmed through pressure the whole lot of 55 year old dudes can't stand under this kind of pressure man couldn't deal with those kinds of phone calls day and night as well as keeping your own family together as well as trying to take care of your own health as well as you got to go and do all of these funerals now as well as you've got to console all of these families now well it's been pressure that has increased my manhood capacity and when men escape pressure to say and that's that's what that's what that's what a lot of lot of so we dealing with today we dealing with men who have not had to face the pressure they've been over Mahmut and when he leading mama they go to women that enabled them the woman becomes just another mama and he calls her mama and she treats him like he's her son the other truth thank you he calls her mama and she treats him like he's a son he doesn't have any response no pressure nobody's putting pressure nobody's allowing pressure they're normal dude see I grew up in a house with a rough black Mississippi man that said you get to a certain age you got to go and you got to handle your own business I'll be there for you but you got to do your thing okay number two a man must possess God's Spirit we look at we're taking this from the formation of atom number one man what is man what is the true measure of a man he's formed through pressure as we see with atom number two he possesses God's Spirit in Genesis 2 and 7 the Bible says in God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life God thank you mica I think I'm saying it right thank you so much those of you that I missed I apologize I'm trying I appreciate you though not only was Adam Adam formed under pressure but he possessed the life of God the spirit of God a man is always incomplete without the life of God now watch this now let me talk to my female audience for a minute you look for everything in that man but the Spirit of God you look for everything in that man but the Spirit of God and then you gonna come up here and you're gonna act like you surprised when you have a head-on collision with a demon you look for everything in that man but the Spirit of God you look for how tall he was how big his hands were I'm preaching up in this Holy Ghost Church how much hair he had what the color of his skin was what his teeth looked like what he smelled like what he drove you look for everything in that man but the Spirit of God and then you walked you'll have yourself down that I think you're Rashad and you had a wedding but never got a marriage cuz you never had a man if you don't have a man you can't get a husband and you can't have a man if he has not endure the process of pressure and if he does not possess the life of God's Spirit how you gonna be a husband being a husband means that he got to be able to lay his life down for his wife and his family how are you gonna do that without the Spirit of God y'all looking for everything but the Spirit of God Thank You Rashad I think that was and then you wondering why you coming up with all of this stuff oh I'm sorry I'm supposed to be talking to the men today let me get back who when a man does not have his relationship secure with God he then likes the emotional and spiritual depth I said that didn't I to function as head of the family and society he may be a great earner but fails to connect as a servant to his family when he lacks his connection to God something is always off there's a deep sense of unfulfillment in the relationship the Bible puts it best in first Corinthians 11 and 3 this is the amplified but I want you to know and realize that Christ is the head of every man the head of the head of a woman is a husband and the head of Christ is God so Christ is the head of every man if a man then have a relationship with Christ how you gonna making me that over you how you gonna let this man be here over your children you gonna you gonna have babies with this man that has no connection to God think about being think about being hooked up with somebody that doesn't know God in a time like this wait money can't buy you out of this you can't get on an airplane and fly away from this the government don't know what to do you you literally locked in your house and all you got access to is the wisdom of God my wife I took a hand then I pray with you ain't got no man that can do that can catch you by your hand and pray with you didn't look in your eyes they be we're gonna be all right we gonna be all right and you can literally feel in his spirit that this man got a connection to God see because a lot of y'all you got to understand this even even you church ladies the ideal order is that the pastor of the church should speak into the life of your husband's and your husbands should be able to speak into your lives because your husband is the covering of your house if you if you got a man that doesn't have a spiritual connection you know what that's like that's like you know like today we modern and everything and we got all of the think you're redeemed 1352 thank you we got all of the pots that match and all of that you know I remember my grandma's party my mama's probably another things match man had big old cast on iron skillets and uh no pox none of the tops match Thank You Rashad watch this when you're a woman submitting yourself to man it's like being a big old pot with beans in it and you're trying to find a lid that can cover you but all the lids and and the thing there are too small thank you connect Cooper I think I'm saying it right all the lids are too small when you have a man that does not have a spiritual connection he's a lid that's too small to cover you brother if you want a queen you got to expand yourself spiritually to be able to accommodate come on somebody without the Spirit of God the male is ill-equipped to serve as the head of anything especially not a wife and not a family so the third thing we see in turn in terms of the formation of Adam the Bible says God breathed into Adam into him and man became a living soul number three a man has to sanctify his mind said a man has a sanctified mindset and and the term sanctified simply means it simply means to set apart unto divine purpose a real man sanctifies his mindset that's why if you you you 35 40 years old you still struggling with you know staying home and being faithful to your wife your child your child you know your child quite honestly you don't even need to have a strong spiritual thing going on to grow out of that at that age we said number one that men are made under pressure number two we said that a man must possess God's Spirit and now here number three a man has to sanctify his mindset you gotta said his mind the way you think you got to set it apart without the man's soul or his mind lining up he's just a shell he looks like a man but he can't function until his mindset is sanctified it's kind of like you go back to Genesis and you look at Adam God squeezed Adam formed him from the dust of the earth squeezed out a man formed and made him look like a man but then it wasn't until God breathing them the breath of life that Adam became a living soul he was just a form of a man until God breathed into him and Adam soul came alive there are many of you ladies that the reason you you you know on paper this dude looks great but when you get in his company there's just something missing his soul is dead soul is dead his mind has not been sanctified because his his Spirit has not been filled these things look these are the intangibles of real manhood y'all looking at all of this the Word of God puts it in these terms in proverbs 23 and 7 for as he thinketh in his heart so is he you are as a man you are nothing more or less than what is on your mind constantly you cannot function as a man when you think like a boy your mindset has to be sanctified this this book is gonna really bless men I really want young men to get this book sooner than later let me read this you may locate the level of your thinking by observing your dominant behavior is that vagabond thank you thank you thank you you may locate the level of your thinking by observing your dominant behavior if you're behaving like a boy in puberty in puberty you know your consciousness you know you know your level see seriously I think one of the one of the first things to come into alignment when a man really you know is farming and when a man comes into that sanctified mindset is the sexuality you ain't got control of your sexuality that's little boy stuff that's not grown man stuff you supposed to be mature enough in your mind and your spirit to keep your pants up and to be able to be watch this to be able to be single and no one you got a queen that you're dating and be able to honor the the the respect think you've been be able to honor and respect the woman for saying she don't she doesn't want to have sex before before marriage he's probably just grabbing at the woman the woman trying to go out with you and every time you go you just grabbing all across the seat at the woman and everything like like I like a little 13 year-old child your man okay Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians 13 and 11 when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things and in number four and then four and five and then I'll be done I didn't mean to keep you all on here this long I apologize watch this number four a man must have an awareness of his God purpose when you go to Genesis 2:15 it says speaking of Adam again and the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden watch this why did he put him there to dress it and to keep it thank you Trina thank you so much so a man must have an awareness of his God purpose when God breathed his spirit into Adam it was God sanctifying Adams mindset simultaneously he awakened Adams awareness of purpose the blessed golden gal thank you so much I like that name he simultaneously awakened Adams awareness of his purpose see you will never discover purpose as a man as long as you have a childish mindset as long as you you know trying to escape all of the pressure moments you never come into purpose you never as a man coming to purpose Adam knew his wife God made Adam know why he existed it will always be a difficult challenge to live a life of consistency and purpose if a man does not have a firm understanding of his why do you know why you exist you know you know you don't exist man just to have sex I know a lot of y'all think that a lot of you young men you know you're young right now you got all that testosterone building up you know I feel you I've been there I've been young I was pretty young but I'm live long to tell you that ain't your wife or living no man it's not your wife or living only God can make a man aware of his purpose because God is the architect of the man's purpose a huge part of the man's formation is in doing the internal work necessary to discover what the Almighty has placed within him you see I'm living from my why there was a time in my life as a younger man that I lived for things you know I wanted a nice house and all that and I actually I had I had gotten the house of my dreams as a very young man at the house of my dreams Hurricane Katrina finished all of that broke me down nothing me and my family lived in a hotel in Houston Texas for almost two months I had to modify my lifestyle but I don't live for that stuff no more it's amazing how when you find your why why God meet you why God placed you and as a man you begin to live for you why all of that stuff that no boy is a running behind that stuff runs after you I'm blessed now by mistake right here y'all see people just blessing me man I don't ask for nothing here people just blessed me I'm blessed by mistake you know why it's because when you live within your why you then impact the world I'm living out of my why so it doesn't matter that I'm locked up in the house for a month not going on over a month longer I got some electricity I got this thing here it doesn't matter that I can't get to the to the to the address of the church house my people can plug in there for Sunday morning they passed it right here fulfilling my why heaven pair heaven past and offering plate but as long as I live in my why God would always take care of my needs he takes care of the need the massive needs of the ministry we have a massive payroll we have a massive staff that was my first concern God you got to help me take care of these people I got to be able to take care of my staff guess what they taking care that's when you that's when a man this room is why Adam knew why he existed God put him in that garden to keep it and then watch this number five man is formed under divine authority in his life man got to have some divine authority in his life again in Genesis 2:16 and 17 it says and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat this is where the King of Kings is dealing with the king of the earth now he says of every garden tree of the garden army is freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die so what does God doing now he's establishing a far in Adams life every man has to have a divine authority I'm looking I'm convinced of it I'm convinced of it that divine authority in my life was always my father every man ought to have a man and he's scared of and not for physical purposes I'm not talking about somebody that's abusing him my father never abused me but I had such reverence for him as a man and as a man of God that your eyes didn't want to upset dad man and there's certain things I just wouldn't do cuz I knew dad wouldn't approve of it every man gotta had that and so God is showing us that here in Adams life God says steps in town he makes him king over all of this stuff gives him all this stuff he's bawling he shocked all and God said but now check this out I'm the boss over you and this is what I don't want you to do every man got to have a man that can point his finger at me every man got to had it ideally should be his father if not his father well ideally should be his father and it should be his father and his pastor but the man that's going fulfil that role has to be a man himself not just a male with a position so let me let me finish this divine authority was introduced to Adam from the very start Adam had to understand that he was only in authority to the extent that he was properly positioned under authority one of the chief struggles of men is the inability and unwillingness to submit to Authority a man cannot just do whatever he desires to do God has established laws and principles that are to govern a man's life so I've been asked the question why haven't you why don't you spend more time talking to men it's because men are not engineered to submit to the voice or the lead of another man when a man is undeveloped emotionally and spiritually the ego takes over and the ego makes that man think that for me to be man for me to be the man I have to not allow any man to have a voice in my life and so I would sit here and I would try to talk to men they don't hear it because the ego has blinded the eyes and blocked the ears but the Lord told me to finish this book this book is much like I don't I don't know how much commercial success it will have I believe it will be great I really do believe that it's gonna surprise me but this book is kind of like my other book imperfectly holy the Lord told me to just write that book and leave that message in the earth I knew that I knew that it wouldn't necessarily it wouldn't compete with queen ology or father-daughter talk in terms of sales but the Lord said this message needs to be left in the earth there will come a time when the world will want this message I may not even be here and likewise with King ology there will be a time when men will desire and long for this message yeah and so that's that's just an overview of chapter 1 and I may come back and do a few more chapters as we go I have some other things I want to talk to you all about you know I got nothing but time on my hands now but the e-book Kindle version is on Amazon as we speak you can go to Amazon and look up King ology and you can download the eBook version now or you could go to RSC Blake's store somebody put that on the screen for them if you don't mind multiple of you if you don't mind ww RSC Blake's store calm and that's where you can present Lee and I don't did I write the book but I also finished the study guide to go along with it so like we have young teenagers adolescents you can make them read and then do the work in the in in the in the study guide or the workbook go to RC Blake's you can presently pre-order the book and the workbook pre-order the book or pre-order the workbook which I mean doesn't make sense the pre-orbital workbook without the book but there's a bundle thing there you'll also see the the the single book you'll also see the single study guide and these are pre-orders so you know it depends on how shipping moves and all of that it may take as much as six weeks but the reason I'm sending you to RSC Blake's store as opposed to Amazon is because with the orders up to five hundred of them I will personally sign I will personally sign up to five hundred of them I got time I can do that but those are the orders that will come through my personal online store once once once the book the physical book arrives you know we're gonna be blasting on Amazon I can't I don't know it'll be a sign all the books hang gonna be a do it so the first five hundred but you can go to our see Blake's store now and you can buy the book and the workbook or the book alone however you choose to do it now how's everybody doing I've been only an hour with you how's everybody doing he'll talk to me father touch changes mindset in Jesus name Amen I agree with you I agree with you for him in Jesus's name I bet you I love you all more thank you I bet you I love you all more thank you thank you thank you I appreciate you all so much I have my sign chronology book right here and thank you Pastor god bless you I am new oh it's moving so fast lord have mercy your teachings saved my life made me a queen god bless you thank you for sharing that we love you in sir oh god bless you may God bless you thank you RC Blake's as a 19 year old male I like this one right here who's trying to find his way in this world I will purchase the book as soon as I can as a 19 year old man Wow you the reason I wrote it bro old cats like me you can't do nothing for them too much well not always let me not say that all right where am i head here okay yeah you the reason I wrote it you the reason I wrote it your generation is the reason I wrote it can narcs be delivered that's a good question now watch this I'm glad you asked that question because I'm writing I'm about 75% done with another book that I'm writing on my perspectives on narcissism coming from a biblical you know novices perspective and the question always arises can narcs be delivered and I'm like the idea like the word delivered because according to scientists you know the psychologists the counselors the therapists nothing can be done for narcissists and I understand how they can come to those conclusions when you look at how difficult they are to deal with but as a man of God and as a man of faith I have to believe that the supernatural power of God is greater can be greater than what then the diabolical forces behind an ark now watch this that is I'm not saying that to say that if you're in an abusive narcissistic relationship you suppose the hang in there and wait and trust God to do no because that's not your call in fact about it some kind of way God has to bring the NARC to a place where they're not cries out and the NARC bunks change you know so that's not your call that's a personal thing between the individual and God can you and I reach them don't think so but can God reach them I believe so I will never say he can't you know but that's a that's a question that I'm going to address a little bit in in this book that I'm writing because there's a there is a biblical reference to a man that was classic narcissist I mean you know to the 10th you know to the 5th power and God did some things allowed some things in that man's life to break him and when God got through with him he came back different you know Thank You Sabrina so that that's a long answer to your question and I know laughs okay okay happen I don't disagree with you I don't I'm just saying this is my these are my beliefs and this is what I'm believing you know I'm I don't okay let's get off of it yeah be a Canales oh god broke that brother down he was king he was talking all that big talk about you know and God broke that burglar down to the point he lost his mind he was running around like a wild animal and God got through with him he humbled it only God can do that though you know you sitting there being abused every day by somebody you ain't helping nothing I'm gonna leave that leave that where's that spider on my shoulder hope you hope you just joking because if there is y'all gonna see me clown on here today well I love you all and I thank God for you I thank God for you and I want you to share this if you don't mind I'm going to post some some stuff in my community on Facebook and just share it for me I'd really love for this message to circulate and to really touch a lot of people thank you for hanging out with me and spiders huge okay I'm looking for it praise the Lord thank God I don't walk by yeah how can I get to what was that question sell your products hmm that's interesting nobody ever asked me that before I'll email me at pastor RC Blake's at and just kind of put that in the heading and I can see what you will you see what your ideas are you can see what your ideas are thank you all for supporting me thank you all for hanging out with me tonight over an hour I love you all stay tuned because I got some stuff I want to talk about that that I know my ladies are really gonna be interested in so stay tuned if you if you've subscribed to my channel you've not hit the bell to be alerted you need to do that that's the only way you're gonna know if I'm on and you know everybody's on these platforms now so a lot of things are sliding under the you know so I need you all to make certain that you plugged in god bless you I love you is anything I'm missing okay oh yeah also all of my online programs are on sale queen ology $49 that's the ten sessions that's the hundred and thirteen PD page PDF workbook to go along with the the the online course transcending the father womb is on sale forty nine dollars and wisdom for women in ministry twenty nine dollars I mean I'm sitting at home y'all sit at home I just you know RC Blake's calm and just look under online programs our see Blake's store if you want to get to the books and the workbooks and all of that RC Blake's store if you want to get the e-book version of King ology go to Amazon and that up I love you all I gotta go now thank you all thank everybody for supporting me I really appreciate it means the world to me I love you I will be praying for you come back to Virginia I'm on my way back I'm gonna buy 20 of us oh god bless you god bless 30 okay let's push that on up to 100,000 all right I love y'all who's asking by the cash Nicole Mack Marie if you ask me about my cash yeah I love you too Travis it's RC blitz jr. that's my cash at RC Blake's jr. god bless you now I got to go and forgot how to get out of here all right I love you I'll have a great one now talk to you soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 41,073
Rating: 4.9590607 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES, QUEENOLOGY, KINGOLOGY, MANHOOD
Id: EihRP_9XRq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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