When Viewers Make Your City Even Better in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before here we are in new zealand after our epic and very successful space launch rocket launch to mars in the last episode we are back and i have got a huge list of viewers suggestions and changes and fixes that we are going to put into place in the city and we are going to expand as well we need more people so that is what we're going to be working on today so if we just zoom out a bit from this little view that we've got over here and we're going to fly all the way over to our island over here where we have our rocket launch site and the first suggestion we have is a new name for this launch site and there was all sorts of clever names that were suggested tea puns uh all sorts of things but the name that i picked because it really spoke to me this one from jason peters was the james t kirk space center if you don't know james t kirk from star trek uh i absolutely love star trek uh so we are gonna name uh let's have it as the ncc one seven zero one uss enterprise there we go excellent so that's gonna be the next rocket that's headed out to mars with a new supply of yorkshire tea bags excellent very cool um so that was one suggestion another suggestion we had i've got a little list here so i'm going to tick these off as we go thank you jason and everybody else for all of your name suggestions that was great um someone said the intelligence agency is a pretty good building for sort of like a mission control we've got this building here which houses the rocket but before we get to that another suggestion was using these prison roads and we've got prison fences which is from the interactive prisons pack which is just on the steam workshop and we've also got these prison watch towers which are brilliant so let's have a look over here we are going to be expanding into this area down here which reminds me actually let us pop um a zone in here i keep saying zones you know what i mean a district in here we are going to have some people living in here now you do have to use your imagination when you're playing city skylines because the distances of things tend to be a little bit truncated so would you really have people living this close to a launch site just over the road just over the rail no you wouldn't uh you probably wouldn't have anybody within this sort of distance i don't know or more of a launch site but we can't do that in this game so we have to use our imagination we're going to pretend that this is a perfectly legitimate distance and the people going to live along here in a community that service that work over here um and nice and nearby to the rocket launch site so they are going to be using this junction here and it is a working junction even though these only go in one direction or is it uh yes because we've got this connection over here as well so it looks like they're coming up here they could go that way onto there okay well so what we're going to do as we're going along and doing this we are going to fix up some of these roads with some asymmetrical roads um i think it's this one here is the equivalent for that no is it this one no is it no this one no okay this is the one with parking spaces i want one with no parking spaces that one there so we want to give them an option to turn up there and i'm going to do that on here as well and then that can go up there that joins the highway that way when they come down from this direction they come down to here and we've got this which is fine and that can go left and right so we're going to change that one there we go and we'll give those dedicated turning lanes excellent and i'm also going to do this one here there we go and i'm also going to give those dedicated turning lanes coming in excellent excellent excellent and then i want this one here to also have dedicated turning lanes so i'm gonna use this mod i'm gonna add in another node about halfway down and we're going to just upgrade that end there we go dedicated turning lanes for everybody and if they need to go the other way they can come down here and go there or they can come down here use this weird and wacky junction and head up onto the highway they can go right or they can go straight on and go left yeah excellent okay a few comments about this little junction here so if you were coming up from this direction you've got this sweeping right turn you don't need this right turn here and also the same coming from over here you've got the sweeping right turn you don't need this right turn here that is true um i suppose what i could do let me just get this in my mind so if i made that straight on instead i could make that just a dedicated left and that would actually work wouldn't it and still keep the lane mats ah very good i replied to your comments incorrectly i said it wouldn't work but it'd mess up the lane mats if i made both of these straight on but we don't need to do that do we can do that that works much much better and then these don't have the sweeping turn so we'll just do that yeah okay i think i'm happy with that right cool so that is the reason i'm going to change that we're going to have people living here and then that was right my thought process was leading somewhere so we had this here on the highway if you're coming down here we again used our imagination we we set the toll road up as somewhere they could shut off if there's going to be a launch so it protects this area and then you come down here and then you drive into this road so if you want to get over here you have to come down here and then turn left and come underneath just because of the way this is set up which is fine i don't mind that but that means you need a bit of protection here because you can drive straight in to this area so this is where i think we're going to just make a little bit of use of some of these items we've got so this prison wire fence will this actually just go alongside if i turn off all my snap tools and things it seems like it wants to let's just pop that down i mean that is a pretty big fence isn't it but i reckon with the move it mods we could sort of pop that along here like this and then what i was thinking is having that like right here yeah do you know where i'm gonna put it i'm gonna move that down i'm going to pop it here so we're going to have that there and maybe one the other side as well and this is going to add as our weight i like this i like this so we're going to copy that copy we're going to let me do it and then place that here yeah there we go excellent then we can just do a little bit of jiggery pokery with the movement mod get that lined up there we'll worry about the power in a minute yeah there we go so that sort of gives the idea and this this you can do quite easily it's just available on the workshop and then i'm just wondering whether we just need to continue that fence down that would be a good idea i think [Music] yeah there we go i mean it is a big old tool fence isn't it you're in no doubt that you're coming into somewhere that is protected and i've just sort of run it all along the rail line up there and i've run it all the way around here as well yeah i'm liking that so that's that added into there and also as well as the fences we have this road here prison road with fence so let's just take maybe a section over here so this is all sort of open to the water um if we just upgrade a piece of this so we've got the fence that's built into the actual space center but then we've got this extra fence that's added here and i'm just wondering whether we could just run that along here whether that looks like it's too much or whether it's um gonna work or people stop moving there we've got me worried for a moment if we just do that yeah that's not going to work round there is it hmm i like it if it didn't have that double sort of thing over there do you know what i think i will replace those as they were and we might just put some normal fence along here i think that would work a lot better yeah there we go i think that looks a lot better we've got this fence all the way along here along the waterfront and i've just continued that up around the side here around the park area that we've got i mean it makes it look like a prison camp but we've got to protect our um space launch site so definitely there we go so the last thing i want to do in here is just get the power over here we are going to use the earthquake sensor as we know that likes to leap power across places that have never leaked before there we go that's fine that looks perfect in there doesn't it cool beans excellent right on to our next suggestion it was also mentioned and quite rightly so that we've got no services over here at all you would imagine with a space center with rockets all sorts of stuff going on that services would certainly be needed just looking around maybe for the best place to put them maybe i mean try and want to get these as close as possible if we go for the big fire station oh look at that auto saves have a quick sympathy [Music] over the big fire station that is going to be harder to fit in i think i'm just going to delete these containers that we had here and that should fit perfectly on the side there very good so we've got fire protection and we should be able to just squeeze in let's jump into yeah police we've got covered just a little t oh this is uh ambulance just a small one of these i don't really want to go for a huge big hospital aha i've just extended that road and we can pop a hospital in there fantastic or a mini medical center i should say and then also worth popping in as well on our emergency services under the disaster services tab we also have our small emergency shelter shelter say correctly and a large emergency shelter which would be great in here as something that these people have to dive into every time there's a launch can't attach it to there i think that's going to go through the fence and just look weird it is oh that's a shame because actually right closer that would have been good um how about somewhere else then there we go i think that's fine on the side we can sort of imagine that they come and shelter in here and they get a really good close-eyed view of this area here plus it will keep them nice and safe if ever there's any flooding in the area perfect there we go all back to normal and then the other really cool suggestion that i liked was if we go back into the same tab we have our deep space radar which would just be fantastic on a really tall high spot to keep track of the rocket launchers now we look back over here at these i'm actually called the pg tips um this is like the highest spots here but now i'm looking at it that is even higher over there isn't it um would you have it that far away do you know what i'm wondering whether we could flatten this out up here and we could run a road up here would this work let's have a look how big where's the top gone how big would it need to be it would need to be pretty flat up here but not overly too large which is good let's just see what we can do oh oh whoops accidentally shot this thing into the distance [Music] yeah there we go that is pretty good uh building issue place roadside what i'm gonna do if i go onto here and turn off toggle road collision i'm assuming that is going to let me place that now no okay well let me just place a road in here and i want to go for a one u road with normal parking so i sort of want that there let's put that back on again and plop that up against there there we go excellent so that is phase oh look at that look at that that is facing out from the highest point in the whole of this area to get a good look at that now how the heck are we going to get a road down here this sort of okay so what we're going to do we are going to make use of the topography button which is this one yikes and see what we can do yeah i'm just looking at this thinking what the heck i mean this down here isn't too bad well you know compared to the rest whether we can sort of snake it up there then it gets really steep snake it up there all right but you know what let's plop something down and let's just see how it goes i think what we're going to end up doing with this is judicious use of the tool that levels out all the roads and things because this is just going to be actually if i turn off anarchy this is going to be absolutely nuts i mean if we carefully go up any bits where we're heading to up there that are a bit steep then we should be okay good grief that was particularly difficult to get that working um i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a quick save and have a sip of tea and then we're going to see if we can level this out a bit it's going to be sloppy slopey isn't it let's be honest um but let's just maybe check out so up here up here all goes a bit wrong um i'm going to just take this bit out and just see if we can join those up without this all going funny like that i don't think i'm going to be able to it's gonna want to build this right up in the air isn't it okay well that's not too bad we can we can smooth that out and then i can go down to there yeah all right let's have a look let's have a look let's see how bad this really is so we're going to network multi-tool we'll grab our set slope modifier i mean it's going to show us that some of this is pretty steep but you know you would expect that on a mountain yeah you see i can't have that with it going right up in the air like that so at some points we are gonna have to see if i go from there to there why don't we just do the whole thing i did a save just in case i mean this could just go horribly wrong ah not connected with others all right how far downs are gonna let us go not that far not that far do i not click a node let's try that again from there to here yeah any further no is there like a limit on how many nodes we can do oh no we're still going we're still going oh we're still going we're gonna go all the way to the end this is gonna go horribly wrong and there's no undo button on this oh mama mia [Music] what have we got what have we got let's just follow this up do you know what actually it's not that bad it's not that bad some of this here we could sort of imagine that they've built this in to house this road and we could smooth some of this over couldn't we they had to do a bit of blast in here to get it round the corner yeah let me do a bit of smoothie smooth and i think this is gonna look okay yeah this is looking better i'm just taking away any sort of sheer cliff drops like this that look like we've just placed a road and used anarchy and just sort of smoothing out any height differences just enough to make it look like this is this should be here i mean bits like this i'm leaving because you would think yeah they'd have to blast to make that work bit like that we'll just smooth it out and i think that overall like this bit here a little bit too close to the edge so we're going to just bring this out just a bit like that and around here there we go yep that's okay let's follow this up yeah this is right this has been built up see this here it's like almost perfectly mirroring the road just doesn't quite look realistic enough so if we bring some of this up [Music] and there we go and then we get to the pool up here which is fine so now we just need to make it up to the top up here let's see if we can do this what i'm thinking i might just do here is use this tool the slope terrain and just see if we can go from there to there just give ourselves a little bit of a fighting chance of getting this to work [Music] there you go i'm gonna put anarchy on for that oh dear and then i'm gonna eyeball this and level it out myself but i'm gonna expect this last little bit to be particularly steep and that's what i'm gonna leave it as because it is up the top of a mountain so what else would you expect i changed my mind i'm gonna do it i'm gonna use this eek oh that's actually not too bad it still kept it reasonably steep oh man imagine being the poor contractor that had to run these water pipes all the way up this mountain good gravy i'm just wondering if we could just collect the water from here but i'm not sure if there's a water source in there there is a water source in there do you know what i reckon we could just collect it from here instead let's do that let's turn off anarchy yeah let's connect this up why not go for semi-realism in our completely unrealistic road network there we go so that's gonna bring water up to here hopefully that's gonna need power we'll sort that in a sec because we're going to put in here what else would we have right up here we would have wind power which is this one look at that we can eight megawatts i think is perfectly fine i'm thinking [Music] let's just have a look do we want it right up close to this i'm thinking just down here and i'm hoping that's going to leap across it is and then we can just run a cable down the mountain okay so that's got a fantastic view we will come back to this and we will beautify this up another time but yeah excellent thank you for that suggestion that was from leon dunn to put the deep space radar on the tallest mountain darn it it also needs sewage okay i'm going to connect pipes all the way back to the city and of course i've got to connect the road at the bottom as well yep we've called the contractor he's come back again bob the builder thank you very much [Music] there we go and we're going to connect that up here and we'll give this dedicated turning lanes excellent there we go so you can meander your way under the highway and then up the mountain fantastic okay so back over to the james t kirk space center we want to start fleshing out this side of the island and we've already put in here a nice zone this is called pearl hills and i would like to add a theme onto here so we're going to go into our theme manager enable and we're going to go for university city we'll just take a quick look at what that includes uh included there we go so we've got these smaller college type housing there we go and i think that would fit in we've got all sorts of levels we've got commercial we don't have any offices so we need to remember that because i forgot that last time when i did an area like this so let's just take a look at our road network network we've also got this connection going over here as well which is cool i think we need something here i think this is going to end up being a roundabout if i'm honest because we're going to have another road coming off of this and they're all going to be small roads so this one is going to sort of act as a collector but it's only going to have a small amount of people living here and i'm going to go with this one first of all let's just bring that out like that we'll turn that around there we go and then we'll just upgrade let's go for that one excellent that's fine and then we're going to put a roundabout in here so let's use our roundabout builder let's just make that a little bit smaller probably like that obviously some keys doing two things at once there which is why the screen kept changing i think that'll be okay and then we'll do control shift click with that there we go so we got our giveaway signs dedicated lanes coming off all that sort of thing i think that will be perfectly fine and i don't want all these street lights around here is there one i could use isn't gonna do that but still allow walking and also these sorts of roundabouts always work so much better if you have roses just go in one direction i knew something was wrong while i was doing it it wasn't the roads it was my brain there we go excellent right that'll be good so let's then take this road here which was this one wasn't it and we're gonna run that through the middle and sort of mirror i mean we're literally just gonna run through the middle which means it's gonna mirror the coast and the other side as well and i don't want this to be a colder set so i'm actually gonna come up closer to here and then we're maybe gonna bring this round like this i'm just wondering actually we could fit another load of houses along here if we do that as well there we go that's fine and we can have a little something something at the end here we just go like that excellent okay good so let's make good use of this space so i'm thinking in here we're going to have the policy of schools out and really try and get people to go straight into work we've got lots of buildings and things that need people to come and work in and also with the noise that we're going to get of the rocket launches and things i'm thinking they are going to have a lot of trees all the way along here absolutely filling this with trees to try and block as much of the sound as they can coming from that launch site there you go that's probably about the most you're going to get in there excellent okay how do you want to lay out what we need over here we've got a huge need for residential which is fantastic i want to get some commercial and we like to put the commercial just sort of around a little hub like this so we'll go something like that that ends and then i was thinking some commercial over here and then we're going to want some services so we do have services over this side but they're not going to reach all the way over this way of course and what would be a good one if we pop that there we'll pop that one opposite so they can go in and we'll just pop whoa not that teeny tiny police station over here will be fine that will cover all of that fantastic uh schools actually i might just put all the way up over here a little tiny elementary school let's put it here back it on to the beach why not and then a high school that could sort of go in the middle here i've got anarchy on so it's letting me place it in places where i shouldn't be able to place it there we go fantastic and then we're going to need some sort of park in here you know to make people want to come and live over here let's maybe have one that end like that and then we'll have a little dog walking park this end and that should cover most of that and see how that goes and then if we fill the rest of this in with low density and see what happens now what's going to happen is they're not going to have power let's see if we can bring that across the highway and we've got this here which isn't connected to anything else we've got a big wall over here okay we're going to try and bridge over the highway at this point here if we go high enough there we go that's good and then we can go back down to low over there excellent so that should hook that up nicely high enough for the trains to go past all of that good stuff and then hopefully well not hopefully it will once it starts filling in we'll bring electricity down to these fine folks over here as well which might just take a few moments i'm just wondering as well actually just to give these people somewhere to live if we take our district and just take out i right click that section there and pop in another district here this is just going to be an office zone thornton heights there we go and then finally to encourage people to move in over here we could set up a bus route now what have we got we've got our metro that goes under there which these don't have access to we have a bus route here excellent this bus route is going to be commandeered to do a nice loop it's going to stop down here by the shops it's going to stop up here by the school it can just go around like that it could stop in here excellent and everybody is going to love that fantastic and what i think i'm going to do as well this is a big long road all the way around isn't it we're going to have a couple of little cut throughs here we're going to have one there i want this with parking so that's no parking this is parking okay we'll go one there and then we'll pop another one maybe here there we go excellent so they've got something to park their cars if they need to which is good and i might even just pop a little car park in down here where we've got the offices and the commercial zone as well [Music] there we go we've got a nice sleepy little community along the other side of the highway there that's looking good i'm just wondering whether we could just pop in a few more trees oh we're up to 90 000 look at that let's put the strength on high there might be just a few little spots where we can add a few more and down here as well actually i think we're going to fill in this bit why not let's make this a lovely tree filled area nice i'm liking that i would certainly come and live here if i liked rockets and then we've got this side of the highway we've got this space here that we also want to fill in i'm just thinking we don't want to come off the highway we've already got four roads coming off of there but we could certainly come off of this road here and see if we can make this let's have a look there we go something like that so we got a slightly larger four-lane road going through the middle here and then we can build off the side and let me just grab that up to there just smooth that out a bit i think it's okay oh yeah it's just where the name is over there it puts a bit of a shadow making me thinking there was a big dip in there but no there wasn't yeah i think that's okay making good use of the space we could get rid of some of these uh traffic lights on the main road here just putting giveaway signs for everybody it's not gonna get that busy so it's going to be fine uh blanc do that one there and that one there excellent and then we'll just give dedicated turning lanes as they come in bish bash and bosh excellent i think that's good use of the space i might just smooth out that a little bit down and this one down and that one there there we go i think that'll be a bit better excellent cool we do want a load of trees just to sort of try and muffle the sound in fact now that we've got this along here let's grab this road and we're going to upgrade these to the ones with sound barriers definitely there we go excellent excellent excellent right so let's just fill in this area oh we've got some offices growing here very good and i had accidentally had this area set with the themes to also include international i've turned that one off now so some of these buildings may rebuild themselves but again we've got a great big need and i'm just thinking as well something we missed off on the other area which you might be able to put in over here is let's have a look the child health care center is not going to cover the whole thing is it so if we pop one of those in there how far does that go yeah we're going to need another one in here maybe next to the school if i turn off anarchy there we go and then also the elder care do we want an elder care center over here i'll tell you what we won't we'll go for a hint of realism i don't think you want elderly people living next to the james t kirk space center do you no definitely not so i'm just going to pop a few offices along the back here just to try and help to block the sound of all the noise of the highway and we might just pop that in there as well i think the rest will be okay and we'll pop in some commercial let's just see i think in the center section here and off of this main road and i'm pretty sure that will be absolutely plenty and then the rest of this is going to be low density residential [Music] and of course the other thing to keep in mind is the noise of this wind turbine which is pretty big and that's here to give power to this do you know what i'm going to do i'm going to move that that is only going to give us 3 megawatts but i think that is going to be more than enough for this thing here and the noise yeah there's hardly any noise over here at all excellent so that should be good so oh apart we haven't got any parks in here at all uh maybe we could squeeze in a small little park like that there may be a dog walking park over in the corner let's just check out the land value of these areas while they're building in so this not too bad it's not brilliant we're waiting for people to move in so that's going to get better problem with trash over here we do have a waste transfer facility which can get over here so hopefully that'll be better um and then we just need to make sure these lovely people are all hooked up to the power let's just come around the back here for now and then once they've all built in it'll be fine and then we can see what we get here the heart is growing up nicely i've remembered to remove the district zone from the couple of places where we got offices so they will grow in and then all we need to do here is i'm going to adjust this bus route again we're going to bring that oh no we're not going to do that what i want it to go up here and around can i bring that into there into there on that side of the road okay so we're going to stop there and we're going to stop this side there we go and that will cover everybody there we go see the happy faces we've got nice walking paths so the people in here can get over there as well excellent excellent where does that bus route actually go it comes in here to this nice area okay goes around there goes around there but it also now goes up the highway over here this is a very long bus route i foresee when it comes around over here to these people as well yeah i foresee changing my bus routes a bit in the future eek and which one's this one this is number 38 i only got four vehicles on there yeah we're gonna up that to a decent amount of vehicles i'm gonna say 10 so hopefully we'll encourage more people to come and use it okay so the power is now leaping across we can get rid of these little power lines that are in here excellent and i wonder whether we could just give these people a little something something all quick super tea down on the coast [Music] we've got a lovely little beach area what could we put in there okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to grab some of these wall roads and we're going to bring some connections down out here unfortunately it probably means destroying some houses unless i find a spot like that excellent so we're going to do one there can i fit one oh that's a path isn't it gravel road yeah i don't think i connected it oh that's why look that's turned off um actually i want to come off this side road so sorry houses you're gonna end up going i'm gonna have one there let's connect this up properly there we go and then we're gonna have let's have a look one's gonna come off of here actually this one is gonna come off of here and it's going to go out this way like that oh jumpy jumpy and it's going to go out this way like that excellent so that's now going to give us the ability to add some park related items that are nice and close to this road so we can have that one there we turn off this we can see what's going on and there we go so we've got a nice restaurant here fishing pier over in this little alcove there we'll sort the power in a moment and we've got this one here a restaurant here which can go right on the end there with a bit of jiggery pokery with the move it mods we could sort of angle actually no we want that going out to see don't we let's put that up against the side there like that very nice and then over here we've got this one we could even add a little bit of beach volleyball down behind these houses how far will i need to get let's bring that out a bit there we go can i build on water it's saying i think that's fine that'll go there and in fact if we use the movement mod i can bring it down to where i wanted it before excellent just wonder whether we can have two there could be put one on the other side as well yeah why not little beach volleyball area very cool very cool and then this one over here we have got a restaurant peer reviews we've got the marina which i think will go nicely there and again i'm going to use the movement mod just to line this up excellent yeah there we go i think that looks okay let's just lower these down a bit so they're all a bit more realistic [Music] and now i'm also looking to see whether i can connect them to the ferry network so we've got a ferry line here but if you remember we've got two ferry lines one that is working for our barges and then if we come back round this way we've got this ferry line here that goes up there i think that is the nearest one if we could come over there and cross over we could also put a ferry in the only question is is can i fit under all these bridges um so what i think i might do is continue this along here like this and see how we go i'm gonna have to turn off collision hopefully that'll be okay yeah and we'll see how we go when we get down here yeah i'm definitely gonna have to increase the height on some of these bridges and things aren't right and this is definitely going to cross over so if we've got any key on we can just cross that over the top without any key on it will snap so we go straight over the top like that and then we can come into this area up here and where do we want our ferry connection this seems this little spot here seems like the perfect spot for a ferry connection i'm thinking just a small ferry pier like so would be perfect um let's connect that to the roadway network there we go we'll give them like that i don't think we need to put asymmetric roads on there we'll see how we go this actually needs to come a little bit further out to sea doesn't it to actually look like it's realistic uh that should be okay let's connect up to that so we've got our ferry pathway we've also got our one-way ferry pathway which is it does cause me problems sometimes but we're going to use it so it's going to go one way in there and then when it comes out it's going to go one way back out there and connect back to the network again excellent and i think then what we'll do if we pause the game i'm going to grab that stop there and bring that all the way down to there that's going to go all the way back round again excellent and then we're going to try and oh dear grief hang on let me sort this out i'm going to add some other stops in there if we turn all of those off just put that one on oh there we go excellent so that can go like that and then when it leaves it misses it on the way back oh darn it okay i might just change this then from having this turn around here there we go and that means we can have a stop in each direction which is fantastic so if i do that it'll allow another stop in there as well bingo excellent and i think there is also another line in here yes there's this blue one as well so i'm gonna shall i do the same with that one where does that go that goes down here yeah we'll keep that as a small local line we'll just have the other one come round here excellent let's hook this thing up oh dear i think we need to fix this thing up first there we go and this is where we find out that our bridges are all too low darn it so we're going to have to do a little bit of work along here [Music] oh man no it needs to be even higher than that got this light oh good grief i think that is how high effort is going to have to be man alive which this way is okay we've got this nice big slope but this way over here eek yeah i think we're gonna have to use our imagination pretend that's got stairs and then it's gonna come over here and this is a shame because this is all really nice and flat and i really don't think this is going to fit under here you know if we don't see it perfectly fine no absolutely no problem at all this is going to be a problem so that's the height this needs to be but that's not going to get under there is it no okay so what we're going to do is we're going to use this tool here we're going to add another node in there and about the same there we're going to grab those two new nodes control h make them the same height as that node so that bridge is now high enough for that yep excellent and then we just got a slope either side do you know what that looks absolutely fine to me [Music] [Music] and there we go we are so close to 100 000 inhabitants in new 396 970 yes i memorized that number and we're going to be doing some more expansion in the next one so be sure to check that out subscribe maybe look at the other video on the screen as well if you enjoy city skylines content thanks for watching have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 108,712
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Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: k3hWn3hUpAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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