Why Industry Relocation was the BEST Decision in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of new teeland so today we're going to be doing some fixing there's some issues that we've got in our city that i want to take a hold of that i want to sort out before they get into being problems that are huge and even more difficult to solve and would take copious amounts of tea um but i think we can get a hold of these and sort them out today one of them being the moving of our farm so we started off building in this area and the first uh industry normally it's available to is farming so we put a farming area down here and it's sort of being encroached now by the industry that's all along the side of our river sort of area here our seafront so i want to move it from there over to back here behind the area that we were building and i've got a little trick in mind that i'm hoping is going to work and not cause any problems and then depending on how much time we've got i want to do a load of detailing and some other fixes as well so we're going to try and do as much as we can today so let me just show you what i was thinking here so yeah we've got green tea fields farm oh look what a surprise the ui thing has moved um and that takes uh let's have a look that takes up about this much space it doesn't need to i don't know why overhangs over there but this much space here and i want to move it to over here so if we put our resources on we can see there's enough space in here i think we can do that now what i'm going to do because of the issue at the moment with 81 tile mod and we've got to the point now where we can unlock all the tiles so rather than unlock them one at a time and the issue with our metro which we've seen before where we're now hit with that bug where every time we unlock a tire it drops down all our metro tunnels like two meters then two meters then two meters i'm just gonna unlock all the squares in one go we're gonna take the little performance hit because i'm pretty sure my pc can handle it and then if there's any broken metros then we can fix them and then that'll be the end of that problem so let me just do that and i'll be back with you so just to remind you we've already hit megalopolopolis let's reload that page there which means we can unlock everything so if i go into my game settings options here we go 81 tiles unlock all tiles for free money is no object at the moment anyway so i will do that and there we go all of them are unlocked load over here that we didn't really need to unlock but they're all done in one go which is fantastic so i'm very pleased cool so let us see what we can do with this little zone over here let's go back into our natural resort that is not the view i want thank you very much let's go back into our natural resources over here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to paint in a little bit more so we can really get this looking like a good farming area so we're going to take our fertile land and we're going to paint that in there come on okay maybe we need to take that out aha there we go so we'll take out any oil that's in this area we don't want any oil and we're going to take out any ore which is around here as well don't need any of that and then we can just paint a bit more of this in to make it a little bit bigger excellent now what i don't want to do is just move all the items start a new zone and lose the fact that we are at three stars already i always look at that we're importing a lot of crops so we need to do some work here folks um so what i'm hoping i can do is the old trick um let's have a look here so that university doesn't need to be connected here anymore it was still i do that yeah they still count as the same university so if we just trim this back zip and then we'll get rid of that going over there and that comes all the way around here doesn't need to do that that can just go there excellent so then i'm going to do the same trick over here with our industry area and i'm going to bring that over the top to around here there we go if we turn ground resources on and then all of this is going to be our new farming area there we go green seafield farm and if we disconnect that that is still the same area as this one over here even though it's disconnected so we just get rid of all of this zippy dude back to there so what i'm hoping is that as we move these items over it's not gonna cause any problems because let's just have a look what have we got here so we've got access to the railway line which is fantastic uh road access oh by the way while i think of it we built this park club didn't we a few episodes back loads of people saying why didn't you just connect it to this road here i wanted this highway to have access to this road i could have just gone connected to there um i could have done but i don't know whether this one is gonna stay i don't think i mentioned that in the last episode it is huge for what it does it looks nice um but you have to sort of put roundabouts on it in certain places and once a load of traffic starts going through it yeah so that may go that was the reason why um so where are we over here so i'm thinking maybe a road off of here would be good oh that's like a blooming highway again isn't it um let me put some thought into this one second [Music] okay so that junction is going to work fine on there but that now means that we have a connection here and also we have a connection on the other side so we just grab that road there and let's just see how this is gonna connect just about got enough space i'm going to move that node around a little bit hopefully in between those two let's just grab that again yeah there we go oh mind the rock and then if we just slope that down like that okay we'll just move this down to ground level uh control h same height as that one there excellent and then we can just connect those two up and that will be good for this side there we go there we go excellent so that's got a connection at both ends of this section here which is fantastic and now we can come over here into our farm uh let's have a look i was thinking of using this road here let's have a look at the node oh almost in the middle let's just shiftify that round a tiny bit there we go i only want it in the middle for me own my own benefit um let's go ah now what have we got here we've got the railway line here so yeah what i'm going to do is i'm going to go down there we go and then we're going to curve over the top let's put this back on let's just pause a sec and that's going to come into this area let's go like that and then we're going to drop this railway line down so we use the movement mod we'll get those two let's go down like that and then we'll get the next two out we'll go down a little bit that should be ignore the blue there that should be enough slope to get underneath yep that's fine have we got any interesting bridges we could use across there so we've got the new american four-lane truss bridge which i think would fit in well uh we just need to get so i want that node there and then this node here let's put on snapping i want it to there not sure whether that's going to be big enough to do this whoa to do this bridge justice let's find out so we'll upgrade that bit in the middle ah um yeah it's such a small span that yeah i'm not sure that's gonna work that's a six lane that's a six thing what about this one let's just try that one now it's so small isn't it let's just move these back a little bit do you know what on this occasion i just think the normal elevated version of this road will fit in fine but anyway now we've got into this area up here so this at the front here um in fact let's just where's this road going to go so we've got train access here we've also got train access at the back and i think keeping our train cargo away from effinghouse that's going on here might be a good idea so i think we're just going to bring that to the end we may end up with some sort of roundabout there and then we're also going to come off of here which is going to give us a t junction which again may change into a roundabout yeah let's go there so i'd like a cargo train station at the back here so what have we got what have we got that is about that size that would work perfectly well yeah let's do that [Music] okay so that's going to fit in nicely there so now i'm thinking that this area definitely needs to be a roundabout so let's just see if we can move this over to meet up with that there we go we can mess with the rest later when we want to and then that can go into there this is obviously going to turn around the other way and let's use the roundabout mods here we go a nice little two-lane road two-lane highway two-lane road will be fine let's pick it this way um this one there we go that'll be good that's too long road with barking no barking excellent and then oh wow that is far too big let's go back to there and i reckon about that size should be fine it's going to be busy but we've also got good access to the highway so i'm thinking we'll be okay i'm thinking we'll be okay so let's just set that up traffic manager control shift left click all the dedicated lanes and things that we need let's do that let's do that let's do that let's do that let's set that up right control shift click yeah we'll go with that and actually now i'm looking at it i really want that to be a three lane not a two lane and no parking so let's just upgrade that there we go excellent yep that'll work fine so i'm looking at this area here and thinking if i was a farmer where would i like to live i mean we've got the entrance which is sort of going to be down here very noisy very noisy very noisy over here but then as we come around here we've got this nice secluded little spot here look at this i mean this is prime land up here so something else is going to be built up here but i reckon just along here would be perfect for the little farmhouse um in anticipation of doing something with this area uh let's just pop a road in so how wide would that be so we could probably just about fit some houses either side in there and let's go like that and then that could sort of come up here and curve around um i'm thinking sort of like this maybe down there curve around a bit maybe something like that is what i'm thinking let's upgrade that last little bit and then we can have something over there but the farmer definitely could inhabit this spot here and i think you know as a reward why not because this guy and his family has lived in the middle where are we over here of this industrial state for so long it's been so noisy so this is the test can i move my farm main building over here and not cause any problems to the zone area let us take a look click yay green tea fields farm we are still at three stars fantastic um and then around that house uh where are we i completely lost myself we set up a little bit of an area so let's just see if we can grab all of this and take it with us do you know what that is not too shabby we've pretty much got the whole thing set up as it was before you're gonna let me select some of these things and move them that would be well that would be great let's try that again we'll take that end and that ends thank you very much we'll put that fence up to there that is not too bad he's got a lovely view a few extra trees out there excellent okay so rather than just move all the items over that we had there before let's use some of these larger ones we've got medium crop fields which we can now use because we do need to increase our crop production and what's that going to give us 8 000 units per week we've got a small fruit field medium fruit field also 8 000 units per week so we could get going with those and see what we could fit in here we haven't unlocked the large ones yet so okay let's see what we can do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right okay so i've set this up with absolutely no thought at all to traffic apart from the i say that no i've done myself an injustice so we've got some roundabouts in here i do have one way roads coming in and out of this area which we may adjust slightly and let us just quickly do this control left click there control left click there um i think i only want this turning right i don't want that going left so i'm going to do that they can go around the roundabout and back again that's okay cutting across there and i also want that to be give way i may change that and give them access on here instead of out there we'll see how it goes and we've got the same down here we do control left click there and there we'll give way here and i only want those turning right so they can go up to the roundabout and back again all power is an issue let's have a quick look yep it's not connecting up over here okay what i've been using i've probably shown you this before under the disaster services if you've got it the earthquake sensor uh jumps power only costs what is it like 43 a week not really much of a problem i'm going to pop that on there to connect those together i'll put one up there it's not enough okay let's delete that and maybe put a couple just to save you know i don't want to run all the wires across the place that one there and that one there excellent and then we want one to jump across here i'll just pop one there excellent there we go so that should get all of this running got a nice little area with the barracks down here oh excellent we've reached level four fantastic that didn't take very long did it so there's some cool other items we can add in let's just check it's all working yeah i'm liking the look of this area plus i've left plenty of space for the new items and we have to move some things around so if we go back to our old farm area which is here all of this is going to go but we do have in here a couple of flour mills which are making the flower for us i don't really want everybody to be coming all the way over here for that and we have the bakery which is taking animal products crops and flour so let us move our flour mills over here first every time i go over the hillside here i get lost here we go so i'm thinking maybe this sort of area here just backing off of that road there could take those okay that's fit our two flower mills in there then we want some storage for the flower we just take one of our small warehouses would that fit over the back there yes it will that should be good so we're gonna pop that i'll leave it on balance for now until i've got my head around what's going on so that's good in there excellent and then if we come back over the hill and not get lost here we go excellent so now we've got our bakery as well so that's going to take our crops and our flour that's not too big so we could probably just squeeze that in over here somewhere if i could move all this around and have a road coming up there okay let's just pop it there for now oh actually that fits okay doesn't it yeah maybe let's do that um let's just move it over ever so slightly yeah that'll be good so that's going to make our pastries and then ideally i would like a buffer sort of storage next to that i bet these are going to be huge oh my goodness me that's huge okay let's take one of these small ones there we go that's good so we're going to have that for unique factory products and we'll have that on empty so it's just a buffer they'll put them in there then they'll send them out as and when they need them okay items are getting made and taken around so these are all making all of our crops so we should be now making so many crops still importing some but that will sort of change over time these will be making our animal products once they get their crops and then these are going to take the crops to make the flower and these will take the animal products the flower and the crops to make the stuff in the bakery our pastries what else have we got over here that really needs to be moved so that's just warehouse is filled with stuff that's our buffer i think that's about it other than all of these producing the crop so let me just remove some of these and see what we got left all the sheep where did all the sheep go we'll never know [Music] okay that's everything all we've got left over here is a nice big stockpile of animal products and flour so let's just see if we can do something with those just so we don't lose all of those items um let's pop one in over here yep there we go get a little flour and then we'll pop our other one immediately lost again there we go it's like i'm moving in a straight line and my brain just goes no no idea where you are i'm completely lost that's just going to go there for now let's just dear biff is bright yeah some days some days my brain okay let's just move these down here of course i've got snapping on so it's all going to go horkey bulky freaky deaky let's go up to there move it mod off can i move that into here oh no if i went a bit fur actually i'll tell you what we'll do with this road this will go down there like this then we'll get the movement mod again we'll move that up to here and i bet i can snap it on the side there let's have a go grab that yes perfect we'll do that that buffers up to there and we just grab this just shimmy that along so these two don't connect but that goes all the way around excellent excellent excellent and barely a few minutes later we've unlocked level five on green tea fields farm i've done a few changes we'll let you know so the large fruit field large crop field the food factory which is fantastic large animal pasture and the large grain silo and so i've just sort of shifted around where our grain silos are in here i've just moved some of them up here onto their own little road just to save all the traffic coming down here and let's have a look then um factories factories factories so food factory what does that need animal products flour paper and plastic so that's going to be a lot of stuff i'm going to put that factory over with our other factories so not in this area here let's have a look at our large grain silo ah now that is more like it that is the sort of size i like uh where could we fit that in maybe one of those here on this side also i mean most of these are all set to balance i've just sort of left them like that just to let the game work itself out uh what else have we got here the slaughterhouse is huge huge huge huge is going to help us get the animal products so why not let's pop that in somewhere i'm thinking that would be good if we could fit that up here so let's just grab that road there i'm actually going to do some move it mod stuff first let's straighten that out and in fact we'll do it this way we'll just lengthen that road there we go set that the same height as that do a little bit of jiggery pokery around the back here let's do it this way to make that a little bit bigger and just sort of take a bit of that out and then we'll do a quick smoothie smooth over the top yeah that'll be good let's take out some trees that we're not gonna need and then we'll pop this slaughterhouse in there and that will just fit almost perfectly we've got this little bit here so let's just take that back a touch smoothify that there we go excellent so they're going to come down there drop it off turn around and leave what does that need that just needs crops and yeah for the animal products i'm just wondering whether we could just move one of these to the end oh not enough room let's take though there we go let's take that over there and let's just try that again whoops there we go move excellent let's move that there so it's got access to crops right next to it um in fact let's do it this way if we move that over here and then we're going to move oh walking farmer we're going to move this over can we go over one more yeah and then we'll move this here so that's on the right side for coming in take the crops drop them off here make the animal products which we've got plenty of storage for over here it's on balance so we are selling some that's on balance that's unbalanced you know probably going to need another warehouse for animal products but we'll see how that goes but at the moment that's all working okay the things that does cause the problem is our sort of barns and storage type things when they're right sort of next to each other so having this little separate area for those works well do you know what i'm gonna put them here so they're not on the main road not causing problems let's move that up one and we can just keep our main road moving so we don't get hold ups like this but overall i think that's looking okay and by the way i've updated my unified ui for some reason steam hadn't updated me to the latest version and it was causing all sorts of problems so uh thank you to kian the mod makers help me solve that problem okay i'm just going to put a load of this in here i feel like it should be concrete it's a lot of buildings and factories and warehouses and stuff this bit here i feel like i'd like to put some trees in [Music] okay so i've added some services nearby we didn't have any of those just to deal with this crime wave that's going on at the moment as with all industry the profit bounces around quite a lot um i'll have a closer look to make sure we've got plenty of trucks and things taking all these items out but what i want to do is just put on all these policies um you can read on the screen there if you pause it you can see what they do they all have bonuses so i'm going to put all of those on and run the game for a while and just see whether our profit increases and unbelievable still importing i can't believe from the outside crops so 95 tons output 58 tons i mean i've got so many crops going on over here but anyway it might just balance itself out after a while we'll see [Music] [Music] [Music] right so things are running well could do with a bit more detailing but we're going to save that for a future episode just added some rubbish collection over here on the right to also help with this area so now now let's go back to our former farm area here we go look at all of this empty space immediately i spot a couple of things that we need to deal with you and you are going to be coming with me over here to the alien rock park area what is going on with our power are we just literally running out of power oh my goodness me okay oh we've got plenty of space let's up our budget a bit so i know that's false economy but for now that will do and water as well might as well do that one we obviously need to do a little bit more building let's put it up to 15. yep that'll be good excellent so we'll deal with those rocks in a bit i want to just have a look at the new factories that are now available to us let's clear out some of these trees so now that we've got all of this extra space there we go excellent so what do we have uh this one here so now we have the food factory we have the sneaker factory and the shipyard oh wow okay well that's going to go down the front at some point let's oh man this is a big old factory okay so that road's going to go off of there for a start that is going to go bang up against there and then we've got the sneaker factory that goes the other way i mean that could literally go right next to there so the input for that one's there and the input for this one's over here and then we're gonna need let's have a look i'm gonna change this because i want a road coming up here yep let's move that over a bit okay well that'll be fine and then that's going to come around the back and that's going to go there and we're going to get some warehouses on here so what does this one need animal products flour paper and plastic we're going to make sure we've got enough production for all of that and what do we have that's stored around here let me just check okay so there is lots of storage but it's all over this side so i don't really want the trucks traveling that far so i think what we're going to do is we're going to try and fit as many of these as we can in here got some space there and we'll have these ones coming off of this road and we can actually fit an extra one in there excellent and then i'm going to set each of these up to be filled with one of these products [Music] ah of course of course of course of course we don't need uh because the crops aren't going to be stored in one of these are they so let us go back to our farming and we've got the large barn would that look at a place here yeah i always don't like the fact that it's the barn that stores the crops or it's going to be the silo do you know what one of the large grain silos i think would fit in here okay so let's delete that let's add in a large grain silo and we're going to put that on the field and i think um so we've got petroleum plastics and i think this one is meant to be paper and i think we've also got paper over here as well flat i think that is evident covered excellent so that's probably gonna take a while to come through and fill all of those up and then those products can come over here to our large warehouse which is set to empty to sell all of the things and oh my goodness i wonder how much more money that is all gonna make us we'll probably find out in a few moments [Music] okay so that's still churning away we also have over here the clothing factory with a little bit of jiggery pokery that will actually fit in here so that's all gonna go that's gonna go up against here excellent and i think animal products crops plastics we've got all of those items around here so i'm really pleased with that and then what we'll probably do is as we're losing these offices here we'll add some more offices in in this area if i go up the middle like that that should be quite good and then we'll just get some small offices in there whichever zone i had over the top no we'll just see what offices appear that should be nice excellent and then finally in this area i didn't realize we didn't have the furniture factory yet and that is just perfect for that spot there absolutely love it let's add a little bit of parking down by the side of that one in fact i'm going to do that both sides like this excellent do we need some parking over here that's all looking okay and what does that need plain timber and paper so i think we're just going to add in a little warehouse for the plain timber and call that good let's grab one of that one's quite big isn't it will that fit in there the other way no i don't want to redraw everything let's go for that one yep excellent so we'll set that one to fill pop some plain timber in there there we go and then we're also going to be producing furniture excellent [Music] well i'm really pleased how that worked out moving our farm area has taken it up to five stars and i've just checked and it was making over 10 grand as we know that can fluctuate but a profit so that's fantastic i think this area just looks amazing now we can get all of our factories in start pumping out those unique factory products so there we go let me know what you think in the comments below be sure to subscribe and check out the next video on the screen as well have a fantastic day i will see you next time take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 180,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines parklife, cities skylines industry layout, cities skylines farming industry
Id: yOQeSmnXNI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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