How to Build Realistic Zoning to Beautify Your City in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me differ and do we have some plans for you today we've got this little hub here that's quite busy you know considering there's absolutely nothing over here at the moment at the moment lots of people are coming over and this is what we're going to be working on today if you remember in the last episode we put this park low in to give this road that goes through here access to this highway and to try and sort of head off the traffic that we're going to be making by putting a lot of residential in here i want this to be a super residential area we may have a few little shops and things dotted around but that is going to be the main theme so if we sort of zoom out of it and see what we're doing we're heading over towards this area which i'm aiming to have maybe sort of an area around here which is pretty high density so the plan is that i want to sort of ramp it up this is all quite low down here by the coast still got some spaces here to fill in we'll get to those and it does sort of build up because we've got this and what is this called here the self-sufficient high density type building so it does go quite high quite quick here but then we do have this natural barrier through here of this rail line there we go down this side and then also the natural barrier here of where the rail line splits and goes up here but also of all the highway junctions and everything so i'm thinking we're going to sort of treat this as a separate area and try and sort of go for medium so then perhaps some high density over the back over here now as i was looking at this area i wanted to take into consideration some of the features we've got we've got this lovely little meandering river through here you can see where it runs when you further out as you zoom in these things sort of seem to take over so there is water going through there but i wanted to check the here we go over here the land value of this area and to be honest it's pretty low in the middle when you get down into white or light blue which is most of this this spot is average over here around our university pretty high that is always the case and these self-sufficient buildings seem to pick up uh the land value as well but i wonder whether we could do anything to try and help it in here so we've got a little bit of higher land value i'm just wondering whether it's the depth of the water is making the difference it's a shame that all of this around here isn't higher let's just see maybe if we can uh change that a little bit let's come over here we will grab let's grab our level terrain tool up our brush size yeah a little bit let's grab this depth over here it was actually yeah pretty okay so let's right click there and let's just see whether that's going to lower this down you can see actually yeah it is lowering it down a bit and now all of this stuff is under water rather than there we go i don't want to sort of mess with the let's go along here just widen it a tiny bit there we go still sticking out above the water you can see it i might just delete some of those off camera just to tidy that up a bit just to see whether that helps not overly yeah not really not really if you can tell me why this bit has got you know you're getting up into the all my oh hang on it's changing maybe it is to do with the depth and how much water i just saw it adjust there slightly ah as i'm watching it things are happening is that it is that the end of the things are happening look this has gone a bit greener this is a bit better here let's just go a bit wider this is interesting i've never sort of i know water causes land value to go higher but i've never sort of really thought what it let's go a little bit deeper why not let's do that if we go [Music] whoa let's just go as deep as that why not so if i might click there and just do a a touch along here that's super deep and just see whether that changes the land value a lot that i know that's far too deep we're not going to leave it like that we've got like waterfalls we've changed the flow of the river whoops okay let's see what difference that makes if anything yeah it didn't really make any difference i put it back to that extra little depth that we put in but look at this band of high value land that's shooting across here what could be causing that oh yeah a wave don't complain it's increasing the value of your house honestly oh it's the increase in the value of the university oh well we'll just walk away and ignore that i'm sure it'll sort itself out okay so we're gonna have to just increase the land value in the normal ways that we might do so what i'm gonna do is on this nice soggy wet road over here we're going to start off with a roundabout i don't know why my shortcut for roundabouts doesn't work anymore so we'll do it by hand there we go and we want that in here somewhere and we could just do it free cursor mode and get that added in there a little bit bigger i'm assuming it's going to be sort of a bit busy oh that is fantastic yeah i don't like free cursive mode we'll do it the other way okay so we'll just take that little node there we'll go out we'll go out there we'll grab this and we'll pop that right in the middle pretty sure that's large enough there we go all the people are running around excellent oh yeah i want that to be three lanes i always want my roundabouts to be one more lane than the lanes that are coming in so obviously we've got two lanes coming in two lanes going out so i want this to be three lanes and i would like it with a bike as well let's go on to our bike one here we go so three lane one-way road with bikes yep yes please so we'll add that on there we go there we go um i also going to put some crosswalks over the top but before i do that and i want to decide what roads we're going to have coming out of here so this is going to be quite a big area but i don't want a great big sort of arterial road like this going through the middle here so what i'm thinking is rather than a for you big main road do we have um let's have a look in here four lane road this one we don't have any with trees and with bikes what's that that's going to be an asymmetrical road bikes yeah if you want bikes on it it is going to have to be a larger road oh no here we go here's one full lane right this is exactly what i want here we go so i'm going to add that onto there nope that is a bigger mode i wanted a 2u version of that i'll go on it let's just stick with this one and then we'll make that work and the reason i'm putting that on now let's just draw that out a little bit further that might not stay there let's just get a little bit out because now i'm going to add on here this one here automatic pedestrian bridge builder uh what have we done recently we could do something different this one we did like the circle in the middle i could do underground but i'd like to be able to see it above so let's do a star in the middle instead we go excellent so it's got like a nice little cross point in the middle and then what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to lower all of these down so it feels more like a reasonable sort of slope and it's still high and i didn't do the middle one still high enough for people to get round is that hot okay for cars yeah i just want a lorry to come along any lorries coming by okay here we go caravan that will do can you fit under here safely oh it's close isn't it all right let me just adjust this there we go that's better and then we'll upgrade them with our pb j pavement there we go so we've got all biking access everywhere and then the reason i'm doing this is because the next thing i'm going to do is there we go excellent is set up the roundabout correctly so we can see that the cross walks have already been removed and but i also want to go into here there we go control i can find my keyboard control shift left click am i doing the right one ctrl shift yes there we go excellent so giveaway signs coming on no crosswalks all the bike lanes actually we don't need bike lanes on the road but we'll leave them there that's fine so there we go nice pedestrian bike friendly access into this area over here so let's decide what we're going to do here i'm going to take that back a bit i just extended that out so it just helps with the uh putting in the parts it didn't confuse anybody so i would like as we were saying to take into consideration the higher land value along here let's just remove some of these trees in the middle so we're going to run a road along round the side here and i want to try and sort of keep the trees and things where they are we might just slim them back a little bit in a few places oh disappeared there we go just along here so we can get our road nice and close yeah and then which road are we gonna use oh let's make some choices so we're gonna have a lot of trees here anyway so i'm thinking if we stick again to the bike ones is that bike just the standard bike one yeah that'll do and then we can just sort of run that along here where should we start let's do it there so i'm what i'm trying to do is obviously that circle is showing us the zoning space that we have either side and i wanna not have it overlap the trees so we sort of keep the trees almost most of them see some of these trees are gonna go which is fine a couple of the rocks might go as well we'll work on that but yeah let's just uh let's just see what comes up if we do [Music] this [Music] [Music] so as with all of the areas that i build i would like a focal point uh in the middle of here obviously it doesn't have to be too big these areas aren't too big and i picked out these two buildings here so we've got our official park which i really like and i love all the fake reflections that you can see buildings that don't even exist it's like a whole nother reality so we're going to build around that uh not too bad on the air with effect of noise or anything like that so that's good and this courthouse i think that would work really well as a transition from our university here over to the buildings that we're going to use here so there we go so now we need to just work out what the layout is going to be in here and i'm thinking we're going to funnel everything through this junction which might actually be a bad idea i might even actually let's grab this road here because if i come off of this side here i'm going to want to do the same the other side which suddenly adds a four-way junction right by there which is not good so we might as well have it here and at least the traffic can split into half before it comes into this area and we could even have a sneaky connection down here as well because this area is going to be a lot bigger yeah i'd say what i'm going to do is i'm going to start here because i want to mark out what's going to give us the best space [Music] [Music] so okay so that's going to be a heck of a lot of houses that are going to fit into here the only thing that's worrying me is the access to everything else we don't want to just have them rely on driving everywhere and i'm also going to remove that and that so we've got access here and here do you know what i'm going to make these one way in uh that way and that way this you can come around that's fine uh that can be two-way but oh we got four yeah let's do this one here let's do that one there so i want that's it that's what i want so when you come out you've got that option there that's okay i'm going to do that one there as this is going to be a bigger junction and i think these will all be okay yeah i'm just worrying about connections to the main road here i think that's going to be okay um so we'll go with that for now uh also we want to make sure that they've got access over to this area here but walking as much as possible so again we're going to use the pb and j pavement and see if we cannot just attach this over here somehow so if i go there it's not going to be too steep over the top and then down the other side how does that look let's just move that over that is far too steep and certainly i don't think high enough for a train actually saying that look at the height over here if i move it mod get that and that control h set it as the height of that yeah it did go up a bit okay yeah let's change this there we go that should be fine that'll get people across there which is just what we want let's just line that up a bit straighter excellent we'll just move that tree very good very good okay so they can cross over there could we do a similar thing over here this is super close um let us connect over to this road here there we go if we go something like that i think that's okay that gives access right over the top they can cycle over go to university which is exactly what we want brilliant what about over here um that's okay they can cycle yeah i think that's okay i think that's fine so let's have a look this little spot over here i want this park oh actually i was gonna put this one wasn't i how big is that that's going to need its own little area and i think this little area here would work quite well so let's grab that which way round i want that facing this way or that way or down here i think this way would be good and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the move it mod and we're going to get that as much as we can smack bang diddly doodly in the middle there excellent and then this one can be over here and i bet that will fit nicely in this little square here yeah excellent so let's pop that towards the front as well my thinking there is you're coming out of this area here and that sort of makes this the front oh look at all these tourists already walking coming over here using our crossings and that is what we want to see and then you can come into this area from this road and you see the front of that yeah that is looking nice do [Music] right so we've got all the water pipes in um of course we're going to need some services as well we're certainly going to be adding buses and things over here so that's no problem um i'm just wondering let's just have a look at our child care and elder care so average health is pretty good for the children which is great uh birth rate is 2 30 elder care could be better that is the one that we need to have both of these in here and they have a huge area to cover so maybe could we fit both of those in the entrance this is quite small isn't it yeah the child care isn't so bad so that could yeah we have those at the entrance because i want to sort of keep these as high density and high high res residential as possible and then we've got to think of some zoning as well so let me just think how we're going to do this i wanted this sort of area through here let's just try and do this as carefully as possible [Music] right so we have these three separate zones got sunset park elizabeth square and crest district up here taking name suggestions straight away so let me know those in the comments below and then about 14 episodes i'll get back to doing those you know how it works um so i'd like sunset park along here to be a mid-rise high tech so what we're going to do if we go into sunset park and the policies we are going to do under city planning uh we're going to do yep the high-tech housing and high-rise ban so the high-tech housing has up uh has an upkeep of four cents credits pence whatever pounds per residential building whatever that c stands for i don't know um and a slightly increased land value which is something we go in for and of course the high-rise building prohibits construction of tall buildings restricts the buildings from reaching their highest level so we're gonna do that on the first one then on elizabeth square now i may swap around what i'm gonna do for elizabeth with cress and vice versa we'll see how it looks but on this one here um i would like to make this zone um is this one here isn't it yes self-sufficient building so it's going to be high density but self-sufficient and then crest is going to be high density high tech so we're not going to ban the high rise was going to have high tech housing there we go so that is going to change how each of those look okay i've added a few services in i've just put those right near the beginning here so we've got the fire police all the things we've got a high school here and that pretty much will cover this whole area we may need another one and then a couple of elementary schools i'm just going to pause this for a moment so along here we're going to have a lot of noise if we just have a look at that we've got noise around here and that is about it for noise they're a little bit seeping into this area so we want to be careful what we put along here we can put some let's grab this some offices just in this little section here and that will work quite well with the high-rise ban as well we'll get some interesting offices i'm going to have them back in right up against here so let's just take out that there we go so that will give some options for some people to work around there and we'll leave that one this bit around here i am thinking we could go high density commercial again because we've abandoned the high rise buildings i think that will fit in okay and that's either side of the school so we're gonna pop that in there we may change the shape of those um is there any noise over this side this ui thing moving all the time is doing my nut will you stay where i put it please thank you look at the change already to our land value already it has gone up just by placing a few of these parks and things so this is the lowest sort of land value in the middle here so we could just pop a little bit of commercial maybe around there just so we've got access for these guys over this side to come over there so we've got some offices they can go to work we've got some commercial they can shop and then the rest of this is going to be high density residential and then we're going to see what we get in here so let me fill all of this in and then i may just particularly here along the river i'm going to trim some of these back a bit um and see what we get [Music] okay the zoning is done we're going to leave that like that now i'm just thinking what else could we add around here i would like to add some mass transit options so we've got this one here with the metro that's going to take everybody to our tarantula junction that can then go all over the place and we've got our train station which is given access to all sorts of parts of the city which is great of course they can drive they can walk we've got our path connections they can walk from anywhere here of course there's as part and all sorts i'm just wondering whether actually we could just increase our path connections do you know what i think we can like places like this we could do this sort of thing because we're not having any buildings um along the front here um so i think this might be a good idea can i squeeze one through there if i put anarchy on i can um let's just come out down there yeah so these extra connections are actually gonna be very useful let's have one coming out of here it's gonna have to curve around and we could even could we not have this go over here as well why the heck not there we go that's good lots of access down the front here which is what we want and then a bus route we're going to add in a bus route from here oh something i want to do over here while i think of it is add a crosswalk in oh let's use no controller we're going to add right outside here there we go a crossing and then we're going to add some lights onto that as well excellent so people coming in by train or by metro can cross over and then we're going to have a bus stop i'm keeping it on pause at the moment because i want to see what's going to be growing in is that the way up like this way let's go up here um and then it can come in here and just literally i mean there's a bit of an area of effect on buses i'm thinking let's go to that one there and then come through the middle here i'm trying to sort of keep it off this junction here if we can let's go like that and then we're going to go another one outside here and then we're going to come back down this one oh we've got all the shops up here can we the offices and things so let's go there so turn around at the top come down and then let's come through this side we can stop outside here for people that want to visit that yeah come down there and then it can come out this way and background again yeah and we haven't really got to stop by the school i'll come back and do that in a sec that can finish we're going to stop outside that one and loop it back round at number vehicle zero oh hang on let's not unpause it that's going to put seven vehicles on that that is a heck of a lot let's just change that down to oh i still got that mod oh i have i've still left the mod on from something else i was doing that's giving me extra access on here so i'll tell you what we'll do then is we'll do remove vehicle we'll put that down to four there we go that should work fine and then i wanted a stop here because we've got all of this with the schools and the things so yeah i think that has pretty much covered everything we need to get this growing so let oh look it's moved again so let's see what we get in here [Music] okay so things are slowly building in i forgot to set them to the international theme which i've done so we might actually see some buildings disappearing and coming back again i've also accidentally zoned in the middle here so let's remove that i don't want anything in here because we're going to decorate that little area there and we're also going to decorate this little area here so sorry people that have just moved in please uh shove off i don't want you here excellent so this is building up nicely good good good and i'm hopeful that what's going to happen is we're going to fulfill our needs that we've got and then we're going to start getting other demands as well because we're having a big medium demand for commercial zone and there's still some commercial zones not filled up they're filled up do you know what let's take that make that commercial that's quite near the road let's make all of this commercial these are going to be tiny we'll make that commercial and like these ones on the outside there how's it going how's it going not too bad let's just leave this running for a while okay so while we're waiting for this to fill in let's just take a look at this little area here and see what we can do so we've already got some parking oh let's just remove that there we go built into this so that's nice and we could use some of our nice little parts that we've got here so liberal arts path with decoration i do like those so let us put some of those in yeah that's nice i like that so we're going to have that coming along the back around the side and down there excellent we want to give access to this area so if we go from there to there very good we'll also do the same over here as well so people can get in and out from wherever they're coming from we'll do the same here and yeah that's the same distance as those excellent that is a good start just just adding trees and things like that just makes it look so much better um i also feel like i want to sort of fence this off and so people can't just wander in they have to use the paths which fence will we go for park fences are normal normally quite good aren't they so let's add some of those [Music] in there we go that's nice and then a little bit of decoration around here i'm thinking something like this it's looking quite manicured isn't it it's looking like it should have something equally as nice looking let's see what we can put together there we go i think that's looking rather nice excellent excellent adds a little bit of something something to that area and how's the traffic looking not too bad i haven't set these areas up down here exactly as i would like them so let's maybe do that we want dedicated turn lanes for the roads coming into there and to be honest i'm going to put these as give way unless the traffic coming out gets too much and we need to change that to some sort of traffic light but at the moment that's fine um this one here um i hope you could do dedicated turning lanes for the ones that are crossing over the traffic and then what i would say is oh these are going in aren't they no that's fine and then this on the end here i would maybe do that no i would do this in fact i would just leave it there we go dedicated lanes and just let it all go let it go let it go let it all move exactly as it's needed not getting many moving in down here i'm wondering whether because of the size of these little plots here i'm missing out or it might just be that we haven't got a full need yet what are we looking at down here still needing some commercial could i perhaps help that out with a little commercial hub over around here let's just have a look what's going on here so this needs to definitely go down to the same height as that there we go this land needs to be smoothed out a little bit so let's do a little bit of smoothie smoothie we'll grab that up strength a bit and just smooth this out in this area there we go up to that road there and then how would this go if that road comes straight down there i mean that could even go over the top come through here and connect to that perhaps and let's give that a go let's put all of those on yeah let's bring that up to say here and we'll just do that for now just so we know that's where we're thinking of putting it and we can work on that later yeah i know there's a power line going through there and then i'm thinking this road here we could then oh let's see let's try and bring this through here if we can and then sort of get that to t junction into there that is what i'm looking for excellence we've got a little bit of connection going on there bus routes are now having a field day because they're like oh i've got to go somewhere else to turn around i said what we'll do is we'll give them a little road for turning around what's that one there prison road with fence not quite the bus road i was thinking of all right let's just give them a tiny little one new road uh in here don't connect to the metro that's weird isn't it connection to a metro yeah in the mind let's just do it like this come on there we go so they can turn around in there now instead of yeah having to go all the way down here i don't know where there we go they probably end up going to the roundabout and back round again so now we've got this little spot here which i think would make a good little commercial type area let's see how could we do this so if we grab let's go like that and then we'll turn this around yeah let's use this road here and see what we can do yes it's not going to be a particularly big area but just some low density shops around the back here i'm just thinking whether there's something special we could add into the middle here that doesn't take up too much space as well um let's have a quick look at our unique buildings perfect statue of shopping so i'm gonna have that facing this way there we go very good and then we're just going to go for some low density commercial around here i'm even going to place oh do i want it on the main road no i don't want it on the main road thank you very much i want it backing up to the shops off this road is okay i wouldn't consider this a main road and even along the back here with the railway line running behind right next to the shop and maybe not there there would be good right neck yeah everywhere else everywhere else fill it in and this bit here i don't want it going all the way to the end but certainly up to there would be fine oh yep let's get some water pipes in for these poor peeps [Music] so how's things going this is filling in nicely which is good excellent excellent excellent these people wish to walk they can come over here cross over the road get the path i'm wondering whether yeah see a lot of them are walking down here and then choosing to come over the top over into this area which is good i mean it's not blocking up the traffic anywhere on this main road if it starts to become an issue what i'll do is i'll turn off the crossings and i'll just put ones over the top of the road but at the moment it is not a problem at all this is all building up nicely which is what we want to see so nothing too high rise and it starts taking our eye from perhaps we start here the lower sort of buildings into the medium and then over here we're going to get some super high buildings once we get further back i'm surprised that this is higher than this i was actually expecting it to be the other way around i did say we might need to swap these over didn't i darn it i think i'm gonna have to do that which means it's all gonna build in again and i like the way this looks yeah shall i yeah yeah because that's a whole idea actually or do you know what i've said that because we've got the higher here it sort of goes higher mid and lower we could end up with a lower band and then it goes mid and then super high over here again let's leave it like it is let's leave it like it is and it's starting to fill in along the waterway here as well oh some people are really pleased they're winning some games so that's good so this is filling in as well and we're very quickly approaching 50 000 which is fan flippingtastic and all of these new people in these areas as well as they work their way through the education system i just want to check that we've got enough spaces in here so 204 out of 407 yet plenty of elementary school places high school places just the one plenty of spaces there university of course over here so i want all of these to go through the system and end up in sparty university we've got the attractiveness we've got the academic works got 47 we just need more students so we can hit our next level and what i'm just thinking of doing of adding in here is what's that no not that one this one the public library because a small bonus to education within building radius it helps them go up education levels a little bit quicker that is a reasonably sized building um just think like a public library where these shops are we could do that yeah takes away some of our commercial that we were going for but that's okay that sort of covers that half and then we could always add it this side where our university is if we do a little bit of changing around here or could it fit in there with a bit of careful planning you never know we might be able to let's grab this let's see what we can do we go all the way back there get this as close as we can and that's going to connect to over there okay let's just move that down a touch i don't think that's going to fit in there let's go back nope i want this one i must be placed roadside can't go against the path ah darn it okay that would have to go right down here which then i think would be just too far away to reach it all can we get a road up here yeah i bet we can let's just pause the game a moment and just change this around a little bit here there we go if we do that and we can see the area of effect almost takes in all of this i think that is about as good as that's going to get there um how is that with the railway line that's fine oh look what we've got let's do move it mod let's grab that one there and that one there yep you come with me you're gonna start a whole new life over here at alien rock park where people are unhappy don't know what's going on there let's add those into there let's not look at that oh game catching up okay excellent where were we over here yeah excellent so that should help increase their education level i just need to sort of put this back to how it was and then we'll just let it continue running there we go and see how we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i think this area has turned out really really cool i like it a lot let me know what you think in the comments below i'll be glad to hear from you i'm planning on making this area here a gigantic park why not so any ideas you've got for what you'd like to see in there let me know subscribe before you go maybe check out the next video on the screen as well and i will see you all very soon for the next one have a fantastic day take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 247,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines zoning, cities skylines zoning guide, cities skylines zone planning
Id: oFF4Ehfevjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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