The Ideal Interchange - Partial Cloverleaf - Cities: Skylines Tutorial

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behold the humble parklow the partial cloverleaf as it were probably my favorite service interchange exceptionally getting cars on and off the highway uh relatively easy to build beautiful to look at it's it's kind of got it where it counts uh much better than its counterpart the cloverleaf the cloverleaf is a system interchange designed for connecting highways to one another in a free-flowing manner i'm going to explain to you how they are different and ultimately how to build a few different types of partial cloverleaf everybody thanks for being here let's see how it's done this vehicle represents you and what you want to do is make a left onto the highway the connected highway connected by the interchange so what you have to do is go straight and then make the second right onto this loop and then merge here and away you've done it but the way that that actually works out with other traffic running through this thing it's perfectly symmetrical on all sides so all sides share these special traits that come with a weave so you're traveling along and you need to get in the right lane up ahead but look this other vehicle wants to actually get to this middle lane while you're traveling so now this vehicle is merging into the right lane as it should you are traveling in the middle lane as you should if they keep going straight they're forced to go into the right lane to go back the way they came from if you keep going straight you miss your exit so what we have here is a weave where this vehicle needs to get over and you need to get over at the same time so to negotiate that you have to you have to negotiate that you have to think about it and it's honestly a huge collision point and it's a big source of backups on this thing so you keep going let's assume the car is on top of the highway cool you made it to your exit you negotiated the first weave successfully let's go around the cloverleaf as we should and finally you've made it but look now you are the other guy now you're the car that's blocking this fellow who wants to get in the right lane to make this to make this cloverleaf to make their left turn so now you've already negotiated once you have to negotiate it one more time where you're either going to get in front of them or you're going to let them go ahead and get behind them and and switch and that's great by the time you've done it totally fine once again this example only has three cars though imagine this side is nearly backed up with traffic and this vehicle has to merge into that traffic that's sitting still and and switch lanes with all of those cars and then go around the loop and do it all again now you're the guy that's in the way trying to get to the middle lane so that you can continue on and the traffic here is trying to get to the right lane so that is what the weave is and that is why i don't like the cloverleaf interchange but it is distinct this is a system interchange so it's designed for connecting a highway to another highway what we're going over today though it shares the name cloverleaf we're going to be going over the partial cloverleaf which is for getting vehicles on and off the highway let's let's take a look at a couple different variations and how you might implement them in your city there's actually a very handy wikipedia article that references all of the different types of of partial clover leafs there are so many variants i don't there's literally nine or ten very i don't know there's a bunch of variants feel free to check those out if you'd like but i'm going to show you my favorite approach to my favorite variant actually as with most of my interchanges i like to start with the overpass so for this one i've decided that 14 units wide is what we're going to do oh 10 meters high i'm going to start with 10 meters high and 14 meters wide at least i've marked off the spot that's all that little road is it's just marking off my uh where the overpass is going to sit what i'm looking for is 14 units across and even on both sides which is great with standard node spacing also it'll put a pillar right in the middle which is great for aesthetic and and i really like it in this case so that's our overpass lovely on this one i'm also going to go 12 units down to ground so we're going to have ramps that are that are 12 units long leave the pillar there 12 units long on both sides this this will change you know this this is totally my choice for this size of partial clove relief that i'm doing and you will see how the why i do it this way and how the numbers could adjust if you wanted to change the dimensions of yours no problem if you do there's so many variants and so many correct ways to do this i'd recommend exploring more than just this one but i'm going to show you at least one or two iterations of it and at this so at this point i'm going to make a loop so this is assuming just for context imagine here's our highway right hand traffic beautiful love it this is our arterial road which isn't connected to anything but i have spotted the landing give or take it's gonna hit approximately there and that's why i marked this particular spot just to give you a glimpse into to my logic the reason that i left this pillar or this node so far from the highway it's exactly five units away i want to be allowed to put something in the middle in between the two of them so in this case i'm going to take a two lane highway from the mass transit dlc and i'm going to go four units up and the reason i'm doing this is because we're going to loop this one around to here and it's gonna land four units away from this it does not have to be perfect i have a problem in fact where my stuff is so symmetrical i'm so addicted to symmetry that uh that i really like building symmetrical stuff one day you'll see me break that habit and it's gonna be glorious but for now this is what we're doing but the reason i measured everything out is because these are exactly 14 units apart which means if i want to curve this if i want to make a loop seven units by seven units plus another seven units by seven units hits the mark exactly i think i think that did it right 56 yep gorgeous so there's one loop if i repeat that on the other side we'll get two loops wonderful all right we've got two loops which is at bare minimum a partial clover leaf only needs one loop technically but in this case i'm going to do a two loop clover leaf the way that a single loop would work i'm calling these loops there might be a better name for them but the way that a single loop would work would be this side can loop around and reconnect to the highway which we're about to make the other side would essentially just be a diamond interchange so you would exit boom intersection and entrance back to the highway so imagine that imagine a diamond check out my previous video about about the single point urban interchange if you want to see about diamonds and why i don't like them as much but this is this is the way that this road is going to get back on the highway ignore the type of road for for just a moment because this is actually going to be a two-lane road by the end of it so imagine uh perhaps perhaps it's this one here a two a two way road specifically so now we've got this there's clipping going on ignore that but we've got this bi-directional road a two-lane bi-directional road where one is entering the arterial exiting the highway and the other side is entering the highway going north right so i'm going to do that on both sides um this is going to be our our entrance our on-ramp essentially so at this point it's really starting to take shape you're really seeing the the loops come into play and the way that this connects to the highway can be as simple as you'll see me do this in virtually every video i take my ramp i take the freeform road tool spot a landing just pick an amount uh 33 36 you know somewhere in there 33 looks good to me we're going to do that on the other side i'm going to show you how to get rid of that nasty clipping there we go i also swapped out this the two-way road the bi-directional two-way road i was talking about i swapped it out for four lanes just because it's a healthier kind of a healthier route to go for for the lane math here but the way that this goes uh this nasty clipping here just needs to get kind of adjusted out so what i'm going to do is use use move it and because these are overlapping they're clipping but if you hold ctrl and just nudge it ever so slightly you can do this to one or both of them nudge them away from one another so that they're not uh clipping very very simple make sure you've done your end before you do this though because it'll kind of mess with the angle it won't be parallel to the road anymore once you've nudged it so make sure you've finished it first but just go back after you've built it move it on the segment hold ctrl give it a little nudge until it looks better i'll probably mess with that a little bit more but to finalize this the final the koopa de grassy if you will would be to connect this to the to the highway and this is what i would call other than a one loop other than a one loop partial clover leaf i would say that this is essentially the bare minimum i wouldn't really do any less than this unless you're willing to sacrifice a bit of functionality you know and it's not as pretty as some though i mean it looks pretty good it's got some charm to it but the way that this works is if you wanted to exit if you're on the highway and you wanted to exit to this arterial you would exit on the right you would come up you would pick left or right lane and that would determine which way you're turning so if you go left at the end you're going this way you're going uh it would net you a right-hand turn from there if you go right here it nets you a left-hand turn it's all relative it's all relative to what direction and what turn you're taking but i would call that a bare minimum partial clover leaf now if you're real cool everybody's doing it okay no pressure peer pressure intensifies if you're really cool and you really want to make a super duper cool interchange you keep this going you don't connect it there don't stop don't stop believing extend this road i'm going to trim it right there and extend this road what you can opt to do is actually make a right hand turn that happens right here this is what i'd totally recommend doing i'm gonna make that four three or four units away probably four units there connect over here love it and what i'm looking for is i wanna keep my my numbers even i wanna do another seven by seven here and this is the wild way of doing it this is the wild and crazy way so bear with boom and then freeform road tool connect to this road so what this really does the quick and dirty method that i'm using here what this really does at the end of the day is it makes the interchange a bit more functional than it would be otherwise it gives you a beautiful right-hand turn without crossing over traffic which as often as you can afford to do that i recommend doing it reducing conflict is is kind of key same rule here we're going to nudge this guy until it doesn't look horrible there we go that's not horrible turn this road backward to illustrate beautiful so now if you want to make a right let's say you're going this direction you want to make a right into this you would make a right here and you would exit again as soon as possible make a right and then traffic manager would make this turn a right turn only a lot of uh traffic manager management may be required for this one to work as intended but there's your right hand turn and it can be conflict-free depending on how your lane math works out so i'd really recommend adding that as an additional option rather than just the loop here do both do both because then when you adjust this no right turn no left turn required right turn only so the only way from this bit of highway to go left onto this road is to follow the entire loop and make that right which doesn't cross over traffic it's really really great so that is my favorite version of the partial cloverleaf i'm going to finish this out and show you what it looks like there we go that is my typical specimen in shape at least so lane connectors i generally don't recommend using these in regular intersections but in the case of the partial cloverleaf you really need to use them or in the case of a lot of junctions and a lot of interchanges i'd strongly recommend using these but the way this is going to work out is these three lanes are all straight through these two become left these two stay right on this side they're just going to be two straight across and two right turns so that looks like a big bunch of mush probably but really what you want to make sure of is that this lane gets out two of these lanes cross two of these lanes make a left on this side you want to be sure that two of these lanes turn and two of these lanes go straight through your mileage will vary the second you change the number of lanes and the lane math going into this thing this will change but just keep that in mind you know all that really matters is if you add this extra ramp this slip lane here that's going to be turning right next to these two easy to remember these two in my configuration happen to be turning left these two will always be turning right you want a couple through lanes and a couple turn lanes here so there it is i've done that twice the other caveat to the whole thing is i would strongly recommend using lights using a lighted intersection for this whole thing there's an alternative to this i'm going to show you that in just a moment as a little bonus if you don't feel like doing lights i've got a boy have i got a deal for you i'd like to add a junction to this traffic light if you haven't seen my video about traffic lights it explains actually exactly how to do this setup here but what we have here is a dual traffic light setup which is exactly what we want i think my favorite way to visualize how a traffic light should be set up is by looking where there is conflict in your in your intersection and where there is no conflict so what this tells me is that these three lanes can always be running so this will have a light that is always green this may not be the case in real life this also may not be the case in your interchange if you reconfigure it but in in this case here looking at those lines this light will always be green hit edit on this they're always entering this one the left hand turns are definitely going to have to stop for a cycle but this one can be green all the time so let's let's make that change on both sides change mode there you are always coming in the straight through traffic is always merging with this traffic here and i think that's great and now let's pick which cycle this is this is our first cycle maybe we're letting this in first so it's a two cycle light if we let this side all go at the same time this left turn is stopped so these guys can make their right turn and you could even add a slip lane here to further simplify [Music] to further complicate things by simplifying them experiment with with slip lanes at your own discretion but i really like to keep it all in a single uh in a single intersection for this side so that is step one if i'm not mistaken we're gonna add step two two cycle light you guys stop you guys go and this left turn can go let's do that to the other side as well it's so much to think about honestly this traffic can stop this traffic can go this left turn can also go add okay let's see if that works so in the first cycle we are letting why is there a truck in the interchange it goes to nowhere right now in the first cycle the through traffic can go through and this traffic can merge with that the left is stopped the incoming traffic is stopped all of these lanes get to go so our right turns and our straight throughs that's happening on both sides in the second cycle all that really changes in a moment it should change this traffic is going to have to stop to allow this left turn to go in just a moment there it is so now this left turn is going this traffic is all stopped now these guys can turn right uncontested no conflict no conflict no conflict so that is it that is the setup that i use like i said you can throw in slip lanes or whatever which will simplify things by complicating them do it at your own risk i like to do it this way in a junction and both of these are identical that's that's the lights for this whole operation behold the roundabout park low this is that that bonus one i was talking about no lights required on the ends which is pretty cool um i've done away with the slip lane so the right hand turn seems probably unnecessary if you do an interchange like this where you're doing a single lane slipping away two-lane road to consolidate this into one node set the roundabouts up using traffic manager the measurements are a bit different with this one i did a 9x9 curve up here so nine by nine by nine by nine this is a four by four roundabout uh still 12 units to the top of the ramp but that is it these would continue on in both directions i would call this not as good or maybe not as not as able to flow traffic as the other one that i built down here this is optimal in my opinion if the lights are set up correctly and all the lane math is really good um this is this is a decent version but i don't think it would just i don't think it would have the throughput and that's okay you know it's fine this is just if you want to do it without the lights on the ends and without all the added lane math and without adding slip lanes undoubtedly undoubtedly that's a simpler approach to it but that is it let me go back to one of my fully fully working ones uh i'd like to thank you for finding the channel thank you for watching thanks for clicking on the video thank you for liking the video and commenting and subscribing and all that good stuff this is a growing channel and i hope to make a lot more videos in the future also feel free to check me out on twitch at yumbletv i do streams two or three times a week there of what else more videos in the future we have a discord if you have any questions feel free to ask questions in the comments or for tougher questions or if you want to share your build with the community feel free to join our discord linked in the description but that is all i've got i love the parklow and i wanted to impart some of that on you today and i hope i've won you over everybody thanks for hanging out i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 73,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interchange, city skylines, skyline, partial cloverleaf, system interchange, service interchange, cloverleaf, traffic fix, traffic manager
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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