How to Create the 'Perfect' Vanilla Interchange in Cities Skylines?

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of antarctica and we have some big plans for today i'm looking to try and hit the next milestone uh which is let's just come out of this and double check if we jump into here colossal city so we're 31 000 i want to get up to 38 000 and to enable us to do that we are going to spread over here um but before i do that we're going to put in a few fixes that you lovely people have been commenting on uh comment commenting on commentating on commenting no i mean commenting you left some comments um so one of those is to do with our trash collection services yes i saw the 42 million comments that you all left me thank you very much i made a simple mistake yes i did so we are now using uh these ones here and the waste transfer facility has a capacity it doesn't process i know that i know that's why i've got them spread all over the place got one here one here one over there one over here one over there so you can get access to the city and pick up the trash and then they take it over to the waste processing complex and that has a processing rate 192 000 a week and i think that is the only processing building that we've got so i think that's why i was getting a little bit confused we've just got that one over here but it says over here we've got landfill storage which must be including the snow dumps in that or something because we haven't uh landfill capacity garbage production and processing 213 000 i think it's including the snow in that because we've only got one of these and that is 192 000 and that's why it's not enough so what i'm gonna do is pop one of those we've sort of been using this area haven't we for our different facilities and things and i pop one uh as close as i can get to the end of that road there and then we'll just make sure that the power that's going over to our water thing isn't upset and then if we go back over here there we go got absolutely tons of processing that's fine what do i do to our budget yeah we don't need that we'll put that on 101. there we go yep everybody is pleased and happy so that was one little fix uh the other little fix i've done off camera i made some boo-boos with my metro um and if i just turn off all the buses and then we come over here to metro i had um this line down here this green one which is now called hickory square oh sorry hickory oh dear i can't read that at all hillside heights clockwise um and then the other one that was in here i thought was going counterclockwise or anti-clockwise and it wasn't and then i had a third one i'd accidentally put over the top of it it was a right mess so i've now got two in here one going clockwise one going counterclockwise they're both green so they come from my little hub and go around here i've then got hickory square which goes through our little hub and goes all the way up the top uh to over here to our industry and back down again and then we've got sunset park which goes through our little transport hub and over here so i know that they overlap a little bit down this main road that may change because we are going to increase our tram network because if we just go back over him put our buses on we've got two bus lines uh we do it this way around we can see the hawkeyborky line which goes by hawkey park and bulky park and we've got the ice tea line which i can't remember where that was oh that was over here in this area and they are getting overrun so the ice t line i think is actually not too bad but if you look at the hawkey vorkey line look we've got one spot it's got 200 people on it so if we jump over there and have a look at that so instead of just adding more buses uh we are going to increase the transportation options here so what i was thinking is we are going to expand out into this square and at the moment our tram line basically starts down here runs along goes through here up along there and then this is a tram road as well and that's it so i'm thinking of extending our tram road down this main line and down this main collector as well because it doesn't affect the traffic as much as you might think if it's spread out um also one more change i've had is we've got a little transportation a little hub thing going on here i've upgraded excuse me i've upgraded this road down here to also be tram so the whole of this little wedge is now tram all the way around which means i've spread out where some of the stops are as you can see instead of them all coming in and out of here uh some of them are along this section here and it just stops a back up of trams that we were getting up and down this road so yeah that's good yeah so let's extend our tram we're going to use this four lane road with tram tracks and we're just going to upgrade this all the way along down here to the end and then we're going to upgrade this carefully all the way along down here all the way up to the end but then what i'm also going to do which may actually preclude using some of this um i think i'm going to continue this up to here but then it might branch off into emerson square we'll see but i would like the metro at the metro i would like the trams to come up through this section here and go around our shopping area and we've got a lot of high density people in here as well and that may help with our overloaded bus stop which was along here somewhere so i'm just looking at this we've got like a connection that isn't made here or here because we've sort of spread out our connections so i'm just wondering whether we could just take a one-way tram track in there turn that round the other way and have that go in there um yeah they would only go in there but then they would come out here it means just losing a couple of these businesses but yeah so this bit in the middle here i mean i'm going to keep it as tram we may end up having some go up the main road i think that'll be okay and then we'll keep the rest of this road as normal two-way road we're gonna go up like this and then along here and then down there and i think to be honest that is probably near enough for people to walk to even if they're a little bit further away they would walk and get onto the tram there so i think that'll be good now i'm considering moving one of my tram stops let's just turn the buses off again so we don't want that one on we don't want that one on so we've got hickory square and sunset part that both run up here i am wondering i mean that was basically to get people up to the industry could we run it this way instead come via there and then go up to the industry um so that continued up over the top what i don't want to do is bring a tram down this road because it's super busy i'm just wondering whether if we bought it in like through here round this area because this is our high density what was it leisure tourism we can never remember which one it was at leisure bring it through here past the train station and then maybe make a connection over here somewhere yeah i'm actually gonna change this a bit so instead of it going up there down there and out here i'm going to delete this here actually let me get rid of that tram line and put in oh we've got yeah we didn't lose many offices instead of this being a tram road down here um let's put that back to what road are we using that we're using very basic roads down here aren't we um at some point i'm going to come through here and upgrade and change all the roads so we get um nicer roads in this area i think this is going to continue up here so it's literally going to go past where that stop was here where those all those people were and then it's going to come down to this road here in the wrong one there we go like this and then it could hook around here this would be fantastic so let's bring that up right outside of our sporting venue and then that can go back down again yep there we go and then this road can also be upgraded and that then connects to the main road here and then we've got this road and this road could we come up here and get a tram over the top up this road is that going to be and then it could go around there and back again i'm just worried about overloading this sort of little junction here we could give it a try and see so if i hook that into here i mean it is really coming through the industrial area and then over here have this one i want it to sort of connect up to this well this is a path isn't it rather than a road well that's going to get upgraded so if i delete that and we run just this one through here instead so if i go up to there i mean that is the other option we could literally have a tunnel instead i'm just wondering whether that might work better oh auto save quit super t slope too steep cannot build on water darn it where's my mods when you need them i smooth this out a bit and get this to work i bet we could i bet we could oh there we go we can go as far as that and that'll be underground it sort of really dips it down that is one step down and it's like it's like nuts okay we're gonna go there and we're gonna go there that goes really low doesn't it okay well we'll work with it and then that is gonna come up so i'm going to delete that and we're going to sort of try and we go up one yeah there we go that's okay and then we don't have to sort of connect that right there do we that can come out there and then connect to there that's okay i'm happy with that i'm happy with that and then we can just sort of smooth this out a bit over here can't we yeah can't complain with that excellent so that goes underground there you go for all the people that say i never use tunnels i just did yeah i am worried actually because this is going to run exactly on the street i forget you see i was thinking of like this four lane one here it runs down the middle so it doesn't affect the cars um yeah let's see how it goes so then that can come up there and then that can literally loop around that and come back which means we won't need this connection over here we'll sort of sort that in a minute so yeah let me then dive into your so this is also going to give us a great amount of connection over here eventually i see us when we build this section in a moment we're going to have our trams coming through here as well and we may even have because i mean this is only this little hub is super busy it was only ever meant to be a small hub for a small amount of trams and buses i mean it's working well it is really going well but we do need a proper size hub and i think this section over here because we're going to end up where we're going to go we're going to end up going around the mountain and this is like a whole other section over here yeah so if you look at all the people that are going to end up in here i mean already we're at 31 and a half thousand with only a little bit of high density i'm seeing this being mostly high density perhaps or maybe a bit of high density than like yeah you know so we're going to need we're going to need more more hub so i'll tell you what i'm going to do i am going to delete so let's go back in here buses are off so it's the hickory square we're going to delete that yeah i'm just going to delete that it's going gonna that's gonna go and then i'm gonna run a new one and it's gonna come around this way so i'm gonna start up here so i know where i am so we're gonna go that side and then we're gonna sort of do every other every other block sort of spread it out a bit uh we'll go up the top and then i'll do an one go in the other direction as well i don't think i'm gonna stop on this road here because that is the bit i'm worried about so these two stops here i think we'll be near enough excellent okay oh hang on we haven't connected this up here have we done it right click right click delete all of those things let's get this last bit of road in down there and that sets us up yep nice okay let me get this done there we go we've got our new hickory square line coming in it takes in the heather square emerson square uh leisure area with the football stadium comes around hawkey park and then goes back around transported park and back again and because of the way this works it's actually going up and down both sides of the road for huge sections of it anyway so here all the way up here this bit it goes round once but then this is both sides this is both sides so i've just done one line and already it is humming with people it's got 16 vehicles on it um but this stop over here which i think is going to be where are right here by the football stadium okay let's have another one this is 158 so this is down here there's a lot of people 254 over here which is near to where that stop was wow there is a lot of people that want to use this so i don't even think 16 it's gonna be enough wow that is just nuts people just really i'm gonna put 25 and just see how it goes i'll keep my eye on that as time goes by and we'll see what happens so yeah i know i've got this connection up here we might deal with that later right okay so now i want to build into this area over here and if we just take a look at our traffic on our roads 89 should probably got a lot of trams blocking things out you know i might end up actually it's not the trams that are causing the problem is it it's just people driving like bone heads nothing much i can do about that uh that's got a stop sign well that's probably not gonna help is it let's just check what everyone else is set up as i'm gonna stop the trams coming out shall i or not no we'll leave that so anyway yeah 89 um it sort of flows i've seen it up to sort of 92 but it's just because things are so busy with so many trams there's lots of little red spots but they're not it's not traffic so i don't mind and the trams will start spreading out anyway but yeah this section over here we've built we've got this big collector that comes down from this roundabout goes through here it splits off and we've got this sort of section in the middle hawkeye park mana gardens so over here i would like a similar sort of setup so if we just take this section on its own uh we've got one connection to the highway up here we've got one down here we've got this little one that sort of connects basically this is connecting from one side to the other uh rather than a highway connection so we'll hook into that um but i feel like we need another highway connection along here i mean this little section here would be perfect and then it can also be a connection people to get to the other side so what could we put in here okay so i'm just trying to plan out uh what to do here and looking at the way this uh highway comes through here i think a trumpet interchange into one of these sort of collectors that we've got so it's got a similar setup as this with collectors around the outside a lot of stuff going on in the middle and just looking at this road let's grab this here just to help us out there's a nice sort of straight section here that we could maybe plan our build to let's just pause the game there i want that to connect all right we'll do it this way then um let's go out the full 10. i'm just going to use this to sort of mark some stuff out so that would be where our collector comes in and then i was sort of thinking ah because i don't necessarily want a collector to join up to here i was thinking maybe this one to come out but looking at the traffic i mean there's hardly anybody using this road and normally i would say because this junction here is so close to this roundabout i wouldn't want this to be a big junction but look what happens here if i just continue that straight down it actually almost perf well that's my mouse unless my mouse slips it almost perfectly goes into there so it just sort of seems a bit silly not to have that um coming into there is that not gonna let me join up there now oh that's annoying um but that just seems to me where this is gonna have to go so even though that's quite close to this i think we can make it work if i could get these roads to line up am i gonna have to take that one out have this one yes it bends over ever so slightly i think it's not gonna like it okay i'm gonna get this to work i am gonna get this to work i'm probably not because it's not gonna like it darn it well i'll tell you what i'm gonna do then if i have if i have this going in straight it's gonna be the tram one isn't it here we go biffer plays with mods again nothing seems to work if i come out at that angle so that's the angle there i think that i want oh it's done it but i did come from the other direction oh it's so close as to be almost perfect i think we could just live with that cool okay that's good um so i'm keeping the game paused with a minute because i know my highways highway is messed up so i'm gonna do that for now and we'll keep that going um like that i wanna have one pause and then here this is gonna be where we have our trumpet so how am i gonna do this i think we're gonna just take that back a bit so what i've done is i've had a quick look uh on youtube and i found a video by imperator i'm gonna put a link to that in the description below and he builds the perfect trumpet interchange that's what the video is called but i'm not going to copy it because what he's got is a completely straight segment along here so i'm not going to copy it exactly i'm just going to sort of take the outline of what he's got and see if i can do my own thing so we're gonna need some of these um highway ramps or yeah let's use i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna mark it out with this instead so we do need four little roads coming up here this is going to be the fun bit because then two of them are going to spread off you know that was going to come in that one's going to go out and then two are going to go straight on so i'm just wondering what the best way is to get these because i want them to connect well so if i i need to get a road grid here don't i so if i just go out a little bit like that and go this way and this way that gives us a road grid to work to i can delete that um i'm going to use these roads and we're going to try and get one i want one here so i'm going to set that to the lowest turn off road guidelines and we're going to go up then we're going to go up then we're going to go up and then that will go over the top excellent and then we can get one right next to it here and we're going to go up i think it was there no that's not right at all let's try that again there we go put load guidelines on there will show me where the yeah there we go excellent so up there and then up there and that'll go over the top so that'll be almost correct i don't think i've done that right let's see if we can get that exactly the same yay there we go excellent so those two are going to go up on either direction and then we can have here um our other two so i'm going to go up to there with that one so these will be the ones that go in and out on this side and they're the ones that go in and out on that side so now i'm trying to make a curve that comes out here and i'm just trying to match up with what space we've got so if i come out 350 there i can just about get up to 350 there without any problems and then if we use that curve one here put our road guidelines back on so that gives us a perfect curve there um but then that's got to line it over here so eventually that's going to sort of go and maybe go in here somewhere if you put it back on straight and do it like this can we get that no okay i might just need to rebuild this bit that's going to end up all the way down there oh darn it because of the curve of the road um actually if i turn off all of my snap twos i could do something like that and then that would come off and come down there excellent then we can do the same over here as well that needs to change because it was a bit too short so i'm going to go up to there and then it's 350 i'm hoping i can fit a 350 in here yes i can excellent then we'll go up let's do that again up to this one it's not showing but that's the one there we go and then put that back on straight turn off all of our snap twos and get that i mean it's not gonna be as even as this one but i'm gonna try and make it look like it's right which wasn't that one i mean that's as close as it will get and it's getting a bit winky wonky and if i go out too far it's not gonna work so i think we might just need yikes i mean what we could do actually if i delete that is if we could come out a little bit like this and then bring it in and you know what that looks much better doesn't it yeah excellent okay so like i said not gonna be even because of the way the road goes but yeah i'm happy with that so then let's change these two highway ramps uh there we go so that's going to go up and over the top but that one as well this one we know is going that way and this one we know is coming that way let's turn that around excellent um i'm not quite sure which way around these two are going hang on one second so that will be going up so this one will be coming this way into there and i'm hoping then these will meet in here this is gonna be the thing i mean that yeah i think what i'm gonna have to do is do a bit of i mean if this meets here i'm going to be a blooming monkey's uncle that is never going to get in there is it right so what i'm going to do here because i know that this interchange would normally go into perhaps another highway so it would have like the wider roads for these four to hook into which would actually probably make it a bit easier but what i'm going to do is is i'm going to turn off the road guidelines we're going to do another little marking here hopefully i'm leaving myself enough room and then we're gonna take these roads and i want these as close as i'm gonna line it up with this sort of gray bit here and that's gonna go up probably further than that let's go up to there and that one's gonna go up to there yeah and we're going to just check that that's enough room i'm going to use the curve tool to get those in distance too short darn it um okay we'll bring that one back out see once i've done this sort of thing a few times let's go one back i know what i'm doing because i'm just so used to using mods it's this before uh you know complaining about not having mods section of our video because we got to do that like every time haven't we and then these two should hook into this like this oh look at that oh oh the pleasure the pleasure and then all we've got to do is turn these things the right way round um so which way round are all these things going i think this one's going up isn't it so that's got to go up can i just no i've got to change that that's got to go up and that's got to go up yeah there we go and then this has got to go down and that's got to go down x and the only downside is i think that is going to want to turn around to go up there rather than go straight on which unfortunately that is sort of vanilla game mechanics i'm just wondering if there's anything i could do to fix that not off the top of my head at the moment but anyway let's get the top section done over here okay so this road here is gonna curve around to here so they're basically gonna come off curve around and come back down again so let's just see what we can do here um i want that to go out 10 up there and then basically i want to sort of pick a spot along here and we're going to have a circle coming round so i mean if i came out uh like that like that oh that is going to be huge isn't it that is not going to work and like that because would that go underneath no because we've got a pillar in the way actually it looks like this one's going to work i've got 800 out on each and that's brought me right along here i should do a test actually just to see whoops too low if that would go under there actually it's not low enough because this all needs to be a bit lower doesn't it that's okay we can do that let's get this one here out to the right length there you go that doesn't look too shabby does it and then we've got this one that comes in over here we can now change that to actually i'm not going to change that yet because i want this one to go around the outside as well so let's get that one lined up but if we put our road guidelines on we should be okay so let's see what we can do and i've got to go down in heights must not forget about that so we'll go down one then down another one has it actually gone down one yes it has yeah okay cool yeah i think that's okay because this one is going to come over in this direction and connect over here so actually we might find that this one just needs to go a little bit further back so we'll disconnect that one from there i'd like it to come in over here somewhere so we sort of go like that and then bring that up around here is that nice and sloppy yeah that's okay isn't it excellent and then we can just delete this bit here uh we can upgrade all of these i believe and it's not gonna let us upgrade because of that road underneath oh man okay we might just need to draw in a couple of these we'll see how it goes oh no can't upgrade that road because it's too close and i've accidentally upgraded it to go the other way so it would let me upgrade it to go the wrong way but now it won't let me upgrade it to go back again am i going to regret this immensely if i delete that and try and draw it back in again no but i can draw it in oh okay whatever you say now i can't draw underneath because i've got that pillar there so i'm hoping if i just remove those we can get that road back in again let's just pop that under there well that's weird before it went under there no problem at all oh actually okay we've done it yeah we're gonna go under there like that excellent excellent excellent and then let's just connect this up at this end to be honest that would probably be okay so if we go up there like that so that one comes up and goes round joins there uh that one goes out i think that is all okay i'm just wondering whether a bigger run off here would be better i think it would it looks a bit odd doesn't it so let me just fix that there we go i think that's the roads we're going in the right direction yeah all the lanes are going in the right direction depending on which way you want to go and come from excellent and then we're going to do a bearded lane mathematics now you've got two choices i've got to be careful here because these roads are very close together so i've accidentally upgrade something i shouldn't we're not going to have to change it back but you could use a two-lane highway here which would make this road that shows us going straight on and right as just the right and then these two would line up with two straight on but what i'm gonna do is use the four-lane highway um and upgrade this one beforehand which i can't do darn it because the roads are too close together oh pants um i bet i could do it over here because there's more of a gap i don't really want to redraw all of this because it means they start getting too close together here which means i have to spread it out and redraw all of that if i just changed it to two lanes instead could i do that all the way along yes because they're thinner okay in this case i'm gonna do that then so we'll downgrade these to two lane instead there we go i can show you what i mean so that will go one lane off and two lanes on i can show you what i mean here as well let's put that back to what it was and make this oh that's uh two lanes there we go that's three lanes too many lanes that was before so you can see here look it makes that one off and these three go straight on but yeah we're stuck with what we've got that's the downside of having a map that was built with mods that i'm using without mods but that works perfectly fine i am really pleased with that the only downside is this here makes that go around i'm just wondering if it's there if there is some way of fixing that and i don't think there is no so i think we're gonna have to just go with it so there we go that is a fantastic interchange i'm really pleased with that let's just check that there's no weird junctiony things going on so we've got no traffic lights no stop signs nothing like that no excellent so now that can come into there so we can add something in here what shall we do well i think the first thing i would like to do is work on this little one here that comes through to the other side um this is very very small um and this needs to be upgraded as well if it's going to have roads coming through there i think i'm not sure whether i can just upgrade this without causing any problems let's just take a look at this one here uh no i'd have to completely redraw it maybe let's leave it how it is for now what i am perhaps going to change is this coming out of here and i'm going to make that a two-lane road with trees might as well yeah we can have that coming straight out and where does that connect to so almost not quite there i've only i could turn off bending that would just be fantastic can i do this instead no no that's gonna put in an awkward little twist okay that's fine or what we'll do then is we'll bring that as close as we can and then i'm going to do this and i want that to be straight if at all possible let me turn off all of that oh man that's just so annoying i don't wonder if i could do it this way if i add in so where do i want that to go i want that to be so if i add in the road there that i want it to join to and then do that there we go look we get a better connection coming through there which is good i think that was one of these roads wasn't it yeah there we go so that then gives us this secondary sort of road coming up here and i'm just wondering where this is going to end up if we bought that straight up yeah so that would sort of end up this way so let's get this if we go there um there this is so many junctions getting close to each other i think we might just need to go with the flow again it's not going to let me put it where i want so let me pause there we go excellent let's just make sure that is the correct piece of road very good i was just about to do let's put dedicated turning lanes on here no we can't no we can't vanilla before vanilla so let's put that there which is fine um yeah we'll leave that one and then all i will do is turn off okay let's close those and do that again and we'll turn off that and put a stop sign there which i think will be fine and then down here i mean i am thinking whether these are going to get i don't really want these upgraded actually i want that as like a little short cut through it's this one here i am thinking about coming off of there and if we did that at a similar angle that is almost yeah if we did that a similar angle coming straight out of there that could actually look quite good so i could get that to go straight down there and it's not straight at all okay let's change that yes we're probably going to have the same issue which is fair enough because we you know we haven't planned to have all these sort of funky uh if i put this one on we haven't planned to have all these sort of funky connections whoops wrong button let's do that again like that so i don't mind a bit of a bend in the end like that keep that straight so this becomes the main throughway to over here and i know what's going to end up here because i tell you this is going to be like this coming out this way i'm not quite sure where that's going to end up i don't think that's going to end up over that side or it could even look connect up with this somehow so if i take that off and come out of there it's never going to let me is it so that's fine yeah this roundabout is going to change most definitely so we'll bring it out let's turn off the road guidelines we're going to bring it out to there and then i'm going to upgrade it to this yes suddenly this roundabout has become [Music] the central point for some very big roads so then down here what i'd like is a connection that lines up with these there we go like that so that becomes a larger through road so now yeah we are gonna have to change this one and unfortunately i don't think that oh it's almost straight through to there isn't it but not quite but yeah we're gonna have to change that one so i bring that one oh yeah yeah let's let's do this so we'll delete this that's gonna come straight across to here and then would that go oh look at that that does go straight across there fantastic and then we'll bring this one into there and we'll bring it straight out there and i'm just going to connect like that for now so then what sort of size i don't want it to be as big as that one um let's get our two-way road i'm thinking even this sort of size if it went up to here would be big enough yeah so let's see what that is yeah so that's 300 so that means we need to go out 300 that way that means this is going to go 250 300 that way we've got 300 that way and yeah i knew that was going to jump that's why i was going so slow 300 that way that is actually ending up being the same size as the other one let's do it 200 instead there we go i think that'll do for now we're going to give these asymmetrical roads coming into the roundabout the same for that one there and i think that should be okay these might end up getting changed into three lane roads we'll see how it goes we'll see how it goes but yeah slightly smaller than that one and this bit in here i was thinking about having this as a roundabout as well but you know what i think we're just going to leave it as it is again i'm going to put asymmetrical roads on each end because there's lots of different directions to go just to help with that and i'm also going to just check the junctions this may end up being actually that's a traffic light so no this one isn't so they're going to have stop signs that is going to stay as a traffic light and this may get upgraded as a bigger junction with some slip lanes and things like that yeah i might come back to that a bit later so let me get a zone drawn in here i thought so far i've been doing really well with the shapes of my zones we need a new district up there but yeah not looking too shabby even if i have to say so myself let's just concentrate on these two here i think each of these will have its own district right so now we have evergreen park and crest heights and i'm just looking at the the type of buildings that we've got over here so we've sort of gone up from the very low density residential through the middle here and then we've lifted it up to more the high density stuff but i'm pretty sure we had on here yeah high rise ban yeah and this one as well in bulky park so i'm wondering whether we could take this to be a high-rise section let's concentrate on evergreen park first of all and i really want to try and get this to be filled out as much as possible so let's see what we can do here i am wondering whether as well see if we did that and then sort of went through the middle actually where would halfway be now then let's get so that would be that normal size and then that would be the next one yes we have a bit of space to play with in the middle to get some paths through so if we took it up instead of that we go up another one and across and then that would be there that's got a space okay let's go up two instead and then i think oh that's not in the middle is it so that's going to be 900 that's going to be 10.50 yeah there we go so if we go up three we'll get that extra height then that's 975 and we've got a bit of space in the middle then to play with so yeah i'm liking that so let's do that and then i'm wondering whether to do the same going this way or just to put them yeah do you know what i'm going to leave a space for one path through the middle here and that's the zone shape that we're going to go for so let me just get this filled in and we're gonna have a lot of connections along here so i'm gonna do the outside one and the inside one and leave these two spare and over here i'm just wondering whether we'll go to the end but not connect there's plenty of other road connections we can get to just thinking what to do here i could bring that one up to there and connect it like this if it's gonna let me know let's try again yeah so it's done that thing again where i want a node over here so i'm just gonna make myself a node like that then we'll curve that one in then we'll delete that then we'll fill in the zoning again and again that's a bit close to this one in fact this one here because we need that one i'm wondering whether this one could go yet you know what i'm going to do is i'm going to take that one out and we're just going to get that one as close to the road as possible let's turn off that and that we can get right up close today yeah that'll be fine okay that will do to be going along with and now to keep in with our theme that we've got for our trams i'm thinking that we're just going to upgrade these roads down here that have got the trams on and just keep those going around the outside um even all the way through here i think trams are going to become the biggest thing in our city for transportation um so what are we going to have here we're going to have this one here as well through the middle so that's going to connect up to there so then what do we do here do we bring that one through here and up to here like this i mean we could we could try it we could see what happens whether it causes any issues which is about to because oh no there we go we've got space oh look at that look at that so we might just need i bet just to look at these yeah we don't want that um we want to stop there and we'll leave that one going so the trams do have to wait but there's enough space in the middle there because if we needed to we could go around the outside but i think we're just going to run it through the middle for now and then just hope that that is okay we'll do the same on that one [Music] there we go excellent so that now gives access to trams everywhere this is getting to be a busier and busier junction and then we're not going to have trams going up there no that's okay right so let's look at our services oh i'm thinking as well before we do that uh parks land value this one here so where's that we've got this park parks plazas park areas yeah i'm thinking of just making this little section here and i mark it out now so i don't forget a little park area nothing too big but just to give us a little something there and then we do need to just check our health care and death care and effort inc in our city anyway so they're all covered healthcare is getting a bit low over here so let's just pop in a small clinic yeah if we do it then that's going to cover all of this uh death care is okay everywhere oh we've got over here as well of course i forgot about that that was the whole point of doing this so that seems as if it's covered but as we know we need more we need more don't we so i'm going to put that off the side road say there after that equativity ah lovely there we go it's off the main drag but it's quite close uh death care i'm gonna add one of these right next to it there we go death care okay everywhere else yep everybody else is fine child care so that is this one that's the nearest and that does cover this area so i'm going to leave the child care and then elder care let's click on there we've got one here and that also covers this area so that was good thinking ahead biffer when we did this before fire safety is looking drastic up in this spot up here so i'm going to maybe take that one and add that onto there and then i want another one over here that one's going to go there and that's going to give coverage a bit down here as well once we get there so that'll be fine police coverage is okay okay we've got one here i might just add another one down here again just off the main road now i don't want that cottage you want i want that one there we go excellent and then of course schools so elementary school coverage is fine plenty of spaces high school plenty of spaces university not enough spaces uh we'll do something about that at some point public library one so i tell what i'm going to do i'm going to start with a public library down here and we're going to try and overlap it a bit so it covers this area and the one next to it that would be perfect that would be even perfecter yeah that covers this and sort of a little bit over there but then i'm also going to give these another high school and elementary and i'm putting them near the main road because you know our trams are going to go around there so that'll be fine trams will come back too right water let us get their lovely heating pipes in for these lovely people there we go plenty of heating availability what's our electricity like that might need to be beefed up and water and sewage so what i'm just going to do for now is i'm just going to add like an extra 10 percent onto those that takes it up to 110 and we'll do the same on here as well excellent and then for zoning now we do have need for some industry and again i'm gonna put offices and they're going to be all along the main drag all along here we're going to take that one and that one that one that little bit of space there i think that'll be fine and then shopping we are gonna go down the outside not that far we're gonna come down to there and we're gonna do half of that half of that and i'm wondering whether down here as well yeah let's take that one that one that one all these odds all these odd sized ones i'm gonna do the same here we'll just take that section there i'll worry about this side another time i think that should be okay and then the rest is all going to be high density and i'm just wondering whether before this starts building up because we want to try and get our land value as high as possible is this going to be enough people to get us up to the next target as well i'm just wondering for evergreen parks have a quick look at some policies so uh high-tech housing smart homes raises the land value slightly crusade valley upkeep it's got an upkeep attached to it we're making so much money so i'm going to do that one highways band no heavy traffic band no encourage biking yes we're going to try that one um old town old town yes i'm saying not fussed about those but only residents and businesses could new zealand for motor vehicles ban other motor traffic yes so we don't get people cutting through this road here to the highway that's actually going to bring them down there i'm going to check actually i'm going to leave it like it is all studied tires if there's some snow on the road increased rope maintenance cost by 25 oh do you know what that might be a good one for the entire city and let's go for the entire city policies we're going to do that anti-slip studs increases the health of elderly citizens upkeep 0.32 cents per citizen i'm going to put that on as well and we'll see how that goes let's go back to evergreen yeah i think that would be okay for now but it was this high-tech housing one to increase the land value is the one i was looking at so what have we got we got that all filled in i think is any more space around that yeah let's just get some small shops around there yeah i think this is going to be okay let us see what we get just quickly adding some walking paths in across and up and down completely forgot about those so any little rows that almost get to the end but don't quite make it uh we're just gonna add these in like that just to help people get around so that should be one through there that should be one through there and then this can be one up here means a couple of buildings have to build in again that's okay and then i mean this on the end here just seems like the perfect place to also have a walking path to encourage walking and i'm sorry you've just built your shop there but you'll have to redo that yep that's good right let's continue okay so we're getting some growth which is good what i would actually like to do is get our mass transit round here because that's going to really help people as well so we've got this blue one that goes up and down this main route here i'm going to move that stop um over here oh man that is going to go a bit weird i'll tell you why because we've got these ones here so let's remove that one that one and that one there we go so that's now going to come around the outside so we can add a stop sort of along at these points every other block one more down here like that so it now goes up one side and down the other and it goes around there as well doesn't it um yeah i think that should be okay could those have an air of effect as we know so that's going to help is that all the stops yeah and then i wonder whether a bus route through the middle is that going to be too much i mean they will walk quite a few blocks to get to a stop and we've got a lot of stops along here um i would even maybe add that one there take that one away and put that over here yeah that'll be good excellent okay so how's it going um more need for offices and commercials so let's just see if we can help this along a bit so maybe we can just change out a couple of these for some offices in the middle here and then it is just going to be a bit of a waiting game for our needs to balance out and for this to fill in i mean it's looking good so far people are upgrading what are we up to 32 000 which is good people are enjoying the football matches how's that been going we keep losing okay i'm going to put the ticket prices up and we're just going to see what happens and i think that will just attract more people because that's how the game works there we go look since we start filling some of the needs then some of the other knees kick in as well have we already filled up all of our commercial we have okay let me do the same over here then and while we're doing that i completely forgot and we've zoned inside our little park that we've got here so let's get rid of those buildings there we go and let's actually pop in a little park so it's just gonna be a little tiny city park oh by the way i put some other parks in here as well we've got a little snowman park up there and one down here as well completely forgot about those so let us put in small park main gate i want one over here let's go there and then a side gate yeah we're gonna take out these paths side gate down there yeah there we go this is filling in nicely i've just dotted a couple of offices around in between the other buildings as well let's just take a look at how things are going so what is so 69 average land value which is pretty good um our overall city land value is 51 so that is you know i think that's the high whoa what have we got now level five silver needle timber excellent so pulp mill modular house factory okay well keep those in mind so that is not too shabby at all um what is the traffic like in this newest so still 90 percent a little bit of traffic now down here because of our trams that was what i was worried about [Music] can i adjust something with stop signs here or anything like that oh that doesn't need to be that that's for sure if i do a stop sign there and try and keep these guys going i mean they're still stopping every time they come out because of the crossing so i'm wondering whether to actually make that a traffic light so then when these guys up here get a chance to go they can go and get the traffic out a lot more um i'm gonna leave a traffic light on and regret it instantly yeah this is not enough lanes coming up here is it for all of this extra traffic we've given it do you know what i think i'm going to come back and i'm going to do a traffic fix another time i think for today i'm just going to leave it because we're just going to concentrate on this area but the other junctions we've created look this one's okay yeah not too bad at all all along this main road i know there's going to be a load of stop signs uh if we go into here all right stop science is fine no traffic lights yeah don't traffic lights so we'll do actually we're gonna set this as a main road through there oh it already is a main road through there okay so if i just turn off the traffic lights then you should put the stop signs in and it doesn't excellent thank you game at this one down here the same so that's okay i'm going to leave those traffic lights there and remove all of those yeah so the rest of this is actually going really well and the bit in the center will never be a problem oh man it's like 87 now i don't i'm gonna come back to that if you've got any ideas of where i should run the tram instead i might bring it round this other road here but that is getting super busy and this one here yeah i think i'm gonna take another look at that but i think this over here is going okay these are saying not enough educated people i would imagine yeah well that's just going to take time isn't it we've got enough education in the area but i think that is looking all right as an extra addition to our city plus with all the extra changes we've made with the trams and all that sort of stuff things are going nicely so for this episode that'll be it subscribe before you go be back tomorrow for new zealand which is my fully modded series thank you for your continued support as well it is really is appreciated have a fantastic day take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 129,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines vanilla lets play, cities skylines trumpet interchange, cities skylines perfect vanilla interchange, cities skylines best vanilla interchange
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 49sec (3409 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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