Free Your Traffic Using The SPUI! - Single Point Urban Interchange - Cities: Skylines Tutorial

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[Music] so [Music] ah yes we meet again the single point urban interchange or spooy as some call it why do all the roads crash in the middle what's going on with those ends why why should i use one in my city you know how do i set it up how do i build it where can i get one all of these questions and more will be answered today on this episode of what in the heck is that why is that doing in yumbles city guys enjoy the video our story actually begins with the diamond interchange if you're familiar with interchanges uh specifically service interchanges for getting on and off the highway you may have even driven on this one what is that or walked on one if you're completely insane so the diamond interchange is very popular in north america a very common um i have no explanation for that guy very common and widely implemented because it's relatively inexpensive it only requires one overpass so it's fairly cheap you know you keep the ramps on the ground and it's got two intersections which work as a as a junction using traffic lights to get traffic on and off the highway and it's a totally fine intersection in rural areas but in an urban setting or in a higher density area you may find that this interchange is inadequate but the good news is the single point urban interchange has about the same footprint as this guy here this is a decent looking diamond but it can easily be upgraded into a single point urban interchange i'd like to show you how to do that today so i'm going to start by kind of deconstructing what we already have here and i'm going to eliminate the ramps first we may be able to salvage these things here or maybe not let's build it from scratch whatever we're going to keep the overpass in fact that's all we're going to keep so if you're about to upgrade from a from a diamond interchange or anything similar to that it might be a good idea to keep this ramp because it might prove useful especially if you've already established this as an arterial and you want it to line up um you can always delete the the ramps going into it and that is totally fine you know so pick a side and go eight units and then the other side eight units all we really want is this center node here it actually doesn't matter how long the ramp is we just want to know where the project is going to begin so this starts with uh with this this is the wrong type of road but we found our center and i'm going to use my favorite road here for for building it's going to be the the stock two-lane one-way road and we're just gonna figure out a good approach for this how far is this actually that's 10 units away that might be good so a node happens to be 10 units away or do i want 12 units away now 10 10 is going to look good i think and i want to go four units away from that so we're going the overpass 10 units down and then 4 units out from that from that node you know it may not happen to be there for you but you can always make it there by drawing a road 10 units down and then drawing it over to make the note happen so four units away from that because i'm gonna use the freeform road tool go up and then connect to this we're gonna need a bit of anarchy to do this i haven't done it successfully without a bit of anarchy i've never done it in vanilla city skylines and and that's okay you could do it but the measurements are all going to change everything's going to be a bit different but i found that that works four units away from the highway is the point there i'm going to go around and make that happen everywhere just a moment okay we've got the single point ramps connected like i said 10 units away from the from the overpass and four units away from the highway and then use freeform road tool to get that pretty easy uh now i'd like to i'm going to make sure that this is a a ramp and we're going to go down i'm going to eyeball this maybe 10 units yeah 10 units probably looks good this is going to look a lot different from the one at the beginning of the video but i think that there's a lot of ways to approach this and if yours doesn't come out looking exactly like this remember it's totally okay you'll learn a lot just by doing it so don't worry about it so i'm just going to go 10 units down on all sides very quickly and i want to eyeball this and see what it looks like essentially these are all of our left turn ramps these are all the left turns on and off the highway and they're going to end up connecting to the road somewhere i'm going to make this connection now sometimes i wait till the end to do this sometimes i don't we want this one to be grounded probably [Music] maybe it's that much six units 46 meters maybe it's five meters let's do five i'm liking five a good way to to uh make sure that your ramps are even or rather to make sure that your interchange is connecting in the same place if you find that desirable at all is to just connect this you know to just make a 90 degree angle where you want the other side to go so here i used 5 units 43 meters i want to replicate that over here 5 units 43 meters it doesn't have to be exact meter per meter but i like to know if it's not you know sometimes i'll say yes that's fine but i want to be aware if that's happening and that gets us good on all sides the reason that i made that little horizontal road is just so it's so we're parallel you know so we're um so it matches basically just for aesthetic no reason in particular from here you can take your uh move it actually all of the slopes are going to change drastically later so let's save that for a little while and let's see what's going on with this overpass i'm actually going to delete one side and keep the other side and you'll see why in just a second if you delete both sides you are in trouble trying to get a 90 degree angle here let me let me tell you you're in trouble and for this i'm going to use an asymmetrical road we've left that road on purpose just to keep our our angle correct and i'm just going to pick this probably isn't the road we're going to need by the end but i'm just going to pick a road that's similar in width and let's see what happens here i'm going to go out by an amount maybe it's [Music] 18 units seems fine to me i know i don't sound certain it's because i'm not it's because i'm kind of making it up but that's the fun of it in my opinion i'm going to keep it elevated for now just so it doesn't look confusing so 18 units out looks fine we'll adjust the slope later what that gives us is a potential landing point for our right turn so this road though it is backwards it will be a left-hand turn for this traffic that right turn won't exist because we will have a right turn so i think i've got it we're going to keep the 18 unit uh slope here i swapped out these roads for some network extensions two roads and that'll be fine for now as a placeholder just so it's not distracting so 18 units away from the center i'm going to take this node and connect it to that one just to give us our right hand turn and let's see what this looks like the whole way around i've only tried it on one so far but i'd love to see what it looks like on all of them just to see if it suits our needs and as i said before this is not going to look quite like the the interchange from the beginning of the video but it's going to be very similar the lines are going to be identical though the spacing may change it's okay if your spacing varies as well it's gonna work great i wouldn't worry too much about it uh this is good i'm gonna extend the ends of this just so the the pillar isn't distracting there i don't really like the look of it now let's talk about interchange height i've heard a lot of different opinions about how tall your interchanges should be i think that the top this is this is all opinion but based on the height of the trucks and cars that i use i think that the top of the road should be 10 meters from so the deck of the overpass should be 10 meters from the underpass on a highway that's my opinion your mileage may vary once again but what i'd like to do is just show you we're actually going to split the difference so we're going to keep that difference of 10 units i'm going to make a an example of a negative 5 meter ditch there and i'm going to make a positive 5 meter elevated road there and we are going to base the entire interchange on those two values so we're going to use our our dummy roads here to get our heights positive 5. so this is shrunk down now look how weird it is isn't it cool and we're going to use i'll put that back in a second but we're going to make a road directly under here rather we're going to make two nodes as points from which to slope and also to get the height correct so i'm gonna put this one to negative five i'm gonna put the upper deck of the road to positive five so we're still maintaining that ten meter difference so that the trucks that i've chosen can fit and now we're going to use move it here's a little lesson on move it if you've seen some of my other videos you probably already know this or if you don't it's okay you're going to learn right now slope so click all of the nodes while holding shift all of the nodes that you want to slope as long as you know your starting point and your end point and then slope them and that works great and we're going to do that a whole bunch on this just to see kind of see what it looks like so i'm going to use move it one more time and by that i mean four more times over here we're going to slope these and that should give us a fairly decent i think it does gives us a fairly decent grade going up to the deck from this point so let's do that on the other three sides and what i'd also like to do i've heard this called the dump and fill method it's where we ground the roads that are close to the ground just because it's less expensive and it kind of looks more realistic so we're going to end up grounding roads that don't really need to be up on up on uh pillars because that's very expensive in real life and it just doesn't look as good in my opinion that looks pretty good the reason that i chose the four unit spacing is for this curve here but also so that the the fill so that this this slope and this mound of land isn't causing friction with the highway network we've got our general shape established and all of our lines are correct but our lane math is all wrong on the entire thing so i'd like to take a second and figure that out i deleted the ends because we're gonna end up using four lane road with sound barriers from the mass transit pack here i've already upgraded these to two lane highway ramps and one lane highway ramp here two lanes making the left turn i want two lanes on all of these just to keep the volume high so it can move a lot of traffic but on the ends here what i'm going to end up doing is 12 units of four-lane ramp that then goes down let's do it on both sides actually 12 units of four lane highway rather not ramped and then that's going to break down into two-lane highway with sound barriers love that if you're familiar with lane math then you'll you'll know why this happened but really we're just going to have two lanes breaking off here so i want two two through lanes which take the exit i'm going to make that look a little excuse me which stay on the highway and we will make it look nicer in just a second and then two lanes which exit here if i really want to get crazy let's see what this looks like if that were three lane this is an experiment this is not part of the plan oh i'm gonna do that i am absolutely gonna do that we're gonna have two lanes exiting into three lanes which i'm fine with you can always you can always have less exit into more without any problems the inverse is not true but what this gives us is one exiting ramp which is great and then two through ramps so that if traffic backs up onto this it can back up into the left two lanes without issue i think that's a great solution i'm gonna go around and i'm gonna make sure that our lane math is correct on all the sides and maybe spruce it up a little bit i think i found a good compromise i'd like to do three lane highway up to four lane highway two lanes break off they upgrade to three so that there remains two left turns and one right turn and the math all works out and i've done that on all sides now so let's look at this though let's look at this center the overpass it still has issues if you analyze this you'll see there's two lanes going through one lane exiting so we've already got a discrepancy there i need a two-lane road on this side and then i'm gonna have two lanes turning left here and i'd like two lanes going through so that means i need two lanes here so that works out to a four plus two and i believe i have that from network extensions so now we've got our math correct on that side though our lane management is all kinds of wrong our math is correct on this side and it all works out so let me show you the way that you're going to do this in traffic manager just to now that we've got the right types of roads i don't recommend doing this till the end but just to illustrate the way that this thing works this one's correct this one is not we're going to end up let's use lane connectors for this you can click it as long as your lane math is correct do control s and it should automatically know what you want to do so what we're what we're doing here i like that the left lane becomes our two left turning lanes the middle lane becomes our right through lanes and the right lane becomes the exit ramp and these three are obvious one two and three it just lines up the two plus one equals three the center is a bit maybe not trickier it's a bit more unique than that first one we've got our two left turns we've got our two through ramps these are left turns so by all means turn left and you'll notice there's a bit of conflict here so it's going to require a light of course i'll show you how to set up the light as well but managing the traffic is just as important so same thing symmetrically these are left turns we're going to flip the camera same thing on the other side left left through through that is the center what a mess we'll have to do a light there of course and control s will give you the automatic lane control commands just to uh to automatically stay in lane one more little appointment that i'd like to try to this whole thing one more little additive what road is this you'll notice that the angle here on this side it looks really good the merge there looks fairly reasonable but on this side it looks a bit steep and node controllers can help a lot with this too but i'd like to start by using move it on each side and just see how far i can get away with so you'll notice the texture on the right there starts to tear so i'm going to undo that and keeping an eye on things i'm going to move this kind of up and to the left as far as i can until it rips then hold ctrl to give us fine movement and just back it off until the seam looks better i'm just going to go around and do that on each side so now i'm actually going to go around with node controller and do a whole bunch of stuff this is going to be a whole whole host of different things so i'm using the current version of node controller it's um what is it 3.0 point something or or version 3 at the very least and what i want to do is nudge all of the lanes in a certain direction so if you've already seen my node controller video please go watch that i'm going to give you the briefest application for it here but i'm mainly going to go around and do it off camera so hold click the node that you want to align to itself hold shift and click the corner and then click the corner you want to align it to so essentially i'm bumping this whole thing to the right is what's really going on this one bumped to the right love that likewise you can do this on the other side you know however you want to do it but i want this to be aligned with the already existing highway because it's going to look much much nicer and the lane changes are going to be quite a bit more realistic and this is probably my favorite part of node controller i'm also going to go down the center and align these i'm going to nudge these slightly towards the middle so you'll see that this side ends up you know being a little closer together but i'll have to do that on every single note in between on this side i'm going to hit that there and i think the result should be great if this whole road gets nudged to the right a little bit yes so our left turn lanes are aligned with themselves and our right turn lane has a unique little divot i am happy with that and i'm going to align this to this and see what happens i may not like it it's not bad it moved the whole road but it's not bad and i'll click the make ends straight and of course if we want to make this curve even gentler i can always increase the offset as much as we want or maybe we'll make ends ah kind of like what i'm seeing here i'm going to go to 20 units on all of these sides i'm going to go around and make that change to the whole entire interchange i'll be back in just a second and here it is in all of its beauty i think it's i think it came out pretty good a new new node controller was a huge help in aligning these guys so that the roads are kind of justified correctly and they don't just center on themselves like usual many of you will know what i mean roads look very funny when they when they connect in an offset way but all of the markings came out pretty good i think all the different areas some of them are slightly different than the other single point urban interchange on the other side but you'll notice all of the merges make sense there's two and then these guys merge down and then there's two plus two equals four and then that merges down off to adjust these little finer details later but that merges down to three and then we're out and that is essentially it um here i'll focus on the the one that i've already finished a while ago this one actually has traffic in it um the thumbnail probably has some details i'm going to add that in a little bit but usually i just do some bushes and maybe on occasion i'll do a retaining wall this one i went all out fancy mode there's a retaining wall that you can't even see behind the bushes you know the real ones will know how much work a retaining wall takes um but everybody thanks for watching thanks for letting me uh preach about the the single point urban interchange it's really really good it's really effective and it doesn't take up that much space and i would actually say the one that i just built takes up even less space than the one that i did in my city plus it's got this three three lane road built in that the other one doesn't have which alleviates some of that merging tension and some of that splitting splitting issues that may occur and it also gives this left turn a little bit of space to back up um i'm gonna have to save the traffic light for another time but i can tell you the best way to do it is to have that's the one thing i forgot is the traffic light but it's to have the left turns go at the same time and the straight throughs go at the same time and the other left turns go at the same time so it's a three cycle light the left's you know the left entering the highway can go at once the left's leaving the highway can go at once and the straight through traffic can go at once so three cycles give it as long as it needs and the ends are free-flowing so that should be very very very easy no light required on the ends um everybody thanks for watching thanks for hanging out i really appreciate the support i appreciate your pres presence here um thank you for commenting thank you for subscribing thanks for liking the video all that good stuff feel free to check out my other tutorials and other builds also feel free to check me out at yumbletv i stream two to three days a week these days uh really appreciate it thanks for being here guys i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 152,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SPUI, City Skylines, Traffic fix, tutorial, Mods, steam workshop, anarchy
Id: fiajGKsj59E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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