Turning poop into INFINITE POWER in Cities Skylines! 696969 sub special!

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it's bridgeman yes it won't be long until it's bridgeman head to my merch store to get your bridge of my sweater today hello fellow engineers and welcome back to city skylines where your dreams and nightmares can come true now in this very special video we will be celebrating the fact that we finally hit the most important milestone of any youtubers career the 6969-69 milestone nice and yes of course what is now tradition we will be continuing sort of destroying my city i guess but i have i have plans i've sort of i've realized as this poo moat fills up yes the architect island will be swallowed and drowned which is beautiful but there is some bad news i've sort of realized my whole city is downstream so we're gonna have to do something to try and fix it a sort of overflow solution shall we say and i'm also thinking perhaps we can use this to our advantage as well now first off it will mean the punima canal is no more some people also refer to this as the sewers canal but as you can see it's all but dried up of poo so we're gonna fill it back in i know it's a sad day it's a sad day but uh some things need to be done i'm sorry poonama we we had some great memories memories oh dear oh such good times with my poo that's quite weird i'm not gonna include that in the edit it probably has been included because it's out of my control these days i'm trying to get rid of it but as you can see there just it's like bloody terminator from terminator 2 it just keeps morphing back no matter how much i bury it anyway i'd like to think this was somewhat satisfying to watch in a time lapse it probably isn't at all but especially as you can see the water behind me sort of coming back into life go away water right anyway in my professional opinion that is a problem dealt with people will never know there was a punishment canal there right but anyway my master plan for this i saw i feel like i need some more space if i'm honest is it time to buy another plot of land game can i do that no okay still can't buy any land but what we're gonna do we're gonna build an overflow i'm gonna try and use the slope terrain tool i don't really know how this one works if i right click there oh god careful matt careful bloody out i nearly lost the end of it ah i don't know how slope terrain works it's cocking everything up i need to put a hole in it are you making a slope game i'm not sure i'm not convinced i think i right click there and then i start clicking down there and then i can just do a straight grade yes i think that's how it works yes got it okay cool so i'll do the same on this side from there there you go you can see it getting steeper now because you can see those contours moving very slightly right nice that's actually a useful tool so next i want to make this sort of stepped i think so i'm going to use the level terrain tool i'm sort of just going to pick like a level maybe i'll do the prominent contour so on contours you generally have like major minor contours so these major ones they're generally like i don't know it's whatever your scales sit at but let's say that's 10 meters and so every one in between is a meter so i'm gonna do every 10 meters we're going to do a step if i right click there to set the level we can make some platforms and then i sort of want to cut this back a bit easier said than done though this could take a while [Music] right something like that and then if we come into power last time we unlocked a hydro power plant the question is it's hydro it's not who drew so will it work with sewage water i do not know but let's click on that say from there height too high oh game oh game okay we're going to have to raise the bottoms up a bit then all right let's do another slope i quite like the slopes so we want to end up i don't know where was it about about there right now we just do some tweaking with the smaller one so we want to go from there up there so we can fill in this gap nice that's looking pretty good actually so basically i'm just making like a big poo slide i should probably get rid of the trees on there as well let's see is that a bit better in terms of height so back into power select the dam nice the only downside now is water is required so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna delete some of these ideally i still want this to fill up but in order to build them it seems i need water so we're gonna have to do a little bit like a spillway so we'll just cut that down the side until we get some water come out yes it's definitely water and then once we built them all i'll slowly fill this back up because i don't want the architects getting away with anything i don't want them living right so we got a bit of a v-notch and there comes the water beautiful right you guys are lucky because as you can see that v-notch is slightly lower so you're going to be living in wonderful happiness for a little bit surrounded by poop that's all right as water is coming down there i wonder is it worth can i like all those trees easily i wish there was a way to make the thing bigger is there a way to make it bigger oh no but i'm trying to save the trees from dying i don't want them to die i'd rather just not exist now this is sort of satisfying it's own right this is sort of like power wash simulator but a little bit different right i think we're done there's definitely water there now so can we build this please game let me do it yes yes we can actually build it aha look how big it is okay so it looks like that's the you can sort of see the rectangle behind so we gotta go maybe about there [Music] all right that's pretty good that i will take that and next i probably need another dam up here don't i but first i'm gonna add some more sewage outlets so a load more pipes around the edge all right there we go i think we probably need to just trim the outer circle a bit so i'll just snap to the bottom oh god careful careful that's quite a powerful tool i just want to make sure the like chewbie bits are actually over spilling into it last time we had like this weird glitch where we lost some poo through the walls which wasn't nice cool lovely next i basically want to get rid of this section oh god actually i might press pause i might press pause that's probably a clever thing to do you idiot matt before all that water comes surging out all right so can we put a diamond from up there okay it's too high it's two blooming height so let's just press play and see what happens to the water it should be fine we'll just go downhill but uh we need to fill in some of this land so let's say level terrain to that level i'm going to press pause because our dams are flooding with poo oh god hang on hang on where's pause there is okay can i put this down back in i accidentally deleted this one yes we can put that back in i'll probably do that and this one it's too high and too steep so if we get right under the poo water i think it's probably can you see down there there's like a little pocket of contour i feel like a surgeon i'm like using my smallest tool i'm gonna flatten set to use so if i just fill in those gaps there we go i feel like that will probably help now i need to do the same over this side there's like a big gap down there and probably go medium now there's loads of holes down there actually so maybe that was it right in terms of contours that looks a lot more sensible so let's see can we get a dam in there now all right the game is saying no still olyx i think we might have to fill in some of the back a bit you can imagine this was your job as well like going deep under sewage water to do some like foundation works all right so let's fill this back end up a bit then all right surely that's better now surely oh come on game right so there we don't get the height warning it only says it's too steep now when it says too steep i'm not entirely sure what it's referring to but it could be just the platform edges so perhaps if we do like that form on either side will that work yes so now we're just too high okay [Music] [Music] yes it's finally in green energy what's an excellent choice it's actually brown energy but um oh look look building underwater apparently we managed to drown that house i don't know how but yes i think we are all oh what the whoa okay perhaps damns don't work how i thought they would it looks like the pressure has gone mental at the bottom it looks like looks like something out of a horror movie let's fast forward and see if this oh my god there's a poon army there's literally a poo not like look at that the bridge has been swallowed by a tidal turd oh my god look at it go look at it go it's actually made an impact look at that it's like a proper tidal wave like the amount of poo that came down there it's actually pushed the normal water oh god now our city is drowning damn it look you can see that wave still going it's heading right for that junction that's where designs like this would actually come in handy because you could just go on the higher levels to survive all right it looks like the waves have settled down if we go back over to our pedro dam i think we're gonna be okay what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just dig out this bottom bit so we can fit in there unannoyingly i can't really do that because i can't dig outside of the city limits so so we've got a random bridge there but that's pretty good i wonder is are they do you think they're too steep to connect with roads i mean if this road was okay surely that one's fine right so road what do we want probably just a normal two-way road can we go from there okay it does say too steep i sort of i want to see could i do like a weird like a mountain road up there that would be really cool i have no idea how you'd go about doing that in this game we did a curved road coming off that way i think that's as high as we can go so what we're gonna have to do is actually do some soil moving because it appears we're limited by the height of those pillars so what's the best way of doing this can we do a slope to there and just sort of do that all right let's see would this work then oh yes look it's in right that's pretty good then if i can just do like a wider sort of tube we should be good so a lot more ground modelling this could take a while so we want to do a slope super wide from up there down to there and the same on this side so we'll just try and widen all right so next it's time to add some roads oh bollocks we have no cash i think i stupidly didn't turn that mod on so i've been using my money up making this stupid thing oh bulls all right landscaping cost minus a lot of money let's go over here and make us some money oh but first look look the architect castle is going under yes we finally did it oh that is beautiful think of all the architects in there that had no idea it was coming i mean most normal people that look out the window and see a torrent of sewage water heading towards him and probably think to evacuate but not these guys not these guys they're still complaining about the bins down there all right anyway i'm just making myself some money and now i'm a millionaire cheers game right back to building oh god there's a bit of a hole there that looks a bit dangerous down there i might try and fill that in if i can there you go no one will ever note don't worry devs your secret is safe with me all right so roads roads road roads so we're gonna go from there over this way to about there try and cut like a bit of a path in all right too steep right we're gonna have to do some hairpins i think [Music] that's quite a funky one bridge over itself quite like it lately uh oops we've got we got another hole hang on no one has to know there we go oh god we've ended up with a tunnel over this side the world's most pointless tunnel look how big the portals are this is the final stretch [Music] all right and we're at the summit and now we just need to connect up to our existing route building along this edge this is probably the world's most dangerous road and then we're connected in ironically it's called prospect street the prospects of you dying traveling along it is pretty high like why is there a football hey at least we've got some barriers there that is pretty cool to be fair yeah maybe maybe that site isn't so much oh my goodness this is wealthful now the architects are no more we've done it guys we have cured our city of architecture which should mean this dam is about to work so all these lower levels should fill up oh god i've got another holds villain there we go right so i am intrigued to see how much power will this actually generate oh look it's ramping up it is flying as the water heads down the dam so you should see as these levels fill up with water these black areas should light up there goes that one's gone we're on nine fifty nine six six oh god we've hit a thousand megawatts and i imagine yep the next one's gone we're on 1300 the old water's a bit rough down there but as that fills up oh god oh no oh no that was that's a leak that is a leak what's going on there why are we leaking oh god hang on hang on stop leaking i think it's just because the water's rough we've got to like let it settle a bit yeah while that's doing its thing though i do actually want to connect this road up so perhaps we can come down and connect into there so now if anyone wants to they can come along here oh look a nice little nice little bridge there this is a really cool road though yeah and come along here head up onto the deck oh god we can see right through that along the dam up there up to the next level the roads they they get a little bit lumpy i'll give you that but then once you're at the top not only do you get to see the demise of the architectures but you also get that view although the roads aren't very well maintained up here there's lots of logs on the road and stuff why are there so many logs on this road anyway you can see the pool water has finally made it into the river but that is beautiful question is how much power are we producing 2 000 megawatts look at that i think this whole city and that bit over there it's only using 300 and we've now increased tourism because people can go scuba dive the old architect hotspot right so now for my next trick to make this unlimited power now i'm going to need a way to clean up the water so my idea here is obviously this is poo so this is created by the city now if we're gonna make this last forever we're gonna have to have all this poo by the time it gets to the bottom turn into water where we can pump that to the city as drinking water then they turn into waste it gets discharged back into the top and so on therefore infinite power um so what i've did i've just gone into the dlc and i bought some yes i spent money but we unlocked these things the floating garbage collector as you can see there it lessens water pollution so my thinking is oh god you can see you can see how brown that is it's so pooey but i was sort of hoping i could maybe fill up in these little pockets i don't i honestly don't know if it's going to work no it's definitely not going to work because i can't i can't clash with that bloody rectangle so that's as close as we can get to the center yeah i don't think there's going to be enough here guys but if we play that let's go back into that view actually you can see they're all purple so they're all working if we speed up will we see that water go a lighter brown is that already a lighter brown or is that my eyes deceiving me i feel like they're compared to there and it's a lot lighter i could be wrong anyway let's let's hit pause again and let's just fill in all of these ponds are they ponds lagoons steps oh god really we can only fit that many in that one oh dear all right right in the corner clip through the wall that's perfect yeah i feel like we might need some more if we're gonna clean this water up there's a lot of turd coming down here interestingly these actually produce noise pollution you see the little headphone symbol there right okay they are filled up as much as possible i know that's that's not by a lot but let's see will that clean the water oh god i really don't like the holes right i tell you what that's actually working oh look how brown the river was that we were discharging now it's not too bad now we've got we've got a bit of a leak there i think let's go back into this view yeah it's definitely doing something just look at the river now that's almost that's almost perfect there seems to be waves of pooh coming through so ideally we need to purchase this plot and then maybe just do like a wall of them or something we've also got two in there not doing anything but that's pretty good look at the river it's so blue now i reckon we can just put our water pumping stations there and people will be fine well the people that don't live on architect hill but yes we have achieved today using the three ps pooh power thinking porter i just realized that drinking starts with a d and not a p and on that note guys thank you so much if you've subbed me the 69 69 69 special has truly been insane for me uh let me know if you've got any ideas for engiotopia how can we improve this place i know there's probably not a lot we can do to improve it anyway peace love and the three peas i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,659,319
Rating: 4.9375701 out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, town planning, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines no mods, city skyline
Id: 0AubRMKUeRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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