When Your Bully Gets Fat (ANIMATED STORY TIME)

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okay let's bounce Cindy let's bounce Myrtle here it is it's my turn let's bounce I finally have friends Michelle I actually made some friends at my new school oh it's gonna be kind of hard to bounce her because she's so big big [Music] when your bully gets back yep I said the f-word and if that triggered you then you're probably new to this channel and a very very sensitive individual and if that's so you are in the wrong place we don't like your kind around here just kidding you can stay but today I'm going to tell you guys a story about the bully who used to make fun of my weight in middle school and high school and how she is now the fat one you know how in high school we all wish that that was like Regina George of the group would just get fat and uncomfortable that she you would know how it felt to be fat and uncomfortable it don't judge me yes I'm a personal trainer that should be wishing help and long life and and hoping everyone is the healthiest person that they can be but I am also a fragile delicate little creature it was always the new girl almost every year and sat by herself at lunch sometimes eating lunch in the bathroom yeah remember that scene from Mean Girls of Lindsay Lohan when she's eating that in the bathroom by herself I watched that in high school when I was due and I cried because it spoke to me that's all my new girls and boys are in high school and a middle school don't worry it'll get better so yes I was a new girl almost every single year and you know how you are when you're in the middle score high school you are and insecure individual so you care of people think you want friends you don't have friends you feel well and blah blah blah all that middle school high school stuff so I felt that way up until I was a junior and then I couldn't give up about having friends I didn't really care and then it's funny how when you don't care then people want to be friends with you anyway back to the story I was the new girl once again this takes place in middle school and somehow this group of girls befriending me I think it was on accident one of the girls were super nice and I was in a group with her in class and she ended up you know being my friend then invited me to eat lunch with them and then eventually became a school friend I personally think she just felt really bad for me because I had no friends and so she decided to just be nice and you know keep me under her wing so all the girls were actually very very nice sweet girls except for one Myrtle that's what we're gonna name her because she looked exactly like that chick from lilo and Stitch you know with a big orange hair and the huge glasses except this chick was blond the other girls don't need to be mean because they were nice and really they aren't really made parts in the story anyway but hi girls if you're watching and if you kind of remember me it was one of those girls that just for some reason had something to say about me all the time like if anything that I did example I would always wear the striped shirt every week at least once a week and she would say why do you always wear that shirt and I would be like because I like it and she would just make this face or people would compliment my but I always had a very large but they would be like well Michelle your butt is so big it's like that song was sir mix-a-lot whoa I went to school of quite a bit of white people so I guess my butt seems like it was special but she would be in the corner and mutters something like it's kind of too big and this was a time when I was very insecure about my body because um middle school it looked different from everyone else I was never a super super like thin middle schooler I mean one the I was different here too I was new 3 I had a body of a woman I almost had double D boos at 13 that's gonna make you feel a little bit different and I wasn't even fat like when I look back at my like middle school pictures I was just different had a different body type than the other you know the most of the other girls I know when I see that with a lot of getting younger girls who think that they're better they're not even fat they are just have a more athletic build than the other you know relatively naturally thin people that are in high school and middle school and man I wish I knew that when I was younger because that would have set me up with a whole bunch of you know body issues as I got older I could have just started with a healthy diet stops failing at all the crash it's been good to go but that's not how adulting worked okay so anyway so one day these girls actually invited me over to a sleep over and I was like half excited half kind of not excited because one I would be connecting with me France and two I could be at home playing the sins but I wanted to go to make connection so I can have you know that awesome group of friends you know in middle school that we all just strive to have at that age so it took three days to convince my mom to let me sleep at another person's house if you don't know black parents are very weird about their children their little miniature humans sleeping at other people's houses it was a process to get my mom to say yes so when she said yes I knew there was no backing out from this because that doesn't happen so I get to the house I walk in everyone says hi and then myrtles like oh you came yeah obviously I'm standing right in front of you and we have fun we talk about boys we playing make bla bla bla all the middle school stuff then we end up outside on the trampoline and we are going to play this game when everyone jumps at one time and bounces the person that did not jump okay let's bounce indeed so we were jumping and I'm thinking wow I'm actually having a good time I actually have friends and I think they like me and accepts me let's bounce Myrtle here it is it's my turn let's film I finally have friends Michelle I actually made some friends at my new school oh it's gonna be kind of hard to bounce her because he's so big baby [Music] and it gets quiet as i knowa said anything but they ended up bouncing me and i didn't even feel a bounce because i was so freaking fat like Myrtle said just kidding but I felt like I didn't bounce because of what she just said so that it makes me feel more insecure so I just felt like a big ol fat rock the to turn really I was so pissed the whole rest of the night that I didn't even eat the pizza that the moms opera's to eat just kidding I dipped it in ranch so fast for it into high school I ended up moving away from that school moving to Oregon and then moving back to California into the high school not the middle school we are growing up so we're in high school now and guess whose eyes go I ended up at oh yeah myrtles we are once again in the same school so she now hangs out with these two black chicks and I know she remembers my booty but when she sees me she says nothing for all of high school all three of them they would look at me then turn around and then just laugh you know like sitting by myself at lunch is just so hilarious to laugh at girls I get it yeah it was so funny just hilarious I know I know so once made friends my friends would told me the things that Myrtle and friends would say about me and it was all typical high school stuff like nobody even likes her why do you guys hang out with her oh my gosh she's so ugly so fast forward to present day well like a few years ago so I'm a fitness competitor I'm actually impressed and I'm at the gym I look up and guess who I see Myrtle and this guy guy got big she she grew she grew up and she grew and she looked insecure and very uncomfortable just like many newbies look when they're new to the gym so we ended up making eye-contact that I was about to start waving because you know we're all grown up now so who cares and she does this enormous face rolls her eyes and turns away and I'm sure what I'm going to tell you that I did next you're probably going to say Michelle you're so childish but I don't care I was like I'm gonna make sure merggle sees me and I'm gonna get all up in her area this is my gym and now you're the new girl so I started getting my Dumbo my stability ball my mat and just set up my workout station right in front of her I was doing deadlifts pull-ups one-arm push-ups I was using the machine right next to her wanted to make sure miss myrtles got a good look at all of it so Myrtle finishes up the exercise that she was doing and says nothing the whole time she really enforced herself not to look at me she didn't good as she's walking away I say have a nice day Myrtle those he flatly ignores me but when I said have a nice day I saw her twitch a little bit but she didn't turn around she just kept on walking now before you say you know that was really kind of mean she's insecure you guys are supposed to be grown up above all this stuff personally I feel like in high school you have the mental capacity to know what route is and what's not rude I did I was rude when I was like five so and to let me just prove to you how much of a horrible person she still is so later that day probably was in about an hour and a half after the gym when I got home and checked you know good old Facebook by the way people who keep trying to add me on Facebook thanks but I'm never on their hate Facebook love Instagram so Boop I get a new message on Facebook and this is what it gets funny when I was just kind of like she can't be serious but she was hey I didn't know that was you at the gym I see you're a trainer now I'm trying to get back into shape can you come to my house and train me so I respond hey Myrtle I definitely knew that it was you at the gym a lot has changed over the years we're all grown up I do do in-home personal training here my rate for response Wow you're going to charge me for working out well can you at least send me your workout program then so I need to respond with the responses I felt like I was talking to her like we were back in high school I felt like I was down here and she was up here and she completely just expected me to do whatever she wanted because she was more popular than me or whatever went on her head even though we were about 25 26 at this time we're a long out of high school calm down so I responded without responding like personally and just sent her my online training prices and she never responded in fact murder blogs me why someone tell me why why would you think that Myrtle would block me after that also answer me this and I'm wrong for being a little bit just happy that she ended up the way that she did I mean is it so bad that I'm just slightly a lot happy that Myrtle got her just desserts and probably a little bit more than she needed kind of a joke about her and her side she deserved it she was so rude and entitled little person come on we all wish that horrid feature of a woman or a man who was just horrible to us in high school or middle school gives just a little kick in the butt when they get all of ollies you get a chance to shine am I wrong and once again her acting like the entitled little princess that she did because she still believes that she's up here and I'm down here that I should work for free made it that much sweeter PS don't think that if she was like a nice person and she was cool to me like after high school everything even though she was rude to me in high school I would still be kind of like [Music] don't over the gym showing off like right in front of her because I've had instances where there was girls IRA means to being that we met up somehow met up you know I get the grocery store ran into each other as an adult now and we're actually really cool probably like actually really close but that's not how it happened with Myrtle and she was kind of rude still so I figured we're not in high school anymore I'm all grown up and my petty levels have increased tenfold since high school anyway that was the story of when my bully got back and then we tended that she didn't know who I was and then asked me to train her for free yeah tragic well tell me a little something about me your school bully or work bully and if you haven't graduated and it's been some years how did your bully turn out and character stop using the word bully I prefer ass anyway I will see you guys next time remember you don't need to be a size two and abs are really nice that have but they are not needed but health is very important I wish help on all of you guys even Myrtle now that I got that out of my system and remember don't be an ass hat you never know but ten years after high school someone might just draw stick figures of you post it online in a video form and talk about how much of a jerk kid you're and then how much of a jerk adult you were so don't don't do that bye guys [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 211,789
Rating: 4.9574137 out of 5
Keywords: Funny story times, story time, when you get fat, when your bully gets fat, when you gain weight, feeling insecure at school, middle school bullies, highschool bullies, gaining weight after highschool, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: Uy-BeuobCKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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