Influencer Calls Fat People DISGUSTING & Photoshop's Herself Obese!

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our fat people disgusting well at least one influencer thinks so and she made sure to tell the world and yes people were losing their noodles hey guys this video was sponsored by me if you would like more information on my 12-week program and lifetime support group click the link in the description hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug a past theatre nerd got a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably have been at least one person so if you are offended by absolutely anything make sure to tell us in the comment section tell the world what is offending you and while you're down there going through internet rage typing about whatever is bothering you you might as well just hit that subscribe button and then you can tell us what's offending you on a regular basis because i post two to three times a week remember every new subscriber is one new squeaker toy for Yoshii you get to release out some frustration and you get to help a little 14 come hug increase her toy supply so today we are talking about a youtuber called Wendy Ching that has the body-positive clan yes so if your subscriber you know that Drobo for anyone that is new let's break it down first we will read the article then we shall read some comments and then and only then at the end of the video I will tell you my opinion and after that that is what you told me your opinion but first before oh I have an extremely important question that I need to know about you this is literally a life and death situation so I need to know tell me right now brace my eyes in the comments section what show are you binging on right now tell me so I have more shows to watch I just recently started watching black clover and I am loving it ok let's get into this this Instagram influence are just got slammed by her followers for fat shaming a popular Instagram has received swathes of criticism for her followers after she launched a tirade a public fat shaming centered around a plea sighs model Wendy Chang is singapore-based influencer with profiles on Instagram and YouTube under the name za axe I'm sure you guys will correct me in the comments section you always do usually post about makeup and her life on her online profiles but recently on Instagram stories the social media star who has over 600,000 followers on Instagram alone took a turn and user platform to criticize model leshawna Stewart for her weights okay well let's check out these stories and see if she said I'll get you something extremely rude yes accidently cut off the top part but I got most of it but we can still I pretty much see what she's saying theyed I need three people to carry the corpses please stop glorifying this shot at Instagram shame on you so I think if she's talking about the whole fat positivity positivity movement and how they you know the whole thing about glorifying obesity a lot of fat activists say it is perfectly fine to be obese it's okay to eat yourself until you can't move this book they all say it's okay to not eat to starve yourself they say that they don't it's only okay if your body shape looks like there but that's besides the point I basically get from that little screenshot is that she's saying that these people are glorifying obesity because they put this woman on instagrams like full-on page this month we're looking to the future with 20/20 vision follow along as we share the stories of 20 people to wash in 2020 when I see more of us on the cover of major publications not just used for shock value then I'll feel like my message to the world has been successful the world tells us that we can't do what we want because we don't have the look but since she started modeling four years ago leshawna has already walked in New York Fashion Week and that picture sparked a lot of controversy basically saying that Instagram stands behind the whole fat acceptance movement and how they are supporting a very deadly disease and of course the model saw and posted in her stories and I think that's how this all blew up why are thin people this obsessed with letting me know indirectly they think I'm unattractive to them therefore I'm not worthy of love a career being visible and literally telling me the age I'm going to okay Miss Cleo I mean I read what she said again she didn't say all of that but we can just move on to the article but while you might have thought the public backlash to her harsh comments would stop Wendy Chang from continuing her offense on plus-sized it appears to have done quite the opposite whoo-hoo I guess the fad positive influencers cannot shut this girl and that really triggers them they always want to shut everyone down because of their opinion yesterday the influencer uploaded a photoshopped image of herself with a heavier body to Instagram with a caption that read how to ensure everyone says you're beautiful in 2020 am i beautiful now let's see the picture she's trolling and probably laughing at all the people that are upset others tried to reason with the Instagram or urging her to remember that it's unfair to tarnished people with the same negative brush when she doesn't know the first thing about them Shane still not defeated has continued the battle over in Instagram stories once more more recently posting a picture of a pair of smokes damaged loved and sarcastically writing you don't know what causes lung disease it could be a myriad of many other things lock lungs can be healthy lungs to non-smokers have lung cancer too don't judge others [ __ ] clown world we live in I get that quite honestly we shame every other type of addiction and disease and the only one that we coddle and protect is obesity I think it's funny that you think this is controversial any overweight person knows that their beauty and value is deemed low by society we feel it in the way people look at us and make jokes about it you don't have a radical opinion you have a societal accepted one keep on keeping on but don't act like a radical visionary for being a conventionally attractive person spreading the message that you are inherently better than others with a larger body size and she comes back and says because telling the media to stop glorifying in medical condition that leads to death means I'm laughing at the people who have it grow the I wish I could curse you with weight issues so you can experience firsthand what it's like to be treated like you have less value then dog on someone's shoe okay right now right now someone who is obese please tell me do you get treated worse than dogs because there are a lot of obese people in this world and I rarely ever see just out in the open someone just getting treated like complete dog on the bottom of issue I'm sure that people get you to certain ways because of how they look that happens to me it happens to others but let me say that has happened to me in every single form and I was overweight when I was thin now that I'm muscular some people just treat me a certain way they're a-holes but I hate when obese people act like that they they are treated like like how like the commoners are treated in anime just because a one person was a jerk to you doesn't mean that you're treated that way all the time by every single person in your life I'm just taking a guess that this person is a little a little bit of a drama queen so what will you do if you were one of them like try to exercise but somehow weight just bounces back up no matter what some people can lose weight easily but some bodies are harder there is no need to be rude just in case if I offend you in any way cuz I'm just curious well if I'm one of these people who are 500 pounds I'll go for bypass surgery I've just no diet industry to surgery because I need to be allowed to take care of my child I'm not suggesting that all of these people must lose weight I know they exist and I'm fine with them existing I'm even fine if they don't want to lose weight and are happy in the bodies they're in I'm not find with the media shoving it down our throat you do realize that some people have medical conditions like PCOS I have PCOS I love them people throwing the PCOS thing I'll link a video below for you guys but let's go back to the comment that caused them to gain weight right not everyone can afford plastic surgery like you why were you not comfortable in the face that was base that was given to you let's just go to the response yes so nobody's asking them to lose weight nobody said they cannot exist I'm asking magazines and media to start putting more really obese people on the covers and insisting they are beautiful when everyone knows they are not why are you people so obtuse if they fairly clear an easy point just stop confusing it with your bloody emotions of self-pity and PS I did in my face because I want to improve I mean she's got some pretty good points in there and quite honestly us want to make this point really quick that I was gonna put up the in the video but it's in my head right now and I don't want to forget because I will a lot of the fat acceptance people say that putting more really obese women on the cover is not promoting obesity but then if you put a thin woman on the cover then they're saying that that is promoting you know thinness and we're trying to make other people want to be thin but if that's the case wouldn't it be the same thing if you put an obese person on the cover media knows that the images influence people to do certain things if you are a public figure you're going to influence your followers to do things that you do I have gotten tons of messages saying that I have influenced other people to workout I've influenced other people to get a hold on their binge eating disorder never understood that I just find it so odd when they say we're not promoting obesity we're not influencing anybody to be obese but then they turn around and say having like thin models on the cover is damaging to people because it influences them to not eat I don't get it make it make sense that positive people Dwayne the rock Johnson is considered morbidly obese from a BMI standpoint it's absolutely inaccurate and far from the truth BMI is a sham I mean between the rock Johnson is some type of mutant and most people don't look like him he's got to be a descendant from a giant CMI has its flaws for sure I can agree with that completely but if you're a 500 pound person saying that BMI doesn't count I mean you have to look at some type of measurement I'm considered morbidly obese and there's nothing wrong with me thank you for trying to hurt us though is your doctor hurting you when he tells you to lose weight grow up okay so from what I've seen people are just very upset that she described Moberly obesity as disgusting irresponsible and don't live past 14 and I think when people talk about morbidly obese people obese people are just overweight in general if you use the word disgusting they are going to be pissed you don't even have a chance to explain yourself they're done they're already at your house with pitchforks and then they automatically think that you are talking about them personally and physically which makes it kind of hard because obesity is a physical thing but to me I can see what she's saying it's disgusting because it's something that is a very deathly slow death disease like I said a lot of people in my family have type 2 diabetes and they are very sick they get limbs cut off it's not fun to watch a slow death and like I said we call every single other addiction disgusting a long time ago I was supposed to make a video and I never liked all the screen shots I got into it because I started my period and I have endometriosis and when that thing hits everything is out the window but I posted just a picture of someone that was anorexic in my stories and I got so many messages of gross disgusting she needs help she needs to get control of her life while she's got mental issues but someone who is morbidly obese post a picture and it's yeah go girl you're amazing wow you're great just because you're obese that's what makes you great when parents find that their kid is doing drugs what do they do they get extremely upset they tell them that they need to get their life together that they need to stop if they want to live right someone who's battling obesity though tell them that they need to get their life together once again pitchforks so to me it's not surprising that she's getting this backlash I think the delivery probably could have been better she seems very intense with it but I watch this view of her videos that's her brand she's intense with everything she's also from a different country and most other countries aren't as big of babies as US Americans they will literally tell it like it is I personally think that she spoke the truth she made a lot of good point I think it was just the delivery that was very off-putting for a lot of people so now you know my opinion and I'm looking forward to knowing all of yours I will see all of you guys in the comments section bye guys you see the GP unfitted off in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag I get the buzz you know you see the trippy I'm fitting it up in my car and kitty I secure the Mikey I get the bug [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 474,048
Rating: 4.8840213 out of 5
Keywords: xiaxue, wendy cheng, fat shaming, body positive, singapore, Instagram influencer slammed by followers for fat shaming, Singaporean YouTube star, La'Shaunae Steward, plus size, obesity, health, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts, my thoughts will probably offend you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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