Instagram Model Makes over $500K a Year Now on Food Stamps (Dr Phil)

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Kru the time that we have all been waiting for has now come into existence we are finally going to earth the humans are now ready to be introduced to us and our very advanced technology that will help their society greatly they have improved their mentality and well-being over the years and they have finally proven that they can handle the fact that alien us that we are real get ready for landing let's make some friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright let's head back up hey guys this video is sponsored by me and my 12 week program and support group that I'm very active in where you get lifetime access to if you're interested in a 12-week gym routine along with receiving the at-home workout program for free when you join the link is below oh my gosh why is your skin blue but your hand skin is brown why does your prosthetic that you made for the first time look like an old wrinkly when it's holding this woman together I have a skin disorder okay people make fun of me all the time on my home planet so thanks for bringing something up that I can't help but it's going to put me in a very deep depression after I film this video Congrats hi guys welcome back to the channel my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud mother of a little alien pug a past theater nerd got a grown up cosplayer this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably have been at least one person so if there's absolutely anything offending you today let us know in that comment section and while you're down there you might as well just hit that subscribe button because I post once two times a week usually 2 sometimes 3 and also sometimes dressed in cosplay so I just wanted to be some type of alien today because I don't know why you humans keep making how do I say this stupid people famous and I know I know I'm kind of feeding into it but it doesn't matter because I'm an alien you are a human and I am just an all-out better species than human so whatever I do it it just doesn't matter so the science behind that but we literally went from people who did great things for the world being you know very popular and getting attention to people who say phrases like become one of the richest teenagers in the United States along with a very questionable rap career so you ever done for my video or is this the Instagram model that I talked about who decided we'll only turned on her camera and threw the ugliest cry we've ever seen literally the final boss of ugly cries and mine is hideous and this one just took the alien cake cried because she got her Instagram deleted and repeatedly said she is nothing without her Instagram I am nothing without my following following this is my [ __ ] my you know a little background that she didn't cover in that video of hers she reportedly got her Instagram deleted because of multiple extremely racist toasts that she decided to put on her Instagram they got reported and Instagram decided to look at her Instagram and then said nope kids have this because it's not good so be racist so we're gonna delete it and bye and then she decided to give us that wonderful golden video I have nothing without my following but anyway the same girl was on dr. Phil and it looks like she is a walking in the same footsteps as a certain teenager that was also on dr. Phil and I had to do an update because it is my YouTube duty to fill you in on everything weird hi guys what's up I'm Jesse Taylor I want to be just like cardi B where I have over 40 million followers okay I was wrong she's not following in the cache me outside girls but Steph she's following Kirti B's footsteps right now I only have a hundred eighty thousand but that's just a couple years ago I started getting thousands of followers being cyberbullying I ended up getting 30,000 followers almost overnight which is crazy because I had nothing before that I just want to say getting a ton of followers can be very dangerous for certain people I wasn't posting anything naked I would just kind of post me bikini pictures I made 6000 my first week I went to the Gucci store and I bought a laptop and I bought a car I had quite a few people ask how long it took to get to 200,000 followers on my YouTube then I said about four years and they were like but I want it now and I was very much like that in the beginning I want the followers now I want more people to see my stuff but I'm kind of grateful that it happened the way it did because I had time to process learn improve how I knew my videos improve my speaking boy improve the way I edit and improve how I react to certain rude comments that I get I also had time to be broke as hell and that's also very humbling I've seen people get like two hundred thousand maybe even a million in a month and very shortly I see their mental stability just kind of I came to LA I went to all the parties yep the good ole I got follower it's time to move to LA what a lot of people do when they get Fame on social media and the insecure easily manipulated people get sucked right in and then the rulers of LA sit back and watch as they get more minions ya can't get any more dense in this thing but that's what they do okay so think about that when you're getting sucked in to the LA lifestyle it was like a bunch of hot guys I hooked up with probably probably the hottest guys on earth like the hottest guys what an accomplishment a plus for that one I would deliberately go and find rappers and hot chocolate that remembering in my past video I said that I have a few friends I've gone south la lifestyle and now they are those girls that uh do that with certain celebrity and I get the inside scoop my friends will probably stop telling me things soon but for now I get the inside scoop but yeah you can earn a crap ton of money if you have pedaling sessions with the right people ten thousand twenty thousand one of my friends got thirty thousand for cuddling with a celebrity that really wanted to cuddle with her but anyway one of my girlfriends kind of heard about Jesse and seen her around and they made they say she's a joke so I don't know if my friend is lying or if Jesse's lying but I thought it was interesting that my friend saw my video and she texted me and was like haha he's weird we're on dr. Phil I really get recognized everywhere I go now oh we got a celebrity right here let's just take a poll didn't anybody know who she was until you saw that video of her freaking out or maybe you just know who she is because you're watching this video right now I mean you made it this guy is your biggest fan she's got the top higher than Beyonce but not quite as high as yo she get into the top events in New York in LA are you honestly gonna pick and choose what guys I get to talk to now the influencer is probably harder than having a normal job no it's not I'm gonna tell you that right now yes it's a lot of work and I work more technically than I did when I was having like a corporate job but I don't notice that I work a lot harder than I used to because I really just enjoy making videos I enjoy working with people online but I don't have to drive to a location I don't have to get there at a certain time I don't have to deal with the boss I don't have to deal with certain idiots but I have a blast with my job and also ass shots are not hard to change i'ma get some ass shots and they're stopped on April 4th 2019 I got my Instagram account deleted and I almost tried to kill myself and this is where I discovered her not from her rap career not from her butt or her naked pics but because she was acting a fool on YouTube because she was going to have to get a job what some of you guys have to realize is I have no skills I used to work in [ __ ] McDonald's before I did [ __ ] YouTube Instagram before I had a hundred thousand followers before I had everything in my life I was the [ __ ] loser also if she saved all that money she said that she made very quick instead of blowing it on purses and cars she would have a lot more time to think of what she's going to do when she did lose her Instagram I have no skills and if most of your income is coming from the celebrity men or men that have a lot of money who cares about her Instagram anyway the way that she's talking it sounded like she already had a reputation in LA anyway instagrams gonna take away your phone and take away your contacts so start another Instagram and keep doing your job and make your money and just be smarter this time around and stop being racist on Instagram easy fix make it make sense okay you guys a little intermission here so if you are on social media you probably saw the push-up challenge where you do ten push-ups because we're in quarantine and a lot of people are not getting a lot of activity so there's a push-up challenge going around and people kept tagging me in it and it kind of irritated me because you guys are taking away from my account interview time okay so I got irritated and I got on Instagram and almost like okay you guys want to keep talking me and in taking up my time with this activity I challenge you guys to do want arm push-ups and I did my ten on push-ups and expect two people to leave me the hell alone well people in my workout group actually did it and then they thought it would be funny to start another challenge in the group because they think it's so cool to make me do things that I probably can't do so Thomas decided to come up with the bullfrog challenge [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is not a yoga channel this is a cosplay talk about reality shows and be weird channel we're gonna call it the bullfrog slash Thomas challenge and I'm gonna do out on camera and I want all of you guys to do it so I don't look like a fool trying this myself so let's let's do it really quick let's see what week let's see what we got here all right can you guys see me okay wait I already know I'm going to smash my face on the floor and you're not want to get blue fees on the floor we now return to your regular programming getting right Instagram account deleted who doesn't learn tonight somebody murdering me know if you were murdered you would not be on dr. Phil making yourself look more stupid you would not be able to do that so it's very very different film the whole meltdown and then I woke up the next day with 500,000 views I got my 15 minutes of fame and I made $10,000 in two weeks and I immediately went and blew it and now I'm kind of just living off food Stanley I swear to sky daddy one of the things I'm gonna do first and I get super famous is get my teeth done and then all the guys that didn't want me before they're all gonna want me now yeah what another great goal to have make sure to change your I'll try to get as many Instagram followers as you can so the guys I didn't want anything to do with you purely only want you because of all of this she is on the right track that's why I want to be famous said that you're living on food stamps now yeah so this instafamous not that same can I say can I see these nails so we're paying for those boom called out by a TV show a psychologist she made five hundred thousand dollars in the last three years and you're on food stamps I spent $1,200 a week don't be laughing $1,200 thank you dr. Phil thank you so Jesse I'm just finding out it's also a funny gal she's just funny it's a little comedian prankster her pranks consists of stealing things when I make my prank videos I go up to people at the mall I'll try to steal their wallets or steal their phones or the runaway hilarious and doing stuff that people are too scared to do no no no most people don't do this because one it's against the law stealing and is illegal you might mess with the wrong person get your kneecaps busted I guess such a girl and here we see people the wrong person to mess with and she also said it's funny and I didn't laugh the girl that she was pranking obviously didn't laugh and if you look right here it didn't look like Jesse was laughing either she actually looks pretty scared and you actually like haters well yeah so like when I post videos like I'm not gonna lie like when I post I'm gonna say is this stupid and if I look dumb I'll post it oh so that's why there's just so much low-quality content out there the key people before you post is to ask yourself do I look like a stupid dumb dumb face and if the answers yes greenlight it and if I don't look down I'm like this is not crazy enough and I won't post it it's literally like the opposite of what level how did people do before they post anything or do any action in life like why did they take your account down I don't know I literally logged in and like I was like oh my gosh like I honestly have no idea well wasn't it because that smirk says she's lying isn't it because you got into a big argument and made a lot of racist comments yeah but I did that for attention oh yeah yeah I mean what if everybody use that excuse when they did anything wrong it says here in the police report that you punched this small child and took their fruit roll-up yeah but I did it for attention because I have a YouTube channel here racist comments were in a viral livestream these weren't a post this was yeah but all the rappers like obviously like I like black guys like I'm you know seen you out here with any white guys I love that because you always know you know someone's not racist if they suck black short history Rica but back in the day this late owners usually are word the woman slaves and probably some of the men ones too so I'm guessing they were not racist what are we talking about saying you're a racist I did it cuz I saw some girl do it on YouTube and now she does our own MTV show the science and logic in that one sentence and you know what it's shoot so yeah I'm sure we'd all love to see more of her and you said the more followers you get the better boyfriend you'll have times like where I wouldn't take guy and he was like oh get away from me whatever and then I said wait look at my Instagram he showed me he was like he's like oh you poppin holy crap I hate saying this but she's just purely just grotesquely um she is the definition of an idiot I was like oh yeah I know then he like and then he like wants like hook up with me after great guy I'm sure he's a great guy that treated you with so much respect after that anyway I'm done with this I'm gonna go fly on back to my home planet away from this just away from all of this and her and him and dr. Phil so have fun on earth with all of these people and if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button and a thumbs up and uh i'ma head up you see the GP unfit in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag I get the buzz you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty he's secured of my key I get to bust open on the flexor stretch I never scale like bone crush by that I don't feel night
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 198,921
Rating: 4.9693542 out of 5
Keywords: jessy taylor dr phil, jessy taylor meltdown, jessy taylor dr phil full episode, behavior, instagram, dr phil full episodes, dr phil full episodes 2020, psychology, She just wants attanetion, dr. phil show, instagram makes over 500k a year, instagram model on food stamps, instagram disabled my account, instagram disabled account fix, michelle mcdaniel, instagram disabled, jessy taylor rap, stop reporting my instagram, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: AD9v2kbZ1-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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