Responding To Fat Chicks: They Got MAD!!!!

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so I don't think body-positive people are as accepting as they claim to be I think the only time they accept you is if you agree to that and if you don't agree with absolutely every single thing they stand for you're trash hi everyone garbage my page my box will Publius in you and if you are new here hi I'm Michele McDaniel and today we are going to recap what happened after I posted my first episode of responding to that if you don't know what's that sorry I just saw a dog out my window and it's really cute but if you don't know what that is and I suggest you go watch it first before you watch this one before you start getting all offended over the title having beef f-word in it and cursing me out and telling me I look like a man just watch the video it's a very positive video and I'm not too sure why anyone would be upset about it but pretty much what my new series all about is taking someone who is very into that body positivity movement is very strong-minded within the commit community who have made some very bold statements some very strong statements about health and weight loss and I kind of give my opinion on it from someone who has also struggled with eating disorders on both ends like I said before my other videos couldn't stick with the whole starving thing for very long but I was very very good at binging and now that I'm the personal trainer that really promotes being healthy overall not being a certain size not being a certain you know body but being overall healthy so I wanted to make that series because I wanted to give my unbiased opinion about the situation because I think a lot of what this you know there's two sides of fitness and health side and then the body acceptance side is up and for some reason these you can't come together and I really wanted to create a series to kind of give my intake on not from a crazy fitness person and not someone who's completely and you know all that body positivity but someone who just is really into balance and being healthy and give my opinion on something because a lot of those people that actually do sometimes talk to me on this side the body positivity side I think it's just lack of education on what it takes to lose weight and it's because losing weight is not as crazy as the magazines make it look or not as difficult as it as it as people make it out since it doesn't take much to lose weight it takes consistency first I want to say YouTube people like my subscribers anyone that has watched videos so far going through the comments you guys have been amazing you guys really responded well to the video you guys like took the time to actually watch the video so I wanted to say thank you for that but Instagram was a whole different thing so she ended up seeing the Instagram post because I tagged her like I'm not someone that's going to try to hide it it's the Internet she has a public profile I have a public profile I agreed with a lot of what she was saying I wanted her to see my post and see the video because wouldn't you want to see if someone from a different you know world was agreeing with something that you said but you know still like constructively responding to it when you want to hear that from a different perspective her and her followers were not having it but I tagged her because eventually even if I cut her fade off face off or you know Blob certain things she's got quite a bit of followers people are going to know who it is and then they're going to be upset that I didn't tag her so I tagged her so I screenshot everything once I started getting hectic but if you don't follow me on instagram Peniche you know that they got so upset that they got my post removed like deleted because they reported it so we didn't get a chance to screenshot to prove what I had as my caption but I keep all of my I'm gonna post in the morning in my notes because I'm a little foggy brain when I wake up so but I did screenshot everything else and I'm not gonna read my comments back to them you can just freeze the screen and then read what I said but I stayed very civil but first I want to read what my original caption was for the most part I did probably like swap a few things in or out or like the Lita's a few things but this is pretty much what it says it's all I can balance for me in the comment section because a lot of you saw it someone even like sent me messages about why were they so upset about that so let's just read what I had good morning so I have a new series I posted called responding to fat chicks for my first episode I wanted to respond so I burn on 2001 post really caught my eye I agreed with a lot of what she said and I disagreed with some of it as well I really wanted to give my perspective from someone who struggled and still struggles with body image and eating disorders and as a personal trainer click the link in my bio and let me know what you think that's pretty much what it said with a lot of emojis thrown up in there let's read what her commentaries had to say coming to my faith and then we'll read what she had to say nope is right stop this series is disgusting and not OK her body is not your body so don't get to comment on so you don't get to comments on it and tagging her is a in the face and allowing tour your followers to harass her yo she rude so iris wanted this back to her so just freeze it read it and I'll read but she says OC responds with pool and I say yeah super cool you didn't respond to anything I said upside down face I know and I erased what I was going to type because it's pointless with the wait service it's a way to respond it and how you don't get what you're doing is not OK and I won't be watching your video and giving it a view because that would be contributing to the toxicity of your message that I gauge from your post so yeah cool so she says my post was toxic I'm so I tried to you know where can you explain it didn't want to explain it didn't want to watch the video so once again not bridging that gap between the two different worlds because they don't allow it attention-seeking tasteless behavior this thinking is so basic just because I ever nonce mm has a successful Instagram page it doesn't give anyone the right to comment on her body or single her out never commented on her body not in the post and not in my video and yes I definitely single her out when you're a public figure and you're making certain statement people are always going to respond look at Tess holiday if you're going to be in the public eye you should expect it people take mine all the time they draw up stuff on my face you know guys put things on my face after eyes you know don't accept their audiences in my inbox girls get pissed off at me and you know do whatever they want to my videos up what I pretty much signed up for when you go on social media and you share your opinion honestly if you ever share your opinion someone's going to be upset by it someone's going to respond to it if you don't want people saying those things back to you don't share your opinion doesn't give anyone the right to comment on her body or single her out let alone tag her this is what's wrong with diet culture it's cool if you want to do it for yourself but you have no idea what other journeys been like so it's not cool to comment on anyone's help or body once again she would know that if she just kind of read the small paragraph I had that I didn't comment on her body I never said that she needs to be healthy I was giving my opinion on the things that she said that she was having issues as the doctor and that was my opinion on the issues that she said that she was having when she gained 20 pounds I never told her that she had to lose it so it's not cool to comment on anyone else's health or body period I think when we all realize that others bodies are not ours to police or talk about then maybe we can actually be an enlightened culture the funny thing is about these people is they don't want people talking about their bodies but they continue to talk and post about their bodies it's like me posting a bikini picture and you can really see the curvature of my gluteus maximus and then I say don't comment on my booty what are you gonna be looking at in the picture that duh I responded to every single one of these comments that were very upset with me because like I said I want to communicate with these people and try to you know they see where I'm coming from I see where they're coming from so I responded I can you point out where I said these specific things and she never responded so this other chick came on through and responded and she was really interesting because she claimed not to be offended but she was on there the whole time so true shitty people are everywhere putting other girls down to get like an attention question mark these bitches are why young kids don't want to let go of eating disorders she should be ashamed of herself and if this individual took the time to read or watch the video then she would know that I talked about eating disorders and mental health even if you don't say it your move was bitchy and shitty you don't know what other suffer or how they live their life to go back on their body the fact that you are a black woman distorting another black woman for celebrating her buddy is just stupid and I was really interesting for me that she brought up color because once once I said this in my other videos that these people try to put being overweight on the same level as being a person of color no one can help being a black or Mexican or you know anything else most people except for a very tiny percentage who has a medical issue can help be the over weakness and the obesity Nick and it sounded like she was saying just because she's black I should be celebrating her only because he's like don't doesn't matter if someone is a shitty person or a horrible person but because that is a black woman I need to you know really wholeheartedly up with this person just because the color of her skin what do you guys think about that one that is not a bad word why are you policing other people's life nobody asks you to comment on her body I clearly said what she said on her sweatshirt that she was very proud to post about you can say whatever you need to say without naming anyone or saying you disagree with their body it's pretty disrespectful it doesn't matter how nice you say it or how you back it up the fact it's not cool about the black woman comment I am NOT saying a celebrate all black women I discourage body building and stuff I was under the impression that it was a bad thing to disagree with other people's bodies but here she is disagreeing with body building no need to put a great black woman down like the society does you and I and every black woman know what I'm talking about I pretty much said please explain what you mean by that she didn't really explain but there was like a lot of back-and-forth with her and she claimed that she wasn't offended and yet she would write paragraphs of just everything so this girl goes before I block you I just wanted to say I'm not sure who you think you are but blasting other people calling them out specifically chess Holliday and Leia burn offer and since exposes them to people saying nasty things and attacking them simply for existing in this world maybe consider that next time you call someone out by name secondly you can discuss your wrong opinion on body types comparing a fat person to met a dick to a meth addict girl are you okay and what she means by that my test holidays post I just posted the cover and I asked them some simple questions that relate to being obese a lot of people at least in the health industry relate drug addicts to food addicts they think it's an addiction so I asked questions I didn't even reverse didn't even post my opinion I'm saving that for a video but I just thought it was funny that she just instantly thinks that's my opinion you know what completely doesn me even though they say they don't judge people you know they could get upset when people judge obese people but there she is judging me without naming specific examples you can a celebrate your body and your image without bringing anyone else's image into it at all anyway have a nice life but miss me with all of this little weight thing and then she instantly blossomy like what was it like they're so scared to have like a conversation like that's like say what they want then they block they don't like hear anyone else's opinion that's it so this one says there's literally no such thing as extreme body acceptance oh I forgot so my like post that I shifted around like that was the original then when I posted that I said I really wanted to give my opinion from someone who's not an extreme like fitness person an extreme like body positivity person so that's where that's coming from and I really wish I got the screenshot our conversation because she was the only one that actually had somewhat of a civil discussion between us and I didn't have a chance to screenshot it when she actually ended up this the only one out of the comment section watching my video is he agreed with some some points she did disagree with and I wish like I said they didn't delete it because I was going to ask her like right when I had clicked comment that screen came up and I didn't get the comments anymore because they don't need it so I lightly wanted to know what point she didn't agree with in my video because I think that would maybe open a few you know mental mind doors going on so that's very unfortunate because we could have maybe connected a little bit and see where she was coming from but we don't get to do that because the strong-minded ones and the body acceptance community won't allow it her opinion is irrelevant about other people I understand you're jealous of how confident powerful and open I ever non mm is you don't have to be petty and ignorant you can listen to Leia's wisdom and advice it might help you be more accepting of yourself and others so you're not inclined to try to drag other people for their differences know better do better I love how people in that world claim that you know such-and-such is so confident but the moment that you don't agree with a certain something they flip out and then you know they get quite upset so I found that very interesting so I don't give him a lot of attention to the people that were very rude you know but I do have to give attention to my followers up completely were in the comments section thank you guys for coming in and saying what you said but wait you weirdo which I talked to her in my messages but she came up and she goes I've never seen Michelle comment on anyone's page with hostility or just to be negative and you keep avoiding questions answer the question where did she bashed her body like I don't see that shit anywhere don't bring up the issue of blackness because high cholesterol high blood pressure hypertension diabetes and all health issues related to obesity of the effects black community at a disproportionate rate we above all other communities have to stop pretending it's okay don't tell people to have a responsibility to take someone's keys if they are drunk or high but say nothing when they're killing themselves with food that is a whole video in itself I agree with it and I I really want to make a video on that let me know if you guys are interested in but I thought that one was really interesting so after you know they were going back and forth between each other this says well at least work that is proud imagine if imagine we could have been as ignorant and low-class as you but this is the girl that's calling us bitches and whatever else she called us but she's got class so they went back and forth for a while like this chick wasn't having anything for me but I think because this other girl was not me that she responded a little bit better to her and near the end of it all the chick that was calling me a shitty person and that I'm a bitch in blah blah blah and at the end she was like oh you know I understand I was just getting super offended and you know what you know had to pop on here so to me it just looked like she like many people that get upset like this on the internet after not even doing the research first about the pose she just had a very emotional reaction and she was instantly upset and kind of just you know fires back which that is not going to bridge the gap either guys and I'm reading these comments because I want to show up people getting upset for no reason so that maybe if something happens that you get upset over some little post maybe try to think about it first try to communicate with the person and see if you guys can communicate I mean acting helps go like a lot of this is just lack of communication and lack of like listening after all that going on they reported that post the original posts that I posted and they got it um deleted off of Instagram and they were all like celebrating thing that I deleted it because I was so embarrassed and I was wrong and all this stuff they were like so lip-reading and everything like that like yeah yes we won you know and I'm like why would I delete that post you guys are getting literally upset over nothing they were all celebrating so I reposted it I didn't tag the girl and I just put my thumbnail from my youtube video and some of the girls the girl that I just showed you the one that was calling me a bitch in the shitty person and then some other random person decided to hop on there too and then I was a go do laundry because I can said I'm like feeling all day responding to negative reactions and I wasn't go do all this laundry which took me quite a while and I came back to my posts delete it again so they were just on a very they were on a case of reporting posts that they don't like you got your way congratulations on pretty much splitting this bridge in half lighting a flame and torching the whole thing between you know this community in that community Congrats that is just typical unfortunately so now I want to read what I Vernon had to say about the whole thing I got time today cuz miss Missy wanna actually tag me in some fat phobic bull screenshots and comment if you disagree with my views on body acceptance and respectfully exit stage left you won't be missed I'm not defending are youing or really caring about what anyone has to say about my body period with a t what this lady is doing is riding the wave of body heat to garner attention build her falling but has masked it with oh I used to Benjy to what I really can't stand our fake inspirational folks trying to fill the platform off some heat clearly her content isn't strong enough since she has to bring me in that was the first paragraph there's more but I just want to respond to it so she said my post was fat phobic I read what you have to tell me if it was back phobic and if it is fat phobic please discourage explain how it was that phobic along with the videos it was that phobic to because I think we have different definitions of what fad phobic is which would probably make a really good video in the future too she says she's not gonna defend are you I really care what other people have some say about her bodies and yet she wrote like two paragraphs about what I never said about her body she says I'm riding a wave of body hates I like to talk about health so I'm kind of confused on where they are getting this whole like I'm telling her that her body is wrong or I disagree with her body or this that and the other I except that I used to binge eat because I did and still do and I relate to her in that sense so I was trying to relate to her and show that just because I'm fit doesn't mean I don't struggle with the same struggles with you know mental illness or issues with food so I guess she didn't really like that part that I related to her she says I'm fake inspirational trying to build a platform off tape I guess preaching about health is hateful and she says that my content isn't strong enough which I don't have a lot of followers or subscribers but and this is the fitness world I don't post a lot of song well I don't post song pictures or like butt crack pictures going on which is what gives you the followers here and the body acceptance world you have to either be completely body acceptance you know extreme body acceptance I guess that's not really a thing but diet culture is but in my role extreme body acceptance or you can't be in that world either so I fit right in the middle which isn't a very large world so yeah it takes me time to build up my my following and I just found it really interesting that she have to try to insult me that or lessen my knowledge or less than my point because I don't have as many followers as her but you know she's confident so first off you can celebrate your body without putting other bodies down the whole lot of clocks in there and I never put her body down so this could have been done so much better so I really wanted to ask her how could have this been done so much better without you being offended how would how would you have done it instead what she has done is opened the door for trolls to attack and mock my eating disorder so people were really upset and saying that I said my followers to go troll her there's no way in the post or in my video that you could have gotten my impression people are going to see her profile anyway I'm sure people felt a certain way about her sweatshirt that she was wearing and once again if you are on the internet and you make famous like that people will come for you just like people come for me and they were like well you should have put a disclaimer saying don't go to the don't her profile the moment you say that that just that just signals to all the a-holes on the internet to go to that profile and be even extra rude so I don't put disclaimers like that then you got her pick me assball were underneath calling me a Joe and to go eat celery so I saw that comment I wanted to address it but I don't agree with so with that type of language towards people I don't say those type of things and I personally do not control what people will say on my post just like you the she doesn't control what her followers say to me it's everybody has free will but I don't like when people say those type of things because then they're going to relate me so that but once again I don't have control over what people say I got a calm down because these random people have not one clue of my body journey but seem to have all the answers she then asked what if morbidly obese people like tests can be on the cover of a magazine then why can't an erect stick or meth users be on covers and once again she's referring to my test holiday pose I cannot make this ignorant stuff what's messed up is that female bodybuilders get body shamed along with she looks like em for her to turn around and do it to me and others like me is crazy I really wanted her to point out where I body shame her like where did I fuck quote me screenshot tell me where I body shamed her I'm so very tired of people assuming what my body is that is only one of my descriptors didn't I say that in the beginning of my video which she didn't really watch so she's never going to find out what is in the video that I related to her on it it's just funny how they decided to just stay in their box you know that is only one of my descriptors but it does not define me because this body has gotten me flown all over the world expenses paid and even some Barcelona where I'm currently serving serving a forest loose so I just wanted to like make another point that these people always want everyone to stop focusing on their body but then right at the end she says well this body has gotten these this this and this and that so I mean your body is very important to you and the look of your body is very important to you because if she wasn't fat then she wouldn't be flown all over place and to Barcelona so you know those beams or those things that you see all over Instagram or Facebook about the body acceptance community or the fat acceptance community saying that they don't want to hear anyone else's opinion unless it goes with their agenda or their way of thinking and they claim to accept all bodies and just very accepting in general but the moment you don't agree with them they insult your body or just insult you in general unfortunately the people on my post and I Vernon mm just proved those things very much correct they were very close-minded and I found the more that I would respond to them and try to have like a civil conversation the more they would just get upset when I wasn't agreeing with what they were saying is they wouldn't respond to a lot of mighty points that I had they would just disregard that and focus on exactly what what they wanted to say without hearing what I was saying all while saying that I'm a very judgmental person honestly I think that the people in the embody acceptance community which are have a very high percentage of obese people are very used to just immediately lashing out because come on guys let's be real there are that hats out there that will say something about their weight that will be very rude to them I had things said to me when I was very insecure about I mean I still get things said to me I'm just I don't care now but um when I was heavier people would say things to me and that was really hurtful and I started to lash out immediately toward anything when I was a very insecure individual when people would say certain things to my body and I would just watch out as angry and hop in it and as hurtful as I possibly could so I can see where they're coming from they're just so used to someone who looks like me saying your body is wrong your your body is this that's a such a such lose weight I think they're I think they just expect Dylan that looks like me to approach them like that and that just what they expected out of my poster probably what they expected was going to be in the video which I think we all just need to learn to and try and communicate but they didn't care that I agreed with a lot of what I've earned on two thousand was saying they didn't hear that I really related to the Pope all they heard is that she doesn't agree completely she is not one of us we need to tear her down as fast as possible before our feelings get hurt it's that mentality where you either stand with all of us and all that we stand for or you're trash very cult ish mentality that I don't like being in from the fitness side or the body except inside and it's really kind of upsetting because this I ever not really had a chance to bridge the gap between the two different world and have a really interesting conversation between two people who look different but can relate to each other and she was not even about to try at all and a lot of her followers kept saying like how open she is and you know she's such an open person and I should be more like her but yet she completely closed me out instantly she decided to make my post into something that it wasn't to fit her agenda focus on the one of my followers that insulted her while all the other ones were really like interested in the post but she decided to focus on that one even though she claims that she doesn't care what people think about her she then makes a whole novel of a new post about me making claims about what I said that I have never said and then blocked me so that I wouldn't be able to say what I wanted to say to her post because once again she wants everything to fit in her agenda in her box she wants all her followers to think like her don't even open up the door to a different way of thinking because that's not even close to being on the table once again I'm blocks from her page so I don't know what was going on her page I just got screenshots from my followers and if my followers have anything against her like oh like bakery with me like I didn't say anything bad to block them personally to me that doesn't sound like someone who's a very positive person a very accepting person a bear open-minded person or a very confident person but what do I know I'm just some bitchy fat shaming bodybuilder who happened to find a post from a body acceptance individual that I've really related to and wanted to open up a very interesting discussion you guys tell me what you think in the comment section but until then I am still gonna stick with this series I'm still on that quest to find someone that is very body positive and in that community that will communicate with me and we can chitchat about our differences and what we think so until then I will see you guys until the second episode remember you don't have to be a size 2 abs are great but not needed to be healthy but health is very important mentally and physically and I want all of my Watchers to be as healthy as you possibly can so I will see you guys next video [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 295,308
Rating: 4.9403229 out of 5
Keywords: rESPONDING TO FAT CHICKS, Fat acceptance, fat acceptance fail, fat acceptance cringe, angr fat activists, fat activists, trying to talk to fat activists, tess holiday, ivernon2000, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: 829fxFEc6YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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