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that's it that's it I'm dragging her I'm dragging that little I can't take anymore I can't YouTube I literally can not it's time to expose today I'm going to tell you everything I am going to spill the tea I am going to hiss I mean technically she is a right [Music] hayashi do you love your outfit yesterday people today's video is all about the true star of this channel the one who is often imitated but never duplicated the master behind all my videos Yoshida she is so excited for this today can't you tell and I think you guys are too because I get so many comments saying make a video about Yoshi and you might gotta tell me twice to make a video about mom baby so I'm gonna tell you guys what it was like for me to own my first pug and my experiences than any other pug owner out there a really just dog owner let me know if you guys have had the same experiences that I've had hug or not just let me know about your fur babies because I do love me some Furby because I have had some experiences was having a pug and I've had dogs my almost my whole life but I grew up with Great Dane I ended up babysitting it a little about a little and actually pretty fat chug that I babysat for the first time and after the first day I was sold I was in love and he was mostly pug but he had a little bit Chihuahua in him but he had all the pug tendencies and I was like oh my god I need a pug I'm so in love with their weird little personalities and thus I got Yoshi and all her little weird antics and more that I was not expecting so let's hop right to it and there was nothing in here ever one they're actually pretty acted I originally got a pug because I'm fit but I was pretty fat previously so now I'm fit but I still feel like I have my little fat self inside my Fit Body and on the weekends I love to plaster myself on the couch for the majority of my life so I didn't want an active dog that I would have to be running around with I wanted a chubby little ball that was snuggled right up next to me and God heard that and he said let there be pup pretty sure that's how it happened and had nothing to do with the odd breeding techniques of man so the pugs I'm like it was right up my naturally lazy sitting on the couch most of the weekends so first day I brought Yoshi home good lord was crazy she would never sit down she bounced everywhere she jumped on that Kable my futon there she would not stop moving unless I grabbed her like this and even then she was tell me quickly around in my hand just trying to get anything that she gave her little paws and mouths onto so the first day I put her in her little carrier because I needed a break I got Yoshi on leg day and it's it was leg day and Yoshi girl here had me doing extra sprints around my house so I put her in the carrier to take a take a break so I put her in the carrier and I cover it with a blanket and she goes insane bat crazy I didn't see the carrier like moving and jumping and diving all over the place you know how in the movies they they come up to like this box and it's just shaking around crazy cuz there's something crazy in the box that what was happening with Yoshi's carrier with this tiny little how could such a small dog make so so so the carrier finally stopped and I slowly go over I peek through and she's just propped up in the corner breathing heavy and all of the sudden she revs up and Sprint's to the end of the carrier latches on to the metal part and starts nice like a crazy person except she was like a five pound pug crazy person I was like what did I bring home it didn't help that puzzle look like a gremlin mixed with pig and a dash of alien sorry oh she she was like this up until she was about five and then she started to mellow out a little bit to become the little Yoshi she is now and even now though she's still very active she still plays with all of her toys she loves to bounce on the couch and jump off and sprint around and she's just uh a little active burnt potato so to add to their hyperactive personalities they're also very stubborn little hope so I am very schedule ask you guys I scheduled my stuff I scheduled my dogs we are on it time's good when they're puppies because I just want them to get trained the thing is though is that I always had great games growing up and it could be a briefing on no dog expert this is just my experiences between Great Danes and little potato pugs the Great Danes were very mellow they took the training very easily adopted potty training was a breeze obviously we just kind of sat there and were just big giants that sat around not that they were very easy to treat but they were a lot easier than the Queen so just wanted to put that out there because someone I know is gonna call me say oh you don't know how to train dogs nope I've trained dogs well helped my friends train their dogs I'm good in that part training Yoshi was a hell of a ride and I've heard this from other pug owners as well that pugs are just stopped like after months Yoshi knew her name she knew what's come here meds she even knew that if she came over to me what I said come here that there would be a treat to race her little pug top but it seems like every single time I would call her there was something she loved more than that little chicken trees running away from me eating everything from twigs rabbit poop and rocks I would call her and it's like to her yo she come meant son away frantically and make me look like an idiot we have this huge backyard but half of it was covered in just this bushed and rubbish and just nature stuff and it was on a huge hill that I would never go up because of snakes and bugs which are gross but miss Yoshi here thought that would be a great idea that her little five pound black behind go up there and just sprint her out and have fun Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi yes I had to sprint inside go get a tree that was big enough for her to see and then she finally sprinted down yeah after that one I always kept her on a leash when we went potty so since we're on the topic of potty time let's talk about how they get distracted easily especially during potty time we now live in Arizona it's hot like a 120 degrees hot we could go out for a simple pee nope Yoshi here has to sniff every blade of grass every tree even the side of a wall Yoshi please go to the bathroom she will literally just stare at me for about 30 seconds turn decide to just admire a flower say hello to the cat in the window that heats her and then just sniff a random spot that smells kind of good and that's right now like that happened this morning I when she was a puppy oh my gosh Yoshi please go to the bathroom her eyes would instantly just catch something this time it was her arch-nemesis a snail Yoshi Yoshi she slowly stalks her arch-nemesis for this time he had no clue she was coming one step two step and countless guys she was like this tiny she couldn't even make a mark on a snail gizelle was like what the ha but what did you what what what what was that say hello to your new BFF your shadow your everything I don't have kids but I was a nanny for a very long time and pugs best to remind me of little fat miniature hairy two-year-olds sometimes before I leave she will wrap her little arms around my leg when I pick her up she will put her head on my shoulder when weird is shown watching TV so you will have to have at least one paw on me at all time and honestly I always wanted a dog that was completely attached to me but Yoshi and I've heard it from other presenters that pugs just take it to a whole nother level and it's absolutely adorable and if they aren't with you they will scream for you which takes me to my next experience with the pug pugs do not bark they make the absolute weirdest sounds but they do not bark when she was tiny she was pretty much silent she wouldn't make any noise except for crying and the sounds of her like denying on various furniture and random in my house but besides that she made no mouths type sounds like barks so when we first got her I was like what is she actually going to make noise we're like what's wrong with her why is she making any type of noise so we were trying to just rile her up to get her to just find her little pug voice and we were squeaking this toy around her you know throwing stuff throw toys shaking her a little toy in front of her and then all the sudden she perhapses up and like this is it this is going to be the strong little pug park I know she has and then we hear it she goes look even her house is on and don't ask how we started doing this but for some reason when we all start howling Yoshi will just want to join in on the fun because they like being included [Applause] they wouldn't think that they are people she thinks these are hand what you do but you have absolutely no opposable thumbs oh this whole grab things with these and fail because once again they have no opposable thumbs but it is cute oh good lord I have been around many dogs but pugs and other squishy face dogs have the absolute worst far so fun fact about Yoshi not all pugs do this at least I highly doubt they do and as yours does tell me in the comment section but yo she knows the F word and if I asked her if she did the F word she freaks out and gets embarrassed my stride Yoshi Yoshi did you fart did you fart did you fart nobody farting you farted in you Yoshi you farted she's embarrassed you're gonna need to keep these with you at all times you know those kids that are always snotty and the mucus just flows down their face 24/7 and they always have red around their face and probably sticky tea nut butter and jelly hands yeah just pretend you have one of those and always carry in these and clean your child's face you know those people that like always need attention take that person smash their face in add in some hair a few aiya boogers and condense them down into a 15 to 20 pound little ball of mass if I'm not giving Yoshi attention she builds up vanity if you follow me on instagram and you will see my stories with Yoshi jump animate my attention I will just be on my computer editing videos for you guys so that you can sit down and relax and watch YouTube and then this little spoiled little adorable pug we'll come over and just Pawnee and I'll be like no Yoshi I'm a little busy right now then she'll go run and grab her a little ball and squeak it from across the room I will force myself to keep my eyes on my computer even though I can feel those bug stairs she will then proceed to move and sit in the shadows of my apartment staring at me I refuse to move my eyes from my screen she then moves to the other side of the room then she'll just jump off the couch if I leave my gym bag on the floor she will jump in that and when there is nothing less for her to sit on she will find herself right in front of my computer but guys I'm good I won't even look good all the sudden BAM she throws her whole body onto my face looking and forcing me to show her all of my love listen if you get offended easily don't get a pug because random people on the street will come up to you and tell you that your precious little baby is ugly rude my child is a super mod an Instagram model a beauty queen all dogs let's see but out of all the dogs that I've been around or have had pups seem like they're on some type of drug when they know there's stood around like I said before if you follow me on Instagram or if you saw my cooking video that you will know that Yoshi is obsessed with potatoes this chick is shaped like a potato and she loves to eat them whenever I skin potatoes I hear that loud snore and then I look up and see a dazed crackhead look in her eyes waiting for me to accidentally drop a potato slice honestly I think she has a problem I love dogs I enjoy dogs I'm that person that sees a dog and I have to go pet it but there is something about pugs I mean they fart a burbs they're messy eaters they're fat I'll know they get leaky bowels right to put it shortly they are very unique and I love it all they are so sweet so cuddly people that say I hate Puzder meet Yoshi and fall in love so before I moved here I had to stay with one of my best friends who is Colombian and her mom asks her as she goes oh is she bringing that sort of ugly hug thing the one I get there she didn't really want to touch you she or be around Yoshi she was fun that she was there she just didn't really want her near her so I had to go to the store real quick and I came back within 30 minutes I hear the night music playing and she's totally goofy on the couch the grandma I thought the table giving her treats I thought y'all didn't like her and that she was horrible basically I thought one of those parents that have one of those snotty spoiled snot-nosed kids and the parents like oh my gosh isn't my child just the most adorable cutest thing and everyone else is just like so if you're down for that life get a pup and for all the people who are gonna say it you know she's gross you're gross if you enjoyed this video and want more like it don't forget to thumbs up and subscribe to let me know that's what you want check both of our Instagram selves and oh wow do you guys want to celebrate Yoshi's birthday with me I thought it would be a pretty cool thing if we celebrated Yoshi's birthday together and I was gonna just purchase them stuff off Amazon some weird doggy things on Amazon and then just show you guys what I got on camera and if you guys want to send things to Yoshi that you want to see us open on camera too then feel free to message me and I will make sure to and give you my keeo box don't forget to call me in the comment section any funny stories from your guys's dogs are just funny things that your dogs do and if you guys post pictures of your dogs I love dogs tag me I want to see all of them if you love Yoshi's cool outfit and yes me both plans miss matchy matchy I will link it in the description below for you guys so that you can dress up your little fur babies and me and Yoshi who was extremely excited to do video and wear this outfit for you guys we'll see y'all next time [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 28,121
Rating: 4.9697123 out of 5
Keywords: pug, story, dogs, story time, storytime, living with a pug, pug walk, pug party, pug screaming, pug life, pug videos, pug barking, dog videos, funny pug, pug storytime, pug story time, pug owner, owning a pug, funny pug videos, funny pugs, what are pugs like, black pugs, black pug story
Id: FawqWPrhaTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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