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I'm gonna give that rainbow carrots shake a piece of my mind so a lot of you guys have been messaging me asking me what do you think about this girl what do you think of this video what's your opinion on this drag this chick I don't need a dragon one I already work out and I don't want to do any more physical labor than what I have see but you guys asked what my opinion was on body posi pandas video diet culture holiday survival guide how to stay body-positive over the holidays and personally I was not gonna do a video on this because one the holidays are over it's summertime and two because it's just kind of old and you've already made response videos to it so I didn't know it was that important but you guys asked so I will try and deliver no body posi Fanta Fanta crew listen I am talking sing your little faces right there you know I'm under the understanding that whenever there's a video talking about body pause in its not in agreeance of her opinions she likes to sing her followers to small channels like mine and in fact her followers before the video and get the video taken down for this thing called hate speech so listen up people if you think I'm gonna sit up here and my guys fat and whatever else you think I'm gonna say I am oh no she did oh yes she did just kidding Shh you're wrong I'm not I don't want this video just bash a certain human being I want to make this video like I'm having a good ol conversation with a girlfriend who has different opinions than me I'm gonna hear her opinion and then I'm going to say my opinion I personally think that a lot I'm going to say is not hate speech it's just an opinion and that's the cool thing about all of us human beings we all have different opinions that's why we're just so special pea egg I will not be calling this woman any type of names what so ever and it will be interesting to see if the body pausing panda fanclub are able to do the same and just conversate with me and a pretty civil manner so the challenges on body-positive gender crew can we stay civil was different opinion sorry wasn't going to respond to the whole video because it's already kind of long and i wasn't sure how you guys this watchers respond to longer videos on youtube so i was going to stay a little bit more basic we're just gonna respond to mostly everything so just you know it's Saturday morning what else you have to do sit down relax and just watch this video nope without further to do take it away body pocket and uh hey everyone welcome to my channel and thank you for being here so today I thought that we could talk about something there lot of us are gonna need in the next month or so and that is how to deal with the diet culture shitstorm that is headed our way so let's talk about diet culture really quick I started hearing this phrase sometime last year and I never could find a slick definition of it I personally think it's a word that was made up by these people who want to carry on a false narrative I have not yet found a stone-cold you know true definition I think it's just a word made up by the body acceptance community and there you know activists to help them push their narrative and push their movement but I did find a definition from a blog so yes that's right diet culture is a society that focuses on and values weight shape and size over health and well-being variations of diet culture also includes rigid eating patterns that on the surface are in the name of health but in reality are wait shape or size so pretty much I've come to conclusion that diet culture is a culture that you know talks about how blah blah blah it's all about health but in reality it's just about what you look like even if the diet is not healthy what I find very hypocritical of the body acceptance movement because they never talk about how unhealthy it is to be overweight how unhealthy it is to eat those kind of foods and how unhealthy it is to have that much body fat on your body same one that comes around every single year around Christmas and New Year's basically telling us that our bodies are wrong and we should feel really guilty for every single thing with eaten and that we bow hop on the next diet train pretty quick if we want to be happy this you know I can agree with that we all know once the holidays in and as we see now that summer is rolling along is the new diet fad and this is gonna get your body gold fit after the holidays my clientele skyrocket and quite honestly I loathe getting clients around that time of year because those are the clients that are looking for a nice and most of those people do not stick with it we all know what happens to bad they don't last they last for about a few weeks especially with me because when I tell them it's going to be a long process because that's a lot healthier rather than a two to four week process and quite frankly you're not going through lose 30 pounds within a month with all these magazines say that's impossible and not real and if you did do it that means your disc hooping now you guys know I love cooling [ __ ] on diet culture but this time of year it just comes you so thick and fast from all directions it's hard to know how to deal with it what to say how to protect yourself really and it could be that you're worrying about family members who are going to come round and attach a load of moral value to every single thing they eat oh no darling I really can't have another mince pie I've been so good this week and I have to be good next week and this will just be bad I will be bad if I have that mince pie so just because someone else doesn't want a piece of mince pie that shouldn't make you feel any type of way unless you're just an extremely insecure person if someone else decided not to partake in holiday treats how is that going to stop you I still have friends that compete I do not they are competing and having amazing answers bodies it's not going to make me feel bad about being fluffier than them because I'm relatively secure in myself so we go out and they have their press meal that I want some ice cream they ain't stopping me they have a goal to compete I have a goal to eat ice cream we all got different goals it's okay eat your mince pie and be happy other people shouldn't have to eat something to make you feel secure in your food choices we can barely open our phones or go down the street or even be anywhere in public without hearing about calories counted and pounds loss and how life would be so much better and easier and happier if we looked different I can agree with that I get so many clients saying oh if I was this way I would look like this I would be so happy so truth is I'm extremely happy with my body I'm a confident woman I'm very secure myself I love my body but still occasionally even though I've lost my weight I will catch myself in the mirror like what what is this what is that on me I would look so much better without that what would be easier this guys would be bluer the Sun was shine wait I live in Arizona it's 120 degrees and the sun's always shining we're never gonna be completely happy with your body there's always gonna be something going on they so consciously want to change no matter how confident you are that goes for any fitness girl any girl any average chick any chick that's also in the body-positive community that expressed see how confident she is and how happy she is with her body all of us even men are going to find something about our bodies that we are going to want to change it's part about being human we're all a little bit insecure knows that this is the time of year that they can really cash in they know that we're going to be spending time with our families eating what we want maybe we'll gain some weight and they know that they can cash in on that make us feel like failures and make Bank which is why diet culture is so right this time of year and this can be especially harmful for people who are in recovery from eating disorders or just people who spent their entire lives falling down the diet culture rabbit hole immediate to make you think that there is something wrong with you and that you should do this ex diet print I hear so many of the body-positive committee it's active is talking about how unhealthy diet culture is and how unhealthy you know these things that we see in the media and how unhealthy it is to just strive for this unrealistic body type and how it's so bad for people's self-esteem and how it's so bad for their mental health about how unhealthy it is being overweight or having too much body fat if we're gonna talk about health I think we need to talk about all aspects of health so why I'm asking you body-positive community that you guys never talk about the side-effects of being overweight being unhealthy eating a whole mince pie I am a huge advocate rebounded here are some of my tips for fending off diet culture and staying in your body positive mindset number one set your boundaries decide right now that you deserve a body shame free holiday which you do because we all do it you're just going along fine Christmas Day at the table everything's cool and then BAM diet culture bomb and you weren't expecting it and you don't know what to do about it if you want comfortable enough then you could kind of do the same thing as before and explain the situation call them up on what they've just set this could look something like I know you don't mean anything negative by it but the way you just spoke about your body or about food that can be really damaging to me because you know I've really struggled to accept myself and to have a good relationship with food and now I'm trying this thing where I don't put myself down and I don't obsess about calories and weight and it would just be really helpful for me and my mental health if you could try and do that with me okay huge ginormous these along with dessert and then I washed it down with another plate of dessert that's literally how my holidays go I have a problem honestly I really did I was a binge eater but if I eat all that food I'm going to make a comment like oMG I feel so gross because I do oMG I feel so fat because I do oh my gosh I feel so bloated and sluggish because I do that's what I feel the moment he not all normal things to say after he's been and if that triggers you girl this is a pretty long video so common Bend or if you're still with us and let's carry on or you could say hey have you heard of body positivity it's this movement that's about accepting all of our bodies and no matter how they look and making peace with food and it's actually really been helping me I mean they'll be happy to tell you some more about if you wanted so what if you say that and the other person says well I've heard of it and I don't agree we shouldn't accept our bodies if they're unhealthy accepting a 500-ton body is not acceptable in my life I refused six that's it that's personally what I would say i do not accept unhealthiness when it comes to leaves me or the people who are trying to spread something as healthy when it's clearly not healthy or a couple of options if you're feeling kind of sassy hmm interesting yeah did you did you know that 95% of diets fail and there's actually no long-time evidence whatsoever to prove that people can lose weight and keep it up so the 95 percent thing is true and mostly because people do crash diets i can't stress enough that you want to make small changes that lead to big changes and the end will be a new lifestyle change over time i'm not sure why she needed to stay the long-term evidence thing but obviously if someone quit something it goes back to what they were doing for they're gonna gain weight now if you stick to a nice healthy diet you're going to stay relatively the same it's been about 10 years since i started to lose weight and then I gradually lost weight nice and slow and I'll never go back to what I used to do because I didn't crash diet all one option that I've seen my friend Jolie use in action oh what a color ruse yes do that you don't feel like you want to challenge anyone because like I know that level of confrontation that can be really anxiety inducing it's okay because you are allowed to just relieve yes again do that again talking about health and weight loss is that detrimental to you and causes anxiety and puts you in a state where you are just Amen it's probably a good idea to not put yourself in that situation there are tons of states places Tumblr and Instagram and Facebook and YouTube has this great feature called the block button you can block any type of diet nonsense that is hurting your poor little heart but honey if you intend to walk around in what I call reality you are gonna see things like this this end it and yes things like this bother me because usually anything we see in magazines do not offer real or healthy solutions to healthy and long lasting weight loss but instead of just shielding your eyes and forcing people to accept being fat then why don't you educate yourself on health and what healthy weight loss is and then educate other people it's okay you are allowed to prioritize yourself and your mental health your mental health is more important than that conversation guaranteed number two make sure you have a safe space to come back to away from all of that noise which means drumroll please cultivating a social media space that is free from diet culture and full of body positivity instead which probably means at this time of year you're gonna have to get pretty ruthless with your block button you know that one friend that you have on Facebook keeps trying to show you rap so I heard the life or some [ __ ] get rid of them I usually don't block people but if you're up in my inbox all the time trying to get me to buy Herbalife or any other type of whatever if your social media feed is just filled with people saying how bad they are and how guilty they feel and how much they're gonna have to work out or deprive themselves and restrict their diets just block delete unfriend mute do what you've got to do for the love of God do it or maybe just educate people whenever I have friends or clients say oh my gosh I got to punish myself work for this huge [ __ ] that I just did I'm gonna go run 15 miles I'm gonna go hike Mount Everest I'm gonna you know swim a hundred miles blah blah blah I'm gonna kill myself and make myself I'm good I'm fine my stuff for that that food I calmed them down and just educate them that you're gonna do more harm to your body has been good if you think first of all you're gonna burn off all this calories most you know average people cannot second all you're gonna do is make yourself a ton hungrier it's gonna set you up for another binge it's a new day move on work out eat healthy and be normal will not to Garlock boring but you know don't be psychotic words to live by number three remind yourself why you quit diet culture in the first place at times when you are surrounded by people who are still in that diet culture mindset it can be really easy to start doubting yourself to start thinking that you're wrong and maybe you should go back to that way of thinking well you are wrong okay I don't know if wrong is the right word but I think you look you feel guilty because it's not succumbing to diet culture sounds like you're just giving up and when we give up that makes us feel bad because we feel like losers our bodies aren't meant to eat a whole mince pie and have so much extra body fat pressing on our internal organs and our joint it's not normal we are not meant to have all that going on on our body it does not feel good to be overweight or obese or definitely not morbidly obese so if you just throw in the towel and accept it the newer ones you feel like you're wrong most people when they binge or eat a lot of fast foods foods high in sugar super greasy foods don't feel mighty and strong and in control after that when I was a bender and ate a whole fries and cheesecake afterwards I felt like that she could kick my ass I could barely freakin move of course we're gonna feel bad our bodies know that that's not hope I'm just gonna take a little kiss here and say that most of the women in the body-positive community know that this is not healthy and just lack the willpower to be healthy and I mean actually healthy not doing these fad diets and deities I mean a healthy lifestyle remember the reasons why you left it behind reason one dieting doesn't work there is a huge body of evidence that proves that between 92 and 97 percent of diets fail and actually so diets actually do work just because people fail at them doesn't mean they don't work it's technically anything you eat and I really think that we just start identifying a crash diet between healthy diets I have felt all crash diets within a span of four hours I don't last that long and honestly thank God I didn't because I would probably be very screwed up but healthy diet is something that I have found relatively mostly easy to stick to why because my diet consists of all macro nutrients including carbs fat and protein I eat potatoes yes even white potatoes I drink lots of water I occasionally get to go to my spot called Freddie's and eat a burger with fries and sometimes even an Oreo shake oh yes I don't feel deprived or sad I'm relatively balanced and that's why I've been able to stick to it for ten years if you choose a diet like the smoothie diet then you're 100% going to fail you will lose weight they work but you will probably fail and you're going to go right back to what you were before probably bigger and a hell of a lot more fustrated oh and just to clarify a crash diet is basically any kind of diet that just executes a type of macronutrient when they fell it's not your fault it's not about willpower it's not about you not being strong enough so actually it's completely about willpower and strength if I had a zero of these things I would still be 180 pounds and bigger strength and willpower is what it takes to achieve something that's hard it's your body's biologically programmed response to deprivation when we restrict our food intakes our bodies go into starvation mode because they think it's a time of famines they're like [ __ ] better hold on to my fat stores so they do that they slow down our metabolism may increase our cravings they do everything they can to get us back to our setpoint weights which means even if we die and we lose weight at first and we think we're successful we will gain the weight back and it will not be our fault so this was really interesting to me because she makes this sound like if you are dieting you are restricting your body from mass amounts of calories like I said you have to learn to distinguish between a crap diet is going to restrict your calories immensely and a healthy diet that's not going to extremely restrict your calories reason number two the diet industry makes billions every single year from convincing us that our bodies have floors and selling us the solution to these suppose it floors so true I made a video on how the supplement industry is basically pure [ __ ] don't buy fat burners wait some money I'll link it in the description but I totally agree with her there because the promise of happiness the diet culture gives you never comes true you know this you've been there has it ever worked before have you ever magically become thin and happy she's partly right I was one that thought I would be extremely happy if I just got all this fat off my stomach I was super happy about my stomach whoa and then I turn around and I see this little line right underneath my butt cheek and I'm like cellulite why so then you get rid of it then you focus on oh my god it's a little background it's here how do I get rid of that - it's just never really in so like I said in the beginning of this video you're always gonna find things that you're gonna be insecure about the media it's gonna make you feel like there's something wrong with you so honestly just you have to learn how to get mentally strong otherwise it'll just never ever ever end for you but that does not mean to not eat healthier than accept an extremely large unhealthy and body it doesn't means we should eat healthy work on accepting our flaws like a little bit at Shepard show on the stomach or someone's underneath the butt cheeks and accept that we are not going to look photoshopped but I do have to say I am happier than what I used to be because I worked for my body I'm also healthier I'm very active my goal when I stopped doing the crash diets and failing over and over again was to get healthy on the inside and then hopefully it shows on the outside what's usually when you get healthy on the inside it shows it comes spilling out of you for your outer appearance and in that I gained confidence and a sense of control over food instead of food controlling me aka all my binge sessions they used to do reason number four it damages your mental health and screws up your relationship with food so I can agree with that crash diet definitely ruin your relationship with food or shirt and reason number five it stops us from truly living our lives so actually not being able to walk up a flight of stairs and breathing heavy and feeling like you're going to pass out it's stopping you from living your life having to stick a needle in you to make sure your blood sugar is okay is stopping you from living your life being too happy to get on a roller coaster with any of your family and friends is stopping you from living your life just to go to soccer results eating large amounts of food does not mean that you are not living no The Fool reach out to people if you have been affected by all the diet culture Freddie so you can watch the rest of the video she's basically just offering her support on a quitting diet culture and how you should talk to other people who have pretty much the same mindset as that the body positivity I did agree with you on quite a bit of what you talked about in your video but it sounds like you are saying everything about diet is just bad and not all diets are bad restricting calories can be a good thing for many people there was a time actually when I started working out I started working out a lot and then I started gaining weight and I was like but the working out was making me extra extra hungry and I was eating and you know not the best type of foods that were buried calories did its small portions that I was just gobbling it all up cuz I was starving let's get started keeping a food journal and I was eating well over a 3,500 calories it made sense that's why I was gaining so much weight 3500 calories is what found a body fat you eat that in a day every day and you will put on some serious weight pretty quickly especially because I was eating pure fatty lard-filled junk food so I just took that 3500 calorie number and restricted my calories I took that number and write it down 200 calories so then I was eating 3,300 calories and it didn't feel like I was just restricting so much a couple of weeks after that I would go down a little bit lower and so I got to around 1900 to 2000 calories which is great for me I like to eat throughout the day it's enough food to keep me energized and it goes with my activity level but I restricted my calories and I wasn't starving myself that was good because I was on the way to be 300 pounds like most of the people on my family and I have a hobbit side I'm to that it's not healthy and I am so happy that I did not accept that and I will never accept that honestly the whole movement along with this video this sounds like these people are telling individuals suggest give up and my clients know I cannot stand when they give up I always tell them you can move slow you can be a tortoise but do not give up there is nothing else that's going to make you feel like a loser then if you just give up so he says in the video the reason why you want to take these plans of action and make sure that you've seen body-positive and everything's body positivity around you because you're going to feel like a loser or a failure around these type of people they're not the ones who are making you feel that way it's yourself you're the one that quit because it's hard or maybe you didn't have the right information and now you're pretty much throwing in the towel so of course you're going to feel like a loser you didn't have the willpower or the dedication or even the education to be able to lose weight or get healthy the healthy way and I really want to focus on this word healthy whenever I watch any of these body-positive videos they really focus on saying restricting and feeling miserable isn't healthy feeling bad is not healthy starving is not healthy being too thin it's not healthy why is that none of them that I've seen of these talked about how overweight is not healthy and how too much body fat is not healthy being overweight is not good for your mental health either I'm probably a mentally unstable Wacka hormones fun stuff but what I was bigger and eating unhealthy food that makes you crazy as well junk food it's been proven can screw with your brain and can lead to things like depression another issue so you can't advocate for health in this aspect and then sweep all the other health topics underneath the rug because it doesn't fit your narrative or your movement I competed in figure and bikini I'm very upfront about it when someone tells me they want to compete I tell them it's not healthy a lot of those girls have body issues and food issues and it's just not a healthy industry especially if you are very mentally weak I'm a very strong person but it can still you up and I'm there learn about it I'm very talkative about it and I think it's very important that the body positivity community starts talking about how unhealthy you can be when you're overweight obese or morbidly obese and eating these type of foods but whenever I talk about competing or being to thinner and a Rexy or anything like that being unhealthy everyone's in agreement no one tries to start anything with me the moment I say being overweight it's unhealthy every time I don't understand it so that's my response to you guys I'm very interested to see if my video gets flagged or puts my channel in jeopardy and I'm very interested to see if the body politic Santa Cruz can have a civil conversation with me and my followers in my comment section so it's Saturday I'm gonna go to the gym it's leg day and I'm gonna come back and we're gonna see what what you guys are talking about in there no but I'll come home to in the comments section my name is Michelle McDaniel this is my pain my thoughts will probably offend you because everything seems to offend everybody in 2018 don't forget to check me out on Instagram stuff to my channel turn on post notifications and thumbs up or or maybe thumbs down this video and if you guys would like to have salt on a workout man's nutrition programs or maybe you just want some you know little tips don't be afraid to just divide it to my DM some people can say in the comment section a lot of you have split into my DMS and asking you know just for some tips and I am a very approachable I'm very nice and pretty sarcastic in in the in the messaging Center when you guys message me so I'm not some scary person I'm not sure why people think on this this rude goodness all right I'm gone bye [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 464,822
Rating: 4.8727689 out of 5
Keywords: Body posi panda, body positivity, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, fat accpetance, body acceptance, offensive
Id: wsrMu9GkICM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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