Yelling At Walmart Staff (Story Time)

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I don't usually post during the week what do you guys think that mean it means I need to talk to you guys so I don't just kick a mother just kidding but I want to talk about something that happened to me at Walmart it's story time guys so if you've been following me in my past recent videos you know that I just moved into my new place and when you move you go to the store you buy all this you get all the essentials and you're just like wow I am so adulting I bought food toothpaste cleaning supplies and then it hits you and you're just like I forgot the toilet paper to wipe my booty cheeks who you thought I was gonna curse point is you always forget something and you have to head back to the store to get something that you use everyday but for some reason you forgot oh I went back to Walmart I figured since I'm there I should get some lotions because I don't want to be a sh t because it's very easy to beat Ashley here in Arizona so I'm in the lotion aisle and I am very aware of my surroundings and I just feel like someone is staring at me and I see from the corner of my eye one of the workers that keep looking at me so I'm like alright that's the one to look out for so I'm looking for a lotion and I noticed the guys is keeps going in circles but not exactly in my aisle he'll pass by my aisle then go around the aisle right in front of me passed by the other side of the aisle go to the aisle right behind me and then pass by the other aisle again and he kept doing this all while staring at me he was like circling his prey do you know how the hyenas did in Lion King to Simba exactly so I finally find my lotion to keep me all silky smooth and non ashy and I'm like wait a minute my dog is amazing she deserves some new balls no guys not genitalia like balls that you play with like not not balls that you men play with or you know what your ladies do in in the bedroom but I mean like these she is in love with these balls so all of the doc toys are in the back of Walmart like I don't know why they did this but it's the darkest place back their shadows galore I feel like him from the Powerpuff Girls is going to come creeping out whenever I go to the dog section so I start going down there and then all of a sudden I see the Walmart worker come out of the hallway and starts to come down the hallway that I'm coming down and I'm like great of course we're gonna cross paths so I was like do I already need dog toys for my already spoiled dog or should I just turn around because I know this guy is going to say something to me I'm going to say something to him if he says something to me and when I say something it's never good never so of course I have to get the doc twice because Yoshi I mean look at her face look at look at this face look at it how could you not buy toys for this face so I took one for the team and decided to go into the depth dark halls of Walmart as this dude walks near me and we start to cross paths and he says before we get to what he said he was looking at me you know oh god it irritates me so much when guys look at you do they do the up-and-down thing and then they lit their lit like that supposed to just me and attract me to them are any ladies in the comment section attracted when random guys do that that dumb move already men in the comments section attracted to other men when they do that maybe it's my own pet peeve but just know that if you see me in real life and you want to hit on me and you start licking your lips and looking at me up and down like I'm a chicken wing I think you're utterly grotesque hideous annoying gross basically I don't want to be near you I think you're gross end of that rant okay so we are crossing paths and he says how are you doing man and I say I'm fine how are you and then he says I'm doing fine now I get to see all I die you look long as hell and so me saying all that and as I like he's here I'm there and I passed by and he whips around and looks at my squat bootie which I don't mind people staring but then he says and you got a booty too damn guys I just thought I was being disrespected personally if someone has the right to say all of that to me then I have the right to say what I feel bad my motto is if you're saying something that makes me feel uncomfortable or disrespected I'm gonna make sure that you know I was very tired that day I did realize I was in a public place so I just wanted to say something that just make him stay away from me so I just kind of whipped around and looked at him in his face and said stay away from me you creep very simple I didn't curse I didn't threaten him I didn't throw things off the shelves like I like I really wanted to I really I held it together you guys for you guys you're my motivation I walked my black ass to the dog area to get my dog some new balls now you would think you would you would just kind of just think that if someone said get away from me you creep that would just put into that person's brain to probably not talk to that person right all right are we do we all think like this like if someone says get away from me you creep that probably means stay away from that person right tell me tell me if that does does stay away from me creep mean please talk to me all right so I am now full-fledged in the dark abyss of Walmarts dog section and I see his annoying scummy scrub behind swoop around the island again and guess what he's coming in my direction and he says can I help you with anything ma'am are you finding everything so now I'm just irritated because if I tell you that you're a creep and to stay away from me I don't even want you an arm's distance I don't want your hair follicles near me I don't want your breath in my direction I don't want to look at your face your body I don't want to hear your voice does that make sense to everyone right so I whip around and say excuse you I don't understand why you're talking to me right now would you like to explain why you're in front of me and this boy looks utterly confused and just baffled he honestly had the face of concern on his face for me and said ma'am I don't know what you're talking about I'm just worried that you're not finding everything okay is no everything is not okay I do not like what you said to me and he still looks utterly confused and he's even giving me like that you know how like you scrunched up the middle of your face went when you're concerned you know how pugs have that forever concern and worried facial expression on their face yes exactly like that and he goes I don't know what you're talking about what did I say to you and I was just like this mother told you guys I'm from the streets of the suburbs and we do not like being disrespected he's just lucky that I am tired today I am extremely tired because people from the streets of the suburbs we write letters to management or corporate but I am NOT tired enough to tell your ass off so after he asked me what could I have possibly said to make you so upset and being so rude to me I literally throw back my head in this cackle in this drill of laughter [Music] what the do you mean you don't know what you could have said are you trying to do that thing that many douche bag dudes do to make the chick look like she's the crazy one because I am the crazy one so I said when I was walking past you and you said what you said is what I have an issue with sir and he still looks confused so I literally say take your store pumpernickel ass and go sock the shell I had no clue why I said pumpernickel that's just what came out and guess what he took his ass and stocked the shelves keeping his focus right on those shelves and his manager or whoever it was he looked like he was a higher upper person was right there watching the whole thing and I shot him a look and he put his face right in that clipboard exactly control your employees and I found you know she's bald and I walked right out of there and even said have a good day sir was just a beautiful bright smile and he was utterly confused as to am I supposed to say thank you or do I sock the shelves and I let him to bask in his confusion and his embarrassment probably looks like a crazy-ass lunatic walking out of there that's what you get for picking beef from someone from the streets of the suburbs and I'm sure many of you are probably saying what's the big deal just keep walking it's not a big deal letting go no because I have spent so many years just if a guy comes up to you and says some just the stupidest pick-up line or the stupidest just dumbest comment and then you stand there and you and you're actually pretty irritated and don't like the comment at all and honestly it's not funny at all in the slightest and you give them that awkward laugh and in their head that signal oh my gosh what I said it's just so funny and this chick probably likes me and probably wants to uh you know with me so I'm gonna keep saying these comments I can't read awkward laughter or other body signals so I'm just gonna keep talking to her and saying these just dumb comments that she thinks is funny no no no people if you want to say these things and and make me feel uncomfortable you're gonna get off the same level because I'm gonna make you feel very uncomfortable too and I'm gonna say what I say pretty loud and crazy so that everybody the families the old ladies in the cat section the random teenager is getting makeup yes everybody will hear it ladies if you don't like what a man is saying with you you have the right to say something to use this not be sorry to vocalize and communicate as to what made you uncomfortable and probably a little pissed and Men if some chick is coming up to you talking crazy tell her you don't like it unless you do if you like it then go with them but I'm talking about the people who don't like it you don't have to give that awkward pity laugh because let's be real whatever they said it's probably not funny and just cheesy as farts you thought I was gonna curse I'm a classy woman if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable speak up I know I have a lot of young people that watched my channel you know I get a lot of messages from 13 year olds 14 you know people in high school and middle school as well and I just want to make sure that you guys know if someone says something to you that makes you feel uncomfortable speak up and I'm not talking about that sjw status you know the people that are just just upset about every single little comment no I mean if someone is legit being just disgusting towards you or saying rude things that are not settling right with you you have the right to say something or report their ass or just get crazy whenever I really just don't feel like screaming around I mean do you know how fast those weird men will leave you alone when you start waving your arms in the air and acting like a lunatic loudly they don't want to mess with that they want someone easy so that's why we make it hard for them not their dicks their lives well that's my story and I hope you guys are entertained and also gave you some motivation if someone said something to you and you didn't like it to a speak up for yourself the next time but boy do I feel better whenever I just word vomit - you guys why freaking YouTube subscribers yes you right there you guys are my therapist you guys are helping me get my mental health together so thank you thank you to everyone who has subscribed to this channel thank you to everyone who is part of my notification gang if you enjoyed this video and shoveled a bit didn't have that you know awkward laughter but just legit just thought it was pretty entertaining and funny hit that thumbs up button or maybe the thumbs down button if you're that Walmart worker maybe you go stalk the shelves and pay attention to your job instead of saying dumb to random girls in the dark aisles of the dog section you dog not the good kinds of dogs either that's not an insult you and don't forget to follow me on instagram if you have any fitness type questions or interested in any of my weight loss or muscle building bootie building programs don't be shy to just say that into my DMS if you're that weird Walmart guy do not slide into my DMS please ghost off the shelves and I will see you guys next video bye [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 68,856
Rating: 4.9635258 out of 5
Keywords: my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: LWEQhk6Jllg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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