Tammy Gains MORE Weight and a Crusty Boyfriend | 1000lb Sisters

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shelly you're looking quite blue today okay we got it out the way i i'm wearing blue lipstick the sky is on my lips and i love it it's another fat chick video is that our theme song we talk about fat chicks now is that what you guys want you do okay you said yes you said okay your hand is up and your everyone's hand is up okay done that's our theme song see i do whatever i am told for my audience as long as you hit that subscribe button do it the girls look very nice for you today it's the least that you could do for them for showing up thank you okay up here rest of the video welcome to the channel for anyone that's new my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd gone grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that'll probably offend at least one person will it be you we're gonna find out fat chicks more specifically 1 000 pound fat chicks and even more specifically freaking tammy my sympathy is gone remember when i first started watching this show and doing the commentary on it and i said i feel kind of bad for tammy i feel like she's just so trapped look at that little that big little face nope tammy you see this right here this gone all of it over here that gone that one down here also gone i have absolutely no more sympathy for tammy now that i have watched the show more i see what the reoccurring fan base have seen it's gone tammy and it ain't coming back okay let me tell you what tammy learned she gained more weight that is the why among other things that we're gonna see today about two months ago tammy we were at the stage where your doctor gave you about five years to live if you didn't lose weight then after about a month you gained 50 pounds in one month tammy and now according to the title of this video you gained even more weight i don't know how much specifically but does it matter at this point you gained more i didn't know she had the capacity to put on even more weight but she proved me wrong i don't understand how much space she thinks she has in her forehead but it's obvious that she doesn't care if her forehead pop god sky daddy buddha someone help this girl so last time i saw tammy she weighed in at 644 pounds 644 there's another show that she can qualify to be on see even though the 1 000 sister season has ended you got options tammy probably not for long probably not for long but at least clc can use you while you're still on this earth i gave her a weight loss goal of 25 pounds okay so we know she didn't attain that goal i just wonder what kind of scale is this because usually they use like large machinery to weigh tammy when i was younger we don't have to go to a junkyard to weigh me i definitely do not want to get out of that scale 605. and she's tiptoeing on this tiny scale how what brand is this some of my family members honestly probably need whatever brand this is because they some big people yep if you're my family you know how ours up big uh i've already offered my help sympathy gone for people who don't even try are we all making the same face that tammy right now the doctor sure is the disappointed mom face does she ever get tired of these types of faces look at the doctor's face disappointed parent face does she ever get tired of seeing that disappointed face when she walks on the scale so we are 21 pounds correct yeah it's like come on girl are you even really trying no let me just answer that she's not not at all chris by the way this is the brother of tammy and amy who has been consistently losing weight him and tammy started weight loss hurting at the same time and he stuck with his and as you can see tammy she did not stick to it like he did and she's been continuously jealous and passive aggressive toward chris and his success when it comes to weight loss chris lost 20 pounds in a month and i'm happy for him [Music] y'all if someone said this to you would you believe in your soul that they were happy for you or secretly pissed you're out shining them do the work tammy it's all you have to do and if you can't do the work how about not taking out your jealousy on someone that is and just compliment them it actually feels a lot better than just being upset fat and binging trust me when i was younger i had those jealous moments too compliment the person you're jealous of it feels good i could understand a pound or two but every time she steps on the scale she has 20 pounds dude at this point if it was a pound or two i would be very surprised because whenever she steps on the scale i just expect it to go up when she hobbles onto the scale and that is sad that's just people expect you to fail 20 pounds i'm like damn so pretty much i failed as you know as a diet buddy no you did not chris get that out of your head i will not allow chris to take the blame for this woman we all are not taking the blame for tammy no one is taking the blame for tammy anymore the only thing that everyone is allowed to do is blame tammy because it's her old ass fault okay everyone got it you got it in the back there yeah all of it is her fault we all agree okay move on all right oh he's like okay what the freak can i say in a situation like this how do i be motivational when i know damn well this chick ain't gonna do nothing i suggest she's probably gonna go eat whatever whatever that is what is that 210 calories per ser yeah she's gonna eat the whole box after this conversation what the hell can i say to be positive what do you think that is ah good tactic dog ask her a question when you don't know what the hell to say have her ass answered all this foolishness that she caused i just wasn't doing what i need to do too sometimes i try to eat healthier and then other days i'm like what the heck's the point so after you've made those bad choices how do you feel even more depressed yep that's what i think and last video i'm pretty sure we talked about how we think that she just gave up she's just so deep in this morbid obesity i think that she thinks that there is absolutely no way out even though the people around her sister her brother they're all losing weight so it's definitely not fantasy she can lose weight and when you're that heavy you will drop a lot of weight very quickly if you get your [ __ ] together so the fact that she's putting on 50 20 pounds in a month she's eating a lot more than what she normally eats do not be surprised people when it's trending that tammy slatten slayton drop dead in her house on the couch watch clc make a special out of it too we are saddened to announce the passing of our lovable fat reality star tammy slatten who died mid meal in the comfort of her own home we would like to remember her in a 1 000 pound sister marathon come watch her slow death sunday night at 5 p.m they're going to use her obesity-ness as much as possible because i know i've said they didn't eat it all but i didn't i don't know how to study a lot okay i'll admit i felt a little sympathy at that moment when she said it felt like she can't stop i don't know how to stumble because i know the feeling i was the next binger and you still struggle with it even though i haven't binged like i did before you still struggle with it and i get sometimes i get to that point where i'm like starting to eat a lot and i feel that uncontrollable feeling of oh shoot i want to finish everything but i'm at that point where i could get myself sucked out of that too she is just sucked all the way in so i know she is frustrated i know she's irritated i know she's probably bored because she can't move she stays at home all day look at her sister she has her own life she's a kid now you're so small i see how much hair you got her brother is losing weight and able to move i don't believe i'm under 400 pounds i'm gonna tell you this it's been like eight years since i've been under 400 pounds i'm happy for him and then there's tammy who has to have help getting into a car she just sits there most of the time at home and the only fun thing to really do is eat actually i'm not really sorry but i found a little bit of sympathy down here and we're just going to take this and throw it on out the window because if i was in that situation and i knew that i was weak as [ __ ] when it came to food same thing i needed all but i didn't wear it i don't know how to stuff and the doctor said you only have a certain amount of time to live and if i wanted to live i would be screaming on the rooftop i want to live take me with you take me away from here and i would check my weak-minded ass into a clinic where they are going to provide me with the exact amount of food that i need and i can't get my chunky little hands onto other foods and bin i'll use my sweet sweet money that tlc is paying me and check my big ass into a clinic that is showing you want to live i have a client in my workout group where she doesn't trust herself going to the store what does she do she uses that service where they shop for her exactly what she needs and brings it to her house because she says she's not mentally strong enough to walk into the store and pass by some hot cheetos she's gonna buy it she can't pass by the cake she's gonna bite so she took the initiative to cancel out that step of failure to set herself up for success tammy just keeps setting herself up for failure and at this point tammy we don't feel bad for you i'm not getting that robin energy from tammy i'm getting like i don't know what character just gives up and you know what her family sees it and chris the brother decides to confront her ass and i'm living for it completely team chris we've been doing this diet together for months and your weight has went up instead of down oh god damn did tammy just scoff that her brother brought up the fact that she gained over 100 pounds she scoffed as if she put on one or two pounds and her life is not on the line she scoff like how yoshi scoffs at me when i say no more treats because we don't do obesity in this house look at that get your [ __ ] together tammy facial expression while patting the baby's back love him i've been trying y'all ain't here every day you're right i'm not because i have a life of my own i swear she was my sister i would have had to hurt her feelings about 400 pounds ago i am not your babysitter you're a grown-ass woman me and tammy are almost the same age she's three years older than me or two two or three years older than me but i also known but i'm not gonna have y'all attacking him i'm sorry it just sometimes i speak walmart but i'm not gonna have y'all attacking you i'm sorry it's funny okay let me give you some insight they are confronting tammy about her weight yes but not just her weight but also her boyfriend jerry that reminds me of the guy from the proud family you know who i'm talking about the brother who still lives at home with suga mama i'm not attacking him i know you love him fine and i respect that pause she's like i do not i do not respect that but at the same token he does not need to be your enabler he's not that's what i'm trying to tell y'all the other day i come in here and he cooked a meatloaf the size of this pan for you too he's just i'm loving this i am mcdonald's loving this do you know she ate most of it if not all of that meatloaf while jerry's um enabling ass and probably uh ass said it to her got off by the fact that she's eating a whole tray of meatloaf for youtube and if you are confused right now if i'm kink shaming or not i am that's a weird fetish okay totally king shaming just in case anybody was confused okay doesn't mean i ate it that day tammy you got a food addiction don't sit there and play no bull games with me oh yes we love chris tell her ass he ain't having it tell me you got a food addiction don't sit there and play no bull games with me chris ain't having it and we aren't either tammy we are done ah no don't come back over here no sympathy he cannot be this is why we're doing this what are you talking about this conversation if this is why you are doing it i'm leaving then leave ooh the awkward moment when she's at a group meeting and they tell her that she really needs to get serious about losing weight and then she gets offended and she says well i'm gonna leave and they say okay fine go get out then leave but she can't because of the weight that they're telling her that she needs to lose i mean if you think about it tammy if you lost weight in that period where you and your brother were doing the the weight loss the journey together you could have at least slowly stormed out of that house and slammed the door with that dramatic ass tlc music they love to play yard yelling ain't nobody yelling here but you're getting offensive this was supposed to be fun every time we try to talk to you about anything you don't like you choose to shut down it's my way of not fighting oh why's tammy trump like is she squaring up is she about to like fight can she fight i i don't want to fight tammy i think if you get into like arm's length of her she can probably put up a pretty good fight the downfall is uh the more agile people who are able to get up and move like she was a character in melee her strength would be like outstanding but then her agility and speed would be like non-existent but if you get into arm's reach of her it's gonna be like bowser horse ain't nobody here trying to fight we're trying to talk tammy is obviously that friend that you can't bring up anything can't critique anything can't bring up something that like kind of hurt your feelings because then they're going to be very defensive about everything we care about you we want you to be around we understand you got a food addiction tammy wait this was like she looks like she this is the first time that she heard that her weight will cause an early death what what now what do you mean not be around yeah you're gonna die yeah people are gonna die you are a few sweet cakes away of death fine take and run with the therapy and go lose weight i never said i wasn't going to talk to a therapy walmart anyone that is not from the us that is part of our native tongue gonna talk to a therapy called walmart uh many americans kind of mix it with english uh traditional english and then walmart and that that was a perfect example like this is probably the shows that that you guys see in your country and and when you come here it's to be honest this is basically what america is one oversized walmart with a few pockets of target you're not i never say that you didn't i told you to take the information and work with the therapist and start losing weight pause again why is she squaring up they're just trying to talk to him you don't you don't gotta fight anyone from your seat ready see this is what's funny about timmy she's ready to fight her brother who's holding a little bambino but she ain't ready to fight for her life you need to be squaring up to those ho hoes you're ready to knock out that meatloaf come on tammy priorities girl let's get that together cause if you don't you're gonna be bedridden and then like dr proctor said once you're bedridden it's game over we don't want to lose you it doesn't matter i'm walking out at this point everyone thanks for the fun time i can't look at miss death over there trying to fight me from her chair thank you baby i'm going outside i'll come back and clean the mess up and i'll leave i'm not putting up with your ass today okay everybody get up everyone get up get up and give this man a standing ovation for brother of the year and handing tammy some tough love that is high in fiber and low in calories on a silver platter it was very well needed see tammy if you lost the weight you could have done something like that they just need to put the emotional music she's gained 100 pounds in the last few months and if i'm not bringing her to food and amy's not bringing bring her into the food then jerry's got to be bringing it to her because the [ __ ] ain't leaving the house well you heard her from the brother the [ __ ] ain't leaving the house the family is not bringing her food so that only leaves the boyfriend good old slick jerry so let's look into him jerry sykes is actually a married man married to a heavyset black woman he definitely has a type and we will get to that point in just a second jerry was actually cheating on his wife on air i swear these people he just looks like he's a shifty cheater like when he showed up at the house for the first time [Music] i mean tlc had the car ride up to the house with the villain music playing in the back they are literally telling us who the villain is of the show well one of the villains he just checks off all the boxes of someone who specifically targets women who don't have um any option and can't move much many people speculate that jerry is one of two things or both he has a f-e-t-i-s-h for morbidly obese and sick women or and he has a thing for morbidly obese sick women so that he can collect the money they get from the state kind of like a new age sugar baby who can't get a rich sugar mama so he goes for the people who are about to die and collects the money that way weird but people do that so i watched a video and they showed that jerry's wife is actually very sick and while his ass is over here drowning in tammy's body and feeding her chips and meatloaf i'm glad you're here i don't want you to leave well you know i gotta go back you know tammy's butt cheeks ate these cheetos fast food all up in the trap tammy come on our boy chris confronts jerry about him bringing junk food in the house though jerry's on the couch munching on a bag of cheeseburgers i think it's gonna be kind of hard for me because i love junk food so like i see how it's going to play out death jerry that's how it's going to play out his wife was going through a dialysis and you're probably saying oh poor tammy man too bad it looks like she finally found someone to support her and love her and sit on the couch with her all day and just love her for who she is that that sucks um she's it's probably hard for her to to let him go and it was really hard for her to hear that information when when people told her she knew and she didn't give no [ __ ] tammy shared a photo of her boyfriend and captioned it with bae for life but tammy's fans turned into facebook detectives and easily found out that jerry was a married man and decided to warn the morbidly obese reality star and tammy responded very classy mighty ad and by classy i mean um in walmart are you aware that i do know he is married and his wife is very sick so you ain't telling me nothing i don't know ah okay tammy got it that makes sense his wife is obviously sick and way too freaking busy being sick and doing you know the whole dialysis thing and not giving jerry a grown man the attention that he needs he's lonely and so he finds another sick lonely woman who can't move has trouble walking to her car that's about six feet away from her front door and can't clean her folds by herself to keep him company got it i accept it and it makes perfect sense supposedly according to tammy everyone knows and is fine with it tammy's fine with it uh the wife is fine with it and of course jerry is completely fine with it too but in reality the wife is actually not fine with it at all and neither are the kids according to the son jerry syke's wife keo russell rucker sykes exclusively told the son tammy did know he was married when they were dating and that she didn't care and she didn't apologize to her either kia revealed she learned her husband was cheating on her when the show aired we are married but we are not together because he went on that show so the show is what broke them up he told me if i file for divorce he will not sign the papers ah got it jerry you are just proving me so right about you just another guy that wants to go dip into any obese woman will also legally hold his wife hostage and refuse to sign the paper so that she can get away from him i love a man that wants it all baby i don't think i can forgive him anymore we have seven kids together they're all upset with him dude my daddy is an angel compared to jerry thanks a lot for messing my life i mean kia it ain't tammy that's like messing or ruining your life it's your nasty ass husband got me isn't married to you jerry is tammy can't even move jerry can if jerry wanted to stay faithful he could have but he didn't want to he decided to fly over to tammy's house and sit on her couch and eat chips and meatloaf he cooked a meatloaf the size of this pan for you too tammy can barely fit in a car much less get her ass on an airplane the whole thing is jerry's fault also he was exposed for hanging out with another reality tv star a 600 pound reality tv star like i said jerry has a type pia claimed that she was offered to appear on the tlc show regarding the cheating scandal but she turned it down well at least tammy now has someone to spend time with on the couch you know uh oh oh they broke up he dumped her ass ah well that changes a few things i don't think this uh i don't think that ended the way that tammy wanted it to end so what happened was that jerry sykes said psych [Music] let's see what happened well people speculated that jerry left tammy because he was weirded out by the whole her coming out as pansexual thing so i like jerry i got some stuff that we need to talk about and what's that i am pansexual i mean to be completely honest i think jerry and everyone else is trying to figure out what that even is i don't know if i'm correct i'm sure you guys will correct me in the comments section because this is a sensitive topic for some people but is pansexual like a new thing because i never heard of it when i was younger and especially older is like what is that shoot i didn't know what it was until test holiday came out as pansexual and like everyone else who decided to like step on their soapbox and tell the world that they're pansexual what is it see i told you he didn't know it means love is love i would date anybody whether they're transgender straight gay so what you're saying is that you would they uh a trans little guy yeah or girl okay i'm sure this will get me canceled that's fine um you got pretty deep into the video i got your view so hot but i think she's confusing pansexual with being extremely desperate and i'm not the only person that sees it this way let me know how you see it but she just seems like she is a very desperate person she's already shown us that she's a very jealous individual so the fact that she's fine with jerry dating not date being whole ass married somewhere else and has seven kids but can put up with that but can't handle her brother losing a little bit of she's got some jealous tendencies so it seems that when it comes to dating and someone trying to be with her that she'll put up with a lot you can be kind of a to her about her diet she don't care to piss me off she don't want to make you upset so she's just out here saying i'll date anyone i would date anybody whether they're transgender straight gay america i am on this show tlc to tell you that i don't care who you i will date you i'm right here on the couch all day you know where to find me you don't have someone to date you i will and i am trisha paytas 1000 sure that tlc told tammy to say this they are known to hand feed lines so they can title things uh a certain way and get people to click and the slain sisters seem to pull in the most views i don't think tammy herself knew what pansexual was i am pansexual look at that shifty ass face she knows damn well she's being told to say this and she's like i don't know what pansexual is but i'm gonna say i is it shut up tlc you ain't fooling me but i'll continue to walk because it's entertaining great writing horrible acting but i mean you got my attention so why did jerry dump tammy well he said he needs to find closure in the relationship that he's already in before he and tammy move forward together guys i already know i had you stand up but let's stand up for uh jerry for doing the right thing after he did the wrong thing for about uh they were together for about three years two three years congrats jerry you're a dumbass we're handing out a lot of awards today we might as well hand jerry one two here you go jerry tammy i don't even need to give you your award because it's coming it's death pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the video [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 320,615
Rating: 4.9284539 out of 5
Id: kyKC23nBanU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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