LA Fitness Called The POLICE on Me

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and I happen to just look up from the cat phrase and I see two six foot three police officers and they say where is the suspect and Ursula points right at me you see that girl right there yes that's me you're probably wondering how I got myself in the situation well let me explain first we need to start from the beginning [Music] hello if you don't know me my name is Michelle McDaniel and welcome to the finale of this story about how I got fired from LA Fitness when we're young or at least when I was super young and I'm talking about like elementary school all the way up to like high school like 17 18 and you hear what someone got fired you think well damn you got fired you are probably a horrible person what did you do did you steal did you assault someone or did you absolutely just stuck a at your job basically when you're young and you hear that someone got fired you think they just did something really really bad as I got older I figured out that that's not always the case sometimes you get fired because sometimes the people in charge aka the managers are petty so we are now the point of the story where I've been working at LA Fitness for about three years now I'm gonna be very extra in this video because LA Fitness decided to be very extra with me so it fits so you know how in the movie 101 dalmatians karela was nice nice as korilla can be was very nice to Amita until Anita didn't give her what she wants it and karela wants it the little puppies with the spot and when Anissa would let her Ella paid for the puppies and said no everything went to the cities yes cities is a work start using it well LA Fitness Cruella my manager was super sweet after she left me alone I did my job and she sold training and honestly that's the way I you have to understand that Elly's fitness the people that are higher up than the trainers and managers usually are not qualified in the slightest to Train anyone they do nothing about health fitness weight loss wellness absolutely nothing what my bosses were an ex-convict and used to sell cars he had nothing no knowledge what to do whatsoever with fitness the only qualifications that my bosses had was that they could stuff just about anything they were absolutely great at getting you to hand over your credit card and locking you in so that LA Fitness contract okay so it was a normal day at work I'm finishing up my training clients I am walking out of the computer and I see gorillas heading down at the hallway coming toward the death and she comes up see yours truly hello me Stella how are you doing today and I say I'm great how are you I just wanted to talk about your schedule and see if you're able to increase your hour so I say oh I wish I could but my school schedule doesn't allow me to do that but what kind of you get off at school um I get out of here at 12:00 and I have to get to school by 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. oh please because I have a place for you at 7:30 look ya'll a le fitness you give me seven dollars per 30-minute session you are not making much money as a trainer now if her French booty thought that I was going to work in the morning and then get this school from 12 to 7 and then bring my block behind right on back to LA Fitness for one quiet for 30 minutes to get paid seven dollars then she's crazy I didn't say that though I just said I have homework and study time I just like to wind down after you know a long day at school you would think that you would get that hint No so on Tuesdays I didn't work because I would go to school from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 at night so it comes to work out on Tuesdays in the morning and it head off to school to a beauty later Corella confess to me and says me I see you walk out to me mornings on Tuesday I thought you had school I do at 11:00 how do you know that I work out on Tuesdays if you aren't here in the morning oh [ __ ] muffled me [ __ ] mum was Karelas creepy not qualified to be a personal trainer hit on every chick that would talk behind his back after he would go away disgusting evil henchmen I mean the weekend manager so I guess chipmunk mentioned to gorilla that I workout in the morning so she goes well quit askew just work until about 11:30 and then head to school I wanted my Sue's day to just focus on school so I wasn't rushing around like I was throughout the whole week and the fact that I was there until 10 o'clock at night so I told her no I just want to focus on school on Tuesdays so for about a week gorilla would walk down the hall and approached me trying to figure out how I can extend my schedule so I got a little fed up so the next time she asked me Michelle do you think you could at least come in at 5:00 a.m. I thought I'll just send up no no no no my school schedules does not allow me to do that so no Cruella so LA Fitness be training managers the training self people pretty much are the ones that control your schedule they control you getting quiet and as far as training with trainers LA fitness like the customer who pays for training LA Fitness love so lock you in to a six month to a year contract so when clients are done they are done because usually the training manners are very very good at selling they will lock you into the one gear contract a lot of people were with LA Fitness for a year so I can't blame people you know if you stopped training with trainers for a year when they when it's at LA Fitness because I mean hidden fees horrible customer service remember right that when you have issues you go to the manager then the managers didn't really do their job well they weren't good they were only good at being the one I would get a new client and I would ask you know what Park did you get and they said a year I was like one year huh you know there was actually one trainer that was stealing from clients as then they would find you know people and just put random people on as scheduled and then charge them even though they didn't train them so I get was just racking in some money without training people and I would see him like on that basketball court schedule a fool and just playing about the laws he's getting paid so I know he got fired but he was still able to come into the gym the clients also did not give their money back for the trainer stealing their session so would you sign up for another six months to a year if you were experiencing you know things like that so what just happened when Cruella was coming in shortly after a lot of my clients contracts were up and usually what a client's year contract was done it would get sucked up by someone else you know the training matters would sell to someone else and they would immediately put them on my schedule one client's contract was up and then another and another and I wasn't getting filled back up so I was to go communicate with Corolla and I said you know I can take some some new clients I have a few open spots if you want to put some people in there and she goes oh I'm not making any sells and I say oh okay I get it understandable but just so you know um I do have opens boss because I thought maybe she just didn't see so no joke next day two new trainers working at LA Fitness Briella why do you need two new trainers if cells are low and you already have a full-on staff of trainers who have open spots the weeks pass more clients contract up and I am at the lowest of the low of how many clients that I have I have like three and I started really questioning myself as a trainer and I got a little depressed like what the hell I love being a trainer and working with people and helping people and maybe I'm just not good at it so I had so much free time now that I didn't have all those clients anymore except for school and I started going to the gym at odd times there kind of freshen up my workout help me get undepressed and like bring more excitement to my life to see to not see the same people over and over again you know how you don't want to see the same people every single day of your life so I ended up going at a time that I normally don't work out and I ended up running into an old client of mine and she says hey I tried to sign up again but the the new lady said that you were booked up and I was like are you sure she said that and she was like yeah she said you have absolutely no opening and she tried to put me with one of the new trainers and I'm still looking at her like I was like her that lady at the desk said that I was booked up completely and she goes yeah that's the one so I think you know maybe this is just a mix-up there has to be a mix-up but she tells someone that wanted to be on my schedule but I'm completely booked up so get bit get this stuff so I can see need to go work out at very odd times that I normally don't work out so I go in and it's booty day my favorite day I love working loose and usually when I work loose it's it's it happens every single time at least one woman comes up to me and has to ask questions about my workout routine or how I got my book like that do you do those squat challenges every day with no weight no I liked so I go in I'm working my glutes and I noticed this girl you know it's kind of checking me out and then like checking me out to see what I'm doing so that she can do it and I smile at her and then she comes on over and she goes you know I just have to tell you that you have a beautiful body and I got my free assessment session from this lady she didn't know her knee but I knew who she was talking about because she was the only lady training manager who the assessment pretty well so I was getting my assessment from this lady and I was gonna sign up and I asked if I could train with you and if she said that you were all puts up you must be really popular so since I couldn't have you I ended up not signing up I was still stuck on the part of her saying that I was all booked up and had absolutely no spot so the lady that came up to me during my workout she was a bigger woman she wasn't obese but she was just just bigger and she told me that when she refused to sign up Krewella got this evil look on her face and said well you'll always be fat if you don't get a personal trainer I look this woman [ __ ] so I kept going in at random hour then again this random person I ended up talking to and they fake the same thing that the other people said I find up for personal training I really wanted to be with you and then jet mom so that you are completely booked so far about around over a month I had a total of ten people say that Cruella and chipmunks said that I was completely booked and she can't work with you sometimes they would say that I didn't even work there so at this point after about a month my cat my schedule was completely open - one client and look we lived in the suburbs like I said and my other videos but my parents were still black they were not just handed me out money I had to work because my parents charged me rent for staying at their house and I also kind of liked to eat so I kind of had to make money and I was running out of money college books are not cheap so I started trying to find things to kind of occupy my mental time finding new you know things to do to just buy my time and just distract me so I decided to become a vegetarian I thought it was gonna be kind of cool to this experience there's a story behind that if you wouldn't know about it tell me in the comments section and so why have you came a vegetarian back then not anymore now you would know that if you followed me on Instagram but it was for about three years so I decided to become a I also turned into a huge cardio junkie I'm talking about like 20-mile like writing 20 miles biking 40 miles doing the stair stepper for maybe two hours I don't recommend all of these things don't do that I was just going through things so this was like my my time to uh how I was coping with me not making money I just had so much anger it's chubby face chipmunk douche and Cruella so I just wanted to kind of burn off that anger and it felt great boys drunk inside and I started muscle but I was definitely smaller and people definitely took notice and I think they knew that I was a little stressed out but I was loving all that cardio at the time it was a great stress reliever and um they weren't giving me clients always liked it and I'm just gonna use that like fitness as a free gym membership because that's pretty much what you get when you're a [ __ ] when you're an employee at LA Fitness and a very low paycheck and a horrible boss so once again I was there all the time I would be there all day two hours three hours just doing my miles doing my Stairmaster for to two hours I noticed from the corner of my eye I would occasionally see Cruella just staring at me in the dark corners of LA Fitness so one day I'm walking out and thrill is out the front and she goes oh let me show you you have lost so much weight you are getting way too skinny and I kind of pissed me off because one I wasn't skinny in third picture here and two because she was the one causing my stress and then she stabbed me with that comment and look at me like on gross even though she had something green in between her teeth as she said this to me kind of made me want to run her over and then get out of my car and kick her face and get my tub and ever also parts and her face so I come into work like on a normal day and I walk right past by Cruella and she smiles at me and I head on over to the computer so I start signing in at the computer says something along the lines as employee does not work here anymore what I trying to sign in again same window pops up oh I get what's going on here they fired me over a computer screen so going in that day I had only one client so I still trained her because that wasn't her fault so I still trained her Krewella saw me still training her whilst she knew that I was fired because I just learned that from a computer screen so I finished up her workout I'm like bye I'm gonna go work out by myself and so I got on my computer paid for my own membership so then you know they can't be like oh you're not an employee here you're here without a membership you need to leave so I thought my membership right then and there paid on the internet made sure none of those people were gonna get Commission off of me and I went to go get a nice workout in so I'm drenched in sweat I've been on the Stairmaster for an hour and I see Cruella solo the ring up to my direction and she said hey don't be shy I ignored her ask and she keeps standing there and notices I'm not even looking at her and she moves around so that she's in my vision and I take my earphones out and say why and she goes can we please talk in my desk and I look at her like so I say look Pirela I know you don't work out but I'm trying to get my workout in uninterrupted and earphones go back in so I finished on my cardio and I go to go to the weightlifting area to work my legs and my glutes and this chick comes up to me again and she says can I talk to you and I say look gorillas not dumb I know you fired me and she Willits utterly confused and I say do you know how to do your job I tried to sign in and the computer told me she looks super shocked and caught off guard that I knew is he couldn't even speak so I turn and continue my workout as he stands there in disbelief so I had buzz in my ear working out and they kept falling out there annoying I could hear people so I wanted to go get my fuse earphones I just blocked everybody's annoying voice out that was kind of irritated at that point so I start walking out and Corolla is there and she blocked me from leaving excuse you so she goes we said I need to talk to you I'd like this now so I think you're fun this will be the last time that I talked to this stupid [ __ ] sorry I had to I had the cuts I just have to say it I had to because maybe maybe she'll see this video and I have fantasize about the day that I could just call her a stupid [ __ ] to her face and I'll probably never get that opportunity so so it feels kind of good to fade on video and you know how people say oh you're not gonna feel good by calling someone a name but that don't damn good but I do want to apologize to my youtube crew I lost it there but I just I hope you understand tell me in the comment section if you understand I had said tattoo uh say hashtag this if you agree with me so she starts pulling me to her desk and we get to her desk and she says you've been a wonderful part to this team and I enjoy you here but sorry but you don't work enough hours so I say Krewella I know you were telling people I was booked up so my schedule with dwindle down so that you would have a reason to fire me and she looked back at chipmunk and back at me streets in my face and says no we did it we I never said we hi I said you so you've been caught and so she goes Michel we no longer need their services here at LA Fitness Cruella I know you might schedule I have ten people who have no connection with each other with similar story you are no longer needed yet and you are not able to work out at this any Fitness ever I'm batting you what your French behind is bad me from all la Fitness's so I start laughing and saying no you're not and so she says if you do not leave I will call the police on you and make you eat so I'd say I'm gonna go do calf raises karela so I start getting up to go do my calf raises and she says Michel you want to try it as no longer needed then and I don't know why she kept saying that you are no longer needed for your services are no longer needed in LA Fitness like she kept repeating that like are you a robot like do you know how to defeat by the normal person me show you are fired and I with my head around karela I already knew I was fired why because you don't have the vagina to fire me to my face a computer have to do your meaningless job and so she goes so I'm just laughing at her a little mental breakdown at this point I go do my path crazy so now I'm and blood boiling out that fiasco with Cruella Lisbon is the old school Destiny's Child and I happen to just look up from doing the calf raise and I see to six foot three police officers and they say where is the suspect and I see Ursula points right at me with this evil smile on her face so they start walking up and one pulled out handcuffs and grabs my arm trying to handcuff me so I go crazy flailing everywhere I punch one dude in the crotch and they start pulling me towards the entrance of the gym y'all we've seen the last of me I'll get my revenge if it's the last thing I do yeah I'd love for that to happen too bad it didn't so the police walk in and they asked where the suspect is and Ursula points right at me with her evil freaking smile she didn't like me and I didn't like her so she points with me and the police officers expecting this huge crazy lunatic they look at me like her she's the one that we have to escort out with force they're like are you serious this little five foot two little being remember I lost a lot of weight though I wasn't very like full you know full muscular and they're so super that's kind of like because the way that they were describing the situation I was in see I was threatening so they walk up to me kind of uncomfortable they look kind of awkward and they say we uh we just have to escort you out and I went out without a fight take me away kappa we dont need a handcuff you so I picked up my workout bag and walked out with the police I told you guys I'm from the streets of the suburbs I walked out like we get outside any guys that's a pretty like easygoing personality and at this point we're kind of like making jokes like me and the police officers are kind of making jokes with each other and they kind of told me the situation about what Cruella and Ursula said so pretty much I was threatening karela and Ursula I was making a lot of screaming I was yelling I was a slam on the chest my fists I was like I'm not leaving I'm gonna stay here I the members were all staring in fear apparently so I told the police officers this whole story that I'm telling you guys and they pretty much think that kuelap was an idiot and they were its head but irritated that she wasted their time and I told them I was like I didn't threaten her they go back in and they gave her side a story for them for their report they come back out and they told me well if she actually said like she changed her story as they went in on the phones you said I threatened her with the police you know started talking to her she said oh well if you didn't threaten me but I felt right I can't hope the way you feel girl you're like 56 how did you make it through like pow pow pow so the boss of all bosses he wasn't the owner he was you know there's the managers and then someone else and then there's someone else so he's not the owner but there's just one of the top bossy boss people I know when he was coming in our managers would act right and they would make sure everything was right so he was hired up then into the managers and so he ended up calling me later on that day I explained the situation to him and he said well she can't ban me from all la businesses but I'm gonna put you on LA Fitness probation he literally said LA Fitness probation LA Fitness probation came out of this like 80 year old man's face so I was like mr. burns I heard Jim there was a manager that has sex after hours the other manager was extremely rude to every single slightly attractive female member trainer employee to their face let's see what else oh yeah your other manager who has been reported many times who looks like a troll a troll manager who would touch women during their assessments on their sweat inner thigh right underneath their chest that was reported he never got fired still there you know remember the the trainer that we had remember that the trainer that was stealing questions from people mm-hmm yeah he he got fired but I saw him the very next day in fact I saw him today shootin hoops whooping it up in the basketball court yeah yeah so uh what's this three-month probation that I I'm just now hearing about by the way the three-month probation is a real if you get fired you can't go to that gym for like three months but it was never ever I never even heard of this when I got hired I never heard of it with other people would get fired people would just come in the next day some of them didn't even have memberships so I was trying to do it the right way get a membership and be left alone and just get my workouts in the morning but apparently there's a three-month probation when you get fired and no one else I was the first person to get through my probation no one else I got fired got it so there's a pause between me and mr. burns and he goes well I can't control everything that happens in the gym but as far as I'm concerned you're on LA Fitness probation so I just hang up on him because I can't just can't can't deal with anymore LA Fitness pools so I wasn't allowed to be a paying customer at LA Fitness for three months and I'm sure you're like well why would you want to work out at a place that did that to you anyway because I'm petty because I'm so threatening to miss Cruella then that means I want her to see me every single day since she doesn't want me to be there I personally didn't do anything wrong so I want to make sure she sees me all the time every day so I did my three-month LA Fitness probation one of my friends ended up working at another LA Fitness location I went in there I he gave me a super good deal this day that my LA Fitness probation with up I stroll in LA Fitness hi fella and it wasn't all bad I ended up turning my garage into a whole studio had a great reputation at Le fitness as far as members and my client and the fact that they didn't like LA Fitness either so my schedule got booked quick when they heard I started doing my own business I was making four times as much as I was making at LA Fitness I did make a lot of lifelong friends l like fitness as well the man the maintenance man who would do put together the Machine put together the machines for my home gym all for free and because of LA Fitness is horrible customer service and the fact that the fitness manager would say well I guess you'd always be sex if you don't get the personal trainer they were literally handing me clients on a golden platter they made it too easy to have a great business and that's it you guys that's literally how I got fired from LA Fitness from Cruella the final on LA so this is the end of my LA Fitness series that I'm kind of sad because I like sharing these stories with you I seriously have so many stories about LA Fitness though especially the trainer's so maybe if you guys want some more little mini stories about LA Fitness let me know by thumb toughing this video and sharing that good old LA Fitness team with a friend and don't forget to watch all the other parts of this series they're all located in the description box below if you like seeing this shape and follow me on Instagram and if you want to support me and have more videos then don't forget to hit that subscribe button and I will see you guys next time
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 173,410
Rating: 4.9632678 out of 5
Keywords: Michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: QUsfqcS7n94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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