La Fitness Manager Calls My Body Disgusting (How I got fired part 3)

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you know how in high school your peers can just be pretty much horrible Brian let's just be real about high school people care a lot about making sure that your feelings are hurt in some kind of way especially girls girls go out of their way to make sure that they can stay just being both evil conniving calming that will break your wife down but do you know what's worse than those girls that make you try to feel horrible that's a those things to your face the girls that give you like those undercover insults like oh I see you decided to push your bangs back today I never noticed how big your forehead was until right now oh but it looks great and then they smile in your face and high school you get made fun of for your quote your hair your face shoes toenails everything and it probably makes many people depressed extremely insecure and downright hate high school I was one of those people who could not wait to get out of high school I didn't even want to go to my graduation so you're in your room down sad and thinking man a high school is the worst and then a grown-up wanders into your room aka your mom or dad and reassures you that when you grow up none of this will even matter teenagers are just like this at this age because they're immature they say these things because this is what happens in high school it'sit's better better better well guess what they lie it doesn't get better let me tell you the truth people do not get better I school never in the gossip the wives of rumors the rude comments they never stop in fact they get heavier and heavier the older of the individuals get just replace the classes books and principals with business meeting forms and bosses oh yes and my point is that the county is in high school prolongs into your adult life now I've had a lot of high school people that watch me imagine your principal would like Regina George if you don't know who Regina George is you young whippersnappers it's a historic movie watch Mean Girls so that's basically how it was for me at LA Fitness my boss last manager was basically a redheaded overweight version of Regina George I'm about to spill all the tea on her obviously she was a bigger girl and it's someone that you would look at and was like not only do you train people but you are also head of all the other trainers how she was also an extremely horrible individual that thrives on power so I told you in part one and see how much in the joke those managers were so let's just dig right audience the obese version of Regina George aka manager number eight so I only had about three dogs in my life nanny working at a nutritional sauce and personal trainer so working at the nutrition shop I was the only chick I've worked with all these big tall you know men and this chick would always come in I was fairly new so I didn't really know exactly who she was I recognized her from the gym I'll get into that later but so she would always come to I would do what an employee you know I was working what a reasonable good employee was you when someone walks in right you say hi welcome to neutral smile okay wait let me do it like for real because that's not a very like [ __ ] hi welcome to Nietzsche mark I still got it and this is her so I was like okay maybe maybe she just didn't hear me so she's talking to you know the dudes and I get into the conversation and I go hi and she goes like this every time she would come in she would intentionally ignore me you know how a lot of girls will do that in high school I felt intentionally ignore someone you know in high school except she was like 38 okay so obese Regina George also works out occasionally you know at the time that I would work out at the gym and when she was there and I was there she would stare at me hey Beth and I've never really had a deep type of conversation with this girl to make her hate me so much so fast for to me working at LA Fitness for about two years now I've had seven bosses and the seventh boss has just been let go so we convert that the new boss is a female so I'm pretty excited to finally have it shake I think things are gonna be great great so I walk into work the next day super happy excited to be the new boss and the overweight Regina George behind the sales desk um why is she here um why is she wearing an LA Fitness shirt um why does it say manager I walk in she looks at me looks down on my shirt rolls her eyes and then looks back at her computer oh I was all right this is gonna be great you don't know how high school this chick was I'd be like rushing in from school because I was from school went to school from 7:00 a.m. so like three and then I would have to clam right at 3:30 and she would purposely put someone there right at 3:30 so that I would be rushing in which I got there usually in time like one minute you know right one minute before my quiet but it was fine if I would change in the car rushed in and then get to my client but the thing was is that I'll be watching in one minute to get to the desk find my client in and she would be standing right at the doors and be like Michele you're late and I would look at the cloth then look at her look back at the cloth and back at her and be like obese Regina I'm actually not late and then she would lecture me and then make me late and say see look now you're late the other high school thing that she was you is that she would talk crap about me keep in mind a 38 year old she was hot crap about me to other members and to other trainers to the point where like she'd be like over there and talking loudly you know so that I could hear her you know how they do that in high school they'll be like oh my God look at how stupid she looks over there but not like look at them like we'd be having a personal conversation over here and I'll recognize the person over there is existence but they want you to hear you know very high school very immature and very sad that she's 38 years old and it was very unprofessional could you could tell like the members and the trainers are very uncomfortable but they also didn't know what to do because this is the person that's in charge so she would say things like my hair is disgusting or my face is disgusting or my body is disgusting like that's all you have is disgusting girl you are 38 years old increase your vocabulary um keep in mind that she is 38 and I was 22 so this one time up hope this was the this was beside that that it was almost my breaking point with her and so when you train not only fitness like I I was a booked up trainer you you you work for five hours straight you know like you usually don't get breaks in between like you have client after client after client client with no likely way in between so everything is kind of squished together and I'm sorry I I'm hungry all the time like I need to keep my energy levels up but you can't just go eat a full-on meal you know on the job so I would eat little dry freakin celery and carrot stick and a tiny little bat so that I could have like one or two in between you know every like two or three clients now keep in mind I am a fat girl and a fit girl's body I of eating the only vegetables that I would eat would be smothered in cheese okay it's just a lot of time and just brainwashing and tongue cleaning you know tongue Riaan read healthiness to start eating vegetables the healthy way you know and kind of enjoying them but I hate carrots and I hate celery but those are the things that work that's kind of easier to eat you know and packaged and likes let's sit underneath the desk in its tiny little corner not taking any space up I mean it's like this small I get very dizzy and lightheaded if I go too long without eating so this is something that I would always do I worked there for two years I've never had an issue so I go back there I'm putting some some carrot sticks in my mouth real quick and I hear Michelle I like my head underneath the bottom part of the desk so I come out from underneath the deck and I start looking up and I see obese Regina George and our little ray of sunshine says LA Fitness does not allow food on the floor no exceptions and she walks on and gets that this woman this grown woman this side to take time out of her day and write me up for eating a damn carrot stick one of the other trainers was like she can do that oh yeah you can do that she's the manager he could write up whatever she want and she did have a client cancelled and I wanted to go get something quick to eat really quick you know I would have liked either my carrot stick or a frozen bar in the back so I go to the back of it at least at my LA Fitness there was a little section in the locker room right before you get some seeds into the locker room there was like a TV walking section with like couches and everything and I would go in there and you know eat quick snack since I'm not posting eat out on the floor out though and you know so I go in the back and she waltz in there and she was like what show what are you doing why are you eating wheat you you're on the clock my client my clients not here so I wanted to get a quick snack since you said I can't eat out there so now I'm in here eating Michelle there's waste on the floor we are a team and the gym is a mess of the gym looks bad we all look bad well I mean you're you're overweight which means I guess you know we're a gym which means you're making us all look like we're overweight so maybe you should lose some weight I should have said that anyway so she would write me up for everything including breathing oh I remember how she wrote me up for eating on the job member no food in the gym there was a KFC and a golden spoon right across the street from the gym guess what obese Regina George would have everyday at 12:15 the aroma of fried chicken and warm delicious biscuits would fill the gym every day even the member would complain then she would wash it down with a tub of ice cream from golden spoon and this was all done right in the front of the gym at her desk where members would pass by and people could see her no smell and it's pretty much food from the devil I'm sorry to say it but they thought she was a big fat joke she was rude to the attractive women at the gym it wasn't just me it was any kind of thin or fit attractive woman she would eat her KFC and her tub of golden spoon she would preach health and sell personal training but she was overweight herself and had no control of her diet or her mental health and had a ton of insecurities okay let's just be bro she was insecure of the fact that she was in a position of health and she was her jobless who spread you know health and still in personal training and offering a service that would help better their lives and be healthier and she quite frankly needed those services herself so I visually got pretty tired of her and I was pretty interval carrot stick thing so I there's an elephant in this like at least like five or ten minutes away so I drove down there and and went inside and the minute that I speak to the training manager because I want a new job and I want to get transferred to this one give me the training manager and the front desk guy is like okay um so he sends me you know like you others me over to the training managers desk and he sits me down and I sit and I wait and I'm going to get transferred here I'll demand it so I'm waiting right and I hear behind me someone say so I hear you want to transfer to my gym and I turn around and I say oh nope we're not censoring that one out it was freaking Mario Wario the troll from my first video see that's why I said the ex work was it not deserved so he sits across from me and I'm not even trying to act nice I make it very apparent that I'm irritated and he knows I mean you can feel that tension and he asked you know why do you you know why do you want to transfer to this LA Fitness and I say well quite frankly the Fitness manager and my LA Fitness is extremely unprofessional and I don't like the work environment that she's brought with her so I think the name and troll panel looks confused and he was like and he says that obese Regina got transferred says such-and-such Tim and I say uh no I just saw her because he just gave me a really dirty look today and he says well they just made you know all the transfers today Cruella is the new manager of your gym and I spring up and say oh good bye and I walk out happy as can be thank god ding dong the [ __ ] has dropped dead yep that's the curse because I hated that one she was a horrible manager all my worries are thrown into the LA Fitness trashcan but boy was I wrong I'll soon find out that Ruth once I meet Cruella the final boss but that's for next me yes we're almost there you guys we're going to beat on the finale the day that I got fired from LA Fitness I won't be telling you guys everything and more about this specific manager honestly I'm hoping that she and her creepy little minion that called himself the weekend manager sees it because they full-on know that I don't like them and I want them to know even more the petty life the only life for me bye guys [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 107,780
Rating: 4.9363546 out of 5
Keywords: my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, funny story times, ls fitness, la fitness fired me, getting fired, my boss called my body digusting
Id: fgUwoPqc04A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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