300,000 Citizens NEED Tea & Roundabouts in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to fix your city with me biffer and look at the size of this city it's absolutely humongous this was sent in by crazy Chris and we're not gonna come and fix the traffic in all the city because in most of it it is okay it is pretty much look at that lovely massive roundabouts there at the function screen we are gonna focus on one particular area of this city and fix up the traffic that is the plan for today if you're new hit subscribe don't forget to leave a like as well very much appreciated let us get stuck in so let's find the area that's got the really bad traffic because as we said most of it is pretty much okay you know lots of green roads lots of green roads and then we come over to here and there is red roads absolutely everywhere lots of green roads over here over there not too bad so it's ok but this area down here we're gonna concentrate on this this is the oil area the oil hub and if we just zoom in we can see the traffic is backing up absolutely everywhere backing out backing up the whole thing is backing up ok so just sort of taking a look at this area overall I just want to check a few things now first of all the way that you're at commercial staff you want to make sure that they've got a way to get in and out and there is actually a train line here there is a cargo hub of sorts and what I'm noticing is that nobody is using it because I reckon the traffic is so bad that yeah maybe wants to come down here let's just follow this traffic down here so this is sort of clogging everybody out nobody can move if this traffic goes down here so there's a lot of roundabouts I think they're getting stuck on some of the roundabouts are very weirdly shaped but I'm not gonna bother fixing those you've got access to the highway which is good and which means these cars facing they're all coming in as well so I'm just wondering whether your roundabouts need a little bit of TLC let's just take a look so some of them you do have set up with the give-way but not for every single Junction so we're gonna do that and then it's going to take a look at this yeah again you've got cars coming on we shouldn't so basically let me just explain this option probably been a few episodes since this one here where it's got the red line through it and the green line there that means enter a block Junction if you've got it off it means when they get to this Junction if they're exit if they can't drive straight through the junction and pass the node they will stop here if you've got it on they will just fill up the nose so like these cars coming around here that is turned on so they've just gone through they blocked the node they will carry on and this is how I would want it set up when there's a lot of traffic these walls don't apply when there's not that much traffic you can have both on and you'll be happily just letting traffic flow but when there's a lot of traffic like this the guys that are coming around the roundabout letting them into the block Junction keep the roundabout moving the guys that are entering the roundabout turn that one off so they will stop here and give way to the traffic on the roundabout that as well as the give way signs for everybody coming on is how I would set up a roundabout when there's a lot of traffic once the traffic has died down feel free to go back and flick both of these on and it will just let the traffic run smoothly unless there's a big queue then yeah leave it like that so let's just have a quick look through all of these so you've got what you give away signs that's good that one's ok we're gonna turn that off because what happens you've got both of these turned on you'll just get these cars coming in these cars coming around and they just will hit each other and it just gets far too much and everybody's like bash that he's just yeah too much to be dealing with ok so that's ok and all the traffic goes boom we can't get onto the roundabout it's too bad yeah that one's fine I'm gonna make sure I didn't miss any but this little one here yeah that's ok that's ok you said that most of them was set up not all of them are through looking for any signs there I did spots got a bit of traffic coming down this way but I want to stick to the oil area so we've done that one let's have a look at this one you know giveaway signs on there at all and you've really got to do all of them because if you just miss one the shape of that cellairis deer if you just miss one you can mess up everything it's like there's no giveaway signs on here at all there's no giveaway signs on there it's all bother I'm holding shift to select the whole roundabout and it's doing that for me unfortunately if you haven't done that on here so let's just go through these nodes and set that ah that one there and what we're gonna see very quick well I say very quickly it's gonna take a while for this traffic to go down I think but reasonably quickly and I should say this with another little roundabout we should see the traffic starting to I feel a bit feel a bit funny calling these roundabouts because of the shape of them what would you call this a squish about hey we've got a new words in the dictionary a squish about you've got around about an oval about a square about now we have the squish about excellent a squish about is where you haven't braced your roundabouts correctly and whoops and the shape has gone all a bit walky walky okay no giveaway signs on there so what I think I'll do is I'll do this on all the roundabouts and then we're gonna just let the game I've literally not let this game run at all I've loaded it up it is what it is by the way the traffic is 50% but I mean I wasn't too worried about what the percentage was because I'll do this one anyway there we go because it's just one area that we're working on but yes I like this here hardly any traffic coming down here I'm gonna leave both of these that one and that one turned on not going to cause any problems so I think that's all the roundabouts in there that's good I'm gonna unpause the game like oh by the way no traffic D spawning so that's good we can see it's backing up down the highway as well which I want to stop the guys doing that so you've got two lanes coming down here let us just fix that up we're gonna grab this one lane here and just upgrade they only have one lane when it's a slick road you really don't need two lanes and it's just the shape of this let's just give this a bit of help there we go and then these here you really only want one lane coming off most definitely because this will be blocking up so much traffic behind it so we're gonna say one lane for coming off straight on straight on straight on that one they're not coming off and then hopefully most of these trucks if we just get rid of the student bonus that are blocking up there like you like you there we go and these should start they get it they're diving out now to go straight on that should start going this here is moving ever so slowly okay so we've done our roundabouts that's one thing the next thing I want to look at this cargo have we noticed not many people were using it so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do before I mess with that I mean I can tell you now for a fact guys are gonna come up here and clog this thing up like nobody's business if they start using this it's because it's right by this roundabout so I am wondering where that we could move that somewhere I'll think about that another thing we don't want you see you've got a load of stuff inside the roundabouts he's just like you don't want truck stopping right inside a roundabout you don't want truck stopping on the outside of the roundabout all of your roundabouts should be free-flowing and moving that one's okay this one's but a load of stuff in the middle of it and you swish about there we go around the outside look they're connected what is this here she's like a school a medical clinic yeah I mean it's nice this is a really nice City by the way as nice as it's built I like the layout and everything as you saw you have made a couple of choices keep you around about you know a couple of choices I wouldn't agree with keep the roundabouts free let's move that I'm gonna move up over there let me click no and we put it somewhere there we go that's gonna go there yeah firehouse is gonna go off the main road on the main laid off the roundabout that's gonna move as well there we go excellent keep that free fit that's off the side road that one there that can go I can go that can go that can go yep these around here this is all gonna go and in fact even this little adjoining roads here just to keep things moving even stuff light up against the roundabouts here I would say no to let's check the other roundabouts I mean offices around a roundabout wouldn't be too bad is this a gun lobby incinerator what a rubbish place to put that ah you wanna play wasn't even trying to do a pun there space already occupied really let me put it somewhere down what what are these buildings here large oil oh ok fair enough let's let's move that you want that on a road it isn't gonna have too much traffic cuz you can have a lot of here we go there's little side road up here cuz you're gonna have a lot of garbage trucks coming out of that and you just don't want them coming onto a roundabout and blocking it out that is nuts this one I'm not gonna bother with it's not very busy at this one over here was the other one what are these the mighty cone mmm is that just this ice-cream shop in the middle of a roundabout I'm sorry he's got to go and we're gonna put that down there and what's this one the mighty cone we're gonna put that one down there there we go keep your middle around about three and then commercial that commercial their offices are they're gonna stay there we go there abandoned anyway they can go good ok so that's all done that's all done these are moving slightly let's just check how they're gettin up onto the highway so these guys are coming in and going straight off here is there a no and let's just check what you've done here have you done any weird Lane stuff you have so these can go through they can come on these guys here were joined in that Lane I mean he's dive down ah there is an odor there she do have one node where they can change let's get the move if mod and just shift that mode back a bit but ideally is he gonna get some more of these diving out now yeah there we go get that traffic flowing just give them a little bit more space and then hopefully once this bit clears up down here where does this road go underneath hits this roundabout okay yeah 43% it's got worse so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave this running just for a little bit and as we can see traffic does start moving where is this hitting down here no that's fine that's busy yeah this is backed up here this is where it was all coming in yeah I'm gonna have to leave this running for a little bit and hopefully it will just start moving enough that things will start freeing up so back in a couple of minutes just a little something I've spotted here I mean you've got a lot of places where you've got double lanes coming on they're all crossing over the traffic and stuff like that look at all these UPS trucks loads and loads of them they're all coming off down here and which is really not good at all I don't want them to do that let's just say you've got one lane going off come on connect to that please and then you guys can just go straight on because they're all blocking out this whole thing so we're gonna just force them to go elsewhere they're coming down here and then they're crossing over here to get over to this which I don't really want them to do and what we could do I'm just wondering whether we could just change this around slightly let us get a teeny tiny little road down here we're gonna do in the middle let's go like that and then we're gonna get this I'm hoping that's gonna fit in there off this side road it is perfect there gonna come down there do that and then leave and that will just keep this moving here stop them crossing over I'm speeding the game up it's on top speed but we've got like 270,000 people is that another post sorting office it is all right you Observatory you can go over there and then this one can go down here as well and then we've got those small warehouses okay that's fine so that'll start coming down this way and ideally this could be a nice little roundabout can I eat these like warehouses really need to have their own little side road rather than off the main road what we're gonna do is we're gonna do that I'm gonna get this guy here and move him so there and I'm gonna get you and move into here yeah and then I want two little roundabouts in here just a teeny tiny small one doesn't have to be anything too big just to keep everything going there we go I might just use the movie Marda just to move that off the roundabouts just clipping that fence a bit behind but we'll just live with that there we go much better and just double check this has been set up yeah that's fine and then yeah we'll just turn those two off there excellent and that's gonna hopefully I don't want them doing that I want them to go round it's like they're picking this one I don't think you need both because they're just using this one mmm we'll see what happens anyway let's keep things buzzing so I mean I've also been sort of checking your highway and when you've got like a few connections we've got lanes set up incorrectly and it's making things back up I've been sorting that for you as well but yeah we're gonna let things run and I'll be back with you while as you can see some time has passed and this is just cleared up absolutely fantastic we've still got a couple of spots where there's a lot of traffic I think I miss removing all the items from the middle of this roundabout so I've done that I really don't want to rebuild all your stuff I mean you've got like a whole load of these storages along here which is just gonna bring a lot of traffic through this area you didn't have a four-lane road which is good and but if we just use the in-game tool this one here for checking where these guys and girls are going we'll just pick that load so they're all coming down here around this little roundabout and most of them are going down they're heading back up here and trying to get onto this underground load that you've got which is leading up over to all sorts of other places so if there's a way that we can help these guys just get onto this little slip road that will be good and we can see that we've got some space here and I'm just wondering whether we could just help these guys out by saying if you're not coming down here to drop anything off you could just cut through here so let me just see it's gonna mean removing a few houses if my even if you buildings it might even make the what did we call it the squeaking about the squash up mouth I can't even remember it's been ages I'll have to go back and check the theme but look at that already cars are diving down there and what I'm gonna do is make this right turn only as well so we don't get any problems here and it might just mean upping the amount of lanes on that little road there so let's just do a little bit of load management add two plus three yes please the other way round excellent and let's see what's going on here so you guys I'm gonna go straight over which you probably would have been doing anyway but just to make sure you go straight over there and I don't want anybody coming out here cut and of course you can go there and then of course there's no node here but what we're gonna do is say we're gonna have one lane for left two for straight on which we've got and then I'm gonna take this tool and say when you're coming up here you can pick whichever Lane you want and it's just so they're in this one here that I don't think that's gonna work I'm basically forcing everybody to go down here which goes underground it's just follow that which heads up to a roundabout and they can come back oh okay so that's fine well what's that traffic there 71 percent fantastic so that should make a load of difference once these guys clear up let's just look at this for a moment I'm also just gonna change something here because you've got a four lane roundabout it's just I mean you really don't need four Lane roundabouts but I don't want to go through and change all year round about but I'm just gonna do with this road here this outside lane goes off and the rest just goes straight on just so it's not blocking any other traffic going through I normally do that on roundabouts anyway what a weird-looking roundabout you can't turn up there and then if you're gonna do that just make sure that when you're coming in you say pick whichever Lane you want I think you've got that selected anyway yeah so that's fine just wondering whether we can add yeah it's probably no need anyway hopefully that will just clear this up a little bit and you know I've noticed here as well we've course got traffic lights that's why it's all going a bit slow there we go we don't need traffic lights because they've all got a lane each so there we go that should keep all of this moving okay so something else I'm noticing here we're getting a bit of a backup of traffic in this area they're all going round this squish about I'll squish about that's it they're all coming up here and basically everybody's trying to go through this Junction Oh the junction is moving okay on its own but this traffic's now backing out this is all backing up that is the only option I mean there's a few other little slip lanes for coming in and out which is good but for going the other direction I'm just wondering that we can help these guys out of it now this has cleared up nicely the post sorting office which is good we could let them come round here and use this Junction this roundabout for trying to hopefully join over here let's just see we can set something out okay so got this little slip lane going underneath and join you know over here it's actually quite close to this one I might just move that a bit further down we see how it goes this isn't too busy though and then rather than doing my normal Lane mathematics three minus one is two plus one is three yeah I'm just gonna add these this little stretch of four lanes which is another thing you can do stop them switching in the middle and then I'll just say any trucks coming out of here and it's already being used look at that we'll have any trucks coming out of there go there these three go straight on there we go they don't switch there and then they can merge here and hopefully that should be okay and we might just see some of these guys taking a different route and going up there which will be good so I'm just gonna keep an eye on this little area here and see how well this little slip lane is being used [Music] couple of other little road changes we can make here just to help things move smoothly we could downgrade that to one lane then we got another one in there to make that two let's just stop these from getting in each other's way and keep things running smoothly so they can come along there they can switch lanes and then we've got this one coming off and that one going on so they're all gonna end up in the outside lane at some point anyway to go on to here and then they're going wherever oh I didn't know you should round abouts have these do all your roundabouts have that that's you're forcing everybody here to go down that way whoa I never noticed that why are you doing that we're gonna delete that and the things stayed there three lanes down to two lanes you've probably done that because of the amount of traffic you've got but if you set things up correctly you shouldn't have to worry about that there's anywhere now Scott yeah you've done it here as well okay oh I'm as long as you've kept it sensible but you're not allowing lane switching anywhere so that is gonna cause an issue this is okay for coming off but I don't want to go in into one mmm this one hasn't got any I want to check all around about now okay I think you've done it okay I mean it's not causing any major it's shoosh whoa that's why you've got so many lanes I can see I can see what you've done okay where it's not causing any problems I'm just gonna leave it carrying yeah that's what I'm gonna do so these people coming around here they're coming down they're joining to get back onto this again to get back on the highway but the highway is like right there yeah I think I was going on we had this connected here so a lot of the trucks were coming up here going through that roundabout just to get into this section so I've changed this slip lane where it went from two to one layer I've now got one lane coming off to go up here if they want to get into this area and the other one just going straight on for those that want to leave and get onto the highway we're gonna set this so they can just go straight through so there's no waiting and that should just help this clear up a little bit yeah look it's stopping backing up already which is fantastic and what are we at 69% fantastic you know what this little band a bad thing here two roundabouts this close together I just think you know what they need to be yeah we are gonna make for ourselves an oval about there we go and I'm just gonna remove some of those that are connected here and I've downgraded this to a four-lane one some of these roads you've just got massive big four-lane roads going in every direction not really needed let us set this up as a roundabout let's use that tool there there we go everybody coming on gives why people on the roundabout can go through they can go through they can go through you can go off you can go through excellent so that should help that just move a little bit better and there's a couple of things I needed to sort of move around I've also moved a lot of your humungous petrochemical plant things I accidentally put one on top of this with anarchy I've changed that I've put those up here out of the way and that is just gonna keep that area moving much much smoother general just looking at this that is connecting light by that connection there we have this road coming down here we could just slightly change this around the bit let's delete that we'll deal with those in a minute we'll get this road here which we've already got and connect that to there yep that's good I think you've used this one here why not let's put some trees on it there we go stop that connect in there and let's just make that a two-lane road going each way and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring it up to the end to give those road access there we go and that should just give things a little bit more room to join the oval about you can keep going there we go then stop joining now you're probably enough to turn around you're gonna drive across the road that doesn't exist fair enough and just in case I forget to share it later this was a one-way road going that way I've made this a nice four-lane roads they can turn here and get down to our oval about fantastic they got a perfect opportunity to show you what happens when you have too much traffic and you've got both of these into the junction if it's blocked thingamabobs turned on you just get around about like this where everybody's trying to go everywhere and there's just not enough room to do it so let's just make this one a little bit bigger and we're gonna just move the load around slightly why not let's stick to squishy abouts it seems to be working so far for us yeah that's almost got it round there we go whoa and on its undo that one there we go and I might even you know what I'll grade that to three lanes just to give them a bit more space [Music] couple of other little quick changes I've put in this main road that you've got running through he had oil refineries down either side of the road it was just blocking it right up so I've removed all of those you really want things not on your main road but off of little side roads like you've got here that's the best way to do it just popped a quick little roundabout in here because we've got a sudden surge of traffic it's only just dying down but this is moving really well and then also alongside your main road that goes down here you had all the guys doing a u-turn so I've just put a roundabout in to keep them moving and that is working at March March that's a so they'll turn around much quicker let's just see what we're up to at the moment 71 percent I don't think that is it too bad at all and just one final change that I've made to try and keep things moving actually two changes I'll show you is this section up here the only way any trucks from this top section could get down to this bottom section was through this little road and this roundabout here which is our main junction on and off the highway and vice versa as well so how did this road through here looks a bit hawky bourgie here but what we've done if we just zoom in a bit there we go we've got the asymmetrical road so these two lanes go straight up there these three lanes two of them go off down here to the two lanes one of them goes off down here which is good and then when they get down to the bottom here there we go we've got the asymmetrical lanes again because there's a roundabout light here so if anybody down here wants to go this direction they can go down here around the roundabout and back out again unfortunately your cargo hub is right here sort of blocking this area that really could do with being moved it seems to be sort of keeping up with what we've got other minutes so I think I'm just gonna keep it as it is do not we could do is actually maybe change the lane layout down here okay I've done a little bit of finagling here which is worked out quite well I've got the asymmetrical lane coming down this way I've moved the cargo hub across a little bit and then what I've done is I've turned off this lane here using the lane tool this one have you picked that one there's no right-hand lane there's only one lane straight on which goes to these two lanes over here using the lane lines there we go but trucks will still use this lane here if they want to turn in as we're about to see come on one of yous gonna come along here they were still use this bottom lane if they're going into the cargo hub and then if they want to leave there we'll go out I don't know why these guys are using it prove me a liar now I've just been sucky of watching it but yes anyway so that just keeps the traffic flowing across here here we go this guy he's gonna put in is gonna pull in there we go but he just keeps the main line and traffic flowing and then these guys here I'm only letting them go straight on so they can go around the roundabout come back into here and that is keeping that area nice and clean [Music] [Music] [Music] so I have to say overall just with those few smallish sort of changes it's made a big big difference in this area it's still gonna be pretty busy because you've got so many oil producers and and things in here but just some Lane mathematics thinking about where traffic is going sorting out your squish about and I'm pretty pleased with the way that's why it's out what do you reckon let me know in the comments below don't forget to hit subscribe as well if you're new and like the video - and be here the day after tomorrow for the next one thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 423,429
Rating: 4.9280152 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: gXCU0cM8R5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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