How to Make Your Traffic BAD and Why you Want to do it Now in Cities Skylines!

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today we're doing something a little bit different I am gonna show you how to increase the traffic in your city to the max and give your cities a thermal workout my name is Biff Oh welcome back to my next City skylines video grab a cup of tea and get ready this one is gonna be fascinating so I hate you shouting now why do I want more traffic in my city well I think of it this way if you were gonna test out your heart give it a good workout what would you do you would jump on a treadmill 100 miles an hour and that would really give your heart and excellent workouts if you could really run that fast anyway you get the idea so with your cities you've set them up you slaved over them for hours and you want to test your city you want to see if you've really put into practice all the tips that you've seen from me and the other guys and girls on YouTube and to see if your city can really stand up to traffic so I'm gonna show you how to do that we're going to be using a couple of mods mainly traffic manager I'll use traffic manager present edition labs version the latest one if you just search TMP labs on the Steam Workshop you will find it then maybe you don't have access at the Steam Workshop oh you're on a console not much you can do that's just the way it is get a PC so I am giving you a little sneak peek behind the scenes today because what I'm gonna show you is what I do to get a city ready to be shown on my fix-it challenge videos because I really like to make things hard for myself sort of cities that I like to pick to show people don't always have very bad traffic and there's reasons for that and what we'll come back to that a little bit later for instance this city that you're seeing now sent in by Zach an amazing looking city it's full of roundabouts what's not to love about it people love to see cities like this Zach told me that there's one area particularly of the city that's got traffic which will fix a bit later on and we'll start looking at that but I would like to see if the whole city can stand up to traffic so that is why I will cause traffic in a city now keep that in mind because quite often I'll see comments of people saying I can't believe someone sent in this city and they haven't put the basic things into practice look at about the traffic is my traffic never gets that bad well before I put a city the video I've run it through this process that I'm gonna show you and the reason is is I like a challenge I like things really tough and I really want to find the weaknesses in your city and by inflating the traffic I'm gonna find the weaknesses in your city and it's gonna give me more things to fix and who doesn't like to fix the city for three hours and then try and squeeze it all into a 20 minute video okay yes that's what I do with my life at the moment but anyway and I'm sure you'll enjoy the video if you did enjoy it please leave a like if you enjoy it and also subscribe as well that would be fantastic so let's dive in let's take a look at this particular city there's a couple of little things that they haven't done so let's just take a look so here we have this city here looking pretty good we just get into the middle there and do the traffic 75% so it's not too bad and Zach that sent this one in I'm pretty sure this was the one said that you're struggling with highway traffic and I can see that you've got your main area here is pretty good and because you've got so many roads it's gonna be hard to get the percentage down low but then you've got these little hotspots I mean that's just red it's moving it's okay that's red it's moving that's getting a bit backed up there but we look here and this is like really bad so as you said you stuck with highways and this one is just like what the heck is going on there's roads going everywhere it's a snaky mess I got this one here starting to get bad and this isn't too bad this is moving and you've got some other areas around the outside that are perfectly fine they're struggling for something what are they struggling for they're not on a fires yeah okay I wish they need their things taken away and yeah you get in backing up along here which is coming in here so you like your highways are the problem but what I would do is I would get a city like this and I would just check how you've got your Traffic Manager set up I love the design of this by the way with this building in the middle looks absolutely brilliant so I would check out Traffic Manager you were using Traffic Manager and when I open it up this will be set out the way that you had it set up when you are sending in your cities so not just a Zach I'm talking to everybody zoom in here and watch this lovely roundabout while we're talking and the first thing that jumps out at me I can move this up here is this symbol here now those of you that use traffic manager a lot will know but when that is not lit up as it is now that is running as it says there in easy mode or vanilla mode so vehicles will despawn if there's too many vehicles so one of these little spots that we've got over here that's red let's find that really good one over here vehicles will be D spawning you might not necessarily see it straightaway but it's got that bad with this set like that now whenever life it's a city I always want to make the traffic as bad as it can be and then fix it because that's a challenge that's fun to see and it makes it yeah it makes it a lot harder I do enjoy the challenge so with the city set up like this shame I can't sort of zoom out any further but if I did that and then that very slowly I can die there we go using the camera mods I can zoom out and we can see much more of the city and then I think that'll probably do if I put the traffic on aha there we go so we can see how bad it is so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna turn off D spawning so now the button is lit up and it says on there hard mode bigger traffic jams no D spawning and then we're going to do the same thing I'm gonna move myself out so we can see all of the roads and we go pretty much I think that'll do put this mode on and I'm going to record a time-lapse and we are gonna see how quickly this all goes red and then I'll be back with you [Music] okay so that was about 13 minutes what are we at now 54% and you've got more of an idea of where the traffic problems are we can see that this really is becoming an issue yeah which is really backing up over here with the cargo but let me just show you the difference if I come out of that view and put Traffic Manager on if I so keep an eye on all these cars here if I press this button it goes back to vanilla rules look at that so the game decides too many cars bang they are all gone and then very quickly this will get up to 75 79 80 % again yeah so it's probably gonna wave for a little bit and get back down to what it was before the beginning so that is the difference between spawning and the spawning that's like they need emptying but when I fix the traffic I always try and make it bad first of all so what I'm gonna have to do now is sit here for another 13 minutes I should have saved the game and also I won't try and get as many cars into the city as possible so using the demand master mods if you whack all these up to a hundred percent it just adds a little bit more traffic coming into the city if there's room to grow or let's come out of that view there we go might not be too much room here to grow to be honest because everything is pretty much built up no that's just gaps in between so yeah the demand master trick might not make a huge difference but yeah but did you notice interesting little facts the middle section here where it is basically completely giant roundabout you've got those going in alternate directions all the way in yeah I hadn't noticed that all of these are one-way roads then your main roads coming out here only starts becoming a problem when you leave the roundabout via roundabouts look at that so yeah there we go so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run that for another 15 minutes get this traffic really really bad ah who remembers this who remembers this little warehouse construction over here and yeah I'll be back with you and we'll just one a couple of little fixes that you can do yourself already look at this you can see the traffic backing up because the game's not do sport again e ah yes the difference between vanilla and the normal game hahaha let me rephrase that the difference of team vanilla and the modded game that's what I meant to say okay we're back it's been 10 minutes or so we're down to 58 59 % so it is dropping down we'll take a closer look at some of the areas that are causing you lots of traffic in a moment but something you really want to make sure that you do which is gonna help if you're running Traffic Manager go into your options select your Traffic Manager here there's a few options that you'd like to set up so this one here you could run that on medium-high it's gonna use more CPU and what that does is uses more of your CPU to implement the rules that you're going to put into place which we're going to do now this is a big one advanced vehicle AI you know that thing where lots of people say why are the cars only using one lane in vanilla well with this mod you can just stop that happening and then I would put this up to about their sort of 80-ish percent don't bother with the parking ion I have said before I used it for a bit of fun but at the moment the parking AI needs to be updated - don't touch that this one's quite good prevent unnecessary transfers so that just does what it does individual driving stars you can have that on or off road condition you've probably got that fine and disable just warning that's the same as the little blue button put that to holy city I normally leave that as it is and don't touch that and then the rest of the things we can leave as they are but this is the main one this is the one where some extra brains are gonna be put into your car drivers and they're not gonna just stick to one lane and they're gonna merge better on the motorway all sorts of things and then this one here so how that that's the rules that's what we'd like them to do how well are they gonna do that depends on how high you put this very low not much CPU is gonna be put into that very high tons of CPU I tend to go with high and and that works and then apply changes right away so we'll add that in and what you will start to see probably hard to find an exam poor bats whereas in the past they might have only used one or two lanes going down this little road here they will now start to use more of the lanes which is what you want and that just helped things run much better loot you can see these guys down here some of them are not just sitting behind everybody else they're diving down the outside lane that sort of thing and that will help a little bit overall to the way your traffic runs so what can we do next and let's just take a look this area around here you've got a heck of a lot going on so if we look underground we've got this tunnel here which is bringing cars into your cargo station and where's that tunnel coming form it's coming from over here so there is access off the highway if they wish to come along this tunnel follow it round go around here and go into your cargo station and it's also bringing cars in from this load which is all of this which is connected to your highway we followed this I'm going backwards on this road here that comes from around there which comes from over here as well yeah so having that little offshoot here is a good idea it doesn't seem that many are using it let's just take a quick look at what's happening here most are just going past and through there and I'm gonna use this one here and hold ctrl and select that node and that should give this is a dedicated turning lane no it isn't sometimes it doesn't always do it depending on how what the angle is on these roads so I'm gonna do this oh okay well there we go that's why nobody's taking that road because you've done this you've done your lane management and you're just making everybody go straight on so let's delete that lets clicking it again and press Hugo there which some were already taking it now but we don't want people down here taking it look like this guy so I'm gonna do ctrl s which is you go there and is now gonna send anybody in that Lane up there which is all well and good oh my goodness you've got stuff all over the place okay you've got merging there which is good you've got these all merging here but then you've only got one node between everybody in the lanes here and there to change and decide what they want to do and you basically said here everybody can go to every lane by the look of it so let's just get rid of that let's just pause the game a sec I want to add another node in here so I'm going to just grab any old road and we're gonna do that there and we're gonna do those various mods for adding nodes but this is what I've got and then if we just grab Traffic Manager again so now we've got a node there and a node there and what I'm gonna do is get the movie mods click on this node and just bunch it up a little bit where's the other one there we go so we've got these two nodes reasonable distance apart from each other okay so the next step you've got two choices if you leave that as it is and you'll see what happens there look they're picking their lane where they want to go they're picking their lane there I mean sometimes that'll be fine that will probably be okay actually because this is now moving a lot better down here which is good which means this isn't so backed up which means that once this dies down a bit there won't be so many cars trying to get in each other's way so in fact I think we're just gonna leave that for now and also save going on what I'm also gonna do is a little bit of Lane mathematics here which will help you notice how we've got one length going off red Lane one lane to one lane blue one lane to one lane and then this one splits into two which is okay we're going to cause you problems at the other end when you try and do this you've now got two lanes going into one which is where I just let that load and delete that which isn't very good so we're going to downgrade this Lane what do you got you've got four lanes one going off so nice and easy fix three lanes along here so we'll do that so now that does two things when we do the Hugo there when I say Hugo there for those who don't watch regular using the Lane connector selecting that node and then control s is the shortcut so now every Lane has their own lane to go to and the other end will do the same slippin Oh Hugo there control s every Lane has their lane to go to so that just helps the AI in the game to think about what they're doing and do it better um and then what I would do is not this you force people once there see these are forced to stay in their Lane these are forced to stay in their Lane here we're forcing them to stay in their Lane so that's why you get all of this everybody has to change lanes in one of these nodes because once I go past here they're stuck they're stuck and then they're stuck so delete that one just let me know press delete so they can now nicely merge and if they want to they can pick a lane in this node on this this node and then here again will delete that one so you've done the lane mathematics four lanes to off to off so if we select that node you go there you've now got two lanes for each that is much much better and it will run nice and smooth they'll come along here there is some merdeen here but they're doing okay it's not too busy so that is just gonna keep all of this moving and if that's moving this is moving which means that's moving and this is moving it'll make a difference to that whole section now you could just leave it at that and let the game run and eventually this would go down and it would help but obviously I'm making videos for YouTube so I would like to get things moving a little bit quicker so here is a little trick that I might do and I do show you this on camera so you might know it after we've had them going off like that I would then pick a node so this one here control less you've got to go straight on then this node here I'll do something different I do control s straight on but I'm also going to allow you to change lanes and you to change lanes so we're allowing them to change lanes coming down and we've got enough nodes so I'm gonna do this one just straight on and then this one here straight on again but now I'm gonna real age change lanes going up if you wish and in that one there straight on so straight after the junction they're going straight on that I'll keep it moving here they can all go down the lane he'd have got to go straight on here they can all go up a lane here they can go straight on there they can merge and now if we just look at this look at how much smoother that's going they're changing lanes where I'm actually forcing them to change lanes and nowhere else and it's just going it's so much better here we're still gonna see we could do it here as well we've got the two nodes here remember we did that so if we grab this and say I'll tell you what in this one here will sew straight on but you can change lanes coming down like this cars do get confused first of all but now assume work it out and then this one here it's straight on but if you want you can change lanes going up there we go and then that will just help this keep moving let's just speed it up all the time all I'm doing is just I want cars to move move move move it might mean that they're stuck in the lane they don't want to be in or whoops - my elbow but it just keeping things moving all the time which is what we want to do see here I might actually do that the other way around because these all want to get down yeah you know what I'm gonna reverse the two things that I just did there hang on a second let's get me Lane management I'm gonna delete that delete that there we go so hopefully just get things moving a bit better yeah they're gonna lock it up there instead but we'll see what happens and then they've got options to change lanes here and then you know that's fine they're not getting forced to golf because I don't 1 2 then once they get down here they can do it alike and I've got other places to go so stuff like that I mean you can see how long that's taken me to do that's why quite often on my videos somebody will say oh I didn't see if fix this oh I didn't see you do that because fixing takes a flippin long time and there's so much stuff that goes into it there's anybody going down there at all but I can't but in Kong camera this is a good tool traffic routes tool let's turn off traffic manager pick that Lane man that tells you where everybody's going last visual representation so yeah lots of people are using this one and it could get quite busy but there's only one lane doing two things so what you could do there grab your two lane one do that there so now we've got a lane for left and straight on straight on own lights beg your pardon and again here we could do with two lanes so and then if we use the lane tool this one here and do control click so now we've got one for straight on here and this one which splits into two which then splits into two again and now just keep this moving nicely and then again we can do some lane mathematics so three lanes I'm counting this as one lane going off just for the sake of my sanity three lanes that goes off down to the anarchy modem there did you do and that helps when it merges the other side I'm going to do this side as well so I'm gonna pick this lane out oh I'm gonna ctrl click in there there we go one lane for going off and then two lanes for going straight on it's clever enough to work that out and then when they merge at this end using the lane arrows you go there ctrl s you've gone from three up to four that's fine you got a node for changing then one comes off we'll leave it like that and those sort of things really do help there we go into another control click there one lane for coming off will come up this road got one lane for coming off already this one here we can upgrade to - it's not backing up let's help them out a bit there we go and then we'll just do another control click here so one lane off into those two lanes then they split off and off they go and it just keeps things moving now this is what we've been fixing look it's not backing up to up here anymore which it was it's slowly going down slowly going down what I would also do is this road up here which we know if you go back to where we were this is the bypass that's bringing people all the way around here to this it's a long way so a car that comes to this little Junction up here that is gonna either choose to take your little bypass or choose to sit with the rest of the traffic it's taken a couple of things into consideration they're thinking which is the quickest route and that's it and theirs and the other thing they're thinking is when can I get a cup of tea yeah that's all they're thinking so in a minute look how slow these cars are going they don't taking into consideration as far as I know traffic so technically this is going take longer they're gonna sit in the traffic bin here it's going really slow so this road you've got coming up here it looks like whoops looks like you've used one with trees and things on it it's just a little slip named bypass type load let's grab this one here and upgrade that to this nice faster Road all the way along and if we can see that's a better road if we use the speed limit tall this gives you a tea this one's only 40 so already we can see the difference okay so now this road coming under here is a much faster load it's twice the speed that it was before so we should have more people using it which means there's less cars going down it's gonna take a while for the car look at this look at this this is not what's up anymore it's all moved it's all moving forward everyone's going where they need to go so that is solved this roundabout just with a little bit of thought of what's going on and what we can do and then I mean there's coming the other way you've done some Lane mathematics along here I don't know whether you've got your merging fixed here no you haven't let's just have a quick look at your loans two plus one two three then you've got two coming out of there okay I can see what's going on let's just do that yeah we need this down to one lane that's what I meant to do first let's grab that only needs to be one lane grab this a low control click boys I'm not doing it one that way and one that way does that's our ass why look there we go all right here you go there done and then that comes up here let's delete that one and then we can get these to merge there we go got too many lanes going on up here what the heck is going on and also this is a really slow road Oh oh my goodness mate right ok pause go on gone gone gone gone got what highway roads along here you've got three lanes on here because you've got to even like it is we'll go with the four so that fits in nicely and then that's gonna hit that let's turn off the bend there we go thank you very much oh we get another lane coming in there and then that's gonna go up to there okay and then we'll see if we can get this to match up and make sense or grab our Hugo's there there we go got a lane each that comes along here and we've got an extra lane coming in where does this one come from that comes from here so you're letting cars that are coming from this come down here come round and draw okay so there's not gonna be that many cars coming out of there so I'm not gonna worry too much about that I will just do a bit of Hugo there so these guys get a dedicated Lane coming out and then up here I don't know we won't do that or do this one there we go so now we've got a lane for going off three lanes for going on that splits up nicely that's fine so that should help this for yet one look your hands look freed up in each direction keep everything moving which is good then we come to this and there's an interesting thing I've spotted with what's going on with all of this so I think what we're gonna do with this one this is gonna be a two-parter because I spent so much time telling you how I prepare the cities and the tools that I use I really want to make sure I put enough time into fixing this traffic and showing you some more tricks and things so if you want to see that be sure to like this video and subscribe as well so you don't miss out I think I'll get that one out ready for you at the weekend until then maybe check out the other video on the screen and thank you very much for all of your support as well take care I will see you all very soon bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 176,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines tutorial
Id: kdXaI9dUI2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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