I Invented the Worlds "Best" Train Traffic Fixing Solution in #5B1C Finale!! Cities Skylines

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look it's expanding in there in mid-air that is how bad the traffic is the other side it's got so bad they're expanding into the mountain oh my goodness me that is terrible [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to five builders one city in city skylines with me biffer and here we are in my final episode and this is gonna be a special episode we're gonna take a quick look around at what's been built in the city so much has happened since the last time i had the save and then we are gonna do a fix a traffic fix whatever else that comes up i've already had a chat with the other guys that have been building on this map because for me personally i'm finding this quite difficult because normally when people send me their cities to be fixed um they're saying please fix my city and they'll send it to me and i'll find things wrong with it and we'll all have a good laugh and i'll fix it up and there we go and everyone's happy uh with this one that obviously isn't the aim of this city they've all been building it and they've been building it under sort of vanilla rules with unlimited money and uh yeah the vanilla traffic despawning that's a big one for those that play on console or vanilla unmodded city skylines and that's a big thing for me i like to make my game particularly hard and turn off traffic despawning which is what we're gonna do on this city and just see how well it stands up so just bear that in mind i have checked with everybody they're happy for me to to go ham and to uh yeah turn off the despawning and see what can happen i'm just looking at that little railway line there doesn't seem connected properly i just spotted that let us just quickly dive out of following this person through the city oh it is connected properly my bad well there we go at least that's one fixed down already so why don't we just take a quick look and there's one big thing that i got so many comments about i think everybody got so many comments about it and it's over here here we go when i last built i built this sort of i.t center sort of area and it was stuck in the middle of a field with nothing around it and i don't know whether i was sort of clear in my video i may not have mentioned it at all but the idea was that i was going to build this and it was going to sort of push other builders to build around it to build towards it to do stuff with it and it just sat here for ages nobody went anywhere near it but then imperial jedi came in clutch at the end there and he's built this fantastic little community all around his and now this doesn't stand out as the sore thumb that it was and he tweaked it as well which was great and he got all this hooked up and he's changed a few things with the railway line so it doesn't look weird i like this under here the way i had it set up was a bit weird along the back but he's sunken it down and uh yeah i'm really liking it so that's good that is good so let us take a look at the traffic in the city as it is so as is our custom on the city fixes at the moment enabled easy mode less traffic jams vanilla mode as i would call it and the traffic is 76 percent so what are your guesses as to what the traffic is gonna come down to already we're getting cues of trains going out the city look and this is on d sporting modes [Music] so what do you reckon it's going to go down to with traffic despawning turned off i'm actually getting a little bit worried now i'm looking around at some of them i mean there's you know they're busy some of these red roses are just busy which is fine there's nothing wrong with busy got a nice few roundabouts around here it's gonna be interesting to see hey this old area over here that we fixed in one of our other episodes is red again well let us take a look oh no it's this one who remembers this area how many times have i tried to fix this is even a traffic helicopter going past oh it's a hot air balloon okay so what i'm gonna do oh man it's getting worse before my eyes and we haven't even got de-spawning on i'm worried i really am worried so put a comment below what you think it's gonna get down to and then yeah we are gonna see so i tell you what i'm gonna do i can't really sort of get a view of the entire city but there's any really bad hot spots i'll come back and show you oh big deep breath big sippity let us turn this off no despawning hard mode bigger traffic jams and let me run the game at full speed and we're gonna see what is gonna happen right okay so i would say that is about half an hour later something like that what's the time probably longer than that 45 minutes what do you reckon the traffic is now if you haven't put your guesses in the comments do it now i should wait for you i'm waiting enough there we go let us take a look i know what it is so i can't guess 47 do you know what that's got slightly better because a minute ago it was 46 but oh my giddy aunt that is pretty bad so uh let me just get my bearings where are we do you know what the the one thing that i was really pleased about wow wow look you can see the trains all the way through the middle are just absolutely dead here we go look at that ah the biff about working absolutely fine no traffic at all look at that look at that that is what you want to see but yeah lots of other places i've got traffic and you know what the big thing is um that i reckon i've spotted if we go and have a look and what sort of tipped me off on this is look at all the car go trains that's me cargo trains for days if you follow the line and now all the passenger ones are blocked up as well but oh my life cargo trains everywhere this is bringing in so much cargo if we take a look at what we're importing we're importing goods uh 9 949 goods we are not producing enough goods in the city and if we just have a quick look at so we've got a few little spots of industry that have just sort of been popped around in a few places and get lost on the map so we've got some sort of forestry petroleum i should say we've got generic industry some timber processing so we've got a few places that are sort of making specialized goods but not too much of the normal goods so that is probably something that we need to fix but but also what we've got is if we find the train lines okay remember that we worked on this before is we've got some stuff that looks nice but just when you've got despawning turned off just doesn't work with the trains it they just all get caught up next to each other let me passenger trains and now all backed up everywhere so yeah lots to fix there isn't even like a place where i can just go to the front i get comments quite often saying go to the front of the traffic fix that and everything else will be magically fixed it doesn't work like that there's so many different hot spots around so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try and do this methodically i'm gonna go down the highways first so we've got this highway coming in here and just take a look if there's any obvious thing so this is all okay following this highway then we start getting into traffic so there's any obvious things that make me think do you know what that needs to be fixed then we're going to fix it let's just make sure we've got yeah we haven't got a dedicated lane on off there we haven't got lane mathematics but you sort of got this all lined up with the metro so i don't want to just arbitrarily change that from three minus one down to two but what you can do is just quick control left click there and now if we take a look at that segment we've got a dedicated turning lane so some of these cars will be going straight on we can approve that by using the in-game tool if we click say that road there yeah look there's a load of people that want to go straight on so hopefully they'll sort themselves out and that is probably going to be the same the other way over here so let us just use this again we can check yeah look we need dedicated turning lane whoops for going off there so hopefully that will help and then when they get up the top here you've got a bit of forky bulkiness so we've got one lane coming up but again if we just use this tool i already know this but i'm just showing you so i want to go left so i want to go right and then we'll sat behind each other so what i would do is upgrade uh in this save we've got network extensions too haven't we so two-lane highway that's the one i want i would upgrade that to two i mean you could even do it all the way down to there but what you're gonna have to just do at the bottom again is just double check i certainly want one lane going off then they can split into the two then they've got two all the way up and then at the top they can choose to go left or right doesn't help that this is getting blocked up here but we'll come back to that i'm going to left click here to say right yeah i'm going to control left click there so we get a dedicated turning lane for going off but then i don't want these to go straight on oh academic year report thank you so i'm going to click there and say don't go straight on you're literally whoops your left and right and that is it then i'm going to do the same over here control left click but then this one that's coming up i'm going to again upgrade that to two uh we'll do it all the way down to the bottom bit of anarchy to help that out and then we'll just double check yeah there's only one link going off for some reason that's fine and then that should have just done a left and a right yeah there we go it hasn't so i'll do it stop pressing escape if you don't need to and already look you can start to see it's just moving a little bit better you've got cars coming past now able to get to where they want to go and i might just just to help these guys move is say no lane switch in there so if you go there you go there i'm doing the controls down here control s and hugo there they can pick their lane when they come up here then they stay in their lane all the way up you don't need to do that all the time but in some circumstances that's going to help um don't you switching actually these are going down these are going through yeah these are all moving okay now okay so that's that highway let's just continue so look at all these cars all built up here now the biff about is backing up but it's moving now look you can see oh what i say that's a quick sympathy ah lovely you can see now that these are starting to move look they're diving out of the lanes they're saying yeah we didn't want to get stuck in that lane so that is going to help all of this it's gone down to 46 help all of this keep moving so that might just take a couple of minutes let's just keep an eye on that for a moment yeah actually what i'm noticing is this sort of thing over here is blocking everybody so they can come down here they're coming over this way then they're getting to this junction okay then we're hitting sort of this they're all coming through here to the cargo terminal aren't they let's use this tool here see where they will go in all over the show but it's the brown ones you want to look at which are the trucks and yeah loads of them are coming down here is this one way no and then they will come in over here and then they're just going everywhere yeah okay let's just see if we can help keep this moving so when they come up to this junction um what do we want to do i was going to say asymmetrical uh roads coming out but this is there we go look but this is one way coming in so maybe not necessarily needed i am going to say give way to you so these can keep going look and now we've given them a dedicated left-hand turning lane they're doing so much better pick your lane i want i want these stacked up in the comment lane so pick your lane here and then i've got two full lanes to stack up all the way up and now they're moving look look these are moving which means these can move and this isn't blocked up across the top just a couple of little changes and look at that things are starting to get better you're sort of getting in each other's way but you are going i'm just wondering whether they traffic light here i think that's going to be fine i think that's going to clear up um so these are all going down this way and then they get to the end and then they're turning all the way along here and then these are all and then these are all coming down as well so they all hit this bit here and they're all blocked by this train so as much as i do like very low bridges and i do like lines going through roads because i think it adds some interest i know these will compromise my brain my brain um this really isn't working is it because when it all grinds to a halt it grinds to a halt i'm just wondering whether it's like this truck what is this train doing so this train is this train where is he actually trying to go he's trying to leave but you can't because this crosses over all right let's see if we can do something here and use the giveaway sign is this actually a junction or is this just a line painted over a line i think it might be there's a node there let's just move that and have a look so i can see what's going on yeah that does come down there so i'm going to do that and you've got to give way coming down here we'll go back to the movement mode and do control z and so it moves back and i'm going to just delete this train here if i delete the correct end yeah sorry so then these can start moving any more that come down there should now wait i don't know what this guy i see this guy here is blocked because of this so when that guy goes i'm sorry police you're blocking up the trains so they're just gonna drive over the top of each other fantastic so now these are coming down here and it is just a disaster so we'll come back to the trains in a moment well this is moving anyway look at this isn't this lovely which now means the biff about is working again uh these will need to be emptied which is going to forever be happening because there we go let's just empty that let's just empty that yeah okay i need to just think what i'm gonna do next because my brain is a bit boggled at the moment right i tell you what i'm gonna do because we are importing so many goods and it's just too many too many i'm gonna see if there's some spots around here where we can just quickly add in um a few little bits of just generic industry that's not going to get in the way of anybody else like here it would be a perfect spot um let us grab an asymmetrical where is it where is it where is it there we go this road here so i'm going to bring let's go there so that'll be asymmetrical coming into there we'll do our usual control left click dedicated turning lanes we'll do giveaway and then we can literally just pop in here some industry road space already occupied oh okay we've got some stuff going on here there we go that can come along the back there what the heck pop and tree anarchy is on i can fix that i can fix it i can fix it there we go excellent and let's just do a bit of this [Music] yeah that i'll have to do and then we'll see if we've got water pipes on here almost so we're just going to run these up the road that's what all the cool kids do there we go and then we'll just fill this with generic industry all around here that's on the main road so i'm not going to do that i could do some up there some up there so maybe not the prettiest looking industrial estate but we do have some [Music] needs there we go so we're gonna get some nice buildings coming in here i don't have ever seen that one before have some assets snuck into this uh snuck into this map again [Laughter] maybe they have i don't know but these are now going to be producing some uh nice bog standard goods which have got access to this nice big road through here so a few little spots like that around the map what's our traffic at oh 59 it's getting better i think will help so let me find some places to do that and we'll get going uh also i'm just noticing yeah garbage processing i mean these are the side effects of bad traffic things just can't get around the city so yeah okay so let me do that and uh i'll be back with you have a little time lapse why not grab a cup of tea enjoy [Music] and just while we're waiting for this area to build up i'm going to smooth this out a bit don't worry i'm going to put some polishes on small business enthusiast why not because we've got unlimited money on big business benefactor industrial space planning might as well have all of those turned on and that will just encourage all sorts of stuff have we got a zone on over here we do oh my goodness this is one big zone geneva area five ah okay uh we've got default style on just checking there's nothing on here that's gonna stop things growing nope we're doing okay okay this is gonna take a while we only have a small need for industry or offices at the moment that will change as we go along and we start filling some of the other demands but i don't even notice but our traffic as our traffic flow has shot right up to 59 we've still got despawning yeah so that was good that was a surprise i'm pleased with that we still have some hot spots though that we need to take a look at i'm just wondering whether we could just try and fix the trains i'm wondering whether so we did in a previous episode set up our separated cargo and passenger lines i just want to double check those so if you use this tool here vehicle restrictions what hang on a sec let's pick this one here oh yeah there we go yeah uh someone's changed these that's got passengers on there and there no cargo on either that is not right and then this one down here we've got no passengers just cargo this should be am i selecting the right piece of rail yeah that's right isn't it so this bit here is cargo no passengers this should be passengers no cargo oh okay it's just the way i'm looking at it i think let's just do that and pause the game um and then go back to this one here yeah passengers no cargo cargo passengers begin your pardon all right let's move that back again um but we've got some problems here where they're sort of crossing over trying to get in and out i'm assuming that this guy is trying to leave and then they oh i hate the way it all crosses over like crosses over again here and then this guy can't get through so how about we just do this let us take that out back there and i might have to go around and do this at all the different ins and outs that we've got and then we're going to go page up just sort of there we're going to go over the top like that and then we're gonna swing that back down again like that and just see if that then gets the ones that are coming in moving they're still gonna stop here uh this train needs to just go thank you very much but it might just and then you've got this annoying thing here where either side can be used for in and out oh actually yeah that one can go in he's coming in and these are coming in so they're taking turns so trains are all coming in and you can see they're all cargo trains cargo train terminal cargo train terminal but as long as they're moving we might find think that they just never get a chance to go because how long is this going to go on for let's just keep an eye on how many of these are going to be coming in and see whether anyone's going to get a chance to go if we had like the unlimited external connections mod or something like that i would have two lines one way one in one ounce and i think that would stop this problem here i'm gonna watch this for a while do you know what i'm gonna have to think about the train situation i'm not entirely sure what i'm going to do there and i've just found this little blockage over here this is just down to a silly placement of a bus stop so we've literally got it right after this junction here and it's just blocking everybody coming down there we are going to wing that all the way down to the middle of the road there and there's another one and then this one here isn't too bad because yeah hopefully then once these guys start moving all of these can move because they're not going to get each other's way we've got the tram coming and going let's just see there we go look now just stop down here instead i'm assuming they're all different bus lines that is something i wanted to check actually uh because we do have some bus lines here they've got lots of vehicles no passengers i am just going to delete those all those vehicles are three passengers nope don't need it all these for zero and this was like this when i first loaded up the map as well so this isn't um just because there's a load of traffic this is yeah i'm gonna remove all those zero ones i would possibly remove it's not gonna remove some of these as well uh if we do need to add some if it's single figures at 15 vehicles five passengers no no good no good at trolley bus line okay tram line yeah we've got probably quite a few trams on there that we don't need that many let's drop that down because they're all going to be taking up space aren't they on the road um so that was that one metro line that's all underground anyway we don't have many metros some extra metros train line yeah that's just surprisingly these trains are actually moving which is great ferries i don't care about because they're in the water so that should be a little bit helpful for that spot there 62 so we are getting there what is our yeah that slightly got a little bit better which is good i'm spotting a few places that don't have water pipes and that'll be just where i've just built that industry there we go or one of them so that's built up a bit that's good that's not causing any traffic needs a little bit of smoothification on some of these roads here oh yeah that's me rushing to build there we go there's no traffic but that is on its own gonna produce a load of goods for people so that's uh good right just found this little hot spot of traffic here and it's one of those traffic i don't know what you want to call it where they just expand look it's expanding in there in mid-air that is how bad the traffic is the other side it's got so bad they're expanding into the mountain oh my goodness me that is terrible so we really need to get some more industry growing in our city and we just can't there's no demand so we are gonna put in some more higher residential over here i've just taken out some low residential just at the back of this section here i don't think it would look too out of place running along the highway area here i think that'll be okay just to get a few blocks of flats hopefully to take down some of that demand and then boost up the demand for industry or offices which will then mean we can start making more of our own goods look we are importing less and less of the goods so that was all purple before now our total importing is going down i wish i put that model that allowed me to look at them exactly as i needed them but that is fantastic to see that goods going down so that is going to mean our goods trains we're not going to need so many so i tell you what i'm going to do and i wouldn't normally do this but in this circumstance these trains ain't ever moving on their own they are just so badly clogged up our traffic is at 61 so what i'm gonna do is i am gonna do a quick toggle i'm gonna despawn there we go so let's use the normal vanilla game mechanics i haven't cleared the traffic i've just turned on despawning and it's removed let's just pause the game and then turn it back on again so now it's back to no despawning and i want to see what is coming in from the outside whether it's going to be continual cargo trucks i mean that's going to affected the cars as well so our traffic flow will super go up as it goes down um but i'm going to keep an eye on that look there we go we've got passenger trains also coming in these are fighting so if you go in then yeah so maybe we'll get less of these coming in i'm just going to run this again for sort of 10 minutes what's been interesting at the whole of this process so far we haven't lost that much population which has been great but what i'm hoping to see is more passenger trains coming in and not everybody getting clogged up immediately like this so i'll keep look another passenger train and we weren't getting any of those before so at least they can come in and go so yeah back with you in a few moments oh just thought i'd mention it i i know there's going to be comments on this um but when i've changed this track it's obviously not kept the cargo trains only on here and passenger trains only on here but this line only connects to cargo stations and this line only connects to passenger stations as you can see they're only going where they need to go yep that's a cargo one fantastic right just a little bit of an update it's getting better here we are over at this connection over here what did look i've just started recording and you're doing stupid bone edited things what are you doing game where are you trying to go you're literally trying to leave but you can't leave because this one wants to go up here doesn't he why do they even do that what you did and i've got stop let's just remove that okay this guy you're gonna go because you're blocking everything up it's just stupid anywho what i was gonna say was i've added this little offshoot here and put one of these in because we're on unlimited money so why the heck not and it's taken my cargo trains away from this area that are leaving and they are coming up here if there's none here at the moment but overall it's looking a heck of a lot clearer although i'm not holding out much hope because of this blooming stupid thing here i'm gonna change this again okay i'm doing weird and wacky things now because i don't want to add the mod on that gives you extra outside connections i built this thing no idea what's going on but we've got sort of a roundabout situation going on here um it still gets blocked here when people are coming and going um let's just put some stop signs so when they come on i want them to give way that goes out i don't know which way they're going now that comes on so i want this one to give way when they come in that goes out so let me just show you what i've done you've got what if this didn't cross over this wouldn't be so bad because i think we're still going to get the same problem that we're just having so many trains coming in that the ones that want to leave can't so i was hoping this would just keep them moving they would go they can join up there without getting blocked anybody coming down here can join and leave why is that oh he's gone okay and i've got despawning yes he was just leaving slowly well i'm wondering whether this might be the thing that helps i am gonna just sit here and keep an eye on this for a few moments i don't know where this came from in my brain but let's let's find out and we've passed a hundred thousand uh do not be very interested turn off unlimited money just see how much money we do have because it does keep track of it in the background but yay 100k citizens fantastic that's well past the megalopoloplopolis because we've got it all unlocked haven't we all right let's uh let's watch this for now he's just done a u-turn um interesting okay let's just watch this for a bit well blow me down this thing is actually working i i've just been sat here watching it and it's absolutely moving with no problem at all and even when you get the stupid mechanic of two trains spawning one on each side both to come in one goes then you can get the ones leaving i mean you could make this bigger to hold a bit more traffic but that is just great so what i'm going to do is i am going to copy this let's get the move it mod i'm going to do that have it selected on nodes and grab the whole thing and we're going to copy it and i'm going to put that on any other external lines that we have that might have some issues and see whether it still works here we go this is the other one that's causing all the issues so let's just pause the game a moment i'm going to delete all of this make sure don't delete the line coming in now up to the node there let's get the moving mod i'm going to do a uh what am i doing here why isn't it showing up there we go that's what i want a copy and then it went this way round and i want snapping on i don't want that to snap to there if i've got enough space this end yet so i want that to snap to there excellent let's get rid of that let's get rid of that make sure that that is all connected properly no it's not i'm just going to use the move it mod oh i've got delete on the move it mod come on this one here just to squeegify that round a bit why is that not connecting there is that just not connected here oh it hasn't it hasn't actually connected to that line oh okay fine um can i delete a bit of this without deleting the whole thing no okay i shall delete that and i should delete that so we're going to connect these up so let's grab that and just sort of go like that and then we'll do that one commit do that one like that and then we'll turn them around the right way so that goes that way that goes that way and i think we're okay why is that not connecting oh is it because i've got to do that there we go so that goes in that goes out if we just delete this train here so we can see what's happening yep that's fine and then that's going to go around there that's all connected okay this is all the same that's connected that's fine that's fine that's fine and then up here what have we got we've got our two lines so if we just connect those straight into this um that should be absolutely oi fantastic um yeah these aren't quite lined up the same as on the other thing but that's okay yeah there we go so they can come in and out over here in and out on our cargo one and in and out on our passenger one so it's just gonna be a matter of letting this run do you know i might just actually delete some of these boneheaded trains that are gonna be blocking this thing up just so we can get it moving look at you all across the track what are you doing there we go there's a couple down here as well and then we'll see whether this one works just as well and it broke because the trains can't get out of it quick enough so then you get this sort of problem where they just block this bit here okay we're going for whatever that thing was called version 3.0 we are going for a train track roundabout so that should be yes all the way around that way and then we need to just work out the inputs and outputs on here and see whether this works better i think what i'm going to do is separate these two lines they definitely spread out a bit further apart let's see what we can do right we're going for this so this track comes down here splits into an on and off uh one way there we go as you can see everything is all connected up well that's working that's working down here it splits off and yet so what i've done as well as i've moved this node where they do the crossover further down so hopefully there's enough room here for train to get out and get going and then this one splits off to the other side deep breaths deep breaths relax have some more tea so let us keep an eye on this now and see whether this is enough see what happens is this guy's stopping because he can't get in there until that despawns which is just that's just how the game works whether you've got despawning on or off anyway so these are going to back up a bit but i'm hoping that they're just going to move out enough do you know what i'm going to do actually i'm just going to do something here i'm going to grab all of this and i am just going to move the whole darn thing further up here so between this node and this node we've got enough room for a whole train to fit in there and then i haven't messed anything else up anywhere else that's all okay all the trains are gonna go what the heck is going on and then hopefully sort themselves out come on guys ain't difficult and if it is difficult you're gone come on this guy's like no i'm hiding my head in the in the in the cliffs he's gone there we go he's and he's yeah okay there well jiminy cricket they're working it all out okay so this guy is still not getting through are you gonna go through is that still a train in the way i think there's still a train in the way [Music] right let's just see what happens i'm going to give it some time right i think we might have cracked it i think we've cracked it so i let the game run for a bit and trains are moving there's not so many trains coming from the city either which is brilliant not so many cargo trains coming in this is the outside of the city down the bottom here the outside connection and i have been sort of going around the city and just throwing in some high density residential here i say throwing in upgrading to some high density residential in a few places um and putting in industry here and there and all the nodes are connected up they're all fine yep you can just about make them out in the fog and there's not so many trains coming in which is brilliant and this is all still with the spawning turned off no problem at all what is the traffic at 71 do you know what i think that might have fixed it let's go across to the other connection which i think is all the way over the other side what the heck i don't know i'll tell you what it is this is not the newfangled train about that we just invented is it so let's delete all of this and stick in a newfangled trade about instead okay there we go it is in so we need to let this one run for a little while as well and see whether that is gonna work do you know what it took a while but it's working i had to put my giveaway signs back on again which i forgot about and the biggest thing you want to do is make sure that this crossover node here between there and where this starts this next node is enough room for a train to fit in so i've got despawning turned on so if i just pause that there we go look that train is in between this node and this node and he can sit there and wait while these two decide what they're gonna do and then it just clears itself right up which is brilliant okay so i've just turned off unlimited money to see how the city is faring and look at that if we played properly with money not properly you know what i mean the normal way you know what i'm trying to say we would have made 7.2 million spondylics that is absolutely fantastic going brilliant what are we at 74 percent oh that has been a tough one i mean there's still some busy things there's this junction here i'm never going to touch again i've like tried to fix that about four times still some red lines but it's just busy it is not backed up so do you know what i am i am gonna say that is done i'm pleased with that if there's nothing that's backed up i know normally i'd like to get to sort of 80 percent but i think in this case 70 is not too shabby that's still moving these guys here i bet that's a bus stop that is a bus stop isn't it right there let's grab the bus stops yeah that bus stops going that bus stops going all the way up over there and all the way up over there don't want bus stops right by junctions that's finished being empty in yeah i think 73 i'm gonna call that jobs a gooden and um leave the fire to city planner to to sort out so as far as i know there are going to be some other episodes um just sort of rounding up from the other creators what they've done and some sort of things like that so be sure to go and check all of those out i need you all to give me a name for that funky internal external train about roundabout thing that we've created so let me know that in the comments below and thank you very much oh this is just this is just a sight to behold when it all just starts moving like this ah and this junction that it all started with our bifford was so young back then when i fixed this and thought that would fix the world but we did it we made it so thank you very much for your support on this series stick around for some exciting things to come in the future merchandise wink say no more say any more and have a fantastic day take care everybody bye-bye this guy's leaving the city he's like i've heard the traffic gets really bad here i'm off see you soon bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 145,819
Rating: 4.9550304 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.