A City Planner Plays Cities Skylines: BEATING the "Fix the Traffic" Scenario with a Ring Road

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to a city planner place city builders today we are going to try to beat the fixed traffic scenario so we're going to be playing in the city of appletown and the whole issue with this scenario is that we are working in a city where a very inexperienced mayor designed a roadway network that doesn't work and doesn't make sense so though the city is making tons of money it's completely choked in traffic and there are other issues as well that this traffic problem has created such as an inability to effectively collect garbage um and wow look at these collectors um everywhere stop sign stop sign stop sign so there are some small things we can do to make things better up front i think all of these trash facilities on cul-de-sacs that's probably not helpful and then we have these these interchanges that are kind of nuts and no local roadway connectivity between the eastern and western half of the city so we can make some transportation fixes i think there are also some land use decisions that are questionable to say the least um you know having industrial right in the middle of all of this uh commercial activities probably not wise same thing over here i think that our utilities are also overbuilt so a number of things that we can remedy and fix and improve um so i think we're gonna get started right now okay so i'm starting over one of the reasons for this i i failed and i don't want to fail i'm going to keep doing this until i need it because i am persistent and maybe a little crazy so i think the way i'm going to start is actually to try to create a bypass it's not something that i've tried before but but things here are so mucked up that i think it might be the most beneficial solution for the city at this point it's to bypass everything get traffic moving on the outside of the city and once it's working on the outside get things working on the inside [Music] so there are lots of problems here but this would be one way that i could connect the city steep slope no problem we'll just keep messing with it until it works i really want to have a lot of local connections to this road try to get some of that local traffic off from the highway network that is terribly broken [Music] okay so this might seem like an odd way to start but if there's anything that i've learned by playing this scenario is that population it's easy to fix the traffic here i've got this down to an art at this point i can get traffic down to yeah i got it is as good as i have it at one point 93 without transit so that's no problem a problem is actually getting um the population to stay above 25 000. so gonna focus on that right now [Music] so this might seem like a very very unconventional way to start it is i'm uh honestly i'm not sure if this is gonna work but i feel like there's a chance and we're gonna take advantage of some of the other things that i have done in my failed attempts such as you know fixing this mess but i think what might be even better is to create a loop around the city so i am going to eliminate let's see what zoning this is okay it's all office so let's get rid of this madness here just kind of blast our road through let's get our roadway connection here [Music] slopes too steep okay well and then let's connect up our roads down here and get this small playground moved [Music] we'll get simming again you know eliminate some of this unnecessary infrastructure oh it is now necessary and let's get some more local roads connecting up now this part's going to be a little bit more challenging i'm going to try to get it basically as close to the edge of the map as i can only to eliminate those power plants that are unnecessary anyway and let's get this road in the map we'll get rid of these and bring it right up here i'm gonna loop right around there we go we've got our bypass let's get our connections so generally i'd want to have access management down here and not have quite so many railway accesses to this area or to this new collector but at this point with the limitation uh regarding the population i think it's just more important that this functions [Music] and that uh we're getting people on this road okay so we started out at 63 we're currently at 58 we've made things worse for now adjust this road this is now a priority road and let's look at all the junctions [Music] you hop on this ring you don't have to stop doesn't matter where you're going in the city so in essence i've cheated and made a local road that connects every local road with one quick loop so this was the biggest problem i was having before as it was darn near impossible to get local roads connected while maintaining population but i think this is going to work something's not working my guess is they can't deliver um power or they can't deliver raw materials to the power plants yup that is the problem i'm gonna de-zone some of this industrial because i think that's half of the problem let's hope we can get our financial house back in order might need a small loan to fix this or a big one let's get some power that's not dependent on on deliveries then we can eliminate these other power plants that are reliant on them oh i made a mistake degrading closer to where we need to be let's throw on power usage and see if that fixes things oh boy ah that makes me uncomfortable let's not have power usage on try to get our finances back in order just enough to get another windmill or two i'd really love to get one next to these uh so the core infrastructure try to get this remedied um get power there first so our power situation should be mostly okay now our consumption's jumping up i don't want to do this but i think i'm going to have to let's make a quick ramp we are going to make it ugly just wanted to function at this point and the hope would be that we can get some of this freeway traffic directly to our power plants over here [Music] this is a huge problem if we don't get this under control the city will die not enough fuel costing us a ton of money people are still moving in here for some reason [Music] don't quite get it let's just eliminate this and see if that fixes things we'll force all of this traffic to come to our new interchange and let's play with our junctions here for a minute i guess the nice thing is we keep generating money [Music] so it's allowing us to replace those plants eventually maybe we'll have enough to eliminate them all together oh our population is plummeting unfortunately it doesn't look like fuel is making it to these power plants for some bizarre reason okay our population's going back and we're making money again that is an incredibly positive development maybe we can salvage this thing [Music] okay one of our plants is back online i'm going to eliminate the other one and start making some money again that was that was wow i did not like that at all okay so let's get back to what we were doing looking at our junctions i have the delete tool on so i need to not have a delete tool on [Music] all right so i need to to fix this lack of connectivity in this area and really [Music] everywhere so one of the things i think would be helpful would be to have a high tech hub maybe that would take some of the pressure off the industry that we're seeing because there is a lot the other thing so we have this big uh highway thing happening here i want to get rid of all of this and replace it with a collector road or just eliminate it all together at this point it's not really necessary let me just do that so we're going to force this traffic onto our bypass oh that was so helpful so we just got 300 000 for doing such a great job managing the traffic in the city and i can't really think of anything that we need more right now than money [Music] let's let's try to do this a little bit clean okay here's a priority road it wasn't functioning like it was okay so we've got that oh our power plant over here doesn't have water and that could have been our main issue see where we're at with power now yeah shoot i'm embarrassed that was a silly mistake let's get our production back in line now okay let's see where we're at with traffic we're at 74. it's just adding this ring road did that much to get the traffic off this highway and i eliminated all roadway access to this neighborhood so let's fix that i think it would be beneficial to have more local access through here so i'm gonna have a road come through here [Music] so that's a big benefit i think and now our population's going up again let's continue to make some improvements we have to look at our junctions okay we have all of our death care over here let's connect that up as well let's take a look at what's happening over here okay so i think i want to put the industrial hub in this area but not before making some local roadway connections through here so as much as i want to connect that through right now i do not want to demolish those single-family homes okay let's get rid of all of the one-ways through here [Music] these are no longer beneficial it's really more of a an attempt at solving transportation by looking at the routing it's not really all that effective okay so i'm going to zone all of this high tech down the line and i'm going to eliminate basically all of this in just a moment because that was terrible [Music] so we'll make some connections through here and relocate some of these facilities [Music] let's get this placed along a road it's the university that's going to be very important for our high-tech industry okay so we kind of have the backbone of a roadway network here and i think it's going to be good enough for our purposes put some housing around the university let's see this thing is for some reason emptying so let's stop that now i'm going to try to clean up this zoning a bit hmm okay not not power going to this area that's a problem fix that and now i'm going to just basically take all of this area and make it high-tech it's empire hills i like it and i think that's going to develop quickly no problem and provide some employment that is much needed if we want to eliminate some of the industrial which i would like to do particularly the industrial that's located in this residential area so now i think we need to start looking at this we can start making some improvements here i think the city's stabilized to a certain extent [Music] i think i'd like to eliminate this industrial area in its entirety let's do a classic grid over here [Music] get rid of some of these unnecessary power lines and then i think i'm going to grid out some residential housing [Music] just want to double check our power to make sure we're okay okay we're good last thing i'd want to see again is another snafu with power it's pretty plain to see how quickly things can turn sideways when power is concerned okay so you might be wondering why am i doing this well i want an area that can kind of support me if things go sideways so i want a whole bunch of residential high density residential that i can fall back on as i make changes in the other part of the city so we could also use some parks so let's we have a gateway park kind of we'll do it on both sides of the road over here do the same thing over here again not building for aesthetics building for function so let's just make everyone in this area super happy [Music] it's checking in our traffic it's 80 okay and with the next changes i'm going to make who i know it's going to get to above our 82 threshold the question at that point is going to be can we keep our population high enough [Music] let's see okay we're doing well there so there are way too many interchanges here so i'm going to try to take a light hand with this and just kind of reduce things a little bit in fact why don't we just get rid of all of these someone wants to get on the highway they can do it down here [Music] and i know that these are all collectors but i'm going to modify them so that they work like they are local roads and i'll do that by changing the junctions [Music] let's load this up with industrial so i was thinking i might not do this i might change the use of this entire area i don't think it's necessary to accomplish our goal [Music] everything zoned and let's look at our water lines [Music] okay water is now efficiently being delivered [Music] all right so let's take a look at this area and our junctions i think we want to give priority to the road that all the freeway traffic is coming off from [Music] okay now we have a bunch of crazy one-ways over here that we need to fix i don't know why all of these one-ways are here they don't really make any sense okay so we have all of this industrial mixed in with our residential and that's not a good location for it so sometimes you need um transportation solutions sometimes need land use solutions and this is a bad a bad bunch of land use decisions right here so my guess is we are there for traffic flow now we need our population to get in line so let's figure out what some of the problems are i know that fire coverage is a problem on this map so we are going to remedy that if our industrial areas don't have adequate fire coverage the buildings can't level up same thing with our commercial same thing with our residential you can already see our population starting to jump now that i've added a couple fire stations [Music] you could even probably place a smaller one so we've dramatically lowered our fire hazard let's do one more over here oh but we gotta let some of our buildings zone up let's see not enough buyers for products some of that is just our city needs to fill in so in the meantime let's look at some junctions again [Music] lots of stop lights for no apparent reason so to make these function like local roads i will eliminate some of them and this will continue to improve traffic flow even though we don't really need it at this point so schools we have capacity university capacity is low that is expensive and i don't think even with a loan we would get there we would not [Music] so we might have to just wait for that let's see if there are ways that we can improve our financial situation not really so there's industrial demand and that is about it let's make sure that we have water in these areas okay all right our population is jumping again that's good [Music] so we just need to do whatever we can to continue to increase the population i see some buildings are starting to fill in tourism might be helpful let's see [Music] why don't we make a tourism and entertainment district cargo hub might also be helpful so we'll do that as soon as we have enough money [Music] all the tourism down here we'll do entertainment up here [Music] oh apparently a little district down there as well [Music] okay leisure tourism i'm gonna do another one right here we'll do uh organic and local produce [Music] okay so let's see how much money we need for this cargo hub we need a bigger population okay so that's not going to happen and we don't have any rail connections unfortunately so we're stuck with what we have there but our population is going up again so that's good enough [Music] just have a bunch of crazy landis is just to meet our needs let's have another district people do more high tech we've got water here at this point it seems like nothing i do because there's so much available zone land is going to really make much of a difference the only thing i could think of at this point would be to look at her policies and try to improve things there all right so those couple of policies so i wanted uh industrial space planning we'll do big business and small business enthusiasts let's also give tax relief to offices and see if that helps i'm leery to do that to residential because we have so much of it we could end up running a deficit i would actually probably feel more comfortable first of all let's just pay back this loan and then lowering taxes slightly for residential in fact let's do it for high density because there's not nearly as much let's see how our trash collection okay this is probably one of the issues [Music] load up right on our ring road efficiently moving trash around [Music] oh breaking down a little bit there traffic flow's still good though so i'm not going to worry about it as long as the city's happy i'm happy this local road connection is crazy busy let's make this connection through here [Music] okay we're gonna need to look at these junctions now that we've placed these and i'm just gonna eliminate all of the stop signs and traffic signals same thing here let's have a free for all it'll work and now let's have one more junction over here one more over here oh actually this industrial area we don't really have any connections [Music] so let's make them all before i worry about junctions let's do them all at once so we're good there again population still slowly but surely going up let's watch this fill in for a minute i'm starting to worry about how long this is taking i'm gonna mention we have four years to accomplish this we are two years in so the city's growing it's just not growing as fast as i would like it to see if there are some other issues um i wonder no natural resources that i could use to change this industry ooh score you're going to change this entire industry area to be an ag industry with a bunch of collector roads going through it it'll be crazy but it'll work so this will reduce pollution and hopefully make this area more desirable see where we are at healthcare hospital would be really useful the average health citizens in the city is not so good [Music] it's that loan i just paid back let's take it back out everyone loves that [Music] not the most realistic connection but that will really help my healthcare accessibility to this other part of town let's look at our policies again um if we filter industrial waste it should improve the air quality in this area system happiness is going up pollution and lots of pollution right there the other thing we could do is improve our water situation and not have poo water everywhere [Music] so we currently have this so one normal drain pipe does the work of four of these eco outlets [Music] or four of the eco inland or one of these [Music] approximately [Music] so both water and water treatment are now becoming issues [Music] so now we have lots of water available we got rid of this polluting thing over here [Music] let's do it with the tax relief let's look at our road repair this could be another problem [Music] okay so it seems like there's a hump that we can't get over with population i'm really hoping that i can force it and we are starting to get low on time so it's very important that we can force it [Music] see how we're doing a power we're doing all right [Music] [Music] so i'm just trying to fill in areas that should already be served by utilities low cost proposition there ninety percent traffic flow it's just that population issue getting very close 31 000. [Music] okay more areas already served by utilities let's again look at our junctions unless we added a couple or one at least all right people still moving in they just didn't like the areas that were available to them before [Music] new single family residential neighborhood see if we can attract some people there [Music] a little park in to get things started [Music] how are we doing on schools elementary school would be very useful [Music] continuing to just build out these local or these uh residential neighborhoods [Music] slowly filling in about 100 residents at a time but that's good enough it's going to get us to where we need to be and hopefully fast enough there's honestly not much else i want to do before reaching the population we want to get to so that's kind of one of the things i'm struggling with is i think we're in a good spot obviously always a little bit more that you could do but okay things are speeding up 200 a week that will get us there quickly let's make sure we're still in a good spot with traffic 89 percent zoom out it's looking a lot better so obviously still have portions of our roadway network that are still interesting to say the least [Music] that local road coming through here is really really congested compared to the rest of the network it's still not bad but [Music] let's see if i make a key connection across the highway if i can force this to go a little bit [Music] faster [Music] 900 more people and we have beat the scenario just for my own benefit i take out a last loan and i really want a roadway repair facility oh maybe that wasn't such a great idea because we need power [Music] that could prevent us from reaching our goal so now i'm regretting that decision a little bit i think we're gonna be all right [Music] very close on the energy production i think what i didn't think about is that once we speed the roads up it's going to improve industry and it's going to want to level up [Music] let's put one more power plant down [Music] once we have enough then we'll look at a roadway condition that is helping out quite a bit [Music] traffic flow still good even with these terrible interchanges over here we are going to reach our goal we're going to finally beat the traffic scenario oh so close so close all right 14 15 more six more beat it all right finally traffic flowing as it should no more stressful hours spent stuck in traffic for the people of appletown thanks to you citizens salute you oh noble traffic hero all right and that will do it so thank you so much for sticking with me i know this is a long video um but i had a lot of fun doing this it was a challenge um i think we were able to stick with the city and and keep some of the bones in place while still improving and getting the population to where it needed to get let's take one more look around at the traffic network things are flowing smoothly and this ring road is to thank uh so thank you so much for watching if you like this video please hit the like button let me know if you want me to do more of these scenarios uh or if you'd like me to get back to bluffside crossing happy to do that too if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and hit the notification bell if you want to know when i release new videos thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next one bye you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 35,545
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines fix the traffic scenario, cities skylines fix the traffic scenario guide, cities skylines fix the traffic, city planner plays cities skylines, cities skylines lets play, cities skylines lets play 2020, cities skylines, cities: skylines, urban planner plays cities skylines, fix the traffic, mass transit, cities skylines mass transit, cities skylines mass transit dlc, cities skylines fix traffic no mods, cities skylines expert
Id: PXn3_NiKamg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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