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keep changing pitch choose the music small Filipino boy that's right I'm a youtuber and I pay a small Filipino boy a lot of money to stop the music up on my channel you knows a fun time world war one I laughing like signing up with all of your best pals from the local village for a bit of Jerry bashing then you sit in a trench for a whole year you get trench foot cholera all sorts of diseases and then on that final day you see a bit of combat you go over the edge and you all die except Dave well in all it was actually a pretty good war especially if you're Dave and you get to go home to an empty village devoid of men because they all died on the front lines and you get to [ __ ] everybody's now widowed wife [ __ ] you Dave now imagine all of that but times fifty and everybody's speaking Russian I know it sounds so great now history's taught me anything Nicola huh your hairlines not going to be the only thing retreating from the Germans in this game so if you didn't know this is actually a reworked version of the Great War mod with a whole bunch of more mods added into it to make it more enjoyable now whoever or not it actually makes it more enjoyable is up for debate because realistically it's just adding a whole bunch of old [ __ ] for things to go wrong with although you can build farms which means we are getting closer to the hawser vying for farming simulator mod it also has a reworked version of the stunt piling mod which I haven't covered on this channel but I'm sure a few of you have heard about where you can buy sell do all sorts of interesting stuff on the global market I know it's not victoria free and it never will be what you're telling me the Chinese aren't happy about being ruled by a small child in an oversized dress what the heck China oh yes it's me a Boreas I very much love DeKeyser and I want to get to sausage please let me know dead secret I honestly don't know how they figured out he was a spy now realistic nicolai wasn't that great with the whole reform business but this time around I think we're gonna go ahead and try to adopt a few reforms so you know we don't all starve to death and then revolt and kill the nobility the Chinese Civil War seems to be endlessly flip-flopping between the two and I think it might be something to do with the fact the small Chinese baby is actually a little bit fascist and communist Oh Maggie's dead doesn't really matter though because thankfully now we've got taisho and after him we're not gonna talk about who comes after him good news everybody the almonds are falling apart and now everyone's decided hey I spoke area catechetical on that hand why don't we have it instead just researching the normal stuff some motorize some new tactics and mustard gas and a new helmet oh no you're telling me these unsteady alliances across Europe might scale into a global war all right I didn't see that one coming though to be fair enough I'm highly suspecting that maybe the other side of the Chinese Civil War is now gonna join the the central powers which isn't that good for me like that's something now you may be thinking I'm sorry if you retreat that means the Russian civil wars gonna trigger and that I have to say yeah I'm kind of counting on it but unfortunately now I need to go quench another revolt and then maybe you can come back later in the future just don't count on it you know now the Soviets born with low ammo low petrol and low food which means the Soviets are quite literally losing the war because they have no food I I'm not making that up they are they are starving to death oh [ __ ] man Serbians going pretty [ __ ] hand down yeah the Soviets are done a fortune though I didn't get a peace conference with them not entirely sure why maybe it goes prune event or something or maybe there's just some land I haven't taken yet but I don't know maybe I'll have to console annex some of it doesn't go away who [ __ ] knows oh there you go the Soviets just randomly capitulated I have no idea what was going on there but I said in the start the more moths the more likely things are to just [ __ ] break and boy are they breaking oh I love sneaking through China it's one and by our way oh I thought I got rid of you Nicola well the Emperor of China has capitulated and hopefully doesn't to a emperor of Russia and just turn back up after the war's over but currently he's hiding out in Hong Kong which is a much more fitting bit of land for him to govern over considering you know he's a child you know things are pretty complicated right now in the war sir B or a Montenegro are doing all the work and meanwhile the Austrians are just hanging out in northern Italy with no supply not entirely sure what's going on there but sure oh you know I should probably do something at some point because you know my allies doing a lot of work I suppose I should do some work too and I found a pretty big break up here in the north and I'm just gonna go ahead and try do a full push here I'm I'm sure it will go completely fine and we won't lose hundreds upon hundreds of men everything a single minute oh my god you know it's getting pretty [ __ ] bad when the Belgians are actually pushing the Germans back you know Russia's just sure sure Russia's only just join the war technically but you know what anyway we're doing the best we can that's pretty little thankfully I just had to wait for the enemy to starve to death and that means I can push in easy-peasy get some cooling so comments post a month already a drink everyone in to fake it I've got a good plan yeah I galloped into Berlin on a horse it's just what I do and I don't know where the Germans are but I'm just gonna keep galloping and galloping until I get called a [ __ ] Pony [ __ ] make sure to leave a like and hit the subscribe button for more crazy so commence rub okay you guys should not trust me with this peace conference if you fought Versailles was bad you're about to be and for our whole world of [ __ ] pain my sex is gonna take a quick pit stop over here and starvation alley yeah I'm pretty sure that's not a tank Russia that's literally a frying pan you've created a frying pan and coded a tank you know now I've to stabilize the world with this peace treaty I'm just gonna go ahead and leave the ontong and wait for World War two to happen so I'm sure it's gonna be any minute now yeah I've gotta go ahead and still Manchuria before Japan gets their dirty little hands all over it cuz I'm telling you it's gonna be any [ __ ] minute now and I'm ready yeah Russia Japanese war round two odd [ __ ] ready you know a sty for all the Communists after death apparently not they are the roaches of the agriculture world apparently you know art why not when did communism ever do anything bad for Russia although it is a slight oak that we are Soviet Russia and worth still green not quite the red I was expecting now is it a bit convenient that as soon as the Soviets become in charge of Russia the Spanish flu kills 60 to 100 million people I don't know or I things just happen the way they do you know I don't think we were rough enough on the Germans and that peace treaty it's time for round two but it's not a world war because the Germans are still very weak after I flush them the first time although technically it was Serbia [Music] yeah I kind of turned into this little thing called a stalemate now that the Germans are entrenched but we have managed to take quite a bit of land and I'm also about to deploy some of my frying pan I made some Amaya very cool tactical tanks they're really gonna change the shape of the battlefield out there they're already taking a trick oh my god you're moving one child look at these [ __ ] Germans trying to shoot their tank you can't shoot attack oh I know you're trying to shoot the giant guys standing behind the tiny to our game exit I think the Germans might have ran out of ammo or food because ya just managed to suddenly destroy them which is one of the very weird mechanics in this mod of the ammo and food meter it really can turn the war that quickly so how can I make the Germans be even more pissed off with the Treaty of Versailles there you go just split them up and make them even more communist oh what's that a totally non cheated in event Japan's gone military slash it's called fascist but then they're not really they're just kind of in their World War two mode of Japan weather like oh hey China I'm gonna invade you oh what's that the Cellini I can't not cheat it in I whenever she in the event because nothing was happening I got bored anyway that russo-japanese all we had how about we give that another go you see this time Japan I didn't put complete [ __ ] idiots in control can you tell and I don't about you but are you thank 28 bow ships 28 battleships I mean technically I rush battleships level 1 so that's per me quite the edge against the Japanese but it also could be you know the fact I have 150 ships just fighting these 15 so hey I figured out how I'm doing so well in these naval battles it's because I secretly developed a underwater submarine battleship this mod also includes the better piece options mod which means we can actually just propose peace to the Japanese right now and we'll just take what land we've taken so we now get to keep all the land we've taken from the Japanese and we get peace too if they agree which they did which is a pretty cool mod I gotta say all the mods included this were pretty good I found the ammunition one to be very glittery though and it doesn't really work if you're constantly losing more ammunition than you're producing and there's nothing you could do about it so I'd probably get rid of that one that was pretty annoying the food system seemed to work completely fine though that was good it was just the ammunition I had a lot of problems with but I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you live like it and subscribe button and you silly maybe suggest me a nominations playing this mod maybe I could try Britain or France that'd be pretty interesting but I hope they work on it a little bit more tweak out the supply issue with the ammunition that'd be really [ __ ] cool but it donates time guys I'll never do an artillery only
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 792,722
Rating: 4.9328384 out of 5
Keywords: isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron iv, japan, uk, united kingdom, hearts of iron iv mods, modding, hearts of iron 4 mod, switzerland, hearts of iron 4, germany, german, english channel, japanese, russia, ww1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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