What if Russia Won WW1? | Hearts of Iron 4 [Russian Kaiserreich] HOI4 Gameplay

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and led by Prince Jean Duke of Guise yeah okay that makes sense I'd imagine this man really likes guys you know at this point I feel like the whole what if blank country one world war one is becoming the mean in and of itself there are just so many of these mods out here I personally I'm just waiting for the what if Isis one will go one but I will say I do think this mod is pretty good I think we'll have a nice AI only game today so I guess that's a Russia one they split up Germany but Nicholas a second insisted on leaving the Kaiser in power a communist revolution has also taken place in Bavaria and they want to spread that [ __ ] around just like they always do obviously we'll be seeing some familiar faces as well as some new ones I mean we've technically seen this guy before but not in power he leaves an authoritarian regime and of course his ideology is authoritarian oh yeah and by the way this isn't a part of the mod I'm talking about this is just like an additional UI mod that I kind of wanted to include I'm not gonna name it cuz it's not a big deal but let's just say it's obviously one of my favorites now it looks like there is no non-aligned ideology anymore yeah these countries have just been turned into authoritarians the new world for the most part has been left unchanged FDR is still leading the u.s. so yeah clearly factions have been altered we have the League of Nations which is kind of just the Allies the Berlin pact with Prussia and other parts of Germany the bulk and shield force with Croatia and Serbia oh and of course this small little Comintern faction which i think is going to lead this world to chaos so i can't wait to see exactly how much damage bald hitler is going to cause bald hitler or cancer Hitler what if you want to call and then of course in the east we still have Hirohito who for anybody wondering didn't make the dough Flis for I think pretty obvious reasons I mean come on he's no Oswald Mosley from the look of things this arm of Russia has quite a bit of choices here to make which is obviously why I said I think we'll have a pretty entertaining game today we got ourselves two quick Wars Italy is now officially going after Ethiopia and yeah this whole Iberian thing and you might have noticed this kingdom of Egypt which I actually thought was independent but no of course not the British are doing their thing I'm not sure if I needed to mention this but obviously Italy is still a monarchy and Austria is fascist Otto is now ruling with an iron fist after being bullied for so long I guess there's a lot of people calling him a pedo whoo that could have been oh here we go it's time to get things started cancer Hitler has declared war on the Confederation of Ryan also here's Franco with of course one of his unwanted cameos how exactly does this work Congress Poland Congress Poland is authoritarian how does something like that happen oh and here goes this are already just going straight and after persia which i think is a pretty nice move especially for these natural resources keep in mind he already has a puppet in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan so why not just go ahead and get some more right oh yeah and I just realized Finland's not here yeah feelings gone yep and I thought that was gonna happen so the Italians have changed into a fascist empire so Mussolini is here as well but maybe he's not gonna be a dick in this universe maybe he's just trying to make some friends he's finally realized all the horrible things he's done in past universes and I think he might be trying to make up for him he's befriended everybody now whoa and Russia's got themself a colony in Africa I mean it's not like super impressive but this is still pretty cool to see and Wow that did not take long for me to realize Mussolini is still kind of a dick he's going after Montenegro who I guess is a part of that whole Balkan Shield force so I think we already have a European war on our hands oh wait and what happened to Bulgaria Ottoman Empire come on what did you guys do come on man what the [ __ ] okay and here goes World War two Italy has joined the Berlin pact right after of course the German Empire declared war on the Comintern so yeah right under our nose Prussia just reformed Germany and now they're back to killing communists oh boy and it's also Wilhelm the third leading fascist Germany damn all right now that's gonna be a pretty Opie faction League of Nations gets China to join in it looks like both Italy and Germany are doing just fine with their little minor Wars I think they're gonna need to find more friends if they want to stand a chance against either Russia or this new League of Nations oh but there we go France left that [ __ ] that's great ah okay yeah so that's because they're fascists and led by Prince Jean Duke of Guise yeah okay that makes sense I'd imagine this man really likes guys I think it'd be safe to assume this man's probably in love with guys and that did not take long he's already at war with Switzerland by the way the British are now led by Neville Chamberlain so I think this makes the League of Nations a little bit less opie right and there it goes all right Mussolini just grabbed a ton of new states oh and I didn't this but so did Russia they didn't even puppet your on Oh I'm dumb okay yeah since Hirohito declared war in China Japan is at war with all these countries and there goes communism communism is basically dead in this world I don't think it'll exist anywhere else on the planet oh man I was right the house Berg's are not playing around diplomatically of course he wouldn't be able to do this through war okay Russia who is this Imperial Duma what y'all do with that Nick guy man I liked him all right well either way you better have a plan because Japan's going after you which was clearly a genius decision by Hirohito here actually I was wrong this is the final safe haven for communism on this planet luckily it's in this famous world power of course so yeah I think it'll be just fine here and here is World War 2 Japan joined Germany and Italy which actually doesn't seem all that different what the [ __ ] is this even alternative history so I guess we have Benito Wilhelm the third and oh yeah the Habsburg who also joined the Berlin PEC all of course invading Russia oh and it's 1940 as well so did I even install mod I actually did multiple test runs with this mod very different things have happened so far my first well believe it or not actually almost had communism completely take over and now it's kind of gone I mean not completely just yet because some interesting things are starting to happen in the US I mean there are no guarantees but this should be something we need to watch for okay so at this point Japan is just basically committing suicide in front of us a declared war on Siam and the Dutch which of course meant new members for the League of Nations okay so Wilhelm the third is not doing much better he's actually looking a lot like uncle Adolph right now with this invasion plan and by that I mean the gangbang of Germany oh this is kind of cool I didn't realize when the French Kingdom took power they just kind of annex that whole colony and took some more land down here oh but the Berlin Pact isn't done just yet you got the big bad Ottomans joining in yeah something tells me this isn't gonna help that much you guys really need to get France in on this and the thing is the French Kingdom have war goals against the British but also on Italy Plus remember if this man likes guys so I'm sure he wouldn't want to hurt anyone what we need to see is Russia go after the League of Nations it'd be a chaotic mess but it'd be pretty cool there's clearly a lot of things in the focus tree that allow for diplomat annexation is it just me or is France using viagra they're looking pretty big right now so the Berlin pact is actually doing really well against Russia somehow not so much against the League of Nations though which is kind of odd even together Wilhelm you're very close to failure oh oh you already failed okay Wow alright so I don't really know what's going on with Russia but they are not doing very well well I think part of it has to do with the fact that they are losing a lot of manpower for Russia to only have 2.2 million what is going on I guess they probably just have to change this that would help and yeah we probably should have assumed that China was gonna join the League of Nations I forgot to mention they're a democracy well you know kind of not sure exactly how that works but I guess technically it doesn't matter oh wait no communism has two super powers protecting it Paraguay as well as just full-on commie and I'm not sure if I've never seen this guy before or if it's just because South America is so damn boring oftentimes I don't even click on these nations ah okay Lord Edward Halifax has now taken over this is still pretty interesting the Ottoman Empire are now moving above the caucus mountains really Russia is this is this really happening to you guys I think I did read that the Russians dealt with a very hard Great Depression so maybe they're not as powerful in the scenario as I initially thought oh yeah but they also do have over 300 factories so I don't know what's going on yeah you know what now that I'm looking around is the French Kingdom might be the most opie country in the game I mean they don't really have the manpower but they're not at war right now so that number is gonna stay the same or go higher well I'm the third actually grabbed Berlin back somehow I don't know how they're doing on this front line let's see oh well I guess they're fine I don't know now that we're looking at it they seem to be losing territory there we go okay I know we've had our differences but thank you Frank oh I seriously love you for this one Franco's got 73 factories and over a million man powers that's pretty nice so the Ottomans have randomly declared war on Syria interesting decision they do have a massive focus tree and I'm assuming they probably want to regain some of their old land or just go after Europe I guess that's also a possibility oh I just checked on this I guess lover of guys the French leader here has volunteers to places like Spain and Japan Germany and Italy and oh [ __ ] their war goal against the Italian Empire just van oh man what does that mean you know I haven't checked on Norway in Sweden I guess that's because they're not doing anything interesting Danish Santa Claus on the other hand has been helping Germany out for quite some time he's in support of them look at this I legitimately thought Japan was tying the noose around their neck I was wrong Hirohito is just handling this [ __ ] he's making up for his looks by just being a military genius and damn that's sexy I don't think the US are gonna be doing anything interesting those bastards communist support has remained the exact same but this might be kind of fun the Ottomans are beginning to have trouble with the British but Franco's doing just fine I'm surprised he's made it this long actually Japan has only lost 2.2 million whereas of course China has just throwing him into the wood chipper surprisingly the Habsburg and fascist Austria has sacrificed the most men and it looks like the German Empire does not have much longer left France's other war goal against the British now expired as well this guy's lover is just not gonna join in Italy and Benito didn't entirely lose the African front so I guess they deserve some credit there although that's mostly because they're not at war with the French so you don't get that much credit and Germany's gonna capitulate at any second now because Frankfurt is the last thing they have a hold of and all these divisions are encircled so this is going to be pretty bloody there you go Russia okay so they kind of fix their Pope manpower situation although they're losing quite a bit of factories and yeah like I said IO Hirohito and apology he he did great he's still going strong even though China is not even close to Mitchel 18 anyways guys this mod deserves a lot of credit I'd been expected to be anywhere close to this good thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time and of course big thanks to neo Johan destiny [ __ ] 9000 Elfie Michael Ghazi black star Y own storm blade Kirby the chunky Arab humor demon named ear Stefan M and furry crews for being my crack daddies if you want to support me you can find a link to my patreon in the description down below thank you so much for helping crack boy
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 702,142
Rating: 4.8752074 out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4 Memes, Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich, Kaiserreich, Hearts of Iron IV Kaiserreich, Hearts of Iron IV Kaiserreich Mod, Nicholas II, HOI4 Monarchy, HOI4 Kingdom, HOI4 Kaiserreich, HOI4 Soviet Union, Hearts of Iron 4 Soviet Union, Hearts of Iron IV Soviet Union, HOI4 Italy, Neville Chamberlain, Russian, HOI4 Germany, Hearts of Iron 4 Germany, HOI4 Meme, HOI4 in a nutshell, WWI, WWII, World War 1, World War 2, HOI4 Japan
Id: tiFi0oaHPd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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