So There's A Brand New WW1 Mod For Hearts Of Iron 4

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I I got a brilliant idea it's good actually uploading hey everybody welcome back to everyone's favorite youtuber show the the nap game show with me your host clinically depressed right remember back to the good old days where we weren't fighting an invisible foe we will simply gasp attacking each other millions would die so yeah this is the great wall Redux mod which is ain't of a great war Redux you know it's I've never reborn after the great wall there was one before this that I covered on the channel a while back that got taken down and the original great wall Mart as you most probably knows been completely abandoned at this point as the developer has moved on to making an actual full-blown world war one game so yeah Fair Play glad someone actually carried on the math though yeah I think it's better than a bit of trench foot to start the earth the week off right so if you're wondering what the Great War Redux mod does well it's like the great Walmart kind of different obviously we've done a lot of great wall we've done all the basic scenarios we've done it historically which is why I like this mod because it's actually added a a historical path for a few countries and oh cool fingers it's actually updated the naval tech to the man the guns version which I'm pretty sure the old great Walmart didn't do it was pretty much still got it and they've also updated the industry tab to be essentially like vanilla so yeah like I said they've reworked the focus trees into a much better version in my opinion you can now do a few a historical things like going Democratic which you might think is kind of lame but if you look down it's got one of my favorite focuses of all time it's time for Lenin to die or even you could go ahead and keep with the historical path which is this one right here and go down and do a few uh a few different things you've got all your favorite characters from past World War 1 mods like Kaiser Wilhelm you got yourself a Tsar Nicholas and King George kinkier but now I'm not want to backstab my allies but the power of uh you know hindsight are looking into the past from the future we do know that austria-hungary is about if useful of World War one as chlamydia okay I'm sorry you know I'm sure they did a little bit but let's be real bit of a hinderance just gonna completely press this button instead of this button and we'll see what happens in this new world we create oh you liked Bravo war one will you like brother war too so probably ain't gonna be a good one even though we do outnumber the Austrians on these borders pretty much four to one yeah let's let's just have a little unsurprisingly in the mountains not a lot agree but I can't be bothered to micro that's so we're just we're just gonna watch and yeah we've already broke it up got Vienna I also like to know that through the events that I did not agree with for breaking my alliance with Austria automatically gave me one River Italy which is kind of like trading one useless ally for another which is a bit annoying especially since they're already looking to switch sides I guess when the madness of it the Hungarians have seen their opportunity if Rosa do was the Hungarian Republic and Benedict me off a go that's much better to look at no Austrians on the map and I'm pretty sure we won't have to worry about will go on right now because as there's no one to assassinate outside a sandwich shop right now oh so the bulk of war just went ahead and kick tough which we're not gonna get involved in we could invite the Ottomans but I don't read I'm kind of just scared one of these guys might cool so I'm bigger in but you know I sure why not let's keep the Artman strong and you know also take take care of these guys for that we'll start World War one am I ready for World War one okay well we're not gonna start World War one just yet maybe we should clean up this first look at now we got all the boys helping out just shoot some Bulgarian I hope there's no like scripted peace deal for this because while say I do enjoy a good scripted peace deal said nobody ever please don't give me 100 K well I there this might still be a scripted piece still even though we got a peace conference because when I took Bohemia last time it still release them so we'll see how this goes oh I can actually dictate who gets what so I'm just gonna give it all to the art nerds obviously this probably will get the Serbians an opportunity to shoot someone important again which yeah sure I'll start something fun hey go that is something I am happy with my even took these little islands down here just because they got a little bit of chromium and I love chromosomes and I also gonna focus on whether or not I want to kill the Hungarians but I don't think I really want to do that doesn't really fit my RP as the Kaiser villian I'm sorry maybe history starts anything yeah you don't get either of those ones so now we're preparing for World War one now and the big thing we need to do which Germany kind of failed doing in World War one was making sure we actually had enough soldiers for both sides and not just assume that the Russians might be asleep and not realize the wars going on and now I also got a decision or a focus and let's let's me in Russia a partition the Persians which is fun means I don't have to go through all of them and then ouch my puppet don't know if we're gonna bow with British Raj I get the feeling that probably won't go too well for us honestly now that's nice the almonds well they just released Albania really okay well you're led by a building now that's probably why okay yeah you're also you start the cool turks which means you've you've definitely probably been hit in the head with a brick maybe what's going on down here I don't know if you can really tell who I'm kind of a stacking all my troops on you know who's gonna be the main targets World War one but yeah you're just gonna give you a little hint I don't know how well that's gonna go for you however I know you're king and all but come out oh well I I didn't even start what it was the Ottomans they just declared war on edge and apparently that has set the world asunder you know I started to seem like a bit of a world war two scenario not so much a World War one scenario isn't it I'm so invading Russia is actually going alright most because I actually have air supremacy and I am dropping bombs on them which apparently that's super effective Western Front I'm not gonna worry about too much I already built a trench system along right here and the Italians are getting push back so I'm probably why did I invite why did I let you in the faction I I do have a plan though but first we do need to knock the Russians out very quickly you know and back to the future enlightenment flight there's Johnny be good and he's like hey you guys spit too early for that one but your kids are gonna love it well welcome to blitz creek Russia the casualties aren't even looking that bad unless your name is Russia and you've already lost 400 K at the outset of the war oh god okay the whole southern front is just collapsing very very hard and quickly so I'm just gonna ignore it and hopefully goes away oh there he goes where he left - there it goes it's gone World War one complete right oh my god well there you go I feel yeah they've capitulated time flora part two of the plan all right this is probably not the prettiest way to deal with the the post Russian invasion you know I'll take it and I also created super Poland oh I almost forgot about the check switch yeah I'm sorry about that supposed to take them out a while ago and to celebrate our invasion of Czechoslovakia it's gonna click these bones down here and invade Britain wonder if they'll see this one coming look look at the horde landing on the shores of bread sir British Navy never heard of it more like the high seas fleet my friend oh there they go so you know you've got that whole around the Maginot thing and the Schlieffen Plan ISM you know it's more commonly known in this time and we kind of we've won up the little bad boy and there also you go going around the channel go straight through the middle and also you certainly the Belgians back to where they belong into non-existence large naval invasions you know it solves every single issue that I've come across oh wait hold on Gallipoli they did try that I yeah I I gotta say I think I think the war might be over well I could carry this on it does mean I'd have to invade the USA which I it's just never fun so we're just gonna go the scripted peace deal and see what that one might actually be like looking at the absolute devastation that my great army is doing is just beautiful earth to show and the actual peace still kicks in or if it's broken or not we're just gonna wait around and see but don't we at peace conference happening and there we go world peace everyone I don't think we got to the scripted peace deal immediately the art was just declared war either brace you get ok great you started again why don't you yeah not too sure if I'm gonna get that peace conference pretty sure we might have bugged it out just a little bit and well I'm back a war oh yeah I didn't see this but I think this is the scripted peace conference right here I'm not too sure how that's gonna go down though if I'm currently reinvade 'ok Fred I get to fill in the game it's just bugging out hard right now I know what is happening to me alright so cuz we have gone ahead and one now we can go ahead and restore the Holy Roman Empire or do the Kaiser Reich personally bow for a bit you know we're a Bowie for me by oh yeah sure why not let's make it as bizarre as possible in this timeline ah God if I folks gonna give me this ugly color I would have just shut the kaiser feedback for the mod developer you know world war one two electric Boogaloo that's fun and all you know I was so fun now we just we just wanted to do it again within two months apparently but that's yellow color not acceptable that's getting some crazy deja vu right now I am now the French are having a communist revolt apparently no no nevermind that's Phillip pertain and he's a okay popped up with a commune of France I'll that's a thing - apparently it's also AG I don't even know that the French commune were the ones that revolted from actual France okay fella have fun with that I guess we got no choice we're gonna have to take out all our problems on the Danish I guess we'll also take out the Dutch war wing for Kaiser Wilhelm's amazing show of invading America it's the wackiest funnest time line around Kaiser Wilhelm's spaghetti arm across the Atlantic oh that's great no lioe you know dying of attrition and America were also now dying of the float they pulled the super sneaky move and invaded Washington from over here and that seems to have broken the stalemate quite easy let's figure out that the amount of time it took to win one world war one and I've managed to fit two World War ones in the same time period really right no idea what to do here alright after a bit of extra work world war 1 part 2 electric Boogaloo is complete now I still never got the French and then it's simply for the fact I can't be bothered starting World War 1 Parfrey and so they're just gonna stand dependent but I puppet at the great britain and I've proven in America oh I just saw I just saw that name oh great and Kaiser Wilhelm got all these dreams of being a big grown-up political and colonial madman with a little flit arm oh yeah that was the Great Wall Redux Mart it had a few bumps in the road but I definitely enjoyed playing it was fun soup in a pit with yeah it's good I actually prefer it over the original to be fair it's kind of a reworked in a much better way in my opinion especially with the alternative history paths and the fact that it's more of just focused on World War 1 instead of trying to preach into the into warriors and into World War 2 it's a lot more fun a lot more straightforward and they're sure a lot of it got broken along the way with the scripted peace deals Bay that's the fun of it not so fun knows that my country is piss yellow but yeah if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave like and subscribe button down below let me know any other holy four months you like me to really check out not a lot of holy for I do nowadays so I would like to try some new and interesting stuff really so uh yeah uh next time I'll catch you buzz around [Music] [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 532,080
Rating: 4.9430885 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, isorrow, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi4 ww1, hoi4 ww1 mod, paradox interactive, paradox, strategy games, strategy game, So There's A Brand New WW1 Mod For Hearts Of Iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron iv, funny montage, funny moments, hoi4 funny moments, hoi4 funny montage, hoi4 mods, hoi4 modding
Id: bUGpmx__kmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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