What If The Ottoman Empire Stayed Out Of WW1?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me Alex the Rambler I could have said yeah boy or a variety of other things but I'm the game going for simple today and today we have another classic hearts of iron for video returning to my roots covering alternative history mods that's what y'all want to see right and today boy oh boy do I have a humdinger for you today we're gonna play a mod where the Ottoman Empire still exists and they didn't actually fight in ww1 rather than siding with the Germans the Ottoman Empire stayed out of the very first world conflict and instead of focusing and has said focused on internal problems later with funding coming from Allied powers Ottomans try to establish national industry and all production companies to boost nation their nation's economy but at the year of 1921 messenger Royals ridden the nation and Empire than itself and it's almost in a civil war but the Ottoman Empire loyal to the Sultan crushed all opposing forces and brought peace to the Empire aha the Sultan took away powers of the National Assembly and established a strong monarchy oh now this mod requires you to go back to 1.7.1 so do a lot of mods I've been trying to record a few high videos recently and the more just have kept on crashing so hopefully we don't have that again today oh boy I've already had one failed attempt at a different model but if there are other what you want to see let me know in the comments below 5,000 likes is the usual for more Hawaii and because I never know if YouTube's going to show you my videos or not now and about 45% of you are still not subscribed click that subscribe button unfortunately we are in a Great Depression which is very unfortunate but we do have all we can demand Egypt we can expand our European borders and establish organized industries holy moley let's go Abdullah min mazeed ah look at that look at that beautiful beautiful feeling historical aaaahhh right off let's see what happens and I bet it's gonna be frustrating I always do this thinking oh I'll leave historical AI off what could go wrong everything now first things first I should probably figure out how to solve my economic problems right because we do have the the depression and how do I get over the depression oh I've already found a bit of an error gains national spirit indoctrination it removes the national spirit Victor's of the great conflict and destroyed government but we don't have those I can't find a focus that gets rid of the Great Depression so we may just be in you may be depressed our entire life oh no just kidding we don't have it anymore what the Frick so I'm gonna let Europe do whatever the heck it wants I'm just gonna go and try and reform with the Ottoman Empire to hopefully its greatest or greater extent we start off with a fairly large army however most them don't have guns that's always the case isn't it why do old empires never feel the need to give their army guns do they not trust them do they think they're gonna rebel that's probably it right yeah please let me have generals I do have generals huzzah oh that's good oh I could just switch straight to war economy wouldn't that be tasty although I'm gonna go captain of industry first I mean you guys and gal should all know the basics by now I'm gonna go down the superior firepower doctrine as this does help out my infantry quite a lot and we're gonna be going up against mainly smaller nations whether you only have too many tanks I don't know if this is the meta but this is what I usually do although I imagine I'm gonna get lots of people that think they're experts at the game but still play on recruit difficulty tell me how it's really done that's generally the case and that's also part of the reason I stopped doing the save your disaster games because a lot of you would send them in on the easiest difficulty and it's it's kind of not a challenge to fix them on recruit difficulty so I might bring that series back but try and find save games where people are playing on like you know the normal difficulty because that's kind of the baseline for who I think that's where it sits this most balance even though that isn't really balanced you know Jolla is never going to be a completely balanced game they're still gonna be exploits to do it's like any video game right there's and there's no eSports for the Hawaii I think to try and think that there would be eSports is is this a little Hey look I could reform the Ottoman Empire huh so sometimes I really do just like to play a normal game afore I know this is kind of like it's still a mod but it only changes one nation the rest like you can still chill out and in front of it you can kind of expect a normal kind of base game experience which is sometimes quite nice compared to a lot of the mods which which can change the game entirely just much to know what you're getting sometimes I'm also going to go after Yemen delay do they even have anything that's this work that that's worth me conquering that one all yep let's go you mean education for the nation and the very progressive Ottoman Empire it seems I can be progressive I can like I said I'm a I'm a smart boomer I can be down with the kids oh it's probably getting poor support equipment huh hmm Oh dearie me oh so the British Empire versus the United Kingdom meanwhile I already had my Civil War 1415 years ago so now I can just chill out and expand my borders and grow stronger oh ho ho is that Mosley it is jump scare a few people have been saying they think I look like Oswald Mosley with the moustache I disagree I very much disagree that's it by reform the Empire we need to get rid of the old ways and reform our political system well you already did that when you had the Civil War we're now fascist and that's how it's gonna stay oh I should probably research trucks as well yeah I really am bringing the Empire into the 20th century gosh giddily dong woo yeah this is terrible right that the infrastructure of the Empire is it's basically non-existent ah conquest time ha did it in it it's me yeah boy the ultimate Empire I should take advantage of my natural resources and actually get some decent oil production Shanghai you know that the Ottoman Empire is still in a pretty dire state because of the the fact that I'm struggling to defeat Yemen but come on guys it might be to do with I can't even get enough infantry equipment to supply my troops ah yeah building a military academy bar it might might be quite useful to this yeah let's do that geez ah we did it just about that that took that took way too many resources for me to conquer that that's embarrassing that's an that's embarrassing but I can now reform the Ottoman Empire even though we are the Ottoman Empire ah what am I done that's gross the grand Ottomans sovereignty okay that's fine that's completely fine I have regrets now but that means I do get claims on on everything you see so I get all my calls back oh why yes I would like seven military factories thank you very much it would be nice if you could actually research more than one national focus at a time because all of these are taking me 70 turns and I haven't even started doing any of like the ones which will help with my with my fighter program etc I've just been doing all of the industrial ones and it's helping don't get me wrong but it'd be nice to be able to do what two at a time and then I get to expand the borders Oh what the what oh my good League ooh Germany might be screwed here yep yeah yeah I need to start gaining some stuff before I fall too far behind everyone else it's gonna make it difficult because I don't really have the military industry but I'm sure I can take out someone like Greece Ottoman Empire conquered mostly part of Europe in the past what Ottoman Empire conquested all that was brave of oh I was gonna say that's brave of Bulgaria but they've almost taken Bucharest I don't think no last very long no sorry mate I'm sorry what island just joined the Allies who's that is it just Canada Canada South Africa and Ireland are now fighting against mr. Mosely right Oh imperialist Canada hold on is that what is that guy I don't like that guy and the capital is Vancouver Oh Oh No oh so they're getting allies in the end and that's probably quite useful for them excuse you know miss alline you're taking my territory you're up come on don't let miss alline get all the glory come on you can't this can't be this would just be a travesty oh my god go quicker huh you gotta take more than that my dude but take more than the one tile that you've taken yeah I managed to get some but that's frustrating but good news everyone I've got claims against Iran now so let's see if we can Boogaloo them I'm hoping we can I think we can advance my pretties advance show them what for oh that's not going well Iran had more units than I had anticipated that's oh dear hold on the Kiwi Empire declared war New Zealand brilliant oh yeah oh I don't an encirclement you'd be proud of you pray actually are you proud of me I've done something competent look at that okay I'm gonna try and do an all-out assault again it's gonna cost me a little troops but we're slowly getting towards Tehran I don't think they'll stop us and if we can actually cut them off from this point up here here then that would actually be quite a nice little maneuver okay so this whole front should now starve oh I would like a tea yes a tea I am does sound rather nice isn't it and then we can get more resources Oh oh my God look at all that oil ha ha ha ha ha the drill of nough Jed Oh Mike Italy gooo oh yeah they're all starved ok let's go in for the kill everyone destroy them destroy any last resistance I will take all the states I don't know why Japan's in the peace deal they haven't done anything here I think Saudi Arabia is is is definitely screwed definitely screwed so the friend of my friend is my enemy or something like that because I'm gonna go after the this little faction the anglo-italian pact but I'm aligned with the axis so I'm hoping that they'll help me Oh what the heck have a courier ated there what is this the bohemian empire Oh oh it's just like a little sliver it pains me to do this Mosley it really does but I need my I need my territory you see has I didn't one join me no oh they do want to join okay just checking just checking come on in everyone it'll be fun fun with friends fun with flags Oh for some reason I thought they were they had units here but it appears they just moved off their border like clunkers okay I'll go in for the kill then nice so I've been doing my oil focuses and I just have an abundance of oil now I think I'm hahaha I'm so rich in oil oh I don't think the Italians have their priorities straight that they're sending 16 divisions to try and invade my mainland when they're close to losing Rome what are you doing Mussolini you earn your our manpower brilliant oh love it I'm gonna try and do the old paratrooper unni's and they get wiped out as soon as they're I think the sacrifice was was okay though the Germans are still trucking their way through Italy hmm oh great it's at least capitulated huzzah they're still trying to push over here though City Falls can I take it no I have managed to do an airborne landing into Dover though so that's that's nice whether or not any of my tanks can make it over all divisions is another question some of them have oh my god oh my god we could take down Mosley the Ottomans have invaded Great Britain uh-huh that's what you get paratrooper is allowed to occupy London as our we've got heavy tanks going up to Norwich down to Plymouth oh my give leagoo take that Mosley ha ha ha we could actually get a peace deal oh my god could a peace deal actually happen could I get all I want oh my and maybe more maybe I can get more than I want uh-oh oh well Canada's turned into an absolute mess we have imperialist Canada Canada we also have the Germans and then we have me I decided to take some to air over here I've managed to increase the size of the empire quite considerably you've taken a lot of North Africa and we've taken a Sicily and not Sicily Mamadou Sardinia and Corsica - and just for good measure I've created an empire in part of New Zealand aha well there we have it the grand Ottomans sovereignty I think I've restored the Ottoman Empire although I haven't gone all the way into Europe we have restored a lot of our borders in in Africa and Asia if I was to go up against the German Reich I think I'd probably lose but I've had a lot of fun with a scenario hopefully you have - as if you have comment like and subscribe before you'd like me to do next and I'll be back with more content very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire green parappa the trapper rhyme cody fries they name one two three one Aden jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young and Logan way Lisa p.m. ridiculous round as borders on patreon and many thanks to all the other paper in spoon I didn't write that [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 247,257
Rating: 4.9076529 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, What If The Ottoman Empire Stayed Out Of WW1?! HOI4, hoi4 ottoman empire, hoi4 ottoman empire ww1, hoi4 ottoman empire mod, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron 4 ottoman empire, isorrowproductions, hoi4 funny moments, hoi4 funny mods, drew durnil, paradox interactive, paradox interactive hoi4, hearts, of, iron, iv, hoi4 mods, operation overhaul mod hoi4
Id: mtfZQYaHvjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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