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in today's episode of the Tommy Kay show it Wow that is the biggest number we've ever seen ever so I get plus five consumer goods and I make much more money like I don't care about consumer goods of Finland oh that's a whole new level game is so different now this feels like hurts about five or at least hurts upon four point five they became very hostile what do you say what a shame I am fine and if I won't miss mr. mr. president everybody please identify yourself and who you representing please I am King Gustav v hello Mr Colley oh it is great to see you excuse me sir for the past decade I believe it is time to end this Manish it was a great great great game also a great stream I like to shoot early it was a good stream take you out of taxes there's 106 people in the roleplay lobby [ __ ] off holy crap that's the biggest number of all times what the [ __ ] is that is the biggest number we've ever seen ever oh man I having a big poopy Textron [ __ ] dude I should have drank apple juice oh that's something bad is gonna come oh [ __ ] poop attacks are a serious problem that affect 20 percent of the ginger population on planet earth it is estimated that one in 30 people died because of poop attacks it is time to finally recognize this as a major problem in our communities and help out those in need chair the message hashtag stop poop attacks warning these are my in it but meeting my word I'm better I know it's weird there's money now what the [ __ ] okay what the [ __ ] happening so there's there's money now and [ __ ] okay whatever chill chat so first of all political foe we're starting with from courts to finish industry we're gonna start building tabled sips and Finland's I feel like one let's let's do two in the beginning now you have nothing in Finland we are gonna book one voice like a pop tell me one which I need also eat a year on a course yeah you need on the course you need armored cars for the reconnaissance you have for research thoughts that's good I'm like that so construction we're taking the this one no we already have one so you have to stay in that once again gonna tactics plus 15 defense on core territory which is just ridiculous this focus tree is so sick this is like the focus tree you take when you want to defend the neck is fully gone right now so let's get machine tools actually and engineering I like it here for research slots that's pretty cool but what are you guys talking about people said I have take the money symbol wait if I click this button I get my Sur consumer goods in the street taxes but looked at at Marcus then do well this should at least cost BP dough I know this is cool this is cool but it's gonna make the game broken people will find ways to get to - on the consumer goods in no time you need the money though I need money what I'm losing money so I need to fix my money but I'm already not spending on army I need to text more right so I get plus five consumer goods and I make much more money like I don't care about consumer goods of Finland oh that's a whole new level man then it's interesting as [ __ ] actually this is really cool in a weird way man what you are making here guys this is like vert 2005 at this point the game is so different now this feels like hurts around 5:00 or at least hurts upon 4.5 also is diplomat here diplomat oh I hear your flesh coming from [ __ ] Kansas University to become diplomat under the greatest leader an event swing who would yes I heard that your name is very hard to pronounce and that's why I wanted to work with you it is great I already have a big I already have a mission for you my friend I'm prepared to Jacob for many many years we had very bad relations with the Russians with the man sitting in Moscow we are proud country that it's not afraid to fight the Russians if we have to but if he called fine diplomatically solution to the tension between us and the Russians there will be much more good for everybody and I've had the Finnish people won't have to kill millions of Russians go to Moscow my friend and find out what he thinks where he's going and what we can do to find peace and prosperity between our nation's it's like this is what I like I feel like a player tried five year this is like a new game left all these things that are going on here since from vanilla and since release beautiful I just hope it's stable that's Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim [ __ ] dude the developers want you to defend this country man Finland has such insane defense but once again look Phil does your industry yeah I don't we live in a stream Finland so we gotta focus on building and produce an army oh oh my diplomat could join the room the room was locked oh no I see no a beard how was your trip well they said that the peace can be achieved Colin can us that's the one you mention us they also want the end demilitarize the bullets Russia but my friend it is obviously impossible of car zelenka's to go to the Russians I will tell should we have one last trip to Moscow and tell the man living there that there will be no concessions no lands will be giving no Sif's nor money we are a country that seeks peace with Moscow but if he seeks the red snow on the law he can have it but make it sound like and look like we do are not aggressive just make him feel that we're ready to fight till the end if he means business if war comes Moscow will declare it not us well as soon as I told him that we were not going to give him the province of they became very hostile what'd he say what'd he say second your life told that told me that we would have no non-aggression pact hey they have kind of revealed assume we now have negative even aggressive relations with the Russians my friend I think they're the ones who aggressed on us I told them we would want peace we only want peace but we can't just be covering up our country giving it to everyone who depends so from this talk with him you believe you will advise me to militarize this country in the next years my friend if this is the truth then Finland might stand alone against the overpowering masks of Russia we need to find allies you must go on the European quest to find allies in the big nations Berlin Rome Paris or London my friend my friends come back once you're done I have to watch your little video about the Germans in the meantime take your time no stress for together what the [ __ ] is this video who the [ __ ] made that yo what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is quilt the roofer enter Elysium lefland who are these people look at something k you put me in there Oh Tommy Tommy my whole family just subscribed bill well ISP is gonna take over but what's his name is Griffin Griffin feed everyone sniffing good just [ __ ] destroyed it man Tommy come on wait for these closer look at Tommy boys feedback look at that evolution you have to always remember right Tommy K is not a YouTube channel in in the real way right it's a [ __ ] editor that is working on these streams and that's Livengood untouchable untouched I mean Amina Ponyville trying now looks like new videos like Ben Award and [ __ ] like that we're trying to grow the [ __ ] which you're not watching the latest Bama but it got 40k views you [ __ ] it's your [ __ ] fault ridiculous but eventually Marconi we're gonna break these algorithms man not very mad but this is all obviously thanks to Marconi I don't take any credit here this is Marconi doing this man and that's the fake that's what makes me proud it's a [ __ ] he started when he was [ __ ] 818 men and a teal sobbing KITT editing shitty in streams and doing this man pretty good don't worry don't worry okay the self at Contra in game because this game seems to be stable mr. diplomat I'm back for my German vacation what did I miss in the diplomatic world of yerba I went all across to the major powers - France because I couldn't I couldn't find him and also I I visited with Berlin I went to Rome and I went to London well the Germans and Italians both had a similar answer to an extension of friendship and potential alliance they both changing fascism the UK was very receptive to a potential alliance and things II receptor he accepted he said yes pretty much right away I know the more holes weren't great to make any executive moves right out the gate that we would take our time and come back and do this properly because diplomacy can't be done anything but as it stands so that is what the paths are the UK would like an alliance right now Germany and Italy both once Finland to move towards the fascist path I understand thank you very much any more but hey what I want to say about this guy what what the guy just said if you make that list about [ __ ] - it stops twitch followers twitch news but there's no more left anymore YouTube it's just harder I think YouTube is harder and you also have to give credit to Marconi Maconie doesn't have the resources that these people have so if you look at someone I sniffing quit he's a main youtuber Marconi has has to edit stupid Tommy case [ __ ] like imagine you're Marconi means you're downloading a stream and it's just Tommy it's not that easy you know like it a bit gray I thought about this the other day Marconi like I was watching you know lyric lyric one of the biggest streamers in the world right poor a big streamer and I'm watching his you two compilations and our YouTube channel is already bigger than lyrics channel lyric is an ultra big streamer but his his YouTube stuff gets 4,000 viewers maybe a hundred sometimes and the Tommy Cade shell only gets bigger views which shows us that people see the law of mikuni person you know [Music] but soon you can e can now send money to nations and they can turn it into factories god the game so much deeper with this money [ __ ] the money [ __ ] so I have seven choose I want seven to gain get us [ __ ] the soldiers of the wig I was about to take research grants scientist support presidential elections oh people are finished be quick we can't impose are you voting for - cuckoo moose or are you voted for the ml right cuckoo moose or ml in the chat right now fake quick quick quick quick quick quickly point you guys choose ml the people vote for the ml okay yes hello the correct diplomat of the United and States hello my friend welcome to beautiful Phil Melissa yes I understand that you want to purchase the island of Island as a US base for five thousand two thousand dollars it's correct sir [Music] believe it could help us protect the democracies if you're much more clearly very much understand but the reason I invited you here today is that $5,000 is obviously not enough for this island and I'm invited you today to talk about the fact that if indeed this island will become a US base Finland will need guarantees of us support in case of war against the Russians well of course we could do that my friend I see no reason not but before you just said that you want to defend the democracies of Europe as you see right now I have won the election and my name is T Galliano I'm the octo Perry leader of Finland so I don't know if your government truly supports Finland in its current state of government offend as long as you do not fall to the path of communism or fascism you can consider yourself a friend of the United States sir if if you can sign a document that will states that in case of Russian or any other fascist or communist aggression against Finland the US base of will support the Finnish people I will settle to you for 5,000 I have you the documents with ready for your signature yeah this is my this is my my definite well sign right here sir and let's see if we can trust you thank you very much sir we are awaiting the payment five million well the fact money that Dennis we got the 5k sir we thank you very very much the Finnish people are now [ __ ] rich and the island of Alan's will now be given to the great nation of nine states we hope that the soldiers feel at home of course even offer the Finnish citizen citizen in the United States can are you [ __ ] done I have enough money to build all this [ __ ] the whole time are you [ __ ] dumb chat it's a good decision also I want to make role-playing games a bit spicy let the USB here [ __ ] that spotty dude and we have a good friend you know politically that's a good decision politically that is a good decision 100% the punch button Swedish people living there I don't give a [ __ ] but having in alliance with the my United States and getting five thousand [ __ ] daughters which shows how much money there by matrix half due to [ __ ] hell they might have way too much money [Music] all adieu that it is me the representative of Finland am i right here what do you sound oil so that [ __ ] about my Finnish accent yeah okay please I was invited by my great friend in Denmark center floor I mean talk about downing very good anyway we are just waiting on a game or attendance to give us while we wait for Swiss we're gonna begin all right so we're all here today to discuss the potential of the European wide defensive I think that gives a bronze a correct Thank You me all right very good so I believe we can all agree that communism fat are both enemy and they take it out I to Vegas yeah okay so I would recommend so I'm gonna put forth two proposals the first one will be the defensive treaty where we will agree to help each other out indirectly through volunteers and military aid should one of us go to war and number two I propose a an official defensive alliance by the name of the European Union in which we will work to should any one of us be attacked does this all sound good yes yes yes all right so who wants him Belgium I'm the professor tentative of the Belgian government ball from power Van Zeeland I agree with your offer my friends not Finland what say you as long as no one stands against authoritarian rule of me Kirsty Caleo and Finland I am fine and if I won't anyway I would like to propose that if we indeed built this democratic even monarchies defensive ring it will be very important to bring franconi out of whose wealth who indeed offers gatlin and who owns all violent and Arland to bring him in here and make him an ally of this great union I've talked to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and he is indeed a defender of democracy trying to keep the peace in Europe as you can see in his military bases in the eastern sea multi-star yes well who the [ __ ] do I sign non-aggression pacts with no France okay so it's going to be France Denmark Poland Luxembourg Switzerland Belgium Belgium of course and Ireland I have a great fan of this proposal but Finland I think we are too far away from the get-go and read rather formal ordered Union against the Russian communism yes we will cooperate in the event of four that's perfectly fine yes well I think that sums it on my way for we are remilitarization enough oh you have to spend $18 if you go on very high let's start going on low Finland starts support its army let's go let's go the Finnish Intelligence Service is looking deep into the Russian state we should encrypt Russia don't you get faster if the defence if you clip someone or something ok we're just pretty much making the greatest [ __ ] infantry ever in the snow and we're ready to [ __ ] fight so I can't take adaptable so let's just take bit to expert I guess and this army is just so [ __ ] winter winter that's what I want to say like this army has no attrition of winter whatsoever my god the ultimate winter army and and a bit Oh Russia just fully mobilized on the border Oh guys it's time it's time where do you get the men power again here oh man take your headaches Oh Russia oh ok I think you know safe space on this country dude my spy network is going down even oh here we go infiltrate infiltrate army here we go do that oh there you are that's two more people everybody please identify yourself and who you representing please I am King Gustaf v hello mr. Collier it is great to see you who are these other people for my ass oh you [ __ ] boosters do this does that is two names of the screen yes Tony now the unitary politics show me my heir what brother thought about stoning welcome to the war room of the Great Northern Lights brothers I hope no one is offended that I'm the spy master I am infiltrating the Soviets as we speak as you see we are militarizing our border with Norway as they have fearlessly attacked our radio station this kid is real playing better than anyone else still talk [ __ ] about him when is the one nothing against the Norwegians the great white hunters of Finland are ready to show the Russians that no no and Darrow GG what does GG mean great king of Sweden understand we can still fix this I said I want to be beautiful and then you do this haha oh my god it's like you dip the balls oh that's not that bad it is big Oh God putting decrypted Russia let's decrypt I mean well I could take Germany I guess but it does really matter so if I press the button last 50% defense yeah speed something empire that's something sort of Allah that's a bit weird right Turkey making beats on teeny oh my god excuse me sir I want funds and I just remind that you assign a defensive pact with him and he's asking for support my name is josef kostan it's great to meet you mr. goldstein mr. Kohana from the dance iike moon oh you live in Africa yes you can tell Paris and Warsaw that we stand with them yeah but you want that you declare war on the German work well no we're busy with Russia you have to tell them that we're keeping their back free like killings oh please I can talk to them but your friends a piece you can be made if greater Finnish territory is being given now we'll come back soon sir and if you want to look at this that's let me go out and all that auto-ship yeah yeah no sir I know I'm not stupid thank you you suggest up here but sure 1600 he said that was great yeah it was really quick he said that I'm sorry but he said suck my dick and I can I know in the shove it in a Siberian bear scene of June it's only 40 days away does anyone have any doubts he should say it now I think the speech from switch time speech time visits time King give me tomorrow make die troops we know the Communists have been [ __ ] [ __ ] for the past decade I believe it is time to end this menace by a victory and capture of Moscow Stalingrad and Leningrad I believe one of our objectives is raise all of the Nordic flags in Moscow that is my objective I feel I feel like patriotic my speech can make a delivery I wish my troops all the best of luck and I hope we can kick some Soviet ass well said well said hard man everyone heavy the race three and can you break it I some help he's pushing you is push it Oh guys yeah like my weight let's guys opening dependence what he needs on this end something that's in it yeah I have to be defensive I kissed keep your cool but they can't work so you said cheer Sweden oh we are thing oh [ __ ] keep watching liniment on true cine sites including songs holy [ __ ] Tommy nice and circular in its clean Oh forgive me the tongue oh let the Soviet Union yeah just give me fix before America sang be silenced America was about the city don't sell it man I ain't rebuilt it because of infantry weak you can't push him which makes sense we should be able to push him I mean to put that [ __ ] America but you barely ever see America through something cool will play right but this right here rings action points on who this guy is playing you say so well that he would have a pic to replay you say man you say so hard will fake piss you just so stuck in America and by the time you're ready to do something the game is over but how well is that man friendship their book to get in as a military base here fully build up when you play water you didn't even like one game race is between some guy who makes tanks or some [ __ ] like we need like thanks oh they broke oh there we go we didn't get the reinforcement tape yeah we need to take [ __ ] care of pushing everywhere Paulito pushing unsub the tanks of untouchable while its tanks have too much do that as you can't do anything ah just in simple mathematics yo oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] died man my name is no least oh hi Keithley there's blood [ __ ] there seems to be nothing if there's no greater finish Lance are seated Berlin has to fall we can stay in this stalemate until it will become you Germany and Italy and discuss our rational deals do it I think the fascists and communists are [ __ ] I don't know the fact this is very big the fact that this game was stable makes me so motivated for more point for continent future I'm fully motivated for Peggy Chen I want to play Italy use I won't play everything I'm ready for majors again I love this this is funnest [ __ ] everybody's grown playing really nicely man I love this I think this is great oh my god USA you are a pokemen oh my god France is going you can save that he just needs to can let them that's uncool you guys always go crazy but it's very easy to fix that yeah you see that's why I always tell fish you guys always say why can't your name away you can't just narrate to me if you never wait Russian tanks will just kill your uh normed on entrenchment units the only day rage that took leader of this green air from above man [ __ ] heavy tanks all that [ __ ] you know yeah guys I think I'm gonna call you that was a great game the game is stable which means everything that is so cool that means holy for content is back man hopeful content is [ __ ] bad guys that is so beautiful phonetic contest there was a great great great game also a great stream I like to shoot late today it was a good stream I'm gonna die of Corona I'm very excited for the future I want to play more I'm feeling all these nations I'm in but before that [ __ ] love you mwah and fingers [Music] hey we're spending but it's just fun she sitting yourself [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 284,243
Rating: 4.9677072 out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 rp, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 role play, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 finland multiplayer, 100 PLAYERS JOINED A HOI4 MP GAME, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT! - HOI4 Multiplayer Roleplay, hoi4 100 players, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 mp, hoi4 what happens, hoi4 multiplayer guide, hoi4 exploits, hoi4 glitch, exploit, funny, hoi4 big multiplayer, hearts, of, iron, memes, hoi4 tommy
Id: mbrpeUMw3Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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