What If Germany Had Its Endsieg In 1936?! HOI4

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what's going on ram fam diddly doodlers it's me yeah boy alex the rambler back once again on hearts of iron fowler today we're going to be playing a mod that's going to want to tear my hair out and before you're saying you don't have any hair just i have some left okay there's some there so if you've seen my recent update video but you probably haven't because youtube doesn't want to show you videos from me anymore can we get some f's in chat then you'll know that only hoy videos will usually show for you so i'm doing ahoy video i'm giving you what you want youtube i'm giving you what you want now leave a like okay and subscribe click that bell button and leave a comment too five thousand likes for more hoy okay i'm bribing i'm bribing you no i'm threatening it no am i threatening i don't know what i'm doing well it appears we can only play as one fellow or country in in this and it appears we have a 1936 downfall nc situation oof so you started germany with 70 divisions only controlling your capital city and state the whole world starts at war with you and there is no time to build up this isn't going to be good is it right um oh dear is is there any point in doing these focuses i i really don't feel like oh my god i could oppose hitler could that be the way to win the mod let's and i don't know okay so we we start with political power so of course i'm going to assign everyone i can to get myself some eaglety piggly bonuses from the start or do i have an air force i don't have an air for what this is not oh deary me i don't really have any way to produce equipment because i don't have any resources how on earth [Music] i think this is more this mod is actually going to break me oh my god look at that that's grim oh okay we still only have the base infantry divisions that's not good i don't see how you can actually do this if you've actually won send like send me video evidence or something because i don't believe that you have so what i'm gonna try and do [Music] is try and get more river line yes that's that's the strategy here more river line to stop the allies advance i think if we get all the river line then we should be able to hold maybe if i just germany war again you don't say game you don't say oh dear me how are they already at the border bloody nora they move quickly don't they wait even italy's against me oh they're betraying bastards do you know i'm not sure i can do this what a surprise eh what a surprise i'm actually oh man i'm just like like mate maybe there's a chance now i have the river line it's gonna make it difficult for them to cross on most occasions oh my god what happened to my what oh they moved good old yugoslavia having a civil war though come on in join the axes yeah oh no when you have 40 divisions stacked against one division i don't understand how you can do that like how how what oh my god i should i shouldn't let them join oh this is horrible the game is lagging so much it can't do anything help help oh my god oh my giddy and this is horrible if you if you run a little game on a potato pc i know now how you feel it's horrible this is horrible oh my god i can't even click on anything how even i made a mistake everyone i made a mistake i shouldn't have zoomed out oh thank god they've capitulated [Music] help this is this video just gonna be me clicking oh my god this is hurl this is absolute hell i thought this would be a fun mod okay so at the moment it doesn't really look like i stand much of a chance i will do a a redux of this like i'm gonna keep i think i'm gonna have to do this more than once in order to really see if it's possible they have lost 300 000 men against me now but which is good but on the other hand i don't have a lot with which to hold and they keep cycling so it reduces your organization so i don't think this is going to be possible on my first run is stalling doing the purge but it oh yeah that won't come he won't he won't do that soon enough yeah they've broken through the river line so now the plan if you if you'll bear with bear with everyone bear with whoever made this ah [ __ ] well whoever made this mod is an [ __ ] okay this time i have a cunning plan i think maybe i don't we'll see okay that didn't work at all so i can't do my bridge strap oh not my bridge my river strat how on earth am i meant to do this there's got to be a way i can exploit this surely just channel your inner sketching brick channel your inner special brick okay what happens if i just attack okay you can actually take a lot of territory this way huh yes my pretties yes my pretties rise and then then like a boss you just do oppose hitler i survive 70 days and then i win oh my god alex you are a genius you are a military genius none knows your might more than ram fam liz i think i might be losing a little bit of my sanity what do you think let me know in the comments below okay but now i'm very stretched what where are my units going why are they all going there oh you hate front lines i hate them look look look at [Music] i left it i've absolutely left it in 12 days i've effed it oh my god how do you stop that civil war from happening this is horrible i didn't join the faction oh my god this again help just help me please i don't i don't even think the challenge is actually playing the mod the challenge is actually uh waiting for all of these pop-ups to happen it's horrible two hours later oh my god it's still go help i i just like huh i actually appear to be holding that's weird i'm just trying to survive long enough for the civil war to fire then i think it's going to mess up everything and i can wouldn't that be nice everyone wouldn't that be nice although i still don't think i'd win or would i hmm i'm sure messing with the game in this in this circumstance it's going to be absolutely fine absolutely fine oh my god it's one day away purge this nazi scum what's this going to do hey i have some wait where the frick's my land hello oh that is rich that is really rich but if i just where are my other divisions oh then there this is what have i done what have i done to this guy oh oh my god my units have spawned from within [Music] oh yes i'll join the allies oh my god this is great look at this i'm going to i'm going to win i'm going to get my country back [Music] what did i win the game is broken the game is absolutely broken um this is fine though because when when the p still happens i'll get the territory right i don't have any divisions hello do i really not have i don't have any divisions brilliant okay so now i just have to watch germany die slowly i guess so now i'm in charge of oh my gosh what is all of this now i'm in charge of a country which shouldn't really exist and you could go down and try and play a normal game now because you have your country back but you're going up against the inter oh they've all left they've all left i found a way to beat this silly mod you just rebel oh this feels good this feels good please touch my [Music] country and look at all the starving units that are stuck in the nation that's quite hilarious really oh my god that's pretty much the entire soviet army lol what i think i'm gonna do rather than just do a normal game now as the military junta i think i'm gonna try it again as the nazis and see if i can pull it out of the pack pull it out of the gun pull it out of the game pull it clutch it with a ram fam win i guess i might just save this one for later though because this was hilarious i think this time i'm gonna see how well i can hold when i'm just on my base tile so essentially the units are getting all of their buffs and entrenchment up before they get attacked i think yeah so now we'll see how long we can hold when we're just doing this i don't think it's going to be that long though personally because we won't be able to reinforce quick enough but the ai isn't attacking oh [ __ ] help oh my god so you can see the tiles that you can hold pretty easily on are the ones where you can only be attacked from one or two sides it's the ones where you can be like attacked from three different areas you get tons of debuffs so it's very difficult to try and hold on those particular tiles i swear i press pause but it's not pausing i'm actually surprised at how well you can hold i think it's because you spend the whole time in trenching uh so you're actually we're a month in and we're holding we haven't lost a tile but i think we do lose a tile then we lose fun yeah now when they start cycle attacking it doesn't really work in your favor if your divisions can recover in time then it's okay but where they have enough divisions to keep cycle charging is eventually going to wear down your organization so it makes it very difficult you can see this particular tile if this particular tile here is very close to breaking and where you don't have any military factories you can't get the equipment back in time i mean i could i could try and force one unit to attack there to to give them a bit of a defense penalty attack penalty but yeah realistically you're going to want to try and take as many river lines as you can and just try and hold for as long as possible you could also try and make your units 20 with rather than 18 combat width but again that's difficult to do when you don't have any equipment uh so maybe try and maybe bee line it for czechoslovakia maybe prague to try and get that victory point and capitulate them or i don't know there's various strategies you could try and do i don't see how many could work tbh oh my god there was desperate defense are you oh for pity sake i really wish i'd have known about that but even with the desperate defense i don't think it will make too much of a difference overall it's a really tricky challenge uh and one that makes me want to cry i imagined if i wanted to micro every single uh unit here i could probably kill a few more divisions or you know kill a few more men but it is a very tricky challenge and the only way that i think i could win is by doing the military junta as you've seen previously in the video so by not microwaving i've actually lasted half a year and killed half a million of their troops i'm actually rather surprised about that so there you go 22nd of june is as how is as far as i've lasted let me know how far you've got in the comments below but uh i don't think i'm going to try it again uh this mod is too kind of infuriating for me i think uh but if you're up for the challenge anyone have a competition with who can last the longest just uh just give it a go but until next time everyone leave a like subscribe click the bell button comment bye bye many thanks to aiden andrew barack obama caddies clinton shaw i am a living legend jiggly crotch logan martin name name sam shawn stephen and wyatt for being ridiculous rams supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 353,113
Rating: 4.9255581 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler germany, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 funny moments, hoi4 funny mods, hearts of iron 4 mod, hearts, of, iron, four, mods, mods hoi4, funny, comedy, hoi4 meme, entertainment
Id: qtoR6oVrwhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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