HoI4 Guide - Italy: Restoring the Roman Empire Challenge - La Résistance

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are you boys ready have a good look have a good look at uh benito here he's gonna change his hat boom and benito has a new hat but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing for more of them and hit me up in the comments with what you want to see next now on to the video hey folks bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron 4. now today we'll be trying something a little different from our usual achievement videos instead we'll try a little bit of a challenge playing as italy we will try to realize incompetent bonito's ultimate goal of spreading his love of pasta to the rest of the world or as a lesser goal restoring the roman empire that's right boys we're going for realized roman ambitions now to realize our roman ambitions we need quite a bit of land let's have a look okay so the only challenge i see here would be france and the uk those will be the only two majors involved in this so that's not terrible we can take those no sweat let's prepare for our glorious rise to greatness this time i've done a bit of the setup off camera it's a lot of clicking anyway so i figured i'd spare you let me know in the comments if you like this way of doing things or if you prefer for me to do it while on screen it's it's just a bit easier this way as well i guess first order of business we will be bypassing ethiopian war logistics the focus isn't very good anyways now to do this i have released our east african holdings as puppets the next in-game day to take by will cause the focus to be bypassed now this has the added bonus of no longer having to worry about resistance in the area and we can ask them for manpower so after ethiopian war logistics are bypassed we will be going for industrial effort one industrial effort two the extra research slot and army primacy beyond those you can really pick whatever you like it doesn't really matter overall the tree isn't very good anyway it could even be beneficial to just not pick any focus and just break in the pp instead next up organizing the military i've organized it in three armies a large northern battle group which will strike south a smaller southern battle group which will fight its way to the north and then we've put all the mobile units our tanks and cavalry under the capable command of giovanni messe these will be our units used in breakthroughs and for creating encirclements we'll just send all of these guys down to ethiopia we don't need them the local forces in the area are more than enough to conclude the conflict but this way we can easily farm some much needed army experience and some pretty great general traits we'll just assign some battle plans and let them run they'll handle it without issue just make sure to rein them in every now and then just to ensure you get enough army experience out of this we'll need about 80-ish to be able to make our templates less terrible because oh boy we have some true garbage templates here let's see the infantry this is this is 12 combat with infantry not not not all that spectacular and the armor yeah that's hardly an armored division now is it just just one tank in there so we'll desperately need to change these as for the navy i've assigned the navy in two groups really we have a surface fleet consisting of two battle groups we can dock these in the port in piedmont or genoa doesn't really matter just put them in a port somewhere and then we have our submarine units we'll group these up as well they can also sit in port for now we'll use these later on now on to research there's nothing fancy going on here it's just the basic industry and electronic mechanical engineering research basically keep up to date with these as the game progresses one thing to note though is to get paratroopers early that's right we are going to be cheesing paratroopers to deal with our early game enemies and one more thing to keep in mind is that you might want to get um the 1936 fighter once a little bit earlier we still don't have them and air is still king in this game so you might want some good fighters and consider changing from grand battle plan to superior firepower i really dislike grand battle plan personally i prefer to roll with superior firepower but that's your choice i'm not gonna make that for you now on to production we'll start out with about two factories on transport planes we'll keep this going until we have about five in storage after that we'll simply scrap the line we'll follow up with some factories and light tanks for for now these will be used extensively as our breakthrough troops so we'll need a healthy number of tanks and we'll combine this with about two factories of motorized that we can later increase the three or four as factories come online then we have a line of five factories for infantry equipment also we'll be expanding this later on as we need it roughly three three ish on support equipment again expand that whenever feasible don't forget about artillery we'll start out with one and get more along the way we'll use these mostly as support companies at first we might change that later as the game progresses and we end up with a good stockpile and finally we'll put one factory on fighters and one factory on close air support air is still king and as with everything else adjust these numbers as the game progresses as for our naval production italy starts with a lot of ships in the queue just trash all of them except for the nearly finished ships and the submarines will finish the ships that are almost done and keep producing submarines because well submarines are great and they'll be able to achieve naval superiority without really being at risk of getting blown to bits as for construction we'll simply plop down some civilian factories in the provinces of tuscany and latium that's the area around rome keep building these until halfway into 1937 after that we'll follow up with military factories maybe some infrastructure it's probably going to be mostly mills anyway and then last but not least espionage i sure love myself some espionage so we'll get ourselves an agency right off the bat and with all that out of the way we can increase the speed and start things off now our first target here will be france once we have 47 political power in the bank we'll immediately start justifying on the french so we can take them out without allied interference sure they have a much larger army than us and they have a quite powerful navy but they barely have manpower and their industry really can't keep up especially if what i have in mind here plays out as intended but stay tuned to find out a few moments later now with espionage agency setup will immediately go for their more powerful benefits in the form of the cryptology department i really like using this voila we have a 47 pp or political power that's just enough to justify on the french it doesn't really matter what we take we'll take savoy for some historical reasons now let's see here in 235 days we will be knocking on france's door so by then we will have to conclude our conflict in ethiopia reorganize the military and strengthen our supplies somewhat because i don't think we have a lot of stuff well it's looking fairly okay now but trust me once we start upgrading our divisions this is going to be very red so we we have our work cut out but uh i'm quite sure we can manage three days later and that concludes our ethiopian conflict two options here one is to simply annex ethiopia uh i don't like doing that sure it looks nice on a map but what does it really get us it's more territory that we need to police it's going to involve garrisoning the area it's just going to be overrun by the british or whoever decides to walk in if it ever comes to blows while it will be much more beneficial if we simply puppet them we won't have to garrison the area we can steal their manpower and they make divisions that we can request if we would need some reinforcements which only has one downside air quotes we bypass the triumph in africa focus so we lose out on 10 stability and 10 war support it's nothing insurmountable really we can get those by spending our pp in other places and with that conflict out of the way we have a healthy amount of army experience 85 that's pretty decent so let's look at our templates first off the infantry template division of 12 combat with not great how about we make it 20 combat with so for 20 army experience we can turn this into a competent defensive division and well let's be honest against the ai you can even use this as an offensive division this is going to be our infantry father and for good measure we're going to throw on some support artillery just to give them a little bit of soft attack as well now to deal with our tank divisions this is more a cavalry division than anything else really let's start by getting rid of these horses we are going to fully motorize these okay so even when we fully motorize these they're still not great it's a very light on tanks let's uh let's uh solve that shall we okay so now it's 20 combat with but uh still a bit light on breakthrough and armor our industry isn't super powerful but i think we can get away with adding a few more tanks to this and this is what we end up with it's got decent organization it's got decent breakthrough and armor yes these are light tanks so the speed is still really good at 10 kilometers an hour we can build on this as more experience rolls in and our industry becomes more robust we can turn this into a 40 width tank division we can't supply one right now but these 20 with divisions will still be good and uh let's also change the name here this isn't the cavalry regiment anymore no no no these boys are armored now it's also time for uh some reorganizing of the military now ideally i want sebastiano here a man with a funny hat to sit on the french border why well he's an inflexible strategist giving us a good defensive bonus and he's a mountaineer giving us another good defensive bonus while the other guy didn't really pick up all that many great traits we can use him for the offensive operations so we'll park this army on the french border now it doesn't need 24 divisions that will be overkill 15 divisions will do just fine for holding this border the other 19 can sit on a port either genoa or la spezia doesn't matter we'll send our armored divisions yes these these will all be armored divisions and we'll park them on genoa and they can have a naval invasion order started towards marseilles behind the french lines i think you see where i'm going with this right and we'll reinforce that with another naval invasion or five infantry divisions they can launch from la spezia and land in too long is is the plan getting to your voice is it well let's uh let's clarify it for those who aren't following along the plan here is to land with armor in marseille and make a rush north meanwhile the infantry will land in too long and follow behind to reinforce the line that the tanks are pushing north at the same time or maybe a little bit after the naval landings because naval landings can be delayed if the french fleet shows up airborne operations will launch and land hopefully all the way from the swiss border down towards about two maybe three provinces away from the shore the plan here will be to then link up that naval invasion with the paratroopers cutting off the french army that's sitting on our border they would only have access to supplies from the port of nice that would not be enough to supply all those divisions and once the infantry army is in position and has taken over from the paratroopers we can use the armor to push into nice and cut them off completely then once we close that pocket that's a devastating blow to the french military we start rolling everything north and we should have virtually no problems walking into france so see how that plays out we will also be converting all of these infantry armies both the one on the border and the one making the naval invasions into our division of the division we changed and with paratroopers researched we'll train seven will do train them put them on the airport here one run and on a high equipment priority and just spam them out the moment they become available now as you can tell we are sorely lacking in equipment we have a few months left before we start this uh messy business with the french but even so we have a much more robust industry than the french will come out ahead in this conflict especially if we can manage our operations that we have planned later and our first batch of 150 pp can be spent wisely on the war economy now for future pp investments i consider free trade to be a good option we can get a lot of these things a lot of these resources from puppets yes i intend to create a lot of puppets especially from territory not required to form rome and other good investments are as usual the military now these paratroopers can be assigned to the alpine army after they have successfully hopefully successfully concluded their airdrop and we've established some good lines we can convert them into infantry divisions as well they're a bit more robust at holding those lines but we need them in their paratrooper capacity just now so as for the power drop orders themselves this should be decent dropping along this large river gives them a good defensive bonus from any other french divisions that will be rushing in from inland they're close enough to the shore that my armor is capable of quickly pushing north and linking up and they're dropping quite heavily in the northern sections because that's uh that tends to be where france is moving some troops around and power drops could become contested so wanna have some options there if one of them or maybe two of them don't go quite as planned one hour later very well we have finished our justification for conquering savoy but i think our equipment stores are still a little bit on the low side so i think we'll keep the war goal but won't declare until the tail end of it so we have a couple more weeks to prepare and get some more supplies in yeah that seems like a good idea and also get the fleet in position i think i'll also research military police we'll be occupying quite a bit of land in the future don't want those uh uprisings okay so we're out of time we have to take this war goal and see where we end up we're still quite under equipped but uh let's fire things off and see what happens shall we and as expected the french will start throwing themselves at our alpine front we should be able to bleed them here quite well three weeks later okay it's been a month the french have lost 21 000 men we've lost 158 so um good job france you're bleeding yourself dry of both manpower and equipment because you barely have factories and you can't upgrade your recruitment laws because i have so much fewer divisions than you so let's keep this rolling for a bit before we make our actual invasion i wanna see some smaller yellow bars here many months later okay we've gone through two months of these um border shenanigans let's put the plan in motion we launch our naval invasions the navy will escort once the troops have landed we'll pull the navy back and just leave a few ships out there for convoy escorts so we'll actually get supply there once we hit the ports we'll send up our aircraft and we power drop [Music] now you can see the french army here is responding their units are starting to move all over the place we don't want that we want them to stay put right where they are so we'll launch a small offensive along this alpine front it doesn't have to take any territory we just want to do this to keep them from responding so we just pin all these units down while the pair drop is going on and the pair drop has been successful let's clean up these lines [Music] okay so it seems this uh this little operation of ours was quite successful we've cut off a large section of the french military now we just need to make a concentrated push on the port of nice destroy this pretty big pocket and then start pushing into france [Music] proper [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] now the italians don't have a vast array of chiefs of army to pick i think the army maneuver guy is our best here five percent division speed that matches very well with our play style here with using these uh light tanks to break through and encircle so it's my advice here to go with the army maneuver [Music] [Music] okay so we're in may now french casualties have been devastating and you can quite clearly see they're no longer managing to replenish their divisions and they're probably running out of equipment which is unsurprising considering they only have 10 military factories so uh this one's almost in the back just gotta clean up this last little pocket here and we can start our push [Music] now with resistance to occupation rising a good time to have a look at our occupation template which are we using we're using the cavalries [Music] let's uh change that up a little bit this is woefully under equipped for some occupation for the purpose of occupation this is the template you're going to want just completely filled out with cavalry and a military police attachment as the game progresses and your industry improves consider systematically swapping out cavalry for armored cars but this is a good place to start [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay the french are very close towards capitulation let's set up the next phase what we're going to do now is justify a war goal on yugoslavia any will do this will take 30 days and it's going to cause the british to guarantee their independence because our world tension is so high that's perfectly fine because britain is going to be our next target there we go the fall of paris and the french have capitulated we still got some stuff from them we need the mainland french territory and we need french north africa and french syria so these are roughly the territories we need to control directly this is the stuff we'll annex anything else i just want to satellite this gives us a ton of puppets and finally we want to puppet whatever is left of the french this will give us access to their fleet and tremendous power at sea especially if we can combine this with the english fleet which hopefully will be adding to our fine collection later now for the next phase of our plan we will be declaring war on yugoslavia in roughly 28 days now if we give it a little bit of time the british will be guaranteeing the independence of yugoslavia once they do we declare war in yugoslavia britain gets pulled in once britain gets pulled in we naval invade we hit them hard in the south and start pushing north and circle their army destroy it and keep pushing north towards this line between the cities of liverpool and hull once we capture everything up to here britain will collapse and capitulate while we're doing that we're going to use the fact that we're a fascist nation at war with a major to get some very quick justifications in specifically we're going to quickly justify a war goal on austria and declare war on them pulling them into the war and into the faction and also if there's time do the same with belgium now these small wars with these miners we don't have to occupy any of the territory we just have to fight them a little bit so they have some casualties and they can be included in the peace deal then we'll push north eliminate united kingdom and cause the total collapse of the allies faction and we'll go to a peace deal where we can take whatever we want from every country we were at war with and had actual combat with so let's move on many months later okay i think that's been enough recovering it's time to take the war to britain so we'll declare war on yugoslavia let's get this ball rolling now as our naval invasions are well on their way let's also uh call on our good friends the french they still have a sizable navy that we'd like to get involved so let's issue a call to arms make sure our own navy is uh doing its job of supporting the invasion now let's also make sure our own navy is doing its job of supporting the naval invasion let's get the air force to help out good now for this part of the conflict we'll just hold the defensive line here we'll just let the yugoslavs and in future the austrians throw themselves at our lines so we can cause some casualties get war participation against them and draw them into the conflict that way it doesn't matter that we don't completely occupy their country by the time we knock britain out they'll still be involved in the peace deal if they have at least some war participation against us let's uh justify a goal on the austrians to get them involved only takes 25 days pretty great being a fascist nation at war with a major let's take the speed down and make sure we uh we deal with britain [Music] [Music] [Music] now this may be getting a little greedy but i also want to see if we can't get the belgians involved so i'm just going to justify a war goal on them and in 10 days we can also pull them in not sure if we can divert enough troops there to make a decent impact but i want to give it a try [Music] okay so england's pretty much done here we're almost where we need to be they're still mustering some resistance but i don't think this is going to be um meaningful we've got the austrians and the yugoslavs pretty well bottled up sure they're putting all the pressure on our lines but they won't be able to do any meaningful damage before we knock the uk out and i am still considering trying to get the belgians involved here it does seem worth it he's got to get our armor in position and uh let's see if it's something we can do [Music] oh dear that's not good oh boy um no i think we can still make it knocked them out our encircled army managed to knock them out great well that's belgian done now this may be me just getting a little bit greedy but why not add just another head to the pile while we're here 15 days yeah we have 15 days okay six days until we get that war goal i think i'm just gonna delay the english army or rather the army in the uk get the luxembourgians involved and then finish this off [Music] there we go we have our peace deal here some guns from uk always nice now first things first we'll take all the territory that we need directly okay so that's the territory we need to own directly what else can we do we can satellite raj and british malaya seems like a no-brainer now what i like to do is just satellite everything they have in africa and just scatter that throughout the world and then we'll just uh puppet whatever is left of the uk we don't need to control the islands and for belgium well we'll also satellite their african holdings so so far we're well on our way wouldn't you agree there's no real meaningful opposition left to us and for our next stage we'll justify a war goal on the netherlands now what this justification will do is to cause whoever's left in the allies i think it's uh canada that they left in charge to start guaranteeing the independence of these democratic countries which is fine with us canada is a a walk over we'll do what we just did to britain only to canada this time and while we're doing that we'll just justify on every individual country we need and just consume them piecemeal while that's going on let's just send the smaller of our two armies over to newfoundland or labrador just draw an offensive line towards the other side of canada we'll have to walk all the way over to vancouver by just using the regular foot infantry it will take a while but that's okay that just gives us more time to justify on other countries and draw them in you might want to upgrade the naval base and the infrastructure here though meanwhile our larger armies will be put in positions to quickly overrun these other countries that we have our site set on one by one which will be the netherlands first and then we can turn to other countries like switzerland greece bulgaria romania hungary we can gobble all of these up they will join the allies being non-aligned or some of them even democratic and then when spain gets around to finishing its civil war we'll knock the nationalists out provided they'll win they'll usually win if it's on historical and in that one last major war we'll pretty much take everything we need that's it now one focus we do want to take here is the albanian occupation you can bypass claims of yugoslavia at this point because well we we own yugoslavia so let's just do the albanian occupation 70 days and we'll just get the country for free six hours later and with our justification done it's time for another round of beat on the allies every country that we still need we can take in this war so with the netherlands in the allies now we're at war with the major we can just uh start gobbling up more of them next stop kingdom of hungary 15 days so while we're trundling across europe and adding ever more countries to our collection don't be afraid to keep recruiting we'll need quite a few units and after um incorporating the stockpile of all these countries that we've um and next so far we'll be able to put out quite a few more units 12 seconds later and that's the netherlands out who's our next target right hungary just line everyone up on the hungarian border and and just walk in there well justifications ready well you know what that means for hungary we can immediately pick our next target i think bulgaria it's quite soft and juicy a few moments later and hungary took no time at all falling apart just so just keep lining your army up on their borders and just walk in these minor nations have nothing to stop you and the only thing that qualifies as a major in this war canada yeah yeah no oh speaking of canada i wanna call in the uk so we can actually start some fighting on this front as well the small army we have in in um was this norfolk labrador will be more than enough to just slowly walk from the eastern side of canada all the way to the west and in that time we just conquered europe as they joined the allies one by one and well goodbye bulgaria what's a good target iraq yes let's let's justify on iraq next we need a few more troops before we take on greece they have a quite a long border and we also have to contend with romania at the same time bye bye bulgaria justification on iraq's done let's not deal with greece just yet let's get the uh the swiss involved first never stood a chance uh we can take out switzerland now as well and we'll justify on greece i think we could take the nationalists once they've won their civil war and then it's just portugal on the chopping block oh of course greece uh well quite a few more countries actually as the iraqis out of the picture goodbye switzerland these wars involve a very little besides um lining up your troops and sending them to war okay justification on greece is done let's line up the troops and we'll be able to take out greece and romania in one go who to justify on next maybe yes turkey justify on turkey next we're declaring war on greece not gonna push into greece right away spit mountainous terrain i'll finish off the um the romanians first and justification on the turks is done as well i don't think i'll declare that war just yet might be getting in over my head if i do that just finish off romania first and romania is out of the picture focus everything on the greeks now well i'll send my uh my tanks across and prepare to take on the tricks gotta make sure we don't let this war go expire okay the workload expires tomorrow so i'll just declare war now [Music] so ah we just cut turkey in half half of their army is on a side with no port so that's a good pocket to close meanwhile greece is uh putting up fairly stiff resistance they are mountainous after all doesn't matter [Music] [Music] okay so that's turkey out meanwhile greece is still putting up a fight but they're on their last legs now to prepare everyone to take out the nationalists spain may look large but this shortly after their civil war they really don't have anything to uh to stop you a few inches later and time for spain to go bye-bye okay spain's pretty much rolled up so that leaves portugal yes portugal you're next voice now to consume portugal and i think we'll be done once canada falls that's portugal dealt with in seconds all right so we've knocked out everyone in europe that we uh needed to deal with so now it's just plucky little canada that we need to um make see reason and we're done here so i'm just gonna speed this up eventually there we go canada finally decided to just give up so let's have a look at our peace deal you can take all of the netherlands we can take all of spain don't forget to take their north african holdings and this little port here we can take portugal completely annex hungary or completely annex bulgaria we'll completely annex iraq the swiss the greeks the romanians the turks will puppet canada don't need uh occupy the land that would conclude the peace deal we've taken all the provinces we need we've got a very large amount of puppets and uh let's see if we can click that button realize roman ambitions well are you boys ready have a good look have a good look at uh benito here he's gonna change his hat boom we're now a nice red color imperium romanum and benito has a new hat that's why we did it boys for the hat there we go folks we've done it we've restored the roman empire and given benito his glorious hat if you liked this video leave a like hit me up in the comments with more challenges for me or achievements you want to see me try if you didn't like it that's fine just hit that dislike button and tell me what i did wrong and always looking to learn and improve and i hope you will consider subscribing for more of this content this has been me bittersteel have a good one
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 104,159
Rating: 4.9400611 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 italy, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 italy, hoi4 guide, roman empire, paradox interactive, hoi4 italy guide, la resistance, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4, alternate history, Bitt3rSteel, hearts of iron 4 ironman italy, hoi4 guide italy, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron, la resistance italy hoi4 guide, hoi4 la resistance italy guide 2020, how to, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 tutorial, la resistance hoi4, imperium romanum
Id: -_MCKwsw56s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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