What If HOI4 Started In 1905?!

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Ah thank you for posting, I'm tempted to make a separate video talking about things in more detail - especially troubles with the old noggin (my mental health) but I usually try to keep things private. Still in two minds about it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheRambler146 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Cainjake ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

ok, I am on the group of "youtube isnt showing me the videos"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/VelkenT ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
my army sucks oh my giddily goo I am so trigger what's going on everyone it's me a ram family puh gali Woodley Dooley food learn Alex the Rambler and today we're on hearts of iron for the coming storm so this mod is a complete total conversion nod and I'll go into a bit more about it after I get a little bit of a channel update where where so I wanted to talk a little bit about what the how the channel is doing and and what are the plans for the Future Channel overall the numbers are steady however the numbers we're getting per video is going down quite a lot I'm not really sure why it might be a mixture of viewer apathy such as you know you're not you're not interested in the videos I'm putting out or YouTube isn't showing them to you for example I think I've uploaded maybe five videos in the past week and most of them haven't even really hit thirty thousand views which for me is it's quite low right so that's quite concerning and rather disheartening to either no you're not you're not interested in the content that I'm making or YouTube isn't showing it to you I think it's a mixture of both because if YouTube knows so YouTube will test a video with a small portion of your subscribers and if they click on it then they'll start to push it to more of your subscribers if most of you don't click on the video if you first see it like if you see a notification like Oh watch it later then YouTube probably won't show it to you again and it won't show to other people that's just how the algorithm works which is yeah calcifying videos obviously still do better than anything else so I know a lot of you are subscribed just to see hearts of iron for and that's perfectly fine I'll still continue to upload hearts of iron for but it's not gonna stop me from trying other things I need to for my own sanity I still enjoy hearts of iron but I enjoy it when I'm playing mods where I can roleplay and have my own story and you know change my nation essentially which you know what these these kind of conversion mods I enjoy doing challenges I don't really enjoy those doing save games turned out to be an absolute all late because loads of you would send me savegames with a bazillion amount of mods and and things like that so I've stopped doing save games for now and I'm not going back to challenges so I'm gonna focus on mod overviews of hearts of iron for or when new content comes out I'll cover that I will be covering a wide variety of strategy content I'm not just gonna limit myself to hearts of iron ore paradox titles I need to try and branch out if I'm going to be doing this for the next few years part of branching out I've started a second channel which is focusing on non strategy content so if you're subscribed for the sole reason you like this sexy guy then click on the link and that will take you to the new channel that I've started it'll be some of it will be a collaborative effort with my close friend and the person who's editing this video say hello hello everyone so we're almost at 10,000 subscribers over there with only two videos released one of me doing yoga and one of me playing half-life for the first time I had no idea it was scary as it was it's still alive that was a surprise and I'll aim to release videos there once maybe twice a week for the time being so if you do want to support my new endeavor please do go and subscribe only subscribe if you're interested in non hearts of iron and non strategy content otherwise it's not for you and you'll just be a dead subscriber and it won't actually help that channel going forward so don't subscribe to that one if you're not interested in none if you're not interested in non strategy content I guess I'll talk a little bit about advertising revenue oh by the way there'll be time I'll make us timestamps so you can skip ahead if you don't want to listen to me waffle I guess because of the situation in the world companies are spending less on marketing which is driven down advertising revenue on the platform a lot of videos I up below I have been uploading I haven't even got enough ad revenue from them to cover paying my editor so I'm making a loss on most videos I upload at the moment that's kind of concerning yeah and ad rates look like they're gonna keep dropping in future I know this is a tough time for everyone in the world so I'm not going to ask for your support on patreon or or anything like that you might just see more links to affiliate sites and sponsored videos which I've been doing a number on to help keep the channel going essentially that's it I think if you see a reduction of videos being uploaded to this channel it's because I I'm weighing up taking a bit of a break from this channel as I've been getting very demoralized seeing the viewer apathy on the newest videos the past few weeks but I'm gonna keep going for now and see see how we get on sorry for bothering but I know a lot of you won't click on a normal like channel update video so I need to put it in a hearts of iron videos so most of you will listen okay so what is the coming storm it's it's changing the world of hearts of iron to cover the years between 1905 and 1923 so there's going to be the various start dates of 1905 1910 1914 and 1918 so it's always gonna be like a pre great to thoughtful mod spin out on the workshop for a couple of months I just haven't covered it yet and most nations are not complete but the Kingdom of Italy is playable from 1905 to 1910 and so is Greece so why don't we give it a go as Greece and just have a rootin tootin good time so 1905 is the culmination of an unprecedented era of peace a growth liberal idealism and economic development with the exceptions of the crimean kerfuffle of 1853 and the franco-prussian kerfuffle of 1870 Europe has not experienced a major continental kerfuffle since the days of Napoleon this is an age of unbridled optimism ah there are storm clouds on the horizon however the contest for the power in Asia has boiled over into open gavel between Russia and Japan and the long slow decline of the Ottoman Empire has his opponents circling like thought well let's jump in I guess we can play as Georgie hasta first we have the Oh No hmm hmm we do have mustachio man oh and by the way if you're wondering why I look kind of scruffy I'm trying to grow beard at the moment all right it's not going very well since its formation in 1832 the kingdom of Greece is assisted firmly when the British sphere influence oh we're heavily indebted to British and Continental creditors after our defeat in the 1897 greco-turkish kerfuffle the humiliation of defeat is still recent uh well let's let's give it a go shall we III a yeh the mod is in very early alpha okay so what the Frick the chrรฉtien state hall nominal Ottoman rule oh well let's see what our focus tree looks like alpha maybe I should have done the Italian well we try we'll try Greece and and see if we can actually do something here if we can't then we'll do something else I'm confused by this saying that it's playable but Germany is not finished Russian Empire is playable well it looks like Russia has a frickin massive tree compared to Greece so I don't know what they're saying where Greece is playable from nineteen five to nineteen ten maybe most of these don't do anything yet well let's play for a Greece anyway and then see what happens yeah everyone has focused trees so I'm not really sure why they're saying they're not playable cuz it does seem like they're more playable than Greece oh there's revolts in Russia that's brilliant I mean not for the they're gonna get crushed properly I would imagine but that's funny okay Theodorus a deck like Ernest and his mcaren comma were the Grand Victor's of the long awaited elections in February the revolts didn't go on for very long I really don't think that this focus tree is complete I'm not gonna bother with Greece it's just these focuses there's not much point is there I will pick a different nation sorry everyone a bit of a full start there all right well I think I'm gonna try and save the Ottoman Empire so rather than being the sick man of Europe we will we will attempt to revive ourselves I mean now I'll go well right once the mightiest state west of the Hindu Kush the Ottoman Empire has fallen quite a ways balls the situation in Yemen Oh the Yemen revolt mm-hmm don't like that they caliph it in the world let's go Wow two civilian factories we've got freed up we have the sick man of Europe we lack industrialization we have capitulations to Europe of restricted Armed Forces what and an effective government oh wow list our army is fully equipped even though it'll probably be absolute Tosh that means rubbish by the way for if you're American or anyone else in the world apart from English Brittish Brittish Brittish Brittish the Caliphate in the world very nice then continue to centralize tax collection I love tax give me more tax yeah it's we've calf offal now upon our nation restricting our military minute now makes a little sense huh nice do I need to put down this revolt is over we didn't have any what sad news today for is reported that Sana's has fallen to Yemeni rebels let me declare calf offal let's strengthen small-scale production or should I you know what no no matters of state I think it's gonna be more important than worrying about small-scale production give me I will I am coming for you Yemen peace in Yemen no retake Yemen thank you let's just send the entire might of the Ottoman military what kind of might that is I don't know let's go bros they were not going to stand a chance radar me I so excuse me got a troublesome village in Syria Oh mmm managing the administration modify ineffective government okay yes it's make ourselves slightly more effective good switch ourselves over to a demo I guess give myself a couple more facts how is Yemen holding my army sucks oh my giddily goo all right let's assassinate abdul hamid younger brother and heir to the throne has been nothing but trouble yes execute them execute them all due to his constant fears and tackle coup the sultan almost never leaves the main complex the Soudan is stay behind the matters to discuss theology yeah sure well suddenly a loud explosion of rocks the courtyard of the mosque Hameed rushed outside to see what the commotion ruler need to find his royal carriage was destroyed in scores of people dead my stability is now zero nice oh if we send missionaries then people will like us more sure let's do that that's never gone badly in the history of the world has it no I think this whole video might just be me trying to take Yemen okay what are we fighting here one cavalry unit are you for real I am so true [Music] okay I'm trying to increase my silk production as you can see here that's going to help me quite a bit if I were to research and doctrine oh I didn't think taking Yemen would be this difficult apparently I don't know the limits of my own nations incompetence so this is gonna be great fun trying to defeat an enemy I can't even move against so we attack with everything they have a hundred and thirty defense I have thirty three soft attack oh oh oh a bow shall are we get 100 units of infantry equipment brilliant excuse me we have recently revealed elite intelligence report from Egypt stipulating that they have plans to build a multiple set of barracks if we beat the British to build the so may be able to construct a Roman outpost on the border yes a worthy initiative we're gonna occupy Britain sends an ultimatum today we received a strongly worded message from the British ambassador brilliant I guess I'm not doing that then my units suck so much this isn't me being bad I would like to add this is the this is just how the game works and I can't even get any army experience Oh managing our donated funds I would love I would love it to get some stability because oh my god I shouldn't have declared war should i who who would have fought Yemen would be so hard to defeat freakin Yemen now if you're wondering Alex why don't you just know who made them I can't I don't have any ships maybe if I call Bulgarian they'll help me help me please Bulgaria huh huh balloons sure I'll get a freaking balloon gimme gimme I'll come off it formation of that we have to restrict the army even further no how can this nation function I have a cunning plan if I retreat then try and counter-attack because they'll try and occupy my territory won't they you'll see you'll all see I will if I have to spend this entire video trying to take down Yemen you bet that's what you're gonna watch if you're still watching yes we're pushing them back from whence they came oh my god freaking go come on just keep attacking just keep attacking just keep attacking just keep attacking come on come on whoa whoa come on just keep doing it keep doing it while they're in the back foot yes oh my f no keep attacking you frickin Falls don't give them a chance to frickin recover you freakin morons solicit foreign donations sure I will take your money I will take anyone's money back me on patreon no I'm computing machines in 1907 and they said the Ottomans were a backwater how dare you I'm not a sick man of Europe you're a sick man oh they freaking reinforce themselves the frickin I am sacrificing so many troops to make only six thousand that's alright come on come on come on come on screen the neighbors the neighbors what must the neighbors wonder like what Weissach and I've spoken to the neighbors and they definitely know what I look like so if there's wondering like why the heck is he shouting all the time well I plain map games for a living [Applause] this stick way too much time but we finally done it I hope I've taken the M in you all thought it couldn't be done well I just showed you what a bunch of incorrect people you are and we shall leave it at that only for our me experience out of that whole freaking thing though the second Congress of ottoman opposition alpha pity's sake a stronger economy here we go is that it one civilian factory so I I can't do anything and I've run out of focuses to do there also I don't believe there's yep so theorists haven't been added I mean I could change my economy to partial Mobe but then you're not actually able to do any kind of war focuses which is a bit frustrating to say the least so I could manually add tension to see if we can have a few more I'm just gonna let this run for a little while but yeah there's no there's no real way for me to get rid of any of these things so the mod is definitely in just a very basic state they say it's in a sandbox state but without being able to generate tension you can't do anything if there are any mods by the way that you want me to cover do let me know in in the comment OHS below I think I've done everything that the Ottomans can do so I think it might be best if I gave Italy a try so at least we're trying a few nations and you can kind of see what's what's the happy HAP's what's going down town Kingdom of Italy for centuries Italy was considered a geographic expression rather than a country in the mid 19th century a unification movement led by Sardinia pediment succeeded in establishing the Kingdom of Italy however sandwich sandwiched oh okay well what do we have outdated railways legacy of a doer and the aftermath of the I can't really say that in a video let's go I'm just trying they're out nations now so there aren't the major debuff that you get with the Ottomans it seems just some and I imagine we've probably got a fair amount of stability in fact - okay countries in 1905 suck we do have quite a number of military factories though naval bomber ones sure I know let's build some freakin naval bombers off like the Kingdom of Italy blank an interesting situation for sure add the memorandum we shall consider it of course of course we have a month to make up our mind the state of the colonies we have a lot to do yes we do show me the decisions that's the only national focus we can do but then if I end the been 'dear society so we get direct control and we exert yep then we expand the murdered e ckio port nationwide strike Oh brilliant I thought that was the French that did that not the Italians oh gee Lottie resigns okay sure well white tit or knee okay twelve day governments fallen now we can move on to ah ha ha ha maybe oh okay so maybe with Greece I just didn't play for long enough and it could week maybe could have unlocked more of a focus tree cuz now this side has been unlocked I didn't actually know that that would happen okay we contain Oh in infrastructural crisis it's just one thing after another in 20th century Europe isn't it go deal with the radicals yes get a loot get a boat the first flight of the italia airstrip airship nourish dealing with the radicals i could give some concessions the right to strike why do people want rights can't believe I just said that Allah if you're wondering in my videos everything I say is is meant for human purposes just FYI I'm sure you all realize that by now so when I say oh the French strike that's just me having a little joke but look at their economy just like the US stock market whoa Xing see it's all funny with billionaires losing all their money and then asking for bailouts and the common person just being forgotten about no it's not 1905 is 2020 nice oh my gosh shut up Alex fund the management of the FS we will collect five million lira that's tasty so all this is just trying to get your economy back on track right earthquake in Calabria a disaster but it doesn't give me any D buffs at the moment oh boy the sulphur miners strike okay justjust just got the earthquake going on - I need six million lira to do that can't I just print more surely I should just be allowed to print more that's how economies work right if you're having a bit of a problem then you can just just just just just print more money that's never gone wrong in the history of the world that is also a joke oh and now more workers are striking for God's sake what I don't know what video that I don't I don't know what I draw these things up so I guess I'll just do eeny Meeny [Music] that's there to go eeny meeny miny moe down all right all right Vesuvio erupts a fascinating phenomenon mmm the room and cadet strike there cadets what how are they allowed to strike at you having a freakin giraffe what okay so what I'm gonna keep doing Fortis resigns okay freakin hell shall we deal with them deal with the Nationalists or deal with the Republicans oh let's go with the Nationalists ouch are we and then we'll initiate the pacification of the Somali Kanodia Turin tram drivers strike oh god damn the tram drivers okay food dish i Adela Kamala it's pretty good Italian Fortas resigns again so the focus tree has just reset oh no no we've got a new a new focus tree it govern arrows Soniyo let's see if it goes any better for him what is happening let's focus on the sale shall we build your own up billiard on up now supported the socialist support of the radicals and then Southern Railway it's commissioned oh the rice planters are striking what would it take to get people under control fools how many strikes am i having the right to strike is a terrible idea so now we've run out of so someone else is resigned again and now we have another oh my gosh look who's back okay so then we get stability back what's the white eye is Italy such a mess oh oh oh the strikes are dying down fantastic nice inauguration of the goof is that the third galati government Wow yeah so this this does seem like a politic simulator now rather than conquests simulated I can't justify on anyone no wars are happening I mean kerfuffles damn Wow okay so this so it goes badly for a few years and then now everything's going really well that's just that's alright I can deal with that never mind people are still striking stop striking oh oh oh oh I can push to de nanรฃ so let's go and push it so in 50 days that'll be occupied 12-hour workday increasing the minimum wage how dare people have a minimum wage what officially form Italian Somalia yeah what you gonna do 12-hour workday I guess fine people may have a workday okay occupy Mirko 175 days there there are so many pop ups that happen all the time it's quite baffling oh sure we will remove national spirit Mehdi really Oh sumo sumo but then we get that nice oh my god what are these agitators and stuff but I just can't get good stability it's redonkulous read don't kill Alf brilliant and a disaster but everything bad that can happen will happen to you on this mod so it appears what you've had today in this video is event simulator where just events and stuff pop up all the time you haven't really had any conquest because you actually can't I can't justify like what what the Frick I'm not even building military factories why am I getting them occupy a foggy nice and then once that's done we can force the submission of the Galardi so we just need a few more political power of course my stability is dire Wow I just want to see if we can actually get this colony done before something else terrible happens oh they submit okay so they're a puppet now but we still don't oh okay another earthquake brilliant all right I think we've established that there isn't really too much to do in this odd at the moment I mean you could send in the army eventually emergency laws and trying forms and more colonies but I think that's where I'm gonna leave it today if I can't have a kerfuffle with any nations then I get there then then then I'm gonna just wait until the mod is updated a bit more but if you did enjoy seeing hopefully this is entertaining right see me click on events that's got to be entertaining but if you want to see more hearts of iron please do comment like and subscribe if you want some a new a new flavor of content in your life go and subscribe to atomic nerd my new second channel but until next time toodaloo many thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wire green zechariah Mosby Guzzi dibs ya boy Warren back cookie day falcon ryan name name 1 2 3 1 Aidan shear jiggly crotch juice beef Sean Young and Logan wavy for being ridiculous round as a porters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons do [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 166,534
Rating: 4.8962998 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 la resistance, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hoi4 the coming storm, hoi4 mod, hearts of iron iv mod, new funny hoi4, funny hoi4 mods, isorrowproductions hoi4, spiffing brit, drew durnil, hearts of iron 4 germany, hearts of iron 4 ottoman empire, hearts, of, iron, four
Id: OOQM5vqptPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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