We've Fallen Down the Vtuber Rabbit Hole | Trash Taste #18

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I can't wait for the eventual crossover with Trash Taste and Hololive. The stars are aligning

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CartoonMonster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

We grow closer to seeing Coco on trash taste

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tetsmega πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gigguk low key is why I got into Vtubers - on one of the first few Trash Taste episodes he made a comment about how he got caught simping to Korone I believe so they joked about it a bit.

Thanks to them I now catch Korone, Miko, and Coco content whenever I can.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DurandalJoyeuse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The plot thickens.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jargohor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Next trash taste episode out and its about hololive. Sweet ill be back in 2 hours. Between this and gigguk were going to be getting alot of new fans

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wojo1988 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought they fell some time ago? I know Gigguk has been popping in and out streams a lot.

Always nice to have more people anyway, and those willing to share their descent into the depths that is Hololive. Let's pull down some more!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SomeStupidPerson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Who's your best girl? Who's your wife, Connor? - Yeah. - Yeah. That's it. - No, because this is you can't do that, that's a loaded question. - If he can't answer within five seconds then you don't have a wife yet. - No, that's like saying what's your favorite genocide? There's no, someone's gonna be angry like. (all laugh) (soft upbeat music) Hi, I'm the boy of the cDawgvariety and today I'm with Jesus the carpenter man he just built two chairs and Garnt. Just Garnt. - Yeah. (all laugh) - Just Garnt? - Just Garnt. Well, do you want something else? - The Garnt the guy who did not build two chairs. I'm just tired for no reason. - We've been building up an office you can't see it but yeah, there'll be some live streams. - We? Did you build two chairs? - Yeah, I did what every good white man, watch the brown man. - Wow. (all laugh) - I was just sitting in the corner on Twitter and I was like, you guys got this. - Yeah you guys got this. - I remember where they were building the pyramids and there was one guy in the corner on Twitter. (all laugh) - I was like the epitome of I'm helping. - Yeah, you're helping. - Moral support. - It was labeling things. We should cut off that shit that we just spoke about, this is a very inefficient interrupt, all right? Garnt, what are we talking about today? - I don't know, what are we talking about today? (chuckles) Well, basically the only like new current topic I can think of - At the time we're recording, of course. - at the time we're recording this is this week Hololive English just got announced basically. (laughs) What? - Okay, no just. - What are you laughing? Why is that is it funny? - I don't know, is just that if anyone's gonna start topic, it's Garnt. (laughs) - Of course. I've been following Hololive for a while. And this week, or maybe was it last week or this week that Hololive English got announced? And everyone's had their debut. And then Twitter just exploded. Oh, my God. - Yeah, yeah. - Like I was in the Hololive community before. So I knew the usual suspects, whose suspects would be talking about VTubers. - Right. - But within the last week, like my entire feed has just been VTubers. And it's not just Hololive VTubers, - Right. - Fucking everyone's coming out as a VTuber right now. - Everyone is turning into a VTuber. - Yeah, I don't know what it is. And I'm right there with you because I am a... It's like coming out about benediction. Because it's like, I'm sorry but I have recently fallen into the Vtube hole myself. - Yeah. - The Hololive hole and I can't get out. - When you made that tweet, it was like the proud father who had just found out his son had like won the baseball game or something. That's how I felt reading the tweet man. - I don't know dad, I didn't feel like I was winning. - I'm glad to accept we had a nice variation of opinions on the topic is 'cause Garnt, has been like the old boomer simp. (laughs) - The boomer simp of Hololive. - He's been simping since the first crumb of Hololive existed we just got into it. And I feel like an alien who's just come to earth for the first time and has just found out about a religion he's like, wait, so you will just believe in this book? (Garnt and Joey laugh) Just take it 100% you'll just follow it. - Yes. - Give your money to this book. - It is a religion at this point. - Yeah, I'm the altar boy and he's the pope. - So I felt like I didn't get it before and now I feel like I must be like doing like something is wrong with me. - No, because-- - I'm like the only person who's just standing being like, so everyone's into this, everyone likes this. - No, I was there with you, right? And then I don't even know how it even started. - Yeah. - I think it's because I was just curious, because this guy won't shut the fuck UP. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - So I'm like, all right. All right, I'll give it a go. Like I've worked with VTubers in the past, right? - Yeah. - Kizuna Ai. I worked with her and stuff. So I'm like, all right. Let me see what the stream of variety is. - Yeah. And I looked at Wan.. An hour passed. - That's all it takes. - And then two hours passed. And then three hours passed and I said oh no. I've fallen and I can't get up. (laughs) - I've watched like a lot of the clips because they come at my recommended it's like, someone someone says the N word. (laughs) - I think that's how it got viral in the first place. - Yeah. - How I fell into the hole was like, there would be some clip that someone had read. - It was always the GTA one there's like a compilation - Yeah. - The (indistinct) - Just like just like why is like these anime girls dropping the N bomb. (laughs) Like what is that about? - I don't remember that episode of Madoka Magica. (laughs) - And then after that, it would be like that they would jump like the F bomb and then they would just be like anime girls swearing. And then eventually, I was like curious and then saw one clip, it was one clip that got recommended to me. And it was well one of the Hololive VTubers, Fubuki singing Scatman. (laughs) And it's just this Hololive girl like singing Scatman. - That sound pretty good. That sounds pretty fun. - It's adorable as fuck, right? And she does like a lot of covers. And then it was one video, one video. And then after I watched that one video, YouTube recommended was like--- - Allow us to introduce ourself. - Yo, you like this shit? Yo, we got all this shit right here. - YouTube recommendations very turned into like the back alley of like crack deal, all right. I was just like, you want more? I got some more for you. - The worst is when Youtube like autoplays video you did not wanna watch. And then it will not stop recommending that channel. I never intended for this to happen. Stop, stop this right now. - Yeah, cause the difference between just watching that one channel and having YouTube recommend this entire just one channel. Like with VTubers, it's watching one VTuber, and then it's just a load of other clips on other different channels. - Yeah. - That just get recommended to you all at once. I don't know what it is about the algorithm. But I feel like if you just watch one, your lost. - They kind of did it in a genius way because almost all of the Hololive members, they almost always collab with one another as well. - Yeah, I've seen that, yeah. - So it's just perfectly built to just get once you start with one. Then you see that one post in you're into collab with another one. You're like, oh, okay, let me check this one out. And then like tree branches, just keep growing out until you're way too deep. - To explain what virtual YouTube is... (indistinct) - Let's first explain what virtual Youtubers is to an audience, to some people who probably don't know what virtual YouTubers are. - In case you're watching this from 2012. - Exactly. So to basically explain, to put it in the simplest terms, it's basically real people who rigged themselves up with an anime avatar. And they just make content whether it be streaming or YouTube content. Now Now it's more about live streaming. I would say like the first real big VTuber, is Kizuna Ai. As you probably know or not do not know. But now I feel like the content is grown so far away from what the content was before with Kizuna Ai leading the charge. Because I felt like before it was all about making just just like YouTube comments, not YouTube content. - Content, yeah. - And now it's more like it's less scripted. It's less scripted. And it's more about live streaming stuff. And I actually prefer that. I don't know about you, because I never really got into VTubers before hololive came along and really kind of just took over the entire scene, right? - I mean, there was a part of me that when before and after I did work with Kizuna Ai, there was a time where I really did get into the YouTuber side of things as well because I found Kizuna Ai and then I found like some of the other big ones like Shiro and Kabhi Audrina and stuff like that. Yeah, they're all of them are like really entertaining. There's a lot of really entertaining VTubers out there. But the problem is that the content is just so confined, like an average Kizuna Ai videos like three minutes long. It's really really short even though it's a daily upload, but now you have Hololive and Nijisanji and these other like big YouTube stream of VTube, like organizations that stream for like two three hours daily. - Okay. - So it's just constant constant feed of content. - As somebody who doesn't really know anything about it. - Yeah. - Why is it not just Virtual Youtuber. Why does it have the name Hololive? What's up with that? - Okay, so Hololive is just an agency. (indistinct) - Yeah, so they're basically an agency that have all these VTubers under this one roof and it's more like a branding thing, right? - You want your like talent to be under your name. - It's like we will have individual channels and they have Trash Tastes. It's not an agency but that's kind of like the best way I can describe it. - It's like back in the day when YouTubers, there were different types of gaming YouTubers, but then a lot of the gaming Youtubers will under the machinima like that. - Yeah. - Because there are other ones as well. There's Hololive I think the two big ones a Hololive and Nijisanji. - Yeah, right now. - Yeah, right now, but there's also all these other tiny, tiny individual agencies as well that have a bunch of different VTubers under their umbrella. - Yeah. - And yeah, it's just become like a branding now. - I mean, I guess to play devil's advocate. (chuckles) I gotta fucking bust up(indistinct) What did he ask? What stops it from just being more than a gimmick to you guys? - I mean, it was a gimmick. - I mean, like I said, Okay, the way I see is just a new genre of content, right? Because there's there's just something about VTubers that they're not, you don't see them as like, real life streamers even though there's a someone that someone behind the avatar, right? So there is someone operating it but it's not you don't view them as that person, but you don't also view them as a complete anime character as well. So it like fits in this little gray area. The best way I can.. (indistinct) - It's a little bit creepy. - The best way I can describe it, it's it's kind of like wrestling right? Where wrestling fans. They know that the people are like, acting. They know Wrestling's fake, but they still buy into it anyway, right? And it's basically wrestling(indistinct) - It's like a whole life is interesting because from the little that I've seen so far, that the characters are really human like when you when you listen to them, yes, they're obviously playing and acting up this character and this entire law behind the character. But then every now and then the human part of them slips out. - Right. - And that is kind of charming to watch because. - I can imagine yeah, I've seen clips of, like, stuff like that happening. I remember what it was, yeah, they like, break character for a second. - Yeah. So it's basically like the best of both worlds. - So like, I don't I don't feel like it's a gimmick, because the more I've gotten into it, the more I'm just like, man I can't really get this kind of entertainment anywhere else. And that's why I've become so addicted to VTubers is because I could never really get into live streams. I know, you've you've been really, really into live streamers. I appreciate the work they do. I've just never been a guy who could sit and watch live streams for hours. I've always thought like-- - Yeah, I don't really watch them for hours. It's mainly like-- - It depends on the streamer right? - Yeah. Depends on the stream what's happening. It's very much like, I'll see what they're up to, maybe watch 10 minutes and go do something else. Yeah, I don't really watch streams and sit there. I haven't really done that years. - Yeah. - But I don't know. I used to... I don't know why I can't really get into it. Like I watched the clips. I find them funny, but I feel no desire at all to like, follow them around. - Do you think it's the language barrier for you? - No, no, I don't think so. I think that's really, I mean, especially there's English ones now. I checked out most of them. Because I was like, well, I wanna see if there's one I like because everyone's just like, well, it's easy to find one you like. - Yeah. - But when you don't like like one. It's like, no, no. But I feel like that some people would say about like, you should find a woman you like, (laughs) It's kind of like that. - Yeah, because there are like so many VTubers now that I'm pretty sure there's a VTuber for everyone. Because that's how-- - There's something for everyone. - A little something for everyone - That's how you get into it, right? Because a lot of the times, like with Joey Yeah, people didn't know why people go into it. - I never understood it until I found the couple of VTubers where I'm like, okay, I can vibe with this person. - Yeah, yeah. - cause for me when Kizuna Ai blew up, I'm like, I respect the character and everything, but it just wasn't my kind of content. And I thought it was just a really cool concept. But now, even if you don't, even if you have some certain VTubers that aren't your favorite, there's gonna be one that you like, man, I didn't think I was a simp. But I think I'm about to simp man. (laughs) - I just like this. I enjoy watching some like, here's the iron mouse on Twitch. I watched her about she's pretty funny. - Yeah. - But like, I wouldn't like say I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna simp, you know what I mean? - Simp is a strong word. But I mean, like, you can have fun. - I can watch the streams and enjoy them. Yeah, but I see people on Twitter and they're like fucking like, it's like life or death. - Oh, yeah. - Like, you got an email from someone, right? That one time. That was like, you wanna talk about that? - Yeah, I guess I got an email from someone who was like, basically trying to get me to teach the VTuber advocates to like people, like English speaking fans who watch VTubers, right? And I was just like, man, I ain't getting involved in this. - What do you mean? Like they're not following etiquette or something? - Yeah, I can just chat shit while Garnt pulls up the email for a moment. - Yeah. I mean, I guess I get them. Maybe they don't understand. Like, the whole simping thing. - Yeah, I guess like with Hololive, it's not that I don't necessarily like enjoy or anything. I do enjoy what I like, I guess it's one of those things where when you don't feel nearly as strongly as other people do. It's kind of alienating. Oh, because I wanna enjoy it. But then I feel like am I enjoying it right? Because everyone else seems to be so fucking aggressive about this. - But that's the thing, right? Is that when I first started watching it, and this was only like three or four days ago, like fully started to get into it, I just watched it like just to check it out right? Just like any streamer would, and you obviously miss all of these inside jokes that are within the community, but then the more you watch them and the more clips you watch them you like, okay, so that means that like, okay, I'm trying to I'm slowly starting to understand, like, the general flow of how this particular VTuber interact with their audience, and I'm like, okay, I either can get into that or I can't get into that. - Yeah, that's that's why they call it a rabbit hole, right? Because there's so much content out there, that this whole that you fall into it, there's no reaching the bottom. And the reason there's no reaching the bottom is because there is no way that one person can catch up with all the content out there right now. Even if it's just like, even if you just follow Hololive Japan even that there's so many VTubers that there's no way you can keep up with everything that's going on. - I mean, it's hard to catch up with just one VTuber right because yeah, most of these VTubers are streaming three, four hours a day. - Sounds like a normal streamer though, like they stream jokes they streaming a lot. - But like what I found is that with the couple of VTubers that I have found we've really enjoyed, they could literally be doing anything and they just really entertaining and that's really hard to find in any streamer like VTuber alone. - I can name a few streamers off the top my head that are pure entertainment. - Yeah, of course. I know a few as well but there's something, there's a different quality that VTuber brings I feel that a live action streamer can't really... - Live action! (laughs) - 3D streamer - Disgusting 3D. - It's like the Netflix live action adaptation. (laughs) - Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. I like the anime version. I don't dig the Netflix adaptation. (chuckles) - I don't know, I don't wanna say too much because I think people will just be like Connor just doesn't get it so but like, I don't know, to me at the moment at least maybe next week I'll come on the podcast and be like, gentlemen, I've changed my mind. - Yeah, I mean, like, what do you think about basically has your feed been like-- - Oh, yeah its been a little-- - It's been decimated by VTubers. - Yeah. - Cause I mean, I think is we're right on the cusp of it, like kind of becoming mainstream in English audiences, right? - Because everyone's trying to be a VTuber. - I think the next few months will be crucial in determining whether it's gonna be a thing that sticks around. - Yeah, yeah, - It'll be a phase of... - Yeah, because I remember like, I was very very surprised when Pokemon came out with a Vtube avatar. - Yeah. - And I know like Lily Picchu is about to debut her avatar, which probably will be debuted by the time. - Like debuting avatar. Guys, I'm gonna release it. - You gotta tune in to the debut. That's what it's all about. - See that's the thing-- - Okay, that is cool. I'll admit, that's kind of cool. - It's how to build up hype. And it's part of like the law, which is why I feel like, which is why I feel like Hollolive English really did this super well, because they debuted everyone at once it became this massive event. And everyone's talking about it now. And everyone paid attention. And now like, all of Western Twitter and like Western streaming communities will take-- - Like anime fandom is really like our attacker. - I feel like it's even going out to that now. - Yeah, I think it's out of that. - Yeah, I've seen like, plenty of tweets from a lot of big streamers who are like, what's this VTuber thing about? Shall I get an avatar? Yeah, I'm thinking about getting an avatar. - It's mainstream internet then? - Yeah. - Yeah, I think so. - Yeah. I think just like the general, the younger audience. - So when you're watching these YouTubers, the VTubers, sorry. Do you don't wanna like because to me, I find what's super interesting about streamers is the person and yeah, everything about them. And like, what they choose to show. - Yeah. - And perhaps maybe they have a really interesting like life before streaming. Like, to me, I find the human aspects so entertaining and that's I think that's the reason why I connect so much more with documentaries and fiction. Yeah, I think real life is just so fucking interesting. Because, you can't make this shit up. Like the stuff that happens in real life is so much more insane than what happens in someone's like, fiction-- - I think-- - And I wonder why you don't like when you see a VTuber. Like when I watch VTuber, all I'm thinking is like, I wonder what the real person's like, I wanna see I wanna like talk to them. I wanna-- - I think though, that whole thing just isn't-- - It's completely covered by just the law as a character. - Yeah. - And like how they present themselves as a character is just so entertaining that you almost forget. Oh, shit, there's a person behind this. - I guess it's why I could never really get into wrestling either. I never really cared about that. - I never got into wrestling either. (indistinct) - I'm sure there's someone can explain it some fucking PhD in the comment. - Yeah. - As they always fucking explain it to me, but I have no idea why I just can't connect with the avatars. I think again, like it's funny the way that like a clown dancing in front of me will make me laugh. Yeah, like that's cool. - Here's the way I view it. Because the reason I go and see VTuber was this modern day iteration is VTube is because someone like Kizuna Ai, I saw completely as a character. - Like, I have no interest in Kizuna Ai. - Yeah, like, I saw her completely as a character. And what kind of drew me to Hololive VTubers, was that it felt like they did have a personality behind them. That was you-- - There definitely is. I've seen it, right. - Yeah. Because you have times when they talk about it's past stories about what they did as a kid and some aspects. - I've seen one of the Japanese ones always telling stories. - Yeah. - The green-haired one. I don't know what the fuck is. (laughs) - I'll try and find it(indistinct) - But that's the thing, right? Is that the difference between the VTuber YouTubers Versus the VTuber streamers is that almost all of the VTubers YouTubers, were entirely scripted. So it was very difficult. They were really controlled, like they were controlled as to how much of themselves (indistinct) - But it's weird, right? Because the streamers a not scripted, right? Because it's a live stream. So they actually have a lot more flexibility in what they can show of how much of a person they are or how much of a character they. Like, I remember I saw recently, there was a clip of one of the characters who... The Laurel of her character is that she's like in her teens, but then the character, who has a voice in the character slipped out a little bit being like, yeah, as a late 20 year old and people in the chat when like late 20s. You're in your teens? (laughs) Yeah, yeah. I'm in my teens. Yeah, yeah, sorry. I didn't mean that. - Dumb teenagers. - But then as the community was egging her on about, like late 20s she just completely just gave up and was like, yeah, I'm in my late 20s, fuck it and she just rolled with it. And that side was like very human and very entertaining. - Which is why I feel like I was saying they exist in a place between being a character and being a human. It's just really weird. - I think that streamers do that there as well. Like, I mean, like, (indistinct) - But they ain't cute anime girls, are they? - Tyler1 is pretty cute. (laughs) Like, everyone knows I fucking love Tyler1. I think Tyler1 is such a fucking, amazing natural entertainer and like for example, the age thing, he's got the whole I'm six foot five and he has a whole fake ruler. Yeah pulls out in the stream. He's just like, obviously like five foot. - Yeah. - But that's like that's like the same kind of thing right? It's almost WWE in that aspect but he's obviously not that fucking insane in real life. No one can be. (indistinct) - But like the only difference between that is a fucking add a cute anime girl in between that, right? (indistinct) - To me it's like almost scarily impressive how someone who's on camera constantly can keep up this act, like-- - It is impressive. It is super impressive. - I think live stream is a fucking psychopath. (laughs) - I don't know what it'd have to be. - Because you have that beautiful thing of like when you have the Hololive, it's doing the work for you. You just gotta put the voice, which is easy. - I say that as a YouTube creator with total fucking respect. - Yeah. - I have no idea how you guys fucking do that. - I don't know how 'cause two hours of streaming and I start to like lose my energy. - Yeah. - How Tyler1 can be screaming for 12 hours? I don't know. - I don't get it. - Like after I'm like streaming for two hours, two hours is like my limits, anything off past two hours I'm like pushing... I'm like running on empty. - Yeah. - Whenever I stream I press like the end stream button and I go my couch and I collapse, after two fucking hours. - It is really fucking tiring and we have we all have friends that can do fucking eight nine hour streams daily. I'm just like, how do you do that shit? - I fucking left my stream on the other day when I thought I turned it off. - Really? - I left my house and then some people were tweeting me like, yo, your stream still on bro. And I'm like what? I checked and it was just on. (laughs) I looked at like the final 10 minutes before I left. - Yeah. - And like I go like bye guys. (laughs) You guys can go and see this. I don't know what the-- - At least you didn't like jerk off on stream. (laughs) (indistinct) - Like could you imagine, if I was just like done (indistinct) (laughs) Like that's just my thing when I'm done. - Just stand up and the dick just flopping out. - God, I just hate that group of people. (laughs) Okay, Tyler1 become a VTuber dude, just I'm saying that that would be fucking insane. We need a VTuber that screams like Tyler1, bro. - I mean, there's a lot fucking Japanese-- (indistinct) - You obviously have not seen some VTubers that fucking blow off your ears. - Oh my God. - Dude, it's the muscles combined with it that just adds to the character building, that's the real 3D model. (indistinct) (laughs) - I wanna fuck Tyler1. (laughs) - You just wanna simp Tyler1. (indistinct) (laughs) - Apes together strong. - Apes together strong. (laughs) Okay, and as well like I think there's a... I don't know if this is just me, right? But it's the reason why I can't like enjoy certain things. Okay, I wanna make this very clear before people get angry at me because I know people do. Because I'm like, kind of doesn't like all the live kind of hates all this. I'm interested in other aspects. And I think blindly just being like, yeah, I fucking love this thing is fucking boring. We wanna have a discussion here. - Yeah, of course. - It's a Japanese company, right, Hololive? - Yeah. - Let's be honest. I'm pretty curious about that cop. I wanna know what it is. I wanna know what that contract is like 'cause I guarantee that it is skewed towards the Japanese. - Yeah it's probably like machinima quality right? - I'm betting it's a Machinima Com. Yeah, we're talking like, I would be genuinely surprised if the creator was getting 30% or more. If they were getting more than 20%, I would probably call bullshit. - Right? - I think they're getting anywhere between 20 and 10%. Again, this is just speculation, like, I just know-- - It's a very big possibility. - 'Cause you've got approached by a Japanese YouTube agency before right? - Many times, yeah. - And they were offering similar costs. - Absolutely garbage. - Like what was the lowest one you've received? - The lowest one I received was 70/30. But 70 to the company, 30 to me. - That's how it is. But you were already established at that point which is disgusting. - Yeah, it's ridiculous. I think I had like, almost 2 million subs. It was it was not that long ago, sometime last year. - It's really rare for an... Especially if you're an established talent. - Yeah, right. - So this is this the kind of numbers that you were probably getting pitched by Japanese company who realized you were established. - Yeah. - Can you imagine when you're not established? - Yeah. - Like what numbers they're going to be pitching you? - All right. - And I know, I know him likes to do that, right? 'Cause it's like, would you focus on the character, the entertainer, they're having fun, they like it. And it's like, when you're new, you don't know what's good. Like, I've spoken to many YouTubers, who I have personally, like, helped with deals who would they were getting paid like $1,000 for like sponsorship (indistinct) 10 times that, right? Just because they're happy with the deal doesn't make it okay. - Yeah. - Like, I wonder if... Again, it could be a totally fair deal. I don't know. I just, I would like to know, just 'cause it makes me worried. - Well, I guess this goes into like, just the darker side of idol industry period. - 'Cause it's not only a Japanese company, it's a Japanese idol company. And we (indistinct) - That shit is fucked yeah. - And I'm interested to see, we'll never find out. But I would love to know the rules of that they're under. - Well, I don't know because I feel like with-- - I'd like to think it's modern. - Yeah, I would also like to think it's modern. (indistinct) - I mean, this is all speculation so none of us know what kind of deal the talent has going on. - It could be completely fucking wrong and yeah to complete(indistinct) I fully apologize for that if I am. I'm just going off base off experience and what I know. - You're just playing devil's advocate. - Yeah. I mean, get on with what you're saying. - Yeah, because it feels like to me just part of the reason that Hololive rose up so much in the beginning was because compared to other let's say idol agencies and idol companies, it's like part of it was that they just kinda let the girls do whatever the fuck they want with less restrictions. I mean like most idol companies don't allow girls to fucking swear or like tell other girls are gonna piss on each other which is like one of one of like (indistinct) (indistinct) - The reason the Hololive expanded so much in our community was just how much they were allowed to shitpost and how much free-- - Yeah, but I wonder if there's somebody at the charge of it, who's like, alright, let them shitpost and we'll keep the profit. (laughs) - This episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by Skillshare. - [Connor] Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people. Explore new skills, deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity. - [Garnt] Skillshare offers membership with meaning, with so much to explore real projects to create and the support of fellow creatives. Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth. Skillshare offers creative classes designed for real life and all the circumstances that come with it. These lessons can help you stay inspired, express yourself and introduce yourself to a community of millions. At a time when so many important conversations are happening in our world, your voice is more essential than ever. So explore classes to unlock your creativity for social good. - So one of the classes that I took was the Adobe Photoshop CC-Essentials Training Course by Daniel Scott, an Adobe certified trainer. My thumbnails will ask for so long and I was sponsored by Skillshare called like a year or two ago now. And they gave me membership for a year and I used it to get better at Photoshop 'cause Photoshop is a fucking nightmare. - If you wanna be a YouTuber, there's so many classes on there. Just improve your content, including like the editing software as well. - Yeah, like if you wanna do voice acting, for example, I really highly recommend learning audition. And there's tons of ways to learn that on there. And it because it is a complicated software, but it's great. I highly recommend it. - Skillshare is also incredibly affordable, especially when compared to pricey in person classes and workshops. An annual subscription is less than $10 a month. - Explore your creativity today@skillshare.com/trashtaste and the first 1000 people to use our link, will get a free trial of Skillshare premium membership. - God damn that's a deal gone. That is skillshare.com/trashtaste. So go to the description right now and go check out Skillshare. - Thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this episode, back to the video. - I almost wonder because you have to... Correct me if I'm wrong, you have to audition for Hololive, right? - Yeah. - And I feel like when these positions in this company where it's like you have to audition for us, they can kind of use that power even then to force you to take a shitty deal. It's like, it's 90/10% but, you know, what's 10% when you're nobody, we can make you into somebody. - I mean it's also the argument of if you're signing with the agency, you're gonna get so much publicity. Becaus of how massive HoloLive is. Like with the English VTubers that this just debut, every one of them has like got over 100k subs, just like before they even started streaming and I'm now they're putting in like, I remember I was watching Mari stream yesterday and she was putting in over like 30K concurrent viewers streaming. - Yeah. - And you just don't get that starting out by yourself as independent. That's something you grow over years. - I'd be interested to see if that keeps up as well. Yeah, but I agree. I mean, you could argue that okay, even if they are getting a bad car, well, they're getting a free career. So they should be happy with what the company gives. - I'm sure as well with how powerful and like willing Hololive is now in these agencies are. I'm sure that if they wanna go into like say, a lot of them are like aspiring voice actors. A lot of them are like aspiring like that kind of stuff. I'm sure getting into Hololive is just a quick shortcut to getting to-- - I'm totally open and happy if I'm wrong. I hope that it's an amazing fucking deal. 'Cause when was is it? Like Coco had the most, what was it? - She was like the highest earning super chat user in the world. Like since debuting the art school, I think she'd like earned over like 800 or $900,000 which is fucking insane. - And like I hope most of that's going to her. Like she deserves that. She's the one that doing all the work for building this character. She deserves that money. I'm hoping that they get that. - 'Cause the thing about especially Hololive talent is that everyone is extremely talented. They obviously can hold a stream really well, but a lot of it has other other talents above that as well. - A lot of them do like a lot of like, covers and stuff like that. A lot of them do like singing stuff and voice acting stuff. - It's fucking awesome. - (indistinct) is a fucking pro Tetris player or something? - Yeah. - Morrigan like, she just released a song the other day. That's like fucking... (indistinct) - She's so talented. (laughs) - I'm so proud of her, man. - God opens up and just smiles at the lock screen. I'm so proud of you, honey. (laughs) - Move the picture of the fucking Vtube (indistinct) (laughs) Like when Sydney walks in, fucking change the tab. (laughs) It's Sydney (indistinct), I mean, again-- - I'm just trying to like sell them because I feel like couldn't get why I don't wanna get into VTubers until I got into VTubers. And now it's really fucking entertaining. I really wanna talk about how... The reason I'm so obsessed with them is because it's just a kind of entertainment I couldn't find anywhere else. - Yeah, I agree, it's definitely. Yeah, I guess 'cause like when I hear about it, and all of it, immediately my mind is like, I wanna know how this works. Like that's immediately what I wanna know. I only have an interesting anything else. I'm like, this organization sounds so unique. Like, I wanna know how all this works. How do you decide the cuts? How do you decide what rules they have and whatnot? That's so interesting, - Because I feel like that's why a lot of people got like mad at Pokimane when she debuted her Vtuber-- (indistinct) - Which I think is fucking dumb that we're fucking gate keeping people putting an anime avatar themselves like, come on guys. - Gate keeping is already fucking dumb, let alone this kind of gatekeeping. - I think what that stems from is the appeal of Vtubers like Hololive is completely different from just a normal stream like putting an anime avatar above them. Because like, it's that character thing I talked about where people don't view these people as people what they do, but they also don't view them as just a character as well. - I think it's also mainstream not mainstream, our live streaming was was so mainstream, like tuned into mainstream especially with Fortnite. I feel like everyone fucking live streams now. You're not special right? Cool, go and watch Fortnite right? Because this is something like you told me this. - Yeah, I heard from someone at Twitch. I don't know how accurate this is, but apparently, if you average over 10 viewers on Twitch per stream, you're in the top 10% of Twitch. - Jesus Christ. - I hope that's real. - If it's real, that's fucking crazy. - 'Cause every single console can live stream now. It's so fucking easy. (indistinct) - And so easy to like. It used to be like, you'd have a fucking beefy boy, when I'm streaming, right? So I feel like it was almost... At least I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong, right? That's what it felt like. It felt like this one thing that felt kind of unique in streaming was then mainstream-ified, then other people coming in. There's dirty IRL streamers coming in. - Those dirty normies coming into my circle. Taking over my anime girls? Nah, not today. (laughs) - I wish I could filter myself live, like in my photos. But I can't, so how about I just make myself beautiful? (laughs) - I'll just remake myself completely. - Yeah, I get it man, I'm lazy as fuck. I look ugly as fuck in half my streams bro, I wanna-- - I mean, hey, man, I'm already prepared to enjoy a couple of VTube streams when I get home tonight. So Joey, I gotta ask, who are your favorites? - All right, I'mma head out. (laughs) - Okay, so the first one I checked out was also Coco. Only because you fucking love her. - I love Coco. - And she's fucking great. I love her. But then I found (speaks in foreign language) - The best(indistinct) - I've seen so many clips, she's funny. - She's so fucking funny. - She's so cute. - She's so cute. She's so fucking cute. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - When I head pat her so bad. - Oh, the head patting. (laughs) - I wanna head pat her so bad. - I wanna reach into the screen so I can give her a head pat because she's such a good fucking-- - She's such a (indistinct) (laughs) - And then recently I also got into this other Vtuber, NiKoma Takorone, but she's got like the purple... She's a cat girl with purple hair. But I fucking love her because of her voice. She kind of has like a tomboy-ish voice. She kinda has like a Sawashiro Miyuki voice so a fucking like Celti's voice. She has that exact type of voice and I'm weak for that. - Wait, so if you can understand both English and Japanese fluent, which one? - What do you mean? Like with VTubes? Oh, Japanese for sure. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - How come? - Just 'cause I don't know the... I don't know, I must say you've ever say (indistinct) (laugh drowns out voice of speaker) - Even in Vtube-- - Joey leaves to an English speaking country, God it's just not the fucking (indistinct) - Drop that shit in Japanese. (laughs) (indistinct) - Can you believe that shit? - No because I'm very much like Seyu, I have a Seyu fetish, like a voice fetish. Like I love my fucking Seyus, and if there's like one-- - He's a Seyu simp. - I'm a Seyu simp like, you know, like anything that's voiced by like Sawashiro Miyuki or Kana Hanazawa, I just immediately fucking love because the voice and I feel with Vtube, it's kinda the same, but like... But that's the thing though, I found a few Hololives Japanese streamers who I really liked their voice, but their personality wasn't quite right for me, so it's just kind of finding that like perfect combination of voice and personality. And for me the top two right now are Korone and Ohaiyu. - Who should I watch to get into it? Who would you recommend for me to watch? I will watch it and I'll come back-- - What kind of like content are you looking for? Because there's so much... Is there a milf VTuber? (laughs) (indistinct) - 'Cause me and Joe you're playing this fucking arcade game. It's so fucking cool. It's like a huge pile of fucking men. It's so fucking badass and you have to pick like your wife who always talks to you when you tap your card. - It's like six different girls that you can choose from. - I'm like, dude milfs are always the hottest (indistinct) - He picked the milf and I picked the (indistinct) (laughs) - Why are you like masterpiece (indistinct) (laughs) - So I lock in the beautiful older lady and very nice. And I look on Joey, which one do you... It's the fucking 10 year old (indistinct) (mimics voice) (laughs) My fucking God-- - No she's a (indistinct) bro, it's the best. . - Oh my God, yeah, masterpiece is the best (indistinct) (laughs) - Yeah, we'll leave that for another episode. - Too many kid Hentais out there. - But that what do you enjoy and streamers, I should say, it's not just about the character-- - Or the monkey (indistinct) - Well no, because I didn't really enjoy watching XQC. But I love Tyler1 and I feel like that's so like close in terms of the kinda energy they have. - I don't know like, I definitely do think like, you're more into the kind of like buff-like, yo, let's go kinda guys. Like you love Tyler1, Tectone's our boy like-- - Shout out to Tectone. - Yeah, I feel like the kind of in the same realm, right? Of like energy levels. - I love watching small streamers. Like be people like four viewers. - Right. - Right. - Because you always get the most like... It's like you you get to watch someone who's live streaming who doesn't know how to live stream and in such an endearing way when you watch like a 10 year old playing Minecraft and like that talking to the chat as they've like learned from like ninja. You know what I mean? So they're replicating a big streamers behavior but like not quite right and it's really like uncanny. - From the sound of that then I don't think you can get into any Hololive VTuber, pretty fucking professional. - They're all big and they're all professionals. You might like some smaller like Indie VTubers. - Like I saw I saw a few of them that were like 2D and it was like 2D fishes moving and it was really janky and I was like, oh that's cute. (laughs) They didn't have enough money for the 3D. I don't know I felt bad. - They just use my face rig and shit. - It was like yeah like face rig but it didn't work properly. I felt really bad and I'm like, oh man, but it's really endearing. Yeah, I really love like watching viewers with like 20, 30 because they're kind of getting into the feel of it, but not quite there. Big streamers, Yeah Tyler1 is definitely my favorite, like even if I didn't like League of Legends, I think I just love him, like back when he was doing a variety streams, he was amazing stuff, like I think the Life of Tyler1 is one of the-- - Yeah, you showed me. - Is one of the best fucking YouTube videos out there. - That had to be one the greatest streams. I wish I saw that. - I wish I was there. Like if you haven't watched this video it's basically what he does like a whole movie, he reenacts it, like a budget movie. - That is like one of my favorite streams of all. - That's the kind of streams I wanna do. I wanna do like events. - Yeah. - Kind of like I wanna have a stream where it's like turn up something dumb is gonna happen. - Yeah. - Like please. Like, I wanna do more-- - Because like the way I see VTubers it's kind of like variety TV for me because everyone's doing something different, like one of my favorite streamers to watch because she just does some really random shit sometimes, just Akai Haato or (indistinct) And like what got me into her stuff is she's just like, she's just like pure chaos and degeneracy into one right. - That sounds good, I like that. - Yeah. - So this one time she was playing like get over it or something. And like out of nowhere she just like smells her feet because they like like stink or something, right? And then through that a meme started. And then what she did right after that. It's like one of the most current streams is that she asks her viewers to send in feet videos of just like, people doing like the strangest things with feet. And then she reviews them and it's just equally as hilarious and curse. - I'm gonna watch that. - That sounds disgusting, but really entertaining. - Yeah. And another one is that she starts reviewing her own lewds, right? - Oh like doujins of her? - Yeah, yeah, like rule 34. So she has like several tiers of like lewdness. And she posts like this black bar filter over like the pictures, so you can kind of see what's going on. And you're just watching an anime go review her own lewds. And I'm like this is paid content. Why am I even trying? Like this is content you cannot find anywhere else. - That is like more meta than recreated. - Can you send me a link to this, I'll watch it. Maybe I'll come in next week. And I'll be like, I wanna take all my opinions back. (laughs) - It's amazing. - Yeah. And it's just like entertaining. It's just stuff that real streamers can't get away with and then obviously, you got like people who are just really good at video games with an anime avatar. - But then there are some that are just fucking horrible at video games, and they just make it so fucking entertaining. Because it takes them like six hours to complete one level. And they just constantly they just trying, they're really just trying and struggling and that shit is just cute to watch. - Oh, fair enough. Okay, man. I'll give it a shot. I mean, I do wanna preface again, because I know some people can be so fucking salty. Yeah, I don't wanna... I don't hate VTubers. - He just doesn't understand it. - I haven't gotten into it yet. And I would like to play devil's advocate. - I was exactly like this last week. - Because if it's just the three of us talking around dicks and agreeing on something, it's not gonna be a very fun podcast. (laughs) I hate podcasts where like yeah, you've got a point. I agree. And then they also agree. - Then they nod their head for two minutes. - I can't fucking stand it. - I don't know I just feel like VTuber content is the natural progression to like anyone who really go into the Waifu culture. - Yeah. - Like we, like us. Like you that's so. - I mean, I've got I've gotten into it, but I guess I wonder why I haven't gone on the off the deep end yet. - I mean-- - Because you've never stepped in yet. - I mean, obviously you never went into the deep end with the Waifu culture, you just kind of like-- (indistinct) - Who's your best girl? Who's your Waifu Connor? - Yeah. - No, because this is... You you can't do... That's a loaded question. - If you can't answer within five seconds then you don't have a Waifu. - That's like saying what's your favorite genocide? There's no Waifu someone's gonna be angry like. (laughs) - That's the point of Waifus, man, you can't please anyone. - I can immediately answer that question. - Suzuhara. - Okay. - Because she's a goat, man. - Yeah she is, I agree. - Because I for some reason, I like... The whole rental girlfriend thing, sounds so fucking fun. I would love to do that job, that sounds fun. I would love to be in a situation to test my acting skills-- - Yeah. - To be someone else's like, to meet that grandma and have to cry. That sounds like fun. Does that make me psychotic? - A little bit. - That's kind of what you do on your YouTube. - Basically. - Yeah, I mean you just did it until I fucking series where you had a bunch of-- - I wasn't that series but I would love to like actually try and like fucking pretend and see like it would be believable. I don't know why that sounds fun to me. - Some people will definitely call that sociopathic. - Probably that's a little sociopathic. What was the point of this? Oh Suzuhara. (laughs) I think she's a goat, man. She's just a goat, man. - I fucking loves Suzuhara. - You just made a fucking video about her. - Yeah. - The point is genocide is bad. (laughs) Okay, when the whole Waifu culture, right? - Right. - Is it like a thing where when I would like I would fight for my favorite Waifu. - Yeah. - I felt like it was a thing where it was like, I genuinely like this character. But I'm putting on an act, like I don't actually care about them that much. Like, I figured that everyone was the same way. (indistinct) - This is why this we're both taken men. Like I'm getting fucking married next year. - Is this cause like your relationships aren't satisfying. Like, God I gotta find something else to just fill that void. - No, because I see Waifus in a totally different realm than I see real people. because I think like-- (laughs) - It has to be stated. (indistinct) I think it does. - I think people some people are like when they say, your 2D is better than 3D. Most people just say it is a gag. (indistinct) - I've met some people who are legitimately like, nah, fuck 3D women, 2D is the way to go. (indistinct) - Yeah, exactly. But we don't like that. We just say that as a fucking gag. - You've had your fill of the 3D you're not satisfied. - I like the idea of like, the Waifus or some of the Waifus. - What's the idea? - The idea that you can simp for them, but there's no actual repercussions for the simping. - I hate that the word simp has been invented. Because now it just it replaces all nuance of like explaining the feeling. - But here's the thing, you can simp for an actual real person, but you can't see... (laughs) But you can't simp for an anime character. Just that's just not how it works. But I think some people just tend to think like, yeah, I can simp an anime character. But you can't. They're not even real. - You can't simp if they don't exist. - You can't simp if they don't exist. - I guess like, I don't know why I just seemed, like I was under the impression that everyone was like, pretending to act like to feel this strongly about it. - No, I'm sure there are some people. - I thought that we were all just like, yeah, I'll kill you for them, I didn't think anyone actually was like serious about that. - No, I mean, I'm not serious about that. I mean, that's that's part of the fun of it. - We all agree that it's like-- (indistinct) - Did you think we won? - Wait, on what side? - Did you think we-- - Did you honestly think that if you said like, oh yeah Shinobu is shit that I would come out after you with a fucking knife. (laughs) - That's what you just said. I was under the impression that everyone was like, we're all pretending to feel this strongly. - We are serious but we're not like, I will fucking commit genocide. - It's not pretending because-- - You feel strongly, but it's not genuinely a strong emotion. - No. - I feel strongly about a fictional character. - About the act your putting on. - Yeah, we're committed to the media. - It's an act, right? Like this is what I'm saying. Like, I feel like I've met some people who can't turn that shit off and they don't know if it's an act. - That's the thing, we can turn it off. (laughs) No, we can turn it off. But that's because we have a brightness and we can turn it off. Some people can't turn it off. - Like you know how people think like, everyone just agrees the moon landing didn't happen right? It's like that this is actually a conspiracy theory. I was like, we all agree that we're acting right? When we talk about these Waifu. This is actually a conspiracy theory, where no one actually feels strongly about it. - It's like some American psycho shit. - It's like what define feel strongly? - Yeah, right. - What do you mean by feel strongly? - You would never get upset, like genuinely upset. Like, I'm talking like, like crying over sanctity with a fictional character. - Some people will though. - Some people will. - I mean, this is not to do with the story. Like this is like stuff to do with like, outside emotions that you're bringing in. - No some people will. - Why? - We're not that people. - What you're describing is exactly the same way as people who shit on your favorite anime. You know what I mean? Like, you've seen the reactions where if you shit on some anime, people gonna like react strongly to that. - The episode hasn't gone live yet. Where we shit on the fandoms but I'm sure we'll see. - You've seen the smear campaign that went against like me when I said that fairy tale was shit, right? - It wasn't a smear campaign. - It was a smear campaign. - Why I'm i still getting hate? - They were like defend fairy tale from the anime man, I'm like, I'm not the only person who said that fairy tale shit. But that's the thing. There are varying degrees. - Do you think that that the whole like, simping over the Waifu and stuff is just the extension of the show? And the like of the show? - It's kind of the same emotional attachments. - Yeah. - As the as the resident Waifuologist, I just made that title up. - Really, I would never guessed that, you really didn't have to clarify that. - I've always found Waifu culture like super fascinating, also because like I love it. - 'Cause it's like an act that everyone agrees to just play along with. - Yeah, but at what point is... Here's what's interesting. At what point is like the attachment you feel towards a Waifu? At what point do we all agree that it becomes unhealthy, right? Because like to me, I can... To me, I can clearly separate my love towards a fictional character. My love towards like real people, because I can safely say that, some of like, my favorite Waifus, they would be fucking assholes if they existed in real life. (laughs) Like, my God. - That's what you get for liking Syndra? - Imagine having a real life Syndra who fucking hits you for like, the stupidest shit? - Which is why I don't understand about people who say that Syndra is I mean, I can't really speak much cause mine is the same. But like, at least my Waifu doesn't like to hit people, like for no fucking reason, right? Your Waifu hits people for no fucking reason. - These men are disgusting as if it's like, man, if she was real, what would she do to me? (laughs) 'Cause it's weird, right? Because no one defined the rules on how to know act about or talk about it, but everyone just kind of had this agreement, but that we're gonna act and all engage in a way like just like it's a sports team. - Yeah, just like a common sense thing-- - But some people have taken it too far. - There's always gonna be people who take it to far right? - It's like fantasy football. Some people just take it a little too far and a little too seriously, even though they know it doesn't exist. - Yeah, well, it's like when people like give shit to the team that like, you motherfucker, I have $10 on this fucking game, why don't you go? - Yeah, like cause I would say, it's all about the suspension of disbelief right. There's so many Waifus that work simply because they are anime characters. - Yeah. - And that's that's what really works into hey, I can really fucking love this character and what she represents but there's no fucking way that she exists in real life and I could be with someone like that. - That's the exact reason why I'm okay with maid characters but I can't stand maid cafes, like that-- - My fucking God, going into a maid cafe is the cringiest shit-- - It's so cringy. - I have ever been to. - It is extremely cringy and I just don't understand. Like, I don't mind the whole like ghosting someone thing like if it's a fucking fictional 2D character on my screen. But then when I went into a maid cafe and a real life woman said that to me in the exact same way, I was like, please stop. - Yeah, and I remember like peak mid 2000s like cringe culture was all about like, seeing people act like anime characters in real life and I still like, to this day, I still fucking cringe-- - It doesn't translate. - Whenever someone tries to act like an anime character. And that's whether it's a fucking Western fan, or is someone Japanese and it never gets. - It could be the cutest Japanese girl, it's still cringe. - I think also being British and Australia where I think we like our social rules are a lot different to Japan. - Yeah. - Just anything like that, it's just instinctively uncomfortable. - Yeah. - Where you're putting on an act and putting me above you. - Yeah. - I think in real life. I think most people don't like it when people pretend to be anything other than a human. - Right. - I turn into you when you view Youtubers, whenever like someone acts like an anime character, I'm just like, please act like a human being, I know your not an anime character. - Like you put a fucking 3D model. Let's go. - That's it, put a 2D avatar. - Is it the eye contact? Is it that they have eyes? You can see their eyes and you can see the fuck it's like death in their eyes. Please stop. I can see it in your eyes. This is uncomfortable for both of us. - Yeah. Because every time I walk into a maid cafe, I know they're not doing it because that's what they really are like, right? - No because when you're a VTuber, there's a screen there is a screen-- - That's the barrier. - You can't you cannot physically interact with them. You know what I mean? - As as a British person, I get uncomfortable when people smile. Like when McDonald's employees smile. Like that's how much I do not want you to act. You should not be happy working at McDonald's. I worked in McDonald's. And if you're smiling, I'm like you don't get paid enough to smile. Don't smile. - It's like saying that your favorite animal is a lion and you really enjoy watching lions at a zoo because it's from a distance. (laughs) But if you're in the cage with an actual lion, you're like, I don't wanna get in, I don't wanna be here. - There's potential death there. In McDonald's, when I'm there and they look at me and they smile at me asking for my order I'm like, this is a lie. You're not happy about receiving my order. I know you're not, don't pretend. 'Cause it's even that that level of fakeness is uncomfortable for me, especially in the UK right? You'll never see a fucking McDonald's employee smile and when they do, like stop that, I'm ordering-- - Yeah. - Stop smiling right now. - It's like watching a Youtuber be really nice when you know they're an asshole in real life. - Yeah. - Just stop man. (indistinct) - Yeah, I don't know, I think it's like, again with maid cultures, we don't like it when people are fake to us. And when we know they're being fake to us. And I guess that's why YouTubers and livestreamers have done well for for so long because it's poised as this real thing. It's a genuine thing and there are some people out there who are and there are also people out there who most definitely aren't. - Which is why like I never understood like real Japanese idol culture in Japan. Because the one thing I didn't understand was this idea that these real human beings, needed to be perfect, that is the Japanese culture. If they're anything but perfect, they kept fucking destroyed. - They need to be pure. More pure than anyone can be. - Their whole life is over. - To me that that is that is the unhealthy side of things. - Stochastic as fuck. - Because it's when you are imbuing fictional aspects to real people and you expect real people to act like fictional characters. The reason Waifus work is because they can be perfect or they it's the idea of them that is perfect. - I remember one fucking great Japanese meme that came out of about years ago like this started on Twitch but there was a thread of some person fucking critiquing idols and the idol culture and that kind of shit. And there was this one reply of this like absolute simp for idols, who was like, idols don't poop. (laughs) They don't poop. They're so pure that they don't even poop. - Isn't that something like North Korea says about Kim Jong. - He doesn't poop. It's just rainbows but yeah. - No, he doesn't waste, there's no waste. - There's no waste. - It's converted into cause he's a perfect a human being. It all gets converted to energy. - And then that turned into a meme where it's like if something is so pure, they just like yeah, they don't poop. Yeah, they don't poo. Idols don't poop, they're perfect in every sense. - They shit rainbows. - Yeah, they shit rainbows. - I'll eat their shit, why not? - It's like a lion. (laughs) Already cloudy, it's like Mike was out. I don't know, oh my God it's hard because there's so many... I guess because VTubers have gotten in that perfect spot where it's like it is done the everything right that kind of goes against the rules of other things that would make them comfortable. - I mean, I find it fucking amazing how just how quickly VTubers have exploded because I remember when Kizuna Ai debuted, like she started a massive fucking wave of Japanese VTubers. And nobody here gave a shit at all. - Right, yeah. - Some people do like Kizuna Ai but I think-- - I feel like it was Kizuna Ai, and like there was like a top three, I think. - Yeah, it was Kaguya Luna and like Siro, i think were the top three. They had the most attention and then there was like a BTA of like, like kind of smaller like 100K, and then the CT was like, actual 1000s, 10s of 1000s. - But like I feel like we're just on the cusp of like something similar happening to the English speaking culture. - I'm excited because it's fun because I feel like it could either be like you said like something giant could comment really establish itself or it could be a flash in the pan. - I think it's a little bit different though than the the Vtubers, Youtubers are, because with the Vtuber, Youtubers side there was this like big three or like there was a couple of really big faces that were kind of pulling the entire community. - I feel that will happen there. - Yeah, but I feel that with like the live stream is like with Hololive and Ninjisanji. Everybody's kind of at the top at the same time, like the entire community is growing at once. It's not so much one person leading the way. - It will eventually level out there. This video is also sponsored by Ej Anime. - And the same with Japan. (laughs) - Fuck you Connor. - You got this time. - Ej Anime store is Kamikaze official anime merge store and once again today they have brought us a collection of some of the newest anime figurines that you can get only on Ej Anime store. - So the first one that we have at the front there is echidnas from the new Re:Zero anime season. This is the echidnas tea party version. - The girl who just destroyed every other girl by being introduced in season two. Sorry Beatrice, I'm simping over echidnas now. - This man changes his mind quicker than the wind changes direction. - But the great thing about this figure is that it includes a letter written by the author of the original Re:Zero light novel series. now that's key topic as an exclusive bonus. - We also have the Angel Beats figure in the front which is the Kanade Tachibana. Its keys 20th anniversary and this is the gothic Lolita version. The special edition includes an A4 acrylic standard and exclusive bonus. - And we also got the Strike the Bloods Yukina Himaragi tropical wedding version. - Tropical wedding. I actually do like the the ribbon, like kind of fluttering around in the dress and everything it's got a lot of movement to it. - This is celebrating the completion of the original Strike the Blood light novel series. - I actually can't believe I know they've been going on for that long. - I know right. - I swear it started in like mid 2000s. - I remember seeing like anytime there's a new Strike the Bloods or like Strike Witches anime series. I'm like, man, they're still going on? Is this still going on, seriously? - But wait, does it come with a special item? - Yes, this special sale includes a big tapestry of the original created illustration that inspired this figure. - Well, the one I wanna talk about is this one at the back here, which is the Konosuba figure and it's a double figurine of Iris and Megumin. - I will say this figure is heavily pushing monetization on our channel. Thank you very much. But yeah, this is the Konosuba continued and explosion on this wonderful wall. Irisin Megumin lightened little thief version. And this set includes a larger rubber play mat as an exclusive bonus. - A play mat? - Yeah, like the stuff that you can play like yogioh on. - I thought it was like the kids when they have like the car. (laughs) - I mean if my kid played all that, I'll be like, my man. - And finally, we have the Sword online figure. - Joey's favorite anime. - I love it. - This is the action of midsummer sparkle bride version. - Okay, as much as I don't rate the show, I wanna do long lesson online is it's figurines, like that's nice. That's a nice figure, I would get that. - Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the original light novel series, we introduce astronaut running along the beach in a wedding inspired bikini from the catacomb collection figure series. This figure includes a big tapestry of the original creative illustration that inspired the figure as an exclusive bonus. - Lots of exclusive bonuses only at Ej Anime store. - So yes, if you liked any of the figures-- - No, if you love these figures, which we know you did. - That's right, my bad man. - Sorry if you loved any of these figures, then you go to Ej Anime store. - Man. - God fucking. - E-J-animestore.com. - Link's in the description. - They're constantly adding new stuff to the store. So go and keep checking it out. - Thank you Ej Anime store for sponsoring this episode. - Back to the video. Yeah, I feel like we're in a cusp of like just a new genre being like birthed. - I hope so. - Like cause I wouldn't be surprised if like in a year or something, Twitch has a VTuber category on stream. - That'd be cool. - I mean, that's that's kind of what I feel like we're about to experience, because it's weird that it's didn't this past week, where it's just gone from this kind of cult following to everyone kind of talking about it and livestream circuit now. - I hope so. I mean, I'm always down for anything that like spices up a little bit. I feel like live streaming has been a bit stale for a while. And even if I'm not into it right now, I'm sure there's gonna be someone I like and again, the ones I have seen I've rather enjoyed, just haven't gotten into it to the point where I feel very strongly about someone. - [Joey] All right. - Yeah, I don't know. - I mean, I just like people's content. That's basically how I see. I see VTubers. People are gonna make the simp memes whatever, you're gonna make it anyway. (laughs) But I respect them the same way I respect any other content creator on YouTube or any streamer on Twitch. - Because they like if you honestly if you take away the whole like anime girl facade away, they just genuinely really fucking good entertainers. - Dude if Dior's voice actor became a Vtuber, it's all over, now I'm gonna simp. - When we get like officially established voice actors to do vtubing, man it's over. - It's gonna happen - They gotta get (indistinct) - One thing I do find funny though, is that I know several people like myself, who like we're very big anime fans obviously, who now watch way less anime, just because vtubing has (indistinct) - It's like Friendship Ended With Anime, New Best Friend, Hololive. - It's like that Toy Story meme, like, I need to get rid of the toy. I don't wanna play with you anymore. (laughs) - Honestly though, like just this weekend I had so many plans and they were just completely ruined by the fact that I got into Hololive. - I'm just gonna masturbate. - Had to cross all those out. - Because I feel like it's just been the perfect storm of 2020 being one of... I think we can all agree 2020 has been one of like the weakest years of anime in quite a while. That's not just the fault of the anime coming out. Obviously there's the entire world situation, but it's also that-- - Nothing's really like, excited everybody unanimously. There's been, series like, right to go for and that kind of stuff who have like, some people have gotten excited about it. But there hasn't been that one show that everyone's like, yes, let's go. - Yeah, I mean, other than Re:Zero and Rent a Girlfriend and maybe like, I don't know, what the fuck that Demon fucking school thing? - Demon school. (indistinct) (laughs) - I would even say that. I've seen a lot less hype around these big shows, which are the biggest right now, than I would say in other years. - I wonder if it's also a mixture of like, a great pretender being kind of scattered. And all the big Netflix shows kind of being thrown out there, kind of not really allowing much discussion, in a way that, okay, if there's less discussion going on on social media, because less people are watching in the same way. I guess it makes it way easier to then get behind something like Hololive where it's live, and the memes can be shared instantly. - I mean, I feel like just VTubers are the hot thing right now. And it's just what's on everyone's feed right now. - Right, that's why I'm really interested to see how it will level out. I don't know if it will, if it will keep growing up. - I hope so. - I mean, I hope so, more interesting. - Speaking of like Netflix anime and everything, like this weekend, I haven't done this in a while. But I watched an entire show in like one day. - Get out of here. - What is this 2013? - It's so weird. - What show was it? - It's Dorohedoro. - Yeah, I've watched that too. - Yeah fucking awesome. - So it's beem a while, like I started watching a while ago, completely forgot what happened. - It's amazing right? (laughs) - Here's the thing-- (laughs) - I've never lost a job so quick in my life. - I just like the way you said that so casually, it's like it's amazing right? - And I just said so. I mean, okay, here's the thing. I did like it. But it's one of these things that makes me hate being like an anime fan. Because it's one of those-- - I simp over it. - I have this experience so often, right? So you have you have this 13 episode series. It's got so much potential. It has a really interesting world. It has really cool characters. And then just as you start to get invested in everything, nothing really happens. - That's why you read the Manga, bruh. - That was Dorohedoro for me. Because I really love the world. It's one of the most interesting worlds I've seen in a while. Like the whole, it's so fucking brutal. And the magic system is really weird as well. It's a really-- - It's unconventional, it's very unconventional. It's kind of like Mad Max timed psychopaths or something along those lines. - Does something have to happen? 'Cause we're probably gonna get a season two probably. - That's no guarantee. Especially that's that's the thing, right? That's the thing about being an anime fan. With so many shows, you're just in fucking limbo. You're like, just tell me if I'm gonna get another season or tell me if I'm not. I just wanna know, should I just go ahead and binge the Manga or should I wait? - With Dorohedoro you should. - To be fair Netflix has been pretty good with making season two's for that. - We've got a lot better recently. But yeah, like I was really enjoying myself with Dorohedoro, but it just ended and I was just feeling like-- - Empty inside. - I can't remember exactly what happened. - That's exactly it. - It's been like, since we started the podcast when I watched this. - Yeah. - But I remember. - That's two months. - That's not two months. - No, it came out way earlier than that. - It's like four months ago I watched that shit. - Really? - Yeah. - We didn't start this podcast like four months ago. - It's like 20 weeks ago. - Yeah. - No fucking way. - This is episode 18, Garnt. - Yeah. (laughs) - So I watched-- - What the fuck is 2020, man? I was like this is episode five right? We've been on trash day for like two months. - Your like a fucking comatose patient on the podcast. Oh my God, I watched it like then and I remember being really fucking happy that it felt so fucking refreshing. It was like a fucking glass of orange juice in the morning, I was like, damn, that's nice. - Yeah, the Manga especially. - I read a few of the chapters of the Manga where it left off and I was like, holy shit. - Hiya Sedekyu's odd, it's just fucking insane. - I felt fine being like you know what? I can tell the story isn't getting to the best bits and that's totally fine. Like I get it. - It's nowhere near getting to the best bits. - It's fine. - I mean, it's fine. It's just annoying, right? Because I like experiencing the best part of stories. I like seeing stories go from like, at least hits one kind of climax because I feel like-- - There was Attack on Titan season two. That's what it was. - My problem with Dorohedoro was that I can't point to a single part to be like, this is a huge climax happening right now. - It doesn't have to have that though. Like literally the slice of life fucking like literally just named slice alive. Like nothing climatic ever happens. - I feel that the thing, I feel the reason why Dorohedoro was so unique in that sense is because it poses this incredible world and these incredible characters and yet they really take their time to like-- - And they don't mind you showing you the characters you might not be interested in. - Yeah, because eventually they will become interesting and it's a slowly building up world. - I didn't give a shit about. - No, i can say it's perfectly, it just didn't feel like a season. Yeah, it felt like, alright, we've just run out of time. Let's just cut the season off basically. Like with most anime seasons, you have some kind of climax, you have a season finale. This didn't really feel like a season finale. You just kind of just ended. - I don't know, sometimes I feel like I don't need that. Like sometimes the ride is better than the destination. You know what I mean? - I want a complete package with my story. - Well because I feel the same thing kind of happened with Beastars as well. - Yeah Beastars didn't end satisfyingly. - There wasn't really- - No, that had a climax. - Where was the climax? - The stage performance? - No, not just the safe performance, but they fucked when he... I can't say this without going into spoilers. - You can spoil it, just say spoiler alert. - But when he saved her, that was pretty climactic. That was the end of a story. - Dorohedoro had equivalents of that. When he bled out his magic juice. And they had to get it back or something. I can't remember what happened. - Something like that yeah. - I remember just being like fucking hyped, I don't know. Not everything like needs to have a neat package, Garnt. - Yes, it does. - No it doesn't. - Yes it does. - No it doesn't, man. - Literally The Lord of the Rings movie like it's a mess bro. - Because I think at least at the end of the Lord of the Rings movie, you still have some kind of closure, but it's like, that was that was a cool story. - I swear like what the fuck happens in the second Lord of the Rings film at the end? - There's two towers. That's the only thing I remember. - There was that climactic battle at the end of two towers. - That wasn't the end of it though. - What you mean it wasn't the end of it? That was the end of the battle. - Yeah, the end of the battle, not the end of the movie. - Imagine if they just stopped mid battle. - Dorohedoro did not do that, we didn't get like a... We didn't we didn't get like a ticket. - Because we didn't even get the big climactic battle in Dorohedoro. - Okay, Megalo Box was basically that, right? No, it was a very nice, it was a cool story had a very nice package. And that was shit, right? - What the fucking... No, Megalo Box is great, what are you talking about? - It was boring bro. - Megalo Box was like, let's take ping pong and put it in like a boxing setting. (laughs) What didn't you like about Megalo Box? - No, I love mega blocks in the first viewing, I just said mega blocks. (laughs) I love Megalo Box. I enjoyed it. But at the same time, I'm like the story was just kind of like, alright, cool. I mean, I knew what was gonna happen. It was so fucking obvious. Like, it was just kind of like, all right. - Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying that Megalo Box was the greatest animates come out of that year. - But people are like it's the fucking great, like people are genuinely upset that it wasn't anime of the year, right? - I mean, it wasn't that good. I would say I felt more complete. I mean, I definitely felt more complete watching Megalo Box-- - But I think Dorohedoro was better than that Megalo Box for me. - I mean, for me, like at the moment. Yeah, I can see that Dorohedoro definitely had more potential to be good than Megalo Box. I'm just saying that it didn't get near that point. It didn't fucking get near that point. And I wanted something... I wanted a moment I could think back to Dorohedoro and be like, that was a great show. - But to me-- - The baseball. (laughs) Where they had like the giant cockroach join them to play baseball. This is so fucking dumb, but I love it. - By the way, if you're wondering why I'm not heavily involved is because I read all the Manga and I'm completely satisfied with this. - Yeah, I'm sure the Manga is amazing. - Yeah, I didn't even watch the anime 'cause I'm-- - Joey's that guy. - Yeah I'm just that guy. - Joey is a fucking smug cunt. - I'm like, you peasants (indistinct) - Joey is there when fucking Jesus is on the cross, Joey's like God, you should see what happens next, you guys won't believe it. (laughs) - I'm the guy in the cinema who likes mouths what they say as it's happening. - Just wait till we get to the cave. Yeah, you gotta keep your eye on the cave. You guys thought that was insignificant bro. - I'm not saying he's gonna come back but yeah. (laughs) - He's gonna revive. (indistinct) - I hate those fucking Manga fans. - God, he's such a smug cunt. - Like, you like that character, okay. - Have fun while it last? - Yeah, you might not wanna get into it, just like forget what I'm saying, it means nothing. Just don't get into that character. - I hate it though when you have that friend who wants to know the like, is anything gonna happen to them? I'm like, don't ask me that. - I'm absolutely that guy that's like, oh you'll see. - I hate it when people tell me like, I'm like, yeah I've got these three parts that's like, part four's the best. I'm like don't fucking tell me what part is the best, I wanna have my own opinion. (Joey laughs) - Yeah, I just wanna go into like a series with like zero expectations because even if I hear something like, this part is fucking amazing, like I don't wanna know this part is amazing. I just wanna like experience the fact that it's amazing instead of like hyping it up because then I have like expectations to me, and I don't want expectations to me - To fuck Joey over here. As Joey just started watching Demon Slayer. - Yeah, finally. - The Anime Man watching Demon Slayer in 2020. - I was that bored. He's like, all right. - You haven't watched the animation of the decade. - Animation of the decade. - The reason why I watched Demon Slayer... Excuse me but... The reason why I watched Demon Slayer was because I was not watching it, but then suddenly on Twitter, dude episode 19, it was insane bro. You won't believe it bro the animation made my fucking gave birth to my child bro. Fixed all of my age (indistinct) (laughs) - It was like I've never seen... This is like the level of hype that must have been there for Jesus is like fucking resurrection bro. I've never seen so much hype for something in my life. - I think that was the first time I've ever seen an anime trending on Twitter. - Like fucking ninja was like bruh I'm an anime fan whole time fucking like. - Are we just gonna call it that now the Jesus resurrection now. (laughs) - It was the second coming of Jesus. - I have probably made too many religious references this podcast. I just think if people could feel strongly about religion. But anyway, I watched it and the whole time I was watching Demon Slayer, I was unimpressed by everything because I was like, yes, I'm waiting for episode 19. I'm saving my nut for episode 19. And there was plenty of really amazing like. - Saving my nut. (laughs) - It's like when you've watched a porno right? You're saving your, you know where the good bit is. We all do it right, let's not pretend like we don't, everyone skips, you know where the blow jobs starts and you skip. - Let's go to literally 10 minutes in and then let's skip again 20 minutes. - Okay do you watch the blow jobs in porn? - No. - No, you skip past it, right? So you skip past it and then they're already in like, then you've gone too far because they already fucking fully at it. Yeah, you wanna get before they just start that. - Right. - That's what it was right. That's what it was. - Are you saying that episode 19 was the post blow job. - It was the post blow job part of the plan. It was like the everything else. It was like you knew it was the blow job so you're like I'm saving it, I'm saving the nut, I'm saving it. You have to save it because if you get super hyped about something that happened and you know better is coming on, you can't match. - Yeah, true. - I'm sorry to the female viewers who don't watch porn. - Or the male. (indistinct) - We don't discriminate here. - But what the fuck. - Yeah so what is your opinion on Demon Slayer then? - Okay, so I have-- - It's the blow job of the anime. - It's an animation of the decade. So I'm not up to episode 19 yet. I think I'm right before that. - Save that nut. - I'm saving the nut. - Save the nut. - But that's I think that's one of the big reasons why I decided to not watch it until much much later because I didn't want that hype to sway my opinion. Of course I mean like, I'll admit, like, because it was everyone was fucking talking about at the time, right? It's definitely in the back of my head. - You were unimpressed with things because you're expecting to be impressed. - Right, because I'm expecting episode 19 to be the one that nut to. - To be the nut. - To be the nut, right. So I'm basically blue balls for fucking 18 episodes. I'm just like it's coming, I've got to hold on. - It's like a JV where it's like 15 minutes of buildup. (laughs) - It is like but I think that's why I wanted it to wait until all the hype was over, just so that the earliest stuff doesn't fucking persuade how I see the actual show. I want it to just go into a completely clean. - And I feel sorry for anyone who's doing that with Attack on Titan. It's like, someday it's gonna stop being popular. It's just not. - It's just not happening, yeah. But also because the Manga is ending soon, or I think it's almost at the end, I don't know. - I think it has ended. - I think it has ended. Yeah, so it has ended. So I'm like, okay, now is probably the best time to actually start watching it just so that I can probably go and just read the Manga as well, because I'm that guy. So I was just bored. And I was like, all right you know what, fuck it. I'll see what this show is all about. And it's good. I enjoy it. It's great. It's very-- - It's the cornflakes of anime, you can't hate it. Like it's cornflakes. - It's very inoffensive. Like, there there is nothing inherently about the show I dislike but I just I mean, so far, I can't fucking stand Zenitsu, I'm sorry, like he's just he's annoying. - Who does? - There are lots of people. - There are lots of people. - There are so many people who simp for Zenitsu and I'm like why? He's just fucking annoying. - I guess 'cause I think a lot of people can relate to the, yo, hold me back because if I go set sicko mode, I unleash my true power, you're done son. I think a lot of people can relate to that, I'm a pussy but-- - [Joey] Yeah. - When my ultimate self cool down you better better run bro. - That's the problem though is right now is that I don't know if I'm just not as invested into showing in characters as most people are but just like I don't really care about Zenitsu, right now, I still don't really care about Inosuke that much maybe I'll (indistinct) - I know people gonna be pissed about me but like I feel like it is literally My Hero Academia with the skin like think about it. In those case Bakugo. - Yeah. - Tanjiro is Deku, Zenitsu is I don't fucking know. An amalgamation of probably some (indistinct) - Here's the thing Demon Slayer to me is solid it's just. - So is My Hero Academia like it's just another solid show. - But to be fair if I can't, I would rather watch Demon Slayer than My Hero Academia. - No same, is there a tomahawk in Demon Slayer? That's what I need to know. - No yeah, I mean the Demon Slayer-- - No that we know of, Manga reader Manga readers. - There probably is. - I just wanna find it because I feel like Demon Slayer has just filled that gap in that was the beast bleach fan before. - Yeah. - 'Cause like you haven't got to the later episodes where they basically introduce like-- - A whole 70,000 characters. - Yeah, we basically have a soul society. - Yeah, I do admit I'm way more invested in the world's building of Demon Slayer than I am in My Hero Academia. - Yeah. - There's so much... I don't know the characters feel, like the ones that we don't know much about seem so much more interesting. Whereas I don't give a fuck about (indistinct) Like I don't think he's fun to watch. - I didn't even get that far. - I think it's fucking boring. - I like for me-- - Human scrotum with powers. (laughs) - Like I really really enjoyed Hero Academia and then as more seasons came out, I went from like loving it to be like, solid. - For me it's like I watched season one. And that was like should I watch season two and then reflect it on like, I didn't like season one enough to go watch season two. - Yeah, yeah. - Then people like new season two is when the tournament ark begins bro. It's so fucking cool. - Way to a cool me . - I'm just like I don't give a shit about-- - Are you cut up on My Hero Academia anime? - Yes, I am. - Did you like the last season that just happened? - No I did not. - Oh my fucking God. I was so bored. - Really? - Like, I did not think they built up the overload? - Overload? - That's a a good villain. - Over something the plague doctor. I didn't think they built him up very well. And then the whole... it was like literally the anime trope where every single episode had a flashback. And then they won the fight and it's like, for fuck sake. - That's what I hated about Naruto. - It's the exact same thing. - Yeah. - Like cut back on the fucking flashback. - Like my my favorite fight in My Hero Academia to this day is the first All Might vs Noumu fight like zero flashbacks. - That shit was good. - In season one yeah. - That to me sold me on the show and that was like zero flashbacks. It was just a hero being a hero and now it's just not... That was a clean nut. - It was. - And like other acts there have been good points in other acts but it hasn't taken me back to the love I felt at that point. - That's a good point I'll be honest, I don't think I was as hyped for the all my verses or for one fight. Noumu Versus-- - I mean all my verses was just like-- - You knew he was gonna win. - I mean, that was less about the fight the fight itself, which is really fucking boring because they like, yeah you had all for one. All right, a million fucking powers and he uses the same fucking attacks five times in a row. - Literally me in a fighting game. X, X, X, X, X. He doesn't have the fucking combo sheet. How is he supposed to know it? If you have all these powers, how the fuck do you know what combos to gather? - It's like mashing X and then every now and then the triangle. - It's literally like when you learn the one combo that seems to be spammable. - Yeah. - That's literally all for one. Like he's case figured out three combos that seem to work well. It's like I don't really wanna do that. Like, I don't think the bubbles power up will go well with the photocopy power. - It's like smash play who only spams the forward Smash. This will get the job done. - I wonder if there was ever a conversation where he stole powers people like but why did you steal that power? It's like, I stole the power to be permanently erect. It's like but why? Why did you steal that power? - I'll tell you what it is. It's like the same syndrome you have when you're like scrolling on Netflix, where you just have like so many fucking powers and your like fuck yeah I'll just rewatch the same thing five times in a row. - Okay, I'll be honest, right. I really fucking wanted All Might to win that fight and die. - Yeah, I wanted him to die as well. - I think that would have been fucking legendary. - Yeah, top 10 anime deaths. - I would have said legendary. - Legendary? - Yeah, he should have died. I thought it would have made like the next ark or so because he's just kind of chilling around now. Which is just kinda like the boomer who's like, yeah, I was cool once. - I love hanging out with these kids. - I'm sure Manga readers. I say always with that omnipotence knowledge and-- - Especially the My Hero. - That three 360 vision and hindsight. - I'm fucking one thing my biggest pet peeve, is when you have like a criticism of a show. That's like up to that point, and the Manga reader is just like, (indistinct) - 10 volumes in, you'll see. You'll see. Thank you Joey, thank you for that. - To me, it felt like hesitation that he didn't kill All Might. Because he'd been building up All Might's frail ass like, poison ridden body. - Don't look at me I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. - Come on. (laughs) Like he built up how frail and how he was dying. Why didn't he kill him there at the peak right like. I don't know, to me he should. - Maybe because he was too much of a beloved character. - I think that was probably he was scared to. I don't know maybe the again the Manga readers forgot why actually the some you know. - I don't give a shit. - Definitely that scene would have definitely hit me harder if he had died. - Because it also would have made endeavors like when he becomes the hero, in the next arc, that would have made that even more impactful because he's the only one left now. Right and he never got to show All Might that right. Why are we going on a fucking fanfic of My Hero Academia. I wanted him to die. He shouldn't fucking died, kill All Might. - Let me rewrite My Hero Academia. (indistinct) - This is how it's supposed to be done. I'm a writer. - So let let me fix your art. - Stop getting banned in China. Let me fix it. - I'm a writer, hire me Horikoshi. - I don't know like this stuff like that, that I don't have fucking I'm losing interest in My Hero Academia by the season. - I am as well. I didn't think I would because one thing I was super hyped about when it first started airing. And right now I think I like Black Clover more than My Hero Academia. And I didn't-- (indistinct) Did I just say something blasphemous? I don't know. Because-- - How can a man be so brave. - You have made the Black Clover fandom extremely happy now. You've given them validation where there wasn't. - Recognition. - Here's your validation everyone. But now because I feel like with Black Clover, it's just so much fun. It's just fun. It's just this is the pure show and fun I was looking for. And with My Hero Academia, I feel like it's trying to go for greatness. It's like it's trying to build-- - It's going for the long con. - It's going for long con. It's trying to build up so many great points and great characters, but it's just doing a lot of things that is just not keeping my interest as well. Like what the fuck? Okay, what the fuck was that last arc in My Hero Academia season four as well with the villain who I can't even remember, the fucking magician - The British guy basically. - Yeah. - He's whole quack Is that like, he? What is it like he drinks tea? - Yeah. - I don't actually think that's his quack. But all he does is drink tea. He can make things into... He's basically Hisoka. He makes things into rubber. - Wow. - Yeah. And then he drinks tea. So that's like, like that's also his big thing is that he's like really picky about tea. And I'm like, Is this how he like envisions British people? Because yes, that's actually true. - I mean just felt like a filler arc. That wasn't actually filler. And I know people are gonna be mad at me because yeah-- - I'm looking forward to the comments on this episode. - They enjoyed the school festival and everything but I was just not invested enough in the side characters to really give a shit about the school festival and the villain was just fucking weak sources fuck so I don't give a shit about that. So that entire arc was just... I'm gonna forget that one when season five ends. - Yeah, I wonder is My Hero Academia trying to go for like a 10 year run here or do you think it's gonna be like-- - I feel with just how successful it is. I'm sure people have shown it. Well, because I think the people have shown in jump they want a-- - A One Piece replacement. - No, not so much One Piece replacement but they want something that will line up with One Piece for a while because we've currently had Demon Slayer just ended, Haikyu just ended. - Is One Piece gonna end anytime soon? - Well, Oda said that it'll end in the next five years, but who the fuck, it's Oda. - In One Piece years that's pretty soon. - It's One Piece that's really soon, but it's been gone for like 25 years. - I'm wondering as a fan who has been watching My Hero from the start, right? How, like, do they really expect someone to be into a show for 10 years? - Yes. - Yeah, of course. I've been into One Piece for over 10 years. - Yeah. - I've been into One Piece for as long as I've read it. - Like when One Piece ends-- - I think my mom gave up like, be interested in me after like, eight. You know what I mean? - Like, she fucking birthed me. (laughs) (indistinct) - When One Piece ends I'm gonna cry like nobody. - No, I'm gonna fucking cry when One Piece ends. - 'Cause that's like a huge part of my life. That's just gone. Yeah, it's just like, your pet dying or something. - I guess I did watch like Game of Thrones for like, 10 years. - 10 years? Well it's eight seasons, right, but they took like, two years and last-- - Yeah, that's true. - I mean, think about-- - And that was the worst ending I've ever had in my life. - I mean think about the amount of people who fucking cried when Harry Potter ended. And that show had been going off... Well, not show but like that book series had been going on for like fuck knows how long. - True, I guess I underestimate, I guess when you say be interested in this for 10 years. It sounds hard. But then in real life, it's very much not like that. So like every day you're like, I'm caring. - Yeah. - I saw on Twitter. There's actually some people who are like yeah, I fucking love One Piece ever. - Yeah, but that's their only personality trait, right. (laughs) - Your Tinder profile, I like One Piece. - Yeah. (laughs) It's like, we're meant to be. - It was so weird. like seeing even something like Naruto seeing the characters grow up and I'm like kind of like growing up with the characters. (indistinct) I shit on Boruto and everything but some of those first few episodes where you see Naruto as a dad, you see Sasuke as a dad and you're like-- - Well, the same thing happened with fucking Avatar The Last Airbender ended right. and then the first episode on Korra was like, oh my God, Katara is old now. But then after the first episode, I was like, alright, I don't fucking care. - I love Korra. - I thought Korra was kind of mean. - You fucking love that word. I left it at four seasons. Was it four seasons? - Of Korra? No, I think it was three. - I lived all of it. People had the complaints, but I was like, okay. - Okay, because I never grew up on Avatar the Last Airbender. - Me neither. - Yeah, I only just recently watched it like in the last couple of years. - Yeah, me too. - Avatar is fucking amazing. - I actually still haven't seen. - Okay, it's fuck. I completely understand the hype now because it's fucking great. - But then I was Korra and I was like, this doesn't hit. This doesn't hit different. - It's like a great anime kind of feel. But also has that comfort of a Saturday morning cartoon. It's really like in a sweet spot. - The jokes are like very campy. - I don't think I've ever heard you talk about something as endearing as you just talked about. - So comfortable about really like takes you, it's like how you felt. I imagined when I say like, imagine when you were trading Yu-Gi-Oh cards with your friends. Like, man that was fun, wasn't it? - I can totally understand why people just isn't into it today as they were back then. - It really is like, encapsulated and captured it like like time capsule of like, just that feeling. Yeah, when you watch it, you can't help but get that feeling. - Yeah. - Gentlemen, we all know a VPN protects all privacy. No one's doubting that. And our security online, right? But I didn't know this until recently. And it's taken my TV watching game to the next level. - Tell me more. - You can use a VPN to unlock movies and shows that are only available in other countries. - Oh my God, I got so excited. I forgot to even mention that this episode was sponsored by ExpressVPN. - The ExpressVPN. - Gentlemen over the weekend, I used ExpressVPN to binge Doctor Who on the UK Netflix. - No fucking way. - It was simple, Garnt. Simple. - How simple? - I just fired up ExpressVPN app, change my location to the UK refresh Netflix. And that was it. - That was so easy. - So you're telling me that ExpressVPN hides your IP address unless you control where you want the sites to think you're located? - That's exactly it. - Oh my God, I had no idea. - Not only that, but you can choose from almost 100 different countries more than 99. - That's 100 more than zero. - That's 100 more than zero. That's double fifty. So just think about all the Netflix libraries you can go through. I'll give you a clue how many libraries. It's 100. - Guys i have a question. Do you love anime? - No. - Get outta here. - Do I love anime? - Do you love anime, Garnt? - Connor. - Did you know that you can use Express VPN to access Japanese Netflix and be spirited away? - Is that an anime reference? - It is. - I would definitely need that in my position right now. - But Garnt, it's not just Netflix. ExpressVPN works with any streaming service, Hulu, Hulu, BBC iPlayer. YouTube, you name it. It can do it. Fix my marriage, it can do it. - I mean, listen, boys, there are hundreds of VPNs out there I'm sure we all know. - Of course. - BUt the reason I use ExpressVPN and the reason why you boys use ExpressVPN is to watch shows. Because it's just so ridiculously fast. - How fast Joey? - There's never any buffering or lag and you can stream in HD. No problemmo. - No jokes aside actually it is good. This VPN is also compatible with all of your devices, phones, media consoles, smart TVs, and more. So you can watch what you want on the go or on the big screen, wherever you are. - Wherever? - Whenever Joey. - Damn. - And if you go to expressvpn.com/trashtaste right now, you can get an extra three free months. - Three free months? - Three, that's a lot of frees. (laughs) Not three, I don't what I'm saying. - So support the show, watch what you want. And protect yourself at expressvpn.com/trashtaste, link's in the description below. - Check yourself and protect yourself, back to the show. - I'll tell you what else I've been watching recently. I've been catching up to Re:Zero season two as well. - [Connor] Me too. This is like going back, how many episodes ago? Where we're just like we're gonna get back to Re:Zero. Here you go fans. We're getting back to Re:Zero. - The amount of memes that came out of that. - Just one minute later, don't fucking, the internet one minute is nothing. - Yeah. - Man. Can I just laugh at something? - Okay. - Why is Garfiel a big orange cat? (laughs) - I've never thought of that before. - He literally turns into a big orange cat. Have you watched Re:Zero season two? - No. - No. - So this one character called Garfiel. Not, Garfield, Garfiel. - Garfiel. - Garfiel, and he turns into-- - A big orange cat. - A big orange cat. - What the fuck? - Probably hates Mondays. - Loves lasagna. - I just I had to like pause it when this like, okay, spoilers reserved when he just starts murdering people. - Right. - This cat is just this fucking chunky Garfield. - Yeah. - Murdering people. I was like, wow. - Now I wanna watch this. - Damn what timeline happened to Garfield when he died bro? - It's on a Monday probably. - I feel like you should Re:Zero season two. - It's amazing. - I think it's fucking amazing-- - It's great. - I need to. Because I feel like, have you seen season one? - Yeah, of course. - Yeah. So I feel like we go back to our conversation earlier, season one set up the world really, really well. But then it I knew it had the potential to go even further. And I feel like Re:Zero season two is definitely hitting that potential. Yeah, like one thing I really liked is how in like the first few episodes of season two, there were just no deaths. It was just building up this character. Like with what happened to Subaru in the first few episodes. That was fucking genius. Because it managed to build up Subaru's character in a way that hadn't been like done before and really just explore who he is and why he acts the way he does. - Yeah, because they built up this almost very childish mindset that he had, that we often see in anime characters, especially Isekai. And then they kind of just deconstructed it in season two, which was amazing because it's like, I hate this fucking incel and then they're like, here's the reason why he didn't say and why he's going to change. - I respect that. - Nice, I like that. - Yeah, I've only I've only heard the greatest things. - 'Cause season one when you saw people who were like, dude, I relate to Subaru. I'm like, what's wrong with you? The fuck (indistinct) (laughs) But it's great because it's basically, they built that all up to be like, okay, now he's a shady character, I'm gonna teach him why needs to change. Why those kind of behavior and I'm doing all this for Amelia is toxic. As it would be. (indistinct) - Fucking simping for Amelia. - Yeah, it's really interesting. I didn't like it when I realized what they were first doing but I started to enjoy it. So they're using the whole reset thing, as a way to like slowly build up this one kind of thing that they're stuck in right now. And I thought it was fucking annoying at first, so I wanted them to leave the sanctuary. - Yeah. - And I really liked how they're just slowly been building up through the resets. - Exactly. - And you get a piece by piece, because it feels like almost like a murder mystery. Where you're kind of getting little information. And it's you built it up really well. I don't know, I'm just really into it right now. And I'm so hyped for it guys. I have no qualms with that right now. - Like I'm actually way more into it than I was season one. Season one, I very much enjoy. - Actually, I do have a thing that I don't like, Where the fuck is Rem? I want my bitch back, bro. I get it. She's just kind of gone but-- - That's how basic she's bro. - But we better get like a full blow job with her back. - Imma say it. (laughs) - Everybody is gonna be like who is that character Connor is talking about? (indistinct) (laughs) - Why would you still miss Rem when this perfect specimen of a beauty has been introduced to the show. - I can't get over echidnas. (laughs) - Because she has a four penises? - Yeah, she has four penises. - Do you wanna explain why that's the case, Joey? - Because it was a meme that I saw in the Sonic fanbase. It's always a Sonic fanbase where they're like Knuckles has four penis heads. And I was like, what? And then apparently if you go into Wikipedia, you look up like an actual echidnas, like the animal that's something that Knuckles is based off. Yeah, echidnas have four penises. - Okay, I will admit she's a top tier Waifu. She's definitely pulling away. She broke Subaru down. - Yeah. - She like when she got introduced. She just fucking I was like, there was some Re:Zero girls liked, and then there was Beatrice and then she just came along and destroyed everything. - It's literally that meme with the car drifting. Like going straight and turning. It's like Amelia drifting to echidnas. One short episode, I will admit, it's tempting. - Yeah. - But as a Knight of Rem, my loyalties cannot be swayed goddammit. - Your not my queen. - I'm like I was clowning earlier about how I'll get serious about it. Then I literally now do this, I do not portray my queen. (chuckles) If I don't trust men who sway this simping, you're weak. Pick a wife and simp goddammit. - Swaying Waifu is such a weak mind. - It such a weak mindset. You would be a terrible. - What do you even like about Rem. - What do you mean? - She's like crouton to the salad, right? - That's always the best fucking part. The crunchiest part that you can never... You don't have to worry about the amount of dressing on them. All right, Rem never fails to just be there, right? Like Rem is just there, man. You know what I mean? - I don't know man. - Rem came through, she murdered him. That's hot first of all. (laughs) That's hot. And then she kind ofm she became Owoo, and I kind of opened to that. (indistinct) - Listen I'm not gonna lie I'm very struggling to remember. (laughs) I just remember that she was loyal to death, and it was very endearing. How many times do we get Waifus, right? That put their heart on the line like that. And God's like won't blink, bring out the note. - Let me bring out the massive list of literally probably 90% of Waifus out there. - But I feel like those Waifus, they wanted to get the result, they wanted to be the chosen one. Whereas Rem confessed knowing full well she was never gonna be picked and there's something I can respect about that. - I don't know about that one, man. - Obviously I haven't watched enough harem anime 'cause that's like every other girl. (indistinct) - They say that's what they like. I know you won't pick me but it's like in the back of the head. They don't wanna be picked. Now Rem totally did it was just like Chad like, I know you're not gonna pick me but I fucking love you and that's okay, king. (laughs) That's what I love about Rem, that's when that single time when she confessed I'm like-- - I don't know man. Didn't she go on an entire spiel of like how she wants like a family and stuff and like-- - Do you think I fucking remember that? - And she's like I want three kids in a cottage in the hills like. - Did she, what the fuck! - I think I remember something like that. - She pretty set in stone. - That was definitely like a flash forward or something where she had kids with Subaru. - Practice you pull out game then, you know what I mean is fine. (laughs) I mean, that's fine. - If it fails you can just reset. (laughs) - You're like shit I hope that checkpoint was over a month ago. Gonna be real awkward. - She comes back with like the results. - You go back to your checkpoint, it's like two weeks your like, shit, she's still pregnant. - You're like fuck go back. - You're fucking awful people. - I'm sure there's a fucking dude. - I don't know. I can't remember I'll be honest. I cannot remember-- - To me like just-- - Does like all the knights know why they fight for the king? Like shit why are we fighting? I don't know, I've been doing it for like 10 years. I just keep fighting. - Yeah, but that's such a weak mindset. - That's a weak mindset bro. - A weak mindset is swaying with the wind Garnt like you do. And you Joey. - I haven't swayed yet, I'm still for Beatrice. - I already know you're gonna sway I don't even fucking-- - We'll see. - Honestly, I was never like always-- - Joey is literally that meme of the guy. (laughs) - I was in the Beatrice camp because-- - Because you like kids. (laughs) - We bringin it there are we Connor? We bringing it there. - I don't know what canon age is. - I'll have you know your honor that she was-- (laughs) - This is the problem right? Let's say your wife who is Beatrice or she's fucking Shinobu. - Yeah. - You go into the movies, right? - Yeah. - You turn up to the fucking restaurant. Table for two. This is my Waifu down here. We're gonna sit and hold hands. Come to the table. - No. - I can't stand the looks I'm gonna get at that restaurant. When I sit down with my fucking 10 year old at the table and we're playing footsies. (chuckles) - Here's a thing, first of all, she's 890, but second of all-- - Waiter can she drink? She's 890. - Yeah of course. No, but here's the thing is that like, at least my viewing of like my enemy Waifus is that I like them because they're not real. Do you know what I'm saying? - Your honor-- (indistinct) - We've gone full circle. - I like them like I don't want them to be real. - Do you want a 10 page thesis on Waifu theory? - I can give you a 10 page thesis on Waifu philosophy. Okay right now, like I don't want my enemy Waifu to be real because it's going back to the whole maid cafe thing, where it's like you-- - Why do you like kids Joey? (laughs) - It's going back to the whole maid cafe thing where it's like I like it because it's not real and the moment it becomes real, then you realize, shit, this is not cool. - Would you be happy with someone if they fucking murdered you in a past life? And you're like, you know what, we're cool now. You're loyal to me now. But you did fucking murder me that one time. You did fucking like chop off my legs and fucking beat me to death, like three times or something. - If it was hot. (laughs) - That's not like some people's kink, right? Like it's like flat lining, but not coming back. (laughs) It's just like, just actually fucking dying. - Are we gonna find you in like (indistinct) - People are gonna think I'm into some weird, but I assure you-- - We're gonna walk up to your fucking life. - And we're gonna walk up to your dead body and just gonna have the biggest smile on your face. - You're gonna be like died by like, asphyxiation with like 10 stab wounds and you got like, a big smile. - I am fortunately I'm pretty vanilla but I love the idea of the kink. - That's what I don't understand about people. - It's the idea of these weird things that you could do that I never wanna do. - But that's the thing, right? It's like, that's the thing. You don't want it to be real. But so you're okay with it not being real. That's that's how I see it. - You're okay with it with loosing. It's such a weak mindset. You're okay with it not being real. You're okay with not growing. (laughs) - But that's what I've never understood about people who like say that fucking you know Gasai is their Waifu. I'm like, what? Because they openly are like, yeah, I'd love it if she was my actual girlfriend. And I'm like, no you wouldn't, you would not. You would not wanna fucking murderous bitch as your fucking girlfriend. (indistinct) - As an idea Yandere can be hot, as an idea. - Yeah. - But obviously in real life. - It won't be hot. - Yeah. - Absolutely not. I mean, personally, I found Gasai like annoying as fuck. That was no hot. That was just like, fucking annoying. The girl I preferred in Mirai Nikki was the fucks the one with the eyepatch. - Oh, yeah. - That chic, I found her way more-- - I like that chic as well. - I found her way more hot than Yuno. (indistinct) - Fuck zero murders I want terrorists. - Yeah, - Just give me a terrorist Waifu. - Mirai Nikki, I was actually recommending like, so my Japanese tutor, she's a Japanese woman. And she like, takes my anime recommendations as like gospel. So I've seen-- - That's your first mistake. - I've slowly been recommending her like worse and worse anime and she started off really into it. - Yeah. - 'Cause I wanted to see how much she lied to me. - Yeah. - Because I told her to watch the Future Diary. I don't know why it came up. I was like watch it. I don't particularly like it, I don't think anyone over the age of 12 can like it. - No it's very weird. - And so she watched it. She was like yeah, it was good. I need to think of another one. I recommended Rent A Girlfriend to her but I'm sure she'll pick now. - You got to recommend her something that's similar to that but just worse. - What's worse? - Recommend like Heavy Object. - I haven't even fucking watched that. - 'Cause that's made by the same person as Mira Nikki but it's a million times worse. - I haven't watched that yet. - Oh, it's so bad. - I'm gonna recommend you-- - You're gonna recommend next? - Higurashi but in dubs I'm gonna recommend that. (laughs) Like no you have to watch it dubbed. It's so much better. (indistinct) - Yeah, 'cause actual like when they cry. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh my God. - I recently rewatched Higurashi. - So I watched Higurashi dub, cause this is back when I never watched dub, because I was like, no I have to watch dub. I used to watch on a website called watch cartoons online. - Oh my God. - I remember that website. Throwback Thursday. - I always used to be like, what do you mean there's no dub? Like cause I refuse to watch Attack on Titan for a while. Which is why I just got into anime like I don't wanna read. I don't fucking read. Even though I've been watching... I've watched every single fucking film that Jet Li was in, in subtitles. I don't know why I drew the line-- - Every Jackie Chan movie. - Yeah, I'd gone through like, all of Jet Li and Donnie Yen and Jackie Chan filmography, 'cause I fucking love them. Yeah, but, fuck what was I saying? Maylene fucking distracted me. - You were talking about-- - Yeah, I watched Higurashi 'cause fucking Glass Reflection recommended it and I was like cool I'll watch it. I didn't watch the full video 'cause I didn't want to watch the review. Later on on the video, I think he says don't want you to dub it's fucking terrible, I think. I was like, well that would have been nice to know. Because I watched this thing and I'm like, what the fuck? This is awful. Why is it called When They Cry? - I've never actually seen a dub. - It's terrible. - I think there's one good voice actress in the entire thing. And she stands out so much. - She's carrying it. - Wait, which character? - I think it's Shion. - It's like the fucking like the one teammate on league who isn't (indistinct) Please just group, I can do it. - Now I need to watch it. - I love watching horrible. - I really wish that the license was in Limbo for the dubs. We could just watch it live on Twitch, no problems, because I would love to do like we'll watch Higurashi live. That'd be so fucking-- - That'd be amazing. . - Oh my God. But yeah, Higurashi dubs sucks. - Oh, that's okay, because the new ones coming out soon, so yeah remake-- - Which I'm honestly excited for. - It seems like there's a lot... I mean, you've done your seasonal video already. This seems to be getting back on track on the just amount of anime that's-- - Just coming full circle, like just redo all the good shit. - I mean, they did it with (indistinct) And they fucking nailed that. - I mean it kind of like doing the Hollywood thing now, right? I hope it doesn't get to the point where-- - Let's just remake everything. - Yeah, I don't mind the remakes. I really hope it doesn't get to the point where one third of the season is just remakes. Because I'm gonna be like, fuck. - Well remember, like the on the trip that we just came back from and we're hotel and they'd remade the first episode of Detective Conan. - Yeah, I remember. - So we were sitting in a hotel. And we would turn on the TV and lo and behold, there was anime on the TV. - And people were just like there's anime on TV. - Without subtitles. How do I watch this without subtitles? So it was an episode of Detective Conan. And it was like, obviously new animation and we don't religiously follow Detective Conan. - Yeah, so we watched it. I'm like, this must be the new episode-- - Yeah, and I'm like-- - But then the more we watched it, we were like, wait, hold on. I know what's gonna happen next. This is the first episode just remade. - I just felt like Subaru at that point. I'm like, I know what's gonna happen he's gonna kick that globe just watch him kick the globe and then Joey's like, nah this isn't the first episode, this is like new animations like, watch him kick the globe. He kicked the globe and at that point, we realized it was just a remake. - Joey we started doing this like mad rain man thing where it started like, Joey was like, alright, and then this is gonna happen. - Yeah, they're like gonna get in the roller coaster. - Like exact things, like Joey this is just fucking weird. - They're gonna get into the tunnel. He's gonna get the water go on his cheek then he come out the heads gonna be decapitated. - It was like the Pro Zd video where he just recycle the Peter Pan or something. (laughs) We were just sitting there fucking-- - Drinking our beer like Joey stop, this not a fucking talk show. - I don't know why. I don't know. I don't even like Detective Conan that much. But for some reason that first episode just sticks in my mind so fucking much. I surprised myself I was like, well, I actually got that right. - I am before the comments accusing Joey of being a high functioning autistic. (laughs) With it with Detective Conan episode one, I am a high functioning autist. I know exactly what happens with everything. - See that. - I knew exactly what happened like scene for scene. - It was worrying. - And I hadn't seen that first episode in over 10 years. So I surprised myself. - Joey with one beer fully unlocks his brain. (laughs) - To using 100% of my brain power for that. - That's exactly how it works. Is there anything else you guys have been watching? - Fuck. - I know, I have to watch Higurashi dub now. - No, I haven't been watching anything, just been reading Manga. - I've been reading Manga as well actually. - Oh yeah, what you reading? - There's a new Manga I discovered recently that's called... What's it called again? Records of Ragnarok. - Yes. - That's only like 30 chapters old. But my God it is fucking great. - Yeah. - So to describe what it's about. So basically, it's it's what the God of high school anime should have been right. It starts off with just a tournament talk and it's just been tournament talk this entire time. So the premise is that basically imagine like all Gods in every culture has like this council and every few 1000 years they just basically vote on whether they should wipe out humanity or not. And so this time. - So 2020. - Yeah, (laughs) So in the first chapter they just decide yeah, humanity is kind of fucked right now so let's just put them out their misery. - Is that fucking (speaking foreign language) Valkyrie or something? - Yeah. - I didn't recognize the English title. - I don't recognize your peasant English name. - Because you had to get no because I was about to say that exact same anime but then you explaining I'm like, no, this sounds like the one I'm about to talk about. - We are talking about the same show here. - Yeah. - This sounds pretty fucking cool. - No, it's fucking awesome. - Yeah, so then so then like the Valkyries come along and be like, let's give humanity a chance. Maybe they're not total pieces of shit. Maybe give them a chance to defend themselves and so she suggests that they just do a fucking massive tournament arc-- - As you do with humans. - So it's like a tournament arc of some of like, the most famous humans of all time. And like the most famous Gods of all time. - Yeah. - So fate. - Pretty much. - It's basically just fate but just its fate combined with Baki. That's that's probably the best way to explain, yeah. Because it's It's so fucking over the top and the first chapter just starts a tournament arc, and you just have two contestants coming out and just banging the shit out of each other immediately. (indistinct) in the UK. - Yeah, but unlike unlike God of High School, you actually get like the backstories and everyone's story as they start fighting. - Yeah. - Are you throwing shade Garnt are you throwing shade? - Yeah I am throwing shade. - 'Cause I'm currently reading through that right now and I'm at the Adam Versus Zeus. - Adam Versus Zeus. - Like Adam and Eve. - Adam and Zeus. - Did he eat the fucking apple? - Yeah, he has an apple in his mouth constantly. And he's fucking great, so good. - Adam is so fucking op. - 'Cause is this fucking like chad as fuck like massive. - Is this like a tea list and enough's incoming? - Probably, I don't know. - Because like the appeal of it is that everyone's fucking op, and it's like you get the backstory about how they became op. So it's like a Baki backstory. Where everyone has done something fucking ridiculous with their lives and then as you fighting it out they like kind of one up each other on like overpowered powers and attacks. And it's yeah Adam Versus Zeus felt like a season finale fight and that's the second fight. - That's the second fight. - That's the second fucking fight. - That's only volume two of I think currently eight volumes. Yeah, it's fucking great. - Yeah. - Yeah. And I think the one I'm reading right now is Hercules Versus Jack the Ripper. - I was gonna ask is there Jack the Ripper, there's always a fucking Jack the Ripper. There's always a fucking dude who murdered people. It's not anything impressive. - People don't even know if he actually existed. - Yeah, we don't know. - Yeah. - No, now that fight Hercules Versus Jack the Ripper is fucking great. But yeah, I don't know, just I love I know I say this with every fucking Manga I recommend but I fucking love the art. Yeah, it's something so, it's gritty, but it's also so inoffensive. Like, it's just like a great showman. It's just fun. - I just love how postable it is and like they have no filler. No, it's just like, I know you here for fights. Here's the fight. We'll give you the backstory. So don't fucking worry about it. Here's a hype matchup and let's just fucking go. Chapter one. And then when the fight finishes, you get like zero downtime. - Immediately goes to the next one. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - Yeah, it's great. - Sounds amazing. - The only thing that's bad about it right now, is that there are only 30 chapters. That's pretty much the only downside, I feel about it right now. - I reckon though if that ever gets animated, and it probably will considering that it's really big in Japan right now. I just really hope that they don't fucking stretch that shit out like they did with Baki. I just wish that they would just maintain that pace. - Yeah. - To be fair Baki is pretty faster with its fights. - Yeah, but also they throw in a load of bullshit that the market didn't have. - I guess yeah. - But then again the Manga also has like some bullshit in it where it's like I didn't need to know about it's like this like, like fucking Mohammed Ali Jr. (chuckles) Is like that his backstory is like 30 chapters long and you see him fight for like two chapters. - Are we about to on a tangent about Baki? - I don't think we have enough time to go-- - We don't have time. - We need like a full episode for Baki. - We can do a full episode on Baki. - Baki is great. Read it or watch it before we talk about it . - We need to get John on the podcast and just dedicate the episode to Baki. - Yeah. - My God. - No, that's great. It's fucking awesome. - As you guys know, I've been reading Eyeshield 21. - Yes, Eyeshield 21. - So fucking amazing. - I know it's great. - He's odd is (indistinct) (indistinct) is a God yeah. - Like there's some panels that like just blow you away. Cause like every like it's an American football Manga. And you're kind of like with the I don't know, like the rough squad with a bunch of the crazy characters and-- - Yeah. - They're the rough around the edges kind of characters and team captain is a fucking psychopath and is amazing. I thought he was the villain when he was first introduced. - He looks like the villain, doesn't he? - But he's amazing. Anyway, the whole Manga super endearing. The story is really unpredictable. Like you really have no idea what's gonna happen and just oh my God the op. - Yeah. So if you don't know Murata Yusuke to use get he did the op for One Punch Man - Not the original. - The redrawing, the good one. - Like there's a panel where like said crazy character does a throw. And he like he like do an illustration of him. Like as like a fucking God throwing a ball. - Yeah. - It's like a two page spread and it's fucking beautiful. - What I love about that Manga and well, no other sports Manga has managed to match Eyeshield in is the fucking visual metaphors. Visual metaphors is why this Manga just works so well. - It's insane. Like, they like oh my God. There's so many like-- - The first time I saw him do the fucking devil bat goes I didn't know. I fucking nutted. (chuckles) I'm like, that is the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen. - It's just like the whole, if you haven't read Eyeshield 21 and you're not into anime. I fucking thing American football is the most boring sport on earth. But the Manga is so good. - That Manga got me into American football. - Yeah. - It's like that's how I learned the rules of American football. And after that Manga I'm like, okay, I can watch American football now. - Yeah, it's almost perfect-- (laughs) - Are gonna talk about that one thing? - Okay, there's this whole. This is all I don't know if they appear again. I'm about two thirds of the way through. Maybe they appear in the end again. So an American team comes over and there's a black guy and his superpower is that he's just black, I guess. And that's his whole thing is that he's super powered because he's black. And that's why he's a great player. And it's just kind of like, when was the Manga made? - It was Golden Age, wasn't it? It was mid 2000s. - Like mid 2000s. - Yeah. - I guess mid 2000s and you could kind of see what-- - I mean it was around the same year as the questionable Gantz episode. - Yeah. And it's like the the American teams manager hates black people because he was replaced by a black player in the NFL. - Yeah. - And then he refers to like, he's just horrible, he refers to them as monkeys. It's so uncomfortable. - It's just like the most bare bones exploration of racism. - Yeah, I guess that's why it's like, I guess it would be uncomfortable in real life. But, it's so like, what someone would think racism is like, and know what it is like. Then it's like, it's just kind of like, (indistinct) (indistinct) - It's just kind of like, yikes, when you're reading it, it's just one big yikes. - It's just so funny to me that the superpower, he has no other superpower apart from just being black. (laughs) Like, it's just a mutually agreed fighter in the Eyeshield world. Black people are just like, Superman. - Yeah, there's so many fucking panels I screenshotted a bunch, where they're just talking about how it's like a superpower. And I was just reading it with my jaw on the ground. Like, holy fuck, this is a thing. - It's poli age Manga panels. If there's a Twitter account for that. - It's just like all of Africa has just a buff in this universe. (laughs) Like everyone else, it's just nerfed. - Oh my God. There's a line and I'll set the screenshot. Without a black men strong yet flexible body, it is impossible to make that kind of play. (laughs) This is natural born sprinter, muscles that only black people have. (laughs) I don't think it's the... I'm not sure if this is the official translation. - I'm gonna look at it in Japanese but I assume it's just as bad. - It's just a massive you read it and you're like, okay, it's just one. Maybe they won't keep doing this. And they kept doing it. It's just like, oh fuck. - Yeah-- - But I guarantee-- - That aside, it is an amazing Manga. And I know some people probably argue, you shouldn't forgive that. It's like it's fucking 2000s Japan they didn't fucking know any of that shit. - There were lots of Manga doing stuff like that. - They were never expose to it, right? I get it they wanna touch on it but it's like I just fucking speed on that point. - And there's like worse way to be viewed than just being good at being a fucking-- - At least they didn't like, straight up, drop the N bomb. (laughs) - At least they were subtle about it in a sense. If they dropped the N bomb, they were like, alright, yeah, maybe it's time we talk about this but you know. - It's just a yikes to read and your like okay. - It's just like one little phone. That's just hurts a little bit. - Because you wanna recommend it and you want to tell how amazing it is. And then you just gotta be like, there's just this one thing. - There's one thing you should be careful. (laughs) - It is an amazing Manga just be prepared when you get to that part. - This episode Of Trash Taste. I wanna say a lovely thank you to the beautiful patrons on screen. - Look at all of them. - Look at this beautiful motherfuckers. - I love them all, - Look at the beautiful name. - This guy is a motherfucker, I love this guy. - I love this guy. - Really you think that guy. - I simp this guy though. - If you want us to simp over you then you can do so by going over to our patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste down on the screen and simping us. - Thank you so much because without you we couldn't do all the cool shit that is coming on very shortly. - Yeah, there's a lot of cool shit that we're planning on right now. - And the patreons are there to support us for that. So make sure to go over to there. - Also check out our Twitter and subreddit as well as post your horrible memes and shit posts. We love going through them every day. - Fat cock. - Yeah, fat cock. - If you're welcome to, you can join me in the VTubers hall. - Join us. - Join us in the VTubers hall. - I'm gonna come back next week like hovering in my chair. Gentlemen I have discovered. - Gentlemen I have reached enlightened. I've seen the lights. - Yes. - Anime girls on stream. Thank you gentlemen. That'll be all. (laughs) - Goodbye. - Goodbye. - See yah. - See you next time. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,598,916
Rating: 4.9626474 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, We’ve, Fallen, Down, Vtuber, Rabbit Hole, Virtual YouTuber, Hololive, Nijisanji, バーチャルユーチγƒ₯ーバー
Id: EswetmwVvtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 14sec (7154 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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