We're Too Addicted To The Internet | Trash Taste #24

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- Here's some sipping ASMR. (Garnt sips) - Well, I'm hard. (Joey chuckling) - Just another Tuesday. (bright music) When we're recording this, the Mori episode is out which was weird to just mention, right? - Yeah, I love- - Just like breaking NDA. - I love how they legitimately figured it out like day one. - I'm not surprised you made it really obvious. - Like, on the day. They were like, "You should, could it be?" - No, it wasn't that, it was the threat that was like "Here's the evidence, of like the past few weeks that I've collected." - We haven't tried to hide it, like we made it obvious. - I think I saw three videos, of people- - You saw three videos? - Yeah, I saw three videos of people being like, "Here's what's up in Hollow Live News. The Trash Taste Boys tweeted out a tweet. That is exactly the same as Mori Calli..." He sounded exactly like that too. 'Cause, you know, they all sound like that. - Well, welcome to this episode of Trash Taste, I'm your host CDawg Monkey Brain. - You really clearly slayed your way in there. - Yeah, and I'm here today with Joey and Garnt and I'm tired as fuck. - We're just back, we've just the boys now. (chuckling) - Why are you so tired Connor? - I was up all night and then I didn't sleep very well. And I was considering canceling my Japanese lesson because I can cancel it online. But if I do it, like after 6:00 PM the day before I don't get my money back. - Oh really? - So its like- - Wait, do you pay every lesson? It's not like a monthly thing? - You pay for like tokens, and then- - What? - Like the token you can like redeem- - What, is this like the gacha currency? (both chuckling) - No, its like- - That's what I was thinking, right? - Not everything is fucking gacha with you guys, (chuckling) like- - So, how do you earn tokens? Could you earn tokens by just going to the store? - Pay to win currency guys, called the money. Don't know if you've heard of it? - Can you claim them like in game as well or? - Oh my God, you guys have been playing gacha too much. - Like, do you have like dailies for like... Every lesson you go to there is like dailies, you got like five tokens a day? - I'm just gonna ignore that. - Then finally, I can do my 10 pool. - You can explain now Connor. - Okay, finally are the jokes done? - [Garnt] Yeah (chuckling) - You just pay and then you get like X amount of lessons with it. But like private lessons cost more like class lessons, cost X. I mean, I'm sure people can figure out which school I'm going to now. - [Joey] Right. (both chuckles) - I mean, someone already fucking did. Someone like approached me and was like- - [Joey] Really. - Yeah, they were like, I was talking with my teacher, it was like a common area and 'cause you got like a 10 minute break and we were talking and then some guy was like, "Hey, are you like the guy on YouTube?" And I'm like, (Joey chuckling) "Which guy?" (all laughing) - The guy. - Like, I guess I am, like, yeah. - You know, the white British guy. - Yeah, I probably already told the story on the podcast there, but yeah. I mean, so yeah, that's it, and I'm tired as fuck 'cause I went to it and I was like, "I probably should've canceled and just slept in." But again- - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Yeah, that's- - You knew fully well, we're gonna do a podcast episode today? - I did, but I've been doing it every week, but for a lesson before. - I'm like impressed that we've been able to manage like this weekly schedule without taking a single week off since we started, I think, right? - I think so, I mean we've maybe one off, but other than that we've been pretty consistent. - We've had one off simply because one of the cameras broke for this one week. - That's right, one of the cameras did break. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But to compensate, we did two episodes one week. - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause I'm sure it's obvious to the viewers at home but this set up, is all been set up by like, I guess us, mainly me, but- (Garnt chuckling) - Mainly you, yeah. We just chilling. - So, when like the camera died and I didn't know what I was doing, I was like, "Oh, fuck, okay. I guess we're not filming today." - [Joey] Yeah. - To know one of the cameras was broken we had to get it fixed which- - For no reason at all, we never figured that out, yeah. - Have you guys been up to anything exciting recently? - Well, I've got some news. - Oh. - oh, shit, okay. - Yeah, I've got some news. I just wanna say that this might be the last podcast episode that I do. - [Both ] What? - Because if you guys saw on Twitter, I've recently been emailed by- (Garnt and Connor chuckling) By, you know, you might know them, they are called Big Hit Labels. (Garnt laughing) They are the management of a BTS. - Oh, yeah I know, I actually auditioned myself remember? Like- - Yeah, I remember. - Someone signed me up as well. - But, they emailed me and it was all Caps. The title of the email was all Caps, IDLE CASTING. (both chuckling) And so I was like, Oh, shit and then I saw, Big Hit and I'll read the email to you right now. - Go on. - 'Cause the first time I saw this, I was like, Oh my God, is this actually Big Hit? 'Cause that'd be crazy." But then, because, it... And like, I'll read it but like the first half sounds legitimate. It says like, "Hello The Anime Man, we are Big Hit Labels, BTS's management from South Korea. We are very interested in casting you to be a member of the new boy group in the Japanese branch of our company." And this was the moment, the next word I read, I realized, oh, this is all a lie. "Japanese branch of our company, STD!" (all laughing) - Okay. - "We think you'd make a fine- - That's kinda catchy. - Yeah, STD. "We think you'd make a fine visual with your astonishing idol-looks or maybe a good leader with your wisdom and old age." What the fuck does that mean? (all laughing) - Old age? - Old age. "If you have anyone else in mind who you think would fit, please let us know." And they gave me a list of requirements that I needed, all right? - Okay. - To be the leader of STD. - [Connor] What was it? - Okay, "must speak Japanese." - All right, check. - Got that covered. - Okay. - "Must be six feet or over." Check. - "Must be hot, "not sure about that. Must be hot." - Well (chuckling) - He's a lovely oxymoron, "Must be somewhat feminine, must be male." (both chuckling) - Well, yeah, you can rock it. - "Must look good in tight leather pants." - Hell yeah, hell yeah. - And then this last one fucking kill me. "Singing and dancing would also be good." (both laughing) - Would be good. - Would be good, "Kindly consider our offer and get back to us when possible, Big Hit Label." - Okay, but what if it was a legit Big Hit and they reached out to you, what would you do? - No, because like- - What if it was them? - No, what if it was? - Like, what if it was- - Hypothetically. - Yeah, Big Hit is like, "Joey, we want you in the band." What would you say? - Dude, I would 100% say yes. Are you kidding me? Do you know how much of fun... I could- - Think of the content. - Dude, think of the content. - Think of the stories we can tell on Trash Tastes, Connor. - Yeah, I became a K-pop idol for X amount of time. (Garnt chuckling) - How confident are you in the singing and dancing aspect? - In dancing, I'm basically a middle-aged white man so, I can't dance to save my life. I think I'm okay at singing (chuckling) but yeah, dude, now could you imagine STD? - I would like radiate the same energy as going to your accountant and being like, "Yeah, do that like tax fraud thing for me. (both chuckling) Save me all the money, do what Trump did, dude." (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah, pretty cool- - "Fix me up like that." - Yeah. (all laughing) You know someone actually like submitted like an audition with my business email, like legit to them and they replied being like- - [Joey] No. - I think it was no or like to do the next step or something, like it was some like verification thing and I was like, oh, thanks. But I've had so many, I've had like every single dating site you can imagine. - [Joey] Right. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like I've had like SingleMuslim.com, be signed up for christianmingle.com. - Classy, did you get Farmers Only? - No, I haven't had that, was there a website? - Yeah, Farmers Only is like only you have to own like a certain amount of land to be eligible. So like- - Seriously? - Yeah. - You have to own like certain amounts of acres? - You have to own a certain amount of acres of farm land to be eligible for it. - I'm like, I see these and I don't think anything about it but I remember that I have like an agency looking at our emails and that's when I started to get like kind of worried about it. And Mayline the other day, he goes to me. "Oh, there was a weird email in your email. That apparently you had matched positive for STDs with someone. (both laughing) Like someone you had slept with had STDs." And I'm like, Mayline, it's obviously fake. One, if I thought I had an STD, I would go to the fucking doctor not a website, right? - Let's just use my work email, which I know my agency checks to be like, by the way let's get an STD check right now. - It's like how many terrible decisions in a row would I have to make to have that? Like, I would one, have to sleep with someone who I would have to be like, wow, you knows, no condom. Then go in, think I have an STD immediately after, not go to the doctor, sign up to this website, hm, final step use work email. (all laughing) Like do you ever meet people who are like, "Man, I just can't seem to get a W." And then they just don't think. But they always should do things that never set it up. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's the kind of behavior that they do, that they're just like, "Man, I'm just so unlucky in life." And it's like, you did drive with no wheels. Like what did you expect to happen, like this is all you. - [Joey] I think we all know like one person that is like that. - He's like the nicest person ever but they keep doing dumb stuff and you're like, "Come on, man." - I'm like, you have to be like... No one person can take that many ELLs without actually trying to do so, right? (Joey chuckling) - I've got like three friends, you just like, "Come on, man, I wanna see you get a W, you just keep doing it, man, stop man." - Dude, like that BTS one though, the Big Hit Labels one, like I posted it 'cause I thought it was hilarious, right? And it is, but you know I quickly learned my lesson to not fuck with K-pop fan. - You felt the wrath of K-pop Twitter? - Yeah. - Which- - Just the Twitter rule. - I woke up in the morning and I saw that the thing had 800 quote retweets. And I was like- - Oh no. - "That's never a good sign." - Oh, no, (chuckling) boy's about to get rationed. - And I checked it and like a lot of them are just, you know people just saying, obviously getting that it's a joke but you know, there's those handful of K-pop stands who would just like, "Wow, how dare you like stereotype all K-pop stars?" - I don't worry about it, its what they do- - Oh, no I thought it was fucking hilarious, but there are some people who are like, "Oh, he probably photo-shopped it just to get attention." I'm like, What? I'm not that desperate for likes on Twitter. - [Connor] That's got like more creativity than half my videos- - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's also the Photoshop- - The only reason I posted it because I thought it was fucking hilarious, like I wouldn't have (chuckling) otherwise. - It's weird that people assume that like that's the kind of content we think we need. - [Both] Yeah. - That's like, that's the amount of steps that would jump in through- - Yeah, that's how desperate I am for Twitter clout. Yeah, that I have to fake an email. - The amount of loops you would have to jump through to get to that point, you know what I mean? - Oh my God. - You could just say, I like hentai and you get more likes. (chuckling) - So true. - Dude, I tweeted penis and I got like more likes. So it's just like whatever, yeah, but I'm- - K-pop since you don't mess with them, Joey that's a universal truth. - Yeah, I mean, I knew that from the get go but I didn't think that would have caused a riot, right? I'm just like, "Can these people not take a joke?" Clearly not anyway. - Yeah, moving on. So I see you started Genshin, and I'm like, what? - Oh, yeah. - After holding off this entire fucking time- - Holding to the curve. - And holding off from like me and Joey talking about it like every week. - I didn't wanna spon... Our fucking podcast to become a sponsor episode for free. If we're gonna talk about Genshin, I wanna get fucking paid. (both chuckling) you know what I mean? - Do you like it though? - Yeah, it's fine, it feels like Breath of Wild light, you know what I mean? Like- - [Both] Yeah. - It feels like- - It's die hard, Breath of the Wild. - You know how like in Breath of the Wild when you would like, think, "Oh what if I do this weird thing? And then you'd always get rewarded for it?" In Genshin I would be like, "Oh, there's nothing there." - Really? - It's another common chess, that won't bore you. I don't understand what I'm picking up but I- - Because the reason I like Genshin, and I've... The reason I like it is that it is very, very Breath of the Wild. - Oh, yeah that's the best part of the game. - Yeah. - Yeah, but it's Breath of the Wild mixed with basically JRPG elements and I'm just like- - That's fucking awful. (both chuckles) - See that, I was watching this guy's stream. Every time Python came on screen, he was like, "Shut up!" - There was like those one point where it was a cut scene. I think like, I just like had my mouse to my head and I was just tapping it, just like- - [Joey] Yeah. - 'Cause I was so bored, The story is so shit. Not that I would have paid attention to anyway but it's like doubly shit. And then some people in my chat were like, "Why are you skipping the cut scenes?" And I'm like, "It's shit, right?" And everyone's like, "Yeah, it's kind of shit." (Joey chuckling) And I was like, okay, good, then I'm skipping them all. I don't know, that's like, it's boring. I don't find any of these characters interesting 'cause they're all gacha characters and most of them are just, I don't know. - I mean like the thing with gacha game stories is that they rarely start off goods, you know? If a gacha story gets good, it's normally like way into development where like five chapters in or like when they released like their fifth story. - Like chapter six Arknights. - Yeah, which I've heard about chapter six Arknights so it was just meant to be amazing and I'm just like, well, I've kind of skipped the entire story up to this point, so- - I just don't trust anyone with- - I've read chapter one and that's it. Like after that, I was like, oh, okay, I don't need to know this story to play the game. - Yeah, I just don't understand people who like love stories in gacha games. I just, I mean, we've covered this before but- - Yeah. - Have we? I mean, we've covered story in video games, yeah. - But I mean, there are specially shitty in gacha. Like Breath of the Wild didn't have much story and I was like the best part of the game. So like, just do what you want. - Yeah, but like the reason why people skipped over fucking Breath of the Wild story is because like, what person doesn't know the story of Legend of Zelda. - What is the story of Breath of the Wild? - Began it. - Yeah, you just began it, right? - That's nice though, I liked that. They kept it simple, like, let me do it. I mean, I like the fact that you can change characters and it's elemental and the combat's kind of fun. It's it's okay, it feels pretty limited, but- - [Joey] Yeah. - I mean that's fine. - I mean, the reason I thought it was great was because it feels like Genshin is like, kind of feels like a first of its kind, right? Because when you think of gacha games and when you think of the whole gacha genre, you have this image of just like, you know cheap mobile games that only hardcore weaves are into. And it's been really weird seeing just how much Genshin has blown up. And I feel like I went into Genshin thinking, "Oh, it's just gonna be kind of like Honkai but a little bit more polished." And I got completely blown away when I was just like, No, this just feels like a AAA gacha game. It feels like the very, very first AAA gacha game where it's like way more polished than pretty much any of its competition. - Like, I didn't understand why people liked Faygo, like I saw Faygo, it looks- - It's because of fate. - It really looked like a mini clip game. The art looked shit and then also the story sounded like a convoluted mess. And then also the gacha rates were abysmal, so- - Because you don't mess. it's like, tide moon fans like K-pop fans, right? It's like the moment there's anything tide moon they are just like, "Give it to me." - So, there's this thing called like the waifu economy, right? (gasping) (chuckling) Where it's the value of the waifus and because those tide moon have such like... Because tide moon have such a strong brand with fate and all the waifus in it that just makes the waifus and fate worth that much more. And people look... You look like you're about to die inside right now. - Garnt's a waifu economist. (both laughing) - It's like absurd. - But like the story in Faygo does actually get good like fucking five chapters in. I can't remember which chapter Camelot is but that's when it gets good. - So when you're playing the gacha games do you want the characters because you liked them or because they'll make you OP? - I mean, I'm sure it goes both ways. - That's the eternal struggle, right? Do you go with Metta or do you go with waifu? - I just want the OP ones, I don't care about the characters looks. - Oh, I'm completely the opposite. 'Cause like every time I stream Genshin, there are so many back seater for Genshin, Holy shit. - There are two types of people in this world. - Yeah, there are so many backseaters for Genshin, where like, I think once I had like both Qiqi and Klee in like my party and people were like, "What the fuck, that's like the worst combination." I'm like, I didn't give a shit , I like these characters. I just wanna play as the characters I like, I like these waifus. - I honestly think like going with the just the good waifus is the way to go. Because I feel like going into a gacha game wanting to be OP means that you kind of go into the mentality where you wanna like kind of complete the game, you know what I mean? You wanna optimize it, right? - It's like going into a casino expecting to be a millionaire, you know? - No, you wanna complete the game, wait, were we not completing the game? Is that not what we are all doing? Am I confused? Like- - No, I mean, if you wanna comp- - If you don't wanna complete the game. - No, its not about- - How can you complete a gacha game? - Do the story. - But the story is and everything in a gacha game. - Yeah. - Okay, so you do the story in Genshin, and then what? Then what did you do? - You go around exploring the world or you collect all the characters or- - Collect all the characters? You mean gamble all your fucking money away, like- - Yes, welcome to gacha's Connor. (Garnt chuckling) That's the whole fucking point. - No, once you have done all the content in the game, right? - [Joey] Yeah. - What do you do then? - Its like wait for the next update. - But like, okay, that's where like, when Arknights came out, right? The white between those things was just like a ticking time bomb of like, "Am I gonna drop this game?" - [Joey] Right. - Because that wait period is like, "How long can I reasonably keep logging into this?" Like to the point where I'm like, "What am I doing?" And obviously like, after X amount of time when you've beaten the game that's when it's like, "Okay, I'm done, like, I've played this game, I've got my fill, I don't need to spend any more money on this, I'll play something else." - I find it really funny though that you're the one who's like, "No, I wanna finish the story." As someone who does, no idea what fuck the story is about. - No, I wanna do all, like the content, all the bosses like all the fun aspects, and normally, unfortunately it's tied to the story. - 'Cause I remember- - Fortunately all the boss fights are tied to a story. - It's like seeing you enter like discover Arknights for the first time and seeing you like your first entrance into the world of gacha. I'm just like, "I see him." I just saw you spiraling down into hell. - Yeah. - 'Cause I saw you were like, "Oh man I wanna collect this. I wanna level up this character. I wanna level up that character, I wanna optimize this." I'm like, "Oh no, you're gonna be spending a lot of money." - Well, that's 'cause I wanted to, unfortunately with Arknights there will always be that one stage, Arknights is like a tower defense kind of game. - Please, sponsor us. - And basically, there was... No matter how many OP characters you had their always come a stage, when you will need like one specific character that had this one niche that you didn't have. - [Joey] Yeah. - It was super annoying when it happened. So I just wanted to spec everything And everything we've had on every stage and then yeah, I just gave up and I thought- - Yeah, which is what I was saying. Like, if you want to complete a gacha game, you are gonna have a bad time because- - I felt like I completed Arknights, like I did everything. - I mean, there's always new content coming out. You never reach- - That was now- - The only time you can complete a gacha game is when the developers just stop. - Giving a shit, yeah. - But this is the thing, right? If, when you have done everything in a game, right? And then say the next patch coming out in a month. - [Joey] Yeah. - Like, are you then happy to stop playing that game before the new chapters come out next month? Are you done? - Which is why, I feel like this is a super interesting conversation because I feel like a lot of people wins the Genshin and they like I don't think even Genshin, is kind of expected the kind of response that it would have gotten and how popular it would have gotten, because this is like a lot of people's first introduction into gacha games, right? And there's been like a big controversy with Gentian stamina system when you reach end game, right? When you kind of complete the story, explore everything. - So, is the stamina is for running around, swimming, and climbing, right? - No, so you haven't used stamina in Genshin yet. - Oh, I haven't, okay. - No, so you understand... Okay, so every gacha game has kind of like a stamina system where normally you spend a resource to play some certain aspects of the game, right? Genshin to me, I feel like it's super weird, right? 'Cause you can go, you could play it for like 30 plus hours and never have to use stamina system at all. Whereas with like Arknights has sanity. You kind of like, reach the stamina cap within like a week of playing it all out, I'd say right? Same thing like Faygo. I can't remember what the stamina system in Faygo is called, but in Genshin the stamina system is called resin. And you use resin whenever you like go complete a dungeon or don't go like flights and bosses. Now when you're in the early game and when you're just exploring the world you can just not use the stamina system at all because their is so much to do and the world is like... The world is fucking massive, right? - Yeah. - The world is absolutely massive that you could spend 30 plus hours exploring the world doing everything in the world, doing story quest and not have to like focus on grinding and leveling up your characters and doing bosses and everything, but once you reach the end game, once you've explored everything, then their is nothing to do but grind out and you know, and try to... And just use resin. And the argument is, from what I understand, 'cause I haven't actually reach end game myself there is just no enough resin, to give yo meaningful content once you've reached the end of the content. - I don't understand people who like just grind. Like we'll play a game for hours and end on grind when there's no guarantee that anything's coming. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like that's like psychotic to me. - Yeah, because I've heard that the best way to like enjoy Genshin, from what I've heard from people who have reached end game already is that, you shouldn't rush through the game. - No, you shouldn't. - Because getting to end game is actually much quicker than a lot of people expect. And then once you hit that point, and once you have to start using the stamina system then it's like you are really limited to what you can do. - Yeah, you are really limited to content. And that's why I think Genshin is like the super unique example, because most gacha games, it's just like a mobile game where you just like, you can play it for like five to 10 minutes, when it pop sometimes, you know you rarely play for long period of time. Whereas with Genshin because it feels more like a AAA game. People wanna play this for hours on end. And people are coming in expecting this to be like an MMORPG where you're just like constantly grinding and constantly doing something. And this is like infinite content, right? - Mm. - I just find that MMORPG is so boring. after like X level, when you start grinding, I just- - [Both] Yeah. - I don't know, like I think some people can do grinding, no problem, but for me it's like just- - I'm on new JRPG, so. - Yeah, I mean, I just like, I think it's like, why would you just stop me from having fun? Like, (Garnt chuckling) I don't understand. - Some people find grinding really fun. - Yeah. - I think it's like relaxing for some people. - Yeah, I find it relaxing. - For me, it's just like, I feel like you're just like taking the out of me. Like you're just kind of making a mockery of my time here. Like, you are making me do all this thing- - You are only making me use 1% of my brain. - Almost, it's like, you know, some, when I used to play RuneScape, like I didn't mind it, but I was also fucking 12 and I was just dumb little shit. And I wouldn't mind taking on. I literally spent like hours a day clicking trees. I can't even believe I did that. - But like MMOs by yourself or were you playing it with friends? - I had friends as well, but still it... But like- - 'Cause I mean, I couldn't be able to grind in MMO by myself. - Like raids look fun in World of Warcraft. When they are eight people communicating, like that looks fun, but I also don't want to get there, because the points of getting there are insane, right? - [Both] Yeah. - But my little brother was addicted to World of Warcraft and he fucking, you couldn't get him off it. - I never got into all Wold of Warcraft. - I've never been into. I don't think I've played like a single MMORPG because- - Wait, not even RuneScape? - I didn't even play RuneScape, no. - I fucking loved RuneScape, I spent so many hours on the game. - Yeah. - I just like beg my parents when I was like 14 like, "Please, mother, please pay for membership. It's only five pounds a month." - Seriously, I couldn't. I didn't have the balls to ask my parents to do that, so that's why I was like, no. - I think it was like for my birthday, I was like, "Can I have RuneScape for a year?" (both chuckling) And they were like, "Yeah." And obviously when you were like 14 time doesn't go nearly as fast as it does now, right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Right. - So I remember like the first month I played like eight hours a day of RuneScape every day. I was so addicted. - True gaming goal right here. - Yeah, and when I got like 17, I stopped playing, I gave my account to my little brother, 'cause he wanted to play on it for a little bit. Then fucking lost all my shit. (Garnt chuckling) I remember there was like this thing called like... There was this thing you had to grind for like the specific armor and it took like months and he'd lost it. - Like missile armor or some shit. - It was like called Fist of Gothics or something. I don't know what it was called. (chuckling) - Fist of Gothics. - It was like this hummer where you had to play it's like an egg game, it was really dumb. I would spent like two weeks straight getting this hummer, doing these mini games and then he lost it and then I got up again. I came out of retirement from RuneScape, just to get this- (chuckling) - You came out of retirement. - I came out of RuneScape retirement, just to get this hummer again and he fucking lost it again. And I was like, "That's it I'm done with RuneScape." - You pulled like a high misogyny, right? I'm coming out to RuneScape to save this company. (all laughing) - I couldn't believe it. But going in to gacha, like I'm so quick to drop games because at the moment the game is boring, even remotely. Like if I have one gaming session where I'm playing the game and I just didn't have any fun, I'm like, "All right, well I'm done with that game." - [Joey] Yeah. - Somehow League of Legends hasn't done that. I mean, I think it's like hacked my brain. I don't know why, I hate it. - I feel like it has hacked your brain in such sense. - Yeah. - 'Cause I don't know. Do you enjoy league or do you feel like- - League of Legends by the way, I'm sure- - Did you actually enjoy league or do you just sometimes play it because it's just like- - To copy me. - It's like a familiar kind of like system that you just understand and- - I think, I don't know. Joey probably hasn't had this, but I think when you've played a game like that for so long, there is just kind of like almost autopilot nature to it where like I'll see, I have like an hour free. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And I'll just click it open even though every time I know when I click it open, it's a bad idea because not only will I probably not have a good game. If I have a good game, I don't feel good about it 'cause I'm like, "Well that was a stomp, that was no fun." - [Garnt] Yeah, exactly. - But if I lose or have someone entering or on the Japanese server I've been playing, people just fucking trolls so much more, it's so bad. And I'll be like, "Wow, I just wasted 30 minutes and now I'm fucking angry." And then I know every time I click it open It's never gonna be worth it but sometimes I still do it. - Because it's like just habit building. - I have played League of Legends. Like it's been like, I'd say my main game for... God, when did Dilution come out? Like 2004? - Jesus Christ man. - Like, it's been like six, seven years. I've just like, its for the game that I always just go back to, and it used to be really fun, but now it's just like depressing. I don't know, that's why I like- - It's so funny, you're speaking to people who've played league for years. 'Cause everyone talks about it like they are fucking drug addicts, like- - it's certainly sounds like it. - Like you know, "I wanna quit, but I just can't man. I just can't, I need..." - The side effects. - "There's something about me, I just need to play one more game, just one more game. (Joey chuckling) But I just can't quit. I can't quit, damn it." - It used to be like, back when I lived in... When I was in university, it was really easy to just play with people and it was pretty fun. 'Cause I was used to play for the university team as well. - [Garnt] Yeah. - It was pretty fun actually, I really enjoyed that. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But then when I left university, I went to London. I wasn't really playing as much with friends. And then I set the bridge to Japan it's totally like a solo queue thing, which it's just isn't fun. Which solo queue is just playing on your own with four other random people. And I don't know why in the Japanese civil, it's so bad dude. It's full of like Chinese Smurfs and Korean Smurfs who wanna just fuck around, all the deans are horrible. - So then have you considered- - Quitting? - Stopping? - It's hard, man. - It's because I know why. Its because there's nothing to replace it, right? - What do you do, right? What do you do when you have like just one hour free? Just only one hour free? - Jack off. (Garnt chuckling) - For one hour? (Garnt chuckling) - I mean, I'll get the job done within that hour, right? And then- - Connor's like, that's an unoptimized jack off. You can't have that. - Well you know? - No jack off should take more than five minutes. - Then, yeah, I have 55 minutes to do whatever I want, right? - But like, okay, now but seriously, what do you do? Like read a book, watch something? - Yeah, read a book usually. - I can't open a book for an hour, I'd stuck - Yeah, 'cause you are a fucking monkey brains. - Its like an eight hour thing for me if I open a book. - Eight hours? - I have to make it a whole day thing if I read. - I'm talking about like, like manga or like- - Yeah, manga. - I'm actually with Connor. - Really? - Like if I'm reading manga, it has to be a whole day thing. I can't put it down. - Oh, no, I can easily just pick up a volume, read it and then that's it. - Yeah. - I think the problem is that league is so easy to just do for 30 minutes without engaging. - It just engages that monkey brain, that fucking lizard brain where you just like, "Okay, I'm just clicking buttons now." - Yeah, and I recognize that it invalidates a lot of my points, like when we talk about fighting games. - Yeah. - That clip of us talking about it and me being like, "Yeah, fuck it." You know? - Yeah. - I got so much shit for that. 'Cause one first of all, they were like "Well Connor's a league player, So it makes so much sense." And then the other top comments are like, "Connor's is just a sore loser, that's why he doesn't like fighting games." I'm like, "You don't know a true fucking loss until you've played a 40 minute game of league and your team fucking threw it all. - This video is sponsored by Honey. Imagine this, you make a list of gifts you gonna buy for the holidays, and then someone randomly gives you the money to help buy one, sounds good. Well, that's what honey is doing. They're helping pay for $1 million worth of gifts. $1 million? - That's a lot of money. - You're probably wondering, is this the same honey that automatically searches for promo codes online? - I am wondering, is it? - Yes. Yes it is Joey. With honey, you can also make a list of all the holiday gifts you want from certain stores and Honey will email you when their price drops on anything. - Anything? - On your list, any thing. - Just add honey to your computer, create a free account and throw some holiday gifts in your drop list for a chance to win. Honey will randomly select winners and give them the money to help buy something on their list. They basically turn into Santa. - I would like a copy of super Mario all-stars please, honey, that's on my drop list by the way. Why are you laughing Joey, it's on my drop list. - Honey, I want the new X-Box, you know which one. - Did you know, there is no purchase necessary. You need a PayPal account to redeem the price only in the U.S. and the giveaway ends on the 21st of December 2020, so go now. - You don't even need to be a good boy or good girl to get all the gifts that honey can give you. Get honey today for free at JOINHONEY.COM/TRASHTASTE. That's JOINHONEY.COM/TRASHTASTE. - Back to the episode. Yeah, there's a lot of people who are saying, "Yeah, I'm just bad at fighting games and I'm a sole loser, that's why I don't like to do it. And it's so bullshit. If you had played league, you know what true fucking pain is like, I would rather lose a two minute fighting game any day of the week than lose one league game. 'Cause it is brutal. - I mean, just from the sounds of it, it just sounds like a shit experience. - Oh, it is, it's terrible. It's fucking awful. - Then stop. - Who knows man, just say that to a crack addict, Joey. - I will. - Just tell him to search- - Well, you can quit crack, just do League. - It is like crack because I will say like the honeymoon period of league, like when you first start learning the game and when you start clicking, it's probably like some of my fondest gaming experiences in my life when I'm just like, "This is a really, really fun game." And it's just like, it is- - I didn't even get to that point. 'Cause I played one game and then five minutes in all the comments and called me new fan and it kept me, so- - So tell me like, what did you hate about League of Legends? Like walk me throw it? - I mean, well, first of all, I don't like MOBAs to begin with. - Yeah, I mean like they are assertive context. - Yeah, so yeah, so that was that. And then just again, like, just from what I've seen and from what I've heard from a distance the league community just looks like a bunch of fucking cocks. (Garnt laughing) - What do you mean by a bunch of cocks? - It's like they just, you know, I've always hated using the word gate keeping but, oh my God! League players are like the crowns of gate keeping. Like you say anything bad about the game. You try and get into it, like with no experience or no knowledge of the game whatsoever. Most communities will, you know at least a few of them will be like, "Hey you're trying to get into our game, welcome, we'll invite you with open arms. But if you suck at the game then that's your responsibility, right?" And I'm like, all right, fair enough. - [Connor] Yeah. - But meanwhile league is like you're not a fucking God at this game from five minutes in then you're a new fan get out. - It's- - That was my experience with league. - I mean, league definitely has one of the most toxic communities. - Yeah. - I actively tell people like just don't get into league, it's not like it's not rewarding. - Yeah, and I'm like, I already can't deal with fucking toxic communities to begin with. - Yeah. - I guess I don't really mind that much. Like I kind of liked that aspect of games. - I've been on the internet for too long. I don't wanna deal with that anymore. - Connor is like a toxic gamer. - I have to deal with the anime community, right? Like let alone the league community. - I know, what do you think about the argument that like a lot of people get really upset with the idea of like trash talking video games online. Like, what do you think about that? - I think if it's done tastefully, I don't really- - Yeah, like whenever I see you trash talking like the fighting game community, I'm like, "Ah, that's just fun." you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Yeah, it's kinda sad 'cause I feel like in League of Legends, not... I mean, it's obviously there are some people who say some fucking APAR and stuff. - Yeah. - But like, I think just, you know like fucking telling the other team that Baton stuff is funny as hell, like I'm not doing that. - Oh yeah, if it's done tasteful, right? - Yeah. - And which is, there's many ways to do that. - Just as long as you're not like attacking someone personally. - [Both] Yeah. - I think it's like, I'm all game for it. Like if someone, if I do a terrible job in League of Legends game, maybe fuck something up I fucking hope they type and they all chat to me saying like, "LOL" or something, you know what I mean? - [Joey] Yeah. - Because that's funny to me, like I want that. - Because you do the same, right? - Oh, a hundred percent. - But if it gets to like, you know some racial xenophobic shit, then I'm just like, "All right-" - Oh, that's fucked up, yeah. - Please stop. - I mean, obviously I think there was a draw on the line, but obviously kind of feels like, especially in league that they've like kind of like cracked down on anything like that. - But I feel like they had to, because it was so far removed from what was acceptable, that you're like, you go into like a normal game and people are still toxic as fuck, even though it's a normal game. - The problem was that he never enforced any of the rules for so long, so it just kept escalating. And I reckon if they enforced like the actual rules from the beginning, it wouldn't have been so bad. - [Joey] You are right. - I mean, yeah. - But I feel like this is like the same cycle for every competitive game, you what I mean? Without exception, I mean, you can seem like- - I played Overwatch as well- - Yeah, you look at Overwatch, and it's like the first few months, great. Everyone had fucking fun. Everyone was just learning the game. And then like, it's the problem of when you've played the game enough, you don't play because it's fun. You play because like you said, it's just something to do. - And then out from the shadows rose the try-hard. (Garnt chuckling) - Dude, I had some of the worst experiences of my life on Overwatch. - Did you actually? - Because League of Legends, right. It's bad, right, it's bad. It's, you see them violet shit, but at least there's no voice chat. In Overwatch, you're automatically put in like voice chat with your team. - That sounds horrible. - Well, okay. Sometimes you'd have like the funniest moments ever like you would meet the coolest people. And it was like, you'd always have to remember that whenever you got like the 10 games in a row of like fucking kids and shit. - [Both] Right. - Because like as well the worst part is an Overwatch when I used to play it they implemented a system now where you can queue up for a role, but it used to be six of you got put in you all might be six tank mains. You all might be six, like DPS mains. So you'd stop fucking bickering immediately over who gets what? And that's why I always just play, fill in games. Like, I'll just do whatever, 'cause I'm like, "I don't fucking care, like don't shout at me, let's just do it man." - [Both] Yeah. - But man, people would like say horrible shit on that, like always 12 year olds as well. - I mean, because once you play it enough hours then you've reached this point where you're like, "Okay I got to play ranks, because otherwise playing this game is kind of like meaningless in a sense, right? - I hate playing normal games of like competitive games. - Yeah, but then when, once you start getting on the ranks ladder is when I find it, it stops getting fun because then you reach and everyone reaches a wall. Doesn't matter who you are everyone will reach a wall eventually. And once you reached that wall you just feel like you stop progressing. Unless you put like so many hours into learning this game and trying to better yourself and at that point I understand why people get toxic and angry. - Yeah. - Because then the weight they like to invest into like making that... Like climbing up the ranks ladder and everything. So they feel like they need this to feel like they haven't wasted there time. Which let's be honest, unless you're a programmer you probably are wasting your time with it. - You know what it might be? I think it's just the simple thing that I can just not into PVP with random people. - Really? - I think that's all it is. Like, I'm thinking about it now. I'm like, I've never enjoyed just PVP games to begin with. Maybe for the exception of like some fighting games but only if I'm like playing it with friends I know. - Right. - So like, I'll play like a game of Smash or like straight fight or old tech in or whatever if I'm sitting in the same room with you and we just like having a fun fucking time, right? But I think just the whole idea of PVP against randos on the internet, who I don't know or care about, I think that's just the one thing I fucking hate in gaming. - Why is Garnt laughing? - I just have this like image of Joey being like, "I have fun with friends." And then I think like the angriest I've ever seen Joey is when you're playing against Connor and he was like, spamming King K. Rool at your house and I'm just like (chuckling) - No, but that's the thing, right. I'm okay with getting angry in situations like that because I know Connor and he's there in front of me, right? Like, so like, that's just fun times, right? Like, yeah, I was off that you were spamming fucking counsel with King K. Rool, every fucking match. - Joey gets very, very angry when he loses in the Smash. - Yeah, but that's what I'm saying though. It's like, I don't like PVP games as it is. Like, I'm not a huge fan of PVP as it is because I get angry easily. But especially when it's against people, I can't see, or I've never heard of, never talked to, just don't know. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That anger, I think... Yeah, that just like the enjoyment is just completely gone. - I remember you were like, "Yeah, man, I'm the best. No, one's beat me at Mario Kart ever." Like Joey is like- - I did not say that, you are a lair. - You were like I never lose him Mario Kart- - You are the absolute slander. (both chuckling) I did not say that. - It was like some fake news- - It was something along those lines. You were like, "I never losing Mario Kart." And then I was like, "Bet." And then like, Joey would bit all his friends and I would just crush Joey. - Okay, crush is a strong word. (Garnt chuckling) - But in recent times, you've been playing and it's been pretty 50, 50, but yeah, when it was like, which one was it? - It's probably when Deluxe came out, the new Mario Kart eight, I was fucking killing Joey. - Yeah, I think so. - And had him made like, he can't game play. Ethan, like a fucking breakdown. Do you remember that? We did like a stream where we kept playing Mario Kart. - I only played baby park for like five hours. - Until Ethan could beat me and we must've played it yeah for like five hours until he managed to bit me. - We did like 150 fucking time. We did a baby park 150 times on stream, we were like, "All right, let's like after like race 20 rool." We were like, "All right, if Ethan beats Connor in one race, then we'll run the stream. - Yeah, and then that was also earlier on that they thought I was cheating or something. - Yeah, your doom was like, "He's got a modern suite or something like, he's winning too many times." - Yeah, so they made us all change to the same character in the same car and everything like, so there was no cheating at all, like it was all the same thing. And he was like, "How are you still beating me every time?" (Joey chuckling) It was so funny. - See, that's like, those kinds of like competitive games I fucking love, right. Like, I don't wanna say the word party games. But like, I mean, they are party games. Like that's why I fucking love about party games, is that yeah, you'll get people who are fucking salty and it is PVP technically. But at the end of the day, it's fucking whatever. It's a fucking Mario Kart game, right? - What do you think of people throwing their controllers, Joey? - Huh? - What do you think about people throwing controllers? - I mean, I've done it before as well. - Actually. - Yeah, I've done it in Smash, remember? - Did you really? - Yeah. - But I think it's so cringe, (chuckling) no matter how angry I get, I'll be like, "But not you." - [Joey] Yeah. - Put that there. (all chuckling) - Okay, to be fair, I only did it once. - But you see that's an expensive fucking Joey, Connor is like, "I aint throwing these things. - Oh no, I threw it like the really cheap shit, like GameCube controller. - Oh those budget ones, oh. - Were just like 15 bucks. It's like the budget one, it's like even if I break this, I can buy another one, it's fine, but the- - The YouTuber money is- - Pad control, I would never. and that's too much of an expensive... Like, Oh my God, seeing like Smash compilations of like people just absolutely just shocking their controllers. - I do love watching Smash tournament rage moments. - Oh, it's so funny. I'm like, dude, it's a party game like just chill. - Yeah, but like I was about to ask what'd you think about party games? I mean, do you see Smash as a party game? - Yeah, I mean- - Bro, you got a (indistinct) - Dude, Sakurai himself said it was a party game. So it's a fucking party game, all right? - It's a party game that can be played competitively. - It's a party game that is, can also be competitive. - Imagine like musical chairs. If there was a pro league- - Yeah. - Yeah, (laughing) I can't wait for the salt in the comments man. I cannot Wait for the salt in the comments. - I mean, look, it's like, I'm not saying that, you know, Smash is not a competitive game. Like it absolutely is. I fucking love watching the competitive scene of Smash pros. - [Connor] Yeah. - But, but it's a competitive game that can also be a party, you know? Like again, like if you said for example, right. If fucking Mario Kart had like a pro league, then yeah, it could probably be a competitive game but it doesn't. - Why doesn't it though? Why? Okay, here's why I've never understand, how did Smash get so competitive as opposed to basically like every other Nintendo game? - I think, because a lot of them are like too random. Like Mario Kart has way too many random aspects. - Right. - Where I think like- - That's why I like Smash, like Smash competitive is like no items final destination only- - That's right, they literally knew called the randomization from it, right? - Right. - So even the stages they can't move, right? - Yeah, so the only, like... I think the only way that something like Mario Kart could ever be competitive is if- - No items? - it's the same course, no items, (Garnt chuckling) and everyone is- - Baby park. - Same course, no items, everyone's in the same character with the same car. - That'd be so fucking boring. - Yeah, and that's the only reason why, right? - Yeah, I guess so. - But again, like, you know I'm sure there's lots of party games out there that could very easily be considered competitive games. - Like what? - Guitar hero. - Yeah. - I mean, that's just the way, that should go into rhythm games right? - That was actually competitive. - Yeah, that's what I thought about that. - Rhythm games can very easily be competitive games, but they are not, because there's like no real league for it. But I reckon the only reason why Smash became a competitive game is because of all the fucking street fighter games. - I feel like also it's just a nice spectator sports as well. 'Cause I feel like with competitive games, if there's gonna be a league for it, it's got to be interesting to watch, I'd say. I feel like that's why league is the biggest e-sport because while I'd hardly ever play league anymore I still fucking watch it every year, 'cause it is a really fun game to watch as opposed to- - Because there's so much going on. - Yeah, exactly. And it feels like it was, it feels like it's a game that's designed to also be viewed as well from a third person perspective. - I mean, I used to, when the Overwatch was doing the pro league my friends used to watch it but I used to watch it and I'm like, what the is this? I played this game and there's way too much going on. The quality was can't possibly describe what's going, because all the action happens so fast and it's six different people doing six different things. Whereas the league it's normally, if it's a team fight it's still like, you can still tell people what's going on. - Yeah, its because of the top-down view as opposed to Overwatch where just like first person is here. - It gets nociating. - Yeah. - Fucking be following tracer, Tracer zooms back, and then I switch into the next guy and switch in again. It's like, "Oh, just fuck me." Like, and also I feel that because of the length of league you can sit down and enjoy. And like I think the one reason I've really gotten to fighting games is that normally when I'm watching I mean, e-sports that's what I'm saying, when I'm watching the e-sports, I normally only watch like the finals 'cause I can kind of follow what's going on. It's like the Semi's and the finals and it's really easy to follow along. But when the group stages are going on it's like, all right, "Who's this guy?" And by the time I'm finished Googling him the next guy's on fighting. I'm like, "All right, well, okay, who's this guy?" And then the fight maybe I wanted to watch he's over in three minutes and it's like, "Okay, well I guess, yeah, I guess that's it. I guess all the fights are over, okay, shit." League is quite a long thing and they've got a really good system with the league where it plays like two... There's like every league plays everyday now. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like alternates on season. - I mean it's- - It's crazy, they got set up literally like a football. - Yeah, it's way more like just a football, you know, like a traditional sports now where you can kind of like jump in and jump out and see familiar faces and kind of like familiar brands every time. And I feel like that's kind of helped... It's like the e-sports scene in league, it just seems to keep growing every year, which is fucking insane to me that it's like fucking 10, 11 years old now. How old is league? - 10. - Yeah, and it's still like growing each year internationally, which- - Shows the e-sports- - Yeah, the e-sport which shows the power. But like totally, I enjoy watching fighting games as well. - [Connor] Me too. - Like, the only time I ever get into is during like Evo or like the big kind of - Yeah, true, Whatever else, like, Oh, why is there a million views on Twitch? Oh, its Evo, okay, cool. - Like I don't go around like fucking looking for like you know, local cons doing, you know, Smash tournaments. Like I'm not gonna watch those live but you know, but yeah, like Evo and fucking you know, those big Smashtournament are fucking fun to watch. - The sponsor of today's video is EJ Anime store. - EJ Anime store, is an online mode store that is run directly by Kodakawa. Once again, they brought us an assortment of special figures. - Oh, look at this shit, look at this. - You can't get these outside of Japan because they can only be purchased at EJ Anime tore. - Tell us what we got today Connor. - So, we have- - Was this your first rodeo or something? Like come on, bro. - I just didn't have what EJ stood for. I just kind of didn't know what to- - I'll tell you, look into my eyes. Entertainment, Japan. - Okay, this in the middle wearing the wedding dress I assume is the Taiga Aisaka wedding version from Toradora. I can't see the face, I love Toradora. - Very nice. - Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Toradora light novel series. We bring you the main heroine Taiga Aisaka dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress. - Not only that but this special set includes an original F three size canvas art signed by the author of the original light novel series Takemiya Yuyuko, as an exclusive bonus. - Out of here, Joey, that is the deal. - Additionally, the figure also includes extra exchangeable face parts, showing Taiga loving games. - And in original illustration with a signature board signed by the original illustrator Yasu as a bonus. - That's pretty freaking Epic. (Connor chuckling) But I'll tell you one thing that I'm genuinely excited about, It's the Slayer's sign, I fucking love slayers dude. - I can't believe we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Slayers light novel. - Okay, to be actually honest with you. I can't fucking believe it's 30 years already. - I know. - 'Cause I grew up reading Slayers and I'm like, "Man, this is such a new show." I realized it started before I was born. But we have the Lina Inverse kimono version, which is again, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Slayers light novel series. And the special set includes a B2 tapestry of the originally created illustration that inspired this figure as an exclusive bonus, as you can see right here. - Look at that. - It looks very nice. - Then we also got to the (speaking foreign language) and that was a fucking mouthful. - Oh, Kimisen. (both chuckling) - Did you just name a town in Wales? So this is the Aliceliese original dress version. - And finally we have the "Date A Live 3" Tohka Yatogamy Chinese style dress version. - You nailed that pronunciation, Joey. Goddamn dude. - Would you believe me if I told you that I know Japanese? - If you like any of these figures be sure to go check them out at ejanimestore.com or click the link in the description down below. - They are writing new stuff on a regular basis, so stay tuned to there updates and look them up on Twitter and Facebook. - Back to the video. - As the host of this episode. (Joey laughing) Why are you laughing? I'm the host Joey, come on. - What does it feel like? - Power, it's the power, I guess are we anime podcast? (chuckling) - Wow, what a question? - I was wondering this yesterday. I was like, I see people on Twitter or Reddit. They talk about like, "Oh man, I like it when they talk about anime, I don't like it when they talk about anime." I guess it's weird, 'cause I guess when we started, it was like I guess we said we were the animated podcast- - Well, our channel bio I think is a terrible anime podcast. If you go on our about section that's what it says. - I always never gave a fuck that much about anime. - Wow, just come out and say it. - Yeah, no, I always had a genuine question for you which is, do you see yourself as an anime YouTuber? - The thing is I think because I see myself in the same like realm. - Yeah. - With like those people. - 'Cause you hang out with us, right? - I hanging out with you guys, I watch a lot of anime. I make it, I think because I make so many anime references and there's so much like anime and like this Otaku culture in my videos, I guess I do. But not in the traditional sense. Like, 'cause like I don't make videos about anime- - Yeah. - But that's the thing, right? It's like nowadays you make any content, that's like, even if you make content that's just like general or Otaku shit like you or hockey. - Yeah. - Just because like I think Otaku just equals anime now. - Well, I think that the people who watch my stuff are people who consume anime. - [Joey] Right. - [Garnt] Right. - But I'm not necessarily talking about anime. - I know it's weird, right? Because I've been like as the OG anime YouTuber, it's so weird seeing anime content on YouTube nowadays. And this is just me thinking out loud, but do people even want to see as much like anime content as much anymore? And 'cause I feel like it's been really weird seeing content on anime content on YouTube in 2020, where it feels like anime content doesn't even perform that amazingly anymore. Compared to doing like anime themed content, as opposed to, "I am going to make content on a certain show." - It's Otaku content now. - Yeah. - I mean, when we started the podcasts, I was kind of worried, I was like, Fuck it. They're going to like wanna talk about anime every week 'cause I call it. - I mean, is that is technically speaking. That is what we sought out to do. - Yeah, 'cause I remember when we were discussing it, I remember in my head, I'm like, "I'm just gonna like bring up all this stuff. We'll just see how it does, right?" Like it could have backfired so much. - It's funny because the only time I talked about anime most is on the podcast with you guys, right? Rarely do we actually talk about anime off screen? - Yeah. - I feel like there's more people like, I guess if you want to get into it like more people are way qualified than us, to talk about it. Like just consuming anime, all they do is talk about anime. But I also, in my opinion like when I do wanna consume stuff about anime, I often don't want that kind of person, who's just like, all they do is anime, I kind of want like a monkey brain person kind of opinion. - Like a personality who also love anime, right? - I just want someone... Which is why like I think the only anime reviews I still watch which weird to say is, I watch Critical reviews because I know that when I'm getting that, I'm getting a review from someone- - Oh, that's also like someone like Critical can pretty much just do content on anything. - But I think because I've been on YouTube for so long and I've been throughout all of my anime watching lifespan, if you will. - Yeah. Whenever I wanted to see if I wanted to watch a show I would just go and watch a review from someone who all they do is talk about anime. All they do is consume anime, Otaku culture. And it's just really refreshing to now go and watch someone who doesn't really care that much about anime but they do like it a lot. - Like it's not their entire life. - Right, like it's just like, I'm a normal guy. I do things, but I also watch a lot of anime. - Yeah, I feel like that attitude really reflects on how you know, how anime content performs on YouTube as well, it's because I feel like if you only do anime content and you like only... I feel like because anime has gotten so much more mainstream in the past few years it's not so much about being an anime fan. You know what I mean? Like there are definitely channels that's, you know, I'm probably like one of the biggest where you focus solely on anime. But I feel like there you hit a ceiling, right? You hit the ceiling of, okay, if you only target yourself towards anime fans that community now is only so big, but anime as a medium is actually bigger than just the anime community. 'Cause like you can be like a true anime fan follow seasonal anime and everything like that. But then there's like a way bigger community that knows about anime and you know, watches the old anime show. But they also don't have as much of a vested interest. - Are you eight from that nomie guy? (Garnt laughing) - Maybe I'm talking about nomies. Like they don't have a vested interest or they're not as invested. - I basically gonna sum it up, I like watching nomies reviews. I should have said that. - It's the difference between anime fans and people who are fans of anime. I feel there's like a big difference, right? 'Cause like an anime fan is like someone where it's like anime is their life. Like they love everything about it. They'll watch anything, they'll dedicate their life to it. And then there are fans of anime where it's like- - I got the perfect word for this. There are anime fans and then there are weebs. (all chuckling) You know what I mean? - Yeah, you are right. - You are just so fucking proud of that. - I'm just like, I figured it out. I figured out the system. - All right, you got it. - Yeah. - So just disregard everything I just said. - No, because, somebody is like, as you were saying out- - That's why I said that like we like what you say, we are weebs- - Yeah, we are weebs, 'cause like I was thinking to myself like what differentiates someone like Critical from someone like in the anime community because, it made me think, remember the good old days of gate keeping and be- - You mean 2020? - Yeah, (chuckling) and like the old days where like you're not a true anime fan unless you've watched XXX show. (Joey chuckling) - Yeah. - Like, oh, you're an anime fan, name me 20 different shows that are now return- - You are an anime fan link me on my anime. - Yeah, exactly. - Then every anime on what Joey has done. - I've done that. - But I'm like, it's good that nowadays I feel like gate keeping especially in the anime community, it's like, it's not died but it's definitely way less than it used to be. But I feel like someone like Critical I feel like he has watched a lot of anime, right? And he does definitely- - I think he actually watches more anime than me. - I think he does as well. But I don't know like you look at Critical and you're like, "You're not a weeb, you know what I mean? You're just a normal anime fan." - Felix was like that too. Like at one point he was doing a bunch of like anime reviews and he was doing a lot of videos on anime and I'm just like, "Okay, I can tell you like anime, but obviously your entire life is not anime." - Right, and I think that's why people really liked his review, 'cause it felt like a very honest- - It was like a new perspective of opinions on certain shows. - Because I feel like when maybe you're an anime YouTuber, when you're reviewing an anime, it's like, "I'm reviewing it because it's anime." Whereas I feel like, if Critical, or any other person makes review, who doesn't talk about anime content. It feels like they have something to say because they've gone out of their way to make a video about something normally wouldn't make a video about, to talk about it. Whereas, you know, Garnt talking about Attack on Titan season four, of course, Garnt is gonna talk about the att... You know what I mean? Like it's expected and it's like- - 'Cause he wants those views. - Yeah, but obviously I mean, but if someone else does it, right, it's like, "Oh, they must really like, be passionate about what they're trying to convey here." And I think that's really refreshing. And it's something that, I mean, maybe this is, again this could be from being an issue in myself. And I can understand the thought process of why they're talking about it, but I don't know, I guess and that's why I think I've distanced myself from anime in some aspects, like- - And it's like not to undermine the passion of actual anime fans, right? Like, you know, I'm sure there's- - I still fucking love the cultured anime. - I'm sure there's a massive amount of like hardcore anime fans who will make Attack on Titan videos because they genuinely love the show. - Oh, of course, yeah, sorry. I'm not trying to say that everyone- - Yeah, of course, but like... No, I get what you're saying, it's like, when you do see that anime review from someone who you don't expects an anime review from, it's just like, "Oh, okay." - 'Cause like, looking on the internet now, there's like so many low key anime fans that, you know- - They just like suddenly coming out of the woodwork. It's like, I've always been an anime fan. - Yeah, it's like sometimes you see these little hints every now and again, where it's like this completely normal YouTuber that you don't expect to watch anime and like make a very subtle anime reference. And you're just like, wait, are you a weeb? Did you have something to say? - That's why I always get like scared and surprised when a YouTuber who I thought had nothing to do with anime like follows me on Twitter. I'm like, "Something's up, do perhaps like anime?" - Or maybe they've just seen like, "Wow, this guy likes a lot of porn that I like, maybe I should follow him back." (both chuckling) - Damn. - 'Cause I remember I was watching like one of the latest Internet Historian videos like a few weeks ago and then like, you know, it was a very normal Internet historian video then right at the end, he was like giving some shout outs to like his other social medias. And then he mentioned like streaming and everything. And then he showed her a clip of Corona and I'm just like, "Where did this come from?" - Are you serious? - Yeah, he did, (chuckling) its like right at the end as well. So it's at the point where most people click off. - Good tastes, good tastes. - I'm like, "Are you a cultured individual too?" - Would you like to come on to the podcast and talk about the goddess that is Corona? - Oh, my God, (chuckling) Jesus. - 'Cause I'd be down. Yeah, but yeah, I don't know. It's just fascinating to watch, especially I'd say in like the last two, three years of just all these people just suddenly coming out, you know saying- - How'd you feel about anime being like way more normalized? - How do I feel about going mainstream? - Yeah, normalized, I was trying to think of the right word. 'Cause it isn't mainstream yet? - I mean, that's the eternal debate. It's like, is it truly mainstream yet? - I don't think so. - It depends on your definition of mainstream, right? - I mean, it's not like everyone's talking about 24/7 but is everyone, you know? - I mean, people argued that like, you know, "All "Demon Slayer" was trending on Twitter, right? It must've gone mainstream." - And I'm like, I don't think it's mainstream yet. I think it's like about three, four years away from like properly being mainstream, I'd say. - I don't know, I feel like every time there's a big show it helps a lot. - Its certainly on it's way. - I mean, Attack on Titan season four will hopefully help a lot in terms of like, "Hey, here's a completed masterpiece," hopefully. - I mean the amount of money that the fucking "Demon Slayer" movie made in like the first, like two weeks of it coming out. - Yeah, it's still like dwarf numbers compared to like- - Proper- - The giant "Blockbuster" four to $5 million in the first week, which is amazing, but- - Yeah. - I mean like, fuck it, "Avengers" got like a billion in like the first week of us, which is obviously like perish- - But then again if I had Robert Downey Jr's voice in "Demon Slayer" it would probably get more. - And again, it is Japan so it's kind of a very isolated market. So it's kind of hard to say like how well it would do. - That's why I'd say that it's still like a few years from being like properly mainstream. But at this point it's not like anime itself isn't mainstream, but at least pretty much everyone knows what anime is now. - It's accepted world wide. - Yeah, there's never this debate of, you mentioned an anime and people were like, "What the fuck? What language are you speaking?" - What is an anime? - What is an anime? - It's weird because I think that you know, there's 40, 50 year olds online who talked to who get all the anime references and keep up with it. But then I've got 25 year old friends in the UK who are like, "What's that?" Like what's a dark note? What's that like? (both chuckling) - What's a dark note. - No, legit, like so it's, I think we almost get all like perceptions, especially us, it's because we are surrounded by like-minded individuals to an extend, we're surrounded by people online. We never interact with people really outside of the online bubble, even when we leave our house, we are normally going to an event with other online people, people who work in the same industry, right? But when I go back to the UK or I go back to Wales and I talked to my friends, they literally have like, no fucking clue about any anime. Maybe there'll be like, "What's that one punch man?" Or something, you know? - But the fact that they've heard about that, is fucking massive. - They might but they are my age, I would expect them to be like, "Come on, you are 24, you should know what date note is, come on. - Yeah, I mean like with titles like that, as long as you're on the internet, it's pretty hard to avoid, right? - Yeah, like it's weird. 'Cause like when you go into those kinds of social circles and you realize, "Oh," you don't spend all your time on Twitter and seeing all that fucking drama and everything happening on online, you're just watching fucking "Love Island" or whatever. And just- (both chuckling) - I fucking hate reality TV. - That's like a whole new world. But even some people that I know who, don't spend any time on the internet and everything like that, still I've heard of some of these like bigger shows and to me that is still a massive step than what it was even like five years ago. And like going back 10 year- - Because you had to like seek out that shit. - The reason I started YouTube is to make friends who I could speak to about it. And now I don't really want to speak about it. (all laughing) I mean I do, I just- - Fuck these friends. - I mean, again, going back to the podcast, it's like I did wanna speak about it but I didn't wanna make a whole podcast talking about it. I wanna make a podcast and talk shit about it. - I mean, I think the only reason why we labeled ourselves in anime podcast is because all three of us individually are already established in that field. - I guess it was like a comfort thing. But then when we got in the flow of it I think we realized that like, I think us just chatting is like- - Yeah, 'cause I remember like when we first were conceptualizing this podcast we were like, "All right, let's just like, maybe like the first like 10 or 20 episodes, we should like solely focus on the stuff that people know us for. And then maybe every now and then, you know- - The whole time I'm like, I might not want to do this. - So we'll slide IN some other stuff. And then, you know episode one rolls around, we don't mention anime a single time. I think we only talked about attack one time for like 20 minutes on the first episode. - I've watched a lot of animated podcasts. You know what I mean? I've watched- - What do you think about them? - Okay, well this is the thing, right? There's only so much you can say about anime. And like, I feel like a lot of the times it's like three or four people who regurgitate the same point with slightly different wording back to each other. They're like, "Hmm, yes. I agree." - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it's like, "Okay, cool." I mean, some people, some people are looking for that. But to me it's like not exciting anymore, I don't know why. - Because there's so much of it out there. - There's too much anime, and by the time... I've gotten to the point now where I don't really have as much time as I'd like to do everything that I wanna do. So now I just wait until the season's over. And I'm like, right, so it was the best show guys. What was the show that was- - 'Cause I feel like out of the three of us, I've probably watch the most anime. - Yeah you do, I'm the most normal hee everyone knows that. - Yeah, and we've got like a spectrum here where Joey's like, "I don't even watch anime anymore. I just read manga." (chuckling) You know they call The Anime Man. - He's The Anime Man who reads more manga like anyone. - I feel like 2020 has been the year where I have watched the least amounts of anime, like in probably like last five years and that's partly due to the fact that I feel like 2020 has just been a really weak year for anime. - It has yeah. - Like some variants know the faults of like the anime itself, it's just the weld situation right now where it's just less shows being made. So it's just, it's been really weird because I've been watching this anime I've had to find my enjoyment for like other things, like Vtubers and gacha games. And it's really like broadened my horizons to like other kind of anime subcultures and everything and like the weeb subculture and everything like that. - The Otaku just overall or Otaku cultures like really just expanding, I think just in general with the success of, you know, the as you mentioned like the Vtubers and gacha games and all that shit. And it's just, I don't know, it's really interesting to watch especially as someone who's been in that realm for most of my life. - Yeah. - Do you find consuming media in 2020 to be a bit worse in general? Just due to the climate of everything going on right now? - I mean, I find that consuming media periods has become worse in general, I don't know. - Because you kind of- - Because of 2020, or just in general? - Just in general. I feel like there's just too much media now. - I think it has to do mostly with the environment that we're like placed in. It's like for a lot of people consuming media is really the only thing we can do to like- - I think that's almost like a little bit about it as well is that 2020s has just been so... I mean, everyone can relate to this, right? It's been, shit, right? - Unless you are from the future and you're watching this, 2020 was a shit year. - It's been kind of shit. Every time like I have free time to do it. I'm like, "Oh, this is free time, I could've been doing something fun and doing something with my life, but I'm stuck here watching this anime. I've got nothing better to do." And it's kind of sad, it doesn't feel like I'm really choosing to do it, it feels like I'm doing it out of like, just like- - Yeah. - Like I got nothing better to do. And I, you know, what worries me, I can't enjoy anime, right? Who fucking cares, but at the end of the day, I'm just trying to explain why I guess my enjoyment right now of like anime, especially it's probably been the thing that's dropped off most. - I've definitely like, I hate to admit it to myself but I've definitely had a massive fucking burn out with anime, like- - Yeah. - Just not only because like this year's anime has been kind of mid but also just the fact that, yeah, I don't know, I've just been doing this shit for so long now where it's like- - You know, I made a video like, like six months into my YouTube career, like five years ago now. Like why I don't watch much anime anymore. (both laughing) And I made a video, I think it's actually still up and in that video, I'm just kind of like, "Yeah, like, I don't know, it's weird. I just started making YouTube videos and I just don't watch much anime anymore." I kind of watch like two or three a season at most. And then I realized, like I thought that would go back to normal, never did go back to normal. I've just been at that same stage the whole time. - I feel like that's just the normal cycle of a fucking anime fun. - Yeah, what I realized is like when you first get into anime or you have that period when you start watching a fuck ton of anime I thought it would be like, okay well- - You thought that will last forever? - Well, I thought that, okay, when that honeymoon period if you will end it, I thought, "Well, you know maybe next summer when I have a lot of free time it'll come back round." I told myself that like every year it just never has. And I realized, oh, this is just like the new normal. - And then when you wake up first day of the summer break and you are like, I have nothing to do. (both laughing) - I feel like it was a real tough for me. This year especially when I always felt like I was behind on anime. Well, like I don't have enough time to keep up with everything I wanted. And then in the one year where you have the most free time to do whatever you want it's just like watching anime just felt like a chore at points because you're just like I'm not taking a break from something else. I just feel like I'm doing this 'cause I have nothing else to do. - If you start making excuses, like, you know when you were back at school and you had to study, right. It's like, "oh, I have to like clean my room." - Yeah. - I have to go shopping. - This is hosting existential episode of the podcast. What are we here for anyway? What are we doing? - Are we truly an anime podcast? - Why do we watch anime? - For fun? Yeah, I don't know, like- - Okay, by the time when we were... This will be out, the drifting episode will be out. And then, you know, the, the Calli episode to be out and then we're filming another thing, that's coming out soon. - Second special of the year. - I know we spent listen to YouTube burnout, but I feel like a lot of my energy that was once anime and consuming content has just been pushed in different avenues, and I feel like that's- - All my energy has been pushed into Trash Tastes. - And the game we spoke about that I don't like talking about topics I spoke about, but it's like, I guess I wanted to talk about this topic in general, just because I know that we get a lot of comments being like, "Why don't we talk about anime any more?" But then there's those people on the other side of- - I feel like it's 50, 50. - Yeah, there's some people who are like, "I fucking hate it when they talk about anime." Like I wonder to the viewers, do you prefer when we speak about anime or not? I mean, we're gonna speak about it regardless when we want to, but it's nice to hear your opinion. - Yeah, we wanna hear your opinions, but at the end of the day we're gonna talk about whatever the fucking we wanna talk about. (both laughing) But like, you know, but that to me is just like reassuring that we have an audience that... Because I always thought, "Oh yeah like 99.9% of the people who are subscribed to and watch Trash Taste are only there because they like anime. - Yeah, I mean, I thought when we started the podcast, I knew it was gonna be a risk, being like, let's just talk about ourselves. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - Let's just fucking talk about life, you know? - Because there's someone who's pigeon holed themselves into that side of things- - You never really spoke about yourself publicly. And I just wanted to 'cause I'm like, "Man, I flipped people-" - 'Cause I love myself. (both chuckling) - I just feel like I'm a gift. (all chuckling) I mean, 'cause on your chat I really thought that as a YouTuber that it was like this image that people had of me. And I really just wanted to like talk about myself and help or not help. Just like, I dunno have this image of the people... The image people had of me breath more truth, so when they watch my videos, you know they might see me behaving a certain way but when they're go and watch Trash Taste, they know what I'm really like when I'm on the show. Right? They know that it's- - I mean, that's why I like to preface it by saying like on Trash Taste, we're not The Anime Man, Guk and CDwag. We are Joey, Garnt and Connor. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Because I like to think that how you guys see us on this show is the closest to reality of how we actually are. Whereas like, you know, on our main channels, of course like any good main channel, there's a performative side to it, right? Where it's like, we're acting as like that character. - In my content on my main channel is like way different from anything we do on Trash Taste. And that's why like working on some of the more ambitious projects on Trash Taste has been like a breath of fresh air to me. 'Cause it's just something different. - [Connor] Like the drifting video was just a challenge all around. I mean, that was like- - I mean, that was a challenge on every fucking end. I mean, we briefly talked about like how much effort we put in that video but Holy hell, I learned so much from just doing the episode and just seeing all the little things you don't think about until the day of the shoot, right? - By the way, go check it out if you haven't, link in the description. - I mean, I already want to make more, but also want some more help. 'Cause like, I feel like being in charge of all the tech is so boring it's like, what is Joey's might work, and this is kinda work- - We need to start hiring like staff. - We need a P.A. People living in Japan. (all laughing) - We're hiring. (all laughing) - But what are we saying, fuck it! - About like the, is Trash Tastes an anime podcast or not? - Right. - So, we're just talking about the evolution of the anime community in the past years and how how like Poplar has gotten, like, here's the question, where do you see the anime community and the anime fandom in like the next few years? - It's really hard to say because I mean- - Honestly, same. I think it'll be the same age. - You think it will be the same? - Roughly. - I think it would be the same but definitely we're gonna start to see more as you put it, weebs than actual like anime fans, right? Because I feel that the whole genre of anime fans is kind of like, I don't wanna say it's dying, but it's slowly becoming not as like in the spotlight as was before- - Like saying you are an anime fan is sounding more and more like you're just saying you're a gamer. (Joey chuckling) It just means nothing, 'cause everyone's gam... You know what I mean? - I mean, I remember when I used to play online games like League of Legends and I would make like a weeb joke or whatever, and then like people would be like, "you're a fucking weed, you disgust us." (Garnt chuckling) But now it would be like one person in the lobby who doesn't know the reference. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I mean, I genuinely don't think that much would change. - Soon we're gonna be starting... We're gonna be calling ourselves Otaku goals instead of gamer goals, right? (both chuckling) Yeah, I'm an Otaku. - I wonder, do you ever think that maybe like the degenerate side of anime might hold it back from going more mainstream? - No, I feel like that subculture is always gonna be there because- - If anything it's grown. - Yeah, 'cause right now it's like people were scared that anime becoming mainstream would make this degenerate side of anime, like kind of calmed down a bit. But if anything, just because there's so much more anime being made nowadays, you don't really have to pick- - Who the fuck thinks that it would calm down the degenerative side? - I mean, I've seen comments online too- - I think the general stigma is that. - Oh my God. - As someone who is in this degenerate side. - You've seen how much Pokemon porn there is that shit? That stuff doesn't chill out with more people. - As someone on the degenerative side, like seeing all these new faces coming into these, just so wholesome, like just pure hearted people coming into it, being like, "What is hint eye?" and I'm just like, "Let me show you." - Let me open your world. - Yeah, I'm like the joker and the guys are like, I love seeing people suffer through this, and just realizing that the world that they're living in is actually burning from the inside. It's like- - Joey just wants to see the world burn. - I love seeing the world burn. - Alrighty then. - Just be like let me teach you a little thing about Dogan codes, okay. - Yeah, but I feel like it, because the the big change I've seen is not in the content of anime that's being made but just the sheer amounts of anime that's being made. It's like this season we have like 38 shows there in the season. - I just couldn't give a fuck. - Which is like, if you try to keep up with everything that's watching three seasons of anime in one fucking week who the is doing this? You know what I mean. - Because 20 years ago, I think I remember this from a video I made I think 20 years ago in like early 2000's each season, we had seven shows. - Wow. - Which is much more manageable. - Yeah, there was a period like 10 to 20 years ago where you could you could legitimately follow everything that was going on in the season and be up, be kept up with like the conversation with what was coming out because there wasn't that much to watch. And now it's just, okay, what kind of anime fan are you? Do you like the mainstream shown and stuff? Do you like, you know, degenerate stuff, idol stuff? Whatever or like a mixture of everything like that. You could pick and choose whatever mood you're in the mood to watch. - There's an enemy for every niche and every fetish now. - And the thing is like, I feel like the quality of anime in general has gotten a little better because everything like... I feel like everything's just good. - You've got to stand out now. - Yeah, exactly. - And it's like TV, like TV is so good now. - Yeah. - Their is so many good TV shows that like every week you're getting recommended like a 9.5 out of 10. You're like, "Oh fuck yeah, I mean, I barely finished "House of Cards" and then look what happened to- - But like the problem with that is it's like the biggest first world problem in the world, when everything's good- (chuckling) - Everything's too good. - When everything's good nothing stands out anymore. - [Connor] Yeah. - Sometimes I watch a seasonal anime now and it's like, this is the biggest seven to eight out of 10 in a season anime and I just forget it. And I compare these like what I would call now, average shows, and I compare it to some of like the kind of like the mid shows that I would watch back when I was getting into anime. And they are like way better, but for some reason I like... I remember watching like a show like, I'm going off the top of my head. Maybe something like "Darker than Black" which is also I fucking enjoyed that show, but it's like I think back and I'm like, if that show had aired in our days it would just wouldn't stand out at all. - Yeah, yeah. - I kinda love that show. - That's the thing though right? It's like normally in an out of 10 rating, five is the average and it really says something when nowadays seven or eight is the average. - This episode is sponsored by Skill Share. Conner to you. - I did not expect that, okay. This holiday season give the gift that means more, get creative and learn how to make the perfect handmade gift with Skill Shares Online classes. - [Joey] Skillshare is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning with so much to explore real projects to create, and the support of fellow creatives Skill Share empowers you to accomplish real growth. - We've all been learning how to read script and it's going great, list multiple topics. If you watch a podcast, you might be interested in video editing or Photoshop or any of that stuff that goes into making YouTube content. And I guarantee no matter what skill you want to learn there is a class for it on Skill Share. - If you love the way we sound. There's also an audio production lessons that are available as well. - What's Joey doing with his head? (both chuckling) - I'm agreeing. - I have to get up my phone, but I've actually used, quite a while back when I did promote Skill Share on my own channel, I did do the Adobe Photoshop CC essentials training course because I sucked at Photoshop. And this was a great way to get very condensed guides on how to do certain things in Photoshop that I still use to this day, thanks to Skill Share. - This holiday season give a gift that means more get creative, I was very, very aggressive there because I am so passionate about how to get creative and learning how to make the perfect handmade gift. - I'm scared. - I'm worried. When you put time, effort and creativity into a gift, it shows how much you care. (both laughing) - Give a gift that's one of a kind, completely personalized or perfectly imperfect. 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And then you spend like 15 minutes scrolling down your anime list of you have Netflix or something. And then you are not finishing your lunch by the time you like finished scrolling down and looking at everything? - Yeah, (chuckling) yeah. - I just clicked the first thing into my YouTube recommended that's half decent. - Really. - Yeah, 'cause I'm like, if I know I'm gonna be eating I can put Netflix on, 'cause I know I'm gonna eat the food with before the credits even fucking finish. - Yeah, I always have to put on YouTube, but for me, it's the opposite, I put on a video that where I'm like, Okay, yeah I can rewatch that. - Right. - It's usually a video that I know I enjoyed. And I know I liked, but has the re-playability that I can watch it again during lunch. So weirdly enough, I don't actually go out and like look for new videos during like a lunch break or something. - Yeah. - Like, I need to be like in that mood of like discovery, right? Just what it sounds- - Before I go to bed, the amount of times I've open Netflix and had luck and just be like "All of these seem like I'd probably have fun, but fuck, I mean, I don't know. I guess I'll put report of the week on, and watch it on a fucking- (both chuckling) I dunno, like- - Yeah, exactly. - Here is a question for you though Conner, you said you watch way less anime now than you used to. Would you say that maybe you might be growing out of it in any sense of the world. (Joey gasping) Like it just doesn't fit your lifestyle anymore? - You maturing out of anime? - Yeah, no, I mean, I still love anime. And like a bang of shows, but I think I've just I don't know, stop fucking lying to myself. (Garnt chuckling) Like I think because of the position I was in. I felt indebted to animate like I had to watch it, you know, back when I first started I was like, "It's an anime, you should have to watch it, to keep up with it, you know?" So I can be like, I can keep up with the hot takes. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But I think, you know, maybe like two, three years ago I just kind of realized like, I don't like doing this. I'm just gonna watch the biggest shows that come out and enjoy them and have a great time. - [Garnt] Yeah, right. - I love anime, like the way I can show- - But you don't care to like go out and like discover the show is good or not? - No, I have no ambition to do that. I'll just wait until everyone agrees a show is good, I'll watch it, 'cause I'd know the show is gonna be good. I've had so many experiences where I've just watched an animated that's so fucking boring that I'm like, "Okay, I mean, yeah. I guess "Decadence" was fine, you know. - Did you watch "Decadence"? - I watched like three episodes of "Decadence" 'cause everyone was hyping it up. - Yeah, everyone was hyping it up is good. (Connor sighing) (Joey chuckling) - I totally agree with him, yeah. - There is so many shows nowadays, which is seasonal anime and I feel like people only hype it up because it's a seasonal anime and nothing else to talk about. So someone's got to hype up something. - And it's really telling because 90% of those shows like get hyped up while its airing, you don't hear about after it's finished. - I also just watch a lot more YouTube, like I think on average I watch like 40 hours a week on YouTube. - Yeah, I agree, I've watched a lot more YouTube. - But it's a lot of YouTube. The thing is right, okay, YouTube tells me, 'cause you can actually look on the app and it can actually tell you how much you should watch week. And it'll tell you how much you watch on average day. It wasn't like four hours a day I watch or something on average least. But like, I mean, like I said, 47- - I'm probably the same. I just haven't checked. - The problem is right? It's not- - It's only the YouTube app? - Yeah, its only YouTube app. - Ill check right now. - Its like deep in the settings. - Oh no. - So I mean, I'll look while I'm explaining it, but I remember that their was a... Because essentially right when I go to the gym for two hours, cause I have YouTube premium, so you can, you can lock your phone and listen to audio. I'll watch YouTube videos or just audio only. So that's like two hours. While I take a shit, you bet I'm putting the YouTube video on for two minutes. When I'm brushing my teeth, YouTube video, while I'm in the bath, YouTube video, when I'm working and it's not important, I don't need to listen, YouTube video. - Yeah, I have four and a half hours daily. - See, did you think you can watch four hours YouTube? - No, I've apparently already just today watched three hours. - I mean, I know that I watch hell of a lot of YouTube- - Garnt doesn't wanna know. - If I don't look, I don't have to know. (both laughing) - Dude, on Sunday, I watched eight hours of YouTube. - Jesus. - I don't even remember doing that. - No, because here's the thing why like- - I've watched a 50 hours in the last week. - Yeah, because here's the thing about YouTube is that it's just content on YouTube is just that much easier to consume, right? - Yeah. - 'Cause you know, when you have... Do you have kind of like a subconscious value system when it comes to like content. So when you watch like a Netflix show or something, it's like you're sitting down and you're paying the fuck attention, right? - Yeah. - But when it's a YouTube video you could be doing whatever and you just can have it on the in the background and just not really give a shit about it, you know? - Yeah, I also like keeping up with YouTube a lot. Like I think I'm way more invested in like YouTube, like as a- - As a subculture? - Yeah, than anime, honestly, like I've been following YouTube like religiously for like seven years. So I know all like the drama, everything that's ever happened on YouTube. I'm sure, like if we did a quiz, I'm sure A stack wise- - Are you are YouTube fan? - I'm a big YouTube fan. - I know exactly what you mean. 'Cause it's exactly the same in like every subculture of YouTube as well, 'cause like I know a lot Anitubers who I swear spend most of their time watching other Anitubers as opposed to watching anime. And I feel like every Anituber has been through that stage where you find yourself watching more Anitubes than you do watching anime. - Yeah, it's like, I could watch this anime or I could watch this Anitubers talking about that anime. - Exactly, and now it's just growing from I watch other Anitubers I just watch other YouTuber channels. - In general, yeah. - Rather than like my anime consumption has remained the same this entire time. But my consumption of like watching other anime YouTubers and watching other YouTubers has just grown immensely. - Yeah. - And that's why I feel like it's so weird whenever I see the comments and you know the comment I'm talking about where it's like, "Oh, I'm having trouble keeping up with anime but a two hour Trash Tastes episode. (Joey chuckling) Give me that shit any day of the weekend, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - I guess because it's easy to digest, right? I think with anime, I mean Joey can relate to that you know, the subtitles I can't fucking focus you know, it's like, all right, okay fine, I guess I'll pay attention. - Well, I mean, I have to focus on listening, right? - That's true. - But I still, yeah...I mean- - I don't know, I just it's sad. 'Cause I just don't wanna admit that I've fallen out of anime really, I think that's the saddest part. - Right, especially because you've like followed it for all this time, right? - Yeah, I guess it's kind of sad being... I guess I'm just not into anime as much as I used to be. Like, I don't know. - Do you think that's because- - Part of growing up. - Do you think as well that it might have to do with the fact that you have grown up or is it the fact of like just the quality of the shows or like the type of show coming out? - I mean, we got better anime now, let's be honest. The anime is better now than it was. - But did you feel like maybe it's just, you enjoy different kinds of media now. 'Cause, let's remove anime from the equation but what's like the last TV show you properly enjoyed, anime or not? - Uh, "Great Pretender" I guess - Okay. - And that was like, that's an anime, and I was like two, three months ago. - Yeah, right. - What the fuck I've I been watching? (all laughing) - YouTube apparently. 'Cause, here's what I've realized, you know, when I find a show that I really enjoy, it's so rare nowadays because we consume so much media, but so much of it is just fucking forgettable. And that's why you like, you do watch a lot of YouTube, right? But is that the same kind of enjoyment that you get from watching some of your favorite shows that you remember from, you know, as a kid or when you're marathoning has shown you just really, really into it. And I feel like just because we can see more media doesn't necessarily mean that we value media the same you know, it's just, I feel like we've just programmed our brain to never have dead space so we're always consuming something. - And I guess 'cause of the age of the internet and you know, being more knowledgeable about anime especially in opposition, right? It's almost commodified, so- - [Joey] Yeah. - I guess it's kind of weird, 'cause it's... I think my motivation for wanting to watch anime now to just feel in the loop. - [Garnt] Right. - Not because I actually want to watch that show. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Which is why I've just fully admitted to myself. I'm just only going to watch the big shows that everyone agrees with. - But that's the thing, right? It's like, it definitely doesn't help when everyone else around you is like, "Hey, have you watched this show? Have you watched this show? Have you watched this? Or what are your thoughts on this show?" - Because to us it's different now because it was just like anime has become a job and someone who watches as much anime as me, like I can see a show and I can be like, "I can see that this is a good show." You know what I mean? Like I can break it down to be like, "Yeah, I know why I know why this is a good show. I know why people are hyping this up." But when you reached a point where you kind of become part of the seasonal cycle, you kind of see the patterns. There's always these, the same- - You are turning it into a fucking conveyor belt. - I had that exact experience when I went to go watch "The Damon Slayer" movie, I was like I took one look at the poster and I was like I know exactly what's gonna happen in this movie. - Yeah, exactly, right? - Like just from like, "Oh yeah, this character is gonna do this and this character is gonna do this." And sure enough, I was like 90% correct on what happened. - Yeah. - And like, is that a good thing? Or is it, I mean, I still enjoyed it, but it's, you know The whole like wow factor was completely gone, right? And I think that's the entire reason why I've kind of been burned out on anime and I've been much more into manga because like nowadays, especially nowadays everybody is talking about every anime that matters. - Yeah. - It's almost like an escape pool. - Yeah. - But the manga side of things because like 90% of manga don't have translations, it's still a mystery. - Yeah. - It's what the anime community was 10 years ago. - Like 10 years ago. I totally agree and that's why like, I love going into the world of manga, 'cause in anime you don't get that feeling of discovering that hidden gem any more. There's no feeling of discovery because everyone knows where everything good is. - You know what's gonna come out three seasons. - There's no surprise anymore. - Yeah. - Like even when there's a good show that I can recommend someone watching the season to me I'm just like, I can tell this is a good show and I can tell people would enjoy it. - Yeah. - But I don't enjoy it in the same kind of like, wow this is something new to me. I'm like, "Okay, this is just a very solid show this season and I recommend people watch it if they wanna experience X kind of thing." But when I go into manga, I'm just like, "I don't know, what's gonna be good. I'd know what's gonna be bad." - The amount of times I've like finished reading a manga series and I've said to myself, "How was no one talking about this?" Is way more than any amount of anime that I've ever covered. Because again, like that whole mystery of- - It's an event as well, like, you know, it's coming out the season. It's one of the things you're watching weekly, right? Like, manga is so ongoing that it's hard to, I think, have that kind of hype for it. - Right. - I feel like there's way more choice with manga as well. And it's such a vast world that- - That fucking love it. - I don't feel like anyone's gonna be able to read everything, so- - Challenge accepted. (both chuckling) - Actually, yeah. Like you said, first-world problem is the podcast. (both chuckling) My toilet seat temperature is one Celsius, off my luck, what can I say? - I'm dead, I'm dead. - No, I mean, it's totally is, I feel like a problem that has come with this new generation where there's just so much to do so much to watch, it's impossible- - There's too much to do. - There's too much to do. - It's like that whole fucking meme of like, you know, white people rewatch in the office for like the 10th time, it is just like, that's funny, I'll laugh- (all chuckling) - I've rewatched " Always Sunny in Philadelphia" more times than I can fucking count. - Its funny basically, like- (all laughing) - Actually though. - I liked that. - All right now. (all laughing) - But I feel like, because there's so much we've desensitized ourselves to so much as well. And like, you know, I look at someone like you who probably watches more content, more media than you ever have in your life. But thinking back about what's actually memorable its like hard, right? - I like... You, I think you were like, "What the fuck?" Like when I play League of Legends or play games I watch YouTube videos on the other like screen. - Yeah, I can't do that. - Yeah, I can't do that. - You can't? - It's the same as people who can, you know watch a TV show while reading a book, it's like, how do you do that? - That's fucked up. - Yeah, right. It's like, how do you do that? Or like listening to music while reading a book. I can't even do that. - I can do that. - I can't do it. - Okay, here's the question. Do you remember the first time you watched a YouTube video at 1.5 or two times speed? - No, I've never done it. - Have you ever done that? - Of course, yeah. - I've never done that. - And I realized, I... 'Cause I realized why would I ever want this? That just means I'm not enjoying the content how it's supposed to be like enjoyed. And then I realized, "Wait, I could just consume this content in a faster, in like a shorter time period." And then- - There are people who legitly watch every video. - And then I realized it was like a habit like that was subconsciously forming and then realize, "Wait, I'm not even fucking enjoying this content anymore. Literally, I'm just watching it just to keep up." And I'm like, "That's pretty fast." 'Cause that's kind of like hacking my mind into what entertainment is at the end of the day. You know what I mean? - I do think time- - It's slowly turning into like an info Wars. (all laughing) What is entertainment? Are we consuming too much media? - I do think times too should be reserved for shitty tutorials that take too fucking long. (all chuckling) too long to explain. - I totally agree with you. - I don't trust anyone who opens up a tutorial and doesn't immediately skip to two minutes in. Like there's so many fucking channels that are like... Tutorial is like, "Yoh, what's up guys?" and like, you should not... Tutorials should not be allowed to do intros. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - You should basically just tell me what- - Just give me the information. - Yeah, just fucking, get right into it, dude. Like "hey, what's up guys I'm uploading daily content. Okay, next week I'm live streaming. I'm gonna be talking about." - I remember the other day 'cause I was trying to like fix something with my cam link, right? And I was like, "Okay, I need to figure out some issues with my cam link." And there was this video, which was like, you know, five issues with cam link and how to fix it. It was like a 10 minute video. I'm like, All right, like maybe it's like two minutes each, right? - It doesn't need to be 10 minutes. - And I'm like, dude, this dude like legit I swear to God for the first six minutes. He was just plugging all the shit, and like trying to add like jokes and stuff. And he's like, "All right, let's get into the meat of the video." And I'm like, "There's only four minutes left." How are you gonna talk about five problems and how to solve them in four minutes? - Oh my God, dude. - You know, it's a big issue, when even like... 'Cause you can Google this stuff and Google will show you the video results. And it'll literally skip to the point where it thinks tutorial actually starts. (all laughing) Which is like, if Google is automating this why do people think that anyone else is gonna fucking watch it? - I remember like 2010 when it was like video game, like, "Oh, where's this thing or how to do this thing." Always watch a video, the video will show you exactly how to do it and we'll jump right into it. But now it's kind of like- - No commentary. - Now it's going backwards where I'm like, "I guess I'll click the forum first and see if I can get the information in 10 seconds." - Yeah. - So I'm gonna click on this 20 minute video and fuck, I see the same operating system. - Yeah, it's like, "I don't care about your cam link jokes, all right, just tell me how to fix my fucking cam link, please." - I can give all the times that I've had like a tech issue and it's some guy with like the thickest accent like trying to explain them like, okay, fuck, what is he saying? Times two?" - And he's like literally swallowing the microphone as well. So like, even at times two-speed it's like, "I can't." And you have to go down to the comments to see if someone's like paraphrase it in some way. - You know what I hate? YouTube has started doing a thing where you can... I mean, they've done it for a while but if you're a foreign channel, so I could put like French titles. - [Joey] Yeah. - Right? So that was just one more, it was a guide and I clicked on it and I'm pretty sure it was like an Indian guide fully in like Indian. And I was like, "What the fuck? Why is the title in English?" It's like how to fix your Android five problem. I was like sick, "That's exactly what I want." I click on it and he starts talking Indian, and I'm like, "What the fuck?" And like, there was no subtitles or anything. - [Joey] Right. - So I was like, "Who, Why, why would you do this? - Because it like auto translates the titles, right? - But you have to approve that I think. - Yeah. - Right. - No, but like, I've done that before with like, 'cause I watch like a lot of Japanese videos as well with like Japanese titles and for some reason every now and then there's a video where if I search for it, it's displayed in Japanese. But the moment I click on it, the title turns to English. - Is it the dude who makes the knives out of shit? - That one too, but also there's like a bunch of just like, like a lot of like Vtube clips, for example are written in Japanese, in the search bar. But then the moment I click it, it turns to English. - Yeah, I've noticed that as well. And I feel like- - Why? - Yeah, I don't know. Which is why I feel like YouTube getting rid of close captions is like my biggest fucking mistake. I don't know why they're doing it. - There were like 0.5% who use them. I was like, "That's still 0.5% of how many million, who won't? (Joey laughing) that's insane guys. - The entire YouTube community's crying right now. - Right? - How about we make it, hm, worse? - Are you saying we have to hard Saab- - Our videos? Hard saabs, eww. - You know, that feature that allows me to conveniently change subtitles depending on which language- - Yeah. - Oh wow, that would be stupid, man. Let's get rid of that. (chuckling) - Uh, fuck you? - I can use serve dumb something. Jesus fucking Christ, I can't believe it. - Stop changing YouTube. - Stop changing for the worst. - Stop changing. - They're like, "How about we do the 50th logo redesigned to more minimalism. The color red is now our logo, but let's take out all the good features." and it's like, "Oh, okay. I guess, yeah." Jesus, they take so many ELLs. Remember they did the, like, what was that? What was the funniest one? The YouTube heroes do remember that one? - Oh, my, what was that again? - Like they were gonna like make mods basically out of like YouTube users where they could like- - Oh I remember that. - I remember that. - There was a fucking mess, it was so funny. (all chuckling) - Thank God. - All right, here's the question to you guys then? Because I don't know if I'm like, just getting old or is if this is just like, boom at all. But do you feel like, the golden age of the internet has passed? Or has there even been a golden age of the internet? - I don't know. - I think the wild wild West has gone. - Yeah, definitely. Like- - Right. - If I were to say, I don't know, because like golden of something is such a fucking subjectifying- - What do you defines as golden age? - Its so subjective- - In the best period. - But like this period based on what? Like- - I mean, it's subjective. - Yeah, right, based on like your personal experience with it, or like best like objectively, or like based on something or other. Like, because I can argue that like, okay like my personal golden age of the internet would be now because it's- - Its just easy to use now. - It's just easy to use. Like, you know, you can get any information with anything and everything is so conveniently laid out. But best experience in terms of like, my overall enjoyment of it would be like the mid 2000's, because that was like the golden age of like new grounds and like flash games. And like, that shit was so fucking fun and none of that exists anymore. - I mean, now when I download something I'm like 99% sure it's not a virus. Whereas back then it was the opposite ratio Where I was like, "This is virus, but I really want that cool mouse though. That mouse popped up really cool with the sprinkles. I really want that." - "I wanna turn my cursor into like a little cat." - "I think I want nine toolbars," you know? I remember the horror where my mom showed me her laptop and I thought I fuck one of her pieces. But she had like four internet Explorer tab. Like fucking toolbars, and I'm like, "Oh God." (Garnt chuckling) - Yeah, you know, like at the time, like I hated it. But you know, the, the reminiscent like times of like going onto my mom's PC having to swim through all the pop-ups just to get to where I needed to go to, was like, I hated it at the time. But now I look back and it's like, "Oh yes, internet do used to be like that." - Because I feel like everything now is, you know, it's everything is more formulaic, more clean. - Yeah. - I'd say everything has been like optimized. As we were saying, it's like the internet has definitely been optimized, and you know, that's why I bring up the argument of like was it better when it was like, had this charms, when you feel like you are discovering something new and it felt fresh, you know? Or now that everything's formulaic, everything's laid out, everything's clean. That it's just less fun. - I mean, the whole, like... As I was saying earlier, like the whole like mystery of like discovering a new anime, right? Like back then in like the mid 2000's it was like fucking great because it was like going into a goldmine that hadn't been discovered yet. - And like, you know, it was the whole thing but at the same time it was a double-edged sword, right? It was like, do I dare click on this anime to try and discover it with the risk of possibly getting I don't know, like seven Trojan horses coming into my house, you know? It's like, do I take the risk? It's like, oh, wild, wild West, here we go. But nowadays it's like, if I click on the link like I'm fairly certain, I'm gonna get something and it's probably going to be something I've already heard off, right? The entire mystery of it is gone. Like, Oh my God, the fucking... The amount of time I spent on like newgrounds, for example just going through just the most shittiest of cartoons and flash games to find that one game or cartoon where it's just like, "I'll never fuck-" - Do you remember the first time you discovered like the fucking stick figure fights on newgrounds? And it was just like the best ever. You're like, I don't need top 10 anime fights, I have like jaljao, whatever the fuck he's called. (both chuckling) - Dude, the moment I discovered "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny." (screams) - Oh my God! - Like that shit, when I found that I was like, "This is peak internet, nothing will top this no movie or experience will ever top this? - That was the song, right? - Yeah. β™ͺ This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny β™ͺ - This thing I've had the Harry Potter puppets- - Yeah, same guy. When I first discovered that I was like, dude, this is my entertainment for the next 20 years. Like, I will never get bored of this. (Garnt chuckling) - I don't know if it's because I'm just tired as fuck, in like a shitty mood in general. (all laughing) It's just, it's sad, the internet now. I don't know, I just feel like I'm fucking fatly injected like a stream of content constantly, especially on like Facebook and Twitter. It's just like, I just scroll, and I'm like (sighing) - Ever thought about detoxing? It feels like you need a detox, because when you start multitasking with your entertainment that's when I'm just like, "Okay, maybe this is too much. I'm not even enjoying this anymore." When I'm having a league game, and a YouTube video, and music on the same time, you're just like you're not enjoying any of these singular things. - I don't know if it's out there, I don't know if it's just because the way that the like Facebook and Instagram and Reddit, they're all set up where it's just like permanently feeding you something. - Yeah. - Where like, even if I detox from at the moment I get right back into it, like it's just gonna be the same shit again where I feel like, I don't know. I feel like I'm constantly being like manipulated now. - It's like legitimate needs, like serial experiments systems. - No, it is, I mean like- - These systems know exactly what we wanna fucking say, and they know what's gonna make us luck and it works. And I feel like back then it was exciting, and it was really like rough around the edges, and I didn't mind talking to strangers. (both chuckling) Remember that room when you didn't mind talking to a stranger and be like, "Hey-" - I missed the times of like booting up MSN messenger and seeing like 70 like friend requests from people I had no idea, I'm like, "I'm sure these are nice people." - I too made some friends who like, I still too keep in touch with one or two of them who are like complete random people, I- - Yeah. - I like made really good friends with. I met them in person as well, like that was really genuine. And it also felt because it was rough around the edges and it was normally a very small team making these huge websites, right? Like, it didn't feel like anyone was trying to take advantage of anyone, it was just a community. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Now, it feels like, yes, there is a community but I'm also just a fucking like, just one of those fucking chickens in the pen just like, "Oh, please give me a drop of water, please. So I can get real fat for you, and you can sell my advertising money." You know what I mean? I just feel like- - The social, close cooperate scums. - I would feel like a chicken in there. - I honestly feel that attention fatigue nowadays is a real thing. - Oh, yeah. - where like you talk about you. I just wanna get up a game of league and just do it, the beeping and it boops, right? (all chuckling) And that's because you just want something that's familiar, it doesn't take a lot of effort, you know how it works. 'Cause that's like, just because the internet nowadays has become so good at getting your attention. It's just like, I got I some serotonin for you. I got some serotonin for you right here, right here. Just take a sling- - Yeah, like it'll be like, Twitter will be like, "Hey a tweet you missed." And it'll pop up as a notification, I'm like, Don't do that, stop, stop that, stop. - 'Cause remember when going onto the internet was like a fucking event? I was like, "All right, Mom's out of the house which means she's not using the phone. Which means the dial up is gonna be just a little bit faster, let's go. - I had a real like fucking moment the other day. Audio listeners wouldn't be able to see that. I like fell back a little bit. - Yeah. - I remember that like, you know, let's say you posted something that blew up, right? Now, you'll know immediately. Do you have to log out of a website, log back in, check that inbox, You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Like weird, I just remembered that we did that. - I mean, I just like recently upgraded my computer as we established last episode. And like I had to log back into everything and it really like said something when I was like- - I haven't logged out yet. - Shit, what's my password again? (Garnt chuckling) Because everything just stays logged in, right? So I'm like, I swear, like out of the 10 something websites that I had to log into like eight of them, I was like forgot password. (Both chuckling) I don't know. - Yeah, I don't know which YouTuber it was, they messaged me and I didn't reply for a whole day. 'Cause I just stopped replying to like messages on like a Saturday or a Sunday, whichever day I'm feeling. I don't mean just trying to take one day off. I ignore like, I guess not important. Like if it's business-related or like even like YouTuber friend's, I'll just ignore it for a day. 'Cause I'm like, I just want to chill, play games, not have to worry about work or anything like that. - Yeah. - Just kinda, yeah, that's what... I thought Mayline was laughing but she was coughing. (all laughing) - Pathetic, everyday is business. - Stop fucking dying Mayline. Yeah, I don't know like, and I remember they were like, "Oh, that's weird." I'm like, "Is it weird that I don't wanna be like communicated to every fucking day? Like, I don't know. - I mean it gets tiring. - Yeah. I don't know, I feel weird. I'm I fucking boomer? I'm a boomer now? Shit, maybe I'm a boomer dude. - Don't say boomer, when you're the youngest person in this room. - I feel like a boomer when I'm looking at my fucking phone is like, "Hey, here's a post you missed on Reddit." And I'm like, "I don't care." I've never cared about any of those posts that's recommended, ever. Like stop recommending me, I can probably- - I genuinely wonder, if some people get those notifications like, "Oh, I'm glad they fucking notified me." (both chuckling) - It must work because they keep doing it. Like it must have a rate of success that's worth doing it. And it's fucking annoying. - I guess so, yeah. - I can probably turn off somewhere, I should- - I turn it off. - I just don't know, I probably- - 'Cause it's too much effort to find out how to turn it off, right? - It's like I could unsubscribe from about 50% of emails I get, but it's like, Oh, for fuck sa... I just delete it. Like, it's like a natural joke reaction but I should probably just unsubscribe it, get rid of it, but I don't- - It sounds like you do actually just need a detox from- - How do I do it? What if Mr. Beast is giving out a million dollars every day on Twitter, when I'm not there? (Joey chuckling) - I need to ratio him, to get that $10,000- - What if its just Connor will be the one day where something big happens? - I don't know you just don't care for a while. You just try not looking at your phone for an entire fucking day. - I need an incentive, I can't just do that. That's hard. - Just get good. - If you give me a challenge, I'll be- - I mean like, this is like properly talking to like fucking addicts talk, right? (Joey laughing) 'Cause like, do you feel like you have a problem because if you don't think you have a problem, then- - Everyone I know has a problem, Garnt. I don't know anyone who is in the same situation where they're like, I love my social media feed. I love logging into Instagram daily and checking the story- - No, but- - I can't wait to check my stories. Have you ever heard someone say that? - But you've got to understand that we are in a very unique position where this is our job, so we never have a break from it ever. - It's the equivalent to an office lady being like, "Oh, I can't wait to check my emails today." - I just think everyone's in the same position. I just think people just don't wanna fucking check that. - Everyone everyone's in the same position but there's different severalties of it. You know what I mean? Like, we have... Okay, the difference between us and like most other people is that we have a vested interest to keep up with everything because it's our job. Like if someone misses a fucking YouTube video or fucking like YouTube drama, it doesn't matter for them. For us it's just like, it's the equivalent for us of you know, being that stockbroker. Reading the stocks every day, you know what I mean? - Shit, it went down my point 1%. (both laughing) - Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking. That's like the equivalent of like the situation for us, right? - Yeah. - And you've got to realize that, yeah, it's hacking your brain, you are becoming dependent on it because it's also part of your job. You have a vested interest to keep up with everything. But it is like- - It doesn't matter how much you like your job, at the end of the day, it's still your job. So eventually whether you like it or not there's gonna be some parts of a way, just like, "Ugh" you know, like think back to when you first started YouTube, you first started up your Twitter account and you were like fucking excited to check if you got a notification. - I mean yeah, maybe I guess. - Yeah. (Garnt laughing) Like every YouTuber is like that. Every YouTube who starts off and like starts to get some amount of like numbers, and has a Twitter is always excited to go onto the Twitter to see if they got like a reply to something or how many people like their thing. But we've been doing it for so long now where it's just like, you know the same over and over again. - Okay, think of it this way. Do you know any other YouTuber, actual YouTuber who hits the bell notification? (Joey chuckling) You know what I'm saying? - On a YouTube channel? - Yeah. - Yeah, I do. - Wait, you do? - Yeah. - Okay, which ones? - I don't want to miss like an Internet Historian video, right? Like I wanna know- - It's pretty hard to miss, he uploads like once every three months. - Yeah, but I want a notification on my phone when he does so I can, like- - I wanna be the first hundred viewers. - Have you also noticed that YouTube recommendations have been kind of shit recently? - No, I think they've been the opposite. - Really, they've been better? - Yeah. - I think mine have been garbage recently, I don't know. - Maybe because you're watching garbage content. (Garnt chuckling) Yeah, there, I said it. - Maybe it's because- - No more Anime Man videos to me then, I'm done watching The Anime. - No, I feel like just because you've watched so much YouTube. - Actually that could be it. - You know that you just run out. - You run out of all the good one. - You just run out of content, right? - That's true. - I mean, it's true like any medium, right? - Fuck, maybe you are right, Garnt, fuck. (Garnt laughing) - I mean, my recommenders has been great because I've just been watching Vtube clips. So all of my recommenders, it's just Vtube clips I haven't seen. - Just watch streams at that point, right? - No, I mean, I do. - Okay. - Yeah, but sometimes I don't wanna go through a three hour stream to watch five minutes of it, right? - True. - I mean in my mind and I feel like the best YouTube recommendations is like, you know the one video it gets recommended and it's just like a sub minute video that has like 5 million views. They're always ended up being amazing. Like my favorite YouTube genres now is that a title that it says exactly what is there, a video that does exactly what it says on the title. Like I remember, like I saw a video the other day that was like, ducks annihilate a bowl of peas. I'm just like, "All right, this can't be right." And it's just a fucking two ducks, just annihilating this bawl of peas. And I'm just like, this is peak YouTube content right now. - That's like Twitter content, right? It's like Twitter videos put on to YouTube. - But in terms of like YouTube recommendations, I mean there's only a certain set of content creators that like I would say, make content that you are very invested in. And you're like getting excited over when they upload and- - You always have that like, boom, right? Of like a certain type of content, like inside of you. - And we can talk about the YouTube as we like on next week. It's just gonna be the YouTubers episode. - [Garnt] Yes. - We're gonna talk about our favorite YouTubers. - It's gonna be the giant shout out episode. (both chuckling) - But yeah, I mean, like, I think YouTube recommendations comes in like waves, right? 'Cause you like... All it takes is like one video and you are recommended. And then you like recommended... Your recommendations are like good for like a good like few days. 'Cause you're like, "Oh, this is a new kind of rabbit hole I've found myself in. But when you're in that like low moments when you end up watching so much YouTube, then you just end up watching- - You've exhausted the recommended. - You know, what sucks about living in Japan is that everyone uploads while we're sleeping. So when I wake up I already know all the videos that are gonna be uploaded during my day. But from people I'm subscribed to. So I already know like the best videos when I wake up, so I can watch all the best videos in like the first hour, hour and a half, right? - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And then I have nothing else. While I was living in the UK they were like coming up gradually during my evening. So it was always like, "Oh, this videos, okay, go back and-" - I mean, I've had that problem my entire life. - Yeah, I know, I mean I know your tim... Oh, well Australia. - Yeah, exactly. We're only one hour difference, so. - It's so weird for me, 'cause it's like, Oh wait, okay. So all the videos are out in the morning and I've watched all in the morning. - That's what I like about it. It's that like you wake up in the morning and all the content is there for that day. - But it sucks, when I'm in the middle of the day and I wanna watch something, and there's nothing, no one's uploading anything, so. - Right, but then that's why- - I've never cared about that. 'Cause I've always just- - I cared about that Garnt, clearly. 'Cause I'm talking about it. - Shit, that means YouTube upload schedules actually matter? - Joey forgot to plug in his PC. - Shit, that means YouTube upload schedules actually matter 'cause I thought everyone was like me who just like watches videos indiscriminately- - Just upload whenever. - Yeah, and just like, Oh, I'll just watch this video when I feel like it, I don't care when it's uploaded. - I care when it's uploaded. - Fuck, again, I don't so much care when it's uploaded because for me, like my entire like idea of YouTube content for that day has always been like wake up in the morning, like go down my sub-list be like, "All right, I'm probably gonna watch this video, this video, this video. - Yeah. - And then I usually just like, watch it as I'm like having breakfast or getting ready for the day. And then once I've exhausted that selfie then I'm like, alright, now I can go on with my day and actually do productive shit. It's like out of the way now. - I just can't do anything until I've watched all the good videos today. - I need my fix of selfie. - Honestly, I don't think there's that much good content out there where I'm just like, I need good con... Like I don't, there's not enough content out there that's good in my mind that can keep me entertained every day, you know what I mean? There's like certain YouTubers where I'm like, "It's a bang of video and I know I'm gonna enjoy this." But most of the YouTube content you watch is just fills the time. - [Connor] True. - And that's just it, and it's just like can this fill the time without me getting bored? - Is it not weird that like I don't know if this is just me, but like has it gotten to the point now where like the sub feed has just basically turned into like a timeline just to see what everyone's doing? You know? It's kind of like a YouTube timeline. I'm like, all right, let's see what people are doing today. - [Connor] True. - And it's like, you don't watch 80% of the videos that are on your selfie, but you just do something because you're wondering like, "All right, what are they up to now?" It's weird how that's become- - I feel bad when don't watch a YouTube video. - Oh my God. (chuckling) - Oh, my God. - We're all very tired today. - We're all very tired. - This is probably been the most tired that we've all been for Trash Taste episode. Like I slept horribly, Garnt went to bed at 6:00 AM and Joey's tied too. - I'm always tired. - But you were saying you feel bad when? - I feel bad when I don't keep up with YouTube especially if I know that I'm like, "Oh man, I just I didn't watch that new video of you, I'm sorry, man. Fuck, I'm a bad friend." - Have you always done that though? With like, YouTuber friends? - I try to keep up with what my friends make, yeah. I try to keep up just so I can like be like, "Oh nah man, nice, you killed it." Like if they did something really ambitious I'd have to let them know, be like, "Hey man, you fucking killed it bro, nice." - I don't know if that's a rare thing. 'Cause my general understanding is like, again it's like people just sub to you to like, you know, show support of course. But also to be like, just to see what's up with- - It might be different for every viewer, like this one, I'm sure not everyone watches every episode of Trash Taste, right? - [Joey] Right. - Or cares about when it comes out, like I'll give- - Yeah. - Even though you should. You should be watching every Trash Taste episode. - Yeah. - Anyway, this has been a very weird two hour. I hope you've enjoyed the two hour therapy session between the boys. - Yeah, this has been like the least, like I feel like exciting episode. We're all just tired of shit, we are like, "What are we fucking doing now?" - It's just basically just addicts anonymous. - It's like- - I'm addicted to this. - Hello, Internet, I'm addicted to the internet and I need to take a break and conscious' like, "I don't have an issue, I don't know where you... Oh, maybe I do have an issue, oh okay." - It's like the shittiest addicts anonymous, it's like, "I don't have an issue, therefore you don't have an issue, fuck you. - My league issue, my YouTube issue. What's the next, dude? - It's like you want me to fix your league issue? Just quit, just stop. - This heroin is still good. (all chuckling) - To bring some positivity back into the podcast though. - Yeah, 'cause we need that. - What? - Heroin. - [Mayline] Like the drug? - Yeah. - Well, heroin is a drug Mayline, yeah. That was the joke. The joke is that heroin is better than all those things. - Confirmed, Mayline doesn't count heroin as a drug. - [Mayline] Like heroin, like, you know, character. - No, not a he... No. - No. - Mayline's equally as tired as us. - Going down a pint of- (all chuckling) - A pint of cocaine. - Yes to bring some positivity back into the podcast. We got spare... We were send something super special this week. - Did we? - I guess we did. - Bring it out onto the table. - On the sub Reddit and the Twitters, this post blew up that somebody made a nice little a quilt for us. Actually, I think it's actually a quite large. Yeah, it's a large. There was also a letter included from Shelby, I believe, right? - Shelby from Cali, yes. - I did read it, Shelby. - Yeah, we did read it. We're not gonna read it out on the podcast, but it was- - Tear that boy open, boy. - We read it though, all right. - So I think there's different gifts for different people. Oh, I mean, I assume this is the- - Yeah, this is the main. - Well, while you guys opening that, I'll just go ahead and explain. We don't have a PO box and we probably won't. - Yeah. - I've had a PO box before and although it is great receiving stuff, it's also equally frustrating figuring out what the to do with all the stuff that you get sent. And I have so much food go stale on me, so much fruit go bad. - Yeah. - I feel like opening PO box is kind of like, you know, like opening your first discord, right? It's sounds great in theory. But then when you get to a point where you get sent too much stuff that it's manageable. That's when it becomes a second job basically. - We are like super grateful that people who wanna send me stuff- - But that doesn't mean we're not grateful. We know you guys wanna send us stuff and everything like that. Just at this point, we just want less things to manage, you know what I mean? - Yes, its the worse thing to worry about. - But like when we see something cool like this like get posted on a radio or something we just wanna see- - [Connor] Holy fuck. - Oh shit. - Jesus. - [Connor] Holy shit that's huge. That's the wrong way around. - The wrong way round. - Holy fuck, that's confidential. Audio users can take that out of context if you like. Wow, that is... Audio users what you're looking at right now is just a giant Trash Taste quilt. Oh my God, that's actually amazing. What the fuck? Shelby? What the fuck? But thank you Shelby so much. - [Joey] Thank you Shelby. - [Garnt] Thank you Shelby. - Oh my God. - Thank you so much. - Holy shit shout out to Shelby what an MVP? - There's like two other gifts here as well. - Key rings, I believe they were Shelby's message. - Should we open them as well? - Yes, so the key rings are for Mayline, you and I, there is a key ring for Mayline which is the pink one, a silver one for me, Green one for Garnt- - And see here, it say he says J-G-C and M. - Oh, okay. (all chuckling) - So, there is your C. - Fantastic. - Hell, yeah. You're too nice, Shelby, thank you- - Thank you so much for- - Thank you very much Watching this episode of Trash Tastes by the way. We're winding down now. - Oh, it's an a manga's thing. - Is it really? - It's got my little okapas. - Shit, she's got both of the ducky macros, I only Thailand. - Having glasses. - Having glasses, oh yeah. - I have the Rose, that's so cool. What the fuck? - Oh my God, this is amazing- - Can I open yours Mayline? - [Mayline] Oh, yeah. - Thank you so much, Shelby. - That's so fucking cool, it's got my rose. - Goddam, some people are too nice, man. - Yeah, so this is obviously... This is honestly, one of the coolest gifts I received. - Oh, Mayline, this is pink with like cat ears. - Mayline loves cats by the way. - Here, Mayline. - So yes, if you have enjoyed this episode of Trast Taste please let us know your thoughts and what kind of stuff you wanna see us do in Trash Tastes. We wanna evolve it more and keep doing interesting stuff. - [Garnt] Yes, what's that? - I'm opening it to find out. - All right? - Hope, hope, hope you've enjoyed sitting in on this two hour therapy session. Maybe even you discovered something about yourself as well, hearing us talk about our addiction on the internet. - Oh, face masks. - Oh, okay. - The cat is probably mine- - Cat face mask. - Or Mayline. - No, I guess Mayline. Oh, these are jojo masks. - Oh nice. - [Garnt] That's awesome, yes. - Killer queen, oh, Dio you're approaching me. (Garnt chuckling) And Brono Bucciarati, okay, wow. - That's sick. - Holy shit. - Thank you so much Shelby. - Thank you Shelby, you are MVP. - But also we want to thank our patrons on screen right now. - Yeah, you guys help us support the show and make it even better. I love all these people and I'm sure all the boys do as well. But if you'd like to support us as well on the patreon then make sure to go to patreon.com/trashtaste. Also again, follow us on the Twitter and sub Reddit. And also don't ask us if we have a PO box. - Yes, we don't. (Garnt chuckling) - 'Cause I know, there's going to be comments. The moment people see the quilt they're gonna be like, I wanna send something. - And we really appreciate that. - We appreciate it. - We appreciate the sentiment. We'll take the sentiment. - We appreciate the sentiment. Yes, thank you very much. - I've enjoyed the sappy session, I guess. Well, if you've been trashed taste, thank you to everyone again. I very.... So grateful, people are willing to come, and listen to us talk and (Connor screaming) - We'll be happier next week, I swear to God. - Yeah, this is why I'm just fucking depressed. I'm joking, I'm not- - We forgot to down a pint of cocaine. - I'm so tired. Thank you so much. - [All] Bye. (bright music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,363,268
Rating: 4.9689336 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 17sec (7097 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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