We Met a REAL Virtual YouTuber (ft. Mori Calliope) | Trash Taste #23

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I already knew that Calli had a lot of fun working with Milky Queen, but I would've never known that it'd changed her entire outlook on idols and VTubers if she hadn't brought it up. In retrospect, I guess the connection I made between them working together and Calli becoming a VTuber was accurate after all. Huh.

Speaking of Milky Queen, actually, I can definitely second Calli's recommendation. She's got a beautiful singing voice and is a super hard worker - she translates the lyrics in her English covers of Japanese songs herself! Plus, she really is as down-to-earth as Calli described - despite being and idol and a mascot for a got dang restaurant, she still finds time to play and hang out with her (indie) EN VTuber friends. She's so casual around them that I often forget she's even an idol in the first place!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 106 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThunderCharged πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good mix of behind the scenes and in-person lore. The interactions between Mori and The Boysβ„’ just reinforced why Calliope is my favorite HoloEN vtuber. I am not sure if this is one of the first times Hololive has collabed outside of their owned channels but from what I have seen of the premier so far its really excellent. A great introduction to vtuber/hololive as well.

Edit: Premier just ended and I think this is my favorite episode. Calli really warmed up to them the longer the interview went on. When she said Cr1tikal was her favorite YouTuber and then said the quote... again. I knew the interview was going places. I am surprised Holopro let her say as much as she did. According to Connor, her managers were just of the screen (probably next to The Boysβ„’ own manager).

Also the segment about Mad Father and jank RPG maker games was really great. Joey and Calli gushing about games was really great. They really hit it off. I hope they do do some sort of rap/music collab in the future.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ariolander πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lost it at 'simp tournament arc' lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AriesShepard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Hololive world domination is progressing quite nicely

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asianwrestlingfan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great to see Calli getting out there and making herself known.

I still can't really get into Trash Taste though. I think Joey and Garnt are super funny, but Connor is just too much of a wet blanket. It feels like 9 out of 10 conversations go like this:

Joey: Have you heard about <funny/crazy thing>?

Garnt: Oh, yeah! Let's talk about how funny or crazy it is!

Connor: I've never heard of that, I don't know anything about that.

Joey: <talks about how funny/crazy the thing is>

Connor: Wow, I did not know that. I'm not really into that.

Garnt: <more discussion about the thing>

Connor: That's crazy, I don't know anything about things like that.

Joey: Connor, have you watched or heard anything about <other thing?>

Connor: No, what is that?

Garnt: <explanation of thing>

Connor: Wow, no, I've never heard anything about it.

He just gives me the impression that he's sort of floating above all this anime stuff, and when Garnt and Joey start getting into some funny and risque topics he just sort of keeps repeating that he's not into any of that weird stuff and knows nothing about it.

I get that he's the 'straight man' but for me he kind of dampens a lot of the energy of the podcast to the point where I don't really enjoy it because I can see every "I have no idea what you're talking about" coming from a mile away.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rainghost πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you watch this podcast, you have TRASH TASTE. I'll see myself out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AaronXeno21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder how they recorded this? Was Calli actually there in person and wearing motion tracking gear/or whatever vtubers use to capture their face, or were they just on some sort of phone call and just had Calli record her avatar added it in later?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wow_so_fast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was okay. Sometimes a little bit too much off topic for my taste.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HamuSumo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One thing take away.

β€œSimp Wars” tournament.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kad202 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Hello, and welcome to a very special episode of Trash Taste podcast. I am your host for today, once again, Garnt. - And you're always the host, where's the guest. - Joining me today is of course the boys CDawg and The Anime Man. - You've never called us that. - The Hentai boy now? - Why are you so nervous, Garnt? (laughs) - He's trying not to seem-- - Are you nervous perhaps because of the person who is sitting next to you right now? - So we have first here on Trash Taste. We have a 2D guest with us today. - Hello! - Looking wonderful in your attire. - I know right. - Oh, thank you. - Would you like to introduce yourself to the world? - Sure, okay. Hello everyone. I'm Calliope Mori and I'm from the first generation of hololive English. Nice to meet you all and thanks for having me. - Yeah, of course. - Yay! - See I wanted you to introduce yourself because we've been pronouncing your name wrong this entire time. - As most people do, as most people do. - Okay, to be fair though. In my defense, it is rather confusing because like the English name right, is Calliope. - Right. - Right. But when you type it in Katakana like in Japanese, it's Calliope. - That's right. - Right. So I'm just like, which one is it? - Well, actually the truth, is I actually never thought about that. (laughs) - I never thought about that, there were many things-- - So I'm like, looks like which one's the law? Which one's the real law? But now we know it's both. - Yes indeed. - Yeah. - So like, where did that name come from? - Well, actually it has various meanings, believe it or not. So Calliope is actually the Greek muse of poetry, epic poetry. - Oh, alright. - And as you know, I do dabble just a bit in the Sick Nasty rhyme. (laughs) Creation of flames et cetera. - Is that how you are flirting with us? - Listen-- - The fire speed burn. - I'm just trying, I'm just trying to get used to the weird things people... People say things in such strange ways these days. And I just, I don't, I'm not used to it yet, I'm sorry. - Well, yeah, because like, this is not only a first for Trash Taste having a 2D guest, but I think we are kind of making YouTube history in a sense, because I do believe... - This is the first time 2D and 3D have joined together. - Right. - Connor's fucking dying right now. (laughs) - Its so funny 'cause the way that we're filming this, Garnt literally cannot move or else it will fuck up everything. And Garnt looks so fucking nervous. He's like, "Yes and today we have, the guest" - Are you sure it's not because I'm death? Cat wink. - That too. That too but also the fact that like I do believe that we are probably one of the first known hololive YouTube channels to feature-- - [Garnt] Like a hololive member - Yeah, like do a split collab. Like official collab with a hololive member. - Well, I think this is, well this... I'm not sure about the Japanese side, but this is definitely like the English side of things. - [Joey] Oh yeah, yeah. - Actually this is the first collab where I've seen hololive do other things with people outside of hololive so. - 'Cause I mean, how long is hololive EN been around right now? - Well, you know it like, it's been three years but it's been about a month. (laughs) - In YouTube years-- - Believe it or not. - In Youtube years it's three years. Because like three months on YouTube feels like three years. - Gosh, that's sure is how it feels, I tell you what. - It has just been a month, hasn't it? Like just over a month and it's a drag. Oh my God, it feels like it was like the beginning of 2020 the hololive English launch. - Yeah, right? That's that's why I was.. That's why it's just shocking to me how fast and how powerful just the hololive English side of things was growing, because I mean like, you don't even have to be a hololive like simp or anything, or like even follow VTubers and you'll see people like re-tweeting memes and shit, all VTubers and the hololive members so it-- - I do see a lot. - Yeah right? - And I don't care. - Yeah. (laughs) - It's lovely to meet you by the way. (laughs) - Lovely to meet you too, it's fine, it's fine, I get it all the time. - I think it's really cool, I've seen you get smashed on stream, that was really entertaining. - Now wait a minute. Now wait a minute. Everyone says that, but listen, here's the thing. - Okay, okay, okay-- - You guys haven't seen anything yet. (laughs) - Everyone likes to say things like, "Ah, look at, look at Calliope, so funny, "she's drunk, ha ha ha," like it's a big, funny joke, but if you want to see me drunk, just wait a bit. - To be fair I've seen the stream where you'll smash down the spirytus-- - Okay well the spirytus was a different situation, listen. - I'm totally unfamiliar with everything pretty much. - You gotta explain, like I'm five kinda... - Would you guys explain and especially you being the professional death god hololive. - Sure. (laughs) Anytime. - Why you laughing? - It's totally real, death god's real. Please fully explain everything to me 'cause I'm a total new, but I don't know anything. I literally died don't. I've watched one of your streams where you played DOOM Eternal. I thought you were a bit bad at it and I'm not gonna lie-- (babbles) - You got a pro gamer here just-- - Just saying. (laughs) - Now, listen, listen to me, here's the thing. Killing with a PS4 controller is much different than using a scythe, okay. (laughs) Just here me out, just here me out, man. - I'll take that, I'll take that excuse, I'll take it. - But I'm getting better, I'm trying. Every time that I play, I get just a bit better. And I must say I would quit but the thing is it's such a rush, you know. Reminds me of the old days when I wasn't off hiatus. You feel me? - [Connor] Right. - Is that why you play DOOM, Connor? - Yeah too from my old days. (laughs) - Back in school when I was-- (babbles) - Oh my God. - Okay, so let's hear like.. Explain to Connor-- - I genuinely, I know very little only-- - No, no, and I'm sure there's a number of people watching this episode right now. (babbles) - Why is there an anime girl sitting in the seat, right? - So like in your own words, Calli, like explain what hololive is and explain what Vtubing is. - Sure, okay. Well, let's see. I can go ahead and start with, with Vtubing, I suppose, because hololive is a group that Vtubes. So I suppose I'll go ahead and start from the very beginning. So a virtual YouTuber is basically just that a YouTuber that is not necessarily a human necessarily I guess. Necessarily a fictional-- - Or 3D? - A fictional 3D. (laughs) I mean-- - 3D human. - Sometimes they're 3D. - I mean I'm certainly real as far as I can tell. But essentially, I'm I guess what many people say is a cute anime girl, right? (laughs) I am a cute anime girl. - In lay man terms-- - When you gonna help me out? Help me like this man. (laughs) - I am a cute anime girl. And I do various things like I stream and I suppose more specific to me is that I also make music. So yeah, that's kind of, I guess my thing. - And you make some good music. - Thank you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I appreciate that. - You are the god of spit and fire that's for sure. - Thank you. - However, you refer to it as. - Whatever you said before-- - Spitting flames. - Spitting flames, that's it. - Spitting flames is what it is. I'm pretty sure that that's the name for it. - Yeah, so I'm gonna jump right into it. What's your opinion of simps? (laughs) - Wait, I thought we were gonna ask do VTubers poop? Is that a real thing? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Can you ask that? Is it true? - Do tootie anime girls poop? - That's a wonderful question. The truth is I don't actually know. - Oh, didn't expect that. Alright, cool. Alright, I'm sorry, back to your question. - You don't know, wait, hold on, you don't know-- - Well here's the thing, I don't know about anime girls or VTubers, but I am death and death does not have to, so I can't actually answer your question. - I was gonna say like, do you not know as in like you don't or you don't know as in like, it just comes out without you knowing it. (laughs) - Like you're not even aware that it's out. (laughs) - I don't think it's that one. (laughs) - Sorry back to your question. - But yeah, what's your opinion on simps? What's a VTubers's opinion on simps? - You mean shrimps? - Shrimps. - Oh yes, that's what the kids call it now. - I think that that's what Gura calls them. - Yes. - Yes. I think that is the term that humans today are using for supporters, avid supporters. I don't really, I don't know much-- - That's a nice way of putting it. (laughs) - So generous really-- - Well see-- (laughs) - All I know is that sometimes in chat, when I'm streaming they throw rainbows at me and I tell them to stop, but then they keep doing it. And the more that I tell them to stop, the more that they continue to do it. And I still don't really know how to handle it, to be honest. But I think everyone is very well-meaning and I'm happy for the support-- - I mean, I've seen the clip of all those like Canadians, like blue lives with the red super chats. - It sure did happen huh. (laughs) - And it's probably gonna happen again. Let's be real. - I suppose you're right huh. - So what I gotta ask is like when hololive English got announced, I don't like... On my end of things, and I've been following hololive since kind of the beginning of the year. I had no idea how big hololive English was going to become. Were you expecting the response or like your fellow hololive English cast members, were you guys expecting the response that you got? - Well, it's interesting because I actually, we talked about this many times. We actually had no idea how we would be received, right? Because it's not like the five of us are the first English speaking girls that have done work with hololive, right? I mean, there are several hololive girls that are able to speak pretty good English. So we weren't sure because no... I suppose, how should I say this? It's been difficult to estimate, I suppose, how well in English, English group of-- - Audience? - Yes, exactly. An English group of VTubers would appeal to an English speaking audience because those who came before us have done well of course. But it's hard to tell because we're the first, mainly English speaking, right? So we basically had no idea is what I'm trying to say in my long winded explanation which makes absolutely no sense because I'm a bit of a scatterbrain everyone knows this-- - So like did you, like all the hololive English members, did you guys like meet beforehand, like before all the reveals are happening? - Nope. - Oh, so you met each other, like after you debuted? - Oh, no, we met before we debuted. But this has been... We were working together for a very long time beforehand, right? And kind of getting to know each other and I technically, yes, I got to meet the other girls. But before that we were all just kind of shoved into the same room and it was like, "Hello, nice to meet you. "All of you, you are my teammates." See how well it worked out. - Which is so weird, 'cause like that's the equivalent of like getting a bunch of anitubers you've never met being like, "Alright, you're all starting a podcast "from tomorrow." - It's like, "What, no." (laughs) - Exactly, well, it turned out okay because all of the other girls are very laid back and we all have personalities that work really well with each other. And it's never weird, we all like each other a lot. So that's cool. I suppose we just got lucky. Maybe, maybe that's what it is. We just got super lucky. - I think so from like, from the... From what I've seen like all the hololive English members, they seem to work well-- - Yeah they work, you guys seem to work well together and you guys seem to have like very distinct personalities as well. - Yeah I know. - Yeah. (laughs) - What what'd you think of this Connor? - It's good. (laughs) I feel like the-- - I think you should be the one who is needs to like lead on with the question. - Why, why would I? You guys are the simps right? - Well no because you got no... Because you're the one right now who's representing everybody who wants to know more about hololive and like VTubers-- - Like what don't you know, about VTubers? - Everything, I want to know is it... When you were started off streaming, was there any streamers out there, anyone who, that you kind of really enjoyed who might've given you some inspiration to start Vtubing? - Well, to be honest, I actually didn't know anything about Vtubing before I got into it, right? But of course I started looking up to my senpai, I suppose. And mostly just other members of hololive, I would say, yeah. - Did you have to do like a lot of research before you really like debuted? Just like make sure you knew what you were doing. - Well, it certainly wasn't required, but this is the way that I am. I get a little obsessed sometimes. So to that say that before my debut, I didn't go watch maybe every single video that I could find of my supplier of VTubers doing things. If I said that I didn't do that, that that would be a lie. It would be untrue, it would be false because I did, I definitely did that. - Are you able to name, like any specific hololive members that you like, especially enjoy 'cause I'm sure I mean, you know, it goes without saying, I'm sure you enjoy everybody, right? But like who especially, do you enjoy, like personally? - Ah, let's see, hmm... Good question. Well, I really always looked up to probably a lot of the musical senpais, right? So for example, Azuki, and Suisei senpai and also Watame senpai. - Do you know who any of those are? - It's like when people talk to me about animator actors. They're like, "Yeah, I love this animator actor." I'm like, "You just said all the same names." I'm not trying to be like racist, but like, they always sound the same to me. I'm so dumb, I'm like a Neanderthal, it just goes out, I'm sorry. - It's no worries at all, I understand. - Oh then here's the thing, right? As a hololive member, who is a hololive member that you can convincingly say Connor would get into? - Yeah that's a good question. - As a Neanderthal-- - As someone who hasn't watched any VTubers-- - My favorite streamer is Tyler1. Do you know Tyler1? - Yes, I'm familiar. - Fantastic. - Believe it or not I am. - Is there a Tyler1 equivalent in hololive? - Gosh. Well, let's see. It depends, I need to ask you first. What kind of content do you enjoy? - That's a broad question. - No it's a quite a broad question. Do you like... Well, for example, do you like... Do you like things like game play? Do you like FPS game play or-- - Yeah, yes sir, yeah I do. - Okay, do you like chaos-- - He's a hardcore gamer. - Do you like chaotic people? - Yeah, I love chaotic people, I like-- - Then you should watch my friend, Amelia, Amelia Watson. - I think yeah, I think that'd be good for you. - She's very-- - She's got a lot of chaotic energy. - She's a bit of a toxic gamer. (laughs) - That is Conner down to a tee. - I should have just said toxic gamer-- - Yes then Amelia would be perfect for you. - Damn, yeah, 'cause I said on one podcast that I was going to watch VTubers and every episode since they'd been like, "So which ones did you watch, Connor?" And I'm like, "I don't know where to begin." I don't know, do I just watch a stream? I don't know, like where do I find them? - I mean, what... Well, at least with me, all I did was I just found one that kind of... I watched a couple until one just kind of clicked with me where I'm like, "Oh, okay, "I can watch another clip of this particular VTuber." And then you just keep watching more and more clips. And then you go back and watch some of the VODs. And then you're like, "Alight, "who did they play with the most?" - There's like several layers to this, right? And like the top layer of the rabbit hole is just finding like this random Twitter clip that appears in your timeline and like, "That's pretty funny." - I see clips with the dog all the time. - Oh Korone. - Korone senpai. - Then like the second layer I would say is like getting some random YouTube recommendations, like certain clips. - I do, I get a lot of those. - Because trust me, you watch one VTuber clip and your recommended is just all VTubers. - Yeah, exactly. - Ah yes. - It's like, I don't know what it is about VTuber clips that just... They just seem like they're designed to take over the YouTube algorithm. 'Cause you watch one and then your feed is suddenly all like full of them. And then you're like, "Hm, this clip sounds kind of interesting." And then you watch some and you're like, "Huh, that VTuber kinda clicks," you know? - Like, "Oh, that clip was interesting. "Let me go watch the whole VOD now." That's always how it works. Alright yeah. No, but I reckon, I reckon Amelia would be best. - Okay. - Sure, I probably-- my recommendation would be watch her debut stream first, very first stream that she ever did. So that she can introduce herself to you, et cetera. And then after that you can just dive right in. - Although to be fair, I've seen a lot of the hololive members who have changed greatly since they debuted. - It's true but that's part of the fun I think. - It's like seeing character development, IRL. But like, I gotta ask you, how nervous were you for your debut stream? 'Cause I assume you didn't have any streaming experience before that. And then going from like no streaming experience, like stream to such a large audience-- - How many people were in your debut stream again? - I think that the peak number of viewers was 60,000. - Jesus Christ! - Holy shit! - How'd you go from zero to 60 K. - Yeah. - In a day. - I mean I've, I think we all had like kind of... - I don't think... We've never reached those numbers in live streaming terms. - Right, I mean, I've had like livestreams that were big, but nothing like that and especially not in my first time. Is it kind of overwhelming to have to jump into this and start off with such a big amount? 'Cause like I said, we've all had really gradual rises over the years. Is it daunting, even as a death god? - Right, well, see, here's the thing when your death, no one really sees you, right? I mean, for the most part, maybe you do see me, but not as I am now. - I think there's people you kill and doom see it coming for... (laughs) - Well I would hope so. - Oh they're the purgers. - Oh there it is, there's the guy, he's gonna kill us. (laughs) - Exactly. Well, I mean, if you think about it that way, going from yes, no one ever seeing me at all to suddenly all of these eyes on me, yeah, I mean it's a little scary. Yeah, for sure, I definitely was kind of losing my mind a little bit, to be honest, I was going a little nuts. But I wasn't going to show anyone that, especially not when I started turning into a PowerPoint slide show, because my computer wasn't strong enough to handle all the applications open at the same time. That's when I especially started freaking out. So yeah, it was very nerve wracking, but people were very kind and I was surprised about that. I went in expecting an immediate barrage of hate and no kindness at all, believe it or not because-- - That is the internet. - That is the internet yeah. - It's really pretty good at that. - And as death, I'm prepared for that. - I mean though, that's good though, that you were at least positively received in front of 60,000 people. - So what made death wanna become a streamer? That's what I wanna know. - What a great question. - Sometimes you just get tired of slaying people, man. I tell you what, I mean... - I feel like I'm asking Dora why she keeps asking me questions. You know what I mean? It's like I know it's an obvious thing, but like Dora-- - Why do you keep exploring? - Dora, what's up with that like why-- - There's nothing more left to explore? - Dora you know what that is. It's the number four Dora. Don't ask me these stupid questions, you know, I mean... - You know you have to turn left. (laughs) - Alright, it's the best number indeed. Sorry, I got hung up on-- - Sorry I know I interrupted you, I'm sorry. - It's okay, it's okay. I mean... What's the question? I'm kidding. - What made you want to become a streamer? - Right. Yeah, so... I really just kind of got... I mean, as I mentioned, yeah, I got tired of slaying people, but also I had this feeling that maybe if I had more eyes on... I could have more eyes on maybe the things that I make, like music, et cetera, because slaying people is real fun, don't get me wrong. I love it but-- - But spitting bars is fun alright. - Exactly, if there's a different way that I can slay people I'd like to try it. And honestly, I have more fun doing that, so yeah. - You kill people by setting their house on fire, right, with all those flames-- - Exactly I kill them with the base. - Your lyrical slang. - So in terms of music, do you do like everything on your own as well? Like, are you experiencing all like the beat making and all that? 'Cause I'm fucking garbage at all of that. - Yeah. Connor's like mega monkey brain when it comes to music so-- - So yeah, I saw that you did a rap competition, right? I think one of the people who got to the final was someone that we've done raps for. - Like Joshua. - Like Joshua. - Yeah, yeah, a little remix competition for my debut song. - And I saw DJ Joe was in the trials-- - Yeah DJ Joe was in there as well. - And, we've done raps before, but I... So Joey actually you write your own raps and perform them, right? - Yes. - I'm so fucking terrible, I have no rhythm that I have to ask him to write it, and then I have to ask him to record him doing it and then I'll mimic it. - Oh really? - Yeah, I literally-- - You just basically got a cheat sheet unlike-- - Because even if they give me the rap, I actually don't know how to rap it. Like I'm reading these words-- - You don't know the flow of it. - Yeah, I read it like a businessman reading, like an accounting page, you know, how do I do that? How do I get better 'cause I'm terrible at all of this. - Well, I mean, interestingly enough, everyone starts out being F wording terrible. Sorry, I really shouldn't curse anymore. - You can curse on this show, it's alright. - I can, is it okay? - Oh it's totally good. - They won't get mad? Okay, hold on. (clears throat) - She's gonna say it, she's gonna say it. (laughs) - I can't do it on command. It'll come out, it'll come out-- But really, everyone starts out bad, that's the truth. Even I started out very bad back in the day. Back in the day but... And that's why I was afraid to start rapping actually, because I had already gotten so good at killing folks, right? - Right, right, why change your danger alright? - Yeah, exactly, I mean, I'm already good at this, right. So why would I switch to something that I'm not good at or that I know I'm not skilled at. But I was so inspired, I suppose, by multiple people mostly in the underworlds rap scene, I would say. Is very low key, and as you would expect underground. They really inspired me a lot. And I decided, well, I might as well give it a try. So I did. And over time you get better. And even listening back to my old things. Yeah they're terrible, they're garbage, absolute garbage. Like there's no, there's no sugarcoating there. But I mean, the advice that I give is always the same cliche stuff that you hear all the time, but it worked for me. Listen, you just gotta keep going even if you suck and if you suck, you keep trying. Because if you quit, when you suck, that's a real shame because you stopped doing it and you suck, you still suck forever. - Yeah, I mean, at this... I think the best advice you can give anyone to like learn any skill set is just to do it and just to try and-- - Just keep trying. - Yeah, it's true when it comes to rapping and it's true when it comes to making YouTube videos-- - I mean, cause like... I definitely like the first couple of raps that I did for like Josh or like any other like collaborator that I did like... I look back and I'm just like, "Man, "that was shit." - That's what I mean like five minutes after I make anything I'm like, "God, that's shit!" - But the latest stuff I did I was like, "My boy's spitting bars." - I'm still trying-- - That's the kind of fire though. - I'm still trying to make people forget that I once took parts in like the... What was it, the Anitube? - Oh, can we show you Garnt rapping? - No! Don't do that! - Is that something... Is that a real thing that I can watch? - Okay, yeah, so this is like a community thing that we used to do every year where... It's called the Anitube Cypher-- - That's what it's called. - And basically it's like-- - The Anime Cypher. - Yeah, the Anime Cypher. So like one person would find a beat, like a creative commons beat, and then spit like an eight bar or a 16 bar or whatever. And then they would tag another Anituber to be like, alright, now you have to like respond and-- - Well I'm fucking leaving if we're getting this out now. - And so like... When was this? Like you did it like, well, 2018? - 2017 I think. - 2017 or 2018, forgot which one it was. But that was the year where like the most amount of anitubes did. And of course, Garnt got tagged like 60 million times. And so he joined in and... He's bars though. (laughs) - It's awful. - Were they fire? Were they flames? - No, they weren't. - I bet they were. - They weren't even an ember. They were not even oh... (mumbles) - I'll be the judge of that. - I'm a leave it. - You can't move Garnt. - I'm a head out. I'm a head out. - You're trapped, I won't allow you to move. - I'm a head out right now. - No! - Here we go! - Get it out! - Here we go! - Get it out! - Ha! - Wait, Garnt, Garnt. - Sh! - Here we go. β™ͺ If we're being Asian β™ͺ (laughs) - We'll link it in the description as well just in case you wanna hear the whole thing. - Flames. - My favorite bar-- - My favorite bar was from... What was it? It's like, it's that motherfucking tea. (laughs) - I know, I've wiped that rap from my memory and I fucking hate everyone for mentioning that now. - We all did a rap, right? We should do a bonus video where you react to all of our raps. I think that would be fun. - That would be fun, yeah, yeah, I think we should definitely do it. - Yeah, that sounds cool. I'm down. - I hate you all. I hate you all right now. - I gotta ask just the death god. Do you have a favorite meme? - Me-me? - A meme, a me-me, a meh-meh, whichever you prefer pronunciation, I don't wanna die. - Gosh! (laughs) It's okay-- - Can you kill me right now. I just wanna die. - Everyone does. - I'm sorry, I had to do that to you. This is like the parent pulling out like the baby photos with the dick out. It's like, "Look how tiny it is dick was." (laughs) Sorry, sorry, yeah. Shouldn't talk about unsightly things around the death god, sorry. - Oh, it's fine, you can talk about whatever you like. - [Connor] Oh, okay. - Yeah its cool, no problem. - Were you like nervous to debut our first song? - Oh yes, definitely, I... Well, because you all can tell I have... I'm very different sounding, right? I have a very interesting style. It's kind of off the world-- - You certainly have a distinct like voice, like rapping voice, definitely. - For sure, so yeah, I was pretty nervous, I didn't know how people were going to receive it, right? So that was a big worry. I thought that there would be a lot of backlash against it, for whatever reason. I also just hold myself to a really, really high standard. So listening back to my rap again, I was like, "Is this really any good?" I don't know. - To be fair though, you set it up really nicely because like, you kind of like hinted, like during your story. 'Cause I remember I was watching your debut stream again yesterday and you debuted your first song on the debut stream. And like, I think the way you like kind of set yourself up being like, you know, "Oh, I'm just like, you know, trying this rap thing." And then the song starts and people are like, "Alright, well, you know, she sounds nervous, "I'm not gonna expect like the most amazing rap, "but it's still going to be cute anyway." And then three seconds later, you're just like speeding, like insane flow and I'm just like, "Holy shit!" - Oh yeah, I mean you gotta lower those expectations first. Am I right? Oh gosh. - Exactly. - Like if you had psyched yourself up being like, "Yeah, yeah, "I can rap." - I'm the shit. - I'm the shit. - That's hustling. - Yeah, then it would have been like, alright. But I think you went into it really nicely, okay. - Thanks. - Okay yeah, so I wanna know as like a person who also likes his rap music, like, do you wanna like give any shout outs I guess, or like more like your-- - Influences or anything like that. - Yeah the influences basically like Japanese or like Western rap, right? - Oh, sure, yeah, absolutely. Well, let me think about it because a lot of my favorites are definitely under the radar, I would say. - Who would you say is like the most well-known? - Ah, gosh. - Out of your favorites. - In terms of like the Japanese rap, I wonder. I feel like... - I mean, I think on the broader scale of things like to a Western audience, not a lot of people know a lot of Japanese rappers, right? - Right yeah. - Like I'd say probably the most well-known Japanese rapper might be like Shing02. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. - Yeah, who did like... Do you know Shing02? - I don't know, I do not know Shing02. - Okay, you know, the Samurai Champloo opening? - Oh okay. (laughs) - He's the guy who did all this stuff with Nujabes basically. - You gotta explain things to me in anime terms. If it's not in anime terms, I probably wouldn't get it. - He's the guy who did the Samurai Champloo. - [Garnt] Okay, okay. - So he's probably like the most well-known in like the Western anime community maybe, but like... 'Cause I don't even know a whole lot of Japanese underground rap either. But like what about like Western rappers? - Oh, let's see. I feel like all the Western rappers that I like are very... How do I say? Very obvious sort of like... - [Connor] Like 2pac? - Of course-- (laughs) - Yeah, well, of course. But like my favorite is of course Eminem which is the very obvious answer. - I'm white, yeah. - Kind if like, "I know that one." - I know that one. - Every white guy when you ask them what their favorite is, I love Eminem, man. - That's exactly what I mean. - Exactly, yes, and of course Snoop Dogg. - Oh yeah, of course. - I like his memes. - Yeah, you do get some quality memes from that man. I'm I right? - Is that the (laughs) pronunciation? - I thought that that's what it was. Is that not what it was? - I thought it was when I was like 10. - Oh, okay, how was the right way to say it? - Memes. - Me-mes. - Meme, me-mes? - It's memes. - I'm getting mixed signals here, hold on. - Okay I'm sorry. (mumbles) - Alright, I think I get it. Memes. - There you go. - Noted. Thank you for teaching me. - Then do you have your... Do you have a favorite Calliope meme? - Wow, I've seen so many of them floating around. - Do you hang around on like the hololive subreddits and everything like that? Do you see-- - Oh yes, I check them, yeah for sure. Yeah, I don't react or anything, but I'm watching. I'm watching you guys. - Then everyone in the subreddit is like, "Alright stop it boys." - They're like,"Ah shoot." - We're gonna get to the pressures, print up and get the fresh memes. - And then there are plenty they're like, "Ah shit, oh fuck, oh no." (laughs) - Let's see. There is one. I mean, I like a couple of the reaction images. There's one that I always remember where like they turned my face red and they put lights in my eyes. And they like shoot out. - Oh yeah. - And it's really quite scary and frightening. And I'm like, "I like that." - Is that the one with like the screen or-- - Is that the like deep fried meme or-- - Yeah, that's the one. Yeah I like that kind of stuff. Yeah, that's good. - So like you do like a lot of types of streams, right? I mean, you have seen do you like drinking streams and obviously DOOM and just Q and A's. What's like your favorite type of stream to like, kind of do and what's kind of like some of the favorite content that you've made so far. - Well, and that's a tough one. Recently, the only time that I have to play games is when I stream. So those are always quite fun because I get to relax and play a video game with chat, which is good but... Let's see. I also really like the streams where I can just talk 'cause it's fun just talking to chat. You're talking about what's going on with me, et cetera. I never really run out of things to talk about which is something that I always think is going to happen. I always think, "Oh man, I didn't come up "with some kind of outline. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. "I don't know what's gonna happen "if I have nothing to talk about." - That's literally this podcast. - Yeah, exactly. Somehow, some way, I always come up with things to talk about. I don't know how it happens, it just does. And then if I crack open a bottle of wine, it's even better. - Yeah, exactly, I mean like people always wonder like, "Why do you guys like drink so often on the podcast?" Because otherwise we'd just be like... - I feel like, well yeah, we haven't drank that much. - We haven't drank that much recently but I feel like anytime... I don't know why. Anytime that you stream and you like drinking alcohol, people are always afraid that... People will go like mum mode where they're like, "Oh, you seem like you're drinking a bit too much." - You better watch yourself. - [Connor] Are you drinking enough water? (laughs) - It's like, "Yes mother I am." - It's like glad you guys care, you know? But don't worry, we can handle our drink. - I get a lot of people telling me I got hydrate. I know. - Alcohol is hydration. - Exactly, I mean it is. - It's a food. - Yeah sure. That's how it works, for sure. Yeah, that's definitely how it works. So keep drinking and don't stop, please. - When I'm thirsty, I just drink more wine. (laughs) - Okay so like you obviously watch like all, you're fellow hololive members, right? But is there any non hololive YouTubers you like watching? - Ah, that's a great question. Let's see. Oh, there are plenty of indies that I just casually go and check out every once in a while I would say. But for the most part, the VTubers that I really enjoy, like their content, et cetera, I would have to say are musicians. So I check out their music and that kind of thing. Or like watch their shows and concerts. I actually don't watch a ton of actual streams I guess, because I'm just very... I'm very busy. I'm so busy all the time and it's hard. Sometimes I'll have something on in the background while I'm trying to do more work and that kind of thing, but it's not always a stream. Yeah and I'm also very picky. I don't stick around in streams for a long time, actually. I never really watched them start to finish. - Right, right, right. Yeah so like what's... (clears throat) What's the life of a VTuber like? Like what does your typical day look like when it comes to like your VTuber work and everything like that? - Well, of course, as I've mentioned before, to many, many know that I work three jobs in my existence. - Which is absolutely crazy when I found that out. - Yeah, (laughs) I mean. - I work one job and I'm like, "Fuck man." (laughs) Holy shit, you know. - I mean yeah, it'd be like that. I mean, on the daily I'm swinging my scythe around. I have the scythe swinging lessons. They're real important. And I have to do them, I can't just stop doing them. It's it's not something... Even, it doesn't matter how successful I am or how many souls I've taken, et cetera, or how many rainbows chat has thrown at me. That's something that I can't get out of, ever, for a while. I do those and then I come back to my apartment and I stream whatever I think is cool. - How you have the energy to stream after that is just beyond me. - Well see, here's the interesting thing about what you just said is that I don't have the energy. (laughs) - I don't. - Now that's where the wine comes from. - Exactly. - That's why you do so many drinking streams. Oh it makes so much sense now. - So that was a fucking lie. (laughs) No because it's insane. Like it's not just like you, but like there's so many hololive members, especially and like other VTubers who can just stream for like... I already have trouble streaming for like more than two hours. And I'm extremely way more relaxed in my streams than I am with like this show or like my YouTube videos. And I still can't maintain like after two hours, I'm like... I actually like, can't even act like I'm relaxed anymore. Like I actually I have to just be off camera now. - I know in a previous episode that I said, "Oh man, I hope the cut is fair, but..." And that makes it sound even more like the cut isn't fair, but the hololive people over there, assured me it was safe. He was like, "Connor, it was very mean "what you said, the cut is good, I assure you. "And yeah, it's all good." Just saying, I found out it's good (laughs). - So fine. They don't work two jobs 'cause they're broke. (laughs) - It's because I have to. - It's because they can. - Well I'll say that, is that good? Can we leave it... Ah it's so great, we're good. (laughs) - Sorry, I just wanted to say that. - No, its all good. - One thing I've always wondered with like a lot of like the hololive members, but it's about like how you guys see yourselves because you guys are technically virtual idols, right? - I guess so huh. - Yeah. But do you see yourself as an idol? You know, when you like debuted and get all these, simps and donations and everything. Like how do you view yourself as like a public figure? - Wow. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure it out 'cause it happens about a month ago, right? I suppose all that I can say is I actually... Before all of this, when I was just doing underground things in the underworld rap scene, I kind of like stuck up my nose a bit at idols, I suppose. I had this attitude of oh, there's this whole industry built around like worshiping these people that are supposed to be more than human, when they're not. - Can't imagine. (laughs) - Sounds like, yeah, pulls 10 on gacha. (laughs) - And I really kind of stuck up my nose like, "Oh, I'm so much better than them. "I'm no idol, I'm not an idol rapper, "I'm an underground rapper," and that kind of thing. But then after actually getting into the industry and... Actually, no, it was before, it was before that. I guess I will give a small shout out, I suppose, to the indie, well, not necessarily indie VTuber, but one VTuber that kind of changed my mind about idols is... She's really under the radar, I think. Her name is Milky Queen and she's like a rice themed VTuber. She speaks fluent English, and Japanese. And we kind of became friends and she really changed my mind about idols because she's so down to earth and kind, and an incredible singer and talented. And I saw the activities that she was doing, and I went to her events where she was doing like... What is it? The Gacha Events that are big competitions that VTubers do to get like sponsorships and that kind of stuff. - VTuber and Gacha? - Wait, wait, wait, wait. Gacha Events? - They're called... It's called Gacha Ebit. - Right, what are those about? (babbles) (laughs) - Let's go back to the Gacha. (laughs) - I think it's a different meaning though. It's different than that kind of gotcha. But you do events like compete for sponsorships and there's this whole other culture that I don't know anything about. But I saw how hard she was working. - It's like a tournament office sponsership. - Yeah kind of like that but they stream. They stream and it's like whoever gets the most stuff thrown at them in this application-- - I think it's about someone being like, "I really need "that first price raise shatter legend." - Right yeah, that sponsorship. - Excuse me I'm a diamond ranked Gacha player. I'll have you know. - I'll have you know I'm whale. - My part is called a whale. But no, no... I'm a challenger here - I'm not a whale, I'm a diamond league Gacha Player. (laughs) - I'm a professional challenger here at Gacha Player, I'll have you know. - I kind of love that. Yeah, it was like she competed against a bunch of other VTubers and they were competing for like, to be the image girl of a restaurant or something. - So how'd you compete? - By streaming and you stream at the same time as some of these other VTubers and it's like whoever gets I think the most stuff thrown at them... There's an application I probably shouldn't even talk about or mention, but there there's a place for it, they do that anyway. - Especially it's just like a donation war. - Exactly. - It's a donation. - It's a simp tournament, guys. (laughs) - Which by the way... - That's what it is (laughs). - I will state hololive has nothing to do with this by the way we... This is just something I know as me Calliope, the death god, from what I've been-- - Surely that must add more stress to streaming though. And streaming is already pretty stressful adding that kind of... These boys are fucking dying here. I'm trying to find... (laughs) - I kinda love that though, to be honest. - That's a new meme on the subreddit. Holy shit. - No. That's super interesting. - It is. - I wanna go to those so bad. - Holy shit. - Well, that was kind of my first exposure, to be honest to the whole VTuber thing. I didn't really understand it and I watched her things. And I guess... I suppose getting back to the idol thing, right? I kind of had these ideas about what idols were really like, but I realized watching her stuff she works so hard and she's talented and kind and humble and other idols can be like that too. Whoa, no way. No wonder so many people like them. And then I realized I was being a jealous little whore and now it's why... (laughs) - So it's no problem. - So you were all like, "You drop this queen." (laughs) - Yeah, exactly. So ever since then I've had no problems or weird feelings like that anymore. I've just kind of rode into the whole idol thing like with a lot of respect for my fellow idols and all the hard work that they're doing and my mind completely changed, which is something doesn't happen often. - I mean, you are an idol now, right? - Right, it would be kind of weird if I was shitting on myself. I suppose... - I'm curious because obviously as an idol, there's always a lot of, like you said, worshiping going on. Do you, is it... I mean, do you get a lot of people obviously trying to worship you to an extent that's uncomfortable? Is that something you ever have to deal with? - Well, I feel like... I feel like for their sake, I try my best not to get uncomfortable because I know how that is to really, really admire someone, but you don't want to make them uncomfortable. - Yeah. - Right? - We've been there before. - Yeah. - Definitely. - And I feel like people mostly have like really good intentions. I like to believe that most people have good intentions. - You can tell when someone has the bad intentions coming up to you, right? - Yes, oh, for sure. - Yeah, obviously, like you said, as well, you were a underground rap cop before. Is it frustrating when people try to focus on what you were before? - Oh, for sure. Yeah, I get real sick of that to be honest, even sometimes when I just... I stop streaming and I go down to the underground, the underground Cypher or whatever, and I'll go spit some bars. I still get some assholes coming up to me being like, "Hey, hey, so how's the VTuber thing going on?" And I'm just kind of like, "Come on, man." - It's good. Thank you for asking. - It's good. Thank you. And it's kind of like, I like what I'm doing now and I want things to just kind of stay this way and have those fond memories of the past as well and just kind of live... I don't mind living in those two different ways, I suppose. - Yeah I mean. - Fine with me. - It sounds like you like trying to do a lot of different things and... Like, you know, doing this VTuber thing is just another path on like another skill that you're trying out. - Right, exactly. - Are you enjoying it as much as you thought you would or did you even think about that when you wanted to become a VTuber in the first place? - Well, to be honest, when I auditioned, I honestly didn't think that I was ever going to get in at all. So I never thought that far, really. But... I don't know if I can say if one way was more fun than the other. They're different kinds of fun, right? So it's kind of like that. And I don't mind those two existences being existences. How do I say? I'm bad at words. And in case you couldn't tell, the Rapper Reaper is bad at words. But yeah, I don't mind them being parallel just don't be an asshole is all I'm gonna say to you. Just don't be an asshole, you know. - I like that. - Be normal. You can enjoy-- - You can be parallel don't be an asshole. - Exactly. - So you said you like didn't know much about VTubers before you became one, so what made you like want to audition to become one in the first place? - Well, let's see. I do think... I mentioned this story briefly before onstream, but I had some other Reaper mates who also were looking into the hololive thing and were talking about it and I just kind of... I listened in and I was like, "Oh, okay. "Sounds interesting. "I'm getting sick of swinging my scythe around "all the time." And what's interesting though, is that... I kinda didn't say anything, when I auditioned, to those friends... - Oh no! - I was just kind of, "Oh, I'll just give it a shot." 'Cause I didn't think I was going to get in. I thought that they had way better chances than me. And so I was like, "Oh, okay, I'll just do it. "I'll just do it for shits and giggles." Just for fun. And then about midway through before we even heard anything, before things even got moving, I got real guilty. So I told my friends. I said, "Hey, listen like I didn't, "I went ahead and I auditioned for the thing "that you guys did. "Yes, just so you know. "I'm not trying to be slimy or anything "before things start popping off, right, "just letting you know what's up." And it was all cool. - So you betrayed your friends. - No, no, no. It's not like that. - Top 10 anime betrayals. Right on Trash Taste. - Its not like that. - No wonder you have to drink, to get the sorrows of betraying your friends away. - Top 10 anime betrayals. (laughs) - Listen. (laughs) - So like what was their reaction when I guess they found out-- - Yeah, oh my God! They must have been like fucking mortified or... - I mean, the good news is they were very happy for me. - Yeah, yeah. - On the surface. - That's how you know you have good friends. (laughs) - I'm so fucking happy for you. - So fucking happy for you. (laughs) - I think it was genuine though, I think, but I get what you mean. - I'm about to go death god myself. - For sure. - I mean, they're your friends, you gotta... You must've known that was a slight bit of like, "I'm so happy for you, "I'm so happy for you." (mumbles) (laughs) (mumbles) - I mean, we still talk and we still cheer for each other. So I like to hope that things are still cool with them. - On your pile of money. - They're just watching this sweating. They're like, "Yeah..." - Oh man. (laughs) - Oh my God. - I imagine you had to buy the first few rounds of drinks. - I'm sure that I will. I'm sure that I will have to, whenever it is that we reunite in the underworld. - So I guess like what is your... I guess, you've only been doing this for a month now, right? And I assume that you're planning to do this for the foreseeable future-- - Yes, for a while, yeah. - Yeah of a while. Like is there any like immediate goals you're looking towards as-- - Oh gosh! - Tell us your five-year plan. As a death god-- - Where do you see yourself in five years? - Where do you see yourself in five years? - We're like doing a fucking job interview here. - Miss eternal death god. - Well let's see. Well, think about it this way, I've lived a long existence so five years is like to me what a second is to you. So it's all good. For me basically... There are many things that I have on my list. So for example... I want to release an album, a full album and then I don't know if I will ever be able to get a 3D body. It would be nice. I can't promise anything and I don't know anything, but it'd be nice if I did. And at that time I'd like to release some kind of EP for that. That would be cool. - Are you listening hololive staff? - Hi guys. - She wants a 3D. Oh yeah because yeah-- I just realized like I don't think anyone in the EN side has had their 3D debut yet. - We've only been... - Nope, not yet. - Like we said, they've only been debuted like a month ago. - Yeah, I always forget that. - I'm like yeah Hololive English has been around since the beginning. - I've just become so comfortable with their simping that they're just like, "Yeah, I'm ready to do this for life." - Its like, "Shit I've been simping here for only a month. "What the fuck!" (laughs) "It feels like years." - We're in this for the long run, everyone, maybe. - That's gonna be really interesting though when that gets debuted. - I think so for sure. I have no idea what even to expect, but then again, I didn't for this job either. So Hey, looking forward to it, if it ever happens. - Yeah, 'cause I mean like... It's still a little fucking crazy that it's just been a month. What was your opinion of VTubers like before you auditioned and everything like that? - VTubers? - Yes. - Or YouTubers? Oh okay. - Or just like... Or like online content and everything like that. - Okay, well I never thought it was something I could do because as I've mentioned before, I wouldn't say that I'm a shy person because I can talk well in conversation, but I'm very much an introvert. So I don't talk to people unless they talk to me. It's that kind of thing. I don't approach others and I like being alone and I get real... Sometimes I get real sick of folks. You guys are fine. (laughs) I just want to clarify real quick you guys are... It just depends. Mostly like party situations and that kind of space, a ton of people, right? You just kind of people to off and leave you alone after that. - I mean, to be fair, I'm like... I don't mind the occasional party every now... But could I go to one every day? No. - Nah, exactly. You get kind of tired after a while. - I know you kinda-- (murmurs) - And so I also am not... Ah gosh. I've gotten used to talking, but I'm not really... I'm not a being that really enjoys... It's not that I don't enjoy it. I'm bad at talking about myself and I have a hard time talking about myself without getting a little flustered, I guess. So for this job, I thought, "Wow." I feel like you have to have a... There has to be a certain level of not just confidence, but like ability to talk about yourself and well about yourself, I guess. So I just don't... I'm not sure if I knew if that was for me or not. I've been very unsure about it. I really didn't have any streaming experience at all. - I mean, I've always said that YouTube is like... Like the best YouTubers are always the most narcissistic. Like you have to love yourself quite a bit, I feel in order to, for you to be confident enough to be on camera, to be like, "Look at me and look how awesome I am." - Well I would say that it is a skill that you can learn. I mean it's-- - Yeah, but I'm talking about like the most like naturally talented YouTubers. - Oh yeah. - Right. They can just go and be, "Hey guys, hit that like and subscribe button," et cetera. Like that really kinda outward. - Like, no one says that on their daily life, like anything of that sort. Like you know (laughs). You know the feeling you can learn to do that after years but there're people who can just like come immediately onto the scene and just look like they'd be doing it for like five, 10 years. - Honestly, I've been doing this for 10 years and it's still like... I still die inside a little bit when I-- - When you say like and subscribe. - When you say like and subscribe-- - Yeah it hurts, doesn't it? - I hardly ever say to my own videos. I'm like, I can't do this for every video. - Yeah, exactly. - I wonder then off of that saying that like they hate doing that, is there something that you don't like about being a VTuber? - Oh wow. - Or a streamer? Like there's gotta be something that's like, you know, grind your gears, isn't there? - Oh, sure, absolutely. Well, gosh, I mean... Let's see... - Sorry, the list-- - Your manager is sitting over there sweating right now. - I know right, I see him over there he's like, "Ah shit, oh fuck, oh no." - Please be nice. - I mean... I feel like most of the issues that I have always end up being with myself, for whatever reason, like, "I could do this better." - That's not the answer we were waiting for. - I know its not. - Come on! - I'm thinking. - I'm just not perfect enough. - I know I'm thinking. - That's like the job interview answer you give whenever like-- (laughs) You know when you're in a job interview and someone asks you, "What are your flaws?" I'm like-- - I work too hard. - I just work too hard. - I'm just such a hard worker, I'm a perfectionist. - That's too much information. - I work too much. I never sleep. Yeah, exactly. - Well let's see. If I'm to be honest, let's see. I mean, obviously sometimes Chat... They mean well and I love my Chat. - Listen, there're people and some people are assholes. It's okay to say that. - Exactly. And you know, people tricking me into saying things. I don't like it. Listen, I understand that you support me, go fuck yourself. Please don't please stop. - Yes! She said it! - Can you stop it. - That's some brand though right? Tell someone to go fuck themselves, right? - I mean I'm trying so hard to be entertaining and for all of us to have fun together. And you're just trying to shit on my day and everyone's day. - It's rude. - Yeah you tell 'em. - Its fucking rude. - You tell 'em. - You tell 'em, man. - We want an hour of you talking shit. - You dropped this queen. - It started going off. Gotta get the angry phase going, right? This is my sad face. Looks like I'm in pain. I'm sorry, excuse me. Sorry. Now I'm blushing. Hang on just a moment. I have to adjust myself. Okay, yeah. Fuck you. (laughs) I'd raise my nakayubi if I could, but I can't right now. - [Joey] Oh, I didn't. - I'm happy that we've got that moment. - There's gonna be plenty-- - Hold up I'm changing my face. (laughs) - I'm changing my face. - Finish changing my face. - You won't like me when I'm angry. Hold up, hold up, let me just get angry. (laughs) - There's also some other stuff that pisses me off in terms of like technical difficulties and whatnot, because I was under the impression that I was doing a pretty decent job. But (chuckles) you know, in the beginning my PC specs are fun. You know, they're still pretty shit. But eventually they got better stuff. There's a lot of feedback about stuff that I can't change and I know it's my job to take it and to do what I can with it and we did that, but there gets to a point-- - It's been like my old computer. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - Joey, (laughs) can we tell the story Joey. - I mean, it was eventually going to come up anyway. - So I had ordered a new PC build, like I bought everything, I got Joey to buy the exact same one-- - Because I needed an upgrade too. - And so we ordered the 380 graphics card which is the new... I don't know if you're familiar with any of that stuff. - Yes, now I am. Oh believe me chat made sure I know. - So we ordered it and it got delayed. So when I was building Joey's new PC for him, he didn't know how to build it. - To preface, Joey has like the most junk setup you'd ever expect for like professional YouTube. He fucking streams and edits on one screen. One screen! - Oh man. - How'd you do that? - Oh dude. - That's like a monster. - I tried like-- - The man is just looking at me like I killed a puppy. - He's like, "What?" - Dude. - I tried working on one screen, I'm like, "Why am I blind one eye?" You know what I mean? That's how I feel when I have one YouTube-- - He's a professional in all senses of like this job. - I've been doing this for almost eight years now and I've been doing in one... - How'd you read the comments? He's like, "Oh, just pop it up in my phone." - Do you have two monitors? - Alt-Tab is my friend? - Do you have two monitors? - I have four. - Now Joey, come on. - Joey. - So I was building Joey's new PC and obviously the 380 hadn't arrived yet. So I said, "Don't worry Joey. "We'll just take the old one out of your PC." - 'Cause I had a 980 in my old one. - And you know when you have a new graphics card, they have like little rubber pieces in the HDMI and the display port. They were still in on Joey's thing. And I thought, "Oh, did you put them back in Joey?" And he was like, "No." And I'm like, "Did you ever take these out?" And he was like, "No, I never took them out." So Joey for five years... Joey for five years used a 980 graphics card that was plugged in powered and never used it. - He was still using the Intel CPU graphics card. (laughs) - He plugged his one HDMI monitor into his fucking motherboard. (laughs) - Oh my God, dude. - He's a professional YouTuber streamer. - So basically-- - I was fucking losing it. - So basically when we pulled out this like dusty, old thing-- - It was so dusty. - It had never been used. (babbles) - It had never been used for five years. So basically it was the dustiest brand new 980 that you'll ever see. - Oh my God. - I have no idea how he didn't have problems with like streaming or editing videos. - It's pretty nuts. - That's what you get for like, just playing... Just playing anime games. - Honestly dude like A, I only play retro games, and B, I'm a console player. So like I've never had to deal with like graphics card or any of that kind of shit. But I guess now I do. - So no, it doesn't matter how bad you are. - The manager's fucking losing it. - Joey... (laughs) - He's fucking crying. - Hololive staff members start crying on stage. Joey for five years had a graphics card that he did not use. - I never used it. (laughs) - And this wasn't like Joey built it, it was pre-built so he had no excuse. - But that's the problem, right, was A, because like every computer I've used up on like my entire life, because my dad worked in IT for like fucking 30 years. - He-- - Just stop. - He never taught me any of this shit. (laughs) - [Calliope] Oh my God. - He would just set this shit off for me because I remember like-- - You like to be my grandma. You're just like, "Oh how-- - I'm literally one step away from like, how does email work? (laughs) - I get that. - Yeah so like... 'Cause I never like... I never PC game, like my entire life. I've always been console only, like ever since I was... And it's only recently I started PC gaming, right? And so-- - 'Cause of this guy. - Yeah, because of like, you know, all my friends were not. So, and especially when streaming came into the image, because I couldn't stream in Australia, right? Like my upload speed get... - That's what I've heard. - Yeah. Do you know what my upload speed was in Australia? - Tell me. - 0.4. - Come on, man. That can't be a real. - 0.4 meg. - You can't stream on that. - I couldn't stream dude. - Oh G. - I stream fuck like an NES emulator and it was still wagging. - What! - Yeah I couldn't stream. So of course, because I had this garbage computer with this garbage internet, PC gaming was just completely out of the options for me. - Yeah, makes sense. - And so when I moved here and I was like, "Oh my God, "I can actually stream." - Internet can be fast. - It's like coming back to the 21st century. - It was like, "Oh my God, upload speeds "that are more than a megabyte. "Holy shit!" And then, yeah. (giggles) Just like crappy Scott, basically. I was an absolute clown about it. And these two will never let me forget about it. - Something kind of beautiful about that. I feel good about myself now. Thank you for that confidence. - Were you mainly a PC gamer or a console gamer before? - Nah, I've played consoles ever since I can remember. - What's your favorite like... - What's your favorite console of all time? - Oh gosh. PlayStation two. (babbles) - Good choice. - I almost feel like white bread as well. (laughs) - The best memories that I have-- - What do you mean just a DVD player? - Yeah, I did. I played many DVDs on it as well. - Of course you did. - Yeah, it was very, very... What's the word? I forget English. You can use it for many things. Versatile. - Versatile, there you go. - The video is sponsored by Mack Weldon. The new normal uniform has a lot of us searching our closets and drawers for men's essentials that aren't there. Instead of the usual business, casual button-ups and jeans, it's soft knit polos, tees, joggers, an active shorts. Whatever men's basics you need, Mack Weldon has you covered with unmatched comfort to fit. The script tells me to show you. These are my boxers, that Mack Weldon sent me. No joke, they're great. I've worn these many (laughs) times. This is probably-- - You did wash? You didn't wash them. - These are clean. - Joey. You wanna feel these, Joey? - Maximum comfort! - Memes aside they're good. - Yeah I'm wearing the Mack Weldon T-shirt. I wear this all the time to the gym 'cause ooh look, it's so breathable, man. - [Connor] Yeah there's so many holes there. I could fucking breathe out of that. - I don't see your nipples, basically. - You might notice that I'm looking a little different, this sponsorship, but that's because I'm covered head to toe in Mack Weldon. I've got the beanie, I've got the face mask because Mack Weldon gives you all sorts of different clothes. - [Connor] They have men's essential socks, shirts, hoodies, underwear, polos, or active shorts. Mack Weldon, promises, comfort, and consistent fit. They have everything you need. The versatility is insane. You look great. Joey, do you feel great? - I do feel great. - Of course you do. From working out, to going out, going at work or on a date. Oh wow! Mack Weldon is for everyday life. - And don't forget about the technology behind their were as well. Wide range of customized fabric that can keep up with you no matter what your day looks like. 18 hours, silver, AIRKNITx, dry knit, warm knit. I don't even know what half these words mean. - Just keep telling me knit, Garnt, I'll buy it, I'm down. Mack Weldon's quality speaks for itself, I'll buy anything. - But there's also the loyalty program, Weldon blue, which is totally free. Level one gets you free shipping for life, gentlemen. - Get outta here. - For life? - That's entire life for life. Wow. - That's a deal. And once you reach a level two, by spending $200, you get 20% off every order for the next year. - I just read that in the script and even I'm shocked at the value of that deal. - And we can make a guarantee. I guarantee-- - The Mack Weldon guarantee, that is. - That if you don't like your first pair of underwear, you can keep them and they'll still refund you. No questions asked. - They're basically giving underwear out for free. - We're so excited about this. That we're just going to keep interrupting each other. - Mack Weldon for 20% off your first order, visit MackWeldon.com/TrashTastes and enter promo code trashtaste. That's MackWeldon.com/TrashTastes. - MackWeldon. - Promo code trashtaste for 20% off. Mack Weldon, reinventing men's basics. Mack Weldon, thank you to Mack Weldon. Mack Weldon. - I gotta say, my favorite console though, GameCube. I don't know what it is-- - Oh for sure. - GameCube for me. I'm a GameCube boy. - I'm really sad that like even though GameCube... Some of my favorite games of all time are GameCube games and yet I never owned a GameCube. - Like what! - Yeah. - Well then how did you enjoy them? - Because I had a childhood friend who I used to go to his house like three times week and he had... He was that one friend who clearly had like a really rich dad. Or like a dad who like worked in like the gaming industry, like the tech industry. And he just had like all the consoles. - You knew that someone had a rich dad when they owned more than one of the consoles. - Yeah right. - You know. (laughs) - You can be a GameCube kid and a PlayStation 2 kid as well? Like how does that work? - And almost always, for some reason that one kid always has like a fucking like projector as well, like on the wall. - Yeah, a screen. - I'm like, "What do you use this for?" He's like, "To play games." It's like, I have like a shitty CRT TV that (laughs) I play games on. - I really liked the GameCube. And I got a super cheap one as a kid 'cause obviously it bombed so hard. They were basically like giving it away with like three hundred tons of free games. I fucking loved it, I played the shit out of Sonic Riders. That was terrible game. (laughs) - For me though like my favorite stole was Super Nintendo, just cause I'm like a hardcore, like retro head. - I really wanna get a Neo Geo. - Neo Geo? - But they're so expensive. They're like 700 bucks to get one and all the games are like really... Like getting any metal slot game is like 300 bucks. - It honestly would be cheaper to just get like a cabinet, like an Arcade Cabinet-- - Honestly, like yeah. - Metal Slug. - Metal Slug. I love Metal Slug. - That's it Metal Slug. - It's my favorite like game series ever. - What are like your favorite games? - Oh gosh, let me think. I've got quite a few. - FIFA? - Oh yeah, for sure, gotta... - Football Manager 12? - Yeah, throwing the ball. - Madden? - Yeah for the three pointer. I love my football. Now, let's see. Actually though I really... I have a wide range of games that I enjoy, but right off the top of my head, some of my classic favorites, I would have to say one of my favorite games ever is Bloodborne. I love souls games. Because let me tell you something real quick. I suck shit at DOOM, I get that, but get me into any souls game, we'll have some fun. - Listen-- - Have you streamed any yet? - I can't, unfortunately. But you know, maybe someday. We're working on it. Who could say what will happen in the future? I really want to play a Bloodborne with Ina because she is familiar with the Cthulhu stuff of course, as you may know - I like Bloodborne because it's the only software game that I actually could finish. Like I've never been able to finish a dark souls game 'cause they're still way too hard. - Nor have I. - Have you played Sekiro? - Oh yeah, for sure. - Did you like that? - Yeah I loved it. - I fucking love that game. It's so hard though. - I still haven't played it though. - It's so good but it's so fucking hard. - Yeah, that one gave me some trouble, honestly. For me in terms of like, I guess, skill at the games, I would probably say Bloodborne is the one that I can pretty easily do. After that Dark Souls, a little more difficult, but I can get through them. Sekiro is like the most difficult. - Yeah I've heard Bloodborne is like the more difficult one. - I thought it was the easiest one. - It depends on what play style I think you like. - Yeah because like Dark Souls... What makes Dark Souls so like tough for people is that you really have to be patient. Like Bloodborne you can kind of just like run in. Just like Hack and slash-- - Right and you're rewarded by going in and being proactive. - Yeah, exactly. But with Dark Souls, if you run in you're immediately dead. - That's why I like DOOM, man. You literally are just rewarded for just being like a... Just a monkey. - I I didn't realize that until I started playing it more and I was like, "Oh, I see what kind of game this is." - And then Sekiro was like the combination of Bloodborne and Dark Souls, right? It requires the patience of Dark Souls, but if you want to and you're skilled enough, you can just run it. - Wait, wait. - Exactly. - Now that we're on this topic, I gotta ask, do you care about your stories and your video games or do you skip all the guidelines? (laughs) Are you just a gameplay gal? - It depends on the story, to be honest. It takes a lot to get me invested in the story. It has to be... It has to have something really special, I think, otherwise I'll skip everything if I just enjoy the gameplay. It just, it really depends. For example, I really liked, Bloodborne's very subtle lore, I would say, I enjoyed that aspect of it. - You're the 1% by the way. (laughs) - Yeah, I'm pretty sure, I guess. But I liked the, the subtle storytelling. It just depends is I guess the basic answer that I would give. - So the game boots up, right, first cut scene plays. You'll always get the first cut scene of chance or you-- - Yeah I would say so. - I'll just immediately skip every single time. - Oh wow, okay. - I'm like, "I wanna get in the damn game. "Stop fucking "making me watch shit." - Okay, I see. - And I'm like, "Oh, there's an Allo cutscene "before I can play the game, fucking brilliant." - [Joey] Yeah. - Grab your popcorn. - I was actually watching this game-- - I was going to get a PS4 to get Death Stranding. But when I heard there was like a movie at the end-- that' like unskippable. - Oh yeah the last... The final cutscene was two hours long - I was like I'm okay I don't want that. - I mean, Death Stranding sounds like the worst game you could possibly play because even the game play is not really gameplay. It's just walking. It's a walking simulator, right? - That's what I've heard. That is the word on the street. I personally haven't played it yet. - That's the only reason why I like... I love my story-based games, don't get me wrong, like JRPGs, I'm like fucking all over that shit. But when I heard that the last cutscene for Death Stranding is two hours long-- - Yeah I was like, "I'm not buying this." - And you can't skip it. I'm just like, "Kojima why? "You should have just made a movie." Like why did you... That's the thing, Death Stranding isn't a game. It's just a movie with a game attached to it. That's basically what I was... Kojima was like, "I wanna make a movie." People are like, "No one's gonna watch that." Then it's like, "But what if I put a game in there?" (laughs) - But I think that-- - And then he's like, "Oh." - I think that when you find the balance, it's perfect. For example, the game that I really wanna play on stream, but I can't right now is Ghost of Tsushima. - Oh, such a good game. - Oh! - I fucking love that game. It's so good. I've never been obsessed with the game in so long. - Like that is the perfect mix of story and game gameplay. - I wish life was as beautiful as what it is, but how it's portrayed in Ghost of Tsushima. - Dude, I still really wanna go to Tsushima? - Yeah. - After playing that game. Like holy shit. I don't know like... - I'm a PC gamer and I like everything, but console. I used to be like addicted to X-Box but then I just like-- - You still don't own a PlayStation, do you? - No, which is... I'll get a PS5. - It's sad. - I'll get a PS5 it's fine. - Will you? - Probably not, to be honest, I mean, I like... I have a Switch that I barely play. - Right? - [Calliope] Yeah. I bought like a lot of games to Switch that have just been unopened. So I'm like, "I'm a play that, I'm a play it one day, "I'm gonna do it," and I never do 'cause then I'm just like, "Alright," boot up League of Legends again and be depressed for another hour. (laughs) - So to contrast Joey's Virgin gamer sets up. What is your setup to when you stream your games and stream and be a VTuber I guess. - Well, basically, so far... Here's basically how my journey has gone with streaming games. So right from the beginning, out the gate, despite having bought a quote, unquote gamer laptop. A so called gamer laptop-- - That thing sends a cringe down my spine. - Yeah. That's what they call it, when you stroll into the store and you're like, "I need something kind of high spec for what I want to do." You walk in, they're like, "Let me show you." And they take you over to-- - Are you a gamer? - Gamer yeah, exactly. Well, I needed something that would suit my needs for animating, for doing my animation freelance. So I, you know, told them what I needed. And they said, "Well, how about this gaming laptop?" And I said, "I kinda like games." (laughs) I kinda like games. - That's how they get you. Okay, well I'll get this gaming laptop. - Just a true gamer girl. - Yeah and I can play games on it and I can animate. So I buy it. And then I realized, yeah, I can kind of play games on it at like a medium quality, but can I stream them? Oh fuck no. Oh, I can not do that. And I realized very quickly that that wasn't going to work, especially for this line of work. So before that, I was just using, I guess, what is a game capture device that I route to my television screen and then I route it into the laptop and it's able to capture it perfectly fine than when I'm playing on my console, because obviously if I'm using a console, it's not as much of a problem on my computer while I'm trying to stream, et cetera. But I recently needed to fix that because of course playing DOOM on PS4 has been something else, I tell you what, with PS4 it's just been something else. I decided we try and get like a new PC and I received one. I was very fortunate. And so I set it up and then I realized... I thought to myself, "Okay, great, I can play PC games." And then I set it up and I realized, ah, my apartment is so small. I actually don't have any space for the mouse or the keyboard. So my mouse set up... - [Connor] Oh my God! - My mouse is currently sitting on top of the... What is it? The tower, the rectangle. The powerful rectangle, that is, I guess the computer. - Are you serious? - Oh my God! - You're fucking with me. - Yes, so my mouse is on top of it. My mouse is on top of it and I move it about two inches and then I have to pick it up and put it back and then move it another two inches to try and get to where I need to go. - What? - The mouse to where I needed to go across four monitors. Imagine just a crouched goblin sitting on the floor with a chair on the floor, a desk on the floor, surrounded by four monitors with my mouse on top of the tower that is my computer. - We need to get you a new cardboard box I think. - Yeah for real. - The cardboard box size you got right now is not big enough. - Unfortunately when I try to put the mouse somewhere else, but then I realized, "Oh, my bed is there." There's no room for anything in my... - [Connor] Oh my God. - Well, the good news is though, I've already mentioned this before on stream, I'm moving. - Hell yeah. - So now the new place is much bigger, new desk, new setup. I'm finally going to be able to play PC games. I'm very excited. - You can finally get your game a chair like for a game ago. - I was about to say like the simps are probably hearing this being like, "Don't worry queen we got you." (laughs) - We got you. - You need a new apartment, we'll get that for you, queen. - Do you accept card? (laughs) - Open super chats? - Here comes the rainbow, it's raining down. - I imagine if you're trying to find a new apartment in Japan, you'd hope that like the realtor was a simp so that they'd probably make getting a house in Japan a little easier because I don't know. Have you had difficulty getting an apartment in Japan? - I did mention this actually on a member's only stream recently. I guess I'll go into it a bit here, but basically, yeah, it's been tough as a Reaper, I would say, finding an abode for me because as a Reaper, it's a little difficult, yeah. And you can say, I do this and this and this. But then it doesn't really matter, does it? So yeah, but the good news is it worked out in the end and for that, I am fortunate. - That's the ironic thing, isn't it? It's like, you can be like, "Yes, I have a multimillionaire who makes money." It's like, okay. That's cool. - I would like to buy... - Do you have a uni degree though? - Do you have a uni degree, do you speak Japanese? - How about this thing that you have no control over? Okay well sorry but kindly fuck off. - So you want to buy this whole building, but you know, it's all good. I just wonder if you know how to separate glass from plastic. I just, I can't fathom if you didn't know. - We don't have an English like seat by the way. Are you gonna be okay? Like my apartment is four bedrooms. I don't need four bedrooms. I only use two of the bedrooms because no other apartment would accept me. So I end up with a place was four bedrooms and it looks so excessive. When like people come to my... Then they're like, "Why are two of the rooms "not being used?" I'm like, 'I couldn't get anywhere else!" - We go from, "I don't have enough space to put my mouse," to, "I have four bedrooms rooms, "and I don't need four bedrooms." (laughs) - I have a gigantic tatami which you can have. I don't do anything with it. I sometimes go in it, it smells really weird. Tatami, I don't like the smell of tatami. - 'Cause you don't clean it. - You don't clean it-- - How do you clean tatami? - I think you throw water on it, right? - Yeah, there's like special like equipment that you can use. - Wait do you have to clean it if you don't use it? - I mean yeah, because-- - You do? - Yeah. - Why? - Because it collects mold. - Oh my God! - Oh no. - I mean tatami's made out of a plant, alright, so if you don't clean it regularly-- - Fuck if I know that. - Then it gets moldy. - How'd you clean it? - You gotta get that dehumidifier man, that's-- - Yeah, there's like... There's different ways that like... There's like certain, I mean, I've never done it. - It doesn't matter, 'cause I they're charging me anyway when I leave to replace it. So if there's animals living in there when I leave so be it. - I remember like the week that me and Sydney moved into our apartment, like she stains the tatami mat (laughs) within the first few days. (laughs) And we didn't realize, cause we had... I think she'd like, we'd like spilled some water over it or something. - It was Red Bull. I remember her-- - Was it Red Bull? - Yeah I remember her being like paranoid in the group chat being like, "How do I clean red bull from the tatami mat?" (laughs) Yeah, that is the most, like I-just-moved-to-Japan post. (laughs) - Us like Japan life. - Because as a foreigner you just don't know how to deal with tatami rooms, right? So I'm like, "Can we put furniture in here? "How the fuck can we put anything in here?" You know what I mean? - Have you ever lived in a tatami room? - I have actually. - Did you like it? - Back in the day. Not really, I mean, it wasn't quite my choice, was it? Because I recall back in the day I kind of didn't get to choose where I lived. I was moving to a new city and they were just kinda like, "Okay, go here. "This is your place." And I waltz in, it was super old. The walls were actually kind of crumbling on the inside, there was a really ancient tatami, actually. I already had water damage. So I went ahead and a water damaged it a little bit more by actually... What I did was I was trying to figure out how to dry my clothing because I had a washer outside and I washed my clothing there and it was kind of my first experience in this kind of room. And I thought to myself, "Well, I have to hang these to dry, right? "Okay, I'll just do it in my house." So I hung it up and it was dripping. And so... (murmurs) Yeah, so I went ahead and I went to sleep and I woke up and I thought to myself, "What is that scent? (sniffs) "What is that scent in my home?" And then I looked over to the side and I looked at the dark spot on the tatami mat and I thought, "Oh, I see." - Oh that's weird. (laughs) - The good news is I just kind of ran away and that was this. - It's your problem now. - One thing I will say though that not many foreigners get to experience is sleeping on a futon. And I will say sleeping on a futon in a to tatami mat room is like-- - It's nice. - It's the best night of sleep I ever get. - Yeah, it's not bad. - I don't know what it is about the feeling of just sleeping on the floor. I don't know, it kind of reminds me of grandma, like sleeping at grandma's house or something like that. - I love, I personally loved the tatami rooms. - When Garnt first told me that he loved it, I was just like that meme of like, "Is this some peasant joke, "I'm too rich to understand?" Is that the meme? - Yeah, "Is this some peasant joke "I'm too rich to understand?" - 'Cause I have an old tatami room. Like why would I voluntarily sleep on that? I have a bedroom bed. - I don't know, man, like, cause like... - I like it now. - Yeah. - 'Cause when we get a real count we're forced to stay. - Like you know, my grandma's house was nothing but tatami, 'cause it was in the middle of blood fuck nowhere in like the Japanese countryside. And sleep like just lying down on that in like on a summer day is like the best fucking nap you'll ever take. - Feel like it did wonders for my back. - Oh yeah. - Yes. It is good for your back - It straightens it out. - It's strange to think about that. Sleeping on the floor is like more like... It feels more healthy for your back and stuff than sleeping on a bed elevated. - Yeah, it is weird, right? It's kind of an oxymoronic almost. - Yeah. - That like somehow the most uncomfortable sleeping... - That's how humans have been sleeping for like most of... - Alright Garnt, fucking nerd. - We're going back to the Neanderthal phase sleeping on the ground. - So were you an anime fan or anything as well? - Well, I used to watch anime way back in the day. I would have to say, I've seen a lot from... Let's see. Maybe, like 2010s, I would say. But the most recent anime that I've really enjoyed is I think I really liked Dr. Stone, I've mentioned Dr. Stone. I really liked Made in Abyss. So those were the two that I was really into. - We know that we know the guy who did the soundtrack to Made in Abyss. - Really you know? - Yeah. - What, I love-- - Shout out... - Shout out to Kevin. - Heh! Wait. I love the soundtrack too. (laughs) - He's just this really Aussie bloke. (laughs) - Yeah. You won't be amazed if you ever meet him in real life. - Oh yeah? - He's just a normal Australian dude. - He's just the most normal Australian dude. He was just like, yeah, I did it Made in Abyss. - We'll look at drunk with him. It'll be fine. - Yeah. - Oh my God. That's awesome. - Dr. Stone, yeah I mean like-- - I kind of thought that Dr. Stone anime was mid. There I said it. Thought it was mediocre. - Oh that's okay. I can totally understand that. I don't really know why I enjoyed it. I think my method of thought at that time was, "I haven't watched anime in a long time. "Let's just watch something. "This guy has a head that looks like a piece of celery. "Let's just go into it." And I checked it out and I really liked the main character. He made me laugh a lot. He has like a personality that I enjoy and yeah. I mean, I think the characters are fine, but I don't know what it was. I think just... It was a nice comfy show that I could sit back and not really care too much about. - I agree with that, yeah. - It was definitely comfy. - I did because everyone was hyping it up it's like the next big show. - It's really weird right 'cause I think... I think the thing I didn't like about it was the Shonen side. The fact that it was like a typical Shonen Jump anime. And what I didn't like was when they had like these arbitrary battles and stuff like that. Like I saw the tournament talk and it was the first time I was like, "Why is there a tournament? "Please get rid of the tournament." - It's true. That was so bad. It was like, "Just get back to the science, I liked that." - Boo! Get back to the science. We want the science. Whenever they were just inventing stuff like that scene where they invent the light bulb, fucking brilliant scene. - Yeah. That was awesome, I love that kind of stuff. - But like when they're fighting, I'm like, "Get this shit outta me." - I think it's what they might've been like, at least in Japan, there might've been like a prior hype to it because it was written by the same guy who did Eyeshield 21? - Right. - People were like, "Oh shit! "This is the guy who wrote Eyeshield 21. "So it must be just as good as Eyeshield 21." And then you watch it and yore like... - But you also mentioned 2010's anime. Do you have like a few favorites you could list off? - I think I remember from your debut stream, you said you really liked Madoka Magicaright? - Yes - Really? - [Connor] Oh wow. - A hundred percent big fan. - Oh, can we call Madoka Magica a classic now? (chatters) - 2011 I think, something like that. - So far not trash taste. What else is on your list, I wonder. - My number one favorite show of all times is... It has to be Gurren Lagann. - Oh wow. - Yes. - Good taste. - That is a classic. - It was one of my first actually anime that I really watched and loved. - Was that like the anime that you'd say got you into anime? - Yes, I would say. Well, because I had watched a couple before that my friends in Rieber school had recommended to me. For example, like I watched, of course Inuyasha was just on TV. So I watched that and then Fullmetal Alchemist as well. I watched that and I enjoyed, but I still thought that anime... I was like, "Okay, anime is kind of cool." I drew it a little bit, but I didn't really get into it until I watched Gurren Lagann. And I was like, "This made me feel something that I didn't feel before. "That's crazy, I love it. "And maybe animate is like this. "Cool, awesome, I'll keep watching it." And still to this day though I haven't found. - But unfortunately we wouldn't see anything like that for a very long time. - Exactly - Yeah. I just checked. Madoka Magica is 2011. So I'd say almost 10 years. Almost 10 years at this point, which is fucking-- - Fuck! - Like I just remember well Magical girls were like before Madoka Magica. Now like every Magical girl I see is like-- - Is an edgelord. - Is like an edgelord. Is like an edgelord Fest show. - Yeah, exactly. - Remember when people were like, "Damn, Revolutionary Girl Utena is so edgy." (laughs) Then it's like, "Oh shit, nevermind, "Madoka Magica has like people actually dying." - Yeah exactly. - Like how deep were you into it? Like, did you watch like the movies and stuff? - I haven't seen those yet, actually. I remember I was... All that I remember exactly 'cause it was a while ago I was on the internet while it aired and I experienced that whole thing I guess is what I can say about that. - 'Cause it was pretty like fucking inescapable. - Yeah. - Like everyone was doing-- - I don't think I was watching anime when it came out. - Really? - I hadn't got into anime at that point, so I never experienced that. - So you never like experienced like the golden age, right? Like the mid two thousands and... - I guess I didn't. - What is your golden age Connor? - What do you mean? (laughs) I got into it like 2013, I think. and that's when I really like watched the fuck up. That was like when every single day it was like 12 episodes. Oh that's... - Connor I miss those days so much. - Would you have been into anime like that as well? - Oh yeah, for sure. - Yeah, you would just watch any shitty 12 episode anime you could find. And you're like, "Oh, so it's Stripe?" So I don't know what it is-- - I was like, "Oh the summer season has what? "27 new series? "Yeah, I got time." - No problem. - I got time. - And now I'm like, "A 20 minute episode? "Get this shit out of my face." - I feel like that's how you can tell who like a new anime fan is when they can actually watch anything. I'm like, "What's wrong with you? "What the fuck?" - I dunno, I find it so weird, because it's my mentality with watching content has like changed so much where... Do you know what I mean where sometimes a 20 minutes anime episode just seems like such hard work? And then I see like a two hour YouTube video or like a fucking three hour VTuber stream and I'm like, "I got time." - It'll be like 20 minutes of like super, highly produced million dollar budget, and then on YouTube would be like two hours speed run of Mario's Nipple%. Which one do you choose? Dude, Mario Nipple%. (laughs) Mario every time man, like, I mean. - What was really interesting actually, is that back in the day, I used to be able to watch a lot more anime because I've always been very busy. I've always been a very, very busy being. Except back in the day, I didn't have a problem watching dubs because I could do my work and I could listen, but things have changed. - So are you just like a no dub person now or? - It's not a hard, no on all dubs. It's not a hard, no, but. - Do you have a dub that you like? - Baccano! - Yes! (claps) Good taste. - I feel like that's a classic. - Fuck you Joey. - Hey! (laughs) I never said the Baccano! dub was bad. There's so many... There's so many motherfuckers on the Reddit who are like, "Well Joey thinks the Baccano! dub was bad." I'm like, "No motherfucker, "I never said that." - It's just better than the sub. - I just think the sub is also a good. - Yeah and that's fair as well. - Thank you. You're my favorite guest so far. (laughs) - Jesus Christ. - Sorry, go ahead. - You were talking about Dublin and stuff. - I don't want to ever be one of those people that's like, (sneers) "No dubs." Because that really kind of just puts a damper on all the hard work. - Yeah and Joey's got that on lock down. (mumbles) (laughs) - Joey's like, "As a professional Japanese person." - As a professional Japanese voice actor. - Lemme just pull out my resume. I don't need to watch that. I'm sorry for interrupting you. - No, you're fine, that's okay. The thing is at the end of the day, there's also the fact that just because you work hard on something doesn't mean that it's good. (laughs) It's harsh. That's what I say to myself. I always say because that's what I say to myself every day. Just because you work hard on something doesn't mean that it's gonna be good and it doesn't mean that it's gonna be high quality. - Every dub voice actor is just like pointing out the other one, like... - She sure is a death god. She just slayed the entire fucking dubbing industry. - I'm not even a voice actor. Please don't come after me, please. This is about anything. Not just voice acting, it's about anything that anyone does. Listen, please. - Then the Reaper was just like, "If you suck, you suck." (laughs) - I dunno what to tell you. - I say it to you because I say it to me, okay. - I think more people need to hear that. - Yeah advice from Cali. How about you just don't suck? - Just get good. (laughs) - I mean. - Oh my God. - Do be like that. - Okay I gotta ask, 'cause you do a lot of things do you produce your own music as well? - So I've gotten into music production and I've made some of my own tracks in the past, but for this I really want to put emphasis on quality. And I don't think that I'm in terms of producing music at the level of quality that I want to be to match my rap vocals. So of course I reached out to a producer, a long time... Somebody whose music I've loved for a long time. His name is Ks, Kokoro Beats. And he does like doujin music. And also he's like a DJ and just fantastic. - Doujin music? - Yeah, like Touhou, doujin music-- - Like the porg? - His group. Yeah so listen. (laughs) No, it's a little different. Like doujin music-- - Doujin doesn't just mean porg. - Yeah you're tricking me. - Right it's like-- No. - Wait, so he makes music for hentai? - No. - It's like. - I'm so confused. - So basically, so he... He runs a Touhou dougin music circle called TamaOnSen and they do hip hop remixes of Touhou music pretty much. - Okay. Just to... Just to clarify, doujin in the traditional sense just means fan made. - You probably need to explain what Touhou is as well. - It's a game - Touhou is the... Fuck what is it? Either. - A bullet hell game. - Yeah, I know Touhou. I like bullet hell games obviously. No cutscenes. - Yeah. - We don't need to explain what Touhou is. - So like the term doujinshi just means fan made porn. - Damn, they really like adopted that word though. - Yeah. - I didn't know there was another meaning I thought it just meant porn. - So anything that's doujin just means it's fan made. Like it's not actually official to the franchise. - t thought it was just the Japanese word for rule 34. - I mean, that's what it is like in the West . - I mean like going on a bit of a tangent, but I found it... Well get back. - No worries. No don't worry at all. - I'll make a mental note, but like I find it super interesting though when I first moved to Japan, when we were having a conversation with a bunch of Japanese people and we like trying and... They have like no word for hentai, you know what I mean? And that was super surprising for me where like what do Japanese people call hentai? Because when you want to refer to like animated porn, they don't have like specific words for that. - How often do you do this in conversation? (laughs) - You were there in the conversation. - Was I ? - You were just like mentally drift out. - When was this? When did this happen? - It was like outside. It was like one of the Big WOCA Parties. - I think I do remember something like this and I was just like standing there, like, what is happening. - So Calli, do you want you watch Hentai? (laughs) - What a great question. No, I don't know what that is. - Thank God. I saved your reputation. - Yeah I just saw the manager wipe a sweat off his for head. (laughs) - There's no need to. I don't know what they're talking about. - Getting back to your music, you were talking about... Shit, I can't remember what you were talking (laughs) about. - We were talking about music my producer. - Producing your own-- - Producing your own music, that's what we were getting at. - Yeah so basically, so I found, or I rather asked for some help from one of my favorite producers who I mentioned is in the Touhou doujin music circle. And I wanted to pick someone whose music that I really, really enjoyed. So we just started working together and he's been really helpful because at the same time, I'm also trying to learn how to mix. And back in the day, when I was doing my own independent stuff, I got decent at it. Like, okay, but there's always this feeling of like, "Ah, this could be better and if I do it myself, "it's not going to be the level that I know that it can be." So we'd work on it together. And I would mix the initial file, send it over to him and then he would fix it up and like, you know, tell me what he did and like that kind of thing and kind of a collaborative effort. So I can kind of learn a bit, see what he changed, et cetera, and get better, but also put out a quality product, I guess. - Yeah, 'cause I mean, you've done... You've said you're producing your own music as well. And you've done animation you mentioned earlier, like is all this self-taught or do you have any background in it? - So when I went to Reaper school, I did do a little focus on drawing specifically. I went and I studied comics, actually comic writing. Yes. And a little bit of animation as well. But that was, that was mainly what I wanted to do aside from reaping, of course. But yeah, I would say that was my focus, but then of course, things changed dramatically when I realized I wanted to do music and it was pretty, pretty late in the game, I would say, to be honest, I had finished my schooling and whatnot, but when I realized what I really wanted to do, and I was like, "Oh, shit, what have I done?" What have I done? I've existed this long. And I'm now realizing that I want to do something else. And then I started doing the music thing and realized, "Oh, I'm better at music than I am at drawing and reaping." - Literally everyone who goes to uni. - I feel literally our entire lives. - I feel like you go to university to figure out what you hundred percent don't wanna do, which is normally the subject that you're made to do. - It's normally the case where if you're forced to study something for three, four, five years, you normally have a good incline by the end of it, whether you want to do it or not. And a lot of the times when you were like forced to pick something, when you're 18, you're like, "Maybe I'll be good doing this." Most of the time, you're gonna get that choice wrong. - Of course. - Of course, yeah. 'Cause I don't know a single person who like actually graduated from like a degree of any kind and actually went into that field immediately afterwards. Like I feel that's pretty rare. I mean, of course it's not zero, definitely. But like I know a lot of people who just went into completely different jobs. Is there anything else you'd want to try in the future perhaps, or new skillsets you want to do because you seem to be up to doing anything. - See, and that's kind of a bit of a double-edged sword, isn't it? Because I want to do everything, but then I start spreading myself a bit thin, I would say. There are so many things I wanna do. Well, it's like, you want to focus on one skill and then you're like, "Maybe doing this would be fun. "Maybe doing that would be fun." - Yeah. - Right, exactly. - That's how it is. You know? - So like has being a VTuber affected like your schedule, when you're off camera or anything like. - Oh for sure. I only sleep for about four hours a night actually. - Yeah fuck that. (laughs) I need at least like a seven or an eight hours. Otherwise I just cannot function the next day. I just love sleep too much. - I understand. - And I guess, because you're a VTuber, you don't have to deal with people being like, "You look tired, you look tired." - Exactly isn't that wonderful. - Are you not eating enough? Like people just ask me questions like "Connor you always look tired. "You look angry Connor." No I just always fucking look angry. I always look like this. - Shocks on you, I am angry, all the time. - You're right. - Being on Trash Taste has made me super self-conscious about the tiniest things I do. Like the other day I had like this thread that was just me drinking, like weirdly, like taking a sip. And I'm just like, "What the..." Do I take sips weirdly? (laughs) Is that a thing? Am I a weird drinker? (laughs) - He's laughing because we saw. We saw earlier on the train here, right? That like do you know what the most liked post on our subreddit is? It's the video of Garnt from like the Sydney episode drinking a corona and then laughing to himself. (laughs) - Because like, at least... Like, you know, in the case with like Garnt for instance, Like you almost never made like an IRL appearance in your videos. You've almost always exclusively just been--. - You could have been a Vtuber Garnt why'd you fucking spoil it and show your face for fuck's sake. - Maybe I will, one day. - Maybe I am. - Maybe he is and you don't know. Anyone around you could be a VTuber and you'd have no fucking clue. - Exactly. - Yeah legit. Like, I'm sure there's like a number of people who like know you in real life, but probably have no idea that you're a VTuber, right? - Well sure, you know, demons see me on the street all the time and they're like... If they hear a familiar voice, well, fuck 'em , I'm not gonna know I'm gonna keep walking in the other direction. - I was having this conversation earlier with, I can't remember who, but it was, it was like, imagine if they perfect like voice synthesizes, right. - Actually, if you've seen a derby's one, it's scary. It's actually scarily good. - Is it? - Yeah. They only need like a small sample and they can like mimic your voice, like perfect. But they haven't released it 'cause I think they're scared to. - Yeah, 'cause I think once they perfect voice synthesizers and make that like easily like mass, like... What's the word I'm looking-- - Mass-produced? - Mass-produced and easily downloadable. Then it's fucking over 'cause-- - The amount of identity theft-- - 'Cause then everyone could be a cute anime girl, right? - I've gotta show you this clip. It's so scary. They have like one person like have her say a sentence, and then they're able to like, make them say whatever, like perfectly it's so creepy. - The future is here. - I mean. - What like... - My job's gonna be gone. - You can't even really trust anything that you hear anymore after that too. - Like deep fakes man. Like I'm, I'm glad deep fakes are being used for like fucking memes right now or like β™ͺ dummy dummy β™ͺ - Like singing Baka Mitai or whatever. 'Cause I remember first seeing how realistic it is and I'm like, this is, this is dangerous in the wrong hands. - My favorite one is the KSI, the Ainsley Harriott one. (laughs) - Have you seen that? Oh my God! I gotta show you guys off screen, it's so funny. - [Joey] It was a KSI doing the... - [Connor] Ainsley Harriott cooking. - [Joey] Oh yeah - [Garnt] Oh yes. I have seen that, yeah. - [Connor] It's so good. (laughs) - Yeah, because there's also like that... there's also that like Japanese, like tech group that made that, like that the virtual like model. Have you seen that one? - No. - It's like, it's really being... I forgot what the name of it was. It was like saya or like sayu or something. - You're just like bored about your employment over here. - Yeah. - Basically, it's this like hyper realistic 3D model of this Japanese girl. - That's creepy, fuck it. - And it legit, like on first glance, it legitimately looks like just a regular girl because they also made her manage to move and like smile and emote like a real person. And it's just... - Mad Japan man. They just got the ways to bring this to the next level. - You get that and then you put a fucking Adobe voice synthesizer on top of that and you basically just have like a legit virtual person. - No wonder no one's having babies in this country. (laughs) - Scary. - Why have sex when I can just program a baby. (laughs) - Oh my God. - That's nuts. - Yeah. Which speaking about that, like, do you have any content creators outside of other virtual YouTubers or like, you know... Let's say 3D content. - Do you watch any 3D YouTubers? - That you maybe one day wanna collaborate in the future? - Gosh, I do. There's... - Go on you've had enough simps it's time to simp yourself. - Yeah. - Who do you simp for? - I'm so embarrassed because there's really only one. But I feel like if I say, I don't know if we'd ever do a good collabo if he'd even want to, because it's a part of his personality that I like a lot is that I don't know. I feel like it would be odd, but I've just been a huge fan. I'm a huge fan of Kritikal. - Oh yeah! (claps ) - Do you know Kritikal? I mean the other day I let slip. I accidentally, we were... I was playing Minecraft with Gouda and the other girls and Gouda was leading me into battle and I accidentally let out like a quote from him. We were trying to taunt the enemy and girl was like, "Okay, well, if we taunt them and we break down the bridge? "Then maybe that's how we get them." And I said, "Hey pussy boys." (laughs) I was like, "Oh fuck," immediately after I was like... - This is gonna be clipping, he's probably gonna see us. So Kritikal just saying. - Kritikal. - I mean he's collaborated with Projekt Melody before. So I don't think-- - It's true. (mumbles) - He'll totally do that. - I mean he's like very clearly a WIP. I remember after we talked about Jojo, he DMS me and be like, "Yo, I'm ready "to come on boy, I'm ready to come on." (laughs) - Speaking of Jojo, do you like jojos I have to ask? - I've never seen it, I'm sorry. It's on my list. - It was nice having you then. You were a great guest... - Connor was just like, "You're my favorite guest." (laughs) - And now he's like-- - Just kidding, get off. - Yeah she was the most awful guest - You're in the top five guests so far that's for sure. (laughs) - Listen, I'm going to do, although I will say I actually, I did watch a lot of your videos with Jojo scenes and yeah... - Oh thank you I'm honored. Oh my God. - Yeah, it kinda made me want to watch the show actually. - Wow. - Yeah. - Well do it. - I will. I will, it's a promise. I'll do it I promise once I get... - This is just like... Trash Taste is just casually just like secretly it's just like a cult to get people to. (mumbles) (laughs) (sighs) - Everybody's personality is just like, "So Jojo, have you seen?" - Everything goes back to Jojo. - Yeah, exactly. - We should get you to do some voice acting. We should get you to... - That would be a fun video I think. - Should we get you a dub over some anime scenes? - I can give it my best shot. - Perfect, damn. free content for me. (laughs) That's my idea. No one take it. - Oh no because I've actually wanted to like collaborate with you on like the rapping side of things. - Woo yeah sure. - 'Cause like, I definitely wanna like get more into that. Cause now that I'm yeah... Cause I'll be doing a lot of stuff with my-- - This is how YouTubers simp by the way. - Yeah. - Oh cool really? - Simps are collaborating together - Nice. Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm down anytime. But unfortunately I have to say, I'm no good at freestyling. - I mean, oh no, I can't freestyle to saved my life. - I'm feeling pretty good - Oh yeah? - Because legit, like when I like... When I saw your tweet about how your debut song hit like 3 million views, I think it was or 4 million views, but just some ridiculous amount of views. And I was just like, "I'm a try. (laughs) "Lemme try and get her attention." So I just replied being like, "Hey, we should spit "on side together." Never thought I would get a reply. And then you were like, "Hey yeah, I'm down." Everyone was like, clap, clap. - Oh my gosh. - It's like immediately when you see two YouTubers like talk on Twitter. They think like, oh yeah, there's gonna be a collapse two days later. Like that's how it was. - I guess so huh. Wow. - It's just so funny where we could have like the most minimal interaction, like you could not even talk to them. You could see like some just see like, like that tweet or something would be like that. And people would be like, "Yo, yo, "they're totally boning behind." (laughs) - They're definitely gonna collab, this is a sign. - I feel like the lab coming. - Oh yeah, for sure. - It's like, wow. Like can I just not casually interact with someone on the line without having it be related to business, all of a sudden. - Have you had any awkward moments where you've maybe like liked a tweet or followed someone? And then the viewers have been like, 'Oh my God, why?" - Oh for sure I mean. Yeah I see people's messages or rather their conversations all the time where they're talking about the order in which I followed people. I think actually there was a... (laughs) There was some discussion over the order in which I followed the other hololive girls. They took note of that. - Well they thought there was like drama because of that? Not really drama, but just people assuming things, I suppose drawing their own conclusions. Right. - What! - Like creating favoritism, right? - Yeah exactly. That kind of thing. - What the fuck. - Could you imagine if that happened to light just us like being like, "Wow, Joey followed Connor before Garnt, "that must mean that Connor and Joey are like this and there's something between Joey and Garnt." - The amount of conclusions that I've jumped to when it comes to our relationships with other people was like crazy sometimes over like the smallest details. - It's the whole mentality of like, I know your life better than you know your life. It's like, all right, dude, you can say all you want. - I mean there's people fucking diagnosing I was with a new mental health disorder every episode-- (laughs) - I feel like it's people are grasping at straws because it's all that they have. They don't actually know any one of us. So they take what they have and then they write these stories because it's all that they have to go off of like detectives. But as we all know, it doesn't really... - I'm sorry I sip my water really weird chat, not chat. (laughs) I went into Twit about that. - Porg in the chat. (laughs) Can I get a feel as bad, man? - So I presume you have lots of like... Maybe is there fanfictions about you already, I assume so. - Oh for sure but I actually am not really one for reading fan fiction. - Good. I like that. I don't do that either. I hate that. - Why not? - We've already discussed this, Joey. It's boring as fuck and I don't care for it. Alright. That's all I need to say. - Because it's reading? - Yes. (laughs) Because it's boring - Because he doesn't like turning book words into brain words. - Yeah true. - Alright, whatever. I'm a monkey okay. - What's the thing that Nakey Jakey recently said again, goopy, goblin, gamer, brain. (laughs) - Okay. - That's what you have. - I have that. Okay. - Yeah, 'cause I'm wondering like, do viewers also like assume like your relationship with other hololive members or anything like that? - Oh, for sure. Yeah. People. Yeah. That happens a lot. - Is most of it false or? - I mean-- or do you like kinda play to that as well? - I mean it depends. I feel like a lot of people see my relationships with some of the other members and yeah they draw their own conclusions and I'm friends with all of them. I want to make that very clear, but there's a certain point that I want to leave up to you. To your imagination. Have fun. That's the most important part of all of this right in this business have fun. - All the fanfic writers are like, "Alright." (laughs) - Do as you please. (laughs) - Did you just ask people to write fanfic? (laughs) - No, I did not, no. (laughs) No, trash taste fanfics, no. (laughs) - I won't read it. (laughs) - So do you get to hang out with any other of the members like off stream as well? - Yeah Kiara. Yeah, we hang out sometimes for sure. Yeah and I hope-- - Yeah because you guys are kinda like all over the place right? - Yeah, definitely. But occasionally I'm... Let's just say Kiata lives in a place that is accessible to me from the underworld. So it's easy to hang. We went to dinner the other day and it was fun, yeah. - Do you guys like ever talk about like the VTuber side of things together? Or is it just like completely just no VTuber talk aloud? - Well, we talk a bit about business and I mean, I feel like there's always something going on in the VTuber scenes. There's always plenty to talk about on that end, but of course, we also just talk about what's going on for both of us as well. - Sounds like a funny mental image of like two of you virtual YouTubers in the corner at Danny's just fucking off the avatars. - Yeah. Just shooting the shoot yeah. (mumbles) Let's discuss this... - Let's discuss business. (laughs) - So you're a 2D anime girl, I'm a 2D anime girl too. - Hey we should collab. (laughs) - Is there anyone on the Japanese side of things that you would like to meet in the future? - Oh, for sure. I mean, it's just the, yeah... You know, there's this... The thing about me that I've said before is that I am bad at approaching. I'm bad at making the first move because I never went to impose, you see. I'm very much in my own lane and kind of doing my own stuff. And I don't wanna get in anybody's way. I also I'm always concerned about, does this person really actually like me and if they don't and I contact them, well, then I have to deal with that whole weird situation. And then realizing they don't like me. It's just better that I don't know. I just rather not know that you fucking hate me man. - Spoken like a true YouTuber. (laughs) - Diaz, like, "Oh, you approaching me?" Cali's like, "No, I'm not approaching you." - No I'm not. (laughs) - So I'm like which hololive Japan members have you... Have you met any of them? - No, I haven't. They're all rather mysterious to me still. - [Joey] Right. - Maybe, maybe some someday in the future. It just depends on the collaboration situation. And I know enough Japanese to be able to communicate, but there will definitely be bumps and they may be hilarious and they may be sad. I'm just not sure yet I'm still testing the waters. - Because from what I've seen from like different clips involves from the Japanese hololive members, is that almost all of them are like really, really interested in the EN side of things. - I was wondering how much like cultural cross-pollination there is like what-- - What the fuck was that, Garnt. That was a word? (laughs) - Like that was a power word right there. - Fuck it. - Cultural cross- pollination. - I literally just said it. That's probably not even a word. - Its like he has a dictionary under the table, - He just coined when you turn around. - Is that a term? I don't know. - It is now. - Cultural cross-pollination. Do you have like a lot of Japanese fans?. What I want to know is, do like English V-- (laughs) What's so funny about it? (laughs) - We didn't expect that. - That was the most business set of words I'd ever heard, in my life. Go ahead, sorry. - So what was I saying? Oh yeah. Do you get like a little Japanese fans where English clips are like translated to Japanese in it or anything like that? - Oh yeah. Sometimes I'll finish streaming and three hours later, I'll see a clip pop up of the stream that I just did with Japanese subtitles over it and I'm like, "Oh, okay." - That is so fucking deadly. - They have a speed. Yeah. - It's pretty crazy but hey, I'm very thankful. - That cross... (laughs) - That's a strong cultural cross-pollination right there. - Sorry guys. - I feel like the real unsung heroes of the VTuber worlds are like the translators. Like, I don't know how many hours they put into translating, but I remember like if it wasn't for like the translators, I don't think hololive would be able to grow as much as it has. - And all of them like do it for free as well. Like they're not hired to do this shit, they just like... I just simp this person so hard that I want the rest of like my language speaking community to know about them. - Yeah. That's definitely true. I mean, I used to be the same way in like the music community, like the Japanese music community. I would translate songs just because I wanted the other people in my fringe community doing. - Yeah. - It's like a new like... That one super obscure Japanese game never got a release in the West. It's like someone translates the whole thing and it's like a visual novel. Like why? - All the fam translated visual novels. I'm like, there is like 900 pages of dialogue that you just translate it for free. - But you love it so much, you want to share it with others, right? You want them to feel that same happiness. I think that's really cool. - Shout out to the translators you guys the real deal. - Thank you for the cultural cross-pollination. - Yeah, that word, whatever it is. (laughs) - We're never gonna get over that. - So like what made you want to move to Japan in the first place? Was it your love for anime or games or music? - Well, as I've mentioned before, the only reason that I'm here with you guys right now is because I actually live in the underworld. The other side of Japan. - Australia. (laughs) - I'm also from the under world. (laughs) - You mean the down under world. - That's right. - The down under world. (laughs) - I'm sorry that was a terrible fucking thing. - No. - Now we have to getting an Australian. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's okay. I live on, I live on the flip side, basically. I live on the flip side. So basically the main reason that I wanted to be in this general area, I guess, was just because I love Japanese music and I have a bunch of, I guess, Nakama, I suppose, that I want to be close to. - We are Nakama. - We are Nakama. - Yeah and hang out with, and then make music together and just do fun stuff. And I couldn't do that where I was before. And now that I'm able to, everything is so much better and I instantly feel so much better about existence and it's great. And I hope that I can continue chasing my dreams here because when I first arrived, it's like everything that could go wrong, went wrong and I was in a terrible place, when I first came here. - Did you get like the culture shock of moving here? - Yeah, definitely. And not knowing, not knowing any Japanese at all, et cetera, having to figure out everything on my own having no souls, no money. - And you didn't have any friends here or anything either? - I did from the internet, but I was not in... I was not located in a place where I could hang out with them, I guess. So, yeah, it was just not great. - We had a hard enough time moving here when we want to know each other and to have an agency helping us. So I can't imagine how it was for you. - It was something else but you know, every... I look at it this way, every single day, I get a little bit closer to being at the exact place that I want to be, that I thought of like three years ago, when I set out to do all this and that's progress. Yeah. - Yeah, absolutely. Yeah 'cause nothing sucks more than, you know, working towards something and then three years passes and you're like, "Oh, I'm still here." - Yeah, exactly. - I mean, like I've heard your Japanese in your streams and it's definitely fine. Like you definitely sound... (babbles) - I'm not saying you're like super fluent or anything but like it is definitely ore than sufficient enough to like get by here. - It's much better than me. - To get by, right? - It's much better than these two. - Well, thank you. That feels good know. - You don't suck like us Cali. - Yeah. - As you said earlier-- - Your Japanese is good Cali. - Thank you. Just really-- - Just don't suck. - Just don't suck. - Just get good. - Just get good. (laughs) - Despite my really... (speaks Japanese) Like I really, really can't say things in a way that is natural. - I feel like that like adds like a completely like different type of cantle with that. - That's what Kay's and Kiara were saying when I was saying things strangely, when we did our collab is they were laughing so much. And I said, "I'm saying things weird." And they said, "No, it's cute." Like it's funny. And I'm like, "Really? "You don't think, it sounds like fucked up "and like, it makes you like, like me less." They're like, "No." - No, there's like a... - There's like a weird, innocent story. - Yeah, I think everyone likes the other accent where they struggle. It's really endearing because they're trying so hard-- - It's like in witnessing, like a Japanese post and try and speak to you in English. Like you hear it and it's clearly broken, but there's like a weird chantel. I mean we have an entire fucking genre of clips where it's just VTubers trying to speak English words. - Those usually do like the best, because it's just so endearing that you look at it and you're like, "Aw, man, they're trying so hard. "It's so fucking cute." - When that dog said, I love you, I felt that. - Yes. - The whole reason why like, you know, Korone is English only streams do so fucking well is because it's literally that for like two hours. It's just clips galore. So I think like in, you know, in the opposite way, like I think you're able to achieve that as well when you speak Japanese. Like I'm sure Japanese people like, "Oh man, like she's clearly trying." But like the fact that it's not exactly perfect is what makes it endearing. - Yeah. That's a good point actually. - Yeah. - Now that you say-- - Because I certainly don't get that when I speak Japanese. - Oh yeah. (laughs) - They're looking at me and they're like, "Oh man he's trying his best." It's more like, "Holy shit! "Why?" (laughs) - Okay, Do you, when you're in Japan, do people assume you're Japanese or? - No. - It's weird. - This man looks Japanese. - This man looks white. - I look white as fuck. - Yeah. He looks white. Are you kidding me. - It's really weird, right, because like, whenever I'm walking with like say Aki, she's usually the one that gets approached in Japanese because she looks more Asian than I do. And then when the opposite effect happens where she can't speak a word of Japanese and yet I can is where like the whole, like what happens. I remember, like, when I used to intern at like a tech agency here, like during uni, I used to be the guy who had to like invite guests in for like during business meetings for that company. So I was the one on the phone organizing like the time and days and you know, being like, "Okay, I'll come down "and, you know, get you from the bottom floor. "So, you know, bring you into the office." And every time I did that, I'm sure they were expecting, you know, a super Japanese dude to come down from the elevator. But the moment they re the elevator opens and they just see this white dude. They're like, "You're the guy, we just talked on the phone." And I'm like, "Yeah." And they're like, "Okay, this is weird." And it happened every fucing time. - Yeah. - Like, yeah. I never get used to it. Especially every time someone at the fucking gives me. - All the time. But what's interesting about that is that when they say it to you, that's how you know, it's not Josie. - Congo. Josie was on the podcast. - I don't think so. Nihongo Josie just means you're very good at Japanese. Right. Basically. - Which is basically like what they say to every foreigner who attempts to speak Japanese. Like if you actually fluent in Japanese, they weren't going to Nihongo Josie. - Yeah, exactly. - Like it's only when it's like, you know, your Japanese is like broken. When you get the nigingo joke. - It just feels like condescending. - Exactly. - Like, "Oh, nihongo josie." - Let's see... - It's like, all I said was. (speaks japanese) - Just the one word. And they're like, Whoa. - That's like, that's like, if a Japanese person came up to me and said, thank you. You don't go. (speaks Japanese) - You ever ordering in Japanese at a restaurant. And then like, as you're talking in Japanese, like to them, they'll be like, "Oh, here's the English menu." And I'm like, yeah, but I was just talking... - And then you keep talking to them in Japanese and then they keep talking to you in English. - Yeah, exactly. But the way that I try to think about it, somebody said it really well before to me when I was kind of like, "I wish that they would stop." What someone said to me was, "Well, it's not, about you. "It's about them." You know? They want to be polite I guess. And it's just their sense of like, you know, like being kind and polite to you. It's more about, about them and not about you. So try and think of it that way kind of thing. - I just complain about everything. So I can have a successful heart operation. I'd be like, "Bloody hell, it took a long time, "didn't it?" - Then like in new hunger, Josie is like, when I get this all the time, because like they always ask. (speaks foreign language) - Right. - And of course I say like, yeah, (speaks Japanese) And they're like, "Oh, okay." English menu. - It's never going to matter. - I had the NHA guy which is basically like the TV license guy. - The television man. - You should be paying a television-- - Is he the other death reaper. - Yes the other one I'm acquainted with him. - Yeah. - Came to my door and he was like, he looked at me, he just stared at me, like oh, when I opened the door and he was like, "Oh." (speaks Japanese) And I was like, I saw the NHK thing in his hand and I'm like, well, (speaks Japanese) He was like, no, no. - So explain the NHK guy is like, NHK is like... NHK the it's like... There's no cable. - And basically the NHK guy comes. And like you usually, if you own a TV in your house, you have to pay like a feat. - Like a license. - Like if you use the TV. - If you have like a kind of like a TV connection, right? - Yeah. If you have a TV connection. Yeah. That's the... A lot of people just own a TV because you know, the user for things like streaming or like for games, like not to actually watch Japanese TV, but the NHK guy doesn't give a fuck. He's like, if you weren't a TV, you have to pay the fee. - Yes. It's actually the law, apparently. - It is the law apparently. But like a lot of it is also just like a waste of money to just be like, I'm not going to pay a fee for something I don't use. - I actually can't get the TV. Cause you have to use a card. I don't have the card. - It's like the NHK color. - I don't have it. - And yet they're just so persistent to like, get you to pay that fee for something that you don't even use. It's like, no, you have to understand. I don't use the TV to watch NHK or right. Like I'm a millennial. I use it for other things like gaming stream and streaming. - You can't run away because even if you don't speak Japanese, they will pull out Google translate so have fun. I felt like I had to be careful mentioning them because I was doing a play through of a game. And there was this character that reminded me of the NHK man and I just had to keep it. I had to keep it's a... (laughs) - The NHK man special appearance in DOOM. Nah, that it was a game called Mad Father. And there's this guy that goes-- Yeah, I did. It's a three-part series. Yeah. - That's all right. Yeah. I remember you were saying in your debut stream that you love RPG making games, right? - Yes. Just the most old, just wretched like old ass pixel art. - I played so many of those when I was doing lets play it. - Like mad father, dude, I remember watching all of that. Like Peter Park, there was someone played for all of it. - And what is his game? Just to explain to me. - Mad Father or you know, RPG maker game. So mad father is this one... It's created by. Is it created by Japanese guy. - Yes. I think Sen is. - Yeah. - He's the guy who also did... Oh my God. What was the... - But basically mad father is all about this girl who has a crazy dad. - That dad is mad. - And basically like, she's like leaves in this... It's been so long since I play the game. But like, - I can't remember what happened. - Cali can you explain it? Cause you probably played it the most--. - Yeah, sure. So there's this girl and she lives in a mansion with her mad dad and he does weird stuff in the basement. And you know that from the beginning. But basically... - Where is this going? - It's a ride. So basically her mother has died and the game starts off by you get these flashbacks and you see your life and you realize that she's kind of like alone in this mentioned with her fucked up dad and his mistress and they're doing weird stuff in the basement. That isn't just what you think is going on. There's other stuff happening too. - It gets pretty fucked up. - And so she hears like screams from the basement and turns out there's a curse on the house. That's based on like some bullshit with like her mother is angry or something like that. Maybe that's a spoiler. Maybe we should cut that. - It's too late games. - The games like how old is this? - It's a really old game. So basically, yeah, there's a curse in the house. And all these like bodies start coming to life, reanimated, corpses and whatever. It's basically like your classic RPG maker, horror game. It's got like jump scares and puzzles and story. And it's super fun and super crazy. But there are also some scuff parts that I just love about it. It's just classic old RPG maker game. For example, when you're mad dad is like chasing you with his chainsaw whenever he comes after you. And it's the jump scare when he gets you. That the image just zooms in so far and the pixels, that's the scary part about it. How many pixels make up dad? It's not a high number. That's that's the funniest. - That what I love about RPG like horror games though is that like every single one like, no matter how scary the jump scares might be, there's just something really campy about it. That you just can't help, but laugh at. - You're being scare by pixels. - Yeah. Yeah. - What's the one RPG maker game. I think To The Moon or something. I really fucking loved that one. I was crying like a baby. Watching fucking Pewdie pie play when I was like 15, so sad. And I've watched the story, Joey. - Wow. Yeah. I was about to say, I was like, that is like a hundred percent story. - Yeah. - I actually think I enjoy this game story. - It's fun when he's watching someone else play. - I genuinely think I like game stories when I watch someone else play it. But when it's me playing it, I'm like... - You want that game play, man. Just that straight game play. - Reap and tear, man - Yeah. Reap and tear until it is done. - There's also the... There was a sequel to that as well. - Yeah. There was. - Much later. - Yeah. I actually liked it more than the first I believe. - Really? - Yeah. I liked the... There's like a twist that's really good. And the plot is just, it hits some like relatable spots. - It hits different there you go. - To the moon. Like I remember I played that on my channel when I was doing let's plays and like, it's the music man. The music is just fucking kills me, its so good. And it's all done by one dude. It's crazy to think about. - Like the entire game? - This guy who did the story, the art, the everything was just all done by one dude. Like he had help with like the music, like composition. He wrote it all and just got someone else to like, do the composition for it. But he did the story. He did all the, like the programming and everything. It's just... - I love that kind of stuff. Just like one dude just making a whole freaking game. - I mean, like Colps party as well was made by like three people. - Yeah. - I wish I was that talented. - I know. - It takes a lot of passion. - Why am I so lazy. - Like Touhou was made by one dude. - All I know what to do is how to talk about anime titties. - Yep. - My job-- - That can be a talent. I sure can't do that. - It's not a talent. - I can't even do that on my own. I have an editor. - I can't even put a PC together on my own. - Your PC was like, literally that meme of like unlock your brain. - Yeah exactly. - But what if we use more than 10% of our brain? - So like what would you say then is your favorite RPG maker game? - Gosh, there are so many. Let me name off some ones that I really like. I really like Wadanohara. Have you guys played Wadanohara? - Is that the guy, right? - Yeah. That's right. And then he made some other really up game called like Mogeko Castle. Yeah. That gave me some freaking a nightmares. I tell you what? I really like The Crooked Man series. Do you guys ever play those? - Yeah. I think I played almost every RPG horror games. - Oh, seriously? Nice. - No, 'cause I used to play them like exclusively on my channel 'cause I got really massive off the Corpse. - Oh yeah Corpse Party. - So naturally I had to go into the RPG maker. - Well, the first one that I ever played was Eve, I feel like that's like a first for a lot of people. A first for a lot of people. - I know some of these 'cause Sydney loves these kinds of like RPG, horror games as well. So that's why I know some of these. - Eve is probably like the most famous one. - Yeah. And it's old. Like super old. And then I feel like a lot of people also know Witch's House as well. It's like a classic, like jump scare one. I need to play that on stream. I feel like everyone would really enjoy. - Pocket mirror is also a really good. - Oh yeah. That's a good one too. I recently played that. - We could get out of the room and leave you two. - All you have to do there, is someone who translates a lot of RPG maker games. And I recommend, of course, obviously you buy the games of course. But for those that it is impossible to do. The translated patches are available and they're very easy to access in one spot. - They're really good too. They're really good translations. Like just someone who's just talented and has the time to just be like, "Oh yeah. "Five hour game where it's like exclusively talking. "Yeah. I'm a finnish translate that." - Shout out to the translators again man. - I got so into RPG maker games though, that it got to a point where after I played all of them, I went onto the RPG maker forums and just started downloading people's like projects that they were working on and playing them. - Oh wow. - And that was something. Let me tell you what. - Were any of them like memorable? - I mean, by how not great. (laughs) That makes me sound like such a dick. Hold on a sec. - Why try when you're not good? - Just get good. - Just get good. Just don't be bad. - I gotta laugh at them. And getting a laugh. Hey, listen, man, that serotonin release for one laugh. Okay, good, fine. Be proud of yourself for that. I felt good. Like the laugh at you. Hey listen (laughs) man. No, I had some fun times. I remember some real janky ones. I don't know if this was someone's project, but there's this super like obscure ass one called what is like Desert Nightmare or something. And I think... - That sounds like an indie game. - I think I got it off the forum and it's like you're this chick and you get out the car, your car is broken down and you're in a desert and it's a horror story. And I remember it was so freaking jank, but I played it all the way til the end three hours. Someone's just project on the RPG maker game forums. So I got invested. It was shitty but I got invested, man. (laughs) Yeah. I remember that. It was good. - Is this a compliment. - No, whoever made that game. Good on you. I know you're out there somewhere. You might see this, you might not, but fuck yeah, man. - There might be a Cali simp, you never know. - Oh geez. Don't take it as an insult. I genuinely had a lot of fun with that game. - Like the next to the next red soup chat you get is like, "Hi, I'm the developer for like--" - Oh. (laughs) Hold on. Wait. Maybe I'm joking. - I cannot imagine going on a forum looking for shitty games. - I was desperate, man. You get desperate sometimes after you go through all that stuff and you're like, I want more, I need my fix. - It's like, you're doing that. The me just doing super high. Cause he gone for like the millionth time trying beat the hardest level. Have you seen super hexagon. - Yeah, of course. - I fucking love that game. - What is that? - It's like a visual crack game. It's hard. - It's like epilepsy. The game basically. - Is it like a puzzle game? - It's on screen right now. It's it's very difficult, but I love it. I'll show you. - [Joey] That's the rhythm. It's like, not the rhythm game, but it's like a... How do you explain a games like that? - [Connor] Its fucking seizure games. - [Joey] Survival game?. - [Connor] Survival seizure. - [Cali] That sounds kinda fun. - [Connor] Have you played that game where you jumped the block. - Yeah. - Was it Geometry Dash? Geometry Dash, is hat the one? - Geometry Dash It's kind of like the same kind of genre, I'd say where it's like you'll pick the level over and over a hundred thousand at the time. - I remember the only one game I remember, it was called like the impossible game or something. I don't remember where you to jump this like... - That's it. - Is it called geometry dash. - Wow I think they rebranded. some of the charts where he's screaming right now is a geometry dash pro. - I just remember the music was so good and I wanted to complete it just so I can hear the track all the way to the end. - Yes. - I completed one stage, the easiest stage. - We're gonna get a blue super champion. Like, "Hi, I'm the developer. "You've got it all wrong." - What's like the weirdest, super chat you've ever gotten? Or is there, is there any that stand out in your mind? - There's some pretty fun ones. For example, there's a reoccurring character in my stream called... Am I allowed to... We actually never got that checked, huh? If ghost writer, right. Ghost writer outside my house, there is a fricking skeleton on a motorcycle that just every day when I'm streaming five times a stream just outside of my window, just, and it gets on my last damn there. Well, everyone's, everyone's called him ghost writer. Right. And he appears sometimes in the super Chet to say, sorry for being loud outside or whatever, that kind of. And I'm like, thanks for your super chat man. But that doesn't change. The fact I'm at you right now, man. - Maybe they're trying to use accurate location to determine your pinpoint address. How far away - I know that it's this type of, - Oh, for sure. I believe it. - It's like the news, you know, of like how, like someone found that Japanese idol because of like, your. - I read about that. - I mean, you don't have to worry about it because you know why we're not wearing sunglasses right now. It's just like, I'm not going to lay down. - Be careful, be careful. - But I guess like, for those of, you know, for people of trash tastes who don't know anything about you, like, do you want to like shout out your stuff? - Yeah, sure. Come check out my, my streams anytime. So basically I stream, well, it really depends on the week and what's going on. I'm busy right now. But by the time that this comes out, things should be back to normal. So I usually stream maybe five or six times a week. It depends on what's going on with me. But I try to take two days, two day breaks. And then sometimes I stream twice a day. My time zones are a little are a little weird, right. But I try to stream, I guess it's morning time in America and either afternoon or evening in Japan. And then on the weekends, it'll be afternoons mornings in Japan and evenings afternoon ish in America. So come check them out. And I also do music. I have a playlist in my YouTube, just look up Maury Calliope or Calliope Maury. Or you can even just look up Maury channel, Maury, Maury, hololive. And you should find me immediately and come hang out, subscribe. If you like my stuff, if you don't, that's cool. You don't got to do that either. You don't have to. - Don't forget to like and subscribe. - Self-confidence. - If you don't want to, you don't have to, but my stuff isn't for everyone. Do it then please. - But yeah. Well Lisa, I searched chat energy. Exactly. But yeah, we'll leave that. We'll leave the links down in the description as always. - Thank you. Yeah. If you like an interesting rap, I guess pop rap Japanese rap inspired English rap. I don't know. - Let's see anime girl, spit bars. Check out fire, man. Good. - I hope you'll enjoy them. Actually. They're available. I'm on some music stores now. I believe definitely Apple music worldwide. For sure. Check it out. Spotify. Maybe. I don't know. By the time this comes out, who can say maybe go check just in case. - We'll see. We'll see. But yeah, I think that's everything I wanted to talk about today. This has been the most interesting this episode. I've trashed taste. This has been a venture for all of us. I would say. Did you? Yeah. Thank you very much for joining us today and being our very first 2d guests. I feel bad that I haven't watched any, any of your stuff before this, but I certainly will fix that a lot though. At least charming personality. - Thank you. I appreciate that. Come watch me really suck at doom if you want, but listen to me. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah. You're terrible at this. Thanks. I know. - But. - Hey also, let's give a shout out to our lovely, lovely patrons who are on the screen right now. Who's your favorite patron? Kelly. - Oh gosh. Let me go ahead and look. - What do you mean? Like to support the show is always a good way of patron. Also follow us on Twitter in subreddits. Send all the I'm. Sure you'll this'll be spammed with. - Kelly beams. - I'm secretly happy that now, like the holler live memes and our sub Reddit would now finally merge together. Exactly. And we can shove all of these VT with memes and find the corners face and be like, huh? This seems. - Time for me to start modding the celebrator. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. But yeah, guys so much for joining us. We'd love to have you back if you want. We got the cool. Yeah, of course, of course, because you've said it now, so it has to happen. We're waiting. I anticipate it. We gotta, we gotta do a premiere so we can have super chat. We can still do it. Oh my God. Premiere the video and there'll be a super chat. Thanks so much again. Finally, we're going to go. - Money. Thank you very much for watching trash day today. We will see you next time. We will see you next time.
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 3,935,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Mori Calliope, Hololive, Virtual YouTuber, Vtuber, γ‚«γƒͺγ‚ͺγƒš
Id: tIU0xG-lXkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 25sec (7585 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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