Roasting our WORST Takes on Anime | Trash Taste #21

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- Have you ever cry wanked? (all laughing) - I don't dare try, to mix the... - We know how easy it is for you. - He hasn't read metamorphosis. (all laughing) - Read metamorphosis you'll know the definition of a cry wank. (all laughing) (upbeat music) - Welcome back to this episode of "Trash Taste" that you just joined, so now welcome back, with my boys, (Joey laughing) Joey and Garnt. - Welcome to this episode of "Trash Taste". - Welcome back, I'm sure you... - Welcome back to "Trash Taste". - As you should with every "Trash Taste" episode, you should go and watch the previous episodes in order, without breaking them then come to this one. - We have a watch order, it goes one, then two, (Joey laughing) then three. - Whoo controversial. (laughing) - Wow. - Are you gate keeping (Gigguk laughing) this? - What if I wanna watch episode four and then go back to episode one? - Bro you're not a real fan (Joey laughing) You got to start from part one, and then part two all the way to part 20. - And I watch halfway through part three. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry Joey. - You're a real fan, if you see me over here, a special episodes, then we know if you're a real fan. - If you don't know what we're talking about, don't worry about it. - Sorry Joey. - [Host] This is bullshit. - What are we talking about today? - I don't know, what we're gonna talk about today Joey? - We hardly ever know what we're gonna talk about - I feel like we have a few ideas we want to do but we'll save the special ones coming up. But, I mean yesterday, I'm gonna tell you a little story boys. - Okay, yeah, for it's Connor's Story Time, it's getting graphic - Connor's Story Time. - I went to the DMV. - Gathered around the camp, oh my God. (Joey laughs) This is already sounding horrible. - This is not a campfire stories. - This is already sound horrible - So as you guys know, none of us have the ability to drive in Japan, but we all have the licenses in our own respective country. - Yes. - Yes. - And I thought well, one of us needs to do it, I'll do it. I like driving, Garnt hates driving and Joey is just Joey. So Joey just stands there being like, I don't want to do that. Joey doesn't want to spend a whole day at a DMV. - No. - (laughs) And more probably - Yeah. - My relationship with driving is that it's literally serves a purpose. Like I don't care if I can get from point A to point B in a way that's like other than driving or someone else can drive me. I don't care if I have to drive, I'll fucking do it but-- - I can afford an Uber now. - I'm convinced that you wanted to become a rich person just to get a chauffer (Joey laughs) that's like, eventually. - That's the dream right? - That's the dream. Okay, like okay I don't hate driving, what I hate is parking. My gods, like I can. - Just like at all? - The thought of parking, yes 'cause I suck at parking, Okay? I barely passed my test when it came to like parallel parking. (Joey laughs) The thoughts of parallel parking gives me nightmares. Like I wake up in a cold sweat and I'm like, what if the car doesn't fit? I'd make a fool of myself, like spending 10 minutes trying to get into the slot, but (Connor laughing) - Because everyone's been on the other end, right? Where you're trying to watch someone parallel park and it's like, come on, it's not that hard. And then when you actually go to do it's like, oh, it's that hard (all laughing) - I somehow nail like the hard parking and then take 15 attempts for the shittiest easiest parking, when there's like a 100 people around me just watching me like really embarrassing. But yeah, I wanted to get my license 'cause you know, I wanted to have the options open. So I feel like you can still explore a lot of Japan without a car. - [Host] Yeah. - It's just some places, you know the further I... - Once you're outside of Tokyo, you pretty much need a car. - Becomes a little more difficult especially if you wanna really explore a lot. Like if you want to stick to the main tourist stuff, there's this buses and stuff and you'll be fine, but I wanted to drive and I mean, nothing goes better with my Beep Boop Daft Punk music than driving. (Joey and Garnt laughing) I love driving with music man, it's so like smacking that wheel, you know. (all laughing) - Smacking that wheel is like, you're like a fucking, you are like a dad. - I don't know. And I love it, I love all of it. So I thought, you know what? I'm going to get my license, 'cause if you have a British license in Japan and a select few of the countries, a lot of European ones, they said like America, but only Hawaii and Alaska. It was like, so only Hawaii and Alaska can do it. If you're from any of the countries where you don't, from those countries, you have to do a test. - Why Hawaii and Alaska? - I have no idea, I don't think it was Hawaii or Alaska, it was Alaska and some other country, some other state. Which is really confusing, 'cause I'm pretty sure don't they all drive on the same side of the road? - Yeah I thought so, right? 'Cause the reason why American. - Maybe there something we don't know. - Yeah, 'cause the reason why Americans have to do a driving test is because we drive on the other side of the road, right? But Alaska drive on the same side of the road as Japan? Alaskans let us know. - Yeah, so I had to go to the DMV and I knew it was going to be a stressful process, 'cause it always is with any driving. - I mean, that's just universal but I can only imagine how stressful it is in Japan (Joey laughing) because the extra layers you have to do. - Right, because you're like, it was already hell in my own country, it's probably gonna be hell again in Japan, times two. And I have to take a translator with me. Which is so awful. - I'm so glad the translator was not me (Garnt laughing) - I was gonna ask Joey, but then another friend offered and I'm like. - But then I was like oh, you ended up at DMV? Sorry I'm busy, I'm busy that day, I got caught, my bad man. - So first I gonna ask, how long were you there for? - I got there at 8:20 in the morning. - Why so early? Is it your line off? - So Yes, so right now, because I'm not sure if it's because of COVID, but right now only 10 people are allowed to get a foreign license a day, in the whole prefecture. - Wow, what? - So it's like first come first serve. - Yeah, so whoever serve first, gets it. If you don't, you have to come back at 2:30 and wait but they give out the 2:30 slots at the 9:00 a.m - [Host] In the morning. so I was in the 2:30 slot. - Oh shit! - Jesus! - So I got, I queued up at 8:20. I was told, on the website it says 9:30, get there at 9:30. And then I called them up and I asked, hey what time should I get that? They said, get that for like eight, so I got there at 8:20 because I thought, oh it's no one's gonna be there. There was already like 14 people lined up when I got there, so I was in the second bunch. So they only give out 10 licenses a day, in the whole prefecture, which is like millions of people, for foreigners and it's like, what? How is this a thing? Why only 10? Like they issue the first 10 like I go home. - At least it wasn't like the bullshit like you know, you know when they did like a Gotcha Game and stuff. - Right, right. - Here's a ticket and if you win the ticket, you have a chance to get it. - Wow, wow, you'll see well, I'll tell you more about the story. - Okay, go on. - So it's like an hour away from me. So I have to get up at like 6:00 AM which is way over my like comfort zone. I can wake up at eight and be fine. - Like anything before 7:30. - I feel like shit the whole day. - Exactly. - So I get that and we line up and then I have to wait an hour to get my ticket. So I have to wait an hour to wait more. So then I went to Coco's Diner, which is like Coco's Richmond, I think. - [Host] Yeah. - Went there, stayed there for three and a half hours. - [Host] Jesus Christ. - Came back to the place, waited another hour. Finally got to go in. As I'm going in, this couple is like screaming at the employees. - [Hosts] Right. - Like what the fuck or something in Japanese. I remembered some of it from anime. (Joey laughing) They were saying in the bad anime words. I was like, that's a nappy I was like, what happened it's like, apparently didn't have the right documents. But before we went in, they gathered us all around and were like, "Hey some of you are gonna be rejected today for no reason." (Garnt laughs) They literally said that. They said. - What? - They said, "We might reject you and not explain why." And I'm like, what? - What is the issued demonetization? (both laughing) - What do you mean, I've come here all day. And you've to bring like so many fucking documents. So you have to get like your license translated at a different building, wait a few days for that. Go to the ward office, which is another building, get proof that you live where you say you live. - [Hosts] Yeah. - Bring your other license, your passport, literally every single documentation that you were ever a person to begin with. And yeah and then they grilled me for like an hour, like asking me if I-- - Asking what? - Well they so a part to get the foreign license you have to prove that you are in the country where you got your license for six months after the fact. So I brought tons of paperwork, proving that I was in the U.K at the time when I got it in for six months. And they just kept grilling me and asking me pointless questions, what I thought. But they asked like, "Did you have like a provisional license? Which in the U.K and I think in America as well. Australia too. - Yeah. - You got a license before the actual license. They're like, did you have one? And I'm like, obviously I had one, I had to drive. - Who doesn't? - What a dumb question. - Part of the official process, you need a provisional before you get a full license. - I don't think a lot of countries would let you get the full thing without doing it and I said. - I'll speak about Thailand. (both laughing) - So I'm like, yeah of course I had that. And then they're like, "How long did it take you to get your license" What do you mean how long? Did it take like a week or did you do lessons over a long time? I was like, I did lessons over a long time. Then they're like, "Oh, how long did you have that provisional form?" I'm like, why are you ask? Who cares? Who cares how long? - You got the full license? - Yeah I'm like, I had it for five years. And she was like (snorts) (Joey laughing) And then she asked, "why did you have it for so long?" And I'm like, why does it matter how long like? Because in the U.K, we don't have ID. We don't carry around ID. So most people will get the provisional license even if they don't intend to drive. So I'm here explaining like a cultural difference to her. - I'm like, so what did you say? - I explained that I'm like in the U.K, we don't really have ID, so people will get the ID. - But that's what Japanese people do as well. - Is it real? - Yeah, there's a lot of like what we call. - Why I'm I being grilled for this thing? - In Japan, a lot of people are like known as paper drivers, which means they have the license, but they don't have it to drive. They just have it as a form of ID. - Yeah, in the U.K people get provisional licenses because we. - That's where I got. - We use licenses to prove that we can get into bars and pubs. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's pretty much the only reason for provisional licenses. - And even Australia. - Yeah, so I had to wait an hour and I was like, cool, I'm it's all going well, she seems to be, you know happy with it. She's like, "Yeah okay, yeah, no problem. "Just come back in two days." I'm like what? What do you mean come back in two days? - So you didn't even get it? - I didn't get it to today, I didn't get it. - Oh my God! So you haven't got it yet? - No - After waiting, how long did you wait? - I left at 4:00 p.m and I got there at 8:00 a.m so that is eight hours away. - So eight hours? - Yeah, like eight hours. - You wasted a whole day. - I lost a whole day. - To not getting a license. - To get the paperwork, to get the license. - Because I remember you telling me just before that you were getting this. - It's a whole of bunch of fetch quests, this is why they love. In fact, this is why all the RPGs in Japan have a bazillion fetch quests. 'Cause living here is a fucking fetch quest. Every time you wanna do anything, it's like, okay get the prerequisite items. Which you they're all in different locations because of course they are, like they're not all in the government building because that would be so easy, that will make life too simple. - That's why Gotcha Game work here. Because you even have the waiting time, like the loading time where you're like think you got all the items and then you have to like put it in to like, fucking yeah, you gotta a craft the item and you've gotta wait until the item is finished being crafted. - And then you pull the DOD Gotcha (Garnt laughing) 'cause you have to wait to 2:30. - So they said I have to come back on Wednesday, which is tomorrow. So I'm going there tomorrow to do the eye test. That's it, I do the eye test and once I prove I'm not fucking blind, I get my license - Imagine if they just rejects you after that. - I would fucking lose temper - So you basically spend eight hours for someone to tell you come back in two days? - Yeah, basically, I know the DMV is bad in all countries, but in U.K I would never have it that. - It wasn't that bad especially with how many documents you needed to grab before just to get your license slide, just be given a license as well. - Because it's crazy because like Nabi, who went with you is a friend of ours, like when he went, he had such an easy time but I guess it's because he got up before COVID. - I think they've made it a lot slower, from COVID, like apparently and they also told me that for some reason, because of COVID, the amount of people applying has gone up a lot. - Well yeah, because no one can travel outside of the country. So therefore they wanna travel inside the country. - Yeah true, but I guess I would have thought the other way around, but yeah it's just. - Speaking to you has made me less, entirely put me off from wanting to get a job. - I'm glad at least someone in Trash Taste now has a license 'cause we're just gonna ask you to show for us anyway. - I want it, I even when I don't need something, I want to just do it because if I have the free time, I know there's gonna be up, I never wanna be in the point in my life where like, I need something and it's gonna take. - Oh, I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm like that as well. But I'm not going to go to a DMV for eight hours to be like, come back for an eye test two days later. - I didn't know they were gonna do that. - That doesn't sound worthy to me. So I'm glad you went through the pain because like I said, like, I don't. - Now we know not to do it - Yeah, now I know not to do it and I like driving for me is a stressful experience anyway but that's probably because I've spent most of my time driving in Thailand. - Oh, man. - Because I never actually drove so much in the U.K 'cause like I grew up in Brighton and then went to London for my job search. So I've never needed to be in a place where I drive frequently until I moved to Bangkok. And my God, driving in just Southeast Asia, in general, is just nothing like driving in Japan or driving in the U.K or anything. So let me describe what it is like driving in one of these kinds of countries. - Okay. - Okay, so in Thailand, we don't have road rules, we have road suggestions. (Connor and Joey laughing) That's kind of so we technically have rules, but whether people follow them or not, is up to the individual driver. - It's like a Mario Kart with like a lot more death. - It is basically, so like you know how you change lanes, there's like a system for example, changing lanes. You signal and then the person like whether it. - Backs off. - Yeah, the person backs off whatever, like whoever has the right of way. The rights of way in Thailand goes, okay we're gonna play this game of chicken, okay? - [Connor] (laughs) Oh, no. So imagine I wanna change lanes or someone else wants to change lane and there's a car just like behind them or like in the same lane. So the person's gonna start changing lanes and either one person backs off or the person changing lane backs off or we're gonna crash. And so there's no rule to say who has to back off. - Right, right. - So one of them is gonna back off or you're gonna crash. So it's basically who has the bigger balls to like not give way or give away - Who's going to be the bigger man. - Yeah, yeah exactly, exactly (Joey laughing) - It is wild, I think like Thailand looks scary. There's other countries that even worse I think. There's like, I think in Saudi Arabia the number one cause of death is car accidents. - I wouldn't be surprised, I mean. - It's crazy because I don't think any other country it's even not there. - I mean, I went to the Philippines a couple years ago to go see Yankees family and we had to drive through Manila. And that was one of the most terrifying things ever because not only is there no lanes and it's the same thing, like it's just whoever gets in there first, but there's also people just on the road just in the middle of the road trying to cross. - The worst thing is like the people in the middle of the road who have just no fear of death and then motorcycles as well. Motorcycles are like the fucking, like annoying housefly that you just can't like fucking swat away, but they're always and you always need to be aware of them. Like driving in Bangkok, you just have to like, you just have to mask the ultra instinct. They just every driver, just needs to master ultra instinct. - You just have to like the rain men. - (Joey laughing) The fucking men turned on. That's why they can all drive. - Like the fucking observation hockey, like permanently turned on when you're driving. - And it's not just the motorcycle either, it's like one it's like a motorcycle that's normally for like max two people but somehow have like eight people on it. I'm just like what? - Like sometimes there's just the motorcycle and there's just like the entire family (Joey laughing) on the motorcycle plus the chauffeur. - Dude that would be wild. - It's like a clown car but a motorcycle. - That would stressed me out so fucking much. - Like it's funny 'cause Bangkok, living in Bangkok, you often take motorcycle taxis even though in any other country, you would not take it. And I described Bangkok is like the only place I've been to in the world, where I will willingly risk my life everyday going into a motorcycle taxi, so I can save myself from sitting in an hour of traffic. - Oh, my God. - That's the kind of city it is during rush hour. And that's just given me a huge, I wouldn't say fear of driving, but just every time like I think about driving just gives me a cold sweat. Like, oh, I got to get back on that road man. - Or you've just like perfected your like dodging techniques. (Garnt laughs) - Here in the U.K by some asshole. - Oh, really? - Yeah, yeah I go. - So we were on, I was driving two, we have like a yearly house party where a lot of my friends in the U.K catch up and I was sitting in the car with Alan, my Editor Alex, Alan's girlfriend, Sydney and D Revel House. And so we were on like a country roads and we had just like there was a car in front of us, so we just stopped. And I like did like a kind of like a sudden stop 'cause the car in front of us, like did a very quick stop. And then D was about say nice driving Garnt. And as he was, as like the sound was leaving his mouth (Joey laughing) (mimicking a car crash) a fucking car just like tears in my car and it fucking destroys my car. - Jesus. - And (laughs) I like my car is fucking totaled and the car in front of us has the audacity to be like, "Yeah, this was your fault by the way, "when are you paying up?" And the car behind us was like, so during the interview when the police came, we called the police, we've got you know, everyone got like checked up an ambulance and apparently he just, he was going like 60 or 70 down a country road and he just had his eyes off the road. He was like, "Yeah, I just took my eyes off "the road for a second "and who knew a car could creep up on me in one second?" - Oh dear, it's terrifying in the country roads. It's like I learned to drive in London but I also drive a lot in Wales. But like, those roads in Wales are scary 'cause they're all like thick trees and really tight roads, especially like Wales and then probably in Devin as well. We were in there like that's like fucking trucks coming all the time on these roads. - It's like a one way road or? - It's two but when you get the big trucks, it's like you kind of just stop. - It might as well be a one-way road, yeah. - So that you avoid the road ditch, so sometimes you'll go in like and then normally 60 'cause like their national speed limit. - 60 miles right? - Miles per hour And then they'll just be like trucks coming and you really have to like. - I feel like truck drivers in every country are like. - They don't give a fuck 'cause why would they? They win every time (all laughing) If I had a rock to destroy paper of course I'm gonna pick rock to fucking kill everyone. - They're like the jokes in the school hallway, right? So you have to move out of the way 'cause they don't gonna move (laughs) - Yeah, I mean that was the only car crash I've been in but there's been many, many close calls as you can probably imagine in Bangkok. Like the health and safety in Bangkok, especially on the road, is very worrying. - How does an ambulance get to you? (Joey laughing) If you? - I've wondered that exact same question, during shower. - Motorcycle as an ambulance, like get in the back - I guess you just gotta a fucking bleed out on the road, right? 'Cause what's even scarier all right? is the taxi drivers in Bangkok. It causes such a roulette wheel. Okay, so for one, you'd expect one of some, one of the most dangerous cities to drive in to have a lot of like safety measures on the public transports right? So most taxis you go in the back and there's no seat belts. (laughing) Some of the closest near death experiences I've had have been on a fucking taxi. Because taxi drivers they don't get paid the most as well, so they work ridiculously long hours. So I remember this one time I was, I had a night out and we stayed out till about like 3:00 a.m, 4:00 a.m drinking at some IZakiya in like Bangkok whatever and we had to go home. And so we get a taxi home. And the good thing about driving back home in like the middle of like 4:00 a.m, is it's normally driving there it takes two hours, but when there's no traffic, it takes 30 minutes. That's kind of like the time we had on when you don't factor in traffic. - Right. - But we get in, it's me and Sydney and we get in this taxi and this guy just seems really quiet. And then we get to the highway and he's doing like fucking 80 to a 100 miles an hour on the freeway, right? And then Sydney is like asleep in the taxi, so it's just me and it's complete silence and then he's just starts like swerving a bit. You know that thing where. - When you wake up. - You're like whoa, whoa. And I'm like okay, we could have crashed right there. So I asked him, are you okay? And he's like, "Yeah, it's I'm completely good. "I've just been up for like 36 hours." (Joey laughs) I'm like - Pull over pull over. - Whoa, whoa, hold on a second and to explain something about, to explain like something about Thai culture. We have this thing called a Mapping Lie Attitude which the closest translation is like (speaking in foreign language) It's okay kind of attitude, which you know it's great when you're on holiday you know, because the reason Thailand's so great when you're on holiday is cause everyone's so relaxed, you know, it's stress free. But there are some situations where it's very not in my situation and this was one of those situations. So I'm asking him, are you okay? Are you sure you don't wanna pull over? We can get another taxi. And he's like "map and lie, map and lie, map and lie" And I'm like bruh, this is a very not map and lie situation (Joey laughing) right now that we're in. - I could go next to him the whole time like slapping his cheeks. - No, I was actually in the back seat. No seat belt by the way. This taxi did not have a seat belt and this guy just I told him to slow down and he goes, "Okay, I'll slow down." So he goes from a 100 miles an hour to 80 miles an hour. I'm like bro, like brilliant, brilliant. But. - Everything is not map and lie. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, he's like map and lie, map and lie I'm like every five minutes he would just like, I could see him nodding off, nodding off to be like, (mimicking a sleepy head) - This is where you get in the front seat and stare at him like this, like the owl just like fucking. - Because like Bangkok has like a highway. So it's like a elevated highway. So I couldn't just tell him to stop and like and we get another taxi, 'cause we're in the middle of the highway. - If you're a fucking Japanese taxi, he'll stop on the highway. They don't give fuck that crazy here. - Yeah, so basically it was the most stressful half hour of rides I've ever been on. Sydney was like stress-free, she was asleep. She could have died in her sleep. - Sydney was the only one who was map and lying. - It's a good way to go (all laughing) I mean. - Yeah, I know what's up like fucking pissed out my mind at 4:00 a.m being like trying to have this conversation with this taxi driver. I was like I was just trying to keep him awake and he was telling me like, "Oh yeah, you know I've got like "two kids waiting for me at home." And I'm just like, dude after this taxi drive, go home to your fucking kids. Just think about your kid's. - Sleep, for fuck's sake. - Please just think about your kids right now. - My God. - And yeah, that was one of the near life you know. - Jesus Christ. - That experiences I had. - Yeah, can I come to Thailand will be great. I'm like, bro, what do you mean? You make us sound like it's fucking Jason Statham Movie every time you talk about it, holy shit. - Fast and furious. - Keeping this man awake to save your life. What is this? (Joey laughing) Yeah, it's like, yeah, I'll said earlier like Japanese taxis, they just stop anywhere, if you noticed that. - They have the jocks in the skill, they don't move. - Well, I tell them to stop around somewhere, they like take that literally and they'll stop in the middle of the fucking busy highway. And they'll be like, here you are. I'm like what are you doing? Get to a side road or something. - If you don't specify like, can you stop like down the road? If you just say stop, they'll be like, okay stopping. - They stop, if I say like (laughs) tomorrow, they'll stop. - I'm like, we're in the middle of an intersection maybe you should like, move forward a bit. - He did that when we went to the Roman last week and then he stopped at the intersection, just stopped. - And I'm like, I'm not getting out of the car, we're in a fucking intersection. - (all laughing) Like bro (laughing) It's so weird. I don't know 'cause they follow road rules so strictly here. But then for some reason taxi drivers just don't. And it's funny cause I noticed on the British government website, when you go to Japan, it says be careful of taxi drivers because they just stop anyway, especially when driving. Because if you're behind a taxi driver in Japan, and you're driving be careful. He'll probably just stop like full force, just full of it's crazy. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah it's like the like road rules or like who has the right of way? Kind of confusing me sometimes and okay zebra crossing. Zebra crossings in every country have a different meaning and I don't know what it means in Japan. Like so to explain in the U.K, if there's a zebra crossing, the pedestrian always has the right of way. Like you never need to fear for your life if you're near the zebra crossing. - You're taught to stop, as the driver you stop even if you see someone walking near it, like slow down. - Exactly, but you know in like Southeast Asia, zebra crossings mean nothing. - It's a suggestion. - It's a suggestion (both laughing) In Japan, I don't know what it means either. Sometimes they stop. - They're supposed to stop, but they don't. - Others this is where I've stood like at the front of the several crossing, right? When you want people to stop and like five causes possible, I'm like can I go? - You have to like start walking in the road and then they'll stop. So I realize I'm playing fucking chicken. I thought I was walking the road and be like, halt. I have the right of way. - Cease. - Cease, (all laughing) My Lord. And then go, it's weird, I don't know why you think that, you know, considering how strict that road was on there and everyone leaves so much room between the cars, I noticed that. In the U-- - It's like a car's worth. - Yeah, in the U.K it's like this much, but in Japan it's like I leave a car, at least to car. - That's why I'm kind of glad that Japan doesn't have like roundabouts, can you imagine? - Oh God. - Like just how much of-- - No one would give way, everyone would just be waiting for someone to come in. - No, no, don't stop, don't stop. - Please, please go ahead you know because there were this is like, I don't know if it's an actual road rule and I want to preface, I don't know if it's an actual road rule, but in Australia we were taught and some people were taught, that when you're in a roundabout right? Usually it's like whoever's in the roundabout first right? It's basically like once you're in the roundabout, you have to give away to whoever's in the roundabout, right? - Yeah. - But in Australia, some people were taught that like you always have to give way to the person on your right. And I'm just like, but then what if this four people at the roundabout? (laughs) Who is gonna give way? - It's kind of like, if you see them and they're far enough way on the right-hand side, I guess go this is why I hate roundabouts, 'cause you know like super like rock solid logic that you can. - Australia is the land of fucking roundabouts. We have a roundabout everywhere. - We have so many in the U.K it's kinda like you just gotta be like, are you Americans like what the fucking you guys talking about? Basically you just like kind of have to you see a car coming you're like, do I think I can get this car in gear and go? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - That just brings an extra layer of stress to my drive. - The worst - 'Cause t's like playing a quick time event. And if you failed a quick time event, you just struck you just crash. - Crash. - Joey drives automatic, so he's lucky - Oh God, yeah. - 'Cause the worst part is cause you obviously have to stop versus the time of the roundabout. So you're like in, you're not in gear. So you're like, you see a car and you're like, I've seen this car, I have to quickly decide whether I can get in gear and go, (Joey laughing) And if I'm fast enough to not make that guy slow down too much, 'cause it's just a mess. - Oh yeah dude, it's easy for me 'cause I just like, can I make it? Yeah, of course. - I'll just press the go pedal. - Press the go pedal just get in (Connor laughing) - But yeah, I did my driving test for a manual car, right? And this driving test, put me off driving manual for my entire fucking life. Okay to explain, I think you're allowed 16 minor offenses, right? - 16? Oh, oh when you're taking the test. - Minor, minor when you're driving test. - What registers as a minor offense? - Like not indicating? - No, no not that's a major one. - Maybe going a little too early and too much time. Stuff that doesn't matter, but if you do a lot of them, it would be like your shit driver. - Stop, that one cause an accident. - Yeah, exactly. - So if your tires like hit a curb, I think that's a major - Now that's a major offense. - So that's the level of. - Okay, okay. - But like a minor offense is something that can't cause a crash or anything like that I think but I got 13 on my. - Holy shit. - I got 13 on my driving test. (laughing) I thought I've failed, right? - So I'm gonna test the limit. - And I swear like, 'cause I was so fucking stressed. It was my first time driving. It was my first attempt at the driving test as well. And I remember this, there was always one road, I was super fucking terrified would be on my driving test. And of course it was all my driving test. And so driving a manual car, it's a hill start. - That's well. - It's a hill start into a roundabout. - Oh, same same. - Oh my God, I'm like that, I remember when I pulled up and normally I hope that's the roundabout fucking clear. Of course it's not clear, you know? So you're playing about five different mini games at once. And if you stop the car, if you go too early, go too late or do any of that shit, you fail the test. And that like the experience of having to drive manual and you 'cause we've driving manual you are constantly playing a mini game where I just wanna shut my brain off, I wanna stress free driving experience. So yeah, that's why I've driven automatic my entire life since then basically. - I've never driven automatic so long it's like - Really? - I'm too there. - It'll be like fucking putting the antenna on in Marriott. (all laughing) - So how do we crash? How do I crash this? - I'm on my way to the driving test, I did like everything wrong. Like I didn't indicate, I ran a red light. I fucked up on a roundabout, nearly close to crash. My driving instructor was like, it's okay if you have to do it twice. You know it's and then I got like two minors, that's it. - Oh my-- - I like went in like men mode, like focus. I just like killed it. I was like, wow okay damn, good at this for this very small point during the day where I must attempt. - As long as it's not as bad as my uncle, he like my uncle like he failed his first driving test and (laughs) you want to guess how he failed his first driving test? - What did he do? Did he crash? - So like, you know when you do you start at the DMV, like in your driving test or do you just started like a random road? - We start at a random road for. - Wherever you parked your car? - I guess so. So in Australia you start at the actual DMV. - Okay, okay. - And you have to like go out of the DMV driver, come back to the DMV and then once you're back at the DMV, then that's the end of the test. My uncle went out of the exit (laughs) - No (all laughing) - Of the DMV. - Okay. - So he got in the car, he started it up, drove out two seconds later, it was like, "you failed." - Why? - Because he drove out of the exit. Sorry he dropped out of the entrance. - That sounds better than what happens in the U.K. In the UK, if you do a major, like major mistake but you know, you've done it. You have to complete the test. - Oh, really? - They don't tell you, you failed immediately. You just, you could like do something and you'd know you failed. And you still just have to go through the entire test knowing that you've done it. - Oh no, because in Australia, the moment you fail, they just immediately tell you. And they tell you to drive back because to the instructor, they're like, oh sweet we finished 15 minutes. I can take a break. - So they changed the U.K tests from when you did it now. So when I had to do it, there was like a portion of it that was with like a sat nav and then there was another part where they were like telling me the directions, I hated it when they were telling me directions. I'm like, why do I need to be tested on this? This is like testing my ability to use like a quilt. It's like, I'm never gonna use this (Joey laughing) Like just give me the little robot that talks to me and I can see where the map is. I know what the like, when you say right to me, it's 10 seconds before my brain goes dumb. It's like, right, right, right, right. - Right now? Right now? - Like this right. Like my right arm this way right? Like this my brain is like bro when I here directions. 'Cause when I'm driving, I'm like bro I'm trying to change gears the fuck up. (all laughing) - No one the testing is for fucking backseat drivers right? Because they like it's all right, it's all right. - I'm like yo, can you charge my mix tape at least kind of. (both laughing) - They tell you the thoughts. (both laughing) So that was pretty sick. - I failed the test. At least I'd wanna put the mixed tape. - Just slip that in. - I'll give you the mix tape for free if you let me pass. - It's not like hook up my looks or something come on, man. (all laughing) - All right, I got you (Joey laughing) - Stop playing all the fucking anime openings and everything. - Oh fuck love this opening, I'll turn right. - Oh my God. - So yes, so yeah. So now I know not to go to the fucking DMV in Japan. - Thank you for that. - Thank you for taking the bullet for us. Now we don't have to hire a chauffeur for Trash Taste. We just have you. - Can't wait to go tomorrow. (laughing) - Yes, moving on from driving that was a pretty big tangent, I have an announcement, gentlemen. - Go on. - Like I think after 10, 12, 13 years, I may have a new best girl of all time. - Wow! - Wait who was it before? - Senjogahara, so, ever since. - I like white bread too. - So ever since the very first time I've watched back Monogatari, like Senjogahara has been my wife for you, you know what I mean? She's always been the top tier girl and like people would come close. - (laughs) Where are you going with this? - But no one has come close to dethroning her. But recently I caught up to the rental girlfriend, Manga and I think that she's like, she's is in contention for being like my best girl of all time. - Really? - Yeah, which like leads me to the question like, when did you first know that you have like a best girl? 'Cause I know who's yours is Joey. - Yeah. - And I know Connor is losing his mind. (all laughing) At this question. - This is like where people were like on the forums like how did you know you were in love? Like what made you feel like you were in love? Because it's like the stomach. - What is love? (all laughing) - What is love and when did you first fall in love? - Okay, I mean, first of all, I'm surprised Senjogahara was like your wife because I always thought it was fucking Oscar. - I mean like Oscar was someone who I could just respect for Connor is dying in his corner here. - Oscar is my wife and she's just someone I respect. - Oscar is like 15. - No. - I mean, it depends. (laughs) - This is the biggest, no officer she's a. - She's a drawing (Joey laughing) - I mean I don't know if I wanna open up that debate, 'cause that debate is a fucking landmine of takes. But yeah I mean like. - We can open that up for that. - I don't know if I want to man. (Connor and Garnt laughing) I'm in the worst position for that, (laughs) I'm in the worst position for that argument. - Did you know there good defense for yourself. - I mean, yeah but I also don't really care. (all laughing) - It's like you don't need a it's like you don't need a defense to be like, yes, this is my girlfriend. I don't care what you think, I love her. - I mean, I don't think it's like, I'm not trying the people who are like, yeah, it's pedophilia. I'm like, I don't know about that. - That's good. - But like I think there's gotta be something little sauce about dude like, yeah they're my wife who. - I'm not gonna willingly, you know walk into a courtroom and being like, here is my defense. - Your honor, she was a drawing. Which you know like, okay. - Your honor I have a birth certificate. She's technically (laughs) 900 years old. - I do think there's a huge difference in like having a wife and you know like sexualizing or whatever. - That's true. Okay, a wife who is like a character who is a female I guess most of the time, who is just really dig. - I get that, I get that. - Yeah, and for me it's always been Senjogahara just because I like from watching back when I got three like I love the personality and, huh? - Why, why? That was the biggest huh? - Huh, just like how dare you even question? - How dare you even question? - So I can, you know think of some excuses when I need. - I'm just because like, I interactions with Arararagi were some of the most entertaining reacts, like interactions I had seen in anime up to that point. I think it was like the way she was written and the way like it really, what really sold me on the show was basically Senjogahara interaction with Arararagi and how their romance developed and how her character was explored as well. It was just something that's like her character really resonated with me and I think that's what really a waifu wears. It's a character who really like resonates with you on a personal level. Like you don't necessarily view them as a life partner or anything like that. You're just like damn man. - It's just a character that whatever they do, you just fucking love. Like they can say or do anything and just how they react and how they are like. - It's just like the highest tier of Sydney. - And I saw all of that and was like nah, give me the one who sucks my neck. (laughing) Nice character development bro. How about you suck my neck? - Senjogahara is not my waifu, but I fuck love her as a character. Like I love how everything she does and says is deadpan as fuck. - Yeah, exactly. - That's what I love about - It's her deadpan delivery and deadpan humor which really drew her to Mike drew her to me. And then it was exploring another side of the car to a more vulnerable side, which was made me like, okay I'm simping i want you to be happy. (Joey laughs) You know what I mean? - I totally get. - I'll take that. - Monogatari is really good at that though, that's why there's so many waifus. But now, I agree, it's like every time like Shinobu Oshino came on screen, like everything she said and did I was just like, I fucking love it. I don't know why I can't explain it to you in words, I just love it. - That powerful that when you're done watching it, you're like thinking about it. - I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah, she's such a good character. - Have you had I've never had character, like waifu or not like female or not you've just like kind of resonate ways. - You gonna have a husbando as well? I have a husbando. - Yeah I think so, I think so. - I think that I can't name them (laughs) Off the top of my head. I don't know. Yeah, I know like can't really think of any immediately. - Do you have a husbando? - I'd have to think about it. - 'Cause my husbando is Usui from Kaichou Maids. - Okay. - So Malin is like, all right, that's a good choice. - Okay, what's it called in English? - Kaichou Maids Sama is a president, is the, is a maid, is a really - I don't think I've seen that. - Do want to explain this character? - Okay, so Usui is like the, I guess Kaichou Maids some it's based off the shows Manga from like the early 2000s, I believe and the anime is from like the early 2000s. But basically it's the story about like how the the school like class president basically is like, you know normally the anime troop of class president is like you know, that they're very like pure hearted, they're very like together, you know they're very adult for their age kind of thing. But this particular culture is also a maid, at a maid cafe. And she gets like. - I could relate to them. - Yeah, so basically it's like a complete opposite, right? And so basically she gets found out by this like fucking honk of a dude called Usui, who like all the girls fucking love. And so it's this like special relationship where he's trying to hide the fact that she's not actually just like altogether like me time personality and she fucking hates Usui for it. But of course, with how every show Jo Manga goes, she's like, actually this guy (Connor laughing) I might like this guy and then Usui is also like, you know I kind started off you know just like, just teasing her, but she's kind of hot. - There was a guy character I liked what that show where the characters whole thing is that he's perfect and he's a student? - Sakamoto. - I fucking loved that. - I fucking love Sakamoto. - That anime was soo good (Joey laughing) and soo funny. - I did not go like, that was an anime that I heard was decent, and I was like I didn't expect to love that, Sakamoto - It's so funny. - If you haven't seen Sakamoto it's basically like the whole premise is that, this guy is just the perfect human being. - This is just the perfect guy. - And everyone in the school is trying to like fuck with him. And he somehow always manages to flip it (Joey laughing) Like there was one time where they needed to like make a fire in a room. So he literally started doing like back and forward. - [Joey] Oh yeah (laughs) - He goes back and forward like jumping back and forward. - And the friction between his shoes starts a fire. - And the friction starts a fire. And it's like, what? (Joey laughing and clapping) I love this, I love this man, I want fuck him. - It's so good. - I loved him so much. I wish I was that cool - Sakamoto like I'll be honest. I didn't like it that much. - What? It was so fun. - Why? - And you don't like it? - It's because, Sakamoto it's so pretty much like every problem I have with most comedy anime, is in Sakamoto, which is, I like the first two episodes. And then I'm like. - Or is it the joke too repetitive? - They kind of doing the same joke over and over. - Became funnier every time for me, I don't know why. 'Cause I knew it was coming, it was always funny when it got, I don't know why. - It's like, you knew like whatever situation it was, it's like you knew. - He was going to come out on top. - He's going to solve it, but it's the excitement of like how we see. - How, yeah, the absurdity of how he was gonna overcome it. - I love show that because it completely defies expectations of like, he's probably gonna do this. But then they just completely flipped and be like - Yeah, like I didn't and there was no point in my mind where I thought he was gonna friction both the floor into a fire to save all the students. Like I didn't see that coming. - I just wanna to work out. (both laughing) - And it's like, what? It's so fun, that's like, I love the comedy anime like that. That'll just like, not trying too hard, I guess. - It's really weird, 'cause I've had the hardest time getting into comedy anime. - Comedy anime are normally the worst type of anime. - There are few comedy anime that I enjoy and I put most of them in the same category as like Sakamoto where it's funny to me like for like one or two episodes. And then I get bored very quickly if they're just kind of doing the same thing. I always need to, like I always need to be, they always need to be doing something different for me. - What about something like Nichijou. - Wait, wait what's a Nichijou and also what do you think is like the best comedy anime? - Oh that's... - In my opinion it's Nichijou. - Super hard. - Nichijou? - Yeah. - Like off the top of my head, probably the hottest I've ever laughed at a comedy anime was probably Golden Boy, if you remember that. - Oh yeah, yeah. - But that was most of the. - That's an old one. - That's a really old one. And that's the only like a six episode over you. So I'd never got the chance to get bored over there. And it is one of the best dubs I've ever heard especially when it comes to a comedy anime because you must've seen the meme like of the one clip where it's the guy doing the swimming. (mumbles) - Yeah, yeah. - That's the one clip that gets shared out Golden Boy. And if you're gonna, if you laughed at that clip, please watch Golden Boy because it's like every point of Golden Boy, I feel like is just as good as that clip. And that was just, a one clip that if that would sell you on that show. - I can easily re-watch that - Konosuba was also way funnier than I thought it was going to be. - Konosuba is good. - Konosuba I've I really enjoy in the same way I enjoy like Always Sunny in Philadelphia or something like that. It's just a bunch of awful people doing all the things. - This anime has awful as Always Sunny. Always Sunny it's like my favorite fucking comedy, I love it so much, my God. - The corniness of a movie as well the surprise. What's really funny. - I haven't watched that yet. - Yeah, but it was also really weird because it was really funny, he had no one in the cinema sloppy (laughs) - Japanese cinemas. - Yeah, so I felt really bad laughing out loud. I was just like (laughs) - Do you ever wish that was more like, I guess Western Humor in comedy and cause a lot of it does kind of feel. - I love this very anime as comedy. It's very like some very slapstick. - What would classify those as like Western comedy, right? That's the question - I think where... - Biggest slapstick as well it's any western. - I don't necessarily think the Japanese humor is as slapstick as we like to point out. I think there's a YouTube video on this and it's like, well there's like, I mean there's a lot of TV shows in Japan, right? Where like the whole comedy is like game shows with that like language, right? With the - Oh yeah, like (mumbles) show. - There's a bunch of other stuff like that. But I feel like, at least in Western, we're like really fucking brutal with our comedy. You know what I mean? Like you watch something like Always Sunny and it's like (laughs) I couldn't imagine anything like that coming out. - Like Family Guy in Japan. - It's weird though 'cause you have the game shows here, which go above and beyond what we would think is acceptable. But then when for some reason comedy it's like they don't really joke about that kind of stuff. - Right. - Right - It's a lot of wordplay in Japan. I feel like Japanese companies a lot of wordplay. - A lot of wordplay right? But they have like the show like fucking Orgasm Wars in Japan where it's basically show about if a dude can make another dude cum. That's the whole premise. - What? - Whole premise, yeah. - He recently did a video on it, but basically the most famous one was there was this, it was versus this flipped super professional Japanese like male porn star, who can like he says like I can control when I cum basically. (Garnt laughing) So he's always right, it's a 40 minutes shoot, all right I'll cum in the middle of it. - I can cum in command. - Yeah, basically, he was like, I'm a cum in command. Which means that if you tell me not to cum, I'll never cum. And then he had to verse this guy, - Verse? (laughing) It wasn't verses like he basically had to verse this guy. He was a bartender in Shinjuku Ni-chome, which is like the gay district of Shinjuku, and he's like considered to be, he says he can make any man cum (all laughing) with his skills, right? - Right. - So basically they put him, they put both of them in a room, right. This is on TV by the way on National TV. So they put him in a room he's inside the male porn star is like inside of a box that's completely covered. And the gay guy gets in basically. And you don't see anything, but they're both miked up. So you can hear everything, - How does this pass television? (Joey laughing) how? - And of course, you know with traditional Japanese television like in the corner there's like always the reaction face (Garnt laughing) And this is the bunch of people just fucking losing themselves, just watching dude suck off a gay. - Do you mean like make him nuts like immediately. - He makes him not in like five minutes. (laughing) And the funniest part is like, obviously like you know watching them male porn star, like cum on national TV. But then we see guys coming out and being like (speaking in foreign language) (all laughing) - That's soo fucked up. - Do you hear like the dick sucking sound? - Oh yeah, it's on YouTube as well, mind you. If you look it up, I guarantee it's on YouTube. - It's got crazy that's like totally acceptable. But then like that human doesn't or maybe not even like it's not allowed, but they don't really find that funny. - No, no they find it funny. - Yeah okay. - Yeah, yeah. Like that was one of the most like legendary pieces on TV. - You find that funny, but then why would you reckon that something like Sunny would be directing that would be funny to Japanese people. - I don't know really? - Have you watched Sunny? - Yeah, I've seen a bit of it. - They probably think, man, these people are really rude. (both laughing) - That's what's so funny about it. - I don't know cause like the reason I've really enjoyed konosuba over something like say Sakamoto is that Konosuba was like way more character-based comedy. I very much like enjoy character-based comedy, where-- - Sakamoto it's just like Mr Bean. - Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. - Sorry to cut you off but. - No, that's like the perfect analogy where a lot of comedy anime. - It's the perfect Bean. - I love the comedy anime I see it's just like, hey, there's this one joke and it's funny like the first few times let's see how far we can stretch it. But eventually, I'm gonna get bored. Whereas with a lot of like, you know, sitcoms and everything like that, you know, it's a lot of character-based comedy where you know, some of the best moments are seeing, how knowing the characters and seeing how they interact with each other. And you know, that's what the comedy builds off of. You talked about Nichijou, I haven't actually seen Nichijou yet. - You haven't seen Nichijou? - I haven't, it's been like the one anime the one common anime. - I know you've, do you love Sakamoto? you've fuck love Nichijou. 'Cause Nichijou is that one comedy anime where every joke is expectation defining. - 'Cause one thing I will say about Nichijou is that it doesn't seem like it's not a character-based comedy as it? - Every clip I've seen looks like funny as far. - But the thing that sells him on like, what makes me really want to watch Nichijou is that every clip I've seen is vastly different and vastly like they have an original approach to a joke every time whether it be like animation of the punchline or something. So I would probably really enjoy Nichijou as well. - Yeah, Nichijou is interesting because I feel it's kind of half, it's like halfway between Sakamoto and Konosuba, in the sense that it's a lot like Sakamoto where like all the jokes are very, you know, expectation defining and stuff like that. But as you're watching these like short clips of like, because it's basically just a bunch of short jokes put into one episode essentially. But the way that they do it, the way that it's written, is that like each characters like development is you know, very physically defined. So by the end of like the 20 something episodes in Nichijou, you know exactly what these characters like. So there is character development and character comedy within it as well. Which I think is what makes it especially funny where like the more episodes you watch, the more you start to understand, okay, this character is like this and this character is like this. So I can expect some kind of joke like this but then the writing's like, no fuck all of that, that you thought you were gonna expect, we're gonna give you something completely different. And that's what makes it so funny. And of course it's Kyoto Animation. So, you know-- - I've been meaning to watch it like forever. - I've seen the dead scene, the dead scene in so many times every time I fucking lose money. Like there are so many layers to that one scene. It just makes me want to watch Nichijou. - And especially after, when I helped your film the video with the interview, with the one of the main group's actress. - Oh, Honda Mariko, yeah. - Yeah, and she was super chill and nice. - Yeah, she was the voice of Yugo. - And I felt bad cause I'm like, I wish I could appreciate. Being in front of you more but. - It was crazy because all regular voice is literally Yugo. It's like I'm talking to Yugo But yeah, it's fucking hilarious. I mean I'm sure people can agree but that's the good thing about Nichijou, right? Is that like unlike Konosuba where you kind of have to like understand the story and the characters. It's very, I feel it's really hard to like watch a Konosuba scene out of context and still be fine. - Yeah, yeah I would agree with you 'cause it's the characters that have been built up. - Right, you need to understand the characters, but Nichijou somehow there is characters in it but they've somehow established the joke where you can just watch a clip completely out of context and still fucking hilarious. - Because okay, like to counter off that point that's the other show that I can think of where I got kind of bored quite fast was a Pop Team Epic which you know, (both laughing) unfortunately, sorry Joey, nothing to do with you - No, no it's okay. - I heard you on the Ratio Joey (Garnt laughing) I turned that shit off immediately. - It wasn't funny, try again. - Like Pop Team Epic was great until I realized that not every. - Not funny. - No, no there not every clip was funny. And like, and then I realized that the optimal way to watch Pop Team Epic was just to watch like the YouTube compilations. And so I realized that, hey, I could spend 10 minutes or you know, 20 minutes if you wanna watch both versions or I could spend like five, three to five minutes just watching the best. - I hated how I played twice. - Yeah, that shit was weird. - It was okay for one episode. But I was like, oh, we're doing that oh we're doing it every episode. - Every time, yeah. I mean, I can, you know, having been in the anime, I can confidently say a lot of it wasn't funny. (Both laughing) A lot of was just really stupid in my opinion. - It was very like. - Except the episode I was in that was fun (all laughing) - That's was a banger. - That's was in the top 10 anime episodes of all time, like come on. - It was like way too much Ha Ha XD internet humor, like insulate Meme Humor. A lot of the times I would say the one comedy anime that I'd say pulled that off well but this is going back way back. I don't know if you guys have heard of this anime called Cromartie High School. - Yeah, I have. - That's like a really, really old anime that kind of predicted a lot of internet and Meme Humor way before way before this was like prevalent in like our culture. And I remember the one clip that's made me watch the entire thing was it was, I can't remember when it came out but it was like early 2000, it was like 2002 or something. - Something like that. - And it was like parodying internet trolls and stuff like that. And like the early 2000s something like this, this is fucking brilliant. It was so ahead of his time. I don't know if it has aged badly or not badly, I haven't really watched it in a while, but that was also something where the dub was fucking brilliant as well. - I remember reading the Manga at a friend's place and I've never laughed so hard reading a Manga. - What's an anime that was funny purely because it was just so fucking awful and like. - I mean there's a lot, that's my entire career Just watching bad anime and laughing. - I watched King's Gamefor the first time, I fucking lost it, I couldn't stop laughing as shit. - No, no King's Game was bad and then there was the dub. Was just made it, - I didn't watch the dub, is it bad? - I felt so bad cause it was obvious that like, you know it wasn't on their priority. (Joey laughing) It was rough dude, it was rough. - That's a really shame as well because like when I've heard that the King's Game anime, I was like fucking horrible. I was like, oh man, I kind like the Manga though. So it's like really a shame that the anime just like completely fucked it. - I can't remember trying watch two episodes where I was like, I've seen enough, I'm just satisfied. Like I was just like fucked dude, this is fucking awful. - A thing to see that burst out or burst a laughing out was I think there was a challenge where the guy had to sleep with the girl or something like that. And it's the girl is like the main guy's girlfriend or crush I can't remember what it was, but so it's his best friend who has to sleep with this girl who is the main characters girlfriend. I'm just gonna say girlfriend now. And so he doesn't wanna do it, he doesn't want to betrays bro like that. So the main character is trying to fucking argue with this guy to sleep with his girlfriend. (both laughing) And so he refuses, so what he does, this his solution is to fucking deck the guy in the until he turn conscious and then the guy he tells who is girlfriend in the dub and just do it while he's unconscious, please. And I'm just like. - Oh my God (Joey laughing) - It is soo bad, my God. Are you sharing any anime? You think of the top rack? - Oh, my God, I mean I've been meaning to like make a series on my channel where I'd do exactly that where it's take the worst anime and I just love that. Like I don't know a lot of the, like the most horrible ones are like obviously the ones that no ones of fucking horrible. - [Connor] True, true, true. So like, I don't know, what's the famous one? Like Skelter Heaven is a famous one. Mass Destruction is a famous one, you have seen any of those? - No. - You have seen any of those? - I still haven't seen Mass Destruction. - Mass Destruction. - Skelter Heaven sounds familiar, I don't know why. - Yeah, Skelter, it's like one of the worst written anime basically. Eiken's another worse written anime. - Oh no Eiken. - I Fucking Eiken is so bad. - Oh my God. - I love it. But yeah I mean fucking some videos on them all, but like those ones make sense, all right? Because it's like, of course no one knows them, they're fucking horrible, right? But I'm trying to think like what's like a well known anime? - That's bad. - That's like horrible. Like it's cause it's well known because it's bad. - Because like the only one I can think of is this anime called Garzey's Wing, Which is I would say it's less that's less famous and more infamous. I'd say like the most other infamous one is probably the Ghost Stories dub maybe. - I mean if we're gonna bring up Ghost Stories. We might as well talk about it. - Okay Ghost Stories dog. - It's fucking legendary. - My favorite fucking dog. - I'll never gonna get anything like that ever again. - So we never will because do you know the story behind how that stuff? - Yeah, yeah, I know, a lot about it. - Why don't you explain it for people who don't know. - Basically Ghost Stories is, okay what is the actual plot of the show? (laughs) - Kids go into an abandoned school building, find ghosts trying resolve. - Isn't just their school building, it's like there just ghosts and they have to use. - No, no there is talking abandoned side of the building, right? It's like the main building and then there's the abandoned. - Who the fuck freaking pays attention? - I paid attention (Joey laughing) - That they basically have to get rid of ghosts. - Yeah, basically. - Basically it's the story doesn't matter. What matters is the dub, as it's considered one of the best or the best worst dub of all time or the worst best dub of all time. - Yeah, it's weird 'cause online it's seems to be like people can't agree if it's like good or bad and I can't understand how. - It's funny. - It's the room of anime basically. - So basically what happened is this was a show that sold so poorly when aired in Japan, that when they sold the licenses, they just basically told the licenses, do whatever you want with this show to make it sell. Like we don't care, you have all creative, you have all creative control. And so basically they just chip posted in the dub. It's often like seen as the very first Abridged Series because it's basically what happens if a bunch of official doubles just basically fanned up and originally show and fuck about. And it's one of the most infamous like dubs that has ever been released. - I can't like, the one the puppet kills me every time, he's like the little, the younger Brother, and his entire lifetime, he's just going, yay, yay. (all laughing) Like his mouth moving. But the dog was just like, I'm gonna make you cry in every line. - This is a really good video about it by a cartoon type. I can't remember if it did sell badly or not? I know that's the common thing, but I swear there was some point where that actually wasn't the case and it did do well. I can't remember exactly the story, but again, yeah. Cartoon Ciphers are really great like 30 minute video about this whole dub. They spoke to top sources, it's really good video. It's just a really unique dub and also, because of how they recorded it, normally when you record anime, whoever goes in first is like the first to record. So basically they all wanted they go in first so they could like start the improv scene. - [Hosts] Right, right, right. - So everyone to play off of went first. So they were all trying to get in first, it was just interesting because when you're watching it, you know that you're like, I wonder who started. - This scene. - Yeah, because even if they spoke first doesn't mean they were the one who recorded first. So it's fun to try and figure out, I wonder who fuck started the shit joke basically. But it's just such a fun dub and if you, I just watched it all. - Oh yeah I've seen it all. - Yeah, I've seen it all. - Yeah, it's so fun. I really wish that we could get something again but we're never gonna get anything. - Yeah, yeah, it's. - Different times. - It's different times now. I'm sure some of the jokes that was ended up probably would not be able to have like we couldn't get away with in this day and age. - Oh God, no. God, no. - But it's just such like a timestamp for that time period. And it's just basically all improv as well which is kind of funny how some, it's like some of the jokes I thought were very good and the fact that it wasn't scripted at all and it was just all improv, I'm just like man this, I still think it's funny to this day. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Even though it might be slightly, you know not politically correct. - It's definitely not politically correct. - Like the Robot scene. - I was so sad that I would never hear that voice again. His laugh, (laughs) his funny little requests. - Touch me. - His reprimands. - Touch me harder. (Both laughing) - It's wait, what was the joke about that rabbit were like it's deadly is so something? - No, it was like the, - I can't get with you. It's not because you're a rabbit it's because you're black. - Oh my God! - Do you remember that one? - (both laughing) Is that a joke? Oh my God. - Yeah it's a joke. And then the rabbit, like in the flashback, the rabbit is like talking in the flashback. He's like touch me harder. - Oh yeah, right, right, right. Yeah, you'd never get away with that now. I think there's also back then, like there was money in it but the money levels scale is like very different. And I think a lot of the dubbing is focused more on the big shows. - But aside from dubs like what is like universally considered like, this show is just kind of sucks and it's just not very good. It could be objective really bad, like we can be talking like - This is gonna be like hot takes though now like, Is now watch Trash Taste, is all about. - I don't know. I can't decide if the reason I thought Higurashi was shit, is because I watched it didn't dub. - That's definitely the reason why we share. - 'Cause I thought the show kind of sucked after like episode two. I was like, wow, this is really fucking boring. Is it like that normally? Is it boring after episode two or is that because of the dub? - No it's really picks up like near the end, in my opinion. - And again, this is when I watched Higurashi when I first started watching animation, this is nearly like. - Also you've been tainted by the dub. - Yes. - I mean, we talked about the dub the other day very briefly. - It will say I've just recently watched Higurashi for the first time and I watched it dubbed. (both laughing) And it was a hilarious watch at times because. - It's bad, bad. - Higurashi dub is really bad and it's not like, it's not the kind of bad where it's awful, that he can laugh at. It's just, there's one good voice, I guess, I think. - Yes, yes, yes. - And everyone else has just pretty bad. - Which character is this? - I think it's Shion. - What color is her hair? That's how I remember (laughs) - [Hosts] Green. - Yeah, yeah (all laughing) - She is one that did the screaming, a lot of the screaming, right? I remember that was pretty good. - I've seen the dub scene where she like does the maniacal screaming. I'm like, and I looked at that clip and I'm like, the dub must be all right. - There is lot of people who when the new show was announced were like I hope you'll bringing back the old cast and I'm like, I hope they don't it remember that, (Joey and Garnt laughing) Why would you want? - I think that meant the Japanese cast. - They dubbed it well. - Oh, really? - People are saying, when they saw the Japanese one, they wanted to bring it back. - Why? - It was announced they wanted to bring it back they were like, because there's an argument to be made where it's like, the actors are probably better now and the stuff it's also like (hissing) yeah sometimes they just recasting, get a new slate. - I mean, if they are going to bring back the original cast please, like have a real auditioning you know, (Joey laughing) like please like make them audition because, you know the quality of dubbing is I'd say a lot better now. - [Connor] It's much better. - Compared to back then there were definitely some very, very good dubs, but it was definitely a much larger spectrum than you get now, I mean (both laughing) - Some of the dubs that came out after Cowboy Bebop is like, this came at the same time, oh okay, oh no. - I remember when, back in the day when it was like every doubles like mediocre to shit and then there was Cowboy Bebop. And everyone just pointed a Cowboy Bebop as the golden child to be like, not all dubs are bad. We got Cowboy Bebop. (Connor laughing) - It was like the DiCaprio and then (both laughing) - I think it's well even people who like I think, Brice Patin, I don't know if this is true. I was told this it's a lot of the actors even though they were the voice and there was no problem with the voice and it's great, they still have to audition again for season two, just to make sure they still there. - Just to make sure they still got it. - Just to make sure-- - I think, I heard that's true. I mean, I'm happy to be corrected on it but that's what I was told. - But yeah I mean, I thought, I mean it might've been because I watched the dub as well but I just didn't care. - It was kind of shit right? - Why would you do that to yourself though? - Okay this is back. Okay, I don't know your 100% did not have this face. - Of course not (all laughing) but, when I first got into anime, I only watched up because I came from like. - No that's understandable. - Right, I was like, I'm not used to it. I rarely, I only do it once every while for a foreign film that everyone says is like amazing. I have to watch them, I have to watch them talk French, fine you know, I don't like doing that, (laughs) get excited. But you know for a very long time I watched only dub and the show happened to be one of the top rated shows and I watched the dub, but it was shit and then I just moved on with my life. And then obviously later on down the line, a show comes out that you're like, I really wanna watch the show it's available in sub, you make an exception and then suddenly everything becomes the exception and you start watching only sub. It's kinda I think a lot of anime fans go through that where they wanna watch dub if possible. And I kind of know 'cause I'm like you'll come around. You will 'cause there'll be that one show that's coming out. They'll be like, all right, Demon Slayer episode 19. Everyone said it was hype, yes I'm watching. - Now I whenever I get the chance, I watched Dubbed all the time because this, because there's -- - Come full circle. - This is a chance where I can watch dub, I like a lot less than just me watching sub. So if it's probably, you know, like if it's on Netflix or something, I'm probably gonna wait for the dub like I did for the Great Pretender. Cause I was like I knew I could watch it on Netflix in Japanese with subtitles, but I wanted to wait for it to be dubbed so I could enjoy it in a different time. - I could not express my disappointment in the dub. When they dubbed it like multilingual to begin with. So when they speak in Japanese, they speak in Japanese and when they speaking English, they were speaking English. - Right, right, right. - Only for the first 10 minutes. And then they just cut, they put a note on screen saying, all right back to normal. - Yeah, they did that in the Subla as well. - Yeah, as well. But like, why? - Just because I guess, because in the sub for the first 10 minutes, it was the most God awful English, that I've ever heard. - Yeah, yeah. And I was like, thank God it's a Japanese. - The French guy was okay. - The French guy was fine but. - The Japanese guy sounded like I mean, here's the thing right? - The Japanese guy was like, I've done Duolingo, that's what it sounded like. - He sounded pretty bad. But also (laughing) like what have you said, people speak English here. I don't mind it because when I heard the Japanese people speak broken English, I was like, yeah, that sounds right, yeah cool. - Can you enjoy the entire series as much hearing that? - I would not be able to enjoy the series. - I would not be able to like immerse myself. There's a difference between like. - I don't give it's almost more immersive that he's speaking to me in broken (laughing) English. - I mean, it's possibly too immersive (Connor laughing) Just like I can't imagine like. - I don't want that kind of immersion. - I can't imagine him being like. - The Anime.. - I can't imagine like a top play like. - The French guy was so good though he had a French accent. - The first guy was good, but I can't imagine like a class A actor, like scamming all these people with that like broken English you know what I mean? I just. - Give me all your money. - But it's like sometimes in you know, when you watch a Hollywood movie, though they might have like not a main, but like a side character is pretty prominent who could speaks broken English and that's fine. - I don't like it though. - Why aren't you like it? - Cause it's broken. - But they're trying their best to learn English. (laughing) - But, they're not like, they never like the main character or the main focus. - I guess, I don't know there was something that was really like refreshing about hearing a guy with a Japanese accent, who clearly was Japanese, speak fluent like Japanese then go to English. Even though, I guess they were speaking mainly. - Because if you have, if you gonna have the show that where they speak mainly English, then why not just re-dub it so it's, you know it's. - So it's fully English. - Yeah, I'm sure there was actors out there who sounded Japanese, but were like native quality English. - Right, right. that could have been Ken Watanabe, right? - Someone are like Ken Watanabe's level definitely would've worked. - I love the French guy though, I love the fucking fake French. - If we could get that level of, what's the word, I'm looking for? Multi - Multilingual. - Multilingual - Fluency, I don't know. - Multilingual fluency. I'm sure (laughs) - That's term (both laughing) That's the term that we definitely didn't just coin. - I know there's a term for it. I'm just joined out. - I don't fucking know. I have no fucking, don't look at me. - Multilingual fluency. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - I get what you mean but don't worry. I get what you're saying. - 'Cause you know, like if you know like Hollywood films, you always expect when someone's from that country that they come from that country and like, yeah okay, the budget is not even in the same ballpark. But I think it's doable. I would actually wouldn't have minded The Grip Tender with the broken English the whole time. - I mean it there is a level of broken English I would find except for one that was not like, I would just be like laughing half the time (Connor laughing) - Yeah, it's so you know, I love Ken Watanabe, but I don't think I'd be able to watch an entire movie where 90% Ken Watanabe talking. - I could his English is amazing. - Ken's English I feel it's good enough. - It's good, but like even then it's like cutting close with me and like the English in Great Pretender was like no way near that level. - I guess yeah, I'm sure there's actors out there, Japanese who living LA, who could have like probably have done it. - Yeah, of course. - But did they have the budget for it? I mean, what's wrong with anime. - It just felt like, this was the perfect show to really try and pull that off. Just kind of disappointed. - Also I think it's because like, to most Japanese audiences or watching Great Pretender that level of broken English is like, damn this boy can speak English. (both laughing) Wow, it's basically fluent. - I'm sure Japanese side would have also like to have maybe heard the same thing, right? Why would the English people trying to speak the Japanese sounding somewhat competent, I don't know, amazing. - Yeah, maybe I don't know, there might've been like a slight like racism problem though involved in that right. Even though it's really not racism, but you know people always throw that out right. Think, like or they speaking in a funny accent must be racist. - Yeah, I feel like the rules do work a bit differently from like live action film to you know, dubbed you know and voice acting and stuff like that. Because the expectation isn't that you can get like a multilingual cast it's that, there's like one spoken language and we should speak that one spoken language and everything else is like it can be possible. - I guess like yeah when you watch, what's a movie with like multiple languages. I guess because if it has multiple languages, you wouldn't follow right? - Inglourious Basterds I guess yeah you wouldn't need a dub right? - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, I guess that makes sense. - Yeah, I mean in Inglorious bastards, they you know they put subtitles, I think when they speak different languages? - Hard coded on the movie. - Yeah, in movie, yeah. - I know, ,cause I watched a movie recently that was about like World War II. Also really fucking awkward being the only white guy in like a World War II movie about like the Japanese being like destroyed. I was just sitting there and like my seat like this, like I'm American. - Just waving the flags. (both laughing) - 'Cause like you know, like when the, if I can like, there was like the planes were being bombed and shit. and I'm like, do I like feel happy that the Japanese go like whooped here? Are they happy, are they like, damn those Americans. They got us, it was weird. (Joey and Connor laughing) I didn't know like what the vibe is in the cinema. (All laughing) - Considering have we talked about that time we watched, what's that film? Fukushima - 50 - Fukushima 50. So that we. - Holy Joey wasn't there. - I wasn't there. - Okay, is it called Fukushima 50? - Yeah, Fukushima 50. - So there was this film that was made in Japan about the whole Fukushima tragedy. - And it's like how to couch. - And it's like how to couch. So we got invited to like a private screening of it. So we got an early copy of it. - To give our thoughts to them. - And you know, the whole film, you know it's. - Ken Watanabe is in it, it's fucking amazing. - Ken Watanabe is in it. - Fucking great. - Yeah I've got you. - There's you know, I'd rate it a good like six out of 10, there was some really good moments and then there were some really boring moments. And then there were these moments in it where they focused on these American characters and the like the American military, who wanted to you know he wanted to help Japan. And for one, some of them weren't even American. There was this like. - They're like South Africans - Yeah, there is one African dude in it. - They were like South African in this American military boardroom and he sounded didn't even try to fucking hide it. He sounded like such a fix (all laughing) And it's not a like a light accent South Africa, it's really fucking for long. And I was just so confusing and yeah, go on. - I can't remember the exact line, but there was this one, do you remember the exact line? - I do, I do. - Okay do you wanna explain the exact line? - I'm actually paraphrasing, but it was roughly something like. - So there okay to explain the scene before he says the line. So it was so obviously the Fukushima emergency was happening and the Americans were like discussing how to help, help the Japanese and how to provide aid and stuff like that. - All these scenes were shot like, so the Japanese scenes were shot like perfect, the cinematography was on point. And then it cut to like a fucking sit-com quality looking camera cuts. He looked really shit and then the act is opened their mouth and you're like oh fuck. And imagine a script right? Of how Japanese people think that American people talk about the war. That's the only way I can describe how the Americans spoke, because it was like, the one line was like, when it, like it blew up, actually to the Americans they were like men, you think they would have learned how to handle nuclear technology after we nuked them? (both laughing) And I was like the line and we all looked at each other, like you just say that, what the fuck? (laughing) - Like we were in like this like private screening. We looked around, it was me, Connor, Sydney and Malin and then every like just Japanese businessmen. And the Japanese businessmen were like fully immersed, they were quiet and we're like, yeah this is not American speak. And I was looking around a Connor, Sydney and Malin and we were just all like. - Like Joey's like. - What the fuck did we just here? (all laughing) Is this okay? - I'm like what? They can't say that, can they? it was just so bad and I was just so bad, so bad. - And then just like to imagine the fucking South African guy and be like, I agree with everyone in this room right now. - South African guys said it. (all laughing) And there's just every time it was like, please don't cut to the Americans, please don't cut to the America don't cuts the fucking American - He was just like an 80 SIMCOM, it's already fucking right and they had like this flashback scene as well, with this one character, there's one American general who had no play in the plot or whatever had zero screen time and then they just randomly cuts to a flashback of him in Japan. And I'm like, why is this in the film? - And then like towards the end, there's just the shot of like the Americans coming and giving water bottles to them and it's like, all right sick. I'll take a bottle of heavy in hell I do. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Just been nuked, but thanks for the water bro. (all laughing) - This will really save us, thanks America. (all laughing) - Like if that line was in an American film. - Oh my God. - The fucking shit storm. It would start. - Yeah, that's the thing bro, it's okay 'cause it's written like, I assume, it was written by a Japanese and outsource to like an American company on a budget, I'm fucking guessing. - American like outsourcing was like we have to translate this? (both laughing) Are we lancing, is this is right? - It was fine, I just try not to go to films where Japanese the bad guys, I've kind of learned my lesson. - Yeah, it's brutal. - Yeah, I thought I was gonna watch Tenant, but it turned out it was just a war movie. I genuinely got the wrong tickets (laughs) the wrong thing. I paid for the wrong tickets. I wanna watch Tenant, I did watch Tenant, really good by the way. Watch it, yeah it's basically. - I wanna watch that as well. - It's like Inception, but more mind fuck I think. - Really? - Anyway, what we talking about? - We talking bad anime and we go on another turn. - Why do they talk about the cinema? - I don't know. - I don't fucking know about it. - Everyone can scroll back. - We can't do that though. - Yeah, everyone's gonna be like, it's so obvious. I don't know what you're talking about please everyone. Higurashi right? Or some shit. - That's right. - We were talking about Higurashi. - How you guys willingly... - The actors pretending-- - I mean, I would like, I'm going to watch the remake of Higurashi in Japanese. 'cause the reason I watched in Japan was 'cause like you know. I'm gonna re-watch in Japanese anyway, it's on Netflix, I might as well watch it. I thought he was an okay time, honestly I was paying half attention half the time. - [Connor] You know. - Because I was fucking doing arc nights roles, I don't fucking remember. - (Joey laughing) Keeping his priorities straight. - I watched an episode of Anohana again, kind of thought of shit. I've watched all of Anohana, and I agree. - I was looking at you to be like don't you dare I finish the sentence sir, don't drop the eSports - It was kind of shit. - I watched Anohana like three years ago and I fucking bawled my eyes out, great time. I watched to the episode one again I'm like, wow, I stuck at this episode. - Nothing happens in episode one. - Yeah, that's why shit. - Episode one was by far the worst episode of Anohana. The episode one of Anohana of almost put me off of Anohana. - That makes it kind of shit bro. - 'Cause I thought when it first started, I thought he was like some Lolly fan service Baits. 'Cause I remember seeing where men must sit on his lap and I'm like, (Joey laughing) here we fucking go again. - The guy is like fuck, here we go again. (all laughing) - I was just like, another Lolly bait Fan Service show. And then I think it was like halfway through episode like there all like the end of episode two or three where I actually got emotionally invested. I remember episode one was like pretty bad. - Do you think if Anohana came out today, it would be given the same level of respect that it's given? I don't think you could hold to it. - I don't think so because at the time that Anohana came out, there were very few shows that went in that direction. - Right, right. I feel like and especially with like how short the show was, like it managed to do something in 12 episodes that a lot of anime struggled to do in late 20 plots. - That's right they were like kind anime. Now if you go watch it back, I don't think. - Okay, to be fair that you only watched episode one, right? - Yeah, I didn't watch it all again, I watched just episode one again. - Well then that's probably why you thought it shit because you watched the worst episode. - But after I watched it, I was like how the did I make it to episode two after I watched this? 'Cause it was shit. - Yeah, but that's the same as like every person who watches like the first episode of Steins Gate and it's like, why would I continue to watch it? - Episode one of Steins Gate is good, right? I think. - I think it was a little boring. - I don't remember. - I remember thinking. - I was looking outside half the time, I don't fucking remember anything. (all laughing) - For some reason with anime like I do. - Why did you start to re-watch it? - 'Cause it was Emirichu, Emirichu she told me, she thought it was shit and I thought no, it's good right, it's good. So I went back and rewatched it. - Yeah, but I guarantee Emily also only watched episode one and was like, it's shit. - No, she watched all of that, she said, but she watched it recently. - Oh, well then. (all laughing) - Common and defend yourself, Emily - I've watched Anohana and felt like, four times I think. - Four times? - Yeah. - I've only rewatched it once and I thought it was so. - We'd have flying cars by now, people stop rewatching anime this many times, are you fucking kidding? Four times why? - Because I remember I think Anahona was the very first anime that got me to cry. 'Cause I remember back and forth before I watched Anahona, I was like stone-faced, I can never cry during anime. - And she like this watching. - I ain't no bitch. - I'm a real man and then like a bitch the first time I watched Anahona. And like after I watch Anahona, it was so fucking long before I could find like other shows that I could, you know bring a tear to my eye. I tried watching Clannad, that just didn't fucking happen. - I mean it's so easy to make me cry, like I feel like just the right beeps and boops will make me cry right. - You find one good dub person and you're like. I love this beeps and boops. - You're soo beautiful. - Yes, so like the reason I re-watched it so many times was whenever I felt like I just need a good cry right now. But so I would just put on Anahona just to like, get just get those emotions out. - It takes you that much to get a cry out? (Joey laughing) - Before I can. - Can you not just like do it just like on command? - No. - Okay, if I'm fit. (laughing) I didn't know I put that there, Malin is like what? So. (Connor laughing) I've got to prepare myself, that's how I was spilling tears. That's how I do it on Quebec. No, so if I feel like I need to cry, like as you say you feel like you need to cry, right? - Yeah, yeah. - I need that push, I need to like listen to that song or I watch the anime. - I pretty much replicate what that guy did in the best cry ever video of like that. (mimicking crying) I basically like just sit there and I'm like. (mimicking crying) (all laughing) And then once you get it started, it like goes you know for like 30 seconds. - But, does that feel the same as like normal? - You can watch a fucking KFC commercial and start crying. (laughing) If I'm in the right mood, honestly yeah. If it's like an emotional soundtrack to it like I could get it. 'Cause the thing is right it's like Wank. (laughing loudly) It's just a different type of Wank, right? And my mind I'm like they both feel the exact same when you've done it. Like when you cry, it feels like a relief, when you wank. - Have you ever cry wanked? (all laughing) - I don't dare try to mix the two. - You know how easy this is for you. - He hasn't read metamorphosis. (all laughing) - Read more metamorphosis you'll know the definition of a cry wank. (all laughing) - When you do that cry without urge, do you not feel like when you stop crying you're like, ah. - No that's why we put it on because before that I just couldn't cry. - How's the whole process take to make you cry? How many episodes do you wanna watch for you start crying? (Connor laughing) - I mean so. - Lemme skip to the right path. - Okay, so if we go beyond just re-watching the entire thing, sometimes I would just like, if I needed a quick cry like if I needed like a five minute wank or whatever I'm like a cry WanK, I would just put on the final episode, I'd be like - Wait, wait you just said cry wanked to the ending of Anahona. - No, no (Joey and Connor hamming) - Using the same analogy. If I needed that, like quick set, like. - Skip the blow job right. (Connor laughing) - Go right to penetration. - Yeah, just straight into tears, you go to like the fucking end of Anahona. If I needed like the full buildup or anything, if I had like a whole day to waste and I was just fell If I just felt emotional the entire day if I just had a shit day and I just needed to cry it out, I just re-watch Anahona. - I was about to say like, I had kind of imagine someone being like fuck I need to cry or I tell time to invest six hours into this year. - I just feel like you say no or something like. (Joey laughing) How did you start crying man? - Okay, I completely like relate to the, if I need to cry, then like a good song will do that to me instantly. Like I know, I have like a list, immediately I'm just saying, I know if I put this song on. - Men need to cry more. I know the exact timestamp as to where the tears will start coming. - Men should start, men should cry more. - I feel like men should cry more like once I discovered Anahona, I was on a fucking mission to find my next anime that could make cry. - That next time. - Yeah, it was because I don't know, I've always had like trouble crying or show my emotion like publicly or whatever. For some reason like watching, like the saddest thing could happen to me IRL right? I just don't cry, I don't know why like for example, like I fucking love my grandmother, right? - [Connor] Yeah. - And I thought this entire time when I, you know when she passed away and I went to her funeral, but I couldn't shed some tears. I for some reason I just couldn't shed tears, even though I knew I cared about her. Like I loved her as like family and like one of the person I like. - But that's a thing like, you don't have to like, show that emotion, express it like you know outside to feel it right? - But for some reason, watching a good scene in an anime or watching that one anime that just brings it out. That just gets it out full me. - I think it's feels like it feel safe at home, right? Like you feel like, all right, I can be vulnerable, right? I can do this here. - Can you cry in front of other people though? - Yeah. - I can't. - When I'm in a movie with someone, doesn't matter who it is, if it's fucking sad, I'll be like. - Are you one of those people who like watches like something really emotional on a plane that you can cry on a plane? - I can cry on a plane. (all laughing) I think I have cried on the plane (laughing) I'm like fucking you checking out. (all laughing) - 'Cause I'm definitely one of those people who are like, if I watch, 'cause I watch Maki on a plane and I fucking cry like basically on, but I had to like really just strain my eyes and be like. I cannot show weakness to the person sit next to me. - I think it's a subconscious thing for me. 'Cause if there's other people around, like there are sometimes that I want to cry, I want to cry and it just sometimes when there's someone else there I just lose like froze for a split second, I lose the immersion and then I'm like, ah, I got to build up myself like the tears, have to build up again. And it's crying hard for me, I don't know. I value it whenever something does make me cry, which is why I've really value for example your name. Because that was the only time I've ever cried in a cinema with other people around me. But that was less because it was sad and more because there's like, there's just so many emotions right now, this is beautiful, (Connor laughing) I just have to let it out somehow. - I'll go on, I was on a train and I was on the Yamanote Line or something. I was watching a video and it's actually about like they in Japan, they have like cinemas to make men cry. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that. And so I was watching this video about like, where they make basically, they just Cry Porn to a bunch of Japanese businessman. And it was kinda like a game show almost in this video, 'cause it was like, this one guy was just refusing to cry. And then right at the final clip like the sixth one is like a fucking tear as he's like. (Joey laughing) soo funny. - That's so funny. - But yeah as they were describing like, this woman was describing what was in the clips, did I show you? It just hurt describing it, I was fucking like tearing up on the Yamanote Line, so fucking sad 'cause it was something like there was so like a kid's mom passes away and he's helping with his dad only and he is like is so fucking sad. Holy fuck, I don't want to go through that. - I don't know, man it's like, - I know there's nothing wrong with like crying in public. I don't know this is. - Is not like full on, I'm just like shedding you tears. - No, but even like shedding tears, like I have like I don't know, I have some kind of restriction with it. - I think it's just a subconscious mental block. I don't know 'cause I have exactly the same thing and I wish I could like bring out my emotions more easily, but because it takes me so many fucking steps to get to that point. You know that's why. - I don't give a fuck though, (all laughing) A lot of things in public. - It's not about giving a fuck like I don't give a fuck. I don't know something. - Do you give a fuck? - No I'm not like, I'm like in my head, I'm like cry, cry, cry, cry, cry. - No! (all laughing) - And then something my brain is just like no, don't do it, don't do it. - I guess there is like some it's, you know just mental block that even when you know you should it's like your brain is like but don't. - Yeah, I think it was just the way I was raised, I guess. So somethings, sometimes you've realize, man the way you were, how you're raised as a kid is pretty fucking important too. 'Cause it like affects how your like, how you subconsciously think for like the rest of your life. And it takes so much more effort to unlearn something, than to like relearn. Which is like learned something for the first time. - Did you ever like catch yourself doing something that your parents used to do to you when you were a kid, like the way they would talk of it like? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I remember like, I think what was it like? My dad used to have this really specific way of making excuses up. I caught myself doing it one time and I was like, fuck I picked it up. - Is that moment where you're like shit, I am my dad's kid. - (all laughing) Fuck! - I'm becoming. - I thought I was superior this whole time, but I was just equal. - That's the thing right? It's like you listened to your dad all your life. - You know all the bullshit that your parents do. You listen to it all your life and then when you get to like your teens and you hear it, you make fun of them for being like, - I'm never gonna be like. - And then years later you catch yourself doing it and be like, oh no! (laughs) - I was the same this entire time. - Yeah, it's been a lot of like. - Always has been - I've had to like physically like and mentally just be like, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this thing. 'Cause I thought they were like weird things, nothing bad but like just little quirks that my parents would do that. - It's just like certain ways you say things where you're just like, this is the first time me saying it but for some reason I've heard it before. - Yeah, yeah, you are like fuck my parents, they planted the seeds. (All laughing) - Oh my God. - But yeah, I mean, Anahona, I still love it to this day. - Made, made, I surely love the word made. - If that's the case, what anime would you recommend to someone to make them cry? What's it? - Golden Time. - What is that Golden Time? - Is that the right name? - Yeah, Golden Time - I always fucking call it something different by accident like golden week or some shit. - To me Golden Time is in the same categories as Anahona for like. - It's a cult though, I like the cult, I'm kidding. (both laughing) I just found that whole call awkwardly dumb and I really enjoy how stupid that - I can't even remember that. - I can't even remember. - There was a part where she was like brainwashed in a cult or some shit that happened, I think so. I don't know, I'm basically a patient in waiting. So I mean I'm probably the wrong person. - I definitely didn't get a cry bone a lot from watching Golden Time. - What is another show that it's like really good cry upon? An anime. What's the best Cry Porn Anime? - I mean anything by - Shinkai - Jun Maeda right? - Yeah, anything Maeda Jun, anything Shinkai. - I'm not one of those people who knows. - Okay Maeda Jun is like, Clannad, AngelBeats, Little busters anything by Keys studios basically, it's like pretty good cry porn.. - I didn't find any Angelbeats as sad as everyone else, cause I felt like. - I cried because of the angels. - It was obvious it was gonna happen though. - I felt exactly the same way. It was my same problem with Clannad, just less stretched out where he was so obviously trying to make you cry. It was yeah, it's literally just Cry Porn where you just. - He was going to cry, he was crying, aren't you? - Sometimes just to like make you cry and make you shed tears. - Yeah, but I have like an initial, like my Cry Porn was raw card the moment I see Maeda Jun, you know what I mean? It's like, I know it's like, I don't even have to watch it and I'm already prepared, you know? - So I just googled Saddest anime, just Saddest anime and Google says, number one, Anohana. (all laughing) - See Emily? Even Google agrees. - Plastic Memories, which is was. - Plastic Memories it's okay. - I wish you knew again. - It was just basically Kansa with waifu's waiting. It's like it was. (both laughing) - It's like I Want To Eat Your Pancreas. - Actually I Want To Eat Your Pancreas fucking brilliant. - I Want To Eat Your Pancreas is a fucking cry. - Angel Beats. - Angel Beats, okay. - Madoka Magica - Madoka, I didn't cry at the end of Madoka Magica. - There's a difference between sad and bleak. I feel like Madoka Magica here is more on the bleak side. - Madoka Magica is like grief crying. (Garnt laughing) - There's Guilty Crown. - (Garnt laughing) Guilty Crown? Why? - I cried because of how bad the ending was, if that's what they mean by that. - Was a Stein's actually, you know what? I really liked Guilty Crown, I would just say it. I like it. - The ending though? - I like all of Guilty Crown. Really? - Yeah. - You know what Connor, I'm absolutely there with you. - (both laughing) Yes, yes. It's the one fucking time me and Connor agree. - People need to stop comparing it to as a Code Geass. Code Geass is in it's its own world. - How do you compared to that I don't compare to Code Geass but I still thought the ending was amazing. - It wasn't the best ending of the world, but man it was a fucking good run. - It was entertaining as fuck. - It was beautiful - Did you cry though? - I think I probably did. - I was actually this close to crying and that's it wasn't because of the story, it was just because of how. - The music. (laughing loudly) - The beeps and the boops were soo hype. - Okay here's the thing, the thing about me in crying is that music has so much more power over me (mumbles) does. - Oh yeah. - That's if there's a good soundtrack, I'm like almost always close to crying. - Okay, why do you think I cried, to everything Maeda Jun does? Because he makes the music as well, which makes me cry like a bitch. But like, I don't know like I liked it, the Guilty Crown had it's like emotional moments and obviously, you know the soundtrack was good, but like, I don't know, my cry bone was like a half child the entire time. I was like, - I really liked it. - It's like it was so close. - Maybe it's because I haven't watched it in four or five years, but maybe it's Garnt tinted glasses I'm looking through an app and I really enjoying it. - I really enjoyed it not in the sense where, hey I'm gonna recommend this as a good show. I really enjoyed it in the sense where it was just here's a lot of dub anime tropes that I enjoy. I'm not gonna, I don't care if they make any sense whether they put these anime tropes in, but (laughs) it's just like a lot of good popcorn fun. - Yeah, that's was great show. - Yeah, it's kind of reminds me, I remember when Darling In The Franxx first aired, I called Darling In The Franxxto guilty crown of this generation (Joey and Connor laughing) And I kind of still agree with myself on that point where Darling In The Franxx got stupid as fuck but he was entertainingly stupid. - Of course. - Yeah I mean, the thing about Darling In The Franxx is that I went through a whole fucking emotional arc with it because it was the first half I would say was actually legitimately good. - Did you watch your weekly by the way? - Yeah, I did watch weekly. So I already thought that Darling In The Franxx was a great character drama with MXNet and I was super, super emotionally invested, in this as a series. And then the fucking space thing happens and then it went. - More trigger was like, let me introduce myself. - Yeah exactly, and my enjoyment for Darling In The Franxx kind of just shifted off that. I didn't, I wasn't emotionally attached to anymore, it wasn't that same kind of enjoyment, it was just the look at all this happening out of enjoyment. - I think when you watch a show weekly, I think like you're almost more likely to think it's better than it is, if it's like holding your attention. - I disagree. - Really? - I think watching something like not having to wait and just marathoning something I've enjoyed shows that I haven't enjoyed weekly that I've watched a of marathons. - Really like what? 'Cause I almost find that when you wait a week for something that you're kind of excited for, right, you almost like hype yourself up for it, unlike, think that it's like, how written it is. - It's hard for me to say though, because haven't watched an anime weekly since like High School. - Been were watching Re:Zero weekly. And I think maybe there's an aspect of me that thinks it's better because the mystery being like drip fed because of having to wait a week at a time. - Right but I think that only works because it's a mystery, right? - I actually Re:Zero is that exact show. I remember kind of like, I remember enjoying it watching it weekly and I kind of only kept up with it cause it was my job. And I remember re-watching it all at once after there was no pressure to like keep up little bit of review. And I enjoyed it way more watching it all at once and not having to wait weekly even though I knew what was gonna happen. And that's why I haven't like I've kept up kind of with Re:Zero Season Two, but I watch it in chunks. I'm not completely up to date with it. - Cause I wonder, cause I watched Attack on Titan season three, four, two. Is that the title? - Like the latest one. - I watched that weekly. Yeah, the latest one. And I don't know if it's because like, it's I watched it weekly and every single week was like, oh my God, I have to wait a week, this is so hype. This is the best thing ever. But like in my memory, season three part two which is fucking like God, God tear - I marathon did and it was still do. - It's still like that amazing even if like. - Or I mean I don't know how you're feeling about it. - Obviously like it's pretty one of the best anime I've ever watched if not like it's like top two. - I mean I binged the entire thing in a day. It's so, it's fucking amazing. - it's fucking amazing. We've already sung the praises of talking title a ton on this podcast. - I think that's one of the few ratios where it's like weekly or not. It's just objectively a fucking great show. You know like the experience I think is just as powerful. - Spoiler Alert just for like one minute here. Whenever the video comes up my recommended of Levi versus the Beast Titan, I'm like, I've got time. (Joey and Garnt laughing) I've got time for three more minutes of that Spoiler Warning. (all laughing) - Yeah lets agree. - Well, we somehow got onto good anime now, let's go back to that anime, the worst anime ever. - I don't know what I mean. - What's like a famous, like what's like a show that is like, not universally praised but it's like, not like, it's not like Garzey's Wing like Mass Destruction where like the only reason why it's known is because it's bad. - I don't know because, here's the thing if there's a bad anime, I'm likely not to watch it or finish it right. Because, okay here's the thing, if something's as bad as Garzey's Wing or something then I'm gonna finish it. But I still think it's good because it gives me some kind of entertainment value. What I don't like the worst thing an anime can do for me is just be boring. - It's B made. - I'm not going to lie. I got to High School kind of shit, kind of shit. I'm going to say, it's kind of boring. - You mean God of Mid-school? - (Joey laughing) God of Mid-school. - When I made a tweet about Rental girlfriend. There was like three people who were like God of High School is the best anime of the season. I'm like, what season did you watch it? - Watching God of High School just makes me so disappointed. I'm like the disappointed, because I look at some of these fight scenes and I still think choreography and animation wise, it's probably some of the best fight scenes you can find all year so far. I can't think of a better anime. - I think we've said like, it's pretty just disappointing because it was so popular. - Yeah. - Yeah. And I don't know, I've heard from a lot of Webtunes Readers that it basically skipped through everything and just gave you the fights. - That's not how to do it. - Exactly, but I mean, it just gave me the feeling of just I don't know, watching like a very good fight animation on like YouTube was something where, you have these fight scenes and it would've worked better being clipped and put onto YouTube with no context than it would have been in like, - That's what I watched like, 'cause I didn't actually watch the anime. I just saw the clips on YouTube and I'm like, there's some cool fight scenes, but is it enough for me to get invested into the show? Probably not. - I watched like 10 episodes of Narrotor like last year. - Why? - Because I wanted to get it. - Wait for season. - Yeah. - Like as kids narrator? - Yeah, like the very. - Okay. - And that was horrible because, (Joey laughing) I was like, oh my God, even the story feels like fella. - Yeah, that's why I never got into Narrator. - I'm like, I'm watching this and I'm 10 episodes in, and I'm like nothing has happened. We've like left the village and we've gone like, I've watched more opening and ending than I have like show development. And then that annoying show in thing, which I think should be like, it should be illegal. You shouldn't be put in prison if you do it while you put four minutes of the previous episode at the start of the episode after the intro. So it's only six minutes of like, that you've already seen and don't need to see like 43, - We call that shown in recap syndrome. - 14 minutes to the actual episode. And then like seven minutes actual somehow they find a way - To last like six of some One Piece of that. - Yeah that's I was about to say, I don't know how there are still anime. only watches of One Piece when that is. That was like literally every episode for the past six years. - Cause I remember the last I watched One Piece, was the Punk Hazard dog. And literally every fucking episode was like, here's an extended opening. And then 10 minutes of filler, five minutes of actual content and then an extended ending. - It's cause there's only one. They only adapt like one chapter per episode times. And you know, granted the chapters are dense as fuck. You compare the chapters today of One Piece to like some of the early chapters. And it's like the like added to like a light novel into his chart in between these dialogue. (Joey and Garnt laughing) And it's so small and it's so concentrated. But yeah I mean it still doesn't add up to like one entire anime episode worth of content in my opinion though. So yeah reread the Manga of One Piece. - Why should I Gigguk? It's too long Gigguk. It's it's too fucking big. - That's the worst argument I've ever heard of anime. - What do you mean? I don't want it's like, why you get a degree Connor? It's only four years come on, man. Why aren't you doing it? It's so good for you. I got degree and it was shit - Okay, but - Yeah but if enjoyed the degree. - Okay what if there's this really good thing right? do you want it to like end quickly or do you want it to keep going on for as long as possible? 'Cause that's One Piece, right? Like you're talking about it like it's a commitment. If you're into One Piece. - It is, it is a commitment. - Like you can say the same to my Jojo anime - I guess yeah, but then at least Jojo this like part. So you can like - Yeah would One Piece there's Arcs. - Arcs of different departs though. - I don't know man I stopped at the Punk Cassadaga and I could easily go back to it. - I wouldn't feel comfortable stopping mid Arc. - No, no, no, but that's thing - I'm sorry between. I wouldn't feel comfortable. - No, no but that's why I ended until the Arc was over to like take a break. - Yeah but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. - Why? - Because it's the same show. It's the same characters. They're still doing this adventure. I'm not finished. I can't just stop. - It doesn't matter because it's going to get shown in recap syndrome at the beginning of the next one anyway. - Oh my God! - So it doesn't matter. - I just, I think the thing is because, it's also daunting for the fact that if I get into it, it's great that there's that much. But it's also terrifying that this, that much - But that's the thing like you're saying it in the pretense of like, I'm probably not going to enjoy One Piece, right? I'm saying what's worrying is if I do enjoy, because I'm not going to get anything done for like five years I'm going to be there. Just fucking reading about how loofy his arms had ripped off by like, - I completely get what you're saying because I was I was having this thought experiment. So if I wasn't already into One Piece, what'd you get into could I convince, could it could future me or could like I could could I convince an alternate universe of me who hasn't seen One Piece to now get into One Piece? And I'm like, that is so difficult, I don't know how I would convince myself to get into One Piece. But I mean. - Our schedule was already pretty rammed with not reading Manga and the Manga I do get to read is very small parts. And I wouldn't want to read something because I don't read several Mangas at one go. I read one Mongo at a time. - Yeah. - I read it all and go onto the next. And I don't know why my brain, just can't I don't really enjoy. - 'Cause I'm not. - I'm exactly the same as Connor, when I'm into something when I'm into something has to be that I am into something. I literally lost fucking two days of doing nothing because I caught up to rental a girlfriend and that was just like my obsession for that two days. And if your friends, a girlfriend is like 500 chapters I would have just lost like. - Oh yeah, yeah, no, I dedicated like an entire month just reading bulky. - How many chapters of One Piece? - Almost a thousand. - Yeah, but like on the flip side, on the flip side I really value that because it's so like part of me is like part of me of like has, who is someone who has been an anime and Manga fan for so long. I kind of missed the feeling like you had as a kid where you could just lose an entire week to just to just watching this anime. Because is it like, is it, am I that you guys are the same way? It's like so hard for you to like marathon stuff now. - Yeah, like, especially if it's like over 12 episodes it's really hard for me, I'm like, it's really hard for me to marathon something but that's why when I'm like into a show and I'm like properly into it and I'm just losing days I really value that. - Yeah. - And I search for it wherever I can. But it's so hard for me to find like, even if there's like technically a good show or a good series, which I can say, yeah, this, this is a good show. I felt really fucking good like when I finally marathon Demon Slayer in like two days. - Yeah. - I was like, I haven't felt I actually finished a show that was more than 12 episodes. What the fuck? - Yeah, I missed the feeling of just having days and time passed where you're not like when you're not like. - I was discussing What, how, why it sucks to be a adult. (Connor laughing) Damn, I just have like no time - No time to marathon, like working all the time. But like, I will say that if you do one that feeling just get into One Piece. - 1000 chapters doesn't sound that bad. Like I read all of I shields. - There volumes of Jojo than there is One Piece. - Is there more chapters of, oh I guess there's this tendency more? I mean, I read five through seven of Jojo in like, I think just over a week. - Yeah, yeah you could easily get from like the Alabaster Loc, to like the Mermaid - That was like a week of me sitting in my bed with a cup of tea nonstop just like - Yeah. (Joey laughing) - But that's the thing, right? It's like, if you get into it, then it won't really matter. - That's the problem is that I'm going to lose three weeks of my life minimum. - You're gonna enjoy the cluster. - You're gonna remember those three weeks of your life and your you're going to look back. - I have to show for it, go. - And then you'll finally be able to come jump into a conversation about One Piece and being like, yeah if there was like an X pocket sheet, like a real life X-Box achievement where you can be like, I've read one and you can have like this badge that says you've read One Piece. And it's like something about my driving license tangible to show for it. You have to invest yourself is what I'm hearing. - Yeah, I guess I don't really how much free time do I have? It kind of varies I guess on the day. Like some we use YouTube, right? So some days I'm walking all day nonstop. Some days I'm sitting there trying to think of a video idea and nothing happens. And I just didn't do anything all day. Play the game of league maybe, I don't know.. But like if I read something it's so hard to see that as like a, I'm not the type of person who reads casually. It's like, if I read, I need to like focus and decide that I'm going to read and it be a long thing. I can't just be like, yeah I'll read a chapter for five minutes again. - I can't do that. - There's people I know who can pick up a book read two pages and be like, nice that was good, I'm gonna go do the rest, I'm like what? - Yeah. - What, that's like, that's like getting a semi and being like at a good wank (Joey laughing) - I need like a minimum of like five chapters to fully get myself in in like the reading zone. And then once I'm in that zone, I'm like, okay don't talk to me. - Yeah, exactly. - It's like that sense of flow. You know what I mean? - I don't understand people who can like read a book and watch a movie at the same time, or like have the TV on, in the background. - On the background, can you pay attention to it? - I need complete silence. - Oh yeah, that's because like every time I'd like, Akira story she comes into, you read your Manga, like what woman? And it's like, there's no noise in the room. - I need my total peace to read this. - He's holding like fat lolly acids volume one and what this is woman? I can't, you see I'm reading literature. (both laughing) - Oh yes. (all laughing) - Make it a Manga, I don't know. - That's an oxymoron, isn't it? - It's like a color book. - (all laughing) It's a draw Manga, coloring book. - All right, boys, I have a question I want to know. Is there any anime out there that you, you know maybe have a hot take on like an anatomy that you think is either really good anatomy that you like that is highly praised and widely accepted to be amazing that you think isn't that good? Or is there a show that everyone thinks that you think is pretty good? - Jury's already had his with school cars. - You know, I've really loved the Cabo bebop dub but the show itself, I didn't think it was like that good, I'm gonna to be honest. Like I liked it, but I didn't think it was like the masterpiece worthy. Like everyone says, it's like. - I hate that, I can disagree with you. - like it's, like the dub. - Like it's - I've heard Samurai Champloo a million times. - Yes, yes. - Nah, nah, a million times more. - I was about to say I have exactly the same opinion just with Samurai Champloo. - No, Samurai Champloo was a million times better. - To me, like this, like I don't know what it was about Samurai Champloo I thought the story, the style and the music was amazing and the music is amazing particularly wrong. - Yeah. - But like the reasons why I liked Cowboy Bebop was one the dub and two, nothing to do with the story. I thought the story was kind of like all right, okay. - I just, I just feel like Cowboy Bebop had some really interesting ideas because it's kind of like a couple of people up is isn't like a long like it doesn't have like a very long overarching story arc. It's more of these individual ideas you know, that's once an IRB wants to explore and I thought it had some really good ideas and so did Samurai Champloo but I don't know something about Samurai Champloo just made me feel like the idea is just one is interesting individual level. - Can you, can you sit here and like say to me that Cowboy Bebop deserves to be like in the top five as it always is on every single piece? - Yes. - Really, top five? like when I see it all time. Like when I see it, it's like those people who put Citizen Kane at number one on. It's like yeah, I know movies, Citizen Kane's my favorite, I know the movie. - I is a Rosebud, my favorite quotes. - It's like, when I see that on someone's like top five, I immediately think they're like trying too hard to be a quick cause to me I don't think of animated like a critical sense most of the time. - I just thought when I watched it, I was like it's really cool, tons of style. I just thought the story was kind of mad. - Yeah, I mean, if you get, if you go into for like a big story, then it's just a show. - Okay, so what about the Samurai Champloo story was good then. - Okay, it has been a long time since I've watched both. - Is the same here, same here. - But I don't know, I remember just having a ton of fun every single episode of Samurai Champloo. - To me the story and like character, like how much I enjoyed the story and the characters about Samurai or Champloo, Cowboy Bebop around equal. - Yeah. - It was everything else around the show, like the music, the sound effects, like the animation stuff. that made Samurai Champloo just that much better. - I did not give a about the annoying kid on Cowboy bebop. - I mean, I didn't give a fuck about Fuu for like what are they trying to do again? - [Hosts] Finding the Samurai that smells like sunflowers. Like the plot doesn't matter an E the show - I just liked the characters Samurai Champloos. Like I thought, because we had only three of them. It was like, we got a lot more time to like flush it out. Whereas they just brought this sidekick character and a dog and I'm like, why? - To be fair, I love Iron though. - Yeah, he's... - Iron is great. - Iron is spike is like one of the coolest anime characters of all time jet. - I think Mugen was cooler, to be honest with you (Garnt laughing) just saying I think Mugen was way cooler than Spike. I think spike is dope But if I had to like say which one was cool, I'd definitely Mugen. - Spike can beat Mugen (all laughing) - Microsoft (all laughing) You have a bike able to survive AIDS though? - My character can beat up your character, have you thought about that? You're going to do swing your Samurai sword, Spike and just shoot him then. - (all laughing) Mike, Mike, where's Mike? - I mean, I don't know, I know this has been one of those shows, that I do think is great but just whenever I see it in top fives, I'm like, you're just shining out of your. - Yeah, okay like I have a very similar opinion not of cowboy bebop, but just. - Even galleon? - Akira, Akira, I think (laughs) - I think you guys get a shout (Garnt laughing) - I think Akira is Mid as fuck. - Ah, you're dead to me. (Connor and Garnt laughing) You are absolutely dead to me. - I think, I think it's one of those things where it came out at the time and it was a game changer at the time, but I don't think now it holds up, it's still a game. - We watched it several times trying to find what about it, amazing, and every time we want you, I'm like man the animation still holds up the whole time. It's just like, it just, it's just, I don't know, it's just nothing much better. - You want to share your thoughts on that? - This is my last episode of trash. I'm leaving after this. I can't handle it. Okay, okay. All right, Akira to me is like, I think to this day it still stands as one of the most unique cinematic experiences in anime and I'm not just talking. - You're wrong. - I agree with that. - And I'm not talking about that in terms of like the flashy colors and the fantastic. Yeah, ooh, it looks pretty like I'm not just talking about it like that, right? But like, I just, I don't know like I've rewatched the Akira so many times and every time I've rewatched it, especially like you have to see it in a big screen as well. In my opinion, like I went to go see it. Okay, cause I went to go watch it. Obviously I wasn't born when it came out in cinemas but like a couple of years ago they did a re-screening of it in Sydney, in Australia at four I think it was like the 30th anniversary of the movie or something on the big screen. And like, I loved it on the TV like watching it in my room and was like fuck yeah. But watching it in the cinemas was like, Holy shit. Like this is like an adventure. Like this is, this is just like such an out of body experience with just the music is God like, the voice acting is incredible. Like everything about that has every, every single element of that movie has a quality that can still stand to like modern anime, cinema empire. And like, and I think that's why it's just so incredible because you watch it and you forget, Oh shit. this was made 30 years ago. - Yeah, but that's my point. I completely agree that it's an experience that can stand out in modern anime cinema. It's but I'm saying it's, it's definitely not as mind blowing as it was back then. And I mean, I think it's still mind-blowing - Every time I rewatched it, I was like - I feel like I can agree with both. - I'm not saying it's the best Anime movie.- - No, no, Of course. - Of course. - But, Jesus Christ, it's good. Like I could easily have you read the Manga though? - I have not. I think that's part of why I didn't enjoy it. 'Cause it just felt like it felt like it kind of just ended. It was, it didn't feel like a complete experience. - Well, yeah. - Well does the Manga continue after? - The Manga is twice as long. So the movie actually the movie, the ending of the movie is completely original. Because Ultima released the movie halfway into a curious serialization because the first like three volumes was so popular that they were like we gotta make a movie of this and they made it but they were like, I haven't finished the monkey yet. What am I going to do. - Bro? I'm trying to finish it. - So the movie is completely original and like the Munga continues for another like four volumes off to the point of the movie. And it's insane, it's fucking insane. Like I highly recommend it, and I'm not just saying it as like a super fan of Akira. I just think in terms of like storytelling am just like, you know, I'm just throwing key tones (all laughing) honestly, story telling. - Characters, development. - Like honestly though, it's good shit. - Whoa, how many more buzz words can I throw in here? - Four progression synergy? - All right. - Again I don't think it's the greatest piece of like anime cinema out there, but like, I I easily, it's one of those movies where I'm like don't be fooled by the fact that it's 30 years old. I still think I can easily recommend it to new watches. - You can definitely still watch it today and not feel like it's dated. Especially as like, as like a, for me like a visual experience and everything. I just feel like, you know, it's I don't know maybe it's cause like cyberpunk has just kind of died recently. I mean, for the longest time until what recent cyberpunk Academy we got recently like Dora head. - Yeah. - It's I mean, seeing, seeing a world like that is a lot less, you know, a single word like that now is a lot less common than it was back then. But cyber punk was kind of in its prime. - Eighties was like, like, say like... - So like you can still watch a Kiran feel like, hey this is something I can't really get today just because cyber punk is just it's really rare to find out. - Because to me like Akira is like one of those movies like those anime movies, where every single person I've asked who is clearly not an anime fan and I asked them, what anime have you watched or enjoyed? 99% of them will say, oh, I watched the Akira and I thought it was fucking amazing. - Yeah, it's just a good movie. - It's just a really good movie. It almost defies anime in a sense which is really weird because it is (all laughing) which is really weird. - Wait, wait, wait, how what'd you mean defies anime? What does that mean, what does that mean? - Like it goes like it an enjoyment factor in it, I can't exactly like describe, I'm sure if someone can explain it better than me, but doesn't it there's some thing about Akira, the experience of watching Akira that you don't necessarily even have to really like animates. Which is really weird, because I actually watch Akira, It is animated fuck. Like everything about that is so anime and yet it somehow is almost not anime at the same time. It's really hard I don't know how to explain it. - I can relate to what you're saying, just to throw out my second heartache I guess. - Go on. I don't know if I've said this on the Podcast before but I think I've said it in other places. - But I hate Ghibli movies man (laughs). - I only liked like three. - I think I like one or two and even like. - Which ones? - Princess Manake and NASCA - Do you like House Moving Castle? - No. - I really like House Moving Castle. - I really like House Moving Castle. - The reason I don't like Ghibli is just because I don't like Disney. And I don't know because Ghibli, like when I see a Ghibli movie I'm like, this is an anime like this is an animate, this is a fucking Ghibli movie. - Can we also talk about how Miyazaki as like fucking asshole? - Oh yeah, he's an absolute con. - Did you see the clip of like him going to his sons? - Are you going to recommend that clip as well? - To this clip, right? You can search for it, but he goes to his son's premier, who's making a movie right? A Director and he walks out of the premiere halfway through being like, he's not an adult yet. And I'm like, oh, he's one of those dads. Who's like, he's not, he's not an adult yet, 'cause I haven't deemed him worthy. It's like, shut the up. - Yeah, he goes up lit a cigarette and it's just like, yeah, this movie's trash, you could have done better. He hasn't grown up enough. It's like, are you fucking kidding me? - As if, as of me as like he hasn't made movies himself, right? Like not every, like I love Ghilbi don't get me wrong but have I enjoyed every single Ghilbi movie? Absolutely not. - I just hate the kind of Director who is like everyone else is unimportant than my ideas are the best. And you know, he sees me, he gives off that vibe and as much as you know cultural icon for, you know many parts and you don't want to be an asshole you don't want to, talk to anyone for no reason. Because every single time you see him in an interview or do anything he just seems kind of like a come to be around. You would hate to be around him. - You can tell, like he's such a close minded dude because apparently the only movie that Miyazaki is like he has made that he himself cried too, was the Wind Rises. And I can tell you that is the most amid Ghilbi movie I've ever watched. - I've heard good things about it. - It's good. But compared to other Ghibli movies, it is misfolded. - What are your favorite Ghibli movies then? - Princess Monaca is easily my favorite. I mean, obviously I grew up watching like Now star and stuff like that. How's movie castle is really good. I thought Ponyo was okay. - Ponyo was boring as fuck man. - I think Ponyo is very much the Jubilee of the new generation, oh, sorry, The Totoro of the new generation. - Totoro, oh my fucking God, I fell asleep during Totoro man I'm like, why am I watching a kid's show now. Why do you expect me. - To be fair, yes, Totoro is a kid's movie. That's why I don't recommend it is it's a kid's movie - But so it's Toy story, but I can watch toy story. - Toy Story, the Pixar has done a thing where they've managed to get intermingle like very adult humor with them. - But that's Kids like media is great when it can be enjoyable - But Japanese media does not do that. - It does sometimes though. - Not glibly though (laughs) - Yeah not glibly. - What is it the fucking one with the pig flying a plane? - [Hosts] Porco Rosso - And I had to turn it off 20 minutes in, I'm like soo fucking bored.. - I enjoyed it, but I thought it was okay, like it's not amazing. - Like that's basically my experience with a lot of Ghibli movies is that this is the most okay film experience I've had. And I like okay, the reason I really can't get into a lot of Ghibli movies, is that they just don't feel anime, I don't know, I don't know because they feel like Disney movies, right? And I know like Miyazaki has gone on record like criticizing a lot of anime animators who are like then they're just like inspired by other people working in anime inspired by real life. And I'm like, this is why I go into the medium dude, I like that. - What do I hate that. - I hate the thing that I like as well. - It was a mistake. - On top of that, knowing that he's an it makes it so much worse for me to like try and enjoy it because I think you can make great ship without being a huge camp. - Like absolutely. - I think maybe if you cure every single type of cancer, you know in your lifetime, go ahead, be asshole. Like you probably didn't get that passed. - You know, it's that whole thing like you know you should separate the creator from the creation but sometimes it's really hard. - It's really hard. - When a person markets that work so heavily as their work, right? Like it's a homey Zacky film, it's not a film, it's a Homey Zacky film, right? So then it's like, well, he's kind of a camp. So it's kind of like, you know, yeah, I agree. - I mean sometimes it doesn't detract on like how good this specific work is. Just because you enjoy work. Doesn't mean it doesn't necessarily mean you, you know, you I forgot the first thing of what I was saying. Every time I enjoy the work doesn't mean you can't you have to like. - I agree with that. But it's also like when you don't like the work knowing the guy is kind of you know, you're like, God I fucking hate this. - But most people don't know that. - When I turned off Porco Rosso halfway through, I was like you're not an adult yet. (all laughing) You haven't done it, you haven't done it. - I walked out of my room, cigarette. (all laughing) I had to walk out the room, put my arm on the doorframe it's not ready yet. - It's weird though, to me like my favorite is Miyazaki film isn't even a Jubilee film, it's the Lupen III movie. (Connor laughing) Like way before Ghilbi, the castle will that shit's dope. But like, yeah, I don't know it's (sighs) - Yeah, that's great. - I wonder was he always like that? Or is that something that happens when everyone tells you you've you've come down from God to bless us with animation? - I would say it's the latter. - He's also like old 150 years old. He's retired like a eight times. - I would like a to think, when I get old I'll be the fun kind of old guy. The one who's like, I give a about what the young people are doing. Instead of being like, I hate life. - You say that now. - Yeah you say that now, as like a 20 year old. - I hope, I hope, that's why I said I hope. - I doubt Miyazaki is in his twenties was like, I'm going to grow up. I'm going to grow up to be an absolute cunt. - I'll reject all my statements. If I see him, you know what I mean? If he comes out, it's the whip, I'll forget. I'll take (all laughing) - Just like browsing Twitter to be like, oh man they think I'm an asshole, I better change my ways. You know, what I mean. - They think I'm an asshole, fuck the haters. - I don't care what he thinks, but I, you know, if he if he wants to see it and think I've, you know, whatever but I mean, all I'm saying is that you don't have to be an asshole. - Yeah exactly. - You could be, you really have to tell your son his movie was in front of the cameras and go out of this, did you really? - Did you really have to have the cigarette? - This really feels like a drive home kind of thing. Like a son, it wasn't that good, but don't worry. I wasn't going to embarrass you for all the news outlets that were waiting, it's your son for for fuck's sake, are you kidding me? - That was the thing that broke you? - That was the thing where I'm like, I'm like, oh, this is too much. You purposely went out of your way to be a cunt, like you could have waited till he got home and texted her and been like son. - Yeah, that's the thing that like the, I watched the highlight Zaki documentary years ago and it was such an interesting document because you'd get to learn about his life and like he's full process about everything. - Yeah. - But I don't recommend that like documentary to people nor do I want to rewatch it because in the entire documentary, homie was like, he's just an absolute dick to the interviewer.. - Yeah, it's just kind of like, just answer the question, like a normal person. - It's like when people are just making things difficult for the sake of it, and then you have this whole, I'm the best, I know everything, it's like, it's so frustrating to have to put up with that. Did you have to be an asshole though? Why, why did, why? Like, what did you gain from that? Does that make you feel big? Did you feel, I should feel better? Like, just be nice. - But like Stanley Kubrick have the same thing, right? Apparently Stanley Kubrick was Dick. - Apparently directors in general tend to be. - When some of the most talented people and talented visionaries are probably some of the biggest. - I mean, especially with the Director where it is literally like you have to be like put your foot down because I think there's a great YouTube video, was like are all Directors dicks? It was on my recommended for like a million. - I love that tittle, are all Directors dicks? - Yeah, that's actually really interesting go watch it. And it basically just he interviews a ton of Directors asking them, you know should you be a dick? A lot of them would be like, yeah I am because I have to put my foot down constantly and tell them no, you know especially if you're working with some actors who are. - I get being a dick on the job, right? But like, when it's just like. - This is what I mean like, yeah. you can be a dick on set to get what you need done. But did you have to go home. - Humiliate the interview? - Humiliate your son, do you have to do that? Like that, just that, that really like I didn't know what it was when I saw that clip it really struck a nerve with me. I was like, I didn't mind him being an asshole sometimes, I was a guy like whatever, that's his thing and then the office gets it. But then when he did that, I'm like, that is just cruel. - Yeah I think what hit me about that clip was that he did that in front of camera. Camera's you know what I mean? - All the other, all the other people there because all the other old men came out afterwards. Like it was good, wasn't it? And he was like, no. - And he just left. I remember there was a Shot of just him going down the stairs and be like. - Dragged his wife out with him. And I'm like, Oh my God, you guys chill out. I'm off back home now. - Yeah, it's just kinda like one of those things you're like, bro. - I don't want to be like that. - No, I don't think I have the life. I could do that to my kid. - That's like your son, like making his first YouTube video and you just like pause and walk. (all laughing) - My parents didn't do that. - They up Brunel game week. - They pretended like they got it. I know they didn't but I appreciated that they sat through it. - Yeah, exactly, right? - I just have this image of you like you seeing your son doing his first YouTube video and it's a like reaction video or something. I was like, son I expected better from expect creativity from them. I didn't, I didn't raise a son to meet for him to grow up, to be a reaction YouTuber. - Which PC, is it in? (mimicking breaking PC) - Yeah, I mean it was, I don't know. It's like I said, it struck a nerve. Fuck, I was going to say something else. Like totally forgot I had, fuck. - Yeah, bottom line just don't be a Dick. - It was like, I read an article as well. Miyazaki actually openly said that he was just never there for his kids growing up. - After that video - Because of course he was, - Well, that makes sense. - YouTube is making a movie but then that's when you want to finally come through right? it's your kid's movie. You finally want to be like, son. I know I wasn't there for you but God you did me proud dad. Could you imagine he probably spent his whole life chasing that, that moment. One moment where he just needed this dad to be like you know what kid you did good, I watched the movie. It was better than half the ship made is Zackey May made I watched the movie out of pure spite. (Joey laughing) I don't even know what it was called. I would've said it was the best movie. That's it - I haven't seen it, but I heard it was really good. - It's pretty bad (laughs) - Come on, come on just say it. - It's probably universally agreed, it's one of the worst movies Ghibli has ever made. - Really? (Connor and Garnt laughing) - Like, I feel mad. I feel bad, but man, you know I feel bad that Miyazaki just. Talk to son. Cause like, no matter what, as a parent got to-- - I feel so much better - This could have been a snuff film. I would have sat through my kid's first movie. You know what I mean? I'm sitting through that, like I have to. - No matter how bad it is, you got to have your kids back. - Give it like, no like no parent, right? Like goes up to their five-year-old looks at the macaroni artwork and goes that's shit. - Lights up the cigarette. - I expect a better from his son. - Son, I saw the other kids macaroni on it was much better than this, you know. - They use the gluten free. - Okay though, have you ever had a show or series where you really, really enjoyed and then something came like you enjoyed before and then You learnt about the creator or the author. - Yeah, absolutely. - And has that like affected your view of the show at all? - Absolutely, when, what happened to the Rurouni Kenshin right. Recently act age happened. - Yeah. - Yeah. I was enjoying act eight so much. This is one of the most unique Shawnee jump experiences. And then that happened and I was like, well fuck. I kind of don't want to read it anymore. - And people want to always be like, you know you should separate them but it's so hard to do that when you, you really respect the work. - Especially Rurouni Kenshin because like this is coming from a massive Rurouni Kenshin film. And I was like, I can't read it anymore. - No, no it's it was one of my favorites show in Manga and anime hang up and I still have the volumes on my shelf. It's just like gathering dust now. - It's, hard as well because you almost respect because you, the work so much that came from the mind and you almost respect like the thought process and the creativity that came from the person right? It all came from a mind. I think what's disturbing is like what all these such amazing ideas came out of the same head that was like, Oh I should, I should, you know, collect this not good stuff. - I remember I was really into acting as well. And then after the news came out, it kind of looked at some of the, like some, some of the plot points of that age whereas like, like we look at An older guy grooming this 15 year old school girl to become like one of the best actresses of all time. And you're like, it was cool without that knowledge too to just think, Hey, you know, maybe you're just Trying to help her as like, as like an Actress, you know, it was, it was like. - But now you kind of see like the underlying reason as to why, he choose that. - Now there's just this underlying reason that just makes you really uncomfortable. - I mean, like I can't shake the uncomfort. - Maybe that's a complete coincidence. We will never know the fact that we can now make that correlation. It just makes it that much more uncomfortable. - Exactly. - And then you see people on Twitter, like but was it legal though? Like what does it matter if it's legal. - It doesn't matter. Like, I just don't want to support a pedophile - Really just seeing the replies to the Twitter on that was just like, Oh my God, I hate this world so much because people clearly like to show who I like, but it was only one, right? It's like, yeah, it doesn't matter if it was only one. - One is more than zero. - It was only one murder, your honor, I swear. - Come on and give me a. - I Wasn't a serial killer. Give me more credit than that. - Yeah, no, I was so disappointed in that. I was like, why is it always the good shows? I wouldn't, I wouldn't even care if it was like the mediocre shit that like. - The Ghazi swing, right. - If it was like the fucking Ghazi swing, right, Then I'll be like, yeah, what the fuck? and I'm like, I didn't even enjoy it to begin with but why is it always the good shows that it happens? It's always like the most talented shit. - It's a shame, it's a shame. - It's a shame, Stop it (laughs) - But you know, what's not fucked up? Our beautiful, patriarchs (laughing) - I love these guys. - The segues ever (laughs) I'm sorry. - Did you really just segue? - At least the El patrons aren't pedophiles, right? - Thank you, patriarchs, I don't know what to do in your free time but please don't do bad things, that would be really sad. - I just love the way you just said. So talking about shout out to this pedos... - Patriots, hey? - You know what starts with p (all laughing) - Shout out to this patron. This is amazing, this technology. - If you're not a pedophile then make sure to come to our page, at listed in the description - Are we really doing this? Also follow us on Twitter and sorry. - We, we, we see the memes. What do we normally say at this point in a week? Thank you for your memes - Thank you for your memes (Joey laughing) Thank you for your follows, thank you for your patreons. - It's nearly 5:00 PM for us. We need to watch the League of Legends while. - We as in they. - I think it's about it would be ended by the time. No, it was close to ending. - Probably. - It doesn't matter. - I enjoyed this video. - Yes. - All right. - I have been your wonderful host Connor - You're welcome for us finally talking about autonomy. I know it's like a once in a blue moon kind of episode and anime. - We're still an anime podcast. - I was doing my stuff out. If I talk about too much anime, man I don't watch that much. We're going to run out of stuff. Are you guys enjoying it? - Yeah, bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,871,612
Rating: 4.962019 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Roasting, our, WORST, Takes, on, Opinions
Id: nGx-x0jrE2o
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Length: 131min 13sec (7873 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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