The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

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i'm waiting for monopoly and the spouse cast featuring syd, aki, and kermit getting fisted by his owner.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/evca7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

M.Bison intensifies Yes, of course!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrazyRussianDmitry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What's up you delicious dickheads, sorry? (laughing) Welcome back to another episode of "Trash Taste" podcast. - What was that? You said, you delicious dickheads? - Yeah. I don't know why those are the first two words, I came up with. - Why is this episode demonetized, Joey? Why, why? (soft music) - No, please, it was just a greeting YouTubers, it's nothing special, but welcome to "Trash Taste" podcast. - He's Australian. - Exactly. - This is what you expect. - Exactly, you can't expect me to say nice things, okay? But, I'm a host for the day, the Australian boy- - He just spilled water. (laughs) - He just spilled water all over himself, during my fucking intro. - Sorry, I'm just pissing myself right now. - I'm here with the boy who pissed his pants, and the boy who shits his pants. (laughing) - That's me, that's me. People are gonna be like, is there a story? - Yeah. - Yeah, no, there's a story. - Do you wanna start that off? - Yeah. - Guess we're starting strong then. Hey I shit myself. (laughing) Am kidding, I didn't, but I did. - You had a full week of shitting yourself. Since last week apparently. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm still shitting myself. - Yeah. - So, after the podcast, we went to Izakaya, which we'll talk more about later. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And we had liver and- - Well, you and our producer did. - Only me and Meilyne had liver. And, Meilyne, didn't tell me, I was like, "Is anyone else sick?" And, Meilyne, was like, "No, no, nobody." (laughing) And then five days later- - Meanwhile she's like (indictinct). - Then five days later, she was like, "Oh, yeah, I was sick by the way, I just didn't wanna think that you... I gave you COVID or something." (Garnt laughs) And I'm like, "What the fuck?" "What the fuck, telling me you're sick." - Way to go, Meilyne, thanks a lot. Thank you so much. - Thank you for endangering your hosts. - So, I'm pretty sure it was like that, that got me food poisoning. Got the food poisoning- - Because, Garnt, and I didn't have the liver. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I remember you messaging us, being like, "Hey, is anyone feeling tired?" And, Joey, said, he's feeling fine. I was like, "Yeah, I'm might be feeling pretty fatigued. Maybe we've just done a lot. I didn't realize, Connor, was just dying in the next room. - So, the day after, I remember I had a call, at 10 am, and I was fine, and then I got a bunch of Jojo Merch shipped. - [Joey] Yeah. - Cool, great, I opened it. - Day in the life of Connor. (laughing) - [Joey] Yeah, right. - So, like Jojo merch came in, very normal day for me, and then after I opened it, put it down, I was like, fucking, holy shit, I'm tired. Like I'm weak. - ]Joey] Yeah. - I was like, "Oh, my God." And then later on in the day I was like, "Oh, I'll order a curry." (laughing) I don't know... - That's a good idea. - I have no idea why I thought a curry, was the best idea, and I ordered a lot. - Yeah. - And I also ate a lot of it. - Yeah. - I had a whole naan, like shit tons of rice. - Yeah. - Real fucking spicy curry. - Yeah. - Sides, as well, for some reason I went all out. 'Cause I was like, what my body needs is energy. - Right. - That's what it needs. - And the best way to get energy, curry. - Dirtiest, dirty curry. - [Joey] Dirty curry. - So, and then I was like, okay, I feel a little better, like from the first five minutes, and immediately after I was like, "Oh no, I'm in pain." My stomach started really hurting. - Yeah. - I was like fuck. And then this whole time, I'm thinking, do I have COVID, do I have COVID? - Right, right. - Fuck, fuck. - I mean, that's the first thing that goes over anyone's mind. - Right now, yeah- - Who gets ill right now. Like sometimes I have like a slight fever. I'm like shit, shit, shit. - I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. - I cough in public, bro I've got it. (Garnt laughs) - I'm dead, dude. - Everyone's gonna think I have COVID. - No, I was especially worried with you. 'Cause you texted me being like, bro, I almost fucking fainted. - Yeah, so that night, I texted you that the next day. - Yeah. - And the night of, I was like curled up in a ball in my bed, boiling, but like shivering. - Yeah. - Sweating nonstop, my bed was damp as fuck, when I woke up, disgusting, I know, I'm sorry. And then I had a horrible, horrible fever, couldn't get out of bed, I had such bad stomach pain at night, and I was like, all right, I gotta vomit (indictinct). - Yeah. - [Alex] Yeah. - And then I vomited and I was like, great, I feel good. And then I sleep for one hour, and then I gotta vomit again. - Yeah, yeah. - And then I'm shitting myself all day. I'm dying, I can't get off the floor, I like nearly fainted, and then like an hour later, I fainted, and I was like, oh my God, all right, I gotta go to hospital, 'cause what if this is like COVID, right? - Yeah. - So, there's like a hospital right next to our house, which was lucky. - It's like a five minute walk. - Yeah, and I had a friend call them up, and see if they could let me in. - Yeah. - And they were like, yeah, sure, come on down. And so they were like, yeah, come through the back. - Come on down! - Come on down! - They were like, yeah, man, just bring that insurance. Bring that big old insurance card, and just come on down. - Yeah. - And then I went there, and they were like someone like, (indictinct) or something was gonna greet me. And someone comes out in a fucking hazmat suit. - Yeah. - And he was like, Connor san? And I was like, yeah, yeah, hi. (Garnt laughs) And they bring me in, they lock me in this room alone, 'cause obviously they think I might have COVID, 'cause I had COVID symptoms. - Yeah. - And then they're like (speaks in foreign language) and I was like, (speaks in foreign language). And then they were like, "Oh, okay, okay." So, then they bring a nurse in who can speak, pretty broken English, but good enough. - Yeah. - And they would, luckily, there's one doctor in this building, that could speak semi decent English. - Yeah. - So, he came in, he was like, "You have COVID symptoms. So we give you test." And I was like, "Oh, cool, cool, yeah, sure." And then he's like, "I will put this in your nose." And I'm like, "Okay." And then he just fucking grabs my head like this, right? (Garnt laughing) Like from a distance. - Come here! - From a fucking distance, grabs my head, and shoves this thing in, and I'm like, ah! - 'Cause it's quite long. - Yeah. - It's like this big, right? It's fucking horrible. And then he puts it in, and then he puts it in a little bit, and I'm like, "Okay, this is fine." Then he's like (indictinct). (Garnt laughing) You know how like when they put the sword in the stomach, and put it in a little bit, and then fucking turn it in? - I'm pretty sure that's how they used to give lobotomies. - Yes, that's what I was thinking. They push it in, and then they start drilling away, yeah. - And he was like doing that and then he fucking shoved it in. And I was like, ah! I was like, (speaks in foreign language). And then the nurse was laughing at me. (laughing) I'm like, all right. - It's like you knew this champ. - Bear in mind, in this whole time, I have no idea what's really happening. And they sent me to do a bunch of other tests and stuff, and I feel like a lab rat. - Yeah. - I'm just like in this room, I don't know what's happening, and then they're like, sure, okay. And then immediately after that I'm like, (speaks in foreign language). (laughing) And then they're like laughing, 'cause obviously I have like very selective words, that I can choose from. - Yeah. - I don't know the actual words, so I'm tryna pick the closest word, to describe what's happening. - It's like how many times... How many ways, can I use the word (speaks in foreign language)? (laughing) - Yeah. (foreign language) And then she's like, and then she immediately, after, right, when I'm like this, right? She grabs my arm, starts putting the blood thing around me, and starts tightening it, I literally was like (speaks in foreign language). 'Cause I'm still, I'm faint. I'm already feeling feverish, I'm fainting. - Yeah. - I'm gonna faint, please, you just shoved this thing in my mouth. I'm dying, I literally said, (speaks in foreign language). Again, she's giggling and I'm like, "What the fuck?" (laughing) Just like sticks it in, and I'm like, okay, I got no say in this, and then she's doing it, and I'm like, (speaks in foreign language), 'cause I don't know how to say I'm gonna faint. But then she takes it out, and she's like props me on the bed, and I'm like, all right. She's just like (speaks in foreign language). And I'm like, okay, cool, cool. - Yeah. - For the COVID results. - Yeah. - And then she comes in the room, and she looks at it, turns around, and she's looking really happy, she's like, "Oh, (speaks in foreign language), it's (foreign language)." (laughing) No joke, she says, "Bad," and I'm... And she's like, it's bad. - You got it, son. - It's bad. - You did it. - And I'm like it's bad? I'm like negative, positives? She's like, "Oh, oh, negative" I'm like... (laughing) Are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me? Don't scare me like that. - That is the most beautiful Google translated conversation I've ever seen. - I'm just sitting there, the whole 30 minutes thinking, all right, if I have COVID, I got to tell like, Joey, and got to tell Garnt, got to tell everyone I've been in contact with, I've got to tell them everywhere I've been, I've got to stay at home for two weeks, I'm like, fuck, fuck, like everything. - Yeah. - And then when she said that to me, I'm like fuck, oh no! - It's bad. (laughing) - Yeah, it's bad and then luckily it was nothing, and then they did more tests to me, it was really fast though, it was like two hours. I didn't have to wait or anything. - As someone from the UK, it's really weird, going to any other healthcare system, and just being able to get your results, and going and seeing the doctor the same day. - Having an x-ray on the day of, and getting the results on the day, that doesn't happen in the UK. - Oh, really? - I remember, I thought I broke my leg, and they made me make an appointment for like a week and a half to get the x-ray. - What? - And I thought, what? Bro my leg is like fucked now, what do you mean- (laughing) I need the x-ray now. - What'd you expect me to do with this for a whole week and a half, yeah? - I guess, 'cause it's free, right? Everyone gets it. - Yeah, yeah. - So, I mean, I guess you can argue, which is better, right? - I mean, you have to pay for it here, right? - You pay 1/3 right? - It's very cheap. - Well, I paid 1/3, and I paid $77 for a COVID test, a blood test and a CT, a CAT scan. - Yeah, Americans are probably like losing their shit. - They're like what the fuck? - Like a CT scan, for $77? - Yeah. - What the fuck? - Well, I got the breakdown, and the COVID test was 600 yen so like $5. - Like five bucks, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. It was like nothing. - 'Cause I remember I had to take Aki to the hospital once, this was like a year ago. - Right. - I think she squirted shampoo directly into her eye. - Oh, yeah, I remember that. - And she was like, I can't see, I think I've gone blind. So I had to call up the hospital, obviously get an ambulance over and everything. - Yeah. - And the entire ride, such an American mindset, the entire ride to the hospital she's like, "Oh my God, this is gonna be so expensive, isn't it? Like this thing is gonna be so..." And I'm just like, don't worry about it. We'll just fix your eye up, whatever. - Yeah. - We get to the hospital, it's like 2:00 am. - Yeah. - We get to the hospital, doctor does a quick little check and she's like, okay, you're all good, you're not blind or anything, it's just really red, it's really burnt out. we wash it out for you, here, take some meds, and you'll be all good. - Yeah. - And then in Japanese hospitals, there's like a kiosk, that you have to go to like pay for it. - Yeah. - Right, so we go to the kiosk with like this little receipt and we're just like, oh my God, this is gonna be like couple 100 bucks at least, right? 'Cause she's thinking in the American mentality. - [Garnt] American mentality. - [Connor] Yeah? - And I had never really gone to a Japanese hospital before. So I had no idea either, I was like, oh shit it's the same? as like, if she says it's like a couple 100 bucks, then I guess I'm prepared to spend a couple 100 bucks. Dude, it was like $12. (laughing) And we looked at it and she's like, "Wait, ambulances are free?" (laughing) Because in America you have to pay like two, $300, to get a fucking ambulance. - Yeah. - I think it's more, I think it's like 1,000 plus. - It's something like that. Like I've heard stories of like a couple of my American friends, who broke their arm for example, and they're like call an Uber. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was because we're not paying for a fucking ambulance. - Yeah. - So we're just gonna call an Uber, with like your arm hanging off a thread. - Yeah. - And it's tragic 'cause, I think I remember, Aki wanted to get an allergy test, in, not in Australia, sorry, in America, and it was like $800. - Oh, Jesus. - For an allergy test. - Yeah. - Here you'd pay like $10 for an allergy test. - Yeah. - And I guess in the UK, do you guys have free health care? - Yeah, we have free health care. - Yeah. - I think doctors won't give you stuff like that there, unless they think you need it though. Like, so it's kind of hard to get stuff like that. - Oh, all right. 'Cause in Australia, you can go get an allergy test whenever for free. - Yeah, maybe, I don't know, I've never done one I can't comment. - Some very specific medicines you get for free, others you kind of have to pay for, I feel like with UK, it's very specific on what illness you have, because sometimes you have like this really common illness, they just tell you to just go home, and sleep it off basically. (laughing) - Yeah, UK doctors a lot of the time, are very reluctant to like do anything. I mean, at least the doctors I've had. - I mean, if you just go to a general practitioner, right? Like to get a checkup, it's usually free, right? - Yeah. - Whereas the only other, I guess, experience I've had with health care, outside of the UK is Thailand and normally it's pretty, it's about the same price as it is here, in terms of medicine and going to see the doctors and everything, and what I found is that doctors here, in Asia at least, are way more willing to give off, some kind of medicine for whatever illness you have. - Yeah, definitely. - I guess there's an argument to make that also could be dangerous though, just giving off medicine constantly. I mean that's why there's an opioid epidemic right now in America. - Yeah. - Over prescribing. But, I mean, healthcare is a loaded topic. - That's a loaded topic, that I certainly do not know enough about, to contribute to the conversation. - Either way, I had a good time, my doctors were very nice, except they scared the shit out of me that was- - Literally scared the shit out of you. (laughing) - I'm still shitting. - Several times. - Actually, and I think that what's good is, there was a pharmacy right around the corner and they obviously knew I couldn't speak Japanese, 'cause I told them, I was like, (speaks in foreign language). And then they were, they made me fill out a form in English, and I was like fuck, how do I tell them, I have this blood condition? And so, I Googled the kanji for it, and I like wrote this kanji, which is fucking hard kanji, there was like swishes, when there's not lines, straight lines, I'm like fuck! (Garnt laughing) - There's a curve in this, damn it! (laughing) - And then I had to write this and it must have looked like a two-year-old wrote this kanji- (laughing) - I really wanna see that now, just to see. - I don't know, whatever the Kanji for hemophilia is on the screen right now. - Right. - Yeah, it was, and so I gave it, and I was like I made sure, I was like, (speaks in foreign language), and they're like, (speaks in foreign language). And then they gave me the medicine, and then they gave me a printed A4 paper in English explaining what all the medicine was, and why I should take it. And I'm like, "Oh, wow, that's cool." - Yeah. - 'Cause normally in Japan, it's just like, oh, you don't speak Japanese? - Good luck. - Yeah, good luck. - Well shit, I think this medicine will work. (laughing) You might have a reaction to it. - Riperoni, kid! (laughing) - Like better find out. (laughing) 'Cause like most American medicine I can't take, and I always find that out. 'Cause when I was a kid, I didn't give a fuck. I was like, yeah, I'll take it. (laughing) (indictinct) - Is this a pill off a offer? What does it do? - I'll give it a go. - Yeah, when I was 12, I was like, oh it's medicine? Yeah I'll take it, like it's good, it must be good. And then when I got older and I started like, when someone told me, you can't take ibuprofen and my dad had been giving me ibuprofen for five years. - Oh, my God. - And it was like oh shit, I could have like died. - Yeah. - Yeah, so I can't take ibuprofen, and there's so many drugs in America, that contains stuff that I just can't have. So, I can't have those generic ones. - As a kid, did you love the taste of Calpol? I think that was American Calpol. - I fucking love calpol. - Oh, my God. - It's like an orange kind of thing? - It's like there was an orange Calpol, and a black currant one as well. - The black currant- - Was that like cough medicine or something? - No it's kind of general cold medicine. - Yeah, just like general cold medicine, but as a kid, it tasted way to good for it-- - I used to love getting sick. (laughing) - Every time I would have a sick day, I'm like mom, bring out the Calpol. (laughing) - Cracking bottles. - Get the top shelf, and get the Calpol. - 'Cause you're only supposed to take it like one spoonful, but sometimes I just act like extra ill, so I can be like, I think I need another one mom. (laughing) 'Cause that shit tastes too good to be a medicine. - We had something like that in Australia, but it was cough syrup. - Yeah. - Right. - And normally, it's like strawberry flavored cough syrup right? - Yeah. - And it still tastes like cough syrup. It has the aftertaste of cough syrup. - Yeah. - But the initial thing is like a goop of like strawberry flavored, like jelly, basically. So kids would just like fucking downing shots of that shit. (laughs) - Very safe. - We were just like, please father. (laughing) I am sick. (Joey coughs) (indictinct) - Turning kids into drug addicts. - Yeah, legit. - Did you ever in school wanna break an arm? To be like everyone to care? You know what I mean? - No. (laughing) - I wasn't that desperate for attention. - Everyone would like write on the kid's broken cast, I was like, I want that, I want everyone to write on my arm. - Mom can I break my arm, please? - I think whatever, if there is a God, He knew I wanted to break something, 'cause I've never broken a bone in my fucking life, I've like done disgusting shit that should've broke bones. - There was a time where, I would see the cast thing and I'd be like, that one's so cool. - Okay, that's not what I'm saying. Like, I don't wanna break a bone, but I'm saying that I wanna have like- - I wanna have a cast, and I remember, it was climbing a tree, and I fell off, and I landed on my arm. - So get a cast. - Yeah, in the back of my head I was like, yes! (laughing) See, finally! - I just worded it wrongly. - But I wasn't like willingly like all right, let me find the closest tree. - I was just like trying to yee myself on a tree, I was just like it would be cool though if I did break it. - When I found out it was just like a really bad bruise I was like that's not cool- - You get a cast though? - It's just a bruise. I don't get anything from this. - Yeah, what the hell? - Yeah. (Alex laughs) - I've also never broken a bone in my body. And I don't know the thought scares me now. 'Cause I don't know what it feels like. - The older you get. Yeah. - Because I see so many people... 'Cause, I went to a high school that was very predominantly sports based. - [Conner] Right. - So, boys would be breaking their wrists or their ankles, their arms, their legs, whatnot, like constantly. And every time I would ask, because I don't know why I've never broken a bone in my body. I would always ask, does it hurt? And they're always just like, "Oh no, not really." And I'm just like, "Bullshit." (laughing) I've had splinters and they fucking hurt. Of course that fucking hurts. What are you talking about? - Because people who realized that don't realize, like that fingers are broken or something at some point it's like- - Oh, yeah. - There's a guy at my school, didn't realize his finger was broken until like it sat like wonky. (Alex laughs) Because he didn't go to the hospital. And it just sat- - How do you not realize that shit? - I don't fucking know. - It's like, oh my finger kind of hurts. It looks kind of weird too- - It's like at 90 degrees, that's kind of strange. - What's up with that? - And meanwhile there's me I get paper cut. I'm like get the fucking bandages. (laughing) Can you see a bone? Can you see a bone? (laughing) - Get the alcohol, quick. - Oh, my God. - I'm too British, I feel like if my hand was impaled, I'd be like, no, well, I mean... - It's just a flesh wound. - Put a bit of sanitizer on it and I think it should be fine. (laughs) - Honestly, I think the smallest injuries hurt the most. I feel sometimes. - Oh, paper cut or splinter hurts like a motherfucker. - What's the worst injury you've ever had? Like that hurt the most? - The worst injury I've ever had- - Yeah I'm sure do you have one. - I remember once when I was a kid we were playing tag or it's. As we would call it. - A brutal game. (laughing) - It's a sports for barbarians. (laughing) - I was playing with my cousins and this one time I ran like head... I full on sprinted, right? And my cousin was standing next to a pole and then I full on sprinted to try and get him, and then I tripped and I face planted into this pole. And I don't think I got any brain damage or anything like that, didn't get a concussion. But what I did get was this Tom and Jerry type, massive bump on my head- (laughing) It was massive, okay? To this day, I've never seen another injury like this where my forehead was just like this and the entire evening my parents were just spinning the... I was on my mom's lap and she would have to... She had to literally press it back in slowly over the course of this entire night. - You should just been like, it's my giga brain. Just try to come out. It's trying to escape from my head. - You know that point where you've got an injury and you don't know how bad it is, and then you see it, and you're like, "Oh, shit!" This is way worse than I thought it was initially. - [Alex] Oh, yeah. - 'Cause initially I'm like, yeah, yeah I'm good. I'm good, I can handle this. - Walk it off. - And then I saw myself in the mirror, (laughing) when I saw that massive lump, that's when the wave of pain just came towards it. So, I don't know if it was a psychological thing but it was- - Probably the worst one I had was... I was out like camping with friends, 'cause I always used to go camping every year with my family and family friends. And we were maybe 10 years old or something and my friend, and I were just grabbing rocks, there was this big cliff face, and we were just kind of just throwing rocks at the cliff because what do you do- - This is not gonna go well. - What do you do when you go camping, right? While the dads are setting up the tent, we're like, all right, fuck it, let's just throw rocks or whatever. And one of the rocks had bounced... Like my friends threw the rock against the cliff It bounced back and my hand was pressed up against another stone, 'cause I think I was sitting down and the stone came back and just slammed into my fingers, and I was like, ouch, initially, but then I looked down and both of my fingernails had just completely chipped off. - Oh. - What the fuck? - And it was really weird, it was kind of your thing, where it hurts until you look at it and it's like, "Oh, now it really fucking hurts." - Ah, that's so gross. - Yeah, so both of these fingernails were gone for a month maybe until they regrew back and, yeah, that's probably the worst. - That's so gross. - Yeah. - I think the most pain I've been in, I was snowboarding and I went, but you know... (cross talk) - Just like, "Oh, God, it's like four years ago, as well. You know having some snow ski resorts, they have some area that's designated for tricks and do hot pile. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - So, I know, I like going there and I try to... I normally can do like a 360 in the air. - Yeah. - Okay, like it's not clean. - Stop bragging. (laughing) - But now I'm too scared to do it. Because one of them, I didn't go off right and I just kind of span halfway on my back was facing... (indictinct) And so, I was up in the air maybe like, I don't know... I landed in the bottom of the ramp. - [Joey] Oh, shit. - For the next jump. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah- - Just hard ice. And I must've been up in the air I dunno, like three or four meters off the ground. - Right. - Just slammed on my back, thought I broke my back, I was so winded, I couldn't breathe, 'cause my lungs had just been like fucking pancakes, I was like... (inhales deeply) And they were like should we get the skiing ambulance? And I was like, no. (laughing) I'll walk it off. (laughing) I'll walk it off. Ant then I'd like broken the fall by putting my hand there, as well. So, I sprained my wrist as well. It was fucking horrible. - Yeah, I've had a lot of snowballs and skiing. - They hurt the most. - I had something similar like that, but I obviously wasn't in the air for as long. And also I always make sure whenever I do the jumps, I can do like 180 and 360 as well, but I always make sure that the bottom of it is like powder snow, just so if I fuck up the landing, then it's just like a pillow, be like (indictinct). - Oh, this feels nice. - Sometimes you like, I really wanna do this sick jump, but there's no snow at the bottom, but I'ma fucking do it. (laughing) - Yeah. - (indictinct) moments before a disaster. - 'Cause up until that jump, I was doing 180, 180, I was like, I'ma do the big one. I'ma do the 360. And then I went for it and it just completely failed. And then I had to be like dragged out of the way. 'Cause people were waiting to go as well, 'cause it's like a line system. - Yeah. - Some mates had to drag me with their skis on, I was like, "Oh my God," it's horrible. - I think my most painful memory is actually also my earliest memory. So, this is my earliest memory of my life that I can remember. - What? - Yeah. So I was... I think I was about three years old and it's obviously very vivid, but it's given me a phobia of bees, okay? - Okay. - To give you an idea about where I'm going with this story. - Okay. - So, here's my very earliest memory. I remember I was in my parents' restaurant and I see this thing just buzzing around. It was like this black dot just buzzing around and all I remember thinking was, I wanna bat the shit out of this thing. (laughing) - As a three year old? - As a three-year-old kid, I'm just like, (indictinct). 'Cause it's moving fast and I'd never seen a bee before. So, I'm just like, I'm gonna bat the shit out of this. - That's like some cat brain, right? (laughing) This thing is moving, I must hit it. - Literally cat brain. And then all I remember was I tried batting it and I remember it moving in a circular motion, just closing in on my eye, okay? - Oh, my God. - It was like this, I remember it. And then the next thing I feel is just this sharp pain on my fucking eyes. - Oh! - And it is... It scarred me for life. This pain I still remember to this day and this is why I have a phobia of bees, because that shit was so painful, and so I run to my mom and she looks at my eyes and I would never forget my mom's face, it was just pure shock, just like, "Oh shit!" 'Cause the stinger was still in my eyeball, So the- - Oh my God! - The bee had stung me on my eyeball. Like it- - Bulls eye bro. - Yeah, exactly. And we had to go to the doctor. We had to go to the doctor, because they had to tweeze out the stinger from my eyes. - How did you not go blind from that? - I just - It mustn't have gone deep enough, right? - Yeah. It must not have gone deep enough and I think it was on the whites of my eyes, it was my pupil. So, I probably just narrowly escaped blindness from that fucking bee. (laughing) - Fuck. - And yeah, ever since then, I learned an important lesson. Don't fuck with bees. - Don't fuck with bee's. Don't fuck with any wildlife, honestly. - Yeah. - That's the advice I always give to people who wanna go to Australia. It's like how do all these Australians avoid all of these poisonous snakes and spiders? Don't fuck with them and they won't fuck with you. If you go over to a poisonous snake and start poking it, you're gonna get fucking bitten. Don't do that and they won't bite you. Yeah, it's really easy. - I think most animals don't want to attack you. - No. It's a defense mechanism. Don't fuck with them and they won't fuck with you, really simple. - Speaking about animals, boys, not that there is anything to do with anime. (laughing) I wanna talk about animation, we've even done that, right? - Okay, sure. - Yeah. Remember when we started off as an anime type podcast and then we just didn't talk about anime at all? - Yeah. I mean, we always wanted it to be a... Whatever the fuck you wanna talk about, but anime is gonna be a big one. - Oh, yeah, of course. - [Garnt] Yeah. - What have you guys been watching recent? - Fuck all, man. (laughing) - You're not watching anything with Aki, right now? - I mean, Aki, watched, Uzaki Chan the other day? - Ah, how was that? - She watched the first episode and then she was like, you're gonna want to watch this. So, I watched the first episode actually this morning, right before we came to the office and I can't fucking stand it. (laughing) - I'm sorry. - Yes. Same here. - I'm Sorry. - Same here. - Aki, fucking hates it, I fucking hate it. It is so fucking boring. - I saw clip of it, I haven't watched it by the way, but I saw a clip where she got stuck in a bush? - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And to me it just looked like the porn hub thing where they get stuck in the washing machine. (laughs) You want me to get stuck in a washing machine? You only get stuck in a washing machine. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I thought it was a hint time. 'Cause I was like, "Oh, is this an evolution?" - I think I would enjoy it if it was a hint time. Because that is like hint time material. - I mean, it's literally like the stuck in the war tag that you have without the actual fucking. - I thought, because the laundry thing had been blowing up recently. (cross talk) The hint time porn, I thought it was like- - I know, man, it's always been a thing in hint time. (cross talk) - But I, I mean it's propped up a lot of porn recently. So, I thought, "Oh, it's a hint time thing. Which is, I guess- (laughs) That's just like what every one assumes what anime anyway. (laughs) It's a hint time thing. - Animated hint time, yes. - What is it about? - It's literally, just a slice of life where you follow this loud lolly- - Big tities. - Who has big tities. I'm like, I get the appeal of it, because it's- - Why is it blowing up? - Because, she's a loud lolly with big tities, that's why. That's literally it. - It looks shit. - That is her... Her body is her personality. - Yeah. - Oh, my God. - I don't know, it's... She's become the new meme girl of the month, I guess. - Yeah. - Because she... The manga has been pretty popular or at least popular within certain circles, because I see her face everywhere. - Yeah, it's everywhere. I don't understand why? - Well, I reckon what it is, is that... It was Uzaki Chan for this new year or I guess maybe this, I don't know. I don't want to say this generation, but it's essentially the same as Umaru Chan. - Yeah. - Right? Umaru Chan is the exact same type of show where, if you can stand Umaru Chan and you can relate, and like, Umaru Chan, then you probably love Uzaki, right? - I couldn't stand Umaru Chan. - Right. - Yeah. - I couldn't stand Umaru Chan. And I'm like, this little turd, is fucking taking advantage of a brother so, fucking hard, I would've slap the shit out of her. - I wanna club stomp Umaru Chan. - (indictinct) Unless you hit- (cross talk) And so, I feel that Uzaki Chan is kind of a similar show where if you don't like Uzaki Chan, as a character then you won't be able to stand the show, because she is the entire show. - Yeah. - Okay. - It's like Watamote, as well, right? If you don't like Coroki, which I didn't, I couldn't stand it. - 'Cause like the whole show is just basically her annoying the fuck out of the main character. - Yeah. - And the main character just- (exhale deeply) Oh, I hate you bro. - That's her personality (indictinct). Is that she's fucking annoying. Which is really funny, because people are like, "Oh, she's not that annoying." When a lot of people don't realize, the name Uzaki, is a play on words in Japanese for (foreign language), which means annoying. That's why she's called Uzaki. (laughs) Because she's annoying. Because I know so many people, like friends of Al's, right? Like Dakota's a massive fan of that show. - Yeah. - And I'm just like, why? - Yeah, Dakota, why? - Why? - Why? - Why? - Why Dakota? - What does it say about you as a person? (laughs) - Is it because she has a fucking skin fang and has two big tits, is that it? Like, why? - What's with the fang? (indictinct) - I'll tell you why, it's 'cause the Dojo's she's in are good. But like- - Yeah. - This is one of those shows where it's own specific genre now, I swear to God. Where I swear, there were just some shows or some manga that I swear people make, just 'cause they like- - Yeah. - Oh, this gonna be good Dajinshi material. - Yeah. That's what it- (cross talk) - This is gonna be the top 10 Dajinshi material. - That's the genre of these shows. The genre is Dojinshi material. That's what it is. - 'Cause they always have the meme girl, it's always focused on this one meme girl that a lot of people may find annoying, but for some reason she just works in really good... Like in any situations in Dojinshi, they just like... They're just golden. - Oh, yeah, because as much as I don't dig the uzaki Chan anime, men, the Uzaki Chan Dojo's are fucking lit. (laughs) Oh, my God. - (indictinct) Degenerates, right? - Every single one that I have seen so far, I'm just like, deim son. - I wish I could read porn. I just can't, a monkey brain, man. It's like- - I mean, you don't have to. - I mean, you don't read anyway- (laughs) Let alone read porn. - Yeah. So, how am I gonna read... That's even worse than the gaming thing with reading. I wanna read my porn, I want shitty acting and I wanna skip to five minutes in and then decide what I'm gonna do. - It's because, Uzaki Chan's personality is so fit for Dojinshi. Because she's like that, always teasing kind of character, right. And I'm just like, well, if you put that in a sexual aspect, man, that makes for some spicy Dogen's. - Yeah. - And they are. They're really good. Her big tits don't help. (laughs) Honestly, her body proportions do not help, right? - Yeah. - I don't think I would enjoy the Uzaki Chan's Dogen's, if her body was just normal. - Yeah, exactly. - But because it's so disproportionate and built for Dogen's I'm just- (cross talk) They were clearly planning for this in Dogens. - It's just the show that's made for Hint time. - It is. - Even more so than some fan surveys (indictinct) shows. There are just... There were like some edgy shows and then there are edgy shows that are made, I feel, just for like the fan material under the Danjis and everything like that. - It's like being, "Oh, yes, this new era gay came out, but I'm gonna get the old ages version instead. - Yeah. (laughs) - Why would you do that to yourself? Why, what's the point in that? - So, out of 10, the first episode? - It's like a three. - Yeah. - At least. - That sounds generous. - It looks good. That's all I'm gonna... Like, Uzaki Chan... Okay, I'll admit, Uzaki Chan's character design, fucking amazing, I love it. It's great. - I reckon that's why a lot of people got Jordan's web, because her character design is great. I love her character design. And she has such a good memorable face. You know that one girl that every season that just has the best facial expression. - Oh, yeah. - Like this season is definitely... It's definitely Uzaki Chan, like her smug face, the smuggling NG, man. - The smug face, yeah, that's what it is. - She's got like the perfect smug face. (laughs) (cross talk) - Anamei funs are just like, "It's a great show. She's got a smug face, I'm sold. I'll pay." - This is art, this is art- - Yeah. - Congratulations, smug face. - Aname fans are the real monkey brains. (laughs) can I just say that? - I just genuinely want to know, for people who are watching this right now and saying that they love Uzaki Chan, what is it about the show that you like? Because I tried, right. - Yeah. - I always do my best. Even if it's a show I don't like, I'm like, "Okay, why is it that people are getting to the show?" What aspects is it? - Yeah. - I looked at, Uzaki Chan, and I'm like, the only thing I can think of is her tits. (laughing) That's the only redeeming factor about this show. - And I feel bad, because I feel like that's the easy to go to joke- - Yeah. - Of like, "Oh, this show has no substance or anything, but I legitimately, I'm just curious. I wanna know why people, like it? - It's not like I'm trying to diss on people who like the show, by all means, right? But I just wanna know, what is it? Is it the tits? (laughs) Because if that's the case- - Is this like a call for help- (cross talk) - Because if that's the case, then you can literally, just be like, "Okay, I fucking hate this Anime, but if I add tits, seven out of 10. - This feels like my intervention. It's like, just admit you have a problem. Just tell us. - Just admit that you like the tits. And that's the only reason why I enjoy the show. - What, have you been watching anything else this season, Jerry or not really? - Not really. No. - Could I'll tell you why I've been watching, Rent A Girlfriend. - Yeah, me too- - And that is... Is that a guilty pleasure? - No. - I don't know if that's a guilty pleasure. - I genuinely think it's like the best show this season. - I think it's a really good show. - Really? - I'll say it's the best show this season they're gone. - I mean, Real Zero is... (cross talk) Real Zero, head and shoulders above the rest. - Oh, yeah. - At the moment. - Okay, Real Zero, the last episode, have you watch the last episode? - Yeah. - Oh, my God. I was crying like a fucking baby- (laughs) Holly shit. - Real zero, shit... We'll get into Real Zero in a minute. - Yeah. - But Rent A Girlfriend. That is just, why does it work? Because it's such a generic heron plot, right? - I hate the protagonist or something. (laughing) - 'Cause I read the synopsis of that, I'm like, this seems really in silly. - No- - It seems like it's made for Incell. - Like the protagonist is a living bro moment. (laughs) Every time he does something, I'm like for fuck's sake, why are you doing this bro? Seriously, bro. - No, bro. The problem is now this anime comes out, people are gonna be like, "Wait, we should actually make this a thing." They're gonna be like, 'We should do this, this is normal." - Yeah. - We should normalize this. - Yeah. - Normalize paying girls. That we all ready did that with online- (laughs) - Yeah, right. - The gaming, the (indictinct) or something, whatever it is. - Yeah. - Yeah, or whatever. - Yeah, whatever the fuck (indictinct). - No, I'm surprised you're enjoying it though. - 'Cause it was really fun. I mean I hate the main character and I saw it when you tweeted out, saying, "Oh he's irredeemable." There were people like, "No, he's not irredeemable." It's like, bro he's annoying as fuck right now. - That's the incell's protecting their boy. (laughs) - I know, it's probably like the, monguritus, who's like, well he gets kind of- (cross talk) - I'm sure he will. - Yeah. Which, I'm looking forward to seeing him become a better person. But right now, I can't remember what I called him, I think it was like a- - Cum stain (indictinct). (laughs) - Yeah. - Like a cum stain. - Yeah, cum stain protagonist. Which is so accurate, it's so accurate. He's a cum stain. - The way I view him is like, I fucking hate Backer girl from My Hero Academia. - Yeah. - But everyone fucking loves him. And I'm like, he's a piece of shit. - Yeah. - He's so selfish. - I don't get it. - Yeah. - Why are you people... Why are you booing me, I'm right. (laughing) - 'Cause I think that's the thing that really pisted me off, which is just how selfish he was. - He is so selfish. - He's ridiculously selfish. Unlike if you're one of those people, who relate to him- (laughs) - It's the people who related to Subaru in the start, it's like, what's wrong with you? - Yeah. - It's like, okay. Like if you are my mate and you were acting like him, I would have... I would need to talking to you... - Yeah. - I would have to talk to you. - You would catch these hands. - Yeah, exactly. The person who I liked the most wasn't him, but he was his best mate. - Yeah. - Like he was a true bro who like... Who was looking out for him and everything. And so far the main protagonist hasn't done anything that's made me feel like, man, he deserves a best girl. Man, he deserves his bros. - Yeah, he definitely does, yeah. (laughs) - So, I'm looking forward to seeing his character development, which I assume is what happens- - Still, but- - In the Manga. - Or it's the Manga real. Just being the Manga is be- - If this was shit that happen in real life, you... And this was in your friend group, you'd never be forgiven for it. - No- - For doing the shit that he's pulled- - Oh, no. No, you would absolutely be clowned on by bro's. - So, he like rents a girlfriend, she's great. I mean, this just spoilers the first three episodes. And then, this girl that dumped him, he immediately gets back with her. Even though she's talking shit about him. - Yeah. - In front of his friend. And it's like, what are... What, I can't believe this shit. This is where you would be like, "Wow, this guy's my friend." - Yeah. - This is where you would be like, no... - I'm friends with an absolute cunt, right? (laughing) - Yeah. - You selfish asshole. - Yeah. - Oh, my God. - And it's one of the first Hera manama where there's clearly a best girl. 'Cause she's girl real, fucking girl of the seasons. She's such- - MVP. - MVP. - She's coming through. - Yeah. - She's not only helping him out, she's like, with the grand situation, oh, my God. - Yeah. (indictinct) - Like I'm there in my corner, I'm fucking cheering. But at the same time, I kinda don't wanna cheer, as well. 'Cause, cheering means that she has to end up with this person at the moment. And it's so hard to be like- (cheering) Go protagonist. - I hope she gets like a giga charge, just to make incells mad. (laughing) I wanna incells mad, bro. Man, I've... (chuckles) Seen the incell takes on Twitter, man, they get me fucking fuming. Oh, my God, you guys have never left your room. (laughs) - Is this your first Heroin Manama that you've been following then? - Weekly? - Because Heroma don't really seem, like a thing you would watch. - Yeah, that's why I was like... That's why I was surprised when I heard you were watching it. - I mean, I normally watch them, but I think, because they make life so difficult for themselves, it's so frustrating to watch. It's like, you didn't have to make this difficult. You like, you made your life shit. - Yeah. - You could've spoke to her, but you fucking sat there. Okay, one thing that you would never do in real life, right? If your girlfriend, whatever, walks off, even if it's your rental girlfriend. - Yeah - Yeah. - You go after her. - Yeah. - That's a universal thing. Even idiots and people who are the most nervous people on earth and shy, they go after the- (cross talk) And if they don't, your friends will immediately be like, "Yo, dude, go, right now." - Yeah. - Yeah. Like the thing that pisted me off is, in a lot of these situations, his friends are acting like his friends should act. They're like, "Bro, get your girl, get your girl." - Yeah. - And he's getting angry that they don't know the full situation, even though he's put himself in this situation. (laughing) - Bro, you go after the girl if she storms out angry that's like rule number one. - Exactly. - Even if it's a fake girlfriend, I would still go after my girl. - Yeah, exactly. - The other thing, the reason why I might, I don't think I like Harams is 'cause, maybe in my head I'm like, I'm trying to speed run it in my mind. (laughs) I'm like, oh God, what would I do for optimal straps to get the girl? Like, no, no, you did the wrong route here that you just lost 20 seconds. You know what I mean? - But I think that's the problem, right? It's like, you're trying to like watch these kinds of shows- - To relate, to like... - You're basically, if we were relating it's like speed runs, right? You're trying to be like, all right, how am I gonna speed run this, while watching 100% run. (laughing) That's what it is. It's like why are they taking the optimal route? Not knowing that they're trying to do 100%. - No, I think you've put harems into the wrong genre then. - I just... Most of the stories I find really underwhelming and I don't, like some of them I've really enjoyed. - Yeah. - But some of them- - A lot of them are very like, come on bro, just get to the fucking point. - Most of them, like you watch three and you feel like you've watched all of Hararm, you know what I mean? - Yeah. Oh, yeah. - I mean, for me, the closest thing I would relate harem to, actually, is sports. (laughs) Okay, here's the thing. Here's the- - What's the formula? - Here's the enjoyable part of Harem, right? It's picking a team, picking your girl and then fucking cheering for her. (laughs) This isn't about speed running the shit, this is about getting caught teased, about who's the protagonist's gonna end up with. - Oh, yeah, I guess that's Harams, I'm sorry that, yeah. I was about to say, if there's only one main, I was like- (laughs) - Yeah, exactly. - That's just the romance at that point. - Yeah. - Romance I don't like, romance... Haram is, but 90% of Harems, you already know. - Wait, but why don't you like romances then? Because that's the speed run, if anything. - Because sometimes they just do dumb shit in it and I'm like, no one would ever do this. - Well, they have to make a cohesive story, right? They're not just gonna be like, all right, I met this girl, episode one, episode three, em' together. (laughs) End of the story, baby. - Sometimes they do shit in romance that I'm like, this shit... Okay, I knew it shouldn't be realistic, but then also there's just some stuff that it's like hard for me to ever believe whatever happened. - Right. - I'm trying to think of a case. I can't off the top- - What romance anime have even seen then? - Yeah. - Named a bunch of iconic ones and I'll see. - Golden Time. - Yeah, Golden- - Totadora. - Totadora, I really liked. Yeah, I think I like most of them, I just never seek them out. It's something that if a friend recommends and I have nothing better to do, and I put it on, I'll probably enjoy it, but it's not a thing that I seek out for myself. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this. Especially those people who watch Only Shownin. - Yeah. - Like, get that shit outta here. - Yeah. - There's no fight scene. (laughing) - Like Harem, especially, I feel that most shows that I've watched, it's like, oh, that's the one. If any of these girls are gonna get it which is, even a mystery. - Yeah. - 'Cause 90% of the time, nothing fucking happens. (laughs) It's like, "Oh, the protagonist, supervene, that's the show and it ends, right? What was that one from a few years ago where it was like, they will all like wizards. And the one guy could like counter magic and it was awful. - You just described like fucking 90% of most like magic high school Hermn show. (laughs) - Yeah, and it'll be like eight girls. And they all have one personality trait. And that's it. It's like the most boring shit. - Are you talking about Index? - That's what I thought. - That's the only thing like counter magic- - Like Index is the guy who he's like the magic- - He has like the right hand that can counter magic. - There's also the Irregular Of Magic High School. - I love that series. - Yeah. - It was around that, the same season. - (indictinct) Straddles? - Some guy, I don't fucking know this guy. - They all sound the same. - Yeah. (cross talk) - I'll try and find it today. - That's like trying to pinpoint an Easter by saying, "What was that one show where they go against transported to the other world?" And gets overpowered and stuff. - Yeah. - If I find what it is, it's on the screen right now, if not, I'm just holding my hands up, like an asshole. - Night in Magic, maybe that one. - I'll fucking find... I'll find it. - They're all crap. - They're just garbage. - The thing about Heroin anime is that, I can never watch two at once, right? 'Cause when I'm watching two at once, that's like me watching the same show twice, but every time a new one comes on, then this time it's Rent A Girlfriends. And boy, what I will say about Rent A Girlfriend, is that it's just very addicting to watch. - Yeah, I also thought it is. - And I think because the main character is the way he is, as well. 'Cause you're sitting there fuming, but you click on that next episode. 'Cause you wanna see... You're like cheering for him to become a better guy. And just act the way that you want him to act. - Is it funny how it's like the opposite of real life. (laughs) You're like, the moment you see it, your like, get out of my life- (laughing) For an animate, please get better. Come on. I know you can. - You can do it. You can do it. - Like imagine the scenario of Rent A Girlfriend in real life. (cross talk) One of your mates- - Especially in this climate, as well. - Yeah. - Find out one of your mates is paying for a girl just to rent her as a girlfriend and parade her around. And you're like, bro, that's a real bro moment. That aint cool bro. - I can think of like several people who would do that. - But like in anime, for some reason, I don't know why, because sometimes there's scenarios that I feel wouldn't work in real life or even in like live action series. - Yeah, that's true. - But because it's anime and because it's animated, my suspension of disbelief is just a bit more so like- - Yeah. (cross talk) You get to hear their thought process. - Yeah. - I mean actually, hear that they have compassion and stuff, so you can kind of- - Yeah, because a live action rent a girlfriend would be probably one of the cringes things you'll ever watch. - Yeah. (cross talk) - So have you ever completed a Hera man-made to the end- - Yeah. - Where the best girl wins? - I don't know if a best girl won. Wait, what... Name a few famous Hera manama. - Nisekoi. - Nisekoi I didn't watch. - Toloveru. - I haven't watched Toloveru. - Orimo. - Orimo. - I don't think I've watched many. - Aeromonas. - The World God Only Knows. - The World God Only Knows I watched. - All to the end? - Yeah, all like three seasons or whatever. - Oh, deim. - And that was good. But I don't know what happens. - That doesn't seem like a show you would watch. - Yeah, exactly. - I'm just like, "Oh, you watched that one, okay." - I watched all of it. And then I was like, wait, I have to read the Monga now. - Yeah. (laughing) - What do you mean, we have three seasons, don't stop now, keep going. I thought normally when it gets to season three that's normally like, all right, we're only here for the long run, we keep going. And then it just ended. And I'm like, what do you mean? (laughs) What do you mean? That's a really good show, I loved that. - So you've never gone to the end where like there's a winning girl. Where there's an actual- (cross talk) - Winner. - I probably have, I probably just can't remember it. - Well, yeah, 'cause they're all probably generic. (laughing) - It's like, again, like we all know I have monkey brain. - Yeah. - Most like the anime that's, if it's not an eight out of 10 or higher for me, it probably is like in the forgotten. - Yeah. - Yeah. It's in the (indictinct) category, right? - It's in the, okay, it's good. But not a good enough for me to retain memories of it. - Yeah. (laughing) - Because that's the reason I watch harem anime. Because once you watch one, you basically watched them all. So to me- - I love watching the same thing over again. - I mean I do watch- (cross talk) (laughing) - Its the Isakaya man, after all. - But I don't know, it's just fun being in the race, right? And part of the fun is being in the community and seeing all the salt and tears from the losers. I mean, it's like real sport. Part of the fun is shitting on the losing side. (laughing) - Very, very long sports game. - Yeah. - It is. - An all week long sports game. Right. - And that's why you can get... That's why you get so invested in it, because you're reading this... You're reading this Monga. 'Cause normally it's a Monga. 'Cause the anime. I can hardly, I can, it's really rare for an anime Harem to actually go through to the end. - Yeah. - So, you normally follow the Monga for like weeks and weeks, and sometimes it's years. And that final chapter where your girl wins, man. That's like a euphoric feeling. (laughs) - Wouldn't know. - I've experienced that recently with, what the fuck is it (foreign language). - We Never Learn. - We Never Learn. - Yeah. - Because they recently ended that and best girl won and I was just like, yes, finally. Thank you. - If you had to give me a recommendation for a hera monga to read, what would you tell me? - I would recommend, We Never Learn. - Really. - Yeah. That's really cute. I've read so much harem stuff and this is one of the few series where I'm just like, wow, I like all of these girls. Like there isn't a single girl... Like all of these girls can easily win and all of these girls are fucking awesome. - Yeah. - I wasn't too mad or... I mean, I was happy because my favorite one, won. But I think when I saw her around in the community when people were routing for all the girls that were like, my girl didn't win, but I ain't complaining, I'll take the second place. It's all right. (laughing) It's all good, man. Its all fun. - Just seeing how people justify their losing position. It's beautiful. It's beautiful when you're in that winning girl. When you're backing that winning horse it's just like all the tears taste so good, man. But I mean, you're watching one now with Rent A Girlfriend. - Yeah. It's good. - Would you follow up on the Monga if the anime ends and that you just, it just ends. - If I'm really into, yeah, I probably would. - Yeah. - It have to be pretty damn good though. It'd have to end like on an amazing cliffhanger. - Do you read a lot of Mongo? - It's hard, 'cause I feel that the time when I would read Mongo, I'm normally doing something else. (laughs) - I've seen you reading quite a few (indictinct). I mean, you read all of Terraformers. - If I read a Monga. It's like nonstop. - Yeah. - Like I cannot put it down. So it's very like hard for me to get into it. - So I don't think you'd enjoy then if it's like a currently (indictinct). - Yeah, I don't read currently serializing except for One Punch Man. 'Cause that's always a treat whenever it pops up. It's like, a new chapter. I'm like fuck yeah. - Action happens in every chapter- (cross talk) - Oh my God, One Punch Man monger is fucking beautiful man. That shit is amazing. - Yeah. - Oh, I love that shit. And then I try to read the web comic, but I was like. (laughing) You know that meme, where the guy took off the headset, he's like... (laughing) I was like, it's good. It's funny. But it's like, the best- - You can't go back to the web Mungo, once you've experienced- - Exactly, the art is so good. And it blows my mind that the first season actually managed to capture how hype his art was and maybe even exceeded it at some points. But like his art is fucking insane. - I mean, I've loved Eyeshield since issue 21. When I found out he was doing One Punch Man, I was like, yes, the best. - Issue 21 is still one of my favorite sports mangroves. (cross talk) - That's something I've downloaded to actually read at some point. But it's like every time I'm gonna start a sports Mongo, it's like Slam Dunk or EyeShield. And then I just I'm like fuck, which one should I choose? (laughing) - Just do both, man. Honestly, those are my top two- (cross talk) - And those are like the two sports manga that you should definitely read the sports monga and not watch- - Don't watch anamie. - Yeah. Don't watch- - Cause they have not aged well. Mostly because their matches take so fucking long. This is back in the day of Dragon Ball Z. - Yeah. - I remember the first time I watched Slam Dunk and I remember thinking, why is a match like 10 episodes? How can they possibly stretch a match over to 10 episodes? And I watched the entirety of the Slam Dunk anime and then I read the manga, and then it just felt, like when Rock Lee had taken off his training weights, like it was moving so fast. And I was like, I didn't know. I didn't know the story, could move this fast. - This is how ,its supposed to feel. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. - Yeah. - But, yeah like definitely, I think not enough people read sports Mongo or sports anime. - Every single sports anime that I've consumed, I've loved. Like Yo Mushy Pedalwi surprised me. I really fucking loved that. - I finally now have an excuse to start reading Haikyu, now that it's finished. - I do wanna read that, 'cause I found the anime a little boring. - Oh, really? Yeah, I know. - Really? - I've heard- - How come? - I got half of it the second season and I'm like, why does it feel like I'm watching season one? (laughing) I just felt like I was watching season one again. Is that bad? Is that a fair take? - No, I mean... I feel like he gets better and better every season. 'Cause I remember it's a high Q. - Every one says that. I feel like I'm in the (indictinct) minority. - Every one say that. - Yeah. - I feel like I was properly sold in haiku, like properly, properly into it. The last match of season two and then season three came along, and season three is just one match. And I remember thinking to myself before the season started how can they make an entire season from just one match? We're going back into slam dunk territory. - Yeah. - That would be insane. - This is way too dragged out. And then I watched it and I'm like, Oh my God, this is the best season. So far, this has taken it to another level. - But when I know that its going to be a full season what I'm thinking in my head is, "Whoa, that was amazing." But I'm like, fuck I'm not gonna find the conclusion for like 20 episodes. (laughing) And I think I know roughly what's going to happen- - This boy is trying to speed, run a sports book. (laughing) - 'Cause what's going to happen. And they don't know the pacing. I'm like, great. This is awesome. I'm shocked. I don't know what to expect. If I would go into it now and thinking, okay, I'm gonna get, what is it? 12 episodes? - No, it was only like nine episodes. (cross talk) It was less. - Okay. That's good. Okay, nine episodes, is manageable, what if it's 25. And it was like, all the season was 25 episodes. I'd be like, I can't do it. I can't. - Well, that's why the Slam Dunk and Eye show 21 mongers is so good. - Yeah. - Because the pacing in that for every single match is legitimately, like this could end in two chapters or it could end in a hundred chapters. I'm gonna try reading one of them actually I wanna read Monga on stream. I've been trying to get permission from our company to be able to do that. - Yeah. - You should do that. I think that would be high. - Dude do a stream where you read Eye Shield or Slam Dunk, I'll tune into that, 'cause I wanna know. Right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I wanna know how you think they are. - I probably be like the most boring reactor of all time. (laughing) 'Cause I'm that guy, who just doesn't get hype when I'm watching or reading something. - Dude I tried to do an anime watching stream a couple of times. - Yeah. - And I walked back on the vault. I'm like, I need to delete these. (laughing) - It is the most... I'm literally just, I fucking jinxed it the entire time. I was just like, all right, yep. (laughs) - With Monga, I thought, well, if I can voice out most of it, I mean, that would be very draining. - Yeah. - Yeah, but that's more entertaining. - Yeah. - That more entertaining, right? - That's not like the natural reaction. - Yeah. - Where you're just reacting to it. - Yeah. - 'Cause for me, when I'm watching something, I'm literally like dead eye. The hyper shit could be happening and I'm just still like... (laughs) - Yeah, that's pretty much me, unless it's sad. Then I'm just sobbing my eyes out. - Yeah. (laughing) - Like fucking crying. When I'm in that mood, I will fucking cry at anything. - Right. - Yeah. - Like I fucking cried at The God Of High School episode. And I was like, why? This shit was fucking awful. (laughs) - God Of High School, why? God Of High School... - Yeah, I know, 'cause I just wanted to cry that day. (laughing) - I need some thing. - And so that was the episode- - So, wait at what scene, at what scene? - Fuck. Must've been like, we turn to episode five now. You've watched episode five? - I've watched... Yeah, I've watched episode five. - There's some one with his backstory, with his friend. And I was like, this isn't even that fucking sad. (laughing) And they completely ruined the show for me the episode before with the wedding. And I was like- - Yeah. - All right I'm out. Fucking (indictinct). - Yeah. - So dumb. That wedding episode was the dumbest episode. - And then you cried at the next episode. - Yeah, because I was in one of those moods where a fucking Cheeto commercial, where they will be like- (crying) (laughing) You know what I mean? - No I don't know what you mean. (laughing) - I get there's moods where sometimes, I'm not going to cry, but I know that crying will me feel better. - Yeah. - Even though I'm not sad, I'm not sad. I'll just cry. Just cause it'll help. I'm sure there's people who can relate to this. - Yeah I'm sure, but I don't think you're gonna find them in this podcast. (laughing) - Yeah. I'm with like two giga brain, like floating, meditating geniuses, they don't experience this kind of- - I don't know man. 'Cause the biggest... I'm like the fucking opposite, opposite of you, right? 'Cause I could have... You could show me the saddest fucking story. And sometimes I'm like stonewall, dead face, feel nothing. You play like the Anahata ending, at the Anahata ending song or a certain piece of music. I'm bawling my eyes out. - Yeah. - Music for me is such an important factor to make me- - It all goes back to that music episode. - Yeah. - I was listening to music the other day and I was like, oh yeah, my favorite songs is just the ones with no talking. (laughing) I like the noise - I did appreciate Kevin Penkins tweets. (laughing) Just be like, how he was so giga tilted when he watched that episode. (laughing) 'Cause he tweeted out being like, okay, people are linking me to this particular trash taste episode. I gotta go check it out. And then like two hours later, he just tweets out being like, Corner, we have to talk. (laughing) - Kevin doesn't make, except for like, in Made In The Bass. But normally his songs don't have people singing in them, so that's nice, I can appreciate the beeps in the boots that Kevin makes. I love your boots and beeps Kevin. (laughing) (air whooshing) - Hey there it me, call me Mr. Titi. The big pipi man. This episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by Zenonzard. Zenonzard is a very unique anime themed to AI based card game for mobile. That is quite firstly released worldwide. Fight along and against AI. They give advice and support you within the game. There are 16 different AI companions that you can choose from that are based on a questionnaire at the beginning of the game. And you can choose your favorite AI companion based on your personality. Not only that, but the AI will adapt to your play style. The more that you play and give you better, and better advice with each passing game. You can create a deck from 500 different cards from seven different categories. That's a lot of categories. Zenonzard's unique feature is the mana movement system that allows you to pull minion cards from the field and use them as temporary mana to summon other minions. 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(indictinct) (air whooshing) - (indictinct), what do you think of God Of High School? - It's just kind of pretty and that's kind of about it. (laughs) That's kind of, I hate to say it, 'cause I really do want the web tune anime to like kill it. - Yeah. - But I don't know if it's like, I don't know who wrote it, the story. I don't know if the inexperienced that first time, but the story kind of does feel like it's a little all over the place right now. - Yeah, because God Of High School for me is the one show I really, really wanna like. - Yeah. - I wanna like God Of High School. I mean, it's a fucking just a tournament talk of an anime, right? (cross talk) It should be my wet dream, but for some reason I just can't get into it. I think he blew his loads too quickly, because it just started with tournament Arg. - Yeah. - And I'm not invested in any of the characters. It just feels weird. - I can see why it would work in like a Monga formula. - I've read the manual or the original web to manual. - What's the manual like? - The manual it's like... I dunno, the parts I like about the manual is kind of the same parts I like about the anime. - Yeah. - But it doesn't mean that it's like, as you said, it's not... I think it did kind of kick off a little too hard at the beginning where it was just like you gotta give me time to like kind of ease into it. - Yeah. Because then the fights, when you get the flashbacks halfway through it just kind of feels like weird. Like a cliche. - Yeah, I'm just like- - Of course they have a backstory. Everyone has a fucking backstory. (laughing) Who doesn't have a backstory. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Did it need to be in the middle of the fight that's the question, right? - I mean, I don't know. Most, shown in fat bad flashbacks are in the middle of the fight. (cross talk) - Then it's on characters that we already have some understanding of, most of the time. - Yeah. - And then it builds upon it. But when it's the only introduction you have to that character. Like the guy, when he's sick friend, it's like- - Yeah. - Just go to Stonewall before. And now you want me to give a shit cause his a sick friend? - Now its like, Oh, shit we have to shoe horn a personality, right now, quickly. - Bro it's 2020, everyone has a fucking sick friend. (laughing) (indictinct) And the main villain, it just kind of seems like, why would anyone make a deal with that guy? - I Don't know. - That guy looks like a loan shark. When the guy comes up, she's like, "Oh, I'll save your friend if you fight for me." That sounds like the sketchiest deal ever. (laughing) Like what. It's like a green to do like a homeless fight. And for some meth it's of course the homeless man isn't gonna give you meth. You're fighting a homeless man. It's not illegal, is this legal. It was a mess. The whole thing was, just you watch it and you're like, none of this is good, but I'll keep watching 'cause it's pretty- (cross talk) - I really want to like it because it's, it looks so good. - It's fucking amazing. - Mapper, blew it out of the park with the flight animation. And it's every episode has a really, really good looking fight. And I've really, really want to be invested in this flights. But for me, it's just like watching fireworks. It's like really pretty. And then I get nothing out of it and I'm going to watch it next week, because I really want to get invested. (cross talk) I hope it turns around and gets better, because at the moment it's just not doing it for me. And even though something like Tower Of God, is that feel worse animated. That drew me into his world and characters, and then like everything so much quicker and so much faster. - Now I agree with that. Yeah. - Well, I mean, control is more originals coming, so I'm hoping one of them is- - Isn't Noblesse getting an anime from- (cross talk) What I've heard. I'm probably most looking forward to that, because I think out of the three, like, God Of High School, (indictinct), Noblesse. I've probablu enjoy the Noblesse probably the most. - Yeah, and then they make an original shows. - And now they're making a bunch of original shows, as well. So yeah, it's gonna be interesting. - When are they gonna start animating the adult manual. - Oh, dude, I was just about to say. (laughing) (indictinct) - No I just wanna talk about adult manuel- - Dude if they make an anime for like six a size. - Yeah. - Or like, what's the other one, the one with the- - Sweet Guys. - Sweet Guy, yeah. - Sweet Guy. - That's my fucking favorite dudes. - That's a Hara Monga. - Sweet Guy, oh, my God, you need to read Sweet Guy. Sweet Guy its basically a Hera Monga, but for adults. - That sounds really familiar. - Sweet Guys is the one where the guy, gets like zapped by like an AB like machine. And then he develops the power to make any girl horny just by touching her. So he has the power of the cum touch, right? (laughing) And his this guy who's basically like, the Rent A Girlfriend protagonist. - Like Joni Sins. (laughing) - Yeah. He is. He's like Korean Johnny Sins. (laughing) - It's this incell who gets this superpower. - Its always an incell. - Its always the incell. - Where he gets the super power of like, basically anytime he touches a girl, he can make them horny and wanna fuck him. And then he does a lot of fucking. - Yeah. A lot of fucking. - That sounds great. - But the one main girl that he's aiming for, the power of the cum touch doesn't work on her. - Yeah. - It only kills her headaches. (laughing) (indictinct) - Extremely useful. - Yeah. - She's like, deim I have these searing headaches. And the guy's like, let me help you. (inhales deeply) Oh, its gone, thank you. - My headaches gone. And he was like, deim it, I wanted you to get horny. - Why are you not wet? (laughing) - I think, what the one series I've been getting into or was, had gotten into was Miss Mystic. What I recommended for you. - Yeah. - And I discovered Miss Mystic, after I binged Domestic Girlfriend. And I'm like, I want something spicy in my life. I need to keep the spice train going. And Miss Mystic I feel is that it's that perfect mixture of just a nice spicy story and like unlike sex, as well. - Yeah, pretty much, it's like a really compelling, I actually give a shit, about the mystery behind the whole thing. While also being like, "Oh, yay, boobies." (indictinct) - Gonna explain to Cornner what the main plot- (cross talk) So there's of course incell protagonists (indictinct). (laughing) - It's always the incell protagonist. (indictinct) - I don't know, I made this joke in my video, but I'm like, why is it that all of these fucking, incell protagonists have to go through a clumsiness, litmus test and pass it with flying colors. (laughs) - It's so true. - It's always the clumsy motherfucker, right? Because, he's on a train. He sees this really pretty girl and he's like, deim she's hot. And then of course his clumsiness kicks in, spills coffee all over her. He guides her to the toilet to help her get changed or whatnot, he's waiting outside. And then suddenly he gets this message from the girl and she's masturbating in the toilet. - Yeah. She's just full on masturbating in the toilet. - She basically just sends a premium Snapchat to (indictinct) essentially. But he can't save it and there's no traces of it. - Yeah. - And so he's like, what the fuck is this actually the girl that I just helped and where the fuck did the video come from and everything. And so now there's this entire mystery, behind this main girl that he's trying to get with. - Yeah. - Where it's like, who the fuck is she? And why is she fuck with my life- - That sounds oddly amazing, but also, this is like coming on the mystery expression or something. (laughing) - No, it totally is, 'cause the more... Basically the more he gets involved with this girl and the more his life gets fucked up. - Yeah. - So, he's already has a girlfriend- - Don't stick your dick in (indictinct). (cross talk) - He doesn't know if it's this girl that's causing it. - Yeah. - It's just coincidentally, when he met this girl his life started... His life just- (cross talk) - Fucking good. - It's really good. Its really good. - Viral downwards. And like a lot of things keep happening to him, like messages being sent or like videos being leaked and everything. And there's no way to trace it. And he doesn't know who is fucking with him. He doesn't know who's fucking with him. Why they're fucking with him. But someone is. - Because the girl that he's trying to get with is, looks and acts really innocent in front of him. - Yeah. - But then there's this entire mystery of like, is she the one that's actually- (cross talk) - Fucking good. - It's really good. - Yeah, I wanna read that. - Yeah. That's the thing, right? It's the mystery is so well-prepared that you actually give a shit about it and you're not just reading it for the tits and ass, right? - Yeah. - Because he's... Actually, he's not an incell, 'cause he has a girlfriend, doesn't he, in this one. - Yeah, of like 10 years. - Yeah, I forgot. He's actually gonna get married to this girl. And so like, whatever happens, starts fucking up with their relationship- - His mentality goes more and more in-sober. (laughing) - Yeah, it does. - He bowls into an incell. - Yeah. - And what's really good about it is the story is... The story compliments the sex scenes, as much as, it's not just sex for the sake of sex. They actually, compliment each other. There's actually a reason why he's in all of these different situations. - And the art and character design is so good. - Yeah. I wanna talk about that with web comics. How does everyone- - Why are they also good? - Why is the art also good and why they all colored? - Yeah. All right. - Yeah. - That's exactly what I say it might be, I'm like, why is it... Is it just like a coincidence that every Manuel that I looked up for this video, just happened to have the most godly fucking art and character design, because I don't get that frequency in Mongo. Mongo for me is like a very hit and miss sometimes. It's like, sometimes it's like, okay, the story's really fucking good, but the art is kind of (indictinct). Talking about (indictinct). (laughs) And then sometimes it's the other way around, right? It's like, man, this Mongo would be so fucking good if only the story was good. 'Cause the art looks amazing. But for some reason, every Manuel that I've read it's always like scored. - Yeah. - Both ends of the spectrum. I dunno if it's just my expectations of Manuel, it's just so low that anything will impress me or if it's genuinely good. - If there's one thing I can compliment, about every Manuel I've met is that the art is always fantastic. And it's colored. I mean, you get it. Imagine getting a full color chapter. That's like a gift from Jesus or something every time it come out. - Yeah, exactly. - Reading Joe Joe colored was amazing. - Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. - And I was like, Fan Don I think, all the fans colored. - Right. - And it's like amazing. - Yeah. - It's like (indictinct). - And in the world of web comics this shit is just normalized. - I know it's crazy. - Yeah, 'cause I remember reading Solo Leveling, as well. Which is, on paper, the most generic, power fantasy show ever. - Sounds like it's up your alley there. (laughs) - Of course I fucking loved it. - Why did you love power fantasy one so much. - I don't know, because, okay. (cross talk) (indictinct) (laughing) - He wants to feel strong. - I know I figured this out is because power fancy shows to me are like the turn my brain off. These shows are the ones that activate my monkey brain. 'Cause I was, for the longest time, I couldn't- - We all have a monkey brain. - Of course. - For like the longest time. I couldn't figure out the appeal of slice of life. Like a lot of people like slice of life. I've just never been able to get into- - I like slice of life. - And then I realized, I think my mentality when watching these trashy Sekai power, fancy shit it's the same kind of mindset when people have when they watch slice of life. Which is just switch my brain off and just- - Just enjoy what you're watching. - Just enjoy what I'm watching. Power fantacy has given me the minimal amount of engagement. (laughing) Just the minimal, just enough to activate the monkey brain, but not enough to make me think anything. - Is it like, 'cause you liked the idea that it could be you in the powerful position. Is that why? (cross talk) - It's like the biggest compliment, yet biggest diss. (laughing) - No. I mean, that's why I call them trash, right? Cause I know they're fucking trash. But I don't watch them to engage myself in any way, shape or form. - So, it's not a matter of like immersing yourself. - No, no. - 'Cause I know how it feels to be like 15 and watching Sao and you're like, God, I wish that was me. (indictinct) - I wanna be Kaito so bad. - I wanna be so fucking OP in real life. - Yeah. - And then you realize shit, that's kind of incell. (laughing) - Hella incell. - Like all my problems will be solved if I'm just better than everyone else. (laughing) You know what I mean? If this is a world that relies on strength and I'm just disgustingly over power- (cross talk) My life will just be easy. - Yeah - No one can call me an asshole or- (cross talk) - Alpha male way of thinking. - I think that's what it is though. Like, especially when you're younger, and you think like, all my life- - I wanna grow up to be like that. - 'Cause you're like, okay, well maybe I'm not fitting in at school. I wanna be (indictinct) and fuck shit up. I bet he gets ass if he wants it. (laughing) - There was definitely a point in my teenage hood. And I think in a lot of other people, when they were teenagers where, we watched power fantasies, 'cause we want to be the fucking main character. I think the appeal like there's always still that kind of appeal, that I don't think I've ever lost that. - Really. I think it grew out of that. I don't know. - I still have that with Hara Monga. - Yeah. (laughing) - 'Cause when I was like, grow up, I thought like when I was like 15 I thought Talavera was like a gift from God. Cause I'm just like, bro I wanna be Rito is so fucking hard and get all these girls. And now I have read over it again, I'm just like, your the same. (laughing) That feeling is still there dude. - It's like reading Sweet Guy. - God, I wish that was me. - You get to see this guy, fuck a load of girls. And you're like, it's like, oh I'm feeling the power of fancy I felt when I was 15. (cross talk) - It's really weird, right? - 'Cause you in like very long-term relationships, yes, I just want to fuck everybody (indictinct). I don't give a fuck. (cross talk) - You got to play that question real safe boys. - Why you put me in an edge like that? - Sidney's like listening. You wanna fucks other people Garnt? (laughing) - Like Sidney's watching with eagle eyes right now. Just like, oh, what's he gonna say? - Just say it (indictinct). - Say it. - Say I'm not good enough for you. (laughing) - No, but I feel like a lot of guys never grow out of that phase when they're a teenager. There's always a little bit of teenager. (cross talk) - Everyone has that horny monkey brain. - Yeah. Like one show I've been really enjoying recently has been a Demon School Academy, which is power fantasy. But it takes it to another fucking level. This guy is like more OP than any other wise- - Is that the white head like huge buff character is- - No, no. - Or is that something else? - Wasn't that the really shitty animated one, The Tale Of Gary or something. - Yeah that one. (laughing) - No, it's like tale of like Greg or something. It's a really white name. - Its the one who fucks the ogres. - Oh, yeah. I can't remember, as well. - It's like the tail, right, of fucking- (cross talk) - I know exactly what I'm talking about. - Like fucking clip art animation. (cross talk) - All I remember is that he has the whitest name in imagine it's like Glen or like Greg or something. (cross talk) (laughing) The legend of Gary (indictinct). - But I know this guy from Demon School Academy, he opens up the episode with him, beating up a guy to death with his heartbeat. And you're like, this is so over the top. This is like the most satirical, non-statistical show I've ever seen. He's so OP that you're like, they can't be taken this seriously, but it is played off in the series totally seriously. But the situations themselves just feel satirical, because he dies about... He's died about three times in the shows in the show now. But he's so OP that he's like, you think that killing would make me... Would be enough to make me die? (laughing) - Yes I have seen that. Yeah, I saw that meme. - And I'm just like, man, I'm enjoying the shows for like totally different reasons. I'm just monkey, my monkey brain is like clapping now. This is fucking fantastic. - It sounds like a (indictinct) I know. If I wanted to just like fucking around and just be like, I'm gonna make the most generic, satirical just parody of power, fantasy, I know, that would be the plot. - It's like the Kanye West, the power fantasy light levels. Because it's just become a parody of itself. (laughing) - Okay. (cross talk) You know what power anime I really enjoyed, it was the one with that fucking, I was gonna say the schools, but that doesn't help at all. The one with the, it's a magical school and he has no powers. (cross talk) It's a different one. (indictinct) Okay. (cross talk) It's different. It's the one with the guns. He makes guns. He's a famous gun maker. - He makes guns. - Yeah. He makes guns in the show. It's like a certain magical, not a certain magical Index. It's like, a fucking, a certain magical high school with some fucking shit. (indictinct) I'm fucking losing my mind here. - It sounds like he describing... You just went from Index to like fucking rail gun now. (laughing) It's like fucking similar vibes to that show. - Is it an Easter guy? - No. - It's just a power fantasy- - The guy who everyone thinks he's gonna his sister in the school. - Again, your not narrowing it down at all. - Oh, I know the one. Is it the one with the white and green- (cross talk) Yeah. - You know the one I'm on about. - I know the one your on about. Mahoka, I think... - Don't know the full name. - Oh, yeah, the irregular high school one. - That's it? - Yeah. - That's what I said before. You were like no, that's not it. - No, I was talking about a different one at that time. (laughing) That was a hera Manama. This one's a different one about a power fantasy. - Wait so were you talking about before? - No not that, I was talking about a different one. - I cleaned it up being like, Oh, you're the one you were talking about before was the irregular magic (indictinct). - When we take our next two minute break, I'm gonna look it up. (laughing) 'Cause I'm frustrated now. - And I'm like, okay, we're done with the regular high school. And you're like, what's the one- (cross talk) - I wasn't talking about a regular magic high school before, I am now, Joey. (laughing) That's a good show. End of comment. - Which is like the fact that these shows are so generic, they're trying to distinguish between them, and it becomes impossible to us. So, what did you like about that show, Connor? (cross talk) - The exact same shows as every other (indictinct). I don't know, it was a good show. - I did not enjoy that show, because, again, as you said it was exactly the same as every other fucking power fantasy. - For some reason that shows... I don't know- - Its so popular here. - Yeah. - I see it fucking everywhere. - I don't know why. - I kinda get it, 'cause I fucking loved it. I don't know why I loved it, but I loved it. - It's so boring. I'm like, this is exactly the same as every other light novel I've ever read. - Yeah. I've tried to justify why I like certain power fantasies, or certain generic, light novel adaptations more than others, and I've just given up. I'm just like they're all trash, I like this one, I have no idea why, and I guess I'm just trash as well. (laughing) - Fair enough. - Okay I described it the same way, that I described the appeal of light novels, or how I perceive the appeal of like a slice of life, sorry. - Slice of life, yeah. - So like, why do you like Slice Of Life? What's the appeal to you? 'Cause to me, how people view, like these Powell fancy Easter Carla, whatever shows, is how I view Slice Of Life. To me, they're all the fucking same. - No, they are. And I don't deny that, because I've gotten a lot of criticism, in the past being like, you like Slice Of Life? You could be doing anything else and yet you're watching the fictional lives, of these fictional characters. I'm just like, I think that's the part about it though, because it's like, again, when I watch an anime, I'm thinking way too hard about it, like I always have to, I'm always looking at it, like some kind of analytical, kind of like, okay, why do I like this show, why do I not like this show? And slice of life just provides nothing, that nothing becomes a something, do you know what I mean? Like, because- - This is getting philosophical now. (laughs) - I've always tried describing like this, because there's nothing there that nothing becomes something. And that thing, because they're not doing anything, everything they do becomes entertaining. Because there's just nothing there to begin with. - I can't do it. I can't, I can't. - Maybe you should have been the monk Joey. - Yeah, I know, right? (laughing) - Yeah man, shave that hair Joey, let's go. (laughing) - I don't know, I mean maybe there's a part of me as well, the reason why for example, I really like "Non Non Biyori". Right, it was like, because it's sat in the middle of the nowhere, in like the butt fuck middle of nowhere of Japan in the mountains, right? And where I grew up, like at my grandma's place it looked very similar. So, I think a lot of that kind of atmosphere, is brings me back to my childhood, of like, just being in like the middle of a rice field and just trying to find anything to do for entertainment sake, right? And just watching these characters go through that, it's just like, okay, yeah, I can relate to that. That's kind of cute and wholesome, right? - 'Cause I think the only Slice Of Life, I've enjoyed ever, like pure Slice Of Life, and I think, I can't even remember the name, it was the one with the two girls, going around to the post-apocalyptic- - Girl's Last Tour... - Is it "Girls Last Tour"? - Yeah. - I can't even, yeah, "Girls Last Tour". - Because that's one of my favorite Slice Of Live. - Yeah, that's the only Slice Of Life I've ever enjoyed. And I still couldn't finish it. - Really? - Yeah, because I need to be in a very specific... I needed to be in like such a specific mood to watch that show and be able to like not fall asleep. - It's one of the most quieter shows I've ever watched. Because a lot of the times, there's only these two girl characters, and there's almost no fucking music or background, it's very avant garde, it's like watching a fucking art school, like project it's black and white and spoken in French, and it's like... - The opposite of what I want. - Yeah, it looks and feels very pretentious, if you don't understand the deeper meanings behind it. - Yeah 'cause I feel like I need the bare minimum, of engagement for me to enjoy a show, Even if it's just the same kind of engagement I've seen a million times before, I will take that over Slice Of Life. - When I like used to watch shows, without looking what they were. I was just watching a show, right? On the contrary, I just click it. And then I'm watching a Slice Of Life and I get two episodes and I'm like, wait, nothing's gonna happened. (laughing) They're not gonna do anything are they? - Why is it like you'll like monkey brains, just like it lags for a minute, and it takes you to whole episodes. (cross talk) Hold on. - In this case, I actually agree with Connor. - You get like two episodes then you're like, wait, they're not gonna do a single thing are they? They're not gonna go anywhere. - Because, I remember when I first watched Kaon, and the "Kaon" that... The entirety of the Kaon fandom hates me now, because of that one review that I did on Kaon. Because I didn't understand the appeal of Slice Of Life, back then. - [Joey] Yeah. - And I watched "Kaon" with the same kind of expectations. - Anything would happen. - Any other show. And people have told me the appeal for "Kaon", and I understand it now, but I can never relate to it. Because I still can never get that same kind of, connection to a Slice Of Life show. - That's why I don't blame anybody, who says that they don't like Slice Of Life, at all. Like in any Slice Of Life, they'll just be like, no, it's all boring, nothing fucking happens, I'd rather be watching like a show anime or something. Like a generic show. - Yeah. - I totally get that, because again, I don't wanna say it's an acquired taste or anything, but I feel it is. It is an acquired taste. - Well, I'm gonna say the same thing about Isekai Joey. - And that's okay man, it's good man. - I'm gonna say that about music. (laughing) - Music isn't acquired taste. - Okay if I'm gonna watch Slice Of Life, I'd rather just watch, I don't know, real life, I guess. I'd rather watch like a documentary, about something that's real I don't know. - But even like a documentary, there's, I don't know- - Yeah, it's like a story line. - It's still engaging. - Stuff happened. (laughs) - I feel like the closest thing to RL Slice Of Life, is, what's that Japanese TV show, Terrace House. Have you ever seen it? - Oh, fuck it, I can't watch Terrace House. (laughing) - That's like Slice Of Life, IRL. - [Joey] Yeah. - If you wanna watch that, and I'm like, what's the appeal, it's like oh, you can just watch them do their daily things, and have your thoughts about that. I'm like, I can have my thoughts about my real life. (laughing) I don't need to fucking think about something like- - Well, it's the exact same reason, why people wanted to watch "Big Brother", right? - They wanted to watch it like a shit show though. I feel like "Terrace House" is very like just polite. They were always just like... - I never watched it. - I could never get into Big Brother either though. - Now I could relate to that. - I liked watching "Big Brother", just because the people that they had on there, were just the most fucking degenerative fucking way- - That was like finely selected. - Yeah- - Craziest people they could find. - I can't believe these are not real people. And then later I found out that the entire show scripted, and I'm like, oh that makes a lot of sense. - I mean, they obviously put a lot of work behind the scenes to make it entertaining, whereas I feel with Terrace House, it's just here are just people living their lives, and there's a camera watching them. - I just don't get why that's fun, I just don't get it. Maybe I'm too monkey brain. - There was a show- - I'm with you dude, I'm with you, on this one I'm like... - I got my own life to worry about, how the fuck I worry about what other people, just having an awkward conversation, I can experience that myself. - There was a show that preceded "Terrace House", and I don't know if it's still going on now, but it's called Inori. And there was a show that's kind of, similar to "Terrace House", but there was like a romance element to it. It's essentially think of a Harem anime, IRL. That's the only way I can describe it. So, they would like gather- - Is it like "Love Island", or some shit like that. - It's similar to that. But, they would get a bunch of guys and girls, single guys and girls, and they put them on this bus, and they would take the bus, and they would basically just do an entire tour of Japan. Like wherever the fuck they wanted. But at every stop, one of the guys or the girls, had to like confess basically, to be like, I like you. And if they responded back positively, then the bus would leave the two there, and then basically just left them, do their own thing. - In the middle of nowhere? (laughs) - Yeah. Sometimes it was, but it was harsher when the other person denied it, because then the person who confessed, would be left there, basically, on their own, and just watching like a guy or a girl get denied on that show was the most heart wrenching, yet somehow the most fucking entertaining thing that you've ever seen. Because it's just like, is he gonna? 'Cause it was, it was like a Harem anime, where like, one of the best goals is getting prepared to confess to the main character- (cross talk) Come on, come on, I've seen you like go camping with this dude man, like you gave us some good vibes, you got this girl, you've got this. And then when the guy's like "No sorry there's another girl there I like." And the sad music just starts playing. I'm just like, no, it's like watching your... Going back to the whole sports thing, right? - Yeah. - It's like watching the grand finals, and the one team's just like flubbing it at the last second. Just like, no, I lost the game. (laughing) Yeah, but I prefer that over "Terrace." 'Cause I gave Terrace House a go. I don't know, it would seem like on paper, because I like Slice Of Life, right? - Yeah. - It would seem like this is a show made for me, right. - Okay, here's what confuses me. Do you have a favorite Slice Of life and how do you justify that? (Joey exhales heavily) - I don't know. I mean 'cause so many shows can be, defined as Slice Of Life shows and yet they're not, right? I mean, like, I dunno, I guess "Lucky Star" will probably be my favorite, just because... - It because Meimeis? - Yeah, because of the Meimeis, right? 'Cause it appeals to the Otaku culture, right? And like that was a huge part... That was like when I was deeply rooted in the Otaku culture. So that anime spoke to me, dude, it hit different. (laughing) - That was a slice of life that- (cross talk) - Gonna go a whole episode- (laughing) - No dude. No, but I'd said that's probably my favorite, for those reasons, yeah. - Gentlemen, I found out what the show was called, it's called "Trinity Seven". - I have watched that. - I have not even watched that. - I can tell you it is exactly the same. - Garbage. - It's literally the same, just a bit older. - I think he can like block magic, or can counter it or something? - It's garbage, essentially. - It's just garbage. - Yeah. - It's was hot garbage. - It's really bad. - Okay, wait, here's a question for you guys then. What is the worst show that you think... What is your guilty pleasure, I guess. Do believe in guilty pleasures, 'cause... - Oh, yeah, Absolutely, I mean, I mentioned how I got my friend, to watch "Kiss Sis" with me, right? (laughing) (cross talk) I own all 23 volumes of "The Manga," as well. - (indictinct) Why would you fund that shit man? - Because it's so bad yet so good. It's like it is... I have a lot of guilty pleasure shows, I'd like to admit. - Mm-hmm. - But I think the biggest for me where I can openly be like, yeah I know this thing sucks, but man, I can't put it down, it's definitely "Kiss Sis". - There's so many shows I like that suck, but I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure. I'm fine with being like, yeah I like that. - So you don't believe in a guilty pleasure or? - I don't know, maybe I've just gotten to the point where I don't give a fuck. - That's my point now, I just like shows. - I just don't give a fuck anymore. - But I guess I put some shows in different categories, 'cause it's a different kind of enjoyment, 'cause I would never recommend, I would never actively recommend some of these, fucking shows I watch, but I definitely have some shows that I put in an ad, like an actual good kind of enjoyment, if there is anything as like kind of a good enjoyment. - I mean I say "Kiss Sis" is my guilty pleasure right, but I'm not guilty for liking that show. (laughing) It's just my pleasure. I'm not guilty, it's just my pleasure. But, again, I just call it a guilty pleasure, because I don't openly be like, have you watched Kiss Sis, like I don't openly recommend it, unless you're my friend from high school, right? Unless you're my friend from high school. - It's a Yahudi scene about to happen. - Yeah, exactly. But, I have lots of shows like that, like "Yosuga No Sora" is another one. - I still need to watch that. - I watched that entire thing, and I remember when Dee was like, 'cause Dee Revel House, he has this series called "The Surviving Series", where he goes and like basically to get people, to watch these like absolutely hot garbage shows, and I remember he did an entire episode, on "Yosuga No Sora" and I'm just like, bro I'm glad you didn't call me onto this show, because I would have been praising the fuck out of the show the entire time, I'm like, I know this sucks, I know that there is some mad wind set shit going on in this show, but man, it's so good. (laughs). - Yeah, he never called me, to go on the "Domestic Girlfriend" episode. - Yeah, right? - For good reason, 'cause I still love domestic girlfriend, it's hot garbage, the ending sucks. - Would that be your guilty pleasure? - I don't know, because I would say, the manga for "Domestic Girlfriend" for like, 80% of the manga for "Domestic Girlfriend", I still think it's a fucking well-written show. The way I describe it, it's kind of like a soap opera, but the characters are actually well-written in my opinion, but the things that, the events that happened, in the soap opera are still very soap opera stuff. But the way they handled it is still very good. The anime I feel that's garbage. Because that skips, over a lot of the actual character development. (laughs) Basically the anime speed run's shit. The anime just took the trashest moments from the manga, and put it all in one package. - Oh, well then Connor will like that. (laughing) - I won't lie, yeah. - It's a speed run anime, right? - But like the "Domestic Girlfriend" manga ending, everyone pretty much agrees it's all garbage, and I've had time to sit in it now, and I think I actually like the ending of "Domestic Girlfriend" just because... - You're going through the phase that I had, with School Days, basically- (Garnt laughs) Where it's just like the first time you watch it, and your just like, man, this is hot garbage. But then the more you think about it your like, you know what, this actually might be genius. - Because, I think that the series started off as a flaming dumpster fire. And it ended in like a nuclear fallout kind of dumpster. (laughing) And it was on theme. It was on point. Like who got on this train, knowing he was about to crash and thought he was gonna parallel park. (laughing) You know what I mean? We all started watching Domestic Girlfriend, 'cause we knew it was a fucking car crash. What were we expecting? - They let you know from episode one, like literally the opening scene, you were just like, this is gonna suck. This is gonna be messy. - Yeah, I think the best thing it did was trick us into... Because it tricked us into thinking it could have ended well, because there was a lot of well-written moments in it. - They tricked us. - They tricked us and they made us forget that it was a dumpster fire- (cross talk) Because of the way it ended it will forever stick in my mind. And I'm gonna reread that shit someday. - His telling his grandkids about this. - Yeah- - I will tell my fucking grandkids about the ending of Domestic Girlfriend. (laughing) - Do you have one like that Connor. - No, not really. I never really like... - Or do you just not even bother with like shows that? - No, I feel like with... Yeah, with shows normally I tend not to. I'm trying to think of what have been some big animated, end controversially. The bit that people didn't know the ending of already. Right, because of the Mongo. So its kinda hard animeted feel. - Yeah, I know right? - I mean, you're talking about anime original endings now or like original anime. (cross talk) - Or if it's like from like a game like school days, right? - What about something like Darling And The Franks, which is the closest- (cross talk) - That's was a fun (indictinct). - Yeah. (laughing) - I feel if darling... If I watched Darling And The Franks, without having been in the anime community, I would hate it. But I loved the experience that it gave me, just like being a part of the dumpster, fire. - Like threatening the voice actors. - Oh, my God. That shit was ridiculous. - Why is it the first thing that happens, whenever someone's like, 'cause the same thing happened with Domestic Girlfriend. - Yeah. - Where the author just got death threats and like people would just shit talking them online. Like why do you do this? - It's because, I guess they're just like the face of the show, right? Or the face of the problem that resides in the show. So it's just like, they don't blame the directors or the producers, 'cause no one can see those people, right? It's always the front facing people. - Is it the Japanese audiences is doing that? 'Cause I swear, I didn't see any of that online. It wasn't on my Twitter. - I think it was kind of universal. Like in the case with Domestic Girlfriend, a lot of it was like the, it was definitely the Asian population. I don't know if was specifically the Japanese. I know I saw a lot of like Chinese, Korean. - I think, because the author had to actually come out and say it was like foreigners. So it wasn't people from Japan. I don't where it was from. - Might've been from the West, might have been from other Asian countries- - I know that at least in the West all Meme culture, pretty fucking cryptic if you're not from- - It's shrouded in a very large vail of circusim, right? - Look extremely aggressive to someone who doesn't understand this. Probably like a competition- - Wasn't there Japanese illustrator, who's like apologizing for all the sarcastic tweets that will being made- (cross talk) - Someone like commented, I think I saw this, it was like, someone had replied to that post with the emoji with the gun, like huffing, like keep posting. (laughs) 'Cause it's so good, right? We understood it. But obviously the Japanese couldn't- - And they were fighting back being like, I'm sorry (indictinct). Please don't point that at me, they took that at face value, right? - Yeah. - The took down that post, 'cause they were like, they thought they were offending- - Yeah. - But all fucking memes are fucked up. - Yeah. I remember the, when Villain Saga was airing, people were sending like tweets to the author of Vilan Saga, calling him like a goat, the goat. - The goat. (laughing) - And the author was like, why are people calling me a goat? (laughing) Am I doing bad. Have I done something bad? - Memes do not translate. - No, they do not translate well. I don't like Japanese memes, I've always been curious how the Japanese meme culture is? - I mean, a lot of the Japanese means that make it, well, I mean a lot of the best memes in my opinion, stay on 2Chan. (laughing) If you know anything about 2Chan, they're pretty bad. (laughing) - I know they're like even most than 4Chan. - Oh, yeah. If you thought 4Chan was bad, never gone to 2Chan. I remember one of my friends, he used to be on 4Chan a lot. And then when I told him about 2chan, he's like man for the first time in my life, I'm glad I never took Japanese. Because if I could understand what these threads were saying, holy shit, I would just be like, "Oh my God, I didn't know humans, could say such horrible things to one another." It's really fucking brutal over there. But the memes are very funny. (laughing) The memes are great. And luckily I think a lot of the best, probably the safest memes that start on 2Chan do eventually make it on Twitter. And man those fucking blow up on Japanese, Twitter. Like so crazily. Like if you thought memes on like Western Twitter, were like, whoa, 50,000 retweets, holy shit. Dude, I've seen Japanese memes that have like a million retweets. - Deim. - I'm just like fuck, I mean, yeah, it's a good meme, but God deim guys. - I mean, Western Twitter is just Tik Tok, re-uploaded right now. - Yeah, basically. - I mean, some of them are some of them are pretty good to be fair. - Your sure how long that's gonna last. (laughs) (cross talk) - Conversation that we're having right now. (laughing) - Some of them were good. - Yeah. - Yeah. 'Cause I feel from what I can see with Japanese social media in general, we've talked about internet hates a lot on this podcast before and it feels like with Japan, it's either you're really nice and polite or it's like the fucking worsted. - Dude there's a reason why I never wanted to start a Japanese YouTube channel. 'Cause I thought about it. When I first moved here, I was like, should I start a separate channel where I've, it's aimed towards a Japanese audience, right? It doesn't necessarily have to be anime related. I was just gonna do just a regular vog style channel, but all in Japanese. And then I watched a bunch of Japanese YouTubers, 'cause before I'd never really watched Japanese YouTubers and I saw their comments sections, and I'm just like, "Nah, I don't want that. I don't want any of that shit," because, man, some of the fucking like hate, like some of the fucking hate movements that happen towards Japanese YouTubers are crazy. I remember there was one Japanese YouTuber, who, and on Japanese YouTubers, you fuck up once, your career is done. 'Cause they will hold on to that shit for the rest of your career, until you're gone. Because there was one Japanese, YouTube- (indictinct) Yeah, but to a completely different degree. - I don't know about that. I mean, people have very short memories. - Yeah. How many times is the Pole Bro fuck up and they still get decent views, right? But there was this one, Japanese YouTuber, who didn't even do anything bad. He had a pet goldfish and the goldfish died. And so, he threw the goldfish... He drained it down the toilet. - Okay. All right. - Basically, right. Really standard, right? Of course that's what you'd normally do. It got so much hate that even at this day and this happened like four or five years ago, I don't know about the accuracy of this, don't quote me on this. But it happened like four or five years ago and since then, every single one of his videos have gotten a 50% dislike ratio. - Deim. - Just from that one thing that he did and people are still holding onto it for it. For years now. - I just think they keep onto hate for like another level. And I think that's why the idol culture here, must be so scary. 'Cause you fuck up once here if you're an idol or voice actors or something and your career just done. - They just expect perfection from you. - Yeah. - It definitely feels like they... The image that you build, they immediately, I'm in control of it. And that if you... Like you said, if you fuck up once, it's like, they're almost like entitled to you. - Yeah. - Perfect. - Yeah, pretty much. - And if you ruin it, well, you've ruined this thing I liked, you did that. You ruin this thing I enjoyed. (laughing) It's like, what do you mean? It's just me. (laughing) - Yeah, right? And sometimes they forget that some of these people are just humans, right? - It's kind of this mentality where they're not allowed to be human in a lot of ways. And that's what it feels like. 'Cause I remember the first story I've ever heard about this kind of situation happening in the anime community was probably with Hirano. - Yeah. - Of like how his voice actress. Like there was a scandal like back in the day- - Scandal quote, unquote. - Scandal, back in the day when she was voicing in Harohe, she was voicing in Lucy Star, she was like the triple alias celebrity here. - Right. - She was like one of the hottest names in this industry. And I think what happens is that, she had a music career, as well. She had a band and I think she slept with everyone in the band, except for the bass guitar player. (laughing) - Every bassis, (indictinct). - Like a moment of silence for the bass guitar player. - Every five or four subscribers- - Why is it always the basis, men. - I don't know. But, yeah, that story got outed and her career just like went from like A plus, AAA to she had a trouble getting (indictinct). - Yeah, she completely disappeared after that. And since then she's disappeared. And its crazy. - Since then she's only had like a few bigger roles. I think the only last role I remember her doing was doing Mickey from, what's that, Para Side. - Para Side, yeah. - But I don't think I've heard her in anything else that I can remember? - Like that would kind of happen in the West though. A little bit. - Yeah. (indictinct) - Like an entire career getting destroyed. - Not an entire career being destroyed, at least fucking Twitter would be clowning on you. - Oh, yeah. But this happened way before the Twitter thing came out. - True. - This happened in like the mid 2000. - The dudes online are like fucking like, what do you mean you've slept with- - Yeah, this seems to be scary. (laughing) - Scary men. - I don't know. Would someone's career be over, just because, can you think of a single person whose career would literally be over if they had slept with someone or if they came out to have a boyfriend or something, 'cause I can't. - Yeah. - You get clowned on you'd lose subscribers. You'd lose viewers, maybe- - Actually you wouldn't, actually lose your thing, but, yeah, you would be clowned on pretty- - Yeah. - I mean the only person I can think of is Pokemon, right? (cross talk) I didn't know whether to bring that up or not, but I mean, if we're talking about the most recent thing, right? But, even then like what she's getting is nowhere near as bad as what some of these like idols, and musicians are getting. - Yeah, exactly. Like if Pokemon came out today and she was like, Hey, I have a boyfriend. She probably get less attention than she does now. But her career wouldn't be over. - No. - She'd still easily have a career. - I thought it was confirmed, right? It was. - Yeah, I think it... I dunno- - I think the whole point was it's like, well yeah of course she's human, she's gonna have a relationship and not everyone needs to know that. It's fine. - Yeah, exactly. It's her choice if she wants to hide it. - Yeah, exactly. (cross talk) There're those (indictinct), man, they just like... (breathing deeply) - Dude, when YouTubers make videos, like whether they were in like a one week relationship, like we're together, it's like, (indictinct). (laughing) I get like real fuck it. - Yeah. - I think like it says so much about you and to me- - At least wait a couple of months, man. Like try and figure out if it's like a real thing, right? - To me it feels like, I don't know. Not to be like, to say it, but it's kind of like a, "Oh, I'm going to have sex for the first time. I should announce it to the world." - Yeah, its is I slash, I had sex, right? - It kinda is like... I feel like it says a lot about your maturity level to do that, I think. And it's normally I wouldn't associate with a YouTube who does that? - I feel like it's also just a lot of people can do it for click Bay, as well. - They do. - Oh, yeah. - But either way, normally, there's no good connotation that comes along with doing that, right? - True. - There normally nothing good that's coming... Sure, they're probably very happy, I'm glad for them. But, let's be honest, at our age, which most of the YouTubers are, most of their relationships fail when they are that early on. - Yeah, exactly. - Most of them do. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, again, it's fine if you wanna come out, but like, as you said, if I watch like a... If I watch like a coming out kind of video and it's just like, we're together now, I met her last week. I'm just like... (exhales deeply) All right, I'm counting down the days of the we broke up video, right? - Be together for like a few weeks, months or I get comfortable (indictinct). In your head, why would you not be like... Feel like you're secure, before you make this video. - It's like, do you introduce this girl to your parents a week after you just started dating? - Yeah. - Probably not. - But this YouTubers, probably introducing it to their audience before their parents. - Yeah. - Bro, bro, backwards, backwards. Come on. - Cause I know Aki and I waited about, three months, before- - Yeah. - You probably felt pretty comfortable. - Yeah. - 'Cause we wanted to enjoy our time together, just like privately. And we did. And then we were like, okay, now if we want to actually do more stuff now, instead of like hiding about it, then I think now is the right time. Like, we're comfortable now. - Especially- - Get it out. - In your position it's kind of forced to tell people. - Yeah, exactly. - You're gonna be together. - I can't hide that shit, right, forever. - Both of you posting constantly- - Yeah. - We know, both of you are together in a lot of pictures. - Yeah, exactly. - People are gonna connect the dots. - Is she just going to go hang out with him? Is that how it is, really? (laughing) No. - But yeah, both of you are in YouTuber relationships was there normally the landmine waiting to just go off? - Yeah. - What? (laughing) What are you saying? - I mean, normally at least you guys are in the clear now, I feel like you've got to the stage where it's like, all right, it's mega serious. - Yeah. - (indictinct) Gonna be fucking married, get out of my sight. - Yeah. (laughing) - You fucking simps. - I'm fucking tired of these fucking happy people around me. (laughing) When your like, dude... Especially, my size now I'd be like, I'd be way too scared to date another YouTuber, that's like- - No. I mean, I get that. - I mean, for me with Sydney, it's kind of a bit different. Because, she... I mean, she has been on YouTube for a very long time, but I wouldn't really call her like a YouTuber, where she does this as a job. She's kind of grown pretty recently. - She does (indictinct) YouTuber? - Yeah. - That makes sense. - And I mean, we started dating when I wasn't... This was before I came back to do YouTube for full-time anyway. So, we've been dating for like a very long time, like a good five, six years. But yeah. I remember seeing your video, like, was it nerve wracking for you guys coming out to be like, "Hey, we're a YouTuber couple." - Definitely, because- - What was the reaction, like? - I mean the reaction was mostly really, really positive. Thank God. But I remember, Aki losing a very significant portion of her male audience. (laughing) And I lost a very significant portion of my female audience. - What kind of percentage? What kind of numbers are we talking about? - I probably, I dunno. Before we came out, I think I had... I think I had like a 60, 40 female to male ratio, which I was like, "Wow, okay." I thought more males would be (indictinct). But then the moment I came out, I think that dropped by like 10, 15%, at least. It was a really significant number. And the same thing with Aki, as well. As about at least a 10, 15% drop. But we kind of expected that. - Yeah. - Because, we'd had been to conventions enough times and we saw- - Yeah, a lot of people were speculating- (cross talk) - We saw a lot of people were speculating, right? - I think I remember watching your AX vlog and then people had saw that you had like a hickey. - Oh, yeah. - And I was like, oh is Joey- (laughing) Joey, getting it on here. - Yeah. - We're not proud of that. (laughing) - I knew Aki falling (indictinct), was like God deim it Joey, you left that. - Yeah, we're not proud of that. (laughing) That's all right. That's all right. We were young. We were young, that's whatever. - It's cute, men. It's cute. - It's cute when we look back on it, it's fine. - Must have been stressful back then where people were just speculating every- - Yeah. - (indictinct) Enhance. Enhance. - CSI people. (laughing) Is that a hickey or a burse? - Get the blue light out. - We need to know. - Check for fingerprints. - Someone's in that dark room. (laughing) - Yeah, I don't know. But like, I think it was nerveracking for the both of us, because it was the first time that we'd ever had to make a video like that. And we knew we had to make a video like that, right? Eventually, we weren't gonna hide it for the rest of our career, right? So, I think it was stressful at the time. And you can see it in our coming out videos, that were very nervous and like... (laughs) Yeah, we're going together now, kind of thing. But at the same time, after that video went out, I was just like, "Oh, thank God. Now I don't have to fucking hide about the fact that I have a girlfriend now. - Really pleasant as well, must have (indictinct) a lot of support. - Oh, yeah. There was a lot of support. I had a lot of fucking like YouTubers approached me, who had never spoken to me. I remember Garnt fucking tweeted out. - This was, I think our interaction, since that time we thought we hated each other. - Yeah. It was the first interaction. It was the first interaction on Twitter where like Gard was like congrats to (indictinct) Aki and Joey are doing this together. And I was just like, "Oh my gosh." - I remember this too? - I'm just like, "Oh my God. He doesn't hate me." (laughing) I think he like me. No, a lot of (indictinct) Tubers tweet at us, being like, yeah, the two biggest anmie Tubers are together and blah, blah. It was like a really big deal. I'm like, it's not that big a deal guys. We're just getting together, it's all good. But no, we were really happy about it, because, again we were a little bit worried about like maybe there might be some kind of, hidden thing that put us in some kind of a negative light, but no, it all came out really fine. - 'Cause I remember watching that video and I remember thinking, man, they... I think they definitely approached this the right way, 'cause everyone knew if you were dating this was something that you would have to address, sooner or later. Because your both big personalities on the platform. I think you definitely went about it the right way. And I remember just wanting to quick congratulate you. 'Cause I know the trouble's go through with long distance relationship, as well. - Oh, yeah. - With Sydney, man, that shit's tough. - Yeah, tell me about it. We were in a long distance for two and a half years, man. Yeah. I dunno. - Yeah, my monkey brain can't handle it. (laughing) - I was long distance with Sydney for like a good year or something and that was one of the hardest years of my life. - When you were like still single online did you messages people like, would you ever do long distance? - Yeah. (laughing) (cross talk) - So, how long though? - Are you available or a long distance? - What kind of time zone differences is okay? And I'm like just fucking say it. - Yeah. Like what are you expecting me to say? It's like, if it's less than eight hours, then it's doable. But any more than that, bro (indictinct). - When I used to live stream, doing like, Austine and Sebastian stuff, the most common thing that I would often get is like, this is a long distance? What's your thoughts on that Connor? What are your thoughts on that? You dating anyone by the way? (laughing) - They don't just say it, they just like, are you perhaps considering the possibility? Or they'll say, what's your ideal partner like? (laughing) (cross talk) - I got that a lot when I was doing panels- - I'm trying to say that I'm like a giga chat and everyone just can't help themselves. But, you just get people who like- - I mean, I think you can say that as the 93% (laughing) - I mean, you should expect that at that point. - Okay. When there's thousands of subscribers there's gonna be like one or two of them that are interested in you. - Yeah. - That are gonna try and see what ways they can pursue that. - Yeah. - From a formerly written email, which is many times. (laughs) Or they'll do a, not so subtle donation. - What is their logistics of us pulling up together in this long distance relationship. - What I gotta do is, I gotta some episode I end up doing a presentation of all the different ways people have tried to hit me. Power point presentation. The most interesting ways it's happen. - Top 10- - I'm not trying to brag. I'm not trying to do any... I'm just trying to say it's really fucking interesting. The way that people try to like get in there. - Top 10 confessions in anime. - Its so interesting when you realize it the way... 'Cause there's like routes in their mind, I'm going to go this way. - I'm going to direct route the curve ball route. - It's like a fucking visual novel. - There's levels of difficulty, there's like YouTube comment, impossible for him to ever date me. To like- - Level 99. - To like donate $10,000 so you can not ignore me. And there's so many in-between, it's so fun. - Oh, yeah. I mean, if you guys are interested in that- (cross talk) - Download if you wanna hear the power... I'll actually be- - I'm interested. - I will legit prepare a PowerPoint presentation. (cross talk) - Were going to screen for something, right? - Yeah. - I'll do it, I'll do it. Oh, my God. I'm trying to think of like, what a weird thing that a lot of people do on YouTube? (cross talk) Just weird stuff they might say often that I'm trying to think. - What, like the whole thing of like, there's always that one comment in every video, which is like, Joey is not gonna see this. (laughs) He's not gonna reply, just because I'm first in the comments section. (laughing) - [Woman] What kind of thing? - I dunno. - Yeah. I dunno. - And I'm tempted to call and to prove them wrong and I'm like, no, that's what you want. - No, I'm going to fall into the bait, you almost got me there. - No, you are right. I'm not gonna see this. Fuck you. Fuck you for thinking you're entitled to my time. (cross talk) - Actually what I like to do to those comments is like, I just, I don't even heart it. I just like it. So, that the only one that knows is that person. And the easier reply might be like, "Oh my God, Joey liked my comment." And everyone's like, no, he didn't. (laughing) Because there's no way to prove it. There's no way to prove it. Then they get the notification being like, there men, I liked your comment. Oh, my God. I'm so mean. I think it's because I've been getting, like growing a bunch, but I've just noticed more, a bunch of nonsensical comments on my videos. Like comments that don't relate to it. Well, just people being like, yeah, I'm tired. (laughs) And it's like, why are you throwing this shit under my void, right? - There's always ones as well that, are relating to other commenter's. They're like, oh, I see that the guy with the mustache is not in the comment section. (laughing) Did you ever get commenters that just have a full on fucking conversation with each other in your comments section. - It turns into a forum I'm like, this video has 10,000 comments and you look down to like 5,000 of them are just like, so how you been? (laughing) I'm all right. - Like an MSN messenger chat or fucking Skype chat. - I'm like, you do realize this is why we have a discord for, so that you can do that there. - I saw one is this dude having like a fucking mental breakdown arguing with this person to be like, you're fucking wrong. You don't understand the nuances. And some one replied are you okay. And the guy replied like honestly, no, not really. (laughs) I'm glad that someone finally asked me. And I was like, what am I reading? - It's like a therapy session- (cross talk) - I've seen those exact same comments, as well. - It's like bro are you okay? It's like, honestly, no. And I'm glad somebody finally asked. (laughs) I'm not okay. What the fuck am I reading? - How did this happen? How did we get here? - And I guarantee as well, the person who originally commented the, you okay, is just sitting there like, oh, fuck, now I have to- (laughing) Now I have to like coach them through this. - Or like when they're like, wow, that's a reference to X Timmy Minecrafts. And it's like (indictinct). Like people will comment and be like, oh, this is a reference to game grumps. I'm like, they've have so many episodes, they probably set the whole fucking- - Yeah. - They even like give the reference, like where it is, right? - No, I didn't know what, I don't know who this person is that you're telling me I'm referencing. - It's like, bro, this video is just a copy of Minecraft players, 69. And I was just like, who? And then I look up the channel and they have like 12 subscribers. I'm just like, how the fuck am I supposed to know? - Two view the video, like you copied them. It's like... (indictinct) What do you mean I copied them. No one could have copied them if they wanted to. 'Cause nobody saw the video. - Yeah. - Its so true, because I think this is the first time I'm hearing that. I thought I was the only person who got those comments. I think referencing this random video or this random YouTuber that I have never seen before. And apparently, you're just copying their joke. You made exactly the same joke maybe. I don't fucking know. - The internet is massive. People are gonna make the same joke eventually, it's gonna happen, just get over it. - You know what type of comment I finally, just want to see gone. - What? - It's the fucking nobody. Literally nobody. (laughs) Joey. It's like, I'm just letting you know guys right now. None of them are funny. I'm just saying that, none of them are funny, none of them are unique. - Sometimes I chuckle. - Sometimes, it's like one out of like a thousand, maybe. - There are some videos where the comments are just fucking gold. But most of the times comments are just like this big circle joke where it's the same type of comment that gets up-voted every time. - Like the funniest comments in my videos are always the ones that have zero likes. And I'm just like, why does this not have any likes? It's always the ones I heart, as well. 'Cause I'm just like, here you go guys, this is a funny comment. Look, learn from this comment. None of you guys are like this comment, all like it, because this is some funny shit, that you guys should be tweeting more. Not the fucking literally. Literally nobody. Joey, (indictinct). I'm like, the have just like a copy pasta ready for these comments. - Yeah. - To just be like immediately be like yep throw it in. - A semi awkward moment or a funny moment, all right, that's it, that's it. - Yeah, that's the one. That's the thing that literally nobody does. Yeah, that's it. That's the one. - Do you guys remember the era of YouTube comments, before they ranked them? And it was just like, it was just going by- - Like free for all. - It was just a free for all. (laughing) I heard that was when YouTube was a fucking SAS pool, man. At least now it's like somewhat organized and it's just basically become rated in a way. But it's better than... It's better than it used to be. - I think, like the funniest comments sections, I always see are like the, at least with this year, right? It was all the comments on the fucking Rose and big Ed episodes. Like that comments, I've never laughed that hard for like reading a comments section. - From the 90 Day fiance- - 90 day fiance episodes like the clips, because it's some of the meanest comments that I've ever seen. But at the same time, it is so funny. - I realize watching reality TV shows, like 90 Day Fiance are so less fun when you can't read a comment section. - Yeah. - 'Cause like I tried watching the show normally, like a different season and it was just not fun, 'cause every time something really obnoxious happened or one of them said something really like just stupid. I wanted to immediately go down to the comments and see- (laughing) Oh, that's it, right? 'Cause you know, when you're watching a YouTube video and something happens, you're like, I'm going to the comments section. I wanna see people talking about this. I missed it. I don't get that when I watch 90 Day Fiance, normally. - Yeah. - What I wanna experience is what it would be like if you had like whole anime episodes, uploaded on a YouTube- - Comments section. - Yeah, what would the comment section be like, right? - We have (indictinct), but context is like garbage. - Yeah. I mean that doesn't work, because like who the leaves a comment on the Crunchyroll web? (laughing) You know what I mean. Who does that? Who are you? Why are you leaving comments on a (indictinct)? - Cause people are given they're like 48 hour passes- - Yeah. - It's just like, work is add control. We gotta fill this common section, guys. - 'Cause most of the comments are just like the gift passes. And then there's people that actually comment on the episodes. And then I'm just thinking, man... - But it's so like non-stops is like very good episode. Smiley face. - Yeah. - I Rent A Girlfriend to episode one and the comment was, God, this is the trashiest show this season. I'll see you all next week. (laughing) I thought that was a good comment. - That sounds like a YouTube comment though, right? - Yeah. - I mean, that's what I want. I want YouTube comments... - There's something though about YouTube comments that just, I don't want to say it, but... - He's gonna say it. He's gonna say it. (indictinct) - I was going through my light source in my hand and just be like, what's another word for (indictinct). What's another word for different. - It impacts differently. - It impacts, yeah, differently. - Like you just read it. Like I can't stand right at discussions. Like they're the most, I'm smarter than you discussions always. (cross talk) At least you're on YouTube, everyone knows they're an ape. (laughing) You know what I mean? Like no one tries to like that. - Yeah. Reddit comments are the epitome of I'm actually. - I love Reddit, but I hate looking past the meme. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. Some time you'll see some funny stuff on Reddit. - If there's ever a comment thread that's a discussion it's like the biggest minefield I've ever seen. - Just a bunch of people who wanna validate their intelligence. And it's just so sad. I can't read it. It's just pathetic half the time. Sometimes there's really good threads with really solid advice. But most of the time's actually when it's like the argument threads changed my opinion or- - Yeah. - Or am I the ass hole? Fuck me. - Was like, I don't care. I can't read. Every one posted their sub-reddits like, am I the ass hole? Everyone who posts that sub-reddit, knows they're not the ass hole. Except for like that one, dude... That one dad who deleted his kid's Minecraft. (laughing) Of course you're the ass hole. (cross talk) Yeah. So as a punishment, this one dad on Reddit, apparently thought it was a good idea, because his kid wasn't doing work. He deleted his kids, Minecraft and all the stuff that he built in it. I went to read it being like, am I the ass hole, 'cause I deleted my kid's Minecraft account and all the stuff he built. And everyone's like, yes, of course you are. At least that kid worked hard on that stuff. Of course you're the ass hole. And it was on like Twitter and everything. That shit blew up. It was so- - That's like, your kid like building like an actual house or like from the ground up. And then it's like, no, I don't like the way you made that room. And just blows up the house. Start again. - It is like 90% of Rettit is very self-serving and it's like 10%, it's like a dumpster fire that you're like, I wanna watch. - Oh, yeah. - I mean, I enjoy Reddit for the memes. - Memes are great, yeah. - The memes are great. And when, whenever there's a good meme threads or something that's where I enjoy Reddit. - I mean, that's why I like Alsop Reddit. (cross talk) It's just all memes. So Taste. You see that segue boys. (laughing) - My Reddit name is literally, I came for meme. (laughing) That literally my reddit name- - People don't believe you, that that's you. I saw a thread on Reddit being like, who is this mullet? Like where's Connor. Who is this, I came from memes guy and everyone's like, that's Conner. And everyone's like, all the new people are like, no, that's not him. I'm looking for see dog VA, where is it? - 'Cause I literally only made the account, so I can up vote the memes I liked. - Fair enough. - I mean, that luckily I also rented this for memes, right? - Yeah. - That's the best part of Reddit. Like I feel like when Reddit takes itself too seriously it's just really grating. I don't know if you guys feel the same- (cross talk) - Not everywhere over the internet, because it's the same thing with Twitter, as well. And the only difference with some Reddit threads and Twitter threads I see is Twitter has an avatar behind it. And that's basically the same kind of toxicity. (laughs) - I think it's the discussion they have on Reddit are ones that I only feel can be constructive in posting with someone. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like having like a- - Like every argument over the internet. (laughing) - Which is why you haven't argued with some one, let's just call, I don't wanna fucking text you. 'Cause you know that shit don't go anywhere. - Yeah. - My thumbs were tired. (cross talk) - You wrote a paragraph. I'm not reading that fucking shit. Come on, get on call. (laughs) - Okay, here's a question for you. Have you guys ever had like the comments or like a comment on your YouTube, or like someone saying something on Twitter that you know you can destroy- - Slam Dunk. - Slam Dunk them in an argument, but it's equally as annoying, because you want to and you know you can, but there's too many of these types of comments, like address them all. And if you dress one, then you start just opening Pandora's box or whatever. - I've done that. I've been on both sides of that. Just being like, okay, I see this dumb ass comment, I'm just like, okay, I can't say anything. - It's a lot of restraint. - Control yourself, like Zen mind right now with this. Don't get tilted. Just keep it in yourself. Like at least like go to your IRL friends and bitch about it to them. Like they'll understand. And then sometimes I just look at it, I'm like, no, this kid's small brain as fuck. I gotta put him in his position. (laughing) And I quote, retweet being like look at this clown. I feel like the amount of restraint it takes is like, just stop and go piss mid stream. (laughs) (indictinct) - It's like the bottle's getting full, don't let it over flow. - Okay, I don't need this. I don't need the same idea. I'm okay. Like I'm don't need to engage with this. Like you're right a fucking idiot. - It's like the first day of going vegetarian you go to like a steak house, right? It's like... (breathing heavily) No, I can do this. I can do this, please. - I just like, sometimes if they comment something dumb, I'll give them a holla. I'm like, I want everyone to see how stupid you are. (laughs) I'm not gonna engage it, but I'm gonna push this to the top, just so everyone could see how stupid this comment was. - It's like that one out of a million time when you do acknowledge it or reply, it's always there. They're always like this. - Get ready, get ready. - No, they're always like the surprise peak at you face. They're like, oh, I can't believe he saw my comment. What, I was talking shit and he replied to me. it's like what's? - That only applies on Twitter though. It's like, how many situations can you go in IRL where you absolutely slam dunk someone and then they reply with a punk face, right? It's just like- (laughing) Did you see that, he just completely dunk me, I'm so happy. - I don't know... I understand the mentality where if you say something on Twitter or on social media to like a big creator or platform, you don't expect them to ever see it. But I think you'd be surprised about how many comments that we do actually end up seeing, most of them, we just, we just keep scrolling, but some of the comments do actually stick out to us. Especially the ones where are like, really criticizing or really grating, or one of those ones. - I had the thing that happened, maybe like a few months ago, it was the first time it's ever happened to me. And this one annoyed me more than anything. Like they weren't shitting on me. Or they really were shitting on me, but it was someone else tweeting about how they really enjoyed all my videos. And then someone was shitting on them for enjoying my videos. For some reason that really pissed me off. I was like, bro, you can shit on me, for like... Why are you gotta shit on someone else for enjoying, like, what's wrong with you man? And yeah, that was just a mess. - So did you reply to that? - I replied being like, yo dude, I mean, it's cool if you don't like me, but why are you gonna shit on someone else? - Just leave them alone. - Yeah. And then they just kept light antagonizing us and I was just like fuck it, I'm not dealing with this. (laughs) - I think the one comment that's like still angers me to this day. - I realized we've talked about a lot of hate comments. (laughing) - We're very tilted man, as you can see. - Because it's the comments that stick out to us, right? But I think the one that sticks out to me the most and I probably won't ever forget. Is when I got engaged, when I proposed to Sydney, like I don't really talk about my personal life too much on my Twitter, because I like to keep that separate from like me talking about anime- (cross talk) But it was like the one... One of the few times that I actually let out my personal life to the public, just because I wanted to show the entire fucking world- - Very important time of your life. - How happy I was. And how this was one of the most happiest moments of my life and I wanted to share that. - Of course. - And I remember I made it like... Me and Sidney are very close. I'm glad that I can make jokes with Sydney. And like some of like the most crucial points in my life. And like, when I proposed I was like, man, you're my wife, but I still can have my wife who Sydney car is still my number one. (laughing) That was just a funny joke. (cross talk) That's just the kind of relationship I have. I'm glad I'm with someone who I can joke around with like that. And so Sydney posted that joke and somebody's like, quote... They didn't even like quote, retweets that one. They just, they screen shotted it, right? - Right, that the worst. - Yeah. - It's like at least give me, like some fucking credit, right? - Yeah, exactly. They think you can't fucking see it if they screenshot it. 'Cause there's nothing that leads it back to them. But they screenshot it and they posted on their personal Twitter and was like, woman you should have better standards for your men. Don't let your man get away with this kind of shit. And I'm like, you know nothing about my relationship with Sydney, right? - That is the biggest, I know more about your life than you do, like common right? - Like they were judging me, because I was making this joke, which some some girls won't be happy with and if you're not happy with that kind of joke that's completely kinda fair- - Don't be with that kind of person. - Yeah exactly. - Really simple. Right. - Exactly. I was with someone I could trust to make that joke. But then Sydney actually like commented on it. Like she quote tweeted it and commented on it. And the reaction they made was just, such a... Like, why you like this? (laughs) You know what I mean? 'Cause, when she replied she was like, I can't believe they've actually outed me. Like they've just sent all their followers to me. I'm like getting cyber bullied right now. And your like, what do you expect if you talk shit online and you can't take it back? Like, how would you think we feel? - I love people who do that, because it's always.... It's usually like young guys or girls, like in their teens obviously, right? - Yeah. - And they just expect, like how do they not understand the concept of, if you're prepared to give shit, you better be prepared to take shit. - Yeah, exactly. - It's like you're talking shit about someone. Do you expect them to just not fight back. - Yeah, like, why are you acting like the victim here? (laughing) You are here judging my personal life- - They have more followers than me. I'm like, I don't give a shit dude. Like you shit talk me, I'm a fucking smack you right back. You better be prepared for that. And if you're not, then don't save it in the first place. Keep it to yourself. - If you're gonna smack talk and then you're going to cry about being called out- - Yeah. - That's the equivalent of like you going up to someone, smacking them in the face and then they smack you back and you start crying. (laughing) It's like, what, you smack me first. I should be the one crying, not you. What are you crying about? - Yeah, basically... How to act on the internet, it's just like, don't act the way... Don't act any differently than you would in real life, honestly. - Just be real life. - Yeah. - Not that you guys needed to know that, 'cause you'll trash tasteless, like the best taste. - Exactly. Rule number one just, don't be a dick head. (laughs) All right it's just really simple. - Don't act like Subaru from Real Zero in real life, and you should be fine. - Oh my God. - Wait, what you mean? Wait what do you mean? - Dude in season one he was an ass hole, man. - I mean, was he though. - Dude, when he like confessed in front of the whole grand court. - Yeah. - She told him not to. I was like, what are you doing, man? She told you not to do that. This isn't your time to shine. - I wouldn't call him an ass hole, as much as I would just call him a clown. - No, I think he was an ass hole. - You do? - Yeah, I thought he was in the first season. - I mean, either way, it's not very good, right? (cross talk) You're either a clown or an ass hole. - Either way he wasn't doing himself any favors. - Yeah. - But season two, he looks like he's turned himself around. - Don't be like season one Subaru is what we're saying, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. - Now season two have been very much enjoying his character development. - Yeah, I'm glad that he's finally learning to be an incell. (laughing) - Every (indictinct) kind protagonist, right? - Being an incell is bad... - That's a revelation. (laughing) - She should think of women as not an item. - Yeah. - Yeah men. - I think that's probably a good place to end it. - Yeah it is. - Thank you to all the patrons. Lovely, lovely patrons that you see on the screen, right now for supporting the show. And if you'd like to then make sure to go to - Thank you, patreon. - Thank you. They are not the ass hole. They are not the ass hole. (laughs) - They are the reverse ass holes. Whatever the reverse of an ass hole is. - A mouth. - Yeah. A face. (laughing) A face hole. You lovely face holes. (laughing) - Oh, God. - And if you'd like to send us your hot memes, your hot spicy memes, as you've always done, you can do it on the sub Reddit and make sure to follow us on Twitter, as well. For our more memes. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But that's about it for this episode, guys. I've been your boy and I've been with the monk and the monkey. And we'll see you guys next episode, bye. - Monkey out. - I'm gonna go fucking meditate somewhere. (laughing) (soft music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,108,601
Rating: 4.9516029 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: d-gHqu67j00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 37sec (7417 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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