Reading Your DM's (What's My Race?)

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you always having an issue boy big nose hairs back again with another hot one at least once a day I get a DM a comment a tweet just some kind of message related to my race and you know it's just genuine curiosity as to what my ethnic background is kind of like this message for example Noel Miller I'll send you pics of my feet if you tell me your ethnicity depending on the feet I might consider cuz you know on Twitter feet pics have value like there are their own currency I would say feet pics are like the euro of Twitter you know the exchange rate for a feet pic and depending on the toes is pretty high you know good feet pic is probably like 50 USD yo what's this dude's name Jorge I imagined Jorge going into the pawn stars shop and getting an evaluation on his feet you know I'm not too sure about these I mean they appear to be in decent condition I like the fact that there's no visible tattoos on these anywhere toenails are a little worn down that's to be expected of feet around this age I got a feet pic expert so go ahead and call him in and he'll be able to give us a better idea of what we're what we're looking at here anyway I digress I thought it'd be funny you know I get a lot of these messages and I thought it'd be funny to go through them react to them because every day I wake up it's like I'm getting attacked by the census that said here we go Guatemalan bottom all in what I like to imagine that little ho 510 is just like faded somewhere and she's just like Guatemala yo are you half white half Indian I know you're tired of people asking but I'm half white / Indian and it would be sick if a funny bi-racial person had a following on line this one stood out to me a little bit because you're almost implying that if you're biracial and funny you just don't get a following maybe if you're biracial and funny you're just too vague no one can identify with you I [ __ ] got it or Philippi oh oh you got my Philippi oh is that Greek for penis or maybe Italian easy money you're [ __ ] Polynesian you say easy money like you made a bet is there a bookie somewhere trying to profit off my face hey Johnny listen I know you like to uh you like to bet on the basketball but uh we've got a different game for you huh you like risky I know you you like fast money here's some fast money okay you tell me where to [ __ ] that guys from I'll give you ten to one on your money brah you're Filipino in English don't even tell me I'm wrong cuz I won't believe you well then what why the [ __ ] did you do in the first place but if you're Greek Orthodox Easter is on April 8th make sure to get your jiajia's some nice some nice was that an attempted slang I get us some nice yo what is nice Oh some get us something nice are you Mexican okay whenever I get a pointed question like this about my race I'm always I'm always a little torn because part of me feels like all right this person is you know whatever are you blank in this case this person might be Mexican so they want to see you know maybe we have some point of relation another part of me feels like they want to know if I'm this thing so they know exactly how much to hate me like I feel like the next question after this in my [ __ ] up frame of mind is like well how much I mean that's not everybody but it might be some people know L Miller place of birth I [ __ ] got it yeah Nina you're right I'm from Wang Australia oh wow a video this is a first let's let's see what this is all about you know it's a boys it's robert here bring guys a brand new video yeah you don't really hit the deuce that high man it was like uh look who you kind of got to commit when you do something like that like oh like a what's up and you kind of you got halfway with it I'm a pretty big fan of kvitko Noah Miller it's a pretty good question you know what race is no Miller I've actually figured it out real quick so faster so a picture Noel here and I'm a lot of people think perhaps he's half asian that's what I thought for the longest time but I've actually figured it out he's actually white with Asian eyes so uh thanks for watching guys peace out hey you you committed on the deuces at the end so I'll give you that to quote the only part of your personality that seems to be on display which is Dwight we're gonna go with false let me just pause for a second here and say I understand that my face is very confusing it's misleading you know depending on the lighting I could look like I'm from a number of places I too have been confused by my own face when I was like seven I was eating breakfast with my cousins and my uncle and the conversation was going around we're having a good time and you know in the middle of eating my uncle kind of looks up from his plate and he goes hey man you know you're adopted right the kid in me was like oh this is an adult I'm not gonna question what he has to say but then the other half of me was like bro you might be right I don't look like either of those people then I started crying a lot like my uncle is howling to put it simply he is just he can't laugh harder it's just so goddamn funny here's the thing he laughed too long he let them you let the joke go on too far because at that point the seed was planted in my mind because by the time he was like no no no listen man I've kidded I'm just I'm [ __ ] with you I didn't believe him he put a lifetime of skepticism just in me right there and I remember it [ __ ] me up for a few days like I would I went home that night kind of like so uh mom tell me how it was born again okay okay no no no no okay okay so I'm supposed to believe that you guys had had sex no one has sex everyone thinks that's gross so automatic [ __ ] so I get it my face is that confusing that it even confused me no well I think I've got it I know what you are you'll gays [ __ ] I got it here we go another one he's got it you're some sort of Asian mixed with half black meaning I think I got the meaning but all right you're 3/4 Asian and one-fourth black no 2/4 asian one-fourth white one-fourth black so your parent is asian and the other is half black half white I gotta hand it to you man this is the lowest level of effort you visually just covered off on literally the entire world I don't give you credit for saying Asian because you realize like all these people are technically Asian so I mean given probability I probably fall somewhere in there I mean that's that's a lot of categories my man this dude just bubbles in every answer on the SAT imagine this guy I'm like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire yeah I'm gonna go with all four ABCD final answer boy you look like a baby Terrence Howard hold on a second man these are my favorite when I get halfway roasted basically any time someone with a semi fat face in black hair posts a picture online automatically I just get run over with you look like this fool like this guy most recently it's this dude Noel Miller I'm honestly tired of people asking me am i you lamahieu do look like him i screenshot at this little while ago with this [ __ ] gets me everytime they gave my picture to an image search database and out of all the results they go with two fourths asian one-fourth white one-fourth black i look at this picture and i think i could probably be the first person to fail a 23andme test i'll send in my DNA they'll just send me a letter back that just says fail reason urine too vague i had another one someone oh yeah check this out oh [ __ ] you also i have to acknowledge this one this is when i get a lot but Jian Xiao Tao Jian was the first one to hit me with this roast yeah that's uh I'm offended that anyone will compare me to this because my head is a lot smoother than that honestly I could do this for an hour I get these every day I have so many I can't keep up I try to screenshot all the funniest ones here's my thing I find this super funny the pictures you guys send me the weird I don't know racial splits you guys come up with it's just it's entertaining and I feel like if I acknowledge what I am then I lose that and selfishly I don't want to give that up I think eventually yeah I'll get around to telling you what my background is and talking about that but from now I'm gonna say I'm a hundred percent mixed you should notice like I'm cold you just a bunch of [ __ ] worms on my wood trying to replicate my [ __ ] you'll never cut EU cheap free day all you other rappers reap spitting tough but this should put me to sleep [Music] alright alright now while I think I've got it I know what you are you're gay is Falk
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 3,907,402
Rating: 4.9732609 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, satire, noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: 1zOC05g5SDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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