Finding Love During COVID

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uh what's up everybody good to see you as you know i got some new streamer merch out there if you want to join loserville yeah today we'll we'll be having some fun with a little game we'll see how it goes elena's gonna hop in here for a second hello i feel like it's been so long guys i've had a little bit of wine you know i know i'm gonna hear it about being sleepy i'm not wasted this light is [Music] oh do you hear this oh it's a little sexy right now five dates [Music] starting a new game let's go welcome daters is here to facilitate your digital dates okay we are vinnie 27 we're five nine and he's from london london in it okay profile picture which one are we choosing the one with the dog you know it's crazy yeah this will be your and my first experience with online dating we don't know what this is like at all that's crazy i definitely haven't ever made a profile i'm kidding i think the dog one's good nah i think it's like weak like you got an accessory you don't have confidence stand on your own yeah let's go number one i think who knows it's me what industry do we work in are we creative yeah let's go creative okay we're into partying technology on spirituality of course and spirituality star sign ooh horny [ __ ] bro let's go what in the i feel like i don't like that i feel like i'm on top of him i i feel it's just so i mean i've always wanted my own hours so i like this man i joined a dating app no way in what world they're gonna deceive you i have can we i haven't talked to guys before this is just love island but with poor people you are currently limited to three video dates per week that's a steep price is that what everyone pays is that a new form i was about to say are these the same people okay he says that a newborn she got a kid she's into arts and culture partying and music all right we got one of three no i don't care for the puka shell necklace we're going into this like a douche bag the look in her eyes says i don't know the [ __ ] i'm doing on this app either well it's just like she's wearing pjs and she has a baby in the photo damn online dating is murder i just like wouldn't you choose like a a snazzier photo i don't know this is crazy man online dating this is literally the only chance you get that's why we have to pick all of them or what no we have to we have to pick one to engage oh let's go saffron all right oh we can get three all right saffron you know what let's see what shane is all about let's see if we're right okay oh look at you all right bottom three uh i'm saying paige because at minimum we might get like a personal trainer session out of it yeah damn look at that three for three they're gonna be some lonely guys watching this like what's that feel like dude he's not doing the date in here right it's london where else is he gonna go well he could have made his bed fully this guy's looking pengrove tasty i've got three video dates scheduled back to back this guy's looking peng bro i guess you know what i don't think you should have the bed in the back like that it sends out the wrong message okay i'm definitely moving into the living room okay whoa oh my god having a bed in the background is [ __ ] that's crazy i mean i get what he's saying i i was more so like the bed just looked like yeah i was in a dorm room or something bed is a little horny yeah it's you know i think we're ready oh should i drink it is your call entirely mate hell yeah cheers his ass up no getting stood up on zoom that's got to feel terrible vinny i'm so glad you're still there sorry i'm late it's time to stop once i'm pretty quick just turn around putting her ass in there not if i finish my poses yeah you wanted my practice real quick i've actually been a vegan for about 10 years it's crazy [Laughter] it's crazy no gotta dump her ass right now i've actually been a vegan did [Music] so you don't have a problem with me ears then yeah no not really i mean so long as the people around me don't eat it in front of me but dude we got to be realistic up front i eat what i want i can't be myself and i don't think that that's healthy really i mean it's not no awkward find like like-minded people or oh what'd i say yes it's crazy just because he eats meat in front of her you see i'm sorry if it hasn't come across but i am definitely open-minded maybe less so with matters of my stuff i didn't even mean to click yes oh my god just say we see how it goes we're gonna make her eat steak anyway i've spoken way too much so it's your turn to tell me about you do you like horror films oh yeah i love them supernatural ones so this is where i draw them no well that was a bit of a disaster wasn't it smidge i guess we're not compatible why are they just so horny with everything they do i know i feel like that went really well but she was like we're not compatible all right shayna hi there shayna nice to meet you i mean one second sorry sorry sorry that's all right you go ahead okay god no i don't tell my parents about guys that i'm talking to i'm dating at oh wait so you're living with your parents you're not down but you're a frontline nurse how is that work i could have gone to a hotel but i thought i needed to be closer to him to make sure that they're all right i kind of just self-isolate i come in through the back and then just what if we passed on this whatsoever basically a genuine person feel like you have to spend your money on something you've got to enjoy it somehow especially you working probably incredibly simple i've got loads we haven't really done much but it's not if you like survival you're on your own right like what age range do you actually date if there is one you don't get a girlfriend oh my god do not usually date younger yeah i usually date younger [ __ ] but you just say date my age you look lovely thanks vinnie but i'm not accepting it i need a good night's sleep man i refuse your refusal and you have to take it you do they they're already like thanks the other one they're just bump after bomb sorry it's nearly 8 p.m i'm gonna have to go outside and do the clap for the nhs okay likewise i hope you had a good time tonight yeah i did thanks and you too you're very compatible oh man she just dipped out she said she just seems like busy yeah she seems i don't think she could focus on a man no but we didn't get to address the baby and she lives at home and she's a nurse so she's not right she's not gonna have a lot of time for him she's gonna be working late shifts i think she's just trying to get some like um you think some knockout on the side yeah need me a little [ __ ] every now and then little [ __ ] with my cocktail okay oh damn she's drinking already she's just like that's paige i was actually just on here like filming a live vlog so she looks way better hang up oh what like a video she's a vlogger we're out here people doing that on social media i know that guys also lie about their height on these apps like should we just compliment it and move on that's cool yeah not surprised to hear that you're even more where would you take me on a first date oh i really don't want to get this wrong uh comedy show spit it out mate come on yeah he seems like he'd go to a comedy yeah do you think that would be a good first day yeah yeah comedy club is a busy environment oh that's a good point this is like really what a first date is like [ __ ] this you imagine 10 minutes in you're like this is going nowhere i feel like we're just like her we're like a documentary to her we've been locked up for a while too she said we were she said we've been locked down for a while that's a bit of a message now i just want to know who the wii is bye bye oh now we got to talk to the bed whoa well just remember mate you've now got to tell the which two girls that you liked so you can ask them out on the second day we got to pick two so i feel like saffron's was dumb awkward i i feel like they just don't like he he need to change like who he was yeah now shayna and paige but paige is holding he's hiding something so let's find out that's why i want to pick paige yeah just want to dig into her life we ready yeah a quiz we'll probably have to pick one out of the two so it's important we zone in on this oh she stood his ass up no no seriously seriously she must have been like called in early for an emergency shift or something like that man oh we're hitting it again shayna hey hi you're right hi um yeah look i want to say sorry for yesterday i got called in to work on an emergency shift we're getting after it let's do it screw it yes i'm up for it right okay what's the quiz topic uh what is it like general knowledge or each other as in us yeah you mean me and you just after one day yep i thought what better way to get to know each other than to make educated guesses about what we're into okay fair enough let's give this a go wow there will be three questions dude look at me how much he likes him you must guess that you're gonna tell the cameras on it and he's like she'll be revealed [Music] what is vinnie's political outlook say liberal okay dear liberal done right i'm answering with my outlook let's see if they align don't you think the uh the best forever is more balanced approach is balanced if people are still marginalized what is shayna's favorite sex position i'll close my eyes and give it commitment right i can't do this alone bye all right doggie go on tell us [Laughter] [Music] this is bad doggy it's a safe one but what does that mean is that is she going to be like i don't like to be dominated that kind of [ __ ] all right go cowgirl then don't take too hard oh okay all right so you're a control freak yeah i'm really glad that you were able to carve out this time for us bye damn so if you have to choose between the two i mean she's okay she's the least awkward yes she is paige hi yeah you're right i like your um okay would you rather have hands to feet or feet for hands hands feet for hands because i like sucking toes okay um hands for feet answer feed definitely i'm gonna say like a monkey okay and retraining your feet would be way harder i think you can hold a gun in your foot for me it's the exact opposite you would rather have feet for hand she wants to be a dog what do you think of my personality whoa say that chat called it i'm i've got to go was that pedro is that a was that a baby um yeah it's my daughter i'm sorry bernie no a baby okay all right well we were we were nervous to pick shannon because we thought she had a baby but paige she's got the baby how's the baby persona i feel like you're taking on yeah shannon is way more like way easier going and i think shayna is where it's at it pays paige needs some therapy man oh she's saving lives oh she sidebar that ass oh okay hi hi how are you i'm getting a lot better now she's gotten all dressed up tell me how your week was then man they're just great i know they're just um yeah can i make a special request absolutely chuffed i really liked the um the game day the other night so could we do another one tonight sorry i'm just such a big gamer i knew you're gonna we're going so like they're just flirting oh someone said well noel you're so good at dating other girls [Laughter] she's gotta leave confidence don't leave trying to think maybe what yeah what nothing's too hard six are you crying yes but they are unicorns i mean that's why i'm worried i'm worried okay i feel really engaged on this date i'm like i like her i was wondering if you'd like to move off this app because i just think it'd be really nice no i'm trying to beat the damn games and they'll tell me stories and i think that's it what is this yeah what is this music oh we won see well we have to play again and [Music] you know go for a different yeah we have no we're gonna we'll we'll we'll do like all the other chapters we feel good i felt like we really connected two people that were meant to be together that's how i feel yeah about me [Music] you
Channel: Noel Miller Live
Views: 644,336
Rating: 4.9782362 out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, reaction, live, stream, tmg, twitch, highlight, react with chat, dating, quarantine, noel miller
Id: eS9Fp5CBQRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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