Spring Camping Trip - My Dogs VS Mosquitoes

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no grape him from first mate pee poop smack toots today he's voluntarily rushing into that water look at him Frey Ruger sugus is all about today while Monty is ready to swim the full length of the lake following the boat Ruger is not quite as enthusiastic about be swimming following the boats high roots alright let's try one more time let's just let's just if weird if we're gonna I'm not gonna have you go across like I just want to do it where's into a short paddle hey kromm it's just a short swim Jessica Boyer's routes good boy routes oh boy come on come on routes you look like you weren't on the boat Monty stay there oh yeah groaning Pig drip drip drip drip drip okay okay well hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with first mate pee poop smack toots captain funky jugs and first mate Brutus to his butt padukas his name is subject to change we're gonna give it the trip to club with official name we're gonna spend a couple nights out here and it's that time of year where the fighting levels are high they should be fighting like crazy all species and the bugs I don't know if it shows any mosquitoes flying around me or not but they're there they are there oh there's one well turd nugget the bugs are currently in st. has been a little rainy and we got a fresh hatch at the prime town mosquito season I think the black flies are actually dying down like they're pretty much gone right now in this area and it's mosquito time so with that being said I am trying a few new things this trip you know me normally I tend to tough it out with bugs and don't use bug spray don't like deep I'm just gonna do it but this time we're gonna test out some non DEET bug sprays and lotions and stuff um I got some picaridin and some lemon eucalyptus on this poor tissue were just getting swarmed bright in the starting I put on this I'll show it on the screen right here cuz lemon eucalyptus spray stop and while I was standing still they wouldn't touch it there was a cloud around me when I started to portage and sweat they were just landed I mean if there was a little speck of skin in between that I didn't get with that stuff they just got me and then on the way back I put on some hardened lotion and I don't even hear them buzzing anymore so that's the first tester but I think we're gonna swim I'm gonna reapply and test I'm gonna try some other ones but the the big takeaway here is that both put a little bit on Monty's nose cuz he was just kidding they were just on his long nose very careless just short hair they were just not even laying on his nose if you have a little other tips of his ears just where he can't lick it because it's just not good to ingest and he was just not getting bit up at all no sir so you can hear thunder on the way in it's supposed to be thunderstorms scattered thunderstorms for the rest of the evening isolating whatnot so we could get under we could get rain we won't know but tonight very high chance of rain supposed to rain all night rain pretty much most of the day tomorrow and potential thunderstorms at night tomorrow so we're in for some weather so we've got to set up get some tarps get some nice firewood and get all ready to potentially hunker down great day we got one reportage to do til we get to our spot and then we're gonna set up and then probably get out and do some fish it because you know we had a little bit of a late start okay so wait a minute it's fine nobody knows they're just surprised but yeah we need to set up we never wanna catch the fish and we're down fish dinner one of these nights we just got to right I have very high confidence that we are going to both be catching some fish great Monte you're gonna be having fish Roos we have a fish folks we have a fish I don't we have a fish we're all gonna be having big it's doing so much fish we just gonna do the dogfish because it'd be so many fish Rakesh's these phrases we jump it in the boat and that's what I want okay but it is a beautiful day it is just disgustingly warm tor 83 is just oh it's just too much for me it's just muggy but anyways we're probably doing swimming so let's get to the next Lake and set up one more thing funk say hi now if you hear you'll notice that you won't be seeing funk a whole lot in the video pretty much at all and that is because funk does not wish to be on YouTube she doesn't mind you know being on camera what not it's just YouTube that's my thing I'm the YouTube person he doesn't want her life on YouTube so if you ever seen the show home improvement consider funk like Wilson he's an essential character you need them love them around but you never see them so that's fun okay and that's all I'm gonna say about that that's it folk wanted to add that if you want to see more of her and the dogs Krueger and Monty check out her instagram instagram / funky jugs i'll put on the screen here but it's always in all the description of all the videos all the information you ever want about the stickers patches links to the gear it's all down there it's all down there the description everything you need to know okay watch what I've dipped like Muck Boots and I wants just slip and drop everything right in the water this is a mosquito spawn area whoo geez no why jingyan Crocs poop poop well since I just slipped and fell into it a mosquito infested muck puddle I think I'm gonna go for a swim now I am soaked well this half up to up to here my whole this whole left side of my body and the mosquitoes you can see them they're swarming to them sweating didn't feel too bad it's like 80 out so we're gonna really quickly set up the tent because funk made a good point she says I'm a little bit more taller to the bugs than her and I'm just getting bit up and not caring she's like she wants up oh it's okay she wants a nice safe place to dry up once we're out of the link I don't really mind so we're gonna set up the tent and stuff first and then we are getting right in that water because we are sweating at 80 80 plus yeah she's got a long sleeves like because she's smart that's the true only way to protect from bugs is long sleeves in a bug net well we are expecting rain in that spot looks like it's gonna pool so we're probably gonna set up our tarps all over there where the camera is right now we got two big tarps he's just hanging out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this feels so good guys yes so if you're wondering there's a little bit of a time warp with all the videos I'm releasing I've already went on my adventure my spring week-long adventure that is gonna start being released next week so uh yeah I may seem like I got a little Sun and as I'm talking about the temperatures of the water this is so much warmer than it was this is crazy oh my feet it feels chilly but I didn't really want to stay in the water but right now it's not so bad look at Monty and Monty you'll notice when those come out he's being a little bit of a [ __ ] about the water right now he is just full-blown water dog back to Monty Phelps this is the Monty Phelps we know in love right Monty Phelps great buddy he's just swimming but you can go back to land if you choose you see easy out of choice guys he's choosing to just swim around and enjoy it and just bloat he floats Ruger on the other hand [Music] boy come here come here come here Lucas Lucas come here hi Monty you wanna come - hi Ruger that's a good boy he just needs a little encouragement hi goose hrubes hi here I'm gonna I'll pick you up you're fine ammonia Oh scratching me oh good boy help figure it out alright okay alright we are going to get out of this water dry off close up REE bug spray and then I think we're gonna get to do some fishing it's definitely it's gonna pull over there so we're gonna make this area we're gonna put up at least one tarp probably - you've got our know the Noah's Kelty tarp I think I need to tie all new guidelines to this thing is looks like it yeah this is we've got two of these and we a grab both or a funk grab the one that's not been used as much simply brand new so um as far as bug sprays go I just tried Cardon only just for just after we rinsed up and we're starting fresh again and they were buzzing on me and kind of just starting to land on me and not really caring too much so I used some of that eucalyptus stuff with it and it seems like the combination of the two is the ticket right now which I don't really like having to use two and I don't like the ideas of sprays here I like the ideas of lotions glitter it seems just like better coverage and I can just rub it in yeah you can just grab some there's a knife in the camo bag working it it's high these ends fracture we could use I'm going to climb there we go what like we're just gonna use steaks on the backside of this for now okay hey that's not so bad if it rains well at least we got one we can put another one up over here this is good for now it might be a we're sitting in a chair room our heads might be a little bit up hitting it bunk but it should be good you want to go fishing you want to go fishing okay and the skis are getting us funks gonna stay here with rubes and just hang out I am gonna be a month here and go do some fishing go catch some bass hopefully don't get caught in some trench rain if it gets too crazy thundery we're just gonna head right back but yeah we got a nice spot here to wait out the rain once it gets cooler you know I'm gonna put on long sleeves and the bugs won't be bad at all they're really not getting me yeah he likes to lay in the bushes but we're gonna go fishing but check oh this is what my T's been doing this is how you see I'm using all these sprays and chemicals and Monty's got the natural bug protection just roll it or some trees and you just lay there and rub your face to them yeah that's great he is precious mud use not digging the bugs right now all right Monty let's go fishing Ruger doesn't care one bit come on bud - you poor thing you know you got your rough black flies and you got your rough mosquitoes that spot right there is particularly swampy oh man well they're just biting through my shirt they are brutal right now there are some stinkers so let's throw on a jig so you knew at least GAAP you've always got the time little question of what bug is worse is the black flying or a mosquito or the sandflies of a horse sighs I guess it's a little bit personal preference but I will say probably mosquitoes for me mosquitoes and then the sand flies and then black flies the reason the black flies like they'll drive you nuts don't get me wrong they are maddening but oh there's a snag they go away pretty early on in the season and they also go away when it gets nighttime sand flies those little turd nuggets when those guys come out those are the little ankle-biters that look like house flies those turkey nuggets come out they just get you and they don't stop you can't do anything to protect against oh except wear long sleeves and even then they will find any little any little crevice you have they'll crawl up in your pant legs and stuff and they will get you it is just the worst just that I lost my love that person egg we need to get away from these mosquitoes are just we go to club balls I'm just gonna paddle hard into this wind like that breeze okay does look like it's a little bit starring behind right maybe we should stick close to camp okie Dokes we are going to be using the chest mount for the GoPro for a little bit of fishing here I haven't used it a whole lot but it seems like it's a pretty cool angle you can see exactly where I'm fishing and what I'm fishing so let's just give it a shot and hopefully catch a fish with it well I got I love you can see let's see if there's a loons pair of loons right next to me they're fishing as well okay so we're just using a quarter ounce jig head with my twister tail my favorite little lure of all time probably to get a lot of snags because yeah when you use an eighth ounce it you just cannot cast as well with these bait casters it just gets a lot of rats nests but this will sink a lot faster so I got to be careful there's so many dead trees here along the shore there's a lot of cover in this area or in this lake I suppose even though the water temps are warming up I think the fish are still gonna be in the shallower if I don't get any bites right away I'm gonna switch to a eighth ounce because then I can slow down on how fast I'm reeling it in that's a snag seems really shallow here like one feet like one foot I'll cast a little cast in that was really shallow so I gotta really crank it in get little floating reeds right here or just a big I don't even know what it is a bundle of sticks and mud I've got something there we go I knew there'd be something hiding under there nice pike ward geez that's not a bad pike oh geez he's got his guilt torn up by something hey Mike settle down send me down simmer down not too bad of a pike he's skinny I mean look at the size of his head versus the he's a hungry guy yeah he's in a big head and that gills ripped out that's not good but look at those teeth in there you don't want those things to get you alright I'll let this guy go he looks like he's about 26 inches not 24 25 we'll say 25 I was trying to without using my GoPro arm too usually when I record the underwater shots of letting them go I have an arm so I don't have to lean but I just held the GoPro in my hand and I literally almost flipped if it wasn't for this little stick right here I would have filled the blood up with water in this one foot of water right here trying to get that shot so I don't even know if we saw anything in the fish I'm gonna put it on the arm next time letting a fish go oh so as far as using these bait casters go I think they are so much more fun to fish with than any other real the only problem is the only problem I have with them whatsoever is that when you use something lighter than 1/4 ounce as your yeah or juice body mass oh we're just gonna oh yeah that's a nice Bobby as I was all as I was saying they were fun to fish with that's a nice Bobby bass we're letting these all go cuz we were going for a different type of fish for dinner tonight and we've got two days so oh we're getting stuck in some trees hot cheese so you have yeah the only time we're really gonna be using this chest mount thing here is when I know the fishings gonna be decent like it is I just I just know it it's gonna be good she's been warm and we got stormy weather coming in anyways as though saying I love the baitcaster it's just so much more fun to fish I can fish quicker more cast you can feel the bites better well maybe that's just the braid but anyway so you can just I can just throw away more casts out the only problem I have is the lighter lures just cause all sorts of messes and I wind up using a quarter ounce jig I can whip out cast after cast very far in succession and it's just a lot of fun when I get to an eighth ounce it starts to become a hassle it's just you can't aim it it makes a lot more rats nests and it's just like it's almost like completely different once you get that eight ounce on there and I was doing that a lot on my recent trip by with this quarter ounce once we start getting to this nice house a gill oh geez fishing in the windy side to get rid of these bugs yeah once you wants you to start getting these fish that are aggressive like they are now it's a lot more fun to use this but as far as going for like trout and stuff tonight like I'm gonna be doing no way am I gonna be using this bait caster with a little 32 ounce what Yuma call it spinner is just no not gonna work I'm gonna use my light rod funky use an ultra light but check this out the that right there see up to the edge of the storm and there's blue skies on the left side that is just gonna make the fishing just absolutely perfect if it we don't get any big cracks a thunder that's like exactly what you want just like the storm system kind of moving in you got that hot muggy weather and you don't get those big cracks of thunder and lightning I just had a fish going for it so it scares them and ruins a fishing so we're in for a good little evening here it's already been good so far had a couple of gills nice bass nice nice bobby bass nice peter pike okay we've got two and a half hours of sunlight so i'm gonna fish for like another hour here and we're gonna get back to the other lake and do some more efficient i just wanted to get out here because i knew i could catch a few and well as long as the weather permits it we're fishing more tomorrow i know i supposed to rain pretty hard in the morning but if it's light we're gonna get up and go fishing see one thing is how you can reel it up and then oh you see you can do that reel it up real quick and then snag it in that tree there we go right in it yeah see that's exactly I was talking about that's why it's so fun oh look at a Fisher oh my gosh I had a bath Bennett when it landed out of the tree with that on it that was awesome oh I didn't set the hook very well because I was not expecting those if they had landed out of the water out of the tree and he just gulped it up that was pretty good oh gosh hoo hoo and he's in about a foot of water I like it shallow right now this time of year there we go there we go ha ha the fish is so good right now ha ha dig it up Bobby he got me wet that's our third bass on I've only been fishing for what feels like 20 minutes ok like this little corner back here cuz the wind's Blom you can see how fast the boats move in we're just glide and we're up the turnaround budgies for just cruising one more cast Walmart give me a fish really quick well that one Oh was one man the bass are going nuts right now just nuts there we go that's a big old piggy look at that Bobby bass he's gonna he's probably gonna unhook himself oh look at that piggy yeah oh this is so great awesome look at that another big old piggy we're gonna pick a largemouth bass see Bobby bass all right let's let him go starting to rain on me and Monty here oh geez I didn't think the rain was gonna get to us ah well it's light and I've got a change of clothes and it's warm so I think I'm just gonna let it happen all right we're gonna switch off the the chest Allen thing is gonna last girl I think is gonna be a short little I think we're seeing it spring off for just a second look at this creature in the bag in the boob she's pesto he's just loving life right now rain is very light right here it's a these reads and it's just a little opening let's just try lob in this in whoo something was there I scared something hey I got a stick there's a little pan fish in there bite net all right back to the Old Faithful view this is awesome this is so great man they are so aggressive right now this is the fishing is just epic right now this is so much fun this is definitely the best fishing here this could be the best fishing of the year right now it's so good right now it's just fine after bite after bite all right let's let this guy go you know the fishing is good when you came and remember how many fish you caught it's just been like I swear it's been like a half an hour and I'm just catching like a fish every other cast this is so great okay Augustus Bustos it seems like right now they're hitting it mostly the second it touches the water they're just it's like they're waiting they're waiting for stuff to fall and they're just nailing it it's just cracking me up also that monty is more at peace right now in the boat that not land turns out he forgot about the mosquitos I think Monty is gonna end up being more of a fan of winter camping because of the bugs this is gonna be right here there's got a new fish here soon this could be this cast house are not a fish here this is about so good right here I'm offended all right this one yeah that's one that was the one I just big old bass this guy oh that is a fish of the day so far oh man oh look at that pig oh look at that guy big old piggy ababa pass he's not very fat but he's long that's like a 19 to 20 inch er that's a nice thick healthy bass all right let's let him go I think I'm gonna take a few more cat oh my gosh they're so aggressive right now that was just sitting an inch out of the water in the boat I was just gonna see him I think it funk new the fish were biting so crazy and I should not be out so we might go tell her man these bass are just hungry holy crap like I was saying I think right now today is probably the best fishing of the year this is insane I don't think I've ever had such a concentration of hungry bass like they are just going nuts the only thing that stinks about going to tough funk is having to go back and get that cloud of mosquitoes on me again it's the only sucky thing oh but it's so good right now and there's still two hours of light it's just this corner I don't want to help fish it or just you know fish it out I mean I'm sure we go back they'll be just as hungry let's just catch one or two more it seems like this shallows in this corner nevermind they're just everywhere all right we're gonna go back and tell funk see if she wants to if not if she doesn't want to come out here which I don't know we'll see if she does we'll probably come back out - otherwise we might just go fish the other like if the fishing is this good here I want to go fish the other lake - oh it's just it's it's just so it's my brain is just like hey hey you want to go be generous and tell someone else to enjoy the intense awesome fishing right now I understand but at the same time the fish are biting why are we stopping so I'm like I'm like fighting right now to stop casting eyes I don't know what to do I don't know what to do oh okay we need to go be generous we have to go tell her just in case all right funk is out with me if you decided you want to come fish I made a great sacrifice going to get her because me and my two were bug free and now we brought clouds back with us it's a hole through the fish the bass are still going crazy roofs has got a little rusty in his boat you stand in a lot he's got a lot less boat time than Monte so he'll eventually get it eat a rat's nest there we go oh that's a big old pig look at that guy look at that big old piggy all right let him go how punks using a baitcaster for her first time so this isn't that was me [Laughter] yeah it did hopefully we'll see them going crazy tonight you're right I lied to you the whole I just lied to funk to get her out here you guys know the truth I definitely I dumped it and catch any fish oh really of course he did oh I'm trying to catch [ __ ] fishin I just can't help myself but jest I've tried to help her catch one this is the smallest one of the day little Bobby jr. holy crap you do have a cloud next to you you've got just a cloud of books oh thank you are you is you're using deep we're gonna make our bet our way back to the other lake and go for some fish there [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay we got a fire going just trout chopping right here the mosquitoes are so bad I won't deny they're rough and I'm gonna shorts a t-shirt oh that is ever like a we need to go paddle around okay so the mosquitoes are pretty rough right now pretty pretty rough Mont he's not really enjoy so folks brushing him off and putting him in the tent with the rain fly off just to hang out because he really easy you know he's a easel lazier guy he likes to sleep he was enjoying himself in a boat and then when we got back yeah they're just swarming so if I can get him away from me I might bring him back out in the boat but I think it's just a glass out here so they're gonna be following me around um so normally the trout on a night like tonight would be going insane but the weather has been so strange so it was unceasingly cold spring for the longest time completely cold and so the so before it was the water was too cold and they weren't going crazy then we had a week of just like 80s 70s and 80s just so unseasonable warmth it of the cold it just heated up and now the water just seems so warm I we went swimming and it wasn't cold at all as external temperatures just jumped right here so I think it's a little too warm and they might not be biting that well home for some trout I mean normally I don't night like tonight they are just jumping like crazy I think four or five days ago it was probably I would say I would give it five days ago it was probably awesome and they're crazy and then it's just been so warm that I think it almost just got skipped I mean I'm gonna still try we're gonna see if they start jumping it's half hour til the Sun sets roughly maybe more like 45 and hopefully it picks up I don't think they're gonna be in shell at all but we're gonna go try we are gonna go try the shallows and you'll see I mean there's still there's still surfacing I'm gonna be kind of quiet oh oh oh that's a nice perch oh they're definitely gonna be keeping that alright yeah we're gonna throw this on the stringer all right got a nice bobby bass mm-hmm all right we're gonna let him go little Bobby bass little Bobby jr. time to go home now papi bass [Music] there we go another nice little perch Oh throw that on the stringer hmm I do like nice little perch you know I mentioned this in my last video but this Lake never use that perch or bass and whatever person planted up in here however they got here it's just I think this Lake is being taken over and it's gonna be ruined I feel like every year it seems like there's less trout in here all there's gills - I'll touch my little perch that one flopped right out into the water what I remove the hook okay we need to just move across a lake I'm gonna take this other pole I got and I've got a little spoon on there I'm gonna troll that out because we need to get in this breeze sitting along the shore here is just getting me eaten up they are just getting me oh I don't even know if I finished the conversation about black flies versus mosquitos but yeah let's Kito's are worse mosquitos are definitely some of the worst bug cuz when they get you they get you you pretty much has got to cover up and as far as the other sprays go the non deets they're a mixed bag I don't know I really think what long-sleeves might be the only true way to really protect from bugs long sleeves in a bug net but I will try some other stuff I was mostly curious I know deep work for mosquitoes it really does it's just you have to just keep spraying it on if you're sweating ruins cameras and eats material it's just like nasty stuff I just don't like it but I'll get you hopefully they're comfortable at camp the best thing you can do in its home for some wind and it is not windy today it was breezy out on the lake there we got a little relief but yeah sure funks keeping a smoky fire going and I'm in shorts and a t-shirt here so far it I mean I put the pic hard and then flip the stuff on me and it seems to be working they're just still getting you can see bugs just swarming around me I just had a big ol bite I definitely had a strike that was probably a crowd if casting doesn't work I'm just gonna keep doing this I have us I have an eighth ounce spoon with chartreuse and yellow I just got nailed I think I think I have this is my ultra light that I'm trolling with because it's already got a spoon on there I might want to switch it to use the other one can I feel like I might have you might have set the hook better if it was the other one all right to try to start in the surface the Sun is it's getting glowy like it's setting the temperatures you know a little bit cooler I'm seeing a couple here in there so that's good news so I'm gonna keep trolling this and I see one jump near me all cast oh yeah there there's starting the least I stopped by camp and the bunks shell next to the fire and she got she dried off both the dogs and put him in the tent apparently they're just passed out so they're they're just enjoying we got something drawn no clue what it is at this point I know what I'm hoping it'll be mosquitoes whatever it is it's fighting good hopefully it's not just a big bass for some reason I feel like it's a bass because it's getting close to the surface I don't know so hard to say how the mosquitoes are giving me it's like coming right towards me oh yes yes yes that is exactly what I wanted [Music] look at that beautiful fish look at those colors Thunder there piece one on the stringer look at those beautiful colors oh yeah that's gonna be delicious tonight awesome I was worried I might not catch him but they're still out there still here Oh oh it's God dang that one was even bigger so as much as I am getting bit up right now I think if I didn't have that eucalyptus stuff and the picaridin on me I'd be getting mauled all right so I'm gonna past inshore we'll go for a few more perch and then maple will troll some more for some trout oh geez yeah I can't sit still no way - the heck with this sitting still is just certain certain doom [Music] okay so I got a trout in a couple purch will give one perch to each of the dogs and me and Paul to split a trout and we'll have our big fish dinner tomorrow but weird is gonna have this child as like a complimentary fish maybe it's so hard but I'm just getting mauled mauled by mosquitoes right now I'm gonna t-shirt and shorts like it's just a dingus but I actually feel like a crazy person right now with how bad the mosquitoes are they are just I don't know I don't know I don't know that camera could see him at all but there is just a swarm on me if I didn't have any sort of bug spray it would be a milk what was that maybe a million times worse luckily I've got some of that stuff on me and it's keeping them somewhat obey but they are still landing at me and biting me up I just have such a tough decision to make okay I can't do any more I'm officially tapping out the potatoes are just the sound I'm hearing in my ears right now is so bad [Music] okay guys I'm just chillin the tail with the dogs and as you can see they are happy to be in the tent so here's the scuttlebutt the mosquitoes are absolutely insane the fishings great okay don't get me wrong fishing is great um but these dogs here Monty was going nuts he did not want to be out in those mosquitoes he was pong in his face looking pretty miserable and the same with rooks funk said that was zoomin and running around so the dogs are not having the best time in these mosquitoes and funks funks you know she's done these mosquitoes before but she is getting swarmed as well and she's just sitting near smoky fire just making it smoky just to be able to stand it I was out there coated and picaridin and eucalyptus spray and I was still getting mauled it was so bad so I think what I'm trying to say is for the sake of our sanity and these dogs let me look at them were we're only gonna spend one night out here we're gonna go home tomorrow after it stops raining it's supposed to rain in the morning but yeah if another thing is if there was some wind to help combat these it would be a lot better but there is no wind there's gonna be no one tomorrow and it is peak mosquitos and it is just rained and it's gonna rain tonight so they're gonna be here are gonna be as bad as mosquitos can be and yeah the sprays just aren't helping that as much like they are and we're going with long sleeves and stuff but it's it's not about me and funk being able to handle the bugs because we can put on long sleeves and stuff it's these guys it's these poor precious little doggies Ruger was fine when he was running around and just going nuts but once it calmed down at nighttime we're trying to keep him out of the water he was he was not having it ray rooks you were not having the bugs look at his little face yeah I'm just I'm just saying you're taking a break like you know me guys I I can handle these bugs and I can tolerate them but if it's I'm not out here by myself okay I've got punk I've got Monty I've got Ruger all of them are getting mauled by bugs and not having a optimal time so yeah I can't just I'm not I'm just gonna make everyone suffer from my sake I thought it would be no I was right about one thing right Punk the fishin was great [Music] the only way folks stay insane right now is sitting you know smoky fire yeah the last time she went capital was the winter camping in the hot tent which is just like the opposite of this I'm gonna get out here I'm gonna put on some long sleeves and what we're gonna do is we're gonna have our fish dinner tonight me and Funke are gonna split up the trout we're gonna give a perch to each of the boys here and we're gonna have a little dehydrated spaghetti we're gonna have some mashed potatoes with it we're gonna have some s'mores so yeah at least we caught a trout like they were good and I kind of kept catching more fish but like by the end there the mosquitoes just kept getting worse and worse and like all yeah the wind is gone yeah I want to get back out here outside or not douzo Colossae Congress Matthew I come aside let's eat you wanna come say hey girl you state out of that water mister no no water no wet Ruger why did you become a satyr no Bunty don't come outside Lindsay do go outside okay you can stay that's a good boy that's a good boy plenty good boy cam Monty body does not want to come outside right now he is a very smart dog look at that dog in there you barely see him that's a that's a screen Monty yeah we're gonna handle their own food in the tent that is a Monty that is over the mosquitoes right now I just want comfort I must protect them on to you so the silkie big boy here it didn't like it for wintertime firewood processing but I have a silky that's like this big and I process a lot of firewood and live week trip and well I don't I can't gonna start using this bringing this out to new campus for these little dogs it's a breeze make it quite away that's firewood part [Music] [Music] [Applause] Reese cut through these little logs yeah Monti is just out he is he's over the swarm I'm happy even if we go home tomorrow I'm totally content cuz got I did crazy fishing really I wasn't out here long and the fishing which is crazy and I had a nice trout on another nice trout on yeah well I had a bite then I caught one trial and then I had a traumas bigger up than the one I actually brought in we try to probably let go anyways see Ruger here Ruger is a non-stop action kind of guy and see he's even the mosquitos are still getting them it's funny when they were puppies you know they can get eaten alive they don't mind as much but the swarm today I mean I would like I said I've said it already six seven times it is peak mosquitoes just after a fresh rain in some of the most mosquito Eve places I know and yeah and no wind so we're putting on all these lotions we're trying to spunk to using the D and it's just still with long sleeves and the D they still are driving it they're getting her I got at least sixty mosquito bites today at least huh well I was trying all these different things and I wasn't using stuff you out fishing just now I got at least thirty mosquito bites at least they were getting my ankles every time I look down there's three suckers one of my ankles I've just got a high tolerance for bugs for the most part I think what it is if the fishing is really good I can just look past the bugs sometimes they just don't make me itch like that the one I got one on my forehead it's not itching it's just a big lump I don't know I think if you start to itch easier to think about it it makes it worse if you just kind of pretend it doesn't exist you don't itch it it doesn't it I don't know police working for me right now I'm gonna keep thinking that mindset I don't know if it's the truth but it's a trick for me okay like a whole bunch of fights today and none of them are itching right now and I don't want to stop to think about it get him rubes [Music] [Applause] [Music] come here Oh Joe Joe good boy he's dead too good his boy he's loving it out here see ruder doesn't get to go camping as much so he is overstimulated right now and just loving it I mean the bugs were driving him nuts and he went crazy but right now he's chasing flies embers frogs in the water when we don't pay attention to him he's going for toads bugs he's just running around going for everything if I grab a stick you just love that Matty are you awake now Monty Monty look at your little piece attempt number two we had a suit might be wants to come out the buzzer so bad Monty Monty what's your course I'd hang out come on Marty come on my course I'd come out to you encore sight oh mighty one come on the side do you want go insane I'll throw the stick working throw a stick Monty you are conquer get a stick oh oh yeah come on we'll put you back in the stick oh look he's limping because he's he slept on his leg too hard Oh walk it out Monty he's done that plenty of times before his lake fell asleep once we got to wake that leg up oh is you're gonna keep limping you better toughen up the machi good boy 20 you got the stink good boy you grab the stick yeah I just want to treat do you boys want to treat what if that one's fitter than this one oh my won't that would oh this is the same thing Monty okay we'll take your word for it we'll enjoy it that's a good boy go ahead Monty okay so we've got a nice beautiful coal bed here me and Funke are both very hungry so we are getting ready to prepare the feast so let's prepare some step up what we are having for dinner tonight is brook trout with some babies red skin mashed potatoes then we are gonna have it cooked up at onions and lemons into the fish and then we're gonna have some sliced avocado half a portion of spaghetti the dogs are gonna have some sweet potato and some perch and life is gonna be great it's gonna be all good so let's start with of course little white onion now whenever you're cutting a white onion there's always one very very important step and that very important step is extreme add that on into the pepper two hours all right we're gonna add a little bit of butter in here it's very soft it's so warm today well so we'll save a little reserve butter just in case so that's pretty much good to go we're gonna cook this up and then we will add in our fish now the dogs need a sweet potato come up so they are having sweet potato no pumpkin just sweet potatoes today we thought it'd be better if they got you know instead of just powder pumpkin whole sweet potato so we've got that that there now we need just we're gonna have a little bit see we don't have a ton of fish today I was I was expecting to catch you know I wanted the trout and I was expecting for you know two or whatever and I was thinking the fish might ever funk would fish and catch one and we have a perch and we're gonna have two days but since how things played out we're doesn't have less fish so we're gonna just have a little spaghetti you know it's like a pasta with the potatoes and the and the pasta the fish Alysha sness okay and we've got the dogs are we need two cups of water in here so that be one two down over there I've got an avocado I'm going to slice up I'll just get this ready and then we're gonna slice up a couple lemons to squeeze on fresh at the end always gonna take out that seed now if you're ever slicing avocado like I'm doing here you have to be extremely careful what I'm doing is just gently scraping I would not recommend doing this it's probably not the best idea but I am just very gently very gently scraping and I can feel the tip of the knife I'm not applying really any pressure at all because avocado is soft what's going through it they're got the lemon slice right now yeah let's get cooking all right chef sous-chef funky jugs I require your assistance right now a lot of stop okay please enjoy when we are officially cooking a feast so I'm gonna go flip the fish now we've got the boys perch and me in funks brook trout funk has been tending all the food here ooh those eyes are a little cook there for a second add the mashed potatoes stir that up punk please use my fork and there's like four did miss heat oh this on there try to get those out adding the boys efficient beginning you over here for a second this needs some water and some fish hey you know those onions got caramelized quick okay let's add in the glory if it fits nope got to cut it in half oh geez oh geez okay when we're set for that fish you know what what is it funk what's the last step Montreal's right how'd you know that's the elseways there yeah well I'm there oh where oh man I wanna there okay we're cooking now turn a little bit too little onions don't need to go okay okay okay we're cookin the boys is done here would you mind if hand there's up mashing it into a slurry and mixing it with their dark foods spaghetti czar done you can come off to the side and sit and now we're just waiting on fish it just all happened so fast once again outside appointment like would you just would you just knock it off with the light a wooden piece he's got no bugs on him yeah she's finally enjoying himself huh my teeth yeah it's all about how comfortable your Monty is if your mouth is having a good time you're having a good time if your Monty is getting swarmed by bugs and just not having a good time you're not having a good time you gotta go home yeah yeah he's enjoying himself now but after the rain tomorrow and tonight is gonna be real bad this is a very hot fire jeez is hooking the crap out of our fish we need to be more butter we need to add all the butter the fire is a way too hot fire made our onions go from caramelized to just black in the bone come out put the top inside here burial okay I'll see if we can get we can get up fine [Applause] you come out as easily okay got that all the bones on there and then this one it's even a little bit mangle but it's okay all right it's done divvy up and played our feed all right well he's taking her potatoes and her fish rest when I'm gonna do something a little bit crazy we got a little although this in there I don't know actually I might I might regret it if I put the spaghetti in there okay spaghetti avocado slices oh yeah and of course fresh lemon over our fish now that is a delicious feast oh yeah let's eat all right you little stinker hold on let me make sure that's pretty warm but not too hot that's pretty good okay boys go ahead go ahead go to Monte get a party good want to eat your food okay well the boys scarf their stone brave aunty huh okay let's see what we got here a couple of bones in there hmm oh I got a mouthful of bones let's try this again mmm okay there we go hmm mm-hmm what Brent Lions aren't bad a little chart they're a little crispy I like who's that my stomach oops my stomach just suddenly parted mmm oh the sceetos since the dogs have been out in the ski doesn't picked back up a little bit that is a mosquito attractant hmm all right oh if there's a beatin we're gonna get the fire going again and then we're gonna make some dessert in the met it's the outdance know we weren't hearing owls haven't heard anything about howls and then I let out one of these I let off three of those and then five minutes later we're hearing this I don't know if it's cause of me but it could be [Music] I definitely think since Rooter barked and he got close enough he realized it wasn't an owl but that definitely called him in that definitely called him in yeah cuz that echoed so far there was no owls whatsoever I did that five minutes later we heard him over there I did it again and he was really close he was right over there and then Berger barked and now we haven't heard him since so I think he came in realized something was wrong could probably could see our light and all the smells of camp and whatnot yeah that was the we could definitely called it a no that's awesome okay keep it stable this is how you get a fresh bag of water and you don't want to get your feet wet because he's in Bremen we got it packaged retrieved I'll have to amplify that that's the sound of the elves made in this house like seriously sounds like monkeys Monty has requested to be entered into the tents and will not be told otherwise there's as muggy as you can tell my lens was fogging up we didn't need desert what a mosquito is a good fishing bugs biting but we're about to ready to pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] oh he just did it down we're time I got my nuts our roots oh well I slept like a rock mmm this peaceful sounds a spring it started to rain like I don't know I started like two and then it stopped then it picked back up this morning for a few hours now it's just dying off but the mosquitoes are and nasty very very nasty you can see there's just thousands of them in the tent so a new development we've realized it's that poor innocent sweet little crotchety old acts like he's 90 Monty has developed a limp and we thought it was sleepy late yesterday because when he's moving around it was fine but now he just doesn't want to use his leg very much at all that's not very good so yeah he's limping he must have heard it somehow I don't know when he did it he hopped out of my boat a couple times and yeah he's pretty much been laying around and stuff but I don't know what he did I don't know what it is but it's not very good and we're gonna have to take him home and get it checked out and take it easy with him cuz he's definitely limping and he does not want to put weight on his back left leg versus right back left yeah so that is not good at all our Monty is uncomfortable Monty Monty you know if your body's having a good time you have any good time ah jeez you mean he's having a good time laying in the tent but now we got to get him home so hopefully when he starts moving around it feels a little bit better so we can actually walk here otherwise Aikman uptick if he's limping too hard I will carry that 70-pound Dunst booty of his all the way back to the car all right looking forward to that because he's like 71 pounds of joy yeah that'll be fine no you're really fun I could put him in my dry bag emptied yeah anyways we're gonna get up here sooner we get home Becca's now it's not only the mosquitoes that Monty's like injured so yeah we gotta get him home gotta get arrested out and get that checked out 90 are you okay my teeth but you okay buddy you hurtin are you hurting pal do you want to go home oh we I think he wants to go home for once what is the cure I just look you looking just get do old what's the big money or something and then the bugs got me and no just I just want to go sit back in front of the AC the Roses just you could just keep going going your boobs [Music] no they passed out Oh raids pick it up pretty good we might be waiting a little bit look at all those mosquitoes yeah this is supposed to come last and Oh got a beautiful morning out there Lucas yeah we waited the rain out I'm getting mauled by mosquitos inform on - here he is - but we're gonna pack up quick and we need to get the Monty home because the Monty's limpin even he's hurt yeah once he starts moving around it's a little bit better but yeah I'm not gonna do a whole lot of recording cuz I'm packing up quick but this is why I Monty's not having the best time I mean look at he's got just bugs in his eyes and they're just swarming around them poor guy mind you all right we're gonna pack up quick okay I'm gonna record and you will get you home okay all right okay so I'm covered up from head to toe but watch what happens when you move when you stop moving your hand for like two seconds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh just instant now that month is moving around he's not really limping like crazy I think it was just getting a little bit sore from laying around me I'm not I'm not messing around today got the bug net got the rain jacket on the pants I don't feel like getting bit up a whole bunch more they've been getting my hands I got at least 10 15 bites on my hands probably more like 20 just packing up Oh Oh even with this mask on any hole I've got like 12 mosquitoes in here there's a little hole near about my neck jeez well I thought they were bad yesterday even worse today that fresh rain let me tell ya no wind I think that's the true defeater of the trip is the zero wind I mean when you get a slight breeze even just a slight breeze like when I was out on the lake with Monty we're slaying those bats it was fine we were totally fine but then it went away and they are just mauling and right now there is no wind and I'm sure you can see the cloud around my face and poor Monty here poor guy but he was walking he's looking a lot better it's definitely something I think it's just something sore I think he just banged his knee he may have jumped out of the boat and bashed his knee against that or something we felt we squished him all around so he is we checked him for like up puncture scrape it's nothing you can see any bruises or blood or anything like that so he's totally it's some kind of soreness or a bang and most of all still get it checked out we'll keep an eye on him I think we do have some doggie pain meds at home from some other injury so when we get home we're gonna definitely give him some of those and let him just pass out in front of the AC and a fan and just sleep the rest of the day anyways despite what would the way it may seem I still had a fun time I had fun I caught a lot of fish I enjoyed myself I guess I've got a next-level bug ignoring capability according to funk yeah because they were I mean they are still getting me don't get me wrong oh my gosh there's there was just five on my tank right there there's there's one two three four they were just eating my ankle I got so many mosquito bites this trip so as far as the deep free other stuff the stuff I've been trying when I was in that boat yesterday and I was in t-shirt and shorts during peak mosquito season with no win and I was just fishing at night dusk I was getting bit up a lot but not near as much as what I could hear flying around me I just it was just like a busy season there was a cloud and I could feel it when I'd cast I'd hit the cloud by hand so the stuff does work I used that eucalyptus with the Picard and I think the combination worked best one or the other by themselves didn't seem to do a whole lot unless you're sitting still completely if I had to pick one I would go with the eucalyptus stuff I think over the Picard because that seemed to just not do as much so I don't know I'd like to get a eucalyptus lotion I'm working on that I just couldn't find one here anyways we are gonna get my tea back to the car he's only doing one trip we're gonna turn on the a/c and leave him there I've got to do two trip we're trying to just get all put away get up back to the car as soon as possible cuz these mosquitoes are just nasty it's very nasty so yeah I still don't like DEET I'm gonna still use other things and normally Monte can handle some mosquitoes it's just today with the swarm was so bad and there was no wind relief so they was getting just as much mosquitoes surrounding him inviting him as possible so that's gonna wrap this one up guys I still have fun don't don't take the running away from the mosquitoes as it wasn't fun for me okay it might not have been as fun for Monty and maybe not as fun from funk Ruger had a blast bug was definitely getting mauled she didn't she didn't even want to fish there at the end but anyways we're gonna get head back to the car so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this it is subscribe button catch you guys in the next video [Applause] [Music] better you know good monkey alright you rest up now okay wrist up there big guy yeah okay mighty look at you hurry here you go here's a treat he's feeling better he's still not fully or the limp but it's definitely a lot better than it was yesterday all right Monty let's go back get you resting all right the rouga Stukas but padukas got a fresh grooming after all that muddy piggy playing now stay there rooks I gotta get the full well stay their roofs see their roofs let me get around let me get that boot you stay stay stay you gotta get that flu booty oh yeah he's just a fresh fresh clean fluffy puppy all right he's coming gonna soft that fur is he's so soft he's he's actually much softer than uh ratty old crotchety Monty over there Boog that's quite the wig here going on there buddy is that a good boy hey we're in a ruger wake huh what do you think about the roof swag huh yeah you look a little silly you think you look better than Monty - Monty wake it's a Monti wearing a Monti rig how ironic I don't know I wonder who looks who looks a little better funk wanted me to mention these are her tools she uses to make him go from muddy piggy to freshly ground and bathe clean looking soft little roogie to Eva badugi [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 105,596
Rating: 4.9198089 out of 5
Keywords: camping, spring camping, canoe camping, canoe, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, catch and cook, dog, camping dog, dog training, spring, how to camp, wild camp, wilderness, wilderness area, fishing, fish, cooking, cooking fish, fire cooking, gourmet, gourmet cooking, backcountry, backcountry camping, wild, adventure, outdoors, outdoorsman, nature, sounds of nature, lizards, reptiles, frogs, spring animals, sounds of spring, canoeing, lake, trout, trout fishing, overnight
Id: QODZ87hGHd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 52sec (6412 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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