Ice-Out Canoe Camping

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big boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] big boy very young yes oh yeah oh yeah oh there ladies and gentlemen I'm back in the boat with Monty and we are spending the night out here doing a little fishing camping fish fishing camp catching cook camp whatever you want to call it it is just a beautiful sunny day the temperatures are just about perfect the winds aren't too bad it is it is pretty much the most perfect day of camping potentially for the entire year there's one goal I had in mind this year getting out early oh hey Monty that one he's already selling you know and that was to get that was to beat the bugs that was my goal this year and last week's video you'll notice I made a bushcraft shelter without there being any bugs that video was released today the day I'm recording so this exists this video is coming out a week later where I am camping like back in a in a row I'm doing camp after camp because I want to beat the bugs so potentially there's not gonna be any bugs today I'm canoe camping and hopefully the fishes go where'd we go for some trout it's a little breezy right now so we're gonna be fishing on the shore where there's not as much wind but it's like perfect out right now it's so beautiful you know a week ago I don't think I could drive down the road that I took to get here and I saw it just happened this past week so everything's just coming together this is the earliest ever gotten out and you know I just made it down the road to get you it was pretty nasty there's a lot of snow and I was I was a little a little worried that I wouldn't be able to do it and I had a back-up plan in case I couldn't sit down on theat sick there's a Monty shift always settle it's hard once you got a big old booty well yeah there's a lot of things had to work out in order for this overnighter to happen so far they are and I am feeling so confident about the fishing it might not be as good as when the bugs are bad but that's gonna happen the next week and that's why I was trying so hard to get out so we're gonna do is go to another lake we're gonna set up camp get everything around maybe collect some wood and then just get out fishing for the rest of the day at the goal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right first things first let's get a better camera on there mati it's spring it can do season settle down there mister settle down mister okay so this is our campsite for the day and the night I am just so excited right now it's a little bit breezy I am amped to get out there where is number 10 right here I think we're gonna I think we're gonna have a good chance catches a fish you'll notice I got a new decal on my canoe that was a thanks to funk sister Kathy go ahead there we go that's the spirit goes back to the tent right Monty ten times I'm excited you get out in the water I want to get my lines print okay so I did get a little bit of a late start today so we've got three hours until the Sun sets so what I'm gonna do is throw all my crap in here I'm gonna deal with any of it not right now and we're gonna just get some big pieces of wood I'll process it all later and we're gonna get in the water and get fishing so I'm gonna Palace all in here throw up the rain fly get on the water and get some wood first the goal is for a fish dinner tonight and if I don't catch any fish I'm looking for one nice trout for a fish dinner and if I don't eat me fish or if I don't catch any fish I have to eat stir fry that I made for last fall's trip or just potatoes for dinner so that's why I'm trying to rush to get on the water and get fish because I just really want to fish there's no bugs out like just attacking me like normal like they will be in a week so I'm just gonna growl this fire would make a pile where our processes tonight after dark alright there's actually a couple other people out here so I'm not gonna talk so loudly I'm gonna kind of talk a little more quiet but I'm using a new little ultralight I got let's try this first cast look first cast take that walk those other guys are fishing out of the wind so I have to stick to the windy side right now what you shouldn't really matter too much maybe a little bit all around that's for sure [Music] all right I gotta go this window sadly it's too windy here I'm not able to fish efficiently water I like this this boat that's one thing as bad as wind let's go see what the other side like like here [Music] [Music] [Music] no lock on the chartreuse and orange I'm a switched to a Silverlight golde we are back on the other Lake have no lock go bite so far like I said there's a couple other boats on there they mostly came from somewhere else it must be camping somewhere else I'm hoping they'll be leaving by the time it gets to closer to dark we'll see though who knows you know this is one of my favorite spots so it's got to be someone else's favorite spot too that's just how she goes another reason I believe it is because there was just I was blown around like crazy and there was a small section of shoreline where there's no wind and it was just I don't want to get crowded or you know we everyone was starting to get a little bit closer so I was like yeah I'll just go to this Lake we'll try for some panfish that's what we're gonna do and we'll do this for an hour and then we'll head back but it's a little breezy if I thought it was going to be unfortunately but what you're gonna do what you're gonna do yellow cloudy now I know if the folks are really bad like in a week but potatoes I also don't like if there's ever other campers around anywhere I don't like talking loud so that's why I was very quiet and I don't want to disturb anybody else's bullring experience or outdoors I usually talk loudly if I can see there's no people around I didn't even notice that there was anybody there until I tell us about to get my boat in they must have been off in a corner or something I couldn't see them hopefully I can catch at least one can fish I want fish dagnabbit I want to catch a fish venison and pumpkin so Monte's just like dude you go to catch fish but the fish release have lighter than the burgers they're gonna be in super shallow remember like I said it's recently ice out I don't usually fish this early I usually wait for the bugs that come out who's had a biters I just bought them there's probably bottom I don't know but yeah I usually wait for the bugs because I know the fishing gets that's just like that's when it's its best [Music] but that's so bite if I get blown around too much I'm with the Swift Shores probably should just start over there where it's called see how much time we got all right not fighting the wind we're gonna go out of the wind so I can fish a little slower I want to fish fast right now you know water is really cold okay it looks as though the Ducks are over here I'll pull it up maybe that's a good sign for the fish I'm kind of sorry to disturb you guys but kind of not okay little bit sorry all right let's give her a try I've always found it to be tough fishing when it's ice out like this this isn't the day of ice out but it's a week of trout is probably my best bet for fishing right now but then a wind wind is killer oh well there's fish here there's fish she'll catch one I'm just scared off a whole bunch of them had a little nibble so that is definitely a pan fish ooh I was a peasant nibble come on Oh well [Music] I can't tell now if it's we're getting little nibbles or if I'm just hitting bottom but there's definitely definitely uh little gills here come on come on fishies very fishy come on give me some luck I've had you to rub my G's but for luck there's some a nose right now I'm struggling to tell the difference if it's it's little like oh there's there's fish all over that's definitely bottom [Music] Super Show you know I think what helped was worms mm-hmm that's so funny I saw something sticking out of the water and I think that kind of looks like the top of a a fish and it was when I started a paddle it scared him there seemed to be everywhere it's just they don't want anything to do with this right now I'm gonna try a different color here in a second I've also got little green ones of this these little jigs I guess I could try spinners like spinners gonna move too fast all right let's switch it up I'll change colors something will get these things to bite I know it [Music] mr. Monty was just sleeping on the back of the boat all right Monty lead some look can you smell my finger give a little taste no you don't want to all right I'll scratch your I'll scratch your button said okay little Monty but scratch okay but pat - that's for luck all right let's do this so I was just using white-on-white jig head and now I'm trying pink head green tail or changing it up I don't usually use green but maybe that's what they want right now I don't know I don't know what they want if I did I'd have a stringer fall I'd be I'd be very happy with three but right now I will take anything except for a teeny little you know a little baby I don't with no meat I don't want that [Music] well I can see him there the earth right there come on come on come on you little turd nuggets bite my little jig come on all right we're gonna just try somewhere else these these ones don't want anything to do with my little Jake's here poop poop poop poop poop poop I know I've casted it near them too so [Music] nothing dig it it's looking like it's gonna be one of those days where the winds just doesn't die down at night because it's it's just breezy breezy breezy holy crap there's a golden eagle it was perched on top of that huge dead tree right there and it broke off a branch when it came to us it scared me me jump mud tea I was like what is going on right now oh man he was hoping I catching fish or something he's patient too maybe I was a baby bald or a gold I don't know I don't know I don't really know maybe bald or gold but there's probably not fishing anywhere near there no big branches filmed the water what he was just fishing - okay that's all he was doing Monte he's hungry actually you know what I say I know everything she'll I'm pretty sure everything's a shell because apparently I don't know much about myself fishing not very good at it okay I'm gonna give it just a couple more cast where we saw that schools bluegills before then we're heading back we're gonna hope that those other fellows head back to their campsite or wherever they came from yeah there so I could fish it hopefully the wind stays a little calm down there's Gus I don't think I'll be able to fish much of the lake probably to have to fish where they've been fishing the whole time what's up juice decrease my chances a bit but I'm not gonna give up we want that fish dinner and I'm gonna go until it's late to try to get it okay I can see the gills sticking out of the water it was the GoPro we'll be able to pick it up but I can see their backs they're right there they look like little sharks if I had my DSLR I could zoom in on it but I don't [Music] but they just don't want anything to do with it I know what they want I know what work is worms I don't have worms I'm not gonna go find worms I'm sure some worms would I'd have no problem just putting out a little bobber just a little sink or whatever I think what it is is that this is moving a little too fast for him if it was just sitting there they'd bite it you can hear the sound [Music] I give up on you panfish you've defeated me you little stinking bury the bluegills I don't know if I like Barry yeah I just don't know if it fits sounds like I'm saying you know like barium in the ground you know Barry Barry I don't have Bob Bob labluegirl not Bobby bass Bobby bass is just classic classic by the best anyways the evening sounds are coming it seems like it's calmed down a little bit let's get back let's get back and go for some trout the real reason we came out here early and you got excited before let's hope that our our friends in the lake and have their fill we think it's a fish [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay the winds have calmed down the Sun is out and Monty is really obsessed something he will not stop barking he just won't stop it's not like a full barking a little those are the first all of the night still get a little bit of breeze but we've got a solid hour fishing what you don't Monty don't do it Monty buddy don't do it what do you know Monty but you're affecting of our chances [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh oh we got beautiful Oh I'm not I'm not holding them over the edge of the water look at those colors oh yeah that's a beautiful brook trout I hope that shows up with those beautiful colors okay security we're finished now I'm gonna fish for fun for a little bit here just for a few more cast and never get back I'm only keeping the one [Music] well that's a log oops I don't usually get skunked I'm glad today was not a date where I got skunked oh man I'm so glad I didn't get skunked I was a good good way to end the day okay last cast and then we're just gonna head back and start get ready for dinner and whatnot Bundy all right one more last cast one more I don't like that last cast last vibe so more we didn't my team huh didn't think was gonna happen what it did alright so now it's time to process up some firewood get a fire going actually had a one jump right here but one and done that's okay that's all okay right but wow it's getting dark pretty quick here it's actually really chilly out tonight chillier than I thought would be we need some thermal layers on it's definitely a lot chillier than a couple nights ago [Laughter] [Music] I'm surprised there's no noises really there's just like a bird oh there we go they're coming huh ghosty Monty no see right here thou'rt right here oops sorry I don't mean hit you in the face need to filter up some water get to use the filter for the first time of the season the best fishing is probably right now but I'm taking that one fish as a sign and it's kind of it's actually it's hard for me to not be out fishing right now I know they'd be still biting this is probably the best time of the night [Music] Oh see one just jumped can you see that where to go damn boy his head yeah yep see oh there it is again well you'd see him jumping out there or surfacing yeah it's it's taken all my power to not be out there fishing right now still that's right next to camp that's close enough for its fair game [Applause] okay that's a couple more I gotta take couple more I have to you're starting to go nuts now [Applause] okay I just can't stand that we have to go back out there Monty I'm sorry we're going back out there just going nuts right now and I just I would hate myself in the morning it was fishing I know it I know it to be true [Applause] oh man that was 100% pure addiction right there I was having such a conniption City you're like seeing him jump and I missed like when I was wishing I was out there was the perfect time when they were just going nuts for like 15 minutes there or 10 minutes even and I just couldn't help myself I got a bite right here had to go I didn't get any bites when I was out there but I just could not help myself it was obviously I just I need to go out there and then I got that bite knives I couldn't help myself man so now we're gonna finish up this now that it's nice and settled Monte's spend enough time in the boat to come here this poor guy he's just been like whoa look feel like there's no room for me today just stoking the boom you know don't worry Monty oh boy oh yeah lick my face with your stinky breath yeah we're gonna other to finish all this up we'll get a fire going and we're gonna throw a stick for him right around here cuz like like I said it's that it's kind of getting drier out so I'm not gonna really leave the fire not even I'm just the furthest I'm gonna go is anything around here so I want to get everything I need to make the fire little sticks this this should be plenty enough wood for the night and I'm not gonna make it big by any means this is gonna be a small slow burning fire [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] holy crap [Music] I was so close I bet we can see that why he's like right there [Music] he's right there he's literally oh you so close I got there where all these pine trees pine boughs in the way we could probably see it's right there he's up in this tree right up there I just can't see him oh right there I just can't see him sneaky little devil I wonder if he's just looking it's like what the heck is that dang they're so silent man they are so sad they knew okay we're gonna still try for that one strike fire I got some birch bark here that I has been sitting my pockets very dry I'll pull it up right here we're just a little different though tonight I'm gonna try this out that's that's something good this could be the night but I want to try starting a fire and recording it in the complete darkness let's just get this already okay we're still going for the one strike but let's see how this looks just shooting this in the dark nope not one I'm gonna keep his food and water next to the log [Applause] I can use this boxing right now Oh girls / okay turns out I am too body thing man I am drained today you ever have those days where you're just you're just I was uh coming in I was so energetic and yeah I was I was smiling the whole portage you know like being out canoe camping I'm having a great time but like now for some reason I'm is drained well that's good stuff well that's good water that's coal whoo that's good water this tastes better than tap water that's for sure I think Monty likes it too oh man so you know what I'm gonna do right now is just let this fire burn down set up all my sleeping stuff and then we're gonna throw the stick for Monty here cuz he's been a good boy all day I know what you need come on you need a big old crate home from dad don't you oh yeah oh that's just the best right there you've been such a good boy haven't you no right on the lips huh maybe you maybe you needed just a better angle like that how's that how's that mm-hmm we get your bouncy bunny legs you peedee peedee peedee peedee you did it to do all our money wait wait could we do this he's just like let me down please all right I'm sorry Monty I may throw the stick all right yeah so I'm gonna set up and sleep this off let this burn down and then we won't stick for Monty I'm just a little scatterbrained right now tired I'm just kind of getting into the whole canoe camping mode and it's very still out and I'm just surprised about how little noises I can hear really it just must be just because a pretty cold night oh hey look a branch oh hey look Steve Steve Steve you look scary oh I don't really want to pet you Steve Steve get out of here Steve you don't seem friendly right now I'm I don't know about you you yeah you know what Steve dude that's a that's a creepy Steve I'll leave you alone okay I am going to prepare dinner excuse me excuse me mr. fluffy pants you can see right there if you want okay are you getting ready okay okay let's see here so for me clothes prepares is that the thing to be doing right now Monty mm-hmm do you think you can put your foot in my pan you know that's acceptable did you do that are you begging get your foot have to pan dude you little stinker all right we've got some white onion so what I'm gonna do so we're gonna cook up that trout and it's just one trout I'm gonna cook up my onions garlic and potatoes my classic that's one of my favorite classic side dishes so we're gonna be doing that one and then the fish we're gonna cook up with a lemon butter onion garlic Oh No I just realized I forgot cloves of garlic I Monte wise you forget to close the garlic no tert oh well then I can do about it now we'll use half of the onion for our fish and the bigger half our potatoes and stuff give that spud that's a spud right there that's an ass but extreme close-up of the potato cutting [Laughter] Oh wash up okay oops oops lost love it's here okay that's all glad that fall good there's not a whole lot to prepare I've got an avocado here I'm just gonna cut this thing in half and then I'm just gonna kind of eat it with my fork this is gonna be my vegetable I think in avocado will be a fruit not a vegetable could be wrong though I think it's a fruit it looks more like a fruit oh yeah oh oh there we go I'm gonna put that back together and the plastic I'm just gonna eat that with my fork just like that it's a nice side to fish okay what do we need next chunk up water for each of these I'm using lots of butter okay more butter in the fish one just a healthy amount of butter probably to use the whole stick oh it's terrible okay maybe well maybe we'll take some of this butter over here there's a lot more there that's what we'll do Monte's Monte for the first time all year I'm gonna cook up your venison without you there's no okay then we gotta add some black pepper over this whole black pepper no garlic so more pepper so we gotta add some salt not too much something not too little salt just the right amount of salt yeah just a little more and it's a pinch more okay perfect yeah don't forget to roll your lemons that helps gets the juices out all right I'm gonna add this one I got two lemons no make it extra juicy today one right now we're gonna cook with the onions and the butter to start and we're basically just gonna simmer this up to get these as translucent as this and we'll add the fish it's into this when the potatoes are getting closer to them so we don't over cook our fish I don't want overcooked fish today mmm get these seeds out of here we're into the flame this one cook a little slower Monte's we're just gonna [Music] just boil heads up we'll do his he's gonna be slow here's a quick fast butter down the bottom nothing yeah but if you want this all right come this nice and slow keep this off the direct superheat okay now it's time for Mikey do you want this nice stick that I cover you do you want this music do I ever I'll be waiting all day look I can't believe you're actually gonna through me Stickle alright um please don't ruin the 10th running past it you promise Gary ran in the tent that stick my feet good boy oh it's risky critter gotta watch this guy ready there we go okay I just [Music] that's the go for life yeah don't swing this stick figure walk scared if you hold my hand helos this stick fetchin yeah so um I'm gonna play up my fish here while this is cooking up and get that ready got our potatoes going and onions - the garlic it'll be okay it'll still taste delicious it's still gonna taste so good just gonna be lacking a little garlic flavor that's okay that's it that's okay I'm still gonna eat it all every bit of it oh and this one that one's gonna be good it's gonna be really good this one's gonna need more butter and lemon definitely just gonna add in the lemon juice there another chunk of butter to there just a little bit more butter to this one oops oh no I don't know what's been cooked on that grate that's going to the fire well this is getting burned oh oh we don't want no char little chars okay not too much oh my gosh I lost another potato no fire is getting so hot now the coal bed okay oh this is looking good Oh almost lost it all okay now I'm gonna add some magic to that one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] I don't think that picked that up on camera but there's our beautiful play of fish going in there Oh smoke of ice I just threw it I accidentally threw it into the fire pit oh I don't know if I caught that at all but it like I was going to show it to the camera it just kind of like squeezed and shot out on my hand right into the ash oh my geez is going on it's getting serious now ladies and gentlemen I'm starting to get hungry it's starting to get closer mm-hmm okay now let's get this fish oops oh-oh we don't want to cook like that see these fins you just kind of cook them and I'll pull off the fins at the end when it's all cooked so this is this is looking pretty good except for one little flaw with this guy that would be a lack of Montreal steak seasoning that's right let's just give them a little bit of that right there now the magic Oh we'll do a little why not right on the inside there we go oh yeah okay we'll flip it Oh No just we'll just put this over it a little mantra on that side okay there we go now we're cooking now we're cooking fish that's gonna be good that's gonna be so good it's not the biggest piece of fish in the world but I'll tell you what it's gonna be tasty delicious even more delicious looking and then you got this crap monty loves it though slow well you summer right there serious oh hey let's give this oh yeah I gotta flip it woohoo oh yeah it's looking good oh it's gonna be so good I need to get it a little bit off the heat here these are about done oh that's gonna be good then you've got this we just poke it with a stick is it alive is it dead what is it what is it Oh looks like it's a park SCORM I like that tadpole fish is exciting me so much okay let's just see here I'll just check a potato okay these are done this this I guarantee is done I'm just gonna oh yeah okay this is all but they're starting to eat all right give Monti his pumpkin a little bit of our food right Monty oh yeah he's just excited about that huh mm-hmm oh that looks so good okay let's eat let's eat buddy Oh patty you're in for a treat buddy the same treat you always like to eat let's see perfectly lukewarm for mr. Monty got my water [Music] before we start Monte I gotta take my meat here check this out I'm gonna take my fork and pull out the spine check that out no waste that's the whole spine and all the bones no Monty oh my - you ready wait really no no no okay go ahead mmm okay I'm ready for this delicious I'm just gonna kind of chop it up into the littler pieces get a nice bite mmm what's that Monty hmm I love lemony fish I'm gonna take this next bite with a big chunk of avocado put it out monster bite hmm oh yeah avocado and fish go so well together I love avocado I'm just gonna actually put that right in with my fish that's what we're to do now we're thinking now we're stinking I don't know why I didn't do this earlier okay they just got real you know I can tell there's no garlic in this it doesn't have that garlicky flavor and big bunty you're gonna you're gonna burn your butt it's too fluffy to be at that clip here we'll turn that around for air you go your butt's to floofy for that I think I need some new nail genes this one's got a big boob it's got it too close to the fire in wintertime I think this one's lasted me definitely a few seasons last meal I made I had to put it down because I couldn't eat anymore this one I scraped every piece of onion I could every bit I was good but he thinks this crinkles a treat what I got here is some jelly bellys from the local candy store I had I got a little bag of Milo this is one of my little guilty pleasures some Jelly Bellies I get all the fruity flavors cuz you can pick your own you make your own bag mmm one thing I love out in the woods is a little bit of candy okay ladies and gentlemen I throw the stick for Monty from a little bit here Cranston and then I'm going to do my dishes sit by the fire eat the rest of my candy and then we're gonna get in the tent and get ready for bed get that all tidied up so I will check back with in with you guys when I am getting on the tent [Music] I've been getting stuff ready and like getting ready for bed and he was just like standing around the door your money you ready to go in you want to go in the tent go to bed you ready okay lead the way all right let's let's go all right Monty head gentle how'd you know where you're supposed to know by MIT can you show the ear bunny he doesn't want to right now like no but yeah it's a beat it was a beautiful day today and it's really nice getting out canoe camping I forgot a whole bunch of stuff I forgot what did I forget I forget what I forgot oh I forgot my stove and fuel I forgot there was something else important that I forgot a couple of things forgot my little water filter I forgot a whole bunch of stuff I forget what I forgot whatever but anyways we got our one fish super excited about that happy I'm just happy that I didn't get skunked today and like I'm just I'm just glad how it turned out I was I was really thinking it was gonna just not go that way but that's okay we got a fish we ate it was a delicious meal and I'm satisfied ate all my candy and I'm ready to pass out it's pretty late I didn't do a whole lot of work so I'm a little restless but I'll pass out eventually so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody what about you oh that they smudge you all right buddy stinky you doing rubbing your face on me what was that was that you stinker I slept great last night look this is I slept great last night so we slept a little bit oh good his stinky dog Monty didn't use his sleeping bag you just laid on it like a little blanket oh that dirty but come here Monty go great today alright do you promise that if I let you go outside you won't bark at things you promise I didn't know no dope no okay I'm gonna let you go out don't bark at anything okay it was pretty still almost tonight it sounds like there's some wind going around now and and it's supposed to rain today so we're not gonna do a dolly too long anyways just a couple layers get up that's not mud his sleeping bag see does it look just like him i cure his face of it there reminds me it gets all this he gets his hair in here and he's used another sleeping bag before or maybe it was this what I don't know I wasn't camping with my brother one time and I was providing him all the gear cuz he doesn't have a ton of camping gear and I was two three years ago I don't know something like that something like that we had Monty but I ended up I ended up accidentally packing him the Maundy sleeping bag so when we got out here we were like ready to go he was just like oh my god these pull the hair back oh so he slept with the inside out luckily it was summer and it was a very cold so it personally still else how's my bath watch him do this trick I trap in his legs oh yeah he just likes his boss crash it's all the early wants a nice booty scratch [Music] or everybody there's enough about scratch no a stick do a stick where's your stick there well should we go take a few cast oh whoa what you're going crazy geez hmm yeah what I kind of want to go take a few cats out there it's calm right here yesterday this is this it was the wind was blowing let's see yesterday it was blowing this way now it's blowing this way I got your stick mutt mr. pumpkin knows he'll frisky critter oh thanks smell skunk I don't want to deal with those spring skunks I haven't had to deal with him or Ruger yet getting sprayed with the skunk knock on wood I don't want to happen today but yeah it's called new this second here let me see over here forget your mudsy yeah maybe we'll take a few cats on this lake because you know like I can see what the wind coming the way it is but it's gonna be hard to fish now the other leg is always usually pretty breezy it's nice and long and open so it's definitely gonna be hard for me to take a few casts and I'd like to take I'd like to wet my lines with Marvin I'd like to do that yeah I should've gone earlier it was super calm this morning at like 6 6 & 7 but the the birds were chirping the ones that go how's the noise go no I can't even do it but it's the one that sounds I get almost echoes they make their own echo that bird oh man so peaceful it just makes you want to sleep all day such good sleep and spray them I'm gonna get all packed up here and if the winds are still it's still calm in this area we'll just we'll just go cast in for a little bit maybe not I don't know we'll see I know the fish is gonna be way better in a couple weeks and the bugs are bad I just wanted to get out and you know give a little taste test to the canoe camping this year a little taste test we can ice Borden and I do got a beat that rain I mean I got the stuff for rain I got rain gear it's just that all my stuff's dry and I got to go home anyways and you know and if I can just get home without it being soaking wet my mood as well rather than have a big wet mess and a big wet Monty which which Monty being wet is probably the worst thing he's the he's the worst to dry he's the worst to dry hey Monty okay let's get back this is always a big adjustment period here is uh figuring out cutting away the tent and packing up the dry bag now with the new season stuff right Monty due to our chair picture on the chair I got your other chair boy you know I'm thinking I'm thinking we're gonna have to go out there and cast a couple times because I feel like it's just getting calm enough are we yep it's just calming up on this this shoreline where the fish are just like catch me catch me they're saying [Applause] ready to go so sure you'll notice that we are not fishing and that like that is because mr. fly fisherman was back and by the time I got done he was he was fishing right where I was looking to fish out of the wind so that's ok we're gonna come back another time when I know the fishings a little better or at least I know that I can catch a better easier I'll be another week or two just it just needs to warm up in the bugs the hatch it'll be buggy but it's ok I prefer to have the lakes all to myself anyways I mean who doesn't huh that's how I like to roll get a whole Lake to yourself yeah and then you can fish for everyone it doesn't matter I'm sure if I tried really hard I could probably catch you know a basket it's like but like I said I'm not a nice on fisherman I think they're moving a little bit slower and I know if I come back in a week or so that there'll be a lot crazier and it's just that vibe that it's gonna rain I see some darker clouds moving in from the south and that's where the wind's coming from it looks kind of rainy so I'm was gonna give back to the car got our first little taste of canoe camping for the year kept stretch our legs got to adjust a little bit here no I know what another thing I remembered I forgot was coffee which was with my stove because that's usually how I make my OB on coffee ever more it is by stove so I don't like to make a fire in the morning if I leave in that day to make some oatmeal coffee so no coffee no meal I want to get out at least one more time like I was saying to do some more efficient and because we got the week long trip coming up the middle of May here and I don't want to forget anything on that trip I you should go through list anyways but it's definitely nice to get at least once more before that trip just so you know just just get back into the swing of things pack my bag I definitely didn't pack it up very well going home here well yeah we just got a little bit more paddling to do and then a porch back to the car so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want some more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys next video [Music] [Music] [Music] get together [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 96,767
Rating: 4.942462 out of 5
Keywords: camping, bushcrafting, bushcraft, canoe, canoe camping, wilderness, wilderness area, dog, doggy, adventure, adventurer, ice-out, ice out, spring, spring camping, campfire, campfire cooking, catch and cook, cooking, gourmet, gourmet cooking, fire, fire cooking, fishing, fish, how to fish, spring fishing, sportsman, fisherman, outdoorsman, bushcraft skills, tent, tent camping, paddling, wildliife, owls, owl, lake, wild camp, how to camp, dog training, wilderness skills, outdoor skills, brook trout, trout
Id: eBpxovL0zng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 49sec (5329 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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