14 Days Solo Camping in the Yukon Wilderness - The Full Documentary
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Channel: Jim Baird - Adventurer
Views: 1,208,899
Rating: 4.8659105 out of 5
Keywords: bush flying, fly in fishing, alone in the wild, outfitting, survival expert, wild camping, off grid, backcountry, survival in the woods, back country camping, documentary, yukon, yukon wild, brave wilderness, solo adventure, klondike, up north adventures, hunting outfitter, jim baird, jim baird adventurer, spirit of the yukon, solo wilderness camping, bush plane drop off, primitive travel, wilderness travel, canoeing, yukon fishing, canoe, bushcraft, survival, yukon river fishing
Id: iNCMdoBd2_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 261min 14sec (15674 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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