Road Trip to Montana - Mountain Time (Part 1 of 2)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] is 546 in the morning I'm me and Jake's key guy are heading to North Dakota or Montana hey there guys I'm just in the car with Jake's ski guy and we're driving through Duluth right now on our way to Montana Montana where is a lift bridge that thing anywho we've got about seven four hours or eight more hours or so whatever to drive I think we're staying in Bismarck tonight we're gonna get to Montana tomorrow but it's been a pretty fun ride so far yesterday I bought I bought a whole bunch of oysters so there's a seafood sale and I've never bought Oh issues of course I didn't know that they were fresh and you couldn't freeze them so I bought like three dozen and I ended up having to eat like 82 oysters yesterday so I got oysters ferns Jake's really happy about that anyways I'm not gonna do much recording in the car it's just we're just driving we're trying to grind it out get there we're gonna do some planning in the hotel room tonight but anyways we're gonna keep driving and it should be a fun trip oh hey it's the Mississippi River oh there it is re-buy we're just stretching our legs taking a pee break central Minnesota how many hours down five or six or yeah hey dudes free orange orange juice we're at the real scenic section of the trip you know over here you got some great scenery and up ahead there's some great scenery up there over this way there's a more great scenery it's just oh yeah we're in tralala North Dakota [Music] all day we're gonna hotel room and we're gonna go get some grub he'll figure out some fishing plans and stuff for tomorrow and we're gonna pass out get drive it some more oh boy we're 12 hours maybe nine we haven't said yet so the uneventful night last night where's back on the road [Music] I am at Medora North Dakota pickled pickled quail egg spicy hmm oh I'm dying right now this is so spicy I was not expecting that to be that spicy first there's theater or national Roosevelt Park we're gonna we were gonna stop here maybe some other night but we're deciding to continue on straight to the mountains we decided to take a little stop at the International Roosevelt little scenic area and there's some bison over there hey boys all right look at the badlands it's just like the balance is that South Dakota the other badlands is that North Dakota okay yeah this is just like the Badlands in South Dakota but this is Theodore Badlands of North Dakota all right we get your back on the road play some poop step poop again we are so sick of driving we are about 40 minutes away from a reservoir on the Missouri in Montana where we are going to camp we're gonna do some just some car cabins a night stay to camp slate and after that we might do some fishing tonight and we should be we're we're in the place we're trying to go finally arrived two days of driving it's 60 degrees there's no snow that's beautiful it's nice it is nice out but uh yeah ready to be done driving well we got a few hours to go tomorrow we're gonna do a lot of driving obviously a road trip we're sick of the stretches of you know ten hours plus we can see look beautiful oh that's a scenic view with our stop in there yeah oh we made it we're just gonna camp here for tonight we got an hour till the Sun sets next this damn I'm gonna go grab that firewood oh yeah poses stealing other people's wood the people went to talent imposes taking their wood they asked us to wash that wood for them and poses taking it the old-fashioned car camping [Music] [Music] [Music] okey-dokey I'm gonna go try fishing a little bit I've been in the car for eight hours or 10 hours I was able to catch much but I'll try I think I need to learn out of five sorry what does it take a few more casts and hit back I have it's getting dark and we're gonna fish tomorrow I think the real adventure begins [Music] this little tender bundle of dry grass [Music] honey today on the cooking dinner I'm pretty tired I'm just gonna relax and I'm gonna get the bed early tonight for dinner this evening it's PB&J we're beat beat after that what was it 20 hours so total the two last two days all right I hope driving 20 hours of driving 24 hours of driving yeah so we're pretty tired I was gonna let this fire burn down and I'm gonna pass out I'm pretty tuckered out real adventure begins tomorrow so I didn't eat any dinner anything I'm just gonna snack pass out tired so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody let the adventure begin the best part of waking up is when Jake brings you French press in a cup Oh [Music] morning Cass [Music] dishes joke railroad cast all right we got to get moved for the day we may go do some fishing somewhere else I need to change up lures this isn't if I'm casting near fish and they're jumping they're not getting them to bite something's not right we have you all amped up this is a nice little spot all right we are in the car moving we're in go try fishing a reservoir a little bit but I think fish is gonna be tougher than I anticipated that's okay maybe look educational trip maybe won't who knows but we're gonna head out first glacier today and finally get a taste of some mountains that'd be sweet anyways we're just driving around [Music] [Music] there we go yeah yeah Oh [Music] now we gave it our best shot Jake had a nice one I've had a couple on but couldn't get them in a bunch of bytes moving on moving on with the day might get some more fishing but that's a pretty good attempt least we had fish bitin that's better than just casting with no bites whatsoever so that was good that was fun so now we got a few hours of drive through the mountains up to the big old Glacier National Park prairie is it great well at least the will be in the background so unhappy dinner he was out of town since we have dinner with the head of a studio and I'm sitting there with them it's a below the mountains oh yeah would you just look at that Jake said there's gonna be absolutely no more driving be lied we're just taking a little leg stretching break picture break we got two more hours to go [Music] all right so like six more hours of driving today you know big mountain this is where the quails were harvested to get my spicy quail eggs a little meat-eating dinosaur named Troodon also nested amazing just uneasy [Music] Wow that's a beaut [Music] [Music] well guy hey there guy Jake's truck is having problems it's uh well my hairs so pretty of it yeah yeah anyway Jake's trucks ball bearing or something's bad making popping noises so we're just taking a break here checking it checking near the mountains I'll be really good to have that blower cruising through the mountains [Music] maybe I'll go tomorrow that's no good potentially Safi potentially too bad ball joints got a drive through the mountains I hope we don't die that'd be good make sure that dead horse let me go straddle it going down down down Italy there's no snow because I am so over winter camping let's go down we're not Michigan anymore that's for sure ah there's a wolf oh and it's got a fish in its mouth on the fish is pregnant they pulled over [Music] [Music] drive and drive and driving driving through the mountains beautiful scenery hey I think we're just going to camp at Lake McDonald today English glacier in Glacier National Park because as you can see there's a lot of snow we were hoping it wasn't so snowy so we go camp in the woods but we're gonna have to find somewhere else to do that so back in the car driving we go [Music] I'm selfish yeah what because no really Oh what he's got [Music] what a drive Oh [Music] did you say your bottle someone was telling me you can just you can just crush the garlic and it peels off after and then we get nice potatoes and onions here it'll be a good one oh yeah either program yeah you definitely tho [Applause] [Applause] I don't know if I'm doing a 2-day wolves I'm sure yeah we'll see you but I gotta do a long but we're still for this snow only make it like I had all right this is delicious this morning [Applause] all right so here's the scoop we were when we were planning this trip we're thinking about coming out here and stuff we were think you know I you know we didn't snow be all melted like normal this time of year and we'll be able to go wherever we want off into the woods and you know have some great wilderness camping in the mountains but we just went to the ranger station and they said since 1964 this is the 8th hardest or the eighth worst winter they've had so there's tons of snow everywhere and we just can't camp wherever we want like we were thinking or at least just you know in the valleys and stuff there's still tons of snow so we're gonna trust Reglan to find camping spot spots that are not campgrounds even the campground yesterday we headed to camp on snow Jake slept on a picnic table [Music] but uh right now we're looking to do some fishing near some stream mouths and whatnot then we're gonna head down to a reservoir try there we're really hunting for a place to go camping and some place to do some kind of wilderness camping so we'll see we're playing it by ear but you know you can't you can't figure out everything to get here so it is what it is we're flexible but we're still having a great time having fun what a view so here's the hungry horse reservoir we're thinking today that we're going to see you can see where the water line is it's normally like right up to the edge here but they were saying it's frozen over but it looks open so we're thinking we're going to porridge or down here and put it in a camp on here we'll see it's the biggest dam I've seen look at that water shoes no that's crazy that's power right there I bet the fishing though is probably pretty good right there all right so looks like the plan is to actually do the trip on the Hungry Horse reservoir do an overnight around there we should be the only people on there because it's really just not open boats can't get on there or we're making an adventure right now so we're going to get some supplies get some more information make sure it's all kosher to do this and we're gonna do it hell yeah hey here all right so here's a scoop we can't access the dam very close there's a log boom on the other side over here it's like right there so what we got to do is hike the canoe up the snowmobile trail four ways and put it on a really steep area so it's going to be a sweaty fun adventure right to start well good news and bad news see right there how it's kind of not super steep well I've already passed that but looking at it from here at this angle that is way more shallow than where I'm headed to so I was headed way up that way so what I'm gonna do is turn around and go back cuz that does not look bad at all Alex about the best bet we can hope for to get this thing in because everything else is super super steep so I'm heading back that way and I'm gonna get the boat in the water here comes Jake save the day we're gonna have to go down right here though it is deeper than it looks this is gonna be interesting but I was just about to start doing this myself I would much rather do this with help [Music] I'm gonna you don't have to pull out it just go down and I can lower it to you - all right you know it's it's okay okay okay good oh really okay that's a good I'm just I can't really steer it I can just let's let go turn that on yeah was like let me get down here I was going to go at this pace unless you say stop well yeah well there's only one way to do this one that is someplace cold water whoo oh that is cool oh gosh oh oh I have never handled with mountains in the background this is awesome this is like glass - this is so worth it right now well you know yeah they looked at me like what are you doing oh you betcha this is the toughest panel I've ever done in my life no this is so windy and we're going against the current no here's a helicopter flying over there they're checking on us hey ducks ducks ducks look at this oh yeah Louie this is beautiful no humans in sight just mountains and wilderness and forest ducks and ice where's that yeah it looks like slush breaking that's just yeah ice water yeah oh come on do this I can see the home we're in the Rockies yes I was thinking but your steering we're thinking about camping on this island naming it Jake's island I don't know yeah there you go we're just out in the wilderness it feels like the lawyers I guess this is more populated area at the right time of year but sure feels like wilderness right now there is nobody for miles well I guess the damn people the damn people at the dam but we're trying to figure out where to camp because we have to go up one of these ridges and kind of going a flat spot in the trees but we want that view of the mountains in the background so it's a tough decision it has to be the perfect campsite you know you know you know all right we're out of the boat I've got my hiking shoes on my mountain hiking shoes we're gonna go look for a spot up here we're gonna walk around see what we got how do your wolf tracks maybe our deer one thing I have to recommend if you're ever gonna come to Montana hike in the mountain here is just to bring you nice to the Crocs all cuz they're great for going to through the snow you know they're not so great I'm essentially hiking through the snow barefoot cold spot I'm gonna set up my tent right here right there lights hoes are slightly numb early oh they're straight above us hey they're just saying hey what's up yeah I'm not exactly sure how many feet up that is it feels more like a hundred I mean look at Jakes down there it's down the slope and he looks tiny he's setting up a rig for fishing I'm gonna get camp set up really nice Jake's getting bites already I just want to get camp set up and then I'm gonna go out fishing he does he's a setting up a rake so he can let it sit and watch it while he's setting up and stuff unfortunately I did not bring a ground sheet for my tent the reason I don't bring so much stuff in scrap is because all my stuff I have a bag that I'm gonna fly back with cuz I'm the reason this trip is uh cheaper it's because I got to drive out here with Jake because he's moving on here anyway so I got a free trip out here I said he could play my back so I got to ship my stuff back that's been fun so I'll try to bring in as little as possible while still having my main gear be pretty cool looking a fish dinner on this reservoir I know there's fishing there's got to be fishing here it's a huge huge beautiful reservoir super deep I mean it's shallower than it usually is right now but it's still super deep I'm not to be careful not to uh that's gonna be tough staking the tent here what's the reservoir is there's ice the rest of it we were pretty much at all the area we can go it's ice back in that Bay ice and that Bay ice in that Bay what was open as all we got really so for you guys watching the entire trip the with the road trip and all the other stuff the reason I wanted to break this up into like you know the full trip for who those are interesting the full trip night you know some people just want to see the wilderness you stop just to camp in this and they don't want to see me on the road road trip you know I'll see that so I'm gonna make separate videos for all that stuff but for you guys that want to see everything and watch every little bit you're gonna get the extra little fun stuff well in and out some stuff that happened along the way you know you need to understand why this whole time isn't just a big wilderness trip because it just did not work out that way I wasn't thinking it was gonna be wilderness the whole time but I did think we were gonna get to do some hiking up into the mountain cabin which we still might do some hiking through some snow but we're just anticipating less snow hey this thing's wet alright dude I'm going fishing let's do this go on fish so I think my best bet for catching fish since he had bites off worms I'm gonna take my jig and I'm just gonna do some real slow chicken down yeah drop offs let it go deep because we've been seeing a lot of clear water so that scouted me if they're little deeper or not around here who knows what it means I should be using my ultralite because water so clear that's actually what I'm gonna do maybe I think I'm better off trolling I'm gonna be honest with you we're trying the other side there's a shallow inlet over there you know what I'm gonna just troll to that Inlet does it feel like since it's ice out fish you're gonna be a little shallower not the super steep dropoff then again I don't know anything about this body water so [Music] well let's hope that missing that when I was tying my line doesn't matter which probably does but it's already out there we're gonna risk it I think my chances are fairly little for catching stuff anyways so who knows maybe I catch the biggest fish in my life and that'll be all the make all the difference ok let's see we come up with game ever yeah this this area you know I don't think this would be I mean there's down far at that end there's some wilderness area but don't think this is really taking there like a wilderness setting but it sure feels will burn uh see cuz you know there's the damn mile or so that way and yeah there's roads around and stuff but it's all snowed in it's early you know it's what do you define wilderness as this feels like wilderness to me yeah there's more deep wilderness you can open the mountains and get crazy but when I told Jake when I move your camp and today I was like I want to wake up and in my tent have a bat in the background this is pretty much one of the few spots where you do that where there's not a lot of snow that we know about like dirt he's been around this area before I've never been here so I have no idea we've asked the Rangers and stuff and you know they try to help you out but we definitely want to get this canoe in the water but we're just going with the flow doing her best and I'm fully satisfied it was a fun getting down to the water that's for sure fun dragging a canoe it was pretty much like my sled in the wintertime winter camping all over again a thousand to get away from it but no no yet not yet yeah let me tell you you not catch anything snacks will get your heart racing a little chilly so think I'm gonna call it quits of efficient for now I haven't had a single bite I haven't seen a single fish I haven't seen a single meadow I okay it's in Chile and I know that it is hot with that Sun that our campsite which I can see from here and I want to go chill then breezy for a while in here what's probably gonna happen is as soon as I get to camp I get up park the ball set her down I'm gonna start seeing fish jump or something it could drive me nuts I'm have to come back out fishing that's case so be it you hear me like I'm trying to say something so that you do it so that I can come back out and fish [Music] there's our little camp up there on those rocks there it is look so far away this thing's tearing a little I have used and abused this water filter over the years okay this thing's gonna be it's been sitting first season need a jumpstart wait well it's going real slow that just won't do right now there goes chuckling a little slow still faster than the pumping I just gotta get some air out there it goes all right haven't used it all season you know make sure it is time to collect firewood fine fine all the wood is conveniently piled right there for it nature's wood pile or I guess it's not that's band-aid the Sun setting it's got another 20 30 minutes but we're out of the Sun now it's time to make some dinner we're gonna have some venison backstrap and then some of my homemade dehydrated spaghetti from my Boundary Waters trip back in October so that should be pretty delicious hopefully Wow that looks pretty good even for being lukewarm for a few days [Music] mm-hmm we are going with smoky Montreal steak seasoning on these backstraps today spicing it up changing things up it's so delicious I'm gonna eat us anyways find it nope that's what I brought it over oh thanks I talked to your whole bag I couldn't find it he's gonna find it oh yeah some back strap right there all right some good spoiled meat do you don't even know how hard I'm trying to catch a fish [Music] I definitely had a mom but I didn't see him out of the water like you're a couple one I can't believe you didn't get that second when you were pulling out of the water they're just they got right off all right eight-month-old spaghetti please don't make me sick oh it looks so good already there we go um that's perfect for mine yours might be a little too much all right now it's gonna hydrate chums chums yeah for your sunglasses blur chumps in the lane here in the back I don't know they don't ever paw off my head stick me yeah alright that means a few minutes my lips got sunburned yeah all right oh yeah that's done Jake even brought me out a Kiwi watermelon Lacroix it's gonna be delicious all right let's eat this well let's crack my Lacroix oh nothing like a carbonated water out in the oh the woods that you're camping mmm that's still delicious eight months later hmm I will show a video how to make my dear Jerry meals that's not like a big bat I should just bring out a SodaStream next time I go camping then I can have carbonated glacier water I'm a smash this Jake's working on hanging the bear bag it's being difficult good food well right now Jake's over there hanging the bear bag and well he accomplished it he's got some kindling for tomorrow morning well where's he let this fire burn down and they're probably gonna tuck around go to bed hey some good food and I'm pretty full sandy all right ladies and gentlemen ain't some good food did a lot of fishing didn't catch it but uh time to layer up crawl the bed pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody buenos dias buenos dias oh well they said a bunch of layers to get up into the world do it [Music] oh yeah that's what I'm talking about waking up and open the tent to the view of the mountains well on this side fishing heya fish did just jump over there [Music] mmm-hmm morning name who is nippy was not bad though breakfast time women be sweet it hit the bear bag alone because it was hung so high well it's just too much work I have to stand up on my hind legs [Music] [Music] thanks prom doc nice oh that's a big chunk of sugar stick my hand in there today Tao so not only do you get caffeinated be able to take some of this out oh dude that's half sugar the breakfast I gave you no your bear bag held up yeah well there's good thing there's no bears there yeah no you can see where they like caught at the tree they're not on the rope a little bit I just couldn't get it balanced [Music] [Music] get lighter out calls are dissipating yeah so I just wanted your hope you'll download the copy there you go thanks dude you take care of me so well out here would you say you're happy with that I am however so have you all that water and just keep going until we see a little that's good oh dude a little bit more it's gonna fall this is just a smidge that's good it's good perfect that is a bowl of oats that's about as much as I eat in spaghetti yesterday it will finish it probably you said you asked me if I had the parts last night and I did not in felt like oh that's why I've been too much water's a little soupy it's really not coffee oh sweet I'm going off of this I think we should uh tomorrow we should make oatmeal with coffee why beat around the bush and have a cup of coffee and when you can just have coffee and oatmeal in one sitting what's remikit it probably tastes real bad with a little bit of brown sugar let me here sprinkle some coffee thumbs on the head all righty well it's time to get going back to the car now they should yeah I got a bite around this corner yeah look from the cold air on my knees the wind was biting alright ladies and gentlemen we just got a paddle a little bit more and then we've got a hike back up there climber stuff back up that steep hill to the snowmobile trail you know well you say you say it I get to pull the crew all the way back oh sure okay sure I'm sure I'll pull the whole canoe by myself no that's fine no no it's fine no no no no no I'll just take your rag I just put them all in the canoe no no no well it's all downhill so it's not gonna be a big deal I was pulling all up today be fine until you die any blood it's royal X right Oh [Music] feel like Lewis and Clark right now bro we're victorious we made it all the stuff no injuries just lower back pain so we just did all that hike down there or hiked up for all the stuff up and my knife unclipped my belt are off my pants my EDC everyday carry knife on the hill I had a big debate sitting here like I do wanna go I can try to find it and I'm going trying to find it paid off found it but I had to go down ways again but I didn't lose my knife makes me happy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 39,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: road trip, wilderness, camping, backcountry, backcountry camping, car camping, wilderness area, glacier national park, montana, mountains, rocky mountains, camping in the mountains, fishing, fishing in the mountains, rockies, road tripping, driving, bear country, canoe camping, canoeing, river fishing, cooking, food, campfire cooking, montana wilderness, wildlife, snowy mountains, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, funny, hilarious, silly, adventure, adventurer, outdoorsman, outdoors, nature, forest
Id: oByW8rGYfRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 55sec (5035 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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