A Week in the Wilderness with My Dog (Part 1 of 6) [Extended Version]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're off we did it minds me we mean well hello ladies and gentlemen I am in the boat with first mate pee poop smig toots and we have embarked on a week-long adventure out in the wilderness it is a beautiful gorgeous sunny day the temperatures are actually unseasonally high for this trip well maybe not too unseasonally but it's pretty warm today is just a beautiful gorgeous day it's glass out I would prefer it to be a little cooler the trip associated pretty warm but that's ok it actually makes us I can pack less stuff but it's gonna be awesome I think the warmer temperatures are gonna make the fishing awesome so we are going to be trying to catch some fish dinners hooking that up over fire you know paddling around some beautiful area but with that being said we've got some qui bit of a late start lads oh yeah that would have been fourteen minutes later I would not be out here right now I would have missed my window for the permit to get here so uh yeah we're barely making it I'm not early getting where I was planning to today we're gonna only do three Portage's I was planning more like seven but you know things happen but anyways is beautiful I'm hoping to catch a fish everyday that's the goal of the trip I'd like a lake trout no Walter Larry and a Walter and a Bobby you know and a Peter but fish everyday that's the goal us we're gonna try for [Music] we're about ten minutes in and our Monti has settled she's accepted we are on a wilderness trip Almonte is at peace he will be in wild full the foreseeable future since our Monti can only see 20 minutes into the future it shall seem like a lifetime I don't know man maybe the tempers deserve to be pretty perfect the water is gonna be chilly so swimming is gonna be I'm gonna jump in I'm guarantee it I'm gonna jump in a few times maybe once maybe twice maybe a few times but the main reason I don't like the heat is because pouring and sweating and secondly bugs mostly sweating when you're working hard on Portage's I just don't prefer it I prefer the cooler but the breeze does feel nice and there's not much breeze today so it could it could be a nice mix you know cool breezes with you know warm Sun we'll see tomorrow's gonna be a big long day because I didn't make it as far today we're gonna have to do some work tomorrow but we've got let's see if we got an hour and 15 minutes till the Sun sets we've got three Portage's to knock out not a ton of paddling we gotta set up camp and I'd really like to get some fishing done but we're not gonna fish till we get to the lake we're staying on tonight I won one cast one just one [Music] just just oh yeah that's the other thing if you've been watching my videos two videos ago or three I don't know when this is getting released but I switched to bait casters I'm trying to piece some put my faith in this bait caster and I'm hoping that everything goes well with it because well I've got my little light tackle spinning around but this is gonna be my main caster and fish catcher controller so okay yep I've taken three casts I lose track of time all right let's let's get to the next Lake then I can seriously fish boys just baked fish that was that was just I needed to [Music] [Music] yeah I can tell this is gonna be a warm adventure we're gonna be swimming I'm already just dripping sweat and we've done the first teeny porridge of the trip and it's supposed to get warmer each day and this we're close to the end of the day oh this looks like good moose territory though look at this you know I hope we see a moose this trip I think tomorrow morning to be our best bet because we're gonna I think we're gonna get up really early and try to be on the water around sunrise this is show because like I said we're not going as far today as I wanted to so I'd like to make up that distance tomorrow and have like an 1112 portage day tomorrow hopefully it'll be a long day but I might have gone a little ambitious in some part of the trip like this first part but once we're in there's a few spots I definitely want to get to the glory the map is at some point but I think we'll practice our moose call a bit you know close to mating season [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that breeze feels so nice I'm sweating we're on a little pond here one more portage toward the lake but the sun's getting low as you can see it's getting pretty low I might just fish on my way to camp and we're just gonna get to camp a dark ish set up in the you know the evening time ish it's a really wanna catch a fish you know that's part we're gonna do well just yeah he'll be fine efficient our way to camp because if we get there now and then we go to camp we've only guys I don't know 30 minutes of daylight left so all right let's take this one and get on the other lake do some casting [Music] okay we are on our lake now the first thing we're going to do before we take a cast is we are going to put on a steel eater because for those of you that watched my spring adventure you'll know the first fish that I had on that trip was a fifty seven and three-quarter inch pike that I lost I don't want that to happen again I don't wanna lose a fifty eight and a quarter inch Pike right off the bat so they're going with steel eater to prevent that okay steel eater you don't got much daylight left the Sun is about to cross the horizon that's okay we're just gonna do this evening fish it's not like I haven't set up camp in the dark before I'm using a 1/4 inch quarter ounce jig head hey don't lick my arm I know they're salty don't be weird Hey [Music] artists old still it's gonna cool right off tonight which is gonna be great come on oh wait there we go I just had a bite dang it dang it I wasn't I was just letting it drop I felt to take it or hit it who I was just like a little nibble whatever that is really slow bite small huh oh it's a pike I can see right there it's always his was it figuri doesn't wanna dang it couldn't get him to bite it he was definitely chasing it back and forth but he just wouldn't I think he might have saw me out early now definitely was a pike it wasn't very big 22 24 right in there it's a average pike I know it seems like when I'm casting you know as long as you can if you see if you do it like that it kind of like makes the lure bounce like that it's kind of bird rat's nest it but if you like do one of those where you scoop like that it keeps the weight your lure kind of tents against your rod and that makes it so it keeps it from doing that at least that's what I've noticed so far I've got the brakes like halfway on I'm not a professional yet but this is what I've got it set so it's it's dropping pretty good as long as I cast like that it's perfectly fine and I can pretty much with it there is a fish the bite is really really soft for pike if those are pike I mean that first one was a pike and it had also been very soft first the first Pike that I had following it definitely hit it like a little [ __ ] and that felt about the same I don't know what that's about I've never never in homes like to bite like usually very aggressive oh there we go that's the cool breeze I'm talking about I'd prefer to get chilly before we get to camp so I can put a long-sleeve I brought out a hoodie as well this time I normally just bring my little ratty needs to be put down flannel thing things things past its prime but just in case there's bugs it's nice to have a hoodie so then I have to coat myself and eat you know you just put a hood on or not buzzing around your ears [Music] we're just gonna we're in troll for a minute here see how it drops it's definitely something jump surfacing up there really makes me want to put on a little or is that a beaver or an otter [Music] what's going on here well there's a beaver beaver please [Music] there we go hey just pull a little jig head all right we got our peeta peeta peeta peeta there we go little teeny guy bye-bye okay got our fish for the day now we're gonna keep fishing but we need to get a little bit closer to where the camp sites are see if there's you know at least see our camp site and then we can keep fishing maybe I'll keep trolling the heck not this guy's actually looking pretty sweet right now [Music] [Music] [Music] all right look at that first night sunset beautiful I think the campsites up aways up on the hill so we're gonna bust out the DSLR and get camp set up I'm probably take a few more cast as soon as we get the tent set up but we should get some firewood and I caught my fish for the day so I'd like to get set up all it's like get some firewood cuz we do want to go to bed early say so let's get set up here is just gorgeous out there right now we think Monty huh little turd but what do you think stinker huh happy to be out here it is just gorgeous out okay we're gonna set the tent right here you probably can't see me very well it's getting dark quick and we're in the thick of it so this area that we're in right now it was all on the burn and this is all new growth I'm not sure what year the fire went through here I'm sure my maps will tell me but it is so thick with just these little trees well you know new growth so it's very thick in here so it's definitely dark you're not in the open I thought it was gonna be a little more open up here but all this stuff is blocking the sunset but there's a little bit of firewood there so I need to collect any wood it should be just enough it's pretty wet but there's a nice piece I can process up should be enough to just start a fire we're just having classic spaghetti for dinner classic but I'm just gonna whip the tent up get my stuff inside won't my sleeping pads it's way too quiet to have a fight with Monty about it we're not gonna be doing that this evening anyways yeah we're gonna set up and then we'll process up some firewood and we're gonna spark it player get to relaxing oh I'm on TV all right we got this nice piece of wood here to process up Oh the mosquitoes are so much worse than I thought they'd be I got my footing on and it's pretty warm a little bit looks pretty good [Laughter] still gets a little wet [Music] it's not a really raging fire but hey it's gonna do just fine oh we just need to boil up a little water but first we need to feed a certain someone oh yeah you hungry got some food yeah he wants some food as you know Monty gets a pumpkin powder so that he eats every meal and we were using the diggin dogs firm up it was sent to me and it's like pump pumpkin and like apple pectin and it worked great he loved it but I have tried something different I am now using 100% pure organic pumpkin that's just dried dehydrated the reason I like this is because I only need one heaping teaspoon and he goes crazy for it I was at when I was first got this I've mixed warm water and it would make it really like pumpkin II and tasty for him and now I realized he doesn't even care if it's long it's just like the pumpkin powder is in there just a little hint of it he loves it and the reason I like this one is because I can just measure how much I'm using and it seem like I don't know it seems like he likes this pure pumpkin way more than the the one with the other stuff so now I just mix it a little bit of water watch out for woodchips don't even give it that great of a mix over here I don't even need to break up the chops just get it all wet we've got ourselves a happy Monty wait Monty he's gotta ask for it he's smart he knows how tip what are you doing there you go boy go ahead Tessa long as he's ever made me you guys give me the staredown stinker he when I'm at home or anywhere else he always just sits immediately he's never give me so much fuss stinker water in there so what we are having for dinner is my homemade dehydrated spaghetti but I don't know if we can call it spaghetti because the one key thing the met key thing is that I used macaroni noodles to elbow noodles elbow macaroni noodles instead of spaghetti noodles and the reason I did it mainly is because when I went to the store to buy all the stuff they were actually out of spaghetti noodles the normal spaghetti in all brands it was the weirdest thing and I've had someone suggest me to use elbow noodles because my other ones broke through the bags they'd poke through and make them not so airy to make them just not airtight so I'm going to quickly just give you the pros and cons to using the elbow noodles from what I've seen so far so far the pros are it dehydrated way better it hasn't broke through my bag at all for some reason because it's not so like clumped together like spaghetti I didn't need to chop it up and it just like it dehydrated so well on the trays we're like perfect then I just slid right off it didn't stick really it didn't need to be broken up and didn't need to be crunched it doesn't really poke holes in the bags it's still pretty much sealed I think the beef is the only thing there so far it's all around just way better the only con is that it's more volumous in the bag what I do my spaghetti I can punch it down and it like gets smaller so this takes up a little bit more space but I don't think I'm going to mind did I plenty of space and I've been experimenting with portion size I think two trips ago I did like six six and a half ounces last trip I did seven ounces this time I'm doing eight so we're gonna see what eight ounces do I want to basically keep increasing that portion until it's where I'm like okay good point month you want to waste on my water we're back into this where you doesn't drink my water we'll try one of these days he'll learn that this is like the good filter stuff maybe he just likes the taste of the lake well actually I think it is much but what I expected so good old to city Fisher these dinky little cur get that the tree the piece of Pokemon D oh okay just put the rest of the Sun here a quick short fire oh yes we're not gonna have a crazy long evening tonight trying to get to bed within an hour here ish and then we're gonna get up it oh let's see I'm gonna get up at 4:30 a.m. that's my goal 4:30 a.m. wait maybe that's too early that might be a little too early maybe 5 we'll get up at 5:00 and then we can get out be packed up by 6:00 6:30 be on the water the Sun should be rising so we'll catch up maybe we'll catch a sunrise tomorrow let's already go for we have one day every other day we're gonna sleep in but tomorrow is gonna be a long day I gotta move water ground we're gonna we'll go over the maps maybe probably tomorrow we get to camp but we're gonna cover some ground because I've got a lake that I want to get to and I've got to make haste and we'll fish along the way we'll keep track of time we've got like 11 12 Portage's tomorrow only only 4 5 bigger ones a lot of small ones which are nothing take 10 10 minutes but you know it all takes time and I'm not gonna like rush we're just gonna get up early and have a full day of fishing and moving all day we're not gonna rush we're just gonna move all day and hopefully get to camp before dark like today all kids should be boiling here oh yeah well that's a pretty full pot for eight ounces it might be a lot it actually is a lot it looks good though oh yeah I am so hungry all right we're gonna let this boil up here for another minute and we're to set it off to the side oh yeah [Music] my macaroni spaghetti gonna have to have a different name because I mean pasta dishes are basically it's not about the sauce it's about the noodle ever it is it spaghetti is a spaghetti noodle chicken riggies with the rigatoni noodle fettuccine operators with a fettuccine noodle Linguini's with a linguine noodle is it the noodle that makes the dish or is it the sauce because I don't know of any white spaghetti spaghetti sauce is always read on spaghetti sauce but what if you make alfredo with spaghetti noodles this is spaghetti alfredo what if I use fettuccine noodles with spaghetti sauce is a fettuccine spaghetti I don't know I don't know I guess that's just a it's a great question I'm gonna go ahead and say that it could be fettuccine spaghetti not really but that really boggles my mind right now what would it be fettuccine noodles with spaghetti sauce would just be spaghetti with fettuccine noodles or B fettuccine spaghetti and what about spaghetti noodles with alfredo is that spaghetti alfredo because it's definitely not fettuccine alfredo so B despite Getty Alfredo wall they never know Monty I hear fish jumping and I definitely saw it bass minnow little baby bass let's get in water so when this burns down if my food isn't ready actually it's gonna take like 30 minutes because gonna need to cool off so we're gonna let this burn down when I could put any more wood on it when this is burned down we're gonna take a few cast before we eat all right is again man it is insanely dewy out tonight there's like a thick fog I can see there's the moon's out but it's really foggy I can see me but it is just wet be really nice to catch something that'd be fun but yeah all my stuff is just coated in moisture everything's wet that's outside even my camera is getting a little moisture on it there are a lot of moisture on it okay let's see what our Matt Getty looks like oh yeah eight ounces may have been too much it's a lot of food this is like a portion and a half as one portion we'll see well soon we eat it I'm pretty hungry I didn't do a ton of work but we shall see this could be the perfect portion then I'll never need a portion and a half again I'll just have a portion fires just smaller and I've let this cool off enough it is 9:30 p.m. one of the earliest dinners I've ever had in my whole life out in the woods I never eat dinner early ever more so in fall because it gets dark and like 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:00 all right let's see what this mech getti tastes like I will say the texture of the macaroni noodles isn't quite as enjoyable as spaghetti noodles they feel somehow like softer hmm don't get me wrong it's still delicious I'm gonna need every scrap of that but I mean I need to be really analytical right now maybe tomorrow or whenever I eat this next I'm not gonna let it set as long we'll try that mmm so tomorrow will be really nice to have a fish dinner I've got the stuff to have three fish dinners we're not gonna get insane with deep frying or anything we'll try that in the fall maybe but we're gonna do the lemon and onion mm-hmm I should have brought garlic oh well I got my trill well portion size pretty big it was definitely big I don't think I'll ever make my portions bigger than this no way final verdict 8 ounces a very filling portion but it's not too much I'd say I feel properly stuffed so good amount of food it's pretty perfect 7 and 1/2 might be perfect and more reasonable that was good okay so gonna let this burn down clean up my stuff and Monty's got some muddy paws and he's got a damp aw he's all dewy Oh Monty Monty yeah I got to brush him out a little bit after I dry them with the towel because he's just a little wet and I gonna get that dirt out okay I don't know how well you can see that huge thing in the water I'm not sure exactly what it's call it seen before but I was rinsing my hands and the damn thing went after my finger is underwater you can see it and I wasn't sure if they actually like use those pincers to grab anything but watch as they put this sticker here we'll see how attack it look at this thing it's huge look at that you yeah I'm not like worried about animals or anything like that but I was rinsing my hands with that thing right after my finger and it made me jump it's like the size of a pole cry suppose the girl what is that like I was just not expecting that at all if you use our towel on a nice evening we got two towels just enjoy dis huh yeah he loved the toweling oh yeah but buddy oh you're so dirty Monty now we've got to do the not fun part Monty okay go ahead Monty well that's your Daniel creature [Music] yeah you make yourself home there I giving you the middle of the tent there you go that's a good boy he's a little bit better he's like 5% better than he weighs a little less wet but everything is just wet Dewey is the due season do we do we do we Monte's Dewey anything I left outside is Dewey I'm gonna have to make sure to not do that tomorrow night put things under the tent for it gets dark because it's humid muggy Alan just the cool temperatures but my camera even got it you gotta be careful but yeah mostly pee and poop check out a bit of what 4:30 today so I'm gonna pass out weren't a door best to get up really early in the dark and try to be on the water by Sunrise and have a really big day tomorrow so I will catch you guys in the morning good neighbor buddy good morning but [Music] please match its five to the board a very stark out we're doing it it's really happening we made it that's a pretty good last night but yep it's early I really get up this early we have a day's adventures day yeah because some layers on crystal nippy not right now not layers just long sleeves and then we're gonna get packed up here and it wasn't coffee you don't yell stuff in the dark and hopefully catch a sunrise okay let's do it don't be sassy don't be don't be okay show me a trick clap your legs clap you ladies all right what do you what do you really good well it's never too early for a stick throw in session for Monty oh yeah it's still dark the stars are out the mood is still out hmm so I'm gonna pack up here in the dark and we're gonna kick off some copy you note meal and it'll probably light out by the time we're done packing we should start to see first light you know on the next like half hour 30 minutes 45 minutes somewhere in there it's coming all right let's do it mighty well frisky critter Oh [Applause] [Applause] mmm sube yes gorgeous the moon still out so anyways I'm gonna finish up my oatmeal and coffee here finish packing up make a nice poop and we'll get one more shot at the sunrise before I pack away the DSLR and then we're gonna get on the water we're going to take a few casts right away [Music] all the fish are jumping I've seen a bunch of fish jumping oh we need to get out there take a few gasps look at us we're on the water like a half Harbor for the sunrise looks like another two or three hours at least the portage is right up here so we're just going to take a few casts quick we got a start our day off right [Music] these fish they've been jumping out of here all morning they've actually been jumping out so maybe as you can't stop there I'm gonna be more quiet this morning um around after this first Lake first makes whatever but uh yeah I'm gonna try to see a moose this morning got a nice early start I think we're gonna go down like a narrow River so sound be very quiet down that [Music] I'm just got snagged all right let's take care of this portage let's do it all it took was one portage and I got sweaty it's a very wet out everything is wet my legs are soaked walking past all the Dewey pull bushes and stuff it's kind of a narrower portage it is gorgeous out this doesn't give me there's any fish in here it sends a little month on but man I feel like with these so since this is all in the barn that got all this new growth this is where I'm going to see most of the colors during the trip is in the burned area like once we get away from the burn where I start seeing less colors go be more pine just birch that's pretty big Monte oh you're something close huh hopefully they don't bop you on the nose [Music] [Music] [Music] this Lake looks like that fish where there's water there's fish where there's fish you'll catch them some Lakes we're gonna troll along the way but this one looks like it's too nice to not cast it's the dang steel eater curse every time I use one I figure you catch those fish have less bites then I remove it I like it Pike on I think we're gonna get rid of it it's too good of a morning to not have bites yet what's the deal all right so we're gonna troll down this Lake it looks long and narrow I'm gonna be quiet as we get around this corner in case there's a moose or something and then after the next Lake we'll be on this river where it looks promising for moose Oh [Music] with this uh this braid and this fluorocarbon leader snags feel way more like fish than they did before because it kind of when you hook it it like pulls I don't know it's less stretchy so it's harder to tell immediately now that's gotta be something like it used to each one of these snags is felt like a bite use of the mouth you know sometimes you just gotta appreciate your Monty you know you may not be a dog that jumps into the car jumps on the bed he always asks for a lift and you know you may not always smell the best but what he does do is sit in the back of the canoe for hours on end letting me fish do it over I want he never complains he just relaxes enjoy the scenery facing the sights of smells you know warns off any wildlife that I'm gonna see and looking for especially moose he doesn't like moose but you know it's just a good boy yeah you're a veteran canoe dog Monty he's still a young pup that's the best thing he's only three maybe you'll get in close to three-and-a-half now yeah he's a three and a half now [Music] so there's supposed to be a portage over there and I searched and I went on climbed up into the hill I couldn't find anything my maps are outdated and they don't make these maps anymore so I don't think there's a portage there that's maintained anymore it was just like super thick muck like just swamp and goes up to the hill it's thick so we're gonna have to go around and that means an extra like three little Portage's or four might set us back aways [Music] [Music] okay we're try the spinning rod we've got a little blue fox spinner on here give you casts on us like [Music] [Music] what I can spend too much time fishing here more where there's a little River Inlet over here it looks like I love fishing those river abouts we're gonna try that quick we're gonna move on we're just gonna troll across this lake we gotta keep moving we're a little behind schedule I wanted to get to camp early but we're gonna remove the steel eater and it's gonna it's gonna get us a fish I'm feeling okay instead of trolling the Jake we are going to troll the good old chartreuse layer it never fails chartreuse layer this is actually a smaller version that I normally use but it should work just fine we won't go as deep so I won't get as many snags followers control across this beautiful lake hopefully you pick something up I [Music] need to catch my fish today I haven't had a single bite yet but I hadn't really fished art there over hand schedule we might have to say a different lake so essentially we've got nine Portage's left and we've got give this give it this we've got it we've got nine hours of daylight left for less than nine eight and a half eight and a half hours a day like time I'd like to get to the lake at least at least was two hours of light left ideally hour-and-a-half would be the lowest amount so there's a big lake that we're gonna get to it's big water if we can make it there by sea for me there by one we might be fine you know I'm not rushing by any means so and three of the portage is one of the porters is like a half mile to our like a quarter little over a quarter few quarter mile oranges and then some tees little hop skips and jumps so it's nothing crazy so I guess we'll just play it by ear I just had a big old trout jump in front of me pleasure what tight right it was definitely good size hopefully [Music] [Music] getting warm very warm drippin so this Lake looks really clear but it's not part of the portage but that doesn't mean we're not gonna troll yeah I think we're doing some swimming today it's gonna be chilly but we're definitely gonna jump in as long as we're as long as that's not dark by the time we get to campsite you know if it's dark just like you know doesn't sound as appealing oh it's definitely starting to get warm we're getting to them we're getting closer to the middle part of the day we're gonna be dripping sweat here very soon lots of it we definitely just had a strike of something something better come on baby do it again I just wanna fishy I'll be keep what he's decided he wants to swim you like that Monty I feel nice you gettin warm but how about a stick [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay okay okay okay stop stop he's swimming I might as well take a drink of water I've got my MSR trail shot nice little pocket filter here I have not lengthen the hose drink my water oh yeah please feels nice it feels very nice alright there's some rocks right here and we are going to cast near them just for a minute and then we're gonna troll we're not really having any luck with any of the methods we're trying so we're just gonna keep trying them the same way we've been doing oh that was shallow well it's a little rocky well I can see this rocks underwater here all that feels nice nope nope nope nope we fish the entire lake oh wait Vermont is gonna be squeaking here very soon squeaking away [Music] guess his name is now first meet squeakers my feet squeaking what do you squeak out of the dog park squeak huh all right squeak away wouldn't it be nice if we could catch a fish I like to sit and dream about my larry's I'm not so scary yes actually I am I'm the Grim Reaper of Larry's I catch them you know they don't last much longer go up to the river section it's not like a crazy river it's just like it seems like a few ponds connected somewhat River ish but I doubt the moose unless they're just moving around or probably not gonna be see any moves the middle of the day oh well that's okay a lot more opportunities Oh moose are anywhere at anytime you know so it doesn't mean we're not gonna see them we just gotta have me Monty Nestle smell like poop and unlike in the first full day I told you not to do that he's already disobeying me [Music] [Music] [Music] be very quiet I'm hunting - looks like we've got a beaver dam what do you think my team doesn't look very tall Oh [Music] easy-peasy it is very shy oh yeah very shallow Indian lady ain't no way there's fishing this one what is that I got you yeah I got you buddy huh he's just like whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no mo so far haven't a bit C or the Musa probably to warm it was colder they be moving around they're probably just laying in the shade the new phase Marty [Music] think what we're gonna do is get this big portage done and then we are going to have some lunch I let Marty swim again you know he already got wet once why not let him get wet again a lot more Portage's to do just really hope we can get to fish for a little bit on that link I'll be super sad if we can [Music] alright well flip see just a couple of quick cast right here where this water is rushing in [Music] [Music] okay so we've got a total of five quarters for the day relax so let's get this one done have some lunch nice now we're gonna get to our first decent-sized leg and to the next leg and then we've got one more little quarter-mile after that one or make it less something like that anyways one more for that and they were on the big lake and we'll see how far behind we are we're definitely gonna be a little late to that one by like an hour [Music] [Music] first things first what needs to cool off Mickey I need to drink water my bag fell over that made much very upset [Music] let's make you happier when to use magical pumpkin powder [Music] [Music] okay so here's the scuttlebutt here is the scuttlebutt huddle this is hot and I've already moved a lot today and I'm fairly you know I'm a little tired I won't lie ah the countif early and the Sun is just draining me the heat wearing these my boots actually know what we're doing these on it's only see two more smaller Portage's to like quarter by hour more half my oranges not quite half miles it's only four total to get to the lake I was planning on too but we've got five hours of daylight left so if I do all that and hey I got a big lake with the wind's to paddle across so that'll take up an hour do all that we're gonna probably get to camp with just an hour if that's pushing hard so I think I'm gonna camp at the next Lake tonight and we're just gonna take it easy and fish then I can fish this Lake because you know what right trip I could do it I want I want to just fish for a bit take it easier if I'm gonna do it I think we can keep up with the the main plan - is the other thing the main trip planned so we're gonna throw it on Jake here with a quarter-ounce twister tail and we are gonna fish for a bit and we're just gonna stay at the next Lake my decision is final my decision is final [Music] sorry about that mati I don't get anything in this case we're just gonna troll the old chartreuse move down a lake lit a little bit [Music] [Music] we got one there we go your fish [Music] all right I know there's larry's in this Lake it's gotta be a Larry oh it's a Larry it's not a huge Larry but it's a Larry Larry there we go all right yes we got our fish for the day oh we've got some dinner all right we could definitely use one more this is a nice little eater we could definitely use another one all right we're to get him out and get him on the stringer we're having fish dinner tonight baby oh yeah oh yeah come on you grown okay we'll try jigging right here suppose to be a nice drop off like a quarter ounce Jake a white twister tail [Music] all right I'll let you go we were just at wrong way back to the next to the next Lake see we can pick it up in anything that way let us get camp set up early [Music] [Music] there we go we got to later you got to perfect your size Larry's oh man that's gonna be some good food it's gonna be just the right amount not too much not too little I'm pretty sure much simply get one fillet I've come in III but still let's bear because he weighs 70 pounds 70 to 210 some three times as much as that wide surface but good bond so I am taking 3/10 lunch I get three plays he gets one and three times it's bear bears bear your weight show how it works that was gonna fish for fun why not I think you know what take a drink of water we're gonna celebrate with a nice shot of water [Music] all right just the two fish nothing else we say mighty should we get together they set up camp three distinct maybes when maybe swim feeling pretty cool off but it is pretty hot I'll probably so I will jump in why not I'm salty I'm sweaty let's do it [Music] well it's your chapter all right this is a big ol like it it's breezy today regions like so we are looking for a campsite and I've been here before and I'm trying to get to my favorite campsite as you can see most of this is in the burn except for that right there behind us in this island the island we want to camp on if it's available this whole areas you know in the burn with all that thickness and then this has got the nice trees and it was untouched from the fire that's that's a sight right there that one's untouched too but this one's got a really nice view and a beautiful sunset good chances are that open but that's okay it's gonna be a little breezy there so our fire will be interesting it'll be a rip and fire the window probably died down I mean we're like middle end of the day like strong winds it'll fire right down at night I'm sure but if it doesn't it don't matter I mean I guess we could cook the fish at the stove but we'll have my grappling anyways let's see Monte if this campsite is available we can throw you the stick all right it looks pretty dang open what I can tell awesome what some view what do you think Monte sunset right down there that the GoPro picks up the colors are in over in those trees this is a nice spot boats down there okay so we've got a bonus of a pile of dry sticks and wood probably grab some more just so we can have a longer fire because we're cooking up a fish dinner Lidia Monte a throwing stick but right now we are gonna take our time setting up we've got two and a half hours of light left I don't know I don't know if I want to swim here I probably should because I'm kind of gross right now [Music] no my lips are so chapped maybe I'd say there's a 40% chance that I'm swimming I don't know it's kind of breezy it's a big deep lake and the waters pretty cold no if I could just jump off and it was deep but you can see the rocks all right Monty let's get off the dsr and set up buddy that's a that's a nobody can hear your bark here there's nobody right here oh don't you forget me don't you forget me Oh well first things first kicking off the crops Oh yet are kicking off the buck boost and putting on the Crocs oh yeah Oh feel so nice then I can put these babies out here to air out [Music] Oh heaven to Betsy so I'm gonna just I don't think I'm gonna go fishing anymore I think I might fish right from here at evening time but I think we're just gonna relax you know a long day I think we did 12 Portage's today now not all of them were very big there is some small ones there was definitely lot of small ones but it doesn't matter they take up time you gotta unload your stuff you got to walk back you got to grab it you got to get your boat repack it doesn't take me too long but all that time heads up and yeah we could have made it we're gonna definitely made it to that Lake I stand by my decision we wouldn't have caught those two Larry's now we got a Larry and a Lloyd we're gonna cut those guys if we were to rush through come by another crowd anything everything worked out this is his plan but it needs to dry out I don't know if I should put myself right here hook has okaythat's Monty this is going to be really tough to stake my attention to it's all rock we're gonna move it to right over here well gracias [Music] you know it all seems so Rocky yeah we're gonna have a tough time staking that's okay [Music] so okay [Music] [Music] okay Jews just choose come here truce truce Hey [Music] hey you're addicted leave me be I just want to say I just want to say I just I just want to set it down okay Rock hey stop it I I just want to set it so [ __ ] Monty you we're not supposed to do it twice did you learn you you got you're getting your teeth pulse on that when you move stinker [Music] oh I'm just taking my sweet sweet time getting camp set up we've got an hour and 45 minutes till the Sun sets I don't think I'm going swimming I mean I could we'll save it for tomorrow I'm gonna get warm again tomorrow it's gonna be another hot day so we'll just do it tomorrow what I'm gonna do right now is throw all my crap in here to get it tidied up this time before the dew comes out and then I am going to get some firewood and then we need to brush Monte out because he's just a burly mezes got burrs on his tag it is see like hundreds of burrs all up in that Monte yeah you're gonna just hate it Monte but it's okay it needs to be done and then I'll be moseying around enough to where we'll be ready to start a fire and cook dinner and just relax sit down maybe I'll read it a little bit of a book yeah we're just gonna take it easy take it easy [Music] don't let the sound of your stinky Monty Drive you crazy all right just getting out of hand now pick these things up to move them into the tent now I got a little follower little stinker he's an addict no I say no not this time mr. okay so let's go over the mops here of the trip so we started here and first day we just went into here and we stayed at this campsite right here today we got up real early we went down this way went up to this way went up here went down here cruising down to this over to here this way down here hooked it over there and we are staying right there so it was pretty it was decent distance you know we're way over which way we got there baba so yeah I wasn't rushing like I said like we were moving all day but we're not I'm not racing so the rest of the trip looks like it's gonna be this day three we're gonna go up here which this is where we're trying to get to today but we're gonna not gonna be able to stay there which I really wanted to buy oh well and we're going to make our way up to this way tomorrow and we're gonna stay somewhere and then the next day we're going to go down here come down this we're gonna try to stay on this lake the next day after that we're going to go through here and I'm not sure where we're going to stay we're gonna stay somewhere along the way here maybe if we're crazy we can make it there but I think we're going to stay at one of these like really isolated spots then the next day we will go to here try to stay at this like somewhere and then the final day we were making our way back up and try to stay here and then we will scoot our way out on the final morning and that's the trip [Music] my Mounties broken somebody help me fix it oh don't you big stinky oh look at all those burrs oh my gosh Oh oh no oh no yep you need a brushing oh my gosh I don't know all right let's do this I know I know this is your nightmare this is your nightmare I'll be gentle as gentle as I can we're gonna start with Oh oh come here you gotta come here we're gonna start with sitting down here but I know I'm gonna have to roll him on his back [Music] I'm sorry Monte Belmonte [Music] Oh what-what are you doing [Music] and you did this [Music] you're the one that was born with a long birth Monty you're being unreasonable you're making this so much harder [Music] I don't think you are [Music] but you make it 90 you're getting all dirty are you doing well you just think of how good you're gonna look and feel for this is domed okay we're gonna get them all out [Music] look at you mister oh yeah you got a brand new coke brand-new pants right now you are just crew handsome whoo hui hui hui good boy good boy we'll throw a stick at night okay buddy do a little processing [Music] [Music] [Music] you know watch the sunset with me buddy when I watch a sunset with me [Music] [Music] [Music] see you Luna up there [Music] [Music] alright won't he [Music] sunset oh that was a beautiful sunset all right well I guess it's time to take off the sunglasses for the day I am going to get ready to spark up this fire and we'll have an earlier dinner today kind of we'll just chill out we'll relax I'm feeling nice and cooled off I'm gonna get my stuff like put away and the boat and everything so yeah we'll get ready to make some food here make a fire first and then finish processing my firewood here can't forget to do the hot oh that was accurate [Music] we go [Music] yeah but the winds not dying down so it's going to be [Music] oops it'll be a little interesting fire and cooking gonna be windy well it's okay it's damp out I don't got to worry about it too much I'm very damp out [Music] okay so what we're gonna do is for the first time ever I'm gonna prepare dinner in the light but it's still light out without it being dark let's do it we'll cook it up in a bit start the fire after it's all prepared why I think that'll be kind of nice okay so we're gonna use 1/3 of our onion mm-hmm you hear the Monte so we're going to cook up our fish with onion and lemon and butter [Music] [Music] add that to the pan then we're gonna cut up a lemon in half that will you use for later oh now we've just got to add some butter we're only allowed to use half of this you're 1/3 of this I mean it's getting a little soft cuz it's getting very warm today so I'm gonna had a chunk of it now we'll add more when the fish is cooking okay the obviously go Flay up our fish and then we're gonna let everything sit off to the side we're get a fire going and yeah then we're going to cook it okay there's our beautiful Larry and Lloyd lake trout this is gonna be Monty's piece so we'll cut his up a little smaller [Music] I'll just cooks better alright I'll be his annamaya I'm just going to cut in half [Music] this knife me is sharpening uh-oh [Music] okay now let's spark up a fire and this is all ready to cook or ready to feast [Music] that's gorgeous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every vegetable there's a nice hole that I got fresh put on there I'll start up a second they're gonna start by making our side or getting that going first we're gonna have baby red skin mashed potatoes my favorite side for fish we need 2 cups of water 1/2 but there's a little difference this time I got a little crazy and I got like someone with we got garlic one that we got one with like parmesan and garlic try to get a little crazy and try some different flavors see if I liked them better normally just go with the normal baby rent alright let's keep this up here [Music] those onions on there and then we can get Monte's as well our Monty's got his in here this fish will cook his slowly over here okay now we just need this to get going here oh yeah getting a little heated over there Oh too hot too fast oh man what a day what a day what a day what a day what a day [Music] so pretty bright out I'm cooking pretty early compared to normal oh yeah eight o'clock we're breaking some new records this time around I'll get back into my old ways cooking till like midnight very soon next couple nights I don't know if we're gonna sleep in tomorrow let's see tomorrow is a pretty simple day I think we're gonna we're gonna just sleep until we get up I'm not gonna like try to sleep in but we'll definitely like do some sleep and we're gonna just tomorrow's since I'm I'm trying to shoot for a fish dinner every other night so we didn't do on the first night so we're gonna do second night then we're gonna skip third do it on fourth night fifth six minutes we're gonna try it for the goal but tomorrow we'll just fish and move and I'll pick a few legs and I'll take my time fishing them I like I like fishing the smaller lakes casting more fun to me casting in smaller lakes big lakes I always feel like I'm just casting into nothingness so I i'd rather troll all the wood just burns right up so that wind well oh yeah all right little bit warm over here wish the fire would cool it a hair oh that's gonna be good three this is gone oh it's boiling alright we're gonna pull this off here see if this one's a little better than the one I always use which is just baby Reds but like I don't know maybe or something just is just the normal original we're getting there we're getting close to adding the fish oh yeah very close we're gonna add in the pumpkin now with all that fat and everything I'm gonna give them two scoops so that it gets really nice and creamy and pumpkiny by the time we add us dog food oh yeah mighty you going back there boy we won't be in here yeah this is getting there snitch more butter just a smidge alright okay yeah we just gotta bring a lot of macho oh yeah oh yeah okay I'm actually gonna surround a little bit this buttery onion we're gonna flip him quick just to send you on both sides that buttery oniony this on there okay now I'll put it over the heat we'll do a little bit more mantra on this side just a little and then we're gonna just drizzle a little bit of lemon now oh yeah just a little little added lubrication there on the bottom oh just just with all these pieces oh yeah [Music] oh man I was a little curled under I'll leave these we'll leave these slip actually this way for now so they cook a little better and then we'll flip them towards the end they're getting there though okay mighty mulch up his fish a bit move with that pumpkin we don't want that in there roll that venison have the dark food oh yeah oh he will be so happy work here oh this is done oh yeah this is gonna be a feast [Music] let's get these onions on top of here oh yeah [Music] fresh lemon over all the fish oh yeah added our mashed potatoes to the pot [Music] oh yeah that looks so good let's beast [Music] okay baaji okay this is gonna be so good mighty you've been a good boy all day a very good boy are you ready boy all right mashed potatoes good but let's get to the real deal how's Valeri [Music] Oh oh yeah [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh it's so good [Music] [Music] I love my fish cook this way [Music] I never get sick of it [Music] ah hi I'm going to shut off that camera and eat my face put that light off so I can see the stars cuz they are out it is breezy I'm gonna put a little more wood on the fire and I'm going to eat and just relax here for a minute good that light on my page oh that was delicious oh yeah and I cleaned up my mess I put some more wood on the fire I have actually made up a cup of hot cocoa just been kind of relaxed and peeking at the stars and I'm about to eat some dessert now I did bring along my starbursts and my Cadbury fruit and nut bar actually two of them an extra starburst because I always would just bring in more food every time I come but I brought something else along that I was curious to try I've seen these many times before everyone just like me that doesn't look good but these run clearance they were just cheap so like oh by couple and well you know it's been summertime these hot days so why not have a mountain house Ice Cream Sandwich no when I got it I was semi exciting had plenty to add like waters on them but they're just ready to eat so you just ride freeze-dried ice cream sandwich so I'm assuming it's just gonna be dry the flavor might be good but I think it's gonna be dry I'm already getting feeling dry but that's why I got the hot coco I'm just gonna dip it in my hot cocoa try that and see if that makes it better but here we go let's let's see what were what this is about oh it comes wrapped in paper well that's definitely an ice-cream sandwich just feels like chalk here we go [Music] you know surprisingly we start doing it the creaminess really just makes your mouth handle water [Music] it's actually not so bad definitely taste an Ice Cream Sandwich [Music] let's see what happens when we do my experiment [Music] dip it oh it's like melting [Music] that tastes better but it's like the ice cream is literally actually melting all right now a little more moisture when I first thought so I thought it might taste okay and then when I saw that it was just dry I was like me whatever trying it it wasn't so bad that was actually pretty tasty I was a nice little snack good thing I've got how many did I buy four of them slice might have three more Monty you of ate plenty anything all right my batteries are ducking my life so you probably can't see me very well anymore stupid battery things hi Monty I've lived with a tribe that not better anyways I'm gonna eat a few starbursts I'm gonna eat non profit I can eat chocolate bar but I'm a fish my hot cocoa I'm just gonna stare at the stars relax for a bit here it is 9 o'clock so I'm gonna do this for like a good 20 30 minutes maybe 45 maybe an hour let the fire burn down and then we're gonna get in the tent and get ready for bed so I'll check back in with you guys when I'm inside my tent oh yeah my snuggle palace all right Monty let's not call it that that was a bad name he came up with that name all we had to say it yeah that idea what about Monday [Music] [Music] she was wisely [Music] you've chosen poorly Monte you have chosen Paulie this is mine unless we're gonna [Music] go to bed don't know oh oh stop it okay well yeah get out of here this big fluffy munchkin he's so fluffy now that he's all brushed out and semi cleaned he's cleaner than he was last night anyways I'm tired I'm full HQ sandwich we had fish dinner mashed potatoes starbursts hot chocolate and a drink a bunch of water and I snuck in a few pieces of beef jerky for me and my stop licking my face dope no more kisses that's enough anyways I'm about to pass out so I'll catch you guys no more good night everybody [Music] don't do it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 126,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wilderness, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafting, wild, wild camping, asmr, backcountry, backcountry camping, dog, dogs, dog training, canoe, paddle, paddling, fishing, fish, catch and cook, catch and release, how to camp, nature, adventure, adventurer, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, survival food, dehydrated meal, nature sounds, extended trip, wilderness area, boundary waters, boundary waters canoe area, bwca, canada, lake trout, wood processing, axe, saw, backpack, backpacking, portage
Id: gIXVT1kLu58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 13sec (7993 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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