Spring Catch and Cook Fishing Camp

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[Music] [Music] [Music] there we go first time kanuha camp and well I guess I can do camp two already but this is true canoe camping [Music] good boy Monty I'm just gonna let him swim and cool off for a minute he's not gonna go crazy part it's a low-flying plane good boy Monty Annie's black flies whoo-hoo we joyous day see it's nice to be out on the lake so hey guys I am out here with Monty and we're doing a spring canoe camp and campers fish I am so happy right now I'm so happy right now to be out in my boat with just mr. Monty here good boy and yeah it's warm the black fly is a little bad but you know what that means good fishing so we're gonna do some fishing we're gonna spend the night out here and I'm gonna have a fish dinner I did not bring any food other than some potatoes onions and garlic and some snack bars oatmeal and I'm forcing myself to catch fish for dinner and Monty's gonna have some fish - he's got a sweet potato black flies but uh we're gonna have a fish dinner so basically I need to catch a fish no matter what and I'm pretty confident I'm gonna catch one I'm very confident it's it's feeling good the only things I can keep right now our trout and pan fish but uh I'm feeling pretty good we're gonna so we're gonna do is this Lake we run right now we're gonna fish it after month you don't swimmin I'm gonna get them in the boat and then we're gonna do some fishing and hopefully I'll catch some pan fish here and now there's no trout on this lake but there's definitely pan fish so we're gonna do a lot of fishing today and then we're gonna cook up a delicious dinner and spend the night and it's gonna be fun so I'm gonna get him we're to get back to shore now and get him in the boat and then we're gonna do some fishing oh yeah I'm so happy that I'm on to you sure oh good boy come here Monty that's a good boy yeah drip-dry you're Monty there we go water is way warmer than I expected it to me to be honest with you it is it feels really warmth that should be good for fishing the black flies are Nancy too and that's good for fishing but that's why we're in a canoe we're gonna spend most of the day on the boat until nighttime so basically the plan right now so basically the plan right now is to fish like I said we're gonna fish for a couple hours it is four o'clock I did not get out here as early as I wanted to and that's it is what it is I'm a pretty bad today I'll get up tomorrow and pack no problem so yeah it took me a lot longer than expected that was a drive out here so like I said we're gonna fish we're just gonna fish in this lake and then we're gonna move on to the other like we're gonna set up camp and then we're gonna fish the evening there so mostly fishing camping today mostly just fishing but the wind is pretty strong so we're going down to that shore to get out of the wind that might cast a little bit along the way but for now we're just going down with that Shore get out of this wind alright I cannot not cast a couple times along the way it's all dead down you're Monty is thirsty oh she's blowing alright we gotta keep moving it's hard to fish this canoe in the wind this is gonna be a good test for the spring I haven't used this GoPro a ton you know so it'll be a good test for it to see how it handles the wind you know cuz it's windy today and my plan is to use the GoPro a lot in the boat because I don't want to have my nice camera dangling around this thing clips on and I can keep it safe you know my other camera topples over or something you know that's the end of it I could probably figure out some way of rigging it but it's also not waterproof this thing's fully waterproof so even if I flip my canoe with this camera oh there's a snag first snag even if I flip my canoe with this camera it's most likely gonna stay attached so we'll see how it fares in the wind GoPros are not that great for sound most of the time this was not so bad for me to catch your fish you know right now I'm fishing I'm bass fishing right now I don't I'm not fishing for panfish I'm just fishing the shallow for bass I'd like to just catch one or two along the way you know cuz I think the fishings gonna be great it'll be even better in a few weeks when the mosquitoes come on it gets really nasty and the water gets way warmer but it should be good right now they should definitely be good right now we just gotta find them you guys are about to get very acquainted with me in my canoe fishing in my canoe talking to my canoe paddling I'm gonna live in this thing for the next like five months here's how many months it is null yeah baby five months yeah maybe six I don't know good long season there are many fish to be caught it's warm man it's so warm we're gonna go to a spot that I'm fairly certain we'll catch some fish that's right I guess a little secret spot I go for panfish this is it this is a spot you're gonna see me camp at a decent amount and probably my favorite spot in the world and I'm not gonna say where it's at because if you happen to know somebody that knows keep it yourself please for my sake secret spots there old secrets but you know that's how it is little minnow popped out of the water or something must've scared the poop out of it you know I'm surprised that not having any bites yet genuinely surprised oh geez winds picking up that's a nice tree I got that one ha ha ha I love when you can get a snag and not have to go in those are my favorites favorite types of snags to get the no hassle snags no hassle snags come on where's the fish you're really gonna make me go all the way to the shore without the wind before I catch a fish huh snags in the wind oh here comes a gust like I was saying earlier and you'll hear me talk about this Robbie all right pretty often but fishing in the wind and a canoe not the best most fun thing that's generally why I just go straight to out of the wind I don't want to bring an anchor when I'm portaging there's not much is gonna frustrate me today though I mean I am just like you know there's this is the cap for excitement and here's rock bottom I'm up here with excitement right now speaking out with Monty I'll win the Sun it's warm and snag after snag nope can't besides camping with funkin Ruger and the whole gang me and Monty that's my favorite being out with funk and rooks and Monty it's my favorite camping and then second to that is me by myself and it's almost a close tie because being out by myself I would mention the summit in the comments you just get to go at your pace you know I go up my pace I do what I want I want to change up my plans that's up to me I get to do that I brought out my maps to go over my a big spring trip so we're gonna take a look at that that'll be exciting I just I looked at it a little bit and I just I can't decide what I want to do I'm got a week to go so I'm gonna do seven nights I believe and yeah I just don't know where I want to go you can cover a lot of ground in seven nights oK we've reached the northern end of the lake or maybe it's a southern end southern Italy winds blowin south today so you're out of the wind for right now so hopefully mama better chance Elise will blow around as much but the black flies will come after us there we go there we go what are we here is a bass oh it's a pike oh I don't have a steel eater on I'll be gentle there we go and he got right off there we go first fish of the day and the trip I knew wasn't a catch fish there we go first fish of this trip [Music] so yeah this is net right here this is my favorite net pretty much ever I I think it's perfect size I think it's perfect no it's not compact or anything but I think it's perfect you got I got given a net via subscribers one of those foldable ones and that's nice but it's got the small cloth netting and I cannot stand that I'm sorry but like this stuff you can get hooks out of this so easily when you get a little treble hook caught in one of those cloth nets it's if to cut the net I mean you can sit there and dink around for a long time but I get frustrated so I already put like two or three holes in it no no I can't use it because you know that happened but it is what it is you know I use I gave it a try I like that it's it fold and it's compact and everything but I do not like the netting maybe if I could find some different netting I could put it on there as long as it's that kind that kind of netting water my hair Aereo it's a decent size bass would definitely eat this guy up if it were the season all right fishings good so far yeah let's get oh it's okay mr. largemouth bass oh look at that it's like deformed that his fin is all messed up there we go nice bass he's good he lives down there isn't that crazy well you like you like fish like fish slam you weirdo alright we are fishing over the blast right now I love when you go so much fun I love when you can see the bass or the fish swimming up to your lure and you just let it slow down for just a little bit they go BAM but uh so what I was gonna say is when you see me fishing generally when I'm casting I'm using this little guy right here this is my go-to all round catch everything lure and it is bent right now I just bent it when I took note of that fish's mouth anyways that is my lure of choice if I had to choose one lure for all of time it would be that you can catch everything on this lure everything tight I've caught you know bluegill jumbo perch crappie pike bass walleye trout lake trout I've caught salmon coho salmon I don't know what I've caught steelhead with it I'm sure you could I don't see why you couldn't but it's my favorite and they're cheap it's cheap and you can buy you know like you lose it you snap a line it's no big deal you do that with like a $10 Rapala you're a little more upset you're definitely more upset these are not a big deal ilysm but I like white on white I don't mess around with too many colors I just stick to white and in my experience white works great I never struggle to catch fish but the conditions are good I've had there's days where you know it's just the winds blast and it's a cold front and I'll still catch him but it's a little bit more of a struggle yeah like I was thinking out of the wind into the bugs I mean it only makes sense right well we're not right now we're just weirdest fishing for fun fishing fishing we're pushing or pushing our way out time we're just fishing for the sake of pure enjoyment right now we're not fishing to keep because I mean I could snag into a bluegill I don't think they're here those guys are gonna be in some shallow luckiness this is like down logs and sand I know where some blue gold be but what I really like to catch is some trout tonight the thing about the trout though is if it's windy like this it's breezy it's gonna be a lot harder ideally what I'd like to happen is the window down at the bugs you're really bad across the water and then they'll just start surfacing like crazy and then we will catch some trout not guarantee but you know pretty much guarantee I'm pretty confident they'll be biting regardless it's early come on fishes with a wind calm down you got a bite now you got a bite now call that one whoa that's a decent sized bass right there it's a decent decent guy oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh he's a he's a feisty always barely hooked he's barely hooked come on that's all piggy it's a piggy of a bass boom that's a good one right there oh yeah big old bass should we let him go with the action cam again Monty do you like bass take this like big bass there's something I just love about watching the bass swim away when I'm watching my footage later like it's like a personal thing I just love it I think it looks really cool see in some way no I'm letting them go let them girl that was a big bass though I was a feisty guy you definitely pulled out some drag I've got a rear readjust my lure my little my little rig here you can you can use these these worms for quite a ways before you need to get a new one they can get pretty torn up yeah sometimes like if the if the top gets too torn up I'll just bite it off and just make a shorter one and it works fine the fish don't care too much now I know that like when you're targeting pike and stuff generally you're not gonna catch monster pike using a little 8 ounce jig like this but I caught a monster 36 inch pike on one of these guys in springtime so there's hope you just got to find the right hungry Pike and black fly is all coming in to ruin the day the black flies yes black flies get out of here shoo fly don't bother me just don't bite you're gonna swarm you can fly on my faces don't do the biting thing please yeah this makes you want to get to the wind I recent videos of me fishing and stuff it makes me look like I have no idea what I'm doing I love anyway I like to say I'm decent so when you see me like this wrong I'm slamming oh you know it's only been three and we've only been fishing for I don't know 20 minutes or so has it been too long you know kudos to anybody that the bugs just follow them zero percent I mean you know I can handle better than the average Joe I would say they can still get to me I don't let him ruin my own my time just last week's video they didn't ruin my time they foiled my plans ruining my time would have meant going home but I no way was I going home you know I was still gonna camp I just wasn't gonna build a shelter we go down a narrow mucky channel to get to another lake it's kind of a portage kind of not depending on how how the water is this year it's pretty high so I might not need to portage much at all but let's get there and I'm gonna go for some pan fish it's pretty deep this year buddy wins being really unreasonable later but we're going to switch to ultralight or use the same lure just the mini version or 69 3/16 of an ounce I'm sure they'll be shallow but the wind is just swirling I'm like right next to shore and it's just being completely unreasonable it's right wind south shore winds will be blowing from the south and it's just any up swirling that's not fun as a beaver dam beaver beaver hole not a beaver dam we need it we need to get into some some Gillick need to find us some blue gills I'll still catch bass and stuff on this thing but uh snow we're tar I've caught pike on this little thing too it just blows my mind when a pipe bites his teeny little chick it cracks me up why black flies why why why no this won't do well there's bass the best is he's scared he doesn't want anything to do with my fake looking food around it a little intrigue well party you can't resist oh no it's a pike oh it's a big Pike there's a big plate just drifting around he's almost going for that bass a little bit a tough meal for him had to shut this shirt it's too long he's too warm and I want some Sun and I wanted a few more bug bites so that's what I really wanted was the bug bites so we don't hook into some blue yo we're in trouble some trouble so I did not want to rely on trout I want to catch shell that's for sure do I want to rely on from I dunno how is the wind coming from this direction now how can you do this to me wind you said you said so Oh slam in it as soon as I hit the water oh that bass just nailed it's the only problem with an ultra-light in all these sticks because I do not want to get wrapped around or still catching bass oh nice sized bass this is not war after five get you there teeny little jig let's do it let's do a release action camp it stings it stings needing a fish for dinner beautiful bask oh it hurts the soul all I need is one of those and we need much we have a feast all right come on get hooked I just need you to get hook now come on rah rah rah TRO blowing from over there going on wind make up your mind oh there's a big old bass he was looking at that thing he's interested but he decided against it there's a bass oh he got away oh there's another big bass there's a school of right here well there's another big bass staying at this one oh it was like four bass got that one oh snap my line yeah the drag wasn't good enough I guess dang dang it bass oh he all the like the but not it didn't come undone but it broke must have just been weakened dang well that'll happen from time to time I guess I haven't really had that happen much more than not busted oh well but not didn't come undone I'll say it again it just lost it I need to catch some gills here come on blue gills baths are easy blue those are what I want where are you bluegills where is your appetite what's going on what's going on here what's what's the business mm-hmm what do you want you want to get out you can get out if you want you're gonna struggle following me though oh man I just had a big old bass on with my ultralite and he swam around a log and I blew into the wind and I got lucky that didn't snap it [Music] all right so we are heading but we're heading back over to the spot that was a little bit less in the wind where I see in the gills I would really like to keep five ideally and then maybe a trout later and we'll have a whole bunch of fish nice big fish dinner and if they were a big pan fish then I would need to keep five but it's looking like they weren't monstrous but I do really want a fish dinner so we're going back over there and camps not gonna take me long set up I'm not having a fire tonight I'm not sure if there is a fire ban or not but it's super dry out it's just not very smart out fire so I'm not having a fire over the stove right off the stove so camp won't take me long I'm just gonna I might even just throw up my bag I don't even need to set up camp I don't want to like I said this is more about fishing I'm loving fishing so I'll stay out this wind is being very upsetting you know it's blowing this way or it was blowing this way north and then I come here and it's blowing this way so you know I get a second and I start going this way it was blowing this or it was blowing oh it was a blowing it was blowing this way then they go down there and it's blowing this way and now I'm coming back here and it's blowing this way and you know way blow I'm trying to say is I don't like it I like it one bit I'll take the black flies for right now just give them to me just give me like a half hour of calm fishing so I can just kept keep a couple pans a couple not panties panties I need you boys well I bring worms so you know I've got worms and I could go find worms but I'm not doing that not doing that I don't got a barber I mean I don't think this normally would work fine they're just being bossy bossy so I better hope my control doesn't yeah he deserves fish fine he's got him he's got dog food me on the other hand I'm just gonna have potatoes tonight and snacks phone catch a fish I just hope this wind dies down so the chopped fish enjoy good [Music] pretty sure I can see there we go hahaha alright this is not a very big bluegill it's pretty small but I cannot be choosy I've got to have a fish dinner tonight and there's no sighs annoying bluegills I would normally never keeping the size but that is my first one of the day so that's gonna be some protein I'm gonna keep it and I'm gonna try to keep catch five of these I wanna finish dinner I don't want to just eat potatoes so there we go not a big one almost I'm almost ashamed to keep this little this little bluegill Pike it's its food right its food yeah that's a bass he definitely went for the surface for that one see look at those oh they're all over in here once I get this bass off don't go away my little fish what is that can yank him all the water for contest that's a bath look at that thing whoa it's the biggest one so far he's a monster of a bass oh yeah piggy piggy bass all right I'll let you go all right I need to catch some blues come on Lucy days when servicing anything something good come on what are you doing we're doing like their fins are out of the water they're just not biting when you hit the water YUM ha ha that's too just a decent average pass by these uh these black flies are getting me I've only got the two goldfish I keep kitchen boss [Music] for the first time I'm catching I don't want to be anyone now I've got to poop all of a sudden I gotta poop you might need to get in short I need to poop it's starting to come on strong nothing makes coping more uncomfortably getting eaten alive by bugs they're just so it's calming down a lot it's calm down a good amount which is great for fishing but it is lettin ease I mean look at this we were just getting swarmed and they are biting they are biting me and Monty he's he's a little uncomfortable so I'm busting out the beef jerky to give him some but ya spring I just don't like when they get in my ears you know I don't like the ears flat on my face want to crawl my body in my arms and everything so when they go in my ears it's the worst drives me nuts I put on my bug net right now but it's not bug it's not bug net time bug nets like yeah it's just I don't want to do it all in the water you know we're not gonna try to much longer for these bluegills because I want to get back out on the bigger bigger lake and escape these things they we got quite the cloud coming after us going to take a poop they're vicious just about two more minutes of fishing in these bugs that we need to go paddling actually you know what I'm keeping this up I don't care how goofy I look I do not care what I look like I don't care what I do care about is these bugs pollinators nothing less you know spring is here Oh like getting strong with bugs but nice tasty bugs all right Mikey what's going to the wind a little bit we need to get out of here full speed ahead we lose some bugs technically as things stand right now me and Monte could both have a fish dinner you know one small bluegill each teeny tiny teeny little spoonful of meat but uh I'd like some more and these black flies these black flies oh there we go come on wind come on get me oh man now I'm happy to be in the wind those bugs are just driving me nuts it feels good to be over on this side it is gonna be interesting tonight trout fishing I can tell you that much I know for a fact that these bugs are gonna be going crazy so that'll be you know that makes a fishing good but it'll be something we're gonna try for a little bit more and then we are gonna get back and get out of here and get to the other leg probably should get out my bug net is what I should do there we go that's a good one that's a good guilt there we go there we go that's better that's better now now if I can get a few more of these two more anybody if I'll trade them out if I get bigger ones but we'll see let's keep trying I've got a little bit more yes Oh what is this please view guilt oh it's a pass all right we got three blue gills we didn't get any more and it is getting a little late so we need to get moving to the other lake and then we got portage and we need to get to a spot kind of figure out where we're gonna camp but I want to start fishing for trout the winds calm it down a little bit it's not crazy but I want start fishing for trout we didn't get as many blue girls I wanted but it'll be okay oh there's a big big down in the portage oh just getting eaten alive I might need to bust out the bug now they're getting me a mr. Monty here find a spot to camp now I think we're gonna try that sure maybe it doesn't really matter we just need to spot the side of the tent black Weiser there they're out they are out and we've got two hours till the Sun sets so that gives us plenty of time to fish I'm hoping to get prouder too we'll see we'll see but it's still a little breezy but it's very it's calmed down a lot so I'm have high hopes that we're gonna have a good evening of fishing now one thing I'm gonna say and tell you right now is once I'm out here fishing for these trout I'm not gonna be talking like this it's gonna get still calm quiet at night you'll be able to hear for miles in the woods so if I talk like this those fish are gonna hear me easily those trout there's the spook easier than other fish I think so oh one just surfaced I just saw one surface over there that's a good sign I think tonight's gonna be a good night I think we're getting a job I think we're getting the trout worst-case scenario I'm gonna troll form I've got my lures that I know I can catch trout on and I will just troll and if I do that I'm sure I'll Ketchum but it's always more fun to cast so we gotta try casting where we get mauled by black flies again bring my bag up into the woods here wet Crocs not the best yeah it's nice and open here yeah hey Monty yeah it's nice up here we're gonna go it's swampy down there so we're gonna go off over this way a little bit let me tell you the black flies are getting us all right I'm gonna get all my junk out there's my bug net I'm probably gonna be using that a little bit I won't deny it get there if they're eating me alive when I'm out in the lake I'm definitely gonna use that bug net yeah they're getting me too pal don't worry I'm going to snap the tent throw this stuff inside and we're gonna get back out on that Lake okay this isn't for you to land hey no hey no yeah you can see there's just dead leaves everywhere and it's just super dry out so I'm not gonna be having a fire you know that's as dangerous territory and I don't really need one it would be fire to fire it would be 100% to smoke out these bugs and some comfort which let's be honest right now it doesn't seem like a bad idea but uh come nighttime they'll go away they'll go away I hope I sure hope is there bugs bugs bugs bugs viva los bug net oh it feels so much better oh I don't even care how stupid I look right now have you heard to see a Fisher jump in but it is complete glass right now look at this so we're just gonna keep our bug net on and I'm gonna put a spinner on the old ultra light we're gonna try for some fish see maybe I'll try that one to start about ten bites when I was putting wine on or the spinner on that so I'm just done with getting bit in the arms we're gonna leave my legs a little exposed for a little bit longer it's it's pretty warm still I don't want to wear this sleeve but I also don't want to get eaten alive but they are bitin how cool do I look with this uh with this bug net on see you we got to keep our Monti happy ender Matthew I guess you need streets [Music] first cast we go crazy all right as I'm talking about their jumping like crazy across holy cow whoa [Music] [Music] go nuts they don't like being caught that's a pretty one yeah that one all right goodbye all right goodbye I didn't mean for you to get up I just wanted a quick picture all I wanted was a picture with them [Music] there we go nice this one feels a little better than the other ones this one feels pretty nice [Music] that is a gorgeous fish oh man that's a pretty one look at that fish alright this is the one I'm keeping that's a keeper right there that's the fish I'm keeping but that's the one anywhere pal sorry look at that thing just beautiful colors that's like a 16 inch brook trout oh this is gonna be so tasty oh this is gonna be so delicious and just what a beautiful fish look at that thing what a gorgeous fish oh this is gonna be so good you're not going anywhere this isn't Larry the lake trout here this thing is going nowhere only keep it one trout [Music] it's almost a shame to eat them sorry dude you're not you were on death row sorry there we go we've got three we've got three uh panfish and a trout I'm gonna eat the trout and maybe some of the pan fish and Monty is gonna eat a couple pan fish but now weird let's just fish for fun now now that we've secured dinner so good that was the fish I was waiting for let's have some fun I haven't even been fishing for 15 minutes but that was the best one so far there we go all right [Music] I bumped the boat and they use going nuts they jump all over the lake miss her now yes that's right Rome camping oh man I hope they go nuts tonight we could be in for a beautiful evening of noise those owls literally sound like they're or that owl sounds like it's at my campsite right now where I'm camping which would be super cool I will not complain about that one beautiful fish look at that fish goodbye that was so much fun I wonder if you can even see my face through the yeah well there we go [Music] beautiful fish right there we're just gonna grab this goodbye next day have a nice day I don't even know how yeah I just don't get sick of catching fish that's one thing you could shake punk could confirm for you guys because that when I start catching fish you guys know that - I can't I can't stop I just can't stop myself it's an enjoyable thing for me especially when you you know you come out here at this buggy time of year this is this is why I'm out here the fish to fish it hard I've got a lot of fish today [Music] this is definitely the best fishing I've done so all year so far guaranteed hands-down no no you guys like look at this dog this dog is just chillin in my canoe enjoying himself outside and he does not mind he Minds a key when he sitting around like a portage or something and he wants to get moving he'll cry but he never cries in the back of my boat ever because he knows he loves the boat he knows that when I'm fishing that he gets the fish and he just chills he's such a good dog man I'm excited for dinner tonight it's gonna be so good we're having potatoes onions garlic with butter it's all better not hot salt pepper we're actually having a Montreal tonight and we're gonna cook it up with some butter yeah and it'll be delicious and then I'm having that trout with butter and lemon in Montreal it's gonna be so good and I'm pretty excited about it it's gonna be pretty delicious to eat that beautiful fish I'm excited for I'm getting pretty hungry you know what do you ready to go back ready to go back to shore all right let's go back to shore that's a good boy you should go boy let's go back to shore buddy Nick getting yeah they getting you the black flies aren't really dying down at all starting to get dark so that's good it's a good sign right he's getting bit up I'm getting bit up and we're gonna head to camp and we're gonna make some dinner Monty what just happened did you just get a butt back did you just get a pot back why did you get a butt pad oh yeah Monty just I just looked at his butt and it was gross it was full poop and he didn't get anything other than a couple piece of beef jerky but he did get his sentinel today which is oral medication and it must have gave him the poops so I hope he doesn't do that in the tent but I had to wash it mr. dirty but Monty Monty you shamed yourself with your dirty but it's okay mr. stinky butt stinky butt poop stink all right so we're just gonna I'm just gonna get camp set up a little bit my tent some of my sleeping stuff and then we're gonna get preparing dinner a few things get the get the tent tidied up a little bit that's what I need to do first I want some water fries it's nothing I just like to keep him on his toes a little bit you know you probably don't want this crap I'm gonna pour you a big ol bowl Oh there's the culprit Tommy the toad hey buddy how's it going are you just living life right now he's probably pooping himself we're gonna get preparing dinner or I'm gonna get preparing dinner because I've only got one stove I've had a cook Monty's sweet potato and fish first then I'm gonna cook my stuff and then my or my potatoes and then my fish my fish is last so I've got a cooking where I'm gonna be up till midnight okay let's get our pans and stuff here let's start with mr. Monty sweet potato sweet potatoes are tough they're tough yeah I gotta sit over here so now we got to cut up my potatoes I'm having do potatoes all these cuts so much easier than the sweet potato oh they're frog that toads coming by my tent I'll add to my pan I'm feeling extra hungry tonight so I'm thinking I'm gonna eat this entire onion I know that sounds pretty crazy but I'm gonna cook some up with my fish a lot with my potatoes so let's just let's get crazy with it okay I'm gonna put some of this talos first that can be for fish we always got to do garlic I'm not gonna cut it up super crazy just a little bit a little bit smaller chunks but nothing nothing super small just a little small I still like that nice bite of garlic you know nice chunk of garlic garlicky garlic that's good mm-hmm good chunk of that - potatoes and onions ooh it's gonna be so good okay now I need to add butter to bowl for these my very melty butter it was so warm today I'm just gonna like that yeah yeah okay keep more butter if we need it but it's real melty a little stove here well just look like it's alcohol burning stove the whole thing okay now that Monte's food is gonna be cooking I'm gonna go fillet up some fish quick now I'm not going to show it because YouTube's got weird policies and stuff so I'm just gonna go Flay it up and bring back to place fish is all play about looking looking beautiful going to be so good mm-hmm okay time to add Monty's fish in here look at that juice no I wanted to cook up the whole fish as is but I'm really lazy right now that's not going to happen it's it's too big oh it's almost done all Monty's gonna love this fish and sweet potatoes see a heavenly dog meal you know it is done it's all flaking apart all right Monte's is done taking that off there I just filled up the fuel too ran out so now we got to cook potatoes arm using garlic that's a good dog meal to me I would totally eat that mm-hmm I almost forgot to season up the potatoes and onions Wilmont you all in there there we go much better we need to add a little bit more butter get a little too sticky it's looking like it's almost done - all right let's taste the potato and test it mm-hmm okay that's done it's now time to cook the main course so we're going to add this on this hot pan here I'm going to add a little bit of water just a smidge garlic and onions and some butter good sugar butter and then we're gonna cook this up a little bit we're trying to make a little bit of a sauce kind of then we're gonna throw in our fish okay now they're going to add our fish which doesn't fit it's too big well looks like I'll have to cut off a portion there we go all right we're gonna add in lemon juice get this stuff out of here oh that's gonna be so good and our other couple fillets of fish oh that's gonna be so delicious I'm getting super excited we're gonna sprinkle a little Montreal on here oh yeah let's flip it over and see we're looking at it's cooking here oh it's cooking oh yeah that's gonna be so good it's lemony garlicky onion Montreal deliciousness oh it's gonna be delicious I'm so excited to eat [Music] this is looking so good this part in the center is a little used to get over in this hot spot this is that's done that's done too oh man a little bit more Montreal in here but let me tell you what this is looking so good this is going to be delicious oh man alright that's done it's time to eat I'm calling it good all right I'm so excited to try this this looks so good it's like just calmly buttery just let me goodness you ready Monty all right go ahead nice big hmm oh that's so good mmm mm-hmm oh it's just perfect mmm let's try a nice big big ol bite of blue go ha ha hoo try these potatoes [Music] this is so good right now I'll be honest no it wasn't the smartest thing but I did not eat much today I ate some snacks and just some little food at the house and then nothing I didn't eat any of my my granola bars I brought I ate the last the last thing I ate was before like two one or two and I didn't eat granola bars anything I didn't drink any water until I got to camp and this is the first thing I'm eating not the best idea but hmm tell you what it makes forking off a big ol slab Oh God I got I have two rib bones in there makes forking up a slab of fish like that it's so much better oh it's so good it's so good it's gonna be hard to see but some people don't like the skin um doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me one bit I don't like the fins those I won't eat that's all that's left bones bones make room for this in here we gotta clean up no that was my first time there's my first time making fish like that in the woods I usually use tinfoil I don't just cook it in the pan with the lemon and butter but that was so much better than the tinfoil I'm not gonna lie temple is great don't get me wrong but it's a pain in the ass to check that was very easy because you just watch it and I was able to you know like caramelize the onions butter and lemon that was so good don't you worry for him he already had loose poops he can't be getting too much stuff sweeper to me I'm pretty sure it was the medicine that did it cuz he didn't get anything it was his normal food and Monty's not the type of dog that goes into the trash or anything he's a good boy he'll bag but I'm surprised we didn't hear the owl again we heard him out on the lake white over here but haven't heard him again and I will don't care for being loud you're not gonna get spooked or anything I almost don't give a about you maybe but my experience I've been loud and the olives will still do their thing don't care there's toads everywhere Monty sorry you told your head to my part I was a satisfying meal I'm pretty full monty just being like when I farted all right that was so good now I've got to clean up looks good so what you are you on the 10th you and go to bed that's it go and go to bed all right go ahead all right good all right good Monty good let's go what oh you're on my spot huh I'm probably fairly out-of-focus it's probably pretty dark the light that I attached my camera the batteries got just sucked dry today it's weird they're brand new and they just did not last very long yeah we're just relaxing I'm probably I'm gonna probably read a little bit of the book but uh I blew up a sleeping pad for Monty he just did not want to lay on it I think he's warm it's very warm right now I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to use my sleeping bag but uh yeah he just was like standing around they just kept staring at me and then I took it away any lead write down so I don't think you wanted it but man we caught a lot of fish today ain't some delicious food I'm thinking I'm just gonna look at my Boundary Waters map just a little bit and plan a trip I'm not gonna show you guys they don't want to give away any spoilers but we're gonna listen to the toads and stuff crawl around our tent there they're freaking him out they're just like he's just like our uh you know my ants in his pants but yeah read a book hey it's pretty late it's a quarter after midnight that's what happens when you night fish if you you know the Sun sets like why like 9:20 or something and then the twilight after that it's like 10:00 and then you start cooking you sir preparing food of like 10 you're cooking by 10:30 there's a toad going right under the edge of the tent but yeah then you're you know you're eating by 11:30 or whatever and yeah midnight so I'm pretty tired I'll pick up with a last lug look it through stuff or reading I don't even know if I'll do any of that I actually just might just go to bed but whatever I do I am going to bed after that so I'm gonna catch you guys in the morning good night everybody Monty are you saying you want to go out this hand do you want to go do you want to treat I need to keep my teeth all right my dear I'll give you freedom okay all right all right go monkey go I'm gonna sit here for another minute your body oh I was fully expecting to go fishing this morning and get up early but since like 5:00 the winds just been blowing pretty good I did fishing it it's such good fishing yesterday I did not want to go blow around to my canoe I'll fish on the way out this is the data stuff did you wake up for it was so peaceful just laying here what time to get up make some breakfast and some oatmeal or coffee so I can speak in that oatmeal [Music] breeziness hold [Music] what a beautiful morning I'm gonna make some coffee and oatmeal and as I cook I'm gonna so I didn't bring my tongs I guess that I have this one cooks that were lost the tongs and I must have grabbed that one for these let's cook this ball so fun [Music] [Music] nice strong cup of coffee absolutely interesting I don't want to burn them there we go a little cinch nothing crazy [Music] [Music] very sick [Music] there's only a little bit of fuel in there I'm some let it burn out got some apples cinnamon oatmeal today mm-hmm is the oatmeal seasoned might be a little too much food but I'm a big ol old wheel breakfast there we go Oh too much water way too much water does it'll be the soupy is oatmeal oh man oops oopsie Daisy oh well it'll still be good it's a black fly dance [Music] avanti man even with this wind there still [Music] yeah it's nice in this way [Music] there ain't no bugs on me Marty things cuz he got potatoes and fish he gets oatmeal today no no no no and so yeah I'm gonna basically finish up my oatmeal here I'm pretty much all packed up and then we got a blow go straight to the other side we're gonna take a few casts in the calm spot just a few nothing crazy but I'm gonna I'm gonna see if I can catch a fish before I get out of here I'd like to catch one more fish just one more I'm not gonna try too hard if I don't catch anything that's okay I'm not gonna put my heart into it I'm just gonna switch to GoPro do some fishing and paddling on our way back we just got to go back the way we came to get out you want this say it say pretty pretty Marty sit pretty good boy you're still not kidding all right yeah so I'm gonna finish this up sip of my coffee and then we're to get the boat and get moving there we go here you go Monte yeah alright so like I said we're not gonna fish too crazy but uh we're definitely gonna take a few casts on that Shore that the wind's coming from so you'll be back in the black flies for just a little bit probably let them eat me alive for five minutes and then I'll give up and want to just head back into the wind Oh we'll see you never know I get a fight right away though that's my issue if I whoa they're definitely not acted like they were last night okay the bugs are getting me and the trout are not active right now so they're probably not on the showers are probably deeper I'm not gonna fish for them if they're not gonna just bite like crazy like they were we're gonna move on to the next Lake and I'll take a few casts on that one before I go back and let me see if we can pick up a bass I knew I'd catch one I couldn't all right mr. Jerome mr. Bertram Miss Brooks I think it's a mrs. [Music] all right one last cast the victory cast wasn't the best cast oh well okay that's that that is gonna do it for today's video I've just got to do a little bit of paddle not much at all very just over there and then I got a portage so that's gonna do it so as always guys like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] look as the Monte frolics to the fields Monte I'm right here Monte over here you lost me right here [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 68,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, catch and cook, catch n cook, catch and cooking, campfire cooking, cooking, camping, wilderness camping, canoe, canoe camping, spring camping, spring camp, campfire, food, meal prep, dinner, lake, wilderness area, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, bushcraft camp, overnight, solo camping, adventure, adventurer, wild camping, cooking fish, bass, bass fishing, trout, trout fishing, fisherman, outdoorsman, nature, forest, survival, survival food, survival skills, bushcraft skills
Id: xBFl2LRh89I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 34sec (6754 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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