SOLO OVERNIGHT WINTER BUSHCRAFT CAMP-Small Backpack, Minimal Gear, Unknown Land, Steak Cook Tripod.

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joe here we're out in a new spot i've never been here before this spot is full of red pines and young spruces we're gonna find a suitable spot to set up a camp we have minimal gear we have a small little backpack with a wool blanket we have no knife this time just a hatchet and a small saw let's see what we can get done with a small little backpack in the winter time in a brand new environment well i promise we're going to get right back to the outdoors back to the camping video but i want to give a huge shout out to my sponsor for this video audible audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audiobooks recently they just launched their newest plan audible plus with audible plus you get full access to the plus catalog which is filled with thousands and thousands of select originals audiobooks and podcasts including ad-free versions of popular shows as well as exclusive series the latest title i'm listening to right now is called the 29th day the story is about a 17 year old canadian kid who wants to do a 600 mile canoe trip in the wilderness it ends up getting mauled by a grizzly bear and uh and it talks about the the trials and tribulations that him and his canoe partners had to go through to try to get back to civilization like a couple thousand miles away or something like that so i'm only on chapter five now and i've still got six hours left of it so it's a good listen um it's good in the car it's good when i'm camping at night that's that's when i started the other night when i was camping so yeah really enjoying it and i'm sure i'll continue to find new outdoor titles to listen to on here so audible is going to give you a deal 4.95 a month for the first six months after your first six months it's only 7.95 a month to download and stream thousands and thousands of all you can listen to audiobooks podcasts all available on the audible plus plan so visit scout or text scout to 500 500 that's s-c-o-u-t or s-c-o-u-t text to 500-500 i feel very blessed to have audible sponsor another video thank you to audible for doing that thank you to my listeners my viewers onto the video i drove my truck down some old logging road i'd never been down before i found this patch of woods i keep seeing those spray paint on trees no matter how far i walk in i'm in quite a bit now away from the truck make no mistake just because i'm down some old logging road i'm in the thick of it there's no like actual roads or like civilization for miles and kilometers together but check it out no matter how far back in i get still old signs of logging anyway i know i'm allowed to be back in here it's crown land on my gps so it's all good i'm just gonna find a suitable spot to post up there's nothing dead overhead and hopefully no snow underneath and uh yeah we'll see we have in the backpack yeah i think this is going to be home for tonight there's no deadfall overhead it's a pretty decently open space there's not really a lot of snow here kind of flat i'm excited about all the resources i see spruce ferns dead wood all over the place so let's get to it i don't really have that much time i want to start building first things first i got to clear up the area a little bit of dead fall on the ground pretty wet from uh wet snow i could potentially use this piece so i will save it close by this is really cool i haven't been in a forest like this in some time i'm excited excited to build a little quick overnight shelter so like i said no belt knife for this trip we got our grass first brooks outdoor axe that's what we'll be using along with the new mini boreal 15 which is pretty slick it fits in that little d-rock from the hidden woodsman pretty slick look at the size oh mini kit little miniature kit all right let's get to it this one's dead [Applause] timber i want to cut this log long enough so when i prop it up against this tree here i'm going to have enough length so that i can lay it diagonally from pretty high up with these smaller ones you're more hacking at it taking away chips and dinner plates same same theory applies though start with your notch as wide or a bit wider as the log is where you're trying to chop it up this is just recently dead so it's not that it's it's not even burnable it's not that dry yet there's no top on it though no green at all certainly taxing on the one arm it's not even beneficial to use two hands there we go [Applause] okay so looks like it's plenty long alright i get rid of a layer here working up a sweat supposed to get down to about negative three celsius tonight so i've got a small little sleeping bag but my saving grace will be the wool blanket next to the fire uh okay [Applause] it's gonna be big enough i believe we're still going to secure that with some paracord better but it's plenty long oh the fire right in front should be pretty good i gotta get some rib work on there and then some spruce bows to make a bed too sounds like my plane has found us cool this is that rotten log that was on the ground that i moved i'm cutting i'm cutting them a little bit longer than they need to be just so there's an overhang you can potentially put the valves on an overhang as well that'll be all for the better a couple more on them i'm done with that part ah just trying to fill in all the little gaps now with these um with these dead trees or limbs to have a bunch of limbs hanging off of them themselves it's going to help to create uh more of a lattice work where the valves can grab onto easier that one might be a bit a bit too extreme there we go extreme okay this is probably done this part at least i'll get some bows on there on the top make a bed i might even top the bed off with some uh ferns with some fans check out my uh my one tree leather axe mask slash belt sheath super convenient i love using it don't use it enough one this time of year you never really know what's gonna happen if it's gonna snow or rain or a mix of both especially this year normally we'd have a couple feet of snow by now so it's all it's all up in the air anyways good shelter didn't really have to worry about that stuff too much we're gonna build this as good as we can with the amount of light that we have left in the day but already with just two arm loads taking shape oh man well that was some work a spot where i can sit up let's see yep just getting jabbed in the back that's all right you know what i do have a little sit pad that will improve things quite a bit oh look at that blue foam pad to the rescue yeah this is pretty good there's lots of room for me to tuck back in there i'm actually pretty impressed with how much coverage i was able to get in such a little bit amount of time i went around to a bunch of small trees took limbs off found some downed ones with green on them still so i need to do too much damage i feel okay about it it's uh it's after three now we lose light just before five took me a while to find this place my original plan fell through i had my canoe on my truck i was gonna go paddling at inland lake where i am none of the lakes are frozen but here i guess it's colder or whatever so inland smaller lakes they are have a couple inches of ice on them i did only bring one nalgene full of water because i thought i was gonna be able to use lake water to boil and drink so gotta conserve that but um we're not done we still have to build a bed in here and uh dig out a good spot for a fire because um i gotta get all this duff off the ground i dug down already to test it before i decided to stay here and it's like gravel underneath uh probably two or three inches of duff so i gotta i gotta dig out quite a little space here but um feeling pretty good about my achievements so far ground is frozen it's soaking wet i can even tuck way back in here we got plenty of overhang yeah it's not too bad i feel pretty good about this okay we got to get up got to get going going to see a friend of mine he's round and these fuzzy i love them because all right um i'll show you what i have in my backpack in a little bit right now i want to make my bed and dig out the fire area again you've seen me do this before i'm going to be using the herringbone pattern getting the thicker stalks away from where i'm going to be sleeping and keeping just the bowels in the middle it's excessive there so got a good amount of bowels now i went around and got the tops off of a bunch of or sorry the tips off of a bunch of them so they're soft on the top of the bed got lots of buoyancy as you can see pretty happy about this now this is turning out so far at least oh yeah oh yeah sweet i think my sleeping bag i have is like a negative one or negative two degrees sleeping bag it's gonna get down it's supposed to be two negative three tonight plus this sleeping bag i'll or sorry this this wool blanket i'll have myself sandwiched and i'll have a layer on the bottom and between me and the bows i'll be in my sleeping bag and then this wrapped over fire in front should be solid okay fire time in here take a good step and that's right about where oh yeah it's all frost underneath that's right about where i want my fire to start at oh yeah craziness i'm gonna have to get a digging stick here actually i could save all this stuff and throw it on the back of it shelter see the frost underneath that is good thatching material look for any little spots where it could use it that's awesome stuff right there wow cool uh this is the stuff we don't want to amber up underneath the ground holy smokes come on there you go stuff like that just trying to soften the ground up here so i can get rid of all the top soil stuff there's the dirt finally okay this is gonna be a lot of work i'm gonna make myself a digging stick this here is what i need to get down to and this is not me being paranoid this is actual safety this is all basically cork board and then we're down to sand gravelly sand perfectly fine but we gotta get past like an inch or two of this fun stuff so and it's frozen bonus i wish i had rocks here to just lay down on the ground but there are none so this is what has to happen maybe i'll just dig a little trench it's not ideal for heat though we're getting there deserve my steak tonight that's for sure okay hello don't worry about me i am done that is a decent sized eye dog all with that stick and i'm uh i'm exhausted so we have a little bit of a dip but it's okay not too big we can even just round this lip off no big deal that's time to get a fire going it's time to get a fire going before it gets too dark on me i have to use my fire steel and i was potentially going to use a rock with the fire steel because i have no knife but there's no rock so we're going to use the hatchet we're going to use the grants first brooks and the fire still together don't worry don't cringe too bad it'll sharpen right out it's no big deal but i don't want to have to do it over and over and over on the edge so we'll have to prepare our fire uh properly this stuff looks really dry and ready to accept a spark put that with some ferns there's no birch either there's no birch bark around so we'll put that stuff with some ferns and maybe some shavings we make this piece is pretty dry some decent curls there that will help in the fire starting process for sure not too bad the old axe the old battle axe i'm gonna be gentle with these curls now as i rip them off menacingly menacingly maniacally not gently okay well we'll do this a bunch and get as much as we can here i'll press it or i'll press the door in the house all right gotta get a bunch of firewood still oh no my shavings shoot was silly mixed up my bundle so we're gonna start a long fire here we got our tinder right there and this is how we're going to strike the fire steel again we got the big ol beast to a fire still from hf survival school we're going to place it's gonna be super close to it anyways we're gonna place the edge there and we're gonna drag back to get the spark it's got to be lower oh i almost got on the first one i got some inner bark in here i got some shavings and i got some uh fern dried ferns yes oh no no no don't go out yes yes that's slick okay i can show you that in detail here in a second i want to get this going first no did she go out no no no no no no what are you doing open up there we go oh man that's awesome grow my precious grow bam son i'll show you the edge too that's honestly no worse for wear okay we'll do that in a second i promise oh shoot that guy that lost his fire steel me spread to your friends dry my knees off too bro no one likes cold wet knees almost this cold wet butt almost as bad so so uh i don't know how i feel about this small saw like this i'm barely getting any any cutting area like it's definitely a good saw it's a good blade too but i just don't think it's worth saving a little bit of space and weight bringing this compared to the 21. oh man oh i'm so hungry i'm so hungry and i have a problem again like i told you i expected to camp next to a lake i would have put this stake in the lake to dethaw to thaw to defrost to thaw she's uh she's solid so i might have to do the old build of a tripod and put a cooking rack up high above this fire for a couple hours before i get to eat and i don't have much i do have a granola bar i can eat in the meantime but i have rice to go with this and this guy's trying to get cold again i was gonna put this in the lake uh the mutants are revolting apparently crushable ipa you've been asking for it you've been asking where they are i brought one we're gonna savor that later on but right now you can go back in a little bit of snow so let's cut up some of this wood i got a decent amount of firewood now cut some get some back on the fire get it going again solid and uh yeah prepare for night time because it's 4 30 and light's been going sun's been going on at 450 450 lately so i'm sure we'll have residual light but uh for the most part she done we'll get some firewood on the fire and i'll show you what i have in my backpack [Music] it's ripping through this wood which is nice [Applause] cutting the pieces cutting the pieces on the long side so have somewhat of a long fire and i have to do less cutting that way it's a nice bit of coals already and just kind of throw twigs on and keep it going until i so i really need to ramp it up sure i will need it for warmth tonight well i am pretty pleased that this camp turned out to be pretty nifty if i do say so myself it looks pretty campy lots of camp vibes going on i got a decent amount of firewood here as you can see i already saw it up in length then over here i've got two big pieces just standing up at the end here i can cut those whenever get those in and cut those down or put them in the way they are that's what i'm trying to say um let's stop and i will show you what i have in my backpack a little hidden woodsman hyperstack we should have more water that's for sure fix the pokies okay this is hidden woodsman dayrock i don't know why i said haversack this is the dayrock it's like 15 liters 20 liters roughly on the inside so i've already taken out my axe that was in the ax sleeve here and the saw that was inside the saw pocket on the inside you've seen me take a drink of my water i might not be making rice tonight because i don't think i have the water to spare so i have rice with vegetables i have that steak sitting out over there trying to get thawed out i brought a little parachute chair that i would have made if i had more time again the place that i thought i was going to i could not make it to so this was an alternate thing i'd never been here before i didn't even really know this existed it kind of just drove down the road and found on my gps that this was crown land so hiked in didn't have time to to put that up i have one pair of socks feet sweat out here all day i got a little uh poncho that i could have used as a tarp if i wanted but it's very small and very thin and next to the fire it's not always the greatest but again if i really needed it if the rain came i could line this with it whatever did not need to use it and it doesn't take up a lot of room it just kind of fills in holes in the backpack i have a small first aid kit this is the bulk of the backpack this is a negative two degree sleeping bag very small i have a grill and also where the grill was i have a sit pad and that's oh i have this tiny little cordage too this little spool of uh kevlar line if i was going to just use the the tarp then i would have strung up with that but i had that hank of paracord so i used it for this shelter so that's the big there's nothing else in the big part of the backpack can stay out this rice can stay out chair goes away the socks go away for now first aid goes away sleeping bag can stay back here no problem now i've got two pockets i have where i had my nalgene i also have my stainless steel nesting cup a tall one with the scout logo on it and in the bottom i have the lid there's a little pouch this is like a condor i think uh like a maxpedition rip-off um uh water bottle pouch i've had forever oh i have a tea i have a tea i'll leave that back in there peppermint and then the other side this is a hidden woods and pouch made for this backpack it's actually pretty handy man it can fit a lot of stuff in it so in here i have have three batteries for my big main camera i have some steak spice i have some like medical stuff like toothpaste and uh like butt pills and stuff like that stomach pills my other my other first aid kit is more like band-aids and things like that i guess it could go in there i have lipton soup granola bar which i'm going to eat another granola bar two packets of oatmeal a light for filming with and another tea and in my my pocket i had uh my my headlamp so i have two lights that just that's just for the purpose of filming um trying to think of anything else my fire steel and i oh i had a down jacket and my over jacket on and those will probably all be on me tonight with the new fresh socks never double up your socks like unless they're super super loose both of them tight tight socks are a bad deal okay well i probably should get more firewood now i know some of you are probably like oh you put the the snowy stuff on top where it's going to drip while it has it hasn't been i kind of shook out whatever little frost is in there and it's not a big deal not really dripping at all look at that back though recovered pretty good boys and girls myself cooking tripod made up i used up all my little bit of paracord that i had on the shelter so we shall try it to kev our line out i got this for more lightweight stuff instead of carrying around bulky paracord yeah i imagine that much should do it and that that's that's not a lot at all in weight or space okay start with just securing it with an overhand knot on the one excuse me much thinner obviously than paracord two so it's a little bit easier to weave it in and out of the sticks obviously has nowhere near the strike actually i don't know what strength it has it's kevlar probably not 550 but probably substantial in all honesty who needs 550 pounds breaking strength on a tarp or a tripod excuse me wraps and fraps people that's how you tie a tripod wrap some brilliant now i'm not trying to cook this steak i'm trying to thaw it out so obviously i'm just looking to get some height off the fire in this this should be fine yeah this is nice and warm so what we'll do is weave some sticks in between if we have to tie them we will we'll put the stake up here wow i don't really care if it breaks i just need it to somewhat sturdy there nope stay ah okay that's something that's something if i just string up a couple sticks like this i should be able to place my grille and my stake on there and not worry too much about it we're losing light see looks pretty sturdy it's still quite frozen now let's get in there okay okay it's gonna get nice and smoked up there too i can't believe how light the camera makes it look it's not i promise anyways we won't have light very soon what a sight that looks like home like i'm comfortable in there i'm super happy about that whipped that up like nobody's business and if i was staying here if this was an extended camp tomorrow i would just work on getting like two more two times more bows on the top and the bottom and that would be like rain proof but uh it's not necessary i'll leave this up the only piece of thing i have on it was one piece of paracord and i can come back and take that down whenever i could come back here someone could use this although i don't know who the hell would be out here all right i always wonder if someone will come across one of my shelters in the woods okay i want to sit down for a bit actually i should probably get more firewood damn it okay i'm going to get more firewood got those two again still so not too shabby soon you will be mine okay got another tree it could last a little bit longer for me hey don't get me wrong the saw is definitely doing what it needs to do i just don't know that the weight savings and space savings is worth the efficiency loss in the length now for for wood that's this length around like like a joe forearm thickness then it's good all day like i had no problem using it for that much this is the bigger pieces a little bit taxing but obviously it's not meant for that it's working it's working oh she's she's almost all the way soft perfect i'm hoping this will work it's night time so anyways i can see where the especially on the light here where the edge has rolled over and i can feel it with my fingernail but you can actually strap that out without even using a stone it's not a big deal i could probably drop it out on a piece of wood anyways a little fall niven dc fourth and a strop we'll get that shaving sharp very soon very quickly i mean and maybe on the next video i'll do that and i'll show you but uh no concern no words for wear michael bay i was gonna say something about salt bae and then michael bay you know michael bay anyone this is just starting to cook up here now ideally i wouldn't be using pine and spruce for this but that's what we have so a little carcinogen in my life that's okay not every day is hardwood day you know not every camp is rife with hardwood maple oaks this is an old red pine stand when the red pine fall down or get cut down logged the spruce come up in their place and you get little tiny maples like these little saplings and stuff but they never do well because the soil is pretty acidic from the needles we do get wintergreen in here and there's a bunch of deer poop and tracks so stuff's around stuff's around bro i'm gonna move this down but we're gonna be safe before we do that and take the steak off learning things in my old age you know this is cool these little wrapped up maple twigs on here it looks ugly but i don't have to tie anything and it works fine it's sturdy enough bushcraft bushcraft bro okay yeah man that'll get cooked a little bit there i'm gonna i'm gonna keep it up high i think let's see what happens i have fond memories of doing this at the old uh abyss lean to that one so see how it works out here yeah it's nowhere um hot enough to like maybe there if i could put it there it would actually cook let's see i want to try it we're the best lame too you were the best man i know some people are annoyed at my singing but just being me can't stop now yeah that'll actually cook there wow excite very excited i gotta be me i gotta baby i'm just making a notch here or i can hang my cup at the same time as the steak is cooking i can hang it right off this tripod how it's hanging now and i can cook up my rice i decided it will spare the little bit of water it takes i still have about half my analogy and might not be making oatmeal in the morning though definitely won't be making oatmeal in the morning but uh yeah we're gonna make up that rice and then probably with the rest the remaining amount of water will make up a tea a low low on the water tea and that'll be it really thought like i said i'll be i'd be at that that lake but no dice okay not yet not quite yet it works just takes a little bit longer now if it came to it and i needed water i would collect as much of that little bit of snow as possible in here and keep melting it but that would be a long arduous process or i could hike down and find a frozen lake or river and uh and do that but that's a long haul from here for sure i didn't use much water there okay let's see if this thing works that was meant for it like a glue it's been dark for a good hour now temperature really isn't dropping so that's a good thing maybe it'll be in the middle of the night type thing but pretty happy about that i'm gonna drop that down once uh once this fire dies down just a coals i'm going to take that pot off there i'm gonna take that off the steak off i'm gonna drop it right down on the grill onto the fire and finish it up because i'm so hungry oh something okay simmer all right steak is done or at least i think it is rice is done i got myself a fancy spoon you know um i'm gonna cut my steak with my axe it's a canadian thing to say all righty all set up she's bloody she just scrambled oh well done it's the rating scale now look at that oh man um [Applause] haven't had an ipa in a while okay let's see what the rice is like it's actually perfect [ __ ] up nice it's about a half a serving in there i had to put more and i dumped it on accident so i had to put more and use more water but good perfect [Music] that's good [Music] flying monkeys the mutants are revolting crushable ipa 4.5 percent on us pint ipa mutations survive with purpose move over strugglers this one hit the lottery of creation from fresh fermenters come animated golems of alpha animated golems of alpha acids and the rev the revolt starts afresh with each enigmatic and elastic sip well you got me tongue tied cheers hints of grapefruit and plenty cold so happy with that very happy with that and this [Music] hello i thought is the best part oh supper was super good i had to undo my belt uh beer went down nice with it and i have been chilling out for a while just under there getting a little cool so i'm gonna throw some more firewood on and maybe throw my coat on as well there we go that should go pretty pretty good oh you've had one drop joe's turnt off one tall boy go on you're home all right we're definitely gonna pack this guy out oh yes i might even get my sleeping bag out and crawl into uh inside my uh blanket i'm gonna burn this grill off to clean it okay it's pretty good a little bit of fat there through next to the fire okay she's going good it's a decent fire i still have a good amount of firewood left you always need more than you think so looking down here at the blanket there's only one little spot that has a couple drops right there that melted through from the uh from the snow or whatever the little bit of frost that was on there i knew it wasn't a big deal so no harm no foul let's go look from the back and see just how uh how well i thatched this see if we can see the fire through the back of it there's a fire obviously i can't see it at all a little glimpse of it from the top here but nothing really like pretty happy with that i didn't take down one single tree to attach it with either pretty cool what i would like to do i'll come back here i like this spot i like this forest i'll uh i'll build a wall there coming down just like the back boom there i'll build this up more and i'll build a fire reflector and by then it'll probably have snowed on it so we'll see how it is it's a decent size and it goes back in there far it's not like it just it's shallow it's it's deep inside like i could go in farther closer to the uh to the back wall is what i'm saying that's what i'm saying if this works out this could be a quick and easy fire reflector slash fire feeder for myself tonight you yeah it's already on fire maybe i'll put it too close but we'll see how it works anyway it's an idea maybe even if it's not for today it's an idea uh yeah something anyway it's an idea for next time if we have a fire reflector sorry if you have a tripod already the fire reflector is maybe easier to make than i thought something can even stand it up a little bit more the beauty of the tripod beauty of the tripod something it's not bad look at that a couple more logs would actually look like a real fire reflector oh yeah she's toasty man we'll see back there it's a nice hot fire i swear to god there's a difference i don't know the fire is a lot bigger but ever since i put that fire reflector up i can feel much more warmth in here granted i did push it closer and i put more wood on it too so who knows oh guys it's bedtime i've just been laying here relatively warm still this will be probably the last one on the firewood i put on just kind of huddle in bed but as you can see this is not a big sleeping bag at all and really in all honesty the the wool blanket on top of the sleeping bag will be what will crush the down will compress the down and it won't work as well but the alternative is having sparks shoot onto my uh uh synthetic sleeping bag so we don't want that and anyways the little blanket and the sleeping bag inside is gonna do more than just the wool blanket alone anyways so all is well we're gonna put on those extra socks those other socks we're gonna change our socks out is what i'm trying to say and uh yeah it should be all right looking forward to sleeping i haven't really been able to rest my back too much other than just laying down here so fully laying down proper would be nice i'm looking forward to sleeping oh yeah definitely gotta change those socks man my uh my feet are wet mainly from sweat but wet nonetheless can you see that i forgot i had that that's what happens when you have two daughters here i am full of my socks oh my god every color of the rainbow on my my toenails you know how i know i'm a manly man that stuff does not bother me one bit i got girls bro i got girls you know i'm a girl dad different colors on this one fancy that's gonna be all over the internet i don't care one bit i'd rather have my girls know that i love them and play with them and spend time with them let them do things like that and have someone trying to make fun of me for that so go ahead dry my socks off up here i never completely forgot my toenails are like that that's so funny oh man all right it's quite warm yeah i can't be even that cold out i don't feel that cold at all really well guys i want to tuck in here you know what the funny part is i know i'm gonna have to get up as soon as this scene is done go shut my camera off i really should get a remote but i do like to have my camera in the shelter with me in case of any kind of weather at night so i'm gonna get all covered up here and show you the deal then i'm gonna get uncovered and get the camera back in here that's how she goes when you camp with joe okay not too shabby i said i could tuck way back in here if i wanted to no real reason to right now though that's a rager fire i'm nice and toasty in here oh man all right folks you have a good night and i'll see you in the morning what a cool sight being level with the fire get up and fix that fire put the last of the wood on all right good night once again good morning it's almost 7 30. i slept okay for the first part of the night stuff real warm i got up around two couldn't get back to sleep for a couple hours i fell back to sleep and uh yeah i just been trying to lay there cuddled up retain my warmth but uh fire's completely out i checked it just a second ago i didn't stoke at all through the night there was no more wood too but uh it's time to get up and get out of here i'm hungry and i'm thirsty i got a little bit of a headache from not enough water so i have about a half an hour hike to the car i figure by the time i pack up my gear i should have enough light to get out it's already residual light out so yeah let's pack her stuff up if anyone's interested in the sleeping bag i was using this is the phantom spark negative 2 celsius or 28 degree fahrenheit from mountain hardwear awesome little sleeping bag actually rated to negative two like true rating and packs down it's probably the size as tall as an algae maybe two and a half as wide so that goes right in the bottom my tarp slash poncho which i didn't need to use got my little bush chair my parachute chair we didn't have to use got my sit hat goes right in the back my grill goes in here man the wind is picking up there's been no wind this whole two days or yesterday and today at least already so that gets slid back into the back and my socks my first aid my cup will go on the side wow that felt great okay handy dandy axe sleeve okay there we go my favorite backpack ever so once again this really is my favorite backpack just like this the size of it and what i'm able to do out of it the feel the look the shape the fact that malcolm my buddy makes it sent it to me so if you like this check out hidden woodsman i really had a fun time this trip it was nice to come here into a different terrain never been here before i didn't even know it was going to be here find what resources were available make an awesome camp have a really good supper have a good time have a good sleep uh digging that hole with something too for the uh for the fire so i'll come back here this is enough work where i can uh i can come back here and use this as a camp again i'm hoping with the snow so hope you guys enjoyed it i'll be back very soon with another video thank you very much for watching as always have a good day no harm no foul that's what i like to see so [Applause] so knew i had to come back for my camera right that's a thing that's a thing all right very happy about that ash and sand good stuff until next time until next time oh well on the way to go get some water i probably got about an hour drive before i hit any kind of civilization but uh you know what i guess it's time to put the oil canoe away for the year i really had thought that i could get out and uh go for one last paddle one last camp just it's too late already so that's okay we did our fair share this year woulda need some motor you were the best a bunch of pieces i had found but i'll build you into a home you protected me when the weather was cold carried me out of the rain the wind in the you uh the best lean dude
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 502,590
Rating: 4.9080338 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: uWz-CCmYBuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.