We've Had Enough of Japan | Trash Taste #51

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(lips smacking) - I hate when you do that. - Why? - It sounds disgusting. (lips smacking) - It's the sound of my thighs when I run. (lips smacking) - Is this how girls feel when they hear the word moist? - No. (lips smacking) - Oh God. Oh God. It makes me feel dirty. Stop it. (relaxed music) - Welcome to this episode of the Trash Tastes podcast, where we talk about not anime, but we might talk about anime today actually so. - Who knows, who knows, if, are we feeling spicy today? - We'll never tell. (hosts laughing) - I might bring up anime and then immediately tangent from who knows? - Who knows? Not even we do, most of the time. What are we going to talk about? - Right. - This is like a themed episode. - I did, I did think what I was going to talk about today because I was the host I was like, "Connor. You have to think about "what we're going to talk about." - Go on then. - Go on then. What, what do you want to talk about? - You know, I will talk about. - Do you want to introduce us, by the way? We're the boys. - No, I'm not introducing you. They know who you are by now. We're on episode 49. They should know who you are, nearly 50. But yeah no, so a few weeks ago I watched the JoJo event. - Of course you did. - Of course I did, where part six was announced, which was great. - Yes. - Which is why everyone watched it because they were like, "Will part six get announced? Who knows?" - But imagine if they didn't announce part six after all that. - I think it would have been very sad. I should fully explain if you're not a JoJo fan, don't worry, do need to explain. Basically there's a whole event around JoJo. They didn't say they were going to announce a new anime adaptation, but everyone was like, "They said, it's the biggest event in JoJo history." So I think they're going to announce it. Otherwise, I don't think this is the biggest event. - Do they normally do JoJo events, just randomly out of the blue? - I've, I never heard of one. - This has been planned for a very long time. apparently actually. A year ago. I think actually. - Have they done one before this? - I feel like they have, but then, then, but then if you go to YouTube and you type in JoJo live on TV, they just probably constantly get the voice actors to do kind of what they did in this event. So I guess I'll walk you guys through the event, basically what happened. - Yeah, 'cause I didn't get to watch it. - I didn't get to watch it either. I just saw the reaction. - So, yeah. The reactions we'll get into that. - Okay. - It was fun. First of all, the event, we weren't really told anything. So you didn't know anything that was happening. All we knew is that there was a $40 price tag (Connor exhales) to watch the live stream. - Oh, it was pay-per-view. - Pay-per-view. Yeah. - Yeah, 40 bucks. - Jesus. - Wow. - Which is a, little steep. - Eat your heart out Jake Paul. - And we were, yeah right? YouTube boxing match JoJo event please. But it was yeah, so it was a pay-per-view and we weren't told anything before we were just told it's going to be the biggest event in JoJo history add an echo, add a reverb to that. - As if they don't say that for every event. - You know how they are in Japan. I feel like they hype things out way beyond belief. - Yeah of course. - Yeah. Yeah. - Again, we weren't told anything. So essentially what happened was is that they did like kind of like a game show kind of thing in the start with some of the voice actors. So every main character Joseph. If you don't know JoJo, don't really worry about it. It's not important. Basically the voice actors, they were like, they quizzed them about the show. It's kind of like meh game show. - It's basic Japanese TV variety kinda thing. - Yeah yeah. It was basically like Family Feud but with the JoJo characters which actually sounds really good actually. I can make that. I want to watch that. - How well did you do in the quiz? - Well I did, I did. We'll get into this actually - Okay. Okay. Okay. - And then, you know, it was like cool. And the voice actors performed some of their scenes, which was like the best part, right? You know, they would do, they would all do the most dramatic scene from their respective part of the show, which is really good. Yeah. And then in the end they announced it and it went over the time. It was supposed to be a two hour event and my God did they talk a lot. They very much, there wasn't like a, like fast, it was like, let's just talk about the show. Talk about the scenes. How did the scenes make you feel? Tell us about it. And yeah it was fine. It was fine. But there's a few things that were noteworthy about the event. First of all, is that the subtitles were unusable, unreadable. Awful. - Why is that? - So in this, I said this was a live event. - Yeah. - But a live event that was pre-broadcast. - Yeah. - Like pre-recorded. - Yeah. It was all, yeah not broadcast. Sorry. Pre-recorded totally, it was. I'm not sure if it was intentionally going to be - So it's a live playback in a word. - It's a live re, replaying. - They basically just made a YouTube premiere. Right? I mean that's basically it right? - It was edited like a live Japanese TV show. Like it was very minimal, I guess, minimal in terms of Japanese editing and stuff on screen. - Bro, next time we do a Trash Taste special with that. We've got to make that pay-per-view now man. - We do. We should do pay. What do we do man? We're fucking dumb. Just giving it for free, what? - What? - And it's self-funded? - Oh my God. We're fucking, we're schmucks. - Losing out on our money. - So yeah it was, it was, it was $40. Which, you know for a live event it's a bit - A bit hefty. - I mean you can buy a whole season of JoJo on DVD for that or something, right? - You could buy four episodes of a JoJo on Blu-ray for that. And don't get me wrong. The event was very good. It was very well-made but it was just tragic because you know, how many events charge $40 for you to watch them? - Not a lot. Well I mean, maybe like a concert of like a mid ranged artists is like $40, right? But. - Online though? - Yeah, not online. Like. - Like a, I feel like boxing events are the only thing. - I feel like boxing ones are the only ones that maybe wrestling? Although, - Right, true. - I'm not like a, I don't watch wrestling, but those are the ones I think of when it's like, - Yeah usually it's like, you know, if you're paying 40 bucks, you have to it's, it's an in-person experience. Right? Most of the time I would like to think. - But with boxing as well, they do it online as well. And it's always like a fucking 80 bucks. - Oh yeah. - I mean, I feel like with boxing, it's different to a lot of sporting, other sporting events because people like you're building up months and months, to this one moment. Whereas other things like football or basketball there's like constant matches throughout a season. Right? But with boxing you have one event that people build up months to. And that's it. So I can, I can understand the pay-per-view price or that model kind of in that kind of sense. - Boxing fans are hardcore as well. - This is where I think like, do I not understand the Japanese market enough? 'Cause I'm like, is this like the same level as of like a international boxing event in Japan, like this JoJo event? Is it like the same level of like, everyone, everyone's stopping what they're doing. - Well you know JoJo fans are. - Yeah. But I wonder, I wonder. if this is like, is this the price is this high because they're banking on JoJo fans being as dedicated as they are, which they are. Or is it that they think it's that big of an event in general in Japan? I don't know. - I mean, I feel like I'm not used to Japanese business model period because I feel like it's the only country that can sell Blu-rays for like hundreds of dollars for like four episodes sometimes. - Yeah, it's true. - For a special edition and people here will still buy it. - Yeah. - Yeah. And watching this live event was fun. 'Cause the live tweets were quite, quite interesting. People were not very happy. - On the English side. - It was really, yeah. It was really, yeah, on the English side. - It was really interesting seeing how all the negativity got wiped away the moment that like part six was announced and everyone was like, "Guys, guys. It's worth it. "It was, the event was worth it." - Two hours of shit songs. I sleep. - So yeah essentially right. The, again, it was, it was pre-recorded so this could have been subtitled like properly. It's not, you know, you can get budget subtitles and translations done for this kind of length. Like, you know, we get subtitles done for the podcast I think, to get the podcast captioned it's like $150 an episode. But if you wanted to translate it, I think it would be into Japanese for like an episode like this, which I think is around the same length is like maybe like 800 bucks. So it's not, in terms of a big business, 800 bucks for that kind of thing for like low-end translating. Probably not that much. But instead they decided for some reason to do auto-generated subtitles. - It's never a good sign. - There was like, there was like, people were just posting screenshots of the subtitles. It was like, "I'm going to kill a kid or something." was one of them or something like really funny out of context. Like it was just really, really bad to the point where it was like, this is unwatchable if you don't know any Japanese, it's like the subtitles are so bad. And it was just like, I just wondered why, like, this is such a good event. Like you have, if you're a JoJo fan, this event was amazing. Like this is the kind of stuff that if it was on YouTube, it has like 5 million views guaranteed. - I'm wondering like, do you think they even thought about the international audience or were they just really - No of course not. - marketing towards the Japanese audience? - I don't think they were. - Cause you like, even me living in Japan. I only heard about it like the day before. And that's because you fucking posted about it. Like I did not know, like this wasn't talked about at all on my timeline, at least. So I didn't know about it until just as it was happening. - Yeah. - If this was an event right? Where they, it was only really able, you're only able to pay in yen. You were only able to buy from a Japanese website. I would. I would be like, that's a fair argument. You know, you went on the Japanese website, you went out of your way to pay in the currency and. - You're expected to listen to it in Japanese. Yeah. - You knew what you were getting into. For some super fans, if they don't understand a word, that's fine. But for me it was like, all right. So the premiering, the sharing like, Singapore, US specifically, they have a website in English, they're charging you in dollars and they're telling you that going to be subtitled. Think it's kind of fucked up. - Yeah. - Like again, the event was great. And it's just so sad that they kind of, I feel like they mislead the people a bit. - Oh yeah, well absolutely. I mean, when have automated subtitles ever worked? - They barely work for captioning. The language that they're doing. - They barely work for our own language when we upload it on YouTube, right? There's auto-subtitles. - Like what were they thinking? It's been known to be one of the hardest languages to translate into English. - Completely different grammatically. - I think in terms of a cost per like, like per minute of translating Japanese to English is one of the most expensive. - I'm not surprised by that. - Because it's the hardest. And then there's not, there's not many people that can do it. - It's grammatically completely different as well. - Right so then who decided that this should be like, this is a great idea and we're going to charge $40 for this. - I mean, I, I would think for a $40 price, you would get like more professional subtitles. - 100% percent. - Like, I, cause I guess this is the first I'm hearing about this. But like when I hear live events, I think, you know, you, you understand there's some leeway in an actual live event where it's happening right as it's airing. But if it was pre-recorded then yeah I mean you could've dumped the subtitles. - Yeah. there was nothing about this show that needed to be live. There is no aspect of it that required a live audience. - Yeah. If it's prerecorded then like it's not like, it's not like the host can interact with the chat or anything like that, right? - So you're telling me you paid $40 just to see a part six announcement. - Yeah. (hosts laughing) And I'd do it again Garnt. - JoJo fans. - JoJo - JoJo fans in a nutshell. - Pay for something I would have gotten like five minutes later anyway but, you know? I don't know. I, you know, I sat down and I was like, "This isn't worth the $40". Just the subtitles, the subtitles it's just, it's like, you know, at what point is it like, do I need a refund? You know what I mean? Like how bad do the subtitles have to be where it's like, I can't understand anything that's being said. - Well, I mean, I think that's worthy of a refund, right? Like you, you paid for something that you didn't even really understand. And they didn't even like give you the chance to try and understand. - It's really unfortunate as well because people were like dogging on them on Twitter. And then the JoJo anime account tweeted out, being like, "Hey guys", because there was a lot of people streaming it on Twitch and they were like, "Guys, please don't pirate it there". And then there was one, this is like, I feel like as a company, you should never ever say this. You should never ever say the words, "There is no excuse to pirate" because I guarantee within 10 seconds, there's going to be 10 people with 10 semi-decent reasons why they pirated it. So for example, and this is terrible. So the show was only available in the US, Singapore and I think a few other Asian countries. No Europe, no Europe at all. Right? No, none of the other American countries, nothing. - Not even, not even Canada. - Not even Canada. So they were like, in this tweet, they said, "There is no excuse to pirate this thing". And then in brackets they said, "Sorry for the territory limitations". And I'm thinking like, "What is? What?" - Oh no. - So what is it? What is a European fan supposed to do? - Every European just unanimously is like, - As a European, what am I supposed to do? Tell me what I'm supposed to do. - Just be born better. - Just be born in a better country. Obviously. - Obviously, come on. - Obviously I'm not, I'm not promoting piracy, but there is a way as a company where that you can word things or go about it. - Just fly to Asia. So you can watch it from Asia during a pandemic. - Just live in Japan. It's easy. - You like anime. Just live in Japan. - It's just, it's so frustrating. Cause it feels like, - I mean, it feels like this. - You get shafted. - Yeah. I mean, I feel like companies should already have a understanding that like territory limitations. I like, I, in my opinion, the biggest reason why people pirate. - Absolutely. - It's, it's been like this since fucking the internet was invented basically. - Yeah. Like lost media. I firmly believe, you know, you should be able to, if it's abandonware, or, or completely lost and there's no, you know, honestly, I think that's okay to pirate. I, I don't why would that not be okay? No one has a stake in this anymore. - Yeah. Like. - It's literally history. - Like isn't like PlayStation or Sony shutting down the PS3, PSP and PS Vita stores now? So like, you know, even though, even though like I, you know, I, cause I own, I own a PS Vita. And when I heard that I was like, "Shit. What if there's a game that I want on the PS Vita, "I don't know what it is now", but like, I'm not going to be able to obtain it. It's just lost media now. And if you're not going to make it readily available, then someone's going to archive this, you know? And I, it's, it's, it's a, it's a gray area, but I feel like there is, you know, there, there is a reason why people do want to pirate and do want to like archive this stuff. You know I mean. - There's definitely a, like, it's not a matter of like, "Oh, there's no excuse to pirate" when it's like, "No, there really is an excuse to pirate" because it's literally the only way I'll ever be able to get a hand on it. Right? - I mean, it's like, if you, you would get someone who gets into your product who never would have been able to, and never would have had a chance to. Right? And again with this live stream, it's like, why is this live stream only in some countries? Like, is it because they're perhaps showing scenes from the anime? Is it probably a license? Ah, probably is actually. - It's probably a licensing thing, but still it's like. - It's a live stream, you know? I mean, it's not like you can't get it in every country. - I mean, I mean, I feel like that kind of mentality just hasn't adapted to just how the internet works and just how the community works now in 2021 or even fucking 2010. - [Connor] 'Cause all the laws are just completely outdated and copyright law is just fucked. - All laws are completely outdated because they are all laws that are made for like television broadcasts and stuff like that, right? - Especially in Japan. - Yeah. Especially in Japan. It just wasn't designed. - I mean, we don't even have fair use laws here, which is ridiculous. - Well, I mean, it's. I feel like at least in the US there is a mentality of, okay, well technically, you know, live streaming a game and not paying the, the, you know, for a license to do that. It's technically, you know, legally speaking, you're not allowed to do that. But all the US companies just kind of agreed, it's beneficial, let them do it. But I feel like that kinda thing doesn't really happen. There's not a, there's not really a thing of it's beneficial, so let them do it. You know, it's just another, you know, it's like when you get events like this, you're just reminded that, you know, you're another one of those anime fans being a westerner that yeah. They don't care about you. - I mean, I mean, I feel like the mentality is slowly. I mean, it took this long for it to change with like Western companies so God knows how long it's going to change with Japanese companies. - It is changing at a fucking snail's pace, that's for sure. - I mean, I like, I would say at least Japanese companies know that we exist now. That's, that's, that's the biggest difference, right? Because imagine like five years ago where they had a American or they had like an English site to promote a Japanese live stream. You know we, we are taking very small steps. - We've gone from snail mail to dial up email. - Yeah. - It's been it's, it's interesting because it's almost similar to how Japanese games are brought over here. Right, like. Here? I'm in Japan. - To the west. - Yeah Japanese games were brought to the west, but I feel like the, the whole way the gaming industry has gone. It's like, it's like decades ahead of where the anime is at. And I wonder if that's because they kind of grew at the same time, like the culture of gaming in America was its own thing. And the culture of gaming in Japan was its own thing. And they kind of grew together benefiting each other, like they send games to each other. And I wonder if that's, if that's the reason why that industry went so fast and why sometimes people can't even tell if a game is from Japan. - Yeah. I think it's also because like, yeah, like American games now, like now they're making games in America and in Europe. Whereas like, I feel the anime industry won't do that until we get dedicated people who are making it in America, making it in Europe. - 'Cause. I, I guess when maybe when the Japanese businessman in like the eighties or nineties were making video games, they were like, "Oh yeah, there's tons of gaming in the US. Let's go "Send our products over there". Whereas it's like, "Oh, there's no anime there. Let's not, "Let's not bother doing anything". - I would also say that from my perspective, I feel like the anime industry has always been like, in my opinion like, kind of like 10 years or so behind the gaming industry. - I feel like 20 sometimes now. - 10 to 20 years in terms of the popularity and how, you know, how, how big the industry is. - Right, right. - Because I like, gaming right now is probably the most mainstream medium, entertainment medium there is now, right? - Gamers? Sorry. - I mean, I mean. - Rise up. - Gaming makes more than movies now, right? - Yeah. - So gaming right now. - Well 'cause you can't put microtransactions in a fucking movie. (Garnt laughs) - That's true. That's true. - You can't roll for your gacha in the middle of "Parasite", you know what I mean? - Would you like to watch the rest of this movie? $5 please. - But like, I would say like within our lifetime, we've seen gaming. We've seen gamers rise up (hosts laughing) to become, the most biggest entertainment medium in the world now, right? - When are weebs gonna rise up man? - It used to be used to be movies. Now do I think anime is going to become as big as gaming? No, but I would say that anime right now is also rising up. Weebs rise up. - It's on its way. It's on its way. - It's on its way. It's getting more popular. - But then isn't it weird though, that I feel like all the money the weebs have is being siphoned off in anime games. - Yeah. That is true. - I bet - Anime games and Vtubers. - I bet, I bet weebs spend way more on anime games than they do on anime merch and anime. - Oh, 100%. - 100% - 100% - So all the weeb stuff. All the weeb money, there're just going in the fucking games. - It's going to the gaming industry. - It's going to the gaming industry. (hosts laughing) It all comes back to the games. I mean, I feel like, probably if, if, if you, if you interviewed like the average anime fan, like not, not, not the average anime fan, the average weeb I would say, the average person in the weeb culture. They probably spend more money on like games or like VTubers than they do on an actual like anime. - Like a figurine or a manga or something like that. - Yeah. - Yeah. No, absolutely. 100%. - It's, it's weird how that, that's just the way weebs work, but that's, that's what I felt. That's what I feel weebs put most of their money into. Maybe like, maybe in 2020, maybe it's because there haven't been like anime conventions or things, other things they can buy. But I would say that the more I watch anime, the less I buy like figurines and stuff like that, you know? Did you, do you feel like, I mean, you're a hardcore JoJo fan, right? So you, you, you put a lot of your money into JoJo merch. - Yeah invest in JoJo stock. - Yeah, but now, but now, you look for like the most exclusive stuff, right? You don't just buy like the cheap casual thing. - No I don't, if the figure is under like 50 bucks, I'm like, "I'm not interested". I'm like that's peasant stuff, get that out of here. 'Cause those figures are also cheap. And also when you realize that you start collecting a lot of figures, the one thing that becomes more valuable than the figures is the room they take up. - Yeah. - So then you're like, "All right now I have to decide "which figures are worthy of the display". - Yeah. So I'm like slowly starting to do that too with like exclusively paintings or like limited merch items and stuff like that. - I'm sure that sounds so fucking uh. - It sounds so fucking. - I'm so wealthy. - Yes, I'm an art collector. - But it's like, you know, when you do you, when you do start collecting figures and you start getting a lot you're like, "You know this $5 Goku figure, you know, I kinda can't argue, it deserves the same spot as his $200 hand sculpted Rem fucking like DNA engraved, you know, thing. - Like not, not even figurines though, but like every, anytime I go to an anime convention or stuff like that, I'd much rather buy shit from the Artist Alley and things that independent artists are doing. Because, most of the time they make cooler stuff than the official figures most of the time. Or the official merchandise, it's just like, I don't understand people who go to anime conventions and they buy buttons. To me, buttons, buttons are the stickers for me, right? - Like the metallic ones right? Right yeah. - I hate buttons man. - Japan is fucking obsessed with those. - I know. I know. - Yeah. Yeah. - Why? - Whenever I go to like a pop-up shop for like, you, you hear, you hear an announcement where, oh, there's a pop-up shop for like X anime series or Y anime series. And I remember the first few times I thought, "Wow, cool. They got exclusive merch there". And it's like, 90% of them are just buttons. And to me, like buttons are the merch you buy when you don't, when you can't commit to buying an actual merchandise. (hosts laughing) That's what buttons are to me. - It's when you have that chump change in your pocket and go, "I can pay for this yeah". - Yeah it's like the equivalent of, you know, when you go abroad and you're like, "Oh, I guess I gotta buy a souvenir, right?" You go to Paris and you go and you go like, "Ah, I guess I gotta buy like a "fucking Eiffel Tower key ring." - Yeah. It's literally the equivalent of like, I was here. It's like I was at that pop-up store, here is physical proof that I was at that pop-up store, a 500 yen shitty like can, like tin can thing. - Yeah. - But then they gatchafy it so you can't even buy the one you want. You have to buy like 500 fucking buttons until you get the one you want. - There are people though that I see that have, you know like. - Oh, the whole bags. - Their entire bag or their entire like, denim jacket or whatever. It's just like covered in them. And they just, they sound like a fucking festival. - Why would you put a bunch of barnacles on your clothes as far as I'm concerned, right? That's what, that's what it looks like. It looks like it looks ugly. (hosts laughing) It's ugly, and I won't stand for it. - Yeah. No, people like it man, I don't know what to say. - One thing, one thing about the JoJo event though, that I wish that I wish that anime did have more of these kinds of events. 'Cause I will say like one thing that always makes me jealous as an anime fan from watching, you know, the gaming community, is that having this live event where they have like a load of things announced at once, right? Like I've always been. - Oh you want an E3 of anime? - I kind of do. (Connor laughs) - I would love the presentations. - Like honestly. - Check this out. - Honestly, half the fun of E3 is just feeling like it's, it's just like what feeling like you're part of a community and just watching it and just reacting to it, right? 'Cause like, 'cause like to me, like the closest thing anime has is like the Anime Awards, right? But we don't really have any like, what? (Connor laughing) - Just the mental image right? - Just the thought of just of some guy coming up like, "Guys I'm proud to announce, "Incest the Anime". "Me, me and the team at Incest Anime "have worked really hard", like - This time, this time in 8K. - Most anime I do not want to know the thought process as to why this came to be. And I do not want to, - Do you want, do you want? - I do not want some 50 year old man telling me why he thinks this 12 year old girl should fuck this 20 year old man, I don't want that. I don't want to see a presentation of that. That is the last thing I want. And I also. (hosts laughing) - We hear you. Guys, we hear you. You guys want more sister-fucking right? - Last time we heard that the plot got in the way of the incest. So we decided to just go to Bang Bros. - We upgraded that. - Guys, we hear you. You want another isekai. - I just imagined it like, check this out. The fucking PornHub, the fucking thing plays. (Connor mimics PornHub's beat) (hosts laughing) Oh my gosh. - But do you like care about most of the games that get announced, - No. - Like you know, you wait for that one JoJo part six announcement, you wait for. I don't know what, what else? - I think that we should get more live events to announce anime just for the hype factor. Like it makes sense. - No, no, no. That's what I miss. I want, I like the hype factor in that the gaming community have, you know, it's, I, I feel like it's, it adds to this community aspect and it adds to the fun. - I mean, Japan kind of has that already. - [Connor] Do they? - Yeah on Niconico, they have this event called SUZUKIMI, which I did the English version of at AX last time. But yeah, it's, it's literally like a live event where they get a bunch of like voice actors and hosts to announce the next season of anime. - Maybe they should subtitle this. (hosts laughing) Maybe you could subtitle it. - Like imagine how hype it would be when you like you hear like a "Chainsaw Man" adaptation is instead of seeing it on Twitter, right? You have this event where you're like, "Oh, it's fucking", you know, it's the next. - The teaser trailer. Right. - Yeah yeah the teaser trailer where you're like, Oh, is this "Chainsaw Man"? Is this like, "Jujutsu Kaisen" before they just got animated. You know like. - Like they just play like scenes of the anime like, "YEAAH!" - "YOOO!" - There are some manga series I know people are waiting for like imagine like one day "Vagabond" gets announced or some shit like that. I would, I'd lose my shit, you know, I think it would be cool if anime had this kind of event where we just announced a bunch of new anime getting, getting adapted. - Why, we should do that. (hosts laughing) Honestly, like we're saying this idea. I'm just like, no one's going to do it. - Anime companies reach out to us. - Yeah please we'll do it. - It's just feels hard being an anime fan you know? Fuck we just, we spend, we spend a fuckton of money. We get, we get beat down on, you know. Fuck man, it's hard when you're not Japanese. - This episode is sponsored by Honey. - [Joey] We all shop online and we've all seen that promo code field taunt us at the checkout. But thanks to Honey, manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past. Honey is the free shopping tool that scours the internet for promo codes and applies to the best ones that finds to your cart. Honey supports over 30,000 stores online. They range from sites that have taken gaming products to popular fashion brands and even food delivery. Did you know where that boys? - Damn. - Here's how it works. Imagine you're shopping on one of your favorite sites. 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Back to the episode. - It's like people watching award shows, right? Because, okay, here's the thing. Nobody actually watches an award show to like, see who wins or to like congratulate the winners. We watch it to get salty and to feel like we're part of a conversation. - Like a sporting event? - Yeah, yeah. Yeah it is kinda like a sporting event for like entertainment, right? I mean, that's, that's why people watch, you know, the Anime Awards, the Gaming Awards and also like the Oscars as well, which apparently just aired yesterday. (Joey laughs) Nobody watched. - At the time of recording. - At the time of recording. - I didn't know it aired until the day after I was like, "Dude the Oscars aired?" No one said anything. - I only knew about it because I saw a tweet of some guy who like put down a list of the past 10 years worth of like viewers. And apparently it was like the lowest in, I think ever. - I think it had halved in one year, but that's also because we didn't really have any big theatrical releases this year. - I mean we really didn't really have any movies in 2020. - Most movies went to HBO Max or Netflix or whatever. And also I feel that I didn't realize now until this year. Oh my God, all those ads that these movies pay for and all the, like the promotional tools and whatnot really do work. 'Cause I don't know anything about movies unless they're doing these like promotional tours. - Yeah. Yeah, same here. - Like I haven't heard, I haven't heard of like a single really big movie that came out in 2020, obviously because. - I only know about the Snyder cut because that was like a meme because it was four hours long. - The Snyder cut was probably the biggest kind of movie. - That was a re-release. - I think the only movie I watched last year, not even in cinemas, but like afterwards was "Tenet". - Oh yeah I watched "Tenet" in theaters. That's really good. - I didn't even watch that. - So fucking good. - I know. I heard so many people saying, "Yeah, it was great". - It's the most Nolan movie you can ever imagine. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. It's very much. - I'm okay with that. - It's almost as if "South Park" wrote a parody of a Christopher Nolan film and then they made it. - Like, do you know what the main character is called? - Ah, tell me. - He's called the Protagonist. - No. Yeah. Yeah. - I shit you not, the main character is just called the Protagonist. He doesn't have a name. He's called the Protagonist, like a fucking Nishio Ishin hole. - Dude, the fucking, even if the story is kind of dumb, like the visuals in that movie are so fucking cool. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - It's so good. And also Robert Patterson, I fucking love, I think he's an amazing actor. I will watch anything's he's in. - Oh yeah, he's fucking great. - 'Cause I feel like watching "Tenet" and I was just like, Nolan's obviously just given up on the script. He just has a lot of cool ideas for visuals and the visuals were fucking cool, but I pay attention to the plot and the character for a second. And I'm just like, "What the fuck is going on right now?", you know? - Watching it in the movies was like so exhausting. It was literally that I was posing like this. So it's backwards in time. Okay. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's fun. It was one of those movies that I couldn't imagine watching at home. I feel like the big screen helped. - I watched it at home. - Bro. - It took me like, it took me, it took me two times to watch because the first time I just got really, really bored in the first half. - What? - In the first half. Right? Because the first half is all plot. Right? - They had us in the first half. - 'Cause like, I was like, I'm not following what's going on. I really don't care about. - I'm like, I sleep until Robert Patterson comes on and like, I'm paying attention. All right, what's up? He's so good. I love him in everything. - He's a fantastic guy. - He's so fucking good. Have you watched "The Lighthouse"? - Yeah. I've seen that. - I love "The Lighthouse". - What's "The Lighthouse"? - It's a movie with him and who's the guy played Jesus Christ? Um fuck, what is his name? I, - William DaFoe. - Ryuk. Who can forget his famous reel of Ryuk in "Death Note" live-action. - The famous four lines he said in that movie. - Yeah William DaFoe is a fucking amazing actor and they're both in it and they're both going crazy. It's fucking amazing. I won't spoil it. Go and watch it. It's kind of an artsy film, but it's really good. It's really, really good. You should watch it. How many films do you watch? Not many. Maybe, - You probably go to the cinemas though the most out of all of us though, right? - Yeah. But I don't care what I watched at the movies. I'm just like. - How do you not care about what you watch? - It is a stimulus in my eyes. - Well, we'll come back to the Oscars. We'll talk about that. But yeah. Okay. Because I enjoy just the experience of the theater. I like the, I like the popcorn. I like the fact that I can, so I can ignore my phone. - So how often did you watch films at home? - Ohh. Never. - Yeah, because you're mostly just like a Netflix - Netflix, - Kinda guy. Because I'm like, I'm the complete opposite. I only go to the cinemas if I know there's a banger film I need to watch. If not I'm just like, I just watch it at home. - Yeah. - Pre, pre-Rona. I was going like maybe once a week, maybe once every two weeks, - [Joey] Damn. - because it was just like, there's always something on and they would always do reruns. So I, I watched in Japan, I watched "The Shawshank Redemption". - In cinemas? - In cinemas. Isn't that weird? - Why don't we just not watch that at home? - I just, why not? I never got to watch it at the big screen. Let's go and have a look. The best film of all time according to IMDB. Why would I not want to experience it on the big screen? - I mean it's a great film. Don't get me wrong. - It's a fantastic film. - But you can also watch it. - I also don't feel bad if I want to go and get more, you know, drinks and popcorn. I've already seen it like 10 times. Yeah, you know. - So what you're saying is you just want the popcorn. - I really, okay. - You wanna eat popcorn in a big room. - Can you not, can you not eat popcorn at home? - No, not really. I legitimately don't go to the movies, the theater now because they don't sell popcorn in the 'Rona. I don't want to go. - Not because there's a pandemic. Just no popcorn. - Well they're not selling that because of the pandemic. But if they let's say the pandemic was still on, I would very much socially distance. - You can sneak some fucking popcorn in. - I don't want to bring my popcorn. I want their popcorn. - You want the overpriced popcorn, fucking popcorn. - Actually, it's reasonably priced in Japan at least. I do not want to go. I'm sure there's someone out there who agrees. I do not want to go to the fucking cinema if I'm not getting popcorn, it's not it's I just don't want it. - I don't think I've ever bought popcorn in the cinemas. - I'll literally, legitimately go to a restaurant before, I'll be full as fuck. I'll be like gagging at how full I am. And I'll be like, "One large popcorn please." - I don't know what's going on. Ooooh. - I'll literally be dying. I do not care. I have to get popcorn. - What I don't understand, is some people like some of, some of my friends who, you know, we, we go to the movies or we'll go to the cinema and it's at this awkward time of like 1:00 or 1:30. You know? - I'm getting popcorn. - And it's just like, do you eat lunch before? Or do you not eat lunch before? - [Connor] Before, before. - And some people were just like, the popcorn is my lunch. I'm just like, how the fuck is popcorn lunch? - Popcorn is not anything. I'm pretty sure you can't even live off popcorn now. - It's not, it's not a meal. - No. Pretty sure it's negative calories. Am I right? Right. It feels like it. - When you kind of just eating, air right? - One time in Japan, I spilled my popcorn over the floor and I think that ruined the whole movie for me. I think that legitimately made my whole - So did you spill it during the movie or? - What was the movie that you were watching? - Before it started. I don't even know. I can't remember I was just so, I was literally distraught for the first 40 minutes of the film. I was actually just so sad. - Well don't buy popcorn. - I was genuinely when it, when it fell over, you know when you're so sad about something bad happening. - [Garnt] Yeah. - You just sit there for like 10 seconds and just let it soak about how sad you are, you're like. - All around me are. - Yeah, Like you know when you break, like you drop your phone and it smashes you'll go like, "Oh my God". You're like, (Connor exhaling) - You kinda just stare at it, right? You don't even go to pick it up immediately. - You're just so overwhelmed with emotions and sadness that you just stand there. - Yeah no, I get that. - And like I had that moment. - I get that feeling, but not when I drop popcorn. - I mean, I get it. It's, it's whenever I drop any kind of food item or drink item I've just bought. - There's something, I've broken my phone before, I've broken expensive items. And there's something that just hurts so much about dropping food or drink on the floor. It can't be matched. - There's nothing, there's nothing that hurts me more than buying a fresh pint and then like. And then just like immediately dropping it or like upon it just falling off the tray as you're taking it to the table, - I think I'd rather drop my first born child than my popcorn. If I'm completely honest with you. - Mainly 'cause I have Meilyne laughing. - At least you can pick it back up. - You know, the baby can take a hit, you know. I'm pretty sure I took a many hits. My popcorn doesn't take a hit. I can't eat that shit. Right now especially if you pick that up, everyone will look at you. - Yeah, exactly. - As much as I would want to pick up, you know a part of me is like, is the top layer of the popcorn on the floor okay at least? Can I at least scoop some of it back in? - At least it's not directly touching it. - It's like how much of this popcorn has fallen out. - I'm not gonna lie, I want to say that I'm hygienic. But if I see if, if. - [Meilyne] You're not! - Shut the fuck up. If like, let's say. a bunch of nachos fell on the floor, I would be tempted to just be like. - No, not nachos. Nachos is where I draw the line man. I would be tempted to be like, I would be tempted to be like, the bottom layer is cushioned. - Scrape off the top. - Is cushioned. Is cushioned. I will grab the top left. And I would eat that. - No, ugh. And I would eat that. - Like popcorn comes in pieces, right? Because popcorn, you can scrape off the top layer. So you could scrape off the layer. - So you can get the bucket that you have with it. I would put, maybe I would like kind of shuffle some of the top ones back in. If they were, if they were in. - Thought you floated up slightly so. - Yeah, tilt it 40 degree angle and see what I can like scoop back in from the top layer. Nachos for me, it's a little too wet. - Nachos is way too wet. - It's like chili, I spilled chili on the floor. Start grabbing. - Scrape the top layer. (hosts laughing) - Like french fries right? Let's say all the french fries fell on the floor. A part of me would be tempted to be like, you know, the top 40% of these french fries. Perfectly fine. - Yeah. No, no. Of course. - Imma start grabbing them. - Okay 'cause one, okay so there are two factors. - I'm gonna sound so vile to some people. - No, I'm the same. I'm the same. - Okay, there are two factors you need to consider. One, what is the ground? Is it like a clean? - What is the ground? - No no, because if it's like - Carpet. - Clean carpet - Carpet is the worst. - Carpet is the worst because you've got like all shit and like, you got all the dust and shit. If you drop it on the street floor, that's just like, - Game over. - Rest in peace. - That is game over. You have to say goodbye right there. - Wood laminate flooring? Okay. - Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Maybe. - Maybe we can salvage most of this. - Secondly you need to consider, what is the food item that you've just dropped? Right? Is, is it liquid? You know how, how, how viscous is this food item? - You need to get a straw. - Like, like popcorn. It comes in little pieces. You can just, you can just like scoop off the bottom layer and just leave that on the floor and just like it's, it's like the safety layer you have like the bottom layer and then the safety layer, just in case any of anything on the second layer touch the floor. - In case the germs have like made its way up. - Yeah. - Once you drop a chocolate bar on the floor, do you just like pick it up and scrape it off all the dirt? - Chocolate bar. - I'd do that. - Chocolate bar. Honestly it depends like it's, - Get a rinse. - it's a solid piece of food. Right? So it depends on the floor that its touched. - I treat it like an NES cartridge. I just kinda blow on it. Just blow off the dust. It's like, yeah, it's good enough. (hosts laughing) I've got an immune system for a reason. - One week later. We have the 'Rona and what went wrong? - I wouldn't do it now but like during high school, like if I, you know, like dropped a sandwich, for example, right? Like depending on how it landed, like if the sandwich perfectly lands on the ground, that bottom piece of bread, RIP. You'll take everything else. - You're tearing that piece off. Let's be honest right? - I'm taking everything else on top of it. I'm not wasting food, fuck that. - No I kinda like how you suddenly went from, "Yeah, eww. Disgusting." to "Wait, maybe. Wait maybe there's a situation". - I don't want to waste food, man. - The point is I would rather drop my child. TLDR. - TLDR. - TLDR. - I'm pretty sure my parents dropped me. I'm pretty sure I'm, I'm fine. Right? - I don't think there's a single parent who didn't drop their child. Come on now. - This is what, this is why I am terrified of holding a child. I don't think I've actually, I don't think I've, in my 30 years of being alive. I don't think I've properly held a baby in my life. - I've seen people in Japan where they're on their bikes. They have the kid in the carriage behind them and they have the kid in the backpack on them. And I'm like, this is just, this is - [Joey] That's hard mode. - This is an accident waiting to happen. Like it feels sketch as fuck. - Which ever way you fall, you are cushioning. - God Joey. - Just kidding. - I don't know, that's why I never understand. whenever you know, one of my family members has a baby or something and they deadass look me in the eye and go, "Do you want to hold this baby?" And I'm just like, "Why would you trust? "So why would you trust a literal life in my hands?" Like I don't trust myself to hold that. Does this thing come with a fucking instruction manual? Like how do I operate this thing? I don't fucking know. - I always wonder like, like I'm like, how do you, do you like, - You kinda like cup it, isn't it? - Do you kinda like take it from the bottom? - As somebody who has many pictures of me holding babies, I can tell you, It's like, do you take it from the bottom? Or like under the arm? - So you do it like this, you like kind of like rest them like this. - I know how do it now. But like when I was like 14, - Who told you how to do it? I had no one's ever told me how to properly hold a baby. - Just maternal instincts isn't it now? - Trial by fire. - Trial by fire. - Many babies are sacrificed. - I used to grab them by the temple, like this. Realized they didn't like that when I started. - 'Cause I think, I think because like. I, I'm terrified of it because every single time bar none that I've tried to hold a pet, it's tried to wriggle out. And I'm just thinking, "Shit, if this fucking animal was trying to "wriggle out of my grasp, "I do not want to hold a human life in my hands and risk "dropping a human life on the floor." - Babies don't wriggle. They just complain. They're like British people. - I don't think I've ever, I don't think I've ever seen a baby like get held by someone and be like, "Fuck off me". - "What are you doing?" - It's like, "No". - Anyway, back to movies. What were we saying about movies? - The viewership sucked for the Oscars. That was the overall part. But then again like I feel like, I feel like the Oscars just can't win right now. No matter what they do that they're going to lose. Like if they, if they, if they patent it more to or change the demo and focus more on mainstream movies, the movies people are actually watching, I feel like the whole integrity of, you know, the, 'cause you can't, - The artistic integrity. - You can't fucking give 10 Oscars to Fast and Furious like as much as you know, for the fact that, the fact that the Harry Potter movies never got an Oscar for anything. for the whole movie run, I do feel it's a bit of a shame because I do feel during that time, they were just kind of shunned. The fact that they've seen as just mainstream garbage. And I genuinely think that Harry Potter could have won in certain areas, especially like, you know, like set design. Well there was so many times that Harry Potter could have won an Oscar and never did. And I feel like a lot of disdain was built up during that period where, - Well, I mean, I feel like the Oscars just has not aged well as time has gone on because like. - And then they got caught up in the whole, the whole woke culture. Which I felt like when you get into that debate, you've just lost because you're going to upset someone. - Yeah. Because once you get in, once you get into the woke culture debate, then you lose whatever side you go on. You lose whatever - You're gonna make enemies no matter what. - side you pander on or even don't pander on. Or even if you say nothing, you are still losing, you know? And I feel like that was the start of really the decline of the Oscars along with just the fact that, it's all kind of the same. Along with the fact that, the more years I've watched the Oscars or the more years I, 'cause I, I don't even like watch the Oscars that often, but like more years I've watched it the more years I realized, "Man, I just don't know any of these movies". - No you don't. Well, cause I think they had a few years, you know, where there was a lot of artsy films that were winning which, you know, I'm sure they deserve them. But I think as a mainstream viewer, most people fucking don't know what that is. - [Joey] No. - Like what was the, what was that one movie that I, I there's a few, there's been a bunch of movies that just won Best Picture and I'm like, what? - [Garnt] Oh yeah. - Like Parasite was the first movie that won Best Picture that I was like, I know that movie. I've seen that movie. Good movie. But like a bunch of other years I've been like, what? What? What? - Yeah. I mean, I think the problem with the Oscars for me is that even if something wins Best Picture, I mean Parasite was one of the only Best Movie winners where I was actually, - I feel like everyone was happy that it won. - Everyone was happy with that. That was the first thing. When I, when I saw people actually happy, like mostly unanimously be like, "Yeah. Parasite deserves it. It's a fucking great film". Because most of the times when I see a Best Picture winner on the Oscars, I watch it And I'm just like, "Yeah, this is a, this is a very much an Oscar movie". And I can see why it's so highly rated, but I just didn't find it that interesting personally. - This is what happened to, you know, there's an institution that goes on for too long. Right? It's got all these built up, you know, things that they've been doing for years. Like the whole, like if you want to be in the Oscars, you have to do a bunch of dumb shit and, and hold events for the people doing it and basically just pay them. - Pay them out yeah. - Pay them to get considered for it. And that whole shit is dumb. That's not how it should be done at all. I don't think any, I don't think anybody wants a system where to be included in an award show, you have to, there's a, there's a pay to win essentially. I mean, obviously you don't pay to win, but you pay to enter. Which I mean, why not just make it so that the best picture gets nominated for Best Picture? - Yeah, you literally have to like win the hearts of the judge by catering to them, not by making something good, which is like kind of ass backwards. - Yeah. And it says something when I think that like somehow, you know, something like the Crunchyroll Anime Awards is a better system than the Oscars. where they have a mix of like fan vote. And obviously if you do fan vote, you can kind of guess what's gonna happen. - People are still salty. - Right. But I think having that kind of fan vote in the, in the equation to say, "Hey, this is what the fans are thinking". Just letting you know. Just letting you know. - But it's also by making a fan voting system, it gets those fans to actually watch the show. - [Connor] Right it gets them involved. - No, it doesn't. - You don't think so? - No, fans vote for what they watch. They don't vote for every show that's on the list. - No, no but what I'm saying is like they're more inclined to actually watch the awards show, to see who won. If they vote for it, - Definitely, I'd say - More so than like - Yeah more so. - leaving it to an unknown committee of people right? To be like, "This is the best film. No one can argue about it". - I don't know how many judges there are. There's quite a lot. It's like 500 or something. I completely estimated, maybe Ashley can you check how many Oscar judges there are? - Yeah I don't think, is the exact number known? - I'm not sure, but I think having some form of waiting, you know, like 5% by the fan or just something like where the fans can kind of have some form of sway. - Right like the Game Awards, right? I mean, the game, the Game Awards I feel like I don't know the exact number but I feel like it's like 10% is like the fan voted part of the awards. - That seems good to me. That's, why not? - At least we know what everyone else is thinking you know? Even if, 'cause I feel like the Oscars is everything I hate about pretentious Hollywood because it's, it's it's putting these people, it's putting this work on like a fucking pedestal where an award show should be just about you know, celebrating what everyone loved that came out in the year. I mean, it's, it's become like this whole other political message and fucking, - Well yeah and I think that's what happens when the weight of an Oscar becomes what it is. Right? Like you can make your career off winning an Oscar, right? If you win one early on, I imagine your, the amount you just start charging people for your work goes up significantly. So it's understandable why it all comes in, but it's just, it's just, - And that's why I've always enjoyed other kind of award shows like whenever Ricky Gervais hosts the The Golden Globes, that's just like, - That's like rich people get roasted 4K. (hosts laughing) - Like I'd rather, I'd take that any day over the Oscars. - Yeah, absolutely. - That's very good. I do enjoy that. Yeah, because the Oscars is always the same shit it's like, "And now for somebody who worked hard, "there have been struggles and sacrifices, but they worked hard and won the award". and it's like, great. This is like. - As if everybody is not working hard. - You know, you could put all the Oscar speeches into a learning algorithm and I bet it will predict what the next speech will be. - Auto-generated Oscar acceptance speech. - Generally, like it feels like it sometimes like you know, you got fucking Brad because Brad Pitt did the speech for Best Picture. Oh no, it's a Best Actor, I think. Or one of them, I don't remember which one. And. You know, it's like, you have Brad Pitt and then you give him this, napkin-esque McDonald's, you know, McDonald's like commercial speech and it's like. Why not get them to do something fun? Why don't get them to do something that'll get people interested, like actually talk like properly. I don't know. Just, yeah. It's just like, I don't want to fucking watch a McDonald's ad read. - Go on Ashley, how many people were in the Oscar committee? - [Ashley] The academy is made up of more than 9,000 voting members. - Jesus. - All are film-industry professionals. - Wow. - Most are US-based. And almost half are active filmmakers. - So roughly 10,000 people. - That is a lot of people. - I do also think if there is 9,000 people here and judging who are from the film industry, that's also, also kind of a problem in itself. So the people who are working in the industry are the ones who had decided the votes. - Because I guarantee none of them are like film critics or anything like that. Right? - I mean, yeah, exactly. - I mean there might be film critics. - Maybe. - But I mean, if there's people who are working on the films that are voting, I think that's a problem. - That's a bit of a bias happening right? - A little bit you know? Obviously you might not, I don't know what the rules are, - I mean to me, there is no perfect system for like an award show right but. - Either way, the way it is now isn't working, clearly. - Either way, the way it is now is just not capturing the public's like, interests. - Interests. - Interests. - Also, why isn't it being live streamed? Come on, Oscars. We're in the fucking 21st century, live stream this shit. - How do people watch the Oscars? Is it pay-per-view? - It's on like US TV. - It's on TV. - Why is it not on fucking YouTube or Twitch? Come on. I want to PogChamp with the fucking, could you imagine. Best, Best Supporting Actor, And it's just MonkaS right before it gets announced. You know? Like, - Pog! - I want that, you know, like Best Actor Shrek wins the Oscar, just fucking like Shrek pogs in the chat. Like, this would be fun as fuck. Like what are you doing? This is great. This is how you get people into it. Like if you could, if you could do channel points like gambling, 'cause you can do gamble, right? Like I can do, I can do, "Mods mods, do this thing on my stream". Right. "But do this prediction". Like imagine if you can do that. - I bet so-and-so is going to win. Yeah. - Right when they're announcing the nomination, boom, the prediction comes in, press your channel points. You know what I mean? This is like, why? - I mean, I feel like this is why the Game Awards is just so much more fun to me to watch as like a viewer than any kind of film, film award show or other kind of award show. - Absolutely. - You can still stick all the sponsors in. You can, you can fluff the viewership numbers. 'Cause they'll definitely be higher. You can, you can do so much more like it just to me it's like, yeah. I mean, it's just the whole system of just old systems in place that, you know, have to answer to it and all this nonsense. - Yeah. Just not bothering to change the system. - Yeah. I mean, to me, the Oscars has always been that thing where it's just been on in the background and people have talked about it, but I'm just like, "Yeah, I mean". - When was the last time you cared about who won an Oscar? - I don't even remember. I don't even fucking remember. - "Shrek". "Shrek" winning Best Animated. - I don't even remember the last time I sat down to watch the Oscars or the Grammys or anything like that. - Well you can't. Where the fuck do you watch it? You're you're not American. - I mean, you can watch it like back in Australia, but not here anymore. - I didn't even know where to watch it in the UK. - When was the last time you cared about a winner because I feel like before "Parasite", I can't even, I can't. - Shrek. Shrek winning Best Animated Picture. - I think the last time I cared, - Did it actually? - Yeah it did. "Shrek" won. - Well no okay. Best Animated Picture. I feel like that's a, it's either going to be "Shrek" or, - There's always Disney or, - It's going to be either Disney or "Shrek". Like wake, wake me when an anime actually wins Best Animated Picture. - Well, "Spirited Away" won right? - Yeah that's the only time an anime. - That's the only time that's probably the last time I cared about it. And that was like 2006 or something like that. - I think that was 2002 or something. - Was it? - Surprised, "Your Name" didn't win anything. - It got nominated though. - Did it get nominated? - It did get nominated, but it obviously didn't win. - Yeah. - This is so sad. Imagine this, PepeHands. (hosts laughing) They would have lost you know? - Yeah I mean like the anime, anime has always just been fluffed by the Oscars. No matter what. I mean, wasn't it the one year that "Boss Baby" got nominated over "A Silent Voice" - Yeah it did. - or something like that. - Let's go. - I think as well, I heard that like the only reason why "Spirited Away" won is because like one of the head people at Pixar, like really, personally vouched for it. - Yeah. I mean, I mean. - They also, it got dubbed by Disney. - Yeah yeah. - Ghibli is the only thing that's been noticed by, no yeah, Ghibli's been the only thing that's been noticed by Disney. And, - Well because they certainly went, "Holy shit. This is better animated than "all of out stuff. What the fuck? What's going on?" - Holy shit. These guys are still doing 2D animation? - Yeah, what the fuck? - That's fucking dedication right there. - Yeah exactly. - TLDR, nobody cares about the Oscars anymore. Till they live stream it and I can do MonkaS. - Live stream it, then put me on in a week. - Honestly, honestly I'd watch because then people will be like, if they let people like live stream it as well and watch it live, man, their viewer numbers would be massive. - Yeah. - Yeah. And maybe that'll get me to watch more films as well. - Yeah, exactly. - I do, I do want to watch more films. It's been weird seeing films released online on like HBO max - I do not like it - and stuff like that. Right? - Yeah. I think it's, it's just reaffirmed for me that I just love the movie theater and I love the experience and that I hope that it never goes away. - No it's great. Like I love going to it, but it's like, I'm not like you where I can just watch anything. Like it needs to be a movie that I want to watch. - I just enjoy the atmosphere much that I will go and watch anything. - I feel like there are some movies that I would prefer to watch in movie theaters than others. - "Tenet" - Like, sorry? - "Tenet" - "Tenet" maybe actually, I feel like that would have been cool in the movie theaters, but I'd like any action flick. I feel like it would be better in movie theaters. - 100%. Yeah. - Like I feel like I missed out on something, not watching John Wick. - Well those fucking car scenes in "Tenet" where they're like going back in time and zooming forward. It was so good in the theater. It was amazing. So good. - I need to watch it this week. - It's so good dude, you do. - It's it's good. Just, just for the visuals and just because it's by far one of the most visually interesting, interesting like films I've ever seen. - Super interesting. But yeah. I mean, I want to watch more movies. I, I just, I just really can't watch movies at home because I, I put it on, I see that fucking two hour thing counting down. I'm like, "That's a long time". "That's a long time to focus, damn". - To me, to me, - Spend an hour and a half watching YouTube videos, like no questions asked. - To me it's, I don't know some, something about a movie and it's, it's the commitment. Like once I've put some movie on I'll, I'll fucking watch it, but it's, it's bringing myself to, it's willing myself to even put that movie on in the first place that I find trouble with. - Yeah. I'm like, I think to myself, I'm like, all right, I can watch this movie. It's like an hour and a half. But at the same time, I could also watch like three 30 minutes YouTube videos that I wanted to watch as well, you know? I could do that. I think I might prefer that. - I could just watch random YouTube videos for an hour and a half that I don't really care about. - I could watch like 300 20 second meme clips on YouTube. - True, true. I've been doing a lot of that recently. Oh my God. - I mean, that's, that's all, that's been coming up on my recommended. - I don't know what's going on with YouTube recently, but they just stopped recommending YouTube videos and started recommending like YouTube shitposts. It's like Twitter videos. - Yeah legit. It's so weird. - If I get a recommendation nowadays and it's like above a minute, I'm like, "Oh, this must be a fucking special video". Oh, okay. - What was the one we watched before we start recording? - The Chonk Chart. - The Chonk Chart. - That's my, that's my favorite video. It's been recommended recently. - That is brilliant. - But now it's gotten to the point now, where like, even all the comment sections can all agree on what, like everyone is, everyone's got recommended the same playlist 'cause everyone's quoting the same videos, even though they're like, they're quoting a different video on a different meme video. And everyone gets a reference, even though it's not on any kind of playlist or anything like that. - Yeah. - Well it's like people watch two hours of Trash Taste and not, and they'll be like, "No movie for me. Two hour Trash Taste podcast. Let's go". It's like, Oh wow. Okay. Thank you. I'm honored. - Yeah. Thanks. - Did you guys used to watch more movies back in the day? - A hundred percent. Yeah. - Yeah. When I was like 15, I loved it. But that was when you discover like that you can watch things online. So you can tell me, I can watch any movie I want by just typing the name into Google. What the fuck? Are you for real? That was like a massive revelation in my life. I was like, Oh my God. - Did you guys through go through that IMDB top 100 movie phase? - Oh yeah. 100%. - Oh no, top 250 movie phase. - Yeah. - Right. - You know what the first movie ever I've watched illegally was? - What? - It was the Hannah Montana movie. - How'd you remember this? - I just remember that was when I discovered that you could watch it. - Is that the one where it's like the best of both worlds. - I think so. I don't know what it was, but I remember, - It's like the one she was on tour or some shit. - Yeah, there was like a dance to it as well. - Yeah yeah. - 'Cause I remember, I remember that someone kept walking up and getting up in front of the camera for the movie. (hosts laughing) - Oh it's one of those, right right. - So here's the thing, right? This is like the more you get older, the more you have money that your, your tolerance for the quality. So when you first, when you're like 12, you will watch anything for some reason. You're like, people standing up in front of the camera, shaky cam quality. No problem. I'll watch it. The moment you get it like a HD DVD rip. You're like, I can't go back. - It's like, 480p. Unacceptable. - Why isn't this shaking? Why is there no artifacts? Why is no one standing up in front of the camera? What's going on? You know? - Yeah, to me, - Sorry I just remembered. - Yeah to me it was always like the ripped DVDs that I, that sellers and Thailand would just sell. So we'd have like little shops where you'd have like just DVD cases. - They still do that there though right? - They still do that now right. This episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by LiquidIV. - [Connor] When you push your body hard or just feel run down, it's extremely important to stay hydrated. Making hydration a priority helps us feel healthier on a day-to-day basis. And luckily with just one stick of LiquidIV and 16 ounces of water, you get two to three times the amount of hydration as plain water got. - [Garnt] I love hydration. - What? - You know sometimes, I get a little hung over. And when I say sometimes, I mean a lot. (hosts laughing) And what helps me get through the hangover is LiquidIV. Unironically, I literally drank it this weekend 'cause I was hung over. - My personal favorite flavor is actually the lemon lime flavor. - Really? Mine's actually the passion fruit flavor. - Damn, good choice Joey. - [Connor] Did you also know that LiquidIV can provide two to three times more hydration than water alone, containing five essential vitamins, more vitamin C than an average orange and as much potassium as a banana and also healthier than sugary sports drinks, no artificial flavors or preservatives and less sugar than an apple. Made with clean ingredients, non GMO, vegan and free of gluten, dairy and soy. - Damn. That's a lot of hydration. - So grab your LiquidIV in bulk nationwide at Costco, or you can get 25% off when you go to www.liquidiv.com and use code trashtaste at checkout. That's 25% off anything you order when you get better hydration today using promo code trashtaste at www.liquidiv.com. - Thank you very much LiquidIV for sponsoring this episode. Back to the video. - I mean that's pretty from the internet speeds there in Thailand, right? Are they fast in Thailand? Does everyone have access to internet in Thailand? - I mean, internet speed in Thailand are like faster than some of them, some of what I get in the UK, at least for uploads. - Really? I mean, I mean, yeah. I mean like upload speeds in the UK sucks and most people won't. - For some reason we, we've been really cucked on the internet speeds. - I mean download, completely fine, But like upload you get like 20 max, isn't it like, - Don't talk to me until you went to Australia. 20 was like fucking luxury in Australia. - It's just, it's just weird seeing that like, I was paying you know, $70 a month in London, but promised a hundred megabytes down and six megabytes up. I never got more than three up. I never got more than 60 down. - Dude, I paid 60 bucks a month for 0.3 up. But you live in a prison. So that's like, - We still have copper wire. It's ridiculous. In like 2020, we have copper wire. - Like I, I, no joke because when, when, whenever I like lived in the UK, I would be, you know, I remember being a YouTuber, being a YouTuber you'd have to pay for like the most expensive internet available. So I'm like, okay, who's, who's the most fastest internet provider? And at a time it was Virgin Media. - Fucking awful. - Yeah. And the best that they could provide is like 20 up. And when they say 20 up, it's really like 10 up in like the quieter times in the, quieter times in the day. And then I, I would like, - And it's like fucking $200. - Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Right. And then I remember living in the UK before, like before, like I had more American friends, I'd see like screenshots of people on Twitter being like a hundred up, a hundred down. And I'm just like, this is obviously Photoshopped. There's no way. There's no way. - That is a fucking lie and I won't stand for it. - There's no way people get this upload speed on any kind of internet. - It's just tragic. In like places like Europe, you can have, your neighbor could have like one gigabyte upload and down. And just because the wire stops at his house, you, you and you're his neighbor, you won't have it. You have copper. I just, I just couldn't imagine not living in Japan with this God-tier internet that never breaks. Nothing ever bad happens. - You say God-tier internet. I have shit internet compared to you. - Bro my internet is just like, Jesus came down and fucking blessed my router. - Wait, what do you have? - au. - au? - Yeah. - What speeds are you getting? - One gig down like 400 megabytes up. - I'm getting 70 down, 70 up at most on wire. - Really? - Yeah, for some reason, my apartment's like semi-new but even then they, they apparently can only do like copper, I think. Or like some really outdated system. - Because I'm on WiFi and I get 500 up, 500 down. - What the fuck am I on? - I don't know what they gave you Garnt. 'Cause I upload like nearly like half a terabyte of files every week. And that would actually just be impossible on my old internet. - Oh yeah, absolutely. - So like right now it's like, oh, that that video I just filmed was 150 gigabytes. Oh no worries. It'll take four hours to upload you know, it's like whatever it's crazy. Like this podcast I upload every, every day after we film it and it's like 300 gigabytes of video files. And uploads overnight while I'm sleeping and I wake up, my PC is on. It's all done. It's good. - Meanwhile back in Australia it's like, 800 meg file. Give it eight hours. Yeah. It'll be done by the morning. - Exactly it's ridiculous. - It's fucking tragic. - But yeah. I mean, I really appreciate it. Back to the whole, watching shitty quality stuff. I recently watched "Chernobyl" and I wanted to watch it, you know, in high quality because I just, - You can actually. - Yeah. You can buy it on YouTube. That's how I watched it. - That's how you watched it? I watched it on Amazon Prime and I had to pay every episode individually. - Oh no. - Yeah. I had to do that as well actually. - But this is, this is how done I am with not watching stuff in like high quality that I would rather pay I think it was like $3 an episode and it offered me, did you want to pay a $1.50 for standard definition or for $4 for HD? I think you should be shot as a company, whoever is in charge of the decision deserves to be shot. Right. Okay. I'm joking. That's terrible. That is a joke by the way - For legal reasons, it is a joke. - This is a joke, obviously. I'm just exaggerating. Who, who on Earth is willing to spend like $1.50 for standard definition, but not the extra dollar. It is so scummy of these companies to do. Why would you downgrade the, like, this is what I hate. If you have a product and then you downgrade it and sell it on purpose. Like, no. No. - Well, what I, what I wonder is like, they obviously know no one's going to buy the standard definition because if you're buying, if you're willing to buy standard definition, then you're going to be the type of person who's probably going to find other ways to watch it rather than watch it in standard definition. - It just makes me irrationally angry. Yeah. Like I was, I was very much happy to pay the 15 bucks to watch this whole series. It was really good. But I just hate the fact that one, it made me pay for every episode individually. And I guess in some weird way, give me a package deal. Give me something. - I think it's for the people who are like, oh, I watched two episodes. Don't want to watch them. - There should be some kind of package deal for it. - Yeah, of course. - Seasonal TV show right? - Yeah. I'm like, I think, I remember I rented, no idea why I did this because again, I don't know why I just can't be bothered of doing the whole dance of some, watch something online, spend two hours trying to find a link that, that doesn't give you viruses. I don't want to deal with that shit anymore. Like it's just, it's too stressful. And the, watching movies is already hard enough as it is. I'm not, I'm not doing this. I'm not doing this dance anymore. I refuse. I think I watched "Borat" on YouTube. - Wait, really? - You watched "Borat" on YouTube? - I rented "Borat" on YouTube because for some reason I wanted to watch it again because I wanted to, I didn't know. - I don't think I've ever rented a movie on YouTube. - Don't, it was awful. - Really? - Because for some reason when I rented it, I was like, great. It was only in like 480p, on YouTube. - Really? - Is, is that because it's an older movie? - No I'm pretty sure that "Borat" is at least in like fucking 720 or 1080. - I'd like to think so. - Like, I'm pretty sure it wasn't in 480. I was like, "What is this? What is this?" I don't remember looking at this shit. - Did you, did you rent the standard version? - No, there was only one choice. It was like three bucks. - Yeah there's only one choice, standard definition. - And then also, I just found it really interesting, that YouTube actually tells you how many views the movie has. - Oh really? - And it had like 20. On YouTube. - It might not have been legit in that case. - No it was definitely like legit. - [Joey] Really? - Like it was legit and it was just weird because I was like, "This is so strange". - Yeah. I've, I've been well, I've been watching a lot of films on YouTube here in Japan, because I find like, if there's a film that's not on Netflix or something or Amazon here, it's normally on Japanese YouTube. I don't know why. It's like, I started, I started watching "The Wire" on YouTube because, - Are you paying for it all? You paying for it all, like one by one? - No I'm paying like season by season. But like it, because I tried to watch "The Wire" in the UK and it just was not available on like any platform that I was subscribed to basically, if it's not on Netflix and it's not an Amazon Prime, I'm probably not going to watch it, right? But I feel like here in Japan, YouTube is like the golden child. There was so many films here on YouTube, so many TV series that are blocked off when you're in like, western countries. So yeah if you're in Japan, use YouTube, there's a lot on YouTube. - I feel like I'm repaying my debts as a teen. You know what I mean? Just paying for all these movies. - Punished with the standard definition. - I sit there as I ordered my 300 yen "Borat", SD quality, 480p thinking, old Connor would have, would have gone online and found an HD version today. No, here you go movie, billion dollar movie companies. Here's three bucks. - But alas, I don't have two hours to kill, to find it. I'm going to have to deal with this. - I just, I just don't care anymore. I've just like, I, I, yeah, I dunno. I, I value my time too much now. I'm so busy now that the thought of spending 10 minutes to try to find a link. If I get to the five minute mark, I'm about to give up. I'm like, "No, I'm not watching it". You've lost. You've lost. - But like 10 years ago it'd be like, day seven. Still, - I'd be like, "Maybe it's my location". Changes VPN to other countries to try and get a different Google search. You know what I mean? Like I would do whatever it took. Like I remember I tried to watch the, the documentary about Pepe and I just, it was fucking, I couldn't even find a place to buy it. Like it was - Really? fucking impossible to try to find this movie to watch it. - Were you in the generation where you, where people are watching things on Megaupload? - Yeah yeah. - Yeah yeah. - Do you remember, do you remember the dance you had to do with the 72 minutes time limits? So for anyone to anyone too young to know, so for anyone to anyone too young to know, they used to be the site called Megaupload, right. Where people would upload, you know, full TV series and full movies on it. Now, most movies they're on time. It's normally like at least an hour and a half, right. - A hundred minutes. - Like a hundred, like a hundred minutes. So Megaupload for a free account had a time limit of 72 minutes. And for every 72 minutes you watch, you had to wait 72 minutes to watch the, to watch it again. Right. - Such a dick move yet, amazing marketing choice. - Oh my God. - It was such a dick move. - Like I don't know, was it because it was the only site that was available for people? - It was one of the only file sites that was like, "Welcome everything. "Come on. Put anything you want on here." - Yeah. And I remember, I remember back in the day when it, 'cause this was when I was still in university. So I think back, back when Megaupload was popular, I don't think VPNs were as popular. Right? - No. - Because VPN would be like the easy answer to this nowadays. Right. And I remember feeling like I was like, so fucking five head where, where, what I would do is our university had like a private network that we would connect to, to upload like our files or upload our projects and stuff like that. And so what I would do is I would watch the 72 minutes, then I would connect to the, to the, to the university internet and start uploading on there, - Was it like the edgy room? Was it the edgy room? - Something like that. Right. And then that worked great until I did something stupid. I started blabbing my mouth about it. (hosts groaning) So unfortunately I lived in a shared house. So this 72 minute, the 72 minute limit became like five minutes where everyone in our house started watching Megaupload and you use like the same network and use the same, same IP address. - Oh, rookie mistake. - And yeah, that was, and then I realized it's just much better to live by yourself and just not have to deal with people, sharing your internet. Do you remember having to, do you remember trying to game online on university internet? - [Connor] It was terrible. - And how fucking awful that was. - Terrible. Yeah. - That's a memory I don't want to think about. - I have like flashbacks of just the ping going from 10 to like 500 - [Connor] Who's uploading porn? - I mean, it wasn't even that bad for me because like, because of Australian interest, our default ping was like 300. So it was more like going from like 300 to like 900. - Yeah I remember when I gamed with an Australian and they were like, "Yeah, I've got great ping". "Oh, what is it?" "Oh 300". I'm like, that's not, by no measurement is that a good ping. - If you have below 250, you're like, damn, this guy's paying for like the premium internet. (hosts laughing) - I dunno. I, I feel that a university internet was just the most temperamental thing ever. But it was really cool 'cause I remember that because a lot of them use the eduroam network. I remember one time I went to Germany and I walked past the university and I was like, "Oh, I connected to the internet, "I connected to that university's internet." 'Cause I, it shared the same ID for like WiFi or something or something like that. But if I walk past any university, you get free WiFi when you're a university student. - [Joey] Wow. - If it was using the same network, which most of them were I think in Europe, it's really cool. Fun fact. - (Garnt) Wow. - Life hack. - Life hack. Just, I don't know, do something. - Walk past the university. - Just get free WiFi. - Just get free WiFi. - Stop complaining. It's free. - I actually have a really awkward story about when I set up the WiFi here in Japan, - Go on. - Story time. - Obviously, obviously we, you know, we just moved to Japan and one of the hardest things, especially when we moved here was fucking setting everything up initially. - Joey knows all too well. - [Garnt] Joey knows all too well, Connor moved here like two weeks before me. So Joey, Connor had the cheat sheet of just having Joey set up everything for him. - I was like, I wanted to get in first with Joey. I was like, "Joey, I need help. "Garnt's coming. I know you're going to be sick of Garnt" - He went and perfectly planned out where I'd be burnt out right as Garnt was about to ask me. - 'Cause like I could see when you asked Joey, like to help you set up, I could see like the, just the hope just wash over his face and be like, "Oh, "this is the last time Connor. This is the last time". And I remember when you were talking about setting up like your driver's license and like, I could see Joey's just like, "No, don't ask me Connor. "I'm not going to do it." - I'm not doing it. - I mean, that I feel bad. Luckily there was someone else who I hadn't bothered yet to help me with, (hosts laughing) - So yeah. So as I was setting up the internet as, as you know, I have like really, really slow internet compared to you guys. Right. - Peasant. - Peasant. - Peasant internet. I can't remember who I'm with. It's not au, it's the other, - Softbank? - No, it doesn't really matter. - It doesn't matter but they have the, they have like English support, which is why I picked them. Right. Because I had to, I had to try and sort this out by myself. So when they said they have English supports it's it's the most. It's basically just like, here's a person who translates using Google translate. Right? - Japanese companies that are like English support or for foreigners only, 95% of the time, it's just someone who doesn't really speak good English and it's just a way for them to hike up the price. - [Joey] Oh yeah. - [Garnt] Oh yeah. - Like if you go to the like, what is it like, GaijinPot, is that what it's called? - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like that, that real estate website, if you go and find the same properties on a Japanese website, they're much cheaper. It's just like, - It's like 30% cheaper at least. - And it's just like, (Connor exhales) - Okay, it's being taken advantage of because you know, - They do do that. - Just ask someone who's Japanese to help you you'll save a shit ton of money, but you might lose a friend. But you'll have at least saved a few hundred bucks. - Just make a Japanese friend to eventually lose said Japanese friend. - Pay him the money that you saved. - Honestly, there should be a service for someone to help you. 'Cause that would have, that could save you a lot of money, - Someone start a service. Hire a Japanese who speaks English to come with you to stuff. - Basically. - That's my first really, right there. - Like the reason I was able to set up my phone was 'cause luckily, my cousin was here at the time and I asked, I asked her to do it and she works for JAL so she can speak pretty fluent Japanese. And she helped me set it up. Perfect. No bumpy roads. Setting up the internet was a fucking nightmare. - I have one on my phone. So I'll tell mine after yours. - Okay. Because like, firstly, you, firstly like you have to, set up with the internet provider and then also set it up with something else as well. - I didn't have to do that for mine. - You didn't, you didn't have to do that? - Because I, I've like, I get billed from two companies and I don't exactly understand. - Bruh. Bruh. - That sounds like a scam. - No, no, no. It wasn't a scam. I made sure I wasn't a scam because - How would you know? - Because I, I, - Because his English support. - No, no because - The Google translator surely wasn't a scam. - Not a scam. - Microsoft tech support. They were very nice. They assured me that my Windows PC, - There was an Indian guy on the phone. They assured me. (hosts laughing) - I pay through Google Play cards. You know, it's totally legit. - From what I understand, you have to set up with like the ISP, the person who provides the ISP. - I did not have to do that. - And then the guy, I think 'cause I think au provides both services. Whereas my, my company did not provide both services at once - Yeah I think yours is like Yahoo Mobile or something right? Where it's like. - Yahoo Mobile. - It's probably like a, it's probably like a version of like Yahoo or something like that. 'Cause I remember I had that and I had to do something similar. - Yeah. 'Cause, 'cause the person that provides the line and the person that like installs the router, and rents out the router and stuff for you, it's like two separate companies. - Rents out the router? They're like fucking 40 bucks. - Yeah. I know. No, no, no. But the thing is you can rent one out and have them set up for you or you can set it up yourself. And so I chose, no, with the internet option I had, I didn't even have that option because I would have loved just to rent out a router and have the engineer set it up. No, I wasted a day trying to figure out how to set up my fucking router and connect it to the ISP engine in Japanese and Japanese menus and everything. It was, it was fucking hell blah, blah. But before that, I had to even just set up the deal that I was getting. Right? And so I phoned up and I'm just like, Okay. Yeah, I'm living here. I choose, I choose the English option. And even then it's, it's like, - It's rough. - It's a fucking rough kind of, kind of like, it took me, I think an hour of, an hour phone call to communicate 10 minutes worth of stuff. And just to make sure that everything was correct. And I tell them all my details and so we're going through it. And then they, they tell me that, "We're sorry, "this is the fastest internet you can get at this house at "this apartment". And I'm just like, that's like your lowest option that you have on your website. 'Cause they have like, they have like different tiers, right? They have, they have like the, high paying option and they have like the fucking peasant option. - As they always. As they always. - As they always do. And they were like, "We're sorry, you can only get the peasant option". - Why? - And I was like asking why. Right? And they were saying, they told me that, "I'm sorry, your building is not new enough. "And yeah, it doesn't have the newest internet installed". - Yeah. That's the problem with Japanese internet is that like it, depending on the building and the wires built into it. They just like, "We can't do it. Sorry." - Yeah. So, - It's ridiculous. - So I was like, there's no way that this is true. Because I my, my apartment's pretty modern. It's like it's, it's I think it was built, - It's newer than mine. Much newer than mine. - Yeah it's newer than yours. And I heard about the speeds you're getting. So I was like, I was like, - [Connor] No problem. I was like doubt. - [Connor] Fuck Connor. - Where is this phantom speed coming from? - Yeah. I was like, doubt. - I'm actually stealing the next door building you know. - So, so, so like, so like I'm just like, let me consider this deal right? So I, so I hang up, I phone out the next day so I could talk to someone different. Right? So I can just make sure that, - It wasn't just that person. - It wasn't just that person that I was miscommunicating to. Right. So I phone up, I go through the same fucking hour phone call that doing it again, explaining, "Yes. I just want to make sure "that this is the best option I can go for. "This is the best option and there isn't a higher option." And, and the second person that I was talking to, she goes, "Hold on a second. Let me just talk to my manager". And so she gets her manager and her manager comes on. It's the same fucking guy I talked to yesterday. And so I was just like, - [Connor] Noooo. - "Yeah, can I just make sure "that this is the highest option available?" And he goes, "You're the guy that phoned yesterday didn't you?" - Aren't you? - And I was like, "Yeah, this is, this is awkward. "Can I just double, double make sure?" And he's like, "Yeah. I mean, I just made sure again, "it's the best option available and," - This motherfucker. - I wonder, I wonder if you tried a different internet company. - I wanted to. and so I, I go, I go through the ordeal again and I, you know, give them all my details again. And this time I actually have to send my, send my ID or scan my ID just to make sure everything's all, everything's all kosher. Shit you not, first bill I get. Right. I open up, Grant Maneetapho. (Joey laughing) I send them my ID so that they can verify my name and address. And they. And they fucking auto correct my name again. - Grant Maneetapho - No, no, no. His name on the ID must've been wrong. - No, no, no. - A lot of fucking idiots in the UK. - I think the visa people just spelled it wrong. - Fuck the visa people. Fuck the government. - What the fuck's a Garnt? That's not a name. - So what, you just bought the shitty internet and it's shit? - Yeah. I mean, - I'm sorry. I bought the shitty internet. It turns out it was shit. - So yeah. I mean, I couldn't be bothered to fucking go through another like two hour phone call with another company and I just settled for it. And, - I mean, trust me, like, even if you were perfect in Japanese, it probably would've taken just as long like 'cause my God. - Well actually when Joey helped me try to get my internet and SIM card. And originally I got internet and a SIM card with the same company. Turned out the SIM card just didn't work on my phone. And 'cause they were like, "Oh, we don't sell this model of phone in Japan". So in, in Europe, I don't know if it's the same as the US but you can basically buy SIM cards anywhere and they'll work with every phone. Like it doesn't matter what it is. You just put it in. It works. Yeah. But yeah, apparently that's not the case in Japan because of course it isn't. I found out that Japan is the only country on Earth that uses the very specific type of like, bandwidth or whatever it is that the phone lines use. So a lot of phones don't work in Japan because Japan was like, "No, no, no, we're going to be different". And it's like, "Of course you are Japan". - Of course you are. - Everything's gotta be different. And that's why like getting a phone here is fucking hell. And that's why like SIM cards is so expensive. I think recently they did something about that. They're gonna change it because I think the government is like, it's getting out of hand, like the prices of phone, phone carriers here are ridiculous. - I mean, I'm paying more for my phone than I am my internet. - Yeah. Me too. I'm paying 90 bucks a month for my fucking phone. And that doesn't include, that doesn't include the phone. That's, I bought the phone myself. - I think I'm paying like 70 bucks a month and I get like 4 gigs of data. - [Connor] It's insane. It's insane. It's like, what is this shit? This shit is stupid. This is way too much for shit. It's okay. It's good. But I mean, it's good service, but, - It's good but. - But it's shit. But it's shit that they're charging me this much. I paid, I paid $15 In the UK for what I was, 10 pounds, for what I was getting. - I think I paid like 20 pounds a month in the UK. - That's expensive. - For like unlimited data. - Yeah it's ridiculous. - And when in the UK, when they say unlimited data, they actually mean unlimited data. I've never been throttled in my data in the UK at all. - The speeds are fantastic here. Don't get me wrong, - [Garnt} Speeds are great. - But not to the point where we're at we're talking a hundred dollars a month speed. Come on. It's more than my internet bill. You're having a bit of, come on, a bit of a joke. I mean it works really well, but I just, yeah. And that's why like a lot of people I know don't even bother getting SIM cards because you have to sit there for like four hours talking to them, asking, answering dumb questions. And they're trying to sell you a ton of stuff. Like, 'cause I think Aki doesn't even use a, - No, she still has an American thing. It just pays for pocket WiFi. Because she's just like she looked at like all of her friends getting, you know, the SIM cards and whatnot, she's like, "I'm not going through that shit. Fuck that." - It's hell, but I just don't want to have to charge a fucking portable WiFi thing all the time. Having a Japanese number does help sometimes and things like a lot of forms require you to have Japanese numbers for some reason. - Yeah she just uses my number for that so. - Wow isn't that convenient? Where's my Japanese fucking fluent boyfriend who translates and does everything for me huh? - Yeah. No, if I were her, I would totally do the same thing to be honest. Yeah. - Honestly like, the only reason I wanted a phone was because I didn't want to carry an extra thing with my phone just to get WiFi. - [Connor] Same, same, same. - And you're like not carrying like a purse with you all the time. - Yeah, yeah. - It's just annoying. - Exactly. Exactly. But yeah. I know several people who just have pocket WiFi here, just 'cause it's they don't want to go through the trouble of switching their phones or, - Well I mean Reina still has pocket WiFi. She's been living here for like however many years. - It's insane. Do we even have? Pocket WiFI isn't popular in like Europe I don't think and in the US it's like not mainstream. - I'd never really heard of it until I moved here. - It exists but like it's, it's not, - It's not common. - Nearly common as you see here, because clearly they've made a market where the phone, the cell phone carriers are so fucking awful that there's a whole industry about avoiding them. It's ridiculous. And the price of these pocket WiFis are much cheaper than the cell phone. - Much cheaper, yeah. - It's just stupid. - Like I legitimately dread whenever I have to sort out like the smallest thing within like my living situation here in Japan. - [Connor] Oh my God. - Cause like they, I don't know how they all somehow always turn like a five to 15 minute meeting to like a fucking hour long. An hour long ordeal. - I'm waiting for the day where you know how sometimes when you get on a website, if you change your email, they'll be like, "Please come in-person to change your email". And it will be like four hours. And it's like, I could've just done this online. - Okay. Fucking Japanese banks, man. I, I'm about to go fucking mad. (Joey laughs) - Oh God, he broke the table. He's so mad. - Jesus Christ. - I have so much salt towards, - Foreigners complain about Japan, volume 10. - Honestly, Japanese banks. - Do you want to preface before we get into this? And we do love living in Japan, very kind country. But we are British and we complain about everything. I complain about everything in the UK. - I'm an innocent bystander in this case. - Oh bullshit. Like you don't complain about the banks. - We complain about everywhere we live. And especially if something like is inefficient to a Brit. You know, we, we will happily wait in line. But if, if that meeting takes any seconds longer than it needs to, we are, we are going to complain the shit about that. So, so Japanese banks, we have to fucking, since our visa only lasts six months, we have to re, we have to go to the bank every time to tell them not to cancel our card. Right? And the thing about Japanese banks is that you can do fucking nothing on the phone. Right? So just, just so they don't cancel a card. Every time my visa runs out. Every time we renew our visa, we have to go there in person. And not just any branch of our bank, we have to go to the, - Branch that you started the bank account. - We have to go to that specific branch, which if you don't live anywhere near the branch, you open your bank account. You're pretty much fucked. - Yeah. - They didn't give me a warning. They didn't tell you why. So you could be stranded in the middle of fucking nowhere in Japan and not be able to get any money out. 'Cause they've, they've canceled your card and not told you. - Yeah. And another thing is, I needed to go there for like, I needed a bank statement. Right? You think for a bank statement, that's a pretty normal, - Just go on the app, go online. - That's a pretty normal document you can obtain from a bank. Correct? So I go to the, I go to the bank and I asked for a bank statement and they have like fucking 70 million different kinds of bank statements. And I'm just like, what? How hard is it to? - Tommy, Tommy money go in, money go out. Print money go in, money go out. - What is the document where you can see money go in, money go out transactions? You spend money here. I just need that document. And they're like, "Okay, maybe we can do that." - Maybe. - Maybe. - Let's see. They go, they go, they go in. - I gotta go talk to the manager about that. - Literally. Literally they go, they talk to the manager. They give me like two forms to fill out and go and go. "So are you okay getting this in three weeks?" Um I'm like, "Is there any faster way to get this document?" And they're like, "No, if you, if you want this document "because you didn't sign up for it before, "you have to wait three weeks "and we'll send it to you. "Now, do you want this document monthly? "Or do you want us to like, just hold it?" And then I'm like, "No. From now on give me this monthly." because there is no other way to obtain a statement if, unless you just go to the bank and ask for it and you have to ask for this option when you sign up for a bank account, or when you, when you realized that you need a bank statement for whatever, you know. - What is the point of like the 900 printers that they have back there? - I know. - Like, what are you using these printers for? - Paper airplanes yeah. - And so I'm waiting for this document for like, for like, 'cause I needed to file some stuff. I needed a bank statement. It took five weeks for it to get sent. I didn't realize when they said three weeks, they meant three, like three, - Three weeks minimum. - Three weeks minimum. Basically Japanese banks. I don't know if we've just been really blessed with UK banks. - Our banks are really good in the UK. The apps work amazingly. - The apps work amazingly. You can just transfer money on an app. It's pretty, it's pretty secure. And I can have my statements if I, I have like three to four, no fucking five years worth of like bank statements that I can have. - Download them in PDF. Do whatever I want with them. - No Japan has those as well. Like I use a bank currently that has a great fucking app and I can do transactions all on my phone. The problem is, they're not the major banks. All of the major banks are like, "You have to go in, in person, "bring your fucking stamp and sign like 17 pieces of paper. "And we'll send you something in two years." - Yeah because I've wanted to transfer money back to my UK account for like, since, since I moved here. I just don't, I'm just dreading the ordeal I have to go through just to just so I can move money from one place to another. - It's like a whole day event. - It is. It fucking is. - When it should be five minutes long. - Like every time I go to the bank, I lose at least an hour or two of my life. - That's unfortunate that like things that should take 10 minutes or 15 minutes, tops, are always like four hours in Japan. That's where the frustration comes from where it's like, you've put middlemen and checks in places where there didn't need to be any, you know? And it's just, - It's like, why do you have to ask your manager if this dude needs a bank statement? - Everything and anything you do, they will always ask the manager. It's like, do any of your employees have the ability to do anything on their own? - Are your employees like trained at all? Just make a fucking decision for yourself. Jesus, what are you employed for? - Yeah I mean like, by the time I got the statement, the statement was like already out of date because it was a month old statement. Right? So I had, I had to, fuck. I like fucking begged because, 'cause I was filling out tax stuff and I was, I was fucking begging my accountant and be like, please let this be like, please, please let this be usable. 'Cause I don't want to fucking do this again. I don't want to go through this ordeal again. - I want to wait five weeks again. - I think the most frustrating part about it is that when you're like, please help me with this thing, they make it seem like you're the weird one for like wanting to like, make stuff go quicker or do things simpler. They're always like, "Why would you want to do that? "This is the way we do it." - Yeah. This is, this is the, this is the way that where it's a hundred percent success rate. So I was like, why else would you make it any other way? - Well, I remember, cause I think, I think Dogen did a video about the Japanese banks as well. He did and he mentioned something else one time where he was like, sometimes you just have to tell them like, no. Like just tell them no, that's not going to work. And then maybe be like, you have to do this or help me do this. And the manager might be like, okay. But it's sad. Isn't it? That sometimes you have to put your foot down to get anything done here. It's just terrible. It's just so sad. - It's that you have to like pull tooth and nail to get the best service that they offer. - Right. Which is why I hate, sometimes I feel bad when I ask Japanese people to help me with it. 'Cause if I'm like, "Can you ask them to do this?" Like, "No, no, no, no. "They don't do that here." It's like, if you have a foreigner friend they'll at least ask, they'll be like, "Hey, can we do this?" But if I'm asking a Japanese friend to help me, like who's a hundred percent Japanese and you know, fluent in English somewhat, I'll ask them, "Hey, can you ask them this?" They'll just be, they won't even ask 'cause they'll be like, "No, no, no, no. You can't ask them that". I mean look, just ask, just ask. Like try, you know. I don't know like, - That's such a Japanese way of thinking though. Right? Because they don't want to, like embarrass themselves. - They don't want to ask questions that they feel, they already know the answers to because they feel like that that's like humiliating at times. Whereas I think I always have the mindset of there's no harm in asking. - Right. - Yeah I, I never thought I would go to a place where it's like, it's like a 50/50 on whether you'd be able to get a fucking credit or debit card. Right? - Well I got rejected for all my cards in the start. - Yeah, exactly. Right? - I had to apply two, no. Two or three times until I finally got a debit card. - Really? Fucking hell. - And it was like the worst one. - So, so yeah. So in Japan, right? When, whenever you sign up to a bank account in most countries that I know, you get a fucking debit card. - Oh yeah you too. This is so, - Yeah yeah. So, in most other countries you get a debit card in which you can spend your money, which you put in your bank. In Japan. they're like, "We do not do that here." - We do not want you spending your money. - We'll give you a bank card. - Well, they will give you a cash card, - A cash card yeah. - In which you can take out money at the ATM and also charge you a fee for taking money out of the ATM. So when you go to the, when you go to the ATM and get money out, you better be taking a large amount of money out. Otherwise you'd just be like fucked for fees. - Oh, by the way, you can't pay with anything with the cash card. This cash card can only be used to take out cash from ATMs. You also can't take out any money with your debit card. Debit card can only be used to pay with things. - Yes. Of Which if you apply for a debit card, you have the possibility of being rejected. I, like, why? Why? Why? Like credit cards, maybe? - I understand credit cards 'cause it's like, you know, you're using their money. - But like for most countries I know like fucking America, they give out credit cards like they give out free candy. You know like, - Oh yeah. Same in the UK, same. - Same in the UK like, - 'Cause they want you to get in debt. So they can make your life hell, take you for all the money. - It's like, "Do you have a pulse? Brilliant. "Here's a 2000 pound debit", - You joke but that's how it is. - That is how it is. - All the credit card companies make all their money off the people who are failing to pay back their credit cards. Like that's where they make all their money from. - Yeah in Japan, it's just like, "Oh, you want to pay for stuff not using cash?" I don't know what, I don't know about that one chief. - It's like, if I'm paying for like my rent or something or I pay. I don't want to pay in cash. Why do you make me pay in cash? This is like $1000. Don't make me carry $1000 around. I don't want to do that. - After paying the ATM fee. - Yeah so like, I tried to buy a new camera and my card, my debit card had a limit on it. I didn't know that. How do I change the limit? Gotta fucking call them up haven't I? Oh for fuck's sake. - [Joey] Of course you do. - There's not an app or anything I gotta do. I gotta call them up, explain to them. And they're like, "Why would you want to increase the limit?" None of your fucking business why I want to increase. It's my money. I want to use it. What do you mean? - Yeah it's, it's, it's like now that I've lived here for like one and a half years, I've realized that it would be more convenient for me to use my foreign card here than it would have been to like set everything up. 'Cause like the fees that they charge you, whenever you take money out, it's exactly the same, like it's about the same fees they use. - Sometimes. - Sometimes yeah. - And the only real difference I feel is like the exchange rate. You know, that, that obviously goes up and down. - You get fucked by the exchange rates. That's why I always, that's why I wanted the debit card. 'Cause I was, I was like losing a lot of money 'cause I was, I was having to use my, my British card and I was just losing money on exchange rates and fees. - Because the pound is so strong compared to the yen. - Yeah like right now, I want to use as much yen as possible because the rest of my money is in pounds and it's really strong and I don't want to use that. I want to get rid of the weak money that I have like, spend it all, spend it. - But like in, in that case it would be like, it's way more convenient to use like a third party company, like Revolut or like TransferWise, like get it. 'Cause you can actually get like a physical card where you put money into this account. - Well yeah I used to have one. - Yeah, exactly. - I used to have a card but when the UK left the EU, I lost that card and then they stopped banking within the UK so I had the one good card that I had that was perfect for transferring for using foreign exchange was just useless after a while. Big sad. - Well look at us talking like adults about credit cards and banks and whatnot. - Well it's just sad because they've made a system that makes it hell at every turn and you need to answer for every, like little things that you've just like, comfort or you have to explain why you want them. I shouldn't have to explain to you why I want to up the limit on my card. Like that, that should be a me. Why do I have to tell you? Like, well I'm getting interrogated because I want to buy a fucking camera. Like, what is this? I don't like this. I, I, it's not that I don't mind telling them. I'm like it's for a camera. But the fact that I have to answer to you, like, like what? Like if it's for like a couch that you don't like, you'll say no, fuck you? - That's an ugly ass couch. Fuck that. - Yo send me the link. Let me check this out. Yo really? The thread count on those sheets suck bro. I'm not upping the card. What? What the? Why are you asking me this? Is there, is there a situation where you like, I'm gonna launder my money. Well then of course you're going to say no, 'cause I'm fucking doing something illegal. When, why is this ever going to work? Like, what is this point of this question? Don't ask me this shit. You're making conversation. If so fucking stop. - We want like UK banks. I just got a text the other day being like, "We've upped the limit on your credit card." And I'm just like, Well, I didn't ask, but. (hosts laughing) I guess. - Cheers. - Cheers. - But UK banks are always really good. They update me all the time you know. The app is fantastic. I can transfer money to anyone. No questions asked you know. - Well, I mean like fucking bank apps are like, I think only, maybe like a thing that was invented two or three years ago here. When I first moved here like none of the banks had an app. - Yeah. Did you have online banking when you moved here? - No. Literally I and I still don't have it here because it's a, because it's fucking horrible. - I don't know how to transfer money online in Japan. I still haven't figured it out. I don't know. - Well I mean, some banks don't even let you do it. I don't even know if it's possible. All I know is that somehow when I buy things, - Have you been able to log in into your online banking? - I've logged in. So the online banking that I have to send money is like I, okay. I have logged into my bank, but if I want to send money, it's through like a different, it's through my card. It's really weird. Again, this whole shit. It's been separated. I don't understand what's going on. It doesn't make any sense. Japanese banks suck, please, please. This is why, if you're a tourist, you got it lucky man, you don't have to deal with this stuff. This is why everyone says Japan is the best place to visit, worst place to, not worst place to live but. - No, it's, it's, it's an amazing place to live. - It's an amazing place to live. There's just a lot of things that I took for granted that I thought were just little conveniences or just, just the way the world works in first world countries I guess. - You get mega angry and then you go outside, you go to Matsuya and you get your matsuya and you're like, Nice. All right. - Lots of little distractions - It's all worth it but for that one day when you're dealing with this stuff, you're like, I'm finna book a flight home. I'm getting real tired of this. - Actually no, 'cause it's not just Japan. 'Cause, 'cause I've lived in Thailand as well. And even they've got their banking system more convenient than they do. And I've got, I got, I have an app. That's all I can transfer my money in my Thai bank account to my Japanese bank account if I wanted to, I can't do that in Japan. And Japan is a first world country. Thailand is like a second world country. - When I left the UK, closing everything and getting everything all sorted, moving, everything I needed to do. I did everything in like half a day. Just making phone calls, just being like, "Hey, can I do this? I'm, I'm leaving." They're like, "Oh yeah, totally fine okay." Can I do blah blah blah? Yeah, it's all good. Or every phone call lasted like at most, the whole, the being on hold took longer than the phone call. It was like, it's so easy. Like it's, it's so frustrating. - Whereas here it's like, oh you're moving? - Oh you're moving? That's a whole month process. That's not because you got to unpack and move stuff around, that's because you got to go to the, - You gotta call up and go to fucking in store everywhere. It's ridiculous. - So absurd. So again, we complain a lot about these aspects of Japan, but you know, we are very grateful to Japan for allowing us to be here. - I mean, there's a reason why you don't just leave. - Yeah we love it. You know, - We're probably going to stay here for. - I'm going to be living in Japan for a long time. I just, you know, I think that when you live in a place, you have the right to complain about certain things. - Absolutely. - I complain about everywhere equally. You everywhere socks, everywhere sucks. - Exactly. There's no utopian country. - Yeah, exactly. And so, you know, I don't want people to get the idea that we're not fucking grateful. Or we're not like happy. - Because sometimes we get comments like that sometimes. - We do get comments like that sometimes. And we are very happy here in Japan. - We're just being real with you guys that's all. - We just, we just like to complain about the little things. You guys like it when we're annoyed about shit. That's why we're annoyed about shit. - If you guys are going to move to Japan. I, I want to be honest with you and tell you what's going to be fun and what's gonna suck. - There's going to be, there's going to be lots of fucking great things about it, but just be prepared for those little conveniences. - Whenever you have to do anything to do with like Japanese bureaucracy or just setting, setting up your living situation. I, I, - You will be writing your name, address, and phone number more times than you'll ever think. - You will lose at least a week just trying to figure out. - Yeah I think that's the thing that annoys me. In the UK when I had to deal with this stuff, it was, it was maybe an hour out of my day at most. And I'd get on with my day. If it happens here, it derails your whole week, like it takes a completely, you have to reschedule everything, cancel everything you're doing because you've got a call from the bank and they said that your card is canceled and they didn't tell you until now it's canceled. - I just remembered, like, I don't know if you guys have in the UK, but like in Japanese and Australian airports, there's like sometimes that service where like, you know how on your suitcase, you can put like a belt around it so it doesn't burst open. Some people forget that or, you know, don't buy that. - I've never had to use that. - No. - So instead you can, like, you can use a service that you can like wrap up your bag in like plastic. - [Connor] I see that in the UK. Yeah. - In Australia it's like 10 seconds you just like, wrap this up. Here's the money. They do it. All right. See you later. I did it in Haneda once in Japan. And they were like, "Okay, can you fill out this form? "Write your name, address and phone number." I'm like, I'm never going to see you again. Just wrap up my goddamn bag. - Get the fucking cling film out, wrap it around and I'll give you 20 bucks. - I like deadass, I looked at this woman. I was like, what do you need this for? Like, why do you need to know my name, phone number and address? And they're like, "Oh you know, like just in case." I'm like, because you're wrapping my bag in plastic. - I'm a customer. I will do it myself. Give me the cling film. - Yeah give me the cling wrap. I'll fucking do it myself. - I will pay you to not fill in that form. - It was ridiculous. - It's frustrating, man. - And I just wasted, like, you know, two minutes of my life filling out this form, that for one, I don't even know what they're going to use it for, but second of all, completely unnecessary. - It's just frustrating giving out your whole fucking information to, to shit that you feel like it just totally doesn't need it. Like, I just don't want to deal with that. I hate doing that. - But it's also like, you know, I feel as well like, there's so many situations where you're canceling something or, you know, you're upgrading something. Right? And you're just like, "All right, can you write your phone number and address?" And I'm like, I'm pretty sure all my information is on system. Just look it up. I'll give you my fucking name. Just look it up. - If it changes, I'll let you know. I'll keep you updated. - Like how often do you think I'm changing my name and address? - Like one, one thing I'm fucking dreading when we move, because we're all planning to move from where we are now. I mean, you're already in process of moving is just the process of changing my address in every bill that I've had. And I'm just, I wake up in a cold sweat at night sometimes being like, I gotta do that. I gotta do that. - I have been suffering for the past month on that and it shouldn't be a suffering thing. - It just sucks because I feel like your life just comes to a halt for a month because they've designed systems that make it so. - Yeah. And it's got nothing to do with like, you know, people who don't understand the language, having a hard time, no. Even if you're fully Japanese, it's still hard as shit to do. And it shouldn't be that hard to do. - Like you get pretty good customer service in most aspects of, of Japanese life I think. But for some reason with personal information companies, I feel like it comes to a halt and it doesn't, it doesn't improve at all. The customer service isn't any better for it. I think that's why I think Japan has one of the lowest productivities out of, of first world countries. - I'm not surprised. - Because they work the most. - We would have flying cars by now. - They work more hours than any other country and have less to show for it. You know what I mean? Like, you know, I think in some European countries they're considering a four day workweek even, and you know I was just like, fantastic. - You bring that up to government officials in Japan they're like. "How does, how does that country run?" "How is that not a third world country?" "How's their economy not crumbling to the ground?" - Again. It's just like, how do you fix it? When everything in society has been made to be long-winded, bloated and slow? Like, what do you do? Like how do you fix that? 'Cause it's like a whole cultural thing at that point. - Well this is a country where, a lot of schools are still six days a week. It's ridiculous. Let alone four day workweek what? - Yeah I mean, it took like a fucking global pandemic, right? For the country to embrace working from home and online meetings. Right? It's like. - They were throwing out like the buzzword of like home workstation or whatever the fuck it was like, it was a new thing that was just invented. It's like, we've come up with this revolutionary thing. Get this, you can work from home. And Japanese people are like, "Impossible." That that is. - Telework. - Telework that's it. - Telework. - They call it telework. - I think also, I think they're now slowly starting to phase out the hanko because of it. They're finally putting in like, the government they're bringing it up. And trying. - Have we ever explained hankos? I don't think we have. - Hanko are basically, is like the, it's like a stamp essentially that has your surname on it or, you know, company name or whatever. Basically it's the Japanese equivalent of a signature. But incredibly tedious. - It's incredibly tedious because that means you have to carry your hanko everywhere. - Yeah. - Whenever you're like, if you forget. - I've had moments where I'm like, I have everything except the hanko and they just don't accept it. And I'm just like, this is a stamp I bought at Don Quijote. for like 200 yen. Don Quijote is like the dollar shop here. You can, you can just get it at a dollar shop. - Imagine your name is Connor, right? And then, you know, you can, you know, you can go those gift shops and they have like the license plates, like Connor. It's like that. Like imagine you just go to the store, you find your name on the license plate and then you bring it and go look, it's my name. It's my name, take a picture. - The thing is, is like, I, I wrote up a thing as to why Japan still uses the hanko and not signatures and the most accepted like, excuse, I guess, I'm just going to call it an excuse as they, as why they don't use signatures, they were like, "Well, anyone can copy a signature." Anyone can go to Don Quijote and buy a $2 stamp. What are you on? - Yeah. It's so dumb. Yeah. I mean, if you have a popular name. - Yeah. - What happens if you have a popular name, right? - What is it? What is it? What's the one that you see, Tanaka? Is that the one? - Yeah Tanaka or like Sato or like any of like the common ones. - Everyone probably, every Sato probably has the same fucking Don Quijote stamp. I'm like, this is bullshit. Like signature is way harder to copy than buying a stamp. - Did you hear about the fucking Josh battle royale that happened recently? - [Connor] Yeah yeah. - [Joey] What? - [Garnt] Did you hear about this? - [Joey] No. - So like, I think like a year ago, some guy in like some state or something, he looked up every, he was, his name was, - Josh Swain. Josh Swain. - Josh Wayne? - Josh Swain. - Josh Swain. He looked up like every Josh on Facebook in his area and added them to a group right? And he just sends a message, "Guys. You know why we're here." - We're going to battle for name Josh Swain. - [Garnt] There are already Joshes here. We are going to have a battle royale and whoever, whoever emerges victorious can keep the name Josh. - So that's how it works with hankos. - There's literally a movie. - I feel like they have to do that with hankos right? - There's literally a fucking battle royale movie in Japan where it's that exact same concept. - Is it really? - Yeah yeah. It's called, it's called "Riaru Onigokko", "Real Tag" where basically it's, it's like a survival horror movie. It's actually a really good movie and book, but basically in the it's set in like the future where the king of Japan, his name is Sato, which is the most common surname in Japan. And he's like, "I want to be the only Sato." So what he does is every night at midnight, he's like all of the Satos in the country have to come out. - He picks legend game. - Yeah. Literally. And they're like, and they're like. "To all Satos of Japan. There are too many of you. "So we're going to get rid of some of you." And it's like literally a survival horror movie where all the Satos are like running for their life, not to get fucking eliminated. - That sounds epic. I want to watch this. - It's a great fucking movie. Yeah. - It sounds like an anime. - Yeah. - Yeah, it really does. No, it's a great movie, but it's literally like that. - I'm just trying to think. Is there anything in like UK or Australia that is like unnecessarily like slow? I feel like we just kind of get rid of it. - Internet. - I mean, we've already complained about that. - I feel like as in like the systems that we have. I don't really think there's anything that's like, everything's been like easy to do. - Like I didn't really have experience living on my own in Australia. So I can't really say much about. - I mean in the UK everything that could be done online is done online. You know, I, I cannot even, I don't even think I ever went anywhere in person for anything like government. Like it could all be done by phone or by online. Water bill, internet, phone, government documents like local tax. Like all of it was done online. - I think the only thing really is like, you know, going to get like a driver's license fixed or something right? Like you probably have to go in person for that. - Even then in the UK you can, you can get it mailed to you. - When I renewed my driver's license, I literally just sent, sent them the license in the mail, uploaded a scan of my picture and then they just renewed it for me. - Okay. You can't do that in Australia. - We've really been like, the UK has gotten really good at making things, - It's efficient. I guess I just took that for granted. Right? - You sure did Garnt. You sure did. - Yeah yeah yeah. - You're like, "Everywhere's like this". - Like I'm, I'm like, I thank God that we're signed with GeeXPlus and they handle our tax. - Yeah. 'Cause like, - Oh God. I can only imagine doing. I've heard horror stories. - I mean, I did my tax before joining GeeXPlus and it was the fucking worst. If you are a freelancer in Japan, good luck doing tax. - I've heard. I've heard that freelance tax forms in Japan are the worst thing, - It is godawful. - Doing tax in the UK is bad enough. And I'm just like, if, if that was bad, how was it in fucking Japan? - God awful. I hate it. I regret it. - I thought it was bad in the UK, but not now I look back at how doing taxes in the UK, like everything can be done online. From home. - Yeah everything can be done online at home. - It's pretty good. There's an app you know, like. - In Japan you have to take a fucking bag full of receipts to like the town ward and like scan. - [Connor] No. - Yeah, go through all of them and like fill it in yourself. - [Connor] Oh my. - It is the worst. That's why, that's why there's no freelancers in Japan because they're like, "Fuck that. I don't want to deal with that shit. "I'll join a company." - That's so sad. - That's the worst. - I will say though, that it was pretty cool the first time I discovered the hanko and it, you know, - It's cool for 10 seconds until it becomes a burden. - It's, it's cool for like the first week you're living here in here when you're like, "Ooh, I'm stamping my" - "I'm part of Japan now. "I'm part of the culture here guys". - "Let me, let me put my signature per." - "Look at my clan. It's the Maneetapho clan." 'Cause that's what it feels like. Right? When you're fucking stamping your second name down, you're like, - Bro this is like a really like traditional, like kind of swirly like feudal Japan style stamp. It looks dope. - It looks dope. I could, I could see why they haven't like gotten rid of it. 'Cause it feels like I feel cultured as I'm stamping my fucking name down. You know, you know when you see like an old, in old films where you know, they're writing a letter and they fucking stamp down the wax. - The wax. - That's what it feels like every time I, every time I stamp down my hanko. But then it gets to a point where you live here for a year and you're just like, "Fuck's sake. "Can we not just go back to signatures?" - Just give me a pen. - You know, you stamp it. And they're like, "No, it's not good enough. "You haven't stamped it good enough." - I'm like, what do you mean? I can read it. - Oh, it's slightly crooked. Can you fill it in again, please? - If it's slightly crooked, and if there's slightly not enough ink on it, they just won't accept it. - Yeah well so I remember, I filled out like this three page document and I made one mistake and I did the line through it. And the guy at the driving lesson place is like, "You gotta redo it all." I'm like, why? "You made a mistake. You got to redo it all." - I'm like you can't cross things out here. - I'm like, I crossed it out right there. It's, - A hundred percent accuracy only in Japan. - I'm like, what do you, what do you mean? You can clearly, - There is no any percentage in Japan only a hundred percent wrong. - I'm like you can clearly make out that there is absolutely no problem here. You know that I don't mean the thing that I crossed out and you know the thing, what I meant to put. Why are you going to make me fill out this three page document again? Because I made one mistake. It's like, it's like, everything is a fucking like trapeze act where if you fuck up, you've got to redo your whole life. Born. Do life again. Reset life. - Jesus. - Yeah only perfection here. - I'm surprised that they you know, when you fill out a document wrong they're like, "Nope, no license for you. Come back next day. "Gotta redo it again." - Basically, if you want to live in Japan, I hope you like filling out forms because you are, - Correctly. - Correctly because you are - No mistakes. - Expect perfection in every way. - Moving here is kind of like Form Simulator 2021 honestly. - So Papers, Please but every day. (hosts laughing) It's exhausting, man. - Yeah. That's, that's kind of why like I'm dreading these next few months when we move studios and move houses. - I'm going to be in a foul mood in like October when I have to move, I'm just gonna not want to talk to anyone. Like fuck you. Yeah if we're complaining now about this, when we actually start moving, my God, our podcast show will be so much more depressing. - 'Cause I know I'm going to lose at least a week just from this alone. So, sorry. Sorry if you don't get any videos for like that month. - My fucking video schedules is like the slowest it's ever been. - Because of this shit. - Because of this shit. It's, it's, it shouldn't shouldn't be like that. It's ridiculous. - How do, how do normal people who work nine to five? Oh, sorry. I mean, sorry. Nine to 12 in Japan. How do they have time to do this stuff? I don't understand because people don't stop working here and stuff closes on weekends here. So what do they do? I don't understand. - They take paid leave. - [Meilyne] They take a week off. - They take a week off, are you serious? - They take a week off to move. Don't they only have by law a week of paid holiday anyway? - [Meilyne] No, no, no. They get like 20 days. - 20 whole days in a year. - So you lose what, like five. You lose a quarter of your paid holiday if you want to move here in Japan. - Japan, the country where moving is a luxury, - If you want to do anything in Japan, you got to take a day off to call them up and do it. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - It's ridiculous. Oh, you know you can't, you want to change your phone provider. You've got to take a day off work. How weird is that? What the fuck? It's weird. - The fact that you can't just do it like during a lunch break is ridiculous. - It's tragic. It's tragic. It really is tragic. - So as someone who has moved before, Joey, what is the moving experience like here in Japan? - Hell. In one word. - 'Cause you already moved once here in Japan right? - I've moved twice now. - Oh, you've moved twice. - Yeah so the place I'm about to move to will be my fourth place. - Oh shit. Okay. - Yeah. Yeah. - You moved twice, but you've had four places? - Well, yeah. - How does that work? - Well, I mean, I mean, I moved in here and then I moved two separate times. - Oh okay. - Oh okay. - Sorry sorry. Yeah. - I was like, wait those numbers don't add up. - Two plus two equals four. - Well, the first time I moved, when I moved from Australia to Japan, it was a lot easier for me because I had help. I had help from my, like my auntie. So she did all the paperwork for me. 'Cause I didn't know fucking how to do it. But then she was like, all right, well now you know how to do it. I'm like, What? Do I? Do I? - It's like when someone builds a PC for you. Like great. You can do it on your own now. - Like you've passed the tutorial stage. - But I hope you were paying attention. I'm like, thanks. - Expert mode begin. - It's not even like a, "Would you like to listen to that again?" option. It's just like, I hope you were listening. Yeah. So the first time when I moved here was fine. But then from the second time on when I moved to my own place. Yeah, it was hell and it's and it's still hell, This is the third time I'm doing it now. And it's not easier at all. Like the only thing that makes it easier now is that you know exactly the list of things you need to do. But the list of don't, but the process of going through that list. - The time is not any more efficient. - The time is not any more efficient. It is just as time consuming and fucking ridiculous. - It's why no one moves right? No one wants to improve that life because they're like, Well, I do want to improve my life. - But that's what I'm saying right? - You know, I've got asbestos. I've got mold, but you know, frankly, putting up that paperwork, - Well that's what I'm saying. It's not an understatement to say that or not an overreaction to say that moving in Japan is a luxury and it shouldn't be a luxury. It's fucking ridiculous. - That's, that's why they're able to charge the same amount when you have to renew your contract right? - Yeah. - Which is why I don't know where you're explaining this, but the reason we're all moving is because when your contract ends for like your rental period, normally you'd think it can just easily roll over and stuff like that - That's how it does in the UK. - That's how it does in the UK. That's that's how it did in Thailand for me. - Most countries yeah. - That's how I did in most countries. Nope. You've got to go through the same process again and pay the same fees. - So you gotta pay two months of rent for free. For no reason. Just, because they want it. It's like, No fuck you. I'm not giving you two months of money for free. For what? For this shitty apartment? Fuck off. - Yeah. It's ridiculous. - Yeah. I hate it. - Did you use like a moving company the first time you moved? - Yeah I got a moving company, but I mean the, the moving company we're using for now, the new place is like has like a service where like they'll come in and like pack it for you. Like wheeling off the moving company is probably the easiest thing to sort out when moving. It's everything else that's a pain. Like the inter, the internet is the fucking worst. - Oh I can imagine. - Like setting up internet for a new place is, ugh. - That's hard in the UK as well. That's like the hardest one because they're just like, they're just like, "Oh yeah. So are you okay with "going four months without internet in your new place?" It's like, No. No I'm fucking not. - Yeah but at least like with our current place, like they'll give us like a, like a kind of portable or not portable, but like a rental WiFi kind of thing. So you're not like completely out of internet. - [Connor] Still sucks though. - Yeah it still sucks that I have to wait for like the full price to like kick in. But yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah. The moving company is weirdly the smoothest thing. - Sick. - Yeah. - Awesome. - I remember in the UK, when I moved all my stuff to my parents' house, I, again, I was trying to do it as cheap as possible. And there was like a service that had like vans, but for Uber. It's called like AnyVan or something in the UK. Pay the guy. Guess how much it cost to go basically from London to North Wales, like that's like basically half the UK. How much do you think that costs to hire that van? - Like, like one van? - Just one guy in a van just driving. - Normally I'd think maybe like, I dunno, 300 pounds maybe? - It was 120 pounds. I think I paid. - That sounds sus as fuck. - And I was so fucking scared the whole time when this put my, because this guy was just like, "All right, what are we doing? "Where are we putting the boxes?" What are we doing, it was just like some guy, like, again, again, like Uber for vans just chilling. He was really nice. And my mom was like, "Yeah, he was really nice." when he got there. I was like, sick. It was so cheap. And I was like, this guy can't be getting much so I gave him a fat tip. 'Cause apparently he was really nice and was really helpful to my mom. - That sounds scary though. Isn't it? That just calls for some dude who has all your stuff in his van and then just drives off into the middle of nowhere. - There was just, there was a GPS tracker on his car. But again, he could just take, - Oh you went with him? - No. - Oh, okay. - That's even more scary. - Just give them all my, all my valuable stuff. Like see you later. - Jesus Christ. - So your laptop, your PC, everything. - Yeah everything, everything. - Geez. That's, - That's scary. Yeah. - And somehow we fit it all in a van and everything and yeah, somehow it was fine. The service was great, paid. It was pretty much cheap as fuck. - [Joey] Yeah Jesus. - I'm thinking I'm like, the fuel must've been like half of that cost. Like this man cannot be getting any money from this. That's why I was like, fat tip. - He might be living just strictly off tips. - Yeah. I don't know. Fuck, I feel bad. But. - Yeah I don't know 'cause like tipping culture, I don't know. Tipping culture is different everywhere in the world. And in the UK, it's you guys are kind of in the middle I guess, of tipping culture. Japan is nonexistent, which, you know, there are, there are times when I wish that I could tip people in Japan. 'Cause I get some of the best customer service here I've ever had worldwide. And I can't tip people here - It's because it's the whole philosophy of, you know, the best customer service is expected. - Wait what was the tangent that we were on before I started talking about my van? - We were talking about your moving company right? - Moving company. - I basically just said the moving company was - Doing it. Oh yeah. Sure easy. - Because when I moved in the UK from London back to Brighton like just use Gumtree and I, I feel like with the UK, I, I don't know anyone who's actually moved, used the moving company. Everyone's just knowing a mate, whoever. - Everyone has mates to do it. - At least one friend has like a giant van. - I mean that's because putting our age. But I think when the people who use moving companies are like families. Just absurd amounts of stuff. - That makes sense. - At my age, I, I, when I moved out I recycled or threw away probably about 70% of my belongings. 'Cause I'm like, I don't need this anymore. Like, 'cause I was like, oh, well, you know, I like, I put everything on for free on Gumtree. All my stuff was like, come get it. Who wants my wardrobe? Who wants my fucking? - Well I did with like, without car movers as well, there's like a Japanese site that we can just throw like couches and beds for free. And people just come pick it up. - People will go on like Craigslist, like fucking give things, - Because like throwing out trash here costs fucking money and like an absurd amount of money to throw out. Where I'm just like, why would anyone do that? - Just give it to someone. - True, true. Shit, I just remembered banks. Sorry. Sorry to shit on banks again. You can't, I remember I was in, I was out in Shibuya and I was out till like 2:00 AM and I was like, all right, well I want to go home now. So I'll go get a taxi. And I was like, great, well, I've got no money. So I'm just gonna quickly go and get some money from the ATM. It turns out that after working hours, you just can't withdraw money. So you know, fuck me, I was stranded in the middle of nowhere. I can't get money. I have to wait until what 8:00 AM until the banks open up. For some reasons the ATMs stop fucking working. - I've never, I don't think I've ever had to. - I don't think I've ever had to take money out like that. - No, sometimes I have a good night. You know, I spend more than I intended to. I got no more cash left. No biggie. I'll get some from the ATM. No. Fuck me. Fuck me. And even if it is during working hours, I got to pay anyway, what am I paying for? It's an ATM. There's no one there, there's no one in the machine giving you money is there? Is there just a small man sleeping in the machine who's awake during these hours? Why is it this much? - Yeah. Like, like there are some ATMs like to, to explain. There are some ATMs in the UK that do charge to take money out. But they are like, they're like the like no branded ATMs - Sketch as fuck ones. - At some, at some sketchy like corner shops, - Those are the ones where like, there's probably a man inside. Just taking your money. - Those are the ones where it's fucking 2:00 AM or something. You just need some fucking money out to go to the club or something. And you're like, sure. I'll pay five pounds to take out my 20 pound entry fee to this club, whatever. I'm drunk enough to do it. Now, imagine now, imagine that. But for every transaction you do and that's, that's taking out money here in Japan. You have to take out a lot of money. - Yeah. They charge like five bucks each time or something. - Yeah they charge like five bucks every, - I want to access my fucking, - Unless you go to that bank's branded ATM. - But even then sometimes though, they charge you. - Yeah. Because yeah, because you have a limit as to how many times you can take money out per month. - But that depends. If, if you, for some reason you're a rich motherfucker and you have X amount of money in your bank, it's free. They're like, no, no, no. it's on us. You have a lot of money with us. We ain't going to charge you. - Punish the poor. Feed the rich. - Why? Why are you taxing the fucking poor people? What the fuck? That's just like what's wrong. It's like everything in this system is designed to make you hate them. - Damn you capitalism. - Like I, what I was, when I, when I wanted to get the taxi home, I was like, I'm so goddamn lucky that I have a foreign card that I just carry on me at emergencies. 'Cause I'm like, you never know. - Yeah. For my, my foreign, my British card is just like my getaway, get out of jail free card. It's like 100% more reliable than using the card in the country it was made from, like how does that work? - My British bank card works at every single ATM, any time of the day, whenever. They don't charge me. They just charge me the exchange rate cost, which I accept, you know, cause I'm changing the money. Whatever. They got to do that. But you know, I don't, I genuinely don't know how I would've got home that night if I, if I didn't have my British card. What do Japanese people do in this? Do they just go to the fucking manga cafes don't they? - Well, no, because then you'd have to pay for the manga cafe. - Oh shit yeah. That's true. - They literally sleep outside the station. - Homeless Simulator for like six hours. - I mean, you've probably seen it before. They just literally sleep outside of the station. - Oh is that like the Shibuya Meltdown shit? - Shibuya Meltdown is something else. But like sometimes I've seen, you know, walking past the station or whatever there's like couples and like, you know, businessmen just sleeping outside of the station, waking, waiting for it to wake up. - Yeah. - Like it's ridiculous. - Absolute insanity that this is what it has come to. - Like talking about this now. I'm like, I I'm, I'm, I'm really starting to sweat this year right? Because, because of the world's situation, haven't been able to track to travel back to the UK. And I look at the expiry day on my card and it's like, it's like creeping up. Right? 'Cause it was, it was like, 'cause before I moved up. - It's like the "Death Note" counter. - They send you an automatic one though. At least my bank does. - Yeah it sends me to my UK address, which no one is living in right now. 'Cause my parents are in fucking Thailand and I'm here in Japan. So my, my I'm not going to say what the exact date, - My exact address. - It is, it is in 2021, my expiry date for my British card. I'm just like, - Wait when does mine expire? - I'm, I'm starting to sweat 'cause I'm just like, Shit man. If I can't travel back to the UK to get my new cards then I'm kind of just like resting on my Japanese cards to work now. - Mine's 2023. We good. We gucci. We gucci. Fuck you Garnt. - Yeah. It's scary. Fucking hell. - Yeah. I mean that was a, that was a nice little rant. - Thanks a hell here. Sorry. I'm sure most people have absolutely no care in the world about Japanese banks, but now you know a lot more about them about how shit they are. - Well there's probably a lot of audiences of Trash Taste who are like, one day I want to live in Japan and live that weeb dream. Just be prepared. - I think we've done a good job at least, you know, bigging up the stuff that is worth, you know, giving praise to. And we're brutally honest about the shit parts. - Honestly, like all things considered Japan is like, I don't know if it's the best, but it's definitely like either comparing the UK to Japan, it's been a fucking amazing place to live. And I don't know if I'd put it as the best, but it's definitely, - Well the pluses definitely outweigh the minuses. - I think I enjoy living here more than the UK. More so. - I mean I'm definitely have enjoyed my previous year and a half more than I have in the UK. We'll see how I am five years down the line, you know? But right now I can, I'm definitely - I'm approaching my fifth year. - I'm definitely gonna be here for at least two, three more years I think. - Yeah. - Definitely. Definitely. Because I fucking love it here. It's so much fun. It's an amazing country. - So expect Trash Taste for at least another two or three years. - Just don't, just don't tell me I have to move house or fucking change my internet or change my phone because I am going to get a headache. - Just tell me ahead of time when that happens 'cause I'll just fucking wooo, get out of there before I'm like trying to like this, this rant is me like mentally preparing for like the, the, the month in like the month and this year that I'm going to have to dedicate to moving. - Yeah. I mean paying taxes was way more, like much, much more enjoyable than, than doing any of the forms I had to do in Japan. It's weird. But anyway, you know who doesn't charge us to use ATMs, our wonderful patreons. - Oh my God, look at them. - But look at this guy here on screen. - They live rent free in our heads. - I would've charged them to get their money outta here. - I bet they have a good banking system. That's why they're supporting us. (hosts laughing) - Touche. - But I bet this guy could get his bank statement online. - I bet they can play or pay all their bills online right? - Of course they can. Hey, if you'd like to support the show man. - That's what they're doing right now. - Yeah, make sure to go to www.patron.com/trashtaste. - [Connor] I just look forward to the day where I don't have to pay my bills by carrier pigeon. - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - [Connor] Can't wait for it. But thank you so much for watching this episode of Trash Taste. Hope you enjoyed it. And don't forget to listen to us on Spotify, go to the Reddit and check out the memes. - Oh my God. You said it. - Yeah that's the thing. - Holy shit. - I did it for once. Sorry Joey. - I got to do that next time. - Damn, my job is obsolete now - You're obsolete now Joey. Thank you so much for watching this episode of Trash Taste. See ya. - Bye! - Bye! (lively music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,503,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 1gHPFmjj28A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 1sec (7321 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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