How to NOT Flirt with a YouTuber | Trash Taste #37

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- Hey guys, just a quick announcement, in about five hours we are going to be streaming live on our Twitch. (Joey laughs) - Oh, you don't usually cut to me, I was like, oh. I mean, yes, our Twitch, which happens to have a link in the description which you can go and watch. And if you don't wanna click a link and wanna type it it's twitch.TV/trashtaste, podcast? - Trash Taste Podcast. - Okay, good. I got that right. - We're gonna be co-streaming the Crunchyroll Anime Awards, 2021, so yeah, lots of anime bands and yeah, gold times. (all laugh) I don't know what the fuck to say. - So if you wanna hear our opinion. - And all our live reactions to the best anime of 2020. Tune in at 5:00 P.M. PST on, or you can click the link in the description. - Also, if you're from any other time zone, here it is, it's on the screen. - It's in five hours from the episode airing, just click the link - Just click the link and enjoy the episode, bye. - TV show, what's that? I don't watch TV shows. - Shut the fuck up, Joey. - I only watch, anime? Those are TV shows. - Oh, let's not pretend you still watch anime, Joey. Come on, let's be real here. - Shut up. (gentle music) - Welcome to this episode of "Trash Taste", I am the boy, the big boy. And with me I have big boy chungus and small boy chungus. - Wow. - Why am I suddenly the fattest one here? (all laugh) - I mean, I was gonna call... Okay, right? I haven't seen either of you at the gym lately, I don't know what's been going on with that, but, you know, I am very disappointed. - I mean, who was the one that got a C in cholesterol at the fucking like- - Are we gonna start adding each other that, really? Okay, let's do it. - I wanted to open on that, 'cause you know what? I was doing my usual "Trash Taste" schedule and shitting on the toilet, literally before recording, I get a phone call from Sydney, and she said, oh, "I finally got my health results back in," I'm like, "Congratulations, what'd you get Sydney?" And she got all A's. - How the fuck is Sydney's liver an A? - I'm like fuck off Sydney, fuck off you got all A's. - How is it that she gets all A's and yet I got a C on my liver? When I'm probably the one out of the four of us who drinks the least. - Okay, so to give context to this conversation. So a few weeks ago, if you are a regular "Trash Taste" viewer you would know that we had our, biannual or annual health check? - Annual. - Annual health check, and I didn't know- - Which is something that a Japanese company forces every employee to do, they have to go for a checkup and the company also gets the results. - Yes. - And so we did our health checkup a few weeks ago, I talked about it on "Trash Taste", and we just got our results back. And this is the first time I've ever gotten results back from like, you know, getting my health checkup in a foreign company, country sorry, and I did not know that you get graded. - Yeah, I'm used to seeing numbers and them saying like, "Oh, this is bad." I'm like, oh well, I mean, it's just a funny number, isn't it? 220 - Yeah. Literally, I got my health checkup and I'm just like, wait, they are literally grading you ABC? - It's like an end of year school report. - Yeah, I felt like I was doing my GCSEs again, or A levels, I'm like, oh my God. And normally I don't really care too much about my health checkup 'cause- - Unless it's bad. - Yeah. - Unless it bad, right? You see numbers, you see the doctor's suggestions, and they're just that, they're just doctor's suggestions. But I don't know why, seeing my health being graded like a school test, it just brought the Asian blood out of me, right? - Yeah, I definitely felt more competitive. - Yeah. - With my body. - 'Cause I was going through my health checkup and overall I got a B, so I was like, okay, I am a straight A student, what the fuck did I do wrong? - There's no B Asian, Garnt. - No, deadass. (laughing) - In Asia B means bad. - Deadass, the first thing I did when I got my results was I phoned up my mom and told her how well I scored in this exam, like a good Asian son would. - I called up the doctor, and I was like, just to check, this wasn't ranked, was it? This was casual, right? This is free play, right? Please say this was psyche, please. No, but I mean my results, I got like all As, which was great, I should expect from someone who is under the age of 30, you're generally supposed to be quite healthy. - Yeah. - But I got a B on BMI, which, I mean, obviously I'm built a little different, and this is Japanese BMI which I believe is slightly different, I don't know if I'm led to believe that's correct. But I mean, BMI is bullshit anyway, a load of shit, this is 100% muscle not fat, don't at me. And I got a C on my cholesterol. - Right. - Ooh. - But I got like a... Well, I'm not sure how cholesterol works exactly, 'cause I don't know shit, I'm dumb. So they have like three different collaterals, and all of them were like a little, you know, all of them were kinds out of touch, if you will. - [Joey] Right - [Garnt] Right. - But I was like, in my head I'm like, well they gave me three Cs now for my cholesterol, I'm like, but what are the odds of one of these cholesterol being good and the others not being good, you know what I mean? - Right. - Right. - If I had amazing cholesterol, the other two aren't gonna be like, well, fuck, we better pick it up. I mean, I don't know, to me it was odd. - Mine was worse because I got a C on my liver, and I think a B on my heart rate monitoring or something? - Right. - Oh, really? - And everything else was an A. - Right. - What does that mean? - That's the thing. It's like, usually on your thing, I think you too got like a doctor's note, right? - Mh-hm. - Did you guys get a doctor's summary? - So you can ask when you get the thing, I don't know if you said yes or no. You can ask if you want advice, and I said, no, I don't want advice. - I said no either, but I still got like... I don't know if it's the same doctor's note that we're talking about, but it was just like a summation of the test results. - Which didn't explain anything. - No, it didn't explain. It just said some of the values are a bit, you know, abnormal, which is, you know, higher or lower than we expect, but there shouldn't be anything to worry about. - I didn't even get a summation. - Did you not? - Mine literally, like overall, I got a C and the summation box was just blank. - Oh yeah, mine too. - So what, you're just gonna tell me that my liver is bad and that's it? - Should I be worried? - I feel like context would help, right? - Yeah. - Did you get a note that said you had to come in three months later as well? Like Connor did. - I did, I got that. They told me to go back in three months, but it's optional. - I mean, on the thing it says, like if you get a C, they recommend you come back three months later, although I didn't get a note saying that I should come back. - Mine said you should come back in three months, but you have to pay for it. And also, you know, for cholesterol, I'm obviously gonna turn up and they're gonna be like, "Hey, you should exercise and eat healthy." I'm like, "Thanks Doc." - I was gonna ask, 'cause I heard you're back on the chicken and broccoli diets. - No, I haven't gone right back to the chicken and broccoli. - Okay. - I have started eating a little more health conscious though. - Is it because of the test results? - I think it helped, helped me be a bit more conscious. It made me, you know, when you would maybe just go for the karaage, or you'd go for the chips? It made me like second think, like, do I really want it? - I mean, I definitely have like stopped drinking. (all laugh) I think I've only drank like once or twice since. - Is the liver, 100% all problems come from alcohol? 'Cause I feel like it's not just that, there's gotta be a whole host of other things. - Yeah, it's probably not. - 'Cause the problem with the test results is that they gave you the grade but they didn't tell you how to improve it. And I guess that was our bad 'cause we literally ticked the box that said we don't want doctor's advice. Because I had assumed, like any other health checkup, that it would just be like, you know, the- - That you're gonna be good, right? - Yeah, it was just like the generic, you know, are you doing well? Do I need to go to the hospital to really have a lifestyle change? No. But as soon as I saw the fucking B, 'cause I got a B in my blood, and I'm just like how the fuck do I improve my blood? What am I doing wrong? Why is my blood a B? - Just improve your NaN? Just like control it. - 'Cause they were like going on like, you know, the white blood or T-cell, I'm not a fucking uh, I'm not a medical student. - I saw the numbers, I just saw the A, I was like I'm (indistinct). - Yeah, I saw the B and I'm just like, as an Asian student, you know, 'cause whenever I saw a B in a test, I'm like, okay, I can improve this test score. I can study a bit more, I can optimize this a bit more somehow. - What I found interesting was that like, I always thought to myself that I was very deaf for my age, because I went to a lot of concerts growing up, and just basically destroyed my ears through headphones and shit like that. So I was expecting, on the hearing part, that I maybe get like a B or something, right? I wouldn't even have complained about it. But then I saw I got an A, so I was like, oh, it's not that I'm deaf, it's just that I don't listen. (all laugh) It kinda made me realize, I was like, oh okay, I'm glad to know. I don't have a hearing problem, I just have like an attention problem. - I just don't give a shit. - I just don't give a shit. - That's my problem. - I was telling my company, I was like listen, if my eyesight or my ears come back shit, I know exactly why that is. And that's because I didn't know what the fuck was happening when they were talking to me. - Oh really? - They just put the headphones on me, I'm like, wait what? Wait, whoa. Then she asked me, luckily I just caught her asking, can you hear, in Japanese, like, can you hear it? And I'm like, hear what? What am I listening for? And then I realized, 'cause I had done the "Human Benchmark" test recently, that it was the frequency thing. So you say when you can hear it. But I was like, what am I hearing for, like a burp? I didn't know what was happening. So I was like, oh okay, shit, all right. - Yeah, how did she... Because with the eyesight thing, right? You have to do like the, it's like a circle but it's cut out, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - How did you guys say that in English? - No, I said it in Japanese. - Or did you just point? (speaking in Japanese) - Oh right. - Yeah. - 'Cause I really fucked up in the eyesight thing, because I didn't know what they were looking for. So I thought it was a normal eyesight test thing, where now it's just like, E, A, because... Okay, so to explain the eyesight thing, they have this circle and have one of like, either up, down, left or right that's cut out. - No, the diagonals as well, are cut out. - I didn't see diagonals. - I didn't see diagonals. - There was no diagonals. - Yeah, there were diagonals. - No there wasn't. - No, I only saw up, down, left, right. - No, there were diagonals. - No, 'cause I got all of them right. - Yeah I did too, but there were diagonals, - There was no diagonals. There was no diagonals. - The one they gave me, they usually have diagonals, right? - I've never seen diagonals. Because the only reason I knew about this test is 'cause when I exchanged my driving license from British to Japanese, I had to do the exact same thing. And it was this exact same thing again, and there was no diagonals. - I mean, I definitely got it right, 'cause I came back with like a 1.2. - 'Cause you got me like, what the fuck is this man talking about diagonals? What the fuck? - Yeah, because right next to the circle thing, you had like the letters as well. So I was just reading out letters when they were asking what direction, sir, what direction is missing from this circle? - O, O, O, O. - 'Cause I was wondering why she was looking at me really weird. And she kept asking me, "Can you see, can you see? And I'm just like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, let me just read out the letters for you." - So why are they all Os? This is easy as fuck. - Yeah, luckily I'd done the simulation before, so that's why I was not panicking as much, but yeah, man. I mean, I clicked no to the health advice 'cause I just figured that it was gonna be the same old, you know. - Eat healthy. - Yeah, 'cause let's be honest, right? Unless it's something bad, like really bad, that actually requires treatment, right? They're just gonna tell me, "Hey, you should exercise more and eat healthy," and I do most of that anyway. - Because, I think for cholesterol it's pretty simple. - Unless you just like to eat. - But for some of them, like for example, liver or blood, you look at that result. - Your blood's a little yikes. - Yeah. - It's like a number of factors, right? It's like, what do you even start with? - How do I improve my white blood cell count? I don't know. Do I just take an injection of white blood cells? What do you want me to do? - I have a theory, right? This could be a very pleasant theory, I don't know. My theory was, 'cause we got this health checkup done right after like Christmas, and my theory was, well I've just been drinking and eating straight for like three weeks. This is just, clearly we've gotta write this off, this doesn't count man. Of course my collateral is gonna be higher, I had like 8,000 calories three days ago, of course it's gonna be higher. - Sure. (chuckling) - Maybe, I don't know. - I did drink a lot in Christmas so that might be it. - Yeah. - I ate so much. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, my cholesterol is terrible. - I think I definitely skewed the results, that's what I'm gonna chalk it down to. - They're wrong, science is wrong. - Doctors out there, please validate me in the comments. I don't wanna hear it if you have an alternative theory, just say if I'm right. - Yeah, I just found it funny how, like, I think this is definitely the difference between Asian and Western culture, where I feel like in Asia, living in Asia, they try to make everything a test, and everything kind of competitive. And that's how I was raised as well so whenever I see a grade something in my blood drives me to try and improve that grade. - Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, and I don't know if I'm just like over-competitive, or I just, maybe- - Well I think it's good, right? Because if you're the kind of person who you are, those things work really well. But there's obviously some personalities out there that when they hear, oh, by the way, your BMI is bad, or your liver's bad, where they're just like, instead of wanting to be like, well fuck you, I'm gonna improve it, it's like, oh shit, I guess it's just like, there's no hope. Like why is it not working? And then they just make it worse, right? - Yeah, but I don't know, I feel like as someone who grew up in, you know, kind of both cultures, I think a lot of toxicity can come in putting so much value into a grade or a test. And I feel like definitely living in Asia, they put way too much value into test results and score results. - Do you think there are some schools and companies where they get bullied if you got like a bad rating on one of your health tests? - I think, totally, it's definitely a thing in Asia. - Look at this mo-fo who got a D in his blood. - Yeah, because in Asia, I dunno if I'm talking out my ass, but you see in like anime definitely, where you get the test results, right? And it's like publicly posted. - Yeah. - So you publicly know what your fellow classmates got. - Yeah. - And that to me seems like a lot of pressure. - They do that for university, like entrance exams as well. - That's fucking rude. - Yeah. - They create a huge billboard in front of the school and it has like your number on it, and if your number doesn't show up, you basically failed. It's like a public execution - Yeah, they literally make a public tournament arc for your test results. - It's brutal. - No wonder they put so much value on tests here. And I think that can definitely, to me, from my experience, can definitely skew with your mentality when you go out of schooling and you realize that not everything in life is graded, and not everything in life has a percentage or a grade that judges your results and how well you do. - Yeah, I think especially, given the industry that we've gone into, which is entertainment, if you will, I don't know if you'd call "Trash Taste" entertainment but we're trying our best here. I feel like the skill set is nearly 180 in compares of what you learn in school, right? It's purely based on like, I feel like social skills are 90% of our job, right? Being able to read a room, being able to talk, you know? I mean, obviously there is a lot of technical aspects, obviously, like learning how to set up all this equipment, but the majority of it can't be taught in a classroom. - [Joey] Oh no. - And you can't really grade it, you know? How can you grade someone's social skills? Imagine we start doing that? - Ooh, I mean... (all laughing) - Could you imagine it? Oh, Connor, you were an ass, but ever since the event happened you've been kind of a bummer, you're kind of a D now, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Yeah, it's like getting graded for every tweet you make, right? - Honestly, if Japan- - It's like, oh, that was a B plus tweet right there. - Yeah, true. Asia is gonna find a way. - Yeah, true. - I mean, I went through a period in life where, you know, I was the stereotypical wiebe that didn't go out, and I have zero social skills. And how I learned was, I think everyone goes through that stage especially if you go through university where you kind of wanna reinvent yourself, right? You move in to somewhere new and you wanna be a new person. So what I did was I basically just had like a full year where I just went out as much as possible and talked to as many people as possible, just like try to go out of my comfort zone. And that was hell for me as like this introvert, it was kind of like a trial by fire period of my life that I would never wanna do again. - Garnt's "300" spartan training with social structures. - It basically was, 'cause I literally just did not know how to socialize. I didn't know how to read a room, I didn't know what the social norms were. - That's such a common cultural thing in Japan, that we actually have our own like phrase for it, which is university debut. - Really? - Really? - Yeah, it's like a cultural thing in Japan where because there are so many anti-social kids in middle school and high school, and that when they go into university, they're like, oh shit, I'm like one step closer to where I have to socialize in order to fucking live in society. So university is literally my last chance before I'm thrown into that world. So I'm gonna like make a 180 during university and just fucking do anything and everything possible to just completely change myself around. - I think it is a really Opie mindset, you know, 'cause I wasn't cool at all in school, I was like very much an in-betweener, you know? I wasn't cool, but I wasn't on the bottom of the social ladder, if you will. - You weren't like bullied to shit, right? - I mean that's 'cause I started fighting back. (all laugh) I clawed my way out of the bottom. - Yeah. - You know, I was just kinda like whatever, no one really paid attention to me, never had any luck with dating or anything, I never had anything of that. But then I thought like, Oh wait, like no one knows who I am in university, so no one knows I'm a mid tier social, (laughing) I'm a C-tier on the social ladder, right? Like I can reinvent myself. And I didn't, you know, I didn't reinvent myself, it's just like you don't do the mistakes, you don't fall back on crutches that you had, like you said, right? You go out more. You know, I could play video games, which was what I probably would prefer doing, but if people invite me out, I'll say yes 'cause you wanna be seen as fun, and if you seem as fun everything goes easier, and you learn more, and you get more confident, and it's... Go out of your comfort zone. - For me it was like the complete opposite. I was really social in middle school and high school, and then when I entered university, because I started doing YouTube, I kind of regressed socially. - But you also lived at home, right? - Yeah, I lived at home. - I can imagine that's like way... You must feel, did you feel different from the other people who were living on campus and stuff? - Yeah, a little bit. I mean, our campus was weird because I think the majority of people in my class did live at home. - Oh wow. - Yeah, we only had maybe like a handful of people who actually lived on campus. - Which university did you go to again? - Sydney University. - Okay, so I guess, 'cause it's a city university. - Yeah, I mean, we have our own campus and dormitories and stuff like that, that uni students live in. But I think the majority of people, because it's such an accessible university, 'cause it's like smack bang in the middle of Sydney City, so people can just get on trains and buses and just go home basically. - Yeah, cause I feel like- - There was no one in my class who lived locally to the area, like who was from there. - Well, that's because you went to Swanzey, right? - Yeah. - What is there to do in Swanzey? - Well, that's a good question, Garnt. I'm still wondering that myself. (all laughing) I'm yet to find the answer. - I mean, to be fair. I didn't live locally either, I lived like an hour and a half by bus. - Fuck. - So I didn't live close at all. I could have, like, I was at a distance where I could have easily lived on the dorm. But then I heard from people who were living in dorms in Sydney University, they were like, don't do it. - But you could experience them, you know? Being thrown into hell. - Honestly, I feel like I learned more valuable social skills, and just life skills, going to university than I did actual career skills that I learned from my course. - I don't think I realized it until I left, and then I actually started like functioning on my own, you know? - I don't know what I would have done without that period in my life, Jesus. It basically taught me how to survive in the world and how people really are, and all the expectations I had growing up. 'Cause as a kid, right? You kind of expect that as you grow up and the more mature you get, you assume that everyone's just gonna realize what they're doing, get mature. And then you kind of realize, going through university especially, that that was a fucking lie. And then you go out of the university, start like the working world and you realize, oh, everyone here is just like grown up university students and nobody actually knows what they're doing, and everyone is still secretly as immature as they were before. - It's like adults aren't as adult as I thought they were, right? - Yeah. I don't know. I feel like I don't... It's either like people just have their shit together or they don't, like there's no in-between, like, I don't know. I've never met anyone- - Most adults that I've met are just like kids in suits essentially. - That's basically the best way I can describe it. And especially seeing some of the recent stuff that's been happening, obviously stuff like, let's say like... Can we talk about how- - The stonk market? - Can we talk about the stonk market that we've recently just seen? - Yeah, we're gonna be very delayed from you guys- - We are gonna be very delayed because it's a very- - To us it's just happened. - To us it's just happened or is happening, I don't fucking know, it's a constantly evolving situation. So by the time this airs, everything we're probably gonna be saying is gonna be outdated. - Who knows? The stock market might not even exist by the time this comes out. - My God, when reality is this entertaining, who the fuck needs TV? - This is what I'm saying, this is what I've always said, real life is so much more interesting. You couldn't make a movie about like, if you would have pitched a movie being like, so what happens is a bunch of Redditors, right? They buy game stock, and they fuck over these billion dollar head... Everyone will think that's fucking stupid, but if it happens, it's like this is the coolest fucking story. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Thus, documentaries are better than movies. - Yeah, and I just think we are reaching a time period where, you know, it used to be a funny meme, but now memes are just... Real life memes, big memes now, are basically just making fun of real life events, you know? - Yeah, pretty much. - And having a real life effect on the world, that is what memes are growing into it now. - I think I saw someone on Twitter saying, they were like, this is kind of the revitalization of it's just a prank bro, but the pranks have actually gone far, gone wrong. (chuckles) I'm not gonna lie, the first time I saw that story I was like I don't know what the fuck is happening, and I'm really scared to ask. - Dude, when it was happening, I was like what the fuck does shorting a stock mean? - Yeah. - And now I'm just like, now because of this meme I've done so much research that I'm just like, maybe I should get into the stock market, you know? It's really weird because- - Have you yoloed. - I have not yoloed, no. - Are you gonna yolo that YouTube money away, Garnt? - Look, I'm not a gambling addict, okay? A much as much as the "Gotcha" episode might've been real, look, I am not a gambling addict. - He'll yolo on "Gotcha" but not on stocks. - But it's made me think a lot about my grown up investments, the grown investments talk that I just never really thought about before. - It's weird because I've been doing stocks, like through like my dad, 'cause my dad is really in business. So I've been doing it but when this shit happened I was like, should I be scared? Like what's happening? I didn't know what was happening. - Dad, is our money safe? Daddy, daddy? - Daddy, please, is my money okay? Please. - I mean, no one in my family has had anything about it. - [Joey] Yeah. - I think every single generation of my family has just like made enough to get by, and do buy some nice things here and there, so I don't think stocks was ever on their mind. I think my parents had some stocks in the companies they worked for, as like a gift, so I think my dad checks up on those stocks. But in terms of actually knowing about the stock market, you know, no one in my family has any idea. - Right, because it's not something that everyone commonly learns, right? - But that's... What I was thinking- - It's only fancy gambling for rich men really. - Yeah. - That's what it's like marketed as, right? But I mean, I was doing my research and properly reading into this, you know, I was thinking, why the fuck aren't we taught this in school? Because I feel like, especially knowledge on the stock market, a lot of the reasons why people don't get into the stock market, from what I realized, is because nobody knows shit about it. It's because nobody was taught this in school and it sounds so complicated that nobody has the effort or energy to really read up and learn about this. I mean, I didn't, and the only reason I started reading up about this was because the fucking stock market was on fire and it turned into a massive meme. I literally started reading up about this because of a meme. - Who would have thought that memes get you to go into like educational adventures? - It happens all the time, man. - But hey, look, what this made me think was, why weren't we taught about this in school? Growing up, there's so many life essential knowledge that I think everyone should know. - To be fair though, I'm thinking back, like when you were like 15, 14, right? - You wouldn't have paid attention. - You wouldn't have paid attention. - You know, they always say like, oh, why didn't they teach kids about taxes in school as well? Because no one- - I do think there are however- - Because no one would fucking care. - I think even if you aren't, even with taxes, I do think that there should have been something. - Yeah I agree, there should have been something. - There should be something so at least when you get to that point in life you are aware and you can go back to be like, oh, this is why it was important. - Yeah. - Because there's so many things, Like, for example, I don't know why it's not compulsory to have a financial management course in school. There should be, there totally should be, because financial management is such an adult life essential skill, and it's something that you have to learn by just either, one, your parents teaching it to you, or two, fucking up and realizing that this is an important skill you need to know. - Instead schools are like, no, let's learn the quadratic equation, you will need that. - But no, let's learn that there are- - That's pretty useful actually. You're drawing on the quadratic equation, it's a very good equation. - Let's learn that there are 180 degrees in a triangle, I've used that before in my life. Let's learn about the tangents, and the cosine and the sine. - (indistinct) is the powerhouse of the sound, I don't know if you know that. Well, you know, I think why they should be teaching, like taxes and financial advice in school, is not so that you get, 'cause obviously kids aren't gonna fucking come out of school being like, hello, let me do your taxes. It's just so that when they leave school, it's on the back of their mind. That like, I've been taught that this is a thing that's gonna come up and that I should learn how it works for my value. - Yeah, exactly. The whole point of school I feel should be at least preparing you for what you're gonna face in the adult world, and, you know, there can be some specialized courses. You know, I memed it but I can understand why they teach mathematics and algebra, in case you want to pursue that. But what I am saying is there are so many life essential knowledge that I had to learn on the fly, and everyone does, and I was just not taught this stuff in school. And I'm thinking, why the fuck is this not taught in school? - And the thing is, is that like, yeah, you know, people can argue being like, you know, Oh, who needs to know the fucking quadratic equation, what people are doing... It's like architecture or like math based stuff, but like financial advice and taxes and shit like that, it doesn't matter what job you go into you're gonna have to deal with it as an adult. - Yeah, I mean, there's so many things in my school that we were taught that were replaceable in my mind. Like we would do like media studies, where we would just analyze newspapers and shit, and just talked about the media, and how they advertise their stuff. It's in my job now but I didn't even get anything useful from that. - Yeah, I had to do that as well. - Yeah, it's fucking stupid. - Oh, I didn't have to do that. - And then I did like cooking which was stupid 'cause, let's be honest, I'm not a good cook. As I'm sure guys will find out. - Let's be honest, Uber Eats is a thing now. (all laugh) - I'ma be honest, make money, get Uber Eats, that's what it's all about. - Yeah, - No, but, you know, they could've replaced it, and I think that, um... Fuck, what was I gonna say? Fuck, I totally forgot my point now, fuck. I'm done. Go back to you, I'll figure out what I wanted to say. - Okay, I'm just saying like there's so many important things in life that I just don't know about, you know? Like for example, I have no idea about anything about mortgages or anything like that, and when I say mortgage... You say the word mortgage, right? And you're like, oh okay, you are a grownup. You know, as a kid you hear the word mortgage, and you're just like, I don't need to worry about that, that's grown up shit. - Yeah, I had to learn that shit on the fly. I was like, I don't know what the fuck this is about. - But the thing is, everyone should aim to own a house, or own some property, that's like one of the final goals in life, right? And yet nobody's taught this shit in school. - I'm like, is it bad the only time I've ever heard the word mortgage was in a monopoly game? That's the only time I've heard of it. - And you know what? I still have no- - I still don't know how to mortgage in a monopoly game. - Exactly, I still have like the bare bones basic idea about mortgage because I've not gone through the process of buying a house, because that shit sounds scary to me. - Yeah, it is. - I did go and see a mortgage advisor just 'cause I wanted to learn more about it, and my bank had it for like, they were like free consultations. I had no intention of getting a mortgage, I just wanted to know how they worked. - Yeah, because I feel like you should know how they work. - Yeah, so I went and then, just this really awkward thing of like, so what do you do? And I'm like, oh well, so I make videos, about like anime, this is the time. And then he was like, "Okay, like, this is your income?" And I was like, yeah, and he's like, "It changed a lot in one year." I'm like, yeah, yeah it does that, it could go up or down, I don't know. And I'm there thinking I should just tell him as little about my job as possible otherwise he's gonna be like, "This guy is a financial risk, I can't give him a mortgage." But yeah, I mean it was pretty standard stuff. I mean, there's different rates and stuff, but you don't need to fucking worry about it. - Yeah, I mean, I had to sit down with our family financial advisor, like I had to go through- - That's the most privileged thing you've ever said in your life. (all laughing) Holy shit! - I never had a financial advisor. - No, it's because my parents are super into the housing market and the stock market and shit like that, so it was just like, you're an adult now- - That still sounds privileged. - Yeah. - You can talk to this man in a suit that comes to our house every so often, and you'd think he's our lawyer. I used to call him our lawyer 'cause I didn't know who the fuck this guy was, I was like, there's a man in a suit, he must be a lawyer. - Bro, check your wealth, Joe (all laugh) - This episode is sponsored by Harry's, Quality Grooming and Shaving Supplies. - Gentlemen, we all have beards, except for Garnt who shaved. - No, I do shave, and that's why I use Harry's. - Man, I just hate it when I have to choose between price and quality, but thanks to Harry's, that's no longer a problem I have to suffer with. - You mean you can get both at the same time? - Yes Garnt, you can. - That's illegal. (Garnt laughs) Harry's delivers a close comfortable shave at a fair price, only $2 per refill. - Goddamn. - Harry's believes in quality so much that they bought their own factory in Germany. Connor's favorite country, so you know that it works. Connor, just how do they do it? - Garnt, I'm glad you asked. Harry's team combined a simple ergonomic design with five sharp blades, they sourced their steel from Sweden and manufactured their blades in their world-class blade factory. Isn't that a fate arc? - Are you telling me that Harry's has min-maxed shaving, and shaving products? Guys. - Thank God. - Harry's German factory is one of the few select manufacturers in the world that have mastered the technology to create a Gothic arch, the gold standard of blade razor grinding - This sounds epic, like an anime arc. But thank God, they also stand behind the quality of their blades so much that they offer 100% money back guarantee on harry' - 100%? - Right. - For a limited time, Harry's has an exclusive offer for listeners of "Trash Taste". New customers can get a Harry's starter set and a free body wash for just $3 by going to taste. That's over a $16 value for just a measly $3. - What do they get out of that? - I'll tell you what they get; You'll get a five blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shaving gel, a travel cover, and a travel-size body wash - That's an incredible deal. - As Joey just said, that is an incredible deal but you have to act fast while supplies last. So go to to redeem your offer today. Thank you to Harry's for sponsoring this episode, back to the video. - So then when I became an adult and I started making a little bit of money on YouTube, they were like, okay, you can talk to our 'lawyer' now, who turned out to be a financial advisor. So I was like okay, I don't know what to do with this money, please help me. 'Cause otherwise it's just gonna collect in a bank, probably do fucking nothing. And he's like, well, you could, you know, mortgage, and I'm like, that word. Oh no, that word. - Ideally anyone with any kind of savings would have a financial advisor, sadly, you know, it's kind of difficult to get a good one or get one that even... - Like understands, right? - Yeah. - I mean yeah, I had to fucking like sit- - I would if I could, I mean, I don't fucking know anyone. - I had sit the guy down to be like, okay, this is what I do. And he was like, "Wait, so you make videos and you get paid to do that?" And I'm like, yeah, and he's like, okay. - I mean, I would love a financial advisor because there's so little I know about it, and this kind of, the wall street bet thing that's been going on has really just opened my eyes to how little I know about this stuff that I feel like I really should know. - Yeah. - Like a YouTuber I've been watching recently is a guy called, I think it's Graham Spector, I think? - The millionaire guy? - Yeah, the millionaire guy. I saw him in other videos where he was talking about, he seems like the most grounded millionaire I've ever- - I couldn't stand him at first, he seemed like a dick, and then I started watching and I was like, all right, okay, he's pretty cool. But he just came off as like an ass. - The biggest thing that me off is every episode he goes, he does the, "But don't forget to like and subscribe, if you like the video", and like, no matter how cool a person you are, if you say it, - Immediate turn off. - Ironically, yeah, immediate turn off. But I was watching some of the videos and some of the advice that he gave, which was, some of it was just like really basic financial advice about how to manage your money. And the thing is, he gives advice that any person from any level of income can take to heart. 'Cause like one of the ideas that he really tried to propagate is like, no matter how much earn, everyone should get this in their mindset, that you can invest something. - Yeah, that's what I understood as well. - Because I had grown up with the mindset of like the word, investment, that's for rich people, that's for privileged people. I, I can't invest, I don't have the money to invest. But even just investing a fraction of your paycheck or something, in the long-term can really help you financially and give you a lot of financial stability. And this is the stuff that we were just never taught. - I guess as well, 'cause you hear so many horror stories about investments going wrong, and you also hear about like, you know, people who take advantage of people, you know, a fake financial advisor who says, "Oh, I'll help you out with your money," and then just runs off with it, right? - Yeah, exactly. - It's so scary to trust someone with any amount of money, and, you know, even if you have barely anything, it's still all you have, right? And it's scary to give that to someone, and be like, oh, I trust you to take care of this, right? - 'Cause the way that I was taught up, because, you know, I also didn't come from like the most well-off family. - You didn't have a lawyer or a financial advisor? - I did not. - You didn't have a family financial advisor? I thought everyone had one of those. - My parents declared bankruptcy when I was a teenager. - Oh shit. - Yeah, so I grew up with a mentality that, you know, you should try to keep your money as safe, you should gather up as much as possible. And I realized how much this mentality had affected how I think about just resources in general. So what I realized is that I am that gamer, right? I am that gamer who, you know, whenever you play an RPG- - You don't use any of the precious- - And you get a rare item- - You don't use it. - Yeah, I don't use it. (Joey laughs) - And whenever I play, like "Command And Conquer" or something, or some RTS games, right? I wait until I have a fuck ton of resources, and then I start buying stuff out. And I realized, I realized this this week, when I when I was like, where did this come from? And I realized, oh, it's because that's just how I manage my money, and I've always come in the mindset of I've gotta save this just in case of a rainy day. I can't invest it, I need to save it because, you know, investing money might be risky so it's better to just save it. And, you know, I kind of realized this as I was doing research and I learned a lot about myself this past week because of a fucking meme. - 'Cause a lot of entrepreneurs are spending everything they have, just goes right into buying shit, they have no savings, it's just all in the businesses. - Well it's all just high risk, high reward, right? - Yeah, but then also as well, you know, online there's so much of those fake, stupid entrepreneurs online that have just really ruined, in my mind, the image of an entrepreneur, like a speed run ruin in like five years. - If I go on like a Twitter, or a social media, and it has the word entrepreneur on it, - Oh my god. (all laugh) Here's the thing, right? 10 years ago, entrepreneur, was probably one of the coolest things you could say. - It's like damn, you're an entrepreneur? - Now I just think, oh you're just doing a fucking multi-level marketing scam to me, or you're selling me a course on how to be more confident. Have you seen those courses? - Yeah. - Those things are insane, they cost like, it's like $1,000 for the first course. - And then they're like, all right now you've unlocked the ability to get the next level of the course, for only $5,000, and it blows my mind. - They're like trying to teach you shit that can't be learned. - Right. - Yeah, but it blows my mind that people buy into this stuff. 'Cause they're obviously just people who are spending the money you're giving them on this lavish lifestyle, that then they sell back to you. Like it's insane, and I don't know how people get sucked into this. Like when we were talking about the gambling stuff, I can understand how somebody can get into gambling. and you can gamble away. I don't understand how someone can watch these entrepreneurs, right? These fake entrepreneurs talk about how they can make you loads of money and they can tell you how to be like, there's loads like realtors, have you seen those? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like, I could teach you the best real estate course of your life, just come here for $100 and then have someone else teach it, and then add five more classes, I'm like, how does someone believe this shit? It's all fake obviously, I don't get it. - I mean, someone believes this shit because there's... I think the biggest problem is that there's so much information out there right now that you don't know who to believe. I mean I can see when someone knows nothing about... - Yeah, I know nothing about many things. - Yeah. - But I also know when someone's shouting out of their ass, you know what I mean? - You have a bullshit detector. (all laugh) - Yeah. - A lot of people don't have a bullshit detector. - A $500 paywall right off the gate for a lesson is normally the first indication of that. - Well, I think to a lot of people, you know, they see that paywall and they see the presentation and they think, oh, well this is probably legit. - Yeah, I mean I'm putting money into this so that must mean the advice is legit. - If I have to pay this much for this course then it must bring results. - Yeah, maybe I just can't see that 'cause obviously we're doing entertainment and you see how fake things are, right? - We've been on the internet for long enough to know what's bullshit or not, right? - Also, we're producing content, I know what fake content looks like, right? I can imagine how it was made and what tactic was used to push that. - Yeah, because whenever I see one of those marketing trailers of like, oh, you can learn X amount and earn X amount. I swear they all have the same fucking templates. - They do. - With the same inspiring stock-like music. - "The first year I made $3,000, the next month after that I made $1 million." And it's like, oh, I'm sure you did, I'm sure you did. Off mugging everyone off. - Yeah, exactly. - It's like the equivalent of going on a piracy site, and then seeing the adverts of, I earned $10,000 from filling out surveys. And you're like, who the fuck actually clicks on this and believes this stuff? (all laughing) - It is the con on porn ads, right? - The fact that you're advertising on like, not even PornHub, but like it's some shady hentai website. - Eat this pill and your dick will grow three times the size in three months. - I mean, now that I'm thinking about it more, it must come from targeting insecurities, right? - Absolutely, yeah. - Like it must come from like, some people are already insecure about their financial amount, right? And I'm sure there's other things like that. I mean I just realized now, why would they offer dick pills? Oh, because people are pretty insecure about their dick not working, right? So it's probably the same kind of- - Yeah, and they don't know any better, right? They just think like, well I want just the quickest, easiest, like most straightforward way to get a lot of money, oh, look at this ad. - It's a harsh lesson in life to learn that miracles truly don't exist. - Yeah. - Who would have thought that you need to actually put the work and effort into- - If your dick doesn't work, that might just be, that might be a lifelong thing. - Yeah, exactly. I don't think any amount of pills is gonna save you, dude. - There's only so many times you can pop that Viagra, you what I mean? - Yeah, exactly. - I mean, I feel like it's the same reason why people fall for multilevel marketing scams. - Apparently that's really bad in the U.S. I have a lot of friends from the U.S who tell me that they have loads of their friends from high school who tell them that, they're constantly messaging about it. - Really? - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't know how bad it is. It could just be that I'm connected to strange people who have strange friends. Meilyne, do you have friends who have multilevel marketing people? You do? - [Meilyne] They tried to sell me alkaline water. - Alkaline water. (all laugh) - Tried to sell you alkaline water. - Ladies and gentlemen, I have won case, my proof is there. - I mean yeah, I know a few people from America as well. - You do? - Yeah, maybe not like- - Directly, but you know people who know- - Yeah, I know people, and even, I think Sydney's mom, has on occasion messaged Sydney about this nice little scheme that can make her money, but you know, Sydney obviously steps in. And it's because, I mean, it really preys on people who are looking for that out, looking for that out in their life. you know, when you're stuck at a dead-end job, and you are old enough where you feel like you're kind of stuck here, you're not young enough to do something crazy or just quit everything and you have responsibilities. You know, you kind of look for a way that can get you out of this lifestyle, whatever that is. And sometimes, I mean, that's why- - I mean, don't get me wrong. Oh, I was gonna say like, don't get me wrong, like, you know, in order to get out of that kind of stuff, risk taking is definitely a thing that you have to do. - There's risk taking and there's making mistakes. - Right, there's responsible risk taking where you'll always have a fallback if it doesn't work out, and then there's just a risk take where you just yolo it. - Yeah, at the end of the day, right? Let's be honest, right? The way life works, if somebody had a million dollar idea, right? A stranger isn't gonna come up to you and pitch it to you, they're gonna fucking do it themselves. - Yeah, exactly. - Right? Like if anyone comes up to you promising to make you money, that should be the biggest red flag in existence. - Nobody can promise to make you money. - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - For example- - And if that person also promising to make you that money isn't a billionaire themselves, why the aren't they doing it? - Yeah, exactly. When I realized where... What I've realized growing up is, you know, my mum and dad would give me advice about how to be successful in X and Y, and I love my mum and dad, but then I came to a point when I realized that some of the mentality, especially when managing money, was not wrong per se, because that's the mentality that they had to survive, because that's the environment that they were in. - It was just different, yeah. - Yeah, it was a different environment, and I gotta realize I'm growing up under different circumstances, and I have to, you know, I have to choose sometimes whenever some advice does pertain to me and when it doesn't. And when someone's promising you to make money, that's like, okay, we're three successful YouTubers, right? But as much advice as we can give we cannot promise a random person to make them a successful YouTuber. - Right. - [Connor] Right. - We can give advice about how to increase their chances and how to help work the algorithm, for example. - But we're not gonna drop a million dollar video idea, 'cause we would just do that. - Yeah, there's no way that I can sit here and guarantee you that yes, I can give you advice to make you a YouTuber that gets a million subscribers. Nobody can do that, or an X amount from YouTube. - As far as I'm concerned, we were all very lucky in that case as well, right? We had the odds in our favor - But nobody told us what to do. - I mean, I preach by that, you know, we did a lot of things right, and we all were also very lucky in a lot of aspects. There wasn't one without the other. There are things that you can do to increase your chances of success and massively get the odds into your favor but to guarantee something, to guarantee success like that, it's pretty much impossible. - Yeah, I think the sad truth of life is, and I think you just realize this, is like I think the stock market looks like a fucking casino to many people. - I thought it was a casino. - A lot of the hedge funds do treat it like such. - Yeah, exactly. - But at the end of the day- - We learned that today, we learned that in the past week - At end of the day it's truly a sad moment when you realize there isn't really a get rich quick scheme in life, it doesn't exist, right? And if you're looking for that, I feel like you're already setting yourself up to be disappointed, or gonna hurt yourself. - If there was a scheme that could 100% give you a success rate of like, you're gonna get famous, you wouldn't think everybody would be doing that? - Yeah, it might make someone rich, probably not gonna be you. - Yeah. (all laugh) - Here's the thing, like reading up about a lot of like financial advice and everything that I have for the past you know, the past week, like, take this with an exact- (indistinct) - Three people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about financial, discuss financial advice. - Yeah, exactly. - Please do not take any of our advice, this is not financial advice. - We do have to make a disclaimer about this but from what I've read and from what I've seen, it seems like you can definitely increase your chances of being successful in life, but the problem is that a lot of the legitimate advice I've seen, it seems to stem from you don't get rich quick, it's all boring stuff, it's all put your money in safe places. - It's the long game most of the time. - Wait 10 to 20 years and you'll be well off in life. Nobody wants to hear that advice. - That's just boring. - That's just boring - They wanna hear the, I went to sleep, woke up and I have a million dollars now right? - You don't wanna hear about Roth IRA's, or put your money in fucking cash Isis. - I want Gamestop stocks. - Yeah, exactly. They wanna hear something exciting, but when you hear boring financial advice you just kind of tune out and you're like, oh, okay, so I can get rich but just not now, but like in 10, 2O, no, more like when I retire, I'm gonna have a retirement fund. - And thus Garnt figured out why all the old people hold all the wealth in nearly every developed country. 'Cause I noticed, right? I was just looking around for maybe like, I wanted to just talk to a financial advisor, not like do anything, I just wanted to talk to them and just have like the free consultations and talk to them, and just figure out what the fuck, like what do they do, what can they do, what's a good one, what's a bad one. And I noticed on all of the websites, at least in the UK, every single one, right? It was picture of some young man helping an old person out on a laptop, pointing at the monitor. And then it was all- - It's like a Stock image. - Yeah, it was all just like pension advice, pension, pension, pension, and like long-term, long-term. Like none of it was like risky- - For young people. - Yeah, none of it was for young people, 'cause, you know, let's be honest, young people don't do that shit. - No, no. So yeah, it was really, you kind of just like, a lot of the things that you'd noticed about the world start to fall in place, and when you start looking you're like, ah, okay, everything's starting to make sense now. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like my best advice to anyone young watching this, is if this conversation leads to anything, just go out and do your research. Actually read up about this shit, because- - Don't fucking sign up to a $500 seminar, I will disown you. - Don't do that, just read up about basic financial advice. - Everything you need to know is free. - Yeah, that's the thing, everything you need to know is free and the only thing stopping you is your own laziness. Cause that is.. Me reading up about this felt like I had just gained five levels of info that I should have known when I was in my 20s. And I'm just like, why didn't I know this shit before? I was stupid, I was lazy. - Don't expect to get rich off the GameStop stonks and shit, like the road is gonna be long and probably really boring. - I'm investing in learning Japanese, so that I can become a translator for a yakuza and then I'll translate the wrong number like in the "Great Pretender", and profit hundreds of millions of dollars for myself. Thus being the best investment of ever. (all laughing) - Well, someone's gonna take that idea. - Don't fucking steal my get rich quick idea, I swear to God. - You gave away the million dollar idea. - Bi-lingual people don't do it, all right? - I'm just like writing it now. - Joey's like shit, write that down. Joey's called up his financial advisor. I wanna set this scheme, you won't believe it. - Does anyone know any yakuza? (all laughing) - Any yakuza with cross country gang information that we could- - Does any yakuza need any translation work? I'm your man. (all laughing) - Oh my God. - All right, well boys, I have something very special planned today. - Okay, - They said it wouldn't happen, the common said it couldn't be done, but I finally did it. I wrote a PowerPoint presentation. (Joey laughing) for all the different ways- - You actually did it? You actually did it. - How many weeks ago was that? - I was just like at week 10 or something. - Yeah, like nine or something, right? - That was just like, you know, when you say something off hand and then- - It was an offhand comment. - It was an offhand comment, and then the community and the Reddit were just like never let you forget that you said that one thing. - To explain what Garnt is talking about, I don't know which episode it was. Play the flashback mode on. - What I gotta do is I gotta, some episode, I need to bring a presentation of all the different ways people have tried to hit on me. Like, I gotta, - Please. - A PowerPoint presentation, the most interesting ways it's happened. So I made a little presentation, with some fun images to explain all the different ways that you can be, so I guess I should pull the laptop up. - Are you about to break down the 93%? - Break down the 93%, it's not the 93% anymore, it's like a 59%. - This is how you can also be the 93%. Sign up, first month is $100. - I wanna preface that this is not my laptop, as it has stickers on it, so it's just disgusting. - [Joey] Yeah, that's my beautiful laptop. - "A YouTuber Guide To Being Hit On, all the ways a YouTuber can be hit on." - Wow, this is bringing me back to like high school. - Dude, you've actually done a PowerPoint presentation. - I did. - Is this is a Ted talk. - This is my Ted talk, Ted didn't invite me, so I thought, we'll make my own. - Before we start, how much effort did you put into this? - Not that much. - Okay. - So this is like... Okay, so basically these are all true things that have happened at one point or another. And I didn't write the whole details out, so basically they're more prompts for my memory to be like, ah yeah, this is what happened, all right, let me explain it. - This looks like a real Ted talk. - I guess so, yeah. - This isn't like the high school, I'm reading off the PowerPoint. - No, there's literally like two sentences just to remind me, oh, it's this story, okay. But yeah, I do wanna preface before we begin, I'm not trying to make out that I'm some kind of like fucking sex God that no one can resist, it's literally just when you have X amount of subscribers obviously there's gonna be two people out there that are stupid enough to think that I'm attractive and try and hit on me. - Right. - Okay, - Just wanna get that out there. - You're being very humble there. - I do no think that I am like X hot or whatever, it just happens with the job, I think. People don't try it with you, 'cause, you know, you guys are basically married, all right. Not to each other, of course. (all laughing) - Why are you laughing, Meilyne? - Meilyne's like, I love the gay talk. - She's like, tell me more about how they're married. - What do you expect to see on this list? What are you excited for? - Uh, I don't know. Basically, I'm just looking forward to this presentation just being a massive excuse to say I'm not a fuck boy but. - No, I obviously didn't reciprocate, 'cause most of these are strange. I've also accompanied, I just downloaded a bunch of stock images, I didn't pay for the license, I shouldn't say that, but I just downloaded the bunch. - Thank you, Getty Images, for sponsoring this episode. - So just to accompany it, just for fun, why not? Like I said, I love Stock Images. So we have the classic to start with, what is that? So this is, as I've said, a text to my personal number. - Okay, what? How did they get your personal number? - That's what I wanna know, Garnt. I don't know So this happened about, I think four or five months into my YouTube career, if you will. I thought great, I haven't leaked anything, I just do live streams- - That was what, 2015? - Yeah, I was wondering how the fuck someone had done this. So turned out, at the time I had an iPhone and the email that I listed was actually like my email linked to my iPhone account, and someone had just connected the dots of like, Oh, let's just put this email on my iPhone and text Connor. I don't use iPhone anymore. - Oh, that's how, because they did the iMessage thing. - Right, so I deleted that email, so it doesn't exist anymore, 'cause I was like, fuck this. But at the time it was very creepy of wake up to a text from an American number being like, "Hi, is this Connor by the way?" It's not exactly being hit on, but I stopped it before it could get there. - Right. - Right. - That's the first one, I think this is a Stock Image. - [Garnt] I've actually had something similar happen to me. - [Connor] Admire my Stock image. - [Joey] I have a lot of questions about this Stock image. Why is there a potato there? - [Garnt] What is that stock image? - [Connor] I don't know, these are all strange Stock images. So she's just saying no to the potato on the desk. - But yeah, I've had similar things happen to me, I'm not gonna name what messaging app or whatever it was on, but I've realized that you could find my username, obviously pretty easily through this messaging app. And I would get like people adding me and just messaging me randomly on it. That was a humbling experience to realize, oh, okay, I can't- - I fucked up. - Yeah, I fucked up, I can't use this email for everything now. - [Connor] All right, the classy, the fan mail. The actual handwritten letter - Oh, like a physical fan mail. - Yeah. - Okay. - Was this sent to your P.O box? - This was sent to my P.O box, yeah. - I was about to ask how they found your address. - P.O box, you know, had a few letters that were asking if I was, you know, 'cause they would know what conventions I'm going to and then they would say, "Hey, is it possible that maybe we could go on a date or something?" And obviously, you know- - I never got that, even when I was single. - No? - Never. - Maybe with time it'll change, Joey. - Yeah. - YouTubers weren't cool back then, you know? - Right. - This is just like two, three years ago, this used to happen. It didn't happen that often, but people would attach their numbers and then they would- - I never had that, did you ever have that? - I mean, when I first started up really blowing up on the anime community I was already pretty much dating Sydney. - Oh yeah, that's true. - And, you know, if like Sydney makes her, let's say she marks her territory. - She wards off the- - The laser eyes. - The predators, also I added a stock image, it's this one. - [Joey] What is happening? - [Connor] It's a guy with a beer. - [Joey] This man's doing like a parallel park drift while pouring a beer, I guess. - [Garnt] The classy. - [Joey] On a highway? - [Connor] And then this one is the modern, the fan email. Obviously, we get emails. - [Joey] Yeah, we still get that. - [Connor] It's a classic, we get that all the time. - [Garnt] That was a classic. - [Connor] And then this is the Stock Image, 'cause this is me putting the emails in the trash when you send them to me. - I thought you meant this is all the fan mails we get for "Trash Taste". (all exclaiming) - I hate you, Joey, it's not fucking funny, - All pretty standard so far for YouTubers though. - Yeah. Okay, next we have the extra classy. I used to do Patreon fan letters, where you could pay to be pen pals with me. - Okay, that sounds like so much effort. - That doesn't sound like a nightmare is about to happen. - When I made that I didn't think it was gonna, so it's not on there anymore, but I used to think that it was like, oh, this is such a cool way to connect with me, and I didn't realize about the logistics. - [Joey] Yeah. - 'Cause you never do with Patreon, you never think about the logistics until you realize- - I have do this every month. - Yeah, basically I agreed to write like 20 letters a month which I'm not good at writing either, and I don't like writing, so writing one letter for me takes like 30 minutes, cause I hate it. - I've seen your handwriting. - I hate writing so much so it was just painful and it was really frustrating as well, I'll go on to how I got hit on after. But it was frustrating as well 'cause people would join Patreon for one month and leave. So I would send out a letter that would just be like, "Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you, tell me about yourself," and then not get a response. But I'd have to write like seven of those letters a month, every month, and I was doing them all by hand. - How long was the letter itself? - Like a page or two? - Jesus. - Geez, that's a long- - For how much a month? - I think it was on like the $40 tier, but that was included with a voice message as well. - So like how much would, let's let's break this down on cost to effort-wise. How much would it take you to write a letter? Not long? - I mean, I guess if they paid $40 for 30 minutes worth of work, but I'd always get distracted and I couldn't focus 'cause I just didn't wanna be doing it, so it was awful. But yeah, I had someone as well, same with the fan letter, who was like, it was this really weird situation where I'm not really sure what happened. 'Cause I was just being like, ah, yeah, cool, I like Pokemon too, I like these things, 'cause I was trying and be honest and trying to make a friendship with them. And then they were like, they replied one time being like, "Oh yeah, so I told my coworkers at work that I have a boyfriend and I said that it was you." And then they asked like, "Is that okay?" And I was like, sure, I don't give a fuck, I'm not gonna go around saying that, you can say that. - She brings up the Cdawgva to YouTubers, and she's like, "Hey, you wanna see my boyfriend?" - That's my boy right there. - Look at that guy, Sebastian, his name's Sebastian. - I'm just thinking and I'm like, is that a brag? Because if they pull up my videos, half of them are either gonna be me reading BL, or me in the cosplay. And I think they were from like Midwest somewhere, super conservative state, so I couldn't imagine they would take too kindly to me being like naked in my room, basically going, (squeals) you know? So yeah, that was interesting, that was fun. - Also, it's a boyfriend that never fucking responds to messages or anything like that. It's a one way boyfriend. - It's a boyfriend that replies once a month via mail. (Joey laughs) But yeah, I ended up getting rid of that because, just stuff like that- - That sounds like effort. - And also it's just way too much effort. And this is the Stock Image to accompany it. - [Joey] What is happening? (all laughing) - [Connor] This is me writing the reply email to the hitman that they hired if I didn't say yes, that we were dating. And then yeah, this is the obvious, this is called nutting during fan calls. I made a video about this, you should go and watch it. It's really old now. - Yeah, I know the story, but you can tell. - So essentially there was this time where I was doing a fan call as Hetalia characters. - That sounds like cringe already, all right. - So I was doing it with someone else who was doing another voice, and we were on the call with the person, and I thought like there's some weird breathing sounds coming from them. But I was like, huh, it sounds a little weird but I didn't think much of it. - Was it Meyline? (all laughing) - Too bad, you bring the Dakimakura or someone from like "Vampire Knight" she'll get like that. So what happened was, is that we were on this call, I thought, that's weird. And then when we got off the call, it was only like six, seven minutes, I was like, "Bruce, was that weird? That call was weird, right?" And he was like, "Oh no, I don't think so." But I was editing the audio, so I can go back and listen to the audio, and I'm like, she's definitely nutting, that isn't like hyperventilating breath, it was like slow, deep breaths. (breathing heavily) Like that, and I was like, what the fuck? So I made a video about it, but I pitch shifted and changed it, and it sounds even creepier. It sounds like a two year old now, which is just scary. Because I wanted to protect their identity obviously, 'cause I don't know if it was, I don't know if it wasn't, but like, it don't sound good. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But yeah, I had cut a lot of people- - That's a bit of yikes. - Yeah, that's a bit of yikes. - How do you handle that? - You're playing character, right? When you do those calls you're in character, so when people would say stuff I would reply in character, like to reject them. - I'd just like to imagine, you just hear like, (moaning) And Connor's like pastor, oh yeah. - Which "Hetalia" character were you playing? - I was playing France from "Hetalia". (Joey and Garnt laughing) I've never watched "Hetalia", but I assumed he was like a bit of a player from what I understood. - I would have loved it if he was playing like Italy, and he was just like, (moaning) oh yeah, pastor, yeah. - So I was playing France, they were playing Italy. - They were playing Italy. (chuckling) - Pastor. (Joey moaning) - This episode is sponsored by EJ Anime Store. - Kadokawa's official online anime mode store that specializes in delivering the newest anime modes to overseas anime fans directly from Japan. - Be sure to check out the pre-order deadline shown on-screen so you don't miss out on today's item. - What do we have for today's items? - Look at all these beautiful items. - Look at all that man. What are you holding, Connor? - I've recently just become an art appraiser. - Really? - And I have to say, I've added this piece to my collection, gentlemen, because it's a steal. This wonderful piece here, as I've been instructed multiple times to pronounce correctly by Meyline, Is Sayakona, how to raise a boring girlfriend, (speaking in Japanese) (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Did I do it right? - Obviously Connor is a massive Sayakona fan. - Woodblock print, now as a big fan of the show, I gotta say gentlemen, following... (all laughing) As a big fan of this I have to say, following Megumi, and Eriri, is that how you say it? - Eriri. - What a fucking tongue twisting name, goddamn. The third installment of, oh my God, Sayakona ukiyo-e woodblock prints series portraying utaha, is finally here. The wait is over. These are brought to life using Japanese craftsmanship techniques originating in the 17th century. Goddamn that is old. And the background artwork is actually connected to all three illustrations lined up next to each other to form one large picture. - Wow. - Isn't that wonderful? - And it looks beautiful. - Is that part of the appraisal? - It is. - And we also got the Konosuba Mega Man anime opening edition. I mean look at how beautiful this is. - That's actually one of the dopest Mega man figurines, I have a couple of Mega Men figurines, this is easily the coolest one, yeah. - This is Cara and his new figure label, CA words, bringing you this beautiful konosuba figure portraying Megaman unleashing her explosion magic while falling from the sky. - I think you mean, explosion. - I'm sorry. - Fake fan. - I'm a fake Konosuba fan. - Fake fan. - She can explode my wallet, if you know what I mean, with that figure, - And this is recreating a scene from the second anime opening sequence. - We also got the Mushoku Tensei jobless reincarnation, Roxy Migurdia figurine right here, which actually looks kind of dope. - She does look dope. - Love the base right there. - We also got the (indistinct) tea party version, and we've also got the (indistinct) wedding bikini version. - That is Connor's favorite. - Yeah, that is Connor's favorite right there. - You love that, right? - Well, I do love it, so I'm gonna go and check out these items on while they're still available, or click the link in the description below. And if you haven't already, follow them on Facebook and Twitter, @EJanimestore, so you don't miss their giveaways and limited time offers. Back to the episode. - Woo! - And like, to be fair, it would happen fairly often but I nearly always cut them 'cause it was just cringe. And people would just be like, I wanna date Sebastian, and I'd be like, no one is worthy of me, like that. 'Cause it's really, like when I'm in the zone and I would do these calls, I would like fully believe in that moment that I was like that, 'cause you have to if you want to do it good. - I mean, you're playing a character, right? - Yeah, so when people would say stuff like that, I would just like snarkily just insult them straight away, 'cause they loved it. - Yeah. - And it was fun. Dude, imagine being an asshole and everyone's like, oh my God, he's amazing. - How long did you do this for? - These calls? - Yeah. - I did them for like two, three years. - How? Just how? - No, 'cause when it went well it was really fun, because people had such a genuine, happy response, really great. - You had to just deal with some weird shit fairy often. And so I was like, all right, I'ma head out like this Stock Image, from that call, am I right? - I'm only joking Meilyne, you were probably never that bad, right? - No, she was. She still is, she is worse. I'm joking. (all laughing) I've seen her when she gets around Uta No Prince. All right, next is the uncomfortable, as if none of them were already. - [Joey] Yeah, right? - [Garnt] The last one wasn't uncomfortable? - No, I can deal with that. - Okay. - 'Cause that's in character, that's not Connor, that's Sebastian, that's France. That's not my problem, that's France's problem. - She's getting real hot for France. - So yeah, up until very recently I used to do Patreon fan calls. - That was not in character. - No, as me. - [Joey] Yeah. - So I would offer, and it's gonna sound like a lot, for like $100 an hour to have a call with me, but then if you ask any YouTubers around our sides, they'll be like, wow, that's too little. - Yeah. - 'Cause, I know, it sounds absurd, it sounds stupid, my parents all thought it was dumb. They were like, "People pay to speak to you, Connor? That's absurd." - My parents got the same reaction. - "Why would anyone wanna pay speak to you, Connor?" I'm like, mom, fuck off mom. So anyway, up until recently I used to do Patreon fan calls, like I said. I'd call it like generations, I don't really know why. but people would always leave in mass and join in mass, and there's only 10 spots on my call, so only 10 people at a time could get these calls. And I would only maybe have like one person who was on it for like two plus years, but the rest of the time it was like rotating people. And like I had some really fucking uncomfortable ones that I haven't really spoke about 'cause I'm just like, this is so fucking weird, but I mean, I might as well speak about it now. So this one time, this is by far the most uncomfortable, where I had done two calls with the person and they were like, okay, all right, they seemed pretty decent, seemed pretty normal, they were from Vegas, you know? Aki represent. - Yeah, I don't know why you're pointing at me, I'm not from Vegas. - No, and they were like, sorry, I didn't do webcam, it was only about voice. But one time they were like, "Can we do webcam?" And I was like, all right, sure. I mean, a one-off, right? Like what's the worst that could happen with a webcam? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You guys know what happened. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I'm like okay, sure. Sure, let's do it, let's do webcam, whatever, you know, you've been on Patreon for a while, we can do this. So we boot up the call, I turn on my webcam, she turns on her webcam. Ah, yeah, she's naked. She's fully naked, but wearing body paint, but you can like- - The look on Usher's face. - Oh my God. - Luckily she was over age, dodged a bullet. - Thank God. - Luckily. - Luckily, thank God. - Otherwise finna get arrested immediately, I was like, yo, what the fuck? And then I was like, oh no, the connection's breaking up, and then like- - You go like, hello can you hear me? (imitating static) - I was like, gosh. - Hello, I'm going through a tunnel. - Literally the moment it happened, like it flashed on the screen, I was like, smash the red and fucking end this call. I was like, fuck man. You know how hard, British internet man, it keeps going out. I'm so mad at them man, ugh. - I gotta stay on voice, my internet can't handle the webcam. - Damn, my webcam just imploded. So I was like fuck, that's awful, it's just terrible. And I had some other uncomfortable things come up and generally just not very good things happen, that were just like, why are they doing this? Like, they would just hit on you in really uncomfortable ways, to the point where I was just like, you know, some people would think that, you know, you'd meet some people who had clearly never been rejected in their circle, right? And then they pay me to talk to me and then they're like, well I've never been rejected, so it's not gonna start now obviously. They think I'm gonna like... This is a work thing for me, I'm there doing business. - It sounds like you had a fucking babe station, call center going on. - Obviously, 'cause like, it's great, 90% of people, it was chill, it was just talking to them, give them a bit of useful advice, and maybe help them with things, super normal calls. It's just like some people were like, bro, this is my in, this is my way to get Connor to hang out with me or stuff, and like all sorts of weird shit. Like people would go around and, like, I think recently, I used to do like voice recordings, I still do to be fair, 'cause they're really easy. But people would go around, take the voice recordings and say, "Look, me and Connor are best friends." - Ugh. - Like, I have a message from Connor saying hi to me, we're kind of like best friends. And I'm like, do people know? Like why do people do this? Why? Do you think you're getting clout? - Are you comfortable with that? - Whatever. - I wouldn't be comfortable with that, I don't know that to me is- - Someone going around saying that they're a friend of mine to get their way is not cool with me. - I mean, it's also, you know, it's big brain. 'Cause, you know, I could be like... Let's say, right? God forbid, I say something stupid on a live stream, we're like, no, that's just a recording, a Patreon recording not me. What the fuck was that? No, I'm kidding. - Well now when Connor gets counseling, two year- - When I get counseling I'll be like guys no, that was a script, I was doing a job. - Just watch this one clip at least. (all laughing) - I'm kidding. - I was playing France from "Hetalia" the whole time. - I never record anything inappropriate, it's just like, obviously, 'cause some people want an uplifting message 'cause they've been beaten down recently and I'm more than happy to do that. 'Cause I'm like, you know, if me giving you a voice message saying, hey man, things will get better, just keep trying- - I mean, I've done that before as well, but at the same time, if I found out that that person was- - Oh I don't give them voice messages anymore. - Yeah, was going around telling people, hey- - I'm best friends with Giggukaz - I'm best friends with Garnt, and I'm just like, okay, get the fuck out of my life please. - I email them basically saying, hey, I'm removing you from Patreon, what the fuck are you doing? This is sad. - Yeah, of course. That's not cool. - Because the worst thing was that she wasn't going around to like her close friends, for some reason she was going around and sending them to other YouTubers, saying I'm friends with Connor, look, I have this message, and unfortunately some of those YouTubers didn't know that I was doing the Patreon voice messages. - But I mean, I've gone through that as well where I've had people going around saying that they know me and saying that they have been friends with me when they weren't just to try and get in with other people. And it's like, that's the biggest fucking red flag for me. - But that's kind of one of the big reasons, as well as time, is why I removed the ability to call me on Patreon, I don't do it anymore. You can't have a quick phone call with me. - I think the worst thing that happened to me was it literally happened to me at a convention, where, you know, I had a guy who was going around telling people, telling companies, that they knew me and they were trying to use that as an in. - That's somehow even worse, is when they're going around to companies. - 'Cause they're potentially ruining your name. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - But they're also trying to profit themselves, right? - Yes, you see I can deal with someone being a fucking creep, that's (indistinct), I can just immediately shut that down, right? But if someone does that, that's repairing I have to do. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's horrible. Luckily, that's why- - I guess that's why it triggers me so much, because I hear that and I just think, dude, the shit I had to deal with then. The audacity of this bitch. - I would gladly have someone hit on me on a call 100 times, rather than them go to a company saying that we're friends, you know what I mean? Cause I can, you know? That's fine. - Don't do that. - Dude, do not do that. That is the biggest asshole move you could do. - [Connor] We have Garnt in 50 years, as the- - [Joey] It's (indistinct). - [Connor] Okay, I don't know what the Stock Image is. - [Garnt] Where the fuck did you get this image from? - I don't know. - What is this? Is this like Asian Humpty Dumpty? - You type in (indistinct), and this what comes up. - So this is, the real. I was at a coffee shop one time, in good old Swanzey, and I'd recently just broke up with my ex-girlfriend at the time. I was very sad and so my housemates took me out for coffee. And we were just like, you know, he just wanted to talk to me and just keep me uplifted, you know? And I love coffee, I love talking, so this is the perfect combination. And whilst I was at the coffee shop, dressed in like sweat pants, miserable, some person, what looked to be like a 15 year old girl, I shit you not, by the way, I was like 20, comes up to me and I know they're coming to me. You know how I know? - [Garnt] How? They got a fucking, they have like the scout leader, scout regiment backpack from "Attack On Titan". And I saw them looking at me, and I could see this eye contact not breaking, coming up to me. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Right. - And no joke, right? She was like, can I sit down and join you for coffee? And she's like 15, and her friend is like right there, and I'm like, what is happening? I think that's kinda inappropriate, like, I don't really know you, I don't really wanna do this. I mean it's not really being hit on 'cause underage, but yeah, it was just kind of uncomfortable and just like what? I thought like a picture, sure, okay, I'm totally fine with doing pictures or signing anything you want, I don't care about that. But like you wanna just sit down and start talking next to me? - Yeah, don't invite yourself to like, that kind of thing. - Yeah, I don't know, it's weird, but they were a kid, they didn't know any better. - Yeah. I mean, that's happened to us a few times, I would think. - It's happened at conventions quite a bit. - Yeah, it happens at conventions- - Conventions, I expect it, but when you're hanging outside, just chilling, and I was pretty beat up at the time and I was really hurt. - Yeah, you weren't in the best mental state. - I was really fucking sad, and having a girl come up to me, just being like, hey, can I sit next to you? I'm like, I really don't want to right now. - I don't wanna do anything with any women anymore. - It was literally like the day off as well, so I was like fuck it, I was miserable. - Yeah, 'cause I think about that, and I think, you know, she'll probably look back at that period of her life- - Cringe. - And just fucking cringe. - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - 'Cause I can, we're not saying you should do it, or I'm justifying it or anything, because you shouldn't do that. But I know that, you know, when you're that young and you feel like you have a para-social relationship, you don't know about this stuff. Especially, you don't know about the social boundaries, and she'll probably grow up and she'll look back at that and she'll wake up in a cold sweat. And think, God, why the fuck did I do that? - Literally you can approach me anywhere, even if it's in a fucking toilet, I don't really give a shit, as long as I'm not pissing, or I'm eating or drinking. - Yeah, please don't do it when I'm pissing. - While I'm pissing and eating, just please don't. 'Cause I just wanna finish my meal, it's what I look forward to most in the day. - It's the few times where we can have full privacy, so just give us that privacy. - It's not even that, I just wanna enjoy my meal. I just love food so much, I don't wanna have to think about, oh fuck, I have to take a picture, my steak's going cold. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Yeah, and this is the stock image to go along with it. - Quiet at a coffee shop. You know how I told the story about the dude who stopped me in the urinal, this is the exact face he made when he saw me. He was like, "Yo, it's Joey!" I'm like dude- - Like Joe, that's your dick? - I'm like, dude, my dick's out man. Like don't pog at me, my dick's out right now man, let's stop - He literally pog jumped your dick? - I've mentioned the next story before, but yeah, this is the hotel key card one, when someone gave me their hotel key card. - [Joey] Yeah, that shit was fucking creepy. - [Connor] This is the Stock Image that I chose to go along with it. (Joey laughing) - [Joey] What? - Did you know actually, this is the same trio- - Is that Ludwig? - No. - Tell me that doesn't look like Ludwig? - This is the girlfriend. - This is the girlfriend meme, right? - This is the girlfriend meme, with the guy looking the other way. - Oh. - Yeah, I recognize the guy's face. - It's the exact same model, from the girlfriend. - So yeah, to those who don't know and don't wanna go back and watch the episode, essentially what happened was someone gave me a piece of paper and they were like, this is for you, and on it was their hotel key card and room number, that was signed. And it said uh, there was like times when I could go. 'Cause there was a person at the desk next to me who was helping, you know, manage, 'cause when you get the money, you had to (indistinct). - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - And they were like, "Bro," and I'm like, "Do you want it? I don't want it." Needless to say, I immediately gave it to the hotel reception when I was done signing things, and they were like, "Why do you have this?" And I'm like, it's a long story. And this one's called, the bold, it's a hotel door, with a hotel door. So I told you one story about how there was one hotel room where I was on the bottom floor, and we came out and there was the two girls, at midnight. But there was another time where I came back, and this wasn't as creepy, it was just kind of weird. It was like middle of the day, like 1:00 PM. - Was this at an anime convention? - This was at an anime, of course it was an anime convention. Where else would it be, Garnt? So I don't know how someone found out it was my room, I was pretty careful. Like I made sure, it sounds so fucking stupid, like made sure no one was following me, right? As Garnt should have. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - This is why I do it even though it sounds like I'm CIA. - I wouldn't have got it, I wouldn't have understood until I got followed back to my room. - Yeah, I just don't want people to know, right? And there was just like, for some reason, one girl who looked like in her 30s, just like, you know how the doorframe is like this, just sitting like this at my doorframe, like blocking the door. - [Joey] What? - And I was like- - Well, like the door is here. - Yes, so that's the frame, - Okay. - And this is the other frame. - So they're just there right in front of your door. - Yeah, and I was like, hello? And they were like, "Oh, I like your videos." And I'm like, oh no. I'm like social skills 10,000, I'm like, oh, no, no, no. Then I was like , "Oh okay, awesome. You want a picture?" And they were like, "Yeah sure, that'd be awesome." And we took a picture, and then they just left, and I was like, cool, I don't have to say anything. All right, awesome. 'Cause I didn't know what was going on, I was like, why are you in front of my hotel room door? We're on like the fifth floor which is like nowhere near the elevator or anything, like this is really far away. I think maybe they wanted, I don't know if they knew me, obviously they did, but my first thought was like, are they just chilling here? 'Cause I get it, 'cause sometimes the lobby is really crowded and shit, you wanna just go to the alleyway or whatever in the fucking rooms, 'cause they're long. I was just like, oh, how did you know this was my door? That's pretty concerning, I wanted to ask her. I never found out, so to this day I don't know why she was in front of my door, I don't know what she wanted. Again, this isn't a very good guys getting hit on, this is just strange ways people approach me. - Yeah, this sounds like a lot of strange things that have happened about you getting stalked. - Just gonna say it's, hit on, we're gonna put it all under the umbrella, it sounds catchy. - This is the YouTube clickbait, we're gonna stay hit on in the description. - Yeah, this is actually YouTube clickbait. Yeah, this is true. And then this is the Stock image that I found for this one. Although there is that one story- - [Garnt] R.I.P to all the audio only listeners. - This does make me realize about the person who isn't on the list, but the person who named their baby after me Have we told that story? - Oh yeah. - We haven't told that story. - So back when I was re-doing "Black Butler" a lot, there was this one person who, obviously this was it, that's how I remember, I just remembered the canonical in my head. I went to the "Black Butler" meetup one time- - The canonical order. - The canonical order of the- - This is head canon. - They say in the filler arc. - So what happened was, this was like my first ever AIX, and I can't remember how long I was doing YouTube for, but I thought it would be cool just to go to the "Black Butler" meetup and just say hi, hey man, I'm the guy on YouTube who does all the "Black Butler" stuff, right? And just say hi and just, you know, it was just to meet them and just meet all the fans of "Black Butler" and to be like, yeah, this is fucking sick, and they're all really nice. And there's one person who was like really, really nice, super, super nice. And yeah, she was really nice, we got loads of pictures with her, a little intense, but that's fine, I'm used to that. - I mean all "Black Butler" fans are quite intense, to be fair. - Yeah, but some of them are just there, don't give a shit about watching my videos, but there was a good... I'd say like half there were like, oh my God, yo, excuse me. - 'Cause you were the "Black Butler" guy back then, weren't you? - I mean yeah, in terms of YouTube I was the only one making content about "Black Butler". - 'Cause it was like how many years after "Black Butler" had aired? - Yeah, I feel like I almost made like a mini renaissance of the (indistinct), in terms of Western. - Yeah. - 'Cause the community became way more active- - It's kinda like what the "Abridged" series, did for the "Yu-Gi-Oh" anime back in the day. - I mean, I don't wanna say it was that heavy but I feel like it was definitely a bump because of all the "Black Butler" stuff I was pumping out. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - But anyway, a year goes by, right? And I go to the, you know, they're messaging me telling me you have to come back to the "Black Butler" meet up again, I have a big surprise for you. And so I'm like, all right, okay, sure. I thought it was like a gift or something, that they were making out to me. So I was like, okay, sure, I'll get it, I'll take a picture, I'll come, why not? This is the point where I was trying to distance myself from "Black Butler", but I was like, okay, cool, I'll come. And so I go, lo and behold she's holding a baby, literally, like a two month old baby. I don't know how old this baby is, like it's a fresh baby. - Fresh baby. - Fresh out the oven. - Freshly made baby. - Not a single wrinkle on this baby. And she's like, "Do you wanna hold Connor?" I'm like, "Connor? That's a funny coincidence." And she said, "Oh no, no, it's not a coincidence, I named him after you." And I'm like, okay, this is fucking weird. This is fucking weird. - The fuck? My favorite ever photo is of you holding baby Connor. - It's still out there? - With the most uncomfortable smile I've ever seen on you. - How'd you even react to that? - Uh, just pure confusion. And again, you gotta understand Garnt, I just go with everything. - His face holding the baby is like, - I mean, yeah, I get it. I would do exactly the same thing. - I wanted the picture to reflect how uncomfortable I was so I could tell the story later on. - [Joey] Oh my God. - Yes, there's a picture out there. If you just Google, Connor with baby, maybe? I don't fucking know. - Connor with baby? - Cdawg baby I don't fucking know. Well I don't know what the fuck comes up. - It's CDawgVA two. - Yeah, and to be fair, it's pretty fucking cute, but like there was something wholly uncomfortable about holding a stranger's baby that I just, I don't know, it's like holding someone's expensive vase, you know. - I still don't know how to handle babies. Like someone asks me if I wanna hold their baby, and I'm just like, does it come with an instruction manual? What do I do? I feel so inadequate when it comes to handling babies. - They're great for the 10 seconds where they're not like crying, and then the moment you pick them up and they start crying, I'm like, Oh God, Oh God, what to do? - It's like stop please, please, stop, stop! - Yeah, but as odd as that is, and almost creepy, you could say, it's flattering more than anything, I guess. - I mean, don't get me wrong. - They were very nice. - It's probably flattering in a sense but- - It's flattering, I just, I would feel that if anyone named a baby after me, that's a bit too pressure on me. - I feel like naming your baby after any influencer is a bad idea. - Did you find it Meilyne? - [Meilyne] Yeah. - What did you type in? - [Meilyne] Cdawg baby. (all laugh) - Type in Cdawg baby. - Okay, Meilyne found it by typing in, CDawg baby. - Apparently it comes up. - I just think it's a bad idea naming your baby after any influencer. - [Garnt] Yeah. - We all know we're just one bad tool away from being- - Yeah, don't name your kid after your favorite YouTuber, that's weird. - It's like getting a tattoo of your favorite YouTuber, right? - But luckily it was just Connor and not CDawgVA the bay. - Yeah, I have no idea how Corp's husband feels when he sees his voice, what do we call it? - It's his wave file. - Yeah, the wave form of him breathing as a tattoo. I'm just like, man, how'd you handle that? - Yikers. - Yeah. - So that's how that happened. - Yeah, that is very bold indeed. - That is very bold. - I've got like the next one, it's called, the smooth paper. I've been handed pieces of the paper before at conventions, you know, I always like sign something, or I'll take a picture and I'll charm in a piece of paper. I'll be like, "Hey, here's my number? Come text me." I think that's kind of smooth, that's very old style, I don't know why that's smooth. I never reply to any of them, 'cause I'm like, bro, my phone doesn't work in the U.S, sorry, I just have internet. But it's very smooth, I like it, I actually like that one, I think it's classy. - Now, you're gonna get this at every convention. - No, shit. Fuck, I shouldn't have said. 'Cause with this one, it's not intense, it's like, if I wanna call you, I'll call you. I'm not gonna call you, just letting you know, because I'm too fucking busy. - It's just the casual, right? That's how I imagine people- - It's nice. - Yeah. - There's something simple about it that's so inoffensive. But maybe it's because I'm a guy, I feel like if I was a girl and guys kept doing it to me, I'd be annoyed. - Yeah, that'd be very creepy. - Yeah. - It is very flattering when someone is attractive and they send you, you know, they hit on you. It's like, oh wow, this league? Really? Ah, no, get out of here. - We weren't even playing the same sport. - I thought I was playing checkers, you're playing 40 chairs. (all laughing) This don't match. But yeah, I mean, it's a nice ego boost for like 20 minutes until you realize that- - Until you realize it's a bit weird. - Until you realize, fuck, this is a bit strange, isn't it? Golden rule, don't fuck your fans, right? - Yeah, exactly. - Especially in this climate, I just think that's a great rule to stick by. - Yeah, dude. Whenever I used to... 'Cause for the first like two or three months in Japan, I had like Tinder, 'cause I thought no one's gonna recognize me on Tinder, fantastic. But yet there's people who recognized me on Tinder here who could speak English obviously, and obviously a white guy would stand out. And they were like, oh, I watch your videos, I'm like, immediately unmatch. - Honestly, like- - You played it smart. - Why would I wanna... I don't want to date someone who turns up and they're like, yo, I love that video you just posted. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. - Because unfortunately there's a lot of YouTubers who'd probably use that as an ego boost, right? - Yeah. - Listen, okay, getting in the whole topic of fucking your fans, or dating your fans. There is a way to go about it that works. - There is a right way and there is definitely a wrong way. - Dunky and Leah, they met through being fans, and no one ever would question, what's the word? - Legitimacy? - The legitimacy or the ethicacy of that, right? That's a legitimate relationship. But there are ways to doing it that are like taking advantage of your power, and I think that's where people have the problem. And unfortunately, a lot of YouTubers don't understand when they are kind of taking advantage of their own power in the situation. - Yeah, I feel like hooking up, I say hooking up, hooking up is the wrong word. Because if hooking up with your fans implies that yeah, you are just kind of just like- - You're not pursuing anything afterwards, right? - You're just kinda throwing your fame out there and everything like that. And I feel like you have to be really self-conscious about this, and I'm glad that people are looking more into this, and putting more attention into this. - Fans are getting smarter about it as well. - Yeah, and fans are getting smarter about this as well, as they really should be. And it's the responsibility you hold as a YouTuber, and sometimes you just don't wanna worry about that. You just wanna meet someone where you don't wanna have to worry about this power imbalance because we all are just people as well. We're all just people and sometimes we just wanna switch off this part of our lives, and just be a normal fucking person like anyone else. - Yeah. - I don't want someone who watches my videos and has an expectation of me in general, that I couldn't live up to. - That is portrayed through your video. - Right. - It's funny 'cause most of the friends I've made who started off as fans, as we became friends they just started watching less and less of my stuff. And that's because... In a lot of ways that made me more comfortable, or we stopped talking about it because they were just mates and we would talk like mates, and talk about whatever else apart from my job, as I'm sure they stopped- - I kinda feel that works in the same way with like friends between two YouTubers, right? It's like, I definitely watched less of my YouTuber friends videos after we just kind of went past that point and just became friends. - No, you keep up with it just to see what your mates are doing. - Yeah, but you're not like damn bro, that last video, fucking banger bro. Like I would've done this differently though. - Like I like showing support to my mates, you know? But it's different from being like, yo I'm a huge fan of what you did, fuck yes, fucking banger right there. - Yeah, man, life's hard hey. If you're a YouTuber, if you wanna just be safe, don't fuck your fans. - Rule number one, don't fuck your fans. - That's what I've been doing and it's been working good for me. - Don't fuck your fans. - Yeah. - Oh my God. Here's my Stock Image. - [Joey] Can you explain why you chose this particular image? - [Garnt] Okay, so there is a Labrador holding a gun right now. - [Connor] I don't know, I just thought this one was fun, you know? - [Joey] Okay, sure. - [Connor] I don't know, it's kind of fun, right? - This is what happens when you reach like the end of your project and you're just like, I'll just throw whatever shit I put on. - Well, we're about halfway. - We're about halfway? Okay. - The next one started getting a bit more obvious, you've ever been hit on on the YouTube comment section? - [Joey] Of course, yes. - [Garnt] Of course. - [Connor] Yeah, of course. "Take me on a date next time I visit Japan," that happens. - [Garnt] Yeah, that happens a lot. - I got a few of those comments and it's like, uh, no. How about you pay for my date? - Yeah. - I wonder if anyone has, ever in the history of YouTube, probably has, would have taken a comment like that seriously and tried to pursue it. - I mean, if you're like a smaller YouTuber, maybe - For a YouTuber, yeah. I mean I did something similar along with email, somebody emailed me asking me to go on a date and- - Yeah, but there's a difference between an email and a YouTube comment. - Yeah, true. - Anyone can write a YouTube comment. - The live, and then obviously, you know, people ask you on dates on livestreams all the time. You're streaming, yeah, I get comments sometimes being like, can we on a date, can we go in Japan? People subtly ask questions that are like, I think they that they're being subtle, but it's very obvious what they're asking. Like for example, one very big giveaway, as to what some people are asking are like, "Hey, would you ever do like long distance relationships by the way?" And like, some people might genuinely be curious, right? But there's a way that certain people ask it, that is like, no. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - It kind of gives you that vibe of like, you're asking this for a purpose. And also I get a donation sometimes, which I think that's another one actually, but where people will be like, oh, I'm just wondering, what kind of age group do you go for? If it isn't obvious by now, uh, MILFs. (Joey laughing) Mother knows best, that's what I go for. - All the MILFs rise up right now. - So, you know, if you're around my age- - Lonely housewives, this is your time to shine. - They're preparing their wallets for the next stream. - If your husband is not cutting it, I don't wanna know who he is, but... (all laughing) I'm kidding. Yeah, I mean, stuff like that. What else do I get? There's ones as well, you know what I get asked a fair amount, which is like the least subtle? Which is like, would you ever date someone who like, doesn't do YouTube? And I'm like, do you think I exclusively date psychopaths? Like, is that what you think? - No, I only, exclusively, date YouTubers. - That's weird. - If you don't have at least 10,000 subs- - Well, you guys date YouTubers, but I couldn't imagine dating a YouTuber. - I mean, I started dating her when she had like less than 1000 subs, so it's a little bit different. - I mean, I convinced my girl to become a YouTuber. - So you brought them into the play. - Yeah, we brought them in, yeah. - I wouldn't want my significant other to be a YouTuber. - Why? - I don't know, I don't wanna fucking deal with another me, that's fucking awful. And like, my schedule is such a mess already, that I wouldn't... Like a relationship, to me, like that would be such a fucking mess if both of us had similar schedules like that. - I mean, I don't blame you. There's lots of people who are like that. - That's just me, it's just me, that's what I want. - Yeah, I feel that's just how our relationships ended up. - Yeah, true. - I mean, it's just a standard work schedule. - [Connor] And like this Stock image, which is a... - [Joey] Again, it doesn't really have anything to do with the point but is a funny Stock image. - [Connor] Oh no, no, I just wanted to put a Stock image in there. This one, donations again. - [Garnt] The charitable. I'm pretty sure these are called simps, right? - [Connor] These are called uh... - [Joey] But you can't say that anymore. - [Garnt] Oh yeah, banned off Twitch. - No, learn to call them, prime members. - T3 subs. - You're a prime member, well, we're going on a date soon. Yeah, obviously, you get that a lot. Actually, Instagram, message requests, I get that a lot. - [Garnt] Do you actually check them? - No, 'cause I used to- - I do every now and then just 'cause- - I used to. - Yeah, I used to as well and then I realized that these are useless and I stopped checking it. - Yeah, it's like throwing a coin down a well hoping for it to grow into a tree, right? It's like, it's not gonna happen. But yeah, this is the Stock image to go along with it. I don't really know- - [Joey] What is happening there? - [Connor] They're on a car bonnet. - [Joey] Definitely having sex. - [Connor] I'm not really sure what's going on. - [Garnt] I have no idea what's going on there. - Yeah, so that's Instagram messages, completely useless. Don't do it, it's not gonna work, unless you have a shit ton of followers. I think it pops up, Instagram tells you. - Yeah. - Yeah . - Someone big has messaged you. - There's like some kind of threshold of followers, right? - Yeah. - It's like having that blue tick mark on Twitter. - True. I already mentioned this one, but just Tinder. - [Joey] Yep. - [Garnt] Yep. - [Joey] Wait is that the same girl in front of the burning house? - [Connor] It does look like her, doesn't it? - [Joey] It looks like her, doesn't it? - [Garnt] Oh yeah, it kinda does, yeah. - [Connor] Could be. - [Joey] It could be. - Maybe she found a nice career in Stock images afterwards. - Who knows? Also, actually, believe it or not, I've been hit on on Fiverr. - [Joey] Of course you have. - [Connor] No joke. - [Joey] Of course you have, why am I not surprised? - I legitimately had a seller- - Sell your services, is that it? - 'Services'. - They were like, "Connor, I've got a great deal for you, let me give you a custom offer on Fiverr." So yeah, actually, funny enough they were really a good sport about it though, but they were basically just kind of like... I think I had hired them for one of the videos, and I think they were an artist. - What were they trying to buy from you? - No, I hired them, and then when the video came out, they were like, "Oh, thanks for including me in the video." But I don't know if you wanna ever just call or hang out. - [Joey] Oh my God. - Here's my discord, and I'm like, oh, okay, all right. - This man's an absolute chick magnet. - No, this is what I'm saying, right? When you have, you know... How many fucking views do we get a month on our channel? Like eight, nine million views a month, right? All it takes is one person to think I'm attractive. Why? I don't know, to then go on and then do something, right? I don't think I'm inherently more attractive than anyone or most people, you just have a platform. - But the thing is like, I've never experienced that, and I don't think Garnt's ever experienced that. - Really? - Well, not to this- - But, to be fair, I also- - But also I feel like your content- - Yeah, I do videos about dating and stuff. - Yeah, I mean, it doesn't surprise me. - I guess you do appeal more to that kind of crowd. - Anyone who has, 'cause a lot of your content base started off with literal fan interaction. - Yeah, it all started from there. - Whereas or me, I literally didn't start, even for most of my videos, I don't show my face on my videos at all. - Whereas we don't give a shit about our fans. No, I'm just kidding. - Yeah, you don't, you fucking scum. My whole YouTube career in the start was built off interaction, and I'm very grateful for that. - Which is why it doesn't surprise me, why some of the weirdest fan interactions have come from you. - I guess so. Yeah, that makes sense. - If you give avenues for people to talk to you they'll find a way to hit on you, that's how it works. Now, this is the Stock image. - [Joey] Oh my God, what is that? That was me at the end of the figurine challenge, that's what it felt like. - [Connor] True, I was just wondering what the direction was here. I don't know, I'm curious. - Hey kid, swallow this fish for us real quick. He said, all right, I got you fam. - Viking kids eating a meal. - How much am I getting, $5 for this? - I've been asked out if I'd like to go drinking with someone at a panel. - [Garnt] In front of other people? - [Connor] In front of the whole panel. - Yeah, I've had that. - Like two women, who were, I guess, in my preferred demographic of older women. Who were like, would you like to- (Garnt laughing) - Connor was like, I'm listening. - I was like, you have my attention. - Connor goes through his analytics, and he picks by demographic. He's just like, get rid of all this, this is like 25 to 30, no, none of that, too close an age. - 35 to 45, ooh. - Ooh, okay. - So legit, I think it was two women, right? I think one was the aunt and one was the mother of the daughter they brought along. And she just sticks her hand up and she's like, "I have no idea who you are but I like your voice. Would you be willing to have drinks with us later?" - The mom said that? - The mum said that, and I've never seen a child go from like smiling to anger so fast. The child's like, mom, mom, mom! - The child's like, I was gonna say that. - I was just like, yeah, I'd love to, jokingly. I never did. Honestly, if they came up me afterwards, - Of course you would. - Or found me at the bar, I'd have been like... I love talking, I don't know, moms are so fun to talk to at anime conventions. No, not in the hitting on way, just in general. They're so fun, dude, 'cause they don't give a fuck and they're like, "I don't know what the fuck is happening, but I'm the cool parent that was willing to come to the anime convention. - To be fair, it's at a signing, and a mom or a dad comes with their son or daughter, - They're always so chill. - And they're like... Yeah, they're the best people also. - Honestly, they are pretty chill. - See? Meilyne is trying to make it creepy. It's not fucking creepy, Meilyne. - It's 'cause you specifically said moms. I love talking to parents at conventions. - I'm just like dads, no, no, no. I'm kidding. - Give me all the moms. - No, no, no, I've had like a... Oh wait, I don't know if it comes up later. I'll tell it later, but basically there was this one guy I've had before, like his kids really liked me and he was like, oh yeah, can I buy you dinner or something? I'm like, yeah, fucking sure, why not? I'll talk to you, we'll hang out and be nice. And it was nice getting to know him and his kids, so that was cool. - Yeah, I've had the same things with dads as well. - They're just cool, man. - If a dad's willing to get involved in this shit, then they're a cool fucking dad. - [Joey] Yeah, absolutely. - When that happens and they show passion about what their kid is passionate about, I think that's so fucking cool. - That's a good parent. - I wish my parents did that, 'cause my parents didn't do that, and they would never do that to this day. - I think the proudest mom I've ever seen, it was at AIX and we had signings, and then two little kids come and, you know, they were cute and stuff. And then the mum looks at me and she like sees my name and everything, and she goes, asked me in Thai, "Are you Thai?" Then I reply in Thai and then we have this conversation, and she was just like, I am so fucking happy that my kids are looking up to a Thai person. Thank you for representing the Thai people, I am proud of you, thank you very much. - I had the opposite once in Finland, where the mum was a big fan and the daughter had no idea. Like the mom came up and was like, "Can you sign this?" - God, I wish that was me. (all laughing) She was like, "Can you sign this?" And I was like, yeah, sure, and I looked at the daughter and I was like, okay, what's your name? I looked at the daughter and I was like, what's your name? And the mom was like, "No, no, no, it's me." And I was like, Oh okay. - Cause I feel like for Southeast Asian parents, right? Anytime you talk to a Southeast Asian parent, whenever you meet someone else who is the same race, every Southeast Asian mother especially, they go into Southeast Asian mum mode. - Yeah. - So the first thing she legit asks me after finding out I'm Thai and just, you know, asking the basic questions, is have you had any Thai food recently? 'Cause I can- - You've gotta eat good Thai food, right? - Yeah, you gotta have good Thai food, I could recommend you some places if you're missing some Thai food. I'm just like, dude, honestly I'm like, thank you so much. I'm going to take this advice to heart. 'Cause honestly yes, I am missing Thai food. I am missing home. - 'Cause also like moms or like parents have come up to me and are like, do you want a water? You look like you're tired. I'm like, thank you, I'll take this. Thank you, that's so kind. - I've had a dad just slip me a $20, being like, buy yourself a beer after this, you're working real hard today, son. I'm like, thanks man. - I had one time similar to that but there is, actually, an old Patreon of mine met me and her grandma came, and she must have been like 78, I'm not sure, and she was just so impressed that I wrote in cursive. She was like, in the most hick, not hick, it was kinda like Midwestern, kind of like, "Oh, you know, it's just not right. They teach the kids here, they don't teach them how to write cursive. It's not right, I really like that that you keep the old ways alive." And I'm like, I'm just British. I have no fucking clue what you guys are doing. I'm like, I don't know if it's that good because no one can read my fucking handwriting. So, I mean, honestly, what your kid's doing is probably already pretty good actually. Yeah, also the Stock image, I actually found one that was fitting for this. - Oh yeah? (all laughing) - [Connor] Pregnant lady with a gun. - [Joey] With the tiniest gun I've ever seen. - [Connor] That's like a... - [Joey] That's like a BB gun. - [Connor] That's like a German pistol, like World War Two, that looks like - [Joey] That's like the spy gun that they like hide in a purse, right? - [Garnt] Yeah, is this a scene from like "Inglorious Bastards" or something? - [Connor] This is definitely a frame taken from a Quentin Tarantino movie - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Connor] Uh, fuck, oh yeah. This wasn't so much odd. This wasn't being hit on but this is just a funny story I wanted to tell. So one time I was at a convention, and I actually have this guy on Facebook still, so he's really nice. But it was very strange and things kept adding on and adding on, where I went to it and they were like, okay... When you go to a convention as a guest, typically if it's a big convention, you'll get like a handler. - It's like an assistant. - Yeah, basically someone who makes sure that you turn up to your appointments on time, and also if you need anything, or like let's say you're signing things, and you run out of sharpies. Like, can you give me a sharpy real quick? They'll do stuff like that. And the guy I had, he was like, "Oh yeah, my daughter's a big fan." I'm like, cool, cool that's awesome. He's like, "Would you mind saying hi to her?" And I'm like, yeah, of course, of course, like I'll hang out with him. And then he was really nice and he helped me out a lot, he always got me whatever I needed. And then he was like, "Yeah, do you wanna come for a family dinner with me and my family?" I was like, oh, okay. I mean, I felt like I had to say yes, but I was like, oh sure, of course, I don't mind. - I mean, this guy's helping you out right? - Yeah. I mean, I literally had nothing better to do, and I was like, yeah sure, why not? You've been real nice, so I'd love to meet your family. His family was like 12 kids or something. - Jesus Christ. - Half of them knew who I was, and half of them didn't care, but it was like being in the middle of, was it "Half A Dozen"? What's that movie called? What the fuck is that family movie called? - I know what you're talking about. - Yeah. - By the dozen, or something like that. - Something like that. But it was really cool 'cause I think he was a foster parent or something and it was really cool, the story was really unique. Not being hit on by the way, at all, quite the opposite, I just thought it's a cool story to tell. I just thought it was really odd that I got like roped into this, and I was like, what is happening? Why is there 12 kids? - All I can envision is that seen from "Annie", where they're all eating on the really long table and you're just in the middle. - Yeah, I'm in the middle of these 12 kids and I felt bad 'cause the dad was trying to talk to me, but obviously all the kids were like, "Yo, it's the YouTuber!" They wanted my attention, and he kept asking me questions, and they could be like, "Do you pay taxes?" Or something like that, and I'm like, well- - A four year old asking you is like, are you avoiding taxes? - Are you the IRS? Kids, no. Yeah, it was just really cool, I felt it was a fun story. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Oh God. - [Connor] Well, that was just a morbid Stock image. - [Garnt] This is a hell of a Stock image. - [Connor] I don't know why this was the Stock image. - [Joey] Getty, why do you have this? - Sometimes you just look at Stock images and you think in what context would someone want to use this? - What was the direction they had when- - Honestly, I do think there is like a small market, a small market of Stock Image photographers that are like, I'm hoping this is gonna become a meme. I'm betting that this, I'm gonna take some meme photos and hope that this becomes- - They're all racing to be the next meme, right? - To become the next jealous girlfriend meme guy, this is definitely giving me that energy right now. - Yeah. For sure. - All right, this is the unexpected, if you will. Let me show you the Stock image first of all, I have a good stock image. - [Joey] Now that's a Tarantino shot right there. - [Connor] My cigar with the boys, we kidnapped somebody. So one time, like you said, the daughters bring their mothers along. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And one time they were both really big fans, and I thought, well that's so fucking cool. And yeah, I didn't really think much of it, like she was joking, being like she said I looked like Tom cruise, and I'm like, I do not look like Tom cruise, I look quite the opposite of Tom cruise. - Is this basically every Reddit post who has like a white guy with a beard, and they're like that looks like Connor, that guy. - Oh yeah, that's Connor man, the white beard checks out. And then I was, oh okay, and then they were like, are you're seeing anyone? Like legit asked me this. - Wait, the mom was on you? - Yeah, the mom asked me that while I'm signing the daughter's autograph. And I thought, Oh, not really. She was like, "Oh, okay, do you wanna get a drink later?" And I'm like, ah, and I was like, yeah, sure, sure, sure, thinking like this isn't serious. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Found out later she was very serious, and she was very disappointed that we didn't have that drink. 'Cause I thought it was joking. - You basically stood her up. - You stood up a MILF, Connor? - I'm not proud to say it. - The world is gonna end tomorrow. - I'm not proud to say, but yeah I did. - Connor, I had expected better from you. - I believe it was a single mother as well, actually. - Oh, that's like your fantasy - Yeah. (all laughing) The thing with MILF porn, right? You see, you don't see the kids, so that's a big plus, right? I don't wanna fucking know about the kids, don't tell me about the kids, I don't wanna get involved. What's wrong Meilyne? - [Meilyne] So what if they call, if you get married and they have to call you dad? (Connor exclaiming) - That's so gross. - I mean, some people are into the daddy thing, right? - No, it's the fantasy. Listen, the problem with the whole MILF dynamic in real life is there are a lot of hurdles that make it very uncomfortable and very awkward. - I would feel so sorry for the fucking daughter. Imagine being a fan- - I felt sorry for the daughter as well. - Imagine being a fan of a YouTuber and then they become your dad, let's just think about that for a second. - That is like a visual novel in the making. - Yeah. - He was my favorite YouTuber, but now he's my dad? But actually it was the daughter that ended up being like, oh, I'm sorry, my mom just gets carried away sometimes. And I'm like, your mom's on the prowl next to you, with her? What's going on? What kind of dynamic are you guys using? - Your mom's in cougar mode. - You guys are real close to be like scouting out the prey with each other, you know what I mean? - Her mom's like, yo, become my wing-woman - That's what it was, it was like a wing-man. It was crazy. - That's nuts. - [Meilyne] Domestic boyfriend. - Domestic boyfriend. - Domestic boyfriend. - It's like love triangles, you know, in a porno or a hentai, it's very attractive in the hentai, but you realize in real life, fuck, it's a nightmare. - Yeah, it's messy as fuck. - If you have anything like that, it never ends well. - And that was definitely unexpected, that's for sure. - That was the unexpected. I actually got hit on, on "Overwatch" one time. - [Joey] Oh yeah? - That was fun. - [Joey] How so? - Oh, someone recognized who I was and then I added them, I started playing with them, and then just casually started inquiring about my love life and stuff, and that's normal. - Were they like role playing or anything like that? (indistinct) - At which part of your career was this in? - Which part of the career? When did "Overwatch" come out? It was like literally three four months into "Overwatch" being released. - Oh, okay. - Oh yeah. - That was a while ago then. - That was like four or five years ago? - Yikes, I'm old. Whenever "Overwatch" came out, this happened, yeah, I remember it just being a bit awkward because they kept asking, like when someone normally inquires about your love life an a bit of uncomfortable amount when you don't really know them, which is fine, I mean you can ask me about that, I'm pretty open about it, I never mind talking about it. But then when you proceed to ask me the next step, it's like you live in Norway, I don't know, it's kind of far, I don't even know what's in Norway. There's no benefits to getting married to someone in Norway, I'm joking, I'm joking. Yeah, and then this is uh, yeah, this is it. - [Joey] Oh this is almost what it was like at the urinal for me. - [Connor] So when we see each other at the urinal, or, you know, how do I say urinal? - Urinal. - Urinal. - Is that what Americans say? - No, that's what the British say, right? - No, we say urinals. - Urinal. - Yeah. - I thought the British said urinal? - No, Americans say urinal. - I've never heard someone say urinal before. - I've said urinal. - I've only heard British people say urinal. - You know what? I get confused on what words I'm saying, on British and American, 'cause people constantly correct me. Even though I know I'm not wrong, but they say, why does he say it like that? And then I ended up unconsciously changing it. So I go back to the UK and now everyone mocks me for sounding American. - I don't even know what, like sometimes I say a word and I don't even know if that's said in a British way or an American way anymore. - Yeah. - Yeah, but that's it. That's this power point presentation, boom, done, thank you. - That was a hell of a presentation, thank you for your Ted talk, sir. - Thanks guys. Why aren't you clapping Meilyne? Clap louder, Meilyne, I couldn't hear you. - What lessons did we learn? - Connor's fans are fucking weird. - If you are a woman above the age of 35? - 35, yeah. - Is that what you think my demo is? - Yes. - I don't fucking know. - I just like older than me. - Is that what you think it is? You are correct. - Listen, you can see- - How old are you at right now, 24? - I'm 24, right. - Okay, so late 20s - Twenty four and a half year olds are gonna be like, Ooh. - I'm in the zone. (laughing) - Some people age like wine, man, they age better, man. They get more attractive. Why are you laughing, Meilyne? It's true though. It's true. - Yeah, it's true - Some people, you see pictures of like, you see them when they're younger, like celebrities, you see them when the older and you're like, holy shit, he's 50 but he's hotter than he ever was. - Yeah. - Right? - I agree. - Honestly, to me it's like, as long as the mindset is there that you're in my world and you're on the same wavelength of thinking and you treat life the same way, I don't give a fuck about your age. - Yeah, I feel like some people- - As long as you're hot. - I just don't want you to be younger than me, I don't wanna fucking date someone younger. - I feel like some people just hit a certain age and then they just stop giving a shit about how they look and taking care of themselves, right? Or alternatively, they just think they can get away with the lifestyle they had in their 20s, and just bring that to like the- - 40s and 50s. - Their entire 30s, 40s and 50s. 'Cause, you know, I think being 30 now, as the only 30 year old, I've heard that being 30 is just basically being 20 with one debuff. - And shit blood. - Yeah, and shit blood, yeah. - And yeah, I mean, I feel like some people do age like fucking fine wine, and a lot of Asians just don't age at all, I guess until they've reached like this cap, and then they just start aging like crazy. - And then they're like, oh, we have to age, oh okay. - Yeah, also going back to the naming me after a baby, it wasn't an insult by the way, I just wanna make sure that's clear. I don't think that's like a bad thing, it just looked very intense, just quite a lot. - I mean, I've never heard any other story like that. - It's so overwhelming that you're like, which emotion do I take away from this? - I put myself in your shoes and the biggest, like, if I'm like trying to be like POV, you are Connor holding a baby that's named after you. I'm like, how do I even- - Cue the pump music. (all laughing) - How do I even manage what to say right now? I wouldn't even know how to react. - It's like a mixture of overwhelming flattery, overwhelming, like what the fuck, are you sure about this? Are you sure about that? It's like, is this a mistake? Are you gonna regret this? 'Cause I'm not all that, right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - What else did we take away from the power point presentation boys? What did you learn today? - You get hit on a lot. - No, no, it's actually... You know what? - You get hit on a lot. - So my audience has gone from, as we know, 93%, recently it went to like 60% male. - It's cause of all the Jojo shit you've been doing. - Jojo, I think also there was a good amount of time where, I think because of my thumbnails, because the topics I was covering, YouTube just didn't recommend me to guys, and now it's suddenly started being like, oh wait, guys can watch this guy too. And so I started getting a massive influx of guy views that I never had before, and I stopped doing as much yowie stuff and slowed down on that. But, I mean, it's still like nearly, it depends on the month, like depending on the videos I make. It's about 50, 50 now, which is nice, and it's slowed down a lot. But there's ups and downsides, right? Like it was mainly... I know that I spoke about, mainly it was girls coming up to me but, dude, guys hit on me just as much. - Really? - Yeah. - Yeah, I've had that one as well. - Which was flattering, 'cause there was like one dude who was in my Instagram message request, the man was fucking ripped as fuck, and I was like, wow, I'm very flattered. This man had like the body of a Greek statue and this man thought I was worthy of being hit on. I was very flattered. - I'm jealous. - Right? I was like, damn. But yeah, I mean, it's whatever, it's just fucking YouTube. - Yeah. I mean, what I can take about this is that if there is going to be an avenue, not necessarily to be hit on, but for someone to get in contact with you, 'cause I would say half of these were just, you know, the fan interactions or people trying to get in contact with you. If there's an avenue, people are gonna find a way, and I've definitely felt that as YouTuber as well. - Yeah. I mean, you can hit on me, it's very flattering, I don't care. You don't have to stop doing it, just not be creepy. - Just do it in a sophisticated way. - Yeah man, you do it sleek, I'll be like, thank you for the ego boost. I'm gonna go away feeling great, and who doesn't? Dude, you get hit on you're like, damn I'm a 10. And then you go back to your hotel room and eat a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos, and realize you're truly a five. - And also, on the opposite end, taking this advice for any young budding YouTubers out there, tread carefully with fans hitting on you. - Don't fuck your fans, man. It never works out. - Listen, you know, it might work out one tenth of the time, but the problem is that- - But are you willing to take the risk? - Yeah, it's a risk- - I mean, you have to be really careful, and I think the biggest problem is that whenever you're like a YouTuber starting out, especially when you're a small YouTuber, I feel like this is more a message to small YouTubers who don't have the experience, or don't think they're gonna get big, because you don't fucking know if you're gonna get big, right? But you should treat the fans, or you should treat your audience, no matter how big you are, exactly the same. And stay grounded. - Yeah. I mean, I'm sure there's cringy messages out there of me hitting on someone at 19 that would just embarrass me. But, again, I'm 19, you know, just fucking delete it. - But like, you're like kind of- - It wasn't like I hit on fans and be like, send me nudes, you know what I mean? It was just like me being an average 19 year old, basically. - Exactly, when you're younger you don't really have the senses to know what exactly is cringe or not. - Also when you're younger, you're just horny as fuck. - Yeah, exactly. - And you think you can get away with being horny, and you grow up and you realize, man, I did a lot of stupid shit back then. - Yeah, young, dumb, and full of cum, as they say. - Lovely, Joey. Words to live by. But I mean, it's like, 'cause there's some people, you know, there's a lot of YouTubers out there who are very openly happy to admit that they date fans. They're like, well, you know, normal famous celebrities get to fuck their fans and no one bats an eye, and it's like, well- - Yeah, that double standard propagated, and it's true. - Yeah, but the reason why, this is the way I interpret it and the why that's the case, that normal celebrities they don't bank on the fact of relatability, they don't bank on the fact of being- - They're like people above the clouds. - Like every pop star is supposed to be like a character, like an absurd kind of, not real person, right? They never pretend to be your friend, they never like pretend to give a shit about you, and if you have sex with them they probably don't give about it, right? Maybe, maybe it's just a joke. But I mean, if you do it with an influencer, right? Ugh, a gross word, or a YouTuber, right? - I hate that word, influencer. - Influencer. - I guess it's almost kind of a betrayal of what you built up which is like a lot of the people who watch us, right? I guess, I don't know if you guys know, you guys feel this way, like you form like a bit of a bond, right? Where you respect the creator and you look up to them and you enjoy their stuff, and you feel a lot closer to a YouTuber, than you would a normal celebrity. And so it's that that's being taken advantage of. - Right, it's because most of YouTubers are more, I guess, grounded, right? And feel more real, so when you do watch them, you're just like, oh, this is an actual person I'm watching. - Yeah, I would say the right way to go about it if you're going to get involved with your fans, one of the biggest things is you don't do it straight away. Like you need to treat them- - Start as a friend. - Start as a friend, treat them like a human being, get to know each other first, like any normal fucking relationship - You need to immediately like break down or disassemble any power dynamic in play, of like fan, YouTuber, you put yourself on equal footing. - Yeah, and with stuff like one night stands or something, that gets so messy, and there's no way to like differentiate is there a power dynamic there? - Is the person gonna do this and then, you know, regret it afterwards and just... It's too messy to be able to justify, I feel, and there is a right way to go about it and- - There's lots of ways to go about it, but most of the time it's like, you know, do you wanna diffuse a bomb? If you know how to, and you wanna do that, go ahead. - There's a right way to do it but it's not worth the risk most of the time. - Yeah, but is it worth- - Is it worth the risk? - It's not worth the risk. - You're literally blowing yourself up in terms of career. Like, is it worth it? Or you could just, I don't know, do what everyone else fucking does in the world, and just date normally. - And I feel like a lot of smaller YouTubers, they don't really think about this because they think I've got nothing to lose, so I'm just gonna do this right now while I can. Because you grow up in a culture where, yeah, you do see, you know, celebrities and like groupies sleeping with, you know, music artists and everything like that, and you think, man, that sounds like an awesome lifestyle, I kind of want that lifestyle. So when they get like a smidgen of that they think I gotta take advantage of this while I still can. - The rock and roll lifestyle works if you're in that field, the rock and roll lifestyle is not the YouTuber lifestyle, it's two completely different things, I find. - Yeah. it's tough, it's so tough, and it's not even worth like getting into, right? - Yeah, 'cause I feel like to get involved in this, you are literally navigating a minefield. - Oh yeah, 100%. It's like if you really wanna do it, you can do it, but the reason why I think most YouTubers will say don't fuck your fans is because it's just like it's so much risk you're taking on for no reason. And to me it's like, do you really want someone who wants to be with you for your videos? Why is that attractive? - They're looking at you only for the content you make. - To me it's a competitive mindset. - To me, that's like a massive turnoff. If they're only with me because of my content, then that's like... The same thing, if you're only my friends for my content then you can't be my friend, because that's not how I would see a friend, the same way that's how I wouldn't see a possible partner or anything like that. - That's like saying like, oh, so if I change my content then you're suddenly not my friend. - Yeah. - There is no bigger turn on, right? Than meeting someone who just likes you for you. - Yeah. - I'm sitting there thinking like, how the fuck am I supposed to be into this, and then like get my dick hard when all I'm thinking about, you're thinking is like, what's the next upload gonna be? You know what I mean? Like, fuck that. No, I want someone who speaks to me, knows nothing about YouTube, and is like, holy shit, this guy's fucking cool, I like him, he's so nice. - You want people to see you as Connor not CdDawgVA. - Yeah, which obviously I made a bit difficult for myself, obviously, but I can still go about it. - Yeah, of course - You don't wanna be with a girl, be in bed and be like, yo, if you enjoyed that session, hit the subscribe, and click the like button. (all laughing) - If we get to 5,000 likes, I'll do round two. (all laughing) - I want video a YouTube video of someone trying to do that. - I feel like... Oh my God, yeah, there's just so many douche-tubers out there who do shit like that. - There are. - I'm sure there's YouTubers out there who will just admit every single fucking day, like, yeah, I fucked my fans so what? I mean, screw them. But if you wanna have like, you know- - If you wanna be respected by the community - Yeah, if you wanna be seen as like a role model, I don't know what that is. - I mean, like douche-tubers, I feel, just exist on a different plane of existence where, I don't know how they function or, you know- - I just want YouTubers to have a better rep, right? Like not all of us are fucking psychopath, uh, validating chasing, - Money hungry. - Yeah, a lot of us are horny motherfuckers and that's just- - That's just human nature. - A lot of us are horny but we do it the right way. - Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. - "Mother Knows Breasts" on Blu-ray, you know? - We are three horny guys, but at least we're horny on main, and we keep to being horny on main and that's pretty much it. - Yeah, pretty much. - A part of me is glad, is that I have YouTube to keep me in check almost, not that I would start doing awful shit if I wasn't a YouTuber. But the fact that there is this kind of like obvious moral lines that it's not like, oh no, man, should I do.., No, it's not. - They're like these unspoken guidelines and rules to like, make sure you're not overstepping. - Being an ass, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - It really makes me cautious about how I come off to people and what I say to people, it makes me way more conscious about how I speak in a way that I think is... You know, the way I speak on live streams, the way I speak, you know, on the video is how I'll speak to most people in my life. - [Joey] Yeah. - And I like that it's kind of taught me, in a way, to just be, it sounds awful, right? But just give a shit about everything and pay attention even if it is draining at times. It sounds awful, I'm like, you should have taught me to be not an asshole. But like, you know how some things you take for granted when you're an individual who isn't like a open person. - Yeah. I mean, for me, it didn't teach me to give a shit about everything, but it did teach me to really question my own values. - [Connor] That's a better way of putting it. - Yeah, and really justify, is this value I hold right? As opposed to like, I'll just think about, I just think of it this way, because I grew up in that kind of environment, and it really made me self reflect. And I feel like that is like a healthy part of YouTube, I think I've become a better person because of YouTube. - Yeah, it's about that mentality of like, okay, if I wasn't doing YouTube, then are the things that I do and the way that I talk to people and that kind stuff, would that be still considered respectful to other people, regardless of if I had this job or not. Would I still be a good person if I didn't have YouTube? And if the answer is yes, then I think if you're following it right. - Very worrying if the answer is no. - Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, look at all the douche-tubers, apparently you can get away with that shit if you have a YouTube channel. - I don't know, do they get away with that shit though? - I mean, there's a reason why they have an audience. - They're on borrowed time. - Are they looking at tweet longer, waiting to happen? - They're not gonna be at the point that they are for very long - Because I feel like a big, I mean, this is getting to a really deep topic now, but a big problem with a lot of these like apology videos, and, you know, a lot of this kind of culture that has been built up, I understand where it comes from, where we do need to keep each other in check and make sure that people aren't abusing their power. But a part of it just makes me feel like, man, people are just treating this like one big reality TV show. - Yeah, it's not keeping each other check, we've just made it a modern Coliseum. - We just gamified it basically. - Yeah, you know, we can't kill each other, this is the best thing we can do, is fucking get at each other's throats online. - Yeah, which is why now when I see an apology video or a tweet longer, you know, a lot of like, as we said, we were taught to have to give a shit about this thing but sometimes I see this and I'm like, I don't have the energy to care about this, this doesn't involve me. You know, sometimes it fucking sucks when I hear about, you know, some person in the community or in some community that I'm not even involved in, having like a 50 page dissertation breaking down every shitty thing they've done. And I'm like, I'm sorry that this happened, but at the same time, like I don't have the energy to invest myself into this. Can someone literally give me a cliff note of what's going on? And like, I don't want to be the guy to be like can you tell me what to think? But there reaches a point where there's too much happening right now that you can- - It's like sensory overload of drama. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it's just like, at the end of the day all I'm seeing is someone's getting fucking paid leave, that's all I'm seeing. - Yeah. - It's like I have limited time, I have limited energy, and I wanna be able to use it on shit I actually care about. - Yeah, I would like to care about every big scandal, every big thing that gets brought up on Twitter, and, you know, that's, logically, and if I would think about it that's what I want to value, but logistically you can't. You can't care about this much shit, and I feel like a big problem right now is that this entire environment just feels like "Big Brother", or this feels like a reality TV show where people care, but do they really care? Like it gets to a point where, does this really... Where I think, does this is really involve me, you know, am I doing something right to society by getting involved with this, or am I just feeding the fumes and the fire and just making the environment more toxic? - If you have thick enough skin, nothing's stopping you. If you don't care that everyone hates you, and you're fine with that, then there's literally nothing stopping you from succeeding on YouTube. - I mean, there's people who make a career off of being hated. - Yeah, plenty. - Yeah, I mean, one of the biggest examples, is of course, Logan Paul. I can't remember who said this quote but I think it was like Muhammad Ali or a boxer, where they said something like, if people will pay to like... What was it? People will pay to shut you up. - Yeah, people will pay to watch you get punched - Yeah, watch you get punched, or watch you shut the fuck up, something along those lines. And man, Logan Paul has capitalized that to the max. I mean, I'll fucking admit, you know, I got involved with whenever Logan Paul gets into a boxing match - I watched the boxing matches, of course I did, I wanna see Logan Paul get punched a bunch. It's just funny, you know? I mean, I don't really have anything personally against the guy, obviously, but it's just fun seeing two YouTubers smack each other in the face. This shit's funny as fuck. - [Garnt] Yeah, exactly. - I'd do that if the right target came up. I'm like, yo, how much money did he make? Put me in the ring, give me some beef, please. - Give me some beef to fight over. - Pay per view, anyone? - It's scary. Scary how it's evolved to that point, isn't it? It makes you wonder what the next step is. - We're going back to where we started, where, you know, when reality is this entertaining, who the fuck needs TV? - That's what I've been saying the whole time gone, Garnt. Reality has always been more entertaining. - Documentaries are the new movies. - Yeah, man, you can't make this shit up, man. You can make up all these "Harry Potters" and "Lord Of The Rings", that's epic and all, I love those films but you can't make up the weird shit that happens in real life. And that's been "Trash Taste". But you know what hasn't been "Trash Taste"? Without us reading the Patreons, that didn't make any sense. - That made no sense at all. I was like, where are you going with this? - Let's do it, "Trash Taste" Patreon, woo! - Yeah, look at all these Patreons. - They love him. - This guy has giga-brain, giga monkey brain. - Yeah. - Hey, if you'd like to join the Patreon, then as always, go to, also follow us on Twitter, the subreddit. - You'll get clips early from the episode
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,458,338
Rating: 4.9728975 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Connor presentation
Id: 8NtHmr0xOrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 44sec (7424 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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