Proving We're Actually an Anime Podcast | Trash Taste #57

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They really boiled the fights down to "fight boring cause I know who gonna win". If the quality of a manga was based on predictability, then every manga that ever existed would be bad.

Gigguk's take is even worse. How can he say that the author doesn't care to have a story and just focuses on the fights if every character is built up during their backstories and fights. It's like he took the phrase "turn your brain off and read" so seriously that he forget all the context for the fights. What makes this funnier is that Gigguk's favorite anime is Orehimo(the incest one) and he's trying to give a critical, but ends up talking out of his ass.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SkyKnight_Ascending πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I kinda agree that even the manga of record of ragnarok could be underwhelming to a lot of people. That's kinda why I think it's not as popular as it could be.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/penny_242 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Connor take on Adam vs Zeus is so shitty and monkey brain

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Boat-fish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

A fellow person of culture I see 😁

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sharkattack1921 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hmm, Good to know :3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ApplePitou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AaLutchman23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- I'll give you a quick run-through of Dhar Mann video right now. Hi, I am cheating wife. (moody music) Hi, I am husband with failing business. Damn, you're so gross. I'm going to cheat on you, she cheats. (coins clanking) My business is now succeeding. Cheating wife wants to come back and sleep with him again, but he's like, no, no, I'm successful now. Moral of the story, don't cheat on your husband. (laughing) (bones cracking) - And, then everyone clapped. (applause) - [Connor] Yeah. (chill ambience music) Welcome to Trash Tastes Podcast. This is the most recent episode you'll ever experience on Trash Taste, I think. - Yeah. This is the first time, I think since we started that we used the entirety of our backlog. - [Connor] Yeah. - So we can talk about topics that happens literally just last week as this is airing right now. - Whoa! - Which, I actually do want to, but- - Timely! - But, I did see a thing. They were like, please, can you start talking about more recent topics? It's so annoying hearing it like four weeks later. I don't know. I like the fact that we get to like sit on it a little bit and we get to talk about it. - [Joey] Yeah. - And, it comes out later. - Yeah, 'cause so much happens or so much changes, right. Especially if it just happened. Like you know, something might happen where it completely changes our opinions or situations. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - And then we just look like idiots. It's just poorly, aged videos, right? - Yeah. I mean, I think it just works well for us as well, because it just proves that, you know, we don't have to talk about current topics to get people, to watch us hopefully. - By the way do you want to introduce ourselves? (laughing) - What do you mean? We're here with the boys. - I don't think I did. - Hello we're the boys. - We really just like went right into it. - We're the boys, that's it. - Hello, this is like episode two of season two. You know who we are. You know who we are, obviously. (laughing) - I think episode 54 was like five weeks ahead. And then the episode after that was just one week ahead. - [Joey] Yeah. - So it's like, it's interesting, but I do like the fact that, I mean, the way we record it, is cause that's how we like to do it, right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - We like to have the backlog so that we always give you an episode weekly and we don't really give a shit about trending topics, most of the time. - [Joey] No. No. - I think we want to just talk anyway. - Most trending topics just don't mean anything to us really. - Yeah, and even then really, I feel like, you know, we don't really go that deeply into it. You know, we're not doing a two hour deep dive on the newest scandal. - [Joey] I mean how- - We just kind of mention it in passing like, oh, that was a shitty thing. - [Joey] Right. - Which is what I will be talking about today. - I mean how can you when it literally just happened and you have so little information to work off, right? - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and also I feel like we're not, like a drama channel. - [Garnt] No. - If you want the hot scoops, the hot takes, it's not from us. - [Garnt] No. - [Joey] No. - We have hot takes about fucking food and all other shit. - We have hot takes about like non-timely topics. (laughing) - But speaking of hot topics, there is one that came up recently that I thought was just so incredibly fucking stupid that I do want to talk about it. - [Garnt] Go on. Yeah. - I tweeted about it yesterday, as well. - [Joey] Oh! - It was the crypto, the crypto scam, but the FaZe Clan. - Yeah, I tweeted about that yesterday as well. - I'm not being funny. If you believe in any financial advice from someone from the FaZe Clan, - FaZe Clan! (laughing) - You have to start questioning what's going on. But I know most of this kids are, well, I don't think most of them are young because how the fuck do they have crypto wallets? I'm 25 and I barely can get a crypto wallet. - Very, very, very naive parents. - I am all out the loop. Can you explain to me what I missed? - Ah that's right, Garnt, of course. So FaZe Clan, which if you don't know, are an absolutely massive organization on YouTube. - [Garnt] Yes. - They have members that I can not distinguish to save my life. They all sound and feel very familiar in my head. - There's also like 70 of them or something. - [Connor] Yeah. There's like- - There's a shitload of them. - Yeah. I don't know how many there is, there's about like, I think there's less than 10 of them. They're all massive. - No, there's more than 10. - Is there? - There has to be. - I just know that they are gamers. - They're gamers, so ya they're mainly gamers. They mainly do, you know, very click-bait videos. A lot of them to cover very hot games. So like, when it's Fortnite, they're Fortnite, you know, and then they kind of pick up the biggest creators. Most of them have over like 5 million subs. - [Garnt] Yeah. Yeah. - So most of them have over 10 million subs. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And a few of them have recently started, you know, advertising cryptocurrencies. - Oh, I like where this is going! - [Joey] Yeah. - It seems to have been a concerning topic with influencers in general recently where they've been- - [Garnt] Yeah. - You know, I don't mind you talking about your crypto investments and whatnot. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But, there's a difference between that and being like, "Hey, invest in whatever." So there was the big scandal this time, was that, there was a coin called like Save the Kids- - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. - [Garnt] Right. - Foundation. It's literally called like, this is like a parody. Like, this is what, like a parody movie, would call this scam. - [Joey] Yeah. Save the Kids. You know what I mean? - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it had like all of them, it had this like flashy promotional video where all of them were like, "I'm here to save the kids," like all the FaZe Clan members were like, "I'm holding to save the kids." And so they advertise this coin that they also like had someone who helped them develop it. So they were in from the start developing this coin, making it. - [Joey] Yeah. [Garnt] Right. - So they had all the coin before even went live. And if you don't know how cryptocurrency works, I'm not gonna explain it because, I don't know. - There's videos on YouTube. - Frankly I don't know. - [Joey] Yeah. - All I know is that they had the money before they had access to this marketplace before anyone did, they already had all the money. They promoted the fuck out of it. I mean, it's typically called a pump and dump, right. So you promote the shit out of it. The value goes up. - And then you sell off your- - And then, they sold all of their coin immediately. So when this coin went up in value and it went immediately to shit. - [Joey] Yeah. There's actually graphs of it that you can see where it's like, day one, it's like up here and then it just goes. (imitates falling rocket) - Yeah so I think it started off like one, one penny, it was worth. - [Joey] Yeah. - These coins. And then it was, well, I think now it's worth less than a hundredth of a penny. - I think it's like a thousandth of of a penny. It's even less than that. - [Connor] Yeah, it's ridiculous. - Feels like that should be illegal. - I think it might be. - Well, if you did this stuff like this in the stock market, it would be very illegal. - Yeah. That's what I'm saying, right! - It's like some Wolf of Wall Street shit, right? - And that's the... Because I feel like I'm just the guy watching the shit show that is crypto. I don't really give a about getting into crypto, but I love keeping up with it and love seeing the drama. And they're always just at each other's throat on whether they want regulation or not. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And so that's the debate of do, should it be regulated to stop shit like this from happening? But even then I think the, if the FEC, or I think that's what it is, wanted to investigate, I think they could arrest them. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And, someone actually found their wallets. - [Garnt] Right. - Their crypto wallets, which is unique to the person who buys or sells a crypto. You can only have one. - [Garnt] Yeah. It's- - Or you can have more than one wallet, but it's a unique thing that everyone can see cause crypto is public. And so people managed to find the FaZe Clan's wallets, - [Garnt] Right. - And saw that at least one of them, a bunch of them, a bunch of them all sold immediately, - [Joey] Yeah. - Which shows that they kind of had some malicious intent. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And one of them had done like four of these schemes and sold immediately every single time. (snickering) And bear in mind, if this was for, you know, these people have like 10 million subs. So their income is probably already over, you know, seven figures a year. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - Right? And so they're doing these, I mean, they're just scams. That's blatantly what they are, right? - I mean, these, these, these are just- - Call it what it is. It's a fucking scam. - It is a scam. - They're running these scams that could easily put them in jail. And some of them only made like 50 grand. And don't get me wrong 50 grand is a lot of money. It's a lot of money. - But in retrospect of how much they're already probably making. - Bro if they did a raid fucking Shadow Legends, they'd get 100K, are you kidding me? (laughing) Like, why are they risking their life for 50K? - That's not a lot in like, in the grand scheme of things, for the amount that they're making and for what they're putting on the line as well? That's like going into tax evasion to like save a tenner or something like that. (Laughing) Like, what are the, what the fuck are they doing? - At least, at least when you rob people, you can wear a ski mask. - [Garnt] Yeah, right? - This is like, they're fucking promoting it publicly. And then their fucking wallets are public. - I thought they were like making millions. And that's what it sounds. That's what it sounded like. - It's sounded so elaborate. And so like crazy that I was like, these guys must be getting millions from this. No, they made like 60K. And it's like, what you guys are so fucking dumb. This is the dumbest thing I've seen. Like at least with the fucking, the whole Tmartn CSGO gambling thing- - Yeah, yeah, Yeah. That's what they remind me of. - At least he was probably making millions. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. Easily. - If you're gonna like risk your life, at least, that's what pissed me off the most about this. I'm like, you guys are so fucking dumb. I couldn't believe this. Like, when I saw it. - Just upload a couple of vlogs, just add a shitload of minerals, I mean, you'd probably make the same amount. - Yeah. Yeah. It's just, I, you know, and I've watched channels that are dedicated to finding these like crypto scams and there's so many YouTubers doing this. It's so appalling. It's so sad. - It's pretty fucked. Like the more like I've seen people reacting to it, I've just never looked into what was going on myself. It just seems like, yeah, very much like the CSO skim scam, right? Or whatever. I forget what that scam was called. - Kind of like that, but at least at least gambling, you know, there's something there. You just lose with this. then you just getting scammed. - At least you get skins. (laughing) - Yeah this is like a butterfly knife. I don't know. - You don't get anything with this crypto shit. Yeah. I don't know, man. It's like, and there was a bunch of other YouTubers were doing it too, right? - It's quite a lot. Quite a lot. - Like, I think like, I mean, Rice Scum, I think was involved in the FaZe thing as well. - For fuck's sake! - Well Rice Scum is in FaZe Clan. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh my god. - He was in FaZe Clan. So he was part of the campaign as well, because I saw- - And then Sam Pepper is apparently, do you remember Sam Pepper? (Joey laughs and claps) So Sam Pepper is a well known, very well known prank channel. And he was canceled a while back. Of course he is known. He's very popular right now, because he's doing crypto scams. - Are we just going through like the fucking top 10 list of YouTuber scumbags that were- - Yeah. - [Connor] Literally, literally. - Because, that's what it sounds like, right? - Pick a YouTube scumbag, they're doing this cyrpto bullshit. - They're literally doing crypto bullshit. - Yeah. - Logan Paul was doing it as well, right? - Logan Paul, yeah! - Oh my God. - Logan Paul was pushing this shit. - Of course he was! - I've never, been one for like, you should lose your platform for stuff. But, I genuinely think if you're doing this shit, you shouldn't be allowed on YouTube. - Well yeah of course. - Yeah. Yeah. - How YouTube let's like people who do this shit, like still upload. - [Joey] Right. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And like, cause it's, you know, we already have a bad enough rep as YouTubers. - [Joey] Yeah. - We already have like one of the worst reps of any reps. - [Joey] Yeah. - The last thing we need is every single person over 10 million subs fucking shilling garbage crypto that is blatantly a scam. You know? - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it's so shitty as well, right. Because like internet personalities are like built on like a trust, right? Of like, I love this content creator. - Who is trusting these guys? I don't understand. - I love these people. - Yeah. - And, what I want to know is how they're getting away with this shit. How? - There's no regulation on it,. - Yeah. - You know? - Yeah. - You know, as much as you know, a lot of people don't want websites to get involved. Rightfully so, because YouTube and Twitter, where they normally try and enforce shit, it's a fucking mess. - [Joey] Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - So it's kind of this thing of like, well maybe there should be exceptions, when they're notably being scumbags. - Yeah. - Yeah. I mean, I don't even know is if what they're doing is illegal, but I assume if it is illegal, then that is like a genuine reason to de-platform them. - It definitely feels illegal. That's for sure. - It definitely feels illegal! This definitely shouldn't feel illegal, whatever they're doing. - Like, that's literally like being like, you know, "I'll give you $10 JK it's 10 cents." You know, it's literally that. - I just don't understand what sick fuck, like builds up this audience, right? And then just is like, "All right, I'm just going to take their money," like, you know. - Well again that's, what's the shitty thing, right. It's like, it's built on a trust system. - [Connor] Yeah. - Your viewers trust you as a personality. - [Connor] It's so shat. It's so shat. - They'll listen to anything you say, right. Being like, "Oh, well, if my favorite content creators says, I should do this, I should probably do this." And, so I feel it works both ways, right? - [Connor] Yeah. Yeah. - It's like, obviously influencers are kind of fucked in a sense, - [Connor] Yeah. because they're literally taking advantage of a fan base that trusts them. But, at the same time, the viewers aren't really thinking for themselves, right? They're not thinking like, hmm, this might be a scam. - It's hard. Right? Cause you do like, it's unfortunate. People do build up trust. - Yeah. And, for some reason, they trusted someone with the name FaZe in front of their name. - Yeah. Why. - Yeah. - You know, it's just, it's sad, man. I just, the idea of someone like looking up to this, this person who plays Fortnite or whatever. - [Joey] Yeah. - Fortnite. (Connor laughs) - We clearly are very knowledgeable about what FaZe Clan does. - You know and a- - This is the most gamer one out of us three and even he's having trouble describing them. - It's that side of gaming that is blatantly marketed towards, you know, under 16 year olds. I'm not really into that. - [Garnt] Yeah. - You know, and it's sad. It's just really sad. I just don't understand how you could go to a meet and greet ever and look, your fans in the eye, and be like, I'm so glad to meet you. It's like, no you're fucking not. - Thank you for changing my life. - They're just a fucking wallet, when you need them. You know what I mean? Like it's one thing to like e-beg in various ways. But like, I think this is just like a- - It's e-steal isn't it? - [Garnt] Yeah. - You're just like stealing, it's fucked. - 'Cause like what blows my mind hearing the story is that there are so many legitimate ways to make money that is not this shady. - [Connor] Yeah. I mean fuck you know, like how much did Logan Paul and Jake Paul make from like a fucking boxing match, right? - That's what blows my mind- - [Garnt] Yeah. - Is that Logan Paul must have made what, 20, $30 million from that fight? - [Garnt] Yeah. - And then he's here promoting dink donk, coin of dinged, whatever it is, fucking coin. - Some dumb ass fucking name. - It's like, what are you doing, man? You're already fucking rich as shit. Do you really need to do this? Like, this is what blows my mind. I don't understand. - Yeah, cause, like I've thought that, you know, as much as they are scumbags and everything, They're also like fucking geniuses for being able to monetize how fucking hated they are. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - Because they've made millions from doing boxing matches. - [Connor] Yeah. Right. - So I'm just like, well, okay. That was pretty clever. I'll give you the rep for, you know, monetizing your- - At least you're putting your body on the line, right? - Yeah monetizing you being a scumbag. - Yeah. - But then there's just this, which is, you know, it's not nowhere near as profitable as getting punched in the face, and I'd much rather get punched in the face. Thank you very much, (Joey laughs) honestly, honestly. - Yeah no, honestly. Jeez. - If I have the options to get punched in the face, or do the sponsorship, I'd be like punch me in the face every time. (Garnt laughs) - Do I get paid the same amount? - Yeah same amount. (indistinct) - It's just a flesh wound. - It's like the would you rather, right? Would you rather get punched in the face for $20 million or scam people out of crypto for $50,000? - Or do an illegal act? (laughing) Which would you rather do? - Man, it's just sad. The whole thing is so sad every time I think. Oh yeah, YouTube is, a lot of them are pretty bad huh? - And guaranteed as well. Like, when this does break out into like, the mainstream, if it hasn't fucking already, like news outlets are going to pick it up, they're going to be like, "These Youtubers are doing blah, blah, blah." And you know what sucks is that, yeah, they might be douche bags. But, at the end of the day, a lot of these guys are like the faces of YouTube. - [Connor] Yeah. - So seeing them, you know, being like represented of YouTube as a whole and doing these like shitty things, it's going to make us look like shit. - [Connor] Yeah. - Even though we're sitting here, literally laughing at them for being how fucking dumb they were. - Yeah it sucks. - I mean I always look at that side of YouTube and it's just so alien to me. Cause I don't normally keep up with like, how can I say like, the kind of like side of YouTube, which is mostly like, I guess based in LA and mostly like aimed towards, yeah, like- - The LA YouTube scene, right? - Yeah. The LA YouTube scene is just like- - It's notorious of just being insane. - It is like a different world to me. I don't get it sometimes. Yeah. And I would like to say that they don't obviously represent all of YouTube, but I think- - No. - That's obvious to like most of our audience, because I feel like there's very little audience- - [Connor] Yeah. - Like crossover between our stuff and their stuff to begin with. - Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No. But, that's why I'm holding Trash Taste coin, guys. Make sure to have those diamonds. - TT coin! The TT coin. - Hold your diamond hands. Trash Taste, fucking. Could you imagine? - Monkey coin rise up. - Monkey coin! (laughing) - Monkey coin. That'll be it. That's probably already a thing to be fair. - [Joey] Probably. - There's so many coins. - [Joey] Well probably. - My God. What else you guys been up to, huh? - Well I see what you guys have been up to and that's getting your first vaccine shot. That was broadcasted live - Oh yeah. We did do that. - On my Japanese television. - [Joey] That's all right. I got like fucking stared down by like the Minister of Health or whatever he was. - Yeah, yeah. The- - What was he again? - Well, I guess the Anthony Fauci of Japan. - Yes, essentially. - Yeah. - But yeah, we got a, is it weird to say that our vaccine was sponsored? - This vaccine is sponsored by. - And, it was in a sense. It kind of was, but not really. - It was, and it wasn't. - I mean, you know, I don't know what- - We didn't get paid to get vaccines. So I guess it wasn't sponsored. - Yeah, so the, the company that we work for, it's obviously a subsidiary of a subsidiary, which is owned by Kadokawa. - [Garnt] Yeah. And Kadokawa in Japan, you know, I disagree with this. They were only really giving the vaccines out to big companies with over a thousand employees, I think. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - To give so that they could give it to their employees. But, I just think that you should just give it to anyone who wants it. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Cause apparently, you know, people, all the population here haven't been too receptive to it. - [Garnt] No. - They haven't been taking it much, whatever. So yeah. They had it. And, I believe Kadokawa, was like, "All right, well let's make it a press event." And so. - Yeah because Dwango, which is the company that owns Niconico, which is like, the Japanese YouTube, essentially. - [Connor] Yep. - They wanted to do this program where they were like, we need to get foreigners living in Japan vaccined. Because, you know. - [Connor] Yeah. - We want to show that off are being like, "It doesn't matter if you're a foreigner, you can get vaccined here guys, yeah." Like, like every foreigner living here, isn't like, can you just give me the fucking vaccine already? - Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. - Like we know the vaccine exists. So yeah. They were like, "Well, Trash Tastes has a lot of foreigners in it." - Yeah. So they were like, "Yeah, you can have the vaccine, if you go on TV." And I was thinking like, fuck well it could be months before I get it here. - [Joey] Yeah. - I don't know why I'm going to get it. You know? - [Garnt] Yeah. You know, it's not like I've never done this before. Sure. Fuck it, I'll get stabbed on TV. - Yeah. At least again, at least you weren't given the death glare, right? On TV? - Yeah well so what happened was that we turn up to this place, and we fill out a form and there's already like, people like shuffling us around. And like, obviously it's a very strange experience if you've never been on like a press thing. And to be honest, we haven't been on many, but essentially you turn up at a place. And then like a group of 10 people are like, "Come here, come here. Do this thing. Do this thing." And then they're shoving you around. And you're just like, "All right, okay. I'll just keep following." And then you like, "Just fill out this form. Fill it out now." "All right. Okay. Fuck it." "Oh, come here, come here. You gotta get to do this." And then I'm like, "All right, well, all right, well shit. What's going on? Fuck. - Yeah. Meanwhile, this entire time, this entire thing is live-streamed - [Connor] Yeah. On Niconico in front of, I think it was like 35,000 people. - Yeah. Something like that. - Yeah. I don't know what 35,000 people are just watched. Are just sitting there watching people getting vaccinated. - Right? It's so weird. - I'm not sure if it was total views of live viewers, but it was a lot. - Yeah. - It was live views. - Yeah, and so- - But, I saw how many comments there were and just like completely filled up the screen. - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - So with Niconico, it's not like YouTube comments where you can read them down on like on like the bottom. Like, if you comment something it like appears live on the feed. - It's pretty cool, but also really distracting. - Yeah it's really distracting. - It's a cool feature I think. - Yeah. - Yeah. So then we get shuffled across to this other room with like 20 cameras, and a bunch of people and me and Joey just looked so out of place because everyone is wearing suits. And we're just like, "All right." - And Connor and I are rocking in our JoJo shirts. - Yeah we were in JoJo shirts, because I was like "If I'm going TV, I'm wearing JoJo merch." And then they were like, "Sit down here." And, I was like, "Okay, cool." And literally like two seconds later after they told us to sit down, the Health Minister- - [Joey] Yeah. - Comes around the corner and like, like Emperor Palpatine, just stares us down. Like, "Yes." - Yeah what the fuck was up with that death stare he gave you guys? (Joey laughs) - So, so before that as well right. - Before that. Yeah. - He's like, he's like, "How was it?" And we were, and Joey, didn't say anything. - No. He looked at me and he was, like, in English, he was like, "How was it?" And I'm like, I was this close to being like, "Bro, I literally just walked in." (laughing) Like we haven't gotten it yet. We're waiting. - Yeah, so Joey, he didn't respond. And we were really awkward, because we were like confused. - [Joey] Yeah. - And then, as he's walking. I'm like, "Oh, we haven't had it yet." And he goes, "Oh," and then just walks off. But then has a five minute conversation with the Japanese cosplayers. And me and Joey are like, "All right, well. Okay." - All right. Should we go get it now? - Wait, wait. There were Japanese cosplayers there? - Yeah there was someone from Final Fantasy Seven next to me, just chilling. - Just in cosplay? - In cosplay. - Yeah. In cosplay. (laughing) - It was really strange. - Was this like a vaccine like event, or was this a fucking anime expo or something? - I think, I think the event was to like- - They were Japanese influencers. - Yeah. They Japanese influencers. - Oh. Okay. - So it was like foreign influencers, Japanese influencers, musicians, talents, all that kind of stuff. - So they just came in costume? - Yeah. They came in costume. - That's so weird! - [Joey] Yeah. - Well, I think while we don't really give a shit, I think the Japanese talent very much- - [Garnt] Yeah. - Care about upholding the image. - [Joey] Yeah like the image. Yeah. - [Garnt] Okay. Yeah. - And, me and Joey were like fuck it. We're just tell them joke. I guess that's upholding the image. Right? - Yeah. And then, when I was getting the vaccine from my periphery, like I could see from my periphery, just the Health Minister staring down at me, like. - [Connor] It was this really funny video of like four angles of this guy just staring at Joey with like a whole press team behind him. (Joey laughs) It was really bizarre. - It looks so fucking ominous. - It was really ominous. - It was like a scene from like fucking JoJo or something. - It looked like a parody. Like when, especially when they like zoom in on you, I was just like, this is like built for memes. - And it's like, "Yes, the Anime Man." - Like literally, Emporer Palpatine just walking around with his like subordinates. - Yeah. It's like, "Do it!" (laughing) - "Snap him!" - Yeah, cause when I went, because I went like a few hours afterwards, because I was busy winning a Shadowverse tournament at the time. - GG by the way. - But yeah, I came in afterwards, and it was like pretty chill for me. I didn't have any cameras, no interview. Did you guys have to do interviews or anything like that? - No, we just went on like a livestream afterwards and said, watch Trash Tastes. - Yeah. Did you, did you have to sit in front of like there was like a weird like shrine looking thing after you got the shot? - No. - [Connor] A shrine. - So after we got the shot, one of the, there was like seven camera angles on this Niconico live stream. But one of the camera angles was through, I was on this table and it was through these like Torii gates. - [Garnt] Right. - It was a really shit angle. - It was a really shit angle. - Okay. - You could barely see our faces, but basically they were like, once we got the shots done, we came out, and they were like, "Oh, sit down and give us a couple of like words on how your experience was." So Connor and I got sat in front of this Torii shrine. And they were like, "How was it?" And I was like, "Its a fucking needle, wasn't it?" I've done this before, dude. It's just, it's just the vaccine. But then, we use that as the opportunity to be like watch Trash Taste. - Oh really? - Yeah. - Damn, promoting Trash Tastes during a vaccine. - Yeah, I guarantee you, most of them didn't understand what we said. - No. - But, it's all right. It's the thought that counts. - I saw Sydney's clip where went in front of it, and she just says, yeah, I'm an aero-gay YouTuber. (laughing) And she literally said that and the comments were just like, what? Everyone thought she was like a JAV actress or something. - Oh my God - Wow. - Poor choice of words. But, yeah, I mean. - So yeah, I guess I traded, you know, I let them, we were Guinea pigs for the press so that we could get vaccines. - Worth it. Honestly. - Yeah. Honestly like when, when we got the, when we got like the offer from Meilyne, like Meilyne just messages us one day and was like, "Guys, good news. I can secure you guys a vaccine." And we're just like, "Great." Well, as you know, as, you know, as hopefully many companies are getting vaccinated right now. That's fucking brilliant. And then, she was like, "But there's a catch." (Joey laughs) I was like, "What'd you mean there's a fucking catch? I'm just, I just want to get vaccinated." - Yeah. - It's like, "Well you can get it if you appear on Niconico and livestream it." I'm just like, "What kind of sponsorship offer is this? This is like literally the weirdest sponsorship offer I've ever heard in my life." - We've never done anything with Niconico. - It's not really a sponsorship. We didn't have to do much, just turn up. - It kind of felt like it at the time, but it wasn't technically a sponsorship offer, but- - Slowly getting there. First jab complete. Next one in the end of this month. - Yeah. End of this month. - Yeah. - And then, we'll be fully 5G'd up. - Yeah. Fully 5G positive. - I'm honestly impressed, because it just seemed like a switch just like flicked in like the Japanese vaccination program. - Yeah. - And like, we went from no vaccines to everyone's getting a vaccine now. - Well yeah, because I think its because the government finally realized. They were like, "Olympics is a month away, and no one's been vaccinated yet." - They were like, yeah that's not a good look. - We should probably do something about that. - Yeah, because Japan, normally isn't, isn't used to really having eyes on them. - [Joey] No. - They don't really kind of very much like that. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And now they have all the eyes on them watching. - [Joey] Yeah. - Literally everything they do and criticizing it. So they're not, I don't think they're like used to it. - Yeah. But- - America is like, "First time, huh?" (all laugh) - I got these like really fucking awful back pains. - [Connor] Did you? - Like the day after I got the vaccine shot. Like, you know, most of the time it's like, oh my, you know, my left arm or whatever arm you got was sore, only I got it on the left arm and this entire part was just aching, like fucking crazy. - Yeah. - And I was like, I'm feeling sleepy. I'm feeling drowsy. Meanwhile, I woke up the next day. And I was like, I feel like someone just like drop kicked me in the back. (laughing) I don't know, why. - So strange I've never heard anyone say they got back pain. - It's weird right? And, it's like only me and Aki are the only ones that have got this side effect. Everyone else was just like- - Bro if I scream too loudly, you might, you might fucking turn into a titan. - I was about to say. Obviously you were just injected with that fucking titan juice. - That's probably why. That's probably why- (Connor screaming) - That's why the health minister was there. - I was going to say that. He better not be going fucking titan. - It's like they give you the vaccine, with a bottle the wine there. We got to put spoiler warnings for that, that joke. - Oh yeah. - It was like fucking Historia looking at me, right. It's just like you better turn into a fucking titan I swear to god. - We're going to put a spoiler warning, fuck. - [Joey] Yeah. It's probably the first ever just casual spoiler we've ever done. - [Garnt] Yeah. - This episode is sponsored by Bokksu. What is this? Bokksu! (Joey laughs) What Joey? - Nothing. - Isn't that the fabled premium Japanese snack box subscription services that deliver snacks straight from Japan to your door and offers free shipping to the US? - How do you guys know this? What? - Someone is transmitting some information right now directly to my brain. Here it comes again. For those of you who would like to indulge in the wonderful snacks Japan has to offer. This is for you. - I personally recommend this one, this Suika gummies. Garnt, have you tried these? - I can't control it! - [Connor] So use coupon code, TrashTaste20, to get 20% off your first authentic Japanese snack box from Bokksu. Take advantage of this limited time offer. - Don't worry Garnt, I think this will help you out. - Mmm! I feel a lot better now. - Sounds delicious. - Back to the show. - But when I, when I got my jab, I was extremely tired of the day of. And, I couldn't do anything. So, I decided I was going to watch a TV show. It was an animation. Not quite an anime. - [Joey] Oh? - Or, technically an anime, technically in Japan that is an anime. - That is an anime. - Yeah. I watched Invincible. (instrumental music) (blood splatters) - Oh Okay. - Is it good? - Oh my God. It's amazing. - Really? - It's really good. - It's fucking amazing. - I need to watch it. - It's so good. - I'm like, there must be a reason why this show's getting memed a lot. - It's really good. - [Joey] Yeah. - I was really blown away by how just incredible it was. Like everything - Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Cut to title screen right now. (exciting music) Not invincible. Oh yeah. Incredible. Sorry. (all laugh) - I was like, what are you fucking doing?. - I was like, oh, I love the Disney movie. - The Incredibles. - Oh, I love the Disney movie. - Not Pixar. Fuck. - Yeah, it was great. I mean, fuck man, it's so good. I just, I want season two now. - Can you sell it to me? Like, what's it about? I know it's about superheroes. - Yeah. - It's kind of hard to sell it without spoiling it. - Okay. - Because there's a massive spoiler in the very first episode. - Right. It's one of those things that it is literally the best show to experience knowing nothing. - Okay. Okay. - Cause I almost think, that me seeing some of the memes spoiled a bit for me. - [Joey] Oh really? - [Garnt] Yeah. - But, because I imagined those twists would have been so much more impactful if I didn't know they were coming, but I knew they were coming, because I saw the memes. But, if anyone, I'm not going to talk too much about it. I will just say that it is probably one of the best TV shows I've watched in like the past year. - [Joey] Wow. - It is really fucking good. - How many episodes is it? - Eight. - It's only 10. Is it eight? - Eight. - Eight episodes, and they're 45 minutes long. - Okay. Okay. - And it's, it's just amazing. Like it's everything is fucking- - Did you watch The Boys at all? - I did not. - Okay. - It's very similar to The Boys. - It's very similar to The Boys, which is funny that they are both like Amazon Prime exclusives. - Right. Right. - But, if you didn't watch The Boys, that's fine. You just, it's a, I'd say a more brutal take on the superhero genre, maybe. - I heard The Boys is like super fucking gory, right? - [Connor] Oh yeah. - Yeah. - I'd say like The Boys is more like humory. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Lot more humor involved, whereas Invincible is just like pretty brutal at times. - Just brutal. Yeah. Invincible was less of like a, like a parody or like a subversion of the superhero genre and more of just like, ah, I don't know how to like, describe it without spoiling major plot points, so. - Like a deconstruction maybe? - I wouldn't say it was a deconstruction. - It's just like, you know, if realistically, if superheroes are just randomly like powers that were given out, some people are going to be assholes. - [Joey] Right, right, right. Okay. Okay. - Not that that's what happens here, but it's again, I don't want to talk about it much other than it is amazing. I've watched it. Anyone watching this, if you've been, you've been thinking about it, 100% go watch it. - Yeah. I've definitely been thinking about that and the boys, so yeah. - Yeah. You should watch both because I like with watching invincible, it was the first time. I remember after I finished the season or finished the series, it was the first time I had like an episode just really shock me. Because like, you know, we watch a lot of anime. We read a lot of media. And so it's been the first time in a long time where something has just shocked me in that way, because I just it's something that I just hadn't seen before. - Okay. - So that's why I think it's really worth watching and watch it before everyone starts jumping on this trend and everyone starts like trying to fucking rip them off or something. Or do their own take on it. - It was a comic before if I'm not mistaken, - Yeah. It was a comic before. And like, from what I've heard and I've been told, like, we haven't really had too many like comic book adaptations outside of the very safe family friendly Marvel owned ones. - [Joey] Yeah. - What I've been told and what my friends tell me, like there's so many good stories in the comic books that have just not been touched. Like, so many mature ones as well. And, I'm hoping that this will lead to more adaptations of really fucking mature comics because it's amazing. - Yeah. I feel the last time we got like a mature comic adaptation that I thought was pretty good or like, it wasn't good, but it was really entertaining was Sin City. - I never watched that. - Yeah. - The movie? - Yeah. That was originally based off a comic. - Was it? - Yeah. - I like Watchmen in the movie. I like that. - Yeah. - I like that movie. (Garnt laughs) - I like that movie. - I like how you just like really whispered that. I like Watchmen. - I feel like people don't like that movie. - Isn't it Watchmen? - Watchmen. Yeah. It's Watchmen. - Watchman. - Watchman. A watch man. - It's Inspector Gadget. - [Garnt] Yeah. - No. Cause like I heard the same thing about Sin City as well, because like a lot of people, like, "No. It was crap," you know, it was like, it was over the top, you know, all that kind of stuff. But, I'm like, isn't it supposed to be over the top? - [Connor] Yeah. - It's a comic book. - I'm sure there's a bunch of comic book aficionados in the comment section that would tell us, "Actually, there's these amazing adaptations out there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, because I heard that Watchmen was just really hated by everyone who read the comics, and I watched it and I was like, I thought it was a good movie. I have no idea about the source material. Same thing with a V for Vendetta as well. - [Connor] Love V for Vendetta. - Yeah. I fucking love that movie. And apparently comic book readers hated it. I don't know why. Maybe they have a legitimate reason. - I feel that's the same with like anything. - From what I know it could be fucking total- - Bro, you're literally like calling out manga readers, right now. (Garnt laughs) - Yeah. It's literally just all manga readers being like, "Oh no, it wasn't that good. The manga was way better. Because literally the comic book was wat better." - As an anime fan, I know how it is. - As a manga reader, I know how it is. - I know we're going from topic to topic fast here, but speaking of that kind of topic of manga and anime adaptations and whatnot, and not getting it right. I recently watched and read Records of Ragnarok. - Okay. - Okay. - And know there's gonna be, cause when I was live streaming, people were like, "Oh, well Netflix paid you to react to it. So you can't say a bad thing about it." No, that's not true. - [Joey] That's not true. - We can say bad things about it, and I'm going to do that. So yeah. With, with that as well. Yeah. We just reacted to it. - [Joey] Yeah. - It wasn't like you have to say good thing. It was like react to it. But you know, if you please, please don't be too mean, you know. - Yeah. "Don't like rip us to shreds." - And like- - I'm not going to be like, "Oh thank you for bringing me here, Netflix. Wow. This looks like shit." But like, when we're talking about it, I will give my honest opinions on the show. - Yeah. To be fair, the scenes that we did react to were probably the better scenes. - Yeah. - Yeah. They definitely showed us the better fight of the two, even then it was like, you know, it was all right. - Yeah. - Yeah. It was- - Especially compared to the manga, it was yeah. - Cause, cause like I will say this. Yeah. We, you know, we obviously were sponsored by Netflix to react to it. And we tried to give like, I mean, I was honestly hype for the show in general because I'm a huge fan of the manga. So, I was pretty hype. - Same. - And, we were obviously shown, we weren't showed the entire episode. We were shown just like clips of it. - Like five minutes of it, I think. - Like same thing as like the trailer. Right? - Yeah. - And you know, I was, I honestly- - I think the opening to Records of Ragnarok was fucking hype. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's Maximum the Hormone. - Maximum the Hormone. - Which is the Death Note's second opening. (Connor screams) So, it was fucking hype. - Yeah, exactly. And I honestly went into it with high hopes. - Yeah. Because, why wouldn't I? And having, 'cause I watched the final product as well. And I, yeah. I mean, I will say I am disappointed with how it was adapted because I feel like the fights deserved better treatments and I don't know what happened in the production process or what's kind of went on behind the scenes, but it wasn't the final product that I was personally hoping for. - Yeah. - I think it was fine. Like I saw a lot of YouTube videos where people were like, "It's fucking awful. Don't support this shit. It's terrible." I was like, you don't want like, it's still better than a lot of adaptations we've had like in recent memory, you know. Like, I feel like they're bastardized One Punch Man season two way more than this did. - Really? I don't think so. - I don't, man, some of the One Punch Man fights were so appalling in season two. - Yeah. But I feel like, ah, I dunno. It's a tough one. Because, for both of them, I would recommend the manga over the anime. - [Connor] Yeah. - Definitely. - No. Yeah. 100%. - But, even then reading Records of Ragnarok going back, I'm like, yeah, this is cool. And, you could do this anime adaptation the way that I think people wanted, but it's just never going to happen. - [Joey] No. - Like I don't think we're ever going to get the Record of Ragnarok adaptation people wanted. Like- - [Garnt] No. - I don't think the story is that good where a company would believe in it enough. Like, I read it. Right? And it's cool. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But like the story's fine. - There isn't much of a story. - It's literally just a battle show. - Yeah. - Which is fine. It's cool. But, I was sitting there and I'm like, I could see why, you know, this is never gonna be the most popular manga. Like this is never going to be in like the top 10. You know what I mean? - It purely just builds itself off like hype. - Am I wrong in saying that? - Well, it doesn't need to be in the top 10 to get a decent adaptation. I mean, you know, we can talk about the Berserk adaptation. That's definitely a top 10 manga. - [Connor] Sure. Sure. - And look at the adaptations it got, right? (indistinct) - I've gotten so used to the current climate of adaptations we've been getting and I'm like, I just couldn't see like a show that is literally all fighting like 24 minutes been done justice. Where are anime is right now? - Well, I would say, look at God of High School, right? - [Connor] Yeah. God of High School, has a very mid story. The story of the anime was very mid as well, but my fucking God, the fight scenes and the animation were absolutely amazing. Right? And I feel like God of High School and Records of Ragnarok have a lot of similarities. And I mean, they're both just like tournament arc, the anime. - But the God of High School had a big focus on martial arts and like, that kind of movement. And, I feel like that was specific to that director who knew very much- - Yeah. I mean the director was a very fucking talented 'cause it's the same guy who did Jujutsu Kaisen, but so I mean, I'm saying this that, you know, it could have got a good adaptation, but unfortunately I don't think it got. - I think it's the most five out of 10 adaptation. - Really? Records of Ragnarok. Yeah. It's pretty much bog standard, I thought. Like it's a little, at times it was disappointing, But, when I read the manga, I was like, well, it kind of gives you the same feeling. I'm not going to lie. - Really? - Genuinely. - I thought the like the manga art was fucking incredible- - [Connor] Yeah. It is, but it's- - Which is, which is why like, you've already sold me on this. Yeah. It's a mediocre story because it's just a fucking tournament arc, but it's just dumb fun. It's cool. - Yeah. - It's like, it's just a lot of fun and then like- - It just hypes the wrong story. - I know I'm going to get for this. I read both the, so there's a fight between Adam of Adam and Eve, and Zeus, - [Joey] And Zeus. - and everyone was like, "This is the most epic fight of all time." And, I was like, "Yeah, it's pretty good." And I was reading it and I was just like, "I actually think it was better in the anime, even though it wasn't even that good." - Are you for real? - Yeah. - Are you actually for real? - That fucking screenshot like fucking, you know, where the panel loads. - Yeah. - I'm like, it's literally like reading the manga. It's literally reading the manga- - Oh my God. - With pretty animated slides. - Welcome to Trash Takes, everybody. What is this take I'm hearing right now? - I just think that- - You are the guy who couldn't get over the fucking like animated manga in like, what was it? Way of the Househusband? And here you are in an actual anime that needs animation because it's an action anime, and you prefer it? - I realize this is making me look terrible. I remember, because that's just the way it was. There was some animation that I was like, "I don't like how this looks," but I, this one, they literally just showed screenshots of the fucking fight in the manga. - [Joey] Yeah. - And I'm like, you know what, at least they just gave up. At least they were like, you know what? Just don't even try. - What are you talking about? - I genuinely, I wish I wish I was joking, because I know this is weird, but I genuinely didn't care. I was like, that's fine. - Wait. So you prefer the anime adaptation of that fight to- - So I watched the anime and then I read the manga. It might've been an order thing, but yeah. I was like, yeah, I think I just preferred watching the- - Nah. You're on crack, dude. You're on crack. - I really liked the music and the voice acting. It added so much to it too. - What? - I've never fucking heard that, an opinion that's just so wrong. I don't like- - I'm to get grilled for this. I know. - I want to know if there's a single fucking person watching this right now that will actually agree with you. - Who's like, "Yeah. Yeah. Finally. Finally, I'm not the only one." - It's just like, I know that like when you look at it, you're like, this looks better, but I don't know. It's personal preference. I just thought that when I was watching it, I was like, I think this deserves to be like, have like music, voice acting. I don't know why. I just enjoyed that more. Like I was, when I carried on reading the manga, I thought this is good. But like, I actually wanted it to just see the animation of it. - This is the guy who watches Seven Deadly Sins season three, and is just like- - [Connor] No! - You know what? It's probably better than the manga. - That's probably better than the manga. - See, that's what I'm saying, right? Would I rather, what we get is just like the manga colored or would I rather Seven Deadly Sins, season three? Fuck no. Get that out of here. They literally made the art 10 times worse than it is in the manga. At least they just took the fucking art from the manga. - So, if I had literally grabbed the manga and colored it in and then played some music as you read it. - And voice acting. Yeah. If you literally can't animate it, don't. Just do that. Like, you know what I mean? Like- - Just do the old cell like movements. (Joey yells) - Well, it's like fucking, what is it? I love the like CircleTunes animation on YouTube. Right? Where you just pop, do that. - Yeah. Just move it around. Yeah. - Just fucking do that, bro. - Oh my God. - I mean, I- - Genuinely, I don't know why I know it sounds strange because I guess I've just become so detached to giving a shit, where like these people seem to like fucking seethe weekly about manga art not being adapted properly. And, it's like. - No. No. I get that. - I get that. - Like, that's obviously taking it too far. I know that this obviously isn't that good, but also at the same time, I'm like, have we not learned that this is always, this is the norm. Like, this is what we're getting. - I mean, I don't think so, because I feel like with anime art and manga art, it's two totally different mediums, right? And that's, I fell like- - It still has to look close enough. - Yeah, because I feel like, for example, I'm bringing up an another example now and I'm talking about Junji Ito adaptations, because you, did you watch the Junji Ito? - Yeah, exactly. Did you watch the Junji Ito, like the short story adaptation? I can't remember what it was called. - Yes. Unfortunately I did. - Yeah. That was literally just like copying the manga page panel by panel, by panel, but there's just- - And then, making it underwhelming. - Yeah. And then, just making it completely underwhelming. And, that's just because the arcs just couldn't be transferred over to the big screen or like, it just wasn't enough detail. - I'm so sad about that anime. - And the art. - I find that with fights, I find them so much more frustrating to figure out reading a manga than in an anime. - I get that. - Because there's some fights where I'm like, wait, what the fuck is going on? - No. No. I get that. But the thing is the Zeus versus Adam fight in the manga is very easily understandable. - Yeah. - No. I know. I know. - You know exactly what's happening. - It's basically just two dudes punching the shit out of each other. How can you fuck that up? How do you not? How do you not know what's going on there? - We're not talking about like the Demon Slayer fucking room rotating fight, right? - [Connor] No. I know. I know. I know. - It's literally just, you're in a fucking stadium, you know? - It was like, I was like, all right, and so I read the manga. And I'm like, yep, it's just two dudes. like they were literally just like aura, aura, auraing each other. And I'm like, what about this were people like coming to the manga on? I'm like, it's literally just like people just pumped like fists, the exact same page over and over again. - People just like detailed fights in manga- - [Connor] I guess. - I guess. Yeah. - I appreciate it. I look at it. I'm like, "That's nice." But also I just, I just, I want the voice - So, did you enjoy the anime, then? - Yeah, I had a great time with it. You know, like people are it's unwatchable. It's a good show. - It's not unwatchable. - It's not, - It's so easy to turn your brain off and enjoy that show. - Yeah. - It's not to the point where it's unwatchable, but I feel like it took like a really good manga and made it an average show. That's how I feel. That's my honest opinion. - Yeah. I feel like the manga is kind of average. - You think so? - Reading it I'm like, "You know what? After the first two fights or every single fight after I think there's three more fights after that, I predicted who was going to win immediately. Just based off how they entered. It was so obvious. Like the latest fight in the manga as well. The one that's been finished was so obviously that the guy was going to lose from the start that I was totally uninvested. - Just talking about. I haven't read the latest manga. - I haven't read the latest chapter either. - I haven't read like the latest fight, so. - Well, what was the last fight that you saw in the manga? - It was a Jack the Ripper was the one I saw. - I loved that fight. - That was a great fight. - But, I knew that Jack the Ripper was going to win. It was very obvious he was going to win. - Wow, spoilers. - Spoilers. The next fight after that fight, I think you'll immediately be able to tell who's going to win within like the first two chapters. - I mean, you know. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't foresee some of the fights. - But, that's what I thought was so good about that's genuinely, everyone's like, "It's the art about Adam and Zeus fight that was the best. I don't think that was the best part about Adam and Zeus. Adam and Zeus, I didn't know until the last moment who was going to win that fight. - [Joey] Right. Right. - There's that, and it was just, I loved how the flight just evolved and progressed. - [Connor] Yeah. - It's basically every trope about like an anime fight put into this one fight, but just like expanded to 10 or 11, like it was just pure, macho fun. - Yeah. - And it, you know, it doesn't require a lot of thinking. It doesn't require a lot of brain. It's just fun. And that's what I love about Records of Ragnorok. It like, takes out all the bullshit, just like we don't, we know you don't care about story. We know you don't give a about story, here, hit it. Let me just give you fights and fights and fights. And that's what I love about. You know? - Yeah. - But that's where I felt that when everyone was saying, "Oh, it's the art, it's the fights." And I'm like, it is. But like, I think the really good thing that it had going, especially in the start. And I think probably what made it so appealing to people is that the fights in the start I genuinely had no idea who was going to win. I could not, I didn't have any idea. And then I feel like after the third fight especially, I thought it was so boring. And I was like, I sleep and it was obvious he was going to win from the start. - Yeah. I feel like just the way that that show was just constructed in general was not meant for like long form serialization. - No. - 'Cause again, it's like, oh cool. Here's the 17th fight. - Well, because of the way that the show did it in the start, it was like, "Here's two guys. None of them were bad guys. Second fight. Here's two guys. Very strong. None of them are bad guys. Make your own mind up who you want to root for. Third fight. This guy's the bad guy. Real bad. No one likes him. Third guy. Oh, this guy's the good guy. Oh, he's real good." And then the good guy wins and then you're like all right. And then, the fourth one, it's so obvious he's trying to do the old switcheroo. He's like, "Oh, he's the bad guy. Oh he's going to, oh we want him to lose." You know? And it's so obvious. - [Joey] Right. - Because, he tries to sell it so hard, sell the show. Sorry. I'm very off of it. But yeah, it's fine. I feel like it definitely got weaker, and I, - [Joey] Yeah. - And, even though I've caught up to it, I don't know how much I'm going to keep reading it, because I feel like I've had enough. I'm like, yeah, man, I don't really care about keep reading it. - I mean, for me, I just read it whenever I'm looking for some dumb, fun. - Yeah. - Switch my brain off because like what, I feel like the biggest difference between the manga and the anime adaptation for me was that the anime is just missing this intensity that I kind of felt when reading the manga. And, I'm pretty sure it's just because when you're reading manga, you know, because of the art, you can kind of like, you can kind of just, you feel this intensity 'cause like you're filling in the gaps with your mind. Right? And that's how really manga works for me, at least. With anime, you don't, you know, it's presented right in front of you, because the movement is there. Right? And that's why to me like, imagine if One Punch Man season one got the same adaptation as season two. Right? What part of the big appeal of One Punch Man, the manga at least is the art is fucking incredible. Right? - [Connor] Yeah. - And, I feel like just because you see the difference between season one and season two, and just because season two just feels so much more flat compared to the manga. And that's just because the story's there, you've got the same story, but just the intensity of the art- - There's no impact, yeah. - The intensity- - I've already, I've started, even though it was, it was a slight disappointing. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I still love season two of One Punch Man. I really enjoyed it. Honestly. - Oh my God. - I love One Punch Man, man. It's one of my favorite manga and shows of all time. Like I think this. - I mean, I get that, but like- - I love the story. - I don't know how you can watch season one- - Oh my God. - And being like that was fucking incredible. And then watch a show that was half as good as one. - Season one of Trash Takes, we find out Connor doesn't have ears. Season two of Trash Takes, we find out Connor doesn't have eyes. - No. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. - He's just turning into fucking Helen Keller. - I'm not saying that One Punch Man, season two is not a downgrade. It is. It's still a banger a show though. It's still great. Like, One Punch Man for me, although the action was amazing, it was like the amazing tiramisu after your five course meal, you know the animation right? To me, it was always, it was always the story in One Punch Man. Like, 'cause it seems like it doesn't have it, but then season two, they introduced Garou. Garou, Garou, Garou? - Garou. - Yeah. Garou. - Oh my God. I love that. It is such a good, good aspect in the story. I love how it plays into it. And then the manga now is amazing. Like, I fucking love reading the manga. - I don't think the story. Well, I mean this is going to one hot take to another. All right? Honestly, I don't think the story- - Shit on one I love, Garnt. Do it. Just shit on one I love. Tell me I'm wrong. - I don't know. I don't think the story of One Punch Man is like top tier. I think it's a good story. But like, if you're going to talk about story from one, I mean fucking Mob Psycho 100, I think has a way better story than One Punch Man. - I have to agree with that. - Yeah. I guess, but Mob is more of a neater story. Everything wraps up nicely. Everything about- - It just feels like it's more of a story, and I'm not saying One Punch Man doesn't have a story, obviously. I think it has a pretty decent story. - I would rank Mob higher than One Punch Man. - Yeah. By far by far. Mob, to me is the full package. - Yeah. Not by far, calm down. Right, Garnt? - It is. It is. It is. - Not by far. Come on. - Mob Psycho is like pretty much the full package on everything you want. It's got a great animation. It's got a very good story. Very well written characters. And I feel like One Punch Man- - One Punch Man just kind of wrote off a gimmick, essentially. - It kind of like I liked- - And, they used it. They turned a gimmick into a lovable story. - They turned a gimmick into a lovable story, which I feel couldn't sustain itself. - I don't know. I disagree. I think the story right now is amazing. - I'm not saying the story is bad in One Punch Man. - Yeah. Fuck you, Joey. - I think it's great. But, I think Mob Psycho definitely had a better story. - Well, Mob Psycho is finished. - Yeah. - And, One Punch Man's still going. Scientist's tick check that. Bigger length equals better story. No, it means never admit one piece is good. No. I take that back. - It's amazing. - No. I don't know. I don't know. Although I agree that Mob Psycho 100 is probably the strongest story. There's something about One Punch Man, season two that really gets me. I don't know. It gets me going. - [Garnt] It just gets you. - It gets me going. It gets me going. - It's just your personal preference, right? - I guess so. - You're entitled to your wrong opinion. - Fuck you. - Yeah. I mean, for me season two was, it was okay. It was okay. It was great. I mean, I- - Yeah, season two for me, it was just like, all right, time to read the manga. - Even in the manga, I feel like that arc that season two adapted, was one of the lesser exciting parts of the story. I feel like the real good part of the story is what's- - It's literally the arc after. - Literally the arc after. That's when the story starts getting interesting. But, I mean, there's like the issue is that you got to deal with Saitoma as, you know, as a story element. And, I feel like he just hasn't, or there hasn't been like the right way to like deal with it. Because, I feel like the most interesting part of One Punch Man, season two and season three is Garou. And, I feel like that was the element that he added to try to save that. But, Saitama's still still there, and there's only so much you can play off that as a concept. - Season three? Is that just- - I'm sorry. I'm saying if season three did get adapted. - We haven't heard anything about that. Have we? - No. - It got, did it get announced? - No, I don't think so. - No. - Did Mob Psycho season three get announced? - I don't think there's enough for season three. Is there? There's from what I understand, there's not that much left of mob psycho. - I dunno. I didn't finish Mob Psycho. - I don't know. What, how does he know finish it? - 'Cause he's the anime man. - 'Cause, I just had not enough time. Because I was reading other things. - Brah. - Brah. It's so good. - Because I was reading what is probably going to be anime of the year, AKA Chainsawman. - Oh God. Yeah. That trailer dropped and it like 10 million views on Twitter. - [Joey] Yeah. - Oh my gosh. - I mean, if we're going to talk about a trailer that made me nut, that's a trailer that made me nut. - Oh yeah. That trailer definitely like, they knew what they were doing. - Yeah. I was like, "MAPPA, you son of a bitch." - You son of a bitch. You did it again." - You son of a bitch, MAPPA, you did it again. - Yeah. So what MAPPA were doing Attack on Titan. Right? - [Joey] Yeah. - And, they saw all those comments that people were like, "Oh, why couldn't they animate Attack on Titan like this? What's going on?" - Well, Do you remember the first Attack on Titan season four trailer? It looked fucking amazing. - Yeah. - But, like compared to the final product- - That's what I'm scared of. That's what I'm scared of. - Yeah. That's what everybody's scared of. - We also learned from like, when Ken came on the podcast, shout out to that episode, he was telling us, you know, it's not really about the studio. It's about the guy in charge and who he brings on. - Yeah. It's about the director and the team of animators. Yeah. - So, you know, if you have good connections and you can bring someone on, I almost feel like the studio almost doesn't matter, sometimes. It's a slight indication, but I feel like it's so inconsistent. - No. Absolutely. - Yeah. I mean, it's definitely. a lot of it has got to do with the team behind it and director behind it. I mean, we just talked about Jujutsu Kaisen also by MAPPA, but that was like such a well animated show, even compared to like other MAPPA shows. I think that's just mostly because of the team behind it. - Yeah. - And, I'm hoping that Chainsaw Man gets a good adaptation. I haven't even read the fucking manga. - I re-read the manga when the trailer dropped. - You now when you have those, those shows or those, you know, properties. I don't know what you call them, (mumbles). - IPs? - IPs. - IPs where you just know they're going to be bangers. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And so you don't, you're not like in a rush to jump into it. You're like, I know I've got something coming. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I've got a little present under the Christmas tree. I can unwrap it anytime. You know it's there. You need like a 10 out of 10 in the waiting, just in case. - [Joey] Yeah. Exactly. - And that's definitely mine right now. I'm like, I know it's coming. I'm waiting for it. - I'm just praying. I'm just going, I'm also honestly- - It's airing in the Fall, right? Chainsawman? Is that this year? - It's either this year or early next year. - Fuck, if it's this year, Jesus like it, this year doesn't need another good anime. My fucking God. It's getting too much, now. It's too much. There's too much to watch. - [Joey] I know. I know. - I've not watched that much anime. I just kind of watch it if it's on Netflix now. I've become so normy that like, I don't really want to, I just don't want to have to deal with like shitty websites, now. It really takes me out of it. - No. I feel that. - Yeah. - I feel that. - Yeah. I've watched like the first episode of Trese. - [Joey] Yeah. - The Fillipino one. - [Joey] Yeah. - It was pretty good. It was pretty good. - [Joey] Yeah? - I would need to watch more of it, but it seemed pretty good so far. - Okay. - What's Trese about? - It's the one that's set in Manila in the Philippines. It's like a- - Yeah, Trese, it's basically, think of if Ghosts in the Shell and Blood Sea had a baby and it was born in the Philippines. - Okay. - That's what that show is. - Ghost hunter show kind of thing. - Ghost hunter, like monster hunter show. - It's pretty badass. I mean, I really enjoyed everything I saw from it so far. You should watch it and actually form an opinion on it. - Yeah. The weird thing about Netflix anime, or Netflix shows is that like, you just browse on Netflix and there's this show, that you've just never heard of before. And you're like, has anyone talks about this? I don't know. Like, no, I've literally seen no exposure for this one show and you just end up putting it on and you're like, oh, that was pretty decent. - I mean, that's how I felt about Castlevania. Right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Connor] Oh, Castlevania. - When that first came out, I was like, oh, what is this? I never saw even Netflix promoting the show. And I was like, oh, I'll give it a go. I liked the games. And I watched it. It was amazing. - Yeah. I heard they might be producing a spinoff or something. - Oh really? - Yeah. 'Cause apparently the main, that story's over, but they might be doing a spinoff, which I really want because I want more sexy voice acting. - Yes, please. - So good. Watch CastlevaniaiIf you haven't already. - Yeah. The only anime I've been watching recently, which I highly recommend is a Odd Taxi. - Yeah. I've been meaning to watch that. - Yeah. I've been meaning to watch that. - That's just something that's just gone under the radar. And it is probably like, I think maybe my anime of the season. I don't know. - Ooh. - Oh. - It's tough. It really, really was a sleeper hit. - I can tell you what's not anime of the season fucking Wonder Egg Priority. - Yeah. I know. - God. I was so sad. - We'll get on to that, but yeah. - So, okay, so from Odd Taxi, I don't know anything, but I've also been told that you don't want to know anything because it spoils it. - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. - From what everyone's told me. And that's probably why it's having a hard time getting promoted. - You have to go into it blind right? Because, if you tell people what it's about, it sounds like one of those shows that kind of gets ruined a bit like all spoiled if you tell them even anything about it. - Kind of. It's more so like, it's kind of hard to tell you what it is about because it's about a lot of things. - I assume it's about Taxis. - Kind of, like the biggest thing, the reason it's called Odd Taxi is because the main character is a taxi driver, I guess. - Okay. - But I guess like the hardest or the easiest way to describe it, it's kind of like a Tarantino movie or something, something along those lines, where- - Is it like Taxi Driver, the Scorsese film? - You said that to me. And I was like, I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen in this thing. Just off that description alone. - [Joey] Yeah. - Where I'm like, "Oh, I bet there's going to be like a bunch of people who come in the taxi and they seem all unrelated. And then we find out that everything is all related and tied together in a neat story. - [Joey] Right. Right. - I bet that's what it was. - Yeah. That's exactly what it's like. - Right. - Tarantino. - Well, I mean, but I mean, that's the, that's like the easiest way you can describe it, because it is kind of like a Tarantino movie. And what I love about Odd Taxi is that it's been so long since I've just seen an anime that has just set up its premise, told it's story and then just wrapped everything up in a neat little package. And, the part of the reason I think it like blew up a lot in like the past week is just 'cause it's ending was just really fucking good. It tied everything up. - It's finished now? - Yeah. It's finished now. - How many episodes? - It's 13 episodes. And you just, you watch this anime and it's 13 episodes and that's it. There's no more. Everything's tied up. It's a really, really good ending that- - How do we milk it for more? If it's good? How do we merchandise it? - I don't know. I dunno. - Garnt, think about these things. - I don't know. - You've got to have an anime that has a clean ending. - Yeah. It's just clean. It's just a clean anime. - I'm going to watch. I'm sold. - It's been so long since I've seen an anime that's just got a really tight script to where it sets up everything it needs to set up. - A race. - It gives you the right. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly, just like a race. It gives you- - Just like it. Just like it. - It gives you the right climax for everything that is set up and then it just ends. And, I'm just like. Damn. That's just everything I need in the show. That's what I love about watching TV shows, and- - Damn. All right. - It's been so long since I've seen a TV show just end like that. - So, I got to watch Boys, Odd Taxi, I was about to say Erased. Not erased. - Invincible. - Invincible. That's it. So many to watch. - And apparently I didn't watch Wonder Egg Priority, but I heard that it was a mess. - I watched up to episode 10, I think. So, I'm only- - You should probably just stop where you're at. - I loved what I saw. - Yeah. You should probably stop where you're at, 'cause. - Okay. So, what the fuck happened? - Basically, well, for starters, well, I don't want to give too much away, but basically half of the OVA is a fucking recap, which already was like a red flag to me. I was like, we don't need a recap. - We don't do that here. - We don't do that here. - Why do you need a recap in an ending. - You asked me, man, you fucking asked me. - Wait a minute, in the 20 minute episode? - [Connor] 40. It was 40. - I think it was 40, 45, something like that. - Okay. So it was- - It was two episodes. - About 15 minutes of it was a recap. It was a really long recap. At least it felt like a long time to me. - Well, when they get too comfortable with recapping shit, you know, something's going wrong, and you're like, "Oh, getting a little too comfortable with those recaps over there, huh, anime?" - And then, they just added like three new elements to the story that just was introduced, but never resolved. So we're like, wait, wait. So you literally just added this element, like 20 minutes before the ending, and then that's it. - You know, when people like love a show so much, they don't wanna admit that it's wrong. I bet there's people on Twitter that like, I bet those people on Twitter that were like, "Now, now guys, hold on. They might be onto something here." - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - Please, please do something. Fix what you've done, please. - And it was just like, and I just felt so shitty, because like, again, like the first season when I watched it, it was amazing. Right? Like you've watched up until episode 10. - Yeah. Yeah. - Fucking amazing, right? - I couldn't wait for it to be concluded. - Yeah. And, unfortunately, it wasn't even concluded with the final episode. It just left more questions than answers. And, everyone was just like, "Cool." - So wait, so wait. When they didn't conclude it, did they leave room for a season two? Or was that just a, "Well, fuck you guys. This is how it ends." - I think they tried to do like a really like, open-ended like Madoka-esque ending, except unlike the Madoka ending, nothing was explained. So, like you couldn't even form a theories about what, was anything there, right? At least the Madoka ending, it was kind of like, all right, we can kind of figure out. - Fucks your wife. Leaves. Chat. - It's like, we can kind of figure out why it ended like this. Right? It's a lot of it is like very like, you know, a metaphorical and everything. It's like, okay, we can kind of figure out theories of what this might mean. But with Wonder, they kind of did that, but they were like no clues for you. Figure it out. Bye. - Oh, you like the show? Fuck you. Fuck you. - Yeah. It literally was just like, it, it felt like CloverWorks was just like, "All right, I give up. Fuck it. End it. Roll the credits." - Didn't CloverWorks also adapt Promised Neverland? - Promised Neverland season two. - Ooh. Ooh. - Yeah, they've been on not a great streak, unfortunately. Which is such a shame, because they always start off so strong. Right? Like Promised Neverland started off really strong. Wonder Egg started off really strong, and none of them have been able to stick the landing. - Everyone's gonna, anytime they get anything now, that's going good. Everyone's going to be like, "Guys, don't get excited. Just wait. Just wait." - Just wait, just wait, just wait. - Just wait until the ending happens. Yeah. 'Cause I was so disappointed when I heard that. 'Cause I was actually, I watched up to episode 10 and I really, really was enjoying it. - Yeah. - But then I remember thinking, I'm like, "Ah, it's still setting a plot points and still exploring characters, 10 episodes in. It's got to end in three episodes. That's not a lot of time there. - Yeah. It definitely was built. I feel for a 24 episode, like a two core series, but I feel like they just weren't given the opportunity to. - I just also can't believe what they did to Promised Neverland season two. So, if you don't know, Promised Neverland was an amazing show. One of the best selling manga, right? - Yeah. - It was like the top five, yeah. - It was four, right? - It sold more than My Hero Academia. - Yeah. It's like the fourth top five best selling manga of all time. The first season was amazing if you haven't watched it. - The manga is fantastic. - And then, instead of just like doing what they were doing, they're like, "Now, hold on guys. What if we just do something else?" - No, they were literally like, "All right. So we just finished the current arc, how many chapters do we have left? Like 150? How many episodes do we have left? Three. All right. Skip about 120 episodes and just go straight to the end." - Yeah. That's- - That's literally what they did. - They fucked the show up completely. - And then, the final episode was literally a PowerPoint presentation. - And then, and you know how it is, you know, there's like when you get a bad adaptation, there's a cool-down period where, there's not a set rule, but it's like a societal rule where you can't make a remake now within the next 10 years. So, it's 10 years now, we're not going to get a good Promised Neverland. - [Joey] No. - Adaptation until someone is like, "Wow, dust this off." - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I mean look at this. I mean, they tried to recover with the live action. But, that was also horrible. - There's a live action? - It was Korean though. Right? - No. It was Japanese. - It was Japanese? I saw the poster. It looked like a porno film. Like I dunno why. It didn't look good. - I think the most live action anime adaptations do look like a porno film. - I think porno parodies actually kind of look better, sometimes. - Japanese like movie posters also look like Japanese porn posters. - It's the same production quality. - They literally, it's really bizarre. - Yeah. I've seen like AX cosplay shoots that look better than some of these posters. You know? - Yeah. - Like, it's wild seeing like just how they look sometimes. Like I remember the Full Metal Alchemist, like live action one. - I still haven't seen that movie. And I fucking refuse to, because I saw the trailer. I'm like, if someone with like, like 500 subs, uploaded this as like a April Fool's parody movie, I would believe it. Like it was that bad. The costumes were horrible looking. Like fucking Ed would look like a crack addict. Like with his like hair. It's just like all over the place. I'm like, no, don't do that. Why would you massacre my boy like that? It looked so bad? Oh God. - I can't get over how they all look like porn videos. I'm just like- - They actually do. - Dead ass, I've seen some like porn parodies of anime that looked better than some live action animated films. - I just had this thought the other day, I'm like, you know, put on a JAV. And I was like, how come I- - Just casually? - Just casually post some JAV. - I was on the train, put some JAV. I thought, huh? How come I've never seen one above 640 P? - Right? - Never. I've never seen a JAV. - I think it's just cause they go straight to DVD. Right? - Yeah. - Probably. - The motherfuckers ain't got 1080P lying around? Like, I just thought about it and I'm like- - It's because the ones that are 1080P are hidden behind a paywall. - Yeah. But, surely someone's pirating them. Right? - [Joey] Oh yeah. Of course. - I was sitting there and I'm like these, these posters. They're like movie posters, amazing immaculate, immaculate posters. And every single time, I'm fighting for my life to find 720P. I'll be lucky if I can find it. And, I thought what's up with that. Why is it only? I don't know. - [Joey] Maybe- - I cannot tell, you know, I don't even have an inkling of what, what year JAVs, because you know for those of you who don't know JAV is the Japanese porn. I have no idea what year these were made. I don't even have an idea of when they were made. You know, you go on the American porn, they're in fucking 8K. What's going on? What's going on Japan? - I don't think anyone's looking for like eight K pixelation of dick, you know? - No. No. - It's still pixelate at the end of the day. - It's not that I need it. I just think the technology is available. You know? I know they can get these cameras. Why aren't they? - Or, maybe what it is is that the actual JAV is in like 4k, but then it's the piraters who are like, I'll just download the HD version. - No way. I refuse to believe there's not, for some reason I've never seen it. Have you ever seen it? I've never seen it. - What, 1080P JAV? Yeah, I've seen it again. - Where? - Again, it's hidden behind a pay wall. - Oh, my God. I'm like tell me your sources. That was just a thought I was thinking, sorry. Because we got off, we were talking about the movie. I was just- - I mean, I'm sure it's out there somewhere deep down in the web, but like, can I be bothered to look for it? No. - No. That's me too. I don't wanna spend more than five minutes. - [Joey] No. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Speaking of things I've been watching. - Okay. - Yeah? - It's not a TV show or a movie or an anime. - Ooh. Okay. - I was watching a particular livestream. - Oh God. - Ah. - Yes. - Okay. - I know where we're going and we shouldn't. - Women always say men don't have feelings. Well, I definitely had feelings when I was watching a Coco's Graduation livestream. - Dude, that was fucking insane. - That was nuts. I think I saw like on the news that I think it was like, oh, like internet news. I mean, not the TV news. I saw on the internet news that I think that ended up being, I think it's the seventh highest livestream of all time. - Livestream of all time. - Yeah. I saw that as well. She, I think she capped at 480,000 people watching her live, - Yeah. During the concert bit, she was like 480,000. I was kind of wondering if he was going to break 500K. - I was like, come on, you can do it. - Half a mil. - You can do it, simps. Come on. I believe in you. - It was nuts, because I was watching that live and there's some parts, the chat was going so fast that it wasn't literally lagging the stream. - Yeah, I saw. I saw. - Yeah. It was crazy. - Just occasionally popping in and just seeing what was going on. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, I didn't care much about like the whole like idle side of things. 'Cause I've never really cared about the whole, whole live idle side of things or whatever, but like yeah, there were parts where I was just like getting a little emotional here. - Honestly, honestly, same. Because I couldn't watch it live, because we were doing something at the time. - Yeah. - but I watched like the recording afterwards. - Yeah. - And honestly it was like, I'm, as I've said of what I watched less VTubers now than I did last year. But man, it was getting emotional at some points. - Yeah. Yeah. Holy Shit. 'Cause I honestly think this is an end of an era for Hololive because I think Hololive owes cocoa so fucking much. Right? - Yeah. Absolutely. - Because she is basically the sole reason why hololive is as big internationally. She's basically the reason why Hololive English exists. Right? - Yeah, exactly. - And I feel like to me, it was like the end of an era for Hololive because you know, she's done so much for the company and now she's just not there anymore. And you know, I feel like she did move out of her own accord, which is happy that no big, like controversy happened to make her move. - It's fully respectable that she was just like, "I kind of just don't want to be hear anymore for whatever reason. See you later," kind of thing. - Yeah. Which would just made it even more bitter sweet. 'Cause I'm happy that she made the decision to move on and do whatever she wants to do now. But, you know, it is- - And she went out with a fucking bang. - Holy Shit. - Like I saw those super chats, bro. I don't want to think about how much money she made from that. - If you're not enjoying it, go out on top, right? - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And then also, I mean she clearly enjoys doing other stuff on the side. - [Garnt] Yeah. - So, why not, right? Like you can bring a massive audience over with you. - [Garnt] Yeah. Yeah. - So, if you do a show like that, like people of course go check out what you're doing next. So it was a brilliant idea as well. - Yeah. Yeah, exactly. - 'Cause I mean, I think honestly, Coco in terms of just like looking at each talent and as content creators, I do think she is genuinely one of the most talented content creators in Hololive. And, that's just, and I mean, if she wasn't, then she wouldn't have had the success that she did internationally, I think. - Also. Can I say massive brain idea that she prerecorded like the interview sections and put English subtitles on it? - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - I was like, that is so gigabrain. - Because I was like, wait, how are they? How are they subtitling that fast? I was like whoa is that just like a track? - This subtitler is a mad man. - Yeah. The JoJo event panel people are like, "How are they doing this? This is impossible. - At first, I just thought that I was like some fucking light speed translator but I go, (Garnt makes computer sound) He's like, "I've got this boys. I got this." - Yeah. I was like that's so gigabrain, because she clearly knows how like Eric and her international fan base was just as big as a Japanese fan base. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - So it's like why not get both of them in at the same time? - Yeah. - So gigabrain. - I mean, I feel like that's why the live stream was partly how it broke so many records. Right? It's just because it wasn't just the Japanese audience watching. I mean, it, wasn't only just gonna be a Japanese audience watching it anyway, but there was always going to be a big part of the audience. They just didn't get what was going on. And, I was like, should I cry now? Is it always- - Like, am I crying now? Am I crying? Are you crying? - Is it the goodbye time? No. - Right now? Right now? - Right now it's oh. Okay. But, no. Thanks to the subtitles, everyone can get involved in it. So, it was just like a fivehead move. - Yeah. Absolutely. - Yeah. And, it's- - It's sad. - What did you think of it Connor? - I didn't really watch it. I mean, I was watching it occasionally. I was like, "Wow, this is pretty cool." It was all right. - [Joey] Yeah. - I mean, again, like I've mentioned before, I don't really like, I'm not like a massive simp of any of them. I don't know if that's a derogatory term. - Banned on Twitch. - I don't particularly like watch a lot of them. I know people are like, "Well, you collab with them." Yeah. It's different though. - [Joey] Yeah. - So I, you know, to me it was like, all right. I mean, it was cool. Like it was an epic show from what I saw. - [Joey] Yeah it was. - Epic, sorry. I can't say that word without being sarcastic. - Epic. - It was clearly just an amazing production. Props to the team. I mean, if you're going to go out, why not fucking do it like that? You know? Hell yeah. - [Joey] Fucking out. - 'Cause it's like, I feel like, wait, what was I going to say again? I feel like they did really put on a good show and it was going out with a bang. And, if there was a way that she was going to go out, this was the best way to go out. - Yeah. - I completely agree with her creatively. And, I hope the best for her future endeavors, because I would choose the same thing. I would choose to go with a bang rather than just like fizzle out. - Fizzle out. Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. Absolutely. - Especially if you're not happy with what you're doing. Right? If it's inevitable that it's going to happen. So yeah, it was the right move, I think. - It just really now puts into perspective. I'm just like who who's the next one that's going to go? If there is going to be another one that's going to go- - It's an interesting thing because I feel that because it was so new and so fresh, the idea of people are gonna leave. It was so odd. Right? But I guess they, you can't always repeat it with people joining. Right? It's going to get to a point where there's going to be as many people leaving as it was joining. - I do. - There has to be. - That's the thing. Right. It's like, I do wonder 'cause Coco was the first Hololive talent to leave Hololive on her own accord, right? Like, I'm just thinking like, I'm sure. - I guess of we know, right? - Yeah. That we know of. - That we know of. - But like, I'm sure like her announcing that she was going to leave probably planted in some of other talent's heads had to be like, "Oh,-" - You can do that? - You can leave? - You can just quit? - Yeah. - Well yeah, I think, the most interesting thing for me personally about VTubers it's like the politics of it all. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - It seems like there is like a lot of rules. - Especially on the JP side - [Garnt] Yeah. Yeah. - And it's just really entertaining watching it because everyone's like, "No, you can't turn left. You have to turn right." - [Joey] Yeah. - You know, and everyone's like freaking out. And it's really, I don't know- - It's like thousands of people back seating you, right? - It's very fun watching this kind of stuff, you know, and the rules and all the politics. It's very, it's like, you know, it's like people turn anime into a Game of Thrones sometimes, these Vtubers and it's heller exciting. I love watching it. I'm like a spectator, you know. - [Joey] Yeah. - In that sense. And I think that this, yeah, this does ask the question of, is this going to be a normal thing? How will it be dealt with? What impact will this have on VTubing as a whole? Who knows? I'm going to be watching on the sidelines having a great time. - Because recently there's been a couple of like bigger Nijisanji VTubers as well that are like left on their own accord. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - And it's like, I feel it's like slowly starting to become a thing of like, just especially the bigger creators kind of realizing that, "Oh, if I stay in, you know, this kind of like agency, then I'm kind of limited to what I can do." - You are. You can only be a Vtuber, right? - And, it's only up until they get to a certain point that they realize like, "Oh, if I just leave, I have so many more opportunities that I can try out for myself without being like, restricted." - It's the question, right? - It's like a Catch 22. Right? - Yeah. - Because I feel like, you know, without saying anything too private, like, you know, I feel like Coco was one of the few who had established yourself like outside, you know? And I feel like, especially with how big she is, she can do whatever the hell she wants, you know? - [Connor] Yeah. - And be able to establish herself. But, I feel like with, especially with some Hololive VTubers, they're only known for being Hololive VTubers. - Sure. Sure - Right? And it's like a catch 22 because they could leave whenever they want. But, if they leave, what would they be saying goodbye to? You know, they'd basically have to like build themselves up from the ground up again. - Yeah. - And with the VTubing scene being how it is, they can't really build up their other, any other kind of thing that they do outside of Hololive. Right? Because that's the- - They kind of just be like typecasted, right? - It's like, you know, it's the secrecy behind the Vtubing, and there is a reason for it. But, at the same time, if there is a VTuber, who does want to talk about their other lives then they just can't with the platform they have. And, they're just- - [Connor] Yeah. - Going to be known as this Hololive VTuber rather than anything else they may potentially want to be. - Sure. Sure. - Which is why, if I think if we saw someone leave a Vtuber Agency to become another VTuber, I'd feel like that's like the wrong idea, - Yeah. - But the whole point is to expand, you know? - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And do something else. Otherwise, why did you leave? - You just made it harder on yourself. Right? - Right. Right. And also like, you know, obviously Hololive is big and there's, you know, there's other agencies and this is, I mean, God, there's fucking so many now. - [Joey] Yeah. What I find it interesting now as a content creator is that, you know, in YouTube and Twitch, there's like, there's hierarchies, right, of like your size. - [Joey] Yeah. - Right? And like with YouTube and Twitch where you, you're kind of on your own, you kind of just do your own thing. You do what you want. If you're with an agency, there's kind of expectations of you to perform or do anything. Right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - And so, you know, when you start bringing in talent and you keep bringing in talent, what happens when you have too much, too many people and the market is oversaturated, and it's partially your agency. Right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - So what if you have too many VTubers, and maybe y'all some of the Vtubers aren't doing too well, struggling a little bit. How do you handle that? Like, what do you do? Do you like, just leave it? - [Joey] You just, yeah. - 'Cause that's where I'm like interested in seeing how they handle that. 'Cause that'll really show what their mindset is- - [Joey] Right. - On how to handle situations. - Well because, I think currently Hololive now has like less than 30, no, around 30 I'd say. - Of all? No. There's more than that, right? - Well, yeah. Actually if you include EN and IN and IDN there's a whole list- - And, there's a whole list of languages in the future. - Yeah. - Let's say, yeah okay, let's guess like, probably around like less than 50, I reckon, which is still a lot, but then you have agencies like Nijisanji that have literally hundreds of VTubers. - Right. Right. And like, you know, do you, if you're an agency where you're like, okay, you know, if we want to keep bringing in new talent, we've got to hire more staff. We can't afford to, to it, 'cause not everyone's pulling in the same numbers. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Not everyone can be the number one, obviously. - [Joey] Yeah. - What do you do? Do you start cutting off talent? If so, how does that look publicly? Right? - Right. I mean, I feel like that's a lose, lose, right? 'Cause you can't just cut off talent because no matter what, if you cut talent off the fact, their fan base is gonna fucking make a lot of noise - [Connor] Right. - And you don't come out looking good at all. - No. - And I guess, I dunno, it's, it's interesting, but I don't think- - There's just so many problems, and the challenges that I think will arise, - [Joey] Yeah. - Because we haven't seen them yet because it's been so new. But I think down the line, we're gonna be coming into these things and I'm just interested to see how the fan bases will handle all these things coming up because they're going to happen at some point. - Sure. Yeah. - I mean, right now with the VTubing scene, it's kind of like the wild west. - [Connor] Yeah. It is. Yeah. - Because it's the new thing. And it's just starting to establish itself now. Like it's, it's only getting, it's only getting to the point now where, you know, we, we had the massive explosion in 2020, and now we're kind of seeing what the YouTube scene, VTubing scene, sorry, is going to be really like in 2021 and above because you know, right now Coco leaving, that's a massive creator on the platform. And arguably she, for the longest time, she was the face of Hololive. - Yeah. - Especially like early 2020, she was- - Internationally especially. - Yeah. Internationally, she was the face. And now it's kind of like, it's becoming a new kind of scene now. So, it's interesting. It's going to be interesting to see how the scene develops. - There's just so many interesting things that are, that happen and challenges that will come up in that kind of a space as opposed to normal YouTubing and Twitch. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - That, I just, cause we live this job, right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - So I'm just fascinated by how a company would deal or how it would tackle some of those challenges. - It's going to be interesting to see who they'll sideline, right? Yeah. - Yeah. I don't know. That's what I find most interesting about it. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's you know, I just love seeing the scene. It's such an interest, it's like, this is the first time we've probably God knows when we can see this again, where a whole kind of genre has just popped up- - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Very quickly and explodes and is very self-contained because normally everything's- - Is it self-contained? - I think it's the most self-contained we've seen out of any genre on online. - Oh, I think Hololive is obviously definitely very self-contained by, you know, by design, but I feel like VTubing as a whole is now kind of like, especially with the amount of VTubers that have popped up on Twitch and every other streaming platform. - Yeah. Now, it's not so much, but- - [Garnt] Yeah. - I guess it was interesting at the time. I think, it's everyone's just doing everything now, but yeah. - I think it's still self-contained in a sense because like, yeah, you have a lot more like individual VTubers now doing things with other individual VTubers and you know, Vtubers, and agencies and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, if you yourself also aren't a Vtuber, it's very difficult to do anything with those kinds of people. More difficult than I'd say, you know, like if I wanted to collab with like another YouTuber. - I don't know. I think it's just a humor thing, really. If you have the same kind of content-ish aimed at the same audience kind of thing, it's doable, I think. I don't know. Yeah. - I feel like VTubing is just obviously the trends now, but I feel like if anything, if you're just, if you want to start off streaming or something or just you're a new content creator, then just by being a VTuber, you're more likely to get noticed than just by like being a normal on-camera streamer. - Sure. Sure. - Unfortunately, I don't know why that is. It just is now. - People like anime, Bro. That's just how it is, isn't it? - Yeah. People just want to see anime girls and boys, apparently. They just hate the real people. - I don't know. Is there a big male Vtuber? I don't think we've seen any big one, though? - Actually the, the biggest Vtuber in Nigisangi is a guy. - Is it really? - Yeah. There's this guy called Kuzuha who I think has like almost 900K subs. - Oh shit. Really? - Yeah. And he was really interesting as well because he was actually scouted by Nijisanji, because he was originally an individual Vtuber. - [Connor] Yeah. - Who gained so much of a massive and dedicated fan base that he got picked up by Nijisanji. - [Connor] Yeah. - And, now he's the biggest Nijisanji streamer. And, he's essentially the biggest male streamer. - I wonder why I'm never getting recommended clips of him. - 'Cause he's very Japanese. - I get recommended Japanese clips all the time. I'm like, I don't watch this, but- - [Joey] Yeah. - stop shoving the bandwidth. - I mean, he's really fun. Like I watched a couple of his streams, and he's super fun to watch, but it's just really interesting how he managed to stand on top of a very female oriented like agency, right?. - Yeah. Yeah, because that is interesting. I don't think we in English, I don't think there's a big male VTuber. - Not really. - Which is weird to think because most of the big streamers are male. I mean, streaming is like right now, at least the male dominated market where you, 'cause you got like Valkyrae and Pokimane up there in the top 10. But, everyone else I think is male. - Yeah. - [Connor] It's messed up. - But like with VTubers pretty much, I think 90% of the big VTubers are female. Right now, at least. - Yeah, definitely. I mean- - I wonder why do you think that is? Like, just throwing ideas out there. Like. - Wifus. - Yeah. I think literally wifus. Yeah. - People want to watch cute girls than cute boys. Right? That's just how it is. Unfortunately. - You think so? I don't know. I feel like it's too easy to say that that's like, I don't know. There's gotta be a reason. Maybe, I've never like I've watched. because sometimes I'll just click the Vtuber tag on Twitch and I'll browse through, and you know, and I haven't really seen many guys in there that I'm like, oh yeah, it's not like super naturally entertaining. I don't know. It's tough. - Because what makes this might be getting into a different topic, but what does make a popular streamer? Because- - Maybe, you know, maybe. Yeah. It's tough. - 'Cause like, what is the audience for male streamers? Is it still mostly males or- - I don't know. I feel I don't know if Twitch tells me. - It depends on the contents, right? - I have a pretty healthy balance, I think. Both. - Can you even look that up on Twitch. - Fuck if I know. I mean, you probably can. - I know you can on YouTube, but like- Oh, you can? I'll check later and we'll put it on the screen. - But it is weird now that I think about it why there are so few big, bigger male Vtubers compared to the females. - I don't want to say like the meme, but is it, is it maybe the fact that if you're a, you know, you would just be a normal male streamer, if you were good at it. Is there benefits to being a VTuber as a male over just doing, showing your face if you can? - I don't know actually. It's really strange, because like, I feel, I feel actually like internationally, this idea of like VTubers has very much been created and established through Hololive where like, you know, but like at the end of the day, you have to realize that Hololive is actually the weirder one because they're more of like an idol agency. - Yeah. Yeah. - Whereas like Nijisanji VTubers and like Vshojo or like even like the individual VTubers, right. They're not idols. They're just streamers. - I wonder if it's the case of like, people like, this is gonna to sound bad, but I think this is true. - [Joey] Yeah. - I think guys want to watch a guy who they think is their bro. - [Joey] Yeah. - They think it's that mate. They feel like they can joke with, you know, it's and their humor. And, I think that guys want to watch girls, they're the ideal of their girl that they want to watch. - [Joey] Yeah. - You think almost, right? - I agree with that. - And I think that works perfectly with Vtubing, 'cause you can give the character, you want to play it, but you can also put a nice, healthy injection of personality. I wonder if that doesn't quite work with guys, but then again, I guess that's the question of what's the, if you're a male, Vtuber, watch your target demo. Are you trying to be the sexy VTuber? Because I've seen those guys who are trying to be the sexy Vtuber, - [Joey] Yeah. - And I cringe internally, and a lot- - [Joey] 'cause I think- - They do their voice like "Yeah. Okay. I'm a male Vtuber." Oh, sorry. - Yeah. 'Cause I feel like with a lot of male VTubers I've seen- - I'm going to get shit for doing that. Fuck my life. - No. I've got, I think that's a legit point. 'Cause I think like with a lot of male VTubers I see. And, it's kind of like they trying to take the Hololive kind of a model and flip it and gender it and gender flip it, right? - Except I don't think it works at all. - Yeah. And I think at the end of the day, a lot of male streamers that are big have like an equal amount of male to female viewers, if not, maybe more so male. - Which is really interesting. Right. Because again, when I was looking up on Kuzuha, the top streamer for Nijisanji. His audience is 95% like female. - Yeah. - That makes sense. - [Joey] But, it's really weird. - Also in Japan that is normally like they're very much more willing to buy into that. - Yeah. - But, what's really weird is that his personality does not match that demographic. - [Connor] Yeah. - His personality is a little more like gruff and just like straight to the point. He's really like foul mouthed. - Well, that's popular in Japan, though. I know that as well. - It is popular in Japan. But, like you would think that the standard formula to get a female audience, right. Is like, as you said, like the very like, ah, like type of guys. Right? - But then I don't think that is. I think when you try to be sexy, you're not sexy. - [Joey] Right. Right. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And also, you know- - Especially when you're an avatar. - That's what for me, maybe because I'm older. Right? When I see a guy who's using an anime avatar and he's doing this like edging voice where like, (Connor breathes deeply) I'm like, bro, like literally just imagine a guy in his room in front of like a Dell monitor going, "Oh yeah. Oh." - In front of his poor Yeti. - Yeah. It's like, to me, it's like, I don't want that. You know? - Yeah. - I'm not shitting on anybody, you know, I'm not saying they are out there, but I have seen some that have done it and I'm just like, Oh, for fuck's sake. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, I know what they're doing. Yeah. - I think there just hasn't, it's hard because I think if you're the type of personality that would need to kill it as a male VTuber is also the kind of person who wouldn't give a fuck about showing their face. At least I think so. - I feel like if anything, unlike being a female VTuber, but being a male VTuber actually makes it harder for you to get noticed. - [Connor] Yeah, definitely. - Ah. Definitely. Yeah. - Yeah, which I've never really thought until now. - It's hard, because I'm sure there's gonna be tons of male VTubers out there who are like, "You are totally wrong," but it's like, well I think we come from a perspective of just general entertainment and YouTube and then live streaming. And we have these kind of, I feel like we've been doing this for a very long time- - Yeah. and we have kind of, we know what kind of personalities work in certain areas. So, I'm not thinking about it. I feel like when you're in the community, you're almost to regurgitative of ideas around you. you know, you kind of see, you copy everything around you. 'Cause that's what people do. Right? You don't do, you don't try and stand out, but- - [Garnt] Yeah. - Yeah. I don't know. It's tough because I love- - [Joey] It's fascinating. - Yeah. It's so interesting. 'Cause that's the thing is that I feel like no one's really figured it out yet in English at least. I'm sure someone's going to come and be like, "No, well what about this guy?" Like, if they had done it- - We don't know every Vtuber. - If they'd of done it, if they've killed it really, they'll probably be high up. You know? - Yeah. - If they're not right now, they will be soon. I'll eat my words. You know what I mean? - The fact that we can't immediately say a name is I think telling. - That's like super big. You know I'm talking about like- - Yeah, because I obviously do know male Vtubers are out there. - Yeah. Yeah. Same. - But none of them are pulling in like the numbers close to- - Yeah, none of them are pulling in the numbers that female Vtubers are or anywhere close from what I've seen. - [Connor] No. No. - I mean all the big agencies, all the big groups, the main focus is the female VTubers. And like the male VTubers, there are like, for example Holo Stars, but that always seems like tacked on. - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. - Holo Stars doesn't really pull in that much compared to the girls. - It really doesn't. It really doesn't. - Yeah. Yeah. It really doesn't, unfortunately for whatever reason. - I feel it's because again, like that's on Hololive and not promoting Holo Stars as much as Hololive. - I also just think that like they don't know. Like, it's so difficult. I think it is genuinely very difficult to get the right personalities. - It's also difficult to like really nail down like a target demographic, especially if you're a guy like, because you do have so many avenues, unlike a lot of female Vtubers where it's like you'll target demographic is very obvious. - Yeah. I also want to say that I don't, I'm not, we're not trying to sit here and argue that it's easy to be a female Vtuber. I think it's just like, I don't think the right personality has like kind of figured it out yet. I think it's the same, but it's, you know, it's just- - Yeah. I think the important thing is that you can't just take what works for a female VTuber, but put it in the male avatar. - 100%. 100%. - And, expect it to produce the same results. I think it is a very different field and there is a discussion there about why. You know, it's the same with female streamers as well. There's a reason I think that, you know, a lot of the top streamers right now are males. You know, that's just the way things are right now. And I think it's kind of the reverse for VTubers, if anything. - Yeah. - Never really thought about it until now. - Yeah. It's fascinating. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - That's what I mean. This is what, the stuff that I wake up in middle of the night thinking about. You know? - In a cold sweat. - But, this is why. This is why, like again, like I don't really watch, I'm not like an avid watcher of anyone. I just kind of like watch channels here and there and watch like, I'll go on Twitch, And I've watched a lot of the small VTubers on Twitch. I'll just flick between them at night, watch five minutes. All Right. I've seen enough. Watch five minutes. All right. I've seen enough. Just kind of like seeing what everyone's doing, you know? I'm just trying to find something out there that's really interesting. - [Garnt] Yeah. And again, I think because the scene is so, so young right now, like it's got all of these really interesting problems that like haven't been figured out yet. Whereas YouTube and Twitch had been gamified to death. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like we can probably tell you who's going to be good and who isn't and who's gonna be able to figure stuff out. You know what I mean? Like it's, again, it's super interesting. And, I find it so fascinating, and I love, since I'm obsessed with YouTube obsessed with Twitch. I love everything about content creation and the fact that I get to experience something brand new kind of pop up and get to like, watch it unfold is like the most fun I've had in forever. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because I just like YouTube man. - Yeah. That's why I've just been really enjoying like kind of watching around all these different kinds of Vtubers. - [Connor] Yeah. It's fun. - 'Cause it's just like, it's just, 'cause, you know, for the longest time I always just thought VTubing equals Hololive. When, now I know that is completely not the case. There's so many variants out there that are just completely different to a Hololive story. - Yeah. When I find a guy who I think is small and is about to blow up and kill it, VTuber, I'll write it down. I'll let you know. I'll be like I told you so. - Promote it. - But, right now, I don't think there's anyone who's kind of got the right formula that's going to take off. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. Everyone's still trying to figure out their own thing right now. - I think so. I think everyone's kind of scrambling. Just going to see what's going to work. - I mean, I feel like the male VTubing scenes, they were waiting for that first big creator that everyone's going to follow, because it only takes one, right? - Yeah. The Ninja of Male Vtubers. I've not seeing enough movement. - Yeah, 'cause like Hololive figured out the perfect formula for female VTubers and everyone like. - Now that they're like, write that down, do it again and in the more languages. - And then it worked and now VTubing's massive for females. And then I feel like it's going to take that first massive male creator on the same level as Hololive or like other big female creators, that's going to be like, okay, this is what works, everyone copy this guy. - I mean, that's how it always is, right? - [Garnt] That's how it always is. - This is what works. Copy it. But then again, that's why I feel like it's not really going anywhere right now just because everyone's just copying everyone who isn't seeing massive success. - Yeah. So, it's interesting. Again. - It's that meme of like the artists are giving $50 to the same artist just going around in circles. - So I mean, that's what Twitch is. Like it's, everyone's iterating on each other and copying and that's how it is. And, that's how it's always kind of been. - There's always one person who's like, how about I don't that. - Yeah. Someone always has that one idea that just changes the system. - Yeah. - Yeah. But then, eventually that original person will just set a trend and then that trend will become the norm. - Yeah. - And then you build on that trend and you keep building on that trend. - And then, the new system is created. - Yeah. It's just like the clickbait law, right? Like, clickbait evolves on YouTube because then there's this like anti-clickbait meta that I always see pop up that eventually becomes the clickbait itself. - [Connor] True, true. - Yeah. - Like I remember like ages ago before, like before, like ProZD popularized the, "Hey, I don't give a shit about clickbait," It's just going to be my face, and just like a very basic title. - Yeah. - With like no caps or whatever. And then that just became, that became a whole genre in and of itself. - Yeah, because a video with no clickbait and a shit ton of views is clickbait. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because, you're curious, how did this get viewed? - [Joey] Yeah. - This has to something's going on here, right? - [Joey] Yeah. - If you saw like, you know, like a video that had one of those like Indian Facebook posts, levels of editing that had like 10 million views, you'd click on that shit. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because you're like, how the fuck does this have 10 million views? - [Joey] Yeah, absolutely. - And then they have the top place. - That reminds me of the shit you were showing me like last Thursday. - Yeah. I was sharing Garnt, have you seen Dhar Mann? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was showing Garnt Dhar Mann, and also- - Oh my fucking God. What? I don't get it. I don't get it. How has this got so many views? - Garnt isn't into the YouTube desire. So there's a channel called Dhar Mann. - [Joey] Yeah. - I don't even know how to describe it. What is he? He does these and he, I swear. It's so popular now. Everyone knows about it. - [Joey] Yeah. - He does these videos where it's basically like a message, like, like- - It's like motivational speech, right? - There'll be one where it's like gold digger gets exposed- - [Joey] Yeah. or actor quits, because he got hate comment. Basically be like, alright, this guy gets a hate comment online. And then Dhar Mann comes in with a piece of motivational advice that flips it on its head and the bullies feel like shit. And the guy who was being bullied, gets a Lamborghini, succeeds in life. And it's always that. Like the most stereotypical, man gets bullied or someone does bad thing, Gets the comeuppance for the bad thing. And the person who got did wrong gets done right. That's always how it is. - Like, his videos just hit in like the perfect or just- - It's literally Facebook videos. - Not the perfect, I mean it is Facebook videos, but it's even, it hits that uncanny valley, right? - [Connor] Right. - Yes. - Where it's just so weird to watch one of these videos and just think it's the most like bare bones message that you can present in the video. Right? And the way, the way I, the way I thought of it, watching these videos that were getting like tens of millions of views, by the way. It's, like a R slash that rarely happens post- - [Connor] Yeah. - In every video, because every video ends with and then everyone claps. - Yeah. - You know, that's- - What was the dude again on Facebook Prince Ea? - [Connor] Prince Ea. - Yeah. Prince Ea. Like he kind of did like a similar thing. (indistinct) thing where he'd do like these like beat poetry, like too deep for you like life lessons. - [Connor] Yeah. - And, I'm just like, no one lives like this. - And then he did like videos where he's like, depression is just sadness. Stop being sad. He did like videos like that. - Yeah. He was like, depression is like this TV remote. It comes. Then it goes. - Yeah. - It comes, then it goes. - You should turn it off. - Yeah. It's just terrible. And then yeah and I showed Garnt. I'm like, "Yeah, this guy gets like 30 million views a video and he uploads daily. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Which like respect to him and his production crew because the videos are like a very well shot. - Oh yeah. They're very well presented. It should be because he's probably making $50 million a year. - Yeah. - And, rather low. - Yeah, and you got like different, you know, you've got so many different actors playing these parts as well. So you've got like a proper crew pumping these videos out. And, I just think like, you know, it's so weird because there's so like there's so few times where I watch a video and I watch a trend on YouTube and I'm just like, "I don't get it. I don't get it." Like, how is this doing this well? Because sometimes you see a video and you're like, "Okay, this isn't my type of content, but I can see why it's doing well." - Yeah. - But then, Connor shows me this, and it's like the hottest trend right now getting fucking blowing everyone out in terms of views. - Yeah. - And I'm just like, "How?" - I don't know. I mean, that's also just really funny, but- - I mean, I think it definitely also helps, the fact that there are a lot of YouTubers out there, like poking the shit out of it. - Oh yeah. There's so many views that are just mocking it. - Yeah. So, like that in and of itself is just free promotion, right? - [Connor] It's just so- - And, I guarantee there's lots of people like hate watching this shit. - It's so preachy that you can't help but watch it and think fucking hell, like. - I'm like, "It ain't that deep, bro. It really ain't that deep." - It's like I've fucking seen Disney movies, less preachy or cheesy. - [Connor] Yeah. Right? Right? - Right? Like it's, it's fascinating. I found it like fascinating seeing that this was the hot thing that's going on right now. - And I also showed him Arcade Craniacs, if you don't know what that is? Do you know what that is? - No. What's that? - It's the guys who do the 3:00 AM Among Us a BTS meal video. - What? - I told him. It's honestly impossible. - It's not like a real video. - Well, the point is is that they're basically this channel, that parodies kid videos, the 3:00 AM videos for literal like five-year-olds but including like adult jokes that kids wouldn't get, but also mocking and parodying the style. It's really, like it's the most internet humor thing I've ever watched, and it's so funny. - [Joey] Okay. - It's so good. I don't even, I can't even explain it. It's just like, just watch it. - [Joey] All right. All right. - And, you'll see it like- - What's the channel called? - Arcade Craniacs. - Arcade Craniacs. - Yeah. And like, they just do a thing where it's like, "Oh, I went to get the BTS meal and then at 3:00 AM and then the BTS Jimin was delivered to my door or something. And he like pronounced the name horribly or something. - That's already funny. - And then he's like, what is this? And he drinks the Sprite. And he's like, it's BTS sweat. I know I was at the concert, and it tastes like their sweat. And it's just like, what is this? - I need to watch this now. - It's insane. Like, and it's so popular right now on YouTube, but it's so fun. - What's going on with YouTube recently? - It's just so obscure now and weird. It's so good though. I love where it's going. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's getting so meta, like everything is so meta right now. I love it. It's so funny. If you haven't checked it out, I kind of think you have to watch a lot of YouTube to enjoy it because it's a parody on shit YouTube that adults wouldn't watch, but you would only know if you watch videos that roasted the kid's content anyway. - Or you seen the memes of it. - It requires like four layers of YouTube knowledge to enjoy it, but if you watch a shit ton of YouTube, you might enjoy it. - [Joey] Okay. Okay. - So, check it out. It's a fever dream anyway. It's very funny. - All of what we've discussed right now has just been a fever dream to me. - We talk a lot about YouTube, but it's just because we live it. We watch it so much. It's so relevant to everything we do. - When you show me Dhar Mann, I ended up staying up like drunk till 4:00 AM watching his videos just being like, "Wow, what is going on?" - Why did you watch them? - I don't know. - Where was my invite? That sounds like an amazing time. - But, you were away. - Yeah. You were away. - Damn it. - It would have to get a little celebration to open this office. And then we went back and I was like, "Let me show Dhar Mann. - I just like my, my drunk 4:00 AM mind just like could not comprehend what I was watching. Cause it was like, it was a fever dream for me. - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - Watch one Dhar Mann video, 'cause I can't, it's so hard to explain what makes it weird. - I'll give you a quick run-through of Dhar Mann video right now. I'll do one it's like, all right. "Hi. I am cheating wife." "Hi, I am husband with failing business." "Oh, okay. Damn, you're so gross poor husband. Get away from me. I'm going to cheat on you with someone." She cheats, and then "Wow. My business is now succeeding." Cheating wife wants to come back and sleep with him again, but he's like, "No, no. I'm successful now and happy in a relationship. Moral of the story, don't cheat on your husband who is working hard and being nice. That's it. - Like what? It's just- - And then everyone claps. - That's not even deep. It's just common sense. - It's like, it's just, yeah. Watch it. It's funny. It's pretty funny. - Oh my God. - I mean, I saw one about like- - Don't watch it alone. Get, get a bunch of your friends, have a few beers and then enjoy the nature of it. - [Garnt] Yeah. - It's just so good. - I think I saw one that was like against someone being racist towards an Asian dad, trying to open a nail salon or something like that. - Right. - And I think it was more of the story is don't be racist. And I was just like, great. - I liked the idea that somebody out there who is a susceptible to a video, changing their whole view on racism that they just watched this and they're like, "Shit, I've been racist this whole time. I can't believe this." You know? - I should go and apologize to the two Asians I know in my life. - And it's like, it's fine. - [Joey] Yeah. - But it's like, you're out here hustling, and I get it. You know, it, that's easy to make money off of do it. Fuck it. But, it's not going to change anyone's mind. - I mean, you know, I appreciate the sentiment, because obviously, you know, racism is bad, you know, in case you didn't know. - If you didn't know, you should watch a YouTube of Dhar Mann. - Yeah. - Yeah. But I was racist before Dhar Mann. Like every white man, I was racist. - I was going to cheat on my boyfriend that was trying hard to succeed in his business until I saw- - But then I opened a fortune cookie. - Or a Dhar Mann video. - It's literally the fortune cookies of YouTube. - I was a gold digger before I met Dhar Mann. Now, I'm not longer a gold digger, and I appreciate everything in life. - Yeah. Speaking about like the reason why you weren't there to share our Dhar Mann watch sesh Joey, so I heard you went to Nintendo world. - Oh shit. Yeah you did. - What? How did you know? Is it possibly the Nintendo World shirt I'm wearing? - Yeah. You look like a fucking staff member. Can I help you? Can I- - Dude, Okay. - I forgot that you were there. - Can I just say the Nintendo World staff like uniforms? - Yeah. - They're not uniforms. That's drip. Like it'll literally, it literally looks so fucking cool. I was like, I want that for merch. Fuck these other, even though I bought this, fuck these other shirts. It's like, I want what they're wearing. - Fuck you, but I'm going to buy it. - So, Aki and I went to USJ, Universal Studios Japan, and there's Nintendo World there for our anniversary. - [Connor] Very cool. And I'd never been to USJ before. In fact, I very much despise amusement parks. - Joey doesn't like amusement parks. - I don't like amusement parks. - I like thrill ride amusement parks. - I like roller coasters. - I'm the complete opposite. I hate roller coasters. - What? Why? Why do you hate fun? What's wrong with you? And I think that's why I don't like amusement parks because a lot of amusement parks are very focused on like roller coasters and like thrill rides. - That's the best part. - That's literally the best part. - That's literally the reason- - What do you hate about them? Why do you hate fun? - I don't hate fun, because they're not fun. - Oh, they're not fun? - I don't think roller coasters are fun at all. - What? - Are you scared of them? - Yes. - Oh, okay. - I'm A, I'm scared of them, but also B I'm like, why do I have to wait in line for two hours to enjoy a ride that lasts five minutes? - It's an experience you'll never get. - No, it's an experience I can get. In fact, it's an experience I don't want to get. - I think it's amazing. - Well, I will fully buy the fact that I am very much a pussy when it comes to roller coasters. - Your words, not mine. - But, it's fine. I will live with that. But so we went to Nintendo World because it opened up in what was it like February of this year? - Yeah. - It was a couple of months ago, but obviously it was fucked for a little bit because of like- - Because of "finna open during a pandemic." - Yeah. Yeah. It was like, I'm going to open during pandemic. And then like no one came over. So it was fucked for a few months, but I think like a month or two ago they like reopened to the public. So we were like, "Fuck it. Let's go. Like we couldn't go during the press event. Let's go." I'm an Nintendo boy. I'm a gamer boy. - I like Nintendo. - You're gamer girl. I'm a gamer boy. - I've played a video game before. - Yeah. I know Mario. So we went dead ass, was probably the most fun I've ever had in an amusement park. - Really? - It was so fun. So first of all, they absolutely nailed the aesthetic. - Okay. - I've never, like people talk about- - It did. That was probably the thing that it looked amazing. - It looks amazing like in the promotional videos. It looks a hundred times more impressive when you're there in real life. - Wow. - Was it sunny when you went? - It wasn't. We were kind of in the middle of a typhoon. - Did it still look good? - It still looked amazing. - Because all the promotional pictures are like in like the best lighting in existence. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. - And I bet it would look and feel amazing in the clouds. 'Cause that's what it's like in the game. If it was pouring it down, you'd be like- - Okay. I think the weather was on our side because the weather like subsided like kind of halfway through the day. - Okay. Okay. - Right. - But when we were there, it was like pouring quite a bit. But even in the rain, like I was like, I thought they had just oversaturated the trailer footage. So it looked more impressive. I was like, "Oh, they didn't over saturate this at all. They didn't color correct this at all. This looks just as good as in the trailer footage. - Okay. - And it's really impressive because the scale of it is so massive looking. - [Connor] Yeah. - Like, because like you see like the little like kind of mounds in like the background and you think, oh, that must be like really tiny. They're fucking huge. - [Connor] Yeah. - They're like buildings that you can like walk into. - I- - And like- - Go on. - Oh no, I was just going to say like, I think the one thing that I really enjoyed about it is the fact that, I mean, there's only like two rides, three. - That's. That's what I was kind of like sad about. - [Joey] Yeah. - Is that there was only two rides and one of them was like a car that takes you around. - [Joey] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - And I was like, wow, there is put all of the budget into the set design, huh? - Yeah. If you're into like amusement parks because of like roller coasters and stuff like that, I don't think that's really the place for you. Luckily, it's in USJ, so there's plenty of roller coasters in USJ, but like- - It'd be perfect for you though, right? - Perfect for me. - That's probably why you enjoyed it so much. I mean, I'm a fucking Nintendo boy through and through. - Yeah. - And there were no real like roller coasters type of thing, but I think the thing that impressed me the most is the fact that you can buy these like kind of, I don't even know what they are. They're like these electronic watches essentially that you can wrap around and it essentially connects to the entirety of Nintendo World and makes the entire park interactive. - Wait, how big is the park? - Damn. - Yeah. - Okay. How big is the park? - I want to say. - How long can you see everything in? Like an hour? - Oh yeah. Easily in an hour. - Okay. - See the thing is even within, even though the space isn't big it's so jam packed with shit that you can do. Like literally there isn't a single piece of wasted space. - Right. - Like this was engineered to shit where it's like, we got to feel every little space up with something to do. - [Connor] Yeah. Yeah. And like, I feel like the electronic bands that you have to buy it like 3000 yen or something. - Like 30 bucks. - It was like 30 bucks. but I think if you don't buy that, you're probably missing out on it about 70% of the park. - What does it allow you to do with the band? - Okay, so the bands, what they do is there are like, so there's an app that connects to the band and that app, when you look at it. - Oh, so you have to download the app? - Yeah. So you download the app. - Oh God, that's so annoying. - Yeah. I mean, it's a little bit annoying. I guess if you're a tourist though, if you're a tourist watch out for that, maybe pre-download the app. - Honestly, he was showing me the app earlier. It fucking looks incredible. - I can show you to you. So yeah. You download the app and then you go to the Super Nintendo World and then it loads up essentially. - Oh. Okay. - And then, you get a, so basically there are these like stamps that you can get for achievements that you unlock by interacting in Super Nintendo Wall. - So, you're literally just playing achievement hunter with this theme park. - I'm literally getting X-Box achievements except instead of X-Box, they're Nintendo. - Bruh. I'm gaming. - Bruh, have your 100%ed Nintendo World? - But like what's kind of big brained about it. - Dude, that looks so clean, honestly. - It is clean, and like, it does like an interactive map as well that shows you like all of the locations that you've been to. - Oh. Okay. That, I'd fuck with that. - Yeah. So, you know exactly like which parts of the world you haven't explored yet or haven't actually interacted with. - Oh, that's so good. - And like, it's honestly like the band is half the experience because there's a couple of rides in Nintendo World that you can't even access, if you don't have the band. - That's kind of shitty though, that you pay full price for the ticket and then you gotta pay 30 bucks to get that. - I thought so too, but then the actual amount of experience that you can get on top, if you do pay for the 30 bucks is I think it's completely worth it. - I'll trust you. And it's also good as well. It's also good as well, because there's so much, it adds replay value to actually going back and like doing achievements and like getting the best scores and all that kind of stuff. And like, if you go around with like a bunch of friends. - Right. - Like, I went around with Aki, and we were like trying to fucking like one up each other in terms of like achievements and all of that kind of stuff and like that is half the fun. - Trash Taste special. I'm just kidding. - Dude, USA hit us up. - I just realized that Nintendo really just added micro transactions to a bunch of real life theme parks. - They really did. But like, I dunno, I thought it was fucking big brained. Like you can eat if you're, especially, if you like love anything Nintendo- - [Connor] I do. - And, you're like fully ready to like immerse yourself in the actual park. - Well, it's like Marioland. Right? Is it? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Then if you're fully ready to immerse yourself in the land, like completely, and just forget about the fact that like, you know, this is essentially one big micro transaction. If you live the dream, if you live the dream like you do at any amusement park, it is the most fun. - So, how long did you spend in there? - We spent about like five or six hours in there, but I could easily spend a whole day in there. Well like, we spent about like maybe three quarters of the day there, because I wanted to like go around to the other parts of USJ, 'cause I'd never been before. So we went to like Harry Potter World and like Jurassic Park World, and all that kind of stuff. That's there as well. And that's the good thing, right? Is that like, you know, you can spend like a decent amount of time there, but if you get bored, just pop on over to Harry Potter World which is like literally two minute walk from Nintendo World, right? But yeah, it was super fucking fun. - I mean, I want to go at some point. I haven't been in a rush to go. 'Cause I know that eventually when people come to visit, they're going to be like, I want to go there. - [Joey] Oh yeah. - And, I'll be like, "All right, let's go." - [Joey] Yeah, definitely. - I don't want to go that like five times and have to take someone. All right, let's go again. - How were the crowds there? - There crowds, well, it was like decently crowded. I think right now USJs really banking off Nintendo World, because I think the majority of the park was at Nintendo World. - Yeah. That's right. - I mean, it is the newest thing and like they're shilling the fuck out of Nintendo stuff, even outside of Nintendo World. But I mean, when I went there, it totally made sense as to why that was the case. 'Cause it was, I was like, damn this is like completely different level of upgrade to like any other world out there. - I want to go. I want to go. - It's insane. - I want to go as well, and I want to go before the country fully opens up, and then you get like the rush. - Oh, you know it's going to be hell when there's tourists. - Yeah, Dude. Tourists are going to be flooding. - You probably enjoyed it 'Cause there was no one there. Because like, imagine it. You're at Nintendo World. You're like, "Whoa, what secrets can I see?" And then, there's a line for like every single thing. And every single thing you've got a bump or you use the- - Yeah. We only had to wait like max 15 minutes for each ride. - Which is very good for an amusement park. - Which is really good for USJ. - Because, as we know the worst thing about amusement park are the crowds and the lines, right? - Because like, I think they also like. - I like a good cue. I like a good wait. - Yeah. I don't. - That's the British coming out in you man. - It is. I like a good cue. I don't mind waiting. - Because I think they also structured it so that they were like anticipating the massive amount of lines. 'Cause like the VR Mario Kart, for example, which is easily the best ride that they have there. - I did VR, Mario Kart with you in Ikebukuro, right? - At VR park, right? - Is it the same thing? - Completely different. - Oh really. - Yeah. So, VR Mario Kart in VR park in Ikebukuro, used to be in Shinjuku was like, you're in like a still cart and you have the VR goggles on and then you have like the glove on that you can use to grab items and stuff. - Yeah, but the car had hydraulics in it. So you would like when you did forward it turned. - Yeah. But this time around in the Nintendo World, the car itself is also moving. So it's like moving on a rail. - And then when you move it does it move? - And when you move it it moves and you have the VR goggles on so that everything around you now is basically a hologram. - So, it's just VR go-kart? - VR go-karting essentially. - That sounds fun. I'm down. - It's a hectic dude. - I'm down. - It's super fucking hectic. But like that, obviously that one I think is going to be the most popular, but I think they perfectly planned for it as well, because from the entrance of the, you have to enter Bowser's Castle to get to it. So, like the front of it looks like Bowser's Castle and like the interior and everything is completely, perfectly modeled off the Bowser's Castle. So you like go up the stairs, and there's a giant Bowser statue that you have to walk past. And, that's all part of the line. - [Connor] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - And, you walk past it and it's like all the Mario Kart, like trophies all stacked up like in order. - [Connor] That's cool. And like they clearly anticipated for there to be a lot of people. So, they were like, we got to make waiting in line entertaining. - I don't know. That's what like Disney already did so well. You know, I don't really like Disney, but the themeing was on point, right? - Yeah. Disney's theming was on point, but then Nintendo was like, let me one up that. Let me one up it. - That's a lot easier, right? When you have a smaller contained land to work with. - [Joey] Definitely. Yeah. - So yeah, but I mean, I do want to go, I will go at some point, I don't know fucking when. - The only thing that would one up that is if they added other Nintendo franchises and then kind of expand on it. - [Connor] Like Zelda. - Yeah. - Because right now it's only really the Mario universe. If the added light Zelda stuff Kobe stuff. - Yeah. - Or, like any of that. - I do wonder if this was like a thing that Nintendo wanted to do or Universal was like, "Come on Nintendo, we've got a little plot of land." - I have a feeling. This is kind of like a trial run for Nintendo. - [Connor] That's what I thought. - Where they were like, if we opened up like a fully dedicated, Nintendo World where there was like different worlds for different franchises, we don't want it to completely fuck up. So let's just like borrow USJ for a second and be like, "Can we like test it out with like one small segment?" - Yeah. - And if it does, well then maybe down the line we'll make like an actual fully dedicated- - Because, they could do a Nintendo World. Like and actually have like, you know. - Easy. - They have enough franchises. - With the amount of money they made during the pandemic, especially dude like- - [Connor] Yeah. - They could easily open up their own world if they wanted to. - I mean, just think of all the properties they have, I'm like, all right, well you've got like everything covered. Like you can do any ride, any excuse. - [Joey] Anything. - You know what I mean? Like everything's covered. Why, haven't they done this already? - Come on, Nintendo. - I mean, Nintendo Land from what the sounds of it sounds really fucking good and really fun already. So, imagine that on like a full-scale theme park and maybe Joey will have an amusement park that you actually enjoy. - Yeah. Right. Cause I mean, honestly like that was probably the most fun I've had in an amusement park ever. - What food do they have there? - Oh yeah. Som they have Toad's Cafeteria. - Okay. And, what do they sell in Toad's Cafeteria House? - At Toad's Cafeteria, they sell, the food that it was actually pretty decent, not the best themed food I've had. 'Cause I've been to like a lot of like themed- - Does it look like Mario characters? - So one of them was this like tiramisu- - I like tiramisu that was shaped after the like question block. - [Connor] Oh. That sounds fun. - Yeah. So, there's a tiramisu shaped like question block. There's also like a mushroom soup, but like the container is actually like the red mushroom. - [Connor] Oh. Okay. - So you like open up the red mushroom cap and like there's mushroom soup on the inside. - I like that. - It was pretty cute. - I like it when the thing is like the design of the character or whatever they're trying to do. It's not intrusive to the flavor of the food. - [Joey] Right. It really me off when they do that shit at Disneyland. - [Joey] Yeah. - Or, when they like make into like smiley faces with my food and I'm like, listen, I don't care about my food being a smiley face. Don't fucking do that. I don't want to feel like I'm two. I don't give a shit at your theming. I don't want you to draw a smiley thing on my steak. It's a fucking steak. - I mean, obviously I feel obviously like Nintendo wall was definitely aimed more towards like younger children. - No. It's geared towards me. I'm adult. I don't like it. Fuck children. - Yeah, but I feel like they added so many elements that like adults could also easily enjoy. - Right. - I mean, I fucking enjoyed it. - My mom would never buy me the food anyway, when I was a kid. So, it didn't matter. She'd bring the food. She's like, "You're not having a theme park. It's ridiculously expensive, Connor. No way." - It was a bit expensive. But you know, as a first time experience, I think we had to try it. It was, again- - It's like cinema popcorn, right? - Wasn't the best experience I've had at a themed like cafe or anything, but pretty decent. - Yeah. I don't know if it's still there, but in the UK and like the best, my favorite theme park, they had the Alton Towers. Great one. They had a restaurant that was like, I don't know, eight dollars all you can eat pizza. - [Garnt] Oh shit. - And I was like, "Yo, I'm like, yo, let's go to the theme park." "What, for the rides?" - No. - For the pizza bro. - For the all you can eat pizza. - Fuck yeah, dude. - And it was great, 'cause you know, you could vomit all off on the ride. - Meanwhile, you go to Disneyland. It's like, "Would you like a slice of pizza? Eight dollars, please? - That's the thing, man. I didn't think I would appreciate it that much until I was given all you can eat pizza for like eight bucks. And I was like, it wasn't great pizza, but it was all you could eat - [Joey] Yeah, exactly. - I mean, it doesn't matter. - [Joey] That's what counts. Yeah. - On my life, I was like this is the best theme park. Fuck the rides. Fuck the theming. All you can eat pizza. - I mean sure. - If you put that at a theme park, it automatically goes up a star rating. - That just becomes the best establishment. - You got to Mario World, they're like unlimited tiramisu, just normal tiramisu, we just got it from somewhere. I'm like, "Okay shit. Okay. Now we're playing? Okay fine." - Yeah fuck yeah. - Just give me food. - Just play the Mario theme in the background and I'll feel like it's themed. - There's just something so nice when you go to a theme park and for one minute, they're not trying to rip you off. - Yeah. - I feel the only thing about Nintendo World that I was like, "Whoa, that's a bit weird," was toad speaking Japanese. - Oh, really? - What does that sound like? (Connor squawks) - Because, when you go into Toads' Cafeteria, there's like, on like a projection screen, there's like Toad, like in the kitchen, like preparing food and stuff and he like notices you coming in. And, he's like, "Oh, hey," kind of thing, but in Japanese and I'm just like, "Oh, that's, that's weird. Don't talk." - Yeah. In Japanese games, they use the English for the, well, it's bad English but they record it. - Yeah, but they use like that (Joey squawks) type of voice. But then at the theme park, they can't get away with just- - Konichiwa. - He's just like, "Yeah, Konichiwa," And I'm just like, "Oh, that's weird. Just go (Joey squawks) and then just be with it. (Connor squawks) - Yeah. It's really fucking bizarre. - (Connor squawks) Eat my fucking head. Eat me. Drink out of my head please. My head is your communion. What the fuck Toad? - Yeah. That was the only part where was like, hmm. Because like the same thing happened in Harry Potter World. 'Cause we went to like, one of the, one of the rides of Harry Potter world is that you go into the Hogwarts and it's like a kind of 4D interactive, like, it feels like you're on a broom and going through. - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - Harry Potter and stuff like that. And it's a really fucking cool and intense. - Yeah. - Only thing that threw me off is Daniel Radcliffe, speaking Japanese. - Are you saying Radcliffe speaks Japenese? - Everyone was speaking Japanese. - Does he have like a British Japanese accent? - No, it was just literally just like they just grabbed a random like anime voice actor. And then I was like, "Yeah, (foreign language)," I was just like, "Oh, this is weird." Daniel, what happened to you bro? - It's like anime double. - What was the best line that he boiped out? - The best line? He was just like, when you are, there's a scene where you like go like fight through all the dementors and he's I think in the English version, you can actually see Daniel Radcliffe mouthing, being like, "Wow, that was a close one. Wasn't it?" Or, something like that. But, in the Japanese one, he was like, (foreign language) I was like "Oh, Daniel, why?" Why would they massacre my boy like that? - Did they say the English spells? - What do you mean? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's the English spells, but said in Japanese. - Oh, what is it the ah? - So, it's like in Castle Carna. - Yeah, yeah. So, it's not like, Wingardian Leviosah. It's like Wingardian Leviosah. - I don't know why that's so funny. - Yeah. - Foreign people trying to speak English. Very funny. - [Joey] I know. I know. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Yeah, but overall Nintendo was- - Out of 10? - Like solid nine, I reckon. - Nine out of 10. Really makes you feel like Mario. - How much was that T-shirt? I must know. - How much was this one? - [Connor] Yeah. - This one was a 3,500 yen. - I guess that's not too bad. I was expecting you to be like $50. I was like- - I mean, there were like $50 ones as well. Yeah. - Really? What were they? Like, they better be like designer Gucci. - Okay, one of them, I actually bought it because it looked really cool. 'Cause it was at the, it was next to the Bowser's Castle and there was like a, they themed the much store next to the VR Mario Kart theme as like in looking like the inside of like a Mario Kart garage. So they had like all of the, there was one shirt that I bought that had like, you know, like in a lot of like a car racing, like jackets that had like all the patches of like all the sponsors? - Oh, that sounds cool. - But it was a shirt and all the patches were like Mario themed. - [Connor] Mm-hmm (affirmative). - So like that was really cool. And I was like, "Ooh, 55 bucks? Fuck it. I'll take it." - I would. - Yeah. Sometimes for me it's like, it's not about the price. It's like, does it look cool? And is it thing that I can only get here? I'll probably fucking get it. - Man, 12 year old would- - That's why they can hike up the price. Right? - Exactly. - Exclusivity. - And, I'm like "Take my money, Nintendo. You been taking my money for 26 years now. I'm not going to be mad." - What did you think is the best part of the park that you enjoyed? - I think again, it's the fact that like buying like the electronic bracelet and the- - The micro transaction. - Yeah, it's legit the fact that they made literally every single aspect of the park interactive in some way. - I can't wait for it. - Because like there's like all these like question blocks that are just randomly lying around, and you can punch it and it makes like the coin sound and then the coins get added to your bracelet. - Yeah. It's just, imagine you rock up with a family of six and then they're like, "Yeah, you have to pay a yeah, an extra 180?" "What, what?" It'd be so sad though. I wish they would do include it in the ticket. Or, I'm sure, maybe you can, can you buy a tickete what? Can you buy a ticket that includes it? - You can buy it with the ticket. Yeah. - That'd be cool. - But like, we didn't know about it. So we were just like, "Oh. This is an option." - Download the app before you go as well, I guess. - Can't wait for the Nintendo World speed runners to go. - We need a Nintendo World any percent. - Nintendo World any percent. And, I'll fucking do that. - I'm going to try and go for the record if I go. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And, don't go. - Yeah. - Alright, well I guess that's it for today. I don't really have anything else to talk about. - We can talk about one other thing though. - What? - Our patrons. - Our beautiful patrons. - [Garnt] Yes. Of course. - Hell yeah. - Going out to was it Garnt Gaylord or something was one of the names? - Grant Gaylord. - Exuse me Grant Gaylord. Sorry. - I wonder if he's on the list? - I think he might be. - Yeah. Somewhere here, maybe. - The most epic name of all time. - Yeah, absolutely. - But thank you to the patrons for making it possible. And again for funding this brand new set. Wonderful. - Yeah. We love how you guys are loving it because we enjoy it and we're not going to change, so. - Yes. - Yeah. Boo hoo. - Why be mean to our viewers Joey? - I'm not being mean. I'm not. But yeah, if you guys want to support us, then go to our Patreon, Also follow us on Twitter, send us your memes on the sub Reddit. And if you added our faces go the stores on Spotify. - And hopefully you enjoyed this time. The episode of Trash Tastes, where we talk about current topics, which should have just happened last week. Enjoy it. 'Cause this is going to be the last time it happens for a while. We are looking to build up our reserve again. - A diamond hand to you. A diamond hand's will trash this episode. We're holding. - Yeah, I guess that's everything right? - Bye. - We'll see you guys next time. Bye. (chill ambience music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,505,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: MhPRmgX_gAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 8sec (6968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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